The Straits Times, 18 June 1935

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 304 1 SINGAPORE: 140, CECIL ST. ('PHONE 5471). Exclusive CRETONNES i GLASSWARE AT PASKOE'S I've found a New and Better Way to jt END i-^% UNWANTED HAIR A i tP- in 3 minutes Better than a Razor ■^^^■^^^^^■r j>i 1 ast sclence has discovered a Better Than A Razor y \^oB I§K
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    • 154 1 KUALA LUMPUR t 25. JAVA ST. f 'PHONE 3«83>. 111 Salute To beauty Having spent Forty Years in the delightful task of promoting loveliness by establishing an infallible method of ski?i care we return thanks to the distinguished women who have allowed us to maintain for them the flawless beauty
      154 words
    • 13 1 &Jr^ FOR j jpLOWEF^S I PHONE 4097 I lIS. Orchard rtoatf. (Amber Mansion-
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 291 2 SITUATIONS VACANT Uhr.i ipplying fur any ponlllon advertl»ed In these rutanuu a»iHl capita at testimonial*. Do not nend originals. vi Mil III) Operatni -lo 338, BtralU Tune*. tVANTIII i imm Reply (Uttlnii experl- talnrv required to Box 33 1 W'ANTL'D 1 In Cum\fiut be narian. able to organise Pr»111, BtralU
      291 words
    • 799 2 HOUSES. FLATS TO LET BUNQALOW 4. Angulla Part. Angutta 00. TO LIT. No. 115-B Meyer Flat*, Saa Frontasa. Mod-*n aanlUtlon. Apply Mnyar Brotbtra. TO LET, No. S Newton Rd. 4 bedrooma, 'bathrooms. Oarage At TrirnU court. Apply j. s Nathan la O» Owa ■trati iHingalow. Paalr Panjang. Rent 850 Vacant
      799 words
    • 882 2 WANTED WANTED. Aug. 1, 3 -bedroom novae, unfurMtatirtt with ni.«l un IVvx 317. HtraiU Tlmea. WAintD, ten* modem houM, TangUn •ultatte far meat or nett bauw. I 2». BtnUW Ttnm WANTED, unfuraWied roam nwr town bj y.Hing tody European Apply W No. Ml. HtralU Tlmea. WANTKO. «rall furntahed houae from
      882 words
    • 799 2 PUBLIC NOTICES SOUTHERN TRONOH TIN DREDGING CO., LTD. (Incorporated in angland) DIVIDEND NO. S The Board hae declared an Interim Dividend of 3H% Inat Income Tal al 4 (I In the I paytble In london on June 36 to all shareholders on the RrgUU-r on 13th lnst. which will be
      799 words
    • 753 2 BUSINESS CARDS. Etc Freak SUrk. UBBPVL BOOKS. PACINO FORWARD. Poems of Courage collected by J. Morris. 13 IT CAN UK DONK. Poem* of losptratten collected by J. MoriU, $3. ROW TO BAY IT CORKSCTLY. bf W. L Mason. $3. aCIINTIFIO DRKAU UOOK, by J. B. WaaUrfleld, $4 50. PRACTICAL PfIYCHOLOOV,
      753 words
    • 410 2 We make a practical study of your head and will a coirrura especially becoming to Y"u FIGARO Phona 2868. RArtLKB MOTH i11, .0n. I'Oi nnd al 93, BRAN nAMAII KUtli Prrnanitat Wave Rpecialbta $8 sio sis jn| y MASSAGE HALL MANICURE AND MASSAGE Mra. HARU and Mlaa HANA 00.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 137 2 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Singapore With i Mslitya Postage M..r.M.U 3 3.60 9* 9 *56 I *.5O 31T0O 3 7.50 I ..if t early ***** 334.89 ***** 1,. $.1100 JM«O 830.00 Natr Outstall..ii cheques should Inrla4e .1 bank c:i»count. ADVERTISEMENT RATES (ructkins for I inn \HM It I I I 'II NTS
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 468 3 P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England) MA IK PAfifiKNUSB AMD QABOfi I MAn* PASSBNUKR AND OABOO BKRVICKa PENINtSL'LAIt AND ORIKNTAI^ 3* N> 00, OUTWARD FROM LONDON FOR CHTNA AND JAPAN Due. Tonnage B'pore 1886 KAW/M i'INDI 17.900 Jl mil 9.100 July 4 md ll.soo Juy J
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    • 579 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS. GENERAL PASSENKER AGENTS FOR (TNAKD WHITE STAR r.INE. (Incorporated In Japan) Natfea. M"*° LONDON Naptw, MftnrlUM, London, Aalwrrp. RoUtrdam and NHMtenhi oogta. VQMOh i i hip S'WSHIMJ MAItU ll.iimi .Mine 20 17 HAKOZAK1 MARU 10,600 July 10 11 TKKUKUNI MAJJIJ 12,000 July 2J 2« IIAKU8AN MARU 10.B00 Au«
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    • 649 3 I'ASSENCER AND KREIRHT SERVICE. TO QBNOA. LONDON, ROTTERDAM. HAMBURG AND OOPKNHAUEN. From Prom Prom Prom B'pore Malacca Port Penang MA S'liam •MXONIA M/ 8 18/8 38/8 II ><i ■^■Ei 16/1 18/1 17/1 19 7 BORING I A 8/1 1/1 B'B 37/8 17/1 18/1 30/1 LAIANIJIA 17/0 17/8 18/9 309 H'M\NUIA
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    • 192 3 FRISIDRNT LINERS YOUR TRIP TO EUROPE VIA AMERICA on large fast steamers £71.12. Cliss £107.5.2 lit. Class ROUND THE WORLD EASTBOUND VIA AMERICA RETURNING VIA SUEZ. £117.4. Twist Ctiss £163.5.2 Ist. CHii Above fares Include Ut and or 2nd cl&ss (ares on any Line (roni Singapore to Hong Kong.
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    • 1061 3 rilk BLUE FIINNfL IJNK (Oman The llua Khlow Ble«mshjp (o (19SI) Ltd. Hlaam Bhlp Co. Ltd tad China Mutual f|, e Cunard White Star I.Kt Ttr^^^^a^ip l^.' Lid. ihl The China Navigation t)o., Ud. lid The AustraUao OrlenUl Line Ltd. Thr Slam Stram Navigation Co Ltd The Irrawaddy Flotilla Co
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  • 46 4 June 16: City of Batavia (Brit); Kami Muru (Jap.); Akabahra (Nor); Paula. Soedoe (Dut.h June 17: Petronella. Iris. Ophir. Makasser. Read, Both. Kepah (Dut); LlandUo. City of Wellington, Klnta, Hong Peng. Rahman. Jerantut. Sin Kheng Seng (Brit): Nachlsan Maru. India Maru (Jap); Michael Jebsen 'Dan
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    • 206 4 Spoons And Ash-Trays Vanish. New York, June 4. Souvenir hunters were busy already in the 79,000-tons French liner Normandie, and 500 ash-trays and 300 spoons are reported missing. Thousands of New York people cheerfully paid 2s. each to the seamen's charity today to laok over the
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    • 76 4 Arrived by K.N.I.L.M. from N.I. June 11: Mr. Lundon, Mr. Moore, Mr. Moroba, Mrs. Rottai. Left by K.N.I.L.M. f:>r N.1., June 12: Mr. Hemkes. Arrived by X.L.M. from N.1.. June 12: Mr. Kans Martin, Miss Dedel. Left by X.L.M. for Europe, June 12Mr. Hans Martin, Miss Dedel;
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    • 69 4 The General Metzinger is due at Singapore from Pondicherry on June 18 at 7 a,m, and will sail on the same clay at 3 p.m. for Saigon, Tourane and Haiphong. The Kidderpore has left Hong Kong :;nd is expected to arrive here at 4 p.m. on June 22.
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    • 76 4 The rate of exchange for the issue and payment of Money Orders is as follows: On India and Ceylon Issue Rs. 154= $100; On India and Ceylon payment Rs. 156 5100. On China:— Amoy $100 Chinese currency -=$7!> Straits; Canton $100 Chinese currency _$74 Straits (as for Shanghai);
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    • 25 4 The s.s. Hamburg Maru for East Africa. Mails previously announced as closing at 4 p.m. yesterday will now close at 2 p.m. today.
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    • 25 4 The s.s. Kudat tor Bangkok (Parcels only). Malls previously announced as closing at 10.30 a.m. tomorow will now close at 8.30 a.m. tomorrow.
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    • 137 4 Tuesday, June 18. Ships alongside the Wharves or expected to arrive. KEPPIL HAKBOL'R. Main Wharf Tug Prince, Tug Trebover, Lighter Kllat. Dajak. Gorgon, Boelongan. Nlcuw Zeeland Oil Wharf H M.S. "Suffolk." Coal Wharf NIL VESSELS IN DRY DOCKS. Tanjonf Pacar. Sheers Wharf NIL Albert Dock Nil. Victoria
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    • 298 4 Eatt and North India (Kumiang) 3 pm. Bagan and Selat Pandjang (Hong Thong) 3 p.m. Bengkalls. Laboean Bilik it Tandjong Balel (Rokan) 3 p.m. Fort de Kock, Padang, Pakan Baroe and Siak (Hong Kwong) 3 p.m. Tomorrow. Java and Southern Sumatra (By Aeroplane) (Netherlands) 6 a.m. Karlmon
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    • 131 4 KUM SANG, Brit., 3.340 tons, from Osaka 17, lor Penang 18. VAN HEUT&Z, Dut.. 2,748 tons, from Amoy 17, for Bel-Deli 8c Penang 19. GENERAL METZINGER, Pren., 5,492 tons, from Marseilles 18. for Saigon, Tourane and Haiphong 18. TAK.*DA. Brit., 4,223 tons, from Calcutta 18. for Japan via
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  • 156 4 Association Celebrates Its Sports Successes. The Siong 800 Athletic Association a Chinese club having a roll of over 250 members on its membership list held a very enjoyable tea dance and dinner at its spacious premises in Robinson Road, Singapore, yesterday. The occasion was in celebration
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  • 209 4 $61,890 Voted By Finance Committee. Reports of proceedings of the Finance Committee laid on the table at the meeting of the Legislative Council disclose provision under Public Works Extraordinary for Malacca improvements, including $30,000 for converting the old High School to a new Supreme Court building. The
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  • 85 4 After-Dinner Lecture At The White House. President and Mrs. Roosevelt entertained 74 guests after an official dinner at the White House with a lecture on "The Romance of the English Inn. The lecture, which was illustrated with cinema pictures of the older and more decorative public houses
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  • 78 4 fFrom Jur Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, June 17. Mr. J. B. Weiss. First Magistrate. Johore Bahru. spent fifteen minutes in the court this morning, there being only three cases. Arumugam, a Tamil, pleaded guilty to charge of stabbing another Tamil at about 11.30 p.m. last night at Jalan
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  • 72 4 Mails from Europe etc. June 12 uncertain by air (Netherlands). Malls from Netherlands Indies today by air (Netherlands) will be delivered to boxholders at 3.30 p.m. and general delivery of letters and parcels at 4.05 p.m. Mails from Holland today by Baloeran. Mails from China and Japan today
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 451 4 ELIERMAN BUCKNAM STEAMSHIP CO.. LTD. (Incorporated 'n England.) "ELLERMAN" LINE. FOR HAVRE. LONDON. ROTTERDAM HA.MXI !!(i. Via Port! and Snei Canal Abo accepting Cargo for Canadian and American ports via Colombo. Due SailsSteamer. Spore B'oore CITY OP BAGDAD June 29 July 7 •CITY OP YOKOHAMA July 14 July H •Calls
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 57 4 TIDE TABLE. June 18. !1 W. 12 35 noon. 8 it. S in.. 11.35 p.m., 9 ft 8 in. 1.. W. 5.46 am.. 0 11. 3 ill 5.37 p.m., 4 ft 6 In. -■'»>. June 19. H W. 1 15 p m 8 ft. 3 in. L. W. 6 28
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    • 69 4 SINGAPORE WEATHER REPORT. Stations Yesterday Last nigbt Max. Ralnrall Bright Mln. temp. ins. Sunshine temp. •r hrs. "F Alor Star 88 044 9.5 75 Sltiawan 89 0.11 6.3 73 Kota Bharu 90 0.18 10.3 72 Buklt Jeram 87 0.09 7.9 72 Malacca 84 Nil 8.3 72 Singapore (Kaiiang Aerodrome) 86
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  • 204 5 FORMER FOREST OFFICIAL. SECOND MARRIAGE ALLEGED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 17. The divorce petition by Muriel Florence O'Hara for the dissolution of marriage with Grenville O'Hara, formerly attached to the Forest Department, Rawang, was heard today by Mr. Justice Cussen in the Kuala Lumpur
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  • 80 5 The Persekutuin Melayu, Kuan tan. has been recorded within the State of Pahang The Teluk Anson Japanese Association, Teluk Anson. and the Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall. Kuala Lumpur, have been registered. The Kampar Physical Culture Association. Kampar and the Technical Association of Ma'.aya, of Kuala Lumpur, are called
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  • 363 5 Echo Of Motion Against Advocates. When the Court of Appeal assembled in Singapore yesterday. Dr. C. H. Withers Payne applied for leave to withdraw an appeal filed by Mr. A. in the matter of the motion against the three advocates and solicitors, which matter had since been
    Agencies  -  363 words
  • 37 5 A tiger was killed on Wednesday night last in Ulu Chemor by some Malays, who conveyed the carcase to Ipoh to obtain the usual reward The tiger was a young one, about four feet long.
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  • 114 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. June 18. Presiding at the annual meeting ot the Perak Mining and Planting Association, yesterday. Mr. Leong Bln Nam, referring to the Mining Ena.tment Amendment, stated that the Introduction of the new section Number 77. requiring registration
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  • 57 5 The Resident of Perik has apolntcd Mr. A. E. Rambaut, Conservator of Forests, to officiate as Deputy State Forest Officer. Perak North. Mr. T A. Strong. Deputy Conservator of Forests, to officiate as Deputy State Freest Officer. Perak South, and Mr H 0. Dolman. Deputy Conservator of Forests,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 221 5 LOST 1 Ib. A WEEK FOR 20 WEEKS Woman's Delight at Slimming Success How would you like to lav 20 lbs. of fat In ao weeks, and at the same time FMTMM your energy and Improve your health? Ott weighed to-day and not* your weight, then buy a bottle of
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  • 488 6 IN the House of Commons Mr. D. G. SomervlUe gave notice to ask the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether any decision had yet been reached as to the establishment of a broadcasting station in Jamaica; whether it is proposed that such station should
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 6 llrrr von Kibbentrop who heads the delegation of naval experts which is in London for the AnrloGerman naval talks
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  • 196 6 WORK OF 'VARSITIES CHINA COMMITTEE. London, June 17. Mr. Qoo Tal-chl. Chinese Ambassador in London, had luncheon with members of the Universities China Committee on Saturday on the occasion of a meeting to adopt the annual report. The report shows there are now 35 Chinese Indemnity
    Reuter  -  196 words
  • 207 6 How Cadets Learn To Parachute. A thrilling film of the Royal Air Force, produced by Mr. John Bc-tts. is being presented in London under the title, "R.A.F." It shows the training of pilots and aircraftsmen from the day they enter the force till their training
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  • 239 6 MR. JAMES O'NEILL CHOSEN. It is authoritatively stated in New York that President Roosevelt has selected Mr. James O'Neill, one of the vicePresidents of the Guaranty Trust Co. of New York as head of the new N.R.A., in succession to Mr. Donald Richberg, whose resignation took
    Reuter  -  239 words
  • 399 6 Lord B!edisioe And An Economic Counci\ Lord Bledisloe was the guest af honour at a dinner of welcome arranged by the Gloucestershire Chamber of Agriculture and held in the Guildhall, Gloucester. Replying to a toast proposed by Lord Wemyss, Lord Bledisloe congratulated the Chamber on the altered
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 93 6 j VICTOR RADIO ■iJ A It9l ■IKf .i£ -«*i jfF l -fulfil lit. '^ia' "?i ITOBh P Nothing can commend R. C. A. Radio more convincingly than allowing it to apeak for itself. At your behest it will bring in tbe speech, new.«, views, and entertainment of the World: YOU
      93 words
    • 63 6 Avoid DISAPPOINTMENT And ensure correct exposures to all your pictures by using an EXPOSURE METER. We stock Justodrem, Justophot. Dremoscope. Bewi, Ombrux, Blendux, Photoskop, Weston r*Singapore Photo Co. 37-39 High Street, Singapore. Phone: 6389 ™b»s^H l™^] COAL TAR .More economical than paints ■an to apply lasts longer. Writ* (or our
      63 words
    • 96 6 PHILCO 1935 ALL- WAVE AC. D. C. Maim or Battery Operated RADIO RECEIVERS and RADIOGRAMS. specially boilt far tiw Traaics DnSMWliatt— s In y m r on k one Nat sHtftton what— nsr. M| |WMtMd by the ONLY Me A«enta Phtaawrtws \Tm 8.5., F.M.S., D.E.1., Boron (Ham). RADIO SERVICE Co.,
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 468 6 FULL BROADCASTING PROGRAMMES FOR MALAYA. 8.8.C. PROGRAMMES. TODAY. Transmission 2 CM 9J5 p.m. G.S.F. 14J44 ac (19.82 SB.) ana G.B.G. 17.794 ac/l vI&J6 SB.) 6.20 p.*. Big Ben. The New Victoria Cinema Orchestra, directed by Sydney Phasey. Relayed from the New VJctoria Cinema. Bradford. 7.45 Talk: "Foreign Affairs."* 7JM Greenwich
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    • 199 6 drome Theatre, Birmingham. 834 The News. 9.05 pjn. Close dcron. Transmission 3 9.2» pjn. Big Ben. The Birmingham Hippodrome Orchestra. Relayed from the Hippodrome Theatre. Birmingham. 4.*S Empire Bookshelf— No. 8. Reading of extracts from "The Kruger National Park" by C. A. Yatcs. 9.54 Tne Bournemouth Municipal Orchestra: leader. Bertram
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    • 300 6 PHOHI-HOLLAND. 750 pjn. Statiaa P.H.I. 11.1U ke'i (ISjH sb.) THURSDAY, JUNE 21. 7.S* p.m. Opening announcement, t.OO Concert by the Resident Orchestra of "lie Hague. 8.45 Records. 8.54 News from Holland. ».O5 The Resident Orchestra of Tbe Hague (contd.) 9.23 Talk. ».4O The Resident orchestra of The Hague (contd.) 9.55
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    • 586 6 SINGAPORE. rill 1111 A H. t, Singapore.— Wavelength 49.9 metres.— Owned and operated by Radio Service Co., of Malaya 1934. LM.. Broadcast Bouse, No. 2, Orchard R4., Singapore. TOMORROW 8 pjn. Recorded music. 6.45 pjn. News bulletin supplied by Straits Times. Stock and share report, sopplied by FTaser and Co.
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    • 251 6 Dance music by Adalbert Lutter. ltM p.m. Close down. TOMORROW 6.20 a-m. njimmfli i «-lt Light gramophone music. 6.50 Time signal. 7.05 a.m. dose down 10.50 a-m. Popular gramophone concert. 11.54 Time signal; Light classical morning concert (gramophone) itJU p-sa. Lunch concert by the Omroep Quintet. 12.5* Thf B.B.C. Trio
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  • 464 7 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. S. B. Sinha Returns From India FM.S. Chinese Becomes Naturalised. Mr. F. N. Chasen. Curator of Raffles Museum. Singapore, Is on a visit to Kelantan. Col W. Cave 3rown is staying at j the Adelphl Hotel He arrived from home yesterday Mr. P.W. Bkene. the Kota Tinggi
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 192 7 EVERYBODY'S TALKING ABOUT THIS LAUGH SHOW! Tlu-rc is not a foot in this film tluit does not lure a laugh. To say that it is funny is to say the least. Free Press 17-6-35. I capitol i T> :,';v.,v" i The Funniest English Actress on the Screen Today —In a
      192 words
    • 304 7 UAUDD "I STARTING ALHAMBKA toiimt 6.15 9.15 JOHN ERSKJNE'S HUMOROUS COLLEGE ROMANCE! i A FOX PICTURE WITH f\Cvi\ MAE MARSH fame, for her great role in "OVER THE <^\l\ A\^^^C HILL" beautiful and gorgeous. VW^^J k m\\ ARLINE JUDGE riL f^^ ANITA LOUISE V* with TOM BROWN M^k At last
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    • 296 7 1 j TONIGHT 6.15 9.15 I SgT"^ PAVILION J*^fc A FINE PICTURE HIGHLY j ';l+-<* RECOMMENDED SPLENDID ENTERTAINMENT Press and Public alike praise First I National's grand Film "The Woman in Red" sumng BARBARA STANWYCK with GENEVIEVE TOBIN jf l)U VI d l« Ei a^K I B^v \tv l^ 9tw
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 250 7 Today's Crossword Puzzle ito 17 »j i&~ zo 21 5a Hi 28~ ||33~34 35" g HH 3 V IB NOTZ;— Figures In parentheses denote the number of letters In the words required. (CLUES.) ACROSS. 20. Mixture of metai (5) 21. Edges (5) 3. Hit (5) 22- Boat (5) 8 Pivot
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  • 186 8 U.K. Rubber Stocks Up 1,019 Tons. From Our Financial Correspondent. Singapore, June 18. There was again practically no change in the local rubber market this morning, which remained dull with a little business passing. U.K. stocks increased last week by 1,019 tons to 170,090 tons. Both tin
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  • 78 8 Noon, June 18. Buyers. Sellers. No. 1 K. R.S.S. in cases (F. 0.8.) June 21 21i/ 8 (iood F.A.Q. in cuses (F. 0.8.) June 20V4 20% No. 1 K. R.S.S. (Spot loose) awardable Tone Of Market:— Quiet. Latest Cable: London Spot Sh.jet 6 3 16d.
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  • 47 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, June 17. Today's closing prices on the London pepper market were as follows: White Muntok, unchanged at 9%d. in bond. Black Lampong, spot 3 a 16 buyers. The market was steady. Stocks: white, 18,877 tons; black, 2,168 tons.Etraits Times copyright.
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      • 590 8 Issue Val Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers Fruer ft Co. Lyall ft Evatt 4/. Ampat Tin £1 Asam Kumbang £1 Austral Malay 5/- Ayer Hltam 1 Ayer Weng £1 Bangrln Tin £1 Chenderlang 50 Hltam Tin 1 Hong Patt 5/- Pong Kong Tin 5/- Idna Hydraulic 1 Jelebu Tin 20
        590 words
      • 407 8 2 2 Alex Brick Ord. 1.30 1.35 1.30 135 2 2 do 7y 2 '/o Prefs. 1.70 1.80 1.55 1.75 iO 10 Atlas Ice 12.00 12.50 11.50 12.50 £1 £1 B. A. T. 62.0 6.6.J 121/- 125/140 B. M. Broadcasting C.o2'bdis 0.02 2 prr. 10 5 B M. Trustee
        407 words
      • 159 8 SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL. 5% 1901 red. 1940 $400,000 Int. Mar. 31 Sept. 30 110 112 norn 4&% 1907 red. 1947 $1,600,000 Int. Mar. 31 Sept. 30 114>/ 2 H6V2 norn 4' 2 1909 red. 1955 $1,000,000 Int. Mar. 31 Sept. 30 118 120 norn 4 1913 red. 1963
        159 words
      • 338 8 (Shares are Si unless otherwise stated) Allenby Ale- Gajah Amal. Malay ($2) Ayer Hi tarn Ayer Molek Ayer Panas Bassett Batu Lintang Borelli Brogas Brunei ($5) Bukit KatH Bukit Kepong Bukit Timah ($10) Bukit K. B. Chaxigkat Serdang Connemara Olenealy Plantations Haytor Indragirl Jeram Kuantan (.50) Jimah Kamasan
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  • 219 8 The following are the exchange rates this morning according to the dally circular Issued by the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation ■JIM London. 4 months' sight 2/4 1/32 London. 3 months' sigh. 2/4 London. 60 days' sight 2/3 31/32 London. 30 days' sight 2/3 15/16 London, demand
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  • 88 8 London, June 17. Today's exchanges, closing mean rates, were: 'arts lew York lontreal IrusseJs leneva msterdam Ulan ierlln tockholm openhagen Bio ienn» rague [adrld elslngfors icva 74% IJsbon llO'i 4.925. Athens 515 KUen Bto 4 24.12 seUers. official. 15.07 ">4 Belgrade an 7.294 Buenoe Aires 18 59 31
    88 words
  • 63 8 The Extern Extension Telegraph Company announces that the transit time on full-rate telegrams from Singapore to London on June 17, was as follows Telegrams handed In up to 5.00 p.m. 10 mln. Telegrams handed In up to 5.30 p.m. 17 m n. Telegrams handed In up to 6.00
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  • 201 8 OulKllyvrCi J UIIC 10, \i* iiuuii. Borer. Seltec Oambler 6.00 Java Cube 10.00 Hamburg Cube 10.00 White Pepper 19.00 White Muntck Pepper 20.00 Black Pepper 11.75 Mixed Black Pepper Copra, sundrled 4.35 Copra, mixed 4.00 Fair Flake Tapioca 3.50 Small Flake 4.00 Med. Pearl Tapioca 5.30 Small Pearl Tapioca
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  • 89 8 Kerosene oil Shell and Fish $4 36 for $4.46 and Cross $4.46 for two 4- gallon tins. Devoe's Imperial Brilliant, $2.43 per tin of 4 Imp. gallons: Sylvan Arrow $2.23 per tin of Imp. gallons. Motor spirit per Imp. gallon Shell aviation ex, 4 gal, drum $1.07 Shell motor spirit
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  • 53 8 In Hands Of Bandits For A Month. Peiping. June 17. A message from Kaiying says that Father Henry J Bush, an American Roman Catholic priest, has been rescued by Chinese troops at Huangpl on the border of Klangsl and Kwangtung after a month in the hands
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 81 8 Lyall ii Evatt's dally report, dated June 18, states: MINING. Quiet. U. Klangs 1.13 1.15. S. Ways buyers 2.62Vi. Rantau prfs. sellers 86. liuchais 71 74. Souths buyers 38 '4, Pungahs 22 6 23 3. Pahang Consols, sellers 10 8. RUBBERS. Steady. Mentakabs 41'j <"/'.. I M. PindAS
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  • 21 8 The United States statistics published yesterday in the financial columns were of rubber and not tin, as was stated.
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  • 68 8 DIVIDEND OF TEN PER CENT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, June 15. Sungel Krlan Rubber Estate. Ltd., reports a profit for 1934 of £16.057. compared with £2,843 the previous year, and a dividend of 10 per cent, (against 2Vj per cent.) Is recommended. The carry- forward Is
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  • 120 8 British Interest And The Monopoly. London, June 17. In the House of Commons replying to Mr. Peter Mac Donald, Sir Samuel Hoare said no reply had been received from Japan to the British protest against the establishment of an oil monopoly in Manchukuo. Meanwhile the
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 127 8 IN RED ABUT. Outlaw Hordes Leaving Sikang Province. Yunnanfu. June 18. The Chinese Reds' attempt to gala a foothoid in Slkang Province, preparatory to set'ing up a Soviet Republic, have apparently failed. The Reds have evacuateJ Kanchi and Chenchiashan. Sikang bord;r towns, and are moving northwards back
    Sin Kuo Min  -  127 words
  • 66 8 Big Ship-Building Contract. Shanghai. June 18. The Soviet Government has opened negotiations with the Japanese Government for the building of 24 steamers, several of 6 000 tons displacement, for the Soviet merchant marine, says a Tokio report. The Soviets offer to make payment out the money
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  66 words
  • 38 8 According to a Changchun report, a message has been received from the Tokio War Minister ordering that further efforts should be made to stamp out Chinese volunteer activities In Manchukuo. Sin Chew Jit Poh.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  38 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 74 8 DDD ascription If yon ar* toflerer from Kcxema, Ringworm, Uliobie* Itah. Salt Rheum, Prickly Heat. Hauriina, Singapore foot, Itching fcjuuuuu* aud Kubi*, DM 0 UH. Praacriptioa Jurt taw leap* of Uus marvaliou* lotion and rua b»i« uwtant rifei. Imlatioa vud p*u> gttm at atux. aao a law tpplioaUuu* fiii uituaUy
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    • 1988 9 OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK COMMENT. INCREASED ADVANCES TO CUSTOMERS. The third annual general meeting of the Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation, Ltd., was held at China Building, Chulla Street, Singapore, on June 15, with Mr. Ghee Swee Cheng, chairman ot the board of directors, in the chair. The others present
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    • 11 9 Rubber crop report for May.— Buklt KatU: 17.671 lbs.
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    • 1179 9 DEMAND FOR DIESEL ENGINES. NEW WORKSHOP BEING BUILT. The eighth annual general meeting of Thornycroft (Singapore), Limited, was held In the company's offices a'. Tank Road. Singapore, yesterday. Mr. P. M. Scott, in the unavoidable absence of Mr. H. Elphlck. took the chair, and those present Included Messrs.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 599 9 BANKING. HONG KONC SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated In tht Colony ot Hong Kong) The liability of members is limited to the extent and In manrer of pre^rlbcd by Ordinance No. 8 of 1929 of the Colony. HEAD OFFICE: HONG KONG. Authorised Capital 0 Issued and fully pa«d up $20,000*00 11
      599 words
    • 396 9 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporated In England by Royal Charter H53) Paid Up Capital In 600.000 share* of £6 each nounoot Reserve Fund £3.000 000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors.. £3.000.009 BEAD OFFICE: M. Badwaafßto. London EX. S. A(**w aad Braacfcea, Amrttsar Iloilo Saigon Alor Star Ipch
      396 words

  • 123 10 ALHAMBRA Bachelor of Art with Tom Brown. Mac Marsh Arllne Judge 6.15—9.15. CAPITOL Things Are Looking Up with Cicely Courtneldge 6.15—9.15. GLOBE THEATRE, GREAT WORLD Rebel. GREAT WORLD Cabaret— King of The Arena. HOLLYWOOD. U. SEEANGOON ROAD Trouble Peg of My Heart with Marlon Davles 8 p.m. BtARLBOROUGH Nallathangal
    123 words
  • 803 10 Cynics assert that the League of Nations cannot preserve world peace but that arms manufacturers can if they have a mind to do so, and (as the ultra-cynical suggest) cannot see greater profits in war. Talk of that "next war,"
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  • 41 10 Monday, June 17. His Excellency presided at a meeting of the Legislative Council held at the Council Chamber, Government Offices this morning. Hon. Mr. J. S. W. Arthur and Hon. Mr. O. W. Bryant had luncheon at Government House.
    41 words
  • 805 10  -  C. E. M. Joad) (By The Freudian System For Their Interpretation. Of recent years psychologists have Increasingly turned their attention to the significance or dreams, with the result that they have found them very significant Indeed. Particularly the psycho-analysts For psycho-analysis our mental life
    805 words
  • 752 10 fUESTS of the North German Lloyd received a shock yesterday when they turned in at gate No. 4, Tanjong Pagar, and saw the enormous superstructure and strangely shaped funnel of the Scharnhorst towering above the godowns. This funnel, painted yellow, is not the usual cylindrical shape
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 79 10 JLH \v^ D ***>*&3f """""""■mat „c" 3 .«~>>!3 j Callard Bowser J**WL productions have been .ss&J*~*k^J JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. i Incorporated in Biglandi SINGAPORE. RI'ALA LUMPI'R, PENANG and IPCH. English Docks Long Island Ducklings English Ch ickens English Australian Capons Selected Turkeys' English' Pheasants Quail English Pigeons 1 1
      79 words
    • 46 10 FOR ONE WEEK ONLY COMMENCING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19 SPECIAL 20% DISCOUNT OFF ALL STOCK AT THE SMART SHOP 67 STAMFORD ROAD DIAL 6707. Stt/iss C(/citc*i S/iecitUisls' Alarm clocks from $3 50 BJHj 1 "^/"v." Fully guaranteed ladies' and gents' watches from $12 Opposite the New Pier.
      46 words

  • 676 11 "GRAVE VIEW" TAKEN BY KWANTUNG ARMY. PATROLS EXCHANGE SHOTS. British Foreign Minister On North China Situation. "LIABLE TO RAPID CHANGE." FURTHER incidents on the Charhar-Jehol border are engaging the attention of the Chinese and Japanese military authorities in North China. A Shanghai message states that
    Reuter  -  676 words
  • 118 11 DOES SHE WANT COAL MINES? (From Reuter's Diplomatic Correspondent.) It is learned that China has mad j rcprcsi n ations in London concerning j the Japanese invasion of Hope! with .special reference to the Nine Power Treaty. In consequence of Mr. Quo Tal Chl's visits to the Foreign
    118 words
  • 125 11 Terms Accepted By The Kwantung Army. Latest reports from Pelping declare that the first Charhar Incident has been "amicably settled," the terms of the settlement having been accepted by the Kwangtung Army. Gen. Shang Chen, new Tientsin garrison commander and acting Mavnr, yesterday told pressmen that
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  125 words
  • 14 11 Tientsin, June 18. The relieved Japanese KarriFan left for Japan today. Pouter.
    14 words
  • 55 11 The news Item "Air Mail Delayed" which appeared in Sunday's issue of the Sunday Times and yesterday's issue of the Singapore Free Press was misleading', as Rangoon is now the scheduled nightstop for Imperial Airways' eastbound services and the service In question operated to schedule throughout, arriving
    55 words
  • 105 11 INSTIGATED BY NANKING Hong Kong, June 17. The centre of interest In tile Canton naval mutiny shifted to Hong Kong this afternoon with the arrival In the vicinity of British territorial waters of the deserting cruisers Hal Chi and Hal Shen. The vessels are now anchored off Cheung Chow Island
    105 words
  • 90 11 The following contribution list to the Singapore Silver Jubilee Fund has not yet appeared In the Straits Times: Dr. H. B. Quentzer 50.00 Lotus Club 15.00 Officers and Staff, Marine Department, Singapore 160.00 Singapore Japanese Dentist's Association 50.00 Staff Office of Director, Medical Services 58.00 H. L. Vincent,
    90 words
  • 37 11 Berne, June 17. "Within the limits of its means and statutes the Bank of International Settlements has played Its role in the silver market," says a statement Issued today by the Board.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 128 11 Amir Saud To Be Received By King. WILL ATTEND COURT NEXT WEEK. London, June 17. A Muslim prince, Amir Saud, eldest surviving son of King Ibn Saud and heir to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, arrived in London today and was formally welcomed on behalf of
    British Wireless  -  128 words
  • 216 11 CANTON REVOLT PLOT SEQUEL, Canton, June 18. A first class sensation has been caused by the sudden execution today of Gen. Tsai Teng-hui, commander of the anti-piracy troops at Bias Bay. and his chief-of-staff. Yang Chi-suan. It is alleged that they secretly possessed a vast quantity of
    216 words
  • Article, Illustration
    16 11 Naval officers giving three cheers for the Kins after the Birthday parade at Shotlcy, near Harwich.
    16 words
  • 304 11 On H.M.S. Suffolk On Her Way To England. GUARDING PRICELESS COLLECTION. Storage In Big Square Boxes. Guarded as jealously as the honour of the British Navy which has them in its charge, millions of dollars worth of Chinese art treasures, some of them more than
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  • 176 11 Views Of France And Italy. BRITISH RATIO TO FRENCH STRENGTH. London, June 17. French and Italian replies to the British communication in regard to the Anglo-German naval conversations have now been despatched to London. The French reply v. ill be delivered tomorrow. In view of the
    Reuter  -  176 words
  • 55 11 London June 17 At Canterbury Cathedral yesterday the Primate (Dr. Lang) dedicated 92 pieces of cathedral stone bearing bronze replicas of Canterbury which are to be distributed to every Anglican cathedral within the Empire including Singapore Cathedral, as well as to the cathedrals of A'ew York
    British Wireless  -  55 words
  • 59 11 And Back To London For Dinner. London. June 17. Capt. Perclval. the aircraft designer, flew his Percival Gull light airplane early today from Gravesend to Oran on the North African coast, 1,400 miles. in 7 hours 10 minutes. He flew back and was in
    59 words
  • 109 11 Paris, June 17. It is believed here that the Government has sent a chilly reply to the Naval note. The Government neither refuses to adhere to the agreement in preparation In London nor assents to the understanding on which it :s based. It is believed that the
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 25 11 Government lias granted the petition of the Kallang sawmill owners to be given an area of sea frontaice on the Raffles Reclamation area.
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  • 106 11 79 Miles Per Hour On A Motor Cycle. Isle of Man, June 17. The Junior Tourist Trophy motor cycle race over seven laps of the mountain course. representing 284 miles in all, was won today by J. Guthrie, riding a Norton cycle In 3 hours, 20 mln..
    British Wireless  -  106 words
  • 344 11 General Lewin's Discussions. A NEW MALAY COMPANY. Scots To Have Machine Guns. IMPORTANT changes in the Straits Settlements Volunteer Force are mentioned by; Major-Gen. E. O. Lewin, G.0.C.,' in his annual progress report for 1934 which was laid before the Legislative Council yesterday. General Lewin has decid[ed.
    344 words
  • Article, Illustration
    9 11 Maj.-Grneral William G. S. l>ot>!>.< the new G.O.C. Malaya.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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  • 2931 12 Study Of Position In England, Probable Meeting Of Executive Council. SLI vl clearance policy was discussed in the Legislative Council yesterday when Sir Arnold Robinson moved that the balance of the $10,000,000 set aside for slum clearance should not be spent on any scheme
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  • 249 12 HUNDREDS VISIT NEW LUXURY LINER. Many visitors boarded the Norddeutscher Lloyd 18,300-ton express liner Schamhorst on her arrival In Singapore, yesterday on her maiden voyage. She Is now bound for Manila and China. The Schamhorst Is the first turboelectric ship to be placed on service In these
    249 words
  • 170 12 AND A SMALLPOX CASE. The X.P.M. steamer Van Heutsz, 2,700 tons net, has had ah unlucky voyage from China ports. When she arrived in Slnsarjore last night her master. Captain Helleman. reported that one among the thou- sand deck passengers had contracted smallpox, while another was toond
    170 words
  • 18 12 The "Singapore Merchant's Notebook" which customarily appears on Tuesdays will be published in tomorrow's Straits Times.
    18 words
  • 40 12 Invitations have been issued for the wedding at Tanglin Garrison Churcii of Lily Elizabeth, only daughter if Lieut, and Mrs. T. Betty, to Mr. Leslie Edward Tolley. on August 3. The reception will be held at Blakan Mati.
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  • 23 12 Mr. Lester L. Goodman will address the Rotary Club of Singapore tomorrow on "The United States as I see Them Today."
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  • 43 12 Mr. Justice Drieberg. Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Ceylon, has gone on leave preparatory to retirement. Mr. Allan Drieberg was appointed to act as Puisne Judge in 1927 and was confirmed In the appointment in the same year.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 138 12 The challenge of a champion: nk iBE/ mm /^^L^^^^^l^m EXCEPTIONAL power at low speed and economical power at all speeds are characteristics of Studebaker's champion truck engine. No other engine in the low-priced field can match Studebaker in performance, economy and dependability. The Studebaker engine is built to exacting standards
      138 words

  • 4901 13 Indian's Fatal Fall From Tree. SIXTEEN WITNESSES CALLED YESTERDAY. (From Om Special Correspondent.) Malacca, June 17. SIXTEEN witnesses v/ere called today at the trial in the Assizes of Inspector Richard Nunn, of the Straits Settlements Police, on two charges following the death
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  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • 446 14 CLUB LEAD AT THE INTERVAL. Stroobach Gives A Fine Display In Goal. THE S.C.C. II played their ninth game in the Second Division at Anson Road Stadium yesterday, but again failed to get a point being beaten by the Chinese
    446 words
  • 22 14 Fort Canning beat the SRC by two clear goils in a Third Division football match plared on the SRC. padang yesterday afternoon.
    22 words
  • 153 14 London, June 17. Today'* call-over for the Royal Fain Cup to be run at Ascot on Wedn 'sday over a distance of 7 furlongs 155 yards was as follows: 100 to 9 Law Maker taken and o-cred. 100 lo 8 Flamenco offered. 100 to 7 tasen. 13
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 73 14 L. V. Taylor To Captain Singapore XI. The SA FA team for the Malaya Cup match between Singapore and Johore to be played at Anson Road Stadium on Friday, June 21. will bo selected from the following 16 players: Abdul Rahman. Boon Lay, Chwoe Chua. Hor Khoon. H.
    73 words
  • 109 14 The annual football match between the Seniors and Juniors of the Medical College for the Yick Woh Hlng challenge cup will take place today on the College ground at 5.15 p.m. At the conclusion of the game Mr. Yick Woh Hing will give away the cup. The
    109 words
  • 470 14 SINGAPORE TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS. Cherrington C.K. Pang Have Great Tussle. A start was made in the Singapore lawn tennis open championships ye Roy Smith received a walk-over from K. Yano. The best match was that between E C Cherrington and C. K. Pang, which had to be
    470 words
  • Article, Illustration
    45 14 The committee of the Muslim Jubilee Sports wnich were held at Victoria Bridge School on Sunday. In this group are Messrs. H. Manjoor Sahib Mariear. 11. A. Alsagoff, Alikhan Suratee A. M. Alsagoff S. G. Mohamed Gows, r.lohamed Sheriff and Khain Mohamed. Straits Times Photograph.
    45 words
  • 59 14 Ignacio Fernandez asks us to state that he issues a challenge to Amie Raphael for a fight over any number of rounds the Frenchman may wish. "Leighton" understands that, subject to the approval of the Singapore Boxing Board of Control, a fight between Fernandez and Raphael has been
    59 words
  • 537 14 Mrs. Laing Wins June Medal At Bukit Timah. Thirty-one cards were taken out for the June Medal (Stroke) which was won by C. W. Watson wltn a score of 77—12=65 net. St. James' Cup. The following have qualified to play for the St.
    537 words
  • 411 14 JUNIOR KOLAPORE CUP PROSPECTS. Several Promising Shots Now At Home. (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) London, June 6. Major W. A D. Edwardes. who has for several years 'last done splendid work in training Malayan rifles shooting teams for the Imperial Meeting at Bisley, teils me
    411 words
  • 374 14 Universal Cars Carry Off The Tug -Of -War. The third annual athletic sports organised by Messrs. Wearne Brothers. Ltd. were held at the Anson Road Stadium in the presence of a big gathering. The companies which took part In the sports were Malay in Motors Ltd..
    374 words
  • 22 14 London, June 16. Mitchell of Derbyshire playing against Leicestershire took all ten wickets. His analysis was 19.1 overs 4 maidens 64 runs.
    22 words
  • 59 14 Tuesday, June 18. Football: S.A.F.A. League. Dlv. 11. WiKshires vs. Oovt. Monopolies, S.R.C. ground; Div. in. Khalsa Association vs. V.M.C.A., V.M.C.A. ground; Commercial Cup, Post Office vs. Fraser and Neave. F. N. ground: Friendly, M.P.H. vs. St. Joseph's Inst.. S.J. I. ground: Oovt. League. Div. I, Medical Services
    59 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 50 14 PABCO ENAMEL PAINTS SPECIALLY FORMULATED FOR TROPICAL USE. Quick Drying. L^^S Durable. Suitable for C^^SBrGV/ wood, metal Sy^^Tlr^^fjfj Complete range ***l^ $P of colours ik Jf stocked. MANUFACTURED BY JOHN S. CRAIG Co.Lm. GLASGOW Full information and colour card available from SOLE AGENTS SIME, DARBY CO., LTD. Y-erin MmKm 16
      50 words
    • 58 14 nH I Fjm Camera m T^^^/ Ik Mvl perfection KriiSfelHtt)! UL at very reasonable cost. PRICES: SIX-20 double lens $22. f.6.3. $27. SIX-16 double lens $24. 15^^51 f.6.3. $31. i^^fß Full raofe at ruaov mnd mppUes I 5 obtainable from oar dealers. 'C^ i '5 KODAK 1111 WITH VERICHROMK f^S^T^tt
      58 words

  • 1047 15 GREAT BOWLING BY M.S. NICHOLS AFTER TEA. H. B. Cameron I. J. Siedle Make 50 Each. COUTH Africa are in very grave danger of defeat in the first Test match at Nottingham being 147 runs in arrears with only nine wickets standing
    1,047 words
  • 154 15 Johore Soccer.' R.A.F. Beat Police In High Scoring Game. (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. June 16. Quite a large crowd attended the Johore State trial match this afternoon on the ground of the Royal Johore International Club. The game ended In a win for the
    154 words
  • Article, Illustration
    17 15 Shenton, the Wiltshire Regiment outside left, who is showing very sound form this season. Straits Times Photograph.
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  • 735 15 Malacca Sport. 1 Eight Records Broken In One Day. (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, June 16. The Government High School held their 14th annual athletic sports in splendid weather on Saturday afternoon on their own Padang, and a Urge crowd turned out to watch a varied
    735 words
  • Article, Illustration
    41 15 Olsen caught by the camera when be made a bad miatahe in trying to punch out a high dropping ball instead of playing safe. An Incident which gave the Malays their second goal against tbe S.C.C. last w*ek. Straits Times Photograph.
    41 words
  • 598 15  -  LEIGHTON." Conducted by Frisco Agrees To 50 Ib. Two Points For Storch Cup Singles. A Cricket Curiosity. Compliment Paid To Non-Benders. I WAS extremely pleased to hear that Frisco and Aide had come to terms and been able to arrange a match at the New World Stadium
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 161 15 POPULAR RECORDS FROM TALKIES THINGS ARE LOOKING UP B 6564 Things are looking up Jack Jackson's Orch. SWEET MUSIC NE 202 Sweet Music Rudy Vallee's Orch. FLIRTATION WALK BD 148 Flirtation Walk Eddie Duchins Orch. MARIE GALANTE BD 107 Its Home New Mayfair Orch. FOLIES BERGERE BD 136 Singing a
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      22 words

  • Correspondence,
    • 219 16 Recruiting Drive Begun In Singapore. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. With reference to Mr. Rajah's letter appearing In your issue of yes-terdays-date under the above heading, I wish to bring to your correspondent's notice as well as to the notice of all Indians who may
      219 words
  • 38 16 Riding with nl-s wife tnd 3-year-old daughter in Circular Road yesterd >y afternoon, a Chinese was slightly injured when his tricycle overturned. Wife and daughter nlso suffered cuts, and all were removed to hospital by ambulance.
    38 words
  • 691 16 Boulevard Planned. (Straits Times Special.) Malacca, June 16. A beautiful boulevard may line Malacca's sea-front within a few years. It may rival Singapore's Esplanade. About threequarters of a mile In length, It will front Banda Hillr Road from a point opposite the Rest House to
    691 words
  • 30 16 (From Ovr Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, June 17. A fire in the bazaar quarter yesterday was brought under control insld45 minutes but damage amounting to £25.000 was done.
    30 words
  • 143 16 Handed Over To Relief Administrators. Washington. June 18. President Roosevelt has handed over the gigantic works programme to the State relief administrators. Addressing the administrators at the White House, President Roosevelt expressed the belief that 1935 would see the beginning of absorption of the majority of
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 85 16 Addressing the students of Michigan University yesterday, Mr. Cordell Hull. Secretary of State referred to the "still deteriorating international situation." He did not think a new world war was inevitable nor did he believe that a major war abroad would Involve the United States.
    85 words
  • 92 16 Effect "Less Than Is Commonly Thought." The Association of British Chamber* of Commerce has made available copies of a memorandum (price Is.) on the subject of Japanese competition, prepared by Dr. T. E. Gregory, l^ofessor of Economics in the University of London. Judging by statistics of world trade.
    92 words
  • 98 16 Anti-Aircraft Work For Eight Battalions. London. June 16. At the request of the Army Council, eight London battalions of the Territorial Army have agreed to their conversion into anti-aircraft defence units, announces British Radio. An indication that this step was under consideration was given in the
    98 words
  • 132 16 At the meeting of the committee of the Indian Association veste-day a sub-committee, consisting of the following was formed to collect funds in aid of the Quetta Relief Fund with power to co-opt: T. Naraindas J.P., Jamnadas Purshotam, O. Ramasaml Nadar, B. Govindasaml Chettiar. P. Samy. N. A.
    132 words
  • 67 16 A 17-year-old Boyanese girl was drowned in a well in a Jurong rubber estate yesterday. It appears that the girl went to the well with her younger brother and was taking a bath when she fell in. The boy's crl?s summoned his parents, and the girl was found
    67 words
  • 45 16 Buenos Aires. June 12. The armistice signed between Paraguay and Bolivia provides that firing shall cease within 48 hours. This interval Is to give time for all part* of the 375 miles battle front to be notified of the armistice. Reuter Wlreley*.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 156 16 p iJBE^ IHBs Have sparkling teeth 1 this new way! A new special cleansing and polishing material contained in Pepsodent Tooth Paste exclusively CLLAN, sparkling teeth areimpor- cleansing and polishing material that tant to an attractive smile. Dim, it especially designed to remove film film-stained teeth mar the beauty of
      156 words
    • 261 16 Bedford The All-British Truck that does the hard work in Malaya All over this country these lorrlea can be seen carrying heavy loads at last i speeds safely and reliably. Hundreds are in use today and each month sees dozens more on the road. Bedford has surely created for Itself
      261 words

  • 2584 17 CONFIDENCE MUST BE MAINTAINED BETWEEN RULERS AND ADVISERS. Important Speeches At A. B. M. Dinner. UIU Frank Swettenham made a striking speech at the an- nual dinner of the Association of British Malaya in London on June -i. Stressing the importance of
    2,584 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 186 17 WRITING OF MILK! One ol the btst-accailiu-J pn .lessors ol m in. University of London said Tluit a large amount ol disease v carried by raw milk is no longer an opinion. I II la a fart --a fact as ut 11 atttstrd as any In Ihe domain ul medical
      186 words
    • 235 17 The reason why "GOLD LEAF" Tea has so superior a flavour is because the Tender Shoots are picked from the plant grown on the Highlands of Ceylon and blended by Experts. The contents of a "GOLD LEAF" packet contain no shoots of the plant that has to live in the
      235 words

  • 3571 18 MRS. RATTENBURY THE ENGLISH LAW OF MURDER From Our Own Correspondent. London, June 8 (by air mail). THIS week's big news from London Well, as a start, let me summarise it for you as published in the contents bills of our famous trio of evening newspapers, known to the i
    3,571 words
  • Article, Illustration
    63 18 The usual huge and happy crowds gathered at Epsom on the Sunday (June 2) before the Derby to inspect the famous course and to gather latest "information" about the horses which competed in the great rare of June 5. This picture shows Prince Monolulu, of "I've got
    63 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 35 18 40 Jrf Blue-Black $2.50 w* per bot. Special ai iftFlOlji try ?O TT D TT A LVL Y Obtainable at all dealers or VgS^H^ "Il^^^f/ WEILL MONTOR, LTD. THE ARCADE, SOLE AGENTS. SINGAPORE. 'PHONE 6046.
      35 words
    • 44 18 M "MAKOONKIHjP*'™* V ■Miffl We've a Case of •MASTERS-- Evert/one agrees theres no better companion tnan PHCEKIX CLARETPOP "But there's nothing like Phoenix's Claretpop for withering a thirst!" announced the 'Merry Trio' PHOENIX AERATED WATER WORKS. Phone 3463. We deliver. M A AS-3 1
      44 words

  • 69 19 Buddhist Disciple Commits Suicide In Temple. Miss Hertha Henschel. a native of Berlin, one of the Buddhist nuns recruited in Germany In 1933 by Trebitsch Lincoln, former British M.P. and now Buddhist leader, has committed suicide by hanging in Hwatlng Temple, on the top of Tlendai Mountain.
    69 words
  • 24 19 According to the United States department of agriculture, the country's hay crop in 1934 was about G7 per cent, of the average yearly yield.
    24 words
  • 23 19 German farmers are being urged by the Reich government to feed hogs, cattle and horses with the surplus crop of dried sugar beets.
    23 words
  • 63 19 The racing season of (He big or J class yachts opened with the Harwich Regatta on June 1. This fine picture shows Mr. W. S. Stephenson's Velsheda leading Mr. T. O. M. Sopwith's Endeavour just before a thrilling finish, in which Endeavour snatched victory by a second.
    63 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 266 19 INDEPENDENT SPRINGING in the New 1935 VAUXHALL LIGHT SIX i Independent Front Wheel Suspension or, as it Is more popularly known as r" ~s Knee-action springing, fitly takes Its place amongst the really great L^teJ I advances In auto mobile design that have been made in recent years It J
      266 words
    • 150 19 FACE TERRIBLY DISFIGURED Pimples Caused Exceeding Pain. Healed by Cuticura. My face, neck, chest and legs became covered with red, sore pimples. They were of a wet nature and caused exceeding pain, discomfort and embarrassment, especially as when they dried they left my face terribly disfigured with red blotches of
      150 words

  • 243 20 Over the Whitsuntide Holidays Machine Gun Unite "A" (Europoan>, "C" (Scottish) and "G" (Eurasian) Companies of ;he Singapore Volunteer Corps concentrated at Malacca for an instructional Camp, where "A" (European) Company of the Malacca Volunteer Corps had also assembled. The Singapore units some 100 strong
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
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    • 16 20 THE OCEAN ACCIDENT AND GUARANTEE CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in Great Britain) Dead Office for Malaya: SINUAI'OKE.
      16 words