The Straits Times, 28 July 1935

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 36 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA No. 188. Sunday, July 28, 1935 Price 10 cents THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper in Malaya. No. 188. Sunday, July 29. 1935 Price 10 cents
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  • 231 1 MALAYA'S TRADE BACK TO PRE- SLUMP LEVEL Restored Confidence And Restriction Benefits INCREASED PURCHASING POWER America And The Netherlands Indies Our Best Customers A -XXX A was Malayans best customer during the year 1934. Next in order of importance among our customers came the Netherlands Indies, the United Kingdom. Japan,
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 1 Arrived in Singapore yesterday Left to right: Col C H Chang. Mr. Wong Lean Chew. Mr. Ch-n Luang Lit Story page 3, column three Sunday Times picture
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  • 74 1 Washington. Saturday. President Roosevelt has signed commutations in the case of 150 son sentences on aliens in order that the Department of Justice may be enabled to deport them, thus saving the United S'-ates $52,000 a year up-ke-p. A score of countries
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  • 50 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Saturday. Rubber market closed. SILVER Spot M>ftd. Forward 30 B d. CROSS RATE London-New York, 4.96 I*.1 New York-London. 4.96' (Rate as supplied by the London office of the National City Bank of New 1 ork applied to Friday's dose.) Gold 146*. 5',-d.
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 1 Outside St Andrew's Cathedral after the wedding <>: Mr George Holt, of the Singapore Cold Storage, and MiM Hilda Burbidce Hall. See "The Social Spotlight." Page 11. —Sunday Times Photograph
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    28 1 The hearse leaving the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd yesterday alter the funeral service for Bishop Bartllon, fortter Bishop of Malacca. Report on pare 16. —Sunday Times Photograph.
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  • 529 1 Manchester, Saturday. "THE fourth test match between England and South Africa opened here today in dull and threatening weather. England won the toss and decided to bat on a fast wicket which might become tricky with sweating. Sledle was out of the South Africans' team
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    16 1 The armoured cars of the Singapore Volunteers went out for firing practice yesterday Sunday Times picture
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  • 120 1 BABY RACE ENDS MOTHERS TO DIVIDE £100.000 Toronto. The Toronto baby race is over. The contestants for the £100,000 prize have agreed to divide it no matter what the result may be. Charles Miller, a lawyer, left that sum by his will to be awarded to the mother who bore
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  • 124 1 New York. Five hundred and fifty-two New York wives whose husbands are lying In gaol for falling to pay them alimony granted by the courts want their delinquent partners to stay inside. That Is how hard-hearted they are, and they have made no bones about telling
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  • 30 1 Wimbledon, Saturday. In the Davis Cup challenge round Austin (OB) beat Allison (US) fr-2. 2— 4—B, 6—3. 7—5. Perry beat Budge 6— o, 6— 6—3. B— 4.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 66 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. The death occurred last night at the General Hospital of Mr. F. T. K Hobbes, of the local branch of the Asiatic Petroleum Co. He was suffering from typhoid fever. Mr. Hobbes was a popular young sportsman, excelling
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  • 68 1 Noon, Saturday. Bayers Sellers No. 1 K. R.S.S. In cases (F. 0.8.) Auc. 19 S/1C 19 5/1S Good F.A.Q. in eases (F. 08.) Auk. 18 T 19 No. 1 K. R.S.S. (Spot loose) award able Spore 19 19' 6 Anf.-Sept. 1914 19% Oct.-Dec. 19*4 19' Jan-Mar. •>•'.. NH
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  • 220 1 ANTI-NAZI RIOT ON NEW YORK PIER New York, Saturday. QYER a thousand Communists fought a battle with police following an anti-Nazi demonstration before the sailing of the liner Bremen. A crowd gathered at the pier, lustily sang the Internationale and shouted Down with Hitler." Three demonstrators
    Reuter  -  220 words
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    1999 2 A MONG those who will be waiting for the gates to open at Seletar on August 24. complete with ticket for the two-dollar enclosure and sun-glasses will be my vi sophisticated self. I suppose people who have seen the great Hendon display will consider this one rather small beer,
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    • 69 2 h V APPDIftTMtNT TOU M THE HIS He said to me— why is Red Label clear ahead of other whiskies i^^. E^^^BmvßL i^r//WH^ HE* HS> ft iff wZs^^F^Pfr^Ekaß^^Af* iSsmw^^Sw I said to him— because it leaves you with a clearer head JOHNNIE WALKER BORN 1820. ..5T1LL GOING STRONG.. PAtnww MACCUCOB
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  • 293 3 Issue Old Coins To Stop Melting Down DEOPLE who during recent weeks have tendered currency notes at the Treasury in Singapore have complained that they have been given in exchange very old and worn mm cents pieces which they have hud difficulty in passing Mtfllit. Owing
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  • 86 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. |^|R Newark, the Kuala Lumpur Flyinf Club instructor, will fly the High Commissioner, Sir Shenton Thomas, and his A.D.C. to Ipoh on Monday morning for the tin meeting which will be addressed by Mr. V. A.
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  • 311 3 EDUCATION OF OVERSEAS CHINESE CANTON OFFICIALS' TOUR OF STUDY A HEAVY rain squall in Manila was' the cause of the delay responsible for the late arrival of the Dollar liner President Polk at Singapore yesterday. Dollar liners usually arrive aNmt daylight and are noted for their r«. ilarity, but when
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  • 112 3 A musical concert of unusual interest will be given at tbe Victoria Memorial Hall tonight. It takes the form of a benefit performance for Mr. A. Konchester, late of Raffles and Adelpbi Hotel orchestras. The outstanding features of the con- 1 cert are its
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  • 80 3 ATTITUDE OF F. M. S. GOVERNMENT Trv.:v. Our Owr.Cjrrespondent i meeting of the Finance r deral Council h«»ld in Kuala Lumpur on Friday attended by H E th«j High Commissioner and by Mr Victor Lowinger. was called for. the purpose oi considering the reconstruction proposals ol the Perak
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  • 99 3 Make-up cannot ertfttt the source of Beauty it destroys the recuperative power of the skin, and the user is driven to go on using expensive subterfuges to hide the ravages of time. How much better, more sensible, more economical it is to rely on the natural
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  • Article, Illustration
    53 3 was nervous at first," admitted Mr. A. Konchester, the wellknown violinist. He played the violin to lions and tigers in their den at Isako's circus on Friday night. Animals listened to plaintive strains of "Gypsy Moon." And he placed much confidence in wild animal trainer. Dhamoo G. Dhotree. Willing to
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    • 13 3 Diffl |B GRAND ANNUAL Ifr--\ A I I 7M% STARTS Ist AUGUST IP'
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    • 308 3 Aren't they SHARP? I took them on "Panatomic'' "Panatomic is the latest of the Kodak fums. but ifs already a firm favourite with all who know It. Sharpness i That's the secret and its due to the microscopically line-grain emulsion wMch Kodak research has achieved "Panatomic" elves marvellous enUr** ments—
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  • 376 4 Readers Tell Of Their Most Embarrassing Moment A JEALOUS wife is stiff proposition. The tragedy ifl you find it out only when it's too late. That happened to us, my best pal and me. Strangely we were both crazy over the cabaret but, as you have rightly guessed, the wives
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  • 252 4 He Thought Magic Was Easy PERFORMING magic is all vtry well j* but I should advise the slelght-of-I hand asplraut to pcaettM at great length before attempting to show his talent to the public. It was at a certain school concert that I came to grief. I demanded a dollar
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  • 353 4 IT happened during the marriage of 1 one of my friends, I was the best man and the bridegroom and I were each given a buttonhole. I pinned on mine without looking at it During the ceremony I observed s at almost all the people were looking
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  • 192 4 His Dancing Was Good \\\THJLE watching the dancing on j board ship on my way out lo Malaya from England just after the war. my astonished eyes lighted on a young man. Immaculately clad in a dinner suit, topped with a snappy line In grey hotnburgs, conr.plele with cigarette in
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  • 552 4  -  Our Expert By COON after these notes are pub h.<hed the 12th Malayan AgriHorticuHaral Exhibition will open its doors in the Federal capital. It seems that the Impetus given j some eight years ago by private lndi- viduals is bearing fruit and it is hoped that
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  • 105 4 I ONG years ago it was my habit to Tisit my sweetheart every night. One night I happened to go to her house an hour early. To my anger and jealousy, what did I see! Sitting on the bench, opposite my sweetheart, was a youth, speaking to her
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 179 4 STILL AHEAD! <jv Ow bWv y«an »fe Gilcttc revcluttonbed ikaviiifl by invents**; tk« safety razor sod renewable blade. TWrcafecr Glttrs Imvc constantly led in tW march towards pctkd skawnj. To-day, Gsllettc U«<kf«Kip b csUbksWd «v« -off firiJy by tkeir latest step towards super skavina. cosWoit *r» BU G*«ls« Blad< Ask
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    • 133 4 "SKETOLENE" A Unique Preparation and the only Real PreTentlre of MOSQUITO BITES Does not stain the most delicate fabrics. Obtainable from all first class Chemists Stores. Seat Agents: GRAFTON LABORATORIES. 2»n. CeOyer Q«ay BONE MEAL. KrUttser tor Fruit Trees, Flower Oarieos. Vrsjatablaa. Paddy. Sugar Cane. Potatoes. Tea, Coffee, Pepper and
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    • 175 4 ■nnW^"^*" -fi sn^^^sn\ V VinQ xi JV^ I ffijt^Sr ■V .lvb^bw^^LtV^ i Chamberlain's Congh Remedy iwraks up the oongeetioa that causes cuugfas and colds. Swollen mcm> branes soon become normal, the air passages are cleared, you breath trrrlT, eaaihr. once again. Chamberlain's contains no harmful drag*. It is entirely safe
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  • 747 5 Effect Of The Minimum Charge System ELECTRICITY AS WELL Sunday Times Special THE minimum charge system, in force for a number of years, in res- pert of water and electricity consumed, is unpopular with that section of the public which fW>ls that
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  • 543 5 (By Our Chinese Correspondent.) AN elaborate system of collecting subscriptions from the Hokkien, Cantonese, Hakka, Tea Chew. Hailam and Shanghai communities has been devised by the Chinese section of the Jubilee Pund Collecting Committee. The leaders of the Hokkien community have been divided into six groups
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  • 117 5 ANGLO-CHINESE SCHOOL CELEBRATION f\S March 1 next year the AnfloChinese School. Singapore, will celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of its founding by Bishop W. F. Oldham. It will be mule the occasion for a reunion dinner of old boys of the school, a meeting in the Memorial Hall and
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    • 148 5 SUNLIGHT AND UMBRELLA SOAP FREE OFFER! Are you collecting the wrappers from these famous soaps? From ist May the wrappers from exchange a large -size tablet of Lux Sunlight and Umbrella Soaps will be Toilet Soap -r- the famous beauty soap worth money to you! All you have to used
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  • 885 6 Malayan Musings: Irresponsible Commentary On This And That |T seems (hat I "started something when I raised the question of the legal force (or lack of lt) of the White Line Make The White Line Legal! as a traffic regulator. Nearly every newspaper in the country has had something to
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    • 224 6 jam^ ITS HERE! K &L NEW LOW PRICt I t y PEPSODENT I TOOTH PASTE I Famous for removing film now's the time to buy! /^OOD newt! News that means practi- >-J call everyone can afford this special i> film-removing tooth paste. Yes. this new lowpnct on Pepeodent Tooth Paste
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    • 498 6 Sensational Triumphs over ASTHMA BRONCHITIS, CATARRH, COUGH, etc. Doctor's Revolutionary Discovery No suffere However bad YOU are however V from the tor- lon« you have suffered YOU hires of Asthma, need not despair! V Bmnch c it!s! n°o What Dp. Hair's Remedy Will r ty "d wom by Do For
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    • 644 7 RECENT I ISUCCESSES Recent successes with g mmmrtnnnta Fc Piiii IC I A lO ii s ffi i -rd^ ft c^B^^sB p**^ -'^Si i 8 Jijtii .^tifl EASTER MEETING B 1 w*^ Ist— F. W. Dixon, Riley Motor Car. B A -<^^ Ist— G. R. Hartwell, M. G. Motor Car.
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  • 671 8 Marvels Of Scenery And Climate Touring in New Zeafaubi." By A. J. Harroav, George AHan s*d Inwin, 7s. 64. •THIS reviewing of travel books is unsettling. la recent months I have flown over Everest and scaled its approaches; travelled by air from don to Capetown, "dropping
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  • 230 8 They Lived. A Bronte Novel. By E. Thornton Cook. John Murray. (Imperial Library). \I7HAT a sad, moving yet inspirVT ing tale this is! Mr. Thornton Cook has written what he calls a biographical novel," to give an impression of the lives of the Bronte sisters. There also
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    • 181 8 Junior Book Club, Ltd., 15. LOWER GROSVENOR PLACE, LONDON. S.W. 1. £3 a year brings you a GOOD BOOK straight from atogiand every month lor your children. Oversea* Members given special attention Particulars may be had from the SUNDAY TIMES OFFICE. CECIL STBEET. SINGAPORE. P»^^^^^^^^^^^J^^^^^CJ Kwk in soothing _fj j^^Vl^Uj^^^^^^^m
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    • 756 8 sf~f HOME TIME THE BENNETT COLLEGE. SHEFFIELD. OPEN LETTER TO PARENTS Daar Sir ar Madam,— fan four children first arrived tk*y brmajkt with them a wonderful lot of suasßiae. Latar. ymm hmetmm* prmmi to* iaHiHi«in 1 they dkptaywi. hat, itilj later, yo* became aarioas as to what wouU bacon MetM
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  • 268 9 mi Parker lived with his mother and father in a little cottage on the edge of a forest. Jim's father was a wood-cutter and every morning he went int:> the forest not returning home until nightfall. One day, Jim was taking his father's dinner to him, when he
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  • 553 9 (By Our Own Correspondent.) Sunday Times Office, Fleet Street, July 18. J7INIS is being written to the most glorious and brilliant season London has ever known, but those who have taken part in the unceasing round of social events will feel its effects for many weeks,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 298 9 FLORSHEIMS Consid s Your Feelings and give you Beauty plus Comfort! They look like salon original* these Florsheims with 'he Fmurt Arch Yet. they've set a new pace for walking. They distribute the weight at the body evenly— ana you glide along with an easy-going rhythm k«cause your feet and
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    • 532 9 What's Fred \^X Been Doing kj*\ To His Hair? |£j^ It was Getting Very Thin, He was Going Bald f -THEN HE STARTED PWW J^ l *sl HARLENE-HAIR-DRIII §B\ r And what a difference it made. His XV hair soon began to grow again. The PI /j& \1 bald patches
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  • 773 10 Can It Be Done?— An Engaged Couple's Problem— Planning Your Spending— Do Men Like Painted Nails? AUNT MAUD'S POST BAG T have had an inquiry from an Eng- lish educated Chinese gh-1 of the modern type who wants advice as to what salary a young
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  • 767 10  - Tips To Remember When You Go To The Beach Max Factor Of Hollywood By HTOIS week's article is piously dedl- cated to those worthy members of the Yours-for-the-Great-Outdoors-Society who like to visit the beacn but have neither the complexljns nor the inclinations that favour tanning. And. Just to show you
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    • 432 10 SALE IfAVC QAI PC ARE TRADmONAL BARGAIN TIMES THIS YEAR THERE Ivn! ILA WAT 5 oALLo ARE greater bargains than ever— come and see; sports v < I—— 1 RAYON BLOIiSES ZkAV 10 TY c P J. C r AL #1 French Knicks II tVKi (€M linkrh^ M SALE W^Vl
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  • 564 11  -  E.K. By IT i> noi only in dress that Singapore Chinese society women i seek to be different from each other, but in coiffure as well. Admirably, too. they succeed in giving expression to their individualities. Some wear the lone bob. others have the hair rolled up
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  • 1811 11 T7KOM the social point of view tke past week has been very quiet nd there is nothing very important on the cards for tke coming week. This is no doubt due to the fact; that people are reserving; their; (nerjries for the round of functions! and sport
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    • 38 11 v. '<-\ I "LACTOGEN" s^lTfci^^^Sll^ffi is specially prepared conditions* A empi ml The Uetofra Baby BMk" (mm* e4lU*n> wOl be mi frat mi IMM|< of 1« wnta hi nil aUmpa to o»vcr pwtin. Witt*:— "UcUfM," IZ9/IU, Cm* Mtm*. Sine»p«re.
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  • 284 12 The Sunday Times TOTIDEM VERBIS Despite the reductions which became operative In the charges for gas, electric light and sanitary services, the Municipal bill continues jto bulk largely in the budget of an average middle-class household in Singapore. It is impossible to state exact figures, but it is probable that
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  • 1297 12 One Million Cubic Yards Of Mud To Be Dredged For Singapore's New Civil Aerodrome f ENDERS have been called for the dredging of a seaplane channel to the Singapore Civil Aerodrome. It is planned to clear the mouth of the Kallang River of over 1,000,000 cubic
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  • 437 12 "Cook Faces Capital Charge"— most cooks make charges on capital: and a good many should not be charged at all. A Solomonic Judgment would compel them to live (If they could on their own culinary products. Mr. John Hands was "on the air about coconuts
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    • 188 12 STARTS TODAY X pavilion! tUi 9.15 f <• MATINEE AT 3.15 A fo^f- .ALL THE WORLD LOVES A MURDER MYSTERY! f V And h«M s wnl*afltMMl.«»6t*m«nt V V jn o jMMrtms. miie-onifeffe melo- V J* drow o* o father s lew* ond th« V X oom«NW'«*aiKe he toot to solve
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    • 10 12 BPNf!^Rm^sH»soVß^^\^^BP^r^^^m^ —^l JB^ m m^BM. L^^^U it Warm Studiat 2
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  • 455 13 Coffee-Shop, Cabaret Or Dance Hall From A Correspondent A FEW years a*o the Kuala Lumpur SaniUry Board felt a desire lv make this garden city more moral. As part of the campaign it derided that the employment of waitrinrr in coffee-shops was
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  • 47 13 There were ,wo big grass fires in Singapore last night within a few minutes of each other. The first was opposite the bungalows occupied by the Inspector-General of Police and the Deputy Public Prosecutor respectively at Mount Pleasant. The second was at Tiong Bahru.
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  • 29 13 A Chinese was found dead in a drain at the sixtn mile. East Coast Road, yesterday. The police are Investigating. A coroner's Inquiry will be held.
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  • 67 13 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. FIVE months age this ***** belonging to Mr. Wong Cheong Meng. of Johore Bahru. had five puppies. They dle-i soon after birth. At the same time Mr. Cheonp Meng's cat had two kittens. The caX died. The ***** Is now nursing
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  • 327 13 IN SEARCH OF SIGHTS-NOT SCALPS (By A Special Correspondent.) piVE Red Indians are in Singapore j today. They arrived by the President Polk. You will not recognise them as Red Indians if you see them in Singapore streets. No feathers, no fancy robes. Not even a
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 13 Florence and Pauline de Souia who won places in the girls' race at the Mercantile Institute sports.
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  • 179 13 MR. BRANDER GOING TO KELANTAN HPHE staff of the Third Police Court yesterday bade au revoir to Mr. J. McP. Brander who has relinquished his judicial duties to take up a new appointment in Kelantan When Mr. Brander came on Bench, Court Inspector D. R. Cowie
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  • 65 13 BATAVIA MARU*S MESSAGE TO BANGKOK (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Saturday. •yilE BaUvia Mara has wirelessed to 1 Bankok that she has Jettisoned most of her cargo of rice and teak. The Batavia Mam. a regular caller at Bangkok on the voyage to Japan, grounded on Depend Reef.
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 13 Mr Llm Koon Tec!», l>cptny Registrar and Sheriff, who has returned to Singapore after a holiday in China and Japan.
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  • 73 13 ESTATE SiMOKE HOUSE GUTTED (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. A fire broke out at Nova Scotia Estate, Teluk Anson, on Friday gutting a smoke house. The fire brigade from Teluk Anson w*s summoned interrupting a hockey match about to start in which the Police were playing,
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  • 58 13 Beginning on Tuesday, the Straits Times will publish a series of aerial views of Singapore. These are the first of their kind to be published in my Malayan newspaper. Mr. Chua Ah Kow. manager of G. H. Kiat and Co Ltd.. Singapore, for 17 years, leaves
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 173 13 L-< nakes up so beautifully <sk i s£v IT KEEPS ITS LINE Bu^JPg^yft* T u'U l° ve mak»rig up Tobralco. EJMLg|B; Charming as it looks in the piece, it is even more attractive made up. It BBp^T^ /W hangs so beautifully, and no MM/£/*j^*% amount of washing will spoil its
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    • 105 13 A REALLY 600 D TONIC WINE. Phooferine Tonic Wine contain* all that L. best In a sound, pure wine, plus those othei qualities which are generally associated wit*) a course of medicine with strong body and nerve building properties. ran: fkee: T« introduce ««r engraving only. Artisiicaii) liana-engraved with 2
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  • 1306 14  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By A NEWSPAPER report says with the air of a child revealing an unpleasant secret Surprise has been caused all along the south coast by a bathing innovation at Bognor Regis the issuing of double tibkets by which a husband and wife may share
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 196 14 1835 Singapore 1935 FREE PRESS TO COMMEMORATE A CENTURY OF PROGRESS THERE WILL BE A SPECIAL 100-PAGE ISSUE IN ADDITION TO THE USUAL 16 PAGES. 116 PAGES. This will give a comprehensive survey of the I history and development of Malaya in the last 100 years, with special reference to
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    • 2 14 TIGER BEER
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    • 259 14 TO STOMACH SUFFERERS THE amazing cures effected by Maclean Brand Stomach Powder, even in cases where all else has failed, have brought on to the market so many imitations of its name and its appearance, that you must be very careful to insist on the original product, bearing the signature
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  • 1101 15 Opening Shortly For Tortured Spirits' Brief Return To Earth By Our Chinese Correspondent COON fcr a whole month, the prison doors of Hades are open. Giminals ss well as those who are not undergoing tortures in the I .and cf Shadows are given
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  • 236 15 BOYS OF ALL RACES ELIGIBLE BOYS of all races are eligible for the King George V. Silve. Jubilee Scholarships founded by the Ho Ho Biscuit Factory. Ltd., in commemoration of the Silver Jubilee. There will be two scholarships tenable for three years at the Singapore Trade School,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 309 15 In /^W^\ 2 ft, \T .>\ minutes stomach pains are gone Beartourn. acidity. stomacH fas— all rttTiwr within two minuta* of taking a dose of Chardox cnardoi Is not a drug— lt la a lustily-refined and extremely active form of charcoal. It is at least fifty times more active than
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    • 316 15 HAVE YOU TASTED? real Swiss natural cream. If not you're missing one of the good things in life and certainly one of the most delicious It's "Bear Brand" so need any mor? be said? In H| oz. tins from all grccers. Gland Discovery Restores Youth In 24 Hours Suffarers from
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    • 120 15 Famous doctors recommend Asepso If you suffer from the burning torture of n\ prickly heat, take the advice of doctors /^3S/*' I who have made a special study of tropical L|r complaints wash and bath with Asepso LA t /^■LXi Asepso, containing 3% Biniodide of 1-^JMH^JfcC^S^ Mercury, is the proven
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  • 199 16 B* krmckea Gave Her •A New Lease of life" She had saflerea sc song that toe was reatcmsof herseii 10 bens a permanent unU That vat tne state of this woman wfcer ahe tn persuaded to try Kntschen Site To-day she has taken oa a
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  • 431 16 SmifJr Mrtbas Uut \aymmr Caa Lie U tlndin the rwmm ml r I Maca«tisia Mesascy, GaaesaArasioa. WM*Powtf aad to cwety««hrth UrNfk ■Mt Fall? Durrislag IMb Lajjar MrtM anil a r>yca» twslyto Character DeJiaeabMi FKEE to al was wrt«e at mm. Tear, ie one !cra or
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  • 524 16 More than 1,000 people from all parts of Malaya crowded the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd yesterday evening I for the funeral service of Bishop Barilion, formerly Bishop of Malacca. Mgr Adrian Devals, assisted by Fathers Dubois and Morin, sung the j Vespers for the Dead
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  • 117 16 LOSSES ESTIMATED AT $200,000,000 Hankow, Saturday. "THE YangUe River is definitely re--1 ceding. Off\cial reports from Hupeh Province reveal that 49 cut of a total of 70 districts have been Hooded. The llanchuan district Is the worst hit. It being estimated that there are only
    Sin Kuo Min  -  117 words
  • 834 16 Years Of Dreams And Then The Reality YOU m *y see him today at Lord's wearing his Old School clothes with acute discomfort. It is four years since he last wore them; four long years under a sun that makes this torpid July day seem
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  • 53 16 London. Saturday. Mr. Quo Tal-chl. Chinese Ambassador in London, with his wife. Is travelling to the continent today for a fortnight's motoring holiday. He will attend the wedding at Geneva o Aug. 1 of Madame Quo Tal-chi's niece to Mr. Tsao Kuo-plng. who is attached to the
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 46 16 London, Saturday. Sir Reginald Johnstone, farmer tutor to Emperor Kang Teh, Is sailing in the Empress of Britain to spend some months in the Far East. He is staying a few weeks at Hsinking as the guest of the Emperor Kang Teh. Reuter.
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  • Article, Illustration
    19 16 1 iie Cossack riders who provide many of the thrills at Isako's Circaa, now in Singapore. Isako himself standing.
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  • 303 16 NEW YORK. CIXTEEN years' research following the accidental discovery of a method of solidifying petrol have perfected a fuel resembling red cheese, which she Is alleged to have appearpletely eliminate the danger of fire In motor-cars and plane* If the hopes it has aroused
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 70 16 R.C.A. CHOP Get More Foreign Stations An Hear Them better witl the R. C. A. Victor. Sol* Agonts KEE HIAT RABIO COMPAIY. Singapore. Ht. North Bridge ltd. Rhone «SCC Penan* 24. Beach Street. KaaU Uunmv 221. Bata RdL GREAT EASTHW OPTICAL CO. f.y S»uth Bndfc Stead. fifrtapsrf lO^Udaa «r. C.
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  • 101 17 *YVB CoMstresm Guards and the Pipes and Drams of the Irish Gurds, by special permission of the Kins, last month travelled to France and rave two concerts at Vichy. The first concert was given in the Casino Theatre after which the bandsmen were given
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  • 515 17  -  Fred J. Melville By President, Junior Philatelic Society- TTIIIS is a true story of a boy who played a too clever trick on n New York stamp dealer. He had bought a 15 cent United States stamp of the 1869 issue for a dollar. Next day he
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 549 17 JUBILEE vi OTHER STAMfS ebbbb fob cash.— fine copils ONLT. .-1 A V lO LES. CUR JOS Etc On COMMISSION SALE bOLICITED. AGENCIES REQUIRED ANTON'S SHOP Kew Oxferw St. LONDON W.C. L SOMETHING SPECIAL a€ picked British Colonial and Foreign stamps, al difierent mrhiding: Air Malis. Silver Jubilees and several
      549 words
    • 246 17 SILVER JUBILEE STAMPS. We are buyers of any quantity of used Silver Jixbtlee Stamps. Par good postally used specimens of Strait? Settlements and Hong Kong we pay from 70 cent* per hundred. Stamps damaged or perforated with firms' initials not required. Coijertors who prefer to exchange their Silver Jubilee Stamps
      246 words
    • 613 17 In England Now \mf *i* •MB Vnm BB bks HAdHy^Hj Ska) y^X?"*'*f M *4ai ißs .^sßnVna LJiJS. Picture. The Old Mill, Lytham St Annes 1 YTHAM SAINT ANNES, one of the oldest towns In Lancashire. has become famous for its sporting facilities and Is known as the Mecca of Golf."
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 157 17 Our Crossword Puzzle NOTE:— Figures la parentheses denote tbe number of letters In tnt worda required. (CLUES.) ACROSS. is- wholly <s) 16. Material (5) 1. Metric measure 410) v. Representatives (a) 6 Lettuce (3) Bends aside (S) 9. Thrashings (7) ai Purify (7) 11. Hurtful (7) a Tolerant (7) IS.
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  • 645 18 Games On Week-Days: Office Workers Handicapped By Our Badminton Correspondent 'T'lIE Inter-school championship tour- nament, organised for the first lime in Singapore on inter-club lines (three singles and two doubles), began on Thursday last at the Clerical Union Hall whtn the St. Joseph's Institution's team met and
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  • 517 18 Boxing Notes: By Ringside OKOBABLV no fistic battle in recent times has civen rise to such a diversity of advance opinion as the forthcoming ftrht between Gunboat Jack, who holds th* welter, middle and lightweight championships of India, and Young Frisco, the Filipina, holder of the welter and middleweight championships
    517 words
  • 868 18 IMMENSE POPULAR SUCCESS Faaons Journal Declares that the Enlarged Course is "A complete Exposition of the Technique of Living" •T*HE New Pelman Course, 1935 "s contribution to the science of MindTralnlng. Is proving an Immense popular success. Reports from the Institutes show that the number
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 211 18 'NER-YIGOR* A STRENGTHENING TONIC {uxrm nmrmm in am m*ms) JMCREASES VITALITY j General Weakness fluSgs Lost Energy 2J~T7"j"|| Anemia Sleeplessmesi Indigestion Depression r^SS^ 2"^- J dsflfci »f 50 Does 'a throughout the lane towns of MUA.MRHMI.CHUM. STOA.TS SETTLEMENTS IhA«HA!, CMETOVMI. MALTA. ECYPT ML avr ay. w^ fl HSv Y^^Mm ■■>>
      211 words
    • 67 18 TWO GBf AT FAVOtUTES IN it nCTVUM, PACKED ft WITH LALGHTER. ROMANCE A FUN! /^frcyjM#»^Wlw*W^affl /Ini j J[ /mm tf^^ h'EXT CHANGE PAVILION PRACTICE LIMITED TO THE EYE. SPECIALIZING: Ocular Muscle anomalies. C-rossvd vß^^^^W e>es. Complicated cases of defectivv J^^^^ vision. Gkmmet ii \~T needed. R.A. Thompson Dr. or Opiometry.
      67 words
    • 80 18 fraai anupHa. leca, cheat etc.. wiUiout affectlas healthy saia la the least. SOLIPAT Is vary handy and perfectly etoaa la as* and as aay offeastve odoar U «r«Med it Is (Ivea prefereaoe to all other Halr-Kemoven. SOLIPAT is the meat perfect Hair -Remover. No aaMtrattaf eaoar! No troublesome nibWat -In!
      80 words
    • 513 18 gf, 4% my^ All y° u have to do to win one of our big cash prizes Is to plac? AST A RIZE SA9U ta tneir order ot Importance the reasons why the consumption Bf Cadbiuys Fry's 3-cent Chocolate Tablets L, steadily increasing. 2ND PRIZE $150 Tne llst ot masons
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  • 531 19 Trade School Beat V.M.C.A, School Of Commerce (B> Our Badminton Correspondent.) < TTHE second tie of the inter -school hadaainion championship tournament between thr G*verwn?nt Trade School and the V.M.C.A. School of Commerce, which was pla>ed off at the Clerical Inion Hall yesterday, proved to he a
    531 words
  • 93 19 LEE MIN VI 1 ELECTED PEKAK CAPTAIN i From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh. Saturday The Perak Asiatic Rustoy r.C held Its! mr^tlng when Lee Mun Yui *j^ elettcd captain lor the conn mc season and Hector Ritchie vicecaptain Layan of the Rugby Union, the name club was
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  • 85 19 Our Own Corre&ixuuiant Ipoh. Saturday The stall of the Central Mental He* pita! presented an address to Dr. Pal. 1 the senior deputy medical olTicer, on j the eve of bis retirement after J< years' service. Dr Pal was actacned to the mental hrcpual for
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  • 77 19 <Prom Our Own Correspondent > Kuantan. Saturday. O- Wcoatsday evening an at home »i gir^c at the Kuantan Recreation It by the Indo-Ceylones? communujr to tne tour new Justices of the Peace of the Kuantan district Messrs Phoa Ah Henc. Wan Sow. M Sochalingarc CbeUiar and Capt
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  • 60 19 <-> Kuang-yuan. former military governor of ■cinyr>y< who has keen l:vjig m retirement iii Tientsin aince 1922. is reported to have been arrested in Pciping in connection with a lawsuit filed a&u ist him by his ers Gen. Chen is reputed to be! enormously wealthy His brothers charge
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  • 71 19 Our Own Correspondent) xpoh. Saturday. Members spent an enjoyable time at the Ipoh Swimming Club gala last night \t the conclusion of the com vins. supper and dancing followed < .owjjf are resultc of xtae prlncipai events The one length free-*ty> handicap was wan by
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  • 23 19 tXIWc. •ercr.d eleven cf the Nondescripts Joseph's liisiitution. *hirh have iy on J ground, was cancelled c "uih of Bishop Barilion
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  • 378 19 SCHEME FOR MAJOR CLUB IN DISTRICT At an extraordinary general meeting; of tor Upper Brrangoon KecreaUon Club, -ieW on Sunday last on the premisee of the Association of Bar-Bell Men. and presided ever by Mr. Daniel E. Sundnun, the following resolutions were pawwci: That tbe Upper 8eran«ooB
    378 words
  • 257 19 BIG STAND FOR FIRST WICKET ■THE St. B.C. proved to* strung on their own ground yesterday when they entertained a team from the Oylon Tamils' AMocialfon. Batting first the Chinese had a three- figure 1001% on the board for thei: first wicke', and they declared at 185 for
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  • 119 19 Mr. Lee Mun Ho, sports captain of the Mpis Chinoee Club, Kuala Upis, has been appointed to lead the P&hang badminton team In the All-Malayan Chines Olympiad at Penan*;. Mr. Mun Ho to a former honorary secretary of the Selan^or Badminton Association and until kwt year, when be
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 287 19 Gala Premiere -CAPITOL Shortly j»i w >^ A Great BRITISH FILM MZr^^^Z^^ London Film Productions Wf~ is mT**^ EDGAR WALLACE'S A^| is. world famous story C=^B **t S^ with PAUL ROBESON 'ffJk4dA LESLIE BANKS and NINA MAE McKiNNEY W The Famous Star of "THIN MAN" and The Beautiful Platinum Blonde
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  • 813 20 Hurdles And 220 Events Won By Singapore (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. COME brilliant performances were seen at the Malayan A.A.A. Sports today on the Padaag< The afternoon was a success from every point of view, the weather being kind and
    813 words
  • 477 20 C T spurt sern in the first athletic mewng *f the St. ait* Scttlerr.t: ts and Jahore Prison Departments held on thr Pearls Hill grcmnd bef-rc a l^ree aUend*mc yesterday. S:me of the competitors who particiru'.fd had never been in an athletic mert be-' ere. but good
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  • 75 20 Members of the HappU*i« Athletic Party an- requested to note that unless more entries for the "A" axid "B" singles badminton tournam:nts are forthcoming the committee will be compelled to consider abandoning the idea of holding tournament; this year. Tne date of closing fur all entries ha.- been
    75 words
  • 85 20 Members of the Amateur Sporting Associa- lion who wish to compnU In the annual badminton tournaments (no entrance fee) and have not yet sent In their entries are reque^fd to do so to the honorary sports captain, Mr. Lan Soo LJew. c o the Dollar Steamship Lines. Inc..
    85 words
  • 80 20 A general mecilng to form ihe TacgUn District Cycling Farty was held at the residence of Mr. Tan Stan Teck. fl. Shanghai Road. Singapore on Friday. The following were (tasted to hold office (or the current year: Mr. Sim Hoik San. president. Mr. Tan Yew Chuan. vice-president. Mr.
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  • 439 20 YON BIN MIAN'S THIRD WIN; NOVICES EVENT: WHY NOT HANDICAPS: CHINESE OFF TO PENANG JOHORE BAHRL. r\ESPITE the Inclemency of the wea- ther during the period the tournament was held, the Johore La -n Tennis Association champlonsh. finals were played off at Johore Bahru on the fixed
    439 words
  • 836 20 ALOR STAR. r\URING their visit to Kuala Kangsar last week-end the Kedah Malays! repeated their success of last year by beating the Perak Malays again at soccer in the annual fixture fur Ihe Sultan of Perak's Cup. While giving all possible credit to the local Malays
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  • 191 20 The draw of the ties in the men's singles and doubles championships ol the Malacca Badminton Tournament resulted as follows: BON'S SINGLES. 11. Kandiah (bye). Charlie Scow ibyei, T. C. Leong vs. A. C. Chua, A. Chelladurai vs. Tay Koon Urn. N. Kandiah va. Yonn Moh Pow, Cho
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  • 154 20 Playing at their home court, the Horlicks Badminton Party defeated the Young Men's Friendly Band by 6 o on Sunday last. Owing to falling light. the last doubles game between Yap Thean Bee and Willie Tan (HBP.) and Tan Beng Kirn and 81m Teck Urn (Y.M.P.8.) was abandoned,
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  • 777 20 Anglo-Chinese Win Inter-School Event Singapore's two Colleges held their annual athletic meeting simultaneously yesterday, each on their own ground. Next week, they will fight for honours in the annual inter-l oilei;2 sports. There was a fairly large crowd at the Raffles College meeting.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 24 20 Chan Slow Kow with his partner Chan Ah Chye. The draw in the Junior division, won and mixed doubles events baa been vustponed Indefinitely.
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    • 61 20 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. We invite our policyholders and their families to be vaccinated at our expense and for this purpose a European doctor will be in attendance at our office between the hours of 9.30 and 10.30 a. m. on Tuseday and Wednesday, the 30th and 31st
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  • 939 21 K. Daniels Seriously Injured (Frwai Oar Owm Correspondent.) FenaßC, Saturday. QOOD weather today favoured the first day cf the Penang Turf Club jubilee mceiißg. There was an upset in the nr*t race whan Slav Out, with J. Donnelly up. won by a
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 21 lue officials at the Mercantile l.ihtitute Sports at Jalan Besar Included in the croup are the Rev. R. K S. Adams, Dr. Seek Poo Phoon. Messrs. E V. Davies, P. E. Pereira, R D Simon and V Pennlah.
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  • 222 21 TWEDDLE KNOCKS UP 48 FOR AIRMEN. The Royal Air Force defeated the Public Works Department yesterday on the N.C.C. ground at McNalr Road The P.W.D. took first lease of tne wicket and compiled 106, towards which Sta Maria contributed 38 and Ponniah 23 The following are the
    222 words
  • 171 21 SPOONER CUP GOES TO PENANG (Frosi Ov Own Correspondent) Penjuir, Satarday. TW polo flasJa for the Switon of Perak Can and the Spooner C«p were played off stamltaaeonßly yesterday and proved a fitting climax U the tournament which opened on Mon y. i'enang woo the Spooner
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  • 42 21 Newcastle, County Down, Saturday/ Ernest Whitcombe won the Insh open golf championship today beating Reginald Whitcombe with a card of 148 to 151 in the play-off alter Ueing at 292. Ken yon returned 283, Busson and Compston 294. Renter.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 221 21 NINE-WICKET VICTORY OVER WEARNES 6t. Andrew's School beat Wearne Brothers by nine wickets at the St. Andrew's ground yesterlay. J. Ferguson, 86. and R Thoy, 74. and W Ferguson. 44 not oat, troubled the Wearne bowlers. Sullivan, 25, was top scorer for Wearne Brothers. Ferguson and Weber
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  • 179 21 (From Our Own Correspondent Johore Bahru, July 26. Following are further results In the Batu Pahat District open lawn tennis championships: UTSN UMGLKS Pint Round: 8. A. Montdro beat Zalnal S— l. 6—l, Ahiad Bakri beat BiMMt 0 (reUrod). Rahmat rrUr«d due to a apralnad
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  • 210 21 MALAYAN A. A. A. DECISION (From Oar Own Correspondent) Koala Lumper, Saturday. AT the annual mectiuc of the Malayan A. A_A. today Mr. M. Rex, president. In the chair, it was decided to dtscontinae the school relay* and hand the shields with the consent of the donor
    210 words
  • 429 21 S. R. C. Knock Up 263; S. C. C Reply With 56 For Two [piNE batting by H. N. Balhetcbei, the S.R.C. captain, and P. V d" Almeida, enabled the S.R.C., with double figure contributions from six other men, to put up the respectable score
    429 words
  • 129 21 (From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh. Saturday. In the Pcrak junior lawn tenni3 championships, women's section. Mtss Helen Khong beat Miss Winnie Khon^ 6—3, 6 2; Miss Maureen Laßrooy beat Miss Mathieu C— 4. B—6. Diana JsjMi beat Maureen LuEr.ny 6—2, 6—2 and Helen Khong beat BBSJ Lcgge 6—l,
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 166 21 GREAT WORLD STADIUM n ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 2nd, at 9.15 P.M. i"jfc THE GREATEST nGHTING PROGRAMME PRESENTED! GDP»OAT JACK m. YOUNG FRISCO 12-3 MINI Tt BOUNDS. fißj K 0^ MO WEIGHT STirtTLATION: F jl FUSOO bgnu at Ms btrwagwjt avnndac* J ""<% MCX *M Mt f« and wH arovr that
      166 words
    • 50 21 A SELECTION lOF <*^$> NEW DESIGNS \i AT OUR Jl SHOWROOM IS^^ V W awH^^wsi aw^^ c a(^^' t on one or more M, jPyrliiijify' [Ei^J&ipn^^^^^^ o{ these fittin ets to your home w^^tt^j^istCi wiu make a a more beaotiful WW^^ass^Jn -'^JJSJlilai||^\\ place in which to dwell, amply battery If*
      50 words

  • 728 22 Malayan Sports Jottings Restrictions Of The I.L. T.A. Instruction Only W7zarc/ Strokes To Be Learned SINGAPORE Her t will be able to -ihie\e much by way of i inputting instruct iun. if his rminp return \i~it to Singapore is limited to four days, is pro'Amatka!.
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 22 A Meyer. C. Meyer and Cpl. Clifford, first, second and third respectively in the Shi* Put at the Singapore Recreation Club invitation sporU meeting.
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 22 J lit < ombuue ttuiu of SrUugor. Pen»k and Nrgri ScmmUn who shot for the Oshorne Shield at Kuala Lumpur Selancor won again with a »core of 57«. Perak 552, Negri 532.
    31 words
  • 546 22 TOTAL OF TEN WICKETS FOR 19 RUNS: SAW AH CHOY FOOTBALL CUP SURPRISE: GIRLS' SCHOOL SPORTS TAIPING. A NOTHER Inter-school cricket match was played at Taiping during the week and resulted in a win for King Edward VII School (Taiping) over Clifford School (Kuala Kangsar) by ten
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 80 22 UOW HIS? HAIR STAYS NICE jKEpH AND IKIM *^^^^^K It takes more than water to hold Wgm V wiry young hair in place. Stacomb H VI t^ ie anrwrer Though this cream Ps ri I ligrtt n< l ree f rom grease it keeps f any boy's hair neat and
      80 words
    • 159 22 Important Notice! SINGAPORE DAIRY FARM LIMITED PASTEURISED FRESH COWS' MILK I/If Wn Dail y ml .V'vV^ c are n t r °d ucm S on Mi. ''\\\\\m st August a daily Ijj II delivery of Cows' Miik %i y^^^V (*l to a Residential \\7 Districts by 8 a.m. r*j/i \t~v
      159 words

  • 1170 23 Malayan Sports Jottings Skilful Forwards But Uncertain Defence Bad Luck Dogs Boxing KUALA LUMPUR. CELANGOftVS soccer Uu wo« their match at lpoh all right, as eiptrted Perak have proved a rather weak force this seaaaa. And j Singapore managed to get the 2 2 draw
    1,170 words
  • Article, Illustration
    16 23 LiwL CnHsiith winaiac the 220 yarta f«r the Wiltehire iUiuMnt aA Urn &JLC. hwttittsa spatti Mcctiaf.
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 23 The Singapore Chinese lawn tennis team going to Penan* for the Olympiad. Left to right, standing Pang Ckiap Yong (coach). Cheong Cbee Tong (Mcrctary), Fo Foo Wan, John Urn. Sitting Tan Huek Toe, Urn Bong Soo, Chssng Che* Urn (manager), Cham (boon Leon* AM* in the toow Is Yong Loon
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  • 601 23 MUNICIPALITY MOVES: CHANCE IN FOOTBALL SELECTION COMMITTEE WANTED: CHINESE ATHLETES UNABLE TO GO TO PENANG MALACCA. AT long last —n 1 cricketers have been aate to *et our City Fathers to provide a cricket pitch. With only two good cricket grounds available, the decision by the Municipal
    601 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 131 23 VIM for cleaning cutlery ou nee^ n teep^g y our Tl*fmm^^^¥l cutlery really dean. Knives and lA^ M mm m or^ s t t Brt8 rt stain «l dirt IwLA VaLJarl^i specks c£ food need extra K^BM^^AHg^f cleaning to keep them bright. ■*8f jffh Vim's -double action" not only KWfc,
      131 words
    • 249 23 All Kiddies love- <*% 0% IMB-WM^L^ 3 3 NURStBY BHVME AND ZOO rA_9fl V ]^Ig£«^^m NURSERY v^yjfif '\l %ff SIDED RECORDS 4aa»*w^' m>V- T. M. A. MUSIC HOUSE HIGH STREET, SELEGIE ROAD GEYLANC. SIMPLE, SAFE AND ECONOMICAL I I|greB REFRIGERATOR I I .w*J assures positive B LbsmSßl food preservation fwSK^am
      249 words

  • 168 24 Panoramic view of the Singapore Civil i Aerodrome as it will apj>ear when corned at the end of |WL The seaplane channel in Kallang River, on which dredging has now begun, is clearly marked, leading to the slipway and, behind seaplane shed Around thf termina 1 building
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 105 24 We are specialists in FURNITURE Bring your problems to us? SUN WAN COMPANY 63. VICTORIA STREET. SINGAPORE. rg| 'BLACK WHITE* WHEN DINING A 'Black White" at Dinner will create just that feeling of brilliance and zest one needs for the social round and I B evening pleasures. You will find
      105 words
    • 218 24 MODERN ARTISTIC FURNITURE designed and made by SUN WAH COMPANY 83, VICTORIA STREET, SINGAPORE. COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) Fire, Life. Marine. Accident. Guarantee and Motor ASSETS £60.000.000. Arthur C. Potts, Manager I ndrrwriter Eastern Branch. SINGAPORE Wl EXAMINE THE CLAIMS OF NUMOL THE RECONSTRUCTIVE FOOD SEND
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  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 75 24 Qtk Sunflag ftimrft Head Office: Cecil Mini. >i Phone 5171 (5 linei with eatensfeiu to all DepartBJJJBjfjL luh Lumpur. Office: 25 Java Street, Ph*ae: SMS. London Office: 40 43 Fleet Street. London, E.C.4. Phonr: Central 360R— 360*. Tele: Leadmalaya." SUBSCRIPTION BAH 3 month! $1.6* (Malaya) 3 $I.B* (OnUide Malm) C
      75 words