The Straits Times, 1 January 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 35 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER //IfiMJlKlk. No. 55. Sunday, January Ist., 1933. "ice 10 cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper in Malaya, No. 55. Sunday, January Ist., 1933. Price 10 cents.
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  • 1251 1 Nine Wickets Down For Only 169 Runs. WALLS BRILLIANT PERIOD AFTER TEA. SiitdilTe's Lone Effort. DRAMATIC CHANGE OF FORTUNES IN SECOND TEST. Then- mm :i iffUMtic rfiim of fortunes in the second T< -<l match at Melbourne lid;n. when, after dismissing \uslntlia forth* fctlj o!
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  • 53 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Dec. M. A REPORT circulated in London states that it is most unlikfly that Hradman. tho Australian rrickiter, Mill proceed to Kn^land in the near future in spite of the earlier reports that an offer had heen cabled to him by a
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  • 168 1 "SUMMER TIME" BEGINS IN MALAYA. Dm you forget to put your clo:k o lust night in the whirl of New Year rations If so, advance it twenty minutes today. All official clocks ir Malaya were advanced at midnight. Henceforward Singapore time will :>r> 20
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  • 45 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Dec. SL Mr. Marston F. Butsard. the .lud c. A Advlatr, and Mrs. Buszurd left Sian> I day for England on lelueineiit, after -civic* Mr. Bu:7.artl has <l;>ru> sou wl work fa tho administration ox justice ii. country.
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  • 149 1 Huge Death Roll. EPIDEMIC SPREADING MOST ALARMINGLY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Dec. 31. [JNFLUENZA, which is invariably rife in (ireai Britain at this time of the yenr, has been rampant during the last fortnight, and is now increasing with alarming rapidity throughout the country Reports from
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  • 109 1 Well-Known Towkay's Son Remanded. (1.-om Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Dec. 31. Ijun Wei»K Chak, son of Lam Loo King, a well-known Ipoh towkay and a leader he Chinese Community in Perak, was produced at the police court today a'ter being arrested and charged with ••Vating one, Soma Sondram,
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  • 69 1 $100 Won Outright. Out of the thousands of entries for our competition for the forecast of the re* suits of ten Home Football Matches played on Christmas Eve, one competitor succeeded in forecasting all the ten result* correctly. The successful competitor to whom a cheque for SlOO will
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  • 167 1 RUSSIAN'S TESTS WITH CHIMPANZEE. (FTomi Our Own Correspondent.) London, Dec. 31. ANEW experiment ha* been leunched to discover the '"missing 1 link" betwoen man and the ape- from which Darwin started the wjrld by saying he has descended. It is being carried out, tho Daily Herald
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  • 59 1 LONDON RUBBER TIN. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Dec. 31. Rubl>cr market closed. TIN. Spot £148 13/16. Three months £149 13/16. Market tone lrregular. SILVER. Spot 164. Two months 16 9/16. CROSS RATE closed on Friday at 3.31 On Saturday closed at 3.32 ft. (Rate as supplied by the London
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  • 107 1 Indians Abandon Attempt. Calcutta, Dec. 31. Calcutta's protracted attempts to achieve unity among the Hindus. Moslem, and Sikhs and to negotiate an agreement in substitution of the British Government's corrmunal decision given last August appear finally to have failed. The attempt had already been repudiated by influential
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  • 99 1 Singapore Welcomes New Year RoyaUy. Singapore hotels and clubs last night were crowded with revellers gathered to j welcome 1933 joyously and turn out the old year. Most dances were of the fancy dress order and a particularly large crowd "made whoopee" at the Swimming Club. Special
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  • 126 1 "Smart" Youth Vanishes From Cell. Charles Henry Jones, a young man described as "an accomplished housebreaker," who was committed to the quarter sessions on Dec. 8, escaped from j Leicester Prison 24 hours later. He was missed at the roll-call, and although the prison officials are very reticent
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  • 719 1 Sir William Murison's Judgment. $50,000 SUIT. Story Of Dishoncurel Bills. I T^HE Chief Justice (Sir Wilham delivered an important i<r_ metit in connection with the law dealing \i-;th hills of exchange in the Supreme Court yesterday. The suit was one in whi.^h Ihe Yokohama Specie Kank.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 2622 2  -  POZERSKI de POMIANE. n% l>r. l*l>v*iologr*l of I li« I'aslfiir Infttkute. Self-Catering For Hustled Business Men. DELICIOUS DISHES MADE IN TEN MINUTES. T^IY mirttall are addressed to the student, to the shop girl, to the clerk, to the artist, to the loafer, to the man
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  • 263 2 BLEEDING FROM FRANTIC LOVER'S BLOWS. A 22-year-old girl, stated to be the w fe of an R.A.F. officer, told at Brighton police court how she rushed naked into the street after being hit repeatedly in had by her 19-year-old lover. She was Mrs. Marjorie Warden,
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  • 378 2 MEN HELP IN £50,000,000 SWEETS BOOM. Britain spends £50.000,000 a year on I sweets —twice as much as before the war. This represent; 350,00(i tons. Half i\ sweets bought are chocolate. The main reasons given by the manufacturers for the increase are: Men are eating more. Doctors
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  • 299 2 FIGHT TO SAVE THRONE FOR HIS SON. Ex-King Ferdinand of Bulgaria, wii.» people in the know claim bas been the real ruler of his country throughout his 13 year-/ exile, is to return there very shortly. An announcement by his trusted frien I General (Jantchr ff,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 35 2 fOUND H?/ IHVE/TMEMre|Spf Policies issued against FIRE, LIFE, MARINE, MOTOR VEHICLE, PERSONAL ACCIDENT, BURGLARY, ETC., ETC. FULL COVER GRANTED AT COMPETITIVE RATES. The Prudential Assurain**' Co** Ltd. (Incorporated in England.) 17-18, Mercantile Bank Building, Singapore.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 337 3 NO ENTRANCE FEE REQUIRED. $100 Offered For Best Forecast Of Ten Results. A further football competition has been arranged. $100 IS OFFERED FOR THE BEST FORECAST OF THE TEN FOOT- BALL MATCHES GIVEN BELOW, WHICH ARE SCHEDULED TO BE PLAYED ON SATURDAY NEXT, JAN. 7.
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  • 435 3 The figures in parentheses indicate the teams' position in the League at the end of last season. When Sunderland (13) visited Arsenal (2) earlier in the season they lost l! 1. Sunderland are now 10th in the First Division with 22 points out of 21 trainee,
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  • 1394 3 £125 A Month Allowance To An Ex-Husband Stopped. RICH WOMAN'S ACTION. Story Of Flat Scene And Demand For £30,000. A RICH woman who alleged that her former husband had said he would "make her pay through the nose if she wanted a divorce from him," and had demanded £30,000 from
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  • 316 3 V\KSIT\ WEDDIISG AT OXFORD. A "Buchmanite" wedding thrilled Oxford on Dec. 7. Two notable members of this hotly discussed religious cult, who had met at a prayer meeting of "Buchmanites," were married at St. Mary's Church by Canon Greasted, the Oriel Professor of Christian religion, amid a
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  • 363 3 MYSTERY OF A CAINDID BOOK. After an "official intervention" which prevented publication of I>ady Angela St. Clair-Erskine's book of memoirs two months ago, the book has been released. But Jarrold's, the publishers, refuse to reveal the reason for the temporary ban. The book, entitled "Fore and
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  • 191 3 Husband Of Former Lady Inverclyde. James Townsend Pearce, of White Barn, Boars Hill, Oxford, was at Oxford committed for trial on a charge of driving a car while under th* influence of alcohol and driving dangerously. Defendant, *ho was described as a horse dealer, married the former Lady
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  • 312 3 SOME FAMOUS FOLK ON HER RIGHTS. <H> Air Mail.) Should a wife do more or lass as -,he pleases Should she go out when she likes, and come in when she i. In short, should she gad-nl«<ut without consulting her husband's wishes? This is what Mr.
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  • 196 3 DEFIES WEDD1ISG BAN IN TWO WILLS. (By Air Mail.) Clauses in two wills to the effect that she will forfeit lejraci'-s if sh«> marries" ancausing no concern at all to Miss Morjorie Joyce Clementsou, the pretty Hove heireShi* has made up hei mind, and She intends to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 85 3 j** j Sunday Times Football Competition. The following are the matches^dected^or this', week's competition. They are^zo belayed on I the ground of the first-namjay club* on JfcnvY j Read carefully the instPswtioijs »i\en "tjbovej^ and the information sullied below: The &c--urea in brackets incUpatev^be jresulta *n>flre i> corresponding gaafr in
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    • 187 3 SIR MALCOLM CAMPBELL says: "I predict that the future of this car is absolutely assured." Having tried it (the Ten-Four). I am convinced that it will appeal to the general motoring public from every point 01 view," writes Sir Malcolm Campbell in 'The Field.' "Here is a real motor car,
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  • 1104 4 BRIDGE NOTES. Direct Method Of Calling. MAKING THE ORIGINAL BID. (CYR. E. KEMP.) THIS week I deal very shortly with the Ir-t principle! of the Straightforward W Direct System <>r calling. The devotee! of the Direct System stan with the oasis that there "I' thirteen tricks
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  • 380 4 CONCRETE SHIPS AND CROCKERY! KXPERT'S VISION OF THE lITURE. If there is another world war navies may ge to sea in concrete battleships while the people at home sleep securely in b:>mb-proof, shrapnel-proof houses. This is the ideal visualised by Mr. Harold Lee, research expert of a I.ondon firm, and
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  • 1988 4 Mr. Justin Sprouie Retires A Creat Loss To The Colony Jutlicial Vacancies The First Malayan Express A Sweepstake And Scholarsit ip Railnay And Volunteer Changes The Customs Christmas. \MH- .Jusli' c Sproile luis 'ong leld a 'I*l unique position on the straits I Settlement* Bench by reason
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  • 495 4 Transport Miracle. OIL FROM COAL AS FUEL OF FUTURE. A rocnd-the-world trip for li!)s.! That is the possibility opened up i>y experiments with a heavy oil engine run on the "fuel of the future" oil extracted from coal. Industrialists m every part of the world are"
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  • 117 4 NOiVSLIP PADS FOR GREASY ROADS. Yet another new use for rubber lv been discovered- heels and toes lor hon-e shoes. Sacces.-ful experiments have already been carried out to test the practicability of the scheme. The majority of accidents to draugl horses arise from slipping on the
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 110 4 CHILDREN'S CORNER t /Vo. 55. WORM GOES BELOW. "That n<.i-e wa* close at hand" said Ethel Jane "'lf you don't mind, I'll make mv way below," It aonnded rather like a erj »f pa4n Said Worm, "I don't much cure for l;ird-; you know, Vei non it- stopped whatstOf can
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  • 270 5 C.I.D. Suicide's Last Lttter. 'I am in the cart 111 every wj'y!" Thus ran a note lift by Denys William .Morris, aged "-2S. a Leytonstone. E., a 111. constable, wl 0 was found dead in a car on Dec. 6 o a lonely stretch of road near
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  • 69 5 PRISON TENNIS. Latest Pastime For Convicts. Tennis for convicts!" is the lati I*'1 innovation in a London prison. \t th.' women's prison at HeQowa) where short-term prisoners and coi have enjoyed n-i-ball. and haw I «i\en dancing lessons for the past year. a hard court is !>eing built for them.
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  • 83 5 A. W. GAMAGE, LTD. £*****00 Of Capital Lost. Mr. I nrtt. In the Chanrf iv/ ■Ti on I >«•<■. 12. saiic-tiont'<l a :ion of Urn capital of A. W. Gamsfre Ltd from £760,000 to i"> 2,.">tK) Mr. Aadrewes rthwatt. for th»- coal* pany. Mid t'— fully-i-su«*d and paid-ilr-Preference ihini were
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  • 175 5 Winding-Up Petition Adjourned. A petition bjr >Sir Gaora** Stuart KoberUon, X.( Industrial A.-surance i oniiiiissi< ncr, I'<> ibe imnpulsory windin^ d\, of the Hearts uf Oak Assurance l'o. Lt<i., came before Mr. Justice Ben nett in the f'nancery Division yesterday. Mr. StaflWd Cross man, for Sir
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  • 227 5 (Women's Letter On Spiritualism. alxnit spiritualism left by a wonJati io carried out a suicide part witt* i mil *ith whom she lived were inquest on the couple at Tf!i« Kli/.abeth Klbert, Skerritt i Krnest Giliiam. l>oth ajfed who were found dead in bed in at Wickford by
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  • 145 5 £60,000 FOR TWO FILM WORK. (By Air Mail.) A record film contract, carrying an income of £60,000 for tv.o wears.' awrk, lias just l>een .signed by Ralph Lynn, the famous "silly ass" comedian. This constitutes the most remunerative '•ontract ever given to a film artist .11
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  • 57 5 Mr. Harold Lloyd, the film star, ga ve a monst 'i Christmas party at Cannes where he is staying with his wife and two children, according to the "Paris Midi." He reserved 40 hotel rooms for his gejeete, who included film stars fro 11 all parts of the
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  • 170 5 Magistrate Criticises Fare Demand. Mr. Wyatt Paine, the East Ham magistrate, recently criticised the action of a railway official in demanding from a pawsagrr who had no ticket the full fare frcm the station fiom which the train started. The passenger had not tiavelled the whole of the
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  • 132 5 Racing Dog Chases On Into Stands. Walcutt is a Wembly greyhound whose hurdling skill is exceeded by his wellknown anxiety to discover the hidingplace of the elusive hare. Kveiy time he finishes a race ai ■1 it of kennel lads awaits him. but one night recently he
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  • 887 5 ACE WHO WAS NOT DEAD. Real-Life Hollywood Drama Of Starving Extra. Here ia one of those 11 maifci dramas of war-time chivalry bet' i umbatant* which hold days«when nations are still trying to the war debts' tangle. It is taM by Pa'.il
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  • 155 5 New Safety Plan May Be Adopted. Wireless stations, to In- used IK-twe<n the pit-head and the men working in the mine>. are l*Mii>, r installed in the Yorkshire coalfield-. made at the Manor Haiph and Roundwood Collieries, near at other pits in South Yorkshire, have proved
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  • 68 5 Household Cavalry Busy Growing Them. Troupers in the two regiments f -ehold Cavalry the Life Guards and the Rotfal Hi. c- Guarde are busy ing moustu This pressed h hief, ;ha' .shoulil wi-.i Th<- ordei now ieei te include all ranki-. A great pi the men in Urn
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 111 5 Li f\ Iwl D IC^% "HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE" TODAY 3 SHOWS— 3 p.m. 6.30 p.m. 9.30 p.«. MATINEE TOMORROW (Monday) at 3.15 p.m. LAUGH THE NEW YEAR IN! ■m^^NATURE MEANT Ir^^ Phe Depression is over! Hilarity I Ktttfl^BP|o «s just around the corner with Vft HMTfIL 409 L
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    • 168 5 A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO AIL! START 1933 with a Laogh! Commencing at TODAYS MATINEE, 3.15. 6.30 TONIGHT 9.30 THE MADDEST AND MERRIEST COMEDY OF THEM ALL i Atk «^^*eejaaß»»p"- -^»«Nak««>^k«peHi«^ ejM*M>^"- J v l _/^^Bj[r JL IB y A.£y?J W^g mmf I fig T WW V M law A
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    • 54 5 NEXT CHANGE IS BACK STREET! ■■k Ami f 4% p^l Patrons are requested to note the new rHi II N Nightly Performance Times rHwii-iuii 6 3 y 0 930 RESERVATIONS PHONE 6903. MATINEES TODAY TOMORROW The sauciest ami mosl il< li-lil i I _^^%a^ MMeaal] you \r vmt -«tii Lt^y
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  • 2564 6 THE DRESSMAKERS OF PARIS. Excerpts from itn article in the US. Magazine Fortune. F Paris in lK4fi journeyed a young Londoner, a penniless draper's assistant named Charles Frederick Worth. His rise was not long delayed. By 1855 he was attracting attention by the dresses he exhibited at the Exposition of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 107 6 BRITISH CORSETRY AT ITS BEST. I l/^~ n I ifr-vj 4 M 1 f" i 1 E H "Regal" Pink Net Sports Belt. Three •«CikN«« 'i >I.i«ik fiuMl Mia f.istenniK. (I- pih g hichcv. to PRICE $2.50. White Cellular Cloth Corselette. Li^lit weiniH eUuttC bide panei>. Sit' 3** h »'t.
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    • 1182 6 died in 1910, »ct an important vogue several ytara ago with its fur-trimmed cloth coaU>. The house is still a factor P^^F jjp I^^Hf y? £w<£ <ft*a /^^"j/^y in coatB and st >" dresses the more, fT|/ V* Mr*. s* m *w*» Z^^ conservative Parisiennes. Directress, \f f f I
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  • 10694 7  -  JACK McLAREN. OUR NEW SERIAL STORY— By New Readers Start Here The "Silver Bell," a pearling lugger, sailing along the Solomon Island toast discovers a cutter asho/e on a reef. Henry Sutherland, the skipper, changes the "Silver Bell's" course, but as he approaches the stranded vessel
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • 621 8 Brightly dawns the first of January, 1933. Good Malayans have celebrated the coming of the New Year, and in obedience to Governmental instructions have advanced their clocks by twenty minutes— or if they have forgotten to do so they will at once act on this reminder. If 1933
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  • 1649 8  -  Peter Melville. DINNER WITH A CANNIBAL KING "SNAKE CUTLETS AND EDIBLE SLUG." By thf well-known ivriter on New Guinea. IHAVE dined in many queer places, and in strange company, but the queerest of all was when I was feted by a tribe of savages
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  • 1638 8 A Ha— hie! v Pard'n.— A Happy New Year to You. Get somebody to cut this paragraph out for "you so that you can read it later on; good wishes won't interest you this morning if you are the sort rf man
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 133 8 AMUSEMENTS. SINGAPORE. ALHAMBRA THEATRE. SPKAKKAsILY with Bunter Kraton ali:i .limnv Durante. 6.30 9.30 p.m. Phase 6909. CAPITOL THEATRE. ■OHM IF.ATHEKS with The 4 Mnr\ Brothers. 6.30 9.30 p.m. Phone 52C1-2. MARLBOROUGH THEATRE. SWI I'Hh KN(. T\Y— Mal«> Talkie. (>.:to 4.30 p.m. NEW WORLD. tIHH SHOWS, CABABBT IiANi'INO TALKIES, THEATRES and
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    • 81 8 PIANO TUNING— REPAIRS. I REMOVALS— HIRE. i E. CHARLES;! I Phone 2902. 282, Orchard Road, i NOTICE. A class for the study of drawing, water colour, and oil painting is being formed early in the New Year by a well-known experienced teacher. Intending students are requested to apply for particulars
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  • 1670 9 A Review Of Pioneer Officers. An article on early days in Perak recently contributed to the Sunday Times by an old F.M.S. resident has inspired another article in which some of the early events and personalities of police history in Perak are recalled. The
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  • 2127 9 Thrilling Story Told By M.C.S. Officer. Mr. W. F. N. Churchill, of the Malayan Civil Service, figured in one of the most remarkable big-game stories in Malayan history when he was District Officer in Upper Perak last year. A tame elephant went mad in
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 117 9 HEDGES BUTLER Ltd. WINE MERCHANTS TO HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE V. ESTABLISHED 263 YEARS. r By Appointment la lI.M. the Km,, to R The Prince of Wales VERY CHOICE WINES AND SPIRITS jzr^z.n"'' vzsrsmi? toois*»oTir«' "si"^2?s. whisk* iJS2S£nE« "VAT 230" SCOTCH WHISKY. OVKR II C?^.-;i:-: IK\KSOI.I). "CLUB" "CLUB" DRY OLD
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    • 206 9 jSsSy co sJi\nf I aw^^^^^^^a^a^a^^^LL f^S^a^ri W^ I Look at his smiling health look at his well-honed and i &HHJa^ •a^* firmly fleshed little body! flfar? He is a Cow Gate baby naturally formed without jjlP^V j the useless fat and the weak- \J g*" Jfc f nesses of the
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  • 1191 10 Old- World Ritual At Enthronements. i DRESS PROBLEMS. An Amusing Incident In Perak. IN a fascinating collection of Malay studies publishe 1 recently in the M.B.R.A.S. Journal, Mr. R. J. Wilkinson, C.M.G., is unable to supply any satisfactory theory as to the early beings—apemen or early
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  • 230 10 Two Drowned In River Struggle. Help, for the love of heaven Agonised women's trial rang out and tiailed oft into silence in the Burry Kstuary, Llanelly. when a party of -ten citkle women were ftrding the river on donkeys, and the animal- suddenly beuMi.e stubborn in the swiftly
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  • 155 10 Mother's Fight For 14 Years. A grey-haired mother, who at tfca age of eighty-four, left her home in America and faced the rigours of a Baßftian winter to fight for her son's freedom, arrived in London on Dec. 11 from Paris. She M Mrs. Mary Mooncy, wheat
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  • 291 10 Inquiry Witnesses Break Down. During the public inquiry at Biyn, near Wigan, into the pit disaster at Garswood Hall Colliery on November 1, when 27 men were killed, many of the witnesses were affected, and had to pause in their evidence. Sir Henry Walker, Chief Inspector of Mines,
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  • 125 10 Muriercr Wanted Sentence. A suicide ract onded in a death sentence at the Old Bailey when FomV Joseph Powell, aged of Bermondney, S.E. was convietcd of murdering: his wife. The judge added his owa m-ommenda-tion to mercy to that of the jur\. Powell and his wife, it
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  • 871 10 Dr. Reichelt. EXPERIENCE IN CIVIL WAR. Tne Rev. Dr. K. L. Reiciielt, Superintendent of the Tao Poac-ehaa < hristian Institute at Khatin, returned to Honft Kong by the steamer Nordviken or M after a fairly long abnence. Speaking to a South Chin;; Morning Post representative, the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 53 10 f!l Sunset approaches tSSi nl n \m H Bis k J isl Lfc ■^■■nL^ V\ fc UjßnWnluamßmßanßanmaaßHlßJ {ffl IwA i >s4 x > iSTrls^ with the right spirit I*ot1 *ot g-y-, laannissmaj nanTsr -LX a^,^^ 7 /ii fc L»W^J isaW tJ Jk V m man AM II L^ A L
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    • 14 10 If it is worth buying it is worth Advertising especially in THE SUNDAY TIMES.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 289 11 "ITS A VERY GOOD NEWSPAPER." Tknt it thr eomnriuiit of local oprmum on tk* Singnport Daily MM THE SUN WAH COMPANY FURNITURE MAKERS. CHUNK NO. 2425. Offici- iWMMI Uaatf] THK SIN \ll 111 II MM. lU.NTI.KVS S< HOFIKLIIS 3M. Victoria Street. Cable \ddrviw: Magapmrt, January 1. KI'RMSTOKE. SINCAI'OKK. Dear Home
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  • 3411 12 The Book page When The Mist Hung Like A Blanket Over The Valley Of The Somme. Major-General Bii Eraeot Xuinton is a man of many parti Probably, in- is best know:' hi the civilian reader as •Eyewitness," the Ural official eorreepondoat on the W.'stcn Pront. He i.^ also CMommi Professor
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 76 12 THE WRITING PAD WITH THE WORLD WIDE REPUTATION. I I Manafactared by JOHN DrCKINSON CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England). POST BOX lfiO. SINGAPORE. AND SOLD BY ALL STATIONERS IN MALAYA. 1 i THK \y\\Ritz Rollamatic Stropper. .^aC^smmlmmmV Tin- smalleel sad o "<>pper BMaVs. It nut^ v k'Mii razor Wades. It
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 144 12 OUR CROSSWORD PUZZLE. (CLUES.) ACROSS. la. Mud iipnit Apptiint an agent l. P«lm ti. clothes dealer 4. Watorins pit w hi'l 7. Pisa-eatiag awmmal NeßHMplo«iTe >h-ll> 11. Bulboai t.iant Handle i^. Release Security Ceajaaetion IS. Mineral :o Amend 1). n SI, Lie on <>v 15. Disordered flight U. Idler Wands
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  • 447 13 CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION PATH The Rovers Badminton Party ealebrated its fifth anniversary at Mr. Aw H(Hni Haw's bungalow on Christnui. Day ;ird the two following days. On Sunday, at 5 p.m. group-photo- I graphs were taken and prizes distributed to successful competitors in the various
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  • 143 13 Queen Victoria's 80 Foot Limit. One day Queen Victoria '\as gaziim out of her window at Buckingham Palace when she espied that white glazed brick structure, Queen Anne's Mansions. Thibuilding, still one of London's highest, towered above Westminster"* .-mallei dwellings. The Queen sent for her Minister and there
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  • 239 13 ISO ANNIVERSARY CELEBAATIONB. The Lour Athletic and Musical Party celebrated their first anniversary on Saturday and Sumlay, Dec. 17 and 18 at Mr. Aw Boon Haw"., bwifjaknr, Pasir Panjan^ Road. Tt.e aU. -idatK-.' m both days numbered aboa! 160 an. l a small programme of Rporta wa>
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  • 132 13 Chinese Association Prize-Giving. The Chinese Students' Literary Association. Kuala l.umnur, held their gala on Christina* rii-rht. Friends and members at tea numbered al out HO ladies and gentlemen. After tea, the president of the Association. Mr. Chew Szc Foong, in a short speech invited the vice-president's wife, Mrs.
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  • 84 13 A basket -hall match will be played between the Tan Cheng Bong's Badminton !;»r!y and the Tionjr Lam Basket-ball Party today, :'t the Great World sporting ground at pjn. Tin- following players will ri present l he Tan ('hong Bong's I Badminton Party: Tan Cfcoag Bvnu. Kain Yew Chye,
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  • 121 13 A badminton friendly match of four ningles and three doubles II Ik- playd lietv ecu the Wah Chong Badminton) Party and t!,<' Mas Venn Badminton Party of Johorc Bahni today al 'lie hitter's court (.lot ore Balim.) at I pin. The following player* will represent the Wah Chong Badminton
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 13 Wynsomem," the Kuala Lumpur Ladies' Hockey team which has just celebrated its first anniversary. Mi Bft W. G. Tallala. captain, is seen seated in the centre.
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  • 354 13 WILLIE WONG'S TOO GOOD FOR NEGRI-SEMBILAN. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Dec. 31. Badminton is generally getting a foothold in Negri Sembilan and the Chinese badminton Party appears to be the keenest. They often arrange for Inter-Stale party games and during last week th.>y were hosts
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  • 257 13 PRESENTATION FOR HIS 34 YEARS' WORK. In recognition of his services to th. 1 Amicable Athletic Association, of which he has been hon. general secretary for three and a half years of its four and a half years' existence, Mr. Lim Chan Setv was presented with
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  • 41 13 We have received a large number of New Year greeting cards from w-ious cluhs in Malaya, and we take this opportunity of expressing our thanks. May the many clubs and associations in Malaya continue their progress in IMS.
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  • 39 13 lake's Badminton Party will oppose the Chin Btx> Party at '><> p.m. today on the former's court at :>!1. North Bridge Road. Lokc\ tntltt Law Yin Kook, (Job Wan Nam, (Ml •!< W, Qntffji < Ik i and Heng Jee ken*;.
    39 words
  • 381 13 A Wife's Tale To A Magistrate. Intimate domestic problems are often brought to the police court, but the limit »vas reached at Marylebone Police Court, when a buxom wife declared that her husband had assaulted her at 6 o'clock in the morning. "He complained that I was
    381 words
  • 888 13  -  FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT. BY United States President-elect. THF. new national leadership is going to restore the confidence that the majority of mt-n and women in thi- country rightfully repose in th«ir own integrity and ability. It is going to bring about governmental action to
    888 words
  • 398 13 nistiation policy. It should underlie all plans on detailed issues. What is thi> sinjrle factor in Mm United States and in the world today It is interdependence —our mutual dependence one upon the other —of individual", of bu-ineses. of industries, of towns, of villages, of cities, of states, of nations.
    398 words
  • 30 13 A Chinese woman was taken to hospital Jn the ambulance on Friday following a fight with a man in the Joo Chiat district in which her head was badly cut.
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  • 20 13 An ajred Chinese had his skull broken when he was knocked down by a motorcycle in Thomson Kaod on Friday.
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  • 231 13 Mystery Of West End Wedding. Remarkable police precautions were I taken at the London wedding of a clairvoyante's daughter on Doc. 7. Detectives in morning-dress mingled with the guests in the church a uniformed sergeant stood just inside the gMH during the ceremony uniformed police kept watch
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 140 13 REGLYKOL Sure Cure for Diabetes RBGLYKOL Contains medicinal herbs harmless to health. REGLYKOL reduces sugar and Acetone in the urine. REGLYKOL decrease* the discharge si urine. RBGLYKOL suppresses the abnormal feeling of thirst and hunger REGLYKOL promotes digestion. REGLYKOL cures shin diseases attendant upon Diabetes such as Aessma, Furuncles, Pruritus
      140 words

  • 2101 14 New Forwards Do Well. KEEN PLAY. lloin. Side's Convincing Win. (Ky Our Rugby Correspondent) Singapore 13 pts.; Perak 3 pts. BY defeating Perak on the Padanjj yesterday by l-'i points (two goals and a try) to 3 points (a try) Singapore have undoubtedly gained confidence for
    2,101 words
  • 321 14 ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH LEAGUE RESULTS. London, Dec. 31. The following are the results of matches played today in the English and Scottish Leagues First Division. Arsenal 3 Birmingham 0 Aston Vila 3 Middlesbrough 1 Blackburn R. 1 Chelsea ft Blackpool 3 Sheffield Wed. 4 Derby C. 5
    Reuter  -  321 words
  • 476 14 38 Points Obtained. DESERVED VICTORY FOR AIR FORCE. South Johore 15 pts.; R.A.F. 23 pts. A SOUTH JOHORE Rugby XV, playing with an R.A.F. man, lost to the Air Force on the Johore Civil Service Club ground yesterday by 2:5 points (two goals, a drop
    476 words
  • 282 14 Ex-Smn. Watson, the British featherweight champion, who may shortly leave for the States for a world's championship fight with the winner of the Kidel La Barba-Kid Chocolate match at Madison Square Garden, New York, had his first fight last night since beating Nel Tarleton for the British titje.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 82 14 Assets exceed $12,000,000. Aasunmce in' foroe over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in th* Straits Settlements.) HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern life Building, Cecil Street. Singapore, LONDON OFFICE: 27, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and compile* with the
      82 words
      93 words

  • 883 15  -  FORWARD Lull In Selanpor Runner Activities DisnjrjnrfrrffrTf I/ji C— niry Hockey Malacca EUwn Show (Ireat Determination A Run of Had Luck Double Ruftgor Win. Ih i FRIDAY. THERE is a lull in Selan^or rugger activities at the moment and anticipation of the final of the Malaya
    883 words
  • 1062 15 Double Rugger Win Augurs Well. MICH to the satisfaction of Rucby followers in the combined States "hv Ni'K n -.Malacca combination proved that then narrow victoi-y at Singapore over the Command was no fluke when during eek under review the defeated once a#ain the military sidr. This means
    1,062 words
  • 464 15 SCHOOLS AND OLD BOYS' RUGBY. ii \rleqmns hammer \ii:k(ii\m tulors. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Dec. 12. Public Schools and Old Boy;;' Rr.gby foot hall ma'ches played this week have resulted aw follows SCHOOL KKsn.TS. I't-. It*. PimUl lefc. li U'ltenhi-ii, \.l. I M l"l l'nite«l 5 'Clifton < 'ollriri-
    464 words
  • 815 15 Bradford City Depose Stoke. Positions of clubs in the English and Seottißh Leagues before resterday'a .latches were as Follow *ir»t l>ivi*ion. Aston Villa 4 t; IT •Sh.-rfiHd Wed. 22 U I 1 10 H Newraoi.. lr, t |1 U 40 2rt j 7 Derby County 22 10 7
    815 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 59 15 TO LET, rooms, shops and garages At Burlington, Coleman St. Phone 7108. M. EZEKIEL SONS, Qualified Ophthalmic Opticians, Raffles Chamber*, Singapore. Branch: Noordwijk, 35, Batavia, Jeya. For ATTENTION of:ESTATE MANAGERS. Rubber J Spraying fg Bulb M '*^g^ <dfl gWv' '^SgW dsa bbs* mBI fl n. n. I. INSEaiCIDE POWDER BLOWER
      59 words
    • 1 15 Consult
      1 words
    • 85 15 1933 To Business Managers Malaya's 4 Premier Newspapers THE STRAITS TIMES (DAILY) THE SUNDAY TfMES (WEEKLY) THE DAILY NEWS (MORNING) THE STRAITS BUDGET (WEEKLY) Wish V O U May enjoy a much More prosperous Year during the New Year than you had during 1932. YOU WILL do so if you
      85 words

  • 93 16 Singapore defeated I'erak on tho I'atiang, >cM<rdnv, by II p«s. 3 pis. Alroo.t perfect condition!) prevail -d and the play was exciting and fast fr< m siart to |jni-h. it is ivpcrUd that tiif rWtlag outside^, with two exceptions, were fc<.-rurall> ditiippointing. The above pi
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 6 16 Qualtt^ Optician CAPITOL BUILDING. TEL: 2751|
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