The Straits Times, 2 June 1935

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 40 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA No. 180. Sunday, June 2, 1935. Price 10 cents 5 A. M. EDITION THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper in Malaya. No. 180. Sunday, June 2, 1935. Price 10 cents
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  • 317 1 POKTY-EKIHT hours between Sin HIM and Hong Koiir and 48 hours between Manila and Singapore are two iitcrestin? aims of the flight of two Singapore HI Bytes hi.ats. new equipment of No, 205 Squadron, R.A.F. apore, when they leave on their Imm i. ..(ii S.Tiicc
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  • 45 1 Toronto. It was revealed recently that a man in Toronto who was drawIng the dole lived in a 4.000 house and employed a butler Bto is on the dole no 1 on g c r— B.U.P. and Daily Express.
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  • 46 1 Swatow, Saturday. Passengers on outgoing steamers found with more than $25 are liable to execution, says a notification by the lDcal authorities. This measure Is designed to alleviate the financial crisis at the port by halting the outflow of money.— Sin Kuo Mm.
    Sin Kuo Min  -  46 words
  • 91 1 DAILY PRKFS (TRRENT. Noon, Saturday. Buyers Sellers No. 1 K. R.S.S. in cases (F. 0.8.) June 20 204 (iood F.A.Q. in cases (F. 0.8.) Jane 19 11/16 19 13/16 No. 1 K. R.S.S. (Spot loose, awardable Spore) 20', '20', June 20', 2<B« July-Sept. 20's 21 Ort -Dec. 22
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  • 125 1 INDIAN EARTHQUAKE: CASUALTIES 20,000 Lahore, Saturday. CKOM data available of the disastrous earthquake that destroyed Quetta, experts here place the total of casualties in that city alone at 20,000.— Reuter. Earlier reports revealed that, in addition to the heavy death-roll amon^ the Indians. 100 European, were dead and 200 injured.
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  • 142 1 The V.M.C.A. Hall was flll< i to capacity last night at the anniversary meeting of The Friendly Bands, an Institution which encourages social activities ..niong young men and girls Mr. R. Lyne was In the chair, and after the meeting had opened with a hymn and a prayer
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  • 79 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Saturday. RUBBER (Quotations as supplied by Symington and Wilson.) Spot (Buyers) 5 7 N d, (Sellers^ 6d. June 6 1 32 d. July-Sept. 6 3 16d. Oct. -Dec 6 5/16 d, Market Steady. SILVER Spot 33 V, d. Forward Id. CROSS RATE London-New
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  • 257 1 Well-Known Malayan Jockey Married Rilß. Arthur William Beven, the well-known Malayan amateur jockey, and son of Mrs. Leonie Beven, of Singapore, and the late Mr. Beven was married to Miss Sophia Whamond Farquharson, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Farquharson, of Singapore, at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd,
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  • 21 1 Mr. A. M. Nico!, a Kelantan planter, and Mrs. Nicol, who arrived in Singapore yesterday, are staying at the A<telphi Hotel.
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 1 Although he watered that he would "never, never" marry Princess Mdivani. the 22-year-old Woolworth heiress, when he arrived in New York, Count Kurt von Ilaugv. itz-Reventlow of Denmark is now honeymooning with the divorced wife of Prince Alexis. They were married at Reno immediately after the Princess had obtained her
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  • 444 1 GILLMAN BARRACKS READY NEXT YEAR To House Second Infantry Battalion NAMED AFTER FAMOUS SOLDIER THE Sunday Times today publishes first details of Gillman Barracks new Army headquarter.* being built for the accommodation of Singapore's second battalion of infantry. The barracks are located between Telok Blangah
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  • 81 1 London, Saturday. AN official statement from Buckingham Palace says the King's cold remains slight, and that His Majesty is working though remaining indoors. The King was seen during the morn- ing by his medical advisers who afterwards decided that he remain indoors today It
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 141 1 263 DRUG TRAFFICKERS EXECUTED Geneva, Saturday. AN appeal to foreign governments to support the Chinese Government's efforts to combat the drug traffic in China by preventing foreign concessions being used as centres of the illicit traffic was made by Mr. Victor Hoo at the meeting of the Advisory Opium Commission.
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • 49 1 SURVIVOR OF PAKNAM INCIDENT (From Our Own Correspondent. Bangkok. Saturaay. The death has taken place or Major Busch, a Dane, resident In Slam since 1890. formerly an officer in the Siamese Navy. He was one of the few survivors ct the Franco-Siamese collision at I'aknam in 1893
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  • 225 1 "TOURIST TRAFFIC GROWING" MR. J. C WALKER, manager of the local branches of Thomas Cook and Son. Ltd.. left yesterday by the s.s. Hosang for England where he will join the London office of the company he has served for thirty years. Twenty-nine years of this time has been spent
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 15 1 THE OCEAN ACCIDENT AND GUARANTEE CORPORATION, (Incorporated in Great Britain.) Head Office for Malaya SINGAPORE.
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    • 119 1 MOTOR POLICIES SIAMESE RICE MILLS CLOSE UNABLE TO FULFIL EXPORT CONTRACTS (From Our Own Correspondent). Bangkok. Saturday. The rice milling trade faces a critical situation. Market prices of oadi are soaring and the mills are unable to producrice in accordance with their export contracts. Several mills have been compelled to
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  • 1703 2 By The Marquess Of Donegall London. May 12. The R ght Hon. J A. Lyons, resplendent in gold braid, was at the dance a.l Grosvenor House on Thurs day. The Australian Premier came straight on from the banquet at Buckingham Palace. I hear that the Premier^ of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 82 2 PROGRESS! §2 JH wmm rllette liiil W^// Razors rJJ^ jBsHE^/s^lHvQ.> V/ y«* f by vet' Gillette world le»d«r« in V P'<>9'««» toward* D«rfcct skiving y ~"^i\l//lss Wk& V machinery Mtd processes by y which finer and Hill finer bUdct arc UU 3jjfx/^SiS \fe V pioduced Kee^> p*cc with progress '///■I
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    • 103 2 of being badly out-of-pocket when you can obtain indemnity at very rea sonable cost. Our policies give unlimited Third Party Cover, complete Indemnity for material damage, advantageous medical expenses In respect of Insured or Passengers and specified Personal Accident Benefits In respect of the Insured for Death or Loss of
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  • Article, Illustration
    103 3 'J'HE Isle of Man is a little world in itself, with its own parliament and its own laws. It contains in miniature most of the attractions of the leading holiday resorts in England— bracing or mild air, sea or country or upland air, rocky coast or sandy
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 897 3 WOKINGHAM BERKS. (One Hour from Hyde Park Corner Excellent Bus and Train Services. THE ©ifc "IRose snn offers a most comfortable home and makes an Ideal Headquarters when on leave. Under the personal supervision of GEORGE: GOLDSACK. Write to the Sunday Times for illustrated Brochure. DRIVING LESSONS by experienced Instructors
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    • 233 3 GUERNSEY HOTEL HOUMET DM NORD Is fully licensed and stands In its own grounds on the sea shore. The climate Is mild and bracing and usually holds •he record for sunshine. Inclusive terms from 3 gns. single. stt rns. double. Write for Brochure to Sunday Times Office. Cecil Street, Singapore.
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    • 316 3 May we send you our new booklet? In phraseology it deliberately refrains from super! it ives, yet it may help you to come to a decision regarding an hotel where you can LIVE rather than reside. Oocd tennis and good golf. It is possible to live at THE CREST HOTEL.
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    • 228 3 LONDON CALLS flr n INSISTENTLY W^*J md enjoy at either jJb^A. HOTEL REMBRANDT <f"J*r South Kensington. S W facing the Victoria md Albert Museum Q r HOTEL /S^^ RUBENS ''TlvSv Buckingham Palace Road. V# facing Buckingham Palace Every attention in pleasing surroundings. PERFECT qi'IETI'DE THF.SF COMFORTABLE HOTELS WITH ACKNOWLEDGED UNOIVJWD
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 272 3 Our Crossword Puzzle gl il^ NOTE:— Figures in parentheses denote the number of letteri In the words required. (CLUES.) ACROSS. jj Devours 34. Rank 1. Annoy (3) 37 Cereal plant (3) 3. Fingers of ice (7) 28. Pithy saying (9) 7. Watch closely (S) 39. Animal (3) 9. Sing softly
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  • 155 4  -  Birdman By /AN event which may lead to great things in the future of Malayan aviation took place a few days ago when H.H. the Sultan of Johore went up for his first flight in one of the new Singapore III flying boats and inspected Johore
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  • 631 4 of Johore Bahru, which has been much used by the Flying Clubs. Pressure of work forced him to dispose of his machine to the Kuala Lumpur Flying Club about two yea^s ago but he still puts in a large amount of his spare time as honorary secretary of
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  • 1080 4 Two Enemies Of The Poultry Farmer By Our Expert sixth or seventh week when they will suddenly appear stunted, a few at a time, with feathers standing out. two days after they will be prostrated on the ground and unable to rise. If the place is not disinfected at once
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 185 4 piHHB Tffij p» I v ml Beauty-'-'Pltts INVESTMENT VALUE With the new body lines to all models this year, Austin offers a car of really modern appearance, yet one that win not be quickly out-datrd. Years from now the Austin yon buy today will still be a smart car. This
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    • 285 4 "AWURMA" (For Worming dogs) A liquid preparation, which Is sure and safe for treating Dogs and Puppies suffering from round or tape worms. Price $1.00 per bottle. MEDICAL HALL LIMITED. CbembU. GREAT EASTERN OPTICAL CO. 275, South Bridge Road. Singapore. (Optician Mr. C. Y. FAN). Tele. 2164. CHARGES CHEAPER THAN
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  • 944 5  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By THE mooing of a cow during the broadcast of the song of a nightingale seems to have surprised everybody but me. Why? Because this same cow has been butting in on every programme ever since I was foolish enough to buy a wireless
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  • 622 5  -  Ely Culbertson By TN playing the defense the expert not only tries to take care of his own end by making the correct play or discard at every possible opportunity, but he tries by his plays and discards to make things as easy as possible for his partner who
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 159 5 MISCELLANEOUS A SURE LIVING WITH BIG PROFITS is guaranteed by selling HOSIERY, DRAPERY, UNDERWEAR, Men's and Boys 1 Shirts. Boots and shoes, etc. Regular lines of perfect goods. Shopkeepers. Marketmen and Bazaars supplied. Wonderful opportunity for beginners, good living and profit certain. ADVICE AND lIXI'STRATKD CATALOGUE FBEE. Send cash with
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    • 6 5 Champion SPARKING PLUGS fe \f mSS?
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    • 837 5 STUDY in YOUR HOME W*ffß&&&Jlsfr TIME THE BENNETT COLLEGE. SHEFFIELD. OPEN LETTER TO PARENTS Dear Sir or Madam.— When war children firrt arriveJ tSey brooftit with them a wonderful lot nl nanma. Later, yoa became proud of the intelligence they displayed, bat, (till later, yoa became anzieui n to what
      837 words

  • 745 6 Books Of The Week Collections and Recollections. By James Henry Duveen. Jarrold's 18s. DOMANCE and crime, adventure and roguery in no calling, surely, can they be more strangely mingled than in the quest and acquirement of art treasures, both for the opulent collector and
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  • 120 6 /"\NE of the most exct-'lent books v issued In connection with the Jubilee is The King's Book, dedicated by permission to His Majesty by the publishers, Raphael Tuck and Sens Ltd. It contains the official Silver Jubilee portraits of Their Majesties and then is a sonnet by
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  • 601 6 The Camberwell Beauty. By Louis GokUnr GoUancz. Bs. 6d. THE Camberwell Beauty is not exactly the sort of novel one would have expected from Louis Golding, the author of Magnolia Street, but is a good story, well told, and contains all the elements of a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 142 6 Tumblers— eight ll beautiful colours mHH PT A \AV VmSi'T^ bK^sbV A wonderful opportunity lot you to get one oi these lovely Odol Tumblers in a shade which will match eveiy colour schema. All y<> u have to do to get one oi these beautiful tumblers is to buy 10-day
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    • 169 6 SANATOGEN will soon put him right again" Physiaans know by experience, how quickly and surely Sanatogen will build up strength in debilitated patients. Whatever the cause of the weakness, be it illness, overwork or worry, Sanatogen cannot fail to do good. The phosphorus it contains is pur* strength to the
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    • 288 6 GOOD KING GEORGE'S GLORIOUS REIGN A Pictorial Record Compiled by J. Oliver $2.00 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS MOT The Life Story of King and Queen By David Williamson SI .'<) THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. SILVER JUBILEE RECORD NUMBER 1910-1935 With numerous Illns. and Colour:! Plates 53.00 KLLLY WALSH, LTD., (Incorporated In Hongkong)
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  • Readers' Stories Of The Uncanny
    • 415 7 Ridding Woman Of A Spirit f|NE eveninc. two years ago a Tamil neighbour came with horrorstricken face and troubled mind,, and Informed me that his wife was showing symptoms of madness. Our neighbours suggested Mala-1 yalam mantrika residing in that town, who was very clever In curing such j diseases
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    • 154 7 LATE one night I was passing the Mohammedan cemetery in Singapore In my car when I saw a tall shrouded figure of unusual size, all In white flitting from the tree, right across the valley. A -flash and it was gone. All of a
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    • 216 7 Lured By A Langsiak 1 LIVED temporarily at Pulau Tikus. Penang, and on a certain night I accompanied some of my friends for a walk. Nearlng some bunga tanjong trees my friends suddenly stopped talking and walked briskly. As a perfect stranger I did not know the reason and I
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    • 348 7 One evening I was in the house y^e- j paring dinner when I saw a Chinese woman dressed In blue blouse and blue trousers. She carried a blue paper fan :in her hand. Her hair was well combEd with a coiffure at the back. Her
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    • 213 7 FOLLOWING the old-fashioned Chinese custom of marriages a dinner was given to our relatives and lricnds of the fair sex on'the twelfth day of the marriage of my eldest brother, some eight years ago. Among those present were two women who were unknown and uninvited. Nevertheless
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    • 244 7 Three Towering White Figures JLIY brother and I were returning from Penang late in the evening on our motor cycles. A few miles from Bagan Serai, we passed a stretch of road with padlflelds on both sides. Trees overhung the road, and made It so gloomy that It gave one
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    • 70 7 *T*HREE years ago I visited my uncle living on Pulau Brain. After dinner I went alone to the nearby pier for it was a very beautiful moonlit night and small fishes could be seen gliding in the silvery water Suddenly a fierce and hairy monster like a chimpanze
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  • 114 7 Readers are invited to write articles of not more than 500 words on their experiences in Malaya, Java, Borneo or Siam of ghosU, witches, pontianaks or any other strange apparition or manifestation. A prize of $10 will be awarded each week to the sender of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 72 7 HY APPOINTMENT TO H M Tin. A/%'. He said to me— when I'm asked to have a whisky, I find it hard to say which s£6ot I said to him— ask for Red Label and you'll find it hard to say 'when. JOHNNIE WALKER BORN 1820... STILL GOING STRONG;.! SoU
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  • 1473 8 pjEADING the list of next week's gaieties, which come as a welcome break from the dullness of the days following the Jubilee celebrations, is the King's Birthday Ball at Government House on Monday By Our Woman Correspondent night. A function of this kind has not been held
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 294 8 GRAND OPENING June 10th. Aurelia's New and spacious showrooms, 5 7 9, Stamford Road, Capitol Buildinn. Special show of NEW MODELS In Millinery, dresses, florsheim shoes, hosieries, and beauty preparations. Many other new lines, imported specially for the bigger premises, will be added. Every article has been personally selected by
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    • 327 8 V. e* yX V >S >X^^ <^ a^H S^ *>1 BRINGS HEALTH AT EVERY MEAL I r^ Turfcc 'Jim Tnink of lhe 1011 life in M ala >a must I f/ vS^^T^^^Bl take of your vitality. The hot damp I lXl^^-T'--. /7JBR« ehmate. the bustle from work to Club or
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    • 63 8 SAFE MILK IN TNE TROPICS ■In reporting upon an analysis of "Bear Brand" natural Swiss Milk, an eminent London analytical rikamlat and bacteriological expert wrttss:— The Mitt is frae from the microbes of dfci— and putrefactive bacteria, in fact all attempts to cultivate microbes from this milk wtre failures. like
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    • 170 8 GRAND OPENING OF THE /X^Z O r -^^^^Vpffp^^Ba^A^^PJa^^^^--N. Rene Ullmann yJBf" W '^gfil AT I m V FOR ALL OCCASIONS ANNOUNCES that from JUNE 4th during the reconstruction of Nikko House, her temporary address will be 16 BATTERY ROAD Second Floor (Above Maynards) Phone 4974, Where GOWNS and SPORTSWEAR from
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 784 9 (By Our Own Correspondent.) Sunday Times Office, Fleet Street, May 14. I AST week, the Jubilee celebrations sent all other thoughts from my head, and I don't believe my letter to you contained a single note about anything that was not directly or indirectly
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  • 692 9  -  E. K. By /Vs'E'S underwear is equally im- portant as the dress for the beauty of a dress is often marred if the underwear happens either to be ill-fitting, made of unsuitable material or, most important of all, if it is not in harmony with the dress.
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  • 128 9 Remove the bones and skin from a pound of any uncooked white fish. Chop finely and mix with 3 oz. chopped suet, 3 oz. breadcrumbs, a little salt, pepper, chopped parsley, and two eggs well beaten with half a pint of milk. Make the mixture fairly stiff
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    • 126 9 JUETTIE, of Penang, sent me the following vexse. Next week I hope to receive several little verses wr'.ten by my readers themselves. This one is called Teddle." I have a lovely teddy bear He's almost two feet tall, My kind nurse gave my Ted to me When I was
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    • 90 9 KHY dear Children, I have received several letters from readers telling me how much they enjoyed reading last week's story about the adventure of the two boys at Changi. Now each week I want you all to help me fill this Corner with stories and verses written by yourselves. Write
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    • 241 9 /*>NE day Dick and Mary were returning from school when they heard a pitiful sound coming from the end of the garden. They went to see what was the trouble and discovered a little kitten mewing as loudly as she could. She lay hidden under a bush
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    • 54 9 W/HEN doer a greedy boy give away an orange When he has to (two)! What verse to It that no reader can fully understand The universe, of course. What is the biggest door Id the world? Labrador. Why Is a black horse hard to train? Because you cannot make
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    • Letter, Illustration
      111 9 "pHIS is rather a noisy game, but It is a Jolly one for a party. The players all take partners. One of each two is blindfolded and sits on a chair. The other player stands behind the chair. A book is hidden somewhere in the room, and
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    • 70 9 TTHIS week's picture is that of little Perdita Lancaster dressed in Malay costume. This tiny red-haired girl is well-known to many boys and girls for, although she is only five years old. she is a clever dancer and has appeared in public several times. Pcrditi's mother tells me that
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    • 116 9 DEFORE you start making this little kite, you will need a fairly large sheet of thin, but strong paper. This must be cut to the shape of a kite. Also, you want two Ught pieces of stick, which must be bound together to make a cross. Now.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1 9 Hi
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    • 87 9 NESTLES CHOCOLATE Orange chocolate Is rather unusual rather subtile in flavour and it tends to grow on one. The remarkable enthusiasm created by Nestles previous two albums has proved so encouraging that a third volume, on more ambitious lines, has now been issued. Such interesting subjects as Transparent Animals, Carnivorous
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  • 341 10 The Sunday Times TOTIDEM VERBIS fcUIIOKIAL. MANAGERIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICE Cecil Street. Singapore. 1 A THIEF cannot afford to be an artist at anything but his profession. Any surrender to atsthetic taste or to worldly temptation is sure to prove fatal in the long run. A gang cf robbers whose
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  • 300 10 Fumed Bandit To Seek Revenge AN injunction to honour and obey t'.ieir mother were the last words addressed by Shantung's notorious bandit chieftain, Blackfaced Chang, to his three daughters, the youngest of whom is only ten years old, when he was brought to' Tsinan to be executed. Chang, who was
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  • 296 10 TTWO stone lions of Peiping have been thoroughly cleaned up and every speck of the dust of ages on them, has been removed in vain. They will never see Paris now. A fiat has gone forth from the powers that be to the effect they
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  • 979 10 The Pace of Ananias ę Co. Conducted by Qnanias, Qui%, the Pickler and one or two other liars I'M not interested In the court proceedings thereanent, but I'd like to hear more about that process by which, it is claimed, a plkut of raw rubber can be converted into five
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 211 10 NEW WORLD SINGAPORE. Side Shows, Cabaret, Dancing, Talkies, Theatres and Cinemas. The World's most Glamorous Screen Personality in her Best Paramount Musical Hit. CAPITOL 3 SHOWS TO-DAY 3.15 6.15 9.15 MAE WEST In "BELLE OF THE NINETIES" with Special Added Attraction THE ROYAL JUBILEE CELFBRATIONS in London. Wales, Edinburgh Mid
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    • 30 10 Hk^kMlH KsV *T& Ennui oiK£3 %M /A w^& Mill m FmmJj /Si W 1 mm WmmjA tF7 l ■fciiM i Mir gi-V m h m^-«h^k^^^h^^^ h^m JS farm ztHJtvs a«M
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 75 10 WHAT'S ON TODAY High Water. 12.19 a.m. 8.3 ft., 11.20 p.m. 9.3 ft. Cricket: Europeans vs. The Rest. First day, padang; Medical College vs. R.A.F., Seletar; S.C.R.C II vs. C.S.C. n. Balestler Rd.; Medical College II vs. O.R.A 11. College ground; Sungel Ujong Club vs. King George V School, wlmming:
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  • 463 11 Capitalists Prefer To Keep Funds Liquid 117ITH many million dollars await- j ins investment in Singapore and with a very definite shortage of good-class houses, why is it more money is not going into real estate One of the city's keenest business men answr-red this question
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  • 133 11 KNOCKED DOWN BY DOCTOR'S CAR (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Saturday. Ths Inquest opened at Teluk Anson on a small Malay boy who was killed on the Bagan Datoh Road as a result ot being knocked down by a car. Dr. Stewart said he was travelling In a
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  • 70 11 Reduction Of Export Duties Nanking, Saturday. The Legislative Yuan today passed the revised export tariff, under which the export tax on 100 different kinds of Chinese goods have been reduced. The manufacturers of Kwangtung Province have wired to Nanking supp^rtinr; the Central plan to reduce and or
    Sin Kuo Min  -  70 words
  • 74 11 Before Mr. H. A. Porrer, the criminal district judge. Daniel De. Foe pleaded guilty yesterday to three charges of criminal breach of trust and cheating and was sentenced to ten months' rigorous imprisonment on each charge, the terms to run concurrently. De. Foe advertised for employees for
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  • 387 11 Japanese Warning To Chiang Kai-Shek Shanghai, Saturd "Nanking probably underestima s the gravity of the situation in North China and perhaps the tension will remain until Gen. Chiang Kai-shek realises the urgency of curbing his subordinates." This statement was made by the spokesman of the
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 11 Three of the artistes now appearing in the show at the Theatre Royal In the middle is Ratu Idja and on the right Ratna iv-vi
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  • 204 11 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. JL|R. C. S. See, managing proprietor of the Universal Sports Co., Kuala Lumpur, leaves on Friday next on a trip round the world, from which he expects to return early next year. He is proceeding
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  • 60 11 When the 8.1. steamer Rajula arrived in Singapore from India east coast ports yesterday morning she ran lnt I heavy rainfall and went to anchor over an hour in the Roads before going alongside East Wharf. She had an uneventful passage, and carried little cargo (her mean
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  • 132 11 ['•THE Chiefs, while appreciating: our difficulty, expressed the view that the Girl Guide movement was still rather backward in Malaya." This is a comment in the report of the Girl Guides Association of Malaya, signed by Mrs L A. Thomas. The Commissioner for M'.lr.ya. referring
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  • 122 11 FOUR CASES BEFORE SECOND SITTING (From Our Own Correspondent). Johore Bahru, Saturday. The second sitting of the Johore Court of Appeal will be held on Tuesday at 10.30 The appeals are against the judgment of the Hon. Mr. Justice J. V. C. Mills. There are four
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  • 90 11 3 MONTHS SENTENCE FOR THEFT OF A FOWL (From Our Own Correspondent Johore Bihru, Saturday Yap Long, a Chinese, pleaded gui.'ty to the theft of a fowl in an estate at Plentong. today before Sheikh Aba Bakar bin Yahyi, second magistrate. Johore Bahru. Che Musa bin Yusof. Assistant
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  • 74 11 All the shows of the New World will be closed today owing to the funeral of Mrs. Ong Sam Leong. The cortege leaves Bukit Rose Bukit Tlmah Road at 10.30 a.m. for Bukit Brown. Tomorrow a gJa King's birthday ball with extension to 2 a.m. will be
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  • 110 11 Admission to the enclosures on th« Padang for the King's Birthday Parade tomorrow is by ticket only. Ticketholders are asked to co-operate with the officials in charge of the seating arrangements by bringing their tickets with them and by aniving not later than 7.20 a.m. They aie also
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  • 59 11 (From Our Cwn Correspondent) Seremban, Saturday. A number of hawkers pleaded guilty and were fined from $1 to $2 by the Seremban magistrate Mr. Calder. when they were charged with causing obstruction. The prosecuting officer told the court that he had received instructions from the Protector of
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  • 20 11 A committee meeting of the Singapore Shorthand Writers' Association will be held at 86, Eclegle Road, c:\ Tuesday, at 8.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 67 11 V I drairatic _T^ A moments I \s^ Where hero and V heroine are at their heroic best when the drama is at its emotional height, A TOOTAL then CVen a Str ng PRODUCT man W »N grope for his Pyramid. Jk. PYRAMID Rot.btered Trade M«rk KtVjUl UM on every
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    • 103 11 K.L. MUSICAL SOCIETY RECITALS BEING HELD TWICE MONTHLY The recently formed Kuala Lumpur Musical Society Is now holding regular meetings at the Masonic Hall. Vennlng Road, on the first and third Thursdays of each month. The Society holds recitals of gramophone records, and also encourages personal performances by Its members.
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    • 52 11 A REALLY GOOD TONIC WINE. Phosferlne Tonic Wine contains all that Is best In a sound, pure wine, plua those other qualities which are generally associated with a course of medicine with strong body and nerve building properties. TWELFTH MALAYAN EXHIBITION KUALA LUMPUR. Bj 3rd, 4th and sth August, 1935.
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    • 125 11 TENNIS GEAR THE RACKETS OF THE YEAR PROSSERS' SUPER MODEL SLAZENGEP.S' "QUEENS." TOT T ATTPfIT THTMa TM l*TVir r,c~~ TOURNAMENT MODEL. £T s r w «W; BR ™s SSSt a se!E i v S^ O- Q~m, Re 4 T rfi "SffiiSuSSH" 11 GBt izs.— stnmt atb^,,. Supef SpecUa Oranie PROSSERS'
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  • 763 12 Chinese And Western Devotees Of "Mahchiau" THE game of Mahjong has become popular among all classes of people in this country. With a history of less than fifty years this game of .thirty-six pieces is now played by everyone from the richest down to the
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  • 271 12 Before a large crowd the Premierian B.P. defeated the Playfair BP. at the former's court in a friendly match of four singles and two doubles and one women's singles by three games to two, the two doubles being abandoned owing to falling light. The most Interesting game of
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  • 16 12 All cricket matches In Singapore scheduled for yesterday were cancelled owing to rain.
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  • 35 12 A special general meeting of the Union Sporting Association will be held at the residence of Mr. S. Cheng Leong. 37. Onan Road, on June 4. at 8 p.m. Committee meeting will follow.
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  • 385 12 DR. TYAU ON LEADERS' LOST GRIP A charity bazaar in aid of the Oeylang Methodist Church building fund was held yesterday at the Geylang Methodist Girls' School hall. AlJunied Road. It was declared open by Dr. Philip Tyau. the Chinese Consul General, and brisk business was done
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  • 77 12 H. S. LEAGUERS' UNION. Members of the Health and Strength Leaguers' Union are Informed that an ex ir -.ordinary general meeting will be held in the Union's premises on June 8, at 3 pm. to consider the removal of the Union's premises to a more suitable place. As this question
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  • 31 12 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. Saturday. The Johore Military Forces will meet the Royal Air Force today at soccer at the Royal Johore International Club at 5 o'clock.
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  • 90 12 The first quarterly general meeting of the Useful Badminton Party in its third year of existence will be held on Sunday next at Mr. Soh Hun Swee's residence, 81, Nell Read, at 12 noon. A meeting of the social section of the party will follow immediately after the
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  • 93 12 The followlns will represent tne Harbour View B.P. against the Oreen Hill B P. in a friendly game of seven singles and two doubles at the latter's court today at the old Railway Station Godown < Junction of River Valley Road and Tank Road) at 11 a.m.:
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  • 256 12 The Treasury-Audit Sports Union, though formed principally with the object of promoting better understanding and comradeship, also provides facilities for recreation among the staff of these two mentioned departments of the Government service. Pounded two years ago Us sporting activities were then confined to soccer, and
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  • 33 12 Members r the Horlicks Badminton Party will hold their half-annual general meeting today at the residence of Mr. Teo Ouau Swee, 25, Branlcscme Road, (near Katcnrj post office) at 11 a.m.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 460 12 'WANTED,, Church Bell or large ships Bell. Reply with full details to Box No. V "SUNDAY TIMES." MAISON MADGES 31, Stamford Rd., Spore. arc having a 40% DISC. SALE From JUNE 4. comprising of Ladies and Children s HATS and DRESSES.' ZODIAC! ZODIAC!! ZODIAC 1 BIRTHDAY STONE GEMS The correct
      460 words
    • 12 12 It it Clean Clear «<i Cool at the THE GAP ROAD HOUSE
      12 words
    • 128 12 ™rw\ victor yRa^W radio Just Arrived New Shipmeni of the very latest models. Cabinets of entirely new design excel anything hitherto imported to Malaya. Reception and simplicity of control has been brought to the acme of perfection. All models fully guaranteed by the Sole Agents KEE HUAT RADIO CO. 404,
      128 words

  • 1042 13 Malayan Musings An Irresponsible Commentary On This And That DEAL "recovery" may be elusive, but the trade returns for JanuaryApril for Malaya are encouraging. They show a total nearly $70 millions better than the first four months of 1934— $364,380,000 against $294,894,Seventy -n^., gooa Millions golnj. But unforBetter Off tunately'
    1,042 words
  • 151 13 111.- THE SYCE The syce who once guided a gharry In a motor car now rules the road Though then he'd a penchant to tarry 9 Now speed is the recognised mode. From the kampong he sallies to serve you 9 And he piles up the bills for
    151 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 457 13 Doubled up J^ with Stomach 1# pains 3 \jj pU minutes /A\ <— -a later One minute you are doubled up with pain, due to bloating gas and burning acid in your stomach. Take two or three Chardoz tablets, and two minutes later the pain has gone. Chardoz la not
      457 words
    • 101 13 Recipes Wanted In connection with the special coconut section which will form a feature of the forthcoming Twelfth Malayan Exhibition to be held In Kuala Lumpur on August 3, 4. and 5, the Malayan Agri-Horticultural Association is compiling a cookery book containing only recipes dealing with the use of coconuts
      101 words
    • 132 13 SUNLIGHT and UMBRELLAsaap money to you! Commencing on ist May you will be able to get Lux ToUct Soap free in exchange for Sunlight SAVE 8 SUNLIGH" SOAP and Umbrella Soap printed wrappers. PRINTED WRAPPER** All you have to do is to save 8 Sunlight Soap mil I CL/ TTnMrrCIXJ
      132 words

  • 726 14  -  BULLS-EYE By A WELL-KNOWN United States munition firm is shortly placing: on the market a new sporting rifle firing a cartridge capable of a muzzle velocity of 4,000 feet per second. The fact that there Is a demand for such a rifle illustrates
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  • 198 14 BADMINTON TEAM TO BE SELECTED The committee of the Singapore Badminton Association has been requested to help the Third Singapore Chinese Sports Meet In selecting a badminton team to represent Singapore in the Malayan Chinese Athletic Meet, to be held In Penang daring the August holidays. A trial
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  • 111 14 Entries are vow opened (or the A singles championships (league system), B «ingies championships (league system) and open doubles rlvnplonships <K.O. system) in the NaUcr Badminton Pmrty. The entrance fee i*s the A singles is .75 cents B singles 50 cents and open doubles championships 50 cent* for
    111 words
  • 243 14 (From Our Own CorresDondeat). Seremban. Saturday. Badminton is again in full swing in Negrt Sembllan and the local enthusiasts are clamouring for an open tournament. It Is several years since the inaugural tournament was held and although the Association was resuscitated six months ago its activities have not
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  • 159 14 MATTER REFERRED TO SIR SHENTON THOMAS (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. Mr. C. H. Sansom presided at the fourteenth annual general meeting of the Selangor Golf Club, held last evening at the Club House. Hr announced that HE. Sir Shenton Thomas, the High
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 402 14 Ovaltine makes the mid-morning .^f^—^jflfcx milk at school |^Rs_ nourishing J0 School Teachers can do so BBSS* «*^BBBBBBM^»V«*B? I much to ensure the health V V 0 of children under their J V charge by giving them facilities for using 'Ovaltine' with \b\ fy ll their mid-morning milk. y .jivj'
      402 words
    • 191 14 Volunteer element of the 8. V. R. A. doubtless for excellent reasons. Purchase of Rifles Arrangements have now been made by the S. V. R. A. with Messrs. A. O. Parker and Co. Ltd., whereby match rifles and all equipment can be obtained on the hire-purchase system. Terms are 25
      191 words
    • 743 14 Glands Made Active and Youthful Vigour Restored In 24 Hours American Doctor's Kscovei? Strength- l ,°Z?JZ PIM Rlmml Mai-was. R/wtv MpHWtrv i tx-ularly gratifying to cm Dimm, nervvs, Douy, memory, cm ni mm Hnd women n mid Irain, Mndes, ami Enfurnet- UH S^wSii^Kn^VufiSl Better Thin Sfamf Oetratitns. W a Tl.-nks
      743 words

  • 859 15 No Need Now To Fear Inefficiency By Our Badminton Correspondent Singapore. 'THE large crowd present at the Clerical Union Hall last week(ad, which marked the opening of the official badminton season inj Singapore, is sufficient evidence of the considerable interest shown by, all competitors and
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 15 Children of the Japanese Elementary School watched a demonstration by the Singapore Fire Brigade at the Brigade headquarters.
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  • 61 15 J.M.F. SINGAPORE MALAYS RETURN SOCCER GAME AT SINGAPORE tFrom Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Saturday. The Johcre Military Forces soccer team which lost to the Singapore Malays at Pasir Plangie, Johore Bahru. last month by five goals to throe, will travel to Singapore on June 9 tor a return game.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 430 15 Bedford The All-British Truck that does the hard work in Malaya All over this country these lorries can be seen carrying heavy loads at fast speeds safely and reliably. Hundreds are In use today and 3^^ each month sees dosens more on ZZmZHIZZZZZIIZZ!!^ the road. Bedford has surely created for
      430 words
    • 58 15 NER-VIOOR" A STRENGTHENING TONIC (CIKCT* MJKPMTIC WITH OS WHUOUT FOtHATtS) INCREASES VITALITY GeneralV^akness \^k Loss of Nerve Power Huxley's Lost Energy Rdorhess of Blood si|»j aiiibab anemia |NER-Yi«a SleepussnesB 1 ti-ri-tz Indigestion Qepression the lira* towns of I INDIA. BURHAH, ttUDN. STRAfTS SETTLEMENTS. I IHANBNAI, CAPETOWN. MALTA. EGYPT £<f. TIGER
      58 words

  • 1839 16  -  Smash Sketches Of The Players Who WiU Take Part By KUALA LUMPUR. A U. eyes are now centred on the inter-State triangular tournament between Perak, Penang and Selangor which will take place in Ipoh next week. The necessary arrangements have been made and the tourney is expected
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 400 16 CLERGYMAN'S FRANK LETTER. How He Reduced His Waistline by 44 Inches. There is a delightful frankness about U.i letter from a clergyman: "For som? time." the letter reads. "I havt been int-ndlrn to w:ite to te 1 you how much I have benefited by taking tliat excellent remedy. Kruschon Salts.
      400 words
    • 729 16 THE NEW PELMANISM What Enlarged Course /CjZZ r m //**U^**Sk\ Says of the New of Famous System t\ P 1 KJK^^HH' 0T IT 011 upwards of 50 years "Truth" has en- «T W^Kr^f^' <P^*^T 1 r joyed a world-wide reputation for fearless M infl T rnifi WkT#3T an^ independent criticism.
      729 words
    • 199 16 To Gorernment Officer, and •ih*rs contemplating returning to Scotland HEPBURN BROTHERS, COMPLETE HOUSE BUILDERS 56, GEORGE STREET. EDINBURGH extend a Hearty Welcome and offer— "THE HOME YOU WANT." Terms offered are eminently suitable for Officers and others on pension (Loans up to 90% of purchase price are readily obtained on
      199 words

  • 611 17 Three Goals Scored In First Half Of Match (From Our Own Correspondent.) I Malacca, Saturday. T*HE ground was sodden for today's Malaya Cup tie in consequence of earlier rain. Malacca winning the toss, decided to defend the Railway Road end. The Services kicked off and
    611 words
  • 81 17 London, Saturday. The final acceptances for the Oalw which will be run at Epsom on June 7, with probable jockeys, are as fol- J lows: Enkaret (Nlcoll», Buchanite (Weston), Blue Girl (Nevett), Corrida (Wrickaby), Coronal (Perry man), Clerestory (Jones), Fairstonian (Pack- I ham Hyndf ord Bridge Harry
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 205 17 i From Our Own Correspondent). Seremban, Saturday. M. Sakata, once lawn tennis champion of Negri Sembilan, showed a return to his old form by winning the Sakura Cup at Seremban. This open singles lawn tennis competition was held under the auspices of the Negri Sembilan Japanese
    205 words
  • 279 17 LATEST RESULTS AND COMING TIES The following are the latest results in the S.C.R.C. Spring lawn tennis Tournament and forthcoming ties: Open Singles. Lim Bong Soo beat Chong Thutt Pitt. w.o. "A" Stng. Woon Chow Tat Owe 30.3) beat Dr. L. P. Poon lip
    279 words
  • 1325 17 By OUR BADMINTO N CORRESPONDENT IN spite of threatening weather earlier in the afternoon a large [crowd went to the Clerical Union Hall yesterday to see the friendly match of three singles and two I doubles between the Tai's Badjminton Party
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  • Page 17 Advertisements

  • 4245 18 Squabble Over Selection Of Rest Side For Clarke Cup Mateh Two Poor Soccer Trials Services' Chances Inter-Port Yachting And Rowing BY SUNDAY TIMES SPORTS CORRESPONDENTS SINGAPORE. I A PART from the two soccer trials at Tanglin and Anson Road this •week has been a comparatively quiet and
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
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  • Page 19 Advertisements

  • 319 20 INCESSANT work is goincr on behind the scenes in Great Britain to prepare for defence against possible air attacks. In the House of Lords recently Lord Hailsham, War Minister, said "I am happy to say that we are making a very marked advance towards
    319 words
  • 61 20 Snow Falls In Britain In May Above Barkis (Herbert Mundin David < Freddie Bartholomew Nurse Peggotty (Jessie Ralph) in David CopperAeld." coming to the Capitol. Right Motorists were held up by snow storms which were a feature of the coldest May in Britain for nearly a century. Below Chorus girls
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 28 20 We are specialists in FURNITURE Bring your problems to us. SUN WAH COMPANY 83. VICTORIA STREET, SINGAPORE. M \f |B SOLE AGENTS MALAYA. mmt Wurin M«HM 13 a^^
      28 words
    • 276 20 MODERN ARTISTIC FURNITURE designed and made by SUN WAH COMPANY 83. VICTORIA STREET. SINGAPORE. COMMERCIAL UNION ASSIRANCK CO* LTD. (Incorporated in England) Fire, Ufe, Marine. Accident, Guarantee and Motor ASSETS £60,000.000. Arthur Potts. Manacrr I'nUci wriUr Eastern Branrh. SINGAPOKK. 0 EXAMINE TLHE CLAIMS CF NUMOL THE RECONSTRUCTIVE FOOD SEND A
      276 words