The Straits Times, 3 January 1934

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 534 2 P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated In England.) MATT. PABBENOER AND CARGO SERVICES mnnfsmAß and oructt^ bj^oo Urn^corrmAorwiTH his >«* J iB^ r f GOVERNMENT. LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. OUTWARD FROM LONDOU FOR CHINA AND JAPAN. Due Tonage Spore 1034 XBEHAR •.000 Jan. S KANPURA IV.UOO
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    • 515 2 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS. ■■■■■I (NIPPON YUSEN KAISIiA) TO LONDON. Naples. Mammas, L— lon, Antwerp Rotterdam aad Mlliluslriagfc. Vessels Tonnage Due Sail t TERUKTJNI MARU 12,000 Jan. t 18 HAKUBAN MARU 10.400 Jan 34 35 HARUNA MARU 10.400 Feb. T 8 KATORI MARU 10.000 Feb. 23 23 I KASHIMA MARU 18.000 Mar.
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    • 594 2 BURNS PHUP LINE. (Incorporated hi AustraflaO FOB BRISBANE, SIDNEY AMD MELBOURNE via JAVA. DARWTN AND THURSDAY ISLAND KFgumr mcntLJy sailings by file wellknown steamer MARELLA (7,888 tans) and the sj MANOOLA (3.353 tana) (Cargo only). Tha v. MARETJ A is one of the largest and finest steamers trading to Australia,
      594 words
    • 508 2 THE EAST ASIATIC CO., UMFTED. (Incorporated m Denmark.s PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE. TO GENOA. LONDON. ROITERD** AND COFENKAGEN. From From Fran Frooi B'pore .Malacca _Port Penang t MEONTA I*B/1 18/1 IT/1 18/1 ALBIA 6/2 8/S Mi »/t BORUfGIA 27/2 27/8 28/2 2/3 FIONIA 30/3 «1/S »/8 ERRIA 10/4 10/4
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    • 680 2 I^^asi^^^^a^S^S^^^^.^ V aß^Rtaw^sna^V^^ I I 1 \^T J "iL.^srcv.nid. 1^ 1^ oS£imA? ?j i^r Uamr M^ at iumna IV Fe«>«Ud M-ay Si-e. "-Hn^jgV** Stato lUlrw^s rf SiM Imperial Airways. Ltd. e,^ N^peHands India. Airways. K L.M. (Royal Dateh Air Llaes «»waya. The BLUE FUNNEL LINE MOCLA. scvk, ,0 MARgCnjLRS. ROTTERDAM.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 134 4 SITUATIONS VACANT U, iLri,. .ai MM sa*bM ■•iisfl mi isVtlPaM4i4>l* IK* A«i a><a4 UllftleMak vtiilW' Ii lu-^ k*,M.*K.n(.U l.t .an aud »Ur» IUMM.Un oMltlAUt SITUATIONS WANTED WAHl*sUi BUXJrTT b* vi fMaftrttnced i .h. Buiv IBS SUaIU Tlmct JrAbbMbl ABSHPfttitwi iv flr pi liuicl or fftiTilty vitlt BOARP-RESIPENCii PRC-WAR RATW At
      134 words
    • 313 4 nnuabd,FUT6TO» ti I'I'IA k i .t. I II I. a> i- 11 ***i>4t ll»— HOUSESiFi-ATS WANTED. AUAINEBB PREMISES Apply UkutflcM Ai Ru li 4 ..U Ut Flour. Nu S^. MHMiir WHmiP' 3 M» l tt Sli eel OmsMl A Hoar. tHiimnn IM-_P*t-i, or UvrUttt Oniud Kb.) in I*l i»rrn.k*» mi
      313 words
    • 493 4 POR fUIM. OUg 10 HP A»p OMj J~ M-¥T4^lioroH* ant ftßArnno IN «UOKi«JT ORTiBi APWB. BOX NO lit. O/o BTRAITB TtiOßi. O^TTkUO WWUOWIAIviKkNew uiudekj wrlvtes •doo.-Aum Itaß HUitrt prICM. ««*ieM Uuu. ever üßcied Alao fUMAfiteed uaed iCelvloatuira SKLVINATOBB RKNTBO MatlflMAA MaaAAAAIAI IA^MAaI Mt 14 ftttAlaWSat Atali 1«A |MA MIACnXANjeOUA TU
      493 words
    • 632 4 All* I ion NONCES. AIUIION SALI of about 1,171 wootftwjfeatia 1 Vauda W ■^2Lr l «Jtt l o»^ t «*»ar4a,. la-»«, 1 IMI hIM,. Hi. iU,.. ..u l^ U. .wM U. fcui.ll I.U 1- h. .^^..i. u^....U M««. F Mal «*»f.W*»-« Mo.OI.»lt«. W^* J**s (»v uftitw ur MAbikM ATTINttANi oo
      632 words
    • 613 4 BUSINESS CANUS FIGARO SK*> ..iNk) f8 PERMANENT WAVE Uk KURUrSAN IJIUK karki. AVAV4OIUI num. |S«ej. Ul| ak4 II E At ktiaia ko«i MASSAGE HALL' MANICURB ANU MAbUAUBj Aba HASH aa4 Hat MAN A •4 kVATMtUMi STRSS* r*kph«*M 7417. AUCTION NOTICES^ MOITGAGEES 1 SALE al «aJu4ble 1. It Mo 111. Heereu
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 86 4 SUBSCRIPTION RATES •uh «re WMaaa U I kUI *a al«U>*. r«(u. 8?a 1 sit s..ti pi 1.7 M UIH lUM fSIfJI 141*4 MIM UIM ADVERTISEMENT RATES WrUn Mirrl>p< OcuUii A.iviiu-ica,, L«* v *i«* fc«.u «i il nS .I vi. a-***-. afAta* tmalA AaV AsAbMAIbMI aUlVtll liM lk» ll«kVv Uli A
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  • 322 5 Woman's Complaint To Magistrate. A tall, pale woman on Dec>7 complained to Mr. Ivan Snell, the Marylebone magistrate, that she was being perfecuted by secret society "through the mediums of occultism, and diabolism," tccordlng to the* Dally telegraph. She aald she wu in great trouble and
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  • 58 5 The marrluge of Mr. Chone Kek Chong, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chong Yoke Chow, of Malacca, of the Electrical Department. Kuala Lumpur, to Miss Tan Swi Teck, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Tan Cheng, of Malacca, formerly !>. nurse at the Government Hospital, Kuala Pllah. took place
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  • 159 5 To Touch Singapore. PLAN FOR LINE USING THREE ZEPPELINS. Toklo. Dec. 27. It has been announced that th<» Japanese Navy has been approached by group of leading capitalists In Japan, with the Sumitomo financial clique as its centre figure, with a plan for the establishment of a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 269 5 SELANGOR CLUB, FRASER'S HILL. t Adjoining padang and tennla courts. Modern sanitation: Electric light Billiard table: and Oarage Non-Members may book accommodation. Inclusive rates. Single Been $6 ptr Double Room $10 pr die*. SPECIAL PRICE REDUCTION FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN. Ibm«ee Simplex 8011 -Him Camera aha SKxtK" fltto* with Triplex F/ll
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    • 274 5 >^ PHILLIPS 1 MS^fJL^ Dental Jv^j^H Magnesia HoltTkl ltenl quickly «nd prevents Decay THE MODERN TOOTHPASTE 2J i Learn GONTJi'ACT by Example! This NEW BOOK "60 CONTRACT LESSON HANDS'* 160 PAGES By ELY GULBERTSON teaches you both bidding and play at CONTRACT BRIDGE. $1.25 A COPY By specl.vl arrangement with
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 165 5 Today's Cros sword Puzzle aflaC9^"~~~r^l~ r^^Ha^BrflrafeHfS I lv I Ml I I I I Ma^aPaW I 1 I I (CLUES.) ACROSS. 1. Spirit 3S. Used in needlework 4. Pus off m genuine 30 Part of theatre 11. L*rce itone $1. Animal 12. Nor artificial SI. Brook 11. Reverberation S*. OnaK
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  • 901 6 Manchurian Exile Passes Through Singapore. A plea for better education of the Chinese people as a whole. In which lies the solution to the country's present troubles, was uttered by Marshal Chang Hsueh-Hang, the "Young Marshal," who passed through Singapore late last night on
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  • 69 6 Dies After Saying Mass. Trevi (Italy), Dec. 20. After saying Mass this morning. Father Stanislao Boni. the 55 years old Parish Priest of the village of Fabri dl Montefalco, collapsed In excruciating pain. Just before he died, Father Bonl declared: "They have poisoned me." Investigation revealed the presence
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  • 965 6 Over 100 Years. RECORD OF STEADY PROGRESS. The origins of Presbyterian worship In Penang go back over a hundred years. In 1819 the London Missionary Society opened a mission station among the Chinese and Malays, and this work was so successful that In 1824 a mission
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  • 357 6 Eurasians Do Not Want To Be "Anglo-Malayans." The report of the Singapore Eurasian Association for the year ended June 30, has been, issued. The statement of accounts shows an excess of Income over expenditure of $60.19 at the end of the financial year. The total
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  • 105 6 Not To Stand Again For Presidency. Washington, Dec. 21. It is authoritatively stated that the Republican leaders, at a secret conference, decided that ex-President Hoover would not be available as a Presidential candidate In 1936. At the same conference leading Republican Senators were advised by Mr. Hoover not
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  • 60 6 Diamond Merchant's Loss From Pocket Mr. Benjamin Sacov, a Hatton Garden diamond merchant, on Dec. 19 reported to the police that he had lost a wallet containing diamonds valued at about £20.000 from his pocket. Mr. Sacov missed the wallet between 2 and 3 p.m., during which
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 111 6 J^~?y Well-dressed To be wejl-dressed is to receive unspoken L 'IVf approval by all with whom you come Ht/ J n contact, business or socially. \lw/j 7 SPECIALISE IN THESE VT v I ESSENTIALS ff fu&lity suitings with jft BUHL. Gleaming Linen— modish Ties and Hosiery. H Supreme comfort and
      111 words
    • 362 6 TRADE MARK CAUTION. HOTTCB is hereby given that Messrs GUTKRIK C /MPANY IJMITKD. of B tery Road, Singapore, Stntlto Settlements, and S3 to .M, Oraoechurch Street. Lond Kogland are the tote proprietors of the following Trade Marks (MSB UFI (Wt) !BICYCLE/^9y!\jHAligJ used in connection with Tinned Milk. ,f, ft _The
      362 words

  • 877 7 "Heavy Hydrogen." TO AID IN SPLITTING THE ATOM? Much scientific attention Is being concentrated at the moment on a newly discovered type of hydrogen, described as heavy hydrogen," assordlng to a correspondent of The Times. The President of the Royal Society spoke of it at the anniversary
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  • 450 7 World-Wide Range. TELL-TALE WORDS IN LATEST LEXICON. Some of the novelties introduced into the English tongue during the last 50 years were mentioned by the President of Magdalen College, Oxford (Mr. George Gordon), at a luncheon at the Goldsmiths' Hall to commemorate the publication of the Supplementary
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  • 128 7 Separated Husband's Liability. A man separated from his wife applied to the Willesden magistrate recently for the maintenance order to be annulled. His wife, he said, was earning at least twice as much as he was, and while she was not called upcu to pay Income-tax, all her
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  • 152 7 Two European* and ten natives wer« hurled to death in a mine shaft on Dec. 19. writes the Johannesburg correspondent of the Morning Post. Death was practically Instantaneous. The men were working in what Is destined to be the world's deepest shaft at the Crown Mines. Beginning
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 445 7 c -[frills of living in a great Commercial AIR PORT such as SINGAPORE will be! vArl lUL j The Famous Star of "The DAWN PATRO L" now presented in a DARING I ~~1 Vis NIN 6 V° D 9 A i 5! P" FIRST NATIONAL Adventure of CIVIL AVIATION (IK
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  • 208 8 Rubber Down All Round. <From Our Financial Correspondent.)! Singapore, Wednesday. Today's Prices: Rubber, 13 Vi cts., down ci. Tin, $1 14.37 '/z, down 25 cts. Gold, £6 75.. up IOdV Yesterday's Prices:— I Rubber, London 4 9/32 d.. down 1 16 d. New York, B'/g cUu, down
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  • 67 8 Noon, Jan. 3. R.S.S. equal to London Standard: Buyers. Sellers. Spot (loose) 1814 135' 8 (F. 0.8.) 13% 14 Standard R.S.S. on Tender: Buyers. Sellers. Jan. 13-y 8 1334, Feb.-Mar. 13% 13% Apr.-June 14 14>/ B July-Sept. 14V4, 14% Tone of Market: Quiet Steady. Latest
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  • 198 8 Singapore, Jan. 3, 12 notim. Buyer Seller Gambler 4.00 Jfcva Cube 6.50 Hamburg Cube 6.50 Muntok White Pepper 28.00 28.00 White Pepper 27.00 Black Pepper 15.50 Mixed Black Pepper Copra, sundrled 3.00 Copra, mixed 2.35 2.35 Small Flake Tapioca 4.75 Fair Flake Tapioca 4.55 Mcd Pearl Tapioca 5.25 Small
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      • 450 8 Issue Val. Pd. £1 £1 Asani Kumbang £1 £1 Austral Malay 5/- 5A Ayer Hitam Tir 1 1 Ayer Weng £1 £1 Bangrin Tin 1 1 Batang Padang 1 1 Batu Caves £1 £1 Changkat Tin £1 £1 Chenderiang 50 50 Hitam Tin 1 1 Hong Fatt 5/- 5/-
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      • 280 8 Issue Val. Pd. Buyers 1 1 Malacca Electric Ord. 1.30 1 1 Malacca Electric Pref. 180 10 10 Maynard Co. 2.90 1 1 Malayan Breweries 0.95 50 50 McAlister Co. 75.25 10 5 Overseas Ass. Corp. 5.15 40 40 Overseas Ch. Bk. Corp. 18.35 1 1 Raffles Hotel 0.60
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      • 137 8 Singapore Municipal 5 p.c. of 1901 red. 1940 $400,000 106 108 nom. Singapore Municipal 41/2 p.c. of 1909 red. 1955 $1,000,000 106 108 nom. Singapore Municipal 4% p.c. of 1907 red. 1947 $1,600,000 105 107 nom. Singapore Municipal 4 p.c. of 1913 red. 1963 $2,000,000 102 103
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      • 378 8 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. Today's Prices Fraser Lyall Evatt Co. Ailenby ($1) 0.90 1.00 0.80 0.90 Alor Gajah (|1) 0.60 0.70 0.60 0.70 A. Hitam (?1) 0.93 0.98 0.85 1.00 A. Kuning ($1) 0.15 0.20 0.15 0.20 A. Malay ($2) 1.80 1.90 1.50 1.75
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    • 911 8 Fraser And Co.'s Review Of 1933. Frase* and Co. 'a review of business In the local share market, during last year, states: Business In the local share market during the past week has been on a ■mall scale only, the seasonal dislocation of activities being In evidence owing
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  • 120 8 Tongkal and Djambl (Tob») 3 v m Banks Island. Pladjoe Paicmbang (Thedens) 3 n.m. Pontianak (Khoen Hoea) 3 p.m. Ceylon, Egypt Europe (Aden) 3 p.m. North, N.-Eaat «c N.-West Sumatra (Van Heutsz) 4 p m. Bangkok (Hafthor) 4 p.m. Philippine Islands. China and Japan (Annam) 4 p.m.
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  • 218 8 The following are the exchange rates this morning, according to the daily circular issued by the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation SELLING. London, 4 months' sight 2/4 3/64 London, 3 months' sight 2/4 1/32 London, 60 days' sight 2/4 1/64 London, 30 days' sight 2/4 London, demand
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  • 21 8 Mails from Batavia and Palembars* by aeroplane are expected at the General Post Office, Singapore at 5 p.m. today.
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  • 29 8 From Europe (London malls dispatched Dec. 14) by Ranpura due at Penang 9 a.m. tomorrow. From China and Japan by Bengal Maru due at Singapore on Friday.
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  • 41 8 The rate of issue is Rs. 154 $U'i). The rate of payment is Rs. 158=$100. The rate of payment is the rate current on the day of receipt of Hie Money Order Advice by the Strain Settlements Post Office.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 64 8 ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE WEEK. Wednesday. January S. Rotary Tiffin. Speaker, Dr. C. Buotlne Oft Western Australia Adelphi Hotel. 1 p.m. Police Band, Br'anlcal Gardens 5 p.m. Friday, Janaar* 5. Police Band, K&tong Park 5 p.m. Eurasian Association, general meeting, s.R.C, Jan. 9, S.15 p.m. Sporting events wlU oe to nd
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    • 421 9 Samuel Montagu Go's Report. Samuel Montagu and Co.'s report dated London Dec. 6, states: Gold. The Bank of England gold reserve against notes amounted to £190.638,373 on Nov. 29, an Increase of £99,939 as compared with the previous Wednesday. Large amounts of gold were offered In the
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    • 198 9 Employment Situation Improved. For the seventh consecutive month Government statistics for the beginning of November show a further substantial improvement In employment, and nearly all other business Indices also point to a steady Improvement. The employment Index number was 91.3 on November 1, a gain of
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    • 324 9 Closing Quotations In London. (Prom Our Own Correspondent). London, Jan. 2. Closing quotations today of the principal British stocks are given below:— The rise or fall is in relation to the price of Dec. 28. GOVERNMENT STOCKS, BRITISH. Rise or Fall Conversion Loan 5% 116.9/1* -J
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    • 267 9 Lewis And Peat's Report. Lewis and Peat's rubber report, r>ated Dec. 29 states: Prices have ;-een well maintained over the holidays '.n£ \alues for Spot delivery have advanced appreciably during the week. This may be due to Restriction being In tfce air, but also it may be
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    • 46 9 Joint Sino-American Enterprise Nanking. Dec. 24. The Ministry of Industries is understood to have accepted in principle the scheme formulated by Ford interests for the construction of a Ford factory in China as a joint SinoAmerican enterprise. Details remain to be discussed. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  46 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 625 9 BANKING. NEDERLANDSCH INDISCHE HAMDELSBANK N. V. Established '8c: at Anxterdam. Au Ised Cat 1 Oldc. 100.000,000 P*k> Up Capital Olds- 55,000,000 Reserves Olds. 25.691,119 HEAD OFFICE: AMSTERDAM. BRANCH OFFiCES: THE HAGUE ROTTERDAM. OVERSEAS BRANCHES. Batavla: Head Office for Dutch East Indies. BRANCH OFFICES: DUTCH SAS IND Tlr S: Atnpenan, Bani«nf.
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    • 407 9 MALAYA RUBBER STATISTICS The following statistics relating 10 acreages of tappable rubber not tapped on estates of 100 acres and over, for the month ended Nov. 30, have been Issued by the Registrar-General of Statistics. ACREAGES OF TAPPABLE RUBBER NOT TAPPED Acreage of On Estates which have entirely On Estates
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    • 345 9 BANKING. NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL-MAATSCHAPPIJ, N.V. (NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY.) Established in Amsterdam 1824. HEAD OFFICE: AMSTERDAM t*H BRANCHES IN ROTTERDAM AND THE HAGUE BATAVIA. Branches thrcughc .t .i.c Dutch East Indl and In the Straits Settlements. India, China. Japan and Arabia. LONDON BANKERS: The National ProTincial Bank. Limited. Correspondent* in ths principal
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    • 55 10 CHEW— CHEW LENQ CHOO— Aged 81 years, beloved mother of Chia Soon Kirn and grandmother of Chia Choo Seah, at her residence No. 29 Exeter Road, off Killiney Road. Relatives and friends are requested not to send scrolls. Funeral on Saturday. January 6, 1934, at 2.30 p.m. to Buklt
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    • 24 10 The relatives of the late Mrs. C. Webb desire to thank those who attended her funeral and also those who sent floral tributes.
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  • 1017 10 The Straits Times. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 3, 1934. NEW YEAR TRIBUTES. Malaya takes but a modest place in the New Year honburs list published yesterday, and no doubt there will be the usual heartburnings among those who persuade themselves that for some incomprehensible reason the proper claims of this country,
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  • 642 10 CABLE RATES. The Increased cost of a 10- word code telegram Is not so great as would appear from the article "Cables Cost More which was published in yesterday's Straits Times, owing to the fact that words In address and signature are not subject to the
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  • 108 10 Singapore. ALHAMBR*. You Mado Me Love You. With Stanley Luplno St Thelma Todd. 6.15—9.15. CAPITOL Central Airport. With Richard Barthelmess Sally EUers. 6.15 9.15. GREAT WUKLD Cabaret—While Paris Sleeps Soup to Nuto. Also The Mad Genius. MAKLBOKOIGH Arizona To Broadway. With James Dunn <b Joan Bennett. 6.15—9.15. PAVILION Heads
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  • 702 10 STATISTICS. Although the average man or woman has little love for statistics some people revel inthem. One mathematician, for instance, has gone to the trouble of working out the exact population of Heaven and has ascertained that it was filled 700 years ago. This being so, he
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 95 10 Ifm |l Lj *W^K \m W t m I sWsWsT .ssfl 11 ■^■^s^mlm f VI W fetf^fkJSir Tit NO FINER WHISKY GOES INTO ANY BOTTLE SOLE \< -r M JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (l-eorporied .n E-gla-a) SINGAPORE, KUALA LUMPUR, PENANG and IPOH. A »fc^^fc»P ii is i i a v
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    • 195 10 A LARGE SELECTION OF GOWNS FOR EVERY OCCASION ALWAYS ON VIEW. 2ND FLOOR, MAYNARD'S BUILDING, 11. Battery XL PHONE SIM. A SCREW LOOSE?"" Never Bind, take It to D. M. GRANT CO, Large or small motor repairs. Cars Stored While on Leave. CHARGES MODERATE. 11 Cavenach Read. Phone 7W. AliAN—
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  • 330 11 HAGUE SCEPTICISM OVER RUBBER RESTRICTION. PRODUCERS STILL DIVIDED. Basic Production Year And Export Scale. SMUGGLING DANGER. No Faith In Reported Conference Progress. Despite reports of progress at rubber "restriction conferences prominent rubber producers at The Hague are sceptical, declaring there is as yet m unanimity on two questions: the basic
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  • 99 11 Rein On Alleged Spending Mania. Rome, Dec. 30. The Courts have refused to put a rein on Madame Tetrazzinl. alleged "to have a morbid mania for prodigality." The complainant was her husband, Signor Vernatti, who is 29 years her Junior and who is anxious to prevent her dissipating the
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 90 11 Troops Controlled By Wireless. Poona, Jan. 1. nn unique parade by wireless was carried out by 3,000 troops at the annual proclamation of King George as King Emperor here today. The entire front moved as one man in response to an invisible commander. The commanding offfcer, who was
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 48 11 Death Of Pierre de la Gorce At Age Of 88. Paris, Dec. 3. The death has taken place of the famous historian, the "88-year-old Pierre de la Gorce. who was author of the history of the second Republic, the second Empire and the French Revolution. Reutcr.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 204 11 $1,000,000 Damage. ANIMALS ESCAPE FROM ZOO. Los Angeles, Jan. 2. Thirty-one people were killed, 19 are missing, and many were injured while thousands are homeless in California floods following a cloudburst. The floods are the worst for 56 years The damage Is estimated at $1,000,000. Traffic
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  • 116 11 Second 5-Year Plan Outlined. Moscow, Dec. 30. The programme for the second FiveYear Plan to make the Soviet Union a rival of her most powerful neighbours has been published and provides that the volume of production at the end of 1937, compared with 1932, (when the First Five-
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 72 11 New Judicial Committee Member. Rugby, Jan. 1. The King has been pleased to approve the appointment of the Right Honourable Sir Lancelot Sanderson to be a member of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council under the Jurisdiction Act 1920 in place ctf the Right Honourable Sir George
    British Wireless  -  72 words
  • 74 11 Growing Employment Due To Better Trade. London. Jan. 1. More cheerful figures of growing employment due to the recovery in trade are contained in the Ministry of Labour's returns published tonight. Over 10.000,000 insured persons between the ages of 16 and 64 were employed on Dec. 18 last.
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 38 11 US. Women Flyers Aloft Almost 238 Hours. Miami. Dec. 30. Two American airwomen, Mrs. Frances Marsalls and Miss Helen Relchey, have landed after establishing a women's air endurance record of 237 hours 42 minutes— Reuter" Wireless.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 55 11 London, Jan. 1. One of England's most revered clerics, the Bishop of Ely, has died at the age of 70. He never recovered from the shock of the death of his son, Mr. White Thompson, one of the four Eton masters killed while mountaineering in the
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • Article, Illustration
    53 11 CARS HALF BURIED IN SNOW.— A succession of heavy snowfalls has left a coverin* several feet deep o n the main road through Provence, France. Cars were burled up to the raudruards, and aU progress was arrested. At least 300 vehicles of all kinds were brought to a standstill. Picture
    air mail  -  53 words
  • 567 11 Many Women Figure In Honours List. Further details of the New Year honours are contained In the following message: London. Jan. 1. Apart from the usual recognition of political and public work, the New Year Honours list distributes favours over a wide field of
    British Wireless  -  567 words
  • 184 11 Trial Begins Before Special Court Mldnapore, Jan. 2. The trial opened before a special tribunal today of 13 prisoners, most of whom are students, charged with conspiracy in connection with the* assassination on Sept. 2 last of Mr. Burge, District Magistrate of Mldnapore. One of the prisoners,
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  • 159 11 Scholarships For Poor Children. A life-long sacrifice of self-interest is associated with the bequest to Aberdeen University, for the foundation of scholarships for poor boys and girls of the residue (estimated at between £5,000 and £6,000) of the estate of the late Mr. William Craig, a working upholsterer
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  • 101 11 Representative Exhibition In London. Rugby, Dec. 30. An exhibition of British art which will open on Jan. 6 covers the .period from 900 to 18$0 tod will comprise, the most representative survey ever jhbwn. Some 1,550 objects will be exhibited and by far the most Import--ant lender is
    British Wireless  -  101 words
  • 20 11 Death \fc**nown .PlOVdroC. Vienna, Jan. 1. The death has occurred of the .well-known novelist. Jacob Wasserman- Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 18 11 Washington, Dec. 30. Mr. Grenville Emmet has been appointed Minister to the Netherlands. 1 —Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 513 11 Federal Reserve. OPPOSING CONTROL BY TREASURY. New York, Jan. 2. A fierce gold war Is impending In regard to the Treasury's control of the gold holdings of the Federal Reserve Banks, to which the latter is bitterly opposed, declaring it to be a shyster trick,"
    Reuter  -  513 words
  • 85 11 Large Borrowing From Bank Of England. London, Dec. 30. On the money market this i ast week, Hie main incident was the .large borrowing from the Bank of England for the end-of-the-year commitments and usual window-dressing .operations for balance sheet purnoses. No undue pressure was experienced and the
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 20 11 London, Dec. 30. The death is announced of the surgeon and cricketer. Six Montague CotterW— Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 188 11 Increasing Output Of British Factories. NEW TYPES TESTED. Demand By Foreign Government Two of Great Britain's leading aircraft factories are steadily increasing their output, supplying the British and foreign governments. They are also conducting experiments with new types of machines. London, Jan. 1. British as well as
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  188 words
  • 86 11 Found Buried In Park Near Melbourne. Sydney. Jan. 1. The bell of the famous German cruiser Emden, which was stolen from the war museum here in April and believed to have been taken to Germany, has been found in a park on the outskirts of Melbourne by a
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 75 11 French Action To Reduce Cotton Imports. ixmdon, Jan. 2. Exports of cotton piece goods and yarns to France will be seriously affected, says the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, by the official announcement made In Paris on Dec. 31, the effect of which is to reduct the allotments to
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 65 11 New Chinese Minister To Portugal. Lisbon, Jan. 2. Mr. Chang Hsln-hai. the Chinese Minister, in presenting his credentials to the President, dwelt on the long cultural and commercial contact between the Chinese and Portuguese and emphasized that the Portuguese were among the earliest foreigners to open relations with
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements

  • 633 12 Warm Welcome For Governor And Family. Sir Cecil Gementi and his family received a warm welcome on their arrival at Medan on Friday. Almost immediately upon arrival, Sir Cecil dementi was in telephonic communication with his relatives in Great Britain. The Deli Coarant in a
    633 words
  • 361 12 Largely Attended Funeral At Bidadari. •fhe death took place on New Years Day. at No. 1-6, Bukit Timah Road, Singapore, (the residence of her daughter. Mrs. H. C. Brett) of Mrs. Lilian Harriet Martha Webb, widow of the late Mr. C. L. Keyworth and wife of Mr C.
    361 words
  • 30 12 Mr S. F. Fredericks, hospital assistant Oracle I of the General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. Is retiring from Government service, at the end of this month, after about 25 years' service.
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  • 125 12 Women Who Carried Chandv In Rubber Tubes. Two Chinese women with $400 worth of contraband chandu in rubber tubes wound round their waists and legs were arrested by a revenue officer. Charged in the criminal district court before Mr. V. A. Worley yesterday the two women pleaded guilty
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  • 93 12 Letter To Coroner On Dying Man. A Chinese was found dying In the Alkaff Gardens, Serangoon Road yesterday, and It was suspected he had committed suicide by drinking poison. This was confirmed when a letter addressed to the Coroner was found In a poc let. The
    93 words
  • 37 12 Our Seremban correspondent states that Mr J Llnehan, who returns from leave shortly, will take up the appointment of District Officer and Chairman, Sanitary Board. Seremban, when Inche Hamzah bin Abdullah proceeds on leave, early this month.
    37 words
  • 176 12 Bernardi'g Mission To China. The report that he was going out to China as aviation Instructor to the Nanking Government was denied by Commander Mario de Bernardl, the well-known Italian flyer and winner of the 1926 Schneider Trophy race in Hampton Roads, when he passed through Singapore yesterday
    176 words
  • 43 12 When a Chinese found floating in the sea off the Esplanade yesterday afternoon was brought ashore it was discovered that life was extinct. There was nothing to Indicate the man's Identity or how he came to be in the sea.
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  • 44 12 The engagement is announced of Mr. Ellis M. Ezeklel, of the firm of M. Ezeklel and Sons, Singapore and Bat a via, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Ezeklel, of Singapore, and Bertl, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Hertz, of Dortmund, Germany.
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  • 272 12 Where Ex-Students' Interests Are Watched. Australia was first into the slump and she will be the first out of it. That is the belief of Dr. M. A. Buntine, headmaster of Hale School, Perth, West Australia, who is spending a holiday in Singapore. Of course Australia has an
    272 words
  • 13 12 Mr. N. Raghavan, c' Penang, left for India recently on a short holiday.
    13 words
  • 390 12 Alleged Assault By Aerodrome Coolies. Evidence of an assault with boiling water was given yesterday before Mr. N. Grlce, the second magistrate. ITie alleged assault on police constables at the Civil Aerodrome resulted In eight Chinese— Chwee Poi, Hor Hoi, Wong Wah, Chow Kuan. Lam Kee,
    390 words
  • 310 12 i Admiralty Half-Yearly List. The following Is a list of the halfyearly promotions issued from the g Admiralty, to date Dec. 31, 1933. Commander to Captain.— E. C. Thornton, D.S.C. A. W. S. Agar. V.C., D.S.O. H. E. Morse, D.S.O. L. V. Morgan. M.V.0.. DSC. A. G. B.
    310 words
  • 71 12 Constable And Hawker Charged. Haroon bin Hadji Sldik. a police constable, was charged before Mr. Norman Grlce, yesterday with accepting a bribe from a hawker. Accused claimed trial, explaining that he did not ask for it. Hearing was Axed for Jan. 5,, ball being allowed in $100. The
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  • 588 12 SELANGOR EDUCATION IN THE NINETIES. "I should like to suggest that an education, without school fees, at the Victoria Institution, should be available to all who have passed the third standard at a vernacular school (this standard Includes reading and writing in the Roman character).
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  • 126 12 Larvae Breeding In Vicinity Of Barracks. Command orders dated Jan. 2 states: Owing to the recent neavy ra'nfall. mosquito larvae have been reported as breeding in the vicinity of barrack rooms and bungalows. Dengue is only caused by the bite ol the black and white mosquito (steg-o-myla). This mosquito
    126 words
  • 56 12 A notable feature of the December issue of the Ex-Services Association of Malaya Magazine is the excellence of the many pictures, which include Armistice day scenes in several parts of the world. Also among the pictures Is the Masonic peace memorial, one of London's moat magnificent buildings. The
    56 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 96 12 ANOTHER COOPER PRODUCT! DILUTES ONE PART TO 600 PARTS WATER Municipal is guaranteed by test 18 to 22 times more powerful than pure Carbolic Acid and six times as strong as common types of cheap disinfectants but nowhere near six times the price. It is a real necessity for Rubber
      96 words

  • 457 13 Special Design For Air Mail Issues. Under the newly constituted Postal Board which commenced operations on Jan. 1, the Straits Settlements <md F.M.S. are to have a new issue of stamps. These will probably not be circulated until about the end of the year.
    457 words
  • 46 13 Mr. and Mrs. Roland Braddell with their daughter have left by the Conte Verde for Hong Kong where they will be the guests of Mr. Eu Tong Sen, at his house in Repulse Bay. They do not expect to return before the end of this month.
    46 words
  • 109 13 Animal Dealer Fined For Cruelty. Akramkhan, a dealer in animals who came to Singapore to purchase several specimens for a Burmese zoo, pleaded guilty yesterday to two charges of causing unnecessary suffering and storing animals without a licence and was fined $40. or two
    109 words
  • 135 13 Alleged Deal In Stolen Property. After a protracted hearing, the trial] was concluded this morning before Mr. Norman Grice, the second magistrate, In which two Tamils, Kallapan and Athlmulan, were charged in j respect of some Jewellery alleged to have been stolen from a woman Chellamma. The first
    135 words
  • 138 13 Great Britain's Enormous Smoke Bill. More than £2,000,000 is spent every year by property owners in Great Britain to repair the damage done to buildings by smoke. This Is revealed in a special memorandum Just issued to all housing authorities by the National Smoke Abatement Society. The
    138 words
  • 328 13 Successful Singapore And Penang Candidates. Mr. Bernard H. Y. Meggs of Singapore and Mr. Keong Slew Tong of Penang are this year's successful Queen's Scholarship candidates. Bernard Meggs is the son of Mr. O. 8. Meggs, manager of the Boustead Institute for Seamen. He was born
    328 words
  • 92 13 Alleged Misuse Of Title. R. A. Gill, a smartly-dressed North Indian, giving his address as the Metropole Hotel, appeared this morning before Mr. J. M. Brander, the fourth magistrate, to answer two charges preferred against him by Detective Inspector J. E. Tolmle. The first one was wilfully and
    92 words
  • 124 13 Mr. G. W. Seatridge returned from Java by the K.N.I.L.M. plane yesterday. Mr. J. Green, formerly of Ipoh, has been appointed acting Controller, Posts and Telegraphs, Penang. Mr. R. P. 8. Walker, headmaster, King Edward VII School, Talplng, has left for home on furlough. The Hon. Mr.
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  • 191 13 COUPON SYSTEM IN COFFEE-SHOP. COFFEE-SHOP. Weekly Drawings. PRIZES OFFERED FOR TICKETS. (Prom Out Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Jan. 2. Details of an ingenious but illegal system of lottery adopted by the proprietor of a coffeeshop to attract custom were revealed In the police court this morning when Ong Bong Seng, the
    191 words
  • 136 13 Connaught Drive Robbery. An alleged attempt at highway robbery in broad daylight resulted in two Chinese, Wee Tian Chang and Ong Chal Kan, being charged before Mr. R. J. F. Curtis, the third magistrate, with armed robbery. Another man, Swee Pan, is charged with abetting. At the
    136 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 210 13 ANOTHER BRITISH 6 EM FOB OBR "HAPPY MOUTH jUStCIC London Press Reports KllmUflHl Dll Tha t's Good Girl' a Real Film IrUVUHIUIII Triumph an outstanding success. Frequent bursts of applause— a most I unusual thing at a film first night rreeted several of the richly humorous IBr^F %A% comedy situations
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      97 words

  • Another Fine Display By Minns.—Singapore Preparing For Final.
    • 290 14 Singapore To Meet The Command. Singapore, who will meet Penang in the final of the Malaya Cup competition on Saturday, Jan. 13, will have their final try-out on Saturday when they will be opposed to the Malaya Command on the padang. It will be recalled that
      290 words
    • 445 14 Then Beat Command Fifteen In Friendly. Public Services .11: Command .3, Command Officers were unable to raise a representative team in the S.C.C. Rugby tournament fixture yesterday against the Public Services and conceded a walk-over. The Air Force flayers could not get over from Seletar for
      445 words
  • Article, Illustration
    22 14 Competitors in the firls' race over 50 yards at the annual athletic sports meeting of the employees at the Opium Packing Plant.
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 14 One of the most amusing events at the annual New Year's Day Sea Sports is the cock-fighting.
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  • 1352 14 Blackheath's Narrow Win Over Leicester. fFrom bur Own Correspondent.) London, Dec. 12. In many places in the South 01 England at the week-end there was from 5 to 20 degrees of frost and dozens of matches had to be cancelled or postponed in consequence
    1,352 words
  • 126 14 The following have been invited to play Rugby for S.C.C. vs. P.S.R.F.C. "B" to-day, at S.C.C. A. P. Craigle; D. Alexander, R. N. Jack. R. J. S. Davies, P. H. Harrison; H. Mills, H. L. Davies; J. R. MacDougall, W. N. Rothery. J. E. C. Mitchell, B. H.
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  • 788 14 Secret Of Successful Passing. Members of the Shanghai Rugby Union Football Club have been Issued recently with an excellent printed series of notes on Rugby football, says the N.C.D. News. These are concise and to the point and should be of value to every player who
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  • 30 14 The annual cricket meeting of the S.C.C. will be held in the Club lounge on Tuesday, Jan. 16, at 6.45 p.m. All members interested are requested to attend.
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  • 34 14 International Rugby Encounter. Paris, Jan. 1. Over 20,000 spectato-s saw France beat Germany by 12 points to 3 in a Rugby football match at the Colombes Stadium here today.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 42 14 England Beaten In Tennis Tests. Melbourne, Jan. r In the third lawn tennis test Australia beat England by nine matches to three and thus won the rubber having also proved successful in the second test, England taking the initial one.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 66 14 The annual football meeting of the S.C.C. will be held in the Club lounge on Tuesday, Jan. 9. at 6.45 p.m. All members Interested are requested to attend. By beating R. C. F. Nichols at the Crystal Palace Club, D. C. Hume retained his South of England badminton
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  • 186 14 Today. January 3. SAP A. Annual Meeting, A.R. Stadium, 5.30. Rugby: S.C.C. "B". vs. Public Servires XV. Padang: Wiltshire Regt. "A" vs. R.A. P. "A." TangUn. Hockey: S.C.C. Ist vs. S.R.C. Ist S.C.C. Padang; Wiltshire, vs. Police, Tanglin; Indian Assn. vs. Ceylon 5.0.. I. A. grid.; Raffles College
    186 words
  • 46 14 Hillhead Too Good For Mcl rose. London, Jan. 1. The following were the results of Rugby matches played today: Hawlck 6 Herlot's FP. 0 H'h'd HJS.F.P. 35 Melrose 9 Royal H.S.F.P. 17 Gala 5 Selkirk 10 S'wafs C F.P. 9 Watsonlans 6 Newport 8
    46 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 38 14 r"ALHAMBRAr TO-'mORROwT]" \y SOMERSET MAUGHAM'S"weII known Romance of Malaya— ""j "The NARROW CORNER" with doug. Fairbanks, Jnr. and patricia ellis A new alluring adventure of a beautifrl jungle jr-.irl. By the famous author of "RAIN" and "THE LETTER"
      38 words

  • Partick Thistle Hold The Rangers.—India's Changes For Second Test.
    • 633 15 Derby County Overwhelmed Cup Holders. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 1. Harper, the Rovers centreforward, got the only goal which defeated Tottenham in their first Division match at Blackburn on New Year's Day. It was a terrific struggle from start to finish, with the
      Reuter  -  633 words
    • 361 15 Calcutta, Jan. 2. i The three-day match between the M.C.C. tourists and an Indian eleven ended here In a draw. India scored 168, Nichols taking four wickets for 34, and the M.C.C. declared with 279 for five, B. H. Valentine making 74 and Nlchol
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  • Article, Illustration
    12 15 A contrast In styles during the hurdle race at the Land sports.
    12 words
  • Article, Illustration
    18 15 The children's race at the New Year's Day land sports which were held on the Anson Road Stadium.
    18 words
  • 765 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Dec. 12. Despite the fact that practically every ground was heavily frost-bound, the full hockey programme was carried out at the week-end and It Included three Important Trial matches as well as a county game in which Northumberland beat Westmoreland by
    765 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 15 lit* in rrssion* at lUe Upturn Packing .t athletic meeting in the eaarm ul Lh» «xr and tpomi rac*>
    19 words
  • 96 15 Bradman Aggregates 1,000 Runs. Sydney, Jan. 2. Don Bradman scored a sparkling 253 against Queensland in a Sheffield Shield match and also aggregated his 1,000 runs for the sixth successive season. This feat is unprecedented in Australia. He played a characteristic, innings, with daring driving
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 116 15 K.G.C. New Year's Day Competition. Twelve cards were taken out for the New Year's Day approaching and rutting competition at Keppel Golf Club, which resulted In a win for A. Farahar with a score of 27. January Medal and Spoon. The womens January spoon (stroke) competition will be
    116 words
  • 427 15 Tenth Olympiad At Manila In May. China, Japan and the Philippine Islands are now In the course of extensive preparations for the coming Far Eastern Olympic Games, which will be held at »he Philippines in May next year. The Far Eastern Athletic Association which is the Contest
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 25 15 v v^^^^^^^^cvHsHbszxbXZ uiiiiiiiiiii^KMyi ."Tp-^j fJfILV 7 ♦JT*^ VWtltfWtHWtt i^L^LV^SLSM^V*-' 1 HHM4HJ JB^ /VTTy jj 1 1 11 V\ lit I I II ill l|o||"rt|YY^l*Cs fx^T^
      25 words

    • 1835 16 The Eventful Reign Of The Dalai Lama 'Assembly Supports The Is. 6d. Rupee Congress Is Still Without A Policy Cotton Agreement With Japan Likely Soon How India Lost Tlie First Cricket Test. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Dec. 23. Th" news of the death of the Dalai
      1,835 words
    • 561 16 Report Of Committee. PROPOSAL FOR HIGH COURT. If carried into effect, the recommendations of the committee presided' over by Mr. J. A. Hubback, I as.. which Inquired Into administrative problems Incidental to the creation of the new Orissa province, will Involve a capital expenditure of
      561 words
    • 226 16 Twenty-Eight Persons Killed. Madras, Dec. 19. Chidambaram town was probably the worst sufferer from the cyclone which passed over Madras Presidency during the last week-end. Many houses and public buildings collapsed, trees were uprooted and the town's water supply was temporarily cut off. Cattle
      226 words
    • 123 16 Elephants Dead In A Field. Madura, Dec. 19. A hera or fourteen elephants lying dead in a cornfield wa3 the astonishing sight witnessed on Sunday morning by villagers of Lower Goodalore, in Perlyakulam taluk, in the Madura district. During the night the herd had descended on the cornfield,
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    • 80 16 Room For Development In America. Colombo, Dec. 19. That Ceylon's pepper and cardamom trade with the United States is capable of being developed to a considerable extent, is the opinion of Mr. W. A. Beer, Honorary Trade representative to the U.S.A., which Is contained in his report
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    • 76 16 Over-Production Of Law Members. New Delhi. Dec. 20. In the course of the debate on the Reserve Bank Bill in the Assembly today Dewan Bahadur A. Ramaswaml Mudaliar said that Bengal had not worked anything successfully "except successively producing Law Members." Mr. H. P. Mody: There has
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    • 82 16 Son Of Retired Police Officer Arrested. Comilla, Dec. 19. The house of a retired sub-inspector of police at Blnauti, police station Kasba, was searched on Sunday morning and an unilcenstd revolver, and eleven cartridges are ..aid to have been seized from Jnanabrtta Ghosh, a son of the
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    • 198 16 Rice Trade Affected. HOW BURMA WILL SUFFER. Rangoon, Dec. 24. China has recently Imposed a duty on a number of imports Including rice. This affects the rice trade In Burma, and a representative of The Rangoon Times who made inquiries among the leading rice dealers in Rangoon
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    • 108 16 Commercial Production Prospects Remote. New Delhi, Dec. 20. The Government of Bengal have taken no steps to survey the sea board of Bengal for the purpose of starting factories and warehouses, said Sir George Schuster replying to a questloi by Mr. S. C. Mitra in the Assembly today.
      108 words
    • 98 16 Address By Corporation And Indian Merchants. Madras. Dec. 20. A civic address was presented to Mr. Gandhi, who arrived here this morning from Bezwada. The Mayor (Mr. W. W. Ladden) expressed particular pleasure In welcoming one who was keenly interested in civic problems, especially the elevation
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    • 107 16 Bombay Corporation's Decision. Bombay, Dec. 20. Dr. Jeevaraja N. Mehta, who was refused an extension of leave while in jail for a political offence, has, on his release, given an assurance to the Standing Committee of the Bombay Municipal Corporation that he will devote the whole of his
      107 words
    • 53 16 Mr. Gandhi's Visit To Masulipatam. Masulipatam, Dec. 18. "If we make any distinction between high or low, touchable or untouchable, Hinduism wUI die" declared Mr. Gandhi who yesterday opened five temples at Masulipatam and collected Rs. 3,850 besides Jewellery. The total collections so far in Andhra amount
      53 words
    • 260 16 Opening Of Centra! Depot Ceylon. Dec. 22. The establishment of a Central Depot In Colombo for the -ale of country rice of all grades, which has been discussed for a considerable time .past, will be an accomplished fact when the Minister of Agriculture and Lan-«s, Mr. D.
      260 words
    • 157 16 Referendum Suggested By Mr. Nariman. Bombay. Dee. 20. The suggestion tnat a referendum should be taken on the present Congress policy is made by Mr. K. V. Nariman In a statement U. the Press. Mr. Nariman says that the l~rue for a referendum will be a simple one.
      157 words
    • 114 16 Secretariat Officials To Be Punished. Lahore, Dec. 19. The following communique was issued today: "Following an inquiry by a responsible officer with the object of fixing the blame for the premature execution of a condemned prisoner in the Lahore Central Jail on November 21, the Gov-eraor-ln-Councll has come
      114 words
    • 112 16 100 copies a minute. Speedy and silent In action, this Duplicator Is capable of turning out one hundred copies a minute. The machine Is of a particularly solid construction. By means of the variable pressure lever fitted to the machine, the density of copies can be varied
      112 words

  • The Straits Times Wireless Supplement
    • 1625 17 INDOOR AERIALS. AM ANY people, (or one reason or an- other, are unable to erect an outdoor aerial, and have to make the beat of what they can erect Indoors. An Indoor aerial can be quite efficient, provided the buildings Is not steelframed but even In a steel-framed building results
      1,625 words
    • 1498 17 Broadcasting And Prohibition. nPHK imminent repeal of prohibition In the United States presents a pretty problem to the directors of broadcasting who are responsible for advertising policy. Apart from the major networks, there are flve hundred Independent or affiliated stations, and many of them are being urged by distillers and
      1,498 words
    • 564 17 As a result of the knowledge and experience gained in the last 10 yean or more, It is possible to design a complete telephony or telegraphy transmission and reception system, the performance of which may be forecast with reasonable certainty. Nevertheless, there are still one or two factors
      564 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 163 17 Before you decide to buy a RADIO Receiver try the MODEL "T.M.1." You will be aitontehed at the wonderful performance and simplicity of operation. No outatde aerial fe required, a 8" length of wire b sufficient for BBC and ether tang fltMamn Station*. The 'Tall." la an an main* 7
      163 words

  • 1178 18 Britons Warned To Evacuate Fukien Province. Communists are reported to be looting in Foochow, capital of Fukien. As a result of the anti-foreign feeling, the foreigners are reported to have removed to their respective consulates for protection. Nanking has warned the British Government to evacuate
    1,178 words
  • 329 18 Terrorist's Warning. "OTHERS WILL BE ASSASSINATED." Bucharest, Dec. 30. M. Duca's assassin, Nlchola Constantlnescu, posed proudly for the photographers, quite unrepentant. He declares "It was my duty to kill him. and others remain to be assassinated.'' He charged the late Premier with sellIng himself to foreign
    Reuter  -  329 words
  • 259 18 Death Of Noted Chinese Diplomat. Hong Kong, Jan. 2. Mr. C. C. Wu. formerly Chinese Foreign Minister and Ambassador at Washington, has died from cerebral embolism.— Reuter. Mr. Wu Ch'ao Ch'u was only 47 years of age. He was a native of Kwangtung, and was educated
    259 words
  • 97 18 Wireless Message To •"■"X, Owners. London, Jan. 2. The master of the Sacramento VaUey wirelessed to the owners today that the fire aboard the vessel appears to be extinguished and the ship is proceeding.— Reuter. Fire broke out on Dec. 1 aboard the British steamer, Sacramento Valley
    97 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 116 18 ANOTHER SUPER-SPECIAL FROM GAUMONT-BRITISH I VEIL Mil DE SM DONALD AI lIIKOI' C'EDSK ntRDH'K'KK f^L SB S PKRt'Y PABSONS. j V I "By far the beat Aln of the weak la 9 B •Orden is Orders. Will ■■4enbUdly ssj be one of England's most successful 'S comedies. It baa that
      116 words
    • 271 18 ■■f '^BSBsl^^^^ IW^^BBBbI B^r^ BB^BBsi BBBBB.T SB.H Pepsodent polishes teeth as it removes film This lirwihlw s.i tiswi tooth paste farmes a rapid iujpiufeiiMut in the appearance of your teeth QOMI rooth mmss will nemo** thrrr mnfimpnmnf rhin^i mnwij •3 him, but they may barm tooth id keep teeth dean
      271 words

  • 2448 19 FLYING NOTES. Net© Twin-Engirud Transport Retractile Undercarriages Britain And Aerial Disarmament Air Minister's. Pronouncement A 1934 Light Biplane. London, Dec. 5. DEFENCE of London against aerial attack will be the primary duty In war emergency of the new "day and night" slngleseater
    2,448 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 80 19 MORE THAN I $4,000 I has already been GIVEN AWAY IN THE SUNDAY TIMES FREE ENTRY j FOOTBALL I COMPETITION. THE j BIG PRIZE I I OF $500 I HAS BEEN i WON SIX TIMES I and ANOTHER $500 i will be offered NEXT SUNDAY and Weekly Until Further Notice.
      80 words