The Straits Times, 7 October 1934

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 39 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. No. 146. Sunday, October 7, 1934. Price 10 cents. 5 A.M. EDITION THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper in Malaya. No. 146. Sunday, October 7, 1934. Price 10 cents.
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  • 424 1 PROTEST AGAINST CATHOLICS IN CABINET 75 KILLED; 2,000 ARRESTS r |HE general strike throughout Spain proclaimed by the Socialist trades unions as a protest against the inclusion of three Catholics in the new Cabinet under the premiership of Ser.or Lerroux has resulted in widespread rioting
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  • 192 1 ENGLISH WOMAN IN BULL-RING DURING HONEYMOON An Englishwoman on her hoi.cymoon rode into a Spanish bull- ring and faced a charging bull. While the spectators cheered her she plunged darts again and again into the animal, and then her husband, son of a former M.P., acted as matador and killed
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  • 69 1 London, Saturday. RUBBER. (Quotations as supplied by Symington and Wilson.) Spot (Buyers) 6 13/16 d. (Sellers) 6 15. 16d. Nov.-Dec. C 15/16 d. Jan -Mar. 7 1 16 d. Apr.- June 7 'id. Market Steady. SILVER. Spot 22»*d. Forward 22*44CROSS RATE. London-New York, 4.92 V*. New York-London, 4.92',.
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  • 183 1 TAXI RIDE RAMP THE FAINTING LADY TRICK Tokyo. A novel and successrui scheme for obtaining free rides at the expense of taxi-drivers' better instincts, has been brought to light in a hospital here. A young and beautiful girl would engage a taxi. On arrival at her destination, the driver would
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  • 65 1 Dully Prices Current For No. 1. K. Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Tone of Market Dull. Latest Cable per lb. London Spot Sheet 6-' id. New York, Spot Sheet (Friday's clow) G. cts. IS 9 16 Spot (loose) (FOB.) Current month October Nov. -Dec. Jan. -Mar. Apr.-June Noon, Sal Buyers
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  • 67 1 CUTS RESTORED JIMAH RUBBER ESTATES ANOTHER company to restore pay cuts to its employees is Jimah Rubber Estates, Ltd. At the annual meeting in Singapore yesterday the chairman, the Hon. Mr. James Robertson, in reply to a question by Mr. S. E. Newbery, said that 50 per cent, of the
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  • 69 1 FINDING MARKETS IN AMERICA TEA PRODUCING NATIONS' MOVE (From Our Own Corespondent.) Batavla, Saturday. A tea propaganda committee, consist- Ing of Heer Lageman and Messrs. Huxley and Milligan, representing respectively Netherlands India, Ceylon, and British India, are leaving this month for the United States to study the possibility of promoting
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  • 100 1 C. E. R. SALE HITCH "IN CASH OR IN KIND" DEMAND Shanghai, Saturday. Another hitch has occurred in th< Chinese Eastern Ralway sale negotiations, according to a Toklo report. M. YurenefT, Soviet Ambassador in Tokio, who is conducting the negotiations, yesterday asked the Japanese Government to guarantee payment of the
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  100 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 1 The B.C.C. beat the United Services yesterday. (See Page 14.) The B.C.C. "threes" are seen in a fast movement.
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  • 465 1 TO FLY ON NEW SERVICE THE Qantas Empire Airways' aircraft V.H.-U.S.C, piloted by Mr. L. J. Brain, arrived In Singapore at 10.15 a.m. yesterday on her way to Australia from England This was the first of the machines, which are to open up the Singapore to
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  • 110 1 "AMERICAN TRAGEDY" VERDICT Wilkes Barres. Pennsylvania. Saturday AFTER deliberating for twelve hi>:im the Jury gave its verdict today in the "American Tragedy" case, and Robert Edwards, aged 23, was sentenced to death. He was alleged to have murdered his sweetheart, Freda McKechnle. who was expecting a
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  • 73 1 The attempted murder of nine persons by coal-gas poisoning wis the charge against Walter Fimister at Dundee. Beven of the nine were Fimister's children, ranging in age from one to eight The other two were Thomas McPartlin, 23. miner and William John Boyle. 20. labourer. It
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  • 76 1 Harbin. A sensation has been created in Manchukuo circles by the assassination of a pro- Japanese Mongolian Prince, Chler-tu-wang. which took place at Machlakow, some distance to the south of Harbin The Prince was Just alighting from a motor-car when he was taken by surprise by a
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  • 116 1 $88,000 MISSING FROM TRAIN THEFT NOTICED AT PENANG (From Our Own Correspond ent.J Bangkok, Saturday. TiHE sum of 110,000 tlcals (about $88,000) in currency notes is missing in transit from three exchange banks to the Straits Settlements. The absence of the insured parcels was noted on arrival of the mails
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  • 102 1 DUTCH AND RUBBER QUOTAS 30 PER CENT. MA V NOT BE ENOUGH _The Hague. Saturday. It is intimated here that yesterdays statement by the director of the Government Economic Department was not Intended to convey thr impression that 30 per cent, rubber restriction next year will be sufficient— Reuter. The
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 1 A squadron of marine aircraft nicknamed "HeM Divers"—maintaining an extremely difficult formation during manoeuvres in the I'nited States.
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  • 103 1 The Sunday Times Football Competition. No. 19, published on Sept 23 resulted In a tie between four competitors. The correct solutions in thi* competition were: Mole, Klne. Usher, Dirk, Straight, Rick, Cross. Keys. Gillie, Land. Nave and Score. The successful entrants, whose luta contained one error only, were:
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 1652 2 THE LONDONER 'S LOG Edited by QNE of the troubles of life is the anxiety of friends to give one helping hand. The other day I lunched in a very ■well restaurant everything therein to swell, including the bill. Lord and Lady Duveen lunch there. Lady Canard lunches there. Lady
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  • 257 2 BRITISH TROOPS A NECESSITY INDIAN ARMY PROBLEM Madras. British troops are a necessity in India, declared 81r A. P. Patro, addressing the Young Men's Indian Association Parliament. Whether the number of troops should be reduced was a matter for expert opinion, European and Indian, he added. Indian States, by virtue
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  • 93 2 New DelM. The scheme for an inter-university cricket championship is almost complete and will be discussed by the Board of Control for Cricket in India in the near future. Mr. Ardeshir D. Baria of Bombay has become VicePatron of the Cricket Club. It is understood he has
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  • 20 2 Simla. The appointment of Sir Osborne Smith as Governor of the Reserve Bank Is now officially confirmed.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 453 2 The World's Famous Swimmer Olympic Games— 6 times Champion of 1 906-8- 1 2-20-24-23 <*V^^l^^ EnglandCaptain, British Team IHBsm [uvWu World's Champions, 1920-24-28 l^^l^B™ 192n27-2» Roddy training tutth Fears w L'b- Lsmt breakable Waterproof Wnst Wauh '^y,'" ■"'^^i^mmm^\. fitted with the new UntarnishabU Chrom- MH V iiwi "Safety "Watch Bracelet/or
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    • 85 2 Kerosene Burning without Running Water B GIBSON REFRIGERATOR Burning kerosene as its freezing source, perfected and modernised In every detail, and presented In a steel cabinet or exceptional beauty, the GIBSON Kero-Untt Jiefrigerator provides a most economical form of refrigeration. M mafc— no mntag water and hat no monng part*
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  • 1383 3 MAINLY about MALAYANS By THE WANDERER THE announcement of bi? altera--1 tions at the Pavilion, including the erection of a revolving stage and the addition of a dance floor, brings to mind the Palais- de Danse, Ltd., prospectus. An issue was made of 50,000 $1 shares at par. The object
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 92 3 I to enjoy I——— Wm WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT of I COD LIVER I is what you require to reI store strength and vitality. I It is rich in Vitamin D. the I Sunshine Vitamin which I rebuilds bone and muscle. I Increases blood and lnvl- gorates the nerve system m I
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    • 637 3 MH EKSUMDgi These. Hotels will make :Emi your stay enjoyable -ENGLANDGEORGE GOLDSACK, formerly of the "Europe" and "Runnymede" will welcome you and understand all your needs at the •OLD ROSE INN," WOKINSHAM, BERKS. One hour from Hyde Park Corner. Please write for illustrated Brochure from Sunday Times Office. Rates from
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  • 424 4  -  By ELY CULBERTSON By rpHERE Is a type of defensive overcall •1 known as the Jump overcall. This Is purely a defensive weapon. The Jump overcall Is what Its name Implies —a bid of on 3or more tricks more than necessary to overcall an adverse opening bid.
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  • 31 4 Sohan Lai, the Bengal and AllIndia champion, added to his list of tennis triumphs when he defeated L. Brooke Edwards In the final of the [Calcutta hard courts championships 6—4, 6—4.
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  • 767 4 SCREENLAND SECRETS KfJkjfl IT'S an odd and interesting fact tha; various stars have scribes to handle their rather voluminous correspondence—and when they give a party, it's the scribe's sacred duty to write earn and every guest thanking them for attending. Marlon Da vies employs such a system, and just the
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  • 264 4 $36,000 FOR BOWLS ENTHUSIASTS Hong Kong. FOR almost 24 year, luck had been against them in cash sweeps. Then came the dawn, and with It $36,103.65. which Mr. John Oeakln and Mr. Bertie Maughan, both jf he Civil Service, will r hare between them. Messrs. Deakln
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  • 269 4 NOTES ON POULTRY The Capon Industry By OUR EXPERT rpHE method of caponlsatlon may b» A a paying proposition in Europ? where a special price may be obtain-d for such birds, but for the Malayan market I would certainly recommond at the start the production of "virgin cockerels," that Is.
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  • 49 4 Chandernagorc. The scheme for a racecourse in Chandernagore, which was mooted some years back but was turned down both by the people and their representatives In the Council, has been revived. It Is stated that an exGovernment official has been active:/ interesting himself in a new scheme.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 58 4 He said to me— why is Red Label clear ahead of other whiskies I said to him— because it leaves you with a clearer head 1 JOHNNIE WALKER BORN 1820. ..5T1LL GOING STRONG.. I Srle Agents CALDBECK MACCtECOI ft CO. LTD, SINCAPOtI RNANO KUALA LUMPUR AND IPOH Incorporated under the
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    • 191 4 FOR POULTRY. FOR HORSES. KOSSOLIAN BLOOD SALT. Radlol flone ltadUM RadloJ Kidrwy Lefwash Powders. Reduc'ne. "Evelyn" It prevents rapes liver troubles Stock Food, an excellent conditioner It eurea Anaemia and weakness tatX Uml: BaiMtis stock Remedies It restores last appetite and com pi e te range of forage, etc. It
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  • 565 5 Free Entry Competition For Sunday Times Readers What Names Are Hidden In These Drawings? lUlovv will be found another of The Sunday Times Picture Puzzle Competitions.; A Hst of names of people, taken from a directory, is »iven, together with 12 drawings. Each of the drawings
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 651 5 GSTABUSHEO iVXk STUDY M. IN YOUR AT JoVw SPARE HOMH w*WssTN> 11ViK CATION- fcTsljrFiKfßH -Mflfrpf lOVED OVER AL 1 kaiix- t^fcir»jWPc^KgJaJlJlatouk. bkokkn i kogkess. ING FROM THIS aWsMilMiHssi »hvi uixalsl OP enitLrt cifuß MIsVbUbVbFZF BJBJTskUK THE SI'CCESS Oh OCR COLLEGE lb ALAK- r^HaQKUROM Bs*?*«B^r^ SUDESI'S. THERE IS NO EER-A SUCCESSFUL
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  • 1817 6  - STAVISKY' S TRAGI C WIFE STEPHANE MANIER By ARCH-SWINDLER NONPLUSSED BY HER FAITHFULNESS A further chapter in the life »f Sacha Stavisky, the arck swindler, whose death early this year was followed by amazing revelations of corruption in French politics, is related below by Stephane Manier. A BELL shrilled wildly
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 324 6 W bbbW. l E^sV. ifSsJ I Jj\^L sPi"^^Er^^- M ■L m Z jjsj Mffm^^ I BRPIB #I^BBM J BBbW A *^^>SBBBBBfe^^S^flfl *V*^^ H .^SBbB Oft jflfil BB^^^BBBsC' BSSSSSSS^BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS^^BSSSSSSSSSSSSa 1 W] BSSSSSK '^^BSSs! BSSSSV^BSSSSSSSsUIsSSsI WC^ BSSSS^^JsW fc| *V HP HsS^B^sf A MLVssP*^Lssssssssa <zz>o site asked u<j>*entatu why {JZhm Sixteen Berkeley Dc
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  • 2227 7 WHY CHINA RESISTS WESTERN INFLUENCE SCARCITY OF CAPITAL IN JAPAN Empire In The East. Edited By fears and hates the Treaty Porte, Joseph Barnes. Kegan Paul. 10s. 6d. rIS co-operatively written book, sponsored by the American Council of the Institute of Pacific Relations,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 31 7 I ir\ei\jcleane<l 4 «if ffve old oil filed her op wtth tRIPLE SflEU.pressed ffve self starter— and here we are sf MASTER'S Advertisement of The Asictlc Petroleum Company (Straits Settlements) Ltd
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    • 281 7 THE CONSEQUENCES OF NEGLECTED HEALTH ARE DEBIUTY AND JISEASE Tka waaiartai tftscevery ti Or C. Bvergi, Prefeeaer of Mrticina at Bun* Uniwraity, pro4«ic*« new blood, ran«ws Hrn anttra humaa arganttm and rasters* tka complete fu»ctionin( of all tnercy glancs. Thu preparation hat givan goo« haatta to many thousands, and it
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  • 578 8 TREND OF NEW FASHIONS From OUR LONDON FASHION CORRESPONDENT Sunday Times Office, Fleet Street, Sept. 26. TT is always difficult to give a broad impression of new fashions after seeing a procession of collections one after the other. There are no very drastic changes in view for the
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  • 126 8 A useful addition to the household string box is b supply of gummed paper tape, such as may be bought from stationers. For fastening many kinds of parcels .his tape Is much better than string. Soft, yielding parcels are apt to slip out of their string, unless it
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  • 914 8 By OUR WOMAN CORRESPONDENT AFTER a brief spell of rest Singapore Is going whoopee once again. With the entertainments that are being provided for pleasurc-lovlng crowds at the moment, and more that are to come in the near future, a bright time is assured. Excited whispers are
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  • 104 8 Sometimes during the sales lightcoloured silk stockings are sold at greatly reduced prices, and are well worth buying and tinting a deeper shade. Silk stockings are easy to dye successfully if a few points are remembered. To avoid their dyeing In patches, they should be soaked in
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 296 8 knows hew to Accentuate Natural Lovellnew T TIR lips are neither s streak of paint nor s faded line. Instead, *he accentuates her mouth with a lipstick that gives the natural youthful glow that men admire without that painted look. Only Tangee can do this because only Tangee contains the
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    • 183 8 S AMAMI is the Beauty cret of hundreds of girls iLP^^Ba* who have woo Beauty Com- |ffc»^^ petitions and hair prizes it is also the secret of C. thousands of girlt in every f walk of life who keep their ~^^m w/ hair in perfect condition. Only ym If AMAMI
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    • 126 8 RENE ULLMANN (Millinery Department) ANNOUNCES A new shipment which will be on view from WEDNESDAY I»TH INST. OF The Latcat PARIS models of EVENING GOWNS— "TUNIQI'ES"— BLOUSES etc The newest HATS (the real fashion far the season 1934— 1935) And the most eh kr ACCESSORIES, Che perfect acromp anknent to
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  • 1030 9 Beautiful Homes of Malaya From OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT o ..-an "VESTLING in the lap of the high| hills that border Sri Menanti J and in the fertile and sequestered! valley of that name, stands the I ultra-modern palace of head of the Negri Sembilan confederacy.
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  • 84 9 Calcutta. The "Racing Calendar" announces that on a report from the Stipendiary Stewards, the Stewards of the R.C.T.C. held an Inquiry into the interference caused to Doubloon and Thrifty Allan in the Shahpur Plate on September 1. As a result, the Stewwards found that W. Marland, Jockey,
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  • 90 9 The coveted Contes Medal of the Calcutta University, conferred on the medical graduate who Is adjudged to have made the most notable contribution to medical science during the previous seven years, this year is awarded tc D A. C. Ukll. As Ghosh Travelling Fellow of the University Dr.
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  • 927 9 "TEST" MATCHES SOON By Miss M. L TAYLOR, a Loiuion typist who has been chosen as one of a team of womento one of a team of xoomen to Australia 19. the first team of, v women cricketers ever to playi in a series of test matches
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  • 734 9 OL LYWOOD'S BEAUTY SECRETS 'THERE is an amusing story about a sculptor who became so discouraged looking at the fallen faces of his models that he decided to go into the beauty business. Whether or not he succeeded is not told as part of the tale but it's dollars to
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  • 120 9 Practical Map Books by S. J. B. Whybrow, B.Sc. F.R.G.S. Dent. is. TVIIS is the third book of a series in the preparation of which It has been assumed that the student possesses a modern text- book and an atlas. The aim has been not only to
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 2 9 TIGER BEER
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    • 77 9 *^'^7 ■£•> Bm\ v^H BBB^^BBBBvnBBSvk BBflp A ft?*-* 5 *2Hflfl I .<a* A SIS *Tfc IBB^ A- ~BS\ jni i Children are the flowers in life's garden.* children are beautiful, healthy and happy, for lactogen" nourishes in the correct way, ensuring firm muscle and fine straight limbs. JHfefc or a
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  • 52 10 Mrs. Chan Kai Chuen nee Maple See Kirn Luan. wUe of Chan Kai Chuen of National Underwriters Agency, pa&sed away at her residence No. 3. Chapel Road on Oct. 6. 1934. Cortege leaves today at 10 a.m. Shanghai. Hong Kong, Canton. Manila Saigon. Java, Malacca, and PM.S. papers
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  • 467 10 How many people have suffered the tortures of the damned as a consequence of purely imaginary illnesses, attributable to something spoken or written by a prominent medical scientist? We do not wish to be rude to the medical profession. The great majority of its members realise fully the
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  • 665 10 SIX DAYS' NEWS SUNDAY.— Nanking Government informs Soviet that China will not recognise proposed sale of Chinese Eastern Railway to Manchukuo. Blue Shirts to form party Independent of United Ireland Party, says General CDuffy. Mr. Cronln, new leader declares, however, that they still oxve allegiance to the party. League of
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  • 1004 10 UNTIL FURTHER. NOTICI $10 FOR A JOKE THAT MAKES ME LAUGH This is one of those weeks in which the opening paragraph is a real trial to Ananias. I shall therefore dispense with an opening paragraph. I also find it very difficult to produce a good
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  • 88 10 (Ananias News Factory.) London, Saturday. The latest entrant for the Lon-don-Melbourne Air Race in Flying Flossie, of Fulham. When I went to interview her this morning she admitted that she had not yet flown, bat was encouraged .to do so and to bf lieve that she would win
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 492 10 The Grandest, most entertaining mystery Thriller of them all! How at the CAPITOL TO-DAY 3.15 6.15 9.15 THE THIN MAN M.G.M.'s great thrill-laden, laugh-filled show with WILLIAM POWELL MYRNA LOY and MAUREEN O SULLIVAN Jalhambra|| POSITIVELY LAST 3 SHOWS TODAY 3.15 6.15 9.15. JANET CHARLES GAYNOR FARRELL IN CHANGE of
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    • 38 10 PIANO TUNING REPAIRS REMOVALS HIRE > CHARLES, j Phone 74, Orchard Rd. j ■»>■«>. aaaa a... a>a.>aa«a». ->»_>■>■> a.' NEW WORLD SINGAPORE. Side Shows, Cabaret, Dancing, Talkies, Theatres and Cinemas.' ««a>aaaaa>a a aw>aaa>aaaaa»aaa>aaaaa>aaa»aaa«a*aa a nw. 1 Thoroughly good and reliable Timekeepers
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • 283 11 WHY NOT TO CHINA BRITISH TRADE WITH JAPAN NEW COMMISSION PLANNED Shanghai, Saturday. "SACRIFICING a Whale to Catch a Sprat" is the heading on an editorial today in the Hankow Herald, one of the .eadin* Chinese newspapers in Central China, in commenting on
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  • 140 11 MR. TEO SENG BEE AND MISS CHAN SOH GUAT The marriage of Mr. Teo Seng Bee of the N. Y. K. Singapore branch and Miss Chan Son Guat took place according to Chinese reformed style at tne New Century Restaurant. Great '.\orld. last Sunday. A large number 1
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  • 296 11 CONSTABLE ACQUITTED OF EXTORTION After several days trial in the police court, Hablbullah, a constable in the Additional Police Force, was acquitted by Mr. J. M. Brander, the third magistrate, on charges of extortion and bribery. The accused, Additional P. C. 1022, was alleged to have "squeezed" 20
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  • 109 11 NANYANG STUDENTS' CONCERT The Nanyang Chinese Students' Society of Prince Edward Road held (their annual concert last night at I the Victoria Theatre. j The songs were in Mandarin. The programme was enjoyed by a large gathering. Members of the Society and the Nanyang Girls' High School contributed
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  • 98 11 Confident that he would be able to I find a bailor for $100. a young Chinese, Ong Lye, asked Mr. Norman Grice, the second magistrate, yesterday for permission to go out to look for a surety. He admitted that he' had been taken out previously but without
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  • 200 11 EARLY MORNING TALK LEADS TO TROUBLE FOR SUSPICIOUS CHARACTERS Two detectives in the course of their rounds during the early hours of the morning of Sept. 29 peered into a cul-de-sac off Waterloo Street and in the dim light discerned three people in close conversation. They approached and found that
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  • 47 11 As she neared the end of her voyage from America, the giant liner Majestic ran aground outside Southampton. It was several hours before the treat vessel could be re.ioated, and she docked late. She is seen in dock at Southampton after her "adventure."
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  • 398 11 STORY OF SCENE AT THEATRE SINGAPORE RIOTS RECALLED jyt R J. M BRANDKR in the police court yesterday morning, acquitted Mr. Philip Hoalim, Chinese barrister-at-law practising in Singapore, charged with assaulting a policeman at the Capitol Theatre on the evening of Aug. 2. The prosecution, conducted
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  • 471 11 THE FAMILY OF LEICESTER GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. H. B. Leicester, retired veteran of the Singapore Harbour Board, and Mrs. Leicester, of Dell and Penang. will celebrate their golden wedding next week. Mr. Leicester, who is in his 79th year, comes of an old AngloIndian family from Bengal where his grandfather
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  • 27 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuantan The Datoh Panglima Prang Besar. uncle of the Sultan of Pahang, la seriously ill at the Pekan General Hospital.
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  • 870 11 The following Is Fraser and. Co.'s list of closing prices In Singapore yesterday >esieraay.— Ampat Tin (4) 5s 5s 9d c.d. Asam Kumbang (C) 37s 6d 40a Austral Malay 50s 52s 6d Ayer Hltam Tin (58) 14b 9d 15a 3d z.d. Ayer Weng <$») 2.02 2.07 Bangrln
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  • Page 11 Advertisements

  • Article, Illustration
    813 12 SLOGGERS WHO SPOIL THE "NOBLE ART" By LEON SEE, The Famous Manager Of Boxers "CMGHTING Fools" is the apt description which old boxing men, in America apply to those •boxers, fortunately in a minority, who, setting aside all science and caution, fight like madmen, receive t .vo blows
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  • 292 12 AN OXFORD BLUE London, Sept. 20. Mr. William John Oakley, the England and Corinthian footballer and Oxford athletic Blue, was fatally injured in a motoring accident near Carlisle on Monday. He was travelling alone from Scotand when his car skidded and overturned. He was taken to Carlisle Infirmary
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  • 813 12 SOCCER TACTICS OF SUNDERLAND Everybody connected with football realises that the League race is a long-distance affair, with the honours eventually going to the consistent stayers. For my port, I divide the race into what I might call laps— about half-dozen of them, writes George Hunt, the
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  • 583 12  - HINTS ON BILLIARDS CUEMAN By SOMEBODY says you cannot make a type of sand. Nor get sunbeams from cucumbers. Both statements are true, you will allow. Nor can you know all about billiards in a day or a month, aye, or a year. That's what keeps the game alive. The
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  • 149 12 FLYWEIGHT TITLE OF MALAYA TO BE RECOGNISED FOR FIRST TIME TOHE programme of boxing at the Great World on Friday has two "main events." In one of these the flyweight championship of Malaya will be decided and officially recognised Tor the first time in the history of professional boxing In
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 165 12 Constructed for the •finest" work yet handu 1 1 4-6 lrns Price from $33. IN this splendid Nagel camera— the ANCA— U>; expert photographer will find all the optical and mechanical refinements desires for the most exacting studies, yet It Is so quick and simple In action that for ordinary
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    • 163 12 II .if2tffi^*\ FRU|T i el| y 1S a| f^^dWjlMSrjSu /\ways a welcome iiflnßHT^ delicacy Cere bos r i Jelly Crystals are v^ s^^^*^^^// ingredients— the juice V^ rwk, II ripe Iruil and fne fair piflttS^^'^ finest sugar The /*^JLw *^?7 result is always a "*^Jr J e^ v Crystals -**-^?it^^^^
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  • 878 13 KUALA QUEEN WINS OPENING DAY OF SELANGOR MEETING (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. MR. A van Tooren, the well-known Selangor racehorse owner, had a very successful day today at the opening of the Selangor Turf Club's autumn meeting. The most popular
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  • 548 13  -  Air Mall.i SOME EXTRAORDINARY PUTTING 'By London, Sept. 11. 8. B. Roberts met O. 8. Noon In the 36 holes final (or the Welsh Close title, at Prestatyn yesterday, and as a result of the first round gatned a lead of one hole. Noon failed to draw
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  • 126 13 A tennis match betweeu the Singapore Volunteer Corps and I Tanglin Club played oa Friday, at j Tanglin resulted in a win for Club by j 67 games to 59, both sides winning 6 sets. Full scores were as follows: j Volunteer pairs mentioned first. N. S. Wise and
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  • 157 13 RECREATION CLUB WIN P.F.A. CUP (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Saturday. The Penang Recreation Club made history today when thsv won the P. F. A. Cup for the first time of asking defeating the D.A.F.C., the premier Malay team who have been runnersup since the inception
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  • 163 13 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Oct. 5. The following have been selected to play in a State hockey trial here on I Tuesday, prior to selecting the Negri I Sembilan hockey side against Selan:gor Colours Alexander 8. Emmanuel (N. Is. Tamils); R. Fowler and L. Stork <N S.
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  • 436 13 ANGLO-CHINESE SCHOOL CONCEDE 3 GOALS O.R.A. 3 Anglo-Chlneae School The Old Rafllesians Association did not have their full team out but they were sufficiently strong to he*t the Anglo-Chinese School by three clear goals at hockey yestentar «r. 'J\t Raffle* Institution ground. The Armstrong brothers
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 131 13 r\CE--On Oct. H/4, it the Ma^enuty lie spital sTp ye to «Ir. Mrs. ioiiw Dyce. so:\ DERFUMES jßb^*^^b^^ts^b^bW^^^ m> ''^SivV New shipment* of ir+imwL'S' Houbigant's Cotys ••♦SilrJ'A Chanel Lentherlc WII iN*s Muhlem's 4711 and a host of famous creations. MAYNARD CO., LTD. 11, Battery Road, Tel. 6115. MAAS-10. a» FOR
      131 words
    • 35 13 TIGER BEER BABYS FIRST STEP TOWAPDS SOLID FOOD fm b^MbVX \^T^Bt> i>|l^^K' 1 .*M% uciV" Kl^! 9^^ 'tf-J. *4 1* X^^^ "f=gfs% 4 fllAr RUSKS Sole Agents tor Malaya and Slam, BiUILOWACe.SIippwi&KuULjMHNir. 1 AH 7
      35 words
    • 165 13 cKtaa Fg WtECiam W Ji SCOTS WH I S KY Js£gj3fffmPsL^^ Of UNEXCELLED /J UNVARTIIM FLAVOUR A si A SOLE AGENTS: SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. Y^if \canjeel "^fEWLIFEj^ i/irouffn my veins **I^TO mora weary, dull days for me! No mor« depressing X^l colds and rasping coughs Since I discovered
      165 words

  • 861 14 WOMEN'S BADMINTON SINGLES The Clerical Union Hall was packed almost to capacity yesterday when the quarter final ties of the Women's Open Singles championship were played off, and the attendance was easily the best seen during the present season. The change 01 venue,
    861 words
  • 1567 14 OUTSIDES' BRILLIANT HANDLING; TALBOT HURT AGAIN SINGAPORE certainly have reason to be well pleased with themselves after their display on the B.C.C. padang yesterday afternoon, when they defeated the United Services by 17 points (a goal, a penalty goal and three tries) to 3 points
    1,567 words
  • 110 14 S. Johore 3 pts.: R.A 3 pis. The Royal Artillery from Blakan Matl sent a Rugby fifteen to Johore Bahru yesterday afternoon to play their fixture against the South Johore RFC. The match was drawn, each side scoring a try. Robb for the home team and Smith
    110 words
  • 11 14 Raffles College cancelled their Ru^bv fixture yesterday between graduates and undergraduates.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 454 14 »"%11|§| remedy w^ A x i The Simple Way Its Action in the //ea/fA Digestive System .499* Take dally your meals tmM The primary action of PHILLIPS Live Yeaat U quantity of PHILLIPS Yeast— just a to regulate the whole process of digestion and few Granules or 2 small TABLETS,
      454 words
    • 1 14 HI
      1 words
    • 277 14 GRAND VARIETY FETE. UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF MRS CALDECOTT AND LADY HUGGARD VICTORIA MEMORIAL HALL OCTOBER 10 and 11—9 a.m.— MIDNIGHT. DANCING 6 p.m.— l 2 p.m. SPECIAL FEATURES COMPETITIONS FOR CHILDREN Win one of Ottomar Anders' 3 Prizes, for Amateur Photography Child Study. Win a Prize for the Best
      277 words

  • 2 15
    2 words
  • 2794 15 "J.CJV, continuing his account of early days in Kuala Lumpur, tells of that interesting personality, Father Letesfeier, whose popularity in every community extended among the Sakais. The Padre's pony, too, was a general favourite and was given the run of the town. Priest's Remarkable
    2,794 words
  • 258 15 PALACE AS MASONiC TEMPLE THE NIZAM'S GIFT Secunderabad. A statement issued by the Hyderabad Government says that Masonic Building Committee hn.e decided to keep the Gosha Maha! i Baradarl (Palace) open to the public on Tuesdays and Fridays. The Baradarl palace has been converted Into a masonic temple and was
    258 words
  • 172 15 NINE YEARS ON A WORLD TOUR AFOOT AND ON CYCLES Mr. and Mrs. P. Hecker. a German covple, have arrived In Calcutta on their way home during a world tour on foot and by cycle. They have toeea on the road for nine years and have already covered about 60.000
    172 words
  • 197 15 30 Pounds of Fall Here is something all wives of fat mrm Ml be glad to know It is the experience a woman whose husband recently weiehe] Set. < lbs. Bhe writes "I really feel I must write and till :<n, that, after taking Kruschen
    197 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 227 15 SELETAR GRANGE Fmropeaa Seaside Residential HoteJ Excellent food and accommodation. Peaceful and attractive surroundings. Healthy sea breezes. Bathing and fishing good. (Large Pagar). Just the place to recuoerate for long stay or week-ends. Sunday curry tiffins a speciality. Charges moderate. Under new Management. FOR SALE His Master's Voice Cabinet gramophone.
      227 words
    • 321 15 RCA RADIO TUBES j LEAD THE WORLD J IN SALES BECAUSE OF WORLD-WIDE V*" ~>y "LEADI.RSHII*" IN RESEARCH ENGI- i T/f PEERING MANU- j If^J^rrjJ FACTORING J RCA-built radio tubes i I are the standard of comparison wherever j -j radio tubes are used, i The quality of other I
      321 words

  • 528 16 FORWARDS EXCEL IN SCRUM LAST-MINUTE CHANGE MADE IN TEAM FROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. ONCE again the Negri-Malacca rugger combination failed to create a favourable impression when they were beaten by Selangor by 12 points (4 tries) to 3 points (one
    528 words
  • Article, Illustration
    17 16 The Services clear, during their mat i with the S.C.C. yesterday, which is reported in page 14.
    17 words
  • 306 16 EARLY DAYS OF FOOTBALL RECALLED AT PULO BRANI PARTY 'OOCCER In the old days was recalled at a Ronggeng party held at Pulo I Brani last night to celebrate the 25th anniversary of exemption from registration of the Marine Department Football Club. Among the guests were Capt. G Freyberg, the
    306 words
  • 28 16 Melbourne, Saturday. In the world's billiards championship eliminating heat, Llndrum (21.903) beat McConachy (20.795). Llndrum meets Joe Davis in the final on Oct. 15— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 345 16 OTOKE City maintained their clean sheet as regards home matches by holding the Arsenal to a draw yesterday. Blackburn Rovers did well t) force a draw with Manchester City. playing at the latter's ground. Yester day's results, cabled by Reuter were Birmingham Everton Grimsby Town Huddersfleld Manchester C.
    Reuter  -  345 words
  • 319 16 KENG CHUAN HURT From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. PERAK beat Penan* today in an inter-State rugger match by 10 points (two goals) to nil. The Perak team is generally described as the strongest for two seasons, while the Penang side Is described as experimental. Nigel Williams
    319 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 420 16 IQKu* -fiSSBKU SWf QbVbbW VWE ttfMMHI WOT P^ssssssssV HsV tssH SBHHsssV W W W Ml i^bssb^s^b» cm^mmi BniIXIANT COMEDY— WITTT DIALOGI'E— SNAPPY IMV< HB^BJB^BHpr 4% SM Mk BsM f Opt ING CHARMING ROMANCE— AND DfcMGHTKL'L NEW "**d ™f*» *^_vSifi^\lTWFfV^* 6 IB If 2 A i»*i Xt^sl HbK.. hiSk SONGS, IN
      420 words

  • 1253 17 KUANTAN JOLLY ONES' NEW COURT (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuantan. The new badminton court of the Kuantan Jolly Ones Badminton Party was declared open on last Sunday In the presence of a large gathering of members and well-wishers. Members of the Go Getters Party of
    1,253 words
  • 106 17 London, Sept. 26. Hungary has tendered to the Amateur Swimming Association an official apology for the conduct of the Hungarian national water-polo team in their match with the Empire B.C. at Wembley on Aug. 29. Taking exception to a decision of the referee, the Hungarian players left the
    106 words
  • 526 17 PLAYERS SENT OFF WELSH UNIONS POSITION London. Sept 24. Tt has been asserted that the unpleasantness caused in the recent Aberavon-Brldgend match, in which a player from each side was sent off the field by the referee, was due to the fact that a player who had assisted Bridgend in
    526 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 606 17 fine primrose nn a dc^-c^^ V^bUooAbCD beehive honey sUArd^>^ lISNSIBi ANOTHER GOSSAGE S COMPETITION 'ifeß'^Kll BIG NO ENTRANCE FEE.' "*^flT -^tfslSl lv^ > ''^*r%ttw "fr'V l^l Jc \Jntt \A7U 4- A 4- A tt t0 GGeeM c Comp«t:t:on. Urited Exporters Ltd., 8. t^VM' >fi^sJ^'*Z*%\Tsjfi /^^2j^>rll vMa §Y% A B I
      606 words
    • 256 17 WARNING TO STOMACH SUFFERERS The amazing cures effected by Maclean Brand Stomach Powder in cases of Indigestion, Acidity, Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Heartburn, Gastritis and Ulcerated Stomach, have brought on to the market so many imitations that you must be careful to insiM on the signature ALEX C. MACLEAN The formula of
      256 words

  • 2470 18 Missed In Golf Championship Soccer Season Drags Well Done Marines S.C.R.C/s Open Tennis "VI7HERE are the young women golf- ers?" This was one of the comments heard after the^flnal of the Andrew Currie Cup at the Island Club on Wednesday when Mrs. Cherry, who won
    2,470 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 30 18 II IB O day^as always 11 I OVAITINE I is Best I y£^ Health -for Sleep- 1 I J for Work I Reject substitutes. They are not "like Oval tine
      30 words
    • 68 18 P,fgi[i i i H6v^, "ri '*-^jtyflfil Send now for fully illustrated list ot n2?K&§mHH Royal Bakery 1 suggestions, shewing a occasions, such as Weddings, Birthdays, Christenings etc., and icing can )e executed in accordance uith personal wishes. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE C°. LTP PROPRIETORS I 1 v i *v 1 r\
      68 words

  • 1793 19 BEING DRAFTED BY SELANGOR ASSOCIATION OFFICIALS INVITED TO K. L. FOR THE FORMATION OF AN ASSOCIATION r£ Selangor Badminton Association is at present engaged in drafting the proposed Ailes for the Malayan Badminton Association. In a short time, when these rules are ready, copies will
    1,793 words
  • 1077 19 SINGAPORE'S PROMISING YOUNGSTERS VETERANS MAKING WAY All the first round ties of the men's open singles championship were played off on Saturday and Sunday last at the B.V.C. Drill Ball and the large crowd which turned up, expecting to see some Interesting fames, were not disappointed as most of the
    1,077 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 77 19 3 jJssWRv Ml. -because it's of true English y^a^a^'*^aw^Bßa\ Quality! f 110W NG SEL R U p l R 6 E AT ByME^j^C^iJ^ Per case of 96 00 R-O/^^l Wf d*O FA »f *!lr^ il Or per doz v^'jU V&vj P er case of 48 <fc*M An |fs^^Bl\>l >}/ quart
      77 words
    • 388 19 BEGINNERS' OUTFIT Each Ml U complete with a good quality Violin, one bow, one case and necessary acce atone*. No. 2011 Beginner's outfit. $10.00 Postage $1.00 extra. T. M. A. MUSIC HOUSE. 61/63 High Street. Branches: Selegie Road and Geylang. YOUR SMALL COINS may seem too few to bother about.
      388 words

  • Article, Illustration
    105 20 A general view irotn the air ol Endea.our ileft) leading Rainbow in the second race cf the America's Cap series. (Planet News.) Londoners thronfinir round Prince Georce and Princess Marina In the West End. The royal couple were searching for their ear. (Planet News.) A recent picture, taken in Paris,
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 17 20 We are specialists in FURNITURE Bring your problems to us. SUN WAH COMPANY 83. Victoria street, Singapore.
      17 words
    • 244 20 MODERN ARTISTIC FURNITURE designed and made by SUN WAH COMPANY 83, VICTORIA STREET. SINGAPORE COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporate^ In England.) Firm, Ufa. Marine. Accident. GaaraatM aM Motor ASSETS £M.M«.M«. Artkv C. Potta. Manager A Underwriter Eastern Branch. Singapore. m*£wy? Hr nuMol THE NERVE JMV l u. l l
      244 words