The Straits Times, 12 January 1934

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 31 1 The Straits Times „^»**uuai*M HM>" iiitf IJikGBST AM, MOST iMittNiUL NWSI'AM* mJ^AYA. n nm rtlNiiAl'Oßl, VMIIAt l-ht«b ItttfeMn The Straits Times 20 PAGES. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1934. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 83 1 nuA.A LUMPUR: BC, JAVA ST. (PHONI MM THE PERFECT FOUNDATION fNu Back CORSETRY ■UU HUH »l.»t»« WJ M>WI ft MUi4"W «VMi »»l IUC ft OUUMMti Utttl* WbM) 111 rldaa uu uul of ~>^tlt>f» aU4 nu( of Mt CiuTAAsJV ksMQI IB BMlilttl tfl i&M ttUl Ol illA lOsUAfll d>¥ k#BDB sV
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    • 3 1 snunsoMS N?IVAT M
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 1039 2 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS. naM^anN BURNS pfflLp LlNG |^^^^^H^jßl_UJuL3 (Incorporated In Australia.) (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA) nm N 8BA t BTBM I **«> «M TO LONDON. BOURN* Tia JAVA. DARWIN AND Vessel* Tonnage Doe Sail HAKUSAN MARTS 10,400 Jan. 24 35 HAKUNA UASU 10.400 Feb. 7 8 katori maru *****0 Feb. la 33
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    • 498 2 THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LIMITED. flnoorporaied- ta J.mark) PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE. TO GENOA. LONDON, ROTTERDAM, HAMBURG AM* CCKHHAGBf. VNtt Fhn Piuui Prom S*por> MiHiw Part MMf Swett. t "«wii 12/1 1»/1 14/1 lt/1 JSaT- 2 BORDKHA 21/2 37/3 M/ 3 3/3 FTONIA 30/3 30/3 31/3 33/3 BWA 10/4 10/4
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  • 2627 3 Lloyds See Signs Of A Revival. In the annual report of Lloyd's Register of Shipping for the twelre months June 30, 1933, attention Is called to the following points, viz. The continuance of the depression In shipping, despite the appreciable reduction In the world's tonnage which
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  • 274 3 Mr. Neville Chamberlain, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, speaking at the annual meeting of the Midland Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations at Birmingham yesterday, said he was afraid that It was not fully realised that we were no longer unable to defend ourselves If we were
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  • 115 3 SENANG, Dut 739 tons, from Palembang 12-1, for Palembang 13-1. NAGATO MARU, Jap.. 4,334 tons, from Yokohama 13-1. for Bombay via Colombo 13-1. MBLCHIOR TREUB. Dut., 1.611 tons, from B. Dell 12-1. for Batavia 13-1. OOSTAR, Ger., 3,613 tons, from Tslngtao 13-1. for Bremen 13-1. LARUT. Brit., 464
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 63 3 STATE SHIPPING SERVICE tn WKSTF.RN AUSTRALIA FREMANTLE (VIA PALEMBANG, BANTOEWANGI AND NORTH WESTERN PORTS), tsmv KOO LINDA Jan. 17 tsmv KANGAROO Feb. 2 tsmv. KANGAROO Mar. 25 KARK:; Single Jtl<» 0-0 Australian Return K 30-0-0 I Currency. Por particulars of frrleht and oassage fteaw Rpply to McALISTER Co., Ltd. Singapore
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    • 758 3 NORDDEUTSCHEP I .Incorpor«tf d la OermanyJ The nndettLienUooed are the Mmpany*i Intended futures-— OUTWARD I TRAVE for HoUo, Manila. Hong Kong, Shanghai. N. Cblua Japan Jan. IT HOMEWARD t OOSLAR for Marseilles. R'dam, Hamburg and Bremen Jan. IS COBLBNZ fer Oenta. Barcelona. Adam. R'dao. HTmr and Bremen Jan. 34 Paasenger
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    • 418 3 DOLLAR STBAMBHIP LINE orWAMEBJCAW MAIL LINE ARE YOU GOING UOMP IN* MARCF. The President Johnson sails from Singapore March 13, equipped with FIRST CLASS, TOURIST AND BCONOMTCAL TOURIST CLASS CABINS. FARES ARE AS LOW AS £35.14.0 From SINGAPORE to MARSEILLES for an outside cabin in economical Tourist class. ROUND THE
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    • 334 3 ELLERMAN bUCKNALL STEAMSHIP CO.. LTD. Ineorporatoi tn BnglandJC "ELLERMAN" LINE. FOR HAVRE. LONDON. ROTTEPDAM A HAMBURG V la Parts aod Saea Canai Dv« Sails. Steamer Spore B*pora CTTY OF NORWICH Jan. IS Jan. It LEPANTO Jan. 30 Feb. I FOX HONG KONG, SHANGHAI A JAPAM Steamer Due Spore. CITY OK
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 112 3 TIDE TABLES. Friday, January II. H. W. 6.22 a.m.. 8 ft. 4 In.. 9.5 p.m., 7 ft. 3 in. L. W. 1.48 p.m.. 2 ft. 7 In. Saturday, January 13. H. W. 7.34 a.m., 8 ft 6 In.. 10.15 p.m., 7 ft. 9 in. l w. 1.2S a.m.. 6 ft..
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 442 4 SITUATIONS VACANT Whin applying for any position advertised in these columns send copies of testlmonlal*. Do not send originals. WANTED clerk, must be thoroughly experienced in stock book and accounts work. Reply Box No. 221. Straits Times. WANTED. Probationer Laboratory Assistant. College of Medicine. Singapore. Apply in urlting with copies
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    • 642 4 BOARD-RESIDENCE 254 Orchard Rd., fur. 'corns, from $30 to $40. Board optional. Phone 3433. Vacancies at "Lloyd House," 2 Lloyd Rd. Situated on hill, high above flood area. QROBVENOR Hotel Service room* fur- nlshed. modern sanitation, from $50 monthly WOODSTOCK. Rooms with private entrances, verandahs, baths. European. Charges moderate." "Phone
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    • 529 4 BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET OFFICES to let on 2nd and 4th Floon Ocean Building. Apply Mansfield Co., Ltd. Ground Firs* Floor, Roblnaon Rd. Pre- mlses. separately or together. United Engineera. LAIDLAW BUrLDING. Offices to let at i moderate rents, electric lift to both floors Apply Manager. Whlteaway. Laldlaw Co. Ltd
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    • 887 4 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE. > The Exchange Banks will be nwd tm?--r Thursday, Jan. 18, Hart Raya Puasa, (Bank Holiday). LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE. A meecßig of the Justices ut me Peace Tcr the Settlement of Singapore will be held In the District Judge's Chambers, Central Police Courts, Singapore, at 2.15 p.m.
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    • 571 4 BUSINESS CARDS FIGARO BEAUTY CREATIONS THE $8 PERMANENT WAVE BY EUROPEAN LADY EXPERTS RAFFLES HOTEL (Room 120) and at 93 Bras Basah Road MASSAGE HALL MANICURE AND MAbiiAUE. Mrs. HARD and Miss SANA WATERLOO STREET. Telephone 7467. AUCTION NOTICES. AUCTION SALE of well-made Jacobean design walnut stained teak household furniture,
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 176 4 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Sing ore Within O Me Ma:-ya Malaj—. Postage. Monthly MM J.H Quarterly «-S« "2JJ Half Yearly »K.H tt*.» «5 M Y-arlv '«8H 30M Note.—Outstatlon cheques should Include tbe usual bank discount ADVERTISEMENT RATES TL. charges and instructions for CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS are as under:— 25 cents per line per
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  • 195 5 Sequel To "Escaped Lion" Story. The tria'. in connection wnn me Sussex "escaped lion" hunt story concluded at Lewes Assizes recently, when William Edmund Butlin, of the Park. Skegness, and Clifford Stanley Joste, of Butlin's Zoo, Bognor Regis, were found not guilty and discharged. Alan Leslie Proctor, of
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  • 697 5 Retirement System. GHOSTS" IN WAY OF PROMOTION. Should the age limit for retirement of combatant officers in the higher commands of the Army be reduced? A major-general today Is retired at the age of 62 years, and a lieutenantgeneral or general automatically «coes into retirement
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  • 163 5 Frequent Visitor Ta London. London river will miss an old friend this year, and Rochester particularly will deplore the end of a constant and graceful visitor. The Finnish three-masted barque Plus went ashore outside the harbour of Marlehamm, in the Baltic, on Dec. 16, during a gale,
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  • 61 5 Allegamuthu, a 28-year old Tamil Hindu, .as charged in the 'olice Court before Mr. N. Orlce yesterday with theft of three gold, diamond-set. brooches valued at $100 and of $4 in cash from Scan Kuang Chlm K ig Chin Road, last week. Accused, who was arrested on Wednesday,
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  • 140 5 Man Who Was Saved From Sharks. Hundreds of poor people whom he had helped attended the funeral recently of Mr. Walter Osborne. of Ipswlck. His social service In Ipswich was the result of a vow made during an experience when, as quartermaster of the steamer Nankin, In
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    • 104 5 SERVICE QUALITY PRICE IF IT'S ANYTHING TO DO WITH RADIO OR AMPLIFIERS 'Phone, Write or Call RADIO SERVICE CO. OF MALAYA LTD. Sole Afwtts tot man; leadlne Radio Manufacturers. BROADCAST HOUSE, 2. ORCHARD ROAD. SINGAPORE. Largest and moat comprehensive Ra dlo Stockist*. I Best equipped and most efficient BKRVIOT DBPT.
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    • 213 5 A NOVELTY In Roll Films. The MIMO3A OITO Double-Snool Roll films: By a special device the spool can be parted in th 3 middle in daylight after the first four cxi turcs. In tr-.-j way one does not need uj wait until in entn roll Is exposed before the film
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 373 5 B.B.C. PROGRAMME. For Straits Settlements, and Federated Malay States from the Empire transmitter, Daventry, England. TODAY. 6.20 a.m. The B.B.C. Dance Orchestra Directed by Henry Hall. 7.5 Talk: "Foreign Affairs" Mr. Vernon Bar let. 7.20 Interlude. 7.25 "La Boheme" (Puccini). 8.5 The News. 3.20 The News. 3.35 A Recital of
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    • 259 5 3.20 The News, .ollowed by Dairy Produce Notes, supplied by the Intelligence Branch of the Imperial Economic Committee. 3.35 Dance Music. 4.5 Talk: "The British Empire." "The Scope and Variety of the Colonial Empire" Mr. I. Evans. 4.35 An Organ Recital by W. W. Thompson. 5.5 Old Highland All. 7.20
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  • 243 6 GJVLC. Representative In Hong: Kong:. Col. Sir Richard and Lady Needham arrived recently In Hong Kong for the winter holiday there and In the coarse at a speech to the Hone Kong Rotary Club, Sir Richard explained another reason for his visit He said he was a
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  • 1918 6 Results Of Investigations By The R.G.A. The following is a summary of a report by Mr. H. P. Stevens, M.A. (Oxon), Ph.D., F.I.C. (Consulting Chemist to the Rubber (J rowers' Association, Incorporated), and Mr. Noel Heaton, HjSc, on an investigation carried oat for the Technical
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 477 6 UNABLE TO KNEEL Neuritis Hampered Her In writing of the pain and Inconvenience she suffered from neuritis, this woman tells also how she rid herself of It '1 have been using Kruschen Salts for neuritis, and It certainly has the most wonderful effect. My knees were very painful, and It
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  • 402 7 History Of A Famous Firm. The house of Thomas de la Rue and Co., Ltd., the well-known makers of playing cards, fountain pens and stationery of all kinds has a history steeped In tradition. One would hardly associate tills firm with straw hate,
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  • 366 7 Twins With Different Fathers. Twins may have different fathers. This was the ruling given recently by Judge A. B. Tripp. in Yankton, South Dakota. He granted a divorce to Mr. Ewald Peddie on the ground that his wife had been unfaithful, basing his decision on Mr. Peddies
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  • 677 7 Queue At Museum. MANUSCRIPT IN GOOD CONDITION. The staid traditions of the British Museum were seriously upset on Dec. 27 by the arrival of the £100,000 Codex Siniaticua, one of the two old-, est manuscripts In the world of the Greek Bible. For the first
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 276 7 Whether you require a moderate priced or a costly timekeeper it is better to go to a specialist than to wish later on you had done so, Swiss Watch Specialists 16, Collyer Quay. j ANOTHER BRITISH COMEDY SCORE Bl€ TRIUMPH w .^M^LA I fi Bm.^ M "By far the best
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    • 344 7 The title may not mean much— but we guarantee you that The Picture's a great show! See it and enjoy one of the best laughs in year,! A Ibk Positively LAST NIGHT! ICAPITOLI I 6.15 9.15 Something Different Comedy Nightly, audiences simply roar at the famous star of "TIGER SHARK"
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  • 191 8 London And New York Tin Up. SMALL DROP IN RUBBER. IFrom Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore, Friday. Joday's Prices: Rubber, 13% cts., down ct. Tin. $113.87 Vi, up 87'/, cts. Gold, £6 7s. Id., (unchanged.) Yesterday's Prices:— I Rubber, London l'4d.. down l/.!2d; Market Tone:—Quiet. New York, Bft
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  • 199 8 TIN PRICE. January 12, Singapore, tin price (per plcul) $113.87>/i. Singapore, Jan. 12, 12 noon. Bayer Seller Gambler 4.00 Java Cube 6.50 Hamburg Cube 6.50 Muntok Whit* Pepper 30.00 White Pepper 29.00 Black Pepper 15.50 Mixed Black Pepper Copra, sundried 2.90 Copra, mixed 2.25 Small Flake Tapioca 5.00 Fair
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  • 111 8 Kerosene oL<; Shell and .?lsh $3 40 for two 4- gallon Una; Crown and Dragon $3 for two 4-gallon tins; Cross $2.85 for two 4-gallon tins; Crown and Cross In 4-gallon drums 15 cents less than above per drum. Devoe's Imperial Brilliant, $1.70 per tin of 4 Imp. gallons; Sylvan
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      • 440 8 Issue Val. Pd. Buyers Sellers. £1 £1 Asxm Kumbang £1 £1 Austral Malay 5/- 5/- Ayer Hitam Ti« 1 1 Ayer Weng £1 £1 Bangrin Tin 1 1 Batang Padang 1 1 Batu Caves £1 £1 Changkat Tin £1 £1 Chenderiang 50 50 Hitam Tin 1 1 Hong Fatt
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      • 290 8 Issue Val. P* Buyers Sellers. 2 2 Alex. Brick Old. 1.00 2 2 Alex. Brick Prett. 1.40 1.50 £1 £1 Brit. Am. Tobacco 5.13.0 5.18.0 10 5 British Malaya Trustee 5.25 6.50 £1 £1 Con. T. S. 7% Prefs. 24/3 25/3 £1 £1 Con. T. S. Ord. 22/- 23/1
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      • 137 8 Singapore Municipal 5 p.c of 1901 red. 1940 $400,000 106 108 nom. Singapore Municipal 4% p.c of 1909 red. 1955 $1,000,000 106 108 nom. Singapore Municipal 4^4 p.c of 1907 red. 1947 $1,600,000 105 107 nom. Singapore Municipal 4 p.c of 1913 red. 1963 $2,000,000 102 103
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      • 370 8 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. Today's Prices Fraeer Lyall Evatt ft Co. Allenby ($1) 0.95 105 0.97% 1.00 Alor Gajah ($1) 0.60 0.70 0.60 0.65 A. Hitam ($1) 0.95 1.05 0.95 1.00 A- Kuning ($1) 0.15 0.20 0.15 0.20 A. Malay (?2) 1.80 1.90 1.70
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    • 218 8 The following are the exchange I rates this morning, according to the daily circular issued by the HoQg Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation < SELLING. London, 4 months' sight 2/4 5/64 London, 3 months' sight 2/4 1/16 London, 60 days' sight 2/4 3/64 London, 30 days' sight 2/4
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    • 55 8 Noon, Jan. 12. Tone of Marxet: Dull Steady. Latest Cable: London Spot Sheet 1' t il. per lb. New York Spot Sheet G. cts. 8% per lb. oiijrcia. Spot (loose) (F.O.B.) 135/ 8 13 15/16 18% 14 Jan. Feb.-Mar. Apr.-June July-Sept. 13-14 137/8 14 14'/*
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  • 111 8 Famous Soviet Writer's New Grave. Moscow, Jan. 7. The remains of the famous Russian writer, A. P. Chekhov, we-e transferred recently from the old Novodovlchle cemetery to the section of the new Novodovlchle cemetery belonging to the Moscow Art Theatre. This was done upon the initiative of
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  • 102 8 The rate of issue is Rs.. 154 $100. The rate of payment is Rs. 158=$100. The rate of payment Is the rate current on the day of receipt of the Money Order Advice by the Straits Settlements Post Office. The rates of Issue of Money Orders drawn on
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  • 23 8 Brussels, Jan. 9. The former Belgian premier, M Jules Renkln, Is seriously 111 The last sacraments nave been given. Aneta-Trans-Ocean
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  • 272 8 SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. MAILS FOR EUROPE. rods;. Selat nuwjang, Bcngkalls, Sia«. t-a-kan Baroe. Fort de Kock Padang (Ampang) 3 pm. North, N.-East Sz N.-West Sumatra (Tohitl) 3 pm Bangkok (Halldor) 3 p. m Sourabaya ani Bandjcrmasln (Ban Ho Guam ..3pm Java, South-Wc3t Sumatra. SouthEast Borneo, Celebes. Moluccas Se Timor Dilly
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  • 26 8 From China and Japan by Kutsa:i» due at Singapore 6 a.m. tomorrow. From Philippine Islands by President Polk due at Singapore 5.30 p.m. tomorrow.
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  • 107 8 Boom Prices Paid For Kaffirs. London, Jan. 9. After early hesitation mainly attributed to the financial happenings In France, the recent activity noticeable on the Stock Exchange reasserted itself and some strong features developed, especially Kaffirs, In which section most prices are booming, notably West Wltwatersrand areas whlcr.
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  • 57 8 Windjammer's Record 66-Day Trip. Adelaide. Jan. 7. The record for a trip for a wlndtammer from Hamburg to Australia, which has stood for 15 years, has been broken by the Padua, which has put Into Wallaroo after a Journey lasting 66 days. The previous record was held
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  • 48 8 Moscow, Dec. 27. A corpse of a mammoth In a perfect state of preservation. Including even the brains, has been found neat Irkutsk. Its teeth weigh seven kilograms each, and the tusks are 219 centimeters long. The corpse has been delivered to tr* local museum— Tass.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 69 8 ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE WEEK. Friday. January. 12. Police Band, icatong Park, 6 p.m Saturday, January l£ Perak Rac>, First Day. Malayar Assn. of Institute of Civil Enirtneers meeting. Tuesday, January 16 Police Band, Waterloo Street, 8.15 pro S.C.C. Cricket meeting, 6.45 p.m. Wednesday, January 17. Hari Raya Puasa, Bank Holiday.
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    • 238 9 Closing: Quotations In London. (From Our Own Correspondent). London, Jan. 11. Closing quotations today of the principal British stocks are given below: The rise or fall Is in relation to the price of Jan. 10. GOVERNMENT STOCKS. BRITISH. Rite or Fall Conversion Loan 5% llBTi Funding
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    • 67 9 The London-New York cross-rate at the time these figures were cabled was 5.10, up 1 compared with Jan. 10. jeneral Motors itandard Oil ex. pd. S. Steel lational City Bank leneral Electric Jnion Pacific Rail Ord Lmerican Tobacco B. imcrican Can T. S. Rubber Voolworth tadio Corporation 35%
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    • 290 9 Stanton Nelson And Co's Review. Stanton Nelson's report, dated Jan. 5. states: Negotiations of a secret nature are still proceeding between Batavia and Amsterdam, and Information from well Informed quarters reaches the markets which blow hot and cold alternately. It is useless to speculate upon the progress made
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    • 870 9 Little Change. GILT EDGED MARKET STEADY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Dec. 19. t Last week in the flnanrui markets was not particularly eventful, and, although the undertone was generally firm, prices on the stock markets showed little change. The chief external factor was the continued firmness
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    • 324 9 Sale Of $50,000,000 Preferred Stock. New York. Jan. 9. National City Bank or New York shareholders today overwhelmingly reelected all directors, endorsed the present management, and voted to sell $50,000,000.— in five per cent preferred shares to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. The attendance was the largest in
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    • 70 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 10. Talping Rubber Plantations Ltd report a profit or £1846 for the year ended Sept. 30. An amount of £23.283 has been carried forward to credit. Ipoh Tin Dredging has declared an interim dividend of 4 11/16 per cent, less tax. payable
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    • 65 9 During the week nding Jan. 6 exports of tinned pineapples from Malayan ports amounted to 53.422 cases, of which 49.509 cases were to the United Kingdom. 1,625 cases to the Continent of Europe, 905 cases to Canada and 1.383 cases elsewhere. Total exports for the period. Jan. 1.
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    • 38 9 (From Our Own" Correspondent) London. Jan. 11. Sedenak Rubber Estates, Ltd.. report [ft profit of £1.198 for the year ended Oct. 31. A dividend of 2Vi per cent, has been declared, payable on Jan. 26.
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    • 76 9 KinU.— Dredge No. 2 nil. Semenyih.— Output pels. 30 89. hrs. run 74. hrs. lost 14. hrs. restricted 356. yds. 7,200 cv. yds. Asam Kumbang (for Dec.)— Hrs. run 81, cv. yds. treated 25.000, total pete. 190 95, net value $13,073.50. Thabawletk (for Dec.)— Hrs. run 583, cv.
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    • 556 9 Malcolm Rowley's Weekly Report Malcolm Bowley and Sons report, dated London Dec. 13, states The American position remains very obscure. On the one hajid the Pre1 sldent has made no attempt to Indicate any reversion of his avowed policy. On the other hand the American
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    • 211 9 Crop R -turns. Preliminary Figures for November. 1933. So far 342 Cooipanles with an output in November. 1932. of 10.340 tons have returned for November. 1933, an output of 12.216 tons. The analysis of these companies' output by countries is subjoined. The final analysis in the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 620 9 BANKING. I THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. (Incorporated in England.) Capital Authorised 13.000.000 Capital Subscribed £1. 800.000 Reserve Fund and Reat f 1.248.730 Capital Paid Up f1.080.0C0 BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J. *L Ryrie. Esq.. Chairman. P. R. Chalmers, Esq.. Charles J. Hambro. Esq.. W. H. Snelford. Esq.. Sir Thomas
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    • 315 9 BANKING. I CREDIT FONCIER D'EXTREME ORIENT. SMtote Anonym. r (Immt^aM la Belchim— l9«l» HKAD OFFICE: BRUSSELS. BRANCHES: SHANGHAI, TIENTSIN HANKOW. PBCINO, HONG KONG. TBINAH BRICK A TILE FACTORY IN SHANGHAI! MORTGAGE BANK. Mortiraires on real property. Loans for building. House Real Estate agents. Affts. for Union of Park lure. Co.,
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  • 1157 10 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JAN. 12, 1934. MARCHING ON. With Sir Samuel Wilson as its chairman instead of Sir George Maxwell, the Tin Producers' Association has passed a unanimous vote in lavour of the principle of the buffer pool scheme. Thus we move a step nearer to the day
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  • 488 10 100, NOT OUT! An official Communique Issued yesterday begins thus: "The 98th., 99th. and 100th. meetings of the Trade Commission were held at Singapore on Jan. 9, 10 and 11, 1934." It will soon be necessary to add to the inscriptions on that much discussed stationery
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  • 1125 10 THE FALLACY OF COLONEL FAWCETT. General Rafael de Nogalcs, in this article, proves that the existence of Manoa, the fabled City of Eternal Light in the heart of the South American jungle, must be a myth. He shows that it could only have been built of wood,
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  • 103 10 Singapore. ALHAMBR* My Weakness. With Ullan Harvey CAP.Tof UWAyreS 615 915e6.W 15 Wlth CBEAT WOULD Se^^ d erSOfTheKln^'> d MARYBOROUGH Pel Chlen Loong Cantonese TaJkle. 0.15—9.15. NEW WOELD Side Shows, Cabaret, Dancing new wSffisr-iuZsKr 1 and CUieria3 Boxing 9.15. PAVILION Orders is Orders. With Jame» Qleason Sc Charlotte Greenwood.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 222 10 "She shall be charming wherever she goes, WEARING A MATITA." AUK CHATS NOIRS j HAS A SELECTION of GOWNS FOR EVERY OCCASION, Dorville Salts, WOOLLEN DRESSES and SI'ITS for those preparing to go on leave. Nikko House, Firit Floor, Ten Battery Road. PHONE 4974. WHEN IN LONDON, you are INVITED
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  • 423 11 NATIVE PLANTING DISCUSSED. High Quota To Prevent I Smuggling. NO DECISION. "Problem Surrounded By Difficulties." The Hague, Jan. 11. There was another secret rubber restriction meeting here today. It is understood that the fixation of a high quota for native planters was discussed,
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  • 81 11 Farewell Party Given For Minister To China. London, Jan. 11. Sir Alexander G. M. Cadogan, new British Minister to China, was given a farewell dinner party by Sir John Simon at the Reform Club tonight. The guests included Messrs. Quo Taichl and Wei Cheng-chen, Viscount
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  • 63 11 Death Of German Authority On Chinese Language. Berlin, Jan .11. The death has occurred of Prof. Wllhelm Othmer at the age of 52. He was director for many years of the German school at Woosung, near Shanghai, and Joint author with Prof. Lessing of notable ook on
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  • 336 11 Yokohama Mystery. POLICE REFUSE TO DISCUSS CASE. Yokohama, Jan. 11. i The body of a British accountant, Mr. Alfred Copp, a partner In Maurice Jenks, Percival and Isitt, the Japanese office of the London firm of chartered < accountants, Maurice Jenks, Percival and Co., was
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  • 61 11 Yokohama, Jan. 11. It Is authoritatively stated that the revolver has been found within a few inches of where the body was recovered. Copp apparently shot himself when standing on the sea w(ill. his body falling into the sea with the revolver. Kruger is expected to be released
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  • Article, Illustration
    15 11 Signor Mussolini laying the foundation stone of the new governmental palace at Littoria, near Rome.
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  • 123 11 Old Bailey Trial Begins. London, Jan. 11. The trial opened at the Old Bailey today of Clarence Haddon, who 's charged with uttering letters demanding money from the King with menaces. On the application of Haddon, the Judge agreed to Issue subpoenas for the witnesses asked for by
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  • 42 11 Navy In Trouble Against Government. Bangkok, Jan. 11. The ban on publication In the newspaoers of military and naval news Is due to some small trouble in the Navy, which does not entirely favour the present Government.— -Reuter.
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  • 44 11 Found On Japanese Tunney Fish. Washington, Jan. 12. Customs officers have seized 4,000 cases ot Japanese tunney flsh bearing the N.R.A. Blue Eagle, which may only be used in the United States on goods produced under N.R.A. conditions. Reuter.
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  • 198 11 Communist's Demand For Retrial. Shanghai, Jan. 11. The eyes of all China are directed towards Nanking where, in the Chinese I prison, Paul Noulens, the alleged archCommunist who was sentenced to Imprisonment for life in 1931, is fasting "unto death" a la Gandhi, following the rejection
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  • 148 11 King Carol Gives In To Demands. Bucharest, Jan. 10. M. Titulescu's acceptance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs followed a long conference with King Carol and Is construed as* meaning a clean sweep of the Palace camarilla who, it is alleged, are playing fast and loose with Rumanian
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  • 79 11 Fascist Shot Dead In Street Scuffle. Madrid, Jan. 12. A Fascist was shot dead today and several wounded in clashes between Fascists and workers in the centre of the city, the combatants using daggers, cudgels and iron bars. De Rivera, son of the late Dictator, who Is
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  • 27 11 I Belgian Consul-General For Siam Dead. Brusseles. Jan 11. The death cook place today of M. Paul Rolln Hymans. Consul-General for Slam Reuter.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 244 11 To Be Restored To 100 Per Cent London, Jan. 12. The Foreign Office has announced that the French authorities have decided to restore within the next few days to 100 per cent, the quotas respecting the very abundant list of United Kingdom products. The decision
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  • 67 11 German Sentenced To Six Months In Gaol. Berlin, Jan. 12. A German "as sentenced to six months' imprisonment today for insulting a Chinese merchant in a Dusseldorf restaurant, calling him a Kaffir" and a dirty Jap." The merchant pleaded for leniency for his insulter but the court
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 126 11 Unrest Spreading In Austria. Vienna, Jan. 11. Unrest Is spreading throughout Austria, Dr. Dollfus, the Austrian Chancellor, has assumed supreme command of Austria's semi-military Royalist storm battalions. Two Nazis were killed and two wounded at Klagenfurt, in bomb attack on the offices of the ChristianSocialist Government newspaper by
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 495 11 French Bond Scandal PREMIER'S PROMISE OF CLEAN-UP. ""V f Paris, Jan. 11. Violent recriminations and personal attacks are likely to mark today's debate in the Chamber of Deputies on :the Stavlsky affair, which promises to i be one of the stormiest sessions in the I history
    Reuter  -  495 words
  • 51 11 Killed While Hunting In England. London. Jan. 11. Mr. W. J. Oresson, former member of the Executive Council of Hong Kong and at one time a well-known amateur rider In China, was killed today while hunting with the Worcestershire Hounds. He was 65 years of age.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 66 11 Committed For Trial At Old Bailey. London, Jan. 11. Capt. Eric Brynmoor Miles, the London Salvage Corps chief who is on trial on charges of conspiracy as the result of the rounding up of the H)rrls fire-raising gang, was oczunttted for rial at the Old Bailey today.
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 1174 11 Gen. Tsai To Resist Onslaught. SOUTH-WEST MOVES. Japanese Forces May Land Today. Hopes of saving Foochow from the ravages of war are said to have been dashed as a result of Gen. Tsai Ting-kais determination to hold the city. Japanese forces are expected to be landed there
    Reuter  -  1,174 words

  • 170 12 PRIVATE OR PUBLIC LOTTERY Ipoh Prosecution. ALLEGED SALE OF PENANG TICKETS. l fTrom Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. Jan. 11. Alleged to have sold seven $1 sweep tickets In the December meeting of the Penang Turf Club Chin Tin Thin, a receiving cashier of the Oversea Chinese Bank, was yesterday cnarged
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  • 266 12 A Cynic, But Also A Sentimentalist. At a public dinner at Sandakan to bid farewell to Mr. A. F. Richards, Governor-elect of the Gambia, his expelleney said: "In many Eastern communities It is customary on farewell oceasions for the chief guest or guests to bo garlanded
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  • 228 12 Wednesday, Dec. 27. Mr. and Mrs. P. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs R. H. McCleland. Mr. and Mrs. W. Nelson Walter. Mr. N. M. Kennedy. Capt. and Mrs D. G. B. Rldout, Mr. Yen Kal Huang, Mr. Khoo Slan Ewe and Mr. Parker had luncheon at "Bel Reuuter." Thursday,
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  • 48 12 Charged With Using Criminal Force. Koh Eng Poh, a young Straits-born Municipal employee, was charged In the police court before Mr. Curtis this morning with using criminal force to a Malay woman. Ke claimed trial, and the cue was postponed MM wt-fk. ;1 b: Ing rclea-s-
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  • 224 12 New Judge Appointed To Seremban. The hon. Mr. A. B. Howes, puLsne Judge of the Gold Coast, has been appointed to a Judgeshlp In Malaya. Mr. Howes has been preceded from the Gold Coast by three other Malayan legal luminaries, namely the Chief Justice, F.M.S.,
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  • 70 12 Individual Restriction Useless. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Jan. 10. The topic of rubber restriction is still to the fdre. The Java Bode states tKat investigations have established that in certain districts individual restriction of exports would be impracticable. For example, in Djambl, where there are enormous areas
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  • 107 12 Death Of Author Of What Ho, She Bumps Mr. Harry Castling, the song writer who wrote among many other famous music-hall ditties "Let's all go down the Strand," died on Dec. 27 at Bushey Hill at the age of 68. His other well-known songs included "What Ho,
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  • 251 12 The Malayan Amateur Radio So- 1 clety's programme, to be broadcast 1 tonight, is as follows. H.M.V. Records Nos. C 2334 Dance Slave and Marche Joyeuse— New Light Symphony Orchestra. C 2342 Bow Be'ls Selection— New Mayfair Orchestra. C 2363 Schatz Waltz and Dv and Dv
    251 words
  • 575 12 Ex-Clerk Acquitted And Discharged. The defence being called only as a matter of form, Yeow Kim Whan was acquitted and discharged by the third magistrate yesterday. The allegation (against him was that of attempting to cheat his late employer, Mr. Wee Kah Thian, of a small sum
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  • 71 12 Yesterday was a quiet day with no I reports of serious crime. A report of i attempted robbery was made by a i I Hylam against four Hoklens for whom i a search is being made. Nothing was stolen The offence was alleged to have i occurred in a house
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  • 610 12 Convict's Story. ALLEGED SALE OF PAWN TICKETS. Hassan bin Abdul, a convict in the Singapore Prison, appeared as a witness In the third magistrate's court yesterday to give evidence before Mr. R. J. F. Curtis against a Pathan lance corporal in the S3. Police. The accused,
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  • 138 12 Indian Proprietor Acquitted. Mr. Curtis, the third magistrate, gave judgment this morning In the case In which Mohamed Euaope, the proprietor of a tobacco shop In South Bridge Road, was charged with dishonestly retaining 68 stolen toy balloons. Accused was acquitted. It had been alleged
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  • 143 12 Counsel's Apology Ends Court Case. After a short discussion teioie Mr. Curtis, the third magistrate, this morning, the case of using criminal force against Kim Swee and Seng Chong was struck out, counsel In the case agreeing to a settlement. At the previous Jientlor Mr. O. M. Coltart,
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  • 98 12 Chinese Accused Who Ceased To Laugh. Wreathed in smiles, a young Chinese. Ng Hock, /showed litt.e concern when he pleaded guilty before the third magistrate. Mr. Curtis, this morning to a charge of cruelty to animals. His worship: There Is nothing to laugh about. You are fined
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  • 241 12 Fewer Cholera Cases At Calcutta. The health bulletin of the League of Nations. Eastern Bureau, for the week ended Jan. 6, 1934, states. Alexandria, 1 smallpox case and 1 death; Beirut, 12 smallpox mses as compared with 8 cases In the previous week; Baghdad, 1 smallpox
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  • 84 12 The trial was commenced yesterday before the criminal district Judge of two women, Wong Ah Hoh and Hoh Ah Pin, and a man, Chan Chan Fun, all. Cantonese, on a charge of possessing non-Government chandu. The amount involved was 400 tahlls. The first accused pleaded guilty, but the
    84 words
  • 497 12 THE PENANG HILL ROAD. The Secretary of State's refusal M pass the vo e for the hill road U not altogethe. surprising, In view of the determined opposition which was offer' ed it from first to last by the Singapore and Malacca members. The use
    497 words
  • 86 12 China Station Flagship At Penang. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. Jan. 12. H.MS. Hawkins. Flagship of tha Commander-ln-Chief of the China Station, arrived here yesterday afternoon. The Penang Cricket Club defeated a naval side at hockey by the odd goal in three. In the evening, the Captain and
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  • 58 12 Four Children Burned To Death. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Jan. 10. Three children were burnt to deatN in a fire at a kampong house near Medan. A fourth child was fatally Injured. The father made franllc attempt* to rescue his children but was unabl* to do so
    58 words
  • 47 12 Rescued By Malay Constable. A 17-year-old Chinese girl feU lnta the sea near the new pier last night. She was aeen by a Malay police constable who dived In and brought hrr ashore. Artificial respiration was successfully applied before the arrival of the ambulance.
    47 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 9 12 Other Radio programmes will be found on page 5.
      9 words
    • 49 12 PABCO MfS &ecfacec(sqm B^c^X AjH& He re 1* a wonderful opportunity to beautify (> your Bridge Room, Bedroom or Verandah by Lacquering that old furniture with an attractive shade of Pabco Lacquer at a very Sole Agents:- ble coBt lw you further <v^H H m^LA I^l I \^LWLm Mk^k^WkM^kf^^^^^r^kU pakv'
      49 words

  • 297 13 Sikh Factions Told They Must Agree. As a result of friction between sections of the local Sikh community different schools of thought concerning the rights of menials In the Gurdwara It was stressed by Mr. J. M. Brander, the fourth magistrate, yesterday before a crowded court, that
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  • 111 13 Presentation To Volunteer Battalion. The presentation of the Colours to the Perak Battalion of the F. M. S. Volunteer Force will take place in Ipoh, on Saturday, Feb. 25. HE. Sir Cecil dementi, who is Hon. Colonel of the F.M.S. Volunteer Force, will make the presentation. An interesting
    111 words
  • 104 13 Started Fights When Refused Loans. "This youth Is known to the police to be of a troublesome nature," declared Inspector H. Poulain In the second magistrate's court this mornIng, when he prosecuted a 21-year-old Indian named Arusalam before Mr. N. Orlce for using criminal force to a compatriot.
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  • 207 13 Seven Years' Gaol For Acid Thrower. Gokal Cfoand, the Mohammedan baker who appeared In the Assize Court before the Chief Justice (Sir Walter Huggard) on a charge of voluntarily causing grievous hurt and voluntarily causing hurt, was found guilty on both charges and was sentenced to seven years'
    207 words
  • 140 13 King: Of Siam's Charge To People. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Jan. 11. On the eve of his departure for Europe, the King of Siam broadcast a speetfh to the nation in which he said he was well aware of the difficulties the country was now passing through
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 68 13 Malay Workman Injured. A Malay workman, engaged in demolishing a building in Kampong Java Road yesterday sustained several Injuries when part of a wall he was pulling down fell on him. A Chinese cyclist was suspected to have fractured a collar bone in addition to suffering several cuts
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  • 76 13 The death of Mrs. Alexandrina Rozarlo, mother of a clerk employed In the police court, who was run over by a car backing out of the office of the Registrar of Vehicles in Middle Road on Wednesday morning was mentioned yesterday when the driver of the car, Kampoo,
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  • 375 13 Tamil Barber On Trial At Assizes. Alleged to h(ive attempted the murder of a compatriot, Abdul Aziz, and to have voluntarily caused hurt to two other Tamils, Krishnasamy and Muthukrlshnasamy PI 11 ay. Suppiah Naidu, a Tamil, stood his trial at the Assize Court before the
    375 words
  • 187 13 Municipal Health Statement. There were 194 deaths in Singapore during the week ended Jan. 6, of whicn 116 were of males and 78 females. According to the Municipal health statement this represented a death rate of 20.87 per mille per annum compared with 21.35 in the preceding week
    187 words
  • 122 13 Hundredth Meeting Held Yesterday. The 98th. 99th and 100th meetings of the Trade Commission, were held In Singapore, on Jan. 9, 10, and 11, 1934. Evidence wfis taken from Mr. J. C. Walker (Messrs. Thos. Cook Son, Ltd.), regarding the tourist business and proposals for Increasing the attractions
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  • 61 13 The band of the S.S. Police under the direction of Mr. F. E. Minns will play the following weather permitting at Katong Park today at 5.15 p.m.: March, Lorraine (Oanne); Overture, L'Duc D'Olonne (Auber) Selection, Carmen (Bizet); Waltz. Nights of Gladness (Anclifte); Intermezzo, Bells Across The Meadow (Ketelbey);
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 55 13 Appetising ReasonableAlways Something Dainty Something Tasty Something Satisfying Prepared from only the very best of good things, always something to please the varying tastes of our discerning patrons. Nothing gives us greater pleasure than to see the contented (-mile of our contented diners. Why not join the happy throng at
      55 words
    • 455 13 Let me tell you why OVALTINE is Supreme for Health' In their efforts to copy 'Ovaltine' imitators actually provide indisputable proof of 'Ovaltine' superiority. Although imitations are made ro took like 'Ovaltine' there are obvious and extremely important differences. For example: 1 Ovaltine unlike imitation* doe* not contain Household Sugar
      455 words

  • 1364 14 Willie Smith's Solution To Problem Which Spoils Professional Billiards FAMOUS BILLIARDS PLAYER IN SINGAPORE. "Malayans Should Compete For Empire Title." "Malaya ought to hold an annual billiards championship and send the winner to compete In the English amateur championship at home and also for the Empire title." Willie Smith, the
    1,364 words
  • 297 14 But M.F.A. Cannot Send Dolfattah. There is still a possibility of Keng Hock accompanying A. L. Henry, the winner of the Malayan Breweries Ltd. s "best footballer" competition, to England, but yesterday the Straits Times learned that the Malaya Footballer Association had regretfully decided
    297 words
  • 43 14 Escapes Injury In Aeroplane Crash. Port Huron, Michigan, Jan. 12. The famous motor-boat racer, Commodore Gar Wood, was involved in a crash in an aeroplane today which landed in a large puddle covered with thin ice. Gar Wood escaped injury. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 89 14 The following will represent Malaya Command 2nd. XV vs. S.C.C. 2nd XV at the S.C.C. to-morro at 5 p.m.: L-CpL Nicholson, ljWilU. R.; Gnr. Wilkinson, R.A., L-Cpl. Cload. R.E., Bdsm. Best, l.Wilts. R.. L-Bdr. Bassett. R.A.; L-Cpl. Broad. ljWllts. R.. Gnr. Ainswcrth. R.A.: L-Cpl. Marsh. i;Wilts. R., C.Q.M.S.
    89 words
  • 75 14 At the Royal Singapore Yacht Club on Sunday, the international sixmetre class will sail the first of a series of three races for Mr. Worham's Trophy, starting at 10 a.m. The "B" Class will sail a team race in practice for the forthcoming races against the Navy on Sunday
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  • Article, Illustration
    9 14 Jockey Spencer who had a successful year in 1933.
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  • 24 14 London, Jan. 11. In a County championship ftugby match to-day Warwickshire beat North Midlands by 15 points to 8 at Coventry. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 240 14 Graham To Meet Mohd. Thajudeen. The main event In the boxing tournament arranged for tonight at the New World arena under the promotion of Mr. C. A. Bell will be a 12 threeminute round contest between Harry Graham, the R.A.F. champion, and Mohamed Thajudeen, the holder of the
    240 words
  • 348 14 Beckenham Overwhelm Southgate. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Drc. 18. The big event In this week's hockey programme was the Eastern Counties' trial at Warley Barracks, on Saturday It ended In a victory for the Whites, who beat the Colours by 5- 4, eleht of the
    348 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 161 14 CAPITOL! TUESDAY NEXT, Jan. 16th. A Great STAGE and SCREEN Double Attraction! "THE MIDNIGHT FOLLIES of 1934" Dkect from a Sensational Success in U.S.A., China 6? Philippines. 8 Dancing Beauties Betty Arlene (wonderful Adagio Dancers), Frank Braidwood musical comedy »tar etc., etc TO BE PRESENTED WITH Metro Goldwyn Mayer's Spectacular
      161 words
    • 71 14 DIESEL MOTOR ROLLERS FOR PURCHASE OR HIRE. Models are available from 15 cwt. to 17 tons. Certain Barford and Perkins Petrol and Diesel Road Rollers can be hired either by the hour, day, week or month at an inclusive price to cover hire, fuel and driver. Further particulars on application.
      71 words

  • Malayan Turf Statistics For Last Season.—Perak Cricket Association.
    • 815 15 Weather Interferes With Principal Fixtures. 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Jan. 11. The annual general meeting of the Perak Cricket Association was held at the Ipoh Club yesterday with Mr. 8. W. Goodlng In the chair and with a fairly representative attendance. The minutes of
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    • 659 15 Turf Statistics For Last Season. One of the principal sports of Malaya Is racing and it is doubtful whether it is fully realised what a big part Singapore plays in making Ibis recreation, which has probably more followers than any other sport in the
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  • 103 15 Today, January 12. Boxing: Graham vs. Thajudven. New World. Hockey: S.C.C. XI vs. R.A., Padang; Raffles College vs. Indo-Ceylonese, Buklt Tim ah. Saturday, January 13. Rugby: Malaya Cup final, Singapore vs. Penang, Kuala Lumpur; S.C.C. XV vs. Malaya Command "A," Padang. Hockey: SRC. Ist vs. Wiltshire. S.R.C. grd.
    103 words
  • 665 15 I'ublic Sees 14 pU Raffles C. Nil. A Public Services Rugby fifteen, including three men from the WUt- shire Regiment, secured a comfort- 1 able victory over the Raffles College, who were one man short, yesterday at Dunearn Road by 14 points (a goal
    665 words
  • Article, Illustration
    16 15 H.H. the Sultan of Perak, Malaya's winning owner in 1933. The Jockey is C. O. Davits.
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  • 170 15 Trapped In Overturned Ambulance. A rather curious accident took place at Ayer Itam about 200 yards from the gaol on Sunday (says the Straits Echo). It appears that the Penang Turf Club's horse ambulance was being towed by a motor lorry into Georgetown with Senlac, Mr. Philip Logue's
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  • 34 15 The Mayflower Badminton Party will hold Its seventh annual general meetIng at No. 139, Thomson Road, Singapore, on Sunday, at 10.30 a.m. Members are kindly requested to make it a point to attend punctually.
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  • Article, Illustration
    6 15 'i. i-artiiing. the champion professional jockey.
    6 words
  • 187 15 Benares. Jan. 11. The sky was overcast and threatening and the wicket was deadened bj the overnight rain when the three-day match between the M.C.C. eleven and the Rajah of Vizianagram's team was resumed to-day. The Indian side going in first yesterday had made 124
    Reuter  -  187 words
  • 44 15 S.R.C. cricketers are asked to now that it is hoped to make an early start of the cricket season this year and to facilitate this all prospectlv* membes are requested to sign their names in the club register as soon as possible
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  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • 2871 16 Auctions In Singapore "Nothing Could Be Fairer" Bukit Lintang Costs— Married Planters' Troubles— Static Salaries. (By Our Planting Correspondent.) IN commenting on Mr. R. O. Uishop's Rotary address In my notes of December 1, I put the question: "One may well ask how long have estates which
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 25 16 RUGBY FINAL KUALA LUMPUR. January 13th, 1934. CHEAP RETURN TICKETS. (Flnt daa) by rail tnm Singapore $12.00 Johore Bahru 12.00 Malacca 6.50 ENQUIRE STATION L
      25 words
    • 387 16 A PRODUCT OF MALAYA HIGH LOW QUALITY JJmU3jJAS^ i PRICE 100% BRITISH MALAYAN COLLIERIES, LTD. 7VJL 4265. KUALA LUMPUR- Telegrams "ARAHG." THOSE CRITICAL EARLY MONTHS. How carefully the mother watches her baby's progress during the flnt few months of his young life I Is he gaining weight Does he get
      387 words

  • 267 17 Summonses Now Served By Post New laws which came into operation in Oreat Britain on Jan. 1 have affected: Income-tax instalments, Motor vehicle duties. Public right on country footpaths and tracks. Blind voters, Service of summonses by post. Humane slaughter of animals. Nationality of wives of naturalised
    267 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 278 17 jAfi*- a^J^aWf Mk a¥ljJ^f#T* 4 Hake jM H£JE*SCfl2afl I 111 1 L^±^B^aaaKßW^ tfm T»^ The original Idler it held »t Arcadia ak S 3|£ 1 '.I^*»A\ Works and its authenticity can be verified. **I was introduced to them a short time ago by a j^^^^T^^Hk young lady who offered me
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 108 17 Today's Crossword Puzzle (CLUES.) ACROSS. Send^ 22 Cooflned 1. stronghold 23. Temper 5. Flag u«n M. streak 9. Tunes 25. Vivacious. 10. Berated platforms 11. Concealed 11. Strict test r M immene Solution Of Yesterday s 16. Waste tracts ol land 19. Tasted PuXZle. 2i! Mountain m u-^J 27. Chooser
      108 words

    • 1752 18 FORCED TO SELL CLOTH AT 100 YD. FOR DOLLAR SHANGHAI LETTER. Effects Of Japanese Trade On China's Industries. (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Shanghai. Jan. 1. Twelve months ago war clouds were descending upon Jehol— today they are lowering along th* Fukien-Chekiang border. A year ago China wax threatened by a
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    • 257 18 Wonders Of Thirty Centuries Ago. In the early Chou Dynasty (1123 B.C.— 310 B.C.) the Chinese has already developed the arts of writing, astronomy, the magic needle, mathematics, the metric system of weights and measures, musical science with Instruments and notation, agricultural implements, cooking utensils, medicine,
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    • 197 18 Tudor Period Relic For Hong Kong. In all the centuries when London was a walked city, people went In and out of gateways beneath arches which spanned the streets. The gates were numerous and In the wall's length, never far apart. Today In all London and its
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    • 99 18 Canton Plan For Civil Servants. Canton. Jan. 4. Military training for one year for all civil servants Is to be given if the resolution which the Commander-in-chief intends introducing at the next meeting of the Political Council is passed. In Canton, military Instruction will be given at Yintong; those
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    • 208 18 Theft Of Relic From Peiping. Shanghai, Jan. 9. The golden Buddha stolen some time ago from the Hu Kuo Temple In Pelping was restored by the customs authorities In Tientsin when It was being shipped to an unannounced foreign country, It Is reported In Chinese papers. The
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    • 114 18 Unity And Construction Needed. Nanking. Jan. 1. That unity and construction should be China's watchword for 1034 Is the gist of a brief New Year's message to the nation from Mr. Wang Chlng-wei, president of the Executive Yuan. A free translation follows We shall have political co-opera-tion
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    • 80 18 Bandits In Clash With Honanese Troops. A band oi about 2,000 bandits under Ma Hsi-Uai. In a notorious bandit leader in Honan. clashed with the troops under Gen. Chang Fang, bandit suppression commander In Honan, recently at Hsilungchen The bandits are reported to have 700 horses and
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    • 70 18 Nanking Asked To Repay Money Advanced. The American Legation: according to the Shunpao, a Shanghai paper recently addressed a note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, asking for the return of the sum advanced by the American Government for repatriating to China the Chinese nationals deported from Mexlca.
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    • 67 18 Built entirely with Chinese capital and by Chinese engineers, the Hang-chow-Klangshan Railway has been extended across the Klangsl border to Yushan and thus completely spans prosperous Cheldang Province, which It serves. The extension of the railway, which will ultimately be connected with the Canton-Hankow line at Pinchang, U
      67 words
    • 50 18 Wuchow, Dec. 29. The Kwangsi Aviation School announces that on New Year's Day It Is expecting eight new planes to arrive' from Hong Kong. Twenty-two Kwangsi niers will be given their "wings" that day and will be enrolled In the air force as the first provincial aviators.
      50 words
    • 1021 18 Criticism Of Japanese By "Boy Emperor's" Cousin. A sensational account of the discovery in Manchuria of a modern Joan of Arc, briefly appearing in the London Dally Express about recently, has caused Tokio newspaper offices to be deluged with pressing Inquiries for corroboratlon and
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    • 53 18 Large Deposits Found In Creek. Luge deposit* of placer (old were recently discovered in Suiwutu, a suburb of Chiki. Anhwei Province. The (old has been found in the Ke Creek, which is 10 miles lone. and is being worked by over 500 miners, nearly $5,000 worth of
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    • 95 18 Points In ITiree-Year Programme. Canton. Jan. 4. The first part of the Three- Year Plan for Kwangtung has been accomplished. The Important points Included 4n the second part for this year are as follows: To employ men of virtue and capacity: to reform the system of finance with
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    • 67 18 France Alleged To Have Designs. Wuchow, Dec. 29 Excitement has been caused by the publication in the local Min Kwok fat Pao of a dispatch from Nanking stating that France Is constructing aviation fields, reinforcing the border patrols on the Kwangsl-Yunnan border and Is inciting the aboriginal tribes
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    • 45 18 Large Contribution Of Pawnshops. Canton, Jan. 4. According to an official report there are 1,349 pawnshops In Kwangtung Prortnce. The annual revenue from the tax lelved or. the pawnshops was $650,000 last year and U estimated to be 846,000 this year. -Central Prest.
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    • 34 18 Dr. Fong F. Sec left Shanghai recently for United States to attend tfce Rotary Conference. He Is to make the return Journey via New Zealand. Australia and the Philippine Islands.
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  • 20 19 Port Said, Jan. 6. The Esperance Bay has been refloattd after discharging 600 tons of cargo. Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 313 19 How Explorers Died. AMUNDSEN EXPEDITION NOTE-BOOK POUND. Leningrad, Jan. 8. The staff of the wintering station at Cape Chelluskln, upon their return to Leningrad, turned over to the Arctic Institute of the USSR, a note-book, which belonged to Peter L. Tessem, i member of the "Maud"
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  • 107 19 Japanese Army's Debts To C.E.R. Habarovsk, Jan. 8 According to a report from Harbin, the manager of the Chinese E intern Railway, M Rudy, has addressed a letter to the Chief Commissary of the Japanese Kwantung Army, demandIng the payment of indebtedness < f the Army to the
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  • 151 19 Sharp Exchange Of Letters Between C.E.R. Chiefs. Moscow, Jan. 7. The newspapers here published a report captioned "Retort to Impudent Impostor," glrlng the contents of a letter addressed by the Manchurian assistant- manager of the Chinese Eastern Railway. Mr. Chang Ming-che, to the manager of the railway,
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  • 106 19 U.S. Seaplanes Arrive At Honolulu. Honolulu. Jan. 11. The six US. naval flying- boats, which bopped off from San Francisco yesterday on a non-stop flight to Honolulu, have arrived. Reuter. Six commissioned officers and 24 non-commissioned officers took part In the flight over 2,000 miles of the open
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  • 98 19 Why Italian Girls Will Not Take Part London. Jan. 11. In a telegram from Rome It la stated that the Pope's campaign against "unwomanly athletics" Is now supported by Slgnor Mussolini New regulations which have been drawn up for Fascist feminine associations forbid "all unwomanly athletics, the training
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 97 19 Sir Richard Jackson On Way To India. London, Jan. 11. Sir Richard Jackson, chalrmai- of the Indian Cotton Inquiry Committee, which was established with the object of Increasing the use of Indian cotton by Lancashire, left for India today to Investigate the problems In connection with the Committee's
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 38 19 J^Mai r >:^^QHmMb£!IImI BCSTER CRABBE as TARZAN. anu itw chimp, in scene train Up, Rice Barroufhi thrilling June le lory i AX/AN THE FEARLKSS" which will be shown stantdteneoasl; at the ALHAMBRA MARLBOROUGH THEATRES on Wednesday, 17th Jan.
      38 words
    • 155 19 w Kk .i^s^^H Cbi I ftfriii -'ii Jib^TjkfcT J™ From a Doctor's Letter IVLY soq wm fed solely and exclusively on Glaxo horn birth until he reached the age of eighteen months. His physical well -being and progress during jliat period were so extremely satisfactory that I have lince^^MUßended Glaxo
      155 words

  • Article, Illustration
    46 20 MBS. GI'STAV TAYLOR, her son. Golfrey. and her daughter, MoUy, who are to be found every cay in workrooms at New Oxford Street. London, comprise the only family in the country in wl ich all the members are daily encased in making class eyes. (Planet News.)
    46 words
  • 19 20 PLAYERS who will represent Sincapjre in the Malaya Cup final acainat Penan* at Kuala Lumpiu tomorrow.
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  • Article, Illustration
    9 20 THE WEDDING GROUP after the torinac-Pale wedding at Ipoh.
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  • Article, Illustration
    10 20 THE FERAE AND SELANGOR hockey teams before the recent match
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  • Article, Illustration
    6 20 THE PARRISH TKRRKLI, wrddttu at Ipoh.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements