The Straits Times, 23 October 1932

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 37 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. No. 45. Sunday, October 23rd. v 1932. Price 10 Cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper in Malaya. No. 45. Sunday, October 23rd., 1932. Price 10 Cents.
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  • 1584 1 Smugglers Now Taking To Arms. LARGE GANGS OPERATING. 3enerol Tightening Up Of Preventive Methods. 'luirc Hiis week Ike Pre%CMlivt Servirc in Rtagaptft Ikis liM.ii-;i. >;;■! oi |> nli« ul:ir!y riarinK NmuKKlinß'. I'irsl, Mr>. Uora IrczesAak. ;i I h nroMaa, who was fined $l. r
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 1 Some of the ma iiiKeniaOs melhids empltved in thi of dope" into !h. < itloin ir demons: rated h> tin xhihii m lhi> Monol>(iiie> l»«pai tnunt'-ijiiisc.iin. (See s.«r> on thi- page.)
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  • 74 1 THREE \\\\L OFFRKRS (From Our Own CorresAdent >. Lon:lonm><t. J2. THRF.F. Naval Off* *r E. Keys arm* G. F. B. Lxwland— are mis-ing in a small yacl.t. which ia bellavcd to have 'ah aught <n tprritv- Thanr.el 7 Thrte other officer a in another ya:ht Ml re-rued
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  • 87 1 Kxtraordirrarv Success Of Pavilion Show. An unu.«ual demonstration o curred nt last right's se-ond perf ormaaca of "Ja k'< !ln Hoy." a 4 in- P i n. At the concloaioa ol the a_Mr, *h- a_Ma_M rose to ii tict, and clapped il< appreciation of this la'est excel'ent
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  • 88 1 I DESPERATE 11 -TORTS TO i London. Oct. 22. WlTKflhe disastrou- stoppage of nearly iO.Oto spinners in the Lancashire catton irale imminent, desperate efforts aveji this were made hy the Government JL^emaker at the operative env iiJoaafT^onferenrp. Alilf eYtnto of 7 2»L in the pound now
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  • 57 1 British Govt. And Release i)f China Captives. I »n inn. Oct. 22. The Government rave cord ally thanked the Japanese Government for the effective aaai:ifcance of .lananese officials in aecuring the release of Mrs. Pawley and Mr. orkran. The consuls at Mukden and Lew Chwanu have been instructed
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  • 134 1 Penny Pound Duty. NEW MILL TO BE BUILT IN LONDON. London. I WITH olijeet of securing fir Emj>h rowing the virtual monopoly which foieign ik c ha > hitherto held 'ii (ir. ,i Hi itain. .< la n rkt mill i>- to b< erected oi
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  • 86 1 Four Years* Trip In Motor-Car. (From Our Own Correspondent.) inban, Ocl Harm Preiffer, a German engineer, an«i in- liutch wife, have arrived here in the eoone of a world tour in a Stud* car. In an interview Herr Preit 1 that he left Holland and subsequently touted various'
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  • 82 1 LONDON RUBBER TIN. (Frtn Our O»n Correspondent.) Th* rioting price* today were London. Oct. 22. RI'BBER ((Quotations ua supplied •>> >mglon and Uilson.) Sp«»t fßuverv) 2 7/16 d. iSeller-.) 2' 2 d. Jan-Mar 2 »/lfid. \pr June 2 11/lftd. July-Sept. 2^d. Market tone (Juiet. TIN. Spot £1.11 V Ihree Months
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  • 84 1 Three Readers Share A lluiitlrvil Dollars. I_st Satuiday's Football Competition won by three readers, our in ra, one in I'enang, and one in Singapoio, fcjuh of whom predicted nine of ten matches given. The MBfaaaful compttit >rs were Suria Bachi, No. 35'J Tran<|uerah, Malacca. T. Teoh, N<>. I
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  • 91 1 Democrats To Repeal 18th Amendment. Wild applause fffl >'■''' pronouncement that tht- Dem. po*e«l to leneal the F.ighteenth Amen Iment. Hi at'a.kul Mr. Hoover's disastrous bond policy of lending money hack to the i pled nations. He said he intended to prevent hard earned dollars of investors rteinir
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  • 213 1 Trebitsch Lincoln Warns Great Britain. EXPELLED FROM BELGIUM. "Diabolical Machinations Of Secret Service." Tr< hit «-h Lincoln, who rcrewllj railed al ihi- olliri- c.f the Suiwhit I iiim-n whi t |iu>4iii'4 Ihrough Siii,'.i|>«ii i on In t<> r:ur..|x. has arrived in l(elf.iuni and
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  • 436 1 His Visit To Sunday Times Office. tJM that when ho was ary to policy ucinpU'd in r.»2:», the police made no <>biwiion to hir.i landing, and he was )>«t feetly fm to jr« a-h>re ami transact any Ii wa.- thus that h- carao to the offices ">f the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 1476 2 POINTED QUESTIONS TO DOCTORS. Some Facts The Coroner Wanted To Know. Sea chin questions to medical men, a coroner's caustic comment on a case that "bristled with suspicion," and a suggestion that certain arrangements had been made in "a hole and mm way," closed
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  • 1866 2 Coroner And Other Women. Then the coroner decided to hear the evidence of Dr. Alva Delbert Evans, of 1 Upper Wimpole-sireet. who mentioned 1 that he had known Dr. de Caux for five ior six years. Dr. de Caux was his anaesthetist. Cor. he call you
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 166 2 W W^T a. BB^ r JR\ ill lip nßtfk llnVLl H^VII Vnr'S His twe most Valued pc§§es§ions Mils nsidei that liavin» )«id ihcfc WMa tin obligations. (anno* affh t«> tli«- btfnfi] ntoi ->m. !> then oonld never be a yicatei or more cherished obligation tlian a wifa and k»don
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 46 2 you mustnV board v 1 Jusr GO|NK s "to /^C A MCA/JNG KNOW r^*L ASK TME > Getting |/-r tr^S J^f TH 4&* CUARD WHETHER ITS Mov not By J. MILLAR WATT. P^\^± £>' \X wL+ V^ &g^E^^, y\2L j \7-/f (Copyright. 193:. by Tre i. •i- i<^
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  • 466 3 NO ENTRANCE FEE REQUIRED. $100 Offered For Best Forecast Of Ten Results. A further football competition has been arranir^'l. SUM) is OI KKRKD FOR THE BEST FORECAST OF THE TEN FOOTBALI. MATCHhS GIVEN BELOW, WHICH ARE SCHEDULED TO BE PLAYED ON s.vii !:i>\V NKXT. OCT.
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  • 629 3 Am<. n Villa and West Bromwich Albion finished fifth and sixth respectively in tin- First Division last season with the same number of points, 46, the Villa MMrMjg much the letter goal average The Villa are now at the top of 'In League with 17
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  • 250 3 ATTEMPT TO T\kfc IN CHANDU. AN attempt to take chandu hidden in a loaf of hread, into the Civil Prison by a Chinese schoolboy of the AngloChinese School, Singapore, failed through the vigilance of a sub-warder. The boy was arrested and was brought before Mr. J. F.
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  • 491 3 Poor Match At Jalan Besar. I.'aiul Uahar I Perhimponan J The fairly large crowd that turned out to witness the A division tie of the, ,1 r LMBfM l>etw(.n Darul Bahar and Perhin nian StUi y. v day afternoon at .J ;i lan Besar Stadium, were dis*protated in
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  • 98 3 Gloucester? Ben ten By 8 pts. To Nil. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Oct In fine weather on a soft ground th,' MMf«l Club beat the Gloucesters by 8 pt<. to nil. It was one of the finest games witnessed here for years. The Sports Club fielded the
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  • 565 3 MAN fcCCUSED OP MOOTING. (By Air Mail) London, Oct. 12. rtUDLEY HamM MMM, J<i, traveler. no tixdl abod", wa> (harmed on remand at Westminster yesterday, with the (attempted murder of a girl who had reto marry him. The girl is Miss Phyllis Howard, who was shot
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  • 286 3 Robbers Carry Off Young Girls. Wu "> urk, (h\. 2. Though bank roi.bers c-arriod off two jfirl.s and used them as shields against the I^ulletrf of their pursuers, their victims will not have it that they were any but courteous Kfit'ennen. The two fid Mock and Ruth I
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  • 94 3 k T the twelfth annual general ny t*. of the Straits I'nion Football Club, icld recently the following were el< jffice-bearei ■> for the ensuing year: I'reiident, Mi (hie Koon Chiang (reI); vice-p Messrs. -ing Siantr. Liai Te k Lay, Yco Koon ivan and L hon,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 115 3 Sunday Times Football Competition. The following are the matches selected for this week's competition. They are to be played on the ground of the first-named club. Read care- 3 fully the instructions given above and the in- formation supplied below. The figures in brackets indicate the results in the corresponding
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    • 254 3 PEARS' SOAP CASH PRIZE COMPETITION WINNERS Nearly ten thousand en! rpreived from all over MM lor this simple BSSSpstHkSSI recently held to encourage thf re(rul:ir v sf MMi I" ~t anil purest of all t. reful scrutiny and MSMMMMSJ ±> f ivery eiiti\ Bjtasi the f illowinjr list of MMMMsN
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  • 1236 4 BRIDGE NOTES. Use Of The Word •Never." VICTIM Ol v LITTLE LEARNING. i;v R. K IvF.MP. NEVER make a c oi.vt ntioi ul bid if yo.i can obtain or convey the name information by i >iji_ r an ordinary !>id. In I Bt idffc tie wo
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  • 358 4 FORTUNE THAT DISAPPEARED. EVERY night .in Wardour-street. in thheart of the West End of London, -tands a newspaper seller in tattere I clothes. To actors, commissionaire-, police, ana men-alwut-twwn he is simply known as Mac." Everyone who knows the West Knd know* Mac. For Mac is
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  • 1626 4  -  THE W.4\I)F:HF.II. By t \tn Malayan I'alucv fUmkU BmUding (hi The Vtrul: Hirer The Scene Of Future Il:sitny Sultans As Executive Officers \<> More (Unvrumcnt Architects The Trauctly Of Hl--trrmehmeaU Planters In Politics. WHILE no cue ia-i be too en. 'mi.-,., ali mi ]>■ i >•! cii'
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  • 384 4 MEDUTOIt AHON6 >HLD i TRIBES. Geneva. Oct. 1. THK romantic story i»f how a Scottish doctor stopped a civil war is told in an official document that will Ite pi csented tomorrow to the Council of th League of Nations. The doctor is Melville T. Ma
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  • 245 4 ALIVE AFTER DEATH. Heart Beats Again. OPERATION WHEN LIFE HAD CEASED. TWO fii>.t «i:—. fighting to save the Ufa lyinir woman in Worthing Hoa .«!e obliged to wait until she had they could oi n->i >n ariat life hack to he: ■heel. Immediately after '>eiran the operation. hi mail a.-tually
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  • 133 4 Drove Through The Enemy Ranks. HariA Hubner. a veteran London Genera! Omrv bus driver and soldier. died on Oil. l. at his he me in Lanfthron.- if 4. S. W\, air-'cl mrades of the 7.'tld Company R.A-S.C. as "Dae*." Hubner came through the War unscathed, in of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 118 4 cmumvrs corher.—iso. 45. at the palace gates. Jgk I bbbWA i. Said Kee. "Now gardener must use his legs "I>et's hurry." Ethel Jane said, "For I mean nd he daren't hurt the hens because of eggs! "To find my Sal before we see the Quern." °(om«* now. he'll be kept
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  • 449 5 \\ll\l WOMAN'S DIARY DISCLOSED. DRAMATIC extracts from the dia a homeless woman, who it was stated topped as she was walking toward the Clifton suspension bridge notorious for the number of suicide leaps from it were r .1 I ;U Bristol. The wonnn, Thirza Kllen QMott,
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  • 313 5 Action "To Clear Family Name." (By Air Mail) London, Oct. 12. A settlement was reached at Southwark, county court yesterday of an action, remitted from the High Court, for alleged seduction and th- consequent loss I of the services of a daughter. Mr. L'avid Weitzmann -aid that Ml
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  • 107 5 Tamil "Boy" Who Robbed His Master. Pleading gunty to the charge of theft of a portable typewriter, valued at $100 and belonging to his employer, Mr. G. W. 1) Newbronner, a Tamil "boy" Yusope, was sentenced to six weeks' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. A. W. Hay, the Second
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  • 833 5 Strange Stories Of Mystery Recluse. YEARS OF SILENCE. Living In Solitude Among The Multitudes. When a constable forced his way into the home of Miss Phoebe Howitt at Walton-on-Thames the facts of this stran»e hermit's life had been intriguing her neighbours for year-. For 10 years, this tall, silent woman
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  • 367 5 Mother And Child In Lake. Sunday nk'ht Mrs. Klsic risp. of Windsor Road. Willesdm (■rcon, N.W, took her two children to a part>, and afUr a jolly awlag left at 11 •»Yl»»ck. Monday morninu Mother and rhildrcn wen- f< und drowned in Ihc MTaUI Harp, llrndon. The woman
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  • 352 5 Challenge In 1933 Not Desired. The possibility of one of the American "J" c'ass racing y* inn Cowes next kcHous con>i<l< ration in yachting cirdM in the Unite*! Slates. It is WHJeintood tha' the New >en k Yacht CM v.i.ilH riot W«IeMN eliallenge for the AmericaV dip wi
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  • 534 5 YOUNG MAIN DIES IN HOSPITAL. (By Air Mail) London. Oct. 12. A FREE tijcht at a wedding party. reMitinc i.i th»- dt>ath of a younj; .u|Uir«l into by the Briininjr nam Coroner yesterday. B-vnaid Joooao. Farrell, 21. a press \< orker, died in hospital with a wound
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  • 156 5 World's Funniest Man. WISECRACK KING DUE IN LONDON. THE worM'i funniest man ia com nld Simp iht> Btmda 120,001 i',u iilld ■IM Th ia Mi- A Koasbviß. impion «<■ ill over thi Hui comedians al u> him f i antor, U 11 in thi count
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 149 5 MATINEE TODAY 3-15 CHILDREN HALF PRICE P A V I LION IPfiPlj Jl RESERVATIONS PHONE 6903 Ciainsboroiij^h do it n&iin Jf^ Another "Happy" Triumph IP* "JACK'S THE '^■L/ todQ& mm dn v yM -t*SB 'Mm *^M CICELY COURTNEIDGE WINIFRED SHOTTER. I BT/fa *Vl Better even than IgjjQj Sunshine Susie A
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    • 131 5 HERE IT IS! The Famous Lonsdale Play that Surprised London [CAJPTfOJLj MATINEE TODAY 3.15. TONIGHT! FREDERICK LONSD ALE'S "A Credit to the Paramount Most Brilliant Story Brit. sh stud o»" ...The Er«. "WOMEN r %~gt m I L A I Wms* Mm?^ From the Daring Play that amazed London "SPRING
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  • 115 6 Tin dresses sketched <//>»<» tm tiiv* "f neat town clothe* which </<< hiirlniii si fil< „i I'mis. That itt thi 1 left is the (ires* of thr I'nton etmenible cit/liil "/Y<x I'tnixii'ti," unnally worn u*ith a tbtraiyh* gleevclrxa hip-length jut-kit of the xtnte material, usually
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  • 590 6 ten wares. ALTHOUGH callage is perhaps th,> most popular vegetable in Knglan I, hepe seems to be only one way of cooking it boiled. Actually, however, it is t'ull of possibilities writes Countess Murphy in the Daily Mail. What nunv doHeiofM as a salad, for nstance,
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  • 884 6 YOUR HAT: The Trend Of Fashion in Millinery "17KI.VKT, and the MM despi el stit-h- ed velvet at that, is undoubtedly the j milliner's favourite medium at the mv- 1 ment, writes Jacqueline Howard in the j Morning P<>st. But it is not just ordinary velvet. In a great many
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 150 6 WHITEAWAYS FOR QUALITY AND VALUE A IH'A s|| m,l|i 111 of Ladies Baku Straw Hats, in mart .(ikl .<;; i tive iJiapea, wide brims, trimmed *1 »wers, ribhoa and anrgette. White- Beige t Green, Pi-.u h. I moil. S.ixc Price $7.95 to $10.50. II T 'i I Gold Seal Pure
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    • 238 6 I HENtT H. COHEN, W. IH*1 lS [X U -4 lad Floor Maynard Buildinf, IS Batttry Road. M. UU SINGAPORE A PERFECT jelly is a welcome ad- ff /i^mS^^S/r/^ dition to any meal. u/K ft BK^ If you would have a -,-«>#?"'■! jelly which dissolveftCQJ|| p| P^P instantly, sets quickly
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  • 3441 7  - THE SILENT SIX GWYN EVANS. V_J^IAL_STORY. By EAPIY CHAPTERS SUMMARISED. Bill Kellaway, an out-of-work journalist, sitting on a bench on the London Embankment, is accosted by a well dressed stranger who asks him if he would like a million pounds! Kellaway naturally says "yes," and leaves with the stranger to
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  • 32 7 "Poor Boy" Buys tie. How 1 living at th. out to win Emm ar I to da i I such life. About th i .Ma" Ml. 1 a.iei ><»»MM
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 28 7 you have THE GOODS JBB Tsm W m laaaaaaaaM DELIVER THEM IN A 8 h.p. Triumph Delivery Van PRICE $1,200/- EX SINGAPORE. FULL DETAILS FROM UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED.
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  • 785 8 The Sunday Times. TOTIDEM VERBIS. EDITORIAL, MANAGBBIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICES 78, Cecil Street, Singapore. TELEPHONE 6151. Kuala Lumpur: 25, Java Street TELEPHONE SWt. l_ Thi re has I een considerable comment on the fact that, while the Straits SettleGovemment consiJe-'s tat th» ion of a Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve unit
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  • 1520 8 A FAMOUS ARTIST PEEPS INTO THE SHADOWS— A < K\ TIRY THAT IS UK Vl* AND BURIED. do not care much to talk about the early flays of my carver/ writes Feoditr hoi in f tin. the famous Russian basso, in this article. IStU thttt
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  • 91 8 SINGAPORE. DELPHI HOTEL. WCIAL CLASSICAL CON- KUT. 9.30 p.m. ALHAMHRA THEATRE. BLONDE < M'TIVK.—*fl:>. l"h«in«- «!>O9. CAPITOL THEATRE. WOMEN WWO I'l.W with Man N «•>. r<inili ;md Joan Harry. Ml Ml p.m. I'hone ."»2«I -*J. MAIU.KOKOIGH THEATRE. QOOB NIGHT HENNA »ith Jack Itin h.inan. H.l'i—S.l"> p.m. NEW WOULD.
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  • 1497 8 Believe it or not being The Assertions of Ananias Undoubtedly the joke of the week ha< been the bright retort from Penan* to •11 this bunk about economy. In th»- ordinary course of events, the annual mates are submitted to three select committees, one in Singapore, one in Malacca, md
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  • 164 8 Ananias News Kact«»r\. London, Satun I KtajjK were tiying over the VdH I Miralty this morning and at midS day a specially chartered < harahaiufj arrived to take Ml Lords >■ Mimtioners to Sandown Park 11S celebration of the derision of th*H Straits Settlements (Government tuH establish its
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 134 8 KUALA LUMPUR. COLISEUM THEATRE. Sh\ BEBM wilh Kirhard Arlen and .lark Oakie. PRINCE'S THEATRE. HTOBNEI lOlt THK DKKFM I mi I. Kdmur.ri l.ow«- A. Kvf|\n Brent. RAFFLES HOTEL Tonight at 9.30 p.m. 4,nnul Orchestral Cmmmi» O. r!nr.- l"ii.- 1' I M>MH li|,n:i I nil;.- \1 A. Thoniat INTBEI VL nTTiiirtr
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    • 50 8 PI AN 6 TUNING— REPAIRS. REMOVALS— HIRE. E. CHARLES. I I'hone 2M2. 284, Orchard Koad. DEATH I VAN DOST/— O« Oct. 22, 1»32, at No. 11, g r t Koad. Katnn;:, Herbert A van Dort. r Thf funernl will take nlace at the Bid;i- t il.ii at 4 p.m. today.
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    • 87 8 I LEARN TO 111- DANCE Lean to dance correc ly to the popular slow -tempo music! At Tanglin Tilly's Temple of Terpsichore talented instructors will teach you all the new steps, correct your dancing faults, show you the latest grips, pick your pockets, give you confidence, poise and a bottle
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  • 643 9 HATCHET LANE'S FAST SPRINT. Trainer's Objection Overruled: Yesterday's Results. Won t:v f«ur length* one and a qu»rKihs between >e -ond an.l t^i d. 1 mm. II 4/1 Tote: $19 $H, I $7. Kace NaiMi (M ass I, Mr. I, ">':.. tan.;— SHOO']' IF iKi.. 'utiK)
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 300 9 BRAVE STORI OK HOW VH HQULDOL (By Air Mnilt London, Oct. 11 T}I F. death annojn.ed yesterday Mi. Howard Houlder. the for? millionaire shipbroker and shipowl He died at the v t'tmr. The stoi y of h atul i> one of tIM HMtK poigMMM tmsih
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  • 442 9 •I Do Not Understand The Reasons." (By Air Mail.) Paris, Oct. 8. All the bitterness am! poignancy of the estrangement between King <"arol of Roumania and his former wife received new .Miiphash .luring the week, wh.n the young frown Prince Michael, in obeditncf t<> hi* father 1
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  • 357 9 Clever Ways Of Chandu Smugglers. Some fii'ther in*ta«Mi many methods employed \>y wooM-he smufrelers of chandu were nnujrht out I) fore Mr. Wilson, the ('riminal I> Judyr, yesterday. All the aerated were charged with pNMMftM of MhG< ment chandu. Mr. P H. Elk r the Government Monopolies, produced
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  • 1384 10 elfas t's Day And Night Of Rioting. 3RDON ROUND THE CITY. piiifj; At The Police In The Streets, Fast, <>.i Oct. 11. had j? nitjht of incendiarism, followg a da^ af fierce uneropWyed riots in which there were ■otrow <ay ..iltics. iiuluditiv; one man shot dead and early da\ a
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  • 151 10 Chinese Women In Trouble In Singapore. ca-c whrrc a police con?tal Ualleged to have been assaulted woman came before Mr. A. W. Ha] Second Police Ma rdaj when two Chin. r were eh« with us:nr ciirninal force on a pubic servant. Arcordincr to the evidonce, "fol AM,
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  • 484 10 <:iIt"RCH'S FEAR EOR MORALS. (B> Air Mail) London, Oct. 10. PREACHING at Westminster Abbey yesterday, the Bishop of Birmingham, Dr. Barnes, denounced "superstitious" religious teaching, which, he declared, was "radically false and fundamentally non-Christian," and to which science could give no quarter. He had no
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  • 289 10 PEIMK VUN in M) POINTS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Inoh, Oct. 22. PEI:\K defeated Negri Sembilan in the vh Kotettaaa trophy today o nil playing under ideal <;r.s. A lalM .row. l was present in( lud.n;' tin Resident of I'erak. was fast and interesting, the Negri holding
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  • 715 10 COMMERCIAL TRW ELLER I (II \R(;EI). (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 21. (GODFREY Nobes. a commercial trav eler, was charged at Guildford today with the murders of Albert Keen and his wiYc Annie N en <>n O Aibeit Keen was* a ].;ri.elman employ ed by Sir
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  • 126 10 London, Oct. 1 A pig breed. mi a' W Coant day for £.'S.VI, the caeta of a divot which hi th. Ju<h I suppose ths is th*' <>f human will now Hen comparatively poo;- person who I do rK»t suppoM has cbci seen >uch money. I
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 43 10 At clcse cf plai| M f~* -<^ a stenfrA Xl NC CICUCI KM Ktf^yf Go through life W*-*l O j j j>^ with the right spirit. efaja^Wugu aaafl Lv L^fau^L^-JI aaasF^ il > t *_n ''II wnaaissaii is—^^i.m-i^^^^i.—^ »rCi!* t ar/H 4& -S^" B —^i
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    • 22 10 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a "Sign on the Dotted Line" Name Address and post this advertisement to THE MANAGER, SlllfiftPOßE DAILY NEWS, 78, Cecil Street, Singapore.
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  • 509 11 Death Brin gs Release. MAN WHO SPENT 56 YEARS IN GAOL. New Jfork, Oct. 1. AMERICA'S M'tiuo i Ufa arssaaar, Jesae Pomeroy, who had In-et. m carceiatrd for '<■'• v and had naaait snort than 4 < „iy conflnement, die-l \e. li rday ;it Urn State tana in Massachusetl at
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  • 541 11 Selangor Win. A CLOSELY CONTESTED MATCH. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. Oct. 22. IN a closely ionic -Mil match on the Esplanade today, Selangor beat j Penang by !t pts. tries) to H pi tries). The match, which wa^» wit:,. hy a large crewd, was played in
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 11 WORLD'S WEAI r CHINESE IN ROME.— Sir Robert Ho I'ui./. r»put»-l t« Bt i-' ve:il'lie I < hii- < pliiitographcd on visit I la H ne. (IManet Ne»\)
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  • 355 11 AITER VI 'I'IIORITIES II \l) SAID "NO". (By Air Mail.) London. Oct. 8. DR. Ron who has died at the age of «>2. was the first woman military hospital 1 entirely hy wom»n and serve overn mg the war. In August, 1914, Dr. Stoney. who
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  • 148 11 REMARKABLE DIE. Watches In Man's Stomach. Mr. William Hudson, a young York■airaasan in Preston, has an ambition to go on the stage or appear in pictures." and ho thinks that publicity is a short 1 the fame lie so ard»'ntlv desires. Mr. Hudson has the digestion of an 1 lie
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  • 544 11 (M It .\OSKS KOI NO THI GOftNUL" Sp R<»!»«->» Homo. M.F'.. in ri<- li :r Dunblane. P«Mthshirt\ sapaaaaad kit l»-lu i in a homely phrase." that >ur no»»---are round the coiner." and that we hH<| tunki-n away from the worst the world depression. He said that
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 94 11 afllssßsi >^ssslw BP^A^ssssslsss^ss^sCa^sQssail for something to keep ,T* W^^S'Clvl a sparkling glass of thing every morning. such as headaches, liver troubles, impure blood For sixty years Eno's and sleeplessness. Buy a helping people to be much fresher and better free from constipation you feel after taking it and its consequences
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    • 157 11 $1 j EACH. GIVE l|ir FOP. GENCtOUSLY jvjYOU* WPPt BUSINESS MANAGERS! Y(M can assist the POPPY DAY FUND APPEAL immensely by including one of the above blocks in your November advertisements. The STRAITS TIMES PROCESS DEPT. has arranged to hand nil profits over to the Secretary of the Poppy Day
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    • 381 12 COMMITTEE'S 16th V\M \L KI'PORI. The 14th annual report of the Broadrick lub. Kajanp The actual receipts for the period under review are :ind expenditure ompared with $1... and $2,369.16 respectively of last year. The Government contribution was reduced by 160.00. There is a slight decrease in
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    • 190 12 Election Of New OfficeBearers. ■ban are requested to note that a il general meeting will be held at the residence of Mr. Tay Oen Seng., M Tras Street., on Sunday next. The nem lurship campaign will close December lit.'!:!. Application forms may be obtained from the
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    • 36 12 Mmi1., rs of the GaysawJ Minstreis are reminded of the third (juarterly general meeting to be held on Thursday, Oct. 27 at Mr. Tan Chuaa Beng's residence, 20, Loron I lang, at T.."!0
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    • 255 12 M.S. P. Tournament At Johore. On Oct. 7 the M.S. Party, Jalan Abdul Samad, Johore Bahru, held a badminton tourament of doubles. The following, are the results: FirHt Round. Wan Ahmad Mohamed and Inch Abd. Rahman Abubakar beat Inche Ah:lul Mohd. Salleh and Inche A. Hamid Ariflii:. (I>— l6)
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    • 121 12 Election Of OfficeBearers. THE Wah Chong Badminton Party wai officially inaugurated in September, and the election of office-bearers for the I!W2-H»:W, held in August last, resulted Ueara:— lent Mi. Tan t'houg Baajg. Yice-presider.t, Mr. Poh BMg Hock. Hon. secretary and treasurer, Mr, Ching Chong Kiat. Auditor, Mr.
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    • 98 12 Election Of New Office Bearers. AT the annual general meeting of th Friendly Sporting Association, held at No. 2 Cuseaden Road the followir g elected office-bearers for the yea: 1 l«»:;L'-H*.i.'J: Patrons, Mr. Wee Ban Cheng and Mr. Cheah Beng Chiang. idem, Mr. A. M. Tan (re-elected).
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    • 59 12 THE following will represent the Straits Physical Athletic Party auainst the K.M.S.K. Institute today, on the latter's ground, So« Long, Kong Guai'. i Yew Leng, Ah Kow. LUtßsJLock, Ah Loo Teng Leong, Hai Choo, Kwan Cheonp Seng Bah and Seng Hock; reserves Cheng Guah, Bock Choon, Soon
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    • 298 12 i iks i \nm \l general meetim;. TIK first annual general Meeting of the Bukom Clerks Club was held on <)(•. 14. I 1.)!-' at the club premi In this opening address, the chairman. Mr. Tan Kang Hoe, said that he wa* very plea- such a gr\
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    • 109 12 THE members of the C. S. L A. with I their friends, had an outing to the j Singapore zoo and aquarium at Poi on Oct. An unfortunate accident in which two members were nearly dfwt marred the success of the picnic, otherwifee an enjoyable and
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    • 77 12 Open (Junior) Badminton Tournament. IN the final of the Open (Junior) Bad minton Tournament, I'.t'i'J for Klanr and Coast Districts, Yap Chai Thuan cf the Anglo-Chinese School, Kla> Abdul Hamid bin Taiih nf the Klan-r Malay School in two straight 1 I. Semi-Final: Yap <'hai Th'ian liea i
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    • 38 12 Decrease In Oct. 1, Figures. The Chamber of Shipping re| laid up shipping in Great Britain and d "ii Oct. 1 was 2,182,000 ions re- of 1 1.1 I") compared with the July icturn^. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  38 words
  • 565 12 MR. BROWN— THE WHISKEY BLENDER. WHAT V (,K\TLE SNIFF V; ILL TELL HIM. II 8 I braw whiskey." said Mr. B>onn thoughtfully, as he sniffed at the half-tilled glass in his hand, "but it's ower rough." So saying, he flung away the (oiitents and selected another bottle. .Mr. John BroWfl
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  • 503 12 Ml OF 19 TELLS OF BEING HIT. A youth of 19 told an amazing sto. third-degfeL' methods alleged t') have been used by three police offic. Hamilton (Lanarkshire) Sheriff Court on (i In the dock were Sergeant Robert Thomson and Constables James Fra-er and John Asrnew,
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  • 319 12 Fl It I 111 K MOP IN I HUNK CONVICTIONS. Aremarkabli \r measured by the number of conviction* for drunkenness is disclosed in the Licensing j>u l>lished. In Wt'.ll there w< i fictions, km compared with "i-'l.loo in 1990 and IMjm m r.o Inning the War the
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  • 702 12 "PRETTY— BUT BRAINLESS." "A Flop At Work." OR SO SUITORS AND EMPLOYERS THINK. Platinum a precious metal. Blonde something gentlemen prefer. Therefore platinum blonde* must be something precious that, gentlemen prefer. Wrong! allhough the platinum blonde is in great demand at parties, a riot on the river, and first n
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  • 95 12 War Office Arrangement For Returned Tommies. London. Oct. 22. uers newly returned from abroad i.i fatai* will find railway buffets to i for their need.* on the journey from th*' |H»rt oi arrival to their barrackAn arrangement has been made \>\ War Offii.-e with the railways under which
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 308 12 I,\ WARDER'S II NIC A PAMTS CAM. (By Air Mail i Princetow n. ()<•(. x. AfVICT who mm ;h;m (Mir war ai»o only just fatted to escape from Princetown Prison on Dartawor, i day {riven his frerdom on the of his sentence and with hit reh
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 218 12 Want the Best Pick-me-up Take SERRAVALLO'S," Th« IDEAL TONK which Stimulate* the Appetite. Strengthens the Nerves and Regent-rates the Blood. AWARDED 24 GOLD and SILVKK MIIHM >. Sole Afents MEDICAL OFFICE, j Bras Basah Road, Singapore. ill REGLYKOL Sure Cure for Diabetes REGLYKOL Contains BMdidaal hirhn harmlefs to health. REGLYKOL
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  • 2421 13 The Book Page. Bohemian Secrets Of London And Paris. l.aui;hin» Torso. By Nina Hamnett. Constable Ebb, TU'INA HAMNKTT is well-known Ogata in those Bohemian circles which visitins to Pans and London M aaaidooualy tietk but seldom find. Her paintinjp- and drawinjrs are detinitclv of the modern school wherein
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 276 13 THE WRITING PAD WITH THE WORI.H w >-i km'| TVIIOM. I fnAYI py'V I fajtC/A lXl, f ajf 'I* Manufactured by JOHN DICKINSON CO, LTD. In,-. r[or;ite.( in Kn^Und). i I'«»ST BOX ISO f SIV.AI'OKr:. AMI tmm Hi ALL STATION'LRS IN MMAVA. WAMt A RBALLY 0000 R\lV COM AT A
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 179 13 OUR CROSSWORD PUZZLE. i i F s^ P^ FT W^ WI 9 V° r? HIP iq~ m I _M ijfa %£jL fc^% (CLUES.) ACROSS. w.:immk kiit 11. Kvcr i Poet I I W1,,!,. s*"« be stb i. Lull 21 Karth I. Carwd iastraMaat 1 SJKl*' 11. Kind at ivapj -,'J
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  • 1023 14 A Goal And Two Tries. R.A.F. HAVLES PLAY WELL. OCf Day For Public Srrvicr-. M. Command It pts. Pub. Servs. niL ALTHOUGH the Malaya Command were uiu.hle to '-all on any of the Gloucestershire Regiment first or second fifteen players, they proved them superior In nearly
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  • 450 14 TAME GAME ENDS IN DRAW. O.K.A. 0 Malaya Command 0. DLAYING with ten men throughout the Malaya Command well held the Old wafflesians' Association on the Raffles .institution ground yesterday to a goalless draw. The O.R.A. dominated the major part of the exchanges especially in the second
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  • 56 14 Rain Prevents Play On Saturday. Perth, Oct. 22. There was no play today in the cricket match between the M.C.C tourists and Western Australia owing to rain.— Heuter. The score now stands at 334 for eight •wickets in the M.C.C.'s first innings. Principal contributors are the Nawab of
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  • 311 14 Huddersfield Lose. DERBY SUCCESSFUL AT CHELSEA. London, Oct. 22. rE following are the results of the English and Scottish League football matches played today: Division I. Aston Villa 1 Birmingham 0 n.lton \V. 2 Manchester C. 1 Chelsea 1 Darby C. 3 UuJdersfield T. 0 Blackburn R.
    Reuter  -  311 words
  • 248 14 Cariappa's Four Goals In Trial Match. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 22. Fine play by Cariappa in tho centre forward position was an outstanding feature of the Selangor hockey trial this afternoon. Changing places with Gtenier in the .-econd half, Cariappa immediately began u> score goals
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  • 45 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Reremban. Oci At Tampin the Sungei Ujong Club defeated the Tampin Recreation Club at hockey by the only goal of the match scored by Goldsworth in the last minute. At football the Chinese defeated the Indians by 4 l.
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  • 756 14 GLOLCESTERS' BL'VI'E* BY S.C.C. Gloucester Reft. XV 6 pU.; SjC.C. XV pts IN a somewhat scrappy Rugby match at Tanglin, a fifteen from the Gloucester Kegiment lost to an S.C.C. side by nine points (three tries) to six points (a fry and a penalty goal). The
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 81 14 Assets exceed $12,000,000. Aaurance in force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. I (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) HEAD OFFICE Great Eastern Life Building. Cecil Street, Singapore, LONDON OFFICE 27, Old Jewry, E. C The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies
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  • 2893 15 Solan^or Rugger BmtkmaimtU Disappointed Hockey Watch Htimtem Scratched 8. H. A. SatUfm Display ixainst Vonanft lonvanl. I yed ilnntst 100 I nsolfishly —I dn a (>ood Show In Coal Lots To Haiffyofl Laicn Tonnis. (HY FOHHiRD). BRITISH PROFESSIONAL GOLFERS. Remarkable Achievements And Much Improved Standard Of
    2,893 words
  • 111 15 Half Share Refused In Winning Ticket. Further details of the luck of Mr. H. R. Oehlers, the 22-year-old son of Mr. <»• K. Singapore, in winning a 7.KH i» o in the le ent Irish Sweep on the Ce**rewiU-h Stakes is contained in a letter which his
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  • Article, Illustration
    225 15 Negri Sembilan's 'Star' Soccer Forward. (From Our Own Correspond? ir mltan. O t. IT Of all soccor players n thi> State, theif is noni- whti ha> .<: <> mv h t>p his side as Tan TVik < w \»> v. m »t- nh t >- (rraph appears
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 35 15 For ATTENTION of:ESTATE MANAGERS. Rubber J Spraying J Buli) M m As .bbbbbbbbbbbbbßS^ *'>9sbbbW D., .BBBBBBBBBBBBBarVt^ **OPi U V /f^nlJnflib'vv '■'•'^^bbbbbV ■PLlbbb^^^b^* 'V^^bbbbV. ■bbbbb! INSEaiCIDE POWDER BLOWER Price 80 cts. each. TANKAHKEE&Co.,Ltd. Sumbawa Road, Singapore.
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  • 155 16 The Malaya Command secured a rather easy victory at Hujtby over th> I'uJ.lm- Services yesterday on the I'adang by 11 ptinis (a Roal and t»-i t i •<) t<» mi. pi.iur. on h« 1^ Public Service* player jjettinß the ball a«a> during a danxeruj^ rani K>
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 11 16 Ibarra S. EHas, mi o. <Siualific^ Optician CAPITOL BUILDING. TCL. 2751.
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    • 247 16 rt) a"t V?" SL~~J6 llVi (3cMplomcc^ ©pticicn CAPITOL GEBOUW. TEL. 2751. MACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE British to the Teeth a tnl Makes Yellow j Teeth White Isochrom The Film for Any Camera The Film for Any Subject The Film for Any Light. Speed 1300 D. THE EASTERN HOTEL. VMI'AM. ROAD,
      247 words