The Straits Times, 7 January 1934

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 36 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. No. 107. Sunday, January 7th., 1934. Price 10 cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper *n Malaya. No. 107. Sunday, January 7th., 1934. Price 10 cents.
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  • 1429 1 MAN AND WIFE ENTOMBED IN LANDSLIDE Grim Toll Of The Storm AMAZING FLOOD SCENES IN THE CITY AREA AN eldetly Chinese market gardener and his wife were buried beneath hundreds of tons of earth during a landslide on Friday night, caused by the phenomenal rains. They were entombed while asletp,
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  • 50 1 R.S.S. paaaJ to London Standard Buyers Sellers Spot (Imn) 13% 13-' i. (F.OlB.) 14 lI W. sundard "«.S.S. Tender Buyers Sellers Jannary 133? Feb.-Mar. Wi 14. \pri-jBM H's HVi. July-fepi. 14* Ton* ■>' Iferket Quiet. Late* CaN" I per Ib. Lon«M« ftp«t fneet 4',d. (Friday's etow) U.S. cts.
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  • 11 1 A flooded house in Bukit Timah road yesterday.
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  • 130 1 Fukien Rebels Suffer Reverses Shanghai, Saturday. "TTHE heaviest fighting since the beginning of the NankingFukien hostilities is under way at Yenping and Kutien, in Fukien. The Central forces are simultaneously attacking these towns from three directions, and appear to be getting the upper hand. •THE remaining rebel forces atPing- nan
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  • 102 1 Bucharest, Saturday. There was a last minute surprise hi the New Cabinet when M. Tartarescu announced himself as Foreign Minister provisionally Instead of M. Tltulescu. Reuter. Following the reported order for the commencement of naval operations on the Fukien coast, the Central land and air forces have
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  • 259 1 SIR BASIL BLACKEITS REPORT London, Saturday. OIR Basil Blackett, Director of the Bank of England, and formerly Finance Member of the Viceroy of India's Council, has arrived back In London after a record air Journey to and from British Malaya, at least a week earlier than was expected.
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  • 119 1 Two Entrants G#| Nine Right Out Of Ten In The Sunday Times Football Competition No. 22, which concerned the League matches played at Home on Dec. 30, no one succeeded in forecasting correctly the results of all ten matches. The $100 prize is divided between: Fong Kum Poey,
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  • 536 1 ENGLAND'S TAIL WAGS STRONGLY INDIAN BA TSMEN FAIL IN SECOND TEST Calcutta, Jan. 9. There were only about 6,000 spec* t a tors present this morning when the second Test match was continued. The weather was sun ly and the wicket was still In good condition when D. R. Jardine,
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  • 70 1 LONDON RUBBER TIN. (From Oar Own Correspondent.) London, Saturday. RUBBER. (Quotations as supplied by Symington and Wilson.) Spot (Buyers) 4 9/32. (Setters) 4 11/32. January-March 4 13/32. April-June 4 11/32. July-September 4 19/32. Market tone Steady. SILVOL Spot 19Hd. Two months 19 3/IM. CROSS RATE. London-New York, 5.10 New York-London,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 1141 2 BY OUR DIARIST. rnHIS is an appreciation of Penang, J- and especially its Hill. The first guide to the Northern Settlement claims it to be the Pearl oi the Orient. I used to think that flamboyant description was Ceylon's preserve, but I'm not so sure now. To
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  • 1708 2 SCIENCE AIDS WAR on CRIME Malayan's Wonderful Invention AN invention which will probably revolutionise criminal detection and prove of immense value in the various branches of natural science and research work has been devised by a former Malayan Government official, Mr. William G. Stirling. The apparatus, which Is called the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 111 2 WHEN you wear a "LUVISCA" Shirt and Collar, you reneh the nineteenth hole still 4» and easy. These garments silky In aj» t ranee, well-cut and strong are made expressly for good service. Obtainable in patterns giving the right touch to both sports and business wear. The day ended, "LUVISCA"
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    • 52 2 flfE^} fiuedujceel Acnn \Y\\ $3 P£R QT to $225 H^L^X hJSKk Her* Is a v i.-rful opportunity to beautlf.. I ytw Diktat Koom. Bedroom or Verandah w by Xaequerm; that «M ttuatun with an V attractive shite of Pabeo Lacquer at wry reasonable I Let ua give you further Sole
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  • 981 3  -  Ely Culbertson by World's Champion Player and Greatest Cud Analyst A really brihiar' defensive player combines in his analysis keen card reading with an accurate estimate oi Ml opponent's style of play. He is master of the double cross, the triple cross, and so on ad
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 240 3 I Learn CONTRACT by Example! This NEW BOOK -60 CONTRACT LESSON HANDS'* 160 PAGES By ELY CULBERTSON teaches you both bidding and play at CONTRACT BRIDGE. I $1.25 A COPY i By speci.-i arrangement with Mr Ely Culbertson, the world's greatest player and authority on modern Contract Bridge, this paper
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
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    • 422 3 i JJ U 1 I'jl i A- Lrun ii-i-,_i-._i_.ii_rt_ l >»^ ii ~r TEST your general knowledge by seeing how many of the following questions you cmn answer correctly. Turn to Pare 19 to check your replies. GENERAL QUESTIONS. 121. What does "gratis" mean? j 22. What is a "rogues'
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  • 290 4 GREAT WATCH FOR LOCH MONSTER WORLD INTEREST ROUSED 100 PEOPLE SAY THEY HAVE SEEN IT s gggHßjj voices of the scoffers and the Incredulous are silent." A list was published of the names and addresses of people who were willing to make a public declaration of having seen the monster.
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  • 121 4 A CRIPPLED miner sat in his invalid chair in a country lane near Creswell. Derbyshire. His name is William Stacey. Stacey was without a rug. The day was bitterly cold. The aged Duke of Portland saw the man as he drove by in a motor rar. He
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  • 225 4 Testing Deadly Gas VOLUNTEERS 1 0 RISK NEW LIQUID HORRORS London, Saturday. LIQI IDS which can burn and tthsttr are to be tried cut early this year on men who volunteer from the Navy. The tests are to take place at the Admiralty's experimental anti-gas depot at Porton (Wiltshire), and
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  • 288 4 EXPERTS AT WORK ON MINT CHANGE fiOINS with a milled edge to defeat the skill of the modern counterfeiter are being turned by experts at the Mint Engineers are now at work on intricate machines which will give the coins the forgery-proof finish. Experiments have been going
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  • 164 4 "QUIT, OR WE WILL MURDER" Vendetta Against Two Farming Families Swansea, Saturday. tiEATURES of a vendetta being waged against two farming families, named Jones and Ellacott, in the village of Killay, Glamorgan, include arson, damage to property, and a threat to murder. When a hayrick was fired, the owner, Mr.
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  • 191 4 Woman Divorced For Being A Jewess -.•x-,v~r Berlin, Saturday. THE Berlin court has dissolved the marriage of a German and a Jewess on the application of the husband, who pleaded that he did not realise the importance of race until it was made clear under the Hitler regime. < The
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  • 198 4 SHE HAS HAD 29 BABIES! Vienna, Saturday. IYER 29th child— a healthy son— has just been born here to a woman aged forty-five, and this marvellous achievement is believed to be a world's record. On two occasions this heroic mother has given birth twice within a year, but several of
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  • 78 4 A charge of importing 2,800 lb of dutiable tobacco, was yesterday preferred against Supplah Thevar, an Indian licensed importer carrying on business in Selegle Road. The accused, who was produced before Mr. N. A. Worlpy, claimed trial, and the case was postponed until Feb. 7, bail in
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  • 479 4 DRAMA OF THE HUSBAND WHO RETURNED London, Saturday. A London woman with three children was deserted by her husband for twenty years. For ten years she struggled to bring up her babies, and at the end of that period, presuming her husband dead, married
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  • 51 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Saturday. A young Tamil named Chelllah alias Retnam appeared before the Seremban Magistrate today charged with soliciting for immoral purposes on the public way and with having no ostensible means of subsistence. A postponement was granted, bail being allowed in the sum of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 161 4 ANOTHER SUPER -SPECIAL FROM GAUMONT -BRITISH! CHARLOTTE JUafltftf (Z lAN HAY ff J WITH v- n.o-^)\ f\ Cyril Maude jjj^ Cedric Hardwicke tyJ^C ]/j m Donald Calthrop READ THESI, ENTHUSIASTIC PRESS REPORTS! By f»r ihe ben film of the week m "The best notice of th» Press show of 'Oderi
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    • 308 4 A CHARMING j^Sft^bdP COLOURGRAVURE JMH j| after the original pointing by John Forrrst "SPRINGTIME" Copyright Produced in j rs si iff ■#**j\ 'SPRINGTIME" i'rom the original painting by JOHN FORRLSI. This picture, by the Celebrated Artist JOHN FORREST, delightfully illustrates the charm and colourful beauty of the English Countryside In
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 223 5 THE BIGGEST BARGAIN EVENT in the history of Singapore. j WHITEAWAYS ANNOUNCE AN EXTRAORDINARY SALE j Commencing Monday Jan. Bth at 8.30 a.m. THE FOLLOWING CABLE HAS BEEN RECEIVED FROM j THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS j "Trade is improving and we want room for the large shipments
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  • 700 6 Poultry Notes I HAVE been asked by many readers to give them an Idea of the various medicines a poultry enthusiast should keep and I will endeavour to give a concise description of the varidus chemicals or preparations that ■hould comprise a poultry rearer's medicine chest.
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  • 769 6 Billiards lITILLIE SMITH, undoubtedly one of the most attractive billiards players In flto world, Is to visit Singapore next week. It will be recalled that when he came to the Colony in 1929 he gave a number of exhibition matches and although he did not
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  • 47 6 fFHE Serangoon Rovers team will be selected from the following to play the Naval Base Sports Club:— Achmed Abdullah; Teo Ban Teck; Ahmat Tamby; Hamld, M Hussein. A. Sankaran; Mansur, Peng Cher, B. Edwards, T. Kathiravalu, Kheng Soon; Mai mood, John Loh and Hock Chye.
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  • 825 6 AROUND the CL ÜBS Amateur Sporting Assocn. rpHE 14th. anniversary of the Amateur Sporting Association was celebrated on Saturday and Sunday last at the sea-side bungalow of the president, Vlr Urn Hock Seng. No. 323. East Coast Road. About 80 members and their guests were present at the dinner on
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  • 289 6 SELANGOR BN. EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY DINNER THE Selangor Battalion Banu and Drums, F.M.S.V.F. Kuala Lumpur celebrated their Eighth Anniversary with a dinner at the Eastern Hotel, Ampar.g Road. Kuala Lumpur on Dec. 28. There were 40 present including the guest-j who were:— Meut.-Col. .3 j Eaton. 0.8. E., Officer Commanding,' Selangor
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 65 6 Zot\Q lam Si Co. 46/48. PECK SKAH STREET. For Gardens, Vegetables and other planting: purposes SHEEP DUNG' (MARURO) Packed In Gunny Bap at fit m Urn r.O.R/B^ Spore. UNGATOBE PkOM 73ML~ DAY, SON AND HEWITT'S^ FAMOUS POULTRY MEDICINES and KOSSOLI AN BLOOD SALT POULTRY TONIC. Free booklet All about Poultry
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    • 97 6 I^^mg^—V^ ne of the moBt p°p u r A herbal plant medically u*-d V every part of It from its ra<t viJUK^IMiOnSSHVa flowers The of t* 1 plant removed of It" b*c odour and taste strictly retaining Its medicinal propcrtles Is commercialised jf^^^S^S^S^^^ 1 varloku products of VaPB I^o^^^ household
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  • 827 7 By Air. The Story Of British Aviation. By Sir Harry Brittain. Ilutchinson. 12s. 6d. ii fTHE original thrill of air travel is disappearing. It is becoming, taatter-of-fact." These words appear in Sir Harry Brittain's book and he has set out to iwrlte the history of
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    • 106 7 FOR TEACHERS "/CHARACTER and Personality," a quarterly published by Allen and Unwin Ltd., is a journal that the present writer would like to bring to the notice of members of the teaching profe. sion in Malaya. Although not primarily an educational journal, but one which covers the entire field of
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    • 290 7 A Beautifully a Written Novel A Shade Byronic. By Johi. North. Jarrolds. 7s. 6d. doubt whether this will be a popular novel, but those who do like it, the discriminating and fastidious few, will like it very much. It Is beautifully written and the story Is something new in literature.
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    • 377 7 A THRILLER AND AN ANTIDOTE A Kill, rin Scotland Yard. By G. I Davison. The Bee Garden. By Dorothy Phythean. IF you are impressionable, do not read "A Killer in Scotland Yard" Just before you so to bed, for the nameless arch- villain has every destructive science at his finger
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    • 1115 7 Nazi Germany Explained. By Vernon Bartlett. Gollancz. ss. ((AN honest attempt to explain one; ■"nation to another" is how Mr Bartlett describes his book. With at, least one reader, the present reviewer, he has succeeded, in the sense that he has made an ordinary, puzzled, uninformed reader
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    • 835 7 Famous Animal Stories. Selected by Ernest Thompson Seton. The Bodley Head. Bs. 6d. A charming and fascinating book This is a collection of 116 stories by all the great animals writers since early times: it will appeal to old and young alike. Among so many great writers It
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 24 7 1934 Hlllil!!liitHiHiiiii.t,,.>ll New beauty NEW REFINEMENT NEW POWER 8c SPEED AUSTINS see them at BORNEO MOTORS LTD. Branches from Singapore to Penang. ******************************1111 l
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  • 772 8 Surprising Bargains At Special Sale (By Our Woman Correspondent.) GOODS at half the price and even less! This may sound rather fantasti' but is nevertheless true and is Whlteaway's big effort at a really grand "special clearance" sale. Mind you, It Is not an "annual" sale or one of the
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  • 847 8 rpHE fun, merriment and gaiety of the hectic festive season are over and things have returned to normal again with everybody trying to keep the New Year resolutions which they made! TCVERY place of amusement was crowded last week-end, the Raffles, Sea View and Adelphi Hotels, where
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 8 An uncommon evening gown in tirten-patterned organdie showing lines of scarlet, grey and black on a white back ground. Note the flounces set low at the back of the long skirt.
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  • 1125 8 FASHIONS in HA TS (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sunday Times Office, Fleet Street, Dec. 14. OATHER shamefacedly I wandered into my milliner's while on a shopping expedition this week. I knew I ought to be looking for presents for multitudinous friends and relations Instead of selfishly seeking to gratify a
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 8 Some pretty ways with the curled ciiff ute hair drawn from forehead and curls clustered at back of head; or drawn to one side and caught with a flower-covered slide; or arranged in toft rolls just above the ears.
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  • 188 8 f\NE and half ounces butter, three eggs, one and a half ounces flour, txoo ounces sugar, one and a half gills milk, two ounces preserved ginger, quarter-ounce ground ginger. Butter the souffle mould and tie round the outside a band of greased paper to come about two
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  • 100 8 'THAT lace tunics are popular for wearing over a black f velvet or lace skirt at cocktail parties. 'THAT suede is being used for 1 collars, cuffs and belts. r •THAT mittens are now oelng made in flesh-coloured kid. •THAT many women are wear- ing artificial flowers
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  • 3527 9 HEAVY WEATHER OUR SERIAL P. G. Wodehouses Masterpiece Of Humour I EVER since nis Interview with Monty in the garden of the Emsworth Arms, t Lord Tilbury had found his thoughts turning wistfully to the one man of his acquaintance who could have been i relied upon to put through
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  • 172 9 Monty Bodkin, who has been, dismissed from the Mammoth Publishing Co.. by the proprietor, Lord Tilbury, gets a job at Blandings Castle as the Earl of Emsworth's secretary. Sue Brown, Monty's former fiancee, who is noio engaged to Ronald Fish, Lord Emsworth's secretary, is at the Castle. The Earl
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 56 9 a»Lk Hk veritable Sfcfe M* handful! babies VhBP jM abound K*-%T health, Ifc tun tBUD laughter. adillrraT A sample tin of Lactogen, Mother's Book of Advice and Measuring Spoon will be sent, postage paid, to any parent or expectant mother who sends stamps value 20 cents to:— ■m "LACTOGEN" IfjSp
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  • 337 10 The Sunday Times. TOTIDEM VERBIS EDITORIAL. MANAGERIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICE Cecil Street, Singapore. TELEPHONES EDITORIAL 5151. 5152. ADVERTISING 7701. GENERAL OFFICE 7702. PRINTING PUBLISHING 7703. Kuala Lumpur: 25, Java Street. TELEPHONE 3683. In the last two years Mr. E. D. Money has rendered good service to employees of the plantation
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  • 2135 10  - THE BUSINESS END of GAMBLING Leon Delacroix By CASINO takings run into millions a year but by the time expenses and taxes are deducted, there's not so much left. It is the "Open Bank" Baccarat Syndicates who make the big money still. rjXHE gambling season has started along the French
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  • 55 10 It was Christmas morning. A very small car failed to obey the traffic signal, but came to a standstill a little farther along the road. An inspector went along. "Tell me," he demanded of the driver, "didn't Father Christmas leave a book of rules with that when he
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  • Article, Illustration
    45 10 The season of company meetinrs is coming round again. Here is an idea for dispelling a little of the usual rloon- Gentlemen, I have to report there will be no dividend again bat I thought we should take it with better spirits than last time."
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  • 43 10 (Ananias News Factory.) Singapore. Saturday. Wait till you see Malaya's new stamps, my dears. You wUI simply rave over the one depicting a view of the harbour, the pier showing prominently and the name that isn't Johnston printed in bold letters.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 236 10 ENTERTAINMENTS SINGAPORE JANUARY 7, 1934. ALHAMBRA The Narrow Corner with Doug. Fairbanks Jr. and Patricia Ellis. 6.15— 9.15 p.m. CAPITOL Looking Forward with Lionel Barrymore Lewis Ston? and Benita Hume. 6.15^ 9.15 p.m. MARLBOROUGII Adorable with Janet Gaynor and Henry Oarat. 6.15—9.15 pjn. MEW WORLD Cabaret Dancing, Sideshows, Talkies. Theatres
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    • 73 10 NEW WORLD SINGAPORE. Side Shows, Cabaret Dancing, Talkies, Theatres and Cinemas. Pi A NO I TUNING REPAIRS REMOVALS HIRE E. CHARLES. Phone 2902. 74, Orchard Rd, j SOLE AGENCY. SCULPTO ART, LTD. the Producers and Patentees of PIRIM PORTRAITS IN RELIEF, IN METAL are prepared to appoint sole Distributors in
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    • 28 10 ASSERTIONS SMKffllll t^Eren dollars for a v^s>V ANANIAS f^g* not c er > L^C^ 'cybsF? n fo 9% n rfr *n *ac or*n- o o o ry. tf% rt^WA(
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  • 356 11 MONTGOMERY OF KELANTAN A TRUE "MALAYAN" MONTGOMERY of Kelantan The recent New Year's honours have brought the name Into prominence. There is scarcely any activity In Kelantan with which at some time or another Monty has not been associated. He has built roads, mined, prospected In wild forests, opened up
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  • Article, Illustration
    15 11 k .The King's wprM»«itallT» at Royal Ascot, Viscount Churchill, G.C.V.O. whose death has been announced.
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  • 65 11 New York, Saturday. PRIMO Camera, heavyweight title holder, and Tommy Loughran, stout-hearted IrishAmerican, will battle for the championship in Miami, Floria, on Washington's Birthday, February 21, it was announced here today. Camera accepted that title bout shortly before h; sailed for a visit to his homeland Italy.
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  • 144 11 U.S. ACTION TO INCREASE VALUE RUMOURED Washington. Saturday. RUMOURS that action to Increase the value of silver is imminent persisted todxy in Senate circles and, in expectation of an early presidential monetary action, Senator Thomas agreed to withhold his plan to have the Senate sub-committee draft the monetary
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 631 11 OUR SHIPPING FIGURES INDICATE TRADE REVIVAL CHAIRMAN OF HARBOUR BOARD ANSWERS CRITICISM A MARKED improvement in the quantity of cargo handled and the amount of quay space occupied since the close of the financial year in June last is reported by the Singapore Harbour Board. Monthly cargo tonnages are on
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  • 204 11 10LB. PROJECTILE THROWN rE offensive power of infantry battalions on the home and colonial establishments Is to be strengthened by the addition of a 3-in, mortar firing a 10 lb. bomb. Inconspicuous and mobile, this hightrajectory weapon was used during this year's manoeuvres, and was
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  • 131 11 INDIAN ARRESTED ALLEGED THEFT OF $99 REPORTING as a police supervisee, an Indian named Hamin bin Hamaqh. wu arrested on the Kandang Kerbau police station on a charge of theft of 599 from his employer. He was convicted In the second court, and as a previous conviction was revealed, was
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  • 171 11 "BRITAIN RULES ETHER WAVES" A COMPLAINT FROM MOSCOW Moscow, Saturday. rpHE "Evening Moscow "—the most- widely read paper here-asserts that the Viceroy of India has ordered wireless sets to be fixed In every bungalow, mud hut, and baobab tree throughout the country. These sets, it is solemnly declared, will broadcast
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  • Article, Illustration
    10 11 A study in lifht and shade uq the Esplanade yesterday.
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  • 561 11 Why The "Flying Chettiar" Laments FOILED AMBITIONS OF AN AVIATOR THE "Flying Chettiar 11 Is a dia- appointed young man. Mr. Avadayappa Chettiar, whose flair for being op in the clouds has earned for him the sobriquet, told the "Sunday Time*" that he wiuld have liked to have arranged Joy
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  • 37 11 Chicago. Saturday A lightning milk strike has been called by 18,000 organised farmers within a 100-mile radius of this city, who are demanding higher prices. Adequate supplies have been promised from independent sources Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 158 11 New York, Saturday. A BROOKLYN husband who deemed it Incompatible with his dignity for his wife to work for a living has rejoiced the legal profession by instituting a suit which is a startling innovation in litigation. He is suing the Pocket Brassiere Co.,
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  • 370 11 MALAYA METHODIST CONFERENCE AT the opening of the United Ses- slon of the Malaya Methodist Conference in Singapore yesterday the Rev. Bishop Edwin F. Lee, D.D., addressed the Conference on the subject "3t. Paul's Transformation and Ours." He brought out the fact thai the first phase of Paul's great spiritual
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 145 11 TWI~~I MM IP THESE ARE THE BREAKS THAT SMITH MAKES: 1176, 1173, 1139, 1047, 1029, 1027, 998, 994, 922 and 68 over 500 in one season. This it tbt Cttbitt, tkt 8.5.V., that pavtt tht wty tt tkt bttitifal broks that S«ith g. Makes: Jfa yCTM This ittkt Taklt, by
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  • 350 12 ALLEGED ATTEMPT TO BRIBE POLICEMAN rpHE hearing was bcrun in the fourth police court yesterday before Mr. J. M. Brander, of a case in which a North Indian, Kalendar, was charged with attempting to ~bet the offence of offering a bribe of $5 to Court Inspector V. Goodship. According to
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  • 199 12 UNENVIABLE RECORD MALAY'S MANY LAPSES UINCE 1919, a Malay named Awang bin Abdullah has repeatedly fallen foul of the law, and has nine convictions recorded against him. He was twice imprisoned in Siam, and was ultimately banished from that kingdom. Yesterday, a tenth conviction was recorded, and he is to
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  • 15 12 "Water, Water Everywhere Newton Post Office was flooded as a result of the heavy downpour
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  • 397 12 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN EXPERIMENT Mid-Ocean Aerodrome IjH)R nearly a year Germany's Luft Hans.i air lines have been experimenting with a converted freight steamer, the S.S. Westphalen," as a mid-ocean station for aeroplanes. In November last a flying boat crossed from Africa to Brazil, via the "Westphalen," in the latter *s first
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  • 299 12 OMENS, SIGNS AND PORTENTS THE TRUE MEANING OF A SNIFFLE time you feel any peculiar 11 sensation in your body. Just sit down and ponder what It means— whether It forbodes good or evil, for every personal sensation is an omen In Itself! If you sneeze, do not think that
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  • 54 12 SINO-Japanese negotiation for the retrocession of the Kupeikow and Malanyu passes are reported to have been concluded. Mr. Yen Ya-kang, the Chinese delegate to the negotiations, has arrived at Kupeikow Pass to discuss the procedure for the taking over of the passes, which has been tentatively Axed for
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  • 567 12 BORNEO CO. SWINDLED OF $53,000 Chinese Accused Sentenced INGENIOUS FRAUD SYSTEM DISCLOSED JIOW the Borneo Company, Ltd., one of the largest mercantile firms in Singapore, was swindled in 1927 of $53,000 worth of goods by a system of cheating carried on, it is alleged, by two employees, was revealed yesterday
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  • 111 12 A new record for quick divorce i •"and re-marriage has just J been set up by a landowner in i Kentucky. The landowner, it is stated, got i engaged on Sunday, was married the next morning, and on Tnes- i day evening filed his petition. On Wednesday
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  • 168 12 From Bridge To Pulpit ADMIRAL TURNS CURATE A London, Saturday. KEAR-Admlral who wor the D.S.O. in the Iron Duke at the Battle of Jutland, when hi had control of the visual signalling, work *s a curate in Whitechapel. Rear-Admiral A. R. Wadham Woods, who retired in 1931 after Zl years'
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 76 12 $1,000 FREE ENTRY FOOTBALL COMPETITION. $500 Must Be Won. SEE PAGE 14. Hv" *ii>*r..&*'.tii sfon&Ut MNC.CECMjE (fim j^JLv jjs After a strenuous day in the 'Im M i\\ *~-^P\ boat you can't fail to appre- 9U ■bIS ciate that first stengah if it's MttMm^M m r \l# I t //a
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    • 320 12 Try the new, oh^/ia/fEASY-ACCESS" -V*\ > r^Elslß^^ W p eces ap oc *y Pull the ap away com t>l ete b then each ■R^ VkS&l Cigarette can be extracted with ease LnET^. *W I W-k-^k tK5plH| and convenience :no fuss or bother. m\£&-~~*f&Z*M ORDINARY FOIL WRAPPINGS arc continual annoyance. They
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 393 13 IST1 ST PRIZE m m^ mK^^ m^^^ mmmam All you have to do to win one of our big cash prizes is to place in their order of $MHf HHI importance the reasons why the consumption of Bournville Cocoa is steadily increasing. Ell^r U The list of reasons is given
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  • 2513 14 MAINLY ABOUT MALAYANS Sex Appeal Salesmanship By The "Wanderer" rpiIIS week I heard a planter relate an astonishing adveniure, one of a kind which breaks the monotony of estate life only once in a lifetime. My friend had just returned from his morning perambulation of the rubber,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 209 14 THE SUNDAY TIMES will offer next week a prize of $1000 in a simple free entry FOOTBALL COMPETITION, with a provision that $500 MUST BE WON. The last occasion on which the $500 prize offered in The Sunday Times Free Entry Football Competition was won was on Nov. 26. When
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  • 734 15 A/Tat a^ta T INTEREST IN ASIATIC C -rfc/^Tfcri^TlVT^^ COLONY vs. F.M.S. j/^ 1 TT rnmrin MALAYAN! «wra» IMPORTING! i SHATTER I Who Will Represent F.M.S. Against Colony BY the time these notes are in print, it will have been decided whether Perak or Selangor
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 15 learns in the mM| Inter-State badminton match played in Seremban between Malacca and He Sembitan. Malacca won by 8 games.
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  • 1711 15 IN preparation for the rugger final with Singapore, Penang entertained Perak on Sunday last and the mitch was played on the Polo Ground as the absence of rain for some time had made the Esplanade too hard and dangerous for rugger. It was a great pity that the visitors
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  • Article, Illustration
    8 15 The playwright-sportsman, T. W Morray, S.C.C. hockey player.
    8 words
  • 508 15 NEGRI SEMBILAN (From Our Own Correspc-dent.) Seremban Saturday. rpHAT the standard of badminton in Negri Sembilan Is much below that of the other States was revealed by the recent visits of the Yale Badminton Party of Klang and the Settlement's Badminton side from Malacca. The Klang lads had
    508 words
  • Article, Illustration
    18 15 A. L. Henry (Selangor) who is shortly to go to England as winner of the "Best Footballer" Competition.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 37 15 JOHNNIE WALKER J» swtn~gX combines the two essential qualities of lightness and delicacy- J|l Study your health give SWING a trial specially il^ K&o^^ CALDBECK MACGREGOR CO.. LTDL XS%fr^s*£J^<g^^^ Incorporated under th* C'ompaniem' SINGAPORE- "ALA LUMPUR-IFOB PENANG.
      37 words

  • 1874 16 S.A.F.A. CUP COMPETITION UNFAIR Financial Considerations In Local Football ONCE more the main topic this week Is Association Football, principally because Ot the annual meeting of the S.A.F.A. on Wednesday last at which many Interesting subjects were discussed. Qne of the most interesting was the introduction of the promotion and
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  • 993 16 Many Upsets At Penang Amateur Meeting BLUE BIRD WINS IN SPLENDID TIME (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. Saturday. Fine .weather favoured the Polo Club amateur meeting today when a large crowd attended including H.H. the Sultan of Perak who led in the winner of the first race. With the exception
    993 words
  • 355 16 Negri Beaten 23-0 SCRAPPY RUGBY GAME* AT K.L. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. A fairly strong Selangor fifteen beat a scratch Negrl side, in which five vacancies were flMed by Selangor men, by one goal, two penalty goals and four tries (23 points to nil)
    355 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 117 16 Mr. R. L. Hastie. The City High School, lit, BENCOOLEN STREET, Estd. 1931. REOPENS TOMORROW. Principal.— M. N. Samadar B.A. <Hons.) Asst. Teachers.— S. Singh (Passed Final Normal) P. S. D. Chereath (Passed Final Normal) B. Singh (Passed Final Normal) Miss C. Thompson (Certificate of Competence) and others. Classes.— Primary
      117 words
    • 242 16 DRIVE A «Z^» MODERN FM^OpI CAR' £3t?^B^^SSiiß Simple control is a big s^fc^fe^^S^s factor In motoring Ml pH^BflHr^flflK Ml comfort, driving ease A^^l wEm SWJ^^r and safety. mm^& Bpl f^^^W And In the B.S.A. Ten tto^ ItP B^Wll t&i W*^^ you have a thoroughly V mjCVi ~§P modern car with
      242 words

  • 1106 17 Five Hundred Dollars For Ten Results OR $100 FOR BEST FORECAST. Home Football Competition *Vith No Entrance Fee. In this week's Sunday Times football competition Five Hundred Dollars Is offered for ten correct results. In the event of two or more entries predicting correctly the results of all the matches,
    1,106 words
  • 537 17 FOOTBALL RUGBY LEAGUE RECORD ENGLAND WINS CLEAN SWEEP IN THE TEST SERIES ENGLAND'S Rugby League team created a record in winning the final Test match aga.nst Australia at Swlnton, for never before had one country proved successful In all three games. A pern lty goal two minutes from the end
    537 words
  • 117 17 F. K. SHIELDS RATED U.S. NO. 1 MRS. MOODY SECOND TO MISS JACOBS New York, Saturday. F.X. Shields has b-en ranked No. 1 in the official American list issued by the ranking committee of the United States L.T.A. Shields, who was fifth last year, takes the place of Ellsworth Vines,
    117 words
  • 82 17 New York, Dee. St. Tommy Loughran to-day accepted the terms for a fifteen round title bout with Primo Camera, it was announced to-day. The fight for the crown of heavyweight championship of the world will be staged in Miami, Florida, on Washington's birthday, February 22. Btuoklyn. N.Y., Dec. 26.
    82 words
  • 238 17 RACEHORSES FOR THE BULL-RING London, Saturday. The startling allegation that old racehorses and hunters exported from Britain to the Continent are selected by Spanish buyers and meet death in the bull-ring has been made by Freddy Fox, the ex-champion Jockey. He is endeavouring to get a Bill introduced into Parliament
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
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  • 285 18 ARSENAL DROP POINT AT HIGHBURY London, Saturday. THE following are the results of matches played In the English and Scottish Leagues today. Division I. Hrsenal 1 Sheffield W. 1 Aston Villa 1 Tottenham 5 Blackburn 2 Derby Co 1 Everton 2 Birmingham 0 Huddersfield 4 Portsmouth 0
    Reuter  -  285 words
  • 400 18 Tackling Scandal Of Long Standing. r I, will be a matter for satisfaction to thoso who for a long time have been deeply concerned regarding the conditions prevailing in so-called amateur lawn tennis circles to learn that leaders of the game in a number of countries
    400 words
  • 1011 18 POSITIONS BEFORE YESTERDAY'S GAMES The following were the positions of teams in the English and Scottish League tables prior to yesterday's games: First Division. Arsenal <1) Derby (7) Tuddersfleld )6) Tottenham iP.) West Brom. (4) M'chester C. (16) Portsmouth (9) Middlesbro' (17) Sunderland <12) Whampton (20) Sheffld.
    1,011 words
  • Article, Illustration
    34 18 THE boxing tournament arranged for last night at the New World arena was p< stponed owing to rain. It will take place tonight. Lieut. W. S. T. Douglass, the popular R. E. Sportsman.
    34 words
  • 557 18 Three Goals To Nil BRILLIANT HOCKEY AT IPOH (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. Perak fulfilled expectations today when tho* convincingly beat Selangor: in a return inter-State hockey match! by three clear goals to nil and thus avenged themselves fitly for their earlier defeat at Kuala Lumpur
    557 words
  • 135 18 Championship Event At S.C.C. The billiards championship (350 up) commences at the S.C.C. on Wednesday. The draw for the first round is as follows C. E. Winter and W. W. Speid Byes. I A. S. Banks vs. P. H. Romney; E. B. Evans vs. A. F. Hunter; A. D.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 40 18 H M illilli ?itfPfl^^^^r Wr 4pM^mT_ .^^flH i^^r _^B_ 8r s__!_ J^B_J 1. WJ.W. 16. New Stock II C If) I Just Arrived i tt~s jj Am lvc tllllllh "n P lijlm^ |Y||E SHOE STORE, Si««apore, Kuala Lumpar Pcnanf. yfcnM
      40 words

  • 2273 19 THE World OF BADMINTON Doubles Champions Of 1935 ft ill Tour China Malayan Interstate Tournament Wanted— When Will A Malayan Badminton Association Be Formed Players Need More Stamina* —Selangor Open Singles Annual Meeting Soon. mHE All Malayan Chinese Inter 1 State Tournament held in Kuala Lumpur during the recent Christmas
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 59 19 One of the Finest Pictures of the Talki ng Screen A LIONEL BARRYMORE F^WL With ELIZABETH ALLAN, BENITA HUME >"^W LEWIS STONE and COLIN CLIVE Jjkfe in M.G.M.'s great story that hits home to the heart of Everybody w||Sni, who's got a job or lost one "LOOKING FORWARD" mjt I
      59 words
    • 197 19 HE HAD TO REDUCE Laiicat Way Proved The Best c. man who haa been aa vised by ha doctor to reduce writes thus I had put on weight to the extent of 206 lbs. This was excessive is I am only 5-ft 6-in. in height. My doctor advljed me to
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 300 19 Do You Know? ANSWERS TO GENERAL QUESTIONS. 1. In Italy. 2. British Admiral. 3. Heroine of set of Juvenile books. 4. Dublin. 5. The American 13 a 1, followed by 18 ciphers; the British. 1 followed by 30 ciphers. 6. A Chinese boat. 7. The reveille. 8. A kind of
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  • 37 20 (Special Air Mail Pictures) THE SCENE of the worst train disaster the world ha. known at Lamy. near Par* Two hundred people are estimated kUW and more than two hondre* ,nj«red. (PU-et News.)
    37 words
  • Article, Illustration
    11 20 THE WRECKED ENGINE of the train after the disaster. (PUnet News.)
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  • Article, Illustration
    19 20 MISS MARIBEL VINSON, the American firl flffwe skating champion, In «ne action on the lake at Wimbledon (Planet N;ws.)
    19 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 20 WOODLEY fails to save Arsenal's lint coal, scored by Beasley. when Arsenal, the Learne leaders, met Chetaea. (PUnet News.)
    19 words
  • Article, Illustration
    26 20 R WTMAN (in white) and R. Physick all oat in the ftrst heat of the National Statin* ft— tatto« One Mile London Amaieor Championship. (PUnet News.)
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 15 20 I CALL AT IRang TDeng (Eo. For GRAMOPHONES— RECORDS and MIJSIC 103—105, Selegie Road, SINGAPORE.
      15 words
    • 162 20 Cbc Best in jf Uttliturel For Value, Quality, and Design. Hang Ixnp furniture Co. Factory 7O, Sophia Road, Singapore IM, SELEGIE ROAD. fW COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Eaglwid.) Flra, Ufa, Marine, Accident, Guarantee and Motor. Aueta C6«.M«.Nf. Arthor C. Potta, Manacer A Underwrite* EuUra Branch, Slncaporc i
      162 words