The Straits Times, 14 October 1934

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 39 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. No. 147. Sunday, October 14, 1934. Price 10 cents. 5 A.M. EDITION THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper in Malaya. Ne. 147. Sunday, October 14. 1934. Price 10 cents.
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  • 139 1 WOMAN FALLS FROM EXPRESS FOUND AFTER 6 HOURS AND ASKED FOR A CIGARETTE AFTER lying injured on the rail- way track near Lockerbie, Dumfrieesshire, for more than six hours, a \.onian who had fallen from an exj ress train travelling at 60 m.p.h. amazed her rescuers by asking for a
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 1 Miss Kathleen M. Horsford aid Mr. M. P. Selfe were married at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday.
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  • 27 1 Three generations of the wellknown Eurasian family of Leicesters. Standing in the centre Is Mr. H. B. Leicester, aged 79, who represents the first generation.
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 1 The Douglas D.C.2 which has been entered by the X.L.M. for the London -Melbourne air race. This 'plane will be taken into regular service on the Anuterdam-Batavia line after the race.
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  • 41 1 London, Saturday. RUBBER. (Quotations as supplied by Symington and Wilson.) Spot (Buyers) 615 16d. (Sellers) 7 1 lid Nov.-Dec. 7 3 l«d. Jan-Mar. 7',d. Apr-June 7 17 32d. Market Steady. SILVER. Spot 24Hd. Forward 24',d. Wall Street was closed.
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  • 947 1 HIGHER RANK FOR R.A.F. CHIEF Sir Philip Sassoon's Talk With Sunday Times "I LEAVE HERE A HAPPY AND WISER MAN" CIR Philip Sassoon's visit to Malaya concludes this morning when the Under-Secretary of State for Air leaves for England, via India, by Imperial Airways.
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  • 176 1 SPECIAL DEVICES TO PREVENT FIRE rpHE Hai Lee passed through Binga- pore yesterday on her maiden voyage from Amoy to Rangoon. Chop Tan Quan Lee were hosts to a large number of visitors aboard during the short time the vessel was ln port. The Hai
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  • 26 1 A Chinese couple husband and wife —were found dead in a house in Geylang yesterday afternoon. Two empty botties were found In the room.
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  • 155 1 CAUGHT BY THE VACCINATOR CEYLON YOUTH WHO WAS AT LARGE Ceyion. A small-pox contact, who is alleged to have eluded the Health Inspectors, for over a week, has been "caught" at a vaccination centre ln New Moot Bi.reet as a result of his reluctance to disclose his surname. He was
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  • 114 1 PICTURE PUZZLES ANOTHER TIE BETWEEN THREE READERS In The Sunday Times Picture Puzzle Competitor No. 20, printed on Sept. 30. the correct results were Butt. Hose. Flock. Royal Pool. Board. Cliff. Sowers. Sellers. Brand. Falls and Hood Again the result is a tie between three competitors, each of whom submitted
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  • 25 1 Washington. Saturday. Germany today notified the termina tlon of her unconditional most-favoured-nation commercial treaty with the United States, as from i tomorrow— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 59 1 Daily Prices Current lor No. 1 K. Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Noon, Saturday. Buyers Sellers Spot (loose) 23< N 23<i (F. 0.8.) Current month 23 -U 234 Nov.-Dec. r 24' 4 24 j h Jan. -Mar. 253, Apr.-June .27 '7* Tone of Marke'. Very Du.i. Latest Cable per Ib.
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  • 6 1
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 2002 2 T HE LOND ONER'S LOG Edited bu T'W *iZ~ THERE was an American comedian, Lew Hearn by name, who once entranced London by singing a fong called Hitchy Koo," which started Oh, e\ cry evening, hear me sing." living as I da in an hotel, and a very respectable hotel
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  • 139 2 METAL BEER BARRELS OUSTING WOODEN ONES The phrase "Straight from tha Wood," now displayed in English village inns, may soon become .an anachronism as the result of development* row taking place at Tra'fo.d Park, Manchester. Experiments have been made by the firm of Metropolitan Vickers to devise a metal container
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 50 2 LOOK FOS > m 1^ *h> r a *otl soft collars, at r~<&*WW*) LOOK FOR THE REGISTERED TABi IRTS SOFT COLLARS PYJAMAS •OLD BY LEADING HOSIERS OUTTITT&AA STORES IF any difficulty in •bUininf. write COTRT M'LDS. LTD. 16, St. MarUn-t-le-Grand. Übom, EC. 1 far <n-~t ef nearest reUUer and descriptive
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    • 108 2 r T > HE bot weather always made work an j X effort and recreation less enjoyable. ••Bat now, thanks to Waterbory'* Com- I «^c\ pound, I am floed with new ritalltyl I feel J fre*h and vigorous, l eagerly attack my dally A^ tasks and have an abundanor of
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    • 90 2 they fit ALL ONLY \tr w Mm 9 cents |F§ if" J for ten It's no good buying cheap blades If you can't trust them. To-day Nacet brings you —at the amazing low price of 25 cts. for ten a blade of unvarying dependability. Made from the finest steel and
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  • 1898 3 Mainly about Malayans By THE WANDERER gIR SHENTON THOMAS is now on his way to Malaya, with his mind full of information about this country but, one may be certain, with no preconceived idea as to what Malaya really is like. I only hope that the reality comes as a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 21 3 SPUNCRETE BUILDING PRODUCTS Tiles Pipes Hollow Blocks Culverts GUARANTEED NON-POROUS Made any shape, size or colour by: UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED Singapore.
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    • 37 3 LONDON THE "DELHI" RESTAURANT 117. TtttMfcaa Court R»ad. (Opposite Maple's) Famous for Its delicious Malayan and Indian curries. Terms Moderate. Frequented by most Malayans In London. Accommodation for over 100 persons. Phone: Museum, 5140. TIGER BEER I
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    • 1059 3 mm ENGLAND s^4fe^ These Hotels will make c^^^kL. your stay enjoyable LONDON. LONDON CALLS Two Residential Hotels. INSISTENTLY P'iin^T**^^. f"O!\IF' Highly recommended for Overseas NKU *J_\ Visitors and families home oo leave and pn J 0 at either Unsurpassed for Comfort. Cuisine. A^XHr*^^^ UrtT C I DIIDCMC Service Homellneaa '/Sn^Sv
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  • 412 4 CRUISING SPEED OF 170 M.P.H. TOT new Fokker XXXVI, construct- ed for the Amsterdam -Bata via service of the Royal Dutch Air Line, is a remarkable machine. It Is a high-wing monoplane with a span of 110 feet, powered by four American Wright air-cooled engines, each
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  • 256 4 Death Of Mr. Li Ching Fong The death has occurred of Mr. LI Chlng-fong, G.C.V.0.. at Dalren. Mr. Li. a brother of Lord U Ching-mel, was 80 years of age and was the oldest living Chinese diplomat, with a remarkable record of achievement in the service of
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  • 202 4 CANTON AIR FORCE FORMATION FLIGHT OVER CITY Canton. koaring througn the skies in formation flights, 54 first-line aeroplanes of me Canton Air Force practised the latest flying tactics. This ls tne largest number of aeroplanes taking the air at tne same time in the history of Canton aviation. The spectcular
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  • 556 4 BHBHHEQ JLMY goodness I When a Hollywood reporter blithely published an Item four ▼teks ago that the 35.000 square- foot stage Warner Brothers had built for the Bouth Sea Island scene In Flirtation Walk was tne largest ever made he thought nothing would ever compare with It for
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 183 4 _i Fresh from China s\ HAND PAIWTED SILK >%\ Xmas Cards, Pictures, Scrolls, *^^4k~ Tr^ IHnner Cards, Menu, Post /^\f f Cards, and Calendar for 1935. If] jX^w- i Ideal pre'ents for Xmas and t^ J y y\\ N ew Year j\j \j\ -a Easy to pack, cheap to send.
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    • 254 4 FOR HORSES. Kadlol. Bone-Radtol. Radloi Kidney Legwash Powders. Reducine. "TBreryn" Stock Pood. SB excellent conditioner and tonic. "Salvltts" Stock Remedies and complete range of forage, etc CALL OR WRITE TO TONG LAM CO. 46/46. ■••eft S«ah Street. Singapore Te'ephone 7328. FOR POULTRY. KOSSOLIAN BLOOD SALT. N »re»—ii gsyes INsr towslss
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 152 4 Our Crossword Puzzle. 113 §3' (CLUESJ ACROSS. g- 21. Yes 8. Monastery jj. Mineral substance ft. Impartial Ask chsrtty Pufl M. Hot one of i»- O«J* Poulflsli 1L Waton ft. Solely 13. Proficient aa. Devonshire river U- Hi* 34. Reposing 14. Upper room m. Detachment of troops 15. Plataned K.
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  • 581 5 Free Entry Competition For Sunday Times Readers What Names Are Hidden In These Drawings? Below will be found another of The Sunday Times Picture Puzzle Competitions. A list of names of people, taken from a directory. *s riven, together with 12 drawings. Each of the drawings
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  • 450 5 CHEAP CARS COMPETE WITH CHURCHES That cheaper cars will compete more and more with the churches was the frank forecast by the Rev. T. T. James, of Manchester, in his presidential address to the autumn assembly of the Congregational Union of England ana Wales at Croydon. The
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  • 341 5 SWEEP WINNER FOUND DEAD MAN WHO WENT BACK TO WORK Mr. William Richard Almond. 33, a Hull wholesale fruit merchant, who, it is stated, won a £10.000 prize in the Irish sweep on the Cesarewitch two years ago. has been found dead in the garage at his home at West
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  • 154 5 AIR PASSENGER WHO LEANED FORWARD FATAL CRASH THEORY When the Inquest was held at Newport (Mon.) on Arthur Turner, aged 41, of Crick, near Chepstow, who was fatally Injured in an air crash two months ago, it was stated that by leaning forward Just as the machine was landing he
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  • 298 5 "FINAL VICTORY WON" Paris. Inoculations against yellow fever prepared by Dr. Laigrot. of the Tunis Pasteur Institute, and the American Dr. Sellards. constitute a final victory over yellow fever, according to a report read before the Academy of Sciences by one of the most distinguished French bacteriologists.
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  • 66 5 Canton. To afford relief to overseas Chines* who have returned Jobless, th-j Provincial Department of Civil Affairs has established three relief departments, In Canton, Swatow, and Hoihow. According to statistics recently compiled by the Investigation and Statistics Bureau, since the establishment of these three departments, 19,186 returned overseas
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 29 5 i=hsPp2 [s;tiger 7 c beer 1 (6) I November .~Z 2^.^**^ |S[M|TIW|TIF|S I fyW '~"Hr ZZ ?Lft -»wTi ~s ~6 ~T ~8 ~9 K> m JE? Illillfi I ip
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    • 148 5 Any Experienced Doctor will tell you Old age is always getting the blame andf quite unfairly. Every woman can look as young as she wishes if she takes good flfe care of her health. When shadows W appear under the eyes, it is time to A take WINCARNIS. .^M^SX fc^^
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  • 906 6 COUNSEL'S "HE" AND "SHE' NOT GUILTY OF STEALING NURSE'S PURSE REVELATIONS of a woman's successful masquerade as a man were made at the West Sussex Quarter Sessions, Chichester. The woman, who has been known as Colonel Barker, was charged In the name of John Hill,
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  • 77 6 These photographs of M. Barthou. the French Foreign Minister, who, with the Balkan monarch Kin? Alexander of Yugoslavia, was assassinated at Marseilles, were taken during a visit to the Balkans In the top picture he hi seen with M. Benes (left), Foreign Minister of
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  • 679 6 INFLUENCES WHICH CREATE VICTIMS London. It Is revealed that there are still considerable numbers of women victims going from Britain to the Continent and the Far East. This year alone the National Vigilance Association, one of the organisations fighting the traffic in Great Britain, has traced
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  • 242 6 A JOCKEYS' VALET AVERAGE EARNINGS £1,000 A YEAR "Following the somewhat unusual and profitable occupation of a jockeys' valet," to quote the words of a solicitor, George I'homas Smyth of [Clarence Street, Kingston, Surrey, was I summoned at the local court by Miss Marie Langlands, of King's Road, Kingston, who
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 49 6 OWN' MIXED BISCUITS Manufactured by ARNOTT LTD. The Biscuits Specialists of over 60 years experience, from the finest Australian Flour, Eggs. Milk, Butter and other Ingredients. Insist on ARNOTT! The Quality Biscuits at a Lower Price. ally sealed ARNOTT'S FAMOUS BISCUITS Agents: THE SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. MAAsV-3
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    • 63 6 :7 WpTrf Cou,h. -.--g. Coughs demand quick relief. Cham b*rlain's Cough Remedy provides it 2 CSUHTm Soothes the tickU in your throat, M*"~TnPi£PTir d«ars out inflammation, relieves sore-■■K-crlC n«ss...Safe for children as well BSsHsfsssß^BßAiiaißßl os a<^ u tf or lf contains no narcotics. I^'^lk'** H ckmhhhiii mmcim CMHiir, me. "^"ST
      63 words

  • 1500 7 STRAN GE TAL ES from CHINA Paper Men Who Came To Life Monster Brings Miraculous Water "Death Of An Evil SpiritSnow During A Heat Wave pDITORIAL offices of various Cninese newspapers are usually adequately supplied with reports on very queer happenings in the country. Editorial discretion on the publication of
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  • 51 7 "MISS ENGLAND" SHOWS "MISS EUROPE". THE SIGHTS OF LONDON Miss Ester Toivenen, of Finland (left), who was selected to go as "Miss Europe" to South America for the contest to find the world's most beautiful girl, takes a look around London in company with "Miss England" (Miss June Lammas, of
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  • 191 7 INQUEST WARNING A strong warning against the drug atophan was Issued by the Birmingham Coroner (Dr. W. H. Davison) when he returned a verdict of death by misadventure at the Inquest on Herbert Hulme, aged 31, a works electrician, Kedleston Road, Hall Oreen, Birmingham.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 2 7 TIGER 6FER
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    • 232 7 Before You Write Your Cheque for any other car, take a look at THE LATEST 14 H.R <^P^ ■■TTT^fc m m^m mm R^^ZtJ^ft i^ W Lfc^lM WMKi E? SMART APPEARANCE LUXURIOUS APPOINTMENTS UNUSUAL ROOMINESS 112-INCH WHEELBASE ECONOMICAL PETROL MILEAGE LOW TAXATION Compare the New Ford Fourteen point by point more
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  • 2592 8  -  L.D. GAMMANS By CHOICE of ROUTES to EUROPE WHICH route to Europe would ybu choose by lovely Ceylon, the hot Red Sea, and the blue Mediterranean, or to Shanghai, over the Pacific Ocean and thence across the New World and the Atlantic Mr.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 196 8 Bowdens Milk Food MADE ENTIRELY FROM ENGLISH MILK Naturally rich in VITAMIN "D" Scientifically controlled at every aUge, this milk powder is dried by the "IMPROVED ROLLER PROCESS." It has a fine, flocculent, pin-head Curd which is easily and completely digested, thereby giving maximum nourishment. The best possible substitute when
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    • 382 8 INHAIAHT^ I THE MAGiC DROP FO2 COLDS. CATARRH. IRFL9EKZA. HAY FEVER. r The simplest war to nne a cold r Is to put ft drop of "VAPKX" on the handkerchief and breathe the vapour which art tea 1.-m It. Thi» vapour grows stronger and I stranger as you Inhale, so
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  • 2194 9  - BETRAY ED by A NIGHT CLU B QUEEN Stavisky, Drug Trafficker STEPHANE MANIER By The part played during the Great War by Sacha Stavisky, whose death early this year brought startling revelations of political corruption in France, was, naturally enough, not a heroic one. Stephane Manier, continuing the story of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 728 9 STUDY IN YOUR AT fflgk SPARK HUMB jy TIME ,-> i^gn fAy, «avb A BMajß Pljf OURAL TRAIN- nSi9SikX3«B S II »L SoVkaksofcnING FROM THIS WPK fXtHtSSfW^SMSmr^i BkOKBN PkOORKSS. COLLEGE IS A CAR- MBrMLn ffiSyil THK success OF OUR P£j^ a SUCCESSFUL b^L^bVbbißMkbl Students there is no PROGRESSIVE CARFER. bbbVMBbuHL^bHHHMHbI
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  • 910 10 'WARE TOO MUCH ATHLETICS By A PHYSICIAN WHEN I helped to summarise the comparative capabilities of man and woman In the world of sport 30 years ago, it was concluded that in croquet the finest woman exponent was superior to the finest male a
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  • 734 10 PYRAMID HATS By OUR WOMAS CORRESPONDENT THE new band from the Rawalpindi which played at the Great World last week in conjunction with De Souza's Band attracted a large crowd to the Cabaret. The majority of the couples were, of course, Chinese but there was quite a
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  • 547 10 WOULD you like to improve your husband? Then, perhaps you'll be interested in spending a few moments of your leisure in a new game called— "Before and Alter." If you were in your youth a Camera fan, pull dewn the old family album and take a look
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 275 10 freckles Secret b and Quickly Removed! State* Vs rraeUt Cream Maaebaa them aat white rim mlrrp. Leavea the akia eoft and watw Ik* caat. pteiloi (reab, claar and ■••oral. For r tiki tboaaanda af aaara have < liuwd Ik So caay ta u«s Tha flrat jar ptotm ita wafte worth,
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    • 134 10 RENE ULLMANN (Millinery Department) —NOW ON VIEW— The Smartest GOWNS for all occasions. Also SPORTS SUITS. SHORTS and SUN DRESSES. —VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES— New HATS and BAGS in exclusive patterns. RENE ULLMANN CAPITOL BUILDING. STAMFORD ROAD. ARRIVED SA TURD A V A Large Selection of Jaeger Travelling Coats Suits also
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  • Malayan Reminiscences
    • 2403 11 Dispute Over Royal Marriage An important contribution to the history of Selangor is made below by "J.C.P." who gives a description of the "war" of the 'seventies which followed disputes in the royal family. THE rebellion of the Raja Mah X, or Prang Mahdi," to which I made
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  • 357 11 UNAFFECTED BY THE WEST Manila. The touch of western Influence throughout the past three centuries has not affected In the least the manner In which Mohammedan Moro marriage ceremonies are performed. Moro young men and women of today are married with the same rites, and after the
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  • 39 11 The picturesque medieval castle at Hohnech, not far from Nuremberg, has been converted into a Germanic pagan temple devoted to the worship of glory and heroism by Its owner. Heir Lehmann, a seller of books !n Munich.
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  • 129 11 TRAFALGAR DAY SERVICE ON NELSONS FLAGSHIP On Oct. 21, Great Britain remembers Admiral Lord Nelson. It is Trafalgar Day. and on Nelson's old flagship, at Portsmouth, is solemn service and commemoration. In London, that famous landmark, the Nelson Column in Trafalgar Square, is decorated as Is its fellow at Great
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  • 102 11 A card stained with Abraham Lincoln's blood has. It is reported, Just been discovered In Washington. Elnathan Meade, the 89- year-old doorkeeper of the President's Gallery in thHouse of Representatives, found the card when he was going through hlsj belongings recently. He said he had been given it
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 178 11 REMEMBER YOUR FRIENDS AT HOME THIS CHRISTMAS— SEND THEM A DELIGHTFUL BOX OF NESTLES CHOCOLATES. Allow us to carry your greetings to friends at home and accompany same with delightful boxes of chocolates. These boxes, by the way, are offered to you at the English retail prices: no charge is
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  • 545 12 It Is possible that within 24 hours of th? appearance of the next Issue .of The Sunday Times, cue or n«ore ji the machines competing in the London-Melbjurne Air Fac- will have ieached Malaga Withdrawals have reduced the number of entries ver> considerably, and It is now regarded
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  • 665 12 SIX DAYS' NEWS SUNDAY. Insurrection in Spain said to be suppressed. Rebel Catalan republic brought to heel. Miss Perkins, U.S. Secretary for Labour, says British scheme of unemploy tnent insurance is being closely studied with view to adoption of similar plan In America. Turkish coastal batteries open fire on two
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  • 1229 12 This business of names! It has arisen again and it has nothing to do witflf piers this time. Railway trains, now. "The Sakai Express" is taboo. Why? Search me. All I know is that kicks in the pants are awarded freely for use of this most
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  • 71 12 (Ananias News Factory.) Singapore, Saturday I am able to report exclusively to the Ananias News Factory that the Master Contractors' Association of Malaya is organising a monster public dinner in honour or Mr. G. Sturrock, Director of Public Works, who is expected to retire next year. Mr. E.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 284 12 "PAViudN'ii 3.15 6.15 9.15 j j W t. y ~m Bfcteta»»«2^9 fib* S fr^^^^s great aH r/''. drama as this §*^^""duce! m m 2 i {jrfe "A BILL OF! I fifc^N DIVORCEMENT") j VK^£ KATHARINE %j£ HEPBURN I RADIO BILLIE NCTURE BURKE I of courte I DAVID MANNERS A p?rformance
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    • 36 12 >•! j NEW WORLD! SINGAPORE. Side Shows. Cabaret, Dancing, Talkies, Theatres and Cinemas. j |PIA N O TUNING REPAIRS REMOVALS HIRE E. CHARLES. i Phone 2902. 74, Orchard Rd. I 1........................--...' Thoroughly good and reliable Timekeepers i
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    • 81 12 f. trmm. Q > -_^fi^ Scotland's Best When the choicest of Scotch Whiskies go to the blending of one particular brand that brand is sure to be good. To get this excellent combination—* you have just to ask for P.D." or Peter Dawson's Special. It is well worthy of the
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 11 12 ty,ht §umtog Him** EDITORIAL. MANAGERIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICE Cecil Street, Singapore.
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    • 33 12 TO-DAY High Water. 1.58 am. 8 ft. 1.13 p.m. 9.2 ft. Football: S.C.P.A. League, A.A.C. vs. B.A.C., JjJan Besar Stadium. Golf: Men's monthly medal, Garrison Club. Boxing: Flyweight championship of Malaya, Great World.
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  • 617 13 SILENT GERMAN ENGINE; 260 M.P.H. CLAIM /HROUGH the invention of a startlinxU novel turbine Germany is believed by experts to have stepped well ahead towards an era of safe and silent flight in steamdriven aeroplanes. Enthusiasts for steam have never lost faith in its superiority over other
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 13 The wedding took place at Kuala Lumpur of Mr. Vhong Fong Chow, clerk and interpreter. Police Department, Kuala Lumpur, and Miss Tang Shop Chin, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Tang Shook Phan of Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 60 13 THAT ACCENT! THE KING LAUGHED WITH MR. KIRKWOOD The King tilked with Mr. David Klrkwood at the launch of the Queen Mary but had difficulty in understanding his Scottish accent. He laughed heartily when he misunderstood something Mr. Kirkwood said. Mr. Kirkwood stated afterwards that It was the first time
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  • 22 13 Bernard Richard Hauptmann who is being tried in New Jersey on a charge of murdering Colonel Lindbergh's baby son.
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  • 240 13 Mr. M. P. Selfe, of William Jacks and Co.. Ltd.. Singapore, was married to Miss Kathleen M. Horsford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Horsford of Ipswich. Suffolk, at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday afternoon. The Yen. Archdeacon Graham White took the
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  • 105 13 A Monopolies raid conducted by Mr. A. H. Capel and Mr. R. L. Pin, Assistant Controllers, and Mr. Lim Tai Chuan, Assistant Supervisor, on a house in Duxtan Road on Sept. 21 resulted in a big seizure of opium and chandu. A week later a Chinese, Ho Tong
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  • 722 13 INCREASED PURCHASING POWER COLD STORAGE CO.'S BETTER YEAR "The trade statistics of the country are sufficient indication of the growth in the value of its imports and exports, and the natural corollary of this is the increased purchasing power of the public which is reflected in the trading results of
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  • 274 13 YOU HAVE A COMPLEX If you are one of those people win keep on dropping tea-cups and breaking plates don't worry. There Is no such thing as platn clumsiness it is always caused by some psychological reaction of the person concerned. WHY SOME ARE "GAWKY." Just
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  • 44 13 Simla. A Government communique regarding the re-organisation of the Indian Army Reserve of Officers announces that the Secretary of State for India has sanctioned the re-organisation of the Indian /.rmy Reserve of Officers which will be Introduced from January 1, 1935.
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  • 203 13 OPEN VERDICT ON MOTORIST MYSTERY OF ACCIDENT An open verdict was returned yesterday by Mr. W. G. Porter, the Singapore Coroner, at the inquiry into the death of a Hokien, Llm Tham (38) who died In the General Hospital on Sept. 29. Cause of death was certified as subdural haemorrhage
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  • 61 13 WIFE'S MEDICAL ADVHE.R3 CONSULTED Allahabad. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was taken back to Nainl Gaol after he had consulted his wife's medical advisers. A bulletin issued by B. C. Roy states that Mrs Nehru had dilation of the heart, a bad appetite ad A hectic temperature and
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 64 13 Cash Capital <^MOfIPJBBWM? k V jj, 1 'Mk fc insurance 3,000.000.00 underwritten. ($4,195,008.20) THE INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE COMPANY LTD. i Incorporated under the Companies' Ordiiaicts of Hiigkiag.) "TWENTY WAYS OUR POLICY PAYS" Accident in combination with Life. Total and Partial Disability, Waiver of Premium Benefit. Double and Triple Indemnity. Weekly Compensation
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    • 2 13 TIGER BEER
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    • 87 13 yii S^fttfJP^ *r r bbbjl <* >^\. SaaaV i In 12 different H C/i \JjJj shades; per* nf "A 7/1" r pm n fumed with "47W Eau de Coj-, g~, logne or "r/ii Tosca. I head, i 4 rc ev J S Give that velvet A perfect cream for I
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  • 509 14 OXFORD DON'S PROPHECY /\\N Oxford and Cambridge stand up against the competition of London University? That is a startling question for an Oxford don to ask. And it is even more startling when the answer he gives is No." Sir Michael Sadler, the retiring Master of
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  • 158 14 WOMAN GOLFER'S DRESS IN CHAMPIONSHIP In the English Women's Golf Championship which began at the Seacroft Club, Skegness this month, Miss Gloria Mlnoprio, who caused a stir at Westward Ho last year, again adhered to her one-club method and beat Miss Sommervllle by 2 and
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 14 Jack Hobbs, junior, son of the famous cricketer, was married at the Church of the Holy Spirit, CUpham, to Miss Elsie Hepsel. Jack Hobbs Is here seen toasting the bride and groom at the reception which followed the ceremony.
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  • 196 14 TO WELCOME THE DUKE OF GLOUCESTER WESTERN SAMOA, the romantic *> home of Robert Louis Stevenson. i is preparing a great welcome for the Duke of Gloucester when he visits this I former German territory of 40.000 i people now held as a mandate by New
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  • 373 14 AN EL DORADO IN CANADA? Toronto. Mining experts of the Ontario Provincial Government have confirmed reports of the discovery of what may prove to be one of the greatest gold strikes in the history of the world. Government engineers have Just returned from a visit
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  • 959 14 The following is Praser and Co. s list of closing prices in Singapore yesterday:— I I I Air pat Tin (4) A*am Kumbang (C) Austral Malay Aver Hltam Tin (5a) Ayer Wen« ($1) Eanjrtn Tin Changkat Tin Chenderiang HiUm Tin <M> Hong FatU ((1) Hong Kong Tin
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  • 252 14 MUTTON BIRD OIL BENEFITS FOR TUBERCULOSIS OU made from the fat of the mutton bird is being used by Australian medical authorities to rcJleve tuberculosis and rheumatoid arthritis. A series of remarkable experiments has been made with mutton bird oil. I which, according to some of Australia's leading doctors, has
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  • 108 14 The flrsi stamps to bear the portrait of King Leopold of the Belgians were sold oat within a week of Issue. The issue consisted of a scventyflve centime olive stamp and a one franc magenta sta~np. The sale of the stamps was restricted to holders of
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 123 14 "FEEDIN6 TIME FOR SMILERi FMttCS SKKftCiXN PCM SOKHOW Y> ftPRCM *tIS tWT fI»D UvtlV 60T5 ON Hi 5 MM6 wW nnxe van mum a wa s chcfbtiilncss. kkb oh ho»c ou&r akswcro h* $wc+j-t»ikt's nrnv W«*» -WWCSiD DeWIUMM SPOON MOOO. BU«S ONMSTW SOUND! 'Im I' VII ~>^l AfiMHK 6WV«D CUN*
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  • 358 15 Taxation And Foreign Capital India Analysed. Volume 111. Economic Issues. Gollancz. ss. mHE aim of the editors of this juries Is to give in four volumes a complete picture of present-day India. The writers. English and Indian, best qualified to speak on the dHTerent aspects of the situation,
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  • 430 15 The ( u;e Modern History. Volume I. The Renaissance. Edited! by A. W. Ward. G.W. Prtthero i Stanley Leathers. Cambridge University Press. New Cheap Edition. 7s. iid. each volume. rpHE first edition of this standard work was publ.shed in 1902. and I after running through further editions
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  • 395 15 VIVID SKETCHES OF WINDSOR The Romance of Windsor Castle. By Hector Bolitho. Evans. 2s. 6d. m,| R. Bolitho brings all the enthu- slasm of a colonial to bear, In what he describes as "no more than a note-book on Windsor Castle." He declares that his vivid
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  • 233 15 Slam Bidding at Contract Bridge. By Lt.-Col. J. Grove. George Allen and Unwin. 2». rpHE reviewer cannot do better than ■L to quote largely from the extremely lucid foreword written by the author of this book. After a few heartfelt words on the devastating losses which can
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  • 281 15 LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD The Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Ridine Hood. By The Walt Disney Studios. The Bodley Head. 2s. Sd., THE "Big Bad Wolf" and the "Three Little Pigs" of Walt Disney's famous Silly Symphony have been featur ed with our old friend little
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  • 276 15 Novel Of Action YOGI'S INFLUENCE Beggars' Horses. By P. C. Wren Murray's Imperial Library. \MR- Wren has temporarily deserted A the- Foreign Legion to write the curious life histories of six offlcers in the British Army. Brought together by a shooting expedition in the Hills, these men
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  • 172 15 A Brief Sketch of Agricultural and Commercial History. By William J Clayton. Macmillan Co. 3s. 6d. FN the preface to this book Mr. Clay- ton explains that he has endeavoured to give a simple and logical outline of the commercial history of Great Britain, together with an account
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 27 15 I tHer\ cleared oaf fKe old o\l iiWed her op wftk TRIPIt SHEU.pressed.tKe self sterter— and tare we are rf? ••MASTERS s. i CzinfaiQ (b:mtts Settlements) Ltd.
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    • 35 15 I! fl'nii jf\ r ANCHOIO ijj MEWED L BOTTLED IN JINGAPOftE BY E .rff^BJS Sj AIKHIPELAGO BREWERY CO.,LTDO II (fe™ SIME DARBY *Co "ltd I M^ MH^ M^^^^ IMBB^^ a^^ M^ MM^^l^^^ a^^ War** tmdio*
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  • 1099 16 The New 20/25 H.P. Rolls-Royce rls the positivism of the RollsRoyee that Is the chief source of the pleasure to be found In handling It. writes Oliver Stewart In the Mornlng Post. It gives riding luxury without nabbiness. and that Is probably the most difficult thing
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  • 881 16 A GAME THAT HAS PUNCH By CUEMAN T»HKRE tea type of billiard* player who truly despises the .snooker game. Tve heard It called "a game for Christmas parties," Just as thougn It were some diverting frivolity appropriate to a spirit of the feast. Figuratively
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  • 175 16 By ELY CULBERTSOV this suit appears to promise the additional tricks necessary to make the contract with the least degree of danger. South notes, however, that outside of the spade suit the Dummy contains only single entry card--namely, the heart Ace. To lead the King of snades
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  • 128 16 IN 9-FT. ROYAL WEDDING CAKE The wedding cake for the marriage lof Prince George and Princess Mirim I of Greece will be 9ft. high 8001 b. ln weight. An official of the Edinburgh company who have the order told a reporter that only Empire products will be used.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 91 16 Hello Everybody! You are all in for a grand mWfiSk WHEELER and will be at the CAPITOL lEXT CHANGE in Radio's most hilarious cocktail of fun and music HIPS! HIPS! HOORAY! with DOROTHY LEE. THELMA TODD and the snappiest b«nch of beauties yoa have ever seen Get Reato for this
      91 words
    • 141 16 v^> Jci i^ ii ey ILi La 1& I J and Driving Thrill lllgSu^SiTtliW With sensational new body contours designed to permit ■'tfjf' progress through the limitless wall of air with the miniI WEfi£3u\\9J&y VN I mum of wind resistance; with the luxurious spaciousm <->* I iDlL^frtV^l F Irifflj lli
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  • 1422 17 VISITORS PLAY THROUGHOUT WITH A MAN SHORT Singapore 20 points. Johore nil. HEAVY rain daring the afternoon made conditions far from easy for the outside* on the S.C.C. padang yesterday afternoon, but Singapore showed good form and easily accouted for Johore in the first State
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  • Article, Illustration
    10 17 Forwards struggling in yesterday's Rugby match on the S.C.C. padant.
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  • 194 17 And Still Plays A Little Golf How many of us. when we are 82, will be the equal in lv -Uth and activity of this vigorous eld Scottish engineer? In a letter he says I arrived here from Scotland on the April 7. 1870.
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  • 239 17 Overwhelming Defeat Of The Negri (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. Perak nad little difficulty in wresting the Farleigh Robertson Trophy from the Negri whom they beat by 24 points to three today. Five minutes from the start Bell touched down near the left corner flag
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 66 17 w Ask me/ Am I a proud Father* '^ATO^YlettQuakerCteii^^Tta-jri. ;<c]« lamthepr-udfatherofaQuakcrOits^ Every member of the family need* Quaker Oats! /Jb~s y I It create* tound btxiies, benefits blood aad aerves, (MJ j^ helps form found teeth. Try Quaker Out*. See how this delicious food helps create perfea health I EcoiKnnu~»i_
      66 words
    • 107 17 ***** NOTED ACTRESS SLAIN! Paris,— While dozens watched, Uv leading lady of a mv? 1 comedy wat fatally shot during rehearsal. Police are completely mystified as to the motive or identity of the killer. The shot came from the wings of the theatre. See this amazing crime reenacted in "Journal
      107 words
    • 320 17 r New' MICRO -SERSITIVE RADIO TUBES. STANDARD FOR ALL RADIOS. "Micro" Is a prefix meaning extreme]; i I minute, or one-mllßcntb part of. Its I use in such words as "Microscope," I "Micrometer," etc indicates a device of j almost unbelievable accuracy 4 signed I to work with extremely small
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  • 494 18 ARTHUR MAILEY'S SCHEME FOR "PROHIBITED AREA" WHEN the committee of the M.C.C. met the representatives of the Australian Cricket Board of Control at Lord's, London, a scheme was placed before them which, it was beUe n Vfr dl v^°v Uld leg"theOry controversy. This Is hoped to
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  • 545 18 ENGLISH CRICKET AVERAGES NAWAB OF PATAUDI HEADS THE LIST Following were the English cricket averages at the close of the season:— Qualification 8 completed Inning*. Highest Times Innings Runs score not out Aver. The Nawab of Pataudi 15 945 214* 3 78.76 Hammond (W. B.) (Gloucestershire) 35 2.366 302* 4
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  • 409 18 ITALY GIVES FREE PASSES TO GIRLS I have received from Paolo Mussn, a member of the Rome University Rugby team, a most Interesting letter about the development of the gam* in Italy, writes Howard Marshall In the Daily Telegraph. Apparently Italian clubs can teach
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 145 18 'Beauty Salon /^Hr- Our modern treatments make \y \C=— =*3/ f beaut > a reality for oeryoue. T (77/ They are carried out under VvvV «•> Jmy' the e 8U P erv 8ion our V^Y^K^rwy/ Specialist. <r The world famous Elizabeth Arden beauty preparationa only are used. Treatment by appointment
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    • 286 18 iUalfr MOST TCdl I EFFECTIVE ****W XS REMEDY' J Pare Live Yeast has long been known to Doctors as Nature's most effective remedy for many complaints The wonderful remedial and tonic effects of PHILLIPS Pure Live Yeast are due to the combined action of its powerful and beneficent principles, all
      286 words

  • 508 19 ARSENAL LEAD THE LEAGUE SUNDERLAND FAIL ARSENAL, by virtue of a decisive A victory over Manchester City, climbed U> the *or of the League yesterday, dethroning the City. The London club, however, only owes Its leading position to its superior goal average. The mighty Sunderland whose successes have been much
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  • 154 19 UNITED SERVICES LOSE AT BANGKOK AFTER EVEN GAME (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Saturday. Bangkok beat the United Services, from Singapore, by 6 points (two tries) to 5 (one goal) today. Heavy rain on Friday night was followed by fine weather today. The ground was soft. Bdr. Davis (R.A.), who
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  • 248 19 INTER- STATE HOCKEY SELANGOR'S GOOD DEFENCE (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Saturday. Playing at home today Negrl Sembllan lost to Selangor by four goals to two in an Inter-state hockey match. The Negrl did not live up to a promising start for they were three goals In arrears at the
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  • 130 19 Southampton. Mr. Hubert Scott-Palne, the British speed-boat ace, almost broke down at a luncheon given In his honour here to mark his return from Venice, where he recently beat the world's speed record for slngle-englned boats in Miss Britain 111. At the conclusion of a
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  • 400 19 MALACCA TOURNAMENT (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. The Malacca Badminton Association have at list commenced their annual tournament, but the conditions so far under which the matches have been played have not at all given satisfaction to the competitors. The m itches have been played on an open
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  • 120 19 SELANGOR FINALS HOLDERS RETAIN THE WOMEN'S TITLE (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. The finals of the Selangor women's doubles and the Selangor boy scoutc' tournaments were played this afternoon before a large crowd Including several Europeans. The Misses Betty Ho and Dorothy Low who were In brilliant form
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  • 59 19 THE REST TAKE REVENGE ON MERCHANTS (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. In a return match today The Rest beat the Merchants by 11 points (a goal, a penalty goal and a try) to three points (a try). They thus revenged themselves for their defej-t last
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  • 622 19 MORE BADMINTON SURPRISES DOUBLES CHAMPIONS BEATEN There was a fairly large gathering 1 at the Clerical Union Hall yesterday In spite of the heavy :ain to witness the first round of the Men's Open Doubles championship. The senior tournaments for the current year appear to be full of surprises and
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  • 2051 19 REPUBLIC OF CHINA ANNIVERSARY MEMBERS and friends of the C.S.L.A.. Kuala Lumpur, (sister association of the C.S.L.A.. Singapore) celebrated the 23rd anniversiry of the ReDUbUc of China In the form of a dinner and dance at the association's premises, Klyne Street, Kuala Lumpur, on October 10. The
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 139 19 TODAY^_ > _^---r^"' SEASON EXTENDED two more days owia; to TREMENDOUS SUCCESS! |/#Q "^%oVlK &A* &9 1 M.O.M.* t u^m« .^m 99 laurel •^DAffES,. Oy _£^^^i^m?^l k&£Cl -SSL .ati/&± We KNEW you would TALK ABOUT THIS PICTURE! "THE FINEST PROGRAMME SEEN IN SINGAPORE FOR MONTHS'*. Free Pr**s, 12.10.34: WJo*\ THREE
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    • 2 19 TIGER BEER
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  • 1113 20 CARWREN REWARDS 26 BACKERS WITH $142 BIG SWEEP APPROACHES $140,000 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. rPHERE was one upset today when in the fourth race Carwren, Wadsworth up, passed the post a head in front of Army Contractor to pay $142. She had not
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  • 831 20 FOUL PLAY IN FOOTBALL BRUTALITY THAT IS "CALCULATED" An unusually large number of players have been injured in English League football this season, and the question is being asked whether something could be done to reduce the number. Some of the games I have witnessed writes a Sporting Life correspondent
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  • 604 20 18 POINTS WITHOUT REPLY H.M.S. Terror 18 »ts. M'cal College 0. The Medical College Union were unable to put out their full ilrst team when they met a team from the H.M.S. Terror yesterday on their ground and suffered a severe defeat, the naval team scoring 18
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  • 166 20 PERAK SPORTSMAN WEDS MR. K.S, MURRAY AND MISS ENA HOPE (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. Mr. K. S. Murray, of WiUiam Jack.; and Co., and a prominent member of the Perak rugby fifteen and cricket eleven, was married today to Et«a Jessie, third and youngest daughter ol Mr. and
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  • 168 20 STUBBORN INDIGES TIES AND COLITIS. Eats Anything After "Living on Fish." Here is a letter from a lady, a laCy who wants every reader of this paper to know how she found relief My case," she writes, was of most stubborn indigestion and colitis. After suffering great pain for 12
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 319 20 MARY IS ATTRACTIVE AND POPULAR NOW She Discovert Way to Remove Ugly dingy stains from Teeth Makes Them Brilliant and White in a Hurry ■wir eSP*^" Jit V L«arns from friend that /»v dull, dingy teeth scare \S/ men away. Told to use improvement after toothpaste that restores nr»t dry-brushing
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    • 405 20 Amami hair is that soft, silky, manageable hair thai women envy and men admire so much Amami Shampoo* have helped hundreds of famous Beauty Queens to success. You can baTe lovely bmic too. Simply >p«nc< ball an hour wiili Amjmi c-ery t-ciday m*hi anJ how dry, l»ok h»ir take' on
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  • 560 21 HIGH TIME IT WAS UP TO DATE London. IT would appear on the surface that the English women's hockey season ahead of us is rather lacking in colour. There are to be no official visitors to receive and no official touring teams to send. The
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  • 477 21 NAVY LOSE AT SOCCER SURREY'S 4 GOALS London, Sept. 27. Surrey beat the Royal Navy and Royal Marines at Woking yesterday by four goals to one. MISSED CHANCES. With the wind In their favour the Navy Immediately took up the attack, and good midfleld work by CoaUs gave Curtis two
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  • 53 21 i_ondon. Sept 21. In che nope ot Improving their fortunes. Newcastle United yesterday ob alned the transfer ot .'acK Smith tht Huddersfield centre-forward. West Ham were also in the market and secured Foreman, a 19-year-old wing forward from Sunder and Chalmers, the Manchestei United Inside- forward, has been
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  • 95 21 TONIGHT'S TTTLE FIGHT On Oct. 19 at the New World Al Rivers will meet Max Santos, the visiting Filipino, in the main event. Santos during the last twelve months has lost only three of his 15 fights. With only a handful of people present, Mr. Sng Chw»e Seng,
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  • 703 21 BATTLE OVER FIXED ROWLOCKS London. Oct. 1. The provisional Oxford crew has now completed a fortnight's practice at Henley, under the supervision of Mr. Peter Haig-Thomas. the old Cambridge Blue, who has had so much to do with the predominance of Cambridge rowing, writes O. C. Drlnkwater in
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 69 21 The proof of the pudding. is in the vjKAV I >^ thjekened j^fe^^p fRISTO JW^ the gravy maker for all meat dishes Trade Enquiries: to Bous cad Co.. Lta. S.S. <v t [I Quality always tells 1 WJ That is why I I OVALTINE j I is the most widely
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    • 36 21 0 Oct. 20th BOHEMIAN NIGHT at SEA VIEW HOTEL hi aid of CHILD WELFARE DRESS Wear anything from TAILS TO TENNIS SHIRTS You'll be certain to arrive there in time If you travel in a MORRIS
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  • 2962 22 SPURS WIN "LOCAL DERBY" What Is A "Champion-Behind The Colony Scrum-"Colts" Who Are Not ColtsBoxing's Big Draw WIIAT is a champion? This question is raised by the fact that the secretary of the Johore Badminton Association takes exception to our having referred to Miss Aileen Wong as
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
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  • 2259 23 KLANG FINALS PRODUCE SOME EXCELLENT PLAY ALL-YALE FINISH TO OPEN DOUBLES SINGAPORE ASSOCIATION MUST HURRY UP DELAY IN CHAMPIONSHIP PROGRAMME Kuala Lumpur. < IT Is understood that both the 1 Selangor Badminton Association < and Penang Badminton Association have accepted the invitation of the
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  • 76 23 In the Surrey junior lawn tennis championships C. J. Hovell beat D. N. Harper 6—4, B—4 in the boys' final, and Miss J. Cox beat Miss P Trehearne 6—4, 6—3 in the girls'final. In the Kent Junior Championships at Beekenham Miss B. J. K. Gracey beat Miss
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  • 52 23 The long-distance championship of the Amateur Swimming Association, decided over the course from Kew to Putney was won by C. T. Deane (Penguins S.C from F. O. M. Miltan (Otter S.C), who had won the prev'ous two years. Deane's time was 1 hr. 8 mln. 52
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  • 32 23 F. W. Parrington (Liverpool Police) retained the Plunging Championship of the Amateur Swimming Association when, at the Swimming Stadium, Brighton, he attained a distance of 84 ft. IMi In-
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 220 23 |*K BING CROSBY'S LATEST! v\ ***** Good-night, Lovely Little Lady Once in a Blue Moon. **Tl ***** May 1? She reminds jne of You. j|g ***** Love Thy Neighbour Ridin' Around in the Ruin. Elta£Hp^| LATEST LISTS ON APPLICATION. :S S*-*- T.M.A. MUSIC HOUSE, 61/63, High Street and Branches. THE
      220 words

  • Article, Illustration
    243 24 A.i ioplanes ard royal romance are the topics of the day. The London -Melbourne race begins next week-end. Prince George weds Princess Marina on Nov. 29. Here is a page picturing the two subjects flying and royal romance. Above Is the giant 36-seater Fokker phtne built for the Royal Dutch
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 17 24 We are specialists in FURNITURE Bring your problems to us. SUN WAH COMPANY 83. victoria street. Singapore.
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    • 361 24 MODERN ARTISTIC FURNITURE designed and made by SUN WAH COMPANY 83, VICTORIA STREET, SINGAPORE. COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Incorporated ir> "togi&nd.) ktra, Utt, Marine. Aeeideni, (ivmniUm ana Motor. ASSETS t«t. OM.OM arthw C. Potta. Manager A Underwriter Eaatern Branch Singapore |sf6lg^ NO MORE ERRORS &l^k UDOMETER *^S^^T^ Aad& subtract*
      361 words