The Straits Times, 20 July 1935

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 460 1 Ayres Announce.,,, Btakk. ....THE PERFECT LAWN fjirjb&^Ur .j. »^»&> on which have Deen concentrat- filJ^fE*^^Jr m ed the resources oi a world-re- J^""*'t(pC^ nowned house to attain v T*H> PERFECTION. C m m\ JVnift The Core bl 0 mYm^B* 9^f v 1 A Leading as they did with one ot
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    • 122 1 KUALA LUMPUR: 25. JAVA ST. ('PHONE 3693>. FOR j F L O W E R S J I PHONE 4097 I I IS. Orchard Road, j j Ambei Mansnona j |I||| THE ONLY COFFEE PACKED IN $|g|S MALAYA UNDER VACUUM PROCESS S^^^^~-^^/ > There is no container which protect* IHE^^^^^^^
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    • 42 2 ANNOUN CEMENT. HARDING— FERGUSON— The engagement >unced between Philip, only son o* Mi and Mrs. H Paxton Hardin?. cf Dorchester House. Chester, England, and Joy Lorraine, elder daughter of Capt. and Mrs. J M. Ferguson, of Sungei Buloh Estate, Kuala Silangor, F.M.S.
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    • 94 2 LIM —The death has occurred today at noon of Mr. Lim Liaiig Quee of the Liar.qul Trading Co.. at his residence No. 6. Hullet Road. The cortege will leave the house at 4 p.m. on Saturday, the 20th instant for interment at Bldadari Cemetery at 4.30 p.m. Ho leaves
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 465 2 KERR— At the Maternity Hosoital, Singapore on the 19th lnst. to Helen, wife of W. L. Kerr. a daughter. KIFLA— At Caimholn. Private Hospital. Singapore, on July 19, 1935. to Mr. and Mrs. J. G W. Klela, a daughter. SITUATIONS VACANT When applying (or any position advertised la tbeae columns
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    • 834 2 FOR SALE WHITE polished Italian MarblM. for flooring, all tinea. 1 Telerraph Street. Tel. S1001 F.4.5 COOKE 4 Inch telephoto len with I 2 X yeUow filter, cheap. Apply LUn Chong Miu, 112, Robinson Road, Singapore. FOR SALE several recently Imported fully tralr.ed Polo Ponies and Polo Prospects. All high
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    • 912 2 MISCELLANEOUS IOU CAN HAVE THB SUNDAY TIMES delivered to you evtry week for three months I for $1.60. General Manager Sunday Times. IF YOU HAVE RELATIVES OB FBIENDS Overseas have the Straits Budget posted V them every *eek, $14 yearly Including rxAtage, outside talaya $13.20 within Malaya, Orders, accompanied by
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    • 932 2 TENDER GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders rill be received at the Hon. The Colonial Stcretary's Office, up to noon of July 28, 1935, for the following work: Conveyance by Boat and dumping of material dredged by Dredgers In the New Seaplane Channel (at the mouth of the Kallang River) to (a) Beach
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    • 750 2 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE. NOTICE Is hereby given that GEOROK CHARLES HENRY CULLEY, Solicitor, having retired from the firm of Baguley and Tooth, Advocates and Solicitors at Bangkok, his interest In the said firm has been acquired by Arthur Herbert Duke, Barrlster-at-La*. who will continue to carry on the business as
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    • 458 2 BUSINESS CARDS, Etc visit FIGARO FOR BETTER WAVE that Is better for yoar h»lr $8, $10 $15 only European Experts always In attendance. RAFFLES HOTEL (Room 120) and at 93, Bras Baaah Road. Phone 28M. MASSAGE. Mil. and MRS. AKAJ1 GRADUATE OF THE TOKIO MASSAGE SCHOOL Zlt-Z. QUEEN STREET. Near
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 176 2 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Singapore Within OuWide Without Malaya Malaya Posta-re M.mthl. 3.00 4.00 *.5O Ouartrilv S 8 SO $1200 S.JO Iliir Yearly 517.00 SZI.OO 515.00 learlv 534.00 SIS.OO $30.00 Note— OutJtatlnn cheques should Include tlir usual hank discount. ADVERTISEMENT RATES The chartw and Instructions tor CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS are as under:— 25
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 640 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS. P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated In England.) mail, passenger and cargo services. ■Peninsular and oriental s. n. Co. under contract with his majesty's government, london and far eaBt mail service. outward prom london for china and japan. Due. Tonnage Spore. BEHAR 6.000 In port RANCHI
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    • 375 3 (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA) GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS FOR CUNARD WHITE STAR LTD. NEW REDUCED FARES TO EUROPE VIA SUEZ. At from the sailing of s.s. "Hakusan Maru," August 8, for London, fares by steamers will be:— Ist class 2nd class Npplcs $497 A $540 J317 $343 M-wwilles $514 A $557 $326
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    • 618 3 ■_fThd Hi II 7] PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE. BANGKOK LINE. Luxurious One Class Motorshlps. Most Cabins have adjoining private bath. Exellent Cuisine. FOR GENOA, LONDON, ROTTERDAM. HAMBURG AND COPENHAGEN. Prom Prom Prom Prom Spore Malacca Port Penang MS Sham BORINGIA 6/8 6/8 7/8 9/8 ERRIA 20/8 20/8 21/8 23/8 L/.LANDIA
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    • 219 3 i j Tourist Class AMERICAN STYLE £71.12.SINGAPORE TO EUROPE VIA AMERICA GREATEST ADVANCE IN TOURIST CLASS LUXURY. Beautiful public rooms: Swimming pootTalking Motion Pictures. Delicious mealsHot and cold running water In each state room. Cabins for two or more passengers with real beds Modern ventilation throughout Weekly service from Manila
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    • 1198 3 Tire BLUE FUNNEL LINE (Ocean The Haa Khiow Steamship Co- (19}2) Ltd. Steam Ship Co. Ltd.. and China Mutmal The Canard While Star Ltd. Steam Navigation Co.. Ltd.) The Sarawak Steamshin Co.. Ltd. The Straits Steamship Co Ltd. The Australian Oriental Line Ltd. The China Navigation Co., Ltd. The Irrawaddy
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    • 120 4 Project Approved By Army General Staff. Tokio, June 20. Ambitious plans for a vehicular and pedestrian tunnel, linking Honshu with Kyushu Island, south- w^s i m end of Japan Proper, were made public today by the Ministry of Home Affairs. If realised, this will be the
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    • 154 4 Invitations Sent To Shipbreakers. The 24-year-old Cunard White Star liner Olympic, of 46,439 tons. la. I understand, at last to share the fate of the same line's Mauretania, at the shipbreakers' yard at Rosyth (states the Dally Mall Glasgow Correspondent). Earlier reports that the Olympic
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    • 162 4 Sick Master Of Greek Ship Taken Aboard Liner. Besides the ordinary passengers on board the Cunard White Star liner Scythia. which arrived at Liverpool from New York, was Captain Constantin Christidis. commander of the Greek steamer loannis P. Ooulandris. who was transferred from his own vessel to
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    • 102 4 German Shipping Changes. In pursuance of the decentralisation of the great German shipping combine, the Hapag Lloyd Union, a new company- has now been formed in Hamburg to control the German Levant services. The new line will take over the ships belonging to the Levant service of
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    • 74 4 Forty-Two Deaths From Pneumonia. Four cases of smallpox, none of them fatal, were reported during the week ended July 13, according to the Municipal Health Department statement. There were 11 cases of enteric fever, two of them fatal, and nine cases of chicken-pox. During the week 218 deaths
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    • 276 4 njambl (Toba) 3pm Muntok. Palembang and Pladjoe (Senang) 3 p.m. Pangkal Plnang (Senang) ..3 p.m. Soengel Llat (Senang) ..3 pm Borneo (North), Brunei and Labuan (Darvel) 3 30 p.m. Sarawak (generally) Mlrl (Darvel) 3 30 p.m. Japai. (Manila Maru) ..4 p.m. Bagan and Bengkalls (Toboall) 4 p.m.
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    • 133 4 Mails from Australia, Netherlands Indies etc. expected today by air (Qantas) will be delivered to boxholders at 3.30 p.m. General delivery of letters at 4.05 p.m. Mails from Netherlands Indies expected today by air (Netherlands) will be delivered to boxholdere at 3.30 p.m. General delivery of letters and
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    • 76 4 The rate of exchange for the issue and payment of money orders is as follows: On India and Ceylon issue Rs. 154= $100: On India and Ceylon payment Rs. 156=5100. On China:— Amoy $100 Chinese currency =$70 Straits; Canton $100 Chinese currency =$69 Straits (as for Shanghai. 1
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    • 39 4 July 19: Esmeralda, Ampang. Pontlanak (Brit.); Aramis (Nor.); Angelina, J. P. Coen, Maros, Op ten Noort (Dut.); Perak (Brit.<; Tango Maru (Jap.) July 20: Togian, Toba (Dut): Klang. Islander, Pangkor (Brit.) V. der Does de Bye, Senang (Dut.).
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    • 133 4 Saturday, July 20. Skips alonnMe the Wharre* or expected to arrlTC KEPFEL HARBOUR, Main Wharf Lch. Lady Clifford, Lch. Sir T. Fraser, Makian. P.W.D. Hoppers 1, 2, 3 4, Van Heutsz, Dredger Kuantan, Dredger Tembakul, Tug BeHngkas. Oil Wharf NU. Coal Wharf Nil VESSELS IN DBY DOCKS.
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    • 22 4 The s.s. Laomedon for Philippine Islands. Mails previously announced as closing on 23rd instant will now close on 22nd Instant.
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  • 69 4 LAID-UP TONNAGE NEARLY HALVED. London, July 19. The Chamber of Shipping quarterly return of tonnage laid up in the ports of Great Britain and Ireland shows further improvement. On July 1 there were 575,910 tons of British shipping laid up which is 117,709 tons or 16.7 per
    British Wireless  -  69 words
  • 129 4 New Firm Incorporated In Hong Kong. Shanghai Mr. Eric Moller has announced that his shipping business has been transferred and registered as a private and limited liability company to be known as the Moller Line, Ltd., incorporated under the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance. Most of the ships
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  • 126 4 Owners and masters of shipping are requested to keep their vessels as clear of the area mentioned belrw as pos- sible during heavy gun practic wrich will take place from one of H.M. ships on Wednesday, August, 7 commencing at 7.30 p.m. and on Thursday. August 8 commencing
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  • 149 4 HENRIK, Norw.. 761 tons, from Bangkok 1 19, for Pt. Swettenham 21 JOSEPH CONRAD, Brit.. 188 tons, from New York 19, for Sydney (N.SW) 29 BEHAR. Brit., 2.910 tons', from Rotterdam 19. for Hongkong 20. AUBY. Saraw.. 319 tons, from Blntulu 20, for Kuching and Blntulu 23. KINTA.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 657 4 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated In P. M.S.) LLOYDS AGENTS ROOKING AGENTS. F M.S. RI.YS. AND SIAM STATES RAILWAYS TELEPHONE: Freight 5433— Passage MIL CAN ADIAN PaTc I F I C STEAMSHIPS, LIMITED. (Incorporated In England) REDUCED FARES SINGAPORE/EUROPE First class from £106-4-6 Second class from 70-6-1 REDUCED AROUND THE WORLD
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    • 561 4 ELIERMAN BUCKNALL STEWSHIP CO.. LTD. rineorvvnted England.) •ELLEKMAN" LINE. FOR HAVRE. I-ONDON. ROTTEKUAM HAMBUKG. Via Ports and Suex CanaL Also arrrptlnjt Cargo for Canadian and American ports via Colombo. Cue Sails CITY OP BATAVIA Julj 30 Aug t CITY OP ORAN Aug. 14 Aug 18 CITY OP SALISBDRY Aug. 30
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 48 4 TIDE TABLE. Saturday. July 20. H. W. 1.5 a.m.. 10 ft. 6 in., 2.6 p.m.. 9 ft. 1 in. L. W. 7 39 a.m.. 8 in.. 7.44 p.m.. 3 (I. 3 in. Sunday. July 21. 1 H a.m.. 10 ft. 3 In., 2.44 p.m.. 9 It. 1 in.
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    • 73 4 vSINGAPORE WEATHER REPORT. Stations Yesterday Last night Max. Rainfall Bright Mm. temp. ins. Su nshlne t emp. 'F hrs. 'F AJor Star 89 Nil 8.0 77 Sitiawan 89 Nil 6.6 73 Kota Bhani 92 Nil 8.8 77 Bukit Jeram 89 Nil 8.0 73 Malacca 85 Nil 6.1 72 Singapore I
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  • 172 5 Unbraced Islam For Sake Of Love." A beautiful Italian woman living In London has renounced her religion and become a Mohammedan in order to marry a sheik She is Armlda Giajo, thirty-year-old daughter of Professor Edoardo Giajo. the Italian artist who lives in England. Her
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  • 248 5 Fresh Breaches Along The Yellow River. Shanghai, Ju.y 19. The water level In mid-Yangtse Is I gradually receding, although anxiety has not passed. Gen. Chang Hsueh-liang. paclnca- tlon commander at Hankow, replying to a letter from Mr. Ariyoshi, Japanese Ambassador, thanks the latter for his sympathy
    Sin Chew Jit Poh; Sin Kuo Min  -  248 words
  • 62 5 Nanking, July 19. In consequence of the New Life case, it is understood, Gen. Wu Te- cheng. Mayor of Greater Shanghai, j has tendered his resignation, and that he will be succeeded by Gen. Chang Chun. Gen. Chang Chun, the present chair- man of the Hupeh
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  62 words
  • 57 5 Shanghai, July 18. Arrangements have been reached between Greater Shanghai and the International Settlement for a Settlement of the vexed question of jurisdiction on the extra-Settlement roads. These roads were built by the Settlement and have hitherto been under Settlement control. No details! are available as yet
    Sin Kuo Min  -  57 words
  • 55 5 Police Guard Procession Against Protestants. Edinburgh. Several thousand Protestants tonight mobbed a Roman Catholic procession of the Blessed Sacrament which was proceeding to St. Andrew's Priory In connection with the Eucharistlc Congress. Three hundred police officers, including mounted units, attempted to protect the Catholic procession by
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  • 194 5 Preservation Of Copies Until The Year 2,000. Copies of letters written by Lawrence of Arabia (T. E. Shaw) are to be preserved until the year 2,000. This plan was made known in an appeal by his brother, Mr. A. W. Lawrence, to all who may possess letters written
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 5 Summer in England. The beaches on the South Coast of England are already crowded with holidaymakrrs. as this picture arrived by air mail, shows.
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  • 56 5 JAPAN TO BUILD WARSHIPS FOR MANCHUKUO Shanghai, July 19. The Japanese Government has concluded a secret agreement with Manchukuo whereby Japan will build for the new State two 3.000-ton destroyers and one 15,000-ton cruiser, according to a foreign report from Tokio. These vessels, states the report, will be delivered within
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  56 words
  • 26 5 London, July 18. The death occurred last night at Bournemouth of George Russell, aged 88, the Irish poet, artist, and Datriot.— British Wireless.
    British Wireless  -  26 words
  • 56 5 Investigating Alleged Discrimination. A Chinese commission is being sent to Slam in August to investigate into the alleged ontl-Chinese movmeent In that country. The commission includes representathe alleged anti-Chinese movement in dustry, Foreign AiTaiirs and Finance, and two members of the Central Overseas Committee, in
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  • 23 5 In the two-day battle of Shiloh In Tennessee during the war between the states, the Union los-, 13.047 men and the Confederacy 10.699.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 436 5 HOTELS -v j MALAYAN PREMIER HOTEL J f TONIGHT > SPECIAL DINNER CONCERT us to us p.m. DANCE (formal) 9.45 to midnight and final appearance of THE THREE NEW YORKERS SINGAPORE'S BIG CABARET ATTRACTION HAVE YOU BOOKED YOUR TABLE? NON DINERS $1.00 Raffles Celebrated Orchestra directed by Dan Hopkins Phone
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  • 355 6 Sir Claude de Crespigny Dies. London, June 27. Sir Claude Champion de Crespigny, descendant of Crusaders, world-famed sportsman, has gone to Join the wife he mourned. He died today aged eighty-eight He had not left his room since her funeral in February. "My father
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 187 6 ORIENTAL GOVT. SECURITY Life Assurance Co., Ltd. Established 1874. Head Office— BOMßAY. Summary of 1934 Report. New Policies Issued 48,795,367 Annual Income 20.097.261 Policies in Force $346,904,652 Total Claims Paid $104,312,841 Funds Increased to 99,448.860 THESE FIGURES SPACE VOLUMES FOR THE SOUNDNESS AND POPULARITY OF THE O R IE N
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    • 202 6 GUARANTEED WORLD-WIDE RECEPTION WITH A WESTINGHOUSE ALL WAVE RADIO WORLDWIDE RADIO CO. 119, North Bridge Road. Singapore. I 111 Li pet §g Price $15.00 Bk^^B Postage Extra 50 cts. KS SCIENTIFICALLY DESIGNED TO IMPROVE RECEPTION ON AN* MAKE OF BECEIVER. All connections soldered at the factory. No soldering necessary. One
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 358 6 FULL BROADCASTING PROGRAMMES FOR MALAYA. 8.8.C. PROGRAMMES. TODAX. Truumlaston 2 fi.2o p. m.— 9.05 pjn. O.S.F. 15.140 ke/a (19 82 m.l and G.S.G. 17.790 ke/a (16.86 m.l 620 pjn. Big Ben The Band of the Ist Battalion of the Gordon Highlanders (by kind permission of Ucut. -Colonel J. M. Hamilton.
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    • 320 6 Relayed fram Bisley Camp. 6.50 The Irwell Springs Band. 7.10 A running commentary on the Davis Cup Inter-Zone Tennis Final. (First day.)* 7.20 Greenwich Time Signal. 7.25 The Irwell Springs Band (contd.) 7.50 The Bernard Crook Quintet. 8.J5 Weekly newsletter and sports summary. 8 55 A programme of gramophone records.
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    • 359 6 BOMBAY CALCUTTA COME IN WELL. (From Our Radio Correspondent.) It is pleasing to note that the two principal Indian shortwave stations, Bombay and Calcutta, have increased their schedule of simultaneous broadcasts from this month. Bombay's short-wave transmissions will take place on July 23, 25. 27 and 31. These will commence
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    • 559 6 The Calcutta station director has received several requests to Increase the periods of the short- wive broadcasts. As atmospherics and italic disturbance Is very prevalent In Indta at the approach of the monsoon period the Calcutta station authorities are concentrating on the short-waves to avoid such Interference. It Is announced
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  • 82 7 California-Moscow In 3 Weeks Leisurely Trip. Mr. Wiley Post, one-eyed AmericanIndian aviator, with his wife and Miss Fay Glllls, a woman pilot, will fly across the North Pacific ocean to Moscow and Siberia within three weeks. They will use a new Lockheed Orion, single-seated
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  • 86 7 The Air Ministry announces that Group Capt. Wilfred Ashton McClaughry has been appointed Offer Commanding British Forces, Aden, with effect from a date in September. He will succeed Air Commodore Charles Frederick Algernon Portal, D.S.O., M.C. Group Capt. W. A. McClaughry received a commission as
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 228 7 A Glamorous Paramount Mmlc&l Drama With the famoaa Dancing Lovers of "HOLERO" co-starred afain. vn __w«_— _^«___i^_ I 1 Matinees TODAY and C^APITOI TOMORROW at 3. 1S p.m. 1 6.15 NIGHTLY 9.15 Thr Srd'i-tivr Rhythm of Cuban music srt as thr background to a thrilling Romantic Production Uuh the Splendid
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    • 371 7 The grandest circus if entertainment smce the screen began lALHAMBRAI ISK^JS The Great Stars of /*3M^^t^. "Here Comes The Navy" wk &T i*. l the same thrilling action 'IS P^.~ the same uproarious i &i^Mm*^^M^*^L+rdA comedy Action H I I J I H I I X VL^ Jlil^i 1 I
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    • 190 7 V P "Cardinal Richelieu," is one of the most impressive films V a seen in Sinjiapore in the past six months. Free Pre?*.. 17/7/35 M r \i i O B^^^P^i 9 TODAYS U n CfIBDIIWL I 131 3 s ll r RICHEUEU V r STARRING 1 61 \fP GEORGE fIRUSSi
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 232 7 Today's Crossword Puzzle 7~~| p""] pT"| i^T I 17 ■_l._l_i ;r ~~r z.I__i_ g r _i_l_l!l i 2 P" B 2<o 39 sP| 4.0 1^^^ WO1-L Mgure* in par«nlhC6c& denote the number of letters In the words required. (CLUES.) ACROSS. 17. stop. (7) 22. Leu (6) 1. Sentence (7) 24.
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      • 567 8 All Shares quoted abore are fully paid. Issue Val. Fraser Co. Lyall Evatt Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers 4/- Ampat Tin 3/6 4/114 3/7V4 4/1& £1 Asam Kumbang 32/- 33/- 32/6 33/6 £1 Austral Malay 58/6 60/6 58/6 60/6 5/- Ayer Hltam 1 Ayer Weng £1 Bangrln Tin l Batu
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      • 423 8 2 2 Alex Brick Ord. 1.25 1.35 1.30 1.35 2 2 do I\ z 'e PreJs. 1.70 1.75 165 1.75 10 10 Atlas Ice 12.25 12.75 12.25 12.75 11 1 B A. T. 6.0.0 6.4.0 119/- 122 6 1 40 B. M. Broadcasting 0.02V2di50.02>/2piv. 10 5 B. M. Trustee
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      • 161 8 SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL. s'c ISOI red. 1940 $400,000 Int. Mar. 31 Sept. 30 103 110 norn 4' 2 'c 1907 red. 1947 $1,600,000 Int. Mar. 31 Sept. 30 112 114 norn 44 1 1909 red. 1955 $1,000,000 Int. Mar. 31 Sept. 30 118 120 10m 4 r i
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      • 348 8 (Shares are $1 unless otherwise stated) Allenby Alor Gajah Amal. Malay ($2) Ayer Hitam Ayer Mslek Ayer Panas Bassett Batu Lln'.ang Borelli Brogas Brunei Un. ($5) Bukit Katil Buk" Kepong Bukit Timah ($10) Bukit KB Changkat Serdang Connemara Glenealy PlantatiDns Haytor Indiagiri Jeram Kuantan (.50) Jimah Kamasan ($2)
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    • 182 8 Jin Backwardation Again Widens. From Our Financial Correspondent. Singapore, July 20. The rubber market eased further yesterday afternoon and this morning is quiet and inclined to be a trifle steadier at last night's close of prices. U.K. stocks are expected to be 1.000 tons down on the
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    • 278 8 Closing Prices, Friday. Buyer. Seller Gambler 6.00 Java Cube 10.50 Hamburg Cube 10.50 White IVpp r 17.00 White Muntolc Pepper 17.50 Black Pepper 10.50 Mixed BlacK Pepper Copra, sundried 3.90 Copra, mixc-ci 3.50 Fair Flake Tapioca 3.80 Small Flake 4.30 Med. Pearl "Tapioca 5.60 Small Pearl Tapioca 550 Lingga
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    • 87 8 London, July 19. parti 74 43 64 Atheiu. 516 sellers New York 4.96 9 16 Bucharest 485 Montreal 4.'J6 Rio BriMKll 29 32 sellers official. Geneva IS. II Belgrade 215 Amsterdam ">26'« Burnos Aires 15 Milan 59 27 32 sellers official. Berlin 12.26' i Montevideo M i :.ha;:«n lU9Vi
      British Wireless  -  87 words
    • 223 8 The following are the exchange rates this morning according to the daily circular Issued by the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation SELLING. London. 4 months' sight 2/3 15/16 London, 3 months' sight 2/3 29/32 London, 60 days' sight 2/3 London, 30 days' sight 2/3 27/32 London, demand
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    • 78 8 Closing Prices, Friday. Buyers. Sellers. No. 1 K. R. S. S. in cases (F. 0.8.) July 19 11/16 19 13/16 Good F. A. Q. in cases (F. 0.8.) July 19Vi 19-Ya No. 1 K. R. S. S. Tone Of Market: Very dull. Latest Cable: London
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  • 145 8 Vallambrosa's Increased Distribution. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 18. Jeram Rubber Estates report a profit for the year ended Mar. 31 of £7,823. This compares with £2,496 for the previous year. A dividend of 5 per cent, is recommended (the first distribution for several years), carrying forward
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  • 415 8 PALM OIL QUEST FOR NEW USES." Dr. Buckley's Valuable Researches. It is an undoubted fact, says the Malayan Agricultural Journal, that plantation palm oil has not found that ready acceptance in the market lor edible purposes to which it is entitled on account of its purity. This attitude of the
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  • 163 8 GOODS FROM JAPAN THROUGH MALAYA. IMPORTS FROM JAVA LOWER. In its May report the Chamber of Commerce of Medan publishes some very interesting figures concerning the trade between Sumatra's East Coast and Java on the one side, and with Straits Settlements on the other side. These
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  • 95 8 During the week ending July 13, exports from Malayan ports amounted to 30,907 cases, of which: 19,852 (64 per cent.) cases were to the United Kingdom, 1,300 '4 per cent.) cases to the Continent of Europe, 7.6G9 (25 per cent.) cases to Canada, and 2,146 (7 per
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  • 98 8 Lyall Evatt's report, dat«d July 23, MINING. Aycr Wengs 1.77 1.85 ex. d.. I Taipings 45 48-. KiSLtir, River 1.40 1.50. Hitams 45 50. Lanjuts 14 fi 15 Tr -n-v>* 23 7"i 24 T. Harbours 7.70 7.80, Nawng Petts 72 75. U. Klangs 1.07 1.10. RUBBERS. B. Llntang
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  • 61 8 The Eastern Extension Telegraph Company announces that the transit times en full rate telegrams from Singapore to London, yesterday, were as follows: Telegrams handed in up to 500 p.m. 6 mm. Telegrams handed in up to 5.30 p.m. 10 mm. Telegrams handed in up to 6.00 p.m.
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  • 46 8 The recently erected rice mill at Temerlob has been closed dow l temporarily owing to the shortage of padl In the district. It will be restarted during the next harvesting season, as the coming harvest in the district shows signs of teing a very promising one.
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  • 30 8 New houses are springing up everywhere in Tuiping and old buildings in Main Road and Kota Road are beini demolished. Ejck lanes are insisted on in all the new construction.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

    • 620 9 IS EXCHANGE CLEARING NECESSARY STABLE CURRENCIES PREFERABLE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, June 10. When a problem becomes overwhelming in its complexity those who are responsible for solving it often concentrate on one aspect of it merely, and pursue this with disproportionate energy while ignoring
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    • 68 9 Washington, July 17. President Roosevelt has given an assurance that the Agricultural Administration Act will continue to function until the Supreme Court has given a final ruline on t*ie processing taxes. The President has turned over to the Attorney-General general inquiries as to whether processing taxes can
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 733 9 OUTPUTS ALREADY EXCESSIVE. Lewis and Peat Ltd. in their report dated July 19 state: Lack of orders from the consuming markets and little interest from outside operators have combined to keep the market very dead throughout the week. Yesterday values dropped sharply owing to selling from up-country
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    • 971 9 88 CATEGORIES MADE DUTY-FREE. PLAN TO AID HOME INDUSTRIES. The following details of the Chinese revised Customs Export Tariff, compiled by the Kua Mm agency, is of interest to Malayan importers of Chinese goods. Of the total of 270 items in the Tariff, no less than 138
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    • 189 9 FALSE MARKING OF SHARES. London, July 11. A sensation was caused in Stock Exchange circles yesterday in connection with the "marking" of wrong prices for Sumatra Para Rubber Plantations shares. Some unauthorised person appears to have gained possession of the necessary Stock Exchange printed form and "marked,"
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    • 167 9 World Consumption Down In 1934. Disappointment at the unsatisfactory development of tea prices 13 expressed In the annual report of the Association for Tea Cultivation In the Netherlands Indies. This, according to the report, is due to the low restriction percentage of 12V2 per cent,
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    • 112 9 The following Information has been received from the Chief of the Central Bureau I of Statistics, Batavla. I Production on Estates converted to long tons of 2,240 lb. dry weight. Territory Total May 1934. 1935. Java 77.4i!9 6 445 Outer Provinces 104,695 8,278 Netherlands Indies 182.124
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  • 160 9 Debit Increased To £45,330. Report of Nlrmala (Java) Plantations and Lands Co. for 1934 stales that in view of fluctuating rates of exchange for converting different items of local company, directors consider that no useful purpose can be served by printing Java accounts. Accounts of Nirmala Co. show
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 593 9 BANKING. HONG KONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. in tht Colony ot Hong Kong) The liability of members Is limited to the txtent and in manner prescribed by Ordinance No 6 of 1929 of the Colony. HEAD OFFICE: HONG KONG. Authorised Capital $50,000,000 Issued and fully paid up $20,000.00(1 Reserve Fund: Sterling
      593 words
    • 355 9 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporated In England oy Royal Cha.ter 1853) Paid Up Capital In dOO.OOO share* it £5 each fSOOO.DOe Reserve Fund £3.000 DCO Reserve Liability of Proprietors.. E3.000.3C0 HEAD OFFICK: KJ. Btshopscate. Lor-'-n K.C. S. Agents and Branebea. Amrltsar lioilo Saigon Alor Star Ipch
      355 words

  • 108 10 ILHAMBRA Devil Dogs of The Air with James Cagney Pat O'Brien 6.15 9.15. CAPITOL Rumba with Ocorgc Raft Carole Lombard 6.15 9.15. GLOBE THEVTRfc. GKEAT WORLD Little Miss Marker. GREAT WORLD Cabaret Death on The Diamond. HOLLYWOOD. U. SERANGOON ROAD Babes In Toyland with Laurel Hardy 8.15. MARYBOROUGH Thooku
    108 words
  • 677 10 The best news which has come iout of Japan for a long time is that the War Ministry is deter- 1 1 minedly re-asserting its authority over the Kwantung army, which, during recent months, has openly i flouted the
    677 words
  • 239 10 For a number of reasons, chiefly connected with the position of the Malayan peasant under the internatlo- nal rubber scheme and the probability that the boom-slump alternation will recur in Malaya's export markets, it is satisfactory to learn that special attention is to be paid at the
    239 words
  • 27 10 Friday, July 19. In the morning His Excellency visited Siong Lim Sawmill. Sin Lam Cheong Sawmill and the P.W.D. timber seasoning shed at Pulau Saigon.
    27 words
  • 184 10 Mr. E. M. Sykes, Superintendent of Customs. Teluk Anson. is yhortly proceeding Home on leave. The Misses Eunice and Regina Lee. the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Lee, are sailing by the Ranchi enroute for the United States to pursue their studies The announcement in
    184 words
  • 48 10 Mr. Walter Alexander Yenning has been provisionally recognised as honorary Norwegian Consul at Singapore, with jurisdiction covering the Federated Malay States of Selangor. Negri Sembilan and Pahang the Unfederated Malay States of Johore. Kelantan. Trengginu and Brunei and the States of North Borneo and Sarawak.
    48 words
  • 1072 10 The Technique of Ignoring Perspective. The technique of Chinese painting i and the difference between Chinese and Western technique form the subject of an informative article by A. de C. Sowerby in the London Times. The subject is of particular interest in view of the exhibition of Chinese
    1,072 words
  • 395 10 The Stage Set For Another Boom The world is ready for a trade boom on a scale undreamed of before. If the boom breaks it may be fierce whtle it lasts, but it also may be decidedly unhealthy and be the forerunner of further unsettled conditions. Idle money is the
    395 words
  • 806 10 117 HAT must it be like to live fiftyone years continuously in the same Malayan town? That is the thought which must come to any European who reads the story of the life of Dr. Saw Ah Choy. of Taiping. This fine old gentleman first; went
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • 422 11 ABYSSINIA DOCUMENTS FOR LEAGUE OF NATIONS. 1906 TREATY AS BASIS FOR TALKS. MUSSOLINI DETERMINED TO REFUSE COMPROMISE. Rome, July 19. ITALIAN newspapers publish today reports from London that Sir Eric Drummond, British Ambassador in Rome, has been instructed to ask the Italian Government
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  422 words
  • Article, Illustration
    2 11 Signor Mussolini
    2 words
  • 44 11 Rome, July IS. Seventy deaths from sunstroke and the invaliding home of 2.000 labourers from Italian colonies from a total of 23,000 is reported by the Azione Colonagli. which is regarded as semi-official for matters concerning the Italian colonies. --Renter.
    44 words
  • 59 11 London. July 19. In view of the imminent departure j or Sir Frederick iv.-ith-Ross to Ciiina. it is advisable to await his lcport!, before considering the qucstior: of,i .sending an industrial mission to Canton, said Co). Colville (Department of Ovorofas Trade i in the House of
    59 words
  • 75 11 1,000 ARRESTS MADE BY THE POLICE. Paris. July 20. A demonstration by thousands of civil servants, in the neighbourhood of the Place de 1 Opera against the new pay cuts ended without any grave incident, but 1,000 arrests wsre mad? by the police. 6.000 polics were
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 63 11 $717 FROM CABARET AT GREAT WORLD. Amount previously acknowledged $118. 693.33 Seng Huat and Co. 50.00 Fogden Brisbane and Co. 1.000 )3 Stair. Fogden Brisbane and Co.. Ltd 109.30 Jubilee Cabaret. Great World 717.44 Dr. Ong Slow Hian 25.00 Cr.g Siew Kiam, Esq. 50.00 Ong Kirn Seng. Esq.
    63 words
  • 82 11 To Study Education Of Overseas Chinese. Hong Kong. July 20. Mr. Huang Ling-shu, Education Commissioner of Kwantung. is leaving here tomorrow by the President Pollock for Manila. He will investigate education facilities for overseas Chinese in the Philippines. From there he will proceed to Singapore
    Sin Kuo Min  -  82 words
  • 48 11 Shanghai. July 19. The Australian Trade Commissioner, recently appointed by the Federal Government in Canberra, will establish his offices in Shanghai at the end of August. The Australian Government has recently bsen giving more attention to Far Eastern trade.— Sin Kuo Mm.
    Sin Kuo Min  -  48 words
  • 178 11 Over The Alps On An Elephant. 35-DAYS RIDE FROM BERNE TO ROME. Berne, July 19. Emulating Hannibal, the American writer Mr. Richard Halliburton today set out mounted on an elephant, for the great St. Bernard Pass. After covering 55 miles across the Alps from Berne to Aosta,
    178 words
  • 285 11 Japanese Army Adopts "Definite" Policy. Shanghai, July 19. A military conference which was attended b: high militarj officers of j the Japanese Kwr.ngtuns Command decided today on a definite policy regarding the joint development of Nor.h China by Japanese. Chinese and j Manchukuo interests. I Using
    Sin Kuo Min  -  285 words
  • 69 11 Restoration Prospects Now Brighter. Athens, Juiy 19. After a lengthy meeting the reorganisation of the Greek cabinet was completed with M. Tsaldaris as Premier and M. Kondylis as vice-Premier and Minister war. M. Maximos is Foreign Minister. The retention of M. »n the cabinet is
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 92 11 Flood Danger To Hankow Believed Over. Shanghai July 19. An Official report from Hankow states that the level of the Yangtze River is steadily receding and all dangers to the :lty are believed to bi over. Hundreds of thousands o* people in West -Hupeh and East Szechuan arc
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  92 words
  • 235 11 Lone Flight Plymouth To Malaya. NEW PLANE FOR R.A.F. To Replace Machine That Crashed. From Our Own Correspondent. London, July 19. An R.A.F. Singapore 111 flying boat, under the command of Squadron-Leader W. N. Plenderleith will leave Mountbatten, Plymouth, on July 27 in
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  • 86 11 Linking Up Nigeria With' African Route. London, July 19. Speaking in London last night, Lord Plymouth (Parliamentary Undersecretary for the Colonies) said that through the enterprise and initiative of Elders Colonial Airways Ltd., together with Imperial Airways, it was practically certain that before the end of
    British Wireless  -  86 words
  • 106 11 H. L. Brook Uninjured But Plane Wrecked. Cairo, july 19. H. L. Brook, the Yorkshire airman, who is attempting a record LondonCape Town solo flight craslied at Mersamatruh. He was uninjured, but his machine was completely wrecked. Reuter. Jn% anese Aviator. Tiong Kong, July 19. Katsutaro Ano,
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 106 11 Japanese Benefit By Chinese Boycott. Hong Kong, July 18. Japanese merchants are Importing large quantities of Siamese rice to Swatow and Amoy, for sale in the provinces of Kwangtung and Fukien respectively. Pamphlets were distributed at Swatow recently denouncing the action of the Japanese in nullifying the anti-Siam
    Sin Kuo Min  -  106 words
  • 22 11 A Central Government mandate Issued yesterday announces that the new bankruptcy law will be enforced as from Oct. I.— Sin Kuo Mm
    Sin Kuo Min  -  22 words
  • 35 11 The Panchan Lama, Living Buddha" of Tibet who has been living in China in virtual exile since 1923. He will leave Kansu Province early in August on his back to Tibet.
    35 words
  • 110 11 Results For 10 Months To Last April. LONDON TIN CLEARS DIVIDEND ARREARS. From Our Own Correspondent. London, July 19. The Anglo-Oriental Mining Corporation reports a loss for the ten months ended April 30, of £17,961 against a profit of £62,233 for the previous sixteen months. After payment of
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  • 411 11 More Powerful Than British. FRENCH CONCERN UNJUSTIFIED. Keen interest in the German: naval building programme details of which have already appeared in the Straits Times is being displayed in British naval circles. Hector C. Bywater, the London, Dally Telegraph n >val correspondent, writes that the two German
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 56 11 ON OTHER PAGES. Week Kud Kadio 6 Mr. l.owinger 12 M:iii>au Trade Pit Mail 13 tin t:\ii Letter 16; Correspondence 16 Musliiii No'.es 17: C'hu 'h Services 17 ■IXWCK. an I Mails Ilrit'.li Laid Ip TmaULgi I Straits Trade With Medan 8 j Cl:i:ies, Kxport Tariff 9J Rubber Quota Prospects
      56 words
    • 26 11 ft is not a question of luck my dear, you should be sensible and do all your shopping at the GOLD STORAGE i— jHuaawt -steam* -ji;
      26 words

  • 316 12 PROGRAMME OF VISIT DISCUSSED. MAY GO TO K.L. ON MONDAY. Mr. V. A. Lowinger, senior Malayan representative on the International Tin Committee, who has < ome to Malaya to discuss the Tin Agreement, visited Government House this morning. It Is understood that he discussed with
    316 words
  • 323 12 AUTHOR'S ROUNDWORLD TRIP. The only square'-rlgged ship under the British flag afloat arrived in Singapore yesterday afternoon in charge of her owner, Mr. A. J. Villiers, the well-known author of sea stories. She is the Joseph Conrad, 149 net register tons, formerly the Danish official school-ship Georg
    323 words
  • Article, Illustration
    16 12 Mr. Lowinger being interviewed on arrival in Singapore yesterday On the left is Sir Andrew Caldecott.
    16 words
  • Article, Illustration
    15 12 Ths "bunnic" race at the rally of Girl Guides and Brownies at Government House yesterday.
    15 words
  • 61 12 The death took place at the General j Hospital. Singapore, early this niorn- ing of Mrs. Hall, wife of Mr. Alf xan- der Hall, of the editorial staff of the Singapore Free Press. The deepest sympathy of all connected with the Straits Times Press Ltd.
    61 words
  • 413 12 London, July 19. In the House of Commons yesterday, Ldent of the Board of Tirade, Runelman, made a survey n! trade and Industry in the course of wed the effects of recent trartr agreement! and the prospects of: In lv itrlal recovery. Id that British
    British Wireless  -  413 words
  • 48 12 Peiping. July 19. The Soviet, Japanese and Manchukuo Governments have decided to organise a joint committee for drawing up an agreement demarcating the Pusso-Manchu frontiers. An important (iu<stion to be discussed is the tatvc status cf Outer Mongolia.— Sin Chew Jit Poh.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  48 words
  • 381 12 THE WINNING ANTIOPIUM SLOGAN. "Opium turns homes into hovels" won first prize in *.he Free Slogan Competition for the pupils of the local schools conducted by the Singapore Antl-Oplun. Society. Almost every school in Singapore was represented and there wire over two thousand entries. The judges
    381 words
  • 47 12 Tomorrows broadcast programme by the Malaya Amateur Radio Society (Kuala Lumpur) from 7 p.m.— 9 p.m., will include, beginning at approximately 8 p.m.. a BBC. recorded programme. It will be the second talk in a series mi 'The Causes of War" by Sii Norman Angell.
    47 words
  • 127 12 Johore Warder Fined Thirty Dollars. T H flilborn. a European warder attached to the Johore prison, admitted before Mr. J. Me P. Brander. the Singapore Third Magistrate, yesterday that by holding a lighted match over the open mouth of the benzine tank of his car
    127 words
  • 120 12 Man Comes Up From Behind l Riding in a ricksha along Cavanagh i Road about two o'clock yesterday i afternoon. a well-to-do Hokkien woman, Madame LJm Hee Luan felt her gold ear-rings being snatched from behind. The ricksha stopped and she turned Ito see a dark
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  • 152 12 Display In Government House Grounds. More than 250 Singapore girl guides and brownies were present at a rally at Government House, Singapore, yesterday afternoon. The lawn presented an animated scene when the girls gave a display of guidecraft and games and ended up with folk-dancing. Striking contrasts
    152 words
  • 896 12 Judge Refuses Application For Bankruptcy Discharge. Strong opposition was raised in < the Bankruptcy Court yesterday, < before Mr. Justice Williamson, to an application for discharge, coun- sel for a creditor describing the applicant bankrupt as a defaulting executor and a man who ought not to
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 58 12 RENOVATE YOUR BUNGALOW. RENOFLOR REGD. THE LIQUID COVERING For use on CONCRETE or CEMENT FLOORS, FRONT DOOR STEPS, VERANDAHS, GARDEN SEATS, WOOD, STONE or METAL. Stacked ii I. gallon tins, Green, Tile Red and Stone. Manufactured by Sistons Brothers Co., Ltd., Hull. < <iATJ4S > V \\l William Jacks 6>
      58 words

  • 1041 14 INTER-CLUB ATHLETICS— CLOSE FINISHES ANTICIPATED. RELAY SHOULD PROVIDE A TITANIC STRUGGLE. Japanese May Spring One Or Two Surprises. (By a Special Correspondent.) THE S.R.C. not being able to accept the invitation to compete in tomorrow's inter-club athletic meeting at the Jalan Besar Stadium, only three teams, the R.A.F., the Japanese
    1,041 words
  • Article, Illustration
    76 14 Jack Lovelock, the New Zealand and Oxford University runner, gained a great triumph for the British Empire by beating all the leading Americans in the "mile of the century" at the Princeton Invitation track meet, Princeton, New Jersey. He is seen here winning by 10 yards from W. J. Bonthron,
    76 words
  • 510 14 SILVER JUBILEE MEETING. 227 Horses And Ponies To Take Part. PNTRIES for the Penang Turf Club Jubilee meeting, the opening day of which is Saturday July 27, are as follow: Horses, Class 1; three runs; one mile, six furlongs and mile and distance: Athlacca. Betlot. Biddy's
    510 words
  • 29 14 Mr. and Mrs. Swlnchatt yesterday beat Col. and Mrs. Allen 5—7. 6—2. 6—3. in the mixed doubles open final of the Tanglin Club lawn tennis tournament.
    29 words
  • 120 14 Cricket: Will The Bowling Prove Strong Enough 'THE Colony team to meet the F.M.S. at Singapore on Aug. 3, 4 and 5 has been selected as follows J. Andres (Penang). R. A. Ashworth (Singapore). H. A. F. Brooke (Penang). S. De Silva (Singapore). T. A. D.
    120 words
  • 132 14 Win Over Terror Gives Them Lead In Div. 11. Wiltshires 5: H.M.S. Terror L j The leadership of the Second Division table changes practically with every j match by the four serious contenders for honours and yesterday's five-one victory over H.M.S. Terror at Tanglin puts the Wiltshires
    132 words
  • 13 14 The race tomorrow Is —"C" Class Aggregate Handicap —50 Metresfree style.
    13 words
  • 77 14 London, July 19. The Eclipse Stakes over a distance of II 1 1 miles was run at Sandown Park today, and resulted as follows: 1. Mr. M. H. Benson's WINDSOR LAD, 9.10 2. 11.11. The Asa Khan's THEFT. 8.9 3. Mr J. A Dewars FAIR TRIAL 8.2 Five
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 1278 14 77ie Besf Organised Racket In The Sports World Club Secretaries To Blame Players Are Being Subsidised Distinctions Must Be Abolished. Over the players' entrance to the centre-court at Wimbledon are written these Inspiring lines, enscrolled In gold: If you can meet with tv'umph and disaster. And treat
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  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 1022 15 SUCCESSFUL OPENING TO SELANGOR MEETING. M. Thomas Retains The Mile Championship With Ease. (By "Echo.") Kuala Lumpur, July 19. THIS week-end we have in Kuala Lumpur the annual championships of the Selangor Amateur Athletic Association, which started yesterday, followed a week later
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 15 Two useful school cricket captains, K. Ponniah of St. John's (K.L.) and M, 11. S. Toledo of St. Francis', Mal.i<<a. The latter made 63 and t$ against St. John's last week-end.
    31 words
  • 352 15 Association Football. Dolfattah In Singapore Team vs. Services. t7<>l'K .Malaya Cup soccer matches will be played this afternoon. These lieiiiß as follows Singapore vs. Combined Servires at Singapore. Perak vs. Selangor at Ipoh. Malacca vs. Johore at Malacca. I'enang vs. Burma Rides at Penan?. The
    352 words
  • 109 15 F.M.S. Finish Third In Junior Kolapore. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 19. The shoot for the junior Kolapore trophy took place at Bisley today and resulted as follows: 1. Gold Coast 567 2. Sudan 565 3. F.M.S 564 4. Ke..ya 537 Of the F.M.S. individuals V.
    109 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 15 Mr. Kee Yew Hock, General English Secretary to the Singapore Chinese Athletic and Aquatic Team taking part at the Penan* Olympiad next month.
    23 words
  • 294 15 County Cricket George Headley Makes A Century At Leicester. London, July 19. /"VNCE again the Players beat the Gentlemen in the annual match at Lord's. Yorkshire, Sussex and Notts aU gained very easy victories, while Lancashire also did well to win by 111 runs in a low
    294 words
  • 160 15 Yon Bin Mian's Third Success. (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, July 19. Excellent weather prevailed lor thr concluding day of the Johore Tennis Tournament, when two finals were played. Yon bin Mian (Muar) defeated Wong Thean Teck (J. Bahru) by 6—3. 6—l,6 1, In the Men s
    160 words
  • 454 15  -  LEIGHTON. Two Native Policemen At Bisley Pattern 14 Improved Type Of Match Rifle. Conducted by PARLY reports from Bisley show that the world-famous rifle meeting organised by the National Rifle Association, and now in full swing, loses nothing of its popularity. In fact the present meeting bids
    454 words
  • 240 15 Saturday, July 20. Football: Malaya Cup, Combined Services vs. Singapore, An.- mi Road Stadium; Perak vs. E-.'langor at Ipoh; Mala ca vs. Johore at Malacca; Fenang vs. Burma Rifles at Frnan-;; Intcr-Coilore. Medical College vs. Raffles College, Medical ground. Cricket: United Services vs. P. M.S. Police, padang. First
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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    • 25 15 r— TT W~] I I TT I linif mi i I Buy c X pf^fJ |Ticeß beeth r o rnn rc^ue Distributors: FRASER NEAVE LTD.
      25 words

  • 1203 16 BA TA VIA LETTER. Submarine's Adventures Scientist On Board— Krakatau Quiet Java Crockery. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, July 15. THE outstanding news of the week was the arrival of the Dutch submarine K-XVIII on the! roads of Soerabaya on Thursday; morning after a round-the-world j trip of nearly 23,000
    1,203 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 217 16 System In Java That Might Be Followed. To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— Your account of Bicycle thieves busy in the issue of July 11 should now urge the S.S. and Malaya Police forcibly to recommend to the Municipal Commissioners of the Straits Settlements and
      217 words
    • 182 16 Views Of Parent Who Has Had To Buy New Ones. I To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.— l would like to bring this matter to the attention of the police through the courtesy of your journal, as. if something is not done to stop the evil
      182 words
    • 457 16 Contractor Who Tricked Sir William Taylor. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 17. An amusing story of "Carosa" in Sir William Taylor's days was told by Mr. Francis F. Cooray today, in the course of his address on Ceylon to the Kuala Lumpur Rotary Club.
      457 words
    • 75 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir. —While it is certainly encouraging to see the Municipal representatives paying surprise visits to discover any cases of smallpox, etc.. K is certainly disconcerting to find them entering Into the houses the moment they are opened by servants. Yesterday a
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    • 74 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— Listeners have been reminded over the radio that interference should be reported to the Post Office. I am experiencing interference and have reported the matter as far back as April. I do not know what the authorities have done so
      74 words
    • 167 16 Plea For Opening Of A New Route. To the Editor of the Straits Tim*"* Sir. The bus service between Katong and Chulia Street via Joo Chlat Road has been stopped /or some time. As a result, people residing in this area are facing a grave problem of transport
      167 words
    • 76 16 Speeding Lorries On Twisty Road. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, As a frequent *iser of the Changi Road I wish to endorse the remarks of "Twice Hit" regarding lorries travelling up and down that I have also met empty lorries going at a trerrendous
      76 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 296 16 f THE CUP THAT CHEERS. I I FA. BARTHOLOMEUSZ LTD., f SINGAPORE and KUALA LUMPUR. M Comforting, sustaining, refreshing Gold Leaf Tea is indeed the Cup that cheers. A really fine blend from the hill tops of Ceylon its rich amber tint, delicious aroma, and flavour appeal to all who
      296 words
    • 203 16 "Whiter Teeth made me look younger, more beautiful!" and these 2 minute I home treatments with fK. Co/gate's Dental i**J <sj^ M "TT THAT a difference whit- same time. Colgate's delightful VV er, lovelier teeth made peppermint flavor refreshes in my looks! Here is how I your mouth perfumes your
      203 words

  • 440 17 Intelligent And Quite "Safe." The Alsatian is the most debated dog of the generation. Even the bitterest opponent of the breed cannjt djny Its good looks. The "bad name" which It has In many quarters Is due to several causes. First and foremost comes the name of wolf
    440 words
  • 1234 17 TRINITY V. CHRIST'S CALL. The term Clergy, well known as referring to the spiritual leaders of the Church, Is of ancient origin. It Is derived from a Greek word Kleeros," a lot or portion, not that the clergy are chosen by lot, but because they are the Lord's
    1,234 words
  • 126 17 DEATH OF PROMINENT PENANG MOSLEM. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, July 19. The death took place yesterday after about a fortnight's Illness of Mr. K. A^ Naina Mohamed, one of the leaders of the local Mohammedan community. Mr. Nalna Mohamed was 62 years old and
    126 words
  • 200 17 Compensation Claims By Dependents. (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, July 19. An echo of the mine accident at Kramat Pulai, in which a coolie was killed, was heard before the special commissioner under the Workmen's Compensation Act when the coolie's wife claimed compensation. The coolie, it
    200 words
  • 77 17 (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July 10. Lee Kirn Sen, a general Droker, was produced before the local court today and charged with committing criminal breach of trust of $150, the complainant's allegation being that the sum was entrusted to Lee Kirn Seng for payment to
    77 words
  • 562 17  -  Abdul (By Marriages By Unauthorised Persons —Amendment To Law Required. COME questions of vital interest to the Muslims of this country are being debated at present. How the questions will be settled, whether to the satisfaction of Muslims or not, remains to be seen. In Singapore, they are
    562 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 207 17 1335 to 1935 Donl experiment on your Dog. Give him the Proved Canine Krr.ciy. 7n£ otdu OH£ to kcu/e yitood the 7ait of a. Cetttuty BENBOWS DOO_MJXTURE Or uK,mi«i-.»JCo.«l««hj*c Y ..t»*. t, or Direct from Soie ProprietorsBE.NBOWS DOG MIXTURE C? 2 thrthokmet* Oose London EC. Engi Seclusion Mild Winters in
      207 words
    • 52 17 ST. STEPHEN'S COLLEGE. HONGKONG. BOARDING SCHOOL FOB CHINESE STUDENTS. Classes In English by resident Engllah and Chinese Graduates. Chinese Classes from beginners upwards. Pine New Buildings on healthy site 25 acres. Prepares students for the Universities. Football. Tennis, etc. Chinese or Foreign food For prospectua Apply The Warden. Bt. Stephen's
      52 words
    • 540 17 \HGVi to KEEP the TCI lIOUTofYOUR r b I^H^fc IHHA iflBS? fc 1 1 \l ~^^H HR»^ H R*'^*' fW^H^»\ -rftV I |||M 1 linnffiiiTi'mfflTMi 1 ASPfuris I TAKE 2 ASPRO' TABLETS immediately the llffUmnY Jm first sign of a Cold appears, and 2 Tablets every WUfllOllS EY^ three hours
      540 words

    • 444 18 FENCED TO KEEP OUT I PEDESTRIANS. A ROAD was the first thing man made: and It will probably be the last. What, then, of this" great change that is foreshadowed What of Mr Hore-Bcllsha. and his roads like railways asks the Passing Show. "We have jogged along
      444 words
    • 579 18 Should A Speed Limit Be Imposed (By The Motoring Correspondent Lorries, travelling at high speeds, and frequently overloaded, constitute a serious danger to the public on roads like Bukit Timah and on the East Coast, but the traffic authorities are apparently at present powerless to
      579 words
    • Article, Illustration
      12 18 Graceful lines of the new Morrta range of high-powered six cylinder can.
      12 words
    • 213 18 STRIKING SUCCESS AT INDIANAPOLIS. /"«OULD it be mere coincidence that the first four cars to finish In the 25th running of the Indianapolis speedway classic were all powered with four cylinder motors, and that the first four winners of 1934 also were four-cylinder engines Perhaps, but you couldn't
      213 words
  • 811 18 Here, There Everywhere. New Zealand Light Car Cup— Lord Nnf field In The News—Bentley's Just Right Graham Light Six Lubrication Progress. AT the closing meeting of the season of the New Zealand Motor Racing Drivers Association held recently at Muriwai Beach, a supercharged single-seater Austin Seven driven by G. C.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 279 18 SMART TO' BUY SMART TO DRIVE Up to 35 miles par gallon 70 miles per hour Smooth riding comfort Willys is smart to buy btcause it saves you money Of utmost importance to owners is the greater proportion •very mile you drive. It is smart to drive because it is
      279 words
    • 134 18 Naturally, you are proud of the striking beauty of the new Hupmobile. Your eye instantly is aware of its perfection of air-tuned lines. But your pride quickly goes beyond mere beauty. True streamlining opens up a new world of comfort to you. Extra spacious interiors "provide more room to stretch
      134 words

  • 244 19 Flight Of 300 Planes. CANTON'S PLAN FOR OCT. 10. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Canton, July 8. AN aerial display in which 300 warplanes will take part will be staged over Canton on the Double Tenth (Oct. 10). On the gungoat Hai Foo another nine warplanes were moved
    244 words
  • 234 19 TO MAKE UP DEFICIT IN 1934 BUDGET. Nanking. THE issue of a Twenty-third Year| (1934) Customs Revenue Loan,! to the amount of $100,000,000, has been authorised by the National) Government in a mandate. The loan is issued for the purpose of I making up the deficits
    234 words
  • 53 19 Changchun. In a press interview. Gen. Doihara declared that the people of North China are rejoicing at having been freed from oppression," and he said that similar tranquillity could prevail throughout China if the Nanking Governmenf. only ivould orange its mistaken attitude towards Japan to
    53 words
  • 44 19 SMALL SWORD SOCIETY LEADER EXECUTED. The chief of a small sword society.' who has led a band of 5.000 superstitious followers to oppose the canal scheme leading the Hwai River to the sea in Kiangsu Province, was executed at Chlnkiang on June 30. r-.
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  • 33 19 CHRISTIAN GENERAL." Gen. Feng Yu-hslang. known as the Christian General." is remaining in his temple at Tatshan. The report that he had gone to Charhar Is entirely without foundation, says a Chinese report.
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  • 179 19 The casket carrying the remains of Mr. LJao Cluing Ms, a Kuomintang leader who was assassinated in August, 1925, in front of the KuomintanK headquarters in Canton, has been brou cht to Nanking for a state funeral. The casket now rests at the 'Patriots' Temple" in the
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  • 766 19 Will She Turn To Japan? THE OFFENDING "NEW LIFE" WEEKLY ARTICLE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Shanghai, July 8. MOST of the news— using that word in a very generous sense about China nowadays comes either from Japan or from local Japanese sources, and
    766 words
  • 49 19 Canton, July 7. Seventy-two miscellaneous taxes were abolished in July 1934 and 42 others, some of which have been collected for the past 90 years, teill be abolished by the end of this month. Some $1,*****0 will be lost in a year by this curtailment.
    49 words
  • 157 19 Introduced In China. REFORM FOR 14 PROVINCES. Nanking, July 8. THE new three-grade three-trial system of judicial proceedings, as provided under the revised law governing court organisation, has been introduced simultaneously with the enforcement of the new law on July 1. In the following 14 provinces
    157 words
  • 140 19 REPLACING RUNAWAY CRUISERS. Canton, July 11. Following the less of the cruisers Hai Chi and Hai Shen, the Canton Navy is preparing to increase its force by ordering two or three new ships of the destroyer or sloop type for coastal defence. They must also
    140 words
  • 92 19 The atmosphere of tranquillity M contentment at the "Happy Village" f.r overseas unemployed at Hsuenchenc, Anhwei, was ruffled recently b. an ugly incident. A group of about 50 farmers fror the neighbouring villages paid th Happy Village an unexpected un welcome visit, assaulting a number o the
    92 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 356 19 "I nearly lost my fob then I found that 'THIN BLo.ol|^%i^ was holding me back" 1 > *^**"M" M^ l >^^*^*l|dffTWß^wttl dffTWB^wtt 3l»aH^BMa»BflßmMa^r^^ "V i. rather badly and after I re- covered I was never really fit. ys?i "■^"■'^""""i^^L I got tired easily, couldn't concentrate jF^ ll'^^'i f aodUckeJ the
      356 words
    • 153 19 GULL BAHAR The Tonic Hair Oil Supreme s^^%^3B.»t«ri ||t user ¥1 if f^Tf^l C"-^* better still test It u/An&. 2R fifx yourself. You will YiiSs' £L not only nnd il a ™Vm. flCfi^Sl t>tackens the h iir, PyS /ÜBi Et£3|l nd »t ttte sa:no Rjh^__X^9 iTlfB wpe t and fraprant;
      153 words

  • 111 20 Those pictures, received yesterday by air mail, illustrate the tenseness of the situation prevailing in Abyssinia following the threats of war with Italy. Foreigners have been fleeing the country. Below is the engine crew of the train which carried many of them from Addis Ababa
    111 words
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