The Straits Times, 18 November 1934

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 36 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. No. 152. Sunday, November 18, 1934. Price 10 cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper in Malaya. No. 152. Sunday, November 18, 1934. Price 10 cents.
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  • 192 1 5 A. M. EDITION I "THEIR DESTRUCTION SEEMS CERTAIN" IF THEY DO NOT ESCAPE INTO NEW TERRITORY Canton Co-operation With Nanking London, Saturday. fHE long struggle between the Nanking Government and the Chinese Soviet State in Kiangsi and Fukien is clearly approaching a climax
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • 81 1 ARRANGEMENTS BEING MADE IT is probable that a British Trade Fair will again be held in Singapore in 1935. A meeting will be held in the offlje of HLj Majesty's Trad 3 Commissioner. sth Floor, Fullerton Building, on Monday. Nov. 26, at 5 to discuss arrangements
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  • 139 1 WINNERS OF THE MISSING LETTER COMPETITION Two competitors share the $500 offered In the first Missing Letter Contest which was printed in the issue ol The Sunday Times dated Nov. 4. The fortunate winners are: Stephen Poh, "Starlight Villa,' 496-0. East Coast Road, Singapore. Mrs B.
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  • 84 1 Correct solutions in Missing Letter Contest No. 2, printed on Sunday last. Nov. 11, are as follows, words In brackets indicating the correct descriptions of the pictures printed as clues to the missing letters: Paper (pencil), binder (bowler), line (light), cling (case), breed (bat), save (spire), net
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  • 591 1 H.E. the Governor and Lady Shenton Thomas attended their first Malayan race meeting yesterday, when the Singapore November meeting opened. By OUR WOMAN CORRESPONDENT r spite of the uncertain weather there was an exceptionally good crowd at Bukit 'limah races yesterday. In addition to the
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  • 414 1 Shanghai, Saturday. GEN. Liv Hsiang arrived yesterday by plane at Hankow and is con- 1 tlnuing his Journey today by steamer to Kluklang, where he will meet Marsh il Chiang Kai-shek. In an Interview, Gen. Liv Hsiang stated that the past failures of the anti-Red campaign In
    Sin Chew Jit Poh; Sin Kuo Min  -  414 words
  • 118 1 EIGHT TO BE APPOINTED QN December 31 a third of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners will retire according to the provisions of the Municipal Ordinance. The retiring Commissioners, those who have been longest In office, it was announced yesterday, are: Mr. W. Baitley (President). Mr. J. B. Westerhout, Dr.
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  • 32 1 NAVAL DELEGATES AT CHEQUERS DEADLOCK CONTINUE London. Saturday. The Prime Minister and Miss MacDonald entertained the American navai delegation to luncheon at Chequers. Discussions are at a standstill over the week-end. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 76 1 BOLIVIAN REGIMENTS DECIMATED Geneva. Saturday. SIMULTANEOUSLY with an an- nouncement that the League i Commission for the settlement ot the Gran Chac*, dispute had sat until early this morning: had not completed Its task and was resuming work later today, came from Asuncion an official report of
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 85 1 INDIA PROBLEM SELECT COMMITTEE REPORT THIS WEEK New Delhi. Saturday. Indians are awaiting with excitement tinged with anxiety the publication on Thursday of the report of 11m Select Committee on constitutional reforms. The present elections are being fought largely in view of tho impending report. The return by Congress to
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 15 1 i.iE GCEAri ACCIDENT AND GUARANTEE CORPORATION, (Incorporated in Great Britain) Head Office for Malaya SINGAPORE.
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    • 38 1 BEAR BRAND MILK U real, pure natural milk, with nothing added and j/rSm nothing taken away Just sterilized 4"^\Jtk. BEAR BRAND gjjPgP' Sale k%f nt« for Malaya JOSEPH TRAVERS SONS, LTD. (Incorporated in England lMfl) SINGAPORE AND PENANQ.
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  • 2234 2  -  VISCOUNT M Edited bu YOU have to live with the times. *In fact, it is the best and only ■way of living, and these times give fellows of brains and originality a chance. a Would you like to know the method? Well, pull up some pineapple crates,
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  • 64 2 Ellore. A report from Chlttooi .slates thit an aeroplane belonging to the Madras Flying Club, while taking off, hit an old man with its wing, causing instantaneous death, md injured a woma.i. The report says that the plane hud flown to Chittoor to the rescue of another
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 95 2 pits ALL 3 PEG RAZORS However k>Vv its price, no Wade can be called cheap if it doesn't _KIIV/ give you unvarying dependONLY ability. Costing only 25 cts. for 2MLW ten, each Nacet Made brings you 4^C*TS that uniform quality never before possible In a low priced blade. The fine
      95 words
    • 152 2 jj^ AmmV W% w M-\ "HBH" *i"-::::T4i.; H?"- '▼^^H ***ni ijjtiri ??j5 s* trzsi.t»m»l»i»" ■■■■S^SJ UH 125! K^HL 9^^A\ *U .;;m.».1 \s"' *^5 iipi i n^ IZi IiIZZ ??t**i B^v /A* Inlt isSL w^A\ 2 "..".•:;T;ytiiuji tiuav JHk ta" MS 9 I ISij* iS9V. mt^L o**3'* U3B rri I- BHfllav^
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    • 385 2 -QuickWayloSlopPAlN" To banish pain you must first re- JL JL A KwX w move the CAUSE. This is what Yeast- Vite does, and in so short a time. Head- *V±K aches, for instance, go in even 5 to 15 i^\fit Minutes, Neuralgia disappears just as n^ ft^n^M speedily, and even
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  • 1266 3  - MAINLY about MALAYANS WANDERER By 11/JIBB Bridget Thomas, daughter of the Governor, must have been one of the most interested spectators At yesterday's races. For she Is her.fcelf very keen on riding. Swimming Hand tennis are also two or her favourite pastimes. fT is a matter for regret that I
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  • 491 3  -  ELY CULBERTSON -By rnHE Opening lead at Contract Is equivalent to the opening move at chess or checkers. In other words, it is the right to move first and to select to a certain extent the field upon which the battle to make or defeat the contract
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  • 113 3 Madras. Lady Beatrix Stanley, wife of the Governor of Madras, addressing students at Queen Mary's College, warnai them when choosing a profession to remember that teaching and medicine were to a great extent overcrowded. "I want you to remember apar: from your studies your' social service to
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  • 75 3 New York. Upton Sinclair, in the course of his election campaign for the Governorship of California, launched an attack on the Hollywood film chiefs. He alleged that Kathryn Hepburn, i Clark Gable, Will Rogers and Douglas I Fairbanks had been threatened with loss of work if they
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 73 3 STRANGE PEOPLE ON A STRANGE JOURNEY Dishonoured doctor and runaway w Ue Missionary and debutante!... Dei<Ulct and courtesan! .AH thrown together on a ship bound for the end of the world! BAXTER-. If NEXT CHANGE PAVILION. o^°° Gilford's FISH PASTES S SALMON SHRIMP, SALMON ANCHOVY, ANCHOVY, BLOATER, SHRIMP, LOBSTER, CRAB.
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    • 299 3 y^JmjSF) These Hotels Will make p^p«tmi your stvy enjoyable LONDON. FINEST YET QUIETEST POSITION. HOTEL STRATHCONA, (The Strathcona Residential Club) LANCASTER GATE. HYDE PARK. A few yards from Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens. "Buses and Tubes to all parts. Hot and cold waU-r and gas fire In bedrooms. Ample bathrooms.
      299 words
    • 311 3 LONDON CALLS INSISTENTLY and *nfoy at either Mr^ik. HOTEL REMBRANDT 4*W South Kensington S. W facing the Victoria and Albert Museum or HOTEL I&SP^ RUBENS Buckingham Palace Roac! V*/* facing Buckingham Palace Every attention In pleasing surroundings. PERFECT QUIETUDE THESF COMFORTABLE HOTELS WITH U K\o\\i i lii.tii RENOWNED CATERING have
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  • 513 4  -  MAX FACTOR. BY I/"* WORLD FAMOUS MAKE-UP G-CNIUS f¥UST a few weeks ago. if you'll reJ member, we carried an Item In this column telling that Lyle Talbot was once a magician's helper in the old days of vaudeville. Will. Lyle got into trouble just the Other
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 4 Jimmy Durante and Lope Teles, In Hollywood Party," to be shown at the Alhambra at the end of the month.
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  • 717 4  -  JOHN C. MOFFITT THE STORY OF MAE WEST By ILiAE'S father was Jack West, a ITI prize fighter. Today Mac weighs 116 pounds, which w her father's fighting weight. Mac says she can fight at that weight, too, but that she's generally good natured. Her mother was
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  • 123 4 Mok and Moina, the London Zoo's gorillas, are changing their way of living this winter. They are deserting their "hothouse regime," In favour of fresh air, and are to try to become more hardy. These two gorillas have been in the menagerie for just over two years,
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  • 388 4 VTOVEMBER sees the beginning of the poultry rearing season and one will have to take great care ot the future chicks during the rainy weather. The mother hen with her few chicks may prove ample protection but it she has given an extra dozen or so to take
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  • 418 4 By OUR EXPERT obtained are worth consideration. This is my advice A kapor or Chenghai frame, 15 feet long and 6 feet wide, with substantial supports to make it a fixture, should be made. Timber 3 inches by 2 iDdkM should be used and this will provide a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 275 4 A ny Experienced Doctor will tell you Old age is always getting the bTame and quite unfairly. Every woman can look as young as she wishes if she takes good Amk care of her health. When shadows JB W appear under the eyes, it is time to M take WINCARNIS.
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    • 181 4 FOR HORSES. Radiol. Boi.t-Racioi Kaa.oi K.ldne> Letwmsh Powdvrs Redvulne. "E\ Stock F"od an excl>tit L-ondltk-nei and tonlr "tHMtV StccK Renifdir« and como.'ete rai cc of forage, etc CALL OR WRITS TO TONG LAM CO. 46/48. Peck Sanh Str««t. Smgajx r« Telephone 7328. FOR POULTRY. KOSSOLIAN BLOOD SALT. It prevents fapes
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  • 652 5 The Sunday Times FreeEntry Competition Can You Complete Twelve Simple Words? Today we repeat for the amusement ol readers of The Sunday Times the new Missing Letter Competition. Avuin there is no entrance fee and we offer a PRIZE OF $500 FOR 12 CORRECT SOLUTIONS. The
    652 words
  • 196 5 AMERICAN GIRL'S ORDEAL STRIPPED BY NAZIS Seven hours' imprisonment and a rigorous search, Including stripping, by the German Secret Police, was the experience of a young United States -girl and man at Munich. Miss Helen Lyster, of New Rochelle New York), and Mr. Griffiths Johnson, i junior, of Washington, were
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  • 156 5 New York. The New York Water Supply Department assures residents in the Bronx that fishes emerging from their water taps are harmless, and that the water is officially pure. This is a small solace to those persons who have been nnd- ing fish recently In their
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 11 5 c^...RQWN *S -ACK sz* ...ARROW VB#r\iiai X) ...LANK |-t^ y^...ARROT •;^l::end
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    • 90 5 CUT OUT THIS j ENTRY FORM j j MISSING LETTER CONTEST. [No. 3.— 18-11-34.] I arree to enter The Sunday Times Missing Letter Competition on tbe conditions laid down in this issue. J I consider that the follow-in* are the correct solutions of the puniest J printed. i i W&CSL^m
      90 words
    • 876 5 ySTAPI IfrHKlf* 9 1900 b STUDY Ud IN YOUR AT SPARE kw«mln aWwi "AVI! VO< jHiefafjLfl at Jit J O U K cation- aUMnis IflfcVr ,SK. AL TRAIN- 2 ''ffiUa. TMP PPnM THIS InSßQCulDflinViSnUailnTnrTlaWt BKOIvLN I'KOCKESS. INO tKOM JHI3 OVra9KtnnnVnJMUlanV3 *">' BECAUSE OP COLLEGE IS A CAR- ■RktOlaV HiMlMhti TllE
      876 words

  • 1424 6 DECREE FOR A FORMER HEADMASTER Judge's Criticism Of Wife's Evidence CCHOOLBOYS, past and present, listened in tense silence in fie Divorce Court, London, as Mr. Justice Langton told what he described as a melancholy story. It v, as of a headnuutter's wife and
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 6 Harmston's drcus at Shanghai. tis to have a season in Singapore, opening on Nov. 29, at the site of the oM Tank Road Roods station.
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  • 410 6 NOT IMITATING THEM NO ARMOURED CARS OR PLANES "THE question as to whether the Ei I Fascist moment was influenced by foreign organisations was the subject of a lively Interlude in the recent libel action brought by Sir OnraM 1 Mosley against the Daily
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 2931 7 Critics Of British Rule Admit Its "Toughness And Resilience" Chinas Debt To Villages A Guide to Modern Politics. Byj C. 11. l>. and Margaret Cole. Victor Gellancz. (is. 11HIS book of 560 pages, purporting to be a guide to modern politics. Is not
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  • 276 7 THE LIGHTER SIDE OF EXPLORING YOUNG MAN'S FIRST "BIG JOURNEY" gant remarks which came from 8.C.. who was hugely enjoying himself in the corner. In a frenzy of bashfulness I be^an to struggle to get free, red and sweating with horror, and muttering. "Let go! T y>t go!" At last.
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  • 134 7 FOR CHILDREN AND GROWN-UPS TOO News for Children. By Stephen Ring-Hill Ivor Nicholson Watson. ss. Commander Stephen King-Hall was Riven space In the Evening Standard in which to write a letter for children once a week. He sought to be use/Ml and offered his young readers opinions on unemployment, the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 131 7 MUDIE'S BOOKSELLERS TO THE WORLD. A large selection of new Enghsh and .lvn Works always in stock COLONIAL EDITIONS. Magazines Periodicals. Deposit Accounts Opened. Lists of New Books, Ex Library and Remainder copies sent free on request. MULIE'S LIBRARY LTD. KXPORT DEPARTMENT. 95. Southwark Street. London. ENGLAND. YOUR SMALL COINS
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    • 236 7 SBBBb *4 »^BSIBBBBa< IJflMj B I Try this free 10 -day beauty treatment for your teeth Pepsodent Tooth Paste contains a special cleansing and polishing material that removes film quickly safely DON T miss this opportunity to get %frtt Pepsodent the special film-removing tooth ten-day tube of Pepsodent Tooth Paste
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  • 688 8 LATEST, EVENING GLOVES ARE ORNAMENTED From OUR LONDON FASHION CORRESPONDENT Sunday Timts Office, Fleet Street, Oct. 30. /~)NE of the most interesting items of minor news of particular interest to women this week has been the announcement of a move by leading West-End fashion designers to
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  • 224 8 FLANNEL TROUSERS OUT OF FAVOUR SO ARE VERY SHORT SHORTS" Interchangeable sports clothes are very necessary to the modern woman who has to economise in time and money, and who hasn't in these difficult days So we find designers concentrating on styles and materials that render sports ensembles suitable for
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 8 Miss Frances Dee's delicate beauty requires delicate clothing and therefore this evening gown is simple and sweet, with tiny sleeves and closed throat effect. Miss Frances Dee appears in "Finishing School," an RKO Radio picture.
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  • 602 8 PRETTY POPPY SELLERS SEEN IN SINGAPORE By OUR WOMAN CORRESPONDENT OOPPIES here, poppies there, and poppies everywhere. Last weekend poppy sellers, stationed at various corners all over the town, did a brisk trade, some selling all their "wares" before a couple of hours had elapsed. They made pretty pictures in
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 380 8 your AmAM I manicure fcMy jl y Cm* coat of Anumi Nail Varnish will give you gleaming, sparkling nails a smooth and even bri!iianc« that lasts unspoilt for a week. In four fashionable shades— Colourkss, Natural, Coral and Rose. You will find a bottle will last for months. For tlir
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    • 182 8 Alwyt SemtHimi Htm At GAGE BROTHEBS A CO., transferred their agency in Singapore for their exclusive hats to Aurelia's. n For Xmas Cards Xmas Presents PLEASE CALL AT HUNG YEH CO. (THE LACQUEB HOUSE) 155, Orchard Road, 2nd next to Post Office fyy \ccmjeei fhrougn my veins V*'IVTO more weary,
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    • 127 8 RENE ULLMANN MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. A new shipment of very smart GOWNS for afternoon and evening, HATS and the latest NOVELTIES for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS WILL BE ON VIEW ON WED. NOV. 21. RENE ULLMANN CAPITOL BUILDING. STAMFORD ROAD. w I \J 111 aX 6 v JCI I jf Xdainty and tempting,
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  • 2343 9  - Strict Marriage Rules of BALI G.E.P. COLLINS By G.E.P. COLLINS IN SEARCH OF ADVENTURE CANADA'S "ELLIS ISLAND" IV ft ran the boat up on the sand of the island of LembonKan, then unlashed the 30 ft. bamboos and carried them up to a long boathouse built against a tree at
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 60 9 Two typical "Lactogen babies. C5(5 vS^ children are beautiful, healthy and happy for Lactogen" nourishes in the correct way, ensuring firm muscle and fine straight limbs. I TBBbfjfra' I I WmL i For a sample tin of Lactogen, Mother's Book of Advice and Spoon Measure send j 20 cents in
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 106 9 Our Crossword Puzzle ACROSS.' 1». View 30. Debate w« M al BuUd I £2fo?.p«ca Tt«t with contempt sXtai 10. £o£ilac* Sl l^ cnsi 14. UnUorm 5 p^^, as. Bird 39- Since S v&ei. Solution Of Last Week'g S3. Dull e£L PwuU. 41* Shmlty 41. Meacun of tonftfc ■> hl3iTl£lPMEJ*kd i
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  • 291 10 Many of the "Thrilling Moments" related by Sunday Times readers occurred in childhood days, at which period a strong sense of adventure and of curiosity leads us into precarious predicaments. The exciting experience so well described in a previous Issue by Miss "G. 8.," her fall from a
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  • 164 10 Letters Homeward at 25 cents and outward at 6d. by Imperial Air Mail! This week's announcement came as a pleasant surprise to business houses and gave modest satisfaction to individuals. It will lead not so much to economy as to Increased use of the British Air Mall
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  • 671 10 Six DAYS' News SUNDAY. Elaborate precautions taken in Vienna to prevent another revolt. life of Chancellor Schuschnigg threatened. Nobel Prize for Literature awarded to Italian playwright, Signor Pirandello. Marshal Chiang Kai-shek leaves Taiyuan Shan si) for Hankow by aeroplane. Dr. E. A. O. Travers, formerly State Surgeon, Selangor, dies in
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  • 16 10 High Water, 8.17 a.m. 8.4 ft, 9 8.7 ft Hockey: S.C.C. vs. RAP., Seletar.
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  • 1503 10 The Assertions of Ananias UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE $10 FOR A JOKE THAT MAKES ME LAUGH If only I could remember and censor with subtlety about one-tenth of the stories I heard at the Armistice Day Dinner at the Adelphi on Monday, then this page would write itself for the next
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  • 22 10 (Ananias News Factory.) Singapore, Saturday. There was a race meeting at Bukit Timah this afternoon. The Singapore Turf Club won.
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  • 123 10 "P.8.H.." who is quite a nice girl and declares that her friend is nice too, wins the $10 this week. "My friend and I are schoolteachers," she says. The other morning we boarded a trolley-bus. The weather was bad and the bus was full. We had to 'strap-hang.'
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 322 10 I CAPITOL i OPENING TODAY 3.15 j Paramount* Screamingly funny mystery comedy Tk< Truth Myrl So Tk«y AN L..J I Bfcr When murder struck in M their midst they Jll I cx!c.i»o<ed ro covtr up V V!H tn Indivktull povjt* I \fl I KJndll with hiljriout I H^kJW I rfSullL
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    • 28 10 piano! TUNING REPAIRS REMOVALS HIRE E. CHARLES. Phone 2902. 74. Orchard Rd. I NEW WORLDJ SINGAPORE. Side Shows. Cabaret Dancing. Talkies. Theatres and Cinemas. Opposite the New Pier.
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    • 19 10 Peter Dawson J, djzeeiat Ink PRICE $3.35 PER BOTTLE (INCLUOINC DUTY) Sole Agents: ROBINSON CO., LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR.
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • 386 11 MR. L.V. TAYLOR AND MISS BARTON TWO CEREMONIES AT ST. ANDREW'S TWO weddings took place in Singapore yesterday afternoon. Mr. L. V. Taylor, the well-known Malayan sportsman, was wed to Miss Dorothy Vera Winstanley Barton; and Mr. J. N. McCulloch to Miss Constance Caroline Bonnici. There was
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  • 233 11 IMPRESSIONS OF AMERICA CIRCULATION NOT WANTED (From Our Own Correspondent > Ipoh. "rrio an Englishmean making his first visit to America, one of the most j striking things Is the American newsI paper. Most of you hive seen American newspapers but it takes quite a month's residence
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 11 Phyllis Barry, leading lady to Wheeler and Woolsey in "Diplomaniars, prepares to go off the top board.
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  • 877 11 NEWS FROM THE COURTS DENIES "SPEEDING" AND BLAMES SYCE OF OTHER CAR THE defence of Mrs. Yolande Gates. I against a charge of causing hurt to Mr. A. J. Braga, a local lawyer, in a motor accident on Orchard Road on .Aug. 30, was heard before Mr.
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  • 233 11 FRESH MOVES TO MODIFY IT REPRESENTATIONS have been made by various local bodies to persuade Government to modify the new educational policy inaugurated by Sir Cecil Clementi. The two main principles of this policy were as follows: Free elementary education in Malay, but lot In English, because
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  • 44 11 A Singapore Municipal committee recommends that motor traders should be informed that in future on registration of a car the provision of a bulb horn will not be insisted upon, provided the electric horn la toned down sufficiently not to cause annoyance.
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  • Article, Illustration
    82 11 Minnie and Moocher are two of the strangest friends London has seen for a long time. Minnie is a bear, Moocher is a tortoise. And as the names imply they are almost always in each other's company. When they are let out for exercise every morning, the first
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  • 63 11 A meeting of the Emergency Committee of the Board of Control for Cricket In India approved of the Maharaja of Patiala's proposal to Invite an unofficial Australian team to visit India in the winter of 1935-36. The Australian team Is likely to include W. M. Woodfull. W.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 250 11 TIGER BEER INSURANCE IN FORCE j 1 N TRIPLED IN 5 YEARS. I M I iij At the end ol 1923. the total J? J Insurance In Force ot the (1923) g Asia Life Company was S 6.M4,»H At the end ot 1928. the total S 111 was almost exactly
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    • 90 11 ftgg—msrismWl>li tl^llltM«ftttJl<W«f<€«BWtlM»>t«ttWWl*lMMßli<t«ilßWWSWWlß»<lil<l>>«ail>lS Wm^sL.t j% 771(3 W CtVrnP z^""^ Ih*-*7irVan,afnng Cream ~47irf7dsca Compact The Ideal Powder-Base. I Pot handbag or -boudoir, unob- >~ trutire and dainty. 'kiWCoid Cream Cleanses and nourishes the skin IB tissue* thoroughly. I For the immaculate toilet of the cultured woman, there is the charming set of
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  • 734 12 SERVICES BEAT JOHORE United Services 13 pts. Johore 4 pts. 'THERE was something of a dramatic opening to yesterday's Malaya Cup match at Johore Bahru, between the United Services and Johore. Before the game was five minutes old Johore had opened the scoring with a dropped goal
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  • 415 12 PENANG LOSE AFTER EARLY LEAD (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Saturday. Penanr 8 Perak 14. There was one change in the Penang side for today's Malaya Cup rugger match, Brett pulling a muscle in a final run last night and being unfit His place was taken
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  • 213 12 NEGRI-MALACCA BEAT SELANGOR THEIR FIRST ENCOUNTER OF THE SEASON (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Saturday. Negrl- Malacca oeat Selan^oi thlafternoon by 8 points (a goal and a try) to 3 points (a try) in their first meeting of the season. The Combined States fully deserved their victory on their second
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  • 23 12 An unusual rugger picture. C. I Ashford. Richmond forward, converting a try, in the match with Oxford University at Richmond.
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  • 588 12 MALACCA BEAT SINGAPORE Singapore Nil; Malacca 1. Malacca defeated Singapore for the first time In inter-State hockey on the Padang yesterday afternoon Abbas, their skipper, scoring the only goal in the match. This was a surprise result. But the game was played Is farcica. conditions. The major
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  • 243 12 JOHORE POLICE LOSE (From Our Own Correspondent). Muar. Wild hitting and poor tackling characterised the hockey match between the Muar Police and the Johore Police Dept on the Muar English School ground. Muar Police won 2—o. Although the game was played under ideal weather conditions
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  • 32 12 WORLD BOXING TITLE GOES TO NEW YORK New York, Saturday. Bob Olln (New York) won the world's light-heavyweight championship, outpointing the holder, Maxio Rosenbloom. It was a poor, uneventful fifteenround fight.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 158 12 BRILLIANT PROMISE (Prom A Correspondent). Medan. Kho Sin Kie, Java lawn tennis champion, was seen in action on the court of the Medan Tennis Club against Alsbach, one of the best players among the club members whom he beat 7—5 In the first set. the second being
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  • 111 12 The following matches were played last week in the Johore Badmintoa Association's tournament Junior singles semi-final Wong Peng Tong (Mau Yuen) beat Chee Ah Mon (Mau Yuen) 6—15. 15—6. 15— Inter-dob: Tarom BP 'ost to Companion B.P. by 0 game to 5 Friday morning Junior doubles semi-final: Daud
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  • 104 12 Singapore's team for the Malaya Cup match against the Combined NegriMalacca XV at Seremban next Saturday has been chosen as follows A. N. Macaulay F. O. Minns J. O. Cooke, D. G. M. Owen and A. H. West H. L. Price and H B. Sym G. E. M
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  • 128 12 Daily Prices Current For R.M.A. No. 1. K. Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Noon. Saturday. Buyers Sellers Spot (loose) 20% 20% (F. 0.8.) Current month 20% 21 Jan.-Mar. 2196 21* i Apr.-Jnne 23% 23% July-Sept 24% 24% Tone of Market Easier. Latest Cable per ib. London Spot Sheet ti'id. New
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 16 12 "MARQARIT fULLAVAM the star jou adored in "ONLY YFSTERDAY" returns In i "LITTLE MAN, WHAT NOW?'
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    • 86 12 Ql) Mercedes-Benz \T^y DIESEL-ENGINE COMMERCIAL VEHICLE Fitted with the world famous Diesel-Engine of the most advanced type and possessed of all modern constructional features the Mercedes-Benz has definitely established a new era in commercial transportation. It Is the result of 18 years* experience a modern truck with the lowest fuel
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 272 12 TODAY'S RADIO Following are today's wireless programmes IM metr^. metre. 935 p.m. -11.5 GSE 25.29 GSB 31.58 11 5-11 -M GSB 3155 11.30-12.30 GSB 31.55 OSA 49.59 12.30-1233 OSA 49.59 12 35-1 5 GSA 49 .'9 GSD 25 53 Transmission 5. 6.23 a.m. Bl; Ben. Dance Music. Henry Kali's Guest
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  • 487 13 HOME FOOTBALL RESULTS CHELSEA SHOW BETTER FORM OUNDERLAND cemented their position at the head of the League by a victory at Leeds yesterday, while the Villa made a triumphant visit to the Arsenal ground. Chelsea showed brighter form, winning away from home, against Blackburn Rovers. Results cabled
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  • 36 13 Owing to rain, yesterday's hockey fixture between the Old Raflflesians' Association and the R. A. 'Changii was cancelled. The Padang Rugby fixture between the S.C.C. "A" and the RAF. was also not played.
    36 words
  • 729 13 The big crowd of badminton en- thusiasts which flocked to the Clerical Union Hall yesterday in spite oi the heavy rain to witness the nna! of the Men's Open Singles championship b?tween E. J. Vass, of the Diehard Badminton Party, and Seah I Eng Hee, of
    729 words
  • 1032 13 In concluding their report the retiring I committee of the Chinese Friendly Aasocla- 1 ton express their thank* to members for their co-operation and support. The follow- Ing are the office bearers for 1934 1935. President, Mr. Bng Chwee Seng; vicepresidents. Messrs. Bng Kwee Choon and Chia
    1,032 words
  • 206 13 Ended in 4 Weeks. If for 12 long years you have never known a day without pain, wouldn't you be grateful for something which cured you in four weeks? Just read this amazing letter from Mrs. P In her own words "I cannot speak
    206 words
  • 410 13 Lady Neih snows How RcaJr-s On n-r..? I F»n the Storrhcuse o.' Their Sub <n*cl*:s Mid, Lady like n:iny other we.'l t i>> l people, is great sdml:?r c. Prtr.i "Pebnanism." '.he rays, "tearhn you la capitalise yoir bran pjwrr. and ti i— .p ■«•>* 'our thc-jjli's
    410 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 712 13 THEY'VE GOT WHAT YOU WANT j LARGE OR SMALL, expensive or in- i 1 expensive. \our radio can only perform at :ts ben when good tubes are in the j so:kets. By good tubes we mean not j only tubes that ar: fresh and little used, but tubes rhose makers
      712 words
    • 203 13 V| ~ire you enjoying full I J! HEALTH STRENGTH? jfl WAMPOLE'S i I EXTRA CT of IMm 1 COD LIVER I H| ■BH I In addition to Vitamin D, Wampole's V BB Extract contains all the energizing V p-inciples of fresh Cod Livers. Iron HH H Hk >id Maganese to
      203 words
    • 57 13 THE PELMAN INSTITUTE, 192 «8 Clive St. CALCLTTA. Please send me a copy of "Th- Sc.enc? of Success" and forms explaininj how I can enrol on specially convenient t.»rms. Address Occupation All ecrrespondence is confidentUl. Students in Straits Settlements and the Far Sast are sent several lessons vi enrolment to
      57 words

  • 2851 14 I MANAGE TO PULL THROUGH Drama Of The Operating Table The Favourite Child In Peril More authentic stories by sunday times readers THE thoughts of a boy while lying on an operating tabie I won't be beaten," he muttered to himself form the subject of one of
    2,851 words
  • 150 14 /\NE morning, as I was walk- ing in the garden, I heard a funny sound near some bushes. On going nearer, I saw a cobra, head swaying, fangs extended ready to strike. I could only stand rooted to the spot and stare at it. and, as it
    150 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 320 14 2>top that cold from jUk^ developing with mJ^ Recommended by me medical profession for kJ I CJ m^% Bl| C! over y ears and universally regarded as the jy'J M safest and most effective safeguard against all affecUons of the throat, chest and lungs. IMP NT HO I Sole Impwter.:cumen
      320 words
    • 197 14 INTRODUCED TO YOU JS^ FOR THE FIRST TIME. /CrlM\ NILGA AND SHETLAND Xl\M*JSlt^ waterproofs. T^'JtirHt— j^P^^P First Introduced to the Indian public over a ▼l4e& quarter of a century ago, and nave during >£a&r that period, by constant quality and thorough ■Mr reliability in any weather, mainUined their ■fjTI i
      197 words
    • 135 14 THE 1935 fjnS ARRIVED NEW FEATURES Low Presaore Tyrei. Syncroaesfa oa 2ml, 3rd and Tap Cm» Automatically cancelling Traffic Sr,aJ. Foot Operated Dimmer. Automatic Spark Control. Eaclosed Spare Wheel*. Luggage Carriers. New Frontal Design. New Mudguard Design. Simplified Controls. And Maay Others. J I M l l l l l
      135 words

  • 892 15 began to spread with rapidity, fanned by the North-west monsoon. Then I heard the screaming of my brother and sister In one of the rooms. Until then I did not know that they were in, because I thought they had followed my parents to
    892 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • 2685 16 P. LOGUE SADDLES THREE WINNERS CHRISTIE OUT OF LUCK THK unsettled weather conditions prevailing during the past week were not sufficient to keep the usual crowd of enthusiastic race-goers away from Bukit Timah for the opening day of the November meeting yesterday afternoon. Rain threatened
    2,685 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 164 16 j, HIM" I have you driven the KESTREL Britain's Most Modern Car If you have not triei* one of these cars you have missed a real motoring thrill. This new and modern product with its 'air-line' body is a real step ahead in Automotive Engineering. With its twin-carburetter engine and
      164 words
    • 207 16 NERVES soothed and Revitalised NATURALLY No Drugs No Habit forming Countless thousands know the misery of "NERVES" Upset by the least little thing, worn out by the slightest exertion, is there any bane of modern life so distressing? Yet really the cure of "Nerves" is simple. Not by drug; for
      207 words
    • 239 16 BOWDEN'S MILK FOOD IS PURE Made entirely from English Milk by the IMPROVED ROLLER PROCESS WITHOUT ANY ADULTERATE N SUCH AS CANE SUGAR (SUCROSE). See that your Baby rets (Sucrose). Cane sugar i* the best. Bowden's Milk MiU. FOOD* not a Natural content of Food is pure and does not
      239 words

  • 745 17 FIGHTING QUALITIES OF LEEDS Famous Soccer Clubs IN fbt middle of the 1919-20 season, the important industrial centre of Leeds suddenly found itself without a League Soccer club, Leeds City, who had been members of the Sacond Division since 1906. had come wider the ban of the
    745 words
  • 59 17 London. One result of the Transport Ministry's proposals for driving tests for new motorists has been the formation of a chain of motoring schools all over the British Isles. Three hundred schools are in course of being equipped with dual -control cars, and their skilled instructors will
    59 words
  • 408 17  - Billiards Technique MASTERING RUN-THROUGH CUEMAN By •yHE facility for handling the run- through reveals at once gL-od cue action. So I would advise a p.ayer to set himself one of the run-through strokes as a test of his freedom of cue. The run-through shot from an object ball lying on
    408 words
  • 167 17 Felt Like an Old Woman. Here Is some useful Information for anyone troubled with that uncomfortable complaint, lumbago, a woman writes "For years I suffered from lumbago During wet weather. I could only turn In bed with great effort and pain. I was so stiff and
    167 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 476 17 New life. New Health New Vitality fo tnjoy lifo to tht full, to fact fleproo•Jon aid lon ot vitality, to rtstort htalth and vi(onr, each person can, and should, takt advantage tt Urn wonderful restorative powers ot PHYLLOSAN. 1 Doctor* and SciontUti unite m Om most rtmarkaolo ttttimony ovot M»d
      476 words
    • 77 17 GREAT EASTERN OPTICAL CO, •75, Sooth Bridge Road, Singapore. (Optician Mr. C V. FANI. Tele. 216*. CHABOLB CHEAPER THAN ANYWHERE. 1. Sight tested, glasses supplied from $4 X CROOK ES LENSES completed with frame from $6. Ob o» «s» ob as* ost W«« m» m m oa m m mm
      77 words

  • 2359 18 Rain Interferes Hockey Matches Postponed Five Japanese Boxers For Singapore By SUNDAY TIMES SPORTS CORRESPONDENTS "DAIN has done its utmost to spoil sport in Singapore during the past week and several interesting hockey matches had to be postponed, while while the S.C.R.C. open tennis tournament is still
    2,359 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 165 18 SORRY TO TURN MY BACK .BUT Jj^^H az4esty>a/£aje/lou>'s lizzie/ 1 JM Baby needs all your help during those early months when he's ■■r^ <^fi I "finding his feet" preparing to meet the gnat world. ■V Make sure tnat nis food ls adequate to enable chubby little w^^^^^ F&± limbs to
      165 words
    • 40 18 JMMMMf Bj>b^R£|£g)gfjjPgH| Send now for fully illustrated list of Orders are accepted for all special occasions, &uch as Weddings, Birthdays, Christenings etc., and icing can be executed in accordance with personal wishes. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE C° LTP PROPRIETORS ft^*^^*a*W«ftV. *k
      40 words

  • 1814 19 ANOTHER "TRIANGULAR" PLANNED A "MALAYA CUP" COMPETITION NEXT YEAR By Our Special Correspondent THe highest standard of badminton ever witnessed in the history of the game in Malaya was attained at the Triangular Tournament when Selangor, Perr.k and Penang clashed together for he coveted
    1,814 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 122 19 -faced fatftinf! have YOU provided against a forced landing? In the recent Air Race all precautions were taken all that were possible adequate petrol to take them over the stage Rations, Medical aids, etc., etc. HAVE YOU TAKEN PRECAUTIONS IN THE SHAPE OF ADEQUATE INSURANCE, TO SEE YOU THROUGH THE
      122 words
    • 2 19 TIGER BEER
      2 words
    • 187 19 f"FONIT ;r Jggk (Itily't firtattst Rtctrd) |F (H ]g ARRIVED. Ada fieri Ash for a demonstration of No. 6421 CAMPANILE Tango RUMBA DEI BACI Rumba TNE BEST TANGO RUMBA RcCORO TNAT HAS EVER COME TO THIS COUNTRY. Sung by ADA NERI, the most pomilar Radio and Gramophone Artiste in Italy.
      187 words

  • Article, Illustration
    22 20 Baron Matsudaira. the Japanese Ambassador, leaving a meeting in London, with Rear Admiral Yamamoto (left), when Naval conversations were pursued. (Planet N.)
    22 words
  • Article, Illustration
    16 20 At the Solemn Requiem for the French statesman M. Poincare in Westminster Cathedral, London. (Planet News.)
    16 words
  • Article, Illustration
    10 20 rhe scene in the ring, at Bukit Timah races yesterday.
    10 words
  • 142 20 SPORT IN THE MUD First Day Off November Races |>AIN interfered considerably with sport yesterday, although it did not cause such upsets of form at the opening day of the November race meeting as might have been expected. To the rain, however, may be attributed the sensational defeat of the
    142 words
  • Article, Illustration
    7 20 Redouble (Tankard up) won the first race.
    7 words
  • Article, Illustration
    7 20 Watching the horses before the second race.
    7 words
  • Article, Illustration
    27 20 Gen. Alexander too Kluck. the famous German commander on the Western Front in the early stages of the Great War, who died recently aged 88. (Planet News.)
    27 words
  • Article, Illustration
    7 20 A striking toilette seen at the races.
    7 words
  • Article, Illustration
    9 20 Two of the charming costumes seen on the stands.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 17 20 We are specialists in FURNITURE Bring your problems to us? SUN WAH COMPANY 83, Victoria street, Singapore.
      17 words
    • 252 20 MODERN ARTISTIC FURNITURE designed and made by SUN WAH COMPANY 83. VICTORIA STREET. SINGAPORE. COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO M LTD. (Incorporated In England.) IHre, Life. Marine. Accident, Guarantee and Motor. ASSETS £60.000.000. Arthur C. Potts. Manager A Underwriter Eastern Branch. Singapore. EXAMINE TIME CLAIMS OF NUMOL THE RECONSTRUCTIVE FOOD SEND
      252 words