The Straits Times, 11 September 1932

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 37 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. I No. 39. Sunday, September 11th. 1932. Price 10 Cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper in Malaya. No. 39. Sunday, September 11th. 1932. Price 10 Cents.
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  • 483 1 FEARED LOSS OF 100 LIVES. A legations That Boat Was Unsafe. EE St?ARATE INQUIRIES. !> id To Bft Unsea worthy And Undermanned." U that o\<-r 100 lives I';". in Urn ferry-boat dis-:-st^ cd on Friday in ork. Three official bo held into allcM
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  • 65 1 Knttan Tor Necklace Snatcher. v Own Correspondent.) Serembari. Sept. 10. Tamil wirh ten previous convictions, who took the opportunity of a recent r Temple procession to snatch necklace from a Tamil girl, k at the local police court tt IMWR I charge of t ht-ft. He guilty
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  • 436 1 In Trouble Again. EXHIBITED HIMSELF IN A BARREL. (From Ou: Own Correspondent.) London, Sept. 10. IUF loctOf of Stiitkey, the Rev. Harold I'avi rated for exhibiting himself in a baml on the Biackaada while watching over a ye ag firl tasting in ar.o.her barrel." After promiring
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  • 297 1 Scots Painter's Claim To £6,000,000. London, Aug. 28. In connection with the claim mad< by it Scottish house-painter to share in a fam fortune in America, an important •tt-p is being taken in this couiHrv. Tlie seeker aftc- wealth is Mr. Thomas Morris, who asserts he
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  • 199 1 10,000 GIFT TO R. S. P. C. A. WOWMOIS DOMTION BY AGED COIPLE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Sept. 10. j LATE yesterday afternoon an aged man and woman walked i: to the London office of the Royal Sextets fot the l 1 tion of CracKy fee Aninial?. A cltrk
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  • 83 1 LONDON RUBBER TIN. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Lcndon. Sepl. I 1 The clotting prices today were: RI'CBER. (((notations as supplied by Symington and Wil»:»n Spot ((tuyere) J „l (Sellers) 2 1.1 led. Oet. -I)«t. 2 13 Ihd. Mar. 2 d. Apr. June M. July-Sept. .1 I/IM. !m t I'onr la
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  • 50 1 Beaufort Borneo Co/s. Loss. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Sept. 10. The Beaufort Borneo Co.'s loss for the period ended Apr. .'lO, 1932 was £1.262, as against a loss of £1,404 for the previous comparative period. A credit amount of £4,767 has been brought into the new account.
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  • Article, Illustration
    50 1 NOT ON MTnUBWOOD Tneai Chinese teatea, at v. -t.-rday's Singapore races, are on y a few of ihe *08 punters who bought tickets on LMMMMn. tie h«ittc~t favourite oi the day which was not ocn placed. If only they Had hacked Ro'.hcrwood thr. would ha\e got $178 for a win!
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  • 30 1 Returning To Germany From South America. Barcelona, Sept. 7. The draf Zeppelin has flown over the city returning to Germany on its way back from South America.— AnetaHavas.
    Aneta-Havas  -  30 words
  • 232 1 BIT NO DECLARATION OF WAR. Buen >> Am-, Sept. 10. Large forces of Bolivian and Paraguayan troops clashed in the Granchaco Forest along an extended front, according to despatches from Lapaz, Asuncion. Aeroplanes and heavy artillery participated in a 24-hour battle round the j Bolivian Fort
    Reuter  -  232 words
  • 110 1 Women Readers Win Both Prizes. Two women readers were successful in The Sunday Times Racing Competi'ion run in connection with the opening Hay of the present Bingapore Meeting. Two piize. red, one of $100 and one The $l(i ■M < S. IMM. Id. Lorong St. (ieoig.'s Road. Singapore,
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  • 38 1 Spirited Attack On English Channel. (F-om Our Own Correspondent.) London, Sept. 10. The legless American swimmer, Charles Zibelman, is now attempting to swim the English Channel. According to reports he is smoking many cigars en route.
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  • 278 1 Paul Bern Sensation. AMAZING STORY FROM HOLLYWOOD. A Los Angelis message states that shortly after Mr. Paul Bern, the husrard cf Miss Jean Harlnw, shot himself, his mystery wife." Miss Dorothy MiUttio. disappeared. Mr. 1 rn'M will, made in IMV, is in favcu. or Mihs Mille:te.
    Reuter  -  278 words
  • 51 1 Last Night Of Successful Drury I^inc Production. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Sept. 10. No fewer than 731,000 people have seen Cavalcade, by Noel Coward, as presented by Charles B. (o'.hran at Drury Tonight is the last night. There have been 4O.'J performances and the takings have averaged £4,000
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  • 35 1 Fast Spreading In Shansi And Shensi. Shanghai, Sept. Id. Bubonic plague and influenza arc reMVMd to be spreading with alarming rapidity all over Shansi and Shenai i Provinces. Sin Chew Jit Poh.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  35 words
  • 393 1 "Major Crisis In The Far East." LONDON PRESS OPINIONS. Awaiting Deeply Significant Decisions. London, Sept. I<>. WHILE it b recognised that two coming events -the publication of the JapanManchukuo Treaty and the Lytton Coal II constitute a crisis in the Far East, responsible British I opinion tcnls
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 19 1 THE OCEAN I ACCIDENT I I AMI i GUARANTEE CORPORATION, LIMITBD, Britain. J 1 Head OnVc Pot Nalajra S!M,\l'<>Kh.
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  • 1775 2 At Grips With The Unseen. A GRUESOME EXPERIENCE. Tales Of Modern Psychic Phenomena. (Uy Robert King the famous psychic investigator.) THE absurd anti-climax which ended the recent so-called experiment in Rlack Magic cm tin- Hertz Mountainwill quite probably be hailed as convincing proof that all things
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  • 72 2 At the fourth annual general meeting of the Catholic Younjr fcfen'i Association the following wore elected office-bearers for the ensuing year Mr. M. I. Fernandez, president Mr. Paul Teo Poh Leng, vice-prc*Ment Mr. S. Pierve, hon. general secretary Mr. A. S. David, hon. treasurer Mr. C.
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  • 188 2 Appeal Court "Scene" In London. In the Court of Criminal Appeal on \ug.. I>< before Justices Swift, Humphrey and Goddard, the appeals of John 'ark it and Alfred Hinds against the entences of penal servitude and the passed on them at Winchester M Justice Avory in connection with
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  • 99 2 What Happens To Sweep Winnings. The directors of the Irish Hospitals Trust have found out what is done with ti.e Money won in the Irish sweeps. Th> y asked the 11,000 people who have yea prizes varying from £30,000 to t'lflt. The replies revealed that, in the Piain,
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  • 1098 2 BIRIED (AHA). World Becoming More Itomuitlir. THE TRK\SI KKS OP lUX INK4S. (By Dr Max Guttmann, the wellknown authority on lost treasure.) IS romance dead? The answer is in the negative; the word is becoming more and more romantic every day. It was recently reported from
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 19 2 O *Ta*a^maC«jirf'^ln7a»» \2aJB r^lw .ma-wi^^^ Werchandtse k W mmTm pP^ Personal Effects %Mor^ I COL LYE R CWAy< A
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    • 177 2 J?*^tysr^** m^r^L If <?/ 4 f*to rA 4r< V IT If/L jr LZz^ y^ mkui *^g^*^ FORCED TO RETIRE... Are you making seme provision for your future requirements or are you just going from day to day allow, ng the future take care of itself. Havp you the courage
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 50 2 3/^ DO YOU REMEr f I CLIMBED f "^V rr- "1 j/' ~1 VE^RS AGO CV MYSELF— «V C 1 V AND WATCHLD K X \=?l I k Are Cut "N\ '^J t\ (4>^Q /ire cut _^_\k v^ s^' Oilb, Jtt/i^ A h^li)\ x m -j*m Jf^ -^^riih, •^y^rO^gi £^^^M
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  • 283 3 THIS WEEK^S COMPETITION. Send In Your Forecast Of Next Saturday's Events. ll being offend by The Sunday Times in connection on Saturday next, Sept. IT. of writing the handicap! for next Saturday are not avail- iblished in t Strait ami othtr Malayan mmediately they beeonti available.
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  • 847 3 The Ethics Of Rejuvenation. MONKEY FARMS. liou To Prolong Bj Serge Voronoff, the famous rejuvenptor.) AFTER an exUteaee of only year: rejuvenation has been ao ed throughout the world. '1 he number of physicians practising the science can t not b> etimattd, but they run
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  • 35 3 Italy Seeks Solution In Kmitfration. Sept. 7. drire against unihr promotion of Italian Colonies, parini}; to i Sigaw Mussolini I in the (|u«'sdirtetioa planih<- emisration i< h, however, is he lotal which illion. \.i
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 137 3 I < Sunday i imos (Singapore) Racing (Competition (I)), j I enter The Sunday Times Racing Competition on the con- < ditiona stated, and I consider the following horses will win on < I fifth day of the present meeting at Singapore, on FIRST RACE I J SECOx\D RACE <
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    • 218 3 ■^^S^a^Haaaaa a\ ■BjBMBB^BIMIWBm^KB /f/ *^Kfd' ft. 4| afnS^^V. ■BBMBMEaiJH f K*^B amKuHaaVt Ir ■Aj-Vj WMfjJk B^B>3 "1 *^eV^am^ <-f> i Wn3t every dentist knows I GUM DISEASES I PPOTFCT^I rmaticn of the delicate B >J > &nd their recession arc- i stage of serious gum disease. Keeping this I TT
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  • 1392 4  -  AKIR BRIDGE NOTES. Leading Up To The Bid. By ITkU s<rn.< r,j .irticle* in Dot intended for tin aMhwnred hridyr filmjr,, hut Im 'hi mxt iiHtjiinty who, l.nriiiri i>ln An'-tion Bridge. t'>r pMirs, aew fhnl tin in silc-h mil, hu,t. us ii i ti
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  • 719 4 By THE WAKDERER. i i Pciunic Opiniom •Singapore Begs To Differ Sir CecU Clotmemtfi Mistake Mr, Fmrrrr i i Ymrm t Pig Which Ktttw Its Matter '?'/i Who />:>r." Mohy-i f>ur Emropeam Settler* The FJH.S. Stnt<> Bamd* A Mewretfml Farewell Thought* In A (.onsulntf SIR Cecil Cktrti
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  • 8 4 Chairman's I I \t marked he i
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  • Correspondence.
    • 28 4 Sunday T olumn of St-pt. I. y you should mploymeni moßilw, while under 1 many without biPeta naii to ih" ti" \\h«. arc :i cti I
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  • Article, Illustration
    130 4 ill <.K TtGEI SHOT IN Ml Alt- huge tiger, BMwariai ft. 2 in.. *as shot b> Vir. M. Hreaaa, Veterinar> Sur-eon. Muar. «hile out i.untini; a) I'/j mile Jalan llakri. Hukit Dinding:. For two da>> pi<ople KiayinK I i tnlinuallv heard the roar of lajtM hi the jun^l. and it
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  • 97 4 M Plastered All Over London. of it the lined I■ Metropolitan !'<lu.- anuaual anil .1 li.oiiiriit !<> :t bead 2.18 p.m. on Sun. lay. d red ein Ithe Jew K i a the eou of the read A policeman wa name rning Mi uiiilar labcl--11 .nipied tal M
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 128 4 CHILDREN'S <<>R\ER i \o. 39. SAL WORKS TOO H iRI). j| jk J.^o^&** _m *^^H unnunnnanuanW. unTanmaWk^ I 'W/ I They put the honey into jars of g' "If gardener should come." said Mrs. Re? I ill thei« were rows of them upon the grasft, "You'll be quite safe, if
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  • 534 5 IF You Want To Be Popular WHAT SOME FAMOUS FILM STARS SAY. Joan Crawford: One ol ti dualities that makes far p.ipulaniy iadaptibUity, the ability to tit into any -itUHtitm, and meet any condition. Count- 1 I bat- heaid ho- .nark, while making up a guesi li.-t, "Be suie to
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  • 55 5 on\ k i Not Mlov.iil To Land In Bnglnnd. <luiana i efaaad i ri when He v M in a I I auvant. »bled aftei 20 month«. a d Paramaribo, in I m Chiiwi. The steainei left IMymmth f." her ne\ port of call 11»m board, where
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  • 113 5 Well-Known Families United. (From On Owa I Bereeahna, loat. io. I nised at the Chi rch of the Visitation this morning een Mi P. Pernaades, <» r General Hospital, Port Dick* and Algal "ltara .,,d tl Algantara. The Auguin ffkiated. va- attended by )l 1 aid, while the
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  • 97 5 Degraded, Imprisoned, And Discharged. S< lley, of the D(v. -i.. was at Bordon, Hi ntencod bj K( neral << to be n duced to the rink-, to 'hvc 1 1 months' imprisonment with hard laboor, an I to be di> hargwl .-itb igMawtay. At the courl martial I
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  • 779 5 Medical Diagnosis On The Screen. THE VALUE OF THE CINKMA. (By Jean I'ainleve, 'he scientist s«n of UM laiii«.d> I'limli ".laWMnan ami mathemaiician.) THE hat lias been made in s.iime di'riiiir the iast titty yea-; N certainly rcMMurkable, ret 'he period ahead of us M N
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  • 206 5 "Only Way To Secure Employment." Berlin. Aug. 21. A month's imprisonment has been nnpoeod by the court at Mainz upon Frau Marie Einzmann, who lived for 1- a man in male attire. The ame has al-o haea imposed apea Krau Muller, who lived during th' riod
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  • 73 5 Alleged Exhumation Of A Body. ■ii Our <>*n Hi. Khoo Fan, Kongfv hircse, warza\n product ate, M R. P. C. 1 mornoffence bj illy exhuming tlie Mi. LiviaeMone O.CJ 1 I mhan was a gra f% ani although alleged iha\ th with jewellery there was n<' ■> U
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  • 75 5 \>sist;int Commissioner l:i NV^ri Scmbilnn. (Kroin Out Ovn Correeaoad Mr. H. R Caaea ■iaaioner for (Soy Scouts in Maiayn m »>rfi< :al to'ii of n the Xegr Sembilan tt Me camp there with the Mila; Then was a con at nigru and scouting we* carried on. This Ban
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  • 117 5 •Certificates Of Indebtedness" Over-Subscribed. ihingtcn, Sept. 10. Th<- i.-si'e (.f ami "cci timd cording to the -R'-uter. A messrve <i:. d A i. ogranmM involving $1,150 millio matarini n~ and public debt interest and to pri vide funds for the Reconstruction Cmp .ration, IM announced by the the
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  • 98 5 "S.O.S. ICEBERG. Unique Feat By German Airman. Berlin, Sept. The HJMjue feat of landing on an i erg with an amphibian plane has ■nan ace. i >n the i"ii! nroduction of a film I m Qreealaad by i fiiimnii o whii h the dneetor is Franck. vha d wond renown
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  98 words
  • 51 5 l(M>00 Cattle And Shwp Lost. Wellington, X.Z Sept. 7. It is estimated that 10.000 cattle an 1 sheep wrre h»si n the recent floods in the Wairarapa district in North blaad. There hi been considerab'e material damage done, and great sti. of country are still under water.—
    Aneta-Havas  -  51 words
  • 212 5 A "Lean" Figure Which M Addressed H Visitors. il n. Ault R cru tion baa been call «,ne of the many eerie tales which an told in corn in -[hi lalist jounw jj,,. Un that an earlhboun.l moali I;mi to tin* and wall BR persons, but alhing upon
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  • 71 5 Offered I>ead In Kreuger Film. khtha, Sept. fi. ording to 1 PTaiaor National ha\i> offered Mi-- Greta Garbo Urn leading role in the rted I\at Kroager film. "The Match King." with Warren William- iis the male Wad. Part of the film wiil Ik> produced in Im at
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 198 5 ANOTHER OF OUR EXCLUSIVE SELECJE^ BRITISH SCREEN TRIUMPHS L^Hna C k i W em iX^mt^V Jk^m ML^ZeMnV w I fX^nT aw hf*J ag eT ll' MAW aa I Wa^^H i JWT I rrM^B3Ma v SSI IS^Bni ESMBr Mania be mV bV^b W r I I ■^■^Z^nr 19 I Mr^X^Mna U
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    • 114 5 IT WILL BE YOUR OWN FAULT IF YOU MISS THIS LAST NIGHT of The Year's SAUCIEST, and MOST ENJOYABLE Comedy Show AT THE CAPITOL i ?!^™?L T£ D AY T J^- *s i The Racy. Peppery and Brilliantly presented gloom-chaser "THIS IS THE NIGHT" IWKBBS^^^r^'' with *mm^^^^ Seductive, alluring ILaT
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  • 622 6 THE dr«>ss collections have oprned in Paris in an atmosphere of great anticipation. Buyers are obviously prepared to he extremely critical, and though 'h«-f is ♦■\er> indiratinn that the Keniu" of the French designer will carry him ihroutch. there i* still a leelinjj of
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  • 83 6 THE thr«v hats illustrated were shown at the Official Viennese M< del Show of 19.12 and are selected as important types. They are, from top to bottom Narrow brimmed version of blue pedaline. with the brim turned up at the side and filled in with a matching satin
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  • 118 6 Apricot nr*ringur is a useful sweet. Cut up apricots from a small tin into liny pieces and sieve, then mix in one dess» rt-spoonful of caster sugar and one dessertspoonful of apricot jam. Place this in a sweet dish. Make an egg custard, mixing half a pint of
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  • 83 6 The b«*arh pyjama la luv^nninc to lorn favour, btt-ause fIH <h<T)>!y cut and badly worn. Qmd cut. it seen note important in a of b<'ach pyjamas I than in an ordinary dn The ne*' b*afh dte<se.-, which are to supplant the pyjamas, are i. ad^ in
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  • 487 6  -  EDWA RD H. SYMONDS Hy Head Of Revillc Sunday Times Exclusive rFHK Ottawa Tonferoncr will stimulate inieiest in the following Empire colours for the new autumn models, which will I.- launched by the fashion I of London :m<l Paris early next month Kinpiro Blue I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 116 6 WHiTEAWAYS NEW BASIC VALUES WHICH MEAN POPULAR GOODS AT POPULAR PRICES. w-iiteaways NtwipS Stilts IV' "I I BIUTfSH MADE, STRONG II KKJSH TOWELS. ■.rut. l*ri<e 45 ttlfc, $IM each. o/ WHITE TABLE NAPKINS. tj blocked nmfi 2.5>.") do/fn. I Cfe'WHITEAWAYS SHEETS. v I qulity sheitnik' .ii.'l v. a li well.
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    • 72 6 I HENRY H.COHEN. Ltd. l^l^ <*I** Snd Floor Maynard Building, 16 Battery Road. T«l. SIM I SINGAPORE The lmfHirtanre of sVi// Uor Health gFrom the dawn of time salt has been essential to health. Nature demands it— you must supply it in your daily food. When you buy salt choose
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    • 114 6 THE BETTER MILK FOR BABIES Why baby thrives on LACTOGEN When breast milk fails, or for other reasons bottle feeding is necessary, Doctors and Nurses are telling Mothers "Put your Baby on Lactogen." "Lactogen" provides, in a form Baby can easily digest and assimilate, all the precious vitamins and other
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  • 4422 7  -  GWYN EVANS OUR SERIAL STORY. By EARIY CHAPTERS SUMMARISED. Bill Kellaway, an out-of-work journalist, sitting on a bench on the London Embankment, is accosted by a well dressed stranger who asks him if he would like a million pounds! Kellaway naturally says "yes," and leaves with the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • 670 8 It in not often that virtue is rewarded as satisfactorily as it is being at present in the case of Malayan tin-mining companies which closed down during July and August. Whfn th? stoppage began the dm price Was around £110 a ton today it ia just under £160.
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  • 49 8 (Ananias News Bureau.) Rome, Saturday. It is reported that Sijjnor Mussolini is on the verge of a nervous breakdown after reading a number of Malayan newspapers and realising how feeble has been his o» n policy beside that of a man who really sets out tm govern.
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  • 4349 8 A WORLD-WIDE WANDERER. 7/if.s Mee&'l adventure story by T. Hridiies ami H. H. I ill man concern* Dr. Sidney Spencer Hrottm field and tells somrthinn <>f his experiences in the Far East, mentioning Singapore, and. in particular, in IS etc (Guinea, ivhere there were many
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  • 1790 8 Believe it or not being The Assertions of Ananias If I rlo not appear to be my usua! nright little self for the next few I ciave your indulgence on i grounds if I appear terse and tell you to po and hang yourselves from tliv nearest lamp-post or describe
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 234 8 AMUSEMENTS. SINGAPORE. AMaaTM HOTEL. SPECIAL (LASSKAL t ONCKRT. 9..J0 p.m. AUIAMimV THKATKL. TM WOMAN IN ROOM with Kli-sa l.andi tl 1 I.U i>.m. raw MM. CAPITOL lIIIATKL. THIS IS THE NIGHT »i<h LWj D^mita. t.l5 1.18 p.n.. I'hone .■2. MAsttJOstCN (.11 THEATRE. 1 MKItLOO MUDGI with Mac (lark. 1.11— 0.11
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    • 35 8 PiA N 0 i TUNING— RKPAIRS. REMOVALS— HIRE. E. CHARLES. I Phone 2902. 284, Orchard Road, i EDITORIAL, MANACBRIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICES 78, Cecil Street, Singapore. TELEPHONE 5151 Kuala Lumpur: 25, Java Street. TELEPHONE MBt.
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  • 1970 9 Big Upset In Last Event. HOT FAVOURITE FAILS. Lucky Thirteen In Double Tote Receive $331. THK third day of the Singapore Turf Club' Autumn meeting mmM with iv sensation, Rothcrwood jrc-Miny hOBM in thf In: t race "i th« I p Thf win ».,i.
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 9 H.E. the High Commissioner, Sir Cecil dementi, at the British Malaya Coifeo Plantations Durian Tipus Negri Semhilan. He was accompanied by the British Resident of Nefri Sembilan and others.
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  • 41 9 ATTACK ON RIO Flying Column Dispatched By Rebels. Buenos Aires, Sept. 7. It is reported from a revolutionaiv source that a flying column has left Mian Gereas, for a march across the Exprito Santo State to attack Rio de Janeiro. Aneta-Hava-.
    Aneta-Havas  -  41 words
  • 42 9 Bombs Exploded In Work Yards. Valencia, Sept. 7. The builders' strike has entered into a period of activity. Three bombs exploded in the work yards, destroying several machines and setting fire to a petrol depot. Several arrests were made. Aneta-Hava
    Aneta-Havas  -  42 words
  • 352 9 MYSTERIOUS TOW. OF EASTERN STATES. Pari.^. Sept. 7. POLITICAL quarter.-; ;ue speculating about the ohjort- of the European Tour of the hiel'-of-Statf ac the United I States Aimy, (ieiyral Ma Arthur, wh has passed through Paris en roite for loiand in o d> r to att<
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  352 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 89 9 tittle's, Shoes THEY MATCH YOUR MOOD THEY SUIT YOUR FROCK THEY FIT YOUR FEET "BETTY" SANDALS. /flS^S^k FULL ROUND TOE, '</jfff\ CUBAN HEEL. //f/^^^^ 1^! COLOURS Blue and White Jtf/ Black Jind White y&/ J(x\\ I Red and Black l*V V-J Ikiue and Rcd /^%^SF§3y $8.95. *hß^^ 8 WOODEN SOLED
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    • 165 9 LEADER IN ITS OWN CLASS Th c MORRIS-OXFORD 1932 Both in outward finish and mechanical design, there's a new grace and excellence about the 1932 Oxford. A really attractive car to look at. with new-type radiator and automatic shutters chromium finished— imposing longer bonnet and strca.i lined Eddyfr«.e front. To
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  • 776 10 Meant For Norway? LONDON MAJOR AND HIS FRIENDS FINED. London, Auir. M. Four Londen men were fined yesterday by the Gravesend maffistratet on chargea under the Customs Consolidation Act. It wa alleged thai they were found in the yacht Strathspey in the Thames with 3,520 rit
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  • 287 10 TRAGIC END TO ROOF CHASE 11 POLICE. Aug. M. DURING ;ir cxcituig chaM- mi ,ur peeta by tat police early today one I of the men fell twenty feet from a house and was killed. lie wii- identified a< William Hall, 54. abode. The ped
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  • 217 10 Poisonous Leaves Eaten By Woman Patient. tood death within a fortnight from If, i iat ing of yew kted when an in(|lK'.»i wa- held at "U .Mis ili tine-.- ICoaa, 63, a patient .n Springfield taken ill alter walking in tho grounds of the hcwpital wth other
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  • 481 10 WOMAN DIES DURING RAM OPERATION. London, Aug. -•">. IfoW a dying woman underwent an operation which had »ne chance in a hundred of saving her life was described at an inquest held yesterday at the < "it y of London Coroner's Court. The operation was
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  • 123 10 Successful Trial Mulch At Serembim. (From Our Own Corrt».«pondent.) Sept. I". There v v hich augurs well for ihe coming liu^'bj -casoni when Nagl i II <• I to j open the IUo'J season witi' a t.ial inat.h, between the Colours and W 1 1 1 1
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  • 426 10 SEQUEL to Sf\c;y»oßE FRIENDSHIP. PR a crime which he committed in January of 1927, Yeo Peng Lai. a Chinese, was yesterday sentenced by Mr. Justice a Beckett Terrel! in the (curt to four years' r'jsorous imprisonment. He was charged with attempted mur- 1 der and causing hurt
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  • 108 10 (F-i >m Our Own Correspondent). Sercniban, Sept. i). The remains of the lat. Mr. J. G. Rodiigues vho was an old resident of Negri S*>mbilan, i oved from hi.s residence ,n Temiang Road to the Church of t ht: Vi itation and thence to the
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  • 308 10 STKOV. OPPOSITION TO VCTIV,. Angeles, Aug. 28. Mil. Charles I'hai* n ap tared in court i >(lay and made a:, earnest appeal that his two little sons by hifewer wife, Mrs. Lita Grey Chaplin. taeuld bo :?>-niitted to live «he normal. ives of children, such
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  • 294 10 DOCTOR TELLS OF MANS INJURIES. New York, Auv ASTONISH I evidence of American "third decree" methods was given today at the resumed trial of five policemen of Mineola. Long Island, who are i charged with causing the death of Hyman I Stark, a prisoner 20
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  • 204 10 The perspicacity of a revenue officer \a* largely responsible for the seizure of tobacco on which the duty amounted to $990, in Beach Road, on Friday. I). Trumble, A ntroller of the Monopolies, and some Revenue < going on a liquor raid at 11 o'clock on Friday morning,
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  • 305 10 IRESH THREATS OF Ml IDEM. London. Aug. J!'. ANEW lelga af terror has s\ve,,t through Notting I nee it became known that Mrs. Short, the woman who found Vera Page's beret received two letters in which the writer threatens to murder her and her U •id
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  • 144 10 100 MILES RAC E Blue Riband Of Cydung Won lt> I. J. Salt. The Bath I: .ng Clul miles road dered something of a blue-riband event racing cycl; To win the "Bath 100" is a coveted honour and with noted riders in far rtf California some of the leaser
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 32 10 mmmm^m m m mmimamm m m mmmm^ mimbhb m m m mim^mm mm m mmmm^m m Mew to the 19th 3 «fe^i A hi NC CECUCE jj| y ]P\^*— ,< Go through life <--
      32 words
    • 36 10 SMOKE DE PCS/kl Uhp jflmstoerdt of Qis<±rettes Vreivrrvi\ by IVoplr of Discrimination I 1 Beautiful ?ifts < oupon in Mith coupons. i mry tin. Agents: HENRY WAUGH CO., LTD., Singapore Penan*; Kuala Lumpur Ipoh. A l\R. 21
      36 words

  • 140 11 A group photograph of the patrons and officials of the Singapore Badminton Association taken at Mr. Aw Boon Haw'l re-idcncc on the' retirement af Mr. Tan lioo lick who has been president of the txsoriatMM since its inception. Sitting (fn>m left to right) s—
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  • 55 11 NORTH BORNEO GOLF COMPETITION. The NOrt'i Hornco tolf challenge np com pel it ion was played on the Jesselton pelf cou: up was < n h\ Mr. .1. H. Breton (seen on tht* >i). of the Sandakan dolf iuh. hv one up. The runner-up was Mr. Ha:, 'd A. Kay,
    55 words
    • 161 11 Kmphasis On Mandarin Class. THE CkiaoM Students' Literary Association, Kuala Lumpur, held their second Social on Saturday, Sept. :i, at the a lion's premises, r >o-A. Klyne There was a large feathering <»f member* friends. Mr. (ioh So* Siarjr. vice-presidrn'. appealed to all men < ntinue theii
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    • 179 11 Physical And Literary Union's Activities. BILDING iKTiution <:.: w.l! he li'l'l in the I'nion's gymnasium on T.r at 5.11 \>.w. All those who wisih to attend the* classes rhould get in touch with the instructor. til or the aatt. instiuc-toi. M 1..•: Me.hd. <>n the days mention- lie
      179 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 128 11 FOR SALE ■s Belgium Totteiy neilesticks etc.) t.> clear heWw cost price. Apply to H. G Ko<l\k. No. I D'Almeida Street, Singapore. 111 Jill Everything New Just Unpacked 'HOEKIX" Peetaall sad Basket-Bail nmicul bladdBMR throughout 1 to 7. Sports Goods U'.n and Woikman■m- :ipply THE NEW BOOK CO., (Premier Hou«<-
      128 words

  • 2466 12  -  Jacques Henri-Robert Lady Macbeth. THE MISINDERSTOOD HEROINE OF A CAUSE CELEBRE: THE I ASE FOR THE DEFENCE. Bj (the Kreat- < dI timinal lawyers: head nl )he !';.ns Har and mcmUr nl llu lie I ram lin my spare tune, and i l when writing or
    2,466 words
    • 285 12 \--lM I\ SON PROMOTIM. A TENNIS TOIRWMFYI. WHILK catering for a minority in the local population, the Negri Sembilan Japar iation, which has a spacious club house in Teiniang Road, is always very much alive. Regarding the club's sporting activi- -st interest is taken in lawn
      285 words
    • 131 12 Election Of New Officials. AT the annual genera! me. ting of the Ma.llowt, MiiMcal and Dramatic Association, held last Sunday at 17", (ieylang Koad, the following were elected oaVt bearers for the current year: M Wong Shian Vein ■I). Vice-presidents. Messrs. Ang Chin Seng and Chan Tuck Knu.
      131 words
    • 129 12 Negri Sombilan Championship. Tournament. rV. Saint Paul's Old Boy- which o(\ upie r th* 1 top floor of the Straits Trading Company's Seiemban premises, is making pood progress, thanks mainly to the work done l>y Mr. I R. Sta Maria, the secretary. A billiards championship tournament vil shortly held.
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    • 135 12 Results Of Badminton Tournament. raits of Iks Horlicks Badminton party tournament, recently ronclude-1. Hows "A" cingles championship: winner, E. Cheng Leong runner-up, Wan CMS Inn. "B singles championship winner, Ong Kwee Yang runner-up. Tan Choo I Open singles handicap championshii) winner, K. Tian Chen^c runner-up, Ong Kwee Yang.
      135 words
    • 170 12 Kuala Lumpur Official Honoured. Mi: V IW tary, Wii!Orphans' Pension Knactment. Public Officer Guarantee Pond and Government Insurance Fund, was entertained by the Von Aug. 21, at the Hot. Majestic. Kuala Lumpur, on the his retireinctit fiom (iovernmen' Tin \itiy attendance includthe Hon. Mr. M. t urer, I
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    • 102 12 City lads To Meet Wah Chontf B. Party. THK Ciiylad>" Amateur Badminton Party will BMSJ the Wah (hong Badminton Party today <"t p.m. at N York Hill «"i' Chin Swee Road t The B.P. will hi :ed by the fole: Singles: Gan Hock Kin. Chin Tham (Jan Soon
      102 words
    • 114 12 f¥MIF" following were th# result* <• j in the Old Rafflesians' tenni- t ,ment playei last week Dr. S. L O, hlers (owe IIJ) Heat Dr. Monteiro (plus 4) 6—l, 3 o retired. Dr. Loh Poon Lip (owe 15.3) beat Dr. Wee Thiam Hock (owe 4)
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  • 172 12 Alleged Robbery On An Estate. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Sej The story of a daring robbery on Cairo Estate, I';'.jkm>. in hi;h a gang of thii.- were involved was told I i the Seremban n-.agi-•■ouiry one'ied I I Bg into thi- j hue Tamils named San i
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 2547 13 Tales Of Heroism And Resource, Of Humour And Tragedy. THE BOOK PAGE. CoMen Horn. II) I Neai- l.rown (iollane/. >-. lid. 1MI I' aul n t Bei p often publish a book, which why th<i write an very good. Golden Hot n in tin- ■ie whkh made •1 famous, and
    2,547 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 285 13 THE WRITING P£O WITH THF. WOBLB WIM UTI I u>X. fl (gOXL? V I Cambric I Writing Pad| ■factaeed '>> 1 J(UIN DICKINSON 1 CO., I !>. mm box ice. iron. Wit I' I WM.NKKS l\ V. vi BOOKS OF INTEREST. KM I 1 1 \i. 1 I-***** VOIH I
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 122 13 OUR CROSSWORD PUZZLE. F— m r;: t~ \—^p ■X;.;c>, Ti 5v 3 .-y.-.;.. 3o" 5i l Pi^p &'m W*^ w. r^ Wi Wr P so"* t* tl 3 *T" r-0 52r TJJ^r. 55 "v^" i*~ ?7 T loa "I j I I II I I II II 1 I (CLUES.)
      122 words

  • 233 14 YESTERDAY' S ENGLISH SCOTTISH FOOTBALL. BOLTON BEAT MIDDLESBRO'. Newcastle Win. SUNDERLAND TOO GOOD FOI: EVERTON. London. Sept. I<>. rpHK following are the results of d today in tho English and Scottish Leagues: FifHt ■MSBBB, 'J Blaekp 1 Bolton Wai -I Middlexbroufh :j Sheffield i I HuddersAeld Town 1 I -tli-
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  • 109 14 Seremban Chinese Defeat Kuala I'ilah \isitors. (From Our Own Correspondent.) S.Teialan. Sept. 10. The Kuala Pilah District badna tesm wore viaiton i<> Ser< n thii i noon, and before a barge crowd ol thusiasts, they met the Seronibn- Ch Badminton Party in I four asu I>l< s on the
    109 words
  • 62 14 ChlsWtC Recrciition Club's Six New Courts. m Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. It. A pleasant function Ux the SolangOT Chinese Ke.reation Cluh thi afternoon when I lawn tennis courts i front of the club building wcr. declared ope— d bj Mrs, Alan Lake. was r'ovi.ied. tary mad"
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  • 494 14 \\<>\n:\> SUCCESS \s < o\i:s. F(m.' the t liir<l lime sime the mci of rowing i ai the Royal Singapore tut, women eoxct iay. The ii Ineipal mm far Ciiailenge Cup, which, aNo a club championship a trial to pick ere" n prevent in the four.s'
    494 words
  • 170 14 Fingerprint Guide To Golf And Tennis. Rabbits of the golf course and d.. tennis court can look forward to a new heaven on earth, according to Mr. riank Bay, Bridgeport, Connect k-ut, who .s now in London. i w :,m Iml that all would be well th y
    170 words
  • 973 14 Detailed Results. TWELVE VICTORIES IN 35 MATCHES. THI-: Irit'ii.n Cricket Tourist- concluded iheir tour last Friday with a drawn match against Mr. H. D. G- Lev«ao« Qnrtr 1 \I. ■*h the following fimi: total of matches played M Ml If, Iml I, drawn 1 I. S>vei;il
    973 words
  • 316 14 CRICKET MATCH AGAIN M COMBINED SCHOOLS. T!IK S.R.C. and the Combim.! Schools B a two-day cicket fixture yesterday and when play concluded tho oil wire ip strong position. ha\inu r dismissed ihe (iub :"or only runs, [he Schools ;h<'i: scored 12"> for th. f seven wickets.
    316 words
  • Article, Illustration
    330 14 V.M.C.A. Beaten In Stonor Shield Match. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Sept. 10. The Stonor Shield cricket nxtm tiie uangers and the Young Mtn'Christian Association, which commenced c n .-\..jf. I ictory for the :okets. <ted an innings each >n in k Men entered SO th'
    330 words
  • 151 14 Thirty-Eight E vents Held At Rangoon Road. The anr.ual sports of the Rai on numbi N" re run off. The even' an«l ■esaeat to lohnthe hauao championship was won by with '.'1 Head's l< I thinJ •ill JohnM if h •">: Bssarist, n the. individual championship o and
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 80 14 Assits eMBCd $12,000,000. Assurnnce in force over $.1S,OOO,()OO. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in ihe Straits Settlements.) HEAD OFFICK: CJrcat Eastern Life Build. ng, Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27, Old Jewry, K-C. The Company has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with
      80 words
    • 82 14 BSBBsfl^t I U" 1 1 ~t 1!— t r *jj BHsafJ Ifc, k Jg7 Hk BBBBBBBr- 111 ■gfusF^ Jp^pM Bubb) tsr^sV h i SBBa s^r *<f I 1 II jYTt ll^ Iv'^B^^ '^■L— yr^^r MU t v ri( WITH A \llELLISON S. EZEKIEL. ">■ VI V\ I HF.API i iil'lH
      82 words

  • 1955 15 kiialu Immpmr (>irls' Sports Meeting Programme Arranged On Team llusis Keen Kivalry For Sultan's Challenge (lvp Sports Stadium For l/m/i \V'ir Project Launched Splangor Hockey issociation Makes Progress A Strong Indian Team Invitation From Sumatra Hockey Players. (BY FORWARD.) KUALA Lumpur i< the only Malayan town
    1,955 words
  • 836 15  -  FRANCIS OUIMET Golf Notes* By (Present Amateur and Former Open Champion.) FOR many years Walter Hager enjoyeJ the reputation oi being the best and bmwl consistent putter of all the greai golfers and wlien it came to a critical putt it was dollars to doughnut
    836 words
  • 186 15 Power Cup Lawn Tennis Tournament. Entries have been requested for tlie Power cup mixed doubles lawn tennis tournament of the Sungei Ujong Hub. and the following pans have entered up to-date -Mrs. Tuckei and M. R. Hannah; Mrs. WoUard and V. E. H. Rhodes Mr. and Mib.
    186 words
  • 268 15 Boy Bowler's Success At Lord's. KeinarkaWe bowling, barked up irtth wick-' -keipinjj- Wan a I Itba maul; l.oni', Bckaaai and the Rest at Lord s, the headquurle. ciWm The he 1 of the match (>ays a N <>f thf World neron, i tho Taunton schoolboy who was
    268 words
  • 184 15 Almost Chosen Tor Australia. I.KII-i'.M. I v 'I 11. Tyldcsloy WH ii -< i to pavilion <lurinjj the m<l Glouci shirt- MBtch Hi iiether he would ho pre| V istralia if invited, thus adding to rumours that 17th man n. ikea in vh DalafDHinhji's illness. His batting th'-
    184 words
  • 22 15 Death Of Discoverer Of Anti-Tetanus V rum. Rom lieath of Prafaaaei Guidi erer of the Mti-tetanu* *«rui announced. Aueu H
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 14 15 Economise by Using T.K.K. TYRES Cost Less Per Mile. TAN KAH KEE Co., Ltd.
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  • 112 16 On Friday, ai tho Arson Kuad S adium. the Malays (seen on the left) won the S.A.F.A. (up for the third in succession and completed the douhle feat of winning the Cup and League for the socond successive year, when they defeated the
    112 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 14 16 j Ibarra S. EUae, mi. a j Qualified Optician CAPITOL BUILDING. I TEL. 2751
      14 words
    • 127 16 I" f>arr"t"V~BlfYi~ (sc&ip!omccrD ©pticicn CAPITOL GEBOUW. 1 TEL. 2751. MACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE is British to the Teeth ami Makes Yellow Teeth White Isochrom The Film for Any Camera The Film for Any Subject The Film for Any Light. Speed 1300 H. D.' BUSINESS CARDS ETC. TO LET AT SI.
      127 words