The Straits Times, 23 June 1935

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 40 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA No. 183. Sunday, June 23, 1935 Price 10 cents 5 A. M. EDITION THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper in Malaya. No. 183. Sunday, June 23, 1935 Price 10 cents
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  • 283 1 Operations To Begin In September INITIAL CAPITAL $1,000,000 Branches To Be Opened In Main Centres Of Malaya A NEW Chinese bank is to be established in Singapore in the near future. An increasing appreciation of banking facilities by the Chinese commercial community has prompted a
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  • 248 1 PART THAT WOMEN MIGHT PLAY To the Editor of the Sunday Times. Sir,— May I add a few remarks further to the letter by T. W. in last Sundays papei, on the subject of protecting the civilian population from possible air raids? I am inclined to wonder wilh
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  • 39 1 15 WARSHIPS OFF KWANGTUNG Kong Kane. Saturday. Fifteen Nankin? warships are now concentrated alone the Kwangtung roast according to a Canton report. Alarm is felt in the coastal cities at the prospect of Nanking-Canton hostilities. Sin Chew Jit Poh.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  39 words
  • 47 1 FLYING CLIPPER. GIANT PLANE IN 2,000 MILES HOP Honolulu, Saturday. The gi .nt U.S. Navy flyineooat the Flying Clipper, wlvch arrived here last Tuesday on th-j completion cf a flight, in two stages, from San Francisco, took oil today on a I,'JM mile flight to California. Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 51 1 London. Friday. It is anticipated that tomorrow's meeting between members of the British and German naval delegations will bring conversations to a close. Since agreement was reached by exchange of notes on Tuesday, various technical matters in connection with construction programmes have been ander discussion betveen experts. British
    British Wireless  -  51 words
  • 194 1 SCHARNHORST TO BE OVERHAULED TRIER TO FILL GAP IN SCHEDULE pABLES from Shanghai state that the Norddeutscher Lloyd's express liner, the Scharnhorst, which called at Singapore on her maiden voyage last Monday, is to undergo complete overhaul when s> I returns to Bremen. She will now omit a voyage to
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  • 24 1 The Hon. Mr. Frederick Gordon Smith. Attorney-General. Trinidad, has been appointed a Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements.
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  • 543 1 Is The Colony Police Force Strong Enough Cl't'H drastic reductions in the actual man-power of the Straits Settlements Police Force has been effected during the last three years that a grave warning regarding future conditions is given by the late Inspector-General of Police Mr. H. Fairburn, in his report for
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  • 96 1 STOLEN SOW CHINESE VEGETABLE PLANTER FINED i From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Saturday. A Chinese vegetable planter was fined $60 or two months' rigorous imprisonment, for the theft of a sow belonging to a Chinese widow. Accuseds defence that he and two others killed the animal believing it to
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 1 World-wide scientific interest has been aroused by I'mberto and Kudolpho Bios, three-and-a-half year old twins born of Mexican parentage on Santa Catalina Island, California, Umberto is a pure Albino, and Rudolph o is a true brunette
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  • 624 1 VIVID DETAILS IN LETTER FROM R. A. F. OFFICER y I Ml) detail of the terrible havoc wrought by the earthquake which destroyed Quetta are given in the following extracts from a letter written by a Royal Air Force Officer serving in India to his father in
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  • 80 1 £35,000,000 TRAFFIC SCHEME FOR LONDON London. Friday. THIi Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Neville Chamberlain, in the House of Commons, moved the financial resolution in connection with a 1:15.000.000 scheme to improve London traffic ser\i<-es. The scheme involves the building of about 12 miles of new tube railways, the electrification
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  • 19 1 London, Saturday. The death occurred today of Lord Headley. president of the British Moslem Society.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 48 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) < London. Saturday. Rubber market closed. SILVER Spot 32 :> 16d. Forward 32 Kid. CROSS RATF. London-New York, 4.94. New York-Lopdmi. O.'! (Rate as supplied by the London office of the National City Bank of New York applied to Friday's close.) Gold 141s. Id.
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  • 80 1 DAILY PRICES CURRENT. Noon. Saturday. Buyers Sellers No. 1 K. R.S.S. in cases (F. 0.8.) July •<)•, »0 l 4 G*od F.A.Q. in rases (F. 0.8.) July 2»'s ?o', No. 1 K. R.SS. (Spot loose) awardable Spore 20 I 10 .'0 7 IS July 20', 20', July-Sept. WH
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 15 1 THE OCEAN ACCIDENT AND GUARANTEE CORPORATION, (Incorporated in Great Britain.) Head Office for Malaya SINGAPORE.
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    • 43 1 OCEAN MOTOR POLICIES BEAR BRAND MILK is real, pure natural milk, with nothing added and rothing taken away tP^c j^.T^K. i AT m BEAR -g£—r-*x BRAND mSmßSni S«le ArenU far Malaya: JOSEPH TRAVERS SONS, LTD.' (Inoorpontcd v. England 1M6.) gINGAPOU AND FENANQ. MAAS
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  • 1630 2 By The Marquess Of Donegall TTOERE is a restaurant commonly known as The Workhouse where most of the haads of departments of the big West End store 3 go to luncheon. There I talked to two women, the first of whom has not worked in one of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 342 2 My NERVES^jSBiv Were Terrible ySPyili Life Was a Burden/ NOTHING would give r~ me back my VITALITY L- mft//&^i\ except Y VlTt Wffip!fr \\Q Dear Sir*,— l found your Yeatt- Vite Tablet* excellent indeed and I would not be without them. I tried everything and nothing would give I me
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    • 89 2 Tumblers— eight H beautiful colours 1 5 RED B ■sB MOTTLED RED vW| MOTTLED GREEN If you have not already leami the value ;2*. MvJRf oi Odol for preserving the teeth and I mML purifying the mouth begin your lesson S^P to-day I Buy a tube oi Odol Tooth Paste
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    • 104 2 of being badly out-of-pocket when you can obtain indemnity at very reasonable cost. Our policies give unlimited Third Party, complete indemnity for material damage, advantageous medical expenses in respect of Insured or Passengers and specified Personal Accident Benefits in respect of the Insured for Death or Loss of Limbs
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  • 1260 3  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By npWENTY- YEAR-OLD Peggy Blonf* de, who was sentenced to six months' imprisonment for obtaining a one-shllllng-and-elghtpenny meal .without the means to pay for it, is Hot so lucky as Lady Constance Cadger, who eats so much for pharlty. With one-tenth of the enormous
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  • 599 3 BILLIARDS: Champion Wants To Slim By Our Expert JT was for long a fallacy in connection with billiards in Great Britain that it was essentially a winter game, and that as soon as ever the sun began to have power, about May until mid-September, the players put away their cues
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 165 3 MISCELLANEOUS A MM LIVING WITH BIG PROFITS is guaranteed by selling HOSIERY, DRAPERY, UNDERWEAR, Men's and Eo;s' Shirts. Boots and sho^s, etc. Regular Hne^ of perfect M'txls Shopkeepers. Marketmcn and Ba?aars supplied. Wonderful opportunity for beginners, good living and profit certain. ADVICE AND ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FBEE. Send cash with trial
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    • 636 3 mW^ HOME ••<>* TIME THE~ BENNETT COLLEGE, SHEFFIELD. OPEN LETTER TO PARENTS Dmt Sir or Madam,— When yoar duldran first arrived tkey broatht witfc tsMm a wonderful lot of cunskiiM. Latar, you Warn* proad ol tie intollifeoc* tb«y display**!, but, still later, you b*cam« anxioo* as to what would bacoma
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  • 984 4  -  Birdman By IN my notes last week I pointed out the need for more minor landing grounds in this country and I now propose to review the progress which has been made to date in providing aerodromes and to put forward some suggestions
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  • 845 4 By Our Expert PVERY poultry rearer envies or thinks of a deep green jjrass plot to rear his birds*, imagining that it 18 the beginning of success and the end of all difficulties connected with poultry farming. This is tar from being the case, however, and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 178 4 SCSPX H i 1 iip "i§s£« iyi |L lit if B^B^Lnfla^L^gllHisß Mac-- 3H WB <J$P^Z& i* "i<<<W fia^r-^ Wm B^^^H S^^gHa^aP^BgWßal K>.v:':^ ••«>■* v aw a^kT a^7 mmf^^^r^^K a^A^a^a^a Amm that he did not object 1^ ,--C ~u l^C^lfgH to my smoking a limited T.. I:,' i*y WJa«rS number of
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    • 60 4 Learn POULTRY By Correspondence. FEE $15/- ONLY. Apply for Prospectus with 10 cts. stamps. BENGAL POULTRY CILLEjE, No. 8, Raffles Chambers, SINGAPORE. KOSSOLIAN BLOOD SALT. FOR ALL BREEDS OF DOCS. A Non -Aperient Blood Tonic and Conditioner for use In cases of Skin Eruptions, Loss of Appetite, Anaemia, Sluggishness. and
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    • 121 4 WRITING OF MILK! One of the best-accredited professors of bacteriology in the University of London said: "That a large amount of disease ts carried by raw milk is no longer an opinion. H to a fact— a fact as well attested as any tn the domain of medical science." Use
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    • 501 4 0 MARY IS ATTRACTIVE AND POPULAR NOW She Discovers Way to Remove Ugly dingy stains from Teeth Makes Them Brilliant and White in a Hurry Learns from friend that dull, dingy teeth scare men away. Told to use Sees improvement after toothpaste that restores) first dry-brushing with natural whiteness quickly.
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  • 309 5 CONTRACT ELY CULBERTSON QCCUPYING a prominent place in \hp ?"?enal of my esteemed adversary, Mr. Sims, is a glittering, fearsome, and almost legendary device known as the Sims three-bid. I say almost legendary because although a lot of people have heard about it, few have actually seen it in action.
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  • 709 5 Will Mass Marriages Come To Singapore #y Owr Chinese Correspondent! TTHE New Life Movement in China has brought about many reforms, including the marriage system. The cost of marriage which has been for several centuries very prohibitive, owing to a tendency for a display of wealth, is now brought within
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 803 5 Flatulence gone in 2 minutes There are many remedies that relieve flatulence— after an hour or two. Now there Is one that will completely banish that distressing condition in two minutes. This new remedy Is Chardox a hj'.'h! '--activated charcoal fifty times more effective In its action than ordinary medicinal
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    • 2 5 TIGER BEER
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    • 275 5 ANNOUNCEMENT In view of the integrity of the organisation, its sincerity of purpose, and its desire for service vo the public, it is with great pleasure that we announce the appointment of KEE HUAT RADIO COMPANY, Penang, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. as Sole Authorised Distributors of RCA radio receivers and
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  • 1693 6 His Wife His Guide To Political Success Lady Beaconficld and Her Times. By F. F. Baily. Hutchinson 18s. ILIODERN literary fashion would have the biographer splash irony over his pages, would make him emphasise the piquant but not too nice details of his subject's career that is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 366 6 IN THE STEPS OF THE MASTER BY H. V. MORTON With numerous Photo. Illustrations. H. V. Morton goes right through Palestine, Syria and Trans-Jordan, observing those things still visible today which illustrate or illuminate the Life and Teaching of Christ. PRICE $4.00 KELLY WALSH, LTD., (Incorporated ir Hongkong) Raffles Place
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  • 102 7 Shower Of Sand: Ball Of Fire COME years ago while on my way j home about midnight I felt a shower of sand thrown over me. I thought it was a friend playing a Joke on me. I turned round to see but to my surprise I saw a ball
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  • 177 7 Cigar Turned Into A Bone riFTEEN years ago, on a dark night, I was returning home by way of Fort Canning Road to Oxley Road. Passing the cemetery at Fort Canning Road I was confronted by an Inspector whom I took for a Chinese on his usual rounds. He approached
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  • 79 7 I AST year in June I was coming back from Cameron Highlands in a motor-car. It was drizzling, and when! near Tapah we picked up an old Chinese who hailed us and asked for a lift. A little past Kampar a tyre punctured. I looked back expecting the
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  • 570 7 Readers' Stories Of The Uncanny f WAS spending a holiday with friends in Singapore and was warned beforehand that their house was haunted but as I had a wording acquaintance with ghosts it did not deter me from accepting the invitation. What tragedy took place in that house, none of
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  • 457 7 Back From The Beyond TTHIS strange but true happening occurred fifteen years ago when I was a youngster, living with my parents at the fishing village of Kuala Kedah. One evening my parents went to Alor Star and left me with an old nurse to look after the house. My
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  • 280 7 I*WO years ago I arrived from India, and found work as a conductor on a rubber estate in the north of Pahang. One day my manager told me to go round the uncultivated and untapped irea to report on the growth oMallang. The same evening
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  • 114 7 Readers are invited to write articles of not more than 500 words on their experiences in Malaya, Java. Borneo or Siam of ghosts, witches, pontianaks or any other strange apparition or manifestation. A prize of $10 will be awarded each week to the sender of
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  • 231 7 Bird That Could Not Be Caught yyHEN I was fifteen years old I was one day out hunting in Java with my uncle and his manservant. The day passed and we shot nothing. Returning homo, we saw a big bird on the top of a tree. My uncle hurried to
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  • 196 7 Tiger Thai Left No Pug Marks A PARTY of us*wus returning lrom a ih^oting trip when we were con- fronted by a tiger. We had never heard of timers in the vicinity and we were not prepared. \V<could not shoot because we did not have the necessary cartridges We hid
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  • 102 7 /■\NE night about nine or ten years ago I was spending tne w?ek-end at my aunt's house overlooking the o!d Singapore racecourse. About midnight I suddenly awoke to hear distinctly the sound of a horse's hoofs. Feeling that this was rather unusual 1 opened the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 207 7 STRENGTH FOR MY SON AND YOURS My ooy was listleu— prone to catch 4 Uk cough j and colds lurpotsec by _^W orhcr boyi in joortt and ttvdiat. I _j£j ff S%> Sft Now he it iturdy and strong and BB pulsing witti new vitality IV\ \.N I everj Motru-i
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    • 1 7 H
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    • 250 7 £J ~X IWe did take her -w_^ ***-j jjMjbjLi Ob U^^i tH I wm in dcipair about my baby's clothes. "if After they'd been washed a few time* {^C < *^^^^fttfT "^^fc they began to Uxe their softness and V^^ M^Kmffi V get matted and harsh. It was Aunt ,^b^bW^\>J^b^^^^LKr
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  • 1022 8 By Our Woman Correspondent LJUNDREDS of visitors swarmed around the Tanjong Pagar wharf last Monday as the Scharnhorst, one of the Norddeutscher Lloyd's two new East Asian express steamers, came into view in the btiaits with its band playing. It was an interesting experience watching the emotions
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 266 8 FLORSHEIMS Comid:/ Your Feelings and give you Beauty plus Comfort! They look like salon originals these Florsheims with the Feeturt Arch. Yet, they've jet a new pace for walking. They distribute the weight of the body evenly— and you glide along with an easy-going<hythm t -ec.-iuse your feet and your
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    • 174 8 ■an^^L^^gAA^LA^aVß^B^BaßHßß^kfl^^Bßpa^kaH^B^Bß^SS^Bkaß^Baj^y^^ Mft^^^^^^P*^^^Q9H IMI f k j »^Hfes?^aD«^^^^fcA 3 V'-*' m me ADC d/ more convemiemtLnbArtly no waste J Hitherto biscuits have been sold In /^^■fck Malaya in largish tins, the contents ■H^pj of whirh get stale in this rllmate ft^ before they can be consumed. Wv «x ow Peck Freans,
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    • 356 8 intensify Natural color for Alluring Lips NEVER COARSEN WITH PAINT INJoW it is possible to give lips the youthful color men admire without risking that H repulsive painted appearance of H ordinary lipsticks This is the jMMbsbbbb> XW* Tangec way. Unlike ordinary bbW^^b^^ lipsticks, Tangee isn't paint In- P^^HssWr^ Stead
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  • 618 9 (By Our Own Correspondent.) Sunday Times Office, Fleet Street, June 5. I ONDON leads the way in fashion today, especially for daytime requirements. Everywhere one goes, one hears comments from visitors from abroad and overseas that should make English dress designers blush with pride.
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  • Article, Illustration
    13 9 A gathering at the opening of the new showrooms of Aurelia's last week
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    • 348 9 AflY dear Children, Several of my readers who wrote this week told me about their clever pete. Little Mary Stevens, of Penang, has two dear little kittens while another lassie of Singapore is the proud possessor of a pony which she has named Tony." i Jim. ol Kuala Lumpur, wrote
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    • 215 9 Y ou can nave great fun playing this game when you are holding a birthday party. Get a number of attle gifts, such as bars of chocolates, pencils. Btc., and wrap them up in pretty coloured paper. Tie each parcel round the middle with a long string
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    • 94 9 IF you go out one morning At the time the birds arise. And look for the spiders' mansions, A fine sight meets your eyes. All glittering gold and silver, With the dewdrops and the rain. You will find the dainty cobweb. Where many a spider has lain. His
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    • 66 9 If a horse's head pointed to tne south, where would his tall point To the ground, of course. Why is a man crossing the road in 1 front of a motor like music Because if he doesn't look sharp he wM be flat. What is the difference between a
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    • 26 9 Pat: Daddy, is a tin trumpet mad? of tin? Daddy: Of ourse it is Pat: Well, then, why Isn't a foghorn made of fog
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  • 423 9  -  E. K. By DOLLOWING are descriptions of three new Shanghai Chinese dresses which I noticed during the last few days. One is made of crepe-de-chine, another of satin brocade, and the third of cotton lace. The first is made of pink m chine and has a shirred
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 112 9 NESTLES CHOCOLATE -^1 km i /M IV I F m V* T" I W m m\ a^. X A V^/^ Orange chocolate is rather unusual rather subtile in flavour and it tends to grow on one. The remarkable enthusiasm created by Nestles previous two albums has proved so encouraging that
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  • 365 10 The Sunday Times TOTIDEM VERBIS ■OftliffHrli MANAIiKKIAI. AND ADVERTISING OFFICE I Cecil Street. Singapore. There is no staying the develop- nent of aviation. The wonder of today becomes the commonplace of tomorrow, and the static state can find no place in the aerial world. For a long time Malaya sufferedthe
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  • 1415 10  -  E. C. Morrison By Formerly With The Borneo Company, Now Living In England. it is wily ten year? since I left Singapore the changes in that decade appear t< have been almost as startling m those which I saw during my residence there
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  • 574 10 MANY HAPPY RETURNS to Edward. 1 Prince of Wales. He is 4i today, 1 1 and only "as old as ha feels," which i is thirty-something. May he live to j 101— and pay Malaya another visit be- fore he's fifty. "Some motor drivers and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 378 10 NEW WORLD SINGAPORE. Side Shows, Cabaret, Dancing, Talkies, Theatres and Cinemas. >■■—■■■■■»■■■■■■■■■■»■■■■■' ALHAMBRA TODAY 3.15-6.15-9.15 kB SsssssssssM *r BfibkA 9 Stars 1 Bonds I 9 6 Sengs! 100 Girls I 111 l VALLEE I SHEET I MUSIC I wilh A IV M DVORAK NomnKl I.IKE IT SINCE WARNER BROS. FIRST
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    • 4 10 JpH^^g Pj 'A. mMWk
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  • 508 11 Singapore Hong Kong In 15 Flying Hours SELETAR FLYING BOATS GREAT JOURNEY Possibility Of Beginning Of A Commercial Route SINGAPORE— KAMRANH BAY, 7«i HOURS. KAMRANH BAY— HONG KONG, 7'/ 2 HOURS. •THESE two fine flights, bringing Singapore and Hong Kong within l.i hours of each other by air for the
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  • 98 11 NO CAUSE FOR ALARM SAYS MUNICIPALITY No further case of smallpox has been reported in Singapore within the past two days. It is emphasised by Municipal health officers that there is no cause for alarm as the outbreak is nor an epidemic. Hundreds of people have been vaccinated during
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  • 64 11 (From Our Own Correspondent t Alor Star. The wedding took place last week of Tunku Thiaudin b!n Tunku Zalnul Rasid. District Oflicer. Yen to Tunku Zalnab bintl Tunku Abdullah, daughter of Tunku Abdullah. Assistant Harbour Master, and a grand daughter of H.ri The Regent. The "bsrsanding" w*s w.tnessed
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  • 39 11 On the occasion ol the transfer of Mr. Cheah Leong Hooi, vice-president of the Kedah Chinese Recreation Club, to Penang in the near future, a dinner was given at the Club premises. After dinner there was a rrnggeng performarce.
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  • 38 11 Malaya's new G.O.C, Major-General William, G. S. Dobbie, at present Commandant of the School of Military Engineering, Chatham, who is to succeed Major-General E. O. Lewin in the Malayan Command. An exclusive Sunday Times portrait.
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  • 519 11 Naval Concentratic n At Hong Kong Explained. Hcng Kong, Saturday. IT is understood that 40 Cantonese cadets are being held as hostages by the two rebel cruisers, Hai Chi and Hai Shen, to ensure the safety of the northern admiral, Kiang Shi-Yuan, who is
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  • 36 11 London. Friday. The new Foreign Secretary. Sir Samuel Hoare, received calls todiy from the diplomatic representatives In London of the Netherlands, Slam Switzerland. Austria, Sweden, Denmark, Venezuela, Hungary. China. Finland and Latvia.— British Wireless.
    British Wireless  -  36 words
  • 129 11 MR. EDEN TALKS WITH FRENCH PREMIER London. Friday. Mr. Anthony Eden, Minister for League Affairs, was the guest of the French Premier at luncheon at the Quai D'Orsay, Paris, today and intimate conversations on current affairs followed. Later M. Laval stated The naval accord recently concluded between
    British Wireless  -  129 words
  • 140 11 "SPECTACLES' PROVIDED BY FORD MOTOR CO. One of the big scenes in the Doorlay Revue at the Capitol Theatre Is whut is described as 'Wonder Shadows," which consists In bnef of the artists appearing behind a white screen in the beams of green and red lights respect- i
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  • 16 11 H.H. Tunku Abdul Aziz is now stationed at Kuala Nerar.g as Assistant District Officer, Padang Terap.
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  • 372 11 SERIES OF CHARITY ENTERTAINMENTS AT a meeting of the entertainment committee of the Singapore Silver Junilce Fund, recently, arrangement; were made for a series of sprn-iul events to be ;ield during the comir.r; months with tho objec. of außmentir.^ tho Fund. It is particularly stressed
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 129 11 V 7 gm^ 1^ Km l^^^^*\ to Independence J^f^ "TVJRING the past few year* L most men have learned some bitter lessons in economics. Speculation is not Thrift. Of all your *^P^ material possessions, life insurance gives you the least cause for worry. No doubt it is more appreciated than
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    • 104 11 A NEW TONIC WINE. A Mediclnai wine of full tonic value and ol well-known basic ingredients is being marketed. A leading London analyst vouches for the quality of Phosferlne Tonic Wine as follows: "I find It to be made from a sound full-bodied wine of excellent quality. It is free
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  • 335 12 SPECIAL MEETINGS TO BE CALLED SOON (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. A LESSON learned during the slump. the advantage of amalgamating smaller rubber estates into a big one in order to reduce cosL\ is, I understand, to be applied to Malacca's three European clubs
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  • 77 12 Asiatic Police Inspector Tunku Ibrahim, of Kuala Nerang. will be transferred to Kulim as second inspector vice Che Ibrahim at the end of this month. Che Ibrahim will go to Bandar Bahru as O.C.P.D. in place of Syed Akll who will proceed to Baling to relieve Abdul Rani as O.C.P
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  • 346 12 SEVERAL CASES IN DISTRICT COURT CEVERAL cases under the Merchan- disc Marks Ordinance rame up before Mr. H. A. Forrer. the Singapore criminal district judge, yesterday. DeI tective-Inspector D. E. Nickels, officer in Charge of Commercial Crimes, prosecuted in all instances. The proprietor of Chop Chong Shing
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  • 27 12 Mr. C. W A Djbree. O.S.P C. Alor Star, who mot with a serious accident recently has now left hospital and is on one month's conval leave.
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  • 180 12 LOADED REVOLVER YOUNG CHINESE CAUGHT RED-HANDED Information to the police of an oflence alleged to have been contemplated on the night of June 20 led then to take precautionary measures On arrival at People's Park the Inspector in charge of the posse was further told that a young Chinese was
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 12 Renec Floriftiy, the talented French pianiste, who will five recital at the Victoria Memorial Hall on June 2&
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  • 57 12 AJIRS. Mary Elizabeth van der Merwe, B A of Pretoria. South Africa. was married to Mr. Alfred Edward Brooker. of Pahang, F.M.S., at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday by Archdeacon Graham White. The bride, who recently arrived from Pretoria, is a barrister and is the daughter of
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  • 544 12 'Looking Over Side To See Result Of His Aim" THE theory was advanced at the in- quest yesterday of Flying-Officer R. Talbot Smith (aged 23) of No. 36 (T. 8.) Squadron, RAF., Singapore, who was killed when his machine crashed during flight diving-bombing practice
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  • 51 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Saturday. The following have been gazetted as members of the Johore Bar Committee for the current year Hon. Mr. M. Ismail, Mr. John Laycock, Mr. S. C. Ooho. Mr. H. H. Norris, Mr. M. V. PlUal and Mr. O. H. Toh
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 465 12 SHE HAS LOST OVER A STONE Now Kruschen is Reducing Her Husband, too She was so successful in reducing her it that her husband is following the same method. He has lost 4 lbs. In the first fortnight. This is what the wife writes:— "I found I putting on
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    • 135 12 The challenge of a champion; EXCEPTIONAL power at low speed and economical power at all speeds are characteristics of Studebaker's champion truck engine. No other engine in the low-priced field can match Studebaker in performance, economy and dependability. The Studebaker engine is built to exacting standards for use in Studebaker
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    • 178 12 SCHULH£!M XABAN DJAHE Su.-r.Rtras Oostkust 1200 mil. M. Dnt«rrlcht in dcutscher Sprs<he: Grundschule. Realsrhul?, Realfcymna ium mil Intwnat und Kindergarten fur europn 1 Knabcn und Matichcn in gesundem K.ima. S<-hularzt arc Ort. Sport Waiutern Wrrkunirrrkhl MadchfDhandarbeiUn Gartenbau Musik. Lehrkrafte und Aufsicht rein euroDaisch. Ferien jmhrllch sweimal 4-6 Wochen (Jan.,
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  • 966 13 Malayan Musings: An Irresponsible Commentary On This And That "\l/HY work after tiffin in Singapore?" Such is the poser put by a Straits Times correspondent. The answer's easy. Why work before tiffin, or any o1 d time? BeThe cause, of course, Curse Of we need tne Adam. mone y There
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  • 148 13 VI. —HEATHER FROM HOME. The Flame of tlve Forest may flaunt its red r^hes, The travellers palm in proud beauty parade, The opulent orchid which strangely bewitches Max- whisper its secrets in dark jungle glade, But Vll love this heather, This rare purple heather, This sprig of bright
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 121 13 lasting beauty plus INVESTMENT VALUE. The Austin 10-4 shown in the picture above has proven itself one of the best investments in the world of motors. The public has learned to depend on Austin reliability to such an extent that the Used Car Value of these cars is higher than
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    • 306 13 MADE WALKING A TORTU R E For 10 years tho writer of th» U::>r below was ••pestered" by coius-5 of them. But she has finished with them cow. Read bow she did it "Radox Bath Salts have done marvels for i>mi feet. At one time my feet ucrc i with
      306 words

  • 1453 14 But Early Rain Makes Going Heavy FIRST DOUBLE TOTE PAYS $866 FOR ONE TICKET (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. PORTI.'NATELY the rain which came down earlier in the day cleared r up nicely in the afternoon enabling a large crowd to have a thoroughly enjoyable
    1,453 words
  • 376 14 course. Dato Paduka took the animal to the post again. From an even start Grand Catch led from Catspaw, Happiness. Stir Up md Ascot Frock, with Lady Diana last. At the bend Happiness joined the leaders with Stir Up third. Grand Catch led into the straight
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  • 48 14 London. Friday. For the first time in 28 yeirs It was necessary to postpone today's Senior Tourist Trophy motor -cycle race in the Isle of Man. A heavy mist reduced visibility to a few yards on the mountain parts of the course— British Wlre--•ss
    48 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
      32 words
    • 313 14 DANGERS OF IMPURE BLOOD 1 =^> The root came of most diseaMS ia impure blood. /^fij^^^. If you suffer from Skin Disease, £^fl Ulcers, Sores, Glandular Trouble, jBfHBj Boils, Rashes, Bad Legs, Rheu- 'i^SiSSIM n»ti*m, PakifuJ Joints, etc— j R^J^3 you MUST remove the CAUSE by purifying the blood. Clarke's
      313 words

  • In England Now
    • 519 15  -  Fred, J. Melville ISSUES COMPLICATED AND TANTALISING By THERE have been many interesting and fairly large collections of the stamps of the Straits Settlements, but none has been seen at any of the great international philatelic exhibitions to equal in magnitude
      519 words
    • Article, Illustration
      95 15 I LANFAIRFECHAN is one of those delightful Welsh seaside resorts that suit a family seeking a quiet restful holiday, where they can have bathing, boating, bc.vls, tennis etc., while enjoying the excellent views of the sea front. It is also a favourite resort for those energetic people who love long
      95 words
    • 164 15 Foreign and Colonial postage stamps changed hands in wholesale quantities at the London International Stamp Dealers' Bourse, which took place for the eighth successive year at the Hoi born Restaurant last month. London is today the world's cleat Ing h>use for stamps destined to rind their way
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 459 15 A BARGAIN IN STAMPS FOR Is. POST FREE. (or its equivalent in current unused stamps cf any country). WE will send you 50 different British Colonials. 100 different New Europeans, 20 different Air Stamp?, 1,000 Stamp Mounts, a perforation gauge and a specimen copy of thr philatelic Journal of Great
      459 words
    • 189 15 "THE POSTAGE STAMPS OF TH£ STRAITS SETTLEMENTS" by R. H. D. Lockhart. Th" only authoritative work on the stamps of the Strnits Settlement*, from 1854 (when ordinary Indian stamps were used) to 1525. Full details of the various surchargrd issues. Copiously illustrated throughout. Price 4/9. post free from the PubiUhers
      189 words
    • 87 15 SILVER JUBILEE STAMPS. We arc buyers of any quantity of used Silver Jubilee Stamps. Por good postally used specimens of Straits Settlements and Hong Kong we pay from 70 cents per hundred. Stamps damaged or perforated with firms' initials nv. required. Collectors v/ho prefer to exchange their Sliver Jubilee Stamps
      87 words
    • 108 15 CORNWALL. SEA MEADS HAMLET, PRAH SANDS. You are living in the tropics and want warm winter and mild summer climates when on leave. The east coast may be bright so is the south west. The east coast is cold the south west Is warmer. The North Sea is brown the
      108 words
    • 285 15 DRIVING LESSONS by experienced Instructors on 1935 dual-control cars will quickly get you accustomed to traffic signals, roundabouts, one-way streets, speed limits and other Innovations of London Traffic. THE CENTRAL MOTOR INSTITUTE Fincblcy Rd., Uampstead, N.W.3. has specialised In driving instruction for the past sixteen years, and Is easily accessible
      285 words
    • 359 15 LONDON. FINEST YET QUIETEST POSITION HOTEL STRATHCONA, (The Strathcona Residential Club) LANCASTER GATE. HYDE PARK. A few yards from H de Park and Ken&ington Gardens ■Buses and Tubes to all parts Het ana cold water and gas fire in bedrotms Ample bathroom'; Central Heating Lift In-luslve terms from 3 trns.
      359 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 210 15 Our Crossword Puzzle NOTE:— Figures in parentheses denote the number of letters in the word* requoreO. (CLUES.) ACROSS. 23 Vehicle (4) 24 Barrel (S) 1 Pillar (6) 26. Taverns (4) 4 Part of machine wheel (3) 27. Bpire (7) 6 Fair (4) 38 Small creature <>) 10. Oarment (6) 29.
      210 words

  • 619 16 S.R.C. TAKE THE FIELD TWO MEN SHORT R-A.F 2. li>|llD and a thin grey drizzle! A rain-soaked pitch and a heavy ball? Grimy players searching and searching in vain for a secure foothold on the slippery turf. And dominiting all, a keen
    619 words
  • 178 16 En Ties for the open singles championship League Syr.tern) for the Wee Oon Dol Challenge Shield, Sect Kirn Cheng's 8.P.. close on Saturday, June 29- The draw will take place on the following day at the honorary secretary* residence, 3 2, !0. Geylang. The fee will
    178 words
  • 47 16 The following will represent the SRC. against tho WiltshJres (third division) on Monday on the SRC. ground: C. A'.nhonso, J. Percira, D. Humphries. R. Barth. G. Windsor, L OHveiro. C. Oliveiro. N. Sullivan. G. Ferrapdt'z. A M Va!b?rg. P d'Almeida. Rcscr\e: E. le Mercler.
    47 words
  • 280 16 Taking first knock against the SRC on the SRC. ground yesterday the S.CC. first eleven had scored 135 runs for the loss of three wickets when rain put a stop to further play at the tei interval. Ashworlh, going <n first wicket down, scored freely and was
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  • 183 16 Universal Badminton Party's second annual celebrations is on July 7. There will be a tea party in the evening at the cement court and dinner at the Great World restaurant »t 8 p.m. After the tea party prizes will be distributed to the winners. Preceding the tea party
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  • 25 16 Mr. Joo Peng Lim. Interpreter, High Court, Alor Star, has gone on four months' leave and Is at present relieved by Mr. Lim Hock Chye.
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  • 900 16  -  Ringside LAST NIGHT'S BOXING AT GREAT WORLD By ANTICIPATION was not belied by realisation at last night's boxing at the Great World and the good number of people who braved the threatening weather were amply rewarded with four excellent fights. Interest was, of course, mainly
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  • 206 16 The Hottentots BP., Alor Star, in a two-day trip met the Railway Badminton Party at Sungei Patanl. Rer i were (Hottentots mentioned first) .sun Shulb and Wan Ibrahim beat Omar and Che Hashlm. 21—17, 21—10; Yap leng Yeng and Syed Mohamed beat Ismail and Che Babjee, 21—8. 21—1;
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  • 233 16 The finals in the Anson Badminton Party's tournament played during the week resulted as follows: Open Single* Sng Beng Teek beat Sng Seng Heng IS 5, 15 9. Junior Singles: Chan Foolc Kan beat Ho Cheong Seng 11—15, 15—3, 15—10. Wn'i Doubles: Sng Seng Heng and Lee Teow
    233 words
  • Article, Illustration
    20 16 Picture taken at the annual general meeting of Arab Peranakan Club, Singapore Mr. A. M. Alsagoff (centre) was re-elected president.
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  • 102 16 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star. The president and vice-president ot the Sunroc Badminton Party were at home to the members to celebrate their recent success in the Kedah Badminton Association Tournament. After dinner, the president, Mr. Lim Seng Cheong the v ce-president. Dr. Sundara Raj an. and
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  • 590 16 By Our Badminton Correspondent THE quarter final ties of the Singapore men's junior singles tournament were played off jn day, and the high standard of playset in previous games waa fully maintained. The winners were fully extended and two of the games went to three sets. Sim
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 223 16 Glands Made Young Vigour Renewed Without Operation If you feel old bofors your time or «\iif.r from nerve, brain and physical WeaknOM, you will find new happiness and health in un American medical discovery which restores youthful vigour n:nl vitality quicker than Kland operations. It Is .1 Kiniplo homo treatment
      223 words
    • 94 16 "REVUE AT ITS BEST 7.: THE SHOW IS CERTAINLY THE FINEST SEEN IN SINGAPORE FOR YEARS" J£ 5. Free Preaa. 21-6-35. S Europe's most Modern, Spectacular Entertainment THRILLS f_ SINGAPORE THEATREGOERS! *M^i IP A DIT rt I TWICE NIGHTLY W^f I VMT II UL 6 p. ami 9.30 **f PROFESSOR
      94 words

  • 838 17 WOMEN'S 50 METRE RECORD BROKEN IN HEAT (From Our Special Correspondent.) Muar, Friday. IN brilliant sunshine 400 Chinese athletes of both sexes marched on to the Muur padang at eight o'clock this morning headed by the (hung Hwa School brass band for the opening
    838 words
  • 179 17 A large gathering of members and friends of the Adamerean Badminton Party, Malacca, were at a farewell tea party given on their courts on Saturday, June 15, to the Misses Ho Yih En and Ho Yih Chien on the occasion of their forthcoming departure to China. The
    179 words
  • 64 17 The twelfth anniversary of thr Chinese Friendly Association will be celebrated shortly and each member will be charged $1. Quest cards are $2. Payment should be made to the honorary secretary or to the honorary treasurer, Mr. Sim Peng Koon co Frascr and Neave. Mr Chwee
    64 words
  • 307 17 The Medical Recreation Club of Malacca is simultaneously running a chess, draughts, ping pong and bad minton campetition. The following arc the ties for the various competitions: CHESS. Dr. J R. Jacob vs. Dr. V P. Xarier: Mr. S Raslah vs. Dr. S. J. Ctaong: Mr S. P.
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  • 28 17 The Commercial Cup fixture between the Straits Times and Municipal Services arranged to take place on Monday has been postponed. A date will be announced later
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  • 735 17 By Our Badminton Correspondent. Singapore. THE entries for the women's junior singles championship tournament, the only first round tie of which was to have been played off yesterday between Miss Waileen Wong of the Mayflower Badminton Party and Miss Chan Keng Cheng of the
    735 words
  • 522 17 •T*HE Inter-Team Tournament of 1 the Sunnydale Badminton Party for the Shield presented by its Patron, Mr. Tan Joo Soon, came successfully to an end with "B" Team (Swee NJan Hee, Tan Chye Lee, Yeo Kaon Guan and Paul Llm) winning the Trophy and the medals donated by
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 601 17 AMAZING NEW DISCOVERY GIVES INSTANT RELIEF from: I^K/j BRONCHITIS jgkSSSI BRONCHIAL ASTHMA /^^P§^ BRONCHIAL CATARRH /==S?V:Hj£^. p ASTHMA &B^g J DRY SEASON ASTHMA V'-'^F (Hay Feven 12,000 SPECIALISTS HAVE PROVfciO IT The phenomenal success of "Ep'iazone" ru r aUvt eff< t •EPHAZONE' IS has amazed the whole Medicai Worid. AESOLUTELY
      601 words

  • 3545 18 Singapore Malaya Cup Team Critics Silenced North Section Uncertainties Gunners Falling Off Padang Clubs At Cricket CINGAPORE'S Malaya Cup soccer team silenced their critics very effectively on Friday when they beat Johore by eight goals to nil at the Anscn Road Stadium. It will be recalled that
    3,545 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 105 18 I 6 Montht in LONDON! |j CA P I O L 208 Performances in NEW YORK! HBRPVUH OPENING SHORTLY 10 Times as gorgeous on I the screen hN V T^^Bf J^ FRED ASTAIRE and GINGER ROGERS j&^jj "THE GAY DIVORCEE 19 R. K. O's Wonderful Singing and Dancing Picture that
      105 words
    • 43 18 o I War in Studios 48 THE PICNIC ~jM "KONG!" R RR (HUfRN ■Mt 5 1 I WITH Tl*t«/ It yf W 1 1 its woskukT^^B-W?-^:* Hbar /^TiIST PRINK) /hCrTTt^ X? AND A OUICJS/ \L' C^£m {SNORE/ in 1 1 FRASER NEAVE LTD.
      43 words

  • 0 19
    0 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 136 19 PERAK TURF CLUB JULY MEETING 1935. IST DAT. S^TX'RDAY. JUNK M. 1»35 2ND DAY, WEDNESDAY. JULY 3. 1935--3 RD DAY. S m ■RIIAY. JULY 6. 1935. ENTRIES CLOSE AT 3 P.M. ON WED.YESI) Y. JUNE 19. 1935. Th? Sutecr ptions for Visiting Members shall be MEN $10 I.ADIT£ 5 fo.
      136 words
    • 180 19 pß^f^^ ..^luiN,". ii Ai'PENED TO XS%, FOUR HUSBAND WOULD W TOC FIND YOURSELF WTTHr X OUT MKANS? Why not MM M over with him now? Do you think he could bear the thought of your being left dependent on charity? He could provide both for you and the children and
      180 words
    • 252 19 SILVER JUBILEE SOUVENIR RECORDS Issued in commemoration of Their Majesties' Silver Jubilee, these three magnificent records present a stirring cavalcade of popular, martial and patriotic tunes-eve ry record with a strikingly handsome PICTORIAL SOUVENIR I.ABEL IN SIX COLOURS 8457- SILVER JU*U.EE MEMORIES (l»IO-»9#) M V_ HART I i -moimißclU,' Indian
      252 words

  • 37 20 "Tsk, Tsk. These Crowds Make Such A Mess." ivter. the chimpanzee at the London Zoo, was much displeased with the Whitsun holiday crowds who left behind much rubbish. Here he is helping his keeper to clean up.
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  • Article, Illustration
    15 20 The Pearly Kins and U.ueen of Kingston pick their fancy for the Derby at Epsom.
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  • Article, Illustration
    15 20 Two £trl Whilsua lioii««>i.i tl»ei.s taking things easy in the bathing pool at ClirtonvilL-, Margate.
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 20 Following the second serious incident on the borders of Italian SomaJiUiid when Abjrasinfctn tr;bt».i,..i arc reported tj have attacked Italian outposts. Signor Mussolini has ordered the mobilisation it further battalions for service in Africa. Here are tanks rambling past cheering crowds sn Rome.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 25 20 We are specialists in FURNITURE Bring your problems to us. SUN WAN COMPANY 83, VICTORIA STREET, SINGAPORE. I V /^Biß^ts^Ba l^^^^^^B^BT^B^r^^^^F^B^B^B^B^BT^Bri^BM^Ff^^^^^^B^Pv. 1 SOLE AGENTS MALAYA..
      25 words
    • 227 20 MODERN ARTISTIC FURNITURE designed and made by SUN WAH COMPANY 63, VICTORIA STREET, SINGAPORE. COMMERCIAL UNION ASSL RANCH CO., LTD. (Incorporated In England) Fire, Life, Marine. Accident. Guarantee and Motor ASSETS tG0.000.000. Arthur C. PotU. Manager A I'nderwriter Eastern Branch. SINGAPORE EXAMINE THE CLAIMS OF NUMOL THE RECONSTRUCTIVE FOOD SEND
      227 words