The Straits Times, 6 May 1934

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 37 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. We*' No. 124. Sunday, May 6th., 1934. Price 10 cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspapei in Malaya. No. 124. Sunday, May 6th., 1934. Price 10 cents.
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  • 150 1 Rise In Rubber Price Brings In $10,000,000 Extra in A Week 50,000 VISIT TRADE FAIR IN TWO DAYS "EVERYONE IS VERY HAPPY TRADE COMMISSIONER'S STATEMENT TO THE SUNDAY TIMES THE British Trade Fair which opened at the Great World, Singapore, on Friday, could not
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  • 712 1 (By A Special Correspondent.) TV/lALAYA is eating more, drink- ing more, smoking more, buying more cars and clothes; in fact, Malaya is spending far more money than it did a year ago, and shopkeepers are rejoicing. "Trade is reviving," declared a business executive during the week, and
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  • 260 1 FIFTY thousand people have visited the British Trade Fair in Singapore sine; the on Friday even- Ing. It is estimated. The support given to the la*, by all communities has exceeded every expectation In the mail an exhibition, the fair nas drawn plenty of
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  • 64 1 (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) London, Saturday. The Economist considers that there is little In the rubber restriction scheme which will ensure a reasonable and stable level of prices. "We only hope those controll'ng the scheme have learned their lesson from past experience and that the
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  • 65 1 ALLEGATION OF FALSE DECLARATION (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Saturday. Lim Seng HooL^appeared in the police court this morning following the issue of a warrant yesterday on information laid by Messrs. Presgrave and Matthews alleging that he intentionally made false declaration in Judicial proceedings. He was
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  • 22 1 Mr. R. E. Wilson, the hockey player, Is expected to succeed Mr. H. P. Bryson as secretary to Reside it, Negri Sembllan.
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  • 89 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. JUDGMENT for plaintiff with costs' was given this morning by thej Chief Justice in the case in which the Public Trustee, as administrator for Captain Joseph Rogers, deceased, claimed $20,000 from the General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation.
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  • 217 1 Woman Racehorse Owner's Lucky Vein; Perry Again; Kentucky Derby Fire Thrill YESTERDAY was a treat day or sport. It was the final day of League football in England. The final of the Rugby League Cup. played at Wembley, was won by Hunslet who beat Widnes 11—5.
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  • 78 1 BILL NOW GOES TO THE SENATE Washington Saturday. The Bill for the regulation of stock exchanges was passed In the House of Representatives by 280 votes to 84, both parties voting In favour. The support was so great that all amendments for weakening the measure
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  • 142 1 Paris, Saturday. The Publicist Pertinax In L'Echo de Paris stresses the desirability of agreement between Japan and other signatories of the Nine-Power Treaty, which will take account of things as they really are. If no agreement is reached, there will be repercussions only limited oy the strategic
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  • 68 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Saturday. RUBBER. (Quotations as supplied by Symi-cton and Wilson.) Spot (Buyers) C 3/16 d. (Sellers) C 5/16 d. January-March <%d. April- June 6',d. July-September 6%d. Market tone Firm. SILVER. Spot ISHd. Two months 18T§d. CROSS RATE. London-New York, 5.114. New York-London, 5.114. (Rate
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  • 194 1 REPORTED ON THE WA V TO EUROPE The notorious gangster, John Dillinger. described in the United States as Public Enemy Number One. recently held up a police station in Indiana a where he compelled the officers to surrender arms and bullet-proof vests. On Mar. 31 he
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  • 195 1 And A New Offer Of SSC3 Which Must Be Won In The Sunday Times f uoiDaii Competition No. 39. which was based on \ie Home Football matches played n April 28, no entrant succeeded in predicting correctly the results of all i--*i matches, and only one entry was
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  • 49 1 London, Saturday. The Dunlop Rubber Cor-pai f 's profits during 1933 totalled £2,345,644. an increase of £652,789. An 8 per cent, dividend is recommended on the ordinary shares and the carry-forward is Increased by £136,207 to £578,415. Total assets figure in the balance sheet at £30,000.000— Reuter.
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  • 62 1 Noon, Saturday B.S.S. equal to London Standard Buyers Sellers Spot (loose) 244 Mtfc (F. 0.8.) 24*4 25. Standard R.S.S. on Tender Buyers Sellers May 24*4 24 June 25 254. July-Sept. 2596 25*. Oct.-Dec 25% 26. Jan-Mar. 264 HPfe Tone of Market Irregular Speculative. Latest Cable per lb. London
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 755 2  -  WANDERER YY* ou know anything?" was a question put to me a score of times yesterday, and it was answered in the negative. It concerned the Singapore racing, of course. A suitable reply might have been: "Yes; Keep Your Cash— a certain non-loser in every race." RACING
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  • 637 2 JLfR. AKBAR has travelled all over Malaya, once penetrating into Pahang to form a troop there, but there is one unforgettable occasion, In 1922, when he led a party of thirty scouts from the First Selangor Troou for a c^mp-out at Gunong Tamu
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 20 2 The Mount of the Moment. TRIUMPH for 1934. For full details write to Sole Ajents UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED. SINGAPORE, BRANCHES.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 176 2 Our Crossword Puzzle (CLUESJ ACROSS. 21. Golfing point. 22. Elevate* mountain dam 1. OtMDt 23. Try 6. A falling inert 25. Narcotic plant 9. Stunted 26. Coagulate 10. Redicarate 29. Cold (It I? Dolt 30. GUuwtly 12. Goodbye si. Unoccupied. S. One In charge of funds Optical organ 17. Between
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  • 989 3 R UBBER Danger Of Booms "TS anethcr Loom coming?" This question has been on the lips of all Malaya during the past week, following the announcement of rubber restriction to come into force on June 1. A boom," it is pointed out by responsible opinion in the trade, la as
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  • 209 3 OR DIDN'T IT? Officials of the British Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries at Grlmsby are wrestling with a mighty problem. It concerns a box of cod recently brought in a trawler from the Faroe I Islands, a thousand miles away. When the cod were unloaded In
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  • 238 3 WIN £34,000 IN BIG SWEEP Paris Two** members of the Republican Guard have become millionaires in francs through having drawn the winner of the Prix dv President, which was run at Auteuil. Having made a joint purchase of a 10s. ticket in the Luxembourg Lottery, they
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  • 687 3 Indians Who Have Returned Home (By an Indian Correspondent) QLORIFYiNCr their past In Malaya, and depressed about their present condition. Such is the feeling of a few thousands of middle-class Indians in the Madras Presidency. They are men who enjoyed a better standard of life in Malaya
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  • 96 3 The attempted suicide by poisoning of a 17-year-old student of leyama Agricultural School, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan, has led to the revelation of a plot Involving three other students, who intended to poison the teacher In chargs of their class. According to the student's confession, the
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  • 173 3 1. In music, what is a rhapsody? 2. What Is delft? 3. In what century did Oliver Goldsmith live? 4. What does "postprandial" mean? 5. Who was the first king of England under the Restoration? 6. In anatomy, what are sutures? 7. What is a civil marriage?
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  • 147 3 Miss Fanny Holtzmann, the highestpaid and richest woman lawyer In the world, has returned to London. She Is the American woman lawyer who wa» alleged by Sir W. Jowltt, counsel for the defence In the recent YousoupofT libel action over the flitn "Rasputin," as "being behind the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 624 3 Where To Stay When Home on Leave EVER POPULAR IS THE NEW ECCLESTON HOTEL Eccletton Square, London, S.W.I (Facing Gardens) near Victoria Station and Airways Terminus. Boom from 76, with Bath and Breakfast from 9/6. Rooms with Private Bath l«/« Inclusive weekly terms from 4 With Private Bath 54 gna.
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  • 496 4 Crossing With Local Birds rpHIS is the season of the year when A people all ever Malaya are Planning to go Into poultry fanning. If you can afford the expenditare there rs no better way to start than with a high -class pen of üble and laying birds.
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  • 66 4 When the annual Royal Air Force display is held at Hendon on Jane 10 twenty-five units, about half of those stationed In Britain, will take part. About 200 aircraft and nearly 300 offi- cers and airmen will be engaged. One of the many elaborate and thrillIng features wifl
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  • 51 4 The First Lord of the Adnuralty, in reply to a question In the House of Commons, said that the policy of the Admiralty was based upon the conclusion that the battleship would be able to defend Itself against all methods of attack including an attack from the
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  • 911 4 WHAT a week First, news of restriction, descending on all but the privileged few in the know like a bombshell, and sending the price of rubber up and up. Many have been the clarion-like calls to duty. "Buy Chinese," says a visiting Minister from Nanking, and Buy
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  • 375 4 WEEK OF EXCITING NEWS H. O. Hopkins were in charge. It finished at midday yesterday. I lur Lectare. TfIHE entomological section of the course, over which Professor Gater presides, has begun meanwhile. This section, to the layman, is even more frightening. It comprises 20 lectures and 40 hours' prartical laboratory
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 64 4 PREVENTION A. CURE OF ROUP. 1«B«— 1M4. R 7 Vaccine has made its proof as the only preventive and curative vaccine for Malaya. VACCINATE YOUR STOCKS Full information from CHJtNGI ROAD, SINGAPORE. DAY. SOU AND HEWITT'S POULTRY MEDICIIE CHESTS contains everything necessary for curing and warding off the everyday ailments
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    • 25 4 FOR HORSES Fresh 4k Best AwilibJlbb Oat*, Bran, ChßTf, HBy, Llnseod, Barley, etc Prices competitive TONC LAM CO. 46/48, Pack Seah Streat. Singaporo. Ta»«phoi»a 7328.
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    • 95 4 Lovely New Tobralco Patterns Ootottat stores and see the *itj\ fascinating new Tobralco m .patterns. Enjoy the lasting W JL\ BL deßght of frocks that wash and wear amfttlntfy and n^PtSLr istep ttaetr Jovelktteai of tjnality tbat pi'ov«a by far %}yt rhraprrt In tfrf end. Tobralco Is made by Tootals
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1102 4 RADIO PROGRAMMES 8.8.C. PROGRAMME. PHOHI-HOLLAND For Straits Settlements, and Fede- Foltowtog |fPf^«nme of Phnhl. rated Malay SUtes from the tapire Houand <wavtfent*h 16 M M.):transmltter, Daventry, England. TODAY. 8.0 p.m. Dutch National Anthem. TODAY. *10 Broadcast by the R. Oath. Dioadcstinc Asauctstton. i 130 ajn. "London Bridge"; A Tale 10
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  • 778 5  -  PHIL MEAD HITTING AND BLOCKING DON'T be led into despising the cricketer who blocks the first few overs of each new bowler he faces. Some of you may remember the name of J. W. H. T. Douglas. In Australia, the crowds used to chant at Test
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  • 465 5  -  CUEMAN Control Of Force MANY a billiards player luins an otherwise good game by making heavy weather with his striking. Only very rarely does a billiards stroke call for a violent application of ener jy. Occasionally we see a player apply 4 ng all the force of
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  • 927 5  -  MSS DORO THY ROUND TACTICS FROM THE START IN the service, accuracy and ball control are insufaclent alone. You must master service tactics; in other words, use your brain right irom the start of the game. To show you what I mean, let vr- start
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 212 5 SHELL AVIATION SERVICE IMPERIAL AIRWAYS USE EXCLUSIVELY SHELL MOTOR OIL VISIT OUR STAND AT THE BRITISH TRADE FAIR. Advertisement of the Asiatic Petroleum Company (Straits Settlements) Ltd. Retired and gone Home! A comparatively young man too, but he knew the secret of retirement at an early age. Invested in the
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    • 330 6 A THOUGHTFUL NOVEL Who Called Men Free. By K. Farrax PWrfcen. Methaen. 7s, 6d. I<HE conflicting claims and different ideals of two generations form the subject of this thoughtfully written novel. Nigel, the son, puts t c matter into a nutshell when he says to his sister:
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    • 245 6 The Padre of St. Jacob's. By Stephen Graham. Ivor Nichalsoa and Watson. 7s. 6d. YF one did not read every week In the newspapers of some fresh victim of "confidence" men, one would declare that "The Padre of St. Jacob's" is too foolish to be true to life.
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  • 696 6 MAGISTRATE'S ADVENTURES IN NEW GUINEA New Guinea Recollections. By C. A. W. Monckton. The Bodley Head. to. 6d. r would be difficult to find more racily written memoirs than these Jotted reminiscences of a man who was a Resident Magistrate in the wilds of New Guinea
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  • 367 6 The Masked Ball Murder. By Dennis Fairfax. Tumult in San Benito. By John Arnold. Jenkins' Colonial Library. jLf R. FAIRFAX provides hte readers with plenty of sentiment in "The Maske' Ball Murder." From the moment an unknown man disguised as a clown, is found in an upstairs room
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  • 340 6 Family Parade. By Laurence Oliver. Ivor Nicholson and Watson. 7s. M. nrE feel that Mr. Oliver has done "Mother" an injustice! Surely such' an amusing and definite old lady would not have waited until she was 81 and had a weak heart to revolt against the insidious tyranny of
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  • 261 6 PEASANT LIFE IN ITALY The Naked Truth. By Lui«i Pirandello. Tbe Bodley Head. 7s. Id. AN entirely new Pirandello is revealed In hU short stories, the first English volume of which was published last year and had an immediate success. To those who only know Pirandello
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  • 100 6 By 1944 Shanghai will be the world's third largest city and Tokio will hold second place, according to /redictions of Professor Charles Richet as published in Paris by the Academy of Sciences. Professor Richet, who has completed a world population snnvy. declares that in 1944 New York will
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 187 6 jg| Jl STRENGTHENS gjJBBI CHILDREN Many illneagos of childhood H^bj. 1 can be prevented by a strengthen- CJL^^^)^^ ing tonic JJoctoit recotnoaem! i*lSsßßms_iLj?~ V> V U^ilT^ 'Waterbury's Compound. It eon- "•^jt^Mlß^7 3fcrj p L2* .jrgj tains a grncroua amount of cod HBtil" i i T^^-J. m I T^l iU uwnta.Cbil<lrratak<-Watrrh«ry's
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    • 24 6 DANTE IS COMING LAST WEEK TODAY TWO SHOWS 4.30 9.15 p.m. If you have not seen it before, come now or you'll regret it
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    • 276 6 SANATORIUM KABAN DJAHE (EAST COAST OF SI MATHAi 1W Feei rtwi Urn Sea, 2 boars from Mraan. Far tbe care aad auwttw at LUNG DISEASE by ettaaatte. dietetic. ebe»otherape«Ucal aad aarcfcal mean* CeoHapoi-tberapy"). CHARGES FTKST EXAMINATION (iaeladtef X-ray) 3t ACCOMMODATION I. CLASS (prlratc bedroom and bathini. drawing room) ftM 11.
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  • 398 7  -  Choice Of EndPlays ris very rare that when the combined hands contain over seven honour-tricks there is difficulty in fulflUinp 1 "--'•e-no- trump contract. On the hand below, which was played In a rubber game. the North and South hands contained all the Aces and Kings in
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  • 129 7 "OLD CONTEMPTIBLES" SERVICE Dartmoor convicts heard the broadcast of the "Old Conten ptlblee' church parade service at St. Martin-ln-the-Pleldat Trafalgar-square, London. The Governor is an Old Contemptible and had arranged the reception of the service at Dartmoor. The Rev. J. Cawley, chaplain of the Wimbledon branch of
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  • 15 7 Mr. T. Parke. Chiel Inspector of Machinery, Perak, left for home on furlough.
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  • 15 7 Mr. and Mrs. Pakirjrnaidu, i rest- denu of Taiping, have sailed from Penang for India.
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  • 17 7 Mr. T. D. MacNair has succeeded Mr. S. G. Tyte as manager of Harper Gilflllan's Taiping branch.
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  • 20 7 IMr. V. S. Kelly, an accountant with' the P.W.D. in North Rhodesia, has been transfer Pd to the Strait* Set*'ements.
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  • 15 7 Mr. C. H. Miller, of Lenggeng Estate, Semenyih. was admitted to Bungsar Hospital. Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 15 7 Mr. Tan Teow Bok. barrister-at-law, j has joined the legal firm of Mr. L. R.
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  • 17 7 Chandran In partnership. Mr. J. Anf ood. Secretary of the Penang Chamber of Commerce, is shortly retiring.
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  • 13 7 Major W. F. Chipp, D.5.0., M.C., Malayan Forestry Service, has gone on leave.
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  • 17 7 Mr. Reginald J. Bee, who \z back from home leave, has been appointed Executive Engineer. Kuala Kangsar.
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  • 19 7 I The Colonial Auxiliary Forces Long Service Medal has been awarded to Pte. J E. SkHton of the M.S.V.R.
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  • 17 7 Mr. R. W. Kendall, of Pir.Jl. Perak, and Mrs. Kendall recently sailed for home on a holiday.
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  • 22 7 Mr. J. B. MacLachlan, Executive En- gineer, Taiping. has left on transfer to i Kelantan, where he rill act s State Engineer.
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  • 24 7 Tuan Syed Hussein Jamallalel Is acting as Under Secretary to Govern- ment. Kedah, in place of Tuan Syed Omar Shahabudln who is on leave.
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  • 29 7 Mr. Craig, who was acting for Mr. Reis, on Batu Kawan Estate, has relieved Mr. Wilkie on Eaglehurst Estate, Pondok Tanjong, on the latter's departure for home on furlough.
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  • 29 7 The hon. Mr. Justice A. B. Hows*, j Judge, Negri Sembllan, has assumed duties as Judge, Perak and Mr. Justice N. D. Mudie, has left for Seremban on transfer.
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  • 26 7 Mrs. K. E. Prentis and Mrs. It. K. S. Adams have been appointed members of the women's committee constituted under the Women and Girls' Protection Ordinance.
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  • 362 7 THE PRIVATES WHO SLEPT AN interesting sidelight on the Sin gapore Mutiny is contained in the June, 1915, number of the M.B.V.R. magazine which- i reader has sent to the Sunday Times Private Orantham describes his experiences at the Cable Station thus "The a tole station consisted of
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  • 128 7 The recent formation in England of a Royal Defence Corps, as an auxiliary of the Territorial Army, draws atten- lion to the existence of a similar organisation in this country. It is the Auxiliary Service ana caters for men who have already completed Regular or Volunteer Colour service or are
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  • 129 7 LIVED ANOTHER 25 HOURS Nottingham. A man whose life was revived for 25 hours after his heart had stopped teating was the subject of an inquest here. He was Mr Frederick Wolfe, aged 65, a corporation workman, of Snein- ton Road. It was stated that he collapsed
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  • 71 7 PROFIT OF £10,000 ON LAST YEAR'S TRANSACTIONS The annual stocktaking figures of the London Zoo reveal that there were 3,759 animals of all kinds (except fish and invertebrates) in the gardens on December 31. The years foodstuffs for this huge family comprised fifty-oix diiTerent edibles.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 51 7 I I C**lM6dt and Salad 7, A APRIOOTS mod CREAM I ELABORATE MEALS, or "POT LUCK" ffeprj? W^sf£ OVER TWO THIRDS Urlnt IUIAL dL,l,k \m mi CONSUMED IN MALAYA IS "TIGER" I f W O p+ J like Beer" At 6.30 p.m. IWAKAN KETCHIL IS NICER With A SPARKLING "TIGER"
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  • 306 8 SEEN IN SINGAPORE (By Our Woman Correspondent) rpHE opening of the Singapore races 1 yesterday brought in its wake so many festivities that last night one had difficult} in choosin where to go." There were the race balls at the Adelphi and Sea View, a similar function at Raffles, a
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  • 545 8 AN EMPIRE TEA TABLE (By Our London Correspondent.) Sujtoay Times Office. Fleet Street, Apr. 12. rpHE most exciting place in London at the moment from a woman's point of view is Olympia, where the eighteenth Ideal Home Exhibition is being held. This exhibition, indeed,
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  • 206 8 Fry some rounds oi bread ur.d place a poached egg on top of each. Cover with a sauce made oy mixing an ounce of butter with a toaspoonlul each of minced chutney, piquantc sauce, and French mustard, a dessertspoonful of English mustard and two tablespoonfuls of
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  • 202 8 Those who visit Whiteaways this week will be struck by the changed appearance of the big store. Whiteaways have decided to hold a British Trade Exhibition all on their own and for this occasion the whole place has been effectively decorated with flags— which cover
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 542 8 sf#4y* WHITEAWAYS EXHIBITION of BRITISH GOODS NOW ON UNTIL SATURDAY MAY 12th OVER 250 INDIVIDUAL DISPLAYS, ALL OF WHICH ARE 100% BRITISH MANUFACTURE. LISTS OF EXHIBITS FREE ON REQUEST Remember you are under no obligation to purchase anything. DISPLAY No. 78. 79— 81. *T\ laf'lFAr m SMART MILLINERY. W^* without
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    • 267 8 \*Vin> man who said "I wanC unpointed kisses" SHE knew the minute she met l.'ra that he VM the man of her dreams. But he did not seem attracted to her. It was her own brother who guessed what was wrong. "Stop using a lipstick tiiat makes you look painted,"
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  • 2318 9  -  OLDTIMER PUNISHMENT THAT WAS APPRECIATED The thrills of a bull race in Madura, an island off the coast of Java, are described in another fascinating article by Oldtimer who also throws light on the mentality of the coolie. A YEARLY event in Madura was the great
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  • 744 9 WHERE MALA YS CAME FROM The races of the Malay Archipelago, with special reference to Indian influence, was the subject of a lecture by Dr. Heinrich Meinhard, of the Berlin Ethnological Museum, at the Mahabodhi Hall, Calcutta. rpHE popular belief that the Islands of the Malay Archipelago are in- 1
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 40 9 In English pastures cool and clean, where little rivers softly flow, graze the sleek-coated cows that yield their store to Nestles. This milk when packed s appropriately known as "Ideal" Milk. I D E A liH MILK is so good.
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  • 1711 10 It has been stated, quite erroneously so far as we are aware, that newspaper competitions of any description whatever for casn prizes are no longer to be permitted in the Colony. We know of no change in the local law on the subject. Public lotteries, whether conducted by
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  • 724 10  -  PAT PERMANG ¥T has often been said that the secret of success in life is to give the puslic what it wants, yet more energy is wasted and more time and money are lost in the endeavour to please the popular taste than were ever expended on
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  • 103 10 (Ananias News Factory.) New York, Saturday. Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone, interviewed this afternoon on the subject of rubber restriction, were enthusiastic in their praise of anything which would raise the price of the commodity. Mr. Ford hoped for a return to 12s. 6d. rubber, so that all
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  • 123 10 A. L. \V of Singapore, can have the boodle for the paid-for joke this week, notwithstanding his rudery in telling me the meaning of marrons g laces." Here is the why and the wherefore: Dear Ananias, Every Sabbath day, I think of those ten bucks you give away.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 190 10 .tf'-'v Lausanne Be sure to include in your Home leave a Trip to SWITZERLAND Hotel Guides showing tariffs, illustrated booklets, maps and all information free on application to the Swiss Consulate, Union Building. Singapore. CAPITOL^ TODAY 3— 6.15— 9.15 LAST TWO DAYS OF THIS GREAT TRIPLE ATTRACTION! JERE LEE AND
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    • 33 10 I PIANO! TUNING REPAIRS REMOVALS HIRE CHARLES. Phone 2902. 74, Orchard Rd. j I NEW WORLD SINGAPORE. Side Shows. Cabaret Dancing, Talkies, Theatres and Cinemas.' I!1N!§H Write for our "j££[ 19 34 Catalogue.
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  • 127 11 SWEEPING PLANS FOR INDIA Economic Reorganisation Simla, Saturday. pAR-REACHING proposals initiating a co-ordinated policy for the economic betterment of the country were issued by the Government of India today. Steps already decided include: The appointment of central and provincial marketing: officers; and The inauguration of provincial marketing surveys; and The
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  • 256 11 INSISTS ON GOING TO INJURED HUSBAND A woman who defied her doctor's advice to remain in bed collapsed at her husband's beside at Oldchurch Hospital, Romford, as he died from the effects of a road accident. Mr. Arthur Jupp, 30, of Fair's Cottages, Becontree Heath, was cycling
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  • 693 11 CHANGES PROPOSED BY B.M.A. NURSING KNOWLEDGE ¥N the future the doctor will have a good knowledge of English literature, history, and foreign languages he will have received special instruction in nursing procedures, and he will have served some sort of practical apprenticeship after passing the greater
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  • 400 11 MR. HENRY PU-YI'S POSITION 'Under Close Watch" (From Our Own Correspondent.) Shanghai, Saturday. ILf ANCHUKUO officials are greatly perturbed over rumours of the Impending annexation of the new State by Japan. It is revealed that Mr. Henry Pu-yi, since his enthronement on Mar. 1, has been placed under close surveillance
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  • 427 11 CHINESE LIVING IN HOMES WITH NO ROOFS This is a story of "Limehouse with the Lid Off." In Limehouse-causeway two Chinese are living with tiielr families in houses which are roofless and flreless, their only fjielter from the elements being tarpaulins hired from i local
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  • 52 11 The Hague Supreme Court granted the claim by the Stockbrokers' Association that the bond Interests of the Royal Dutch Co., should be paid in gold, but rejected the claim in respect of the Botaafsche Co. whose bonds are payable in New York where payment on a gold basis is not
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  • 322 11 £750,000 IN TWO DAYS Since the British Budget, windfalls totalling £750,000 for the Treasury n Death Duties from two estates alone have been announced. The sum of £398,349 was the levy on I the property of the late Lord Faringdon, who left £1,021,696. On the estate of
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  • 198 11 Princess Mdivani's Denials Prince Alexis Mdivani and his bride —formerly Miss Barbara Hutton, the Woolworth heiress and "richest girl in the world"— are in London for a "few days of peace" on their tour of the world. They flew from Paris and are occupying one of the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 102 11 Cash Capital |^fl^fl^|f^ > ■F^ M' insurance 3,000,000.00 JJ if..., JB ($4,195,808.20) vAmP/ THE INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE COMPANY LTD. (Incorporated under the Companies' Ordinances of Hongkong.) Equipped with a complete and up-to-date line of Life and Accident policies, this strong and progressive Company has a number of good Agency openings in
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  • 373 12 Princess Elizabeth's Future NOT TO GO TO SCHOOL How is Princess Elizabeth, the little falr-halred girl who may one day be Queen of Britain, to be educated There have been frequent conferences and discussions among the Royal Family about this problem, which, with the Princess' eighth birthday the other day,
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  • 612 12 THE COURTS DEFAMATION ALLEGED BY BUSINESS WOMAN jtf RS. Jeni Woelz, a local business woman, summoned the manager of Franz Isako's Circus, Jacob Blecker, before Mr. C. H. Whitton in the police court yesterday for alleged defamation of character. A similar charge was made against Mrs.
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  • 97 12 PENANG ASSIZES TAMIL SENTENCED TO SEVEN YEARS (From Our Own Correspondent.) Perang, May 5. At the Assizes here Kannapiran was charged with the murder of Pakirisamy in Transfer Road. He was found guilty on the lesser charge of causing grievous bodily hurt and sentenced to seven years' rigorous imprisonment. The
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  • 181 12 FOUND BY WOMAN Southampton. The woman who found the Prince's Cairn terrier, Jlggs. is Mrs. Bishop, of London, aged about thirty. Mrs. Bishop told me that she was driving from London to Southampton with her husband. At Sunningdale they saw Jiggs running about the road among
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  • 88 12 As at present arranged the Duke of Gloucester will leave England on his visit to Australia and New Zaland or Aug. 21. He will make the voyage In H.M.B. Sussex and his programme will be practically the same as that arranged for Prince George. He will return home
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  • 14 12 Mr. H. M. James, the Negrl Sembilan cricketer, has returned from w ome leave.
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  • 177 12 SYNAGOGUE WEDDING STOPPED A pretty Jewish bride was carried, weeping hysterically, from a synagogue in the East End of London. The wedding had been stopped in dramatic fashion. Crowds who had waited outside the doors to see twenty-flve-year-old Annie Nymite emerge on the arm of her husband,
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  • 70 12 Mr. Loh Kye Wee died on Friday at 96. Deskar Road (off Jalan Besar) The late Mr. Loh Kye Wee was a director of the Malaya Broadcasting Co., Ltd., and he was cashier of Mes;re Jaeger and Co. for more than 20 years, before he left
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  • 41 12 Mr. T. P. F. McNeice, M.C.S., who sue ceeded Raja Kamaralzaman as Seremban Magistrate, has been elected President of the Negrl Sembilan Football Association while Towkay Goh Eng Thye has been elected Vice President in success! n to Mr. Peter McNee.
    41 words
  • 23 12 Victorian style parasols of lace an d frills are expected to be the vogue among fashionable women in London this season.
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  • 173 12 MAN'S MANY FRAUDS ON WOMEN Paris. A man said io have extraordinary powers of fascination who. at different stages of his career, has played the part of war hero, spy and Don Juan, appeared before a Paris court to answer charges of fraudulently obtaining money
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  • 67 12 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. Over two hundred gathered at the Oriental Building today to celebrate the diamond jubilee of the Oriental Government Security Life Assurance Company, founded in Bombay on May 5, 1874. which now has branches all over India and has one in Kuala
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  • 273 12 FLYING CLUB'S HINT TO AUTHORITIES MORE AERODROMES WANTED I /COMMENTING on the progress of civil I aviation in Malaya the annual rei port of the Kuala Lumpur Flying Club j states "It becomes more apparent than ever that the attitude of the public towards flying is constantly improving. This is
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 268 12 XRAYS PROVED DUODENAL ULCER. CURED IN TWO WEEKS. Hen's a man who suffered with his stomach for eight years, whom even hospital doctors could not cure, until they gave him a treatment which you can get from most chemists out here.' He says "I want to tell you of the
      268 words
    • 273 12 W <Lirk dQHPt §1 iff Arm mf CT^mE* L. .1 Bjy m JT% if Wj m m- m%* H t/1 lO Sffi mm<- w rW rl m A IiVVL fe SI \r Inr*^ 1 m MIL/ itf L|^ f J C rJnJrJULt m A gar fl Xl wU^"'^d "Ja"*".^ Artm
      273 words

  • 1169 13 HOME FOOTBALL RESULTS THE struggle for football honours concluded in English soccer yesterday. The international and League honours list is as follows International Championship: Wales. F.A. Cup Winners: Manchester City. runners-up: PortsmouthLeague Champions: Arsenal. Run-ners-up: Huddersfield. Promoted. To First Division: Grimsby Town and Preston To Second
    Reuter  -  1,169 words
  • 189 13 FRENCH RULES AND BRITISH The French Federation of Golf has tightened the regulations defining the status of an amateur, and thus comes into line with the Royal and Ancient Golf Club. Players falling under the following categories are henceforth excluded from taking part in amateur championships In France:
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  • 181 13 TO CHANGE NAME TO ALLIANCE London, Apr. 13. Yesterday the Council of the Football Association approved the revised ttrn.s of reconciliation with the Amateur Football Association. The chief clauses stipulate that the F.A. is recognised as the national governing body of the game. That the name of the
    181 words
  • 867 13 The Cup challenger Endeavour was launched from Nicholson's Yard, Gosporc, on the top of the tide in Portsmouth Harbour. She is the seventh big cutter to have been built since the war, the others having been Terpsichore (renamed Lulworth), Astra, Cambria, Candida, Shamrock V., and Velsheda. The sport
    867 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 57 13 BARGAINS "ECONOMY" SCRIBBLING PADS for workshops, schools offices. No. 1. 10" i 8" per dozen $1.30 No. 2. 4V$ w x5W" $0.50 No. S. 4K"x6K" n $0.60 Postage per dozen (within Malaya) No. 1 $1.10 extra. No 2&3, 50 cts. extra. 100 sheets each pad with cardboard barks. CASH WITH
      57 words
    • 402 13 HI BETTER for C^Ts^^^^M IRNI VITA ifa from sleeplessness is easy to un- fflß^ -S *"""^V- '^*W!| (111 I 'I'" derstand. Never before have they I^H^H^^^^^^^iini 1 1 I I'll gently to sleep. THE SECRCT OF BOURN-VITA j THE DIFFERENCE NEXT DAY. Bourn-vita U unique in uus way: the FBO
      402 words

  • 637 14 CASH PRIZES FOR SELECTING NINE NAMES FROM GIVEN LIST Today The Sunday Times introduces a simple form of competition which is entirely new in Malaya. No entrance fee is required, and the sum of $500 will be awarded to the winner or winners in this simple
    637 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 882 14 Science throws new light on tooth decay Pain Is nature's warning ■■■^■5^" B «^^^H that teeth are diseased. The jSJjjf' M*t&\ cause of pain is usually Wr 1^ ..^gdgK BK i decay and an important 9 9, S Igfl cause of decay is film on U V I Af> teeth,
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 234 14 THE LIST OF NAMES Solutions To The Puzzles Are Hidden Here Here Is the list of horses handicapped for yesterday's racing, on which the competition Is based. The list is not in the order in which It was originally issued, bat all the names are included Etona Combination Biddy Marsh
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  • 471 15 Match With The Dog Ends In Draw IFrom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. In an inter-club twelve-a-slde cricket encounter this evening the Selangor Chinese drew with the Seiangor Club on the S.C.R.C. ground The Chinese batted first and knocked up 167 for five wickets to two
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  • 110 15 K.L. Indians Dismissed Cheaply (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lomr/ur, Saturday. The Indian Association was beaten by the Police Depot by seven wickets on the padang today. Batting first, the Association was dismissed for 74. B. S. Gill and G. Vlas scoring 17 each. Salleh easily disposed
    110 words
  • 387 15 IX THE SPORTING LIMELIGHT (Frorr Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. Alexander Selvanayagam Emmanuel, popularly known as E. Alexander, is the first and only Asiatic from Neifrl Sembilan to play In the F.M.S -Colony hockey tests. The Negri Sembilan hockey goalkeeper was born in 1911 at Kuala
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  • 240 15 Denis Santry Challenge Cup Yesterday afternoon the second race of a series of three for the Denis Santry Ladles' Challenge Cup was sailed under ideal conditions. A light and steady off-shore wind left the harbour waters pleasantly calm, which was appreciated by the feminine skippers. Six
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  • 591 15 Mrs. E. V. Davies. president of tbe Lotus dub was "at home" on Friday at < her residence in Pearl Bank to enable 1 members of the clab to ~ioet Mrs. C A. Mukunden wife of the Agent ol the Government of India in Malaya,! on her
    591 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 199 15 fl rSw J^ < '.-vvjr oh Cow 9 Gmt. I COW A GATE BUILDS HEALTH, V STRENGTH AND BEAUTY! '^BmJfc^*^^bW Baby cannot be truly beautiful without l^| BPIMMByBBBm perfect health. Give your baby a chance to be beautiful and Y+T build up a sound healthy body now I Hie first
      199 words

  • 2874 16 A HOT FAVOURITE Newcomer Romps Home To Pay Eighty Dollars A LARGE crowd attended the opening day of the Singapore Turf Club Governor's Cup meeting yesterday Another encouraging sign was that the totes and sweeps were well patronised— ln excess of the corresponding day last
    2,874 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 127 16 yjuuxp 'Applied I i i i hi t nfcß^v f keeps hair in place all day 2 X [i/j /^\J It takes only a minute or so to rub a s^sfc J 1 T^""^ jwh. little Stacomb into your hair and scalp. /N^^m V. Then a few familiar motions 'with
      127 words
    • 275 16 Successful Sales depend on Advertising copy and display that forces the conviction on the minds of potential buyers that they must have the goods they read of. Twelve years experience of successful salesbuilding is behind every advertising campaign prepared by The Advertising Publicity Bureau, Ltd. Pictures alone, without this experience
      275 words

  • 82 17 OFFICIAL OPENING TODAY Today at 3 o'clock the Singapore Baseball League will be officially opened by the Consuls-General for the United States and Japan at the Jalan Bcsar Sta.iium. After the opening ceremony, the first league match will be played between the Singapore Cubs and a Chinese team,
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  • 229 17 ADVICE TO SOCCER PLAYERS Too Puffed Up FANCY WORK NOT WANTED (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. Saturday. Mr. H. P. Bryson, president of the Negri Sembilan Football Association, made some interesting observations in reply to speeches at a function organised by the Association as a furewel! to him. Taking the
    229 words
  • 230 17 GUNNERS DEFEAT THE S.C.R.C The Straits Chim-je Recreation Club lost their home matcfi to the R-jail Artlliery yesterday Dy 35 runs Henry Boon, the Chib's star bowhr. was not In- form, for though he took three of the Qonners 1 wickets for only 25 runs, this is a
    230 words
  • 29 17 The cricket match between the Non descripts and St. Joseph's Institution which was to have been played yesterday on the Nondescript* 1 ground la McNalr Road was not played
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  • 63 17 D.G. MACK TO CAPTAIN SIDE (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Saturday. ~The~ Negri Sembilan tennis team for trie Storch Cup competition between Negri Sembilan, Perak and Selangor has been selected as follows: Doubles. D. G. Mack (captain) and S. Namasivayam; Chong Ah Kai and Kotoh. Singles—
    63 words
  • 142 17 The Chinese Students' Literary Association's ping-pong team met the Ngo Sing Le Chin Sia's team and the Nanyang Chinese Students' Society's team during the week and defeated both by the same score, of 4 games to 1. Scores S.L.A. vs. Ngo Sing L.CB. C.S.L.A. mentioned first) Chan Kwok Ming
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  • 334 17 VOLUNTEERS BEAT S.C.C. BY FOUR WICKETS In a low scoring match on the Padang yesterday, the SVC beat the SC.C. by four wickets The game was to have begun on Friday evening, but was delayed owing to rain. Tne Club batted first and in a very
    334 words
  • 209 17 SEVEN RUN MARGIN OVER UNITEERS The Public Works Department beat United Engineers at cricket yesterday afternoon on the St. Joseph's ground by seven runs. Scores: P.WJ).: J. V. T. Campbell b Brown 15. V. Ponniah c Japp b Brown 37. A. G. Cooke b Brown 8, G. Morgan
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  • 32 17 The friendly encounter between the first string of the Siong 800 Athletic Association and the Old Rafflesian Association at soccer will be held at Raffles' Institution ground on Tuesday instead of today.
    32 words
  • 201 17 R. AND A. ASKED FOR DEFINITION London. A position of some delicacy has been created by the application for membership of a well-known golf club near London made by an individual who holds an important position in a firm of golf-ball manufacturers. The applicant has been requested to
    201 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 307 17 R. C. A. TURNS DEAD-SPOT INTO LIVE-SPOT. Places Malaya in the Forefront of Radio Reception Linking Malaya with the World. I W 7'rv l^^^n^S^^lXsm^BnV" KaWfjT 'JK* «saaaaaaaaaaan^A 4n^ '*TBaaaa» BSBmP JBl VT* Ik" at '^a i JST nC»nV^* /dam- Jn?«lL%^^nl f'^'v^- fi^^^V^' B J J* ?*5« Xr t t ■HuA^mTaaaw!
      307 words
    • 3 17 DANTE IS COMING
      3 words
    • 311 17 BSa^^asv^^^sssl ssB amawM Hifl Bnm^H I C~T 81-^flß lassA I C^naHn^HlS A FEW en ringsn^V BasM\aSnl I designs and tuperfe era f;s88.1 jj I nsansinp of Alexander BTBI B^^fr^nl I s varied stock. LsOal aasaaiJ W^> I Pncr* are oeret iml* .J B^arty^B ssTyT-Ssßan ani ncn ring it true BsmMaßssiaVaV^VSßaßflßsmassHaßßsssssssßH
      311 words

  • 435 18 Singapore Racing Opens Negri Cricket Innovation —K. L. Boxing Hopes— Penang Tennis Titles rpHE Spring (Governor's Cup) KJeetA ing opened at the Bukit Tlmah racecourse yesterday with an attractive card of nine races. The going was on the heavy side following recent rain. There was a record
    435 words
  • 324 18 (From Oar Own Correspondent.) I Seremban. 1 PR the first time In several years J Negri Sembilan is to play a State cricket fixture at home on a matting pitch. For the past few seasons the bulli soil wicket has been used and, owing to the bad state
    324 words
  • 264 18 Kuala Lumpur. THE team that has been selected t9 meet Negri Sembilan in a State cricket match this week-end at Sercmban is one of the strongest but you never can tell. There are several changes in the side, especially among the Asiatic players who formed the bulk of
    264 words
  • 326 18 Penanf. 'THE outstanding performance of the week in the Penang sporting world was the batting of Eu Cheow Teik for the Chinese Recreation Club against the P.C.C. on the Esplanade. The inter-port player was at his best. There was litltc chance of the match resulting in anything but
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  • 305 18 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. A CRICKET Association has at last been formed in Malacca, to the satisfaction of all the cricket clubs here. The newly- formed Association has arranged its first game, against the Singapore Cricket Club, at Singapore, on May 19 and 20. This seems
    305 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 114 18 Everyone remarks, 'What a pretty baby'" I and BabJr'K Uftom the start. ttffiS')) Hcsbegtnningtowalknowand my. such strength in those lmlc QT) J lees I feed him Quaker Oats *JU J Quaker Oats is the ideal food for every stage of life from babyhood to old age. Everyone likes its delicious
      114 words
    • 3 18 DANTE IS COMING
      3 words
    • 87 18 MILK&CREAU OF THE VERY BEST I 'l QUALITY I I 1 -i Made fresh daily from "Anchor Milkpowder 'Anchor" Unsalted Butter imported from New Zealand the vitamin country. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE Ca.Lm ■■BBBBaiaß«BaaßaaaaHaaaaß«flHßHßaaaiflß i w j w i 3 i sam """gFeAT" EASTERN OPTICAL CO. 275. South Bridge Road. Singapore
      87 words

  • 1205 19 TRIANGULAR TOURNEY CANCELLED PERAK MAY PLAY SELANGOR INSTEAD rls understood that the proposed triangular tournament between Selangor, Perak and Penang has been cancelled as a result of Penang being unable to accept the invitation of the Perak Badminton Association. As has been mentioned in these columns
    1,205 words
  • 176 19 SEREMBAN MALAYS TOURNAMENT (From Our Own Correspondent.) Serer-ban. The following is the result of the third round of the first Serembin I Malays' badminton tournament:— Abu Bakar and Yassin (P.B.C teat Syed Ahmad and Karua 21—12, 21—17; Kamaruddin and Mhd. Pilus (P.8.C.) beat Talip and Yassin, 18—21, 21—9. 21—4; Mansur
    176 words
  • 77 19 Entries for this years Junior singles championship tournament (league system) will close on May 19. Parties desirous of friendly matches with the Sincere Lads are invited to communicate with Mr. lee Kirn Teck, hon. sports captain. Sincere Lads' 8.P.. c/o Government rrade School. Singapore. UNISON B.P. The Unison
    77 words
  • 137 19 CONGRA TULA TIONS TO JOHORE rpHE current year promises to be a very successful one for the Singapore Badminton Association. With a band of energetic workers on the committee willing to put their shoulders to the wheel, under the direction of an experienced and respected leader in the
    137 words
  • 881 19 Waverley B.P. Lose The Union Chinese B.P.s B team beat the Union B.P.s B team by six games to one. Scores (U.C.B.P. mentioned first): Tay Keok Teck beat Yeo Chin Hock, 15—12, 15—10 Wilkie Chan beat Goh Lai Seng, 15—5, 15—3 Chua Yam Buk beat Soh Chee
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  • 19 19 The Panchor Union B.P. played their second badminton match against Oersek B.P at Panehor and won s—l
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  • 20 19 Badmiiiton parties who desire friendly games with the January Badminton Party should communicate with Mr A. Sujak, 18-2. Prinsep Street.
    20 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 154 19 F/LS DE ZAKETTO SALAMA Cie. BANKERS. (EGYPT) Kstd. 19M. a boon to INVESTORS!!! BU* TOtil BONUS OK:— OHM FONCIER EGYPTIAN BELGIUM WAR LOAN DAMAGES ft* Guaranteed Monthly BonuENQI IRE RELIABLE AGENTS Please Apply Prospectus terms EZEKItL BROS. CO. 1, CAPITOL BUILDING, SPORE. PHONE 3958 2751. "To Let Bungalow No 1.
      154 words
    • 185 19 A Fall cannot Damage this Wonderful Watch At last the Ideal Wntt Watch ha* arrived a guarantee*! Bk J Ik nttabW Wria* Watch at a popular price that will matt |B the moat exacting requirement* oi the modern man in JJ HL any climate. Here arc ita many advantage* tlaainhiali
      185 words
    • 419 19 ASHAMED OF HER FIGURE Husband Persuaded Her To Take Kruschen By following her husband's advice, this woman took off 32 lbs. of her excess fat Telling of her experience, she writes: A year ago I was troubled with rheumatism, nervousness and other complaints. And I got so fat that I
      419 words

  • Article, Illustration
    45 20 THE GOVERNOR'S CUP on show at the Singapore race? which opened yesterday. isle of Bonny winning the second race Hard Ip winning from Vedau. The fourth race In progress. THEY look thoufh they had backed a winner. MRS GEDDES (centra) and friends at (he races.
    45 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 105 20 A ?m, "^L9 aaVaw Hb^^bh mrJm V jm em -> m. tm Mm *W *L M AY -dk V^C^ Nicotine never stained fingers, and nevet caused a cough. Staining and coughing are .^B^^B^BI caused by tobacco tar hot, semi-solid, Pk intensely irritant. You have only to see what it s^^w
      105 words
    • 254 20 HEAR Richard Tauber SING his famous songs on ODEON RECORDS at NANG HENG CO., 103—105 Selegie Rd. COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO.. LTD. (Incorporated In England > I Fire. Life. Marine. Acridcat. Guarantee and Motor. ASSETS £60.000.600. Artknr C. PotU. Manager A t'ndenrriier Eastern Branch, Singapore. PARK LANE HOTEL PICCADILLY, W.
      254 words