The Straits Times, 13 February 1933

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 401 1 bingapore: ts, ckcil st. tphonk iwt/t Y^m < I I «.ll TaniKht 9.15. TELL ME TONIGHT. Phone 5261-2. wAVLMER, products I Outstanding among AYLMER Oanadian ■^^^> k .tgrf&JzJf^Producti are Aylmer Tomato Soup, Aylmer Tomato Ketchup and Aylmer Tomato Juice. TIV (1 1(11 ta r lowln(r fulli yet Once the fresh
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    • 263 1 KUALA LUMPUR! 28. JAVA ST. ('PHONE 3683 V. THE ARMMORI BELT For Real Health and Beauty. The Armmori Belt is a slenderinji fashion belt /h\ ingeniously combining healthful support. It is the if P^s^. /^kNv ideal foundation garment r ever y conceivable IR occasion or figure need, whether for Dancing,
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    • 15 1 I p*r i Ij 1 »<\ I i •.15 Tonight 9.15. TELL ME TONIGHT. I'honc 32G1-2.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 665 2 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS. (NIPPON YUSEN KAJSHA.) TO LONDON. Naples, Marseilles, London, Antwerp Rotterdam and Middlesbrough. Vessels. Tonnage. Due. Sail. 5 SUWA MARU 10,700 Feb. 23 24 FUSHIMI MARU 10,000 Mar. 9 10 HAKOZAKI MARU 10,400 Mar. 22 23 t TERUKUNI MARU 12,000 Apr. 4, 6 HAKt'SAN MARU 10,400 Apr. 19 20
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    • 451 2 BURNS PfflLP LINE. (Incorporated in Australia.) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNET AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly sailings by the wellknown steamer MARELLA (7,866 tons) and the s.s. MANGOLA (3,352 tons) (Cargo only). The s.s. MARELLA is one of the largest and finest steamers trading to Australia, cabins,
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    • 500 2 THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LIMITED. (Incorporated in Denmark.) Telephone 5323. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE. TO GENOA. LONDON. ROTTERDAM, HAMBURG AND COPENHAGEN. From From From From Spore Malacca Port Penang Swett. BORIVGIA 14/2 14/2 15/2 17/2 FIONIA 7/S 7/3 8/3 10/3 ERRIA 28/3 28/3 29/3 81/3 LALANDIA 18/4 184 19/4 21/4
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  • Shipping News.
    • 331 3 Expansion of Yangtze Hong Kong Services. The construction of nine steamers ranging from H,OOO tons to 500 tons, the chartering of three 3,000-ton sea-going vessels, and the standardisation of fn.ight rates are all included in the plans of the China Merchants' Steam Navigation Co., for the
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    • 450 3 How Boatswain Was Killed. London, Jan. 7. Gtsva fears are entertained for the safety of the crew of the Hull steam trawler Endon, which has sunk following a collison with an unknown vessel on the North Sea fishing grounds. The Endon was not (itte'l witli srirdasjl and the
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    • 136 3 Passenger And Cargo Vessel For Bombay Company. Harland and Wolff. Ltd., have received an order for a twin-screw passenger and i-arjro vessel for the Bombay Steam Navigation Company. Limited. The hull of the will l>e constructed at th*> company.- dovaii shipyard and the machinery at their Belfast
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    • 305 3 Bulletin of the L. of N. Eastern Bureau. The Health Bulletin of the League of Nations' Eastern Bureau for the week ended Feb. 4, 1933 Beirut: I smallpox cases and no deaths. I Alexandria: 27 smallpox cases (induding 6 imported) and 70 deaths as against 192
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    • 154 3 Annual Book Of Reference Published. The Motor Ship Reference Book for 19.i.5 (Temple Press Ltd., ss. net) the ninth annual edition of this manual, has been revised and new material has been added to bring it completely up to date. Since it was originally written, the motor
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    • 158 3 Sailor Blown Into Sea By Explosion. The crew and passenger of the fishing smack Marthe Marie, of Pouliguen, Brittany, narrowly escaped drowning when their vessel suddenly burst into flames. Skipper Pain, with his crew of one, K- Pignet, and a passenger, was rounding Penchateau Head in the
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    • 114 3 Growing Use Of Sounding Device. Watts, Watts und Co.. Ltd.. have instructed the Mun'oni Sounding Device C. Ud.. to fit their entire fleet of wssels with the Echometer sounding devn-.'. The installation will enable the captains and officers of the vessels to keep themselves continuously, or at regular
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    • 66 3 A rial Noah's Ark is touring small ports of the Baltic and Scandinavia which art too small to establish their own soos. The ship, an old Finnish barque, has been renamed "Arche Noah." On itij decks and in its hold there is accommodation for 200 birds and
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    • 310 3 TOBELO, Dut.. 684 tons, from Djambi 13-2, for Djambi via Ports 15-2. HARUNA MARU, Jap., 853 tons, from Sabar.g 13-2. for Takao 16-2. HIA TONG, Brit, 109 tons, from Muar 13-2, for P. Dickson and Sepang 14-2. RORIBAT, Siam, 353 tons, from Tumpat 13-2. for Tumpat via Coast
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    • 121 3 Monday, February IS. Ship* alongside the Wkarves oi expected to Arrive. Entrance KEPPEL HARBOUR. Main Wharf Lch. "HjKcia." W. Bt. "Joan," The Cable. Oil Wharf Niew Zeclanr.. Coal Wharf Nil. VESSELS Hi DRY DOCKS. Tiblobk Paiar. Albert Dock Nil. Victoria Dock Soli. Krpp»l Harbour. King's Dock Cremer.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 528 3 §NORDDEUTSCH£R LLOYD. (Incorporated Ist o«nsu|.l The undermentioned srs th* company* intended fixture*: OUTWARD. NECKAR for Hon<r Kong. Shanghai, Japan and North China Fab. II I LAHN for Manils, Hong .Kong, Shanghai, Japan and North China F.b. It HOMEWARD. S KHUHUCM for M'.«illrv Havre, R'dam, H'burg Bremen Feb. IB SAARBRL'CKEN for
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    • 381 3 DOLUlft gTEAMfInr LiKB tisiAMBUCANMAa LIMB TO EUROPE Panama Canal ▼v erica Canada I Sues BT PRESIDENT LINERS 24 to 53 days of real comfort Enjoyable Economy Swimming Bath— Excellent Calais*. Large cabin* with bed*. Hot and cold running water la erery stateroom. DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINES, IRC. LTD. (Incorporated In U.S.A.)
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    • 486 3 ELLERMAN BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. Incorporated in England.) KLLERMAN" LLN». Freight Service to UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT. Via Port* and Son CaaaL OUTWARDS. TO HONG KONG. SHANGHAI A JAPAIt, Steamer I s.s. CITY OF KHIOS Due Feb. 21 Sails Feb. 2J HOMEWARDS. vs. CITY OF LYONS for Havre. London, R'dam
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 205 3 TIDE TABLES. Monday. February 13. H. W. 12.39 a.m., 9 ft., 12.16 p.m, 10 ft. 2 in. Tveaday, February 14. H. W. 1.1 a.m., 9 ft. 2 in., 12.56 p.m. 10 ft. 1 in. Wednesday, February IS. H. W. 1.30 a.m., 9 ft. 2 in., 1 .38 p.m., 9 ft.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 511 4 SITUATIONS VACANT. When applying for any position advertised. la these columns send cople* o< testimonials. Da not send originals. WAMKU. an experienced Coart and Costl Clerk. Apply, .'tatint; salary required to 7C, Straits Times. WANTED. Counter Clerks »ith good experience in retail Provision Ti experienced men will net be considered.
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    • 758 4 HOUSES. FLATS TO LET Nil :i.'>. Barker Road. :> bedroom 81, Witkle Road. Apply. 6. Milacca Street. HOUSE on Inatitatien Bill. Moderate rent United Engineers. 6 16, Angullia Park, Oil Extraction Factory, 92, Robinson Kd. Angullia Co. TO LET, furnished flat corner Amber Mansions. Apply Swastika, a, Orchard Koad. TO
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    • 504 4 BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET TO LET, offlees No. 18, CoUyer Qaay, Apply S.n-e, Durby A Co., Ltd. OFFICES TO LET, 24-B. Battery Road, 2nd floor. Apply Guthrie Co., Ltd. OFFICE, Robinson Road, 8,700 sq. feet, tret class property. United Engineers. TO LET, No. 110, Robinson Road, suitable' for office A
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    • 407 4 FOR SALE STOCK CLEARANCE OF ODEON RECORDS FURTHER REDUCTIONS MADE A few electric machines and loudspeakers are included in the clearance. G. H. SLOT Co., Ltd. und ROBINSON ROAD. MISCELLANEOUS You can have TUB SUNDAY TIKIS delivered to you every week for three months for 00. lilanagor, Sunday 'limes. YOUN(i
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    • 562 4 PUBLIC NOTICE DREDGING ASSOCIATION SOUTHERN MALAYA. NOTICE of a Mectinc to be bald at the Smpire Hotel. Kuala Lumpur, at H 10 p.m. on Saturday, February 18. IMS, when B paper •ntitled "The Di«rinr Knd of v Huck.-t Dred(rL-" will be presented Ly Mr. J. S. Ahittaker. A discussion will
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    • 396 4 BUSINESS CARDS. MASSAGE HALL MANICURE AND MASSAGE. Mr«. HARD and Miss HAN A. 60, WATKRI.OO SIRF.KT. Telephone 74f7. REAL ESTATE AGENCY, Phone 3902. *-< Itnhinson Road, Singapore. LVtate Administration, Property Sales and Purchases, Mortgages, itcnts Collected. \aluation. Estimates and Reports prepared, lU novations arranged and supervised. Everything for the Garden
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 71 4 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Singapore Within Oats!de without Malaya. Jtalaya. Postage. Monthly 8.00 f 4.00 f 2.60 Qoarterly t 8.50 fl2.0l) 7.60 Hal/ Yearly 117.00 124.00 fiBXO Teaxly.. W4.CO $48.00 fSO.OO ADVERTISEMENT RATES The charges and Instructions for CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS appear on the form at the bottom of thin page. Contra-t rates
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  • 546 5 Laboratory Tests. PROBLEM TACKLED BY WEST END STORE. Why do shirts burst? Why do whito cloihs' come back from the laundry yt I- low Why did yo'ir umbrella lucak out 1 in white s|Hi(s7 The problem of what happens to Mm ihinjrs you buy, once you
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  • 122 5 Funeral At Bidadari Cemetery. The funeral of Mr. C. Fredrick took lace at Bidadari Cemetery on Saturday. Than «as a large gathering of relatives and friends. Wreaths were sent by the following: His wife and children, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Row and family, the Wesley Sunday
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  • 809 5 "Dene With Leadership." LIBERALS "HAVE LOST THE BUS." Mr. Lloyd (ieorge att.iint-d his 70th birthday on Jan. 17 and marl he occasion by r\))ii"-sini; his mind slronglv. in an interview, regarding the position of Liberalism. Ho has followed this; in a second interview, with the intimation:
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 593 5 RAFFLES CAFE Excellent Meals a la Carte at Moderate Cost. BREAD daily delivery to all parts of the tow n. CAKES Cakes and Pastries, Sausage Rolls and Curry Puffs freshly made daily. Upcountry orders executed promptly. Chocolates, Sweets, Crackers and Fancy Goods. PHONE 5381. AT THE BOXING ARENA NEW WORLD
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    • 449 5 GULL BAHAR HAIR OIL -rSJfii^v I from Q3w,\ thi besl GINCI I lL Wi*l m purity, an, i ■I ***kZ3 ll ilurMti.' tA v# aro niany and un- 11 i^^^sl !Wt et smellinu'. I f\ i U r >^'','| o 1 n g and af~W W^^'l MrenKthcninir. H f,\.f ll
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  • 371 6 Records Taken With New Instruments. The Kmbankment, within a hundred I yards <»:' the o.uiet of the Temple, has the loudest noise in Central London. When a iramcur passes at speed the noise is greater thar» that produced by a lion roaring at a distance of
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  • 230 6 Round-Up of 2,000 In Japan. Tokio, Jan. 18. Details are revea'ed today of th? lv.unu-up of 2,000 Radicals since the uiaeoven of v Communist plot aiming I is alleged, at the overthrow of the existing social order. A ban on publication of news of the authorities' activities had
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  • 274 6 Prehistoric Drawings And MS. .York Missal. Among the latest acquisitions by the trustees of the British Museum is a remarkable prehistoric drawing from Derbyshire. In Pin Hole Cave, Creswell Crajr*, Derbyshire, at a depth of three feet six inches in the Aurignacian and protoSplutre level, a piece of
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  • 287 6 Cause of Daughter's Suicide. Berlin, Jan. 18. Tiotsky has issued a statement attributing the suicide of his daughter Zinaida Volkow to the remorseless cruelty of Stalin. He declares that she was allowed to leave the U.S.S.K. at the end of 1930 at Trotsky's request based entirely on
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  • 321 6 Cinema May Take Its Place. A gaunt, lonely building in the Charing Cross Road, W.C., has the notice on i>s doors: "This church is officially closed." It is the church of St. Mary the Virgin. The notice will remain until the housebreakers arrive. And then the last
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  • 254 6 Divorce Inquiries at An Hotel. A fee of five guineas demanded at a London hotel when solicitors made inquiries preliminary to divorce proceedings, was commented on by Mr. Justice Bateson in the Divorce Court. I think it would be a good plan," said his Lordship, when this happens
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  • 580 6 Age of 11 in One and 69 In the Other. A litli.- dinner of the Founders of the Royal Automobile Club was held at the clut/s headqoarters in Pall Mall in London recently when there were ten pro- sent. Only ten of thp founders sui
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  • 67 6 I Elderly Government Servant Charged. State 1 t« have been for 27 years in tile (iovi-i ument service. Babu Singh, a proCCSI eiver ,:i the Civil District Court, was produced and charged befoie Mr. H. Forrar, the Criminal District Judge, tartar, with accepting a bribe of $3 I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 164 6 I v. IT DOES NOT PAY to experiment with so-called cheap lamps. They eat your precious current, and give very little in return. BUY PHILIPS LAMPS and get maximum light at minimum current consumption. SOLE IMPORTERS BORNEO SUMATRA TRADING CO., LTD., SINGAPORE. STOCKISTS ROBINSON CO., LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR. for
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 200 7 AUIAMBRA The Independent Theatre with the Pick of the World's Pictures. THE WHOLE TOWN'S TALKING! t« :<■"!" Vnu'll hear that Mii<l doMl that! today and it's '•I'alniy Days" they're tnlkin^ ahout! Sm -vant lauphx you need them don't niifs EDDIE "Palmy CANTOR N Days'* UNITED ARTISTS' CYCLONIC SUCCESS! Next Change:
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    • 154 7 Don't miss this Last chance of seeing The Picture Everybody's Talking About! [CAPITOLI Positively LAST NIGHT of The Gaumont British Musical Comedy Triumph "TELL ME TONIGHT" With JAN KIEPURA, You can it nd *K»in, SONNIE HALE, L.-ArSs'i^rr.^.iriLj edmund gwenn TOMORROW! Premiere for Malaya of BRITISH and DOMINIONS grandest Naval Spectacle
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    • 162 7 TONIGHT. Next c The true tempestuous drama of a courageous wife, braving ppKj^^H scandal to salvage love, J, WOMEN LOVE |[HL"I ONCE PfjfgßlG Parainounl Picture *illi AAD^*^ Paul Lukas. Eleanor |1 R" JS Boarriman and Gooffrov X" lVt 1 GAUMONT BRITISH NEWS Ife Bl^? #*i SCENES OF THE BURNING «T»—
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  • 185 8 Rubber Down Over The Week-End. MARKET DULL AND NO BUSINESS. (By Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore. Monday. Today's Prices:— Rubber. Stf cents ocr lb. Tin, Singapore price $76 per picul. Saturday's Prices: Rubber, London. 2 down l/32d. New York, 2 29/32 cts., down 1/32 ct. Market Tone: Yerv
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  • 81 8 Noon, Feb. 1".. R.S.S. equal to London Standard: Buyers. Sellers Spot (loose) (v'u 6 7 16 (F.0.C.) ..6 9 16 6 11 1G Standard R.S.S. on Tender: Buyers. Sellers Feb. ..6 7 16 6.. Mar. 61 o 6 9 16 Apr. .6 9 16 0"-;;
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  • 192 8 Singapore, Feb.* 13. Gambier 5.00 (Cube) No. 1 unpicked) 10.00 Copra 4.00 mixed 4.45 Sago flour, Sarawak 1.97 1 White Pepper 19 1 Black Pepper IV Pearl Sago 4.00 small 3.90 medium 6.0< Rice Siam »4» 4 $160 to 222 Saigon $135 to 14? Rangoon $134 to 150 No.
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      • 433 8 Issue Val. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. 1 1 Penawat 0.45 0.47 5/- 5/- Pengkalen Ord. 8/3 9/1 1 Petalhu Tin 4.35 4.45 £1 £1 Puchong 7/- 7/9 £1 £1 Pungah 1 1 Puteh 11/- 11/9 nom. 1 1 Rali man Hyd. 0.471,4 0.52 V& £1 £1 Rarabutan 4/6 6/6 1
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      • 282 8 Issue Val. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. 1 1 Malacca Electric Ord. 0.90 1.00 1 1 Malacca Electric Pref. 1.80 1.90 10 10 Maynard Co. nom. 1 1 Malayan Breweries 0.70 0.80 50 50 McAlister 00. 63.00 68.00 cd. 10 5 Overseas Ass. Corp. 4.20 4.50 40 40 Oversea Ch. Bk.
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      • 150 8 Singapore Cold Storage 7 p.c. deb. of 1926 red. 1931-36 100 101 ci. Singapore Municipal 6 p.c. of 1901 red. 1940 $400,000 105 110 nom. Singapore Municipal 4Va P-c. of 1909 red. 1955 $1,000,000 104 105 nom. Singapore Municipal 4Vi P-c. of 1907 red. 1947 $1,600,000 104
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    • 208 8 SELLING. Singapore, Feb. 13. London, 4 months' sight 2/3 7/8 London, 3 months' sight 2/3 27 32 ,ondon, 60 days' sight 2/3 13. 16 vondon, 30 days' sijjht 2 3 25/32 London, demand 2/3 8/4 London, T.T. 2, 3 23 32 Lyons and Paris, demand 1,000 Hamburg, demand
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    • 110 8 Rugby, Feb. 10. Foreign exchanges are: Athens 597 "4 Amsterdam 8.54 Berlin 14.42 Belgrade 262 \U Bombay 16 5 32 Brussels 24.621 j Bucharest 580 Buenos Aires 41'/> official rate Athens 597 1 /■> Copenhagen 22 7/16 Geneva 17.76 Helsingfors 227 Hong Kong 1/3 1/4 Lisbon 110 Madrid 41*
      British Wireless  -  110 words
    • 15 8 From China and Japan, by Muroran Mam, die Singapore daylight on Wed nesday.
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    • 11 8 Telegraphs. Communication with Saiburi, Bangnara and Takbai is interrupt cd.
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    • 18 8 Air Mail from Batavia and Palemtary* by aeroplanv? is expects at Singapore at 1.30 p.m. tomorrow.
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    • 108 8 Practised in Days Of Cicero. Lord Meston, the new president of the Pitman Fellowship, speaking at a dinner in. London in celebration of the 120 th anniversary of the birth of Sir Isaac Pitman, said that shorthand was in no sense a modern •invention. It was practised by the
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    • 367 8 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. Today's Price Fraser Lyall Evatt Co. K. Sidim ($1) Kundong ($1) Lunas ($1) M. Pindas ($1) M Tekong (Si) Mentakab (.20) New Scudai ($2) New Serendah ($2) Nyalas ($1) Pajam ($1) Parit P. ($1) Perak River <9l) Pun/j?or ($1) Kadella
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  • 182 8 Tod.y. J 3*lat Pandjane. Bengkalii and Bigan Si Api Api (Hone Then*! .3 p.nj Benekßlis, Laboean Bilik Tanjong 4 Balei (Retehl ..8 P-iuJl Ceylon. Kitypt, o— am, bIMM, Great KritHin A Coiu'iihuvin ißoriiißia) 7 p.m Denmark (Parcel*) (Bortagta) fl p.m Tomorrow. Ceylon, Bonil'ay, Ktfypt, Cenoa, Bvropa a
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  • 42 8 By ndrapoi-rn 'onte Kosso I'orluu Bras \nisar-l-Himl I'oclau Kocl>iuh ftiinchi I. fit \rro. S'porp London Die. 2 Dec. 22 !>n-. II Jan. 4 Dec. ii» Jan. 2:i Jan. 6 Jan. 2H 'in. It Fob. 11 Jan. 20 Krh. 11
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  • 159 8 Two Pieces of Land In Dispute. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Feu. 11. Two pieces of rubber land situated at. Kuala Sungei Bahru and Kuala Linggi, part of the estate of the late Teh Chi, were in dispute at a special session of the Assizes before Mr. Justice
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  • 301 8 (The Inm in l>rarke:« denote the ou^ .iut of the c i i'»pc>i4ine period of lost year, i Malaka Pinda. :!t'.,400 Ih. Haki:p Elttti. J:i,s:>o Ib Titi KlfH*" Kst.t-. M.210 lb. Patiini I'.irM Plantation*. xx,7r>4 lb. South Malay Ruhhv 11, 800 !h. Hatu Mutant' Estate. 2 1.100
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 105 8 ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE WEEK. Wednesday, February IS. Rotary Tiffin. Mr. Kdward Ford on "Canning k In HaUya," Aiiel|hi Hotel, 1 p.m. f P«rak Turf Cluh spring mtg., second day. f Friday. February 17. Annual mts;. of" S'porv Hoxinp Ann, Adelphi Hotel :!0 p.m. Singapore Musiial Boefcty'l "Hinwatha's We.iiiimr Ke»-t." Kn
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    • 673 9 Pressure to Sell Cea&esf. SMALL SPECULATIVE INTEREST. (PrM Our Own Correspondent.) Lou 1-in, Jan. IS. It is abundantly clear that the price is kept up only by the control and by the various pools operating radar thi form of financial umbrella. Should the lontrol l>e abandoned the
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    • 74 9 LONDON RUBBER TIN. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 11. RUBBER. (Quotations as supplied by Symington and Wilson.) Spot (Buyers) 2'». (Sellers) 2 3/16. Apr.-June 2%. Julj -Sept 2 3/16. Oct.-Det. 2*». Market tone Quiet. TIN. Spot £149 108. Three month* £149 12s. ad Market tone Dull. SILVER. Spot 16
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    • 1989 9 Gross Profit of $1,534. "VERY VALUABLE ASSETS." Tht- sixth annual jreneral meititiK ol the shareholders of Malaya Consolidated Tin DndgiMj to., Ltd., was held at the I registered offlcc of the company, Chartered Bank Chambers, Penanu, on Friday. Mr. J. J. Saunders. chairman, presided, and
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    • 365 9 Th.- following publi :'.<ions were issue<l or received by .the Depi-.rtnient of St.-.tistica, S.S. und F.M.S., durinjr the pe.-iod Jan. 21 te 27. U>3:i. and are avuilable lor public use in the Refcremo Librnry. Kullerton Building. Singapore. Application may be made by member* i»l th^ puh'ic
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 622 9 BANKING^ NEDERLANDSCH, i INDISCHE fIANDELSBANK N. V. Established 1841 at AauUrdaaa. Aurhonsed CapMal Old*. 100,000,000 Paid up Cjipinl Gld«. B5.000J)00 Be#ervrs Glds. 2-1,190,324 BEAD OFFICE: AMSTERDAM. RKANCII OFFICES THF. HAGUE, ROTTERDAM. OVERSF.AS KRANt lIES. BHtavia: Head c.T.ce for Dutch last Indies. BRANCH OFFICES: DITCH FAST INDIKS: Ampenan, BanAenr f !icribnn,
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    • 306 9 BANKING. NZDERLANDSCHE HANDEL-MAATSCHAPPIJ, N. V. (NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY.) Established in Amsterdam 1824. HEAD OFFICE AMSTERDAM WITH BRANCHES IN ROTTERDAM AND THE HAGUE, HEAD OFFICE FOR THE EAST: BATAVIA. Branches throughout the Putrh Kant Indies and in the Straits Settlements, India, China, Japan and Arabia. LONDON BANKERS I Tfce National Provincial
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  • 995 10 The Straits Times. SINGAPORE. MONDAY, FEB. 13, 1933 DO IT NOW There will probably bi readers of thi article who will ccnMckr that it is far ahead of the fair and that the questions whi.h it ntiHi might ml be deferred for several months. \V<; have every rea-.-on to believe,
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  • 311 10 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Mr. K. D. St. X Morten has l.'en ap pointed Assbtsal GovcnMnrt Bceratary Saraw?!,. Mr. D. V. Murphy has been appointe-; Superintendent of Prisons. Sarawak. Mr. K. LmmOm becom«< Regi^trat, Sivii-unc Ooort, and Official Assignee. Lieut.-Coi. f J. L Ditmas. D.5.0., M.C.. and Mrs. D-tmas arrived by the
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  • 870 10 What Happens to Peasant Proprietors. In Russia before the Sovietisation and consequent State ownership of property took place, the peasants ami small fanners either owned their properties out right or held them in fee from the landed proprietors. They sowed and reaped :r. thousands of small
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  • 630 10 STICKING TO HIS POINT. The following aw raeceaaivc entrie- iii the complaints :ind niSaTestioM book a< an X.M.S. rest house: "A most excWlriit lm-akf:i-l." (signed) A iV<'••Notcd." (aixasd) Distrki OOear. "A damn bad tea (sigaad) I i;u- Rotterdam. "A i -omineiit of the iilio\c (ieacliptM n
    630 words
  • 116 10 AMUSEMENTS -Singapore. AI.HAMKKA. I'alin Cantor and < harlolle i... ■■•„■.>• MS. Phone CAPITOL. 1 .11 M.- Tonlyht with Jaa KipurM and Sunnic Hale, C.16 »J 5261-6-. (.KKAT WOK). II. Norms SI. Straafan Mai Klm. Cat Ladi« I ST\K TALK K. GRKAI WOELU <.i«ha.- Batoa'l I >v Thrill.-, 1....W. |-1,, i,.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 124 10 AOST of us have 'a' special regard for |V| (he rare thing, thejthingj'that the other fellow can t get. But w!".en it comes to whisky there is no virtue whatever in rarity. Most men prefer the whiiky which is easily obtainable everywhere "Johnnie Walker.' Ail you Haw to do is
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    • 59 10 fgf-IMI'.H HEARTH! AM MBS •MA C-EC SU WIHtntHTME G.E.C. RADIO WILL SOLVE ALL YOUR ENTERTAINMENT PROBLEMS. STGWABT STARLET. On Fehruury 11. M I hi- rrcshytrrian Church, tiy the Rev. Stephen Bund. B.A. Frank Kertcuson Stewait. son of Mr. uml Mr>. K. Stewart, of Westellff* ami Winifred Muriel Stanley, .laughter nf
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  • 880 11 WEST INDIES RIOTS. Strong Guard at Helder Naval Base. QUEEN RETURNS. General Situation Serious. TruiihU- is now wpwtoi fr4»m the Dutch .si Indies, and there have ln-«-n many CSMmWm iM street fichtinc at Surinam. In. ,ili!..«i<ui in Holland itself is serious antl then is
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  880 words
  • 95 11 Ratings From De Zeven Provincien. Marine police guarded the X.P.M. steamer Van Oiith<N<rn when she aachand in the inner roads of the Singapore Harbour this morning until she left for Itatavia at noon. Mn board wire four ollicers, 2fi European ;-nd «i; native ratings (if the battleship Dc
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  • 172 11 To Stay Come What May." Berlin, Feb. 12. We are determined to stay, come what may,'' declared the nationalist leader General Hugenberg at a mass meeting at j the Sports Palace this evening. Herr I'apen and Herr Seldte were also present. They stood under tho old Imperial
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 264 11 Death of Sir Arthur Thomson. I/.mlon. Feb. 12. The death is announced of Sir John Arthur Thomson, the famous scientist, n his 72nd year.. Reuter. Profeseor Thomson, the man who popularised biological science, retired from the Chaii- of Natural History at Aberdeen I'nivi- sity in IMO, after holiling
    264 words
  • 1191 11 Changed Bearing. HAVING ITS EFFECT ON TOKIO. Geneva, Feb. 11. The drafting sub-committee has agree to the text of the recommendations, which, after the Committee of Nineteen's ap- proval will be submitted with the rest of the report to the Assembly, probably on Feb.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  1,191 words
  • 854 11 Sir William Robertson. SUDDEN DEATH IN LONDON. London, Feb. 12. Field-Mai thai Sir William Robertson, tiled suddenly in bed at his London home today, at the age of 73. Reuter. Novel lias the Napoleonic dictum that every soldier carries a field-marshal's baton in iiis knapsack
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  • 249 11 U.S. View of Debt Conference. New York. Feb. IJ. Efforts are in progress on behalf of Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Hoover to makt it clear to Great Britain and other debtors that an adamant stand by the-.ii against trade and tariff concessions in return for debt
    Reuter  -  249 words
  • 245 11 South Atlantic Flight Was Unexciting." Rugby, Feb. 10. By flying 4,410 miles from Lympne to Port Natal in Brazil in less than three and a half days Mr. J. A. Mollison has established a fresh record for the EuropeSouth America flight. He is the first man to fly
    British Wireless  -  245 words
  • 179 11 Sytnpathy Wifh British Appeal. Rugby, "eh, in. The appeal for urgent early discussions by the Disarmament Conference made at Geneva yesterday by ('apt. Anthony Eden, the British delegate, produced a sympathetic response from many delegates. ("apt. Eden emphasised that the programme of work submitted l>y th United Kingdom delegation
    British Wireless  -  179 words
  • 835 11 LATEST SCORE. ENGLAND 165 for three. Su te. JARDINE OUT. Only 52 Scored Before Lunch. First-Wicket Stand Of 114. 3 The first wicket pwtaanktp for KncUnd came to a.T end shurtly after (he resumption of the fourth Test thimorninn when Jardinc lost his wicket. His stand
    835 words

  • 1484 12 Singapore Appeal. ARE THE CASH SWEEPS ILLEGAL TOO? Dot constitute a common betting place? of the vex< on Saturday, in the kppeal, eotnlg the Chief Justice I Sir Williai.i „ni I president) Mi Justice WhiUey ami Mr. Justice a B Terrell, of the appeal of
    1,484 words
  • 165 12 Mr. F. F. Stewart and Miss W. M. Stanley. The wedding took place at the Presbyterian Church on Saturday of Miss Winifred Muriel Stanley, daughter of .Mr. ami Mrs. H. K. Stanley. of Claremont, Australia, and Mr. Frank Fergu■on Stewart, of the P. and O. Bank, son of
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  • 82 12 Two Europeans Injured In Hong Kong. ■oag Kong, Feb. U Mr. EL J. K. Walker and Mr. 11. S. Poster were among those injured ai n-ult of an oil drum explosion at the Asiatic Petroleum Co. North Point installation, near here. It was followed by Rre .ii a
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  • 169 12 •Women l.ovc Once" is the title of the Paramount picture at the Pavilion. It > a domestic drama, and Paul Lukas has a rote to which his continental accent is nuited as an artist who i; befriended by rich woman and Roei to Paris to study with disastrous
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  • 323 12 Five Calls Over The Week-End. The epidemic pf outl.i c_'_- of lires in Singapore is stili continuing end over the week-end there wee iive calls for the Brigade, though one to Kallang Road, proved a' false alarn 1 The false alarm call and another to a
    323 words
  • 102 12 How They Set The Fashions For Bangkok These seasonal arrivals of world tourists give focul folk an inkling of what is happening in the large.- outside world' as regard* fashion <stat'< the Kantrkok Times, describing the visit, of the Knipress of Britain). Bare legs have seemingly gono out
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  • 35 12 An American passenger on the President Polk had an epileptic fit in th. circle of the Alhambta Theatre last nigh: and was removed in a semi-consciou.? condition to the General Hospital.
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  • 30 12 The wedding of Mr. Alexander Skene and Miss Gladys Campbell will take place oil Saturday, Feb. IX, at St. Andrew's Piesbyterian Church, Ipoh. The bride will arrive by the Comorin.
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  • 629 12 Death of Mr. 'George Peet. An open verdict was returned by Mr. F. Bourne, the Singapore Coroner, this morning at the conclusion of the inquiry into the death of Mr. George Peet, an engineer at St. James' power station on the night of Jan. 22. In this
    629 words
  • 373 12 Credit Balance at End Of Year's, Activities. The report and accounts of the Eur.i-.-ia.i Association, Singapore, for the year 'ended June 30, ISW2, to be presented the annual general meeting to be held on Tuesday, Fib. 81, at the S.K.c. at :>...ti p.m. reads, inter alia, as follows:
    373 words
  • 172 12 League Committee Helpless. The special committee of the League of Nations, which baa been appointed to deal with the reduction and limitation >f armaments, reports that, while it would not b" possible to prevent preparations for the use of bacteria in warfare, the Permanent Disarmament Commission should
    172 words
  • 116 12 Foreign Language Course For Staff. London's Underground railway organisation is 100 per cent, proficient, except in one instance foreign language*. Mr. Frank Pick, the managing director of ill Inderground group, speaking at the Institute Transport recently on the free educational facilities for the underground slatt", suggested that a
    116 words
  • 53 12 Still No Prospect Of Settlement. Belfast. Pah. U. The railway strike remains at a deadlock with no immediate prospect of settlement. Another outrage occurred yesterday, a railway bridge at Donegal being blown up with gelignite. It was discovered just before a train was due. Civic guards are investigating
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 83 12 Imperial Communications Co. Building. As already announced, the linjMirial aiid Communications Co. has decided to occupy hhe new £250,000 building en the Thames Enibankmruk The building is one of igjndon's landmarks and has been for sale eveV- since it was finished n year ago, when the company decided
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 561 12 The California State. NAUTICAL SCHOOL AT SINGAPORE. Alongside the East RTharf i> the lirsi American (mercantile marine training slr.p to make a WOI II I i vise. lliiv is the California State (operated by the California Nautical School, the jroungesl institution ot its kind in the
    561 words
  • 151 12 Extensive Bank Frauds In Berlin. Hi rite, -lan. 21. Frederic N'ormano, professor of political economy at the Institute of Kionomic.-; attached to Harvard University, li.i- bean identified as a man who for veai> past had l>een sought by the Berlin police for extensive hank fn. uds. the kMMS
    151 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 40 12 f^S^^S^r^ iwHassffs Policies issued against FIRE. LIFE, MARINE, MOTOR VEHICLE, PERSONAL ACCIDENT BURGLARY, ETC. ETC. FULL COVER GRANTED AT COMPETITIVE RATES. The Prudential Assurance Co.,3fc(l^ (Incorporated in England.) Branch Office for Malaya: 17-18, Mercantile Bank Building,' Singapore. s. t. 7.
      40 words

  • 699 13 Interesting Match At Seletar. R. \.F. ChiacM 1. 1 Due to the absence of several regular players owing to injuriei sustained in their match aRainst the Malays, the (hi mm wen unable to ti" 'l their -t team againM the K.A.K. in a at Setetar on
    699 words
  • 620 13 CRICKET BEGINS. Unexpected Results In Singapore Football. Cricket Starts. Indian Association s Practice Match. The Indian Association opened their aeon yesterday with a practice >: me which ended in draw. Stores: Mr. IMtaskkojr'l Xl.— ht Innings: AMmsbhfl i Paraajoti l> Kennedy 5; Mistii i> Bhaskaran Amarchand i< Kennedy l n
    620 words
  • 16 13 The Y.M.CJL, playing or. their own id, beat Tan Kah Kee's eleven at «.ii Satui-daj afternoon.
    16 words
  • 699 13 Favourites Fail. AIR DEFENCE EQUALS A COURSE RECORD. (From Our Own Correspondent.) lyofc, Feb. 11. In spite of the fact that favouritegenerally failed to justify the confidence shown in them, the opening day of the Perak Turf Club Spring meeting today provided some excellent sport. Many of
    699 words
  • 1242 13 Weakened Teams. PUZZLING FORM BY LEADING CLUBS. Wiltshire* i Malays I. What a puzzle football form is The Malays beat the Wiltshire*, the Wiltshires beat the R.A.F.. the Chinese defeat the Malays, then the It.A.F. beat the, Chinese, and now the Wiltshires rout the Malays. Where
    1,242 words
  • 407 13 Members Subscriptions In Arrears. Arrears of subscriptions amounting: to I $1,177 dating; back from IM9-1980 wore disclosed at the annual meeting of the Ceylon Sports Club, which was held at I Balestier Road ion Saturday afternoon. Mr. S. Muthucumaru, the president, «M in the chair, and there were
    407 words
  • 315 13 And Villa Win. TOTTENHAM'S FINE AWAY; VICTORY. London. Feb. 11. The following were the results of matches played in the English and Scottish leagues today Kirxt Division. Arsenal 1 Blackpool I Binninghajn Leeds Utd. 1 Ciiflsia (I AstOH Villa 1 Hoddersneld T. I Newcastle I'ul. 0
    Reuter  -  315 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 60 13 caused &y m xwetindui&encc M^ in to&acca and m A profitable transaction! A good report! Why should you not celebrate these events? v Feeling happy and content, l> 1 one smokes, one drinks //^^X^O;^ a nd the after-effects are banished by ill {V V V fI A the reliable and
      60 words
    • 19 13 A-v rtMrey With apologies to the Sergt- Major PRASE R 6 HEAVE L". P£ODUC£/?S Of PUQ/TY //v MINERAL WAlff%
      19 words

  • 839 14 Interesting Struggles For Leaderships. The- following are the present positions «t tiie teams in the English and Scottish '-Hi ues PM Divisinn. Stockport Co n M U II ftrcrinfton St. 2n 1» 7 r.i v. :i Baxnsle) 13 II I U 66 SI WaUall U 11 I M
    839 words
  • 43 14 To Meet in West End Theatre. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 12. Arrangements are being completed for a *Kht between Jack Petersen (heavyweight champion) and Len Harvey i 'middleweight champion), to be -staffed ;n; n a West Bad theatre.
    43 words
  • 36 14 There was a large gatherinp: at tluRoyal Johorp Polo Olub yesterday nftcr|Don, wlicn Tlioir Miphnessus the Sultan and Sultanah wma present for the fn-st linip since their return from Indo-Cliinn. Piok-up eainos wore played.
    36 words
  • 66 14 Today. February 13. Golf: Keppel G.C. Women's Spoon (bogey) competition Tennis: S.C'.C. tournamont. Tu.-daj. Frbrnary II Football: S. <'.('. six-:t-.<lcie enn, net it ton begins. Wednesday, February li. I'iiak Turf Club spring mtK« second day. .S.C'.C. six-a-niiif compctiiion. Thursday. February' IS. Kootball: B.C.C. *iN-a >.'ir competition scnii-tinals. Friday,
    66 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 443 14 YOUR NEXT LEAVE I from every moment I Love Kfte nil K«>oil tliinns accun .ill too aekknnl) ;in«J ends all too soon. With a car at your disposal hi hi vcr yon can extract enjoyment from every moment of ynur H Inrlonxh. May we sn^xi'st that before going on leave.
      443 words

  • 547 15 CHINESE WATER POLO SUCCESSES. Wiltshire Regiment Teams Outplayed. In view of the forthcoming wator polo in h "n Sunday between the Kuropeans and UM Chinese at the S.S.C., Chinese supporter* were very heartened to see tin ir Chili Boenro such clear-cut victories over th;- Wiltshire Regiment when th>
    547 words
  • 201 15 Island Club Beaten By Keppel. Koppol Golf Club beat the Island Club !n the Wei-hai-wei Cup competition on the Island course on Sunday by 4 to 1. Mit as follows, Keppel players mentioned lirsL: Dr. Lowson 1. Bateman 0. (rving .!<>nes 0, Dr. Lim 1. E. Jackson 1.
    201 words
  • 73 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang. Feb. 12. \njrl.« Chinese School, Klang yen' boatM at cricket by the Selangoi CoMl i !nl>. Bf ">- runs on their own ground yesterday. .■a. of the Club, ("cored 47 noi out in contributing to his side's total o! ViO, R. Sabapethy taking
    73 words
  • 413 15 Bendemeer Lose To Aston Athletic. Aston kJC 3; Bendemeer A.C. 1. Notwitnstanding poor finishing by both sides, the Aston Athletic Club were extended at all to beat the Beridem«er Athletic Club by 3—l3 1 in the second round of a Chinese League football match ut the Jalan Besar
    413 words
  • 118 15 England's International Rugby Success. London, Fe!>. 11. In fine anJ su.iny weather at Twickenham today 60,000 i>ecp!e, including H.R H. the Duke of Yo:k. saw England beat Ireland in the international rugby tou-na-ment by 17 points to fi point". Ireland scored first when Murray lande I a penalty
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 96 15 Won by Mr. Shaw's Genial Nobleman." Altcar, Feb. 10. The Waterloo Cup was won by Mr Shaw's dog Genial Nobleman, nominated by the reachorse trainer Mr. Jack Jarvis. In the final Genial Nobleman easily beat Lord Sefton's Sold Afain. Last year's winner Ben Tinto, one of the favourites
    96 words
  • 53 15 Devonport Services' Big Win. London, Feb. 11. The following were the results of lead•ntc rugby matches played today: Devon port Servs. Gloucester Leicester ivi-ipool )1«1 Leysians Rosslyn Park Swansea 28 I T 0 I U.S. (Pmouth) Cardiff Newport Manoh«6tcr Rlackheath Cambridge In. Bristol X U 10 111 ■jo
    53 words
  • 101 15 Mixed Doubles Tournament Results. The results of Saturday's ties in th" >.<'.< mixed doubles tennis tournament wn»- as follows: \V. C. Hill and Miss Criflith-Jn.-ies beot Lieut. N. C. Phillips and Miss M. Eley, B—6, 6—2. E. A. Taylor and Mrs. Taylor beat Roy Smith and Mrs. Le^jratt,
    101 words
  • 254 15 "Tell People About Birth Control." Proposals for radical depariu'.xs from the established social creed were presented to the Federal Council of Churches of Christ recently at Indianapolis by a committee of eminent churchmen which has been studying the probkm for several years. The council
    254 words
  • 278 15 GROW APPLES. Whole of Britain's Needs CouJd Be Served. The Ministry of Agriculture, in a statement rec?ntly issued urge British farmers to grow more apples. It is not beyon'l possibility, the Ministry stat. 1 M i result of recent developments in cold storage, that this country could supply its entire
    278 words
  • 157 15 54-Page Letter Fetches £480 in New York. New York, Jan. 17. A collection of 204 Shavian items which Professor Archibald Henderson offered for auction on Shaw's advice to "dispose of the things now because of the nigh interest in tnings Shavian," brought a total of 7,887
    157 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 324 15 You buy your petrol j^nnr jl. m. w %nY .^^^g 4^L^BI m ml iW wi fcf-^Jnm nnv^^biM«i^^HM.^MMaw nvx m' s 1 iWsp^ nmr ■l. ■^■w^^^^^nna Vi nnj nv^ njnr .^^^.^iTsm. i ,m m' VJBH l^r 4^^r jrf9fP^T^\ b^iam iii^ W|^«rlnmV m «^^HB«mnw^ WS^^w A cil^ S B\ \*> m J-
      324 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 601 16 NERVE An Elephant's Rights To The Road. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, A few days ago a friend of nun.returning to his home, travelling at night by motor-car along a lonely road in I Pahang, had a meeting with v solitary i bull elephant which must have
      601 words
    • 207 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times. 'Sir, Jf my memory is correct, a jreat deal of discussion took place at a Municipal Csmmiss I oners' meeting several years «m> when t}\c Hum.- Pipe Company wa- < fit si granted the site at the 6th milestone. I
      207 words
  • 134 16 Shoplifting In Change Alley. Sentence of two months rigorous imprisonment was imposed on Roshmdin, a Bengali, by Mr. H. A. Forrer, the '"riminal Qistrict Judge, on Saturday, when' accused pleaded guilty to a charge of theft. A detective police constable, while hi Change Alley, noticed the accused "lifting"
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  • 31 16 The Hon. the Undang of Retnbau, who has been in poor health for the last six months, i.s again leaving for Sumatra about the middle of this month on medical advice.
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  • 263 16 Programme of Drills up to and for week ending Feb. 19: Monday, Feb. 13, 5.15 p.m.. Headquarters, Fortress' •'».•>■., Malay Se:tion Enrolment; 5.15 p.m., Htadquarters, "A" Coy. Recruits, Elementary Gun Drill; 5.16 p.m., Headquarters, "B" Coy., Ceremonial; 5.15 p.m., S?inngoon Road, S V.F.A. N.C.Os., N.COs. Couvc. Tutsday, Feb.
    263 words
  • 124 16 (me of the pleasant habits which has fallen off considerably in Singapore as j. result of the slump is that of dining out. It is still a more expensive business than many people can afford in these difficult times, but a very welcome move la l>eing made by
    124 words
  • 23 16 A Chinese woman was re?<tued from t in- en Ixshind Joo Chiat Police Station lust rafcht, and was taken to the General Hospital.
    23 words
  • 53 16 I Loan of Tcs. 6,000,000 For Deepening (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Fab. IS. It is staled that the Coveniment is considering floating an internal loan of Tcj«. 6.000,000, Mi per cent, at par. to be used principally for deepening the bar in the river. The loan is
    53 words
  • 77 16 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Keb. 11. A Chinese was fined $15 or, in default, ten days rigorous imprisonment bg Mi. 1. C Derrick in the Police Court inlay for tilt- theft of a gold bangle. According; to the evidence, the accused snatched the article from a ehil.l
    77 words
  • 13 16 The death of Mr. W:ik Kiw is announced at the am- ut 81.
    13 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 155 16 WHITEAWAYS WONDERFUL 1 BASIC VALUES. WHITEAWAYS NfcWjfc^ VALUES T1 MUSH HATH SHEETS. \n lin(;ii>li made ttTons Tnrkish I'owelKniC bat h sheet, si/^ 4(1 72" in m ite and fawn stripai with red lines, hemmed border. BASIC VALUE -1.95 Each. one or Whife Huckaback Towel* with Coloured I><> (kr of Blue,
      155 words
    • 129 16 ,yl|^ TLUKISII BATH TOW£LS. kI quality towel soft and absorbent and will Ik- fotiifd haid v'.xai'injr. in Broun and VVhittdetigrt. size 2j x 32 idbhes. BASIC VALUE 85 Cents Each. ONE OF BASK VALUCS -up Fine Quality White Huckaback Towel*. Hemmed borders. Su< 23 40 inckc*BASIC VALUE 55 Cents Each.
      129 words
    • 513 16 I ALL BRITISH 1 ASPRO* 1 Will Hunt Influenza I I Out of Malaga J V Report* to hand indicate the prevalent >f developmenta take place. "Asi'RO" will V Influenza in Malaya. Although not in efride- hunt <nit the "Flu' in 24 boon. Take at mic form. 'Flu" can quickly
      513 words

  • 204 17 j Man's Effort to Clear His Character. man formerly employed as a sorter at I adiiington Post Office, asked the Bowstreet Magistrate if there was any process by which the Postmaster-General coulc 1 "mpellcd to institute criminal proceed- ings against him. He allege! that he had been wrongly
    204 words
  • 192 17 £60,000 Lost at Monte Carlo. A timber merchant's £80,000 losses m gambling at Monte Carlo were mentioned at a Paddington inquest on Arthur Henry Whittinghani. need 51, who was found dead in a gas-filled room at an hotel ;;i; ;i Lancaster Gate, W. Mrs. Wilhelmina Whittinghani told fhe
    192 words
  • 40 17 Shops Throughout France To Be Closed. r i.i. I.i 1 Aozc '-'.-jr.: a pro'fst agaißfct the Government's taxai n proposals. Thi decision has Wt :i taken i.y -.(Xi chairnu n el trade and in-■•'i-'rial federations. Employees will be
    40 words
  • 156 17 Mr. de Valera and The "Irish Republic." Dublin, Feb. 8. Mi. ilt- Valera was elected President today by 82 votes to 64 when the Dail opened. Women predominated in the crowded public galleries and cheered tho it mark made by Mr. Scan Moylan, 1)"puty for Cork, that it
    156 words
  • 93 17 Followers of Former President. Santiago de Chile, Feb. IS. An insurrection, in whi.h the navy ani perl of the army are said to be taking the leal i.s reported to have broken out in Peru. It is centred on Arica and is led by Colonel Oorio Jimenez. Thoso
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 90 17 Commanded Cruiser Force At Heligoland. London, Feb. I The death is announced of Admiral Sir Henry Campbell. —Renter. Admiral Campbell was US yeai>/ut age and retired in 11)17 after a distinguished War record. He commanded the cruiser force during the Heligoland action of 1914, for his work in
    90 words
  • 179 17 Still Regarded As Land Of Promise. Hutfliy, Feb. 10. The members of the Argentine Mission today made a tour of the Port of London, luising in a motor launch through some of the main docks and up the Thames. They were entertained to lunchean at the Mansion House
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 76 17 Business Small Market Irregular. London, Feb. 10. On the Stock Exchange today business in most departments was small with markets rather irregular. British gilt-edged securities, however, after a long period of quietude, finished better on the announcrnunt that a further large gold purchaseby the Bank of England amounting
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 51 17 Soviet Ethnographic Expedition. Moscow, Jan. 28. An ethnographic expedition to th? Philippines, Malaya. Netherlands India and the shores of the African continent is being organised by the Museum o.' Anthropology of the U.S.S.R. lAcademy of Sciences. The expedition will bo absent from the U.S.S.K. for about twr years.
    51 words
  • 40 17 Ric de Janeiro Fst 10. The s—n* French rr.or.oplane Arc en Ciel arrived here from Buenos Ayres en tin- return flight to France. She halted at Port Natal before beginning her flight across the South Atlantic— Rcutcr WireI
    40 words
  • 142 17 GERMAN DISASTER. Hundred Dead and 1,000 Injured. New 18. Tha death roll -ill tfat fpwOßMter ploaiea i.s nu,v Mtimated u> U' a c least a hundred. About .'..MO wen injured. Cologne, Feb. 11. It is believed T bti .Wuenkii ilivn disaster MM >mi' to the exploeion petrol tank igniting a
    142 words
  • 137 17 Hopes That Work Will He Resumed. (From Our Own Correspondent.) I>ond<'i. IV>. 11. ■■mil excii?iiii-nt hai bf.-.i caused on the Clydeside by the publication of a newspaper report tliat work 00 lha uiaiit Cunarder, No. 884, is to bo il< finitely resumed next month. It was recently announ
    137 words
  • 43 17 Death Of Commissioner For Agriculture. The dtj'.h hj .--i! Dam--! Moms, aged c 4. to* >al Cobbmissitmer for AtrrieuUure in the Weat Indies, who derotl d hi? life to fiirMierimr botanical and Hjtriouliural developments in the Colonial Empire. Britten Wiw-
    43 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 147 17 line Latest and Improved kw^ DREM DREM Mete I jfctr.n „,-,.;,-;noiiijM| (3 Models.) I W., J t Specially made I J"- 1 2. CINE ami 3. ORDINARY CAMERAS. Absolutely reliable. Price $9.90 or $10.00 post free anywhere. Sole Agrnti INGAPORE PHOTO Co I.«rßi-»! (mien Iluuir in Malaya. aVGB mm siNG.M-ORr.
      147 words
    • 162 17 A MORE THAN 60© f MOTOR MMUEMHIBERS Saq~ V^BLHHnIHHa^ILVfIH^LHLV^ 7 i eiajji24nalav^v&K£^T299!^^^^^ I H aTi nuj^^^ei 1 ,v\ Aaa^^flß §e\ (VSlOW9A_^miT|i ll \m/ I MPfi Ai wr^MtwJt^' BWr^rtiffj-IIUIJ 'IB' "\>4l I 94ml 'T^V > v. \v\ 1 aEtfflneLAV^ SOCONY-VACUUM CORPORATION. (Incorporated fn V SI.NC.AI'ORK IKVANt. IK imv*^n& N AIR
      162 words

  • 188 18 Success of New British Fuel. Rugby, Feb. 10. twelve months' cootract for the oil xtractod from British coal has been ilacd by the Admiralty with a British inn. The oil is secured by low temperance ari nnisation. Small coal is backed n letorta yielding oil, smokeless fuel an-1
    British Wireless  -  188 words
  • 118 18 Not Renouncing His Claim To Throne. Paris. Keb. I. A (kmeati is tjiven by the suite of the Prince of Asturias to the Madrid report that tne Prince desires to renoanCO hiright to the Throne and many a com monpr. The Prince has just returned from a cure
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 21 18 The annual meeting of the I/.itus Club will l>- hdi at the Y.W.C.V. Rafllei Quay, on attar lay al 1.80 p.m.
    21 words
  • 151 18 Debate in House Of Lords. London. Feb. H. Immediate steps for tK- future in Indian constitutional reform were debated in the House of Lords following a motion Inquiring as to the precise procedure. Lord Irwin, for the Government, said the joint select committee which Parliament would be invited
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  • 201 18 Pyjamas Dance Suggested In Kuala Lumpur. (I'lom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 11. A beach pyjamas dance and a cabaret show were among the suggestions for cejebrating the day of England's patron j aint which were put forward at the annual meeting of the Selangor branch
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  • 238 18 Highest Percentage Of Cambridge Passes. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Siremban, Feb. 11. Speech Day, usually a red letter day at Kinjr George V school here, was marked by customary enthusiasm last .night. His Highness the Yam Tu.-.n, who was to have pivsentcd the prizes was unavoidably absent owing
    238 words
  • 77 18 Death Of A Russian Sculptor. Moscow, K. A. Antlreev, a prominent Soviet sculptor and chairman of the Moscow Union of Soviet Sculptors, has died herj K. A. Andrew was an artist of out- standing merit. His talented sculpture •n well known. He is the sculptor of 1
    77 words
  • 31 18 1 iota or.) Urn I.S. .Mercantile marine t raining ship California State in Singapore Cadet* watching a baseball g am? agaiiut a local team.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
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  • 3427 19 Simpson's Fish Ordinary— But No Fizz This Time A London-Brighton Interlude Is America Civilised I Am A Fugitive Says "No "—What Would You Do With A Million And What They Did A Brilliant Actress In A Poor Play— Mary Ellis In Double Harness
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  • 166 19 Inhabitants Of Irak 6,000 Years Ago. An expedition under the auspices of the British Museum has left London in an effort to trace a lost civilisation which is believed to have existed for some hundreds of years ia Northern Irak over 0,000 years ago. The expedition will be
    166 words
  • 1387 19 RUBBER LATEX AND MANUFACTURE. lishment of a fire-testing station for the building industry. In view of the^ interest of the rubber industry in rubber flooring and other possible applications of rubber in building construction, arrangements were made for Dr. Stevens, the Association's consulting chemist, to attend the conference. A representative
    1,387 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 124 19 Today's Crossword Puzzle TTTfTfinTTTTf"' wrmi w wT |J^ %%i '5 s^p* M i&i MX '7 it <9 p*> I _^1_ M m. (CLUES.) 21. Guide l Native or Biaa j6j 6 Formed by a loom !1 27. Free.l from water IS < "ins :!<1 Numll<l S S,, 34. Piacneal S7.
      124 words

  • 139 20 £30,000 Fire. SURREY MANSION GUTTED. THE WRECKED ENTRANCE to the n «n«:on bo [Ye the fire was extinguished. (I'lanet NcWa\>) SVI.VAf.KI> HOUSEHOLD BFPFCTB m th<- la«n in front of the linriiiiii; inansiiin. (I'lanet News.) 'ATTAIN WOOI.F BARN ATOS SIKREY HOME IN FLAMES: A serious lire broke out at Arden Run.
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 20 JACK JOHNSON: The Heaxy weight Champion of ISM, has just made a visit lo I'aris aftc an akinwt of twenty years. "Jack" was arcompanied h\ his while »ile. (I'lanet New-. I
    31 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 20 I'AY I>A^ Seamen in the British Naxy are paid evc>-y two weeks, whether in or out of port. The pay is always received from the paymaster on the top of the seamen's hats. (Planet News.)
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 20 I>R. COSMO LANG, the Archbishop of Canterbury, who opened the Convocation of the Lower House of Canterbury on Jan. 18. (Planet News.)
    22 words
  • Article, Illustration
    37 20 LOSING THEIR SKIRTS! Kronomv is the ofiVial reason given fr<- the conversion of the famous Evzone Batta'lnn into a Republican <.uard. This: change precludes the weaving of the Evzone Skirts the pride of every Kvzoniti-. (I'lanel News.)
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