The Straits Times, 27 August 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 36 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. No. 89. Sunday, August 27th^ 1933. Price 10 cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper in Malaya. No. 89. Sunday, August 27th., 1933. Price 10 cents.
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  • 239 1 F. M. S. EXECUTIONS TOO LONG DELAYED MOVE TO HASTEN SLOW PROCESS OF LAW (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. Are murderers n the F.M.S. kept too long in nxpectation of death? This question is being asked as a result of the execution
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  • Article, Illustration
    12 1 Mr. Samuel insuii in urn IMUI 9 Appeal at Athens last year.
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  • 91 1 Gen. Machado Denounced As Usurper Havana, Saturday. The new Cuban regime has begun and the provisional President, Senor Cespedes. issued a decree last night restoring the 1901 constitution, dissolving the National Congress, deposing all governors of provinces, denouncing Gen. Machado as a usurper and declaring all
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 197 1 Cash Prizes For Seven Sunday Times Readers last week's Home football produced a number of very surprising results which upset the forecasts in The Sunday Times $500 Football] Competition. The best entries received gave eight results correctly out of ten. and seven readers succeeded to this extent. They,
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  • 319 1 Insull Re-arrested In Athens America Requests Extradition On New Charge SAMUEL Insull, the American financier, after nearly a year's flight from justice, was once more arrested yesterday In Athens, his sanctuary during most of his absence from America, at the instance of the U.S. Government 'says Reuter). His extradition has
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  • 81 1 LONDON RUBBER TIN. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Saturday. RUBBFR. Market Closed. TIN. Spot £215 13s. 6d. Three months £215 7s. 6<L Market Firmer. SILVER. Spot 17 15/16 d. Two months 18 l/16d. CROSS RATE. London-New York, 4.654. New York-London, 4.62. New Yok opened in London at 4.67, but due
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  • 413 1 100 Clerks Forced To "Bread Line. GRIM ALTERNATIVE TO DISMISSAL Lower Wages In F.M.S. Service. HARVEST LIKELY FOR THE MONEYLENDERS (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. A lower standard of living and in many cases a breadline existence has been forced upon more than 100 former Government clerks. As
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  • 66 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) j 1 i Bangkok, Saturday. It has come to the notice Of Oofeminent that rumours are current of alteration in the exchange valve of the tlcal. The Government declares categorically that such rumours are without foundation. Th» announcement comt- as a relief to
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  • 423 1 GEN. CHAN RECANTS TOO LATE SECRET CONFERENCE OF LEADERS AT HONGKONG Hong Kong, Saturday. A SERIOUS rift in the South -West Government Is reported as a result 3f the opposition of Gen. Chan Chaltong, the virtual dictator of Kwangtung Province, to the holding of a Kuomintang
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 1 Taking aboard copies of the Straits Times for their history-making journey to K.L. by the Cutty Sark yesterday.
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  • 279 1 Unique Newspaper Delivery Singapore Journals Sent To X, L. By Air (From Our Own Correspondent.! 1 Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. A unique event in Malayan journalistic history occurred today when newspapers published in Singapore were distributed in Kuala Lumpur on the same day. The consignment of the Singapore Free Press arrived
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  • 37 1 Batavia. turday. IT is learned from well-in-formed rubber sources that Dutch East Indies interests have reached an agreement regarding rubber restriction. Further progress towards restriction is now dependent upon the attitude of IndoChina. Router.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 63 1 Noon, Saturday. R.S.S. equal to London Standard Tone of Market —lrregular. Latest Cable perlb. London Spot Sheet 3 11 iCd. New York Spot Sheet (Friday's close) G. eta. 7 1 Buyers Sellers Spot (loose) 12 3/16 12 5/16 (F.O.B.) WH ISM. Standard R.S.S. on Tender Buyers Sellers September
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 16 1 EIE OCEAN ACCII) -NT AN!) GUARANTEE CORPORATION, (Incorporated in Great Britain.) Head Office for Malaya HiM.AI'OKh
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    • 75 1 (v/ More Beautiful \S%) than Flowers V2**pvv Babies fed on Bear Brand Vy^T£A>^ cannot help being beau, tiful, for a Bear Brand fc^SpL baby is a healthy baby. If a. you wish you can feed your baby on Bear Brand f rom tne day of its birth. TOy BEAR BRAND
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  • 1252 2 Once Again. IT could hardly be mare appropriate. This commentary on newspaper advances in Malaya is being written within hearing of pounding "flatbeds," the hum of the biggest "rotary" in the country, the tap of busy typewriters, the "Jargon" of my colleagues— and, I outside, the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 162 2 What does he bring you Private letters, circulars, bills? Almost certainly bills. It would be rather nice, though, if you knew that one day he would begin to bring you a monthly cheque, big enough to pay these bills and leave plenty over to enjoy life on. You could then
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    • 1057 2 Five Hundred Dollars For Ten Results OR $100 FOR BEST FORECAST. Home Football Competition With No Entrance Fee. Here is the fourth of The Sunday Times football competitions in which Five Hundred Dollars is offered for ten correct results. In the event of two or more entries predicting correctly the
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 79 2 a, 1 ALTERING THE AERIAL jfifl BEFORE, IT WAS "W NOW Wt GET ?V MAS MADE. A \jA ONLY HEARD COMPLAINTS V 2 k*v T>r\T> WONDERFUL fjfih NEXT DOOR JinnW RIGHT DOWN Jfe>J 'vrt xv/r improvement i™ J0 mßml n Sa v the. mffiZ .Ova OUR RADIO, g N^ Wfiik
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  • 1716 3  -  Ely Culbertson J The WORLD of BRIDGE h World's Champion Pbywr and Greatest Card Analyst r'REEDINESS is an attribute of which most bridge players have an over-supply. If a hand can be defeated one trick immediately by earning a aign card, as a rule it ly
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  • 265 3 TEST your general knowledge by seeing how many of the following- questions you can answer correctly. Turn to Pare 5 to check your replies. GENERAL QUESTIONS. 1. What is mendacity? 2. What is pantomime? 3. What nation holds the mandate in Palestine? 4. What Is bumboat? 5.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 171 3 Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co.- Ltd. .'lncorporated in th* Straits Settlement!) HEAD OFFICE Great £uUrn Life Building, Cecil Street. Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 27, Ota Jewry, E.C, The Company hat £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 86 3 THE GENUS SPECIES TEST In this test there are the names of n objects, each of which denotes a specific kind of thing:. Decide th class to which each object belongs. For example, man is an animal, cucumber is a vegetable and so on. Write in the class, either animal,
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    • 72 3 TH) win this jit-saw rame adults must fit the 15 pieces together in 10 mlnutes; 16-year-old child 12 min; 12-year-old child 14 min; 8-year-old child 17 min. Cut out the pieces before you commence timing Puwle 1 No. 8. When the picture is completed we challenge you to rearrange aU
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  • 326 4 OFFERS BIG REWARD FOR RANSOM NOTES KIDNAP INSURANCE FOR AMERICANS NOW New York, Aug. 6. WHILF Colonel Lindbergh Is flying towards Europe with his wife, a new drive to solve the mystery of the kidnapping and murder of his baby is being directed
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  • 102 4 Speakers In London And Australia A meeting was held on July 26 at which speakers and audience were divided between a London hotel and an hotel in Sydney. New South Wales. The speeches were transmitted by long-distance wireless telephone and amplified through loud speakers. The occasion
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  • 246 4 DISAPPOINTED BY A REVELATION r r O hundred thousand people who flocked to the tiny village of Beauraing, in Belgium, believe that the Virgin Mary appeared on Aug. 5 in their midst and spoke, although they neither saw her nor heard her. They came in response
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  • 458 4 CARLTON House Terrace, the "Street of Millionaires" overlooking the Mall and St. James' Park, was the scene of a series of occurrences, strongly incongruous in such noble surroundings, throughout Bank Holiday week-end. The Duke of Marlborough's magnificent mansion, scene of many glittering social functions, was
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  • 646 4 I And Gives £5,000 To Orphans MISS Gracie Fields, one of the most generous-hearted of actresses, has been quick to share her latest piece of good fortune with others. As soon as It was announced that she had just signed a new film contract for
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  • 176 4 Road-Sweeper's Skull Shown At Inquest A section of a road-sweeper's skull. in which was embedded a bullet fired twenty years ago in a suicide attempt, was exhibited at the Inquest on Henry Hamshire, of Batters* v. found in the Thames at Putney with
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  • 216 4 KYRTOGRAPHMONOMETER IT RECORDS YOUR THOUGHTS rpHE machine invented by Dr. Alexander Cannon, the author and scientist, which records all your emotions, shows when you are afratd. pioused, in love, or teillng a Me. Dr. Cannon calls his machine a "Psychistethokyrtographmonometer." A subject who underwent a test told a reporter. "One
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  • Article, Illustration
    3 4 Miss Gracie ncia».
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  • 171 4 THE fact that in the churchyard at Canewdon (Essex) a woman was buried with her throe pet dogs has just been revealed. The woman, Mrs. Barbara Woods, was Interred on the day following the burial of the dogs. Mrs. Woods, who was greatly devoted
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  • 239 4 WEALTHY AMERICANS TO FORM "DOLLAR COLONY" WEALTHY Americans in France, hit by the fall of the dollar, are planning to colonise a small island in the Mediterranean where American money would be the only currency. Mr. Bruce Bundy, a Los Angeles mi'lionaire, Is at the head
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 281 4 I THE PROFESSIONAL MAN'S flflffjh MISFORTUNE mm 4» Lles ta the fact tnat hls specialised knowled<::rt mf priceless to himself, is merely a personal asset. s^9 i 3 While he lives and is physically fit his skill M I ***Bm*mAHtWK*Tm*. 4m be capitalised in definite measure: when he dies I
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  • 2664 5 Progress of the Singapore Championships Malayan Board of Control Needed Advantages of Affiliation With the Badminton Association of England. rRTHER ties in the various events of the Singapore Championships jrere played off last week but so far there have been no surprises. Miss J. de Souza
    Wee Bit Chay  -  2,664 words
  • 313 5 The following radio programme will be broadcast from Singapore by the Radio Service Co. of Malaya, Ltd., on a wavelength of 49.9 metres from 11 a.m. to 1.30 p.m., today. C 2006— Blessed City. Choir.—Westminster Abbey Special Choir. C 2005— Fantasia and Pugue in C Mm.
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  • 16 5 The cricket match jetween the Nondescripts and the S.C.C., arranged for today, has been cancelled.
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  • 55 5 Leopold Harris And 15 Conspirators Sentenced London, Saturday. Sentences ranging fiom 14 years* penal servitude for the leadei, Leopold Harris, to four months' imprisonment were imposed on 16 men who were found guilty in the Old Bailey of conspiracy to cause fires in order
    Reuter  -  55 words
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    • 83 5 To treat these complaints successfully, fet to the root of the trouble. Clarke's Blood Mixture is the world's greatest blood purifier and healer, it is famous for Blood and Skin Disorders. Of all Ckemisu and Slant. Equally food m LIQUID or TABLET form REMI HIM ANN DON'T DELAY! this SALE
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 176 5 THE GENUS SPECIES TEST ANSWERS TO THE GENUS SPECIES TEST. 1. vegetable. 2. bird. 3. animal 4. fruit. 5. vegetable. 6. animal. 7. bird. 8. animal. 9. vegetable. 10. bird. >- ANSWERS TO GENERAL QUESTIONS. 1. Lying or falsity. 2. Use of gestures and action in place of words. 3.
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  • 470 6 Seen IN Singapore. (By the Woman Correspondent.) VINGAPORE'S second mannequin parade, held In John Little's tearoom recently, was an outstanding success to Judging by the vast crowd that attended. I understand that there were more than five hundred persons present, the majority, of course, being women. WOME dainty morning frocks
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  • 773 6 The End Of A Perfect Season LARGEST ROYAL GARDEN PARTY FROM A LONDON WOMAN'S WINDOW (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sunday Times Office. London, July 27. THE gaieties of an unprecedented London Season were brought to a close with the Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace last week. It was the
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  • Article, Illustration
    52 6 Frocks seen at a Mannequin parade held at John Little's recently. From left to right A dainty gown in blue printed organdie, the coatee of which has large puff sleeves. A crisp white organdie frock trimmed with the latest niching; and a graceful ensemble in pink printed organdie with a
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  • 110 6 J DRESSES that look like J flower gardens hats that look like beds of packed pansies or violets should- j er straps as abundantly flowered as the lei* of the J South Sea Islands these are Hollywood's fashion motifs J for sprint. Flowers, flowers, everywhere J On skirts, on
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  • 225 6 POOK four ounces of rice until tender, drain well, and cool. Mix well with two tablespoon fuls of finely chopp--1 ed pimento (tomato will do as well), and make a foundation mound on a flat dish. Take some cooked vegetable s and mix lightly together with salad cream. Pile
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 161 6 UST SIX DAYS OF WHITEAWAY'S AUGUST SALE BWAL HIP BELT. No. *****. Tea rose couul. satin finish. Elastic .incls. Mm v."> to :(o. Sale $1.50. /ft" 1 > y W. B. COKSET. STYLE 1241. Hook-side popular pricfd, lightly built model, in fancy rayon material, elastic side-pirn*'*-Blm r to :H ii.«.
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    • 13 6 %0> CX^J Stamford Rd. New Stocks Just Arrived DRESSES, HATS, CORSETS, UNDERWEAR, STOCKINGS.
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    • 134 6 HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL THE FAMOL'S MANUFACTURERS OF 5 DOG FOODS, MEDICINES EQUIPMENT. NEW IMPORTATIONS. ■ww- A concentrated meat in powder form. Rich 5 Kennomeat to rr* nt nt Price 95 cents per 1 Ib. tin. A perfect dog food supplement containing M «irw\\M<f> Vitamins A. B. D. E. and mineral
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  • 2075 7 Continuing By P. G. i Wodehouse "Thr Id Emsworth must haw known i my uncle didn't steal the pig i mean, if it was found in Baxter's. Not at all. He thinks Baxter was working for your uncle. I tell you once more, as I was saying at
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  • 171 7 Angry over the determination of Galahad Threepwood not to permit publication of the indiscreet reminiscences he has written, Lord Tilbury, head of the Mammoth Publishing Company, vents his spleen on Monty Bodkin, an assistant editor who has inserted an injudicious paragraph in Just Tots. Monty, who must
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  • 1218 7 EMPRESS OF BLANDINGS AT HOME "Afraid so. Can't very well let poor old George down. He's relying on me. Besides, I want to watch his work at the altar rails. Pick up some hints on i technique which'll come In useful when you and I "If ever we do.' "Do
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 168 7 I ARE YOU COLLECTING I Collecting what Why, Nestles Picture Stamps I They are so interesting that it is not surprising to see I how they have captured the imagination of young I and old. You will find stamps in all packets of NESTLES, CAILLER'S and KOHLER'S CHOCOLATES. /f •*?**m\
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  • 606 8 Singapore- born applicants are to receive preference in future appointments to posts under the Municipality. This decision was reached at yesterday's meeting of the Municipal Commissioners and it is one which must be heartily endorsed. There may be a tendency to criticise the insistence upon the Singapore- born
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  • 1931 8 Can The Planters Afford To Fight For More Money? By The Wanderer AN undercurrent of resentment is very noticeable among the Malayan planting community just now. The explanation Is simple— that rubber Is sell!;: 1 again at a proiitable price wheriui salaries are still at the level
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  • 208 8 Late yesterday afternoon, when there waj every prospect of a really food "mysterious disappearance" story for this mornings paper, we received the following letter: Dear Bon,— lt's absolutely no use this week, it can't be done. I'm all in. Compared to me, a piece of well-chewed
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 231 8 ENTERTAINMENTS SINGAPORE AUGUST 27, 1933. ALII AM UK A Fast Workers with Mac Clarke. Robert Armstrong and John Gilbert 6.15 9.15 p.m. CAPITOL Tonight or Never with Gloria Swanson. 6.15 9.15 p.m. GREAT WORLD Carbaret, Talkies, Sideshows, Clnema.s and Theatres. MAW.BOROI GH Hallelujah I am a Tramp with Al Jolson.
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    • 55 8 P I A NO TUNING REPAIRS REMOVALS HIRE E. CHARLES. Phone 2902. 74, Orchard Rd, NEW WORLD SINGAPORE. Side Shows, Cabaret Dancing, Talkies, Theatres and Cinemas. S5he Wm% EDITORIAL. MANAGERIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICE Cecil Street, Singapore. TELEPHONES EDITORIAL 5151, 5152. ADVERTISING 7701. GENERAL OFFICE 7702. PRINTING PUBLISHING 7703. Kuala Lumpur:
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    • 80 8 CAPITOL RESTAURANT On the occasion of the screening of OAVA LO A DE EXTENSION of LICENCE until 1 a.m. on TUESDAY and SATURDAY NIGHTS AUG. 29th and Sept. 2nd Make your Reservations for Dinner and Supper Parties Phone 4906. TUESDAY at the CAPITOL! FOX'S PICTURE OF THE GENERATION NOEL COWARD'S
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  • 474 9 MOSQUITO THEY CANT KILL MEDICAL EXPERT ON THE NEED FOR PREVENTION Need Malaya worry? Health authorities throughout the Far East insist that they have this yellow fever peril well in hand. Mr. A. E. Thornley -Jones rather shook the Municipal Commissioners
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 9 A dangerous moment in the R.A.F. goal-mouth during yesterday's first division soccer match which the Wiltshire won 3—2.
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  • 889 9 CLEVERER CHILDREN IN SINGAPORE BETTER EXAMINATION FIGURES THAN THE HOME SCHOOLS TMR. C. G. COLEMAN, Inspector of ■"•1 Schools, Singapore and Labuan. goes home on retirement In the middle of next month after about 27 years' service in Malaya. He came out as assistant master at the Victoria Institution of
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  • Article, Illustration
    10 9 The shot that ..cored the second goal f«- the Wiltshire
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  • 185 9 Prison For Bogus Dentist Tale Of Three Gold Teeth And A Dollar A" BOGUS dentist was sentenced to 14 weeks' rigorous imprisonment and 9 months' police supervision by Mr. H. A. Forrer, the Criminal District Judge, yesterday morning. Chief Court Inspector Bostock said that accused had been found guilty by
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  • 278 9 Smuggled Dope Dragged From Johore Straits PREVENTIVE OFFICERS' HUGE HAUL SWIFT SWOOP YIELDS $4000 WORTH OF CHANDU A system of smuggling chandu into the Colony on a wholesale scale has been revealed by Singapore Preventive officers. Large amounts of non-Government chandu, valued at $4,000 have already been seized, and it
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  • 285 9 His Rhino Is Here RENO IS VERY, VERY VALUABLE ]i|R- Frank Buck, who went to India and Ceylon some time ago to collect some more wild animals. Is expected back in Singapore in a day >r two. A fine specimen of the Indian onehorned
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  • 90 9 Chinese Caught With Lock In Hand Lim Ah Chua. a man with three previous convictions for theft, was sent up to the Criminal District Court yesterday to receive sentence on a fourth conviction for theft, recorded In the Third Police Court, where he had pleaded guilty to having stolen
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  • 112 9 Malayan 's Queer Tennis Triumph London. Saturday. Mr. A. Ramli, described as a player from Malaya, has just enjoyed a unique experience at Bournemouth lawn tennis tournament. With 63 other players, he entered for the men's singles handicap, and by series of byes and scratchings managed to reach the semi-final
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 56 9 MiiikiuHiinisMiiiiiamaiiitMNH^aiH^iiiiv, ADVERTISE I SINGAPORE I By Sending a copy of the I j BROCHURE issued by I j The Rotary Club j of Singapore j to relatives jj friends and business relations at home and in other countries. I m m W Copies Obtainable everywhere I V^ j H* from
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    • 51 9 BE VAGto web vA m, MTJ&A i M #JsPE ;S^ i b __juidfif A k% I B it ®,i ym yt m3££&k- mi j Y& W mv&p2%m W ff/ NO FINER WHISKY GOES INTO ANY BOTTLE HOLE AGENTS: JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Incorporate in England) SINGAPORE. KUALA LUMPU» PEN«Nf? A"n
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  • 509 10 SITE OF FIRST KINGDOM Near Johore Bahru SULTAN'S SECRETARY OFFERS NEW THEORY Within a stone's throw of the town of Johore Bahru may be the site of the first "kingdom" the Malays ever knew. Basing his beliefs on the observations of Marro Polo,
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  • 36 10 The staff of St. Davic s Hospital, Malacca, are holding a tea on Saturday, Sept. 2, at the hospital to welcome the Rev. Stacy Waddy, general secretary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.
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  • 208 10 CANE FOR A CARELESS CYCLIST INDIAN YOUTH'S ACT NEARLY CAUSES ACCIDENT AN Indian cyclist who committee traffic oilence yesterday was ordei ed a caning by the Fourth Magistrate This is probably the first time thr.t sveh a punishment was inflicted for v tjafflc offence. The cyclist, a 16 year-old schoolbm
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  • 88 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Saturday. WHEN charged this morning before the Seremban magistrate with being drunk and disorderly a Tamil second cook at the Seremban Nurses Hostel named Karrupiah was alleged to have created an uproar by chasing the nurses when he was under the influence of
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  • 148 10 Eurasian Who Tried To Prevent Arrest A YOUNG Eurasian named Herman de Souza answered a charge of obstructing a policeman In the execution of his duty In the Fourth Tolice Cotut yesterday. A Stkh Police Sergeant said that as lie was arresting a Chinese
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  • 29 10 Mr. R. Leach, of George Blunn and Co., tistj returned from leave and is stationed in Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Leach j ha* yJaycd in 'he State rugby side for
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  • 123 10 Dancers Flee With Only Oak Leaves Paris, Saturday. A nudist ball held in a resort near Toulon was broken up on Sunday by the indignant populace, which invaded and almost completely demolished the place. The dancers were forced to flee with little more than
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  • 190 10 Mr. E. J. Shelley And Miss E. Da Silva i (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Saturday. The wedding took place here at the Church of the Assumption, of Mr. Edgar James Shelley, of the Penang j Municipality, the only son ot Mr. and J Mrs. Herbert Oliver Shelley,
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 10 Kul ham Football Club playe-s leaping the skipping rope despite the heat wave, daring training for the football season, at the Craven Cottafe ground.
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  • Article, Illustration
    8 10 Diana Wynyard, the brilliant English star of "Cavalcade."
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  • 557 10 "PAYING THEIR DEBTS DOES NO PERMANENT GOOD" doubt whether paying off debts again does any permanent good," 1 said Capt. L. D. Gammans in answer I to a petition from members to clear them of their debts at the fifth annual meeting of the
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  • 333 10 'NO DRIVE AGAINST CYCLISTS' SINGAPORE POLICE NOT TO FOLLOW K.L. rpHE prosecution— or, as it is alleged In some quarters, the persecution of push-cyclists has aroused much controversy in Kuala Lumpur in recent weeks and one statistician asserts that 40 per cent of the cases dealt with in the police
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 41 10 o[2 After the match 9 JsL pvlffir" yjw Wm or lose f- all parl fCHull vJ^' N^/l/^ ne S ame but you do J\J' ■~J f need that stimulant to 'j^ '^^Ji'r %li recoup. Play safe and f| •^if stick to
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    • 149 10 -l^WlFtf Cheerfulness depends vv ]?rL *W ant hc&ltfi is ensured by ENO RiiJ^JjlL Gloom and depression are symptoms of internal disrjjßFjff order, of a struggle on the part of Nature to fight the /v«^// poisons caused by constipation. Help Nature to restore AjjpW your cheerfulness by drinking a glass of
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  • 2136 11 Continuing By Edwin T. Wood hall, j Late Of i The C.LD. i lUiE room Is blue with tobacco smoke. Men with shrewd, serious faces sit ound a table. Writing pads, pencils. .ossiers, strew the polished wood. It 3 a Commissioner's Conference at the .'urd. Then,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 274 11 IW m THI* B I look at his well-honed and fEL^BUMfe il J firmly fleshed little body! I HHbW Wife j 1 He is a Cow Gate baby ;jP^^ I there are many thousands V^f/^""> l^ !^*a*^^[ \f filllW |5 Cow Gate, clean and appetising, 2V/S wtr^KSk *v in a
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  • Article, Illustration
    681 12 Book Of The Week By The Book Critic Rough Stuff. By Goat Laven. Falcon Books. The Bodley Head. 10s. Gd. THIS is the life story of an American gangster, told by himself. The Editor's note states that Goat Laven dictated the whole thing. Occasional questions about his experiences
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  • 163 12 The Changeling. By Hassan All. Herbert Joseph. 7s. 6d. ALTHOUGH this curious book Is amateurish in construction aiiJ style, it Is an extremely Interesting picture of Indian life from within. The chief characters are drawn from a semi-Europeaniscd Hindu family, and their hopes and pride are centred in the
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  • 501 12 Another Side Of War Round the World to Freedom. By Major Paul StofTa. The Bodley Head. 7s. 6d. THIS account of his wanderings by a Hungarian officer is truly a notable addition to escaping literature." Taken prisoner by the Russians early in the War and sent to a desolate prison
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  • 1163 12 A Touch Of The Sun. By Eric Hazelton. Cassell. 7s. 6d. MR. Eric Hazelton's second book is not as good as his first. And that is saying a lot. Three-quarters of it are astoundingly futile and one is left wondering what overcame a firm of
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  • 441 12 The Golden Witch. By Cavln Holt Swell Garrick. By John Spenser. Both published by Hodder .and Stoughton at 7s. 6d. Every member of the 111-assorted house party at Drooves had a perfectly good reason ror wishing their host out of the way, and Theodore Gravenor was almost unpleasant enough
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 58 12 HP tnpMpji 1 if nk an^ ac ?ds o. keener edge to OZS.OO 96 PINT BOTTLES OR $3.50 PER 00Z. f -el. &Z4.00 48 QUART BOTTLES 'ijjfPPSl 'jfi: k ___rr 0R SB. 00 PER 002. __O -4*mi AM CHOP KEPALA %SSi MA IiW BRITISH BREWED BEER SOLE AGENTS WILLIAM JACKS
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    • 76 12 You need suffer no longer the pain and discomfort of Rheumatism Sciatica, Lumbago if your blood is kept in a pure and healthy state remove the cause of the trouble by taking Clarke's Blood Mixture. Of all Chtmiiti ami Slant. Squally good m LIQUID or TABLET form THE WRITING PAD
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  • 853 13 Malayan Volunteer News The DlliJvo s.v.c. THE Armoured Car Section is the baby of the S.V.C, born something over a year ago, and carried since by the Machine Gunners. But the baby has grown up, and doesn't need cany ing any longer, and from Sept. 1 it ceases
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  • 1053 13  -  "CUEMAN" BILLIARDS BY MOIDE, that fatal side," How often has •^one been tempted to the ejaculation watching the fall down of a player at the simple middle-pocket losing hazard. It has a fascination for the beginner has side. Aye and not for the beginner only but
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  • 634 13 fßy Our Poultry Expert] rpHE poultry house most suited to this climate Is one that can accommodate from 15 to 20 birds. It should be made in such a way that it can be turned into a chicken house if required. The inside fittings should
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  • 824 13 AROUND THE CL UBS Amicable A.A. WHE sth annual general meeting of the members of the Amicable Athletic Association was held at the Association premises. 43-B, Upper Nankin Street, on Friday, Aug. 18. The election of the Committee of Management for the Year 1933-1934 resulted as follows: Patron, Mr. Llm
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 42 13 I This Coupon, attached to a letter addressed to the Poultry Expert, entitles readers to free advice on any poultry-keeping problem. JLong Xam Co. 46/48. PECK SEAH STREET. For "BALANCED" POULTRY FOODS, According to Poultry Editor's Formula. Prices application. SINGAPORE Phone 7328.
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  • 945 14 AIRMEN FAIL NEAR GOAL Too Many "Offsides" SOLDIERS BETTER IN COMBINATION Wiltshires 3; R.A.F. 2. ALTHOUGH the football was not of a j high standard, the First Division j match between the Wiltshire Regiment and the Royal Air Force, played at the Anson
    945 words
  • 595 14 All Day At The Crease STEADY BATTING PRODUCES 225 FOR 9 rpHE Combined Schools kept a strong A S.C.C. XI in the field all the afternoon yesterday, and in four hours col 7 lectod the splendid total of 225 for nine wickets. The match
    595 words
  • 333 14 BUT BRILLIANCE FAILS TO SAVE NONDESCRIPTS ALTHOUGH the Nondescripts, playing on their own ground, lost to the R A.F. by two wickets in an exciting finish yesterday afternoon, Samson de Silva, the Club's new skipper, can look back on the match with a considerable amount
    333 words
  • 298 14 Big Crowd And Good Performances The A.P.C. Athletic Sports which were held at Paya Lebar yesterday afternoon was thoroughly enjoyed by the large gathering present. Results were: 100 Yards Open: 1. Chi a Chew Lim; 2, W. R. Perrott; Tan Hong Hock (Time 10 3/5 sees.).
    298 words
  • 465 14 FIRST STONOR SHIELD MATCH (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. IN enthusiastic crowd witnessed the first match in the Stonor shield competition played here between the Selangor Rangers and the Railway Institute on the Railway Padang. One hcur before the game started It rained, making the
    465 words
  • 221 14 Crowd Rushes Field At Penang (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Saturday. A SPLENDID game 3* soccer this afternoon ~t Victoria Green between Miss Riboet's unbeaten side and the Amoy University team that is touring Malaya was marred by many ugly incidents, and was abandoned live
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  • 2050 15 Forwards (hie Man, One Club Rule In K.L. Hockey SOME surprise has been created in hockey circles by the decision of the Selangor Hockey Association (or more correctly, by the council of that body) that clubs must register their players' this season. This means that every i
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  • 247 15 DRIVER SUSPENDED Within Three Inches Of Death At Brook lands (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Aug. 9. The outstanding feature of the holiday motor racing at Brooklandx this week-end was the Byfleet Lightning Short Handicap, won by John Cobb in his great grey 500 h.p. Napier- Railton racer. The Silver
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  • 54 15 INTER -STATE SOCCER Negri And Kuala Lumpur Tamils To Meet Today (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Saturday. An Inter- state match between Kuala Lumpur and Negri Sembllan Tamils has been fixed to be played tomorrow. Negri will be represented by Alexander, Rajoo, 8. Marimuthu, N. Marlmuthu, Kunaretnam, Perelra, Ratnam. SundraJ,
    54 words
  • 209 15 In reply to a big total of 180 by the SRC. playing on their own ground yesterday afternoon, the S.C.R.C. re plied with 134 for the loss of three wickets at call of time. Scores:— S.R.C.: O. E. M. Oehlers b Boon Beng 11, P. D'Almeida
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  • 191 15 The second string of the Wiltehires scored a narrow victory over St. Joseph's Institution yesterday afternoon. Scores. Wiltshlres: Stopher b Mlnjoot 13, Cummins c and b Philemon 14, Wheeler b Mlnjoot 8. Blumlre b Mlnjoot 0, Lieut. Kenrick c Mosbergen b Mlnjoot 0, Clifford c Armstrong
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  • 314 15 GIANTS FALL IN FIRST ENCOUNTERS London, Saturday. The following were the results of the English and Scottish League matches played today: First Division. Arsenal 1 Birmingham 1 Aston Villa 2 Leicester City 3 Blackburn R. 4 Leeds United 2 Everton 1 West Brom. A 0 Huddersnelu T.
    Reuter  -  314 words
  • 537 15  -  Samson. By WITH the departure of Chia Bok Gee for Kuching. the Singapore middle- weight weight-lifting championship Is now open for competition. Mohd. Noor, who may be considered a serious rival has not been awarded this title, as there was no official contest. During the recent competition staged
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    • 373 15 WOMAN LOSES 28 lbs. Trips Upstairs Like a 2-Year-Old A woman writes Three months ago, after much argument, I vai persuaded against my will to try Kruschen Salts to reduce my weight, which was 222 lbs. I had tried other things, but all to no avail. After three weeks of
      373 words

  • 167 16 The R.S.F.C. Cutty Sark which left for Port Swettenbam yesterday, taking copies of the Straits Times. Mrs. Shook, one of the passengers, is In the centre. Mr. Shook says good Dye oeio.e leaving by 'plane for Port Swetteoham yesterday. The Moth 'plane which carried
    167 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 198 16 Q t EE N S^ fl^ 3 Prime Street. WHFRE YOU GET THE BEST RACKETS. COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE' CO., LTD. (Incorporated In England.) Fir*. Life. Marine. Accident. Guaranf** and Motor. Aast-ts £60.000.000. Arthur C. I'otta. Manager A Underwriter Lastem Branch. Singapore. coughs, asthma. whooping cough. j^^JSr ocrlu s n JAESCWNER*
      198 words