The Straits Times, 2 September 1934

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 39 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. No. 141. Sunday, September 2nd., 1934. Price 10 cents. 5 a.m. EDITION THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper in Malaya. No. 141. Sunday, September 2nd., 1934. Price 10 cents.
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  • 275 1 BUDGET DIRECTOR RESIGNS "OUT OF SYMPATHY" WITH N.R.A. GRAVE STRIKE PROSPECTS THE United States Governimi.t and N.R.A. face this weekend another of the many ciises which have marked the Administration's chequered career. Hot on the heels of the announcement of a nation-wide strike n the
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  • 124 1 JAPANESE FORCES Shanghai. Saturday. The departure today of two fresh divisions of troops from Japan for North Manchukuo indicates that, however lightly Japanese official spokesmen in Tokio and Peiping treat the situation in Manchukuo arising from the mass arrests of Soviet officials of the Chinese Eastern
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  124 words
  • 267 1 NOW 21 AND MISSING Missing— Eugenette Be ce, England's first eugenic baby. She was born in Hampstead. London, on May 7, 1913. Scientists, .ncluding the late Dr. Metchnikoff. and also thj ugenist Dr. C. W. Saleeby, awa'ted her birth with tense interest. For her parents Mr. and
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  • 188 1 PETTY OFFICERS DEATH SLIPPED ON STEPS RETURNING from shore leave in company with mess mates shortly Ik fore midnifht on Friday. Prtty-oOi cer Henry McBraerty was about to step into the master attendant's launch an his way back to H.M.S. Terror when he s.ippei and fell into
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  • 239 1 CHINESE BUSINESSMAN'S DEATH MR. CHING KENG LEE TOHE death occurred yesterday of Mr. Chlng Keng Lee, the well-known Singapore auctioneer and partner 4 n Chlng KenK Lee and Co. He started the firm In 1911. Mr. Keng Lee was 77 years of age. A son of Mr. Chlng Chye Hoon,
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  • 108 1 London. Saturday. The death has occurred of Mr. Frank Briant. J.P., M.P. (Liberal) .'or North Lambeth. He was born In 1865 in the constituency he afterwards represented. Mr. Briant had a long record of public service. He was In the Civi: Service for fourteen years and was on
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  • 113 1 TWO WOMEN READERS AMONG PRIZE WINNERS Three competitors succeeded i solving correctly 11 of the 12 puzzles in The Sunday Times Competition No. 14. printed on Aug. 19. The corre -t solutions In the competition were Court, Ash. Painter, Sheer. Van.*. Dray. Drake. Helps. Light. Lock. Law and
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  • 253 1 BRITISH DEMAND Rome. A demand fo.- £250 income »ax his been made on Signor Mussolini on behalf of the British Inland Revenue authorities. The demand is based on the lncomt received by the Duce as royalties on his play '"The Hundred Days." which was produced in
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  • 75 1 MR. R. MADGE AND MISS G. BRUCE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. The wedding took place this morning at St. Mary's Church of Mr. Raymond Madge, partner In the legal firm of Messrs. Freeman and Madge, and Miss Gwyneth Bruce, for several years secretary of the
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  • 103 1 COLOURFUL SCENES ON DULL DAY DESPITE the uncertainty of the weather, there was a fair crowd at the opening day of the Gold Cup race meeting at Bukit Timah yesterday. The improvements which have been carried out met with general approval. The grandstands and lawn were
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  • 67 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. Mr. D. J. Jardine, Governor-design ate of British North Borneo In succession to Mr. A. F. Richards, who is now Governor of Gambia, arrives in Kuala Lumpur tomorrow evening from Ipoh in the course of a tour of Malaya.
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  • 76 1 AN amazing aeroplane accident occurred on Friday night near St Joseph's. Missouri, says Reuter, when an aeroplane was struck by lightning and crashed to the ground. The pilot and the four passengers in the machine lost their lives. The aeroplane flew Into a heavy thunderstorm and
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  • 40 1 STEAMER CAPSIZES Shanghai. Saturday, Ttf ore tnan 160 lives are feared lost as the result of the capsizing of a Chinese-owned steamer near Tahushan Bay. Manchukuo. The steamer was plying between North China and Manchukuo ports.— Sin Chew Jit Poh.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  40 words
  • 20 1 The forces under Gen. Yang Houslao. stationed in North Charhar. have mutinied, and are now heading for the Suiyuan border
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  • 108 1 LORD CASTLEROSSE Writing For The Sunda) Times I ORD Castleroase. the world's most famous columnist, is to contribute each week to The Sunday Times. His first article appears in Pace 2. H i s Londoner's Log gives still further interest to the feature pages of The Sunday Times, already unrivalled
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  • 133 1 THE HIGHEST PRICE SINCE 1930 (From Our Own Correspondent) London. Saturday. T'HE hi?he't swot price fo* rubbei since 1930 was recorded on Thursday. There was a slight reaction yesterday, but the undertone was strong. The rise Is attributed to a small number of outside buying orders in
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  • 57 1 Pelting. Advices received here from Nanchang state that a comet has been seen there for several nights. It has a dazzling tail coming out in the Norm-oust or North-west, and It disappears in the South-east direction. It has aroused terror among the superstitious, who aee in this phenorienon
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  • 49 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Saturday. The rubber market was closed. SILVER. Spot 21 11 Kid. Forward 21* id. (Ross RATE. London-New York. 4f)9',. New York-London. 4.98 V (Rate as supplied by the London office of the National City Bank of New York applies to Friday's close.)
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  • 57 1 Noon. Saturday. R.S.S. equal to London Standard Tone of Market :—Quiet Steady. Latest Cable per Ih London Spot Sheet New York Spot Sheet (Friday's close) G. cts. 15H. Buyers Spot (loose) KH (F.O.B.) 25*4 standard R.S.S. on Tender Seller ■.'.V',. Bayers Sept. MM Oct.-Dee. 28H Jan.-Mar. 27'i Apr.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 2041 2 Edited bu VISCOUNT a cjmruEßCssE THISRE is no better place in the world to take a holiday in than Biarritz— for a duck. Some people have been complaining of the weather, but I say there is nothing really to bother about provided the patient is really patient,
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  • 431 2  - Bridge Notes THE VIENNA COUP ELY CULBERTSON By The Vienna Coup Is a varia the squeeze play which begins with the establishment ->t a high cord or cards for an opponent, and latsr, through the operation of the squeeze, forces him to d'scard them. An example of the Vienna Coup
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 53 2 LOOK FOB fIMU] £jn f JN *hirts and soft collar*, as r~£MW*.VJ I LOd FOP THE REGISTERED TAB i Gt'^Z^&H IRTS SOFT COLIARS PYJAMAS SOLD BY LEADING HOSIERS GUTTITTE&S STORES IF any difficulty In obtalnint. write COURTAL'U>S, LTD. 16. St. MarUn'i-lr-r.rand, Londra, EC. 1 far name of n* .rest retailer
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    • 112 2 I hot weather always made work an W X effort and recreation less enjoyable. I^^ "But now, thanks to Waterbury's Com- pound, lam filled with new vitality! I feel 1 fresh and vigorous. I eagerly attack my daily m\ s~ tasks and have an abundanc* of excess- 1 energy to
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    • 131 2 Our Services cover the Island MUKA HEAO EGW /d* Malaya's health holiday resu t. BT.TEM6*H IA/UV I PEMAN6 IC? i nwig IV xh, Mutd has a miniature HUI Station 2735 fee t''" I v fcbove sea level, not too high an altitude. The Island posstases the country's best hotels. RUMYMEDE
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  • 154 3 STOMACH PAINS ARE ALWAYS A WARNING. Never Neglect Them. However much you pride yourself on being fit. don't full Into the danger of neglecting symptoms of Indigestion. Don't think "it's only something dis agreed with me." It only "disagreed' because your digestion was out of order And gastric and duodenal
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  • 149 3 In succession to Wing Commander G. G. Dawson, whose appointment to Henlow was recently announced, Squadron Leader P. E. M*ltland. A.F.C., assumes command of No. 207 (Bomber) Squadron at Blrcham Newton, one of the units visited by the King and Queen on Empire Day. In 1927-29 he was
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  • 154 3 i The i.ew sloop Grimsby, Commander N. V. Grace, is on the way from Devonport to the China Station, on which she Is to replace the obsolete s x»p Cornflower. The latter- has ueen turned over to the Government of Hong Kong for service as drlllshlp of
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  • 93 3 A statement that a wealthy young English Jew had been refused a meil at a roadhouse. or Inn, In .he London I area was made by Miss F. L. Joseph, secretary of the Young Liberals, at Oxford. "A well-known young Jew and hi.; wife, a
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  • 181 3 ASK ME ANOTHER 1. What is (he pitch of a screw? 2. Who wrote Old Creole Days" 3. What Is the Constellation Ursa Major commonly called 4. What does auspices mean? 5. What was meant by "the witches' sabbath?" 6. In what country was Thoth a deity? 7. Wha 7as
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  • 1986 3 By The WANDERER THE period of the year which might appropriately be called the Singapore season, opened last week. Why not call It the season? It has all the ingredients. The Gold Cup meeting, for which "everyone" (in gossip parlance) has come to town, opened yesterday. Tonight
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 43 3 FOR THE RACES. f^LZfisft o^^ct^ dP? Three men, a Ze/ss Binoculars Repaired and Cleaned. (Charges y Moderate). ELLISON S. EZEKIEL Co. Opticians and Watchmakers. ONLY ADDRESS 3, Capitol Building. Stamford Rd., Singapore. Phone 2751. New Stock Just Arrived. Prices from $10 00 Diffl
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    • 693 3 s^Rl?w These JHoteln 'will make 7^5 Jy° ur bicfy enjoyable ■aaaaaaaw LONDON. aaaaaaaaa) LONDON CALLS Two Reddentlal Hoteta wS3L I JSJ?i i i^ ENTI V Highly recommended for Overseas and enjoy at either Vlaltcrs and families home on leave. XDtff^*-^.:^-^. Unsurpassed for Comfort. Cuisine, /^£W HOT JBENS Service. Homellnea*. TaSfV
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  • 1176 4  -  JOHN HOLT LlA This week the Sunday Time* begin* a aeries of weekly new* letters from John Holt which throw an intimate light on life in Hollywood. "TiVERYONE seems to be getting "dog- conscious" In Hollywood this weft Grant Withers has Just purchased one of Conway Tearle's Scotties.
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 4 Cock Robin, a new Walt Disney character who plays the central role In the Silly Symphony, "Who Killed Cock Robin? the first Walt Disney mystery melodrama.
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  • 393 4 By OUR EXPERT f¥\HE principal poultry buildings com--1 prise tihe poultry house, the pedigree house, the incubation house, 'he ohicks house, the laying house for commercial egg farming, and also the fattening house. On a big scale one would have to add the food store, the slaughter
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  • 133 4 Answers to ques lons in Pat, 3 3 1. The amount of advance of the thread in a single turn. 2. O. W. Cable 3. The "Big Dip Der." 4. Patronage. 5. A periodic gathering of witches and demons. 6. Egypt. 7. That carried en 'n Spain by
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 300 4 t fc I T A I H S QIPINDAPlt C A I w"^ JM Hk jL Jr if f 1 .^j^^H H 4 1 _jlyi Witt \1 Af V^^^w i^^^ t jBtt^ TheSM^MelerOebn CirV i«^ diked U <^& &MUltl4 WltU saloon ras illustrated be/owA A luxurious and roomy I I
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    • 247 4 FOR HORSES. Radlol. Bone-Radiol. Radlol Kidney ft Legwash Powders. Reduclne, "Evelyn" Stock Pood, an excellent conditioner and tonic, "Salvltls" Btock Remedies and complete range of forage, etc. CALL OR WRITE TO TONG LAM CO. 46/48. Peck Seah Street. Singapore. Telephone 7328. DAY. SON AND HEWITT'S POULTRY MEDICINE CHESTS contains everything
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  • 1224 5 Journalists' Adventures Anywhere for a News Story. The Bodley Head. 7s. 6d. IN the autumn of last year the British Broadcasting Corporation organised a series of talks by distinguished newspaper corresponderts. each of whom told a story about his adventures In news-getting. So great was the
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  • 46 5 Mr. Roland draddell's book. "The Lights of Singapore." which was published only a month ago, has already passed through 'ts first edition and a second edition 's now being printed In Singapore 500 copies of the book were sold in four days.
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  • 59 5 Commander E. J. C. Halahan, DSC. 'who was promoted ut the New Year, has joined the staff of the Director of operations at the Admiralty Commander Halahan was in command of submarine L 4 in China when she sank the Chinese steamer Irene which was manned by pirates
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  • 588 5 BOOK BASED ON COURT ANNALS A Manrhu Monarch. By A. .E. Grantham. Georre Alien Unwin. 7s. (id. rwXHE monarch In question, Chla Ch'lng, comes down to history as one tn whose reign commenced the definite decline of the Manchu dynasty In China. Following a difficult transition period
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  • 298 5 The Portcullis Room. By Valentine Williams. Hedder and Stoughton. 7s. 6d. IN a not very successful effort to provide atmoophere for his latest thriller. Mr. Williams has laid the scene of The PortcuJlls rtoom In an old castle, situated on an island off the west coast of Scotland.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 43 5 A .TOUR o VtnuMol THE GREAT MM BUILDER m GROWING I THE BUILDING NUMOL the LECITHIN FOOD ts Obtainable in I tten:— 4 o*., H l». A 1 Ib. from the Sole Agents, MEDICAL OFFICE 300 A W2 North Brldf« Rttad. TIGER BEER
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  • 2279 6 Beautiful Homes of Malaya Beauties Of Three Continents By OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT •'XIOLLYWOOD,"; Meyer Road, Katong, is not, strictly speaking, the home of Mr. Roland Brad<u H, equally prominent in Letters :itid the Law who is now in residence, but of Mrs. Braddell, who is at
    certain famous painter whose work was then little known  -  2,279 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 104 6 REMEMBER TO CALL FO& j //ff 1 1 \J) Ij V_ j SPEED poor oil «d ,oor <l V \\W thoroughly at home in a burst of THE WHOLESOME DRINK FOR i h*^— ™*u di n THE THIRSTY MAN. YOU WILL CfW7^^ to f er ENJOY THE APPETISING BITTER 'tJT^
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  • 456 7 Free-Entry Competition For Sunday Times Readers What Names Are Hidden In These Drawings? Below will be found another of The Sunday Times Picture Puzzle Competitions. A list of names of people, taken from a directory, is given, together with 12 drawings. Each of the drawings represents
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  • 208 7 STUDENT'S HOTEL DEATH Peking. ¥>EKING Is experiencing one of the worst suicide waves In many years. During the last few weeks not a single day has passed without a suicide case being reported in the vernacular press. Following the attempted suicide of a Chinese girl artist
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  • 26 7 A special general meeting of the Malay Service Marine Club will be held at the club premises No. 12 Liang Seah Street on Tuesday at 3.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 117 7 ■■■■■■■■■■■■•MMavaaaaMaaaaaaa CUT OUT THIS j ENTRY FORM j PICTURE PUZZLE, NO— 16. [2-9-34] I agree to enter The Sunday Times Picture Punle Competition on the J i conditions laid down in this issue, i j 1 consider that the following are J i the correct titles of the puzzles print-
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    • 118 7 DBS Up WAKEFIELD Mil life *j I *s, ON THE WORLD'S FASTEST OIL BRITISH EMPIRE TROPHY RACE BROOKLANDS June, 1934. Ist G.E.T. Eyston M.C Magiwtte Team Prize M.G. Magnetic BELGIAN GRAND PRIX July, 1934. Class 500 C.C Ist 2nd; and 3rd. Clam 350 C.C 2nd; 3rd and 4th. Class 250
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    • 19 7 59 thanks to WgK? the gravy maker for all meat dishes Trade Enquiries: Bousteai. 6 Co., Ltd. S.S. F.U.S.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 39 7 Here are the pictures for which you must supply titles from the list nbove. Do net send in a catting of all the pictures. It is sufficient to cut out the entry form and post it, as instructed above.
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  • 218 8 EGG SHAMPOO FOR DRY HAIR MANY women are greatly disturbed by the fact that their hair is dry and brittle and this brittleness seems to persist. An egg shampoo will overcome the dryness and make the hair fluffy and soft. First wash the hair with castile soap lather, then rinse
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  • 716 8 COCKTAILS GIVE WAY TO HORS D'OEUVRES "Cinema Costume Vogue From OUR LONDON FASHION CORRESPONDENT Sunday Times OrncB, Fleet Street, Aug. 21. FASHIONS in meals, and the hours of meals, change quite as definitely, if not so quickly as fashions In frocks. Each season brings slight alterations, some of which pass
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  • 179 8 POT AGE PARMENTIER.— This potato soup is named after the great Frenchman who popularised the potato at the end of the eighteenth century. To give it flavour a very little of the white part of leeks, about a tenth of the volume of the potatoes should be
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  • 251 8 Gowns trimmed with lace demand a certain amount of attention. Otherwise the trimming soon becomes soiled and dingy, and frequently visits to the cleaner are not only very expensive but also pat to spoil the lace. For this reason, it should be carefully looked after week
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  • 163 8 Recipes Worth Trying EGGS SUR LE PLAT.— Cover ths bottom of the dish whether for one eg? of for more, with tiny croutons of bread fi'ed In butter, and pour over them seme boiling cream. Break the eggs quickly upon It, season them, pour more cream over the whites and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 960 8 Abridged Statement of Information. i A COPY OF THE FULL PROSPECTUS HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE REGISTRAR OF COMPANIES, SINGAPORE. THE SUBSCRIPTION LIST WILL OPEN ON At'G r.O. 1934. AND WILL CLOSE ON OR BEFORE SEPT. 5, 1934. PALAIS DE DANSE LIMITED. Incorporated In Singapore under Ordinance No. 155 (Companies).
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    • 313 8 Freckles m aaaK>^^**Sar v^aav v^ w j I^^^- JsipaaaaV Secretly and Quickly Removedl Sllllman'H Freckl- Cr»am Mamrbcs (hem oat while you Bleep. Leaves the akia aofl and whit. tha com. Bitiion freah. clear sad natural. For 17 years Umaauda *f naers hare floras S 1 It. 8* eaay to aaa.
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    • 7 8 Boostead ay Os., Ltd., S.S A F.JLB.
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  • 1336 9 Seen in Singapore SIMPLICITY was the keynote of the majority of the frocks worn by enthusiastic women spectators, who, wi!h their male escorts, occupied every available seat in the ball room and v Tiindah at the Sea View last Sunday morning long before the mannequin pa.cde commenced. More than three
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  • 722 9  - HOLLYWOOD'S BEAUTY SECRETS MAX FACTOR. BY WORLD FAMOUS MAKE-UP GENIUS 1- EYES RIGHT! Below is the first of a aeries of articles by Max Factor, who makes up the Hollywood stars. This week he tells all about the eyes. iTLEOPATRA did it several years ago. 3et Marc Anthony raving about
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 59 9 I^l HM&^^^h^ NESTLES CHOCOLATE is always a treat, but have you tried the new 2-oz blocks They are a revelation Obtainable in any of these distinctive flavours Fruit and Nut Vanilla Milk and Honey Fruit and Nut Milk Milk Chocolate Brazil Nut Whole Nut Milk Vanilla Orange Flavoured Milk and
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 114 9 Our Crossword Puzzle (CLUES.) vi HOSS. 19 Inspected carefully 20. Erasing 23. Having left a wUI 2. Think 25. Jarred 8 Baton 26. Farten 9. Required 29 O lobule 10. Glutted 11. Lure 12. Tallied 13. Soo.i \t. SffiFfte. Solution Of Last Sunday's 17. At that place Pii*zZ#> 18. .Journey
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  • 1472 10 Six Days' News SUNDAY— New Zealand Budget deficit greatly reduced. Concessions made In taxation and cuts partly restored. Sir Charles Klngsford-Smlth sets up Sydney-Melbourne flying record during preparation for London-Melbourne air race. Sir Henri Detenttng explains that recent silver exodus from China Is due to Royal Dutch group shipments caused
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  • 514 10 The Sunday Times EDITORIAL. MANAGERIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICE Cecil Street, Singapore. TOTIDEM VERBIS i Of the many Ideals aimed at by the League of Nations that which Is being j pursued through the subsidiary organisation, the International Labour j Office— world-wide reduction in the number of workln? hours— has ap-
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  • 470 10 This week there is a slight variation in the Vaid-For Joke business. I'm sending the $10 to H.F.W.G. who has produced turn spots of verse for me. The payment isn't treat for so much labour, I know, but there you are times is. 'ard. At least
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  • 74 10 (Ananias Newi Factory.) Koala Lumpur, Saturday. It Is reported here —and you know what K.L. reports are !—it is reported that someone in Malaya has managed to make a remark in a local newspaper on the subject of finance, currency, economics or some similar what-not which has failed
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 152 10 IALHAffIBRAI TODAY 3.15, 6.15 and 9.15. THE JUNGLE UNFOLDS ITS WORLD OF MYSTERY! CARfiO filmed in the wildt of Malaya. CAPITOL TONIGHT at 9.30 OPENING OF M. Alexandra Levitoff's Grand RUSSIAN BALLET Direct from Paris NOTE:— At Today's 3.15 and 6.15 Pc rfo rmances, SPECIAL SCREENING EDDIE CANTOR IN "ROMAN
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    • 61 10 i NEW WORLD SINGAPORE. Side Shows. Cabaret Dancing, Talkies. Theatres and Cinemas. PI A NO TUNING REPAIRS REMOVALS HIRE E. CHARLES. Phone 2902 74. Orchard Rd, j PRISCILLA LTD. SALE of Dresses, hat*, handbags, gloves hosiery, undies, beach pyjamas, bathing caps Extra large sizes in swim suits, corsets and brassieres.
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  • 412 11 JAPANESE MAPS OF SINGAPORE COURT NEWS CONFISCATION ORDERED CUHCHITURO Kashlwa, manager of ianoya Shokal, of Middle Road. was charred before the criminal distric. judge, Mr. F. A. Forrer. yesterday with knowingly selling or exposing for sale infringing copies of maps of the Singapore business area. Kashiwa admitted selling 400 copies
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  • 17 11 Mr. Wong Tet Poo, of Prai Riv,«r Dock. Prai, has been admitted to »he General Hospital, Singapore
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  • 58 11 POLICE STATION BURGLED A burglary has been committed «t the new Hill Street police station. It Is reported that a motor garage in the police building was entered by thieves in the early morning and a co it and cash amounting to $3 50 was stolen. The owner of the
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  • 177 11 CRASHES HER CAR AGAINST WALL Part*. A beautiful srirl has tried to kill herself by driving a car at full speed against the wall of the barracks where her lover, an officer of the Spahl regiment. Is billeted near Paris. As she was dragged, dying, from
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  • 32 11 A second instalment of "J.C.P.Vi fascinating Malayan remini- J scences, written for The Sunday i i Times, will appear in next Sun-[ day's issue. The trst appeared i > la.t Sunday. I
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  • 82 11 After 24 years of married misery, a henpecked husband has sought divorce in the Osaka District Court. His suit alleges that his wife was fond of only two things chess and a gay life. When she wasn't out having a good time, she was engrossed over a
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  • 903 11 FRASER AND COS LIST The following Is Fraser and Co.'s list of closing prices in Singapore An.pat Tin (4) 5s 5s M Asam Kumbanf <«) »7s 6d Mb Austral Malay 50s 52* 6d c.d. Ayw Hitam Tin (5s) 14a 6d 15s Sd Ayer Weng ($1) 2.05 210 Bangrln
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  • 159 11 WOMEN CRICKETERS RAISE THE BAN London. Over 100 women cricketers from a j score of clubs all over the country will play matches at Colwall, In the Mai- j vern Hills, when the Women's Cricketl Association will celebrate its eighth birthday. It was at Colwall
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  • 106 11 The Journal The Volunteer contains details of the scheme by which members of the Malay States Volunteer Rifles and of the Malayan Volunteer Infantry can commemorate their war service by the provision of crests of the regiments In which they served. The crests are obtained from Home
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  • 20 11 Competitors in the bathing costume and beauty contest at Clacton on Sea, filling in entry forms.
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  • 333 11 ENGLISH GIRL IN SPANISH DANCES rE Capitol stage is set for the opening of Alexandre Levitoff's Ballet tonight. The company arrived with their 135 pieces of luggage and scenery by the X.P.M. steamer Barents from South Africa. The 12 male and 16 female artistes are drawn
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 90 11 THE INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE COMPANY LTD. (Incorporated under the Companies' Ordinances of Hongkong.) Equipped with a complete and up-to-date line of Life and Accident policies, this strong and progressive Company has a number of good Agency openings in various parts of the country. Our ne«v liberal policy forms offer unusually attractive
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 68 11 TODAY High Water 4.58 a.m., 6.9 ft.. 3.57 p.m B.2ft. Cricket »S.V.C. vs. Services, S.C.'J. padang, second day; Wiltshires vs. Indian Association. Balestier Road SRC. vs. R.A.F., SRC. padang. Football: Jockeys vs. Press, Jalan Besar Stadium Friendly. Malays (1933 team) vs. Chinese, Anson Road Stadium Govt. League, PrintIng vs. Land.
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    • 210 11 TODAY'S WIRELESS B.B.C. PROGRAMME Following are programmes to oe broadcast from the Empire Transmitters TODAY. 6.20 a-m. Big Ben. Pianoforte Medleys recital by Jack Wilson and Jack Hill. S.50 R.A.C. International Tourist Trophy Motor Race, over the Ards Circuit, near Belfast. 7.35 Radio Novelty Quartet and Cuthbatt Matthews < Barttnne).™
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  • 470 12 PIONEER WHO BECAME SCOTTISH LAIRD (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) London. CIR Leybou.-ne Davidson, who died at Home recently, wa; a rubber pioneer, but his work was done In Ceylon. So far as I !ir.ow, he was never in Malaya. Yet his carter is interesting to Malayans because it
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  • 94 12 BRITISH EXPERIMENT Work has started on Britain's first roadside tracks for cyclists. These are being constructed as an experiment by the Middlesex County Council between Hangar Lane and Greenford Road. The Ministry of Transport has granted 60 per cent, of the cost of the scheme which is estimated
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  • 232 12 WOMEN DEFY MAYOR Pelpln*. f HINESE women's organisations here are busily preparing a coun-ter-campaign to that recently launched by Col. Yuan Liang, the local Mayor, against bare feet and exposed lees on ..he part of young women. Interviewed by Journalists, a Chinese woman leader defended the
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  • 120 12 •'TWO-WAY" RADIO Scotland Yard is to experiment with an autogyro in the detection of crime and the direction of traffic arrangements In and around London. This hitherto closely guarded secret is disclosed In a statement issued from Scotland Yard. A machine of i similar type to that
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  • 37 12 torn you need a coarse of Phosferlne Tonic Wine, the finest entrgixer obtainable. It to a delicious wine to which hu been added the world famous Tonic Phosferlne. JOSEPH TRAVERS SONS LTD.. Singapore and rrnmmg.
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  • 115 12 OPERATION ON NURSE STORY Kandy. The question of professional etiquette was raised at the Kandy Assizes during the cross-examination of Dr. Ounaratnam Cooke when hearing was continued in the case in which Dr. J. W. S. Attygalle, Mr. C. E. Fonseka and Mr. Aloysius Perera are charged as a sequel
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  • 1117 12 KING OF PORTUGAL'S LETTER TTHE report of a remarkable literary i find pertaining to Malacca history that appeared in the Straits Times of Aug. 13. has evoked considerable Interest among the coterie of local hia-tory-enthusiasts. A representative of the Malacca Guardian approached the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 121 12 THE NEW TELEFUNKEN PROGRAMME IMPROVED LOUDSPEAKING SYSTEMS j AT REDUCED PRICES FOR INFORMATION PLEASE APPLY (Solr Distributor SEOW KUAN COMPANY, 4-5, DHOBY GHAUT, SINGAPORE. I Cabla "SCOWKUAN 1 Tel. 7787. Keep your throat, chest and lungs healthy by regularly using HUDSON'S C^ EUMENTHOL jdfcM UUJUBES fll Universally recognised as a
      121 words
    • 128 12 From his first feed of Cow Gate, Baby show* pleasure and contentment —he loves it! And the Mother too watches with delight the regular and natural growth of strong firm bone and sound healthy tl The failure of breast feeding nowadays Cow Gate! It is a plain "undoctored" need cause
      128 words

  • 332 13  -  DOROTHY ROUND, By The Wimbledon Champion rpHERfi are a few noticeable ilf- ferences between grass and hard court play. Grass is subject to variations, according to whether the ground is dry and hard or damp and soft. More guile can be Introduced In individual play
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  • 438 13 CHAMPIONSHIPS AT NEW WORLD Three British records were broken (subject to confirmation by the British Amateur WeighfUfting Association) by local men at the official Singapore Olympic Weight Lifting Championships held at the New World Amusement Park last night. Unfortunately, owing to the rain the attendance was poor and
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  • 275 13 HOME FOOTBALL ARSENAL'S EIGHT GOALS London, Saturday. pOLLOWINO are the results of today's League football matches:— DIVISION L Arsenal 8 Liverpool 1 Villa 3 Derby 2 Blackburn 1 Leeds 1 Chelsea 3 eicester 1 Everton 4 Preston 1 Orimsby 3 Portsmouth 0 Huddersfield 0 Tottenh3m 0 Manchester 4 Wednesday 1
    Reuter  -  275 words
  • 21 13 The boxing programme arranged .'or last night at the Great World wan postponed until tomorrow owing to rain.
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  • 647 13  -  CUEMAN By- PROFESSIONAL billiards players don't know it all. Not by a lot of cues. Some of the more humble of them will confess that they have at times watched the amateurs, and learned something. There are others among the professional fraternity who will not admit that.
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  • 548 13 WHAT THEY WORE AT BUKIT TIMAH By OUR WOMAN CORRESPONDENT ¥N spite of the fact that clouds overhung Bukit Tlmah yesterday Singapore's "Bright Young Things' turned out in their loveliest and b.-si and the scene at the race course, where a large crowd gathered for the first day
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  • 40 13 Malays And Chinese The Malays who were League champions in 1933 will meet the Chinese, winners of the league this year, at Anson Road Stadium this afternoon. The Malay team wtll be composed ol the recently reinstated players.
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  • 97 13 London. Friday. Poland are playing against Greece and Hungary against Yugoslavia in the third qualifying round for the Davis Cup. The winners will compete In the 1935 competition, proper. The results were as follows: AT WARSAW. Hobda (Poland) beat Stalios (Greece), 6—3. ft— 0. 7—5. Tloczynski (Poland) beat
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 86 13 CHING— Chlng Keng Lee, J.P., alias Francis Chlng, agad 77, passed away peacefully at his residence No. 19. Kim Yam Rd Spore on Sept. 1. at 4.30 p.m.. He leaves behind bis wife, 5 sons, 5 daughters, .2 sons-in-law. 3 daughters-in-law and many grand children and great grand children
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  • 210 13 39 lbs. Off— and She Feels Better. A woman who has found a sura; safe way to lose iat— without fre3le dieting or dangerous drugs— writes: "A year ago I was eaten up witli rheumatism, and was far too fat. I weighed 11 stone, and. as
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 265 13 CHARITY BAZAAR. VICTORIA MEMORIAL HALL. SEPTEMBER 3rd to 4th, 12.00 NOON to 9.00 P.M. OVER TWENTY-FIVE STALLS OF PROVISIONS AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. The following articles given free ONE BICYCLE by Mitral Busman KaLsha Ltd. ONE TABLE LAMP by FrankeU. ONE CHROMIUM PLATED HOBS D'OEUVkE by Hoon Seek Trading Co. ONE
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    • 212 13 GREAT EASTERN OPTICAL CO, 279. South Bridge Road, Singapore. (Onttrtan Mr. C FAN). Tele. list. CHAR OfcS tJir*l»EB THAN AN Y\\ MLR& 1. Sight tested, gia»sc? wipwlied from $4 2 CROOKKS LENSES conv-.i-od with framt from $6. f— WAMPOL€S MAGNOMX Th^ p:u ant end cSTectl- e method of conri-tirg CONSTIPATION
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  • 2066 14 How An Empire- Wrecking Scheme Was Foiled DICING WITH DEATH By Ex-Detective Inspector HERBERT T. FITCH, formerly of the Special Branch, New Scotland Yard 2. WHEN THE EMPIRE SHOOK 1^0 you remtinoer tne lUMIM 17 Silk Letters Plot of the Great War? Certain powerful princes and financiers in India sent
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 234 14 C^T^ <T»^r— i^xTajl SA I >RO BeautifUiO pica nted in a blue, green and gold box, witn TVyjJ a special wave •lifter" and bottle of Butywave Setting Lotion. jRVywUM*^ with lull instructions and ready to use. from $2 00 Yr^'Pfeh^afli Light and comfortable to wear No metal parts to dig
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    • 277 14 and health is ensured by ENO. If you neglect to keep your inner system free from poison-making waste products which result from constipation, you will lack vigour and energy, and life will be a burden. The gentle, safe, and yet certain way to avoid these jB damaging effects is to
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  • 78 15 MR. SOPWITH AND AMERICA'S CUP Newport, Saturday. i It is disclosed that before the selection of the Rainbow for the America's Cup Mr. Sopwlth, the British challenger, sportlngly suggested that, if the Selection Committee wished to pit the Yankee and the Rainbow alternatively against the Endeavour, he pvould
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 60 15 TAMILS TO MEET CHINESE IN FINAL (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. Through beating the Rangers this tefternoon by two goals to one. the fTamlls will meet the Chinese in the final of the Selangor Cup next week. The game was fast. The scorers wer« Jahn Mohamed
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  • 32 15 The cricket match between the B.V.C. and Services, which was to have been played on the S.C.C. padang yesterday, was washed out. The match will begin at 10.30 today.
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  • 517 15 DE SOUZA BROTHERS BEAT HOLDERS (From Our Own Correspondent.) MALACCA. The M.L.T.A. championship meeting was successfully concluded on Tuesday when the men's doubles championship event between C. F. Gomes and J. M. Lee, ho'ders, and P. F. and H. M. de Souza was played, resulting in a
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  • 124 15 BANHAM TO CAPTAIN SIDE THIS SEASON (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Saturday. The Br'tish Resident, the Hon. Mr. J. W. W. Hughes, presided at the annual meeting of the Negrl Rugby Football Club. Others present included Mr. Donald Farquharson, Dr. Lawrie, Messrs. Langworthy. Briggs, Fraser. James. Banham, Hallam,
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  • 87 15 F. M. S. RAILWAYS OPEN BADLY (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. In the second round of the 'on>r Shield cricket, the railways ark the Sikh Union met in a two days' game at the railway ground. The game was delayed through rain and the railways batting
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  • 107 15 MANCHU AGENTS ACTIVE Shanghai, Saturday. Uneasiness prevails at Tientsin where rumours are circulating of an impending coup by Manchukuo agents under the notorious Shih Yi;»-shan, who is directing the activities of "Chinese traitors" from the Japanese Concession. A late message adds that a state of emergency has been
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  107 words
  • 692 15 A tug-of-war contest tne like of which has never been seen at a local 1 sports meet was a feature of the Asiatic Petroleum Company's 1934 sports held on Jieir ground at Paya Lebar yesterdpy afternoon. The contestants In this remrrkable event were the
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  • 269 15 DOCTOR ON 'FASHION DISEASE' The fashionable disease of the moment, according to Dr. Leonard Williams, is blood-pressure. He said at the Health Society's Summer School at Malvern that although it was called a disease. It was really a mechanical fact because without blood-pressure we could have no
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 458 15 Ik UT DRUGS m GET RID 0F INDIGESTION mtSmS* RHEUMATISM AND Ik** FA NERVE TROUBLES r Wm frnm TFQTiMnNiA i c Your aches and P ains BOon disappear by taking PHILLIPS Extracts from TESTIMONIAIS Live Yeast. It is the real way t cure INDIGESTION, -Renewed Vigour and Energy after few
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    • 1 15 Hil
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    • 307 15 Do time and Money Count? IF time and money are a factor in your chcice of a holiday why not visit Australia The Melbourne Centenary Exhibition which commences in October offers you a health-building holiday crammed to the minute with events which will make history. Neath a clime such as
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  • 2975 16 FOX SADDLES FOUR WINNERS TJKILLIANT weather, a good attend- ance and some keen finishes all contributed to make the opening day ot the Autumn (Gold Cup) Meeting of the Singapore Turf Club an unqualified success yesterday. Following the morning's heavy rain, j the
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
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  • 2034 17 Anniversary Celebrations— X. L. Visitors At Seremban— Taiping Parties Meet. The Straits Bachelors" Physical Culture are holding a special general meeting at the residence of Mr. Tan I Boon Guan, 71 Chin Swee Road, on Tuesday, when plans for celebrating I the twenty- first anniversary
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  • Page 17 Advertisements

  • 828 18 Cup Football This WeekPromising Schoolboy Cricketers ONLY one more match remains to be played in the S.A.F.A. IOS4 LcijMie competition. The Chinese hav> taken the honours in the First and Second Divisions, while the Wiltshire Regiment have finished as -unners-up in both divi- 1 sions. The Monopolies
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  • 518 18 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. A MOVEMENT Is on foot in the Federal Capital, sponsored by two I Singapore youths, to introduce "oaseI ball, which is so popular in the southern settlement. These two youths are Pat Cooke and Harold Leembruggen. who prior to being
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  • 316 18 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping. rIE rugger and hockey seasons arc beginning in Taiping. Rugger practice is starting sometime this week and it is encouraging to know that local Asiatics are taking to the game more and more. The King Edward VII School. Taiping. can boast
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  • 600 18 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seretnban. AT the half-yearly general meeting of the Negri Sembilan Club the Hon. the British Resident of Negri Sembilan said that he had noticed references In the local papers to the controversy over the padangs. and suggested that those who had grievances
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 33 18 //New^Pßfid\ 1 1 Imperial B cc" I Hfltep &Pds The NEW ZEALAND CO-OPERATIVE HONEY PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION LTS i. wjw. 65 mmmmrn Ac tAut£4 JPupe4 -l**t ifll@lllit ©HHI3t FRASER NEAVE LTD., Distributors, Telephone 5886.
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  • 1552 19 BADMINTON CHAMPIONSHIPS KUALA LUMPUR. A HIGH standard of badminton was set up in the first round of the Selangor Open Doubles Championship played at the V.I. Hall last week-end. All of the games were closely contested and three of them ran Into three sets
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  • 582 19 GETTING READY FOR CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS Europeans' Interest In The Game *T»HE lull in the Singapore cham--1 pionshlp tournaments appears to be very welcome indeed in wne quarters. Parties who have longed for inter-club games as a means of preparing for the big event of the year, the inter-dub championship of
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 208 19 THE ONE /^n|||^\ fIND ONLY TALKIE \U -U I RECORD. \Vw YAM SENG Jw I The new Fox Film "YAM SENG" will be Shown at Capitol Theatre Soon. The Records from this Film are ready for your trial. Come early please. T.M.A. MUSIC HOUSE, SI/63. High Street. Singapore. Branches: 167,
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    • 150 19 TEACH TOL'K FAMILI THE VALl't OV THRIFT! The child who is taught to recognise the advantage ot consistent saving becomes in adult life well armed It r the solution ot its problems. The Bank is eager to help in establishing this valuable habit $s— opens a SAVINGS ACCOUNT MAKE rT
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  • 54 20 THE GOLD CUP MEETING opened yesterday at Bukit Timali. Above, Oolong, winner of the second race, ridden by Wadsworth. On the right, the Gold C"up. the principal prize of the meeting. SOME of the hundreds of cars which conveyed the throne of
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  • Article, Illustration
    9 20 THE FINISH of the first race. Coral Moore winning
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  • Article, Illustration
    9 20 OOLONG winning from Golden Star in the second event
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    24 20 A VIEW of the paddock, with punters anxiously e>uumnin» the merits of the candidates for the second race. Above, a »roup 01 happy racegoers
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 17 20 We are specialists in FURNITURE Bring your problems to us? SUN WAH COMPANY 83. Victoria street, Singapore.
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    • 354 20 MODERN ARTISTIC FURNITURE designed and made by SUN WAH COMPANY 83. VICTORIA STREET, SINGAPORE. COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) Flra, Life, Marine. Accident. Guraataa and Motor. assets t6e.ooe.eoo Arthur C. Totts, Manacer A Underwriter Eastern Branch, Singapore. §fS2^>s NO MORE ERRORS jf- -flßl'V l'»e tht wondeilu, pocket
      354 words