The Straits Times, 29 January 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 37 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAY Ak No. 59. Sunday, January 29th., 1933. Price 1Q cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper in Malaya, No. 59. Sunday, January 29th., 1933. Price 10 cents.
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  • 853 1 French Cabinet Give Up Task. DEFEATED ON VOTE OF CONFIDENCE. Paris Financial Crisis. GERMAN ADMINISTRATION RELINQUISH OFFICE. Two European Cabinets resigned yesterday. The Boncour Government, which was formed after the defeat of M. Herriot on the war debts issue in the middle of December, has tendered
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  • 121 1 Expected Denial By Chancellor. (From Our Own Correspondent.) 1., mion, Jan. 28. The Chancellor of the Exchequer is ixptettd to take an early opportunity of strongly ihnyinjr wawn which have circulation ',> the tffV.t that the (h vernment inttirls to redu'-e taxation at the expense of an
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  • 80 1 Many Outdoor Sports Suspended. (From Our Own Correspondent* London, Jan. 28. Great Britain is in the grip of Arctic weather. Bitter cold continues, and skating is being indulged in en the various London voirs. Ordinary outdoor sports have been interfered with. The Cup Tie matches are being played,
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  • 15 1 Mr. C. L Chapman has been appointed a member of the European Unemployment Committee. F.M.S.
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  • Article, Illustration
    10 1 M Paul Buncour speaking at t. anniversary of GambettflM^Kth. l*
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  • 159 1 lIH.HI.K WAGE OFFER TO BRIGGS' EMPLOYEES. Detroit, Jan. 28. It is expected that work will be resumed at the Ford ri'am on Monday and at the Briggs Manufacturing: Company today as a result of the offer of higher wages to Isiiir^-' |»lsjw Router. A message
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  • 83 1 Svremban Reader Wins t^iist Weeks $100. Mr. F. W. Marsh, of fiOIJ. Kiernan Crescent, Scrcmban, wins the $100 offered by the Sunday Times in connection with the football matches played on Jan. 21. Mr. Marsh was the only competitor who predicted correctly the results of nine out of
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  • 118 1 BE TIME FOR PLAIN SPEAKING." I EAGLEh#OLICY IT FAR' EAST 4jpJp)EM.NED. >"idon, Jan. 28. 1 a-'io of N';r«i(irs' policy of conMBUtioa in t'i v Sinn Tnjwnese dispute has [VKiys ix- n <i(.'ufitfuJ^)olicy in view of •f attitude «#«iipan,Wu.vs the New,Chronicle in a leadi'wr article headed "The Time fot^Jain r*>akinjr." ■iThe
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  • 66 1 LONDON RUBBER TIN. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Jan. 28. RUBBER. (Quotations as supplied by Symington and Wilson.) Spot (Buyers) 2 3/16. Oct.-Dec. 2f». Market tone —Quiet. TIN. •SP«'< £HSBh. M. Three months £147 2s. 6d. Market lone —Steady. SILVKK. *!>•>• 17d. Two months 17 1/I6d < KOSS KATE
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  • 353 1 BRADMAN MONOPO&ES N.S.W. BATTING." ■m~* *<*_ Sydney, Jan. 28. The M.C.C. defeated Ntw South ffalM today by four wicke's. The visitors had Niw South Wales all out in their second hniagl for »">8 runs, to which the score hail been taken from the overnight total
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  • 88 1 De Valera's Appeal To The .Nation. Dublin, Jan. 28. The State of the Parties at 1.30 p.m. was Dcvaleraites 68 Cosyraveites 43 Independents 8 Labourites 8 Centre Party 11 Independent Labour 1. Mr. de Valera in a message in his party organ declares that national policy has now
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  • 28 1 London, Jan. 28. Devonport services beat Aberavon y 9 points to 7. The remainder of the Rugby fixtures were scratched owing to very severe frost. Reuter.
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  • 59 1 Police Line Of Action Not Disclosed. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Jan. 28. There have been no fresh developments in the MaMla shooting incident, and no information is available aj to the line of action the police will take. The wounded man stands a good chance of
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  • 62 1 Equal Treatment For Higher Paid Workers. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Jan. 26. The Labour-Office is proposing to the Government a new Ordinance aiming at giving the same treatment to native and Chinese workers, earning more than 4 guilders a day, as to Europeans. A
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  • 56 1 Dutch Producers Turning Their Attention To Padi. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Jan. 26. Sugar producers in the Dutch East Indies are considering diverting their energies to the cultivation of other crops, notably padi. Conditions in the industry in Java are very bad, but reports have been received
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  • 1118 1 How Order Came Out Of Chaos. MALAYAN UNION DINNER. Lack Of Comideration For Organiser^ The teams \h& toft part In the North vs. South -nsiefc, which ww played at the Anson Road Stadium \evttrday. were entertained at Raffles Hotel last evening by the Malayan WSfliy Lnion. —"Dr.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 1536 2 JOURNALISM Singapore in these j harassed daya i- unique. I am not I gotng to reveal tp you how true that is in many professional directions, but you j can sic for yourself one aspect of it. Have you noticed how the Strai's Times Planting Correspondent
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  • 138 2 THE "FOUNDLING" OF 85 How Mr. William Lost Got His Name. Among the 500 old boys and girls present at a reunion at Harwell Residential School, where Charlie Chaplin was educated, was Mr. William Lost who does not know hid age -or his real name. He was lost by his
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  • 122 2 Employment Exchange Official Dies In Five Minutes. How a man died from asphyxiation, caused by a piece of meat i,i his throat, was described at an inquest en Friderick John Harrington, 60, of Strathyre Avenjie, Norbury. Evidence was given that Mr. Harrington, a senior official at Peckham
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  • 440 2 Oil That Retains The "Vital Spark." MANY years of scientific study and exploration throughout the world have led the medical profession to an amazing discovery. It has bsea found that life substance j which is in all living things, wheth animal or
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  • 182 2 PEEK COMPLAINS OF SERMON. TH Archi.ishop of Wale- (B I. wards), has demanded the resignation of the R*v. L E. Robert curate in the parish '>f Chirk, following a sermon wkicfl .Mr. Roberts preacher! on di.--ai B tatod that a complaint i. who li\ Chirk.
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    • 45 2 PV GOOD T laW V»s^ 2jKS *"vt.^ Policies issued against FIRE, LIFE, MARINE, MOTOR VEHICLE, PERSONAL ACCIDENT, BURGLARY, ETC., ETC. FULL COVER GRANTED AT COMPETITIVE RATES. The Prudential Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England.) Branch Office for Malaya: 17-18, Mercantile Bank Building, Singapore. Sun. T. ">.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 48 2 WHAT DOES A WE E A "T"S AS MUCH IN' AND HOW DOES. I-Je MOLL EAT, A DAY AS HE. KNOW WHAT POP?" WEIGHS 1 WE Pop-Anyway ril r r*^?*** Pnt>\ Ktu'rinltv (Ml f"\ full) r\ (f& /I '^=^%t > ~y t^s (Copyright. 1931. by Tht Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
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  • 334 3 MAPPLNG FROZEN LAND .FOR VtfALERS. A PARTY of e\plo>erf» .»ne <rf whom will make the first attempt to cross ;he South Pole by aeroplahe nd return without a stop, has lefV Knyland for ape Town. The flying distance will be '.'."><> miles. The man i^ Mr.
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 197 3 "U.S. KILLS ITS PRESIDENTS." The Queen and I are deeply sorry to learn of your tragic and unexpected bereavement, and we hasten to assure you of our piofound sympathy with you and your family in your irreparable loss. The King and Queen's message to Mrs.
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  • 220 3 Countless Fanners Punished: Tons Of Wheat Left In Straw For Own Use. A new effort to induce defaulting State farms to deliver their scheduled (rain I 'ontriliutions has been laum lied !>y >!i,I Soviet autho'-i 1 In those districts defaulting on their 1 main quotas,
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  • 150 3 Cathedral Plans That Weigh 02 Cwt. The ArchhisOQi* of Liverpool (Dr. Dow ney), presiding' at a** lecture by Mr. Joseph Devlin,' M. P.. on behalf of the proposed Liverpool Catholic Cathedral, stated that the foundation-stone would be laid on Whit Monday, June ?>. Thy rt'leli ations w«^Jfl <eKtmt
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 258 3 SIR MALCOLM CAMPBELL says: "I predict that the future of this car is absolutely assured." 'Having tried it (the Ten-Four), I am convinced that it will a«*al to the general motoring pabHc from every point of view, writes bfalcolm < impbell in 'The l'n/,1 "Here is a real motor ar,
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  • 1161 4 BRIDGE NOTES How To Conduct A Match. EVENING THE LUCK. (By K. E. Kemp.) FROM my correspondence, it appears that the method of con lucting a duplicate bridge match is not fully understood. s<> I will giv-j a short description of how to go about it. First
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  • 487 4 IS MINI TES AFTKK CONSUMPTION. GREAT interest was taken in the trial ,i' Oxford City Quarter Sessions of .iviv.<> Tovnsen;! Pearce, aeed -H, desd bad as a bone 'iealer, living fit Boars Hill. Csford, Tin < >,•>••-»••: w ilrVmr a car while under the influence,
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  • 2714 4 A Planter's Autobiography Days Of The "Creeper A Jim file Svandttl The C* olden Pre-U ar Days Letters From Exile* Fifty Degrees Belotv Zero Joys Of Th> Kentish Countryside. THERE are stiil a few planters in Negrri Sembilan who remember Mr. Bruce Lockhart when he was a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 78 4 "Collecting NESTLES ,<^j P\ Stamps is a most ml. <*^BJOjL interesting hobby. Send for a msM a^ 1^ 1^ uwJ b^^ bw^^^^B*' V IV l_i 1— I i like mine." mW MtP^Sfk. W mr^^^sl 5 6 *t-^mam« B_™*>»»^. mimH mw Jiar s*~~^K. V immmul P^^L^/ Wi Send 5 picture stamps
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 107 4 ISO. 59: ETHEL JANE: BIRD COMPLAINS OF GARDENER Said Bird. "I would invite you to my ne»t 'IBecause you see, he's always (so I'm told) Hut iu-t at present I feel too depressed "Just looking out for someone he can scold "This garden's really in an awful state. "See for
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  • 1616 5 YOU HAVE TO WORK TO (,ET \M WHERE. (|{y Joan Mlondell. (he famous blonde i star of Hollywood.) i I HOLLYWOOD'S latest pastinw to jolw about itself. The brigtltest stars in the film firmament -Connie Bennett, Harold Lloyd, I.ow"ll Sherman, Cenev it-,. Tobin and Neil Hanilton—
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  • 281 5 MACHINES TRACK DOWN THE FLASH. API A-«H ti li.-hui.njr, even if it is iuv il. M every fftelcM M< up disconcerting atm your set. Th' Radk ImMrl Organisation have track il»wn this apMttm <>f llm LA. Wai nit Way. sh"wtd at In 1 imperial College, by means
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  • 125 5 He Saved The Gold She Trod On. "I worship the very shoes you walk < n." a younjf Scotsman told his fiancee, who woiks in a Birmingham jewellery factory, and for two years, to prove his di-votion, he insisted every evening on U'aninK her shoes and
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  • 267 5 HOMK SECKETAIY'S DECISION. .Jo!m (Jilmour. the Home Secretary, in- v letter t.» Mr. Lansboxy, who recentiy* fhtei viewed the Prime Minister at Lbssiemouth in an attempt to secure the reli ase from prison of Tom Mann and £mrhys Llewellyn, has declined to recommond any
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 86 5 SIXTH DAY and STILL PACKING OUT! Notice! Owing to TREMENDOUS SUCCESS, *c have been compelled to EXTEND THE SCREENING of REX INGRAIVTS SUPERB SPECTACLE OF ARABIA BAROUD Until TOMORROW NIGHT Final Holiday Matinee TODAY at 3.15. j_ Don't miss this last opportunity of seeing this great picture "The BEAU GESTE
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    • 377 5 it IL ,^M Ti^P lAjt ImZ* N nCir^ tnt^ RESERVATIONS PHONE 6903. MATINEE TODAY AT 3.15 One could haidlv :sh Tor nottcr on- •"T't.tertainment It U I ft'.w h"" 1 and almost evervon- It -mv 't is S* 1 ailmr.. ls over> Tho I cprt:iin "catch," It is not
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 465 6 'u\\\\\\\V 3^/^B "^^^l^l^^^_ BYE4 Mens Soft Felt HaK the "MAYFair I^f J^ MsKuJm Sulr 81.00 pair. Me $7.9 i Ml. x <Q n 7~ t '-—I Mil /i "rf •LTr 11 "T* s'le5 le 85 ~*K 'i Sheba t Dinner Set. Wfajj£sy7'>ns*iM I L/'F"* l\ Men's Pith Polo Topees. w
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  • 5148 7  -  JACK McLAREN OUR NEW SERIAL STORY— By New Readers Start Here Tha Silver Bell." a jiearling lugger sailing along the Solomon Island c«ia-t discovers a cutter ashore on a reef. Henry Sutherland, the skipper, atsanajaa the silver BaaTa aaairaa, biM aa he approarhes the stranded vessel
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 690 8 It is curious how people who have been out of this country for some years tend to idealise Malaya. Thu« M. r'huconnier, in his novel "The Snul of Malaya," which was received niuah less favourably by most people who read it in this country f han by reviewers
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  • 1374 8 I DO not think there is any natural explanation of ghosts. Some people advocate the theory that matter can become impregnated with impressions and sounds and give them out at regular intervals; but I do not think this bl s,,ili eietit explanation of ph?nomena that un
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  • 1815 8 Believe it or not being The Assertions of Ananias I think somebody must have introduced to Malaya one of those brands of hooch which the Ameri-! MM refer to as "likker" you know the sort of stuff if you <ivjii'.\ it, then breathe in closed room anJ strike a match,
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  • 112 8 Singapore, Saturday. The Foreman of Ihe Ananias News Factory is able to Tcveal startling developments in connection with t hiIViian;; Hill Scheme. A commit let has been appointed b> dovernment la enter into negotiations with various ice manufacturers in Malays with a view to ranirinu for a Mipniy
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 250 8 AMUSEMENTS. SINGAPORE. ALHAMBRA THEATRE. riIANDt with Kdmund l.owe. Bela l.uirosi and Irene Ware. IJ. l. l i in. Phone 6909. CAPITOL THEATRE. BAROUD »ith KM Ingram. 6.15 Ml p.m. I'hone 52(1-2. BURLBOKOUGH THEATRE. iiik PKAiti. \K(M\<k (Ghhnas lalkie Picture). 7.00 9.30 :>.m. NEW WORLD. SM»K SHOWS < 'AItAKGT DANCING, TAI.MK.S.
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    • 31 8 PIANO TUNING— REPAIRS. REMOVALS— HIRE. E. CHARLES: Phone 2902. 182, Orchard Road. ♦•»»♦»♦♦»♦♦♦»♦♦»♦♦♦»♦♦♦•«•♦•> EDITORIAL, MA.NAGMEIAk. AND ADVERTISING OFFICES J 78, Cecil Street, Singapore. THLRPHONH IISI. Kuala Lumpur: 25, Java Street. TILIPDONI left.
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  • 2234 9 South Win Memorable Game. GODDARD SCORES TWICE. Billson's Brilliant Display, (Hy Our Rugby 'Hi i <>]><>ii(li'lit.) South Malaya 11 pts.; North M;\a 8 pfs. AFTKR one of the most thrilling and hard fought matches this season, tin South repeated theii victory of last y:ar 11 points (a goal, a try
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  • 256 9 R. A. FIGHTER'S WIN OVER MORRIS. Three splendid bouts were witnessed at the New World Arena h*\ night, all ending in wins for the favourites. L.-Bdr. Ellis, the popular R.A. fighter, showed himself to be considerably improved and defeated Cockney Morris, the Wiltshire Regiment welterweight, by a
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  • 51 9 Kanusamy was allowed bail in $200 until Feb. I when ho was charged with voluntarily causing grievous hurt to Packiri on the grounds of Government House. Another case of voluntarily causing hurt on Jan. 27 was also postponed until Feb. 2, bail being allowed the accused, Hassan Mohamod Abdullah, in
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  • 293 9 CROP OF MIXOR CASES DEALT WITH. Mr. A. W. Hay, the Singapore second magistiate, officiated in the third and fourth courts as well yesterday when a number of minor offences committed over the holidays were mentioned. There was the usual crop of charges for firing
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  • 112 9 Watson Cup Presented To Dr. Ingram Shaw. The Malayan blanch of the British Medical Asso?iation held the>r annual dinner at Raffles Hotel last night under the presidency of Dr. G. V. Allen. Over 80 membeis and guests attended. The Royal toast and that of the Association was honoured,
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  • 54 9 Results Of Australian Championships'. Melbourne, Jan. 2H. The following were the results of th<-semi-finals of the Australian tennis championships Singles. Gledhill boat McGralii. I, <i 1, 6—l. Doubles. Crawford and Moon beat Allison and Van Ryn, 10— H, f> 6 4. Vines and Gledhill beat Cummings and 6 1.
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    • 283 9 KILMARNOI K yS ptfl v in O 7) A^^C(l) >»/^ 11. h.t.e I a whisky rspfiinlly f"i MS ih-m.l'- Ui Mi, ..< kU M l«< M ftsM '<■•"> Imi the win in tjAsBJ such a remark hie ilep. It is part of th' <;real pleasure <>/ om In, <n,s\
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    • 86 9 THE SALUTE I Here they Come "Smiler" leading— a gallant and endless little army radiating Health and Happiness The tramp of these V sturdy little feet is heard increasingly throughout the world to-day for "Cow Gate" is fast becoming world-famous and happy Mothers everywhere are saying AIA. TINS ARE DATED
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 87 9 EMPIRE RADIO. Programmes For Today And Tomorrow. TODAY. ,2.30 p.m. Time, Signal froir, Bijr i>n. Service from a studio conducted by Kpv. Father C. Maitindale, S.J. 3.0 Concert by Sydney Baynes' Rand. 3.55 Concert by the Royal Air Force Band. 4.15-4.30 Summary of the Week's News. TOMORROW. 2.30 p.m. Time
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  • 780 10 GREAT ROMANCES OF ROYAL HOUSES. over then, i i I little nolir. "i;i.l--h it. Thei rain mil' legit i-iii. i>u'. th child >t permit .c<\ to bear th" rank party. Tl for ineU i i him I i ally the cele- ith whom he lived hap] i th.: Belgian throne.
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  • 181 10 i'rufound Gnititude For Fricmlship." ing' bequest to Uojg "im an found gratitude for all hi.s kin<Uiess and l i< lui-hi;. ned in the will pul>d of Ma ape I 11. of Portugal, who died in exile in London. H left ;•> the King
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  • 1401 10 When Singapore Was Unruffled. GLIMPSES INTO AN OLD ANNUAL. Bill There Were Tigers! (Special lo the Snn:lr> Times.) DR. Cfcarkii Basgor, Piofiaoot of tli History i I M< dii n at UdboV n University. who was b peon at Tan Took Song i i i Hist (aid urn visit. and
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  • 864 10 100,000 WATCH A CEREMONY OF MYSTERY. The Food Taster. Then has been a funeral in Bewiel Meecev tht- fust since I^-nin's body tiua iml in jrlass ten yrais apo. NoM sine him has ht'i-n thonpiit worthy of burial. Even the jm-au-st in cnly iifinatcd
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  • 64 10 1 Ik ;i ten Hy Ckgf] Of Ahirm-linll. r alaiia hall It is a limple clockwork device with throe projectii hash control a I clockwork msiiK' the ball. Placeu bahsad a door or beside a wtnj (low catch the weight ef tae hall pushes i in tk<
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 45 10 At close cf plaij Q S<- <* si?ng**> WNC CWUCI M \***JC ilueasaH 90^k m I BBBBBBsVIIVIW y i^ m I x (ri* Go through life c s W^ n 1 'I t with the right spirit. euM&mA* HI »_^_^gsSa»»s^ ~il r.-t^f-. tag*-- fc»-^* f ?^fLjt'-jl
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    • 100 10 <*\ STUDY YOUR W A NTS in the DA I LV NEWS ADVKIMISKMKM COUJMIri A SUGGESTION TO HOME LOVERS. i jj Make point SO visit "s when you ii require furniture foi jroat hoove bsml learonlTos hi I tiouble and time. We oases Im i mrga ottoasoV tastes to their
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  • 372 11 Siong 800 Athletic Association. MAY MEET LINDRUM AND McCONACHY. The Siong 800 Athletic Association i held a tea-party last week-end at the club premises, Cecil Street, to entertain Mr. Tan Kirn Song, Malayan billiards i hampion. A fairly large gathering at- tended the function and among
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  • 572 11 CELEBRATIONS VI I'VSIR PANJANC. An enjoyable nul and wa. spen' by ew Sin Sia and their f:- '.-nds la-; Saturday and Sunday, when the six anniversary of ihe ass< tion was celebrated -the venae being the bungalow of Mr. Aw Boon Raw, raafar Panjsat On
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  • 161 11 AMATE UR DRAMATIC. The annual general meeting of the Straits Chinese Amateur Dramatic and Musical Society was held a' Mr. Koh Kian Boon's residence. After the minute--had been read and confirmed and the ment of accounts adopted, the I'ffice-bt-arers for ltd were elected as oliows: Patrons M< \w Booa Haw.
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  • 45 11 The following arc the winners of the Nagri Bemhilaa lnl> Billiards Tournament WoW Cup fagflai i;»r: Champion Mr. Pecchioni, Runner np A. Edatond Highesi break <•■ Pachjrmuttu. Ra.tsian I'ool Simmons Cup: Champioa <;. Suppiah. Runner up Che Abduliah inn Ibrahiat, Highest break (I. Pachymuttu.
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  • 46 11 srien or captains of parties de■iring friendly badminton ftxtures with the Unison Badminton Party are requested t<> write to the sports captain, Mr. Chua Chian Lee, 28 Petain Road, off •lalan Besar, or to the -ecretary. Mr. Bank Gaak Pang, 174 Sims Avenue.
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  • 552 11 POSSIBLE CHANCE IN DEBTORS LAW HOME OFFICE TO MOLD INQI IR\. SPEEDY amendment and modification Of the statutes which ordain im pruwnmeni for debt is forshndowad by i the Home Ort'ue decision r« appoint a| representative cnmmitt«e Ui invpntiiratr the sy tern whiih has Keen in operation so lone;. The
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  • 510 11 WHEN £.'soo BOUGHT PICCADILLY. In view of what he described as thf "'areneral i«rn;>rapce" conce'nin»r the Crown 'ands. Mr. A. S. (iave. Commission- of Crowi, Lands, wa-. at pain< to explain the •xten» and d >' but i«-i of those lands in ■<n :>dd to the Chartered
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  • Article, Illustration
    45 11 Photon mull taken at a tea-pari> heM h> the Sim» P Mble 4 ><-■>< iatiorr celebration of it> -urce*«. in last year's Malayan billiard Mr. T«ng, Mr-, long Lao. Mr. I)a\id i rankt-l and Mr. he«- heok are *e« n stated in front.
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  • 116 11 Revenue Authority Prosecution. man who \va- gfvau a "lep )>" «V*t a wall -«n I into a football ground was summoned at Yarmouth by the Revenue authorities for entering Wellesley Football Ground without payment to see an Amateur Cup match. The defendant was GoaTgO Yaxley.
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  • 403 11 the BIGGEST II \U, EVEI 111 ILL IN" th.' world' (i i'\ uiijrht < >' ilrii! oivmiiin an-l th White City j comb*ne<l London may won stagy h«- 1 world's I" rs m\ Plan for the buiMinir, u1 i h woull! Ii:-Vi- a Hfl ri
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 17 11 "ITS A VERY GOOD NEWSPAPER." That it the rontenaut of local oi/iwi'in on th* Singapore Duilg Ba-
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    • 207 11 nmr f^w Jy m^T Banl M LnP^ d BannKioaiAaaa. nnT < *^^^^^^W ■^s^^^""**^w^ Lmnr s > <tan mar^H fl l&l Jr%- V.J wL M m .jaa> BKanv. Bnasnl jraan njsw s *^^H an* gannigj 4?^' I W^ BannV mmntiJrmf mB Lnm Germs of decay lurk in ugly film Prevent trouble—
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  • The Book Page
    • 468 12 Snow In Harvest, lly loinna nnnan ll<Klder am! Slmignt<jn. 7s. i'.«l. The grc.t joy of i'll M antian'Looks lies in th< of their characterisation nnd "Sao* in H*rvo»t" mo c • ioiTTo the iule. Round a sininle thome she lias written a book which i* often amazingly
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    • 267 12 The Year Book of Education. Evan* Brothers. As. This book, the Kditor-in Thief of which is Lord Eusta. c "m). a former President of the Board of Kducation. will received when it made its appearance in Ifltt, and th* pi esent volume, apart from statistical tables,
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    • 516 12 England This Way. Felix de (irand 'Combe. Ivor Nicholson Hml Watson. "To see ourselves as oHMKI see us" well, here we are, studied from within the gates, observed, criticised an I i c,w permanently inscribe! within the covers of a book. Mr. de Grand' Combe has
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    • Article, Illustration
      387 12 Ilunga-Bung». i;> Stephen King-Hall. Ivor Nicholson and Watson. Bunga-Hunga. that delightfully idyllic island in the Pacific in whose aBOaoM Aniei icans s|ien<l their leisure and money while Britisher-, iia'iently rule, had the unparalleled misfortune of having Sir Montague Thumpetet. X.('.M.(;., appointed (iovernor. Not ihat Sir Montague was anything
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    • 404 12 The Desert Of Thirst Js% Joan Conquest. Werner Laurie. 7s« lid All the major passions, love, hat. 1, jealousy. revenue cruelty et;-.. have full play in Miss Conquest's latest story. This author certainly gives her res full value for their money. All the characters of sensational fiction are
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    • 366 12 She was Sophia. Xv Kuth ManningSanders. Cohden-Sanderson. One of the most dil'kult tasks a no.elist can underak ■> to portray a child mind. S > many of i'.s forg -t bow we felt and thought in those far off dayof simple idea.-, but Mrs. Manning-San deis lias
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 154 12 THE WRITING PAD WITH THE WORI I) WILE KEPITATION. I (roxleye fel Writing Pad j Manufactored by JOHN DICKINSON CO., LTD, Mnr-jrpor^teJ in Knglandj POsTI BOX 16*. Sl\«. IPOUL AND SOLD BY ALL RTATIONKU IN MALAYA. j ANNUALS AND YEAR BOOKS. i 01 l» RMMWI I \l M i«.; xi.ii
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 182 12 OUR CROSSWORD PUZZLE W x 1 3J4 5 7 9 I |IO i 7 !8 p P 2O il -#jj [y^ II J I l-->! 1 J |_JH_ W$ CLUES.) ACROSS utUi itseenrse id. Ma i Raw i■■ Aeoairs Pain 19. Bveata Bproel -i. l-3u(jr<'r il'. Pattern 14. Klevateil doom
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  • 545 13 ris the business of every woman wh > di iiret ••> b« well dre -<■>'■ tp her That old -groomed h well ihod fe 'i sad h m they iii for iiijiny defleienc es in the i the attire still holds In the tropics, we are
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  • 114 13 IKS clous, those bip, steel-headed nails J which mark MM the rturt 'tieit ingi for padcstrißM, have inspired fashion leaigwm. to muny mm novelties in's dross. They may be copied a-^ powder boxe* i which lie flat in the hamlheg, as buttons on a morning frock,
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  • Article, Illustration
    5 13 Latest bridesmaids' fashions in London
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  • 151 13 Mis Gladys I (Owian, a 2". years old <Krk to a l-ond'>n turn ol mci aecouataatu, >a- ju I aehicvad a antablc dJstinetiofi. *)l .'■'<"> eandidsjaj a: the stion cf the Bacjaty <"" lntorporated Aesoantaats nnd Auditor* Miss swtsjsi I.a.- been placed Bftk ".n order of
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  • 75 13 ALTHOr(iH powder may be very <;u( fully applied to the sakin, it is certain that some will hecon-io lodged :n the eyebrows and lashes. To eliminate this, after the powder has been smothed over the skin. e;«ch brow should l>e brushed from the temple -n towards the m>-e. and the
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  • 140 13 CAN face powder he regarded as a medicine The point \-as argued at the I'iii.e. S.K.. I'oli< 0 ourt when f)avy's [true Store Ltd.. of Hijfh Street. Pentre. nnmmoned by the local C—wcil for bsWim Vmb aawdar after aMM a'sJack, saatraty In th Sii'»p Hours
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  • 274 13 riURINT, her life Was fhaihtta Caw dray, prineipa] for '■'>- years af I N M.iu-h School for (JirU. mad on oh iminenta on the rtance of marriau'e a< :i earaef for wesaasj. Shi died In September, an:' in he>- will, now published, *he five* advice oa
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  • 128 13 W' hi ;l v;lvs "PP<>^''d the modern ipirii of keepiag firb in watertight Mrtments. Uader this ■jratess the b aiiinil influence which the little i have on the elder firls and the elder Kills tipofl them ii last A certain hai.l is often found in the modem
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 113 13 WHITEAWAY'S STOCKTAKING SALE CLOSES ON SATURDAY FEBRUARY 4th. LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR STRAW HATS. Wide brinu in Black or White, also a lev. coloured straws sad felts. Sale $2.50 each. i x l LJL "SWIMKNIT" Ladies Para Wool Bathing suit with ew low bacl Shades. Saxe. Bnssrald, Alarm. p. Navy, 8, in
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  • 1231 14 SURPRISING RESULT. One Goal Each. GOOD DISPLAY BY HOME DEFENDERS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. .Ian. 2S. CIONFIDENT predictions of a iivo-n.l victory for the Colony were upset on the Selangor Club padang this afternoon when (hi- F.M.S. drew one-all with the Colony in the
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  • 276 14 VILLA \\D 'SPURS ELIMINATED. London, Jan. _'>. The following arc the results of matches played In the fourth round of the English I-.A. Cap competition today: The following win' the results of matches playe.l in the English and h league- today LatM Town PB K. V
    Reuter  -  276 words
  • 1085 14 Yesterday's Results. ROY SMITH AND N.S. WISE IN SINGLES FINAL IN spite of three Hoppages owing to rain yesterday, ih.- ;plendid progress of Friday m maintained k.i the open mv.tat ion lawn tennis tournament at the Singapore Cricket Club, and with good lock and weather the (rials
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  • 304 14 SIKHS OUTCLASSED AT HOCKEY. ARMSTRONG BROTHERS SCORE It GOALS. O.R.A. 11; Khalsa Assn. 2. The Armstrong brathan sa«n i ten goals between them u> give the Old llafflrsians' Association ai diver, two victory in their hockey natch against the K balsa Associ^ion on the Raffles Institution ground yesterday «>ft.rno:.n. Roniie
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 80 14 Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) HEAD OFFICE Great Eastern Life Building. Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 27, Old Jewry, E. Q The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with
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    • 108 14 lIIIZZZIII-I ZS i H bS B apCpsjsjpjfi J£z!l EBB* r.i- I _,____.___,ta mL 1 i i_^_i_ _S^B t j r^^p -anda^ood (00/ 3Sf To get from beer all the >lj pleasure and nutriment it |j*23sggap22^ Sy can give it must be fresh. [^^N BRCvVCWP^ h- In Malaya there is only
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  • 1848 15  -  FORWARD (lose Of The Rmgky Setuom Hockey it Malacca Sehmgor'i Position Team Out Of luck Pemmmg Crickei ProsiH'cts L vuiVnti (tubs* Pitsi 'ion. H\ Friuay. "fcJKXT Sunday will be the otlicial ending I of the 1932-33 rugger season, when S'ortfa will meet the South in Singapore.
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  • 1122 15 Great Struggle In First Division. Tin following were the positHMM of teams ir\ the Knglish an. Scottish Leagues before yesterday's matches: fixture, but never have B representative Singapore and Negri side tried conclusionsi hockey. A suitable dale next season would be the Sunday after the Malacca- Singapore fixture
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  • 273 15 incki:ase that hit poor only. A'o per cent, increase in Federal inOSUM tai nssse is one of ihe ,»lans believed to have been adopted by Mr. M It. The enormous task of balancing the United States Budget v. us the chief problem before a meeting, at
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  • 247 15 26t-MILE TREK HIKOL(,II DESERT. DONALD Macdonald. of who escaped from the French Legion in MorOCtO, was joined at Gibraltar by another escaped Legionary this time a Londoner, Mr. Stanley Fred rick BaU, of Baverstock Hill. Hampstead. Mr. Hall, who joined the LogJOB four months ago, wa^
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  • 629 15 SLMMONSES AGAINST 12 DEFENDANTS DISMISSED. PNZANCE aunuaoaaes agaiaol 12 people who were alleged to have taken part ia the «r in St. Hilary's Chareh early la- 1 I month. For Mtae <»t' the defendant.- it had been contended by Mr. C. Hancock ihat there :ould be
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  • 234 15 Canterbury Lamb Not From Kent. Dr. Clarfc Trotter, medical officer fat Islington, -aid at a Ministry of Agriculture inquiry that the ordinary Londoner, when huyinir Canlc-buiy lamb, thinks ii (uincs from Canterbury, in Kent. nterbury lamb MM from New Zealand. lieie arc h tew more of the popular
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  • 524 15 New Theory. LARGE UNIT ADVOCATED BY EXPERTS. AbINGLI mrge radium unit of not th iim-i tiye weapon of British ladto-thi nsi ta*cer. ling h a unit, and cxi ting institutions ly n ai one s i h> r to n c i1 ■>■>• of
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  • 146 15 R. A. F. Pilot's (rash To Death. An K. A. i Plying Officer J. Armstrong, from h Aerodrome wae killed m a leaaational crash a: Blackmori- I I Trie i. i single leater, after j fire while looping the loop and exploding m the air with a report
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  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • 74 16 Brilliant Play By Both Sides A SOI'TH player touches down between the po^ts YJ»fBJtDArfl HJGGU I.M lI. K —A lincaut dm ing the first hai. THK GOVBINOR wa> introduced to the teams. The South men being introduced to his K \cellencv. A SOUTH man makes
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 22 16 An IllTrtl tmtmrit —n «*<• .FLINTERh:?"-! I Huys Hid (I emus ami I 6, Raffles Place, *M I cnrrml rale of ex- SINGAPORE.
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    • 334 16 GULL BAHAR The Genuine Tonic Hair Oil. Obtainable Everywhere. COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England, Fire, Life, Marine, Arrldent, tioaraatosj and Motor. Auets Arthur C. Pott.. Manairrr A Indrrwrlter. Eastern Branch. Singapore. You want to know of T T> A GOOD HILL SCHOOL FOR ELROPKAN CHILDRKN ONLY?
      334 words