The Straits Times, 22 January 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 36 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. No. 58. Sunday, January 22nd., 1933. Price 10 cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper in Malaya, No. 58. Sunday, January 22nd. 1933. Price 10 cents.
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  • 654 1 MR. ROOSEVELT'S PLEDGE. Territory Seized By Violence. NO RECOGNITION. League's Passive Acceptance Of Any Insult. II is in derstooil from Washinnton. lhat the I'residenl-Elecl, Mr. Koosc\v\{. ha.' pledged himself to a ..nlinuamc ol the Hm>< ci -Stim.on p< lic> of not rtCOgaMag territory sci/cd l>>
    Aneta-Havas  -  654 words
  • 47 1 Match With A Victorian Country 13. ■tat, -lan. 21. Im a two-day match, the M.C.C. playera t i I > l.tM i R2, Nawab of Patau- M> against a Victorian Country Thir teen which had raaiie jti for uh at the < i>> c oi" play, i;-
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  • 124 1 OTTO TRANSPORT IN CONFUSION. (From Our Own Correspondent.) I»ndon, Jan. 21. Lindon's transport system has been iln own into confusion as a result of a strike which has broken out among Ihiloti l>us drivers and conductors. Kitty per cent, of the men employed >r ('oml>inc
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  • 92 1 Unregistered Medical Practitioner. .Judgment was given by Mr. A. W. Hay, the Second Police Magistrate, yesterday in the case where a Chinese Ms* r, Lai Chai Lut, was charged with practising medicine and surgery without being a registered medical practitioner, and of exposing for sale articles deemed t>
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  • 116 1 Performance By Singapore Repertory Players. The Singapore Repertory Players prc<nt d Foolish Virgins. "*a virtuous cir.edy," by Lance Howard at the Victoria Theatre last niuht and it proved one of their bast efforts. The cast was <xicl l-ntly selected and well balanced. Through <ut the audienve was kept
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  • 55 1 Financier's Semi-Secret Wedding. London, Jan. '21. Mr. Montagu Norman, Governor of the Bank of England and the City's Man of Mystery, defeated the curious after all, and led his hride to Register Office uiiol served. Mr. Norman, who is (52, married Mrs. Priseilla Worsthorne, aged 153, who
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  • 62 1 Currency Quoted At Discount Of 2s. 6d. Capetown, Jan. 21. 'i he (lovernment has announced the abolition from today of the 5 per cent, primage and 7' 2 per cent, surtax. The South African pound today was helow the parity of sterling as the buying price was «»t
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 72 1 Three Canadian Vessels To Be Broken Up. London, Jan. 18. The City Editor of the Daily Express ('raws aCtention to Japanls activity in ;he market for ships for breaking up. Japan has recently purchased two 8,000 ton ships, which were constructed in 11 'J. i rom
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  • 94 1 FRESH OUTBREAK ON DUTCH MNER. Paris, Jan. 18. I.c Matin announces that a new fire has broken out on UV Dutch ship. Pieter Cc rnelius Hooft, which was partially! destroyed by fire on Nov. 14 last yeai It is thought that the new outbreak
    Aneta-Havas  -  94 words
  • 84 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 21. RUBBER. (Quotations as supplied by Symington and Wilson.) Spot (Kuvers) 2 ."V/.12. (Sellers) 2 7/.J2. Apr.- June 2' 4 July-Sept. 2 I/Mb Oct.-Der. 2 7/IH. Market tone lJuiet. TIN. Spot tll.-i IN. !»H Three nuinths v I I •>
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  • 60 1 Russihii Attempt To Sell Timber To Spsiin. Madrid, Jan. 17. Although the Soviet delegation continues to visit the naval workshops and docks, it is authoritatively stated that the commercial negotiations are doomed to failure. Russia had hoped to sell timber to Spain and to buy ships, hut
    Aneta-Havas  -  60 words
  • 108 1 PERSIA ADOPTS A NEW TONE. rttPLY TO BRITISH MEMORANDUM. •>-» Geneva, Jan. 21 The hope that the friendly lelations existing hitherto will not be impaired by the resent Incident is expressed in the Peisian do yer nment reply to t!ic P>riti.!!i mevtftrandum of December. The reply CTMitprds that the Anftlo-Pei.oan
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  • 200 1 Chinese Convicted For Possession. Convictions were re"«»-dtd in the <ase in waich the manager of a second-hand -hop id Victoria Street, in company with °*danmw n n se wer tried before Mr. M^piay, the Secon I Pel ice Magistrate last flporday. on a cha^K*' of tiishonestly irtajfjHc stolen
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  • 42 1 Death Of Well-Known Victorian Novelist. Lomlbn, Jan. 21. The death has occurred of George Moore, the novelist and playwright.— Renter. George Moore's first novel, Flowers of Pa on, was published in 1877, and his last. Aphrodite in Aulis, in tttL
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  • 165 1 ATLANTIC CROSSED BY SIX-SEATER PLANE. Paris, Jan. IK. The flight of the Arc-en-Ciel from Marseilles to Natal, Brazil, is an entirely French success, engine and plane being of French construction. It is the first time that an ae'oplane has cover>d such a distance with 6 passengers, at
    Aneta-Havas  -  165 words
  • 70 1 Night Club Queen Believed To Have Left £20,000. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 21. It is believed that Mrs. Kate Meyrick, known as London's "Night Club Queen," who died from influenza on Friday, left £20,000. Despite the repeated police interference with her businesses, it is thought
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  • 232 1 Seven Readers Share I^ast Week's Prize. Then 1 were many surprise results in the F.A. Cup ties played on Jan. 14 and consequently the forecast: submitted in the Sunday Times Football Competition for that week were much less accurate than usual. The best coupons received gave eight correct
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  • 163 1 Telephone And Police Services Disorganised. 41,000 CASES AT SWANSEA. Doctors, Nurses And Chemists Among The Victims. Business has been paralytwd by the continued epidemic of influenza which in sweeping Great Britain, and many deaths are reported. At Swansea, a quarter of the City's population is afflicted. Many
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  • 55 1 60 Boxes Of Dynamite Blow Up In Mexico. Morelia, Mexico. Jan. 21. Twenty-thr«'c were killed and several injured in the explosion of sixty kmM of dynamite attributed to the carelessness of a truck driver employed cm a Government road building commission. The fire which fo||ow»-d the explosion destroyed
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 35 1 First International Contest. London, Jan. 21. At Twickenham. Wales defeated England in the first international rugby contest by 7 nninls to .'I. after England had U<\ at half time by three nil.— Renter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 56 1 Increased South To North Traffic In November. Suez, .lan. 17. Traffic through the Suez (anal Hum ing November, although less than the preceding month, whows a 1 i gain on November of IMI, whii-h is the greatest gain since October. \'.*>'.i The increase was almost entirely noticeable in
    Aneta-Havas  -  56 words
  • 51 1 To Advise Argentine Ministry. Of Finance. Buenos Aires, Jan. 17. The financial expert, Mr. Otto Niemeyer, has arrived in Argentina. The Finance Minister declared recently that Mr. Niemeyer's visit was not official, but that the Government would seize the opportunity to consult him upon certain financial matters.
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  • 1042 2 French And American Views. Helow we print >iews on the French default in war debts payments to the Inited States. The first, a translation from Ric et Rat-, vigorously defends the default, basing its argument entirely upon the assumption that it was justified
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  • 131 2 Football Match Incident. A scent- at a Christmas Eve football match at Arundel (Sussex) was described there when GeolTrey Dalton, of Arundel, summoned by John Arthur Tizz»rd. who alleged assault. Tizzard was playinjr for Wick against Arundel, whose tfoalkoe|H>r was Dalton'brother. Complainant said that the bail wont near
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  • 133 2 Dartmoor "Hero" Back In Jail. A ticket-ef-leave convict from Dartmoor, whose conduct in the mutiny last January earned him a reduction of his sentence, was at Glamorgan Quarter Sessions sent back to prison for 12 months. He mis Daniel Thomas Mainwarinjr, aged 33, a carpenter, of Pontardawe, and
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  • 326 2 HOME OFFICE ACTION TO STOP TRAFFIC. Traffic in farmed-out babies by unscrupulous foster-parents is the subject of a special order issued by the Home Secretary, Sir John Gilmour. The order brings into effect >unediately the section of the Chiidre. and Young People Act dealing with
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  • 295 2 £320,000 LEFT TO YOUNG DANCER. The infatuation of a rich and aged woman for young Chilian dancer has crtme to light in a remarkable will cane which is being contested at Monte Carlo by the Italian family of Calk-mani arain««t Louis Baeza della Cuadra, aged thirty,
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  • 535 2 Group Of Financiers Seek Exclusive Rights. Two powerful financial groups, one in London and the othei in South Africa, are fighting to socwe exd li intr rights to the rich (rolrtnelda of Kenya, where a second Klondike rosh is now taking piece, star.-; the
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  • 88 2 Bride Burned To Death After Crash: A young bride was burned to death, and the bridegroom was severely injured when their honeymoon aeroplane crashed and burst into flames while on the way from Barcek na to Toulouse today. The pilot of the machine was also killed. When over
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  • 318 2 AND VII I'IhHCXL PERFECTION. SCIEMTIBTI dec lure that th< prk who i awrriagee ph ically more perfect, infinitely hn.lthi r, mo:c suited io Motherhood than any prj viou. generation. And they are the first of tl babies," the k''!s bora in i i the experts
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    • 42 2 *OUHD I MVF #TJy,IeEMT^ Policies issued against FIRE, LIFE, MARINE, MOTOR VEHICLE, PERSONAL ACCIDENT, BURGLARY, ETC., ETC. FULL COVER GRANTED AT COMPETITIVE RATES. THE PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE Vl™ (incorporated in England.) Branch Office for Malaya: 17-18, Mercantile Bank Building, Singapore. Sun. T. 4.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 34 2 WAS YOUR GARAGE WE. HAVE_NIT DAMAGED MUCH IN THE. DONT FOOND IT p ot) GAU nk£t ST KNOW V POP Irf I I I r I (Copyright. I9JI. by The Bell 3yn<i.cato. 1 i
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  • 845 3 NO ENTRANCE FEE REQUIRED. $100 Offered For Best Forecast Of Ten Results. A further football competition has been arranged. $100 iS OFFERED FOR THE BEST FORECAST OF THE TEN FOOTBALL MATCHES GIVEN BELOW, WHICH ARE SCHEDULED TO BE I'I.AYED ON SATURDAY NEXT, *Jan. K. NO
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  • 1073 3 DETECTIVE INSPECTOR DIES BY HIS OWN HAND. Melancholy Echo Of A Trial. m Delusions that he was responsible for a man's death and that uniformed colleagues were "shadowing" him were disclosed at the inquest on one of the best-known police officers in the Midlands, who
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  • 467 3 "LIES IN DEFENCE OF AHSELF." An impassioned declaration that his .sister u;i mnoient was made at Birmingham Quarter Sessions by William Walker, 22, general dealer, when he ;;mi Austral Walker, 29, both of Htmters-i-oad, Hockley, pleaded guilty to stealing t."009 in cash and cheques. Mr. R.
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  • 966 3  -  ALEX. SNATAGER How A Baronet's Letter Was Recovered. eeeeeeeee»eeeeeeeeeeeeee > By The FAMOUS DITCH DETECTIVE. SOMBTDQCfl to enforce the law, it is necessary to break it. Let me explain thft seeming paradox by a case hw my note-book, one of many dealing i with blackmailers.
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  • 184 3 New Cry From The Minarets. At dawn in Constantinople when Urn gimA Mosh-m fast of Ramadan strrtcd the muezzin mded a m»v fall to prayer from the 400 minarets of mtinople. mi- first time since the Tin I tared Constantinople, nearly five wfrk ajro, the word "Allah" (tfcc Aimbic
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    • 122 3 >♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Sunday Times Football Competition. The follttiring are the matches selected for this week's comi^tition. Thsy are to be played on the ground of jthe first-n amed club on Jan. 28. Read carefully^Jtoe instructions given above I and the informatiomsupplied below. The figures in brackets indicate^JJje results in the corresit
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    • 182 3 SIR MALCOLM CAMPBELL says: predict that the future of this car is absolutely assured." j 'Having tried it (the Tca-Fotr) 1 jiu convinced that it will appeal to the general SMMortag public irom every poini ot view," writes Sir .Malcolm Campbell in The Field. "'Here is a motor Car.
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  • 4261 4 THE BOOK PAGE- lln T'nos— !';!>:. I'reM-nt lutur;-. PHated a^id pabllahed si the office tt I'hv Times, Printhiß Boose Bamar** London. !-'.<. I. There or the prowl title which forma the heading <>f this rerto*'. dmitted freely throughout th»world thai 1 Btandi anrival'.ed as
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 101 4 THE WRITING PAD WITH THE WOULD WIDE REPUTATION. I g^ a Manufactured hj JOHN DICKINSON CO., LTD. lnrnrpornTKi ir> t^'anrt ran k«u im SIN. VI MXX AND MJ X) in rtiArMftMMM IV W4IAI V HA »!i ATI BS si*K< I \l. < HIM >l M.v VKAB OffTU (ASH DISCOUNT. Knapn-Kel'
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 123 4 OUR CROSSWORD PUZZLE i j ji \.j M- p \> ft'Ji i^ f^ r^ I 1 ,rw" i_ r 1 w*r x it wA L._ I t ,1 \ff{\ ff W 1 I 1 I 1 WM I I I I (CLUES.) ACKOSS. n. c-aii to t ;itcl (fume IS.
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  • 697 5 DEATH MYSTERY OF STALINS WIFE. Five-Year Plan Ends. The last day of the Bolsheviks' first Five-Year Plan brought two surprising reports from Soviet Russia. !t is announced that Russian citizens, who have up till now been prohibited from leaving their country, may now d o
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  • 137 5 i Kreisler, whose new operetta had )Mt been produced in Vienna, tells a j. r »<>d story against him-elt. i Having some time to waste in Antwerp, he went into an antique shop and pretend- cd that he wanted to sell his famous Stradivarius which 'he had with
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  • 330 5 DRASTIC REFORM PIW r>oo EXPERTS National economic and social plan r.inir: A better distribui k me; An hsfVMBN of tlr- purchasint; power of the masse-; and h-.ur day and a five-day WOO! to distribute employment. These are am>nir the rocOM u;ade in tt-e slrikiii)? report iv
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  • 152 5 Thousands More To Fly This Year. Thousands more peopl< will be flyintr before many week- of 1983 are past. The wing4e bo market <'i' in three model Their graat advan tajre is that they need little take off. One model. I ade by a Stottifh Sim, will be
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  • 415 5 VESSEL DISAPPEARS AS RESCUERS ARRIVE. Mile-A-Minute Wind. rjMIKKK were no survi\ors when an -I deen trawler was wrecked, with the los- nme livi's, in a mile-a-minut, on the rocky <'<>ast near Stonehaven in the the early hoars of .lan. NO one will ever know hirw
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  • 333 5 THE LAST Of TEN WET YEARS? 1932'fl BV1) KECORL) IN <REAT BRITAIN. In a year which Mat probably end.- a race of ten wot yeai-s the weather features which soeiate with The August lifHt waves, with the hi^h eratures of Auk. li'; -»<1 The lack of sunshine especially in the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 107 5 (AN PACK UP YOIR TROUBLES" NEXT WED.! ALUAMBRA The Independent Theatre with the Pick of the World's Pictures. NIGHTLY 6.15 9.15. MATINEE TODAY AT 3 P.M. t 1 I WILL ROGERS The Friend of Kin&s i The Idol of the People Never more whimsiciil never wittier here to joke ilepn-ssion
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    • 105 5 Real ENGLISH HUMOUR! The Snappiest, Sauciest BRITISH M-steal Farce BROUGHT BACK By Popular Demand MATINEE TODAY, 3.15 Here They are Screenland s Funniest Pair Back in Their Uproariously Humourous Musical Faree RALPH LYNN and TOM WALLS in BEN _B_P^^^^^^^_trTS__.«' ___M?~ v TRACERS M ft*""* *ide- f> r _T H^^^^^^^^^H- f
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  • 681 6 WAISTLINES AND SLEEVES. No reasonable person with a resume of current evening dresses in her mind cum pretend that ladies who acquire weight easily can afford to continue such acquisition and expect to wear their new clothes well, writes Jacqueline Howard in Uie Morning Post. Your true designer is an
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 6 A coat frork. the hodire of which iff cut to look like a separate jacket, carried out in fine corded material, worn with scalloped vest of silk pique.
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  • Article, Illustration
    13 6 Sweeping eyelashes are the litest tasnion vagaiy among Society's ultra-smart women. (Planet >'ew§.)
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  • 105 6 Inlaid linoleum that has become soiled should be rubbed over with a cloth wrung out in warm vinegar and water. Dry thoroughly before using a good floor polish. If it is kept well polished, there should be no necessity to use any moisture. Fc-ru lace curtains MMOM MJ
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  • 284 6 London i.- fa>t I ecoiiiiiig the world's liest-«iressed capital. Our restauran'.. j hotels and clubs are filled at night with women more elegantly gowned than tl of Paris or New York. Whilst depression is growing in Paiis and visibly demonstrating itself in the clothei of her women, Lcndon
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  • 129 6 Among the girls who are expected to be pre^entnl at Court this year is Miss Rosamund Greaves, the eldest daughter of Mrs. Owain Greaves, heiress to the poeiage of Dysart. Two cousins who will be presented together are Miss Pearl Lawson-Johnston, LaH and Lady Luke of Favenhams youngest
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 213 6 WHITEAWAY'S STOCKTAKING SALE Every Department participates in this event. j TURKISH I Q 'iri£ I I Towels I TURKISH BATH TOWELS. I quality low H i i »nd ahaorbaM ana wil I. found I'.'i'l 'Aiatii..-, ii Biown and Whn. v i n B. V. 8b Cents Each. I DLfINKETb i
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  • 6327 7  -  JACK McLAREN. OUR NEW SERIAL STORY- By CHAPTER 19 The mystery was aoon to be cleared up, bow. ly aftei lunch, when Sutherland was having a cigarette on the verattda pi two how Dined when the sun was hot lid the othi the hou ••bold, thi".
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  • 599 8 From the Singapore point of view there are very good reasons for objecting to the large additional expenditure on Penang Hill which was asked for at the last meeting of the Legislative Council and supported by Sir Ceceil Clementi. The ideal in Malaya is not one or two
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  • 1649 8 HOLIDAY SUGGESTIONS FOR THOSE WHOSE TIME AND PURSES ARE LIMITED. AT a time when for many of us a holiday in Europe must remain a remote possibility, there is every excuse for examining the possibilities of reaching temperate climates quickly and at reasonable
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  • 1666 8 Positively one whole week hax gone by without any particulai susah. Of course, the usual dunning letters have come to hand, the chetties have called as per usual, Tanglin Tilly has been a bit obstreperous, Sapphira is very annoyed with me and
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  • 125 8 (From the Ananias News Bureau's Specially Trained News Hounds.) Nuwara Eliya, Sat. Penang Hill Sez You Baguio, Sat. Penang Hill Sez Who? Hong Kong, Sat. Penang Hill Sez Him Katong, Sat. A special meeting of ratepayers is l>eing called to urge immediate action in connection with the Katong
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 231 8 AMUSEMENTS. SINGAPORE. AI.HAMBRA THEATRE. I (Mi KISY 111 VMI Hilh Will Beget* fc.l'i 9.15 v.m. I'honc 6909. CAPITOL THEATRE. Ml. Ml I. IKK THIS »ilh Tom Wall-, and K^l-ih l.vnn. 1.11 Ml p.m. I'hone 5261-2. MARLROROUGH THEATRE. BlOn Of THK I»KVTH VALLEY Hilh Tom Mit and IT lOK Ml KOKK
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    • 35 8 PIANO TUNING— REPAIRS. I REMOVALS— HIRB. I i E. CHARLES; I Phone 2902. 282, Orchard Road. m ♦♦♦♦♦>♦<»»♦♦><<<» EDITORIAL. MANAGBWAt AND ADVERTISING OFTICBfI 78, Cecil Street, Singapore. TBLBPHONB 1111. Kuala Lumpur: 25, Java Street. TBLBPHONB MS*.
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  • 927 9 Dogs And The Law. SINGAPORE CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FAILS. The old prtadple of English law that "every dog ,s entitled to one bite," was mentioned l>efore Mr. E. E. G. Barrett in the Second Civil District Court yesterday whefl Capt. S. E. Iggledeen claimed $100 damages
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  • 2135 9 A DEFENDANTS COSTS TO BE PAID. .Judgment was delivered hy the Court of ApiH-al yosti-rday in a case arising out of a decision hy the District Judge in which the prosecution was found to be vexatious, and in which the prosecutor was directed to pay $"><) for
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  • 80 9 EX-DETECTIVE IN THE DOCK. EXTORTION FROM SIN<;i!NG <;IRLS ALLEGED. A Chinese ex-detective appeared before 1 Mr. H. A. Forrer, the Criminal District Judge, yesterday, on five charges of extortion. It was stated that the accused had for years been in the habit of extorting 1 money from Chinese singing girls
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  • 165 9 Woman Who Tried To Smuggle Chandu. A t'hinese woman passenger from the '.ilma from China, was charged befon* .Mi. H. A. Forrer, the Criminal District Judge, yesterday, with possession of nongovernment chandu. Mr. R. S. Tufnell. of the (Jovernment Mi aopolias, stated that 10 tahils of chandu were
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  • 157 9 Takings Fall By Two-Thirds. Last year was a disastrous one, finanj cially, for French casinos. The figures of takings since 1928 the peak year strikingly revoal the steady decline. Last petals receipts are n>t much more than a third of thost- of 1925. The takings for all French
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 198 9 CHIFFONETTE STOCKINGS that delight you. and on which you can depend You have never seen any stocking to equa! the new ha'lito chiffonette. In beauty, durability, design and finish, they are the real triumph of British hes'ery manufacture. A new and revolutionary manufasturing process has enabled us to obtain almost
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    • 145 9 wiumphant Mothemood M -^a^^^\ *^aJHgg*A n^^^r *c* i I !sA*- .oil- flggl If J v^ d vvkt c Jc* o*^0 M '^Vg^ f mV v^«*^ M lgW\ A '^Si wr d# WK 01^.^?^^^^ nX nf |><wJ!>-» _attjj^ tin. B. Howard, winner of the London "News Chronicle" Mother 7ti9CCßnKr*'^^a^HP'« nd C
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  • 1160 10 More Memories. A DOCTOR AND CASTOR OIL. ffjj Sajrittariu-.) !N my preViOOl article. I inadvertentname of the la'e J. A. Legge, the flrel Mediea] o.licejr of tm- A';.,. Guides, an aatBtand nality in Perak especially Taiping, w irvcd throughou! his term of oAce, and I am
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  • 221 10 Manufacturers' Novel Bonus Scheme For Farmers. A .scheme to encourage care in the handling of the milk i.r their West Counrecently been put into o| cratii by the maiiulY-i-'turers of in- food, <<>w and Gate, Ltd of Guildford, Surrey. iriMM operations cover a will, radius in the West
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  • 474 10 NO 9G0U IN I.NTKR-STVTE HOCKEY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malac.a, Jan. tL In a fast, thrilliag game. Malacca playel a goalies- game with Selanj u Malacca ha>l the better of the exchar.n< in f'"'< ila1 when tfcg forwards played a thrus'ful ganv-. Then Selangor pulled then;selve together
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  • 187 10 Mother Of I<urj«e F;imily Convicted. "Sht ll married woman with ten iliiliiicn, th< \(;uiiKist of w'lom is just over a >ear olcl. !t stems t'.at after i.he la I Child-birth a ChiMM dsctW advi.-cd her t lake mumu with her i itin*-- Sh haiMM M 'Mr siprt.
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  • 614 10 Olympic Champions In Singapore. The finest thing that can l.c se.'n in aCOMtk apevtl is i diva, especially a difficult one, splendid'y executed. Diving is not an ar' that is ltarnt in a fiw le??on.<. Truo it that the novice always makes a poim sf going ii >t
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  • 104 10 Alleged Housebreaker Discharged. We have no evidence to olfcr in this ease." stated Chief Court Ins|>ector A. F. Shiedy ix-forc M r. H. A. Forrer, yesterday, when a young Chinese was In ought "P on a charge of housebreaking an theft. \£r. Sheedy said the offence was committed
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  • 132 10 Britain's Newest Move In Shipping War. Steamships without funnels is the newest move by British marine engineer^ in their world tight for shipping supremacy. This is made possible by apparatus invented by a Glasgow firm, Messrs. James Hcwdra and Co., and the effect is: Cheaper construction; Cheaper running;
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  • 453 10 SELANGOR A CROSS LINE AT LAST MLMJTE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Jan. H. The \egri All Blues, the preiniei Asiatic rugger side in the country, were decidedly unlucky when they lost to a Selangor A fifteen today by six point(two unconverted tries t to
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  • 117 10 Plunge Into Muddy Water Rewarded., When a OkIMM was produced Ml harges of posseesu i of liquor, distilling liquor, and poaaeaatofi of an incomplete still Me*a Mr. H. A. Forrer. the H minal District Judgi esterday. ii state<l that the la^-immcil article fnii'Ml by a revenue of
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  • 653 10 Gymkhana Meeting. ROYALTY PAYS S6i IN LADIES' RACE. (From Our Own Correepoadent.) MMff, .Ijin. II. Th' I*»li> <liii> annual gymkhana held in conjunction wit I tnc Ponanvr Turf dab p.m..; ;i K'Hiivr \\a: goad. Tl I nt Councillor and Allen cm, There was <anl of cscnls
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  • 1238 11 HELPED A PRINCE TO ESCAPE FROM ASYLUM. Seven-Year-Old Sensation. 111-health and an irresistible longing to see his old home again in a Sussex village brought back to this country from his exile in Turkey a grey-haired middle-aged man. who, seven years ago, broke the
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  • 155 11 EXIT THE LOVERS Grim Ropuhuion Of Chicago Blonde. S,»v« *>aagater Itara af Margarot Mary Collins, a beautiful Chicago platinum blonde, have died violent death now she is nursing an eighth, S I FekJ man, who was wounded by a policeman. They call Margaret "The I Death" in the I iderworld,
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  • 292 11 CMM EACH FOR 'nfcO DISCREET SISTERS. Two family retainers of the old style consider trK-mselves among the luckiest ,«< i >oiiv m London. They are sisters, servants of the late Mrs. Annie .Martha Salomons, whose will ha- iust been proved at more than i'.f.'.lMlll. Lilian Amelia
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  • 311 11 (HUM RMW HEIO'S I VLL FROM GRACi:. A PENSIONED ex-Sergeant of the Metropolitan Police, who was a bare of the cavalry charge at Omdurman in Egypt in 1888, and was later a trainer ol ivimii'ii detectives for West Kml Titian*, was at MuiylelMJiie, >ent to
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  • 202 11 I MR. M.G. HERBERT LEAVES HALL* MILLION. I A DOUKTK N that all 10.-ked t nboxe; ii ml attach! caMi MNiiMj ti> hi v ;it his Losxloaj bom* .--hall l>e burned ti;i--open-d i: contained in the will of Al!>h... 1 (icur-r.. lie lu-rt, a partner
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  • 17 11 Thnt it tht ront?*t>us of local opinion on tk« Singapore Daily Jasaaa
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  • 268 11 SPECIALLY SELECTED CONSTABLES. Specially selected constables of tho Metropolitan Police are to be trained as expert "yunmen." Lord Trenchard, the commissioner, ha* asked for volunteers from each of the divisions to undergo a course of instruction in small-arm shooting. Practice will he carried out on
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  • 136 11 EIGHTEEN POLITICAL RIOTERS WOUNDED. King Boris of Bulgaria was the horrified spectator of a revolver battle which flamed beneath the windows of the royal palace between the Protogueroflf and Michaeloff factions of the Macedonian Independent Party. The king was studying the minutes of the last Cabinet
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  • 71 11 May Float Companies In Athens. Mr. Samuel Insull, the Chicago financier, whose extradition on fraud charge* was refused by the Athens courts, intends to stay in Greece permanently. Th-.-re are report; in Athens that Mr. Insull intends to appeal to European and United States financiers to work
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 90 11 A SUGGESTION TO HOME LOVERS. M.tUc a point to visit us when yo i i»-|nir«- faraitura tm Jfsar hsaaa aal n v iiiiii.c-i-s-.arv aaassM* tmsblfl ■iii I linn-. v.v i.ii.r for .i larajn pttests** <>r raryiau t.islc, ti their entire -..iti-ifnet ion. W.- will Mti-ild to your te.|iiiiein.iil-, with tbi
      90 words
    • 92 11 l^#w Abundant Pr?-^ Energy^/ FOR OBK fO H^|C I IN these strenuous days, thousands of active men and women rely on Horlick's MalteJ Milk to keep them always (it. Mads] from fresh, full cream cows' milk cnriirhcd with the nutritive extracts of malted harlt-y ;md wheat, it contains all the
      92 words

  • 1145 12 BRIDGE NOTES Some Elementary Errors. NEW BOOK ON (OMRACT BUDGE. (BY R. E. KEMP.) I have noticed that th. 1 standard of play in card clubs is much higher than that in the card rooms of social and political dub*. Why this should be is a|■ways a
    1,145 words
  • 277 12 URL Off 17 ADVISED ON MOTHERHOOD. "I hope you will lx» happy and stick *o each other. Remember marriage is 'fo- 1 bttter or worse,' and I hope you will be happy." These were the words of Mr. Campion, K.C., magistrate at Tower Bridge Police
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  • 193 12 Two Men Accused Of Theft. A diamond worth £2,000 was produced in Willesden police-court, and M. Maurice Marc-el, COWI dressmaker, said that he believed it had been taken from a ring belonging to his wife. Edwin Wilcock, 27, chef, Brcndeshury Villas, Kill urn, and Joseph Saunders, (4,
    193 words
  • 2115 12 BY THE WANDERER. The Rugby Dinner .Mr. CaUit'cott In i.ood Form A Welcome Leave Yenrs Of Slump And Politics Rates Badly In Arrears A Kuala Lumpur Committee Mr. Mavity's De/Hirture. »T\HE Rugby Union dinner after the X Cup final at Kuala Lumpur is always an uproarious affair,
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  • 166 12 Condemned Woman Gives Evidence. As a result of a sensational re-open-ing of the Los Angele.s trunk murder case, Mr. .lames J. Halloran, prominent Phoenix business man, was indicted at Phoenix, Arizona, by a grand jury as an accessory to the crime. Mrs. Winifred Ruth Judd, the "velvet UgreeaJ*
    166 words
  • 604 12 LATER SIM i.i A]] TO EXIST. The mysterious "Mane Hi.11," who was found shot dead in rose-covered !>ed in a fash'onablc Paris hotel on Christmas Kve, proves te be Mrs. Nina Noni Williams. Behind the tragedy lies a story of a rich, beautiful and popular I o
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  • 309 12 Man's Suicide 17 Years After Zepp. Horror. How the honor of v war-time air-raid preyed ea naa'i mind the inquest at Westauastei en John Nicholas Petry, •'>:.'. innnajri of th< Tavern. Wellington Street, Si don. He was found poisoned in Theobald' Boad, Moomsbnry, v In 191
    309 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 112 12 \o. 58 ETHEL JANE ONLY A DREAM Then Ethel lane and Sal with tare and nkill "My nose is not perked of! Of that I'm plad I poii the maid's face glued her nose, until "A dayma-e, not a nightmare I have had!" You'd Wftr >{uess about the bird's mistake.
      112 words

  • 644 13 Healthy Financial Position. MEMBERSHIP INCREASED BUT ■MORE WELCOME. ¥j*lt'.M the annual •report af the Siew Sin Sia, it is seen that this proc*reflshre clvii has experienced another satisfactory year We 1 ive below a resume of the pi in ripal points in the
    644 words
  • 146 13 Alteration In Membership Rules. At the annual ereneril meeting of the Obh Oleh Party, the following were e'<-t- ed office-bearers for the year: Prat Mr. Wee Tiang Sene (re-elected), rite* presidents Maaara. Wee Tianir Wah and Chan Joo Hai (both re-elected); hon. s -retary Mr. Leng Kirn
    146 words
  • 139 13 HOR LICKS B.P Anniversnrv Tournsimcnt Arrnnjted At the fifth annual general meeting of the Horlicks Badminton I'aiiy. the following ware elected aaVe aaaran far !!••'!•">: President, Mi. Wan Chin Inn; vice-pii sident>, Maaara. Heavy Cheeac and Cham Seng Thong; hon. secretai". Mr. K. Cheag Leong; hon. treasurer, Mr. Neo Kirn
    139 words
  • 434 13 Amateur Sporting Association. The Amateur Sporting Association celebrated its thirteenth birthday last weea end at its patron's seaside bungalow, at Paeir Paajaa; g. Mr. Aw Bo™ Haw, thpatron, paid an unexpected visit, but was unable to stay. Altar dinner, Mr. Teo Hoe Kang the i-on. public offier, and
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  • 76 13 Chinese New Year At Home Olcbration. Members are notified that on Dec. 2S at 3 p.m., the Devonshire Badminton Party will he At Home at No. 27, Kampong Teo Chew, the 1 evidence of Mr. Sng Tec:; Lye, th. 1 president. Mementoes will m- pie ented to Mr.
    76 words
  • 71 13 The Lads I'nited Badminton Party were At Home to all members last Sunday, after which the annual general meeting took place. The following office-bearers were elec;ed for the ensuing year: President, Low Huck Leng <re-elected>, vice-presideni, Lee Choon Hee, hon. secretary, H. L. Tan (re-elected), hon. treasurer,
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  • 49 13 I At the annual peneral meeting of *h^> sports section of the Clerical Union, *he following were elected office-beaters for the ensuing year: Messrs. Misson, chairman; J. P. Tham, hon. secretary; O. Cordeiro, assistant hon. secretary; committee, Messrs. Lim Tian Lye, Khow Khyo juee and S. Shanmugan.
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  • 115 13 I'lic half yearly general meeting <>f th" c Poranakan Asaociatiea waheld .it tin- < ill. premises IndM ,it in tin- chair. Mine than :i hiifi'.-d menben were! \\v foUovint v. elerted orti-e--i. tin' easainr half ye»n Preside nt. B n Rahmal ccMohi tin Alii us ;iiul
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  • 92 13 Officials tor 193.1 have been elected a.> follows Patrons, Messrs. K. K. Puan an:l Ong Kirn Tah president, Mr. O. B. Beng; vice presidents, Messrs. Ong Wee Kiong, Low Siew I'ee and Lim Geok Tee; hon.secretary. Mr. Tan Quee Leng; hon. treasure 1 Mr. Kum Kirn Leng; hon.
    92 words
  • Article, Illustration
    190 13 -«.:rii|i photograph of the racniK'-s <f the Aniateir Spo-tin Association taken at the association's thi:teenth anniversary celebrations zX Pasir Paajaag, First row (left to right) Messrs. Khoo Eng Walt. (sport* committee). Tan, Chin Koon. (Hon. asst. funeral f-upt.). Low Jin Tong, (hon. spurts cupt.), Tay Soo Hock. (Hon. Mat. treasurer).
    190 words
  • 115 13 (liiius* 1 Stiuk'nts' Litcniiy Association. The Ktli annivi -rsti-y and the annual general awetiag will b<- held jointly at rial icn's praasiata, •">'.». Cantoni ■Mat Bead, <>n Batnrday, Jan. 2*. at 1 p.m. The anaaal dinner will Ik? Hi- Id in the n fht an the MM data
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  • 98 13 At the annual general meeting of the Beng Choon Kok Association, at the residence of Mr. Oh Poh Soo, the following were elected office-bearers for the ensuing year. President, Mr. Tan Kirn Hee vice presidents, Messrs. Oh Poh S<><> and Njr Mah Poow; hon. secretary, Mr. Khoo
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  • 92 13 At the C>th annual general meeting af tin Social Athletic Party at the reaMMMe af Mr. (ic;h Kentr Mian, the following were elected ortice-beai ers for 1935. President, Mr. (ioh Keng Mian (re-elecc-ed); vice-president, Mr. Nr Hon Fai (reelected*; VK-e-president, Mr. Wong Nam Pan; hon. secretary, Mr.
    92 words
  • 98 13 The lollcving members were elected i u«- baann for 191 1. Patron Mr. Teo i Peat; 1 Meal Mr. Fi > Wah Hin; I. it Mr. Koo Teng Hin; 2nd vi. pn ideal Mr. Lea Mew Jin; hon. k 1 a v Mr. Lee '.ai Seng;
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  • 67 13 Members of the Rovers B.P. are reminded that the party's old badges are discarded from today. The vice-presidents and the hon. secretary will suend the Chinese new year holidays in up-country. The badminotn season opens next month, ami members are urged to take up regular practices. A match at
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  • 49 13 The following will represent Rovers B.P. against Social A. P. today at the S.C.F.A. ground Ong Chye Lye, Hock Beng, Ah Kong, Bok Koon, Swee Thye, Siang Choon, Kee Chuan, Kirn Wee, Chwee Kng, Chin Ann, and Poh San. Reserves:—Suan Tuan, Peck Koon, and Swee Yong.
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  • Article, Illustration
    63 13 Capt. E. Howard Wilson, Headmaster, King George V School, Seremban, who is president of the Negri Sembilan Badminton Assoriation and takes a ke«n interest in its activities. Through his efforts two silver cups for competition have recently been presented to the association by H. H. the Yam Tuan and the
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  • 343 13 BADMINTON ASSOCIATION FORMED. A REPRESENTATIVE meeting <>f badminton clubs and associations in Malacca was held at the Seng Chaang Society's premises at which it was unanimously agreed to form a Malacca Badminton Association. Mr. P. G. Pamadasa took the chair and outlined the object of the meeting.
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  • 95 13 Open And Inter-Club Championships. Entries for the Singapore open pingpong championship (singles* and the Singapore inter-club ping-pong championship (team ef five) are open. The entrance fee for th'- spaa championship (singles) is $1 per competitor, and for the inter club championship ?."> per team. It has been decided that
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  • 27 13 The Felix Roussel is due at Singapore fro/r Pepang today at 10 a.m. ,and will probably sail this afternoon at :i p.m. for saigon, Hongkong and Shanghai.
    27 words
  • 288 13 Judge's Comment In Appeal Court. The fact that certain rtolioe reports were not put in evidence was commented upon by Mr. Justice Terrell in the Appeal Court yesterday when AH bin Abu and Ibrahim bin Adam, two Malay police constables, appealed ajraiti. t their conviction on charges
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  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • 1016 14 YESTERDAY'S PRACTICE. Weak Pack. SUCCESS COMES VERY I.ATE. Whites 14 pts.; Colours 3 pts. On the S.('.('. Padanß last evening, ten playen who will represent the irtbeoming match with the turned out in a practice match. side they were on won, by three one goal to
    1,016 words
  • 413 14 FIRST ROUND OF SCOTTISH CUP. SIX DRAWS TO BK REPt WFH). London. Jan. 21. The following ties to be played today in the first round of the Scottish FA Cup competition: i. uxmuir 1 Vr>rton 0 Park (i ft Mirren 0 Aberdeen 1 Prniruick Ath. 0 St. Bernard's 2 I'hrtiik
    Reuter  -  413 words
  • 260 14 PERKINS SCORES TWICE FOR COMPANY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 21. In a fast, clean game the A.P.C., Malaya, defeated Selangor by 9 points to 3 today. The home team was weakened by the absence of Symington, McArthur being substituted as scrum half with
    260 words
  • 349 14 H.M.S. Berwick Beat Command. Excellent sport was seen at the S.V.C. Ovill Hall last night, when representatives of H.M.S. Berwick met the Malaya Command boxers. There were eleven contests, and the navy men were very substantial winners, taking ten decisions, but*the Army and Air Force boxers gave a
    349 words
  • 961 14 High Scoring. WINNERS' FIVE GOALS IN SECOND HALF. Chinese R.A.F. I. THE R.A.F. were defeated at fo:>ti>all by the Chinese by the odd goal in I'ine yesterday afternoon b a game of two distinct phases ul the Jalan Be*ar Stadium. It was a »ale of
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 79 14 Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance «n force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In the Straits Settlements.) HEAD OFFICE Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 27, Old Jewry, E. C The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with
      79 words
    • 155 14 v^*siteP ,iLp v M| I/ Hi"-" if j m I /^^^js^Bal la jt a SUGAR MADE FROM THE PURE CANE I Ik a refined sugar of quality and distinction and is sn entirely British Product. Discrim.nating housewives specify "Taikoo" because they know that its purity i>> altogether beyond question. Packed
      155 words

  • 1727 15  -  FORW ARD. The ('it at RufSfivr Coutvst Ditl Sinsm/torv's Hamlirup 4§ect livsult f F,MS. Tmm Tm Meet Colony Tail-end Of PcMMg Una's Northern's Hockey Claims JVeffl is Kcrortl. By Friday. NOW that the 1 1. milk and the shouting have died dow.i a liitlc, it
    1,727 words
  • 806 15 Fight Between Rangers And Motherwell. The following are the positions to-date in the English and Scottish Leaguaa: FirHt Division. p. m i Arsenal 25 I I I BbcflsM Wed. i:. I Aston Villa 21 14 N«w«M tie Utd. 24 II 7 Lm* ltd 24 11 I Derby <
    806 words
  • 629 15 POLICE HOCKEY XI BEAT VULTSHIRES. Wiltshire Kejrt. 1 Police 2. A K'oal in the last three minutes of the I Kamu ta.e the Polite a w ell-mei i»e<i win over the Wiltshire Regiment when thevj BMS at Tangl.n yesterday. The maUi' keenly ontested. but very
    629 words
  • 629 15 S.C.C. TENNIS EMKIKS \M) HANDICAPS. The follow! ng are the cut lies and hamlicap>- for the Chhtefle Nan few Touinani'.nt at the B.< .< Open Mixed l)ouhlc>. Mi>> OkMaU and Mai.H Craham (l>y»). Mrs. HofanM Smith and T. L Palme:. V. \ied and S. Alnd. .Miss
    629 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 58 15 WANTED. moth«rleM Kareaeaß Kirls nge4 I. reupvctively, desire the frienjii w European cirls nici and i>utin>;s. Will p coauiunicate with their lather Bex I!. Bands* Tim. M. EZEKIEL SONS, Qialified Ophthalmic Opticians, Raffle* Chambers, Singapore. Branch: Noordwijk, 35, Batavia, Jaya. foY¥ Large Assortment carried in All our BRANCHES. SPECIAL PRICES
      58 words
    • 57 15 BODY LINE BOWLING. ArT r iwir C^ y^^"l fJ^ J> M *ojry Jr\\\ asa \f \l/ I'h'- enrtnon. rrprodurrd from an h.sue of The Cricketer published in 1921, appears to provide a most effective ans\-.i la ilir Msßtradaa grumitles al.oul the KaKlish Imiwluik. It i- wttrl h> al nute, .v.
      57 words

  • 26 16 A ChiiH'se puMic Istleff writi-r busily erK«Ked in preparing jf-«*t-tinK nies-ages fi>r the Chinese New Year which starts this week.
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  • Article, Illustration
    13 16 One of Malaya's minor exports. A steamer loading bags of betel-nuts for India
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  • Article, Illustration
    12 16 "Anything to Declare?" Revenue officers examining cocoes on arrival at Tanjong Pagar.
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  • Article, Illustration
    14 16 The Royal Singapore Yacht Club Chan? i Race was contested in mui-h water yesterday.
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 16 The airmen's goalkeeper saves. An incident during yesterday's socct.- match between the Chinese and the X.A F. in which the former won b> ."> i.
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 16 North versus South trial yesterday result ed in a win for Whiten by 14 point- to .3
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 22 16 lA. FLINT ER i£ i lluxs H<>l<! mnns inn! I i 6, Raffles Place, «»w .</ J turrttti rule o/ tx- SINGAPORE. umm
      22 words
    • 332 16 GULL BAHAR i The Genuine Tonic Hair Oil. Obtainable Everywhere. COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Kngland) Fire, Life. Marine. Accident, Guarantee and Motor. Aimeta £60.000.100. Arthor C. Pott*. Managrr tt I nderwrittr, Eaatrrii Dranrh, Singapore. I You want lo know of H.T A (.HOI! HIM. S< *****. FOR
      332 words