The Straits Times, 16 October 1932

Total Pages: 16
17 32 The Straits Times
  • 36 17 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. No. 44. Sunday, October 16th, 1932. Price 10 Cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper in Malaya. No. 44. Sunday, October 16th, 1932. Price 10 Cents.
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  • 1846 17 Echoes Of The Pahang Rebellion. jif^IALES IN A VILLAGE. A u Fighting Roaring Sikh" Who Is Now A Pensioner. let Puuuik it hellion, in which uprountry tliitis \\\\u rrst'nu'cl Hri(i-h i illt'eiue in Urn S(ale tarried on .1 RrueriHa warfare lor se\ual \ears, is still
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 17 Deep gashes on the shoulder and hack are shown here. Ram Singh .-pent a day in the tropical sun before th«>e v»uii(l> were trtated.
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  • 153 17 K. L. CONFERENCE DECENTRALISATION. DEPUTATION TO MEET SIR SAM EL WILSON. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, o*4 THK resuh of the recent conftnr which delegates from ten tdtea |mm Sir Cecil Clementi'.■hcentralisation p(-licy was revealed fee the first time today in 'he minutes ot the net-ting of the P.
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  • 78 17 LONDON RUBBER TIN. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. l'>. The closing prices today were Xl NO. (Quotations as supplied by Symington and Wilson.) Spot (Buyers) 211 (Sellers) 2 7 lHd. Jan.Mar. ..ft ltd \pr.-June 2 \<\ July-Sept. 2 11 Itid Market tone Steadier. TIN. S|»t £\7M. Three Months IISI.
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  • 96 17 (Confidence In League Solution. London, O>-t. The personal ie» f the l.vlton C— linFJon >n the:r work in .Mancburi 1 I l.ytton in a broadcast adeVaw in wnkil be particularly eaiphaaiaed ih interest that wa- evenrwhi the mission »ml the ela in Manchuria. "It was duffiru being completely
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  • 155 17 Steward's Evidence. QUESTIONED ABOUT A SUITCASE. Ik, the t\»Ha> LTI H 1. i after landIX 1 Wed in .n>n< rtion with a Wftiag <)f ab(»>jt (J 1 w< Ith of lu.ndii. ma«l' Hr. C. Wilson, the life, \t -i.idny mornf her trial wa> Mi. :if.,ller of
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  • 28 17 Siii";.:,)«>iv RmmV Wins MOO < I'r 1 ■.1 in com Ki.aia Lumnur on Ir Y. Y. lik -inorc ii^'ht. A Maine mi ili Ii Football competition m paM
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  • 498 17 Ml{. U. KLDRKI) \M) MISS D. GRAVES. 4T Si. Andrew's Cathedral, Biagi day, Mi. Willinarton Kldred. <•! iiiid '.1., m af Mr. «ii<i Mi ujton Kldi-.d. of Marka Tey, 1 a inarri.d to Mbi Dorothy I Itei <■■ Mi. and Mm. W. T. (i f Cheaatt Barray,
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  • 142 17 EARLY RELEASE PROMISED. Mrs. Muriel Pawley Mr. C. Corkran. SUCCESSFUL PARLEYS Intervention By Japanese Military Authorities. Vi/i- I rll I I I M l<- I "ll' thr 1 nil "i '■> 111* 1 the .h.".i 1 In 11 Al, larl l: h n. nl. mil < .iiiiam Staples, who \\<
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  • 46 17 Twenty-five Suspi d Arresteu. Ii I IV Twetity-fiv* il in torn.' ruff, wife if the 1. Tli' jaa-yen, an > aad TlK 1 |K''i. ittai v.-li i, >nker 01 tnd kl the i.M nt 1.. oeea eat > >■ aarpaee af em. and foreign Powers. R< i'-i
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  • 34 17 Miirly Restoration To Cjerman Throne? Our Own Correspondent.) I .iuoii MC 1"» Til K rari> restoration of the < K.ti-. r the German l'hr< nt anticipated in usually wt-li informed rirclt in London.
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  • 144 17 At the St. Andrew" f" .th,«,|i i >. day luna Amler-in. of (\>i nhaK i. .."I In r John Dunlop Nicholson, of th i Viiholson, of Caii'.'.c Thr <>tfi<-,u!ir>-minister \lam *ni Mr. H. Wither- NpM Ml :< th, organ. i. who mv <n
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  • 57 17 losely Questioned By The Police. holm. (>< rived, in accoidaiue with utions, of bis Ixmk. and v Kreagi 1 police, who are dose regarding t t*i< Hoegbi waodpulp linn. Real A llll'SMl bat a fresh aMaatiea has 1. I" '•rother of 11. er, follov "ai!m c »-f the
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  • 52 17 Exciting Rumours Follow la bind Meeting. he vi" ith a (I ii' ■f th. I Kink, v.l. l)<> ta t>' i M (I. •anjfcr.iu 'A l> ompelled at Ua>t i i>nThe (|U«>t;. >y thi i k he support <>t th»- ..r .hi trial. -t. ;iii.l r ,ng
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  • Page 17 Advertisements

  • 1121 18 Fate Of Ex-Secret Service Man. POLICE AND CONFLICTING CLUES. Found Strangled And Bound At His Villa. After bvintx occupied for s'\ days in investigating a maze <»i conflict! \g clues, the best detectives in Paris were on Sept. 24 as far M ever from solving the mysterious fate of an
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  • 395 18 Broadcast From Insidr A Steel Ball. Tramped in a steel ball far down In Lhe ocean. Dr. William I Byebe, a well-known zoo wireless listeners throughout the Li touch with n !<i unseen l,y man. Defending into the sea off Nonsuch I-lari<i, Bermuda, Di into the
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  • 682 18 Ex-Hangman Takes His Own Life. GRIM DEED IN "SUDDEN FRENZY OF MADNESS." IJAVIXG taken his his home in Kitchen Lane, Rochdale, in «hat was de>cribed as a "sudden frenzy of madJohn Ellis, 58, during the 2.', years •<■<! a> public hangman executed 103 :ried at Ro<-hdale on Sept. Hundreds
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 52 18 S FOR THE DISCRIMINATING BUYER. i j IjiiuncST t y^iinmi g» ~jgg A* i lib) V^amKarVn Cjrade I^wr®& KJMtfHI 1 mmS 1^ pure i^^^l S 1 IJ food mm 1 j j j HAVE YOU TRIED GETZBEST TOMATO JUICE? I ■■BMMmiii l MHajaai > B M,,,w M i,, M M,,,
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    • 149 18 IMBI **-^f^4 t wjA§j^jCTßiHwaagMaa<j^BA'gMHß]HaaaajßK^s^aaajaHrT"y^upHiMf'j JsMSr^B^^^V f SB W HAAn PRUDENTIAL m UUUK ASSURANCE \m 3. i COMPANY Eaqq jj, 1 1 pt%L»3 Just a few dollars a month invested the PW "DKNTIAL (fl^B^ WAV will secure for >(.u a OUARANTEBD INCOME, when you wish to retire. Think ol your future
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 58 18 THINGS WILL BE. BETTER, POP YES. COLONEL.' V* HEN THE "1 I WHEN THE LISTENERS BUT THEY'LL BC BROADCAST I No How To Make CAN SEE E STILL B£t ter vocalist c/mm stt. THE 1 /^wxt i w maize broadcasting usteners vocalist/^*, CfilL.. I r, 7 -2O I r 1
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  • 469 19 NO ENTRANCE FEE REQUIRED. $100 Offered For Best Forecast Of Ten Results. A further football competition has been arranged. $100 IS OFFERED FOR THE BEST FORECAST OF THE TEN FOOTBALL MATCHES GIVEN BELOW, WHICH ARE SCHEDULED TO BE PLAYED ON SATURDAY NEXT, OCT. 22. NO
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  • 580 19 Liverpool in four home matches have won once (Wolverhampton), drawn twiie (Aston Villa anil Middlesbro') and lost once (Bolton). They have won two of fiw away natches, beating Middlesbrough and Leicester. The Arsenal have a splendid away record having lost only one point in four
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  • 921 19 ALLEGED IMIDEM IN ARD. IL| K. E. L. Sturdee and Mr. L. 0. Dawson, two Ministry of Health inspectors, continued their inquiry into conditions at the Waltham Abbey Isolation Hospital, on Sept. 26. The inquiry, which began in August, follows the death of two buy patients, Harold
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  • 438 19 M\\ WHO "MIM DO SOMETHING." rpHKHE ii still romance left in England. Mr. A. J. Richardson, who lives at the Red Cottage, North Walsham, Norfolk, has been a schoolmaster an 1 a farmer. He served in the Burma campaign of 1885. Now, at the age
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  • 315 19 Head Of A Gang Of Twenty. Ai ious forger whose productions are clever enough to deceive expert bank cashier- and even the drawers of cheque was mentioned at the Old Bailey on Sept. 21. In the dock was John Thompson, aged who pleaded guilty to uttering i c
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  • 1243 19 FOUR MYSTERIOUS MEN. Bridegroom Takes His Life On Honeymoon. Extraordinary evidence of a strange marriage ceremony in London and of a young bridegroom's fear of four mysterious men was forthcoming at an inquest in North Wales. The young man ended his life while on his
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 118 19 Sunday Times Football Competition. The following are the matches selected for this week's competition They are to be played on the ground of the first-named club. Read care- fully the instructions given above and the in- formation supplied below. The figures in brackets indicate the MMltl in the corresponding game
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    • 54 19 v STATUE OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES With clock-work music in relitfijjUjJ ous tunes and one electric light in front of the Statue complete with flexible wire and plug. Painted in Gold Colour. Exactly H the same as illustration. Made tfS DL PRICKS MODERATE. K. M. OU MOHAMED, 1 38,
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  • 1265 20  -  K. K KEMP. BRIDGE NOTK3. I'.Y The Part Luck Plays. .WO1DIM; AGMMONKHJB ARGUMENTS. Thit $en*» of ,irticlea w not intended for Ihr advanced bridge player, but for the. vaat majority who, having jtlnyed Auction Bridge for yean, now find themaelvea nwept into Contrast, aa well aa
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  • 1078 20  -  THE WANDERER. By i A Mvw Ki/Uinn Poem Presented To Malayan Dofsolalers n ISews Of Mr. A. E. Diek M Corker m Declines To Broadcast Another Planter-Airman Lttcal Air Service Scheme A Jnhorr Estate Murder. *|UIKRK is a distinctly literary fl ivour I anout the October number
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  • 316 20 HEADLESS WOMW \\l> o\i; i\ < ii \i\s. Clactoa-On-Sea, Sept. jr.. I am writinu this in tl.c .">ou war ol I i house in Marine Parade hi •1 1 wjts I .in planted I, cam by Ix-um from I'.'iry St. Edmunds tvvtn';. -five paan writes
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  • 47 20 A woman who ktpt a cirh ••>•,• >i .il was complimented yesterday by Mr. A W. Hay. ;he Second Magistrate, fo action which resulted in the am Tay Lye Kirn. The accused was charred with attempt ed extortion and sentenced to six m rigorous imprisoniMt nt
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  • 64 20 IX'cision Of SmbTi IVopkA Council. (Fr'in Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok. Oct. 15. TJm !'■■<■■ >-mbly has pained resolution-; for the reduction by hall' <>l' th« taxation on certain agricultural products such as sugar cane, sugar ,>;um Ilkam plantation. 'lh.' effect of this is felt not to be cx-.n-r
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  • 45 20 Thirteen Chirtse «reic tined $2 each, oi in default seven days' imprisonment, by Mr. A. W. Hay. the Second Magistrate. i>Vv for pluying in a common gaming ho'He in Upper Serang<x>n Roa I Hi* Honour directed that $H should paid to the ii.form.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 21 20 "Sign on the Dotted Line" Name Addrets and post this advertisement to THE MAMAGEB. SINGAPORE DAILY HEWS, 78, Cecil Street, Singapore.
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  • 928 21 1264 To 1832. A £30,000 HISTORY SCHEME. London, Fept. 27. THE Prime Minister, in a ticadcasL message last night, discussed the project for compiling a record of the personnel and polities of members of the House of Commons from IM4 t<> 1882. He quoted expensively roni
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  • 571 21 COLD COMFORT I No Anesthetic Used. NERVES NUMBED in WATER. AT last the dentist*! chair ha^ !<>- terrors. No lonjer need nene racked patient iiur tht- tortures to be undergone when they have !>een hoisted into helj)--,t c and the drill begins its terrifying grind. Exh
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  • 179 21 Hclsingfors, Sept. 29. Th»* plea thpt they had acted under instructions fiom lhe spirit world was put f< i ward of th' I <n and three women accused here in the Finnish Bla .It of to three years' •■unced against hers accused of a rumber of mutilate
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 135 21 LAST NIGHT TONIGHT MATINEE (ODAY 3-15 IGLOO The Picture they said could never be made the almost amazing adventure ever filmed I ALSO SHOWING "FAST COMPANIONS'' a Picture of excitement, MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN (The Tarzan Girl) JAMES GLEASON TOMORROW ADOLPHE MENJOU ELISSA LANDI TOGETHER! •n "THE PARISIAN" A DELPHI HOTEL ltd.
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    • 39 21 LAST DA/ TODAY! Matinee at 3 p.m. Fox Movietone's Brilliant Thriller!! ALMOST MARRIED Supported by the EPIC OF BRITISH INDUSTRY PROGRESS Commencing Tomorrow Kc3» I oon?cy £a ou r itts Nicholas Grind* Cohmb* Picturs ECHOES OF THE PAHANG REBELLION.
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    • 164 21 CAPITOL MATINEE TODAY, 3.15 J^KK^ t Children Half Price! y, h* TONIGHT! Mb^lJl ■i LILY DAMITA hLJ^ The Beautiful Star of "This it the Night" yL. Back agaia in a Superbly-presented **f| Mf *Jr Sparkling Productio* "MADAME JULIE" with 0. P. HESfiIE famous for hit role is King Louis XlV
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  • 227 22 Savoury sandwiches can be mad<!oz grated cheese, one teaspoonful mustard, one egg, one table spoonful milk, tajt and < lyenne. Heat all in a small iaiKt'paii. and when the mixture begins tc thicken, spread on neat squares of fresh i>na<l. and toast hght!y on both sides. Household linen
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  • 932 22 "I Could Beautify The World": Thirty Minutes Every Ten Years M7HKN people hear the term face lift ing" they either laugh or sneer, and because of this attitude the wonderful art of facial surgery is comparatively unknown. Hundreds of patients have passed through my hands and left my consulting rooms
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  • 31 22 This little straw creation in beige colour and noft and flexible straw is worn at a sharp angle to reveal the left side of the coiffure.
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  • 295 22 Dress Regulations In China. Shanghai, Sept Alarm, mingled with amusement, has Mltid in fashionable Chinese cir\m by startling proposals for tl ulation of women's fashions in China The proposal has already been submitted to the Central Political Council and -l>onsored by one of the most venerble members of the Council,
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 105 22 GENERAL REDUCTION IN PRICES O_N ALL ARTICLES IN THE LADIES SECTION UNTIL OCTOBER 29th. •> LADIES FINE COTTON VEST Opera tup, ribbon ahottltftef wtn Sisc 40, 4'J. 4'J. Sale Price 85 CenU. LADIES MERCERISED BRASSIERE. Perfect fitinin. I'ink oiih. Si/»- S3 t«. 4<). Sale Price $1.00. v- i T If*
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    • 9 22 Smart people choose NESTLES C H O CO LATE
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    • 134 22 JOSEPHINE "C" GOWNS (Regd.) LATEST MODELS ON VIEW IRRESISTIHLE APPEAL. 2nd Floor, Maynards Building, Battery Rd. Tel. 3164. The Importune* of Salt s _ln Daily Life KIpSSpcSjB The salt you take with your daily food is ■j^vSt^fJß vitally important— impure salt being a danger H ~*m?!L+iJ Hal to health. Ccrebos
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  • 5520 23  - THE Silent SIX GWYN EVANS. OUR SERIAL STORY. By EARLY CHAPTERS SUMMARISED. Bill Kellaway, an out-of-work journalist, sitting on a bench on the London Embankment, is accosted by a well dressed etr anger who asks him if he would like a million pounds! Kellaway naturally says "yes," and leaves with
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
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  • 641 24 The Sunday Times. EDITORIAL, MANAGERIAL TOTIDEM VERBIS. AND ADVERTISING OFFICBB 78, Cecil Street, Singapore. TELEPHONE 61 SI. Kuala Lumpur: 25, Java Street, TELEPHONM MM. Money, money, nrvney! More than ever during the past few days has this word been thrust before local newspaper readers and they can derive something of
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  • 953 24 A Link With Napoleon Horr Hunviii. the ballet master at the Royal Opera House, Berlin* i* now 86 years old. His reminiscences go back to 1852, at which time King Frederick William IJ\ grand father of the present cx' Kaiser. was on the throne.
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  • 99 24 SINGAPORE. Atari iiotfl. SPF/lAI. CLASSICAL CON- IPrr. 9.:!0 p.m. AUIAMHKA THEATRE. \IMOSI HAIBin -vith Alexander Kirkland :in<l i<>!< I ll< minu. "!->« I'roure^s. 1; 1 "1—1.11, Phone f>»U9. CAPITOL TIIEATHE. \ii\\il: .11 111: will 1 »>tn.ii;i and (>. I' Mi".... Ml—Ml l>.'»>PtHßf 'L'hl-.'. I MARLBORO! i>\\ TBKATRI. VANEH DON
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  • 1512 24 Permit me to solve the mystery of th tiger. Excluding one rudr postcard from t small boy. 9fi<> communications hare tin 1. -reived by the poor fish who i« running the Singapore Daily News asking what ha* happened to th? tiger which
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  • 147 24 Ananias News Factory Annexe. Kuala Lumpur, Sunday morning. The annual dinner of the H.K.I was held here la*t night and a glorious time was had by all. Felu itou> Fpe«fhe«> were delivered by everyb«d> the Ki£ Noihes thanking the staff for their tremendous industry and un swerving loyalt>
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 94 24 KUALA LUMPUR. COLISEUM THEATRE. Bjajaji (II IIKAIII M.I.KY wtth Tom Mix. PMNGTI THEATHt. 1111: \\n*i \n W itooM II aH D(OM l.andi. G. R. OEHLERS Manufacturer of /^"■f BaiBll)^BVa^flBVI*1 Precast Concrete Post and Panel C'uolie Lines, Pavilioms, Bathroom, Lari ines, Sentry an 1 Telephone Boxes and Other Buildings, Concrete Fence,
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    • 54 24 PIANO TUNING— REPAIRS. REMOVALS— HIRE. E, CHARLES. I I'hone 2M2. 284, Orchard Road, j IiK\TH lIKVMAN. At th.- (Jeiieral Ho-mUI on 14th October I'j:s2. MENDBIKA ANTHONIA th.r|.:.ilv 1.r1r.v.-.i Will of Mr. A. HKYMAN died ntl ii calm after :i short 'lines-. ■•V ■Mortal is immortal because known -.vith Gotl and
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    • 6 24 I IHorW Copyright. Ml Ki*hts Kes*rved.
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  • 429 25 KUA LA LUMPUR'S NEW BRIDGE. i What The Rain Proved. TOWN STILL NOT IMMUNE FROM FLOODING. I From Our Own Correspondent.) Oct. li. THAT Kuala Laaipur's Rood prevaation scheme, which ha cost over IIjMMM and involved iK i nnstiuctioti "f thresi I ridges and nearly three milei el new channel
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  • 215 25 REPORT ON WORK BEING PKPAREO IN IS. New York, Oct. 2. THE linal stage of an investigation begun two years ago hy Pro churches to determine whether they should continue preaching Christian gospel in t aaoai completiA and tht report will he released early this
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  • 67 25 Later. The floods b.jran to subside at 2 p.m. and the danger is aa%f ever. A half drowned tigar was borne through the town hy the current this me ruing It i raaattad that thin Malay children have dien dro.vMrd at Tin X! n%. Tin of th'
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  • 29 25 Two Hews of the new Saleiman Bridge, Kuala Lumpur, which H.H. the Sultan or Kefaiagor opened >evterd»y. (See story in column one on this P»J?e.)
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  • 586 25 Sent To Prison. FOUND NOT FIT TO BE MOVED. (B) .\ir Mail.) I. Mis. S.w. by A! ■luanttly if m .nil...', tlu dl Not iec on bi ha!:' of J'uil \:n I> ii il laU Tii> hi ard ia abaii km. >' laul i l II at
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  • 131 25 IN \l I RATED AT Xl \l U MIH R. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 1">. A MALAY H v i lUa whkb will |x form :i Mi«i'.->r functi<»n in the >\at of Straits S. tt'.ements at Ma in the <\> im, ij- inaaj/ur-
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  • 310 25 Form Of Theft A Cirowing Pnuticc In Wist -end. (M> \ir Mail.) i An mereaM in the nr.i.i.>-. >r m^n whi "•o :ii>'.ut the V\V«t-end rohbinjr women :n thoir flats was reveah-d by the |M>litv ■I HarihaiMijk Ifcraal yesterday. In the dock w a Norman Browne.
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  • 284 25 IPOH OOOLIFB WIIH WOKEN. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipah, <),t. 1 1. HOW an Indian <ooN hit upon a aovol method of making iii> unfaithful remain with him >he el CO no paity to the trans-u- on to Mr. <;. S. Me Im hnnn. th.- haahaad
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  • 49 25 Kluang-Mersing Road Impassable. A telegraph message to the Sunday Times from the State Bagiaaar, Johoii Rahiu. received late last ni^ht. that the Khsaag-Mersing road at th» 20th Mile is imnass.-hlr U) to (I<mmN •I <". F. C. M ond. -i I for earvlM ac GawaraaeeeM Eecretary, Sarawak
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  • 218 25 Double Murder Theory. TRAGEDY AT HOME OF LADY GUILLEMARD. (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) I .lon. Oat 15. THE poHee are now conviaced that the inurdei at ihe home I (lUiHemard, wife of fonaei Goveraor (f the Sti'its Settlements, Rodtall Manor. Guildford, wa- probably the
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  • 87 25 Commissioners To Attend League Debate. (ieneva, Oct. 15. The memiHTs of the Lytton Commission rave heen invited by the League Council hi attaad the doliheratioaa on the lenort. It i> balavad that this eeep has baaa tn ken in accordance with the CommisLsießei to enahle them to expand
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 201 25 BILLIARD TABLES te THE TABLES FOR ALL PLAYERS Af^ IN the- lead fir in-.irh HK) >car> aY TW.s is the pisiti.m tint lUirrouj-lus a^r f ■"•■3B I c< W.uts occup) in the Billiards trade. ml^ j V In the hcgiemMig the) art <>ut t<> hmld V tlu- world's best Billiards
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    • 86 25 MOTOR ACCESSORIES. f'V mmJ 'f ELECTRIC HORNS, f» L- 12 VOLTi. DRIVING MIRROR. $10.00. FROM $3.25. MS442S SET JJLJ I V^Lm 'w' b^^ LUCAS ACETYLENE MOTOR CYCLE HEAD LAMP. THROWS A POWERFIL BEAM. EXTREMELY RELIABLE. FROM $5.00. /V A super chart in* Air J\l 5 i^ErT"^-^^^^^ j£w^ Comprc»sor for lyre
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  • 387 26 Selangor Beaten. COMBINED MALACCA-NEGRI XV WINS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) niian, Oct. 15. THANKS to an excellent pack which worked exeeedinfiy h»i I. at-. I 4h> played beautiful footwork and to opportunism and a brilliant all-round display by Montgomery ai s-rum-half. the Negri-Malacca combinutiu 1 1> J^elangoi by
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  • 50 26 The following are forthcoming tv the BJLC. t»i.nis tournament: MONDAY. Mited Double-. Dr. (J. de Soi I P. D'Almeida and Mt.s. .\i. (i. Eber. Dr. W. A. Kalhetchet and M Ti's.-enohii ri >Ir. ai'<i .Mrs. K. S. Hogan. TUKSDAY. Sinplew Semi-Final. H. Dr. G. <K- Souza.
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  • 140 26 Court Allegation Of Neglect. (By Air Mail.) tie (Lanes), Oct. 4. John Kinloy, who sat as the Socialist member far BoOtk in the last Govern ■MBt, was sum mon.^d at Bootle today fo>neglecting to maintain his wifo, Elizabeth Kinley, of Mar^h Lane. .M> 1. Kinley nation
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  • 149 26 Dnughter Of £1,000-A-Year Mnn Wants Dole. (By Air Mail.) London, Oct. 1. During a discussion at the Wood Green, Cooaeil y< teiduy concerning a resolution by another Council regarding unemployment pay md the means tost, it vat stated that a typist, aged SI, who appeared befeae the I'ul>lic
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  • 530 26 By 3 Goals To 1. EXCITING HOCKEY AT KUALA LUMPUR. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Koala Lumpur, Oct. I"). IN a fast and emting game, Selangor 1 1 at Peaang at hockey by three goal* to ont- at Kyaiu Lumpur this afternoon. Owing to the flamding of the
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  • 220 26 UfAZING iCTION tt\ c:. R. C (From Our Own Com >r,:!ont.) Ptnanjr, ()<t. 1.". A situation which may be wrought with far-reaihinir consequence* Pmang footbH! \v;» i>y tho avtion of tl I Ctak in not turning up foi their In t mm* h hi the Senior League
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  • 182 26 Recluse's Hoard Of £200.000. (By Air Mail.) Niw York. O. Asserting that Hugh and Michael Kennedy, of Vl*, Parnell-street. Dublin. are the second cousins of Mrs. Ida E. Wood, an aged recluse, and are the /nly persons entitled to her million dollar estate. Mr. Kgan, the public ad.ministrator,
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  • 192 26 COMMANDER ON CHARGE OF HANSLAI GHTER. (Hv I I Naval cm. 1 th* 1 trial Sutto-i 1 hiet' Jaat k < rean aid II with th< maiula <• nuiM' <! A 0 v imr the M iii. stituted Comdr. to 11.M.s of «h Ol the Ciiv
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  • 20 26 Prisoner "Docs The Judjlc's Hew fa r. t a a judp> < Tod: 1 Hull ;;n<l at i»l
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 27 26 JOHORE GOVERNMENT. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given thai the ROAD— KLI'AM. HEBSING at tho2oth MILK. is QtPAfISABLE owinpr to Floods. STATE KXCINEER. Johoiv, Oct L 6, 1982.
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    • 43 26 fef" After the match Q V^^ f /j'/T^ Go through life M 7/^^ with the ri>lht s P int ms Saattaal B|ga^ Ba^ **********88^ B^ B^ B B B^ BB 888 B B v*'. Li W l^[ K W f I] t( tiTsATTin^T^MisTaaaiiH
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  • 1147 27 Is The Pioneer Spirit Dying Out? WHEN THE "CITY" CEASES TO SMILE. (Bj > l"r ink Warslsy, l» taretk e\I* lo 1 nmandrr ol Shack I. South Pole- Expedition ship Kndurance. -ud ot siysterj skips iarlag the War.) mcrehaata adventurer. vl h mulatod taoutaad Drake mutton
    1,147 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 27 At rest off duty. There is much t< interest the saiktrman when the work of the day is over.
    19 words
  • 334 27 M\\\<,EK IMP VI iron. (From Our Own Correspondent. I Ipoh. Oct. 14. FOR failing to ncke oui an application for the import of salad oil, M. I' Packer Mohamed. manager of Hatlier hatcha and Co., provision merch ntIpoh. was fined $20 ar<d coots t«v Inthe M Albakri
    334 words
  • 123 27 MR. MRS. NOULENS. Not To Appeal Against Sentences. Hong KoiiL-. Oct. 1"> !.'ews from Nanking states that Ml and Mrs. Noulens. recently convict ed of Communist activities in China and the Far Fast the object of which was to overthrow the Chinese Government, were sent to the First Prison yesterday
    123 words
  • 58 27 hm«'.-e charged with cheating was discharged by Mr. J. F. F. Gregg, the Third Singapore Magistrate, yesterday. The complainant, an assistant in a coffee shop, said that the accused camu, him and said that his (the former's i towkuy wanted $2. The complainant gave him the money, nui
    58 words
  • 1624 27 Two Kinds Of Courage. DRAMA OF 5 MIGHTY MUSCLED MEN. (By U.-Col. Norman Thwaite* (late ol the British Intelligence Department author of Velvet aiid Vinegar.) WBILI it i> generally admitted that the successful >py must f>e a man of courage and resource, there is an almost
    1,624 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 49 27 j ■tv -mm W w fl I I saß^ «al I B^^Lg^^a^ ■P™TV^E@V Jf4? 1J 0 1 3 f J THE MENING 4 M TKITIOI -i (dli-I.H n ML DfULCMM. Usiaillatod and diireated. Children like it for its jKilatabU Tattt, 1 Si>l, t MEDICAL OFFICE, lima U*»*a Kt.aH. Singapore.
      49 words
    • 5 27 [World Copyright. All Rights Reserved]
      5 words
    • 52 27 Cj^ vjJ^JST^ High-clan \g e< J lj|O^ De Reslke Men and women enjoy smoking this outstanding virginian cigarette because it's different and has a subtle, cool taste always enjoyable DC I I S/XI UKq j4r*istoer<tt of QitdLrettes A*enu. HENRY WAUGH A. CO, LTD. Singapore Penting Kuala l.umpur Ipoh. A. P.
      52 words

  • 2186 28 The Book Page. Characters That Behave Like Real People Of Today < liiislopher Strong By Gilbert Frankail. HutcSinson. 7s. 6d. I'll H charm of all Mr. Frankau's books lies in th humanity of his characters and in the probability of their reactions oblems. Not for
    2,186 words
  • Article, Illustration
    11 28 From Daphne Muir's haceaneerinK Story Rarbaloot. (Chatto and Windus. 7
    11 words
  • Article, Illustration
    24 28 From "The Deserter" (Ivor Nicholson and Watson 7/6) by Lajos Zilaby author of 'Two Prisoners" and "Firebrand." a play recently running in London.
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  • Article, Illustration
    10 28 The title page picture from "Repentance," a new novel.
    10 words
  • Article, Illustration
    22 28 Wild West stories have come bach and here is an illustration- from W. C Tuttle's "The Silver Bar Mystery." (Collins. 7 fi.)
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 355 28 THE WRITING PAD WITH THE WOKI I) \UI>K REPITATIOM. t riling Pad U| Manufactured by JOHN DICKINSON CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in England). TOST BOX 160. SINGAPORE. AND SOLD BY ALL STATIONERS IN MALAYA. BOOKS ON INDIA. MAHATMA GANDHI: Ills own iTORY, Edited b> < K. Andrew*. With Portraits $7.. i«
      355 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 172 28 OUR CROSSWORD PUZZLE. _ii___ ■ii 1 mil M ?5 P SJ~ K ■s» 17 31 P 53T lii!H_ 41 1_ w_zr. 1 i_i ♦7 pST -p»c 5i (CLUES.) ROSS. -Ml Cut 1 I ik.-.l Entity V IK 26. Open ditch P H Bl uni .V 2». Cords 'H\ *i i
      172 words
    • 112 28 CHUJHIEN'S CORNER.— \o. It. REE SAVES ETHEL. i r i VShcn eardtrur drew nomr he snarled "What's this? In Ethel's ear the kind be* whixpered low "Did you not Her a notice hoard, yonne mivs?" The tartful hens will do their bit. I kno* I saw it. but was told
      112 words

    • 247 29 N. S. Thrift Ami Loan Society. (From Our Own Corrtiipoiidvnl i Se. cmban. < 13. A 'i' the Ninth annual r < iu-::il meetini* of the N'-wii Sombilan Govarnment Servants' Co-operative Thrift and Laai Society Ltd.. held al tr.( V School, Dr. 1». T. Skocn presiding, ih followinu
      247 words
    • 181 29 Election of A New President. (From Our Own < m respondent.) i* aaa r, Oat. i-". A SPECIAL general meeting of thi Unitt>l Athletic Poothall Aaaoetotion was held last week at the Asaoci turn Hall, 161 F'itt Stnet, Penang, with Mr. Khoo Guan Khip as
      181 words
    • 238 29 Election Of New Office Bearers. Sunligh. Bai^mint in Party hold I i (•■>■,(! annivci-arv celebratiora .ii Sunday la^t at the partjr'i Sim K r <*i He: i Road, Kuaia l.uiiipiii "M Badminton I bough infancy lia<l done belter than Inipated. lie lif»p« d in" 1 m tlv
      238 words
    • 88 29 The following hav<- been invited to pla\ oikey for th' S.C.R.C. against the Polic n ()(t. 17 at Thomson Roail Yew Teck Tiang Sen>r, Evan Wong Hmm Ckjra* Poag I im. Y"\< Hock i •.oik. Kirn Chua. Chii:: Bock. Kee Sian^. nd Qat I The following save bcea
      88 words
    • 117 29 Ct>O|)erativc (in-dit Societj Ltd. (Irom Our Own Correspondent.) 15. rpilF. Malay Puu'i.- .^.-ivants' Co opat iv" i Ltd v will h.)ld thfii annual genoia mt*etinc a: tl:»- Kin^ Qaatpi V School l.all, Se; .n.ban. <m O < r to the I <"s annual r<-port .ourred in t
      117 words
    • 126 29 A group photograph of most of 'hose »h« went to Kuala I.umpur and swept the board at the Command Kifle iMeetinjr with the trophies they won. They won five of the team cv« nts out of seven and I'te Ooi Choo Teik won the Kifle Championship
      126 words
    • 226 29 The CMMM Student-' Literary Association celebrated the 21st anniversary ,>f che Republic of China by a dinner. I i fairly fMd '-rat hcring. The newly elected president of the association. Mi Chew Sze Koong, propo-ed the Republic. The hon. gen. secretary. Mr. Chen See Ixmg, thanked
      226 words
    • Article, Illustration
      58 29 A croup photograph Jak»-n honour of Mr. L. ForbeM. MX'.S., the president of the Negri Sembilan (Government S rvaats' and Mala> I'ublic Servants' < o -operative Thrift and Loai. tties. The gathering includes Mrs. Forbe I and the new pre«ident. Dr. D. T. Skeen and the committees and membei v
      58 words
    • Article, Illustration
      22 29 A K">up photograph of the member* of the Malavalee Reading Koom. look The local Malayalee rommunity recently celebrated Ona», tlieir national frstivaL
      22 words
    • 120 29 New Club Formed In Batu Pahat. rHK Java Peranakan Club. Batu Paha' ua- registered on Sept. »i. li*:? 2, an- work va> commenced on Oct. 1 f, MIM over by Ha. and attended by 5 ira held in the club premise. m m <><• c l wimr are
      120 words
    • 114 29 a very large crowd of enthu»- tutors, a friendly bad match <>!' three singles and tw< was played bttWMB the Wa! I. ir«r B I" :i -.d tiM Straits Physi< al I lathi ...irt at Peck Sea! The VVah Chon* B. P. won tr (MM* to Ii The <letailed
      114 words
    • 97 29 rHK following were the results o paved in the Old Rafnesians' A.« oc-iation Tennix Tournament Dr. S. L. Oehler* (owe 13.:!) beat H§ Wing Chon lowe 2) 11 w.o. I. B. Abed (owe Ml beat N. S. Hogai 'owe l. r >.2) (>— 1, l. The
      97 words
    • 81 29 Successful Open Chinese Tournament. The fo'lowinv ful' pe-ulis rimtnton Tournament :iang and Coa.-i Di- I Single*. round Yap <'h; i Thuan bea 'heah Had! CNa« II I II 11 T. Kiat beat Lim Cheng Ii Semi- Final Moey Liang Teck bea "eh Door, Vng l>eat Yap Chai Thuan
      81 words
    • Article, Illustration
      34 29 V|r. I' Muthu. who take- a keen ir.Urt-st in sport in. the Negri. In addition to bting secretar> of the N.S.h. he it. s«cretary of the Hockey Association and treasurer of the Cricket Asso-ialion.
      34 words
    • 121 29 Ist round: Kow Sin 'heongJii Moe l*-at Koh Hn Hin an<l koh Lian,. .-in 21— \h. \'J VJ (1 I). Jl 5; Moe.< ,iang Teck and Sim Beng beat Kh" Kwe T. and Bah Ah Kow .'1 I, .'l—2. Cheah Heck Cheng and Low Thuan B'x beat Thia
      121 words
    • 159 29 Magistrate May Settle A Dispute. A dispute between th»- proprietor of tt 'H.ior >hup and kin manager resulted n the tatter's appearance before Mr A. W. Hay. the Ihm Magi^tiatentay, on a charge of theft. ih^ complainant^ story he accused n iiur.t'il some clothes »n- rusted h\ MIMMH
      159 words
    • 133 29 Used Force Against A Policeman. ''hine^e weie prodaeod bi-f V F diegg. the Thin) Smr.tpoit lagi-traif. \e-'erday M charge n\ lawkin? v. ithout a liceiK-e and of ore* "M a public servant— -a c«»nst;ible n the tJLOX Itloa of hi^ du'v. According to the complainant he saw man
      133 words
    • 101 29 L(k;il Preliminarx Inquin ontinued. The preliminary imjuirv into th',v n«'i Smirh by an- liet insed Hn: ntin m I F. th< Taird Siagaaon -la^t i'.oyd (the f-irth magistrate) •poaed that the accused it t«i ingalow on the evening of Sept. \H v Innpect-jr SmeJlic. He m vati-lii-d that
      101 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 162 29 REGLYKOL >ure Cure for Diabetes REGLYKOL Contains medicinal htrbt harmless to health. RRGLYKOL reduces *u«ar and Acetons in the urine. KEGLIHOL decrease* the discharge of urine. REGLYKOL suppresses the abnormal feeling of thirst and hunger REGLYKOL promote" digestion. REGLYKOL cures skin diseases attendant upon Diabetes such a« Acxema. Furuncles, Pruritus
      162 words

  • 1471 30 S.C.C. AND THE REGIMENT. A Plucky Rally. CLUB WING THREES SHINE. &I C, S pis.; Gloucester 3 pts. A ITER a gruelling battle on the Padang, in which the home side had the best of matters territorially, the match between the S.C.C. and the
    1,471 words
  • 304 30 UUDDERSFIELD DRAW AT MIDDLESBRO'. London, Oct. 15. rpHE results of matches played today in the English and Scottish Leagues were as follows First Division. Aston Villa 3 Sheffield Utd. Bliiekburn R. Arsenal 3 Blackpool 2 Ix-icester City 1 Bolton Wands. 2 Chelsea 3 Derby County 2 Everton
    Reuter  -  304 words
  • 172 30 South Johore And Public Services. S. Johore nil Pub. Serve. nil The Public Services visited Johore ttahru yesterday and drew at Rugby with li,- South Johore fifteen, neither side obtaining any p< The home team, however, were some wh;it unfortunate not to win for, after an sVM
    172 words
  • 21 30 London, Oct. 15. In the Jiliisjfuw cup-final Rangers beat Partick by 1 goal to nil at Hampden Park.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 587 30 S.C. R. C. Tennis Title. SURPRISING DISPLAY BY JOHN LIM. LIM Bong Soo, the Malayan singles champion, won, *s expected, the sir^les title of the S.C.R.C., played yesterday, when he defeated John Lim in two straight sets, 7—5, 6 l. An Ai Home by the
    587 words
  • 27 30 The match between the Indian Associa- I tion and the R.A.F. wh'ch was to ha\ t been played yesterday at Balestier, did not take place.
    27 words
  • 565 30 SINGAPORE M. F. A. CUP-TIE. Spore Peranakan 2 Uarul Bahar 1. A MISSED penalty kick cost Darul Bahar's second toam the match in their M.F.A. cup-tie against the Singapore Peranakans at the Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday afternoon. The two sides had a Roal each to their
    565 words
  • 122 30 Y.MCA.'S Decisive Win Over R.I. The V.M.C.A. defeated Raffles Institution at hockey yesterday on th« V.M.C.A. ground by five gals to one. The winners had th« better of matters. The school, however, went near several times, but irfringetnents of the rule spoilt many opportunities. At half-time the V.M.C.A.
    122 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 80 30 Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) Hi: AD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building. Cecil Street. Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27. Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complice with
      80 words
    • 64 30 Ju s t a fe w i I breakfast dish I suggestions. Fresh Herrings Kippers Finnan Haddock Smoked Cod Fillets Order them from the SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. C _f-f _V| 4 mf r- //mi a r //mil S M* ammvLb^ftp>^t\ I? mf mmm smmmmmmmm/ mL w t y
      64 words

  • 1377 31 Svlungor'a Rugby XV Selection Committee Kept Hus\ And llurnetson i.ompet' inn for Svnnn-y <> ition Selangor Hockey StMOfl Opens -i IT' ith The IS egri Marred Ily Rain rVetf Davis Cm* Player In Action At The Lake Club Cwood Runs Ry Kwda Linn nur Harriers. (BY
    1,377 words
  • 741 31 Football Drawing To A Close. THE Penang football season which has been a very protracted one this year, is gradually drawing to a close. There one more match to be played in tinSenior League, that between the < ation Club and the Darul A Football Club, and this
    741 words
  • 137 31 Inter-Department Soccer League. THE curtain on all soccer in this State has now been rung down with the i o/ tli- mhi'an Inter-Department competition during the ;ndei nview. The id'-a of an Department Soccer League by Mr. A. Kunani the local State footballer, who was mainly for the
    137 words
  • 250 31 Combined States At Rugger. T] IK laium, [ilaying j th«i>' Irat hiM-key match of the seaaon 1 on Tuesday a^ i Club, won o one. All the wi 1 their ancis- rans d "M-e in I Malacca u.ul if thf'r first match is any (lit. i ion. they
    250 words
  • 379 31 Public Schools Results. OLD BLUES BEAT PAULINES DECISIVELY. (From Our Own Corresr mulent.) Laa 27. Till- 0U B(.y dul.s. stili. smartinK u:i'l'.r i-ic decision of the leai^ng w fixture .< >..n in .and played many at< hi' A >i was uvf. n the u,d Hlut-s and
    379 words
  • 45 31 AUTUMN MEET I ><i 1 9.52 Saturday. October 22. 1 Wednesday October 2'i. 1 Saturday. October 2'). Ittt. ARRAY i HBX -\I. Proßranii: th p Secivtarti 1 <-at h i.l upon l>y ihi v will 1 (!K> "••«i on TINU for the
    45 words
  • 55 31 Guilty Of Breach Of Tn (From Our Own to: i -ponder.t.) Penaiiu. Oxi. I*>. Konjf Onif Ph< «rx:kkec|)"i" in td .I»va three t.*la> -entenced to tl .s imI «UC< n tht> ncthe lux .1' the (1 pay <« pay id a wan ant issued h:'.i ile.;. Tin- |n<is,
    55 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 27 31 For ATTENTION of:ESTATE MANAGERS. Rubber I Spraying fjj Bulb d Recommended iUHUuuuT^ '^sauV li li I INSECTICIDE POWDER BLOWER Price 80 eta. each. TANKAKKEE&Co.,Ltd. Sumbawa Road, Singapore.
      27 words
      144 words

  • 153 32 The first fiftorn of the S.C.C. drew wi.h the (.loure«tershire Re»{imtMt at Kupby yesterday on the Singapore Pad* r.g, «ach side scorinn a try. The picture en the left shows some f awards ■gfctißg for the hall in a line-out, with H. B. Sym prominent.
    153 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 10 32 imrtt S. EUas, ma Qualified Optician CAPITOL BUILDING. TEL. 27Si:
      10 words
    • 181 32 (sc^iplo^neer^ ©pticien CAPITOL GEBOUW. 1 TIL. 2751. MACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE is j British to the Teeth ami Makes Yellow Teeth White Isochrom The Film for Any (Mtnera The Film for Any Subject The Film for Any Light. Speed 1300 H. D. THE EASTERN HOTEL, Mr\\<. kt ai 1
      181 words