The Straits Times, 4 September 1932

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 37 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. 1 No. 38. Sunday, September 4th, 1932. Price 10 Cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper in Malaya. No. 38. Sunday, September 4th, 1932. Price 10 Cents.
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  • 453 1 PUBLIC SERVANT THREATENED. iedric Light Being Cut Off. DR. CHANCE MNED sioo. Sit Of lijrcat "To Shoot The Blasl^ 1 Municipality. Mt.) r. JL 1 1 1 1 threat :ity Iho 1 oiwt n l>>. C. Chi Ho pital, fl aaniely and witl The D.P.P
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  • 591 1 STORY OP HOVt Hi: \S Shanghai. Sept. I. "lENERAL Me Chan-shan, who ha--I been repeatedly reported kille<l by thei apanese military authorities, has now ired to Nanking to s^y that he wa al] wounded and has now compl< I'd. He promi.i ta lead a new offer:i which
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  • 85 1 RESIGNATION OK THE PKFSIDKYI. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Sej^ THE President of the People*! Aaaembly, Chaophya Dharmasakdi, m consequence of the appoint- Minister of I'wblir Instnwtiaa to the aaai> kBM he f<»rmerly held under the regime. The Kinjr'^ Private Secratarj D ment has been abolished, and
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  • 34 1 Famous 2- Year-Old Unplaced At Manchester. (From Our Own Corrcanondent.) 1.0. "Jim Thomas, ar-old, which won the pro\ v ran, was unplaced in 'he AutlUM Breedi ate at Mat. .ln The winner
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  • 33 1 Labour Ministry's Attempt At Settlement. (From Our Own Correspondent.) ndon, Sept The Ministry of Labour r endeavouring i the eettoa strike in Laacaahira 200,000 operatives stopped work a wot k ago.
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  • 97 1 Fresh Appointments And Decisions. Shanghai, Sept. 3. Mr. Kc.o Mfii^-yu presided at a meeting ot the Kxecutive Yuan yesterday. Mr. (hu TinK-fu and Mr. Ye Yuan-lunjf were appointed respectively Commissioners of Education and Finance in the Jiovinci' of Anhui. Mr. Siao Yuen-rhieh and -Mr. Sen Sih-yuan were appointed
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  97 words
  • 52 1 General Ho Cheng-chun As Vice-Commander. Shanghai, Sept. itn<r:ii Ba Chcag-dMM, the Pacitka►ner of Hupeh Piovin c, will \>a probably appointed vice-('u:n- ian(lci-in-( hii Handit Supuie-. -■on Forct's in Central China and it is .\xp<'ited that General Chu Shao-lianK will replace him "as Pacifi ation Ommi.ssioner .n Hupeh.- Tht-
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  • Article, Illustration
    13 1 MarieUe (Wadswurth up) winning thr second race at yes:trda>'s Si lgap«r* meet int-
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  • 50 1 Not To lk« Considered At Next I League Assembly. London, Sept. 3. It is linden tmxi that the I.y «.n Heport will the forthiominjj MMrioi "f the League AMmbiy, but u s|x-tial session may be called at' 'the bejrinnin>r at N'ovombt-r t <it-a| wit+i I it. Reut«T.
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  • 171 1 WIN LAMM KIKS i.o ON THE IU IST. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, S?pt, BOTH humorous end tiauric MN th-.-IflliMHti airuin-;t a weekly, adrafnd ai a meet inn of the Sanitary d labourer i Thin-. It w« -»at<(l that the U. m g > m
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  • 99 1 LONDON RUBBE R TIN. (From Our <>«■-. ■> r. -indent.) 01 in. r>v i'.t. .'I. The closinji pric»\ »(T»: (<{uot.ati«>ns as > ipnlu l.> S\ ninifton and il Spot (Ku>-rs> 2 <::2d. (Sellers) 2 :il .121. «)ct.-I)«c. <l Jan.M*r. I 16d. Apr -June I ■'< 1'»d Jul>-Spl. J'« J.
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  • 69 1 Invention Kxpected To Revolutionise Diving. !ncy. Auk A diver, wearing a costume of his own invention, itajred under water fee "ver an hour at a depth of "»(i metre-. H« HUM to the MrfMl in four m 'nutes. The •xperimont which was made in the presence of the
    Aneta-Havas  -  69 words
  • 70 1 The re: nit of Thi- Sunday Tirm* Racing Competition in roaae tlon uith fostofday'i racing at Bfajnpore will be announce I on Sunday n<>\:. Dsteili <>f a MM competition appear up Pair.' Three. Scv« ral rtlMbn MTt written siurjre«tin(f that a football i i-t-ptable M a thun fn>m
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  • 91 1 OLEGED si ppijkr OF l)Rl <iS. (1 I tondent.* I < "Whaa -h«- kmtm th-u 9tmm Daw I'au! mm on tht rrad to ptridition a the re-iiii h» i indulgence in drim*assi>ud htr ~n her »j\." TliK abovt itatement was made hj ide, at Marlb.nough
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  • 57 1 First Heat For Harmsworth Trophy. ONK hundred thousand yelling "fans" iar Wood Ann >• i"s" Miss Knjf- rH III r the first heat for the Harmsvvi.ith notor-Wol trophy on Detroit With a terrific last nunu e \>u after Kaye Don hail lid for four w< n
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 51 1 Canadian Import Duty To Be Reduced r riim Our O aanaasst.) l.onri<;n. S«pt. .1. II is alaaaghj rumoured in the Canadian Mala\an pineppp'c- w ill bt reduce one cent, a pc.und as the result of the Oil i The Colonial Office rt-.'uftf* to r< nlirni or deny thin
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  • 27 1 SHEEP FOR 2s. 6d. Record Low Price Paid In Kent. .11 Our Own Correspondent.) :<. Sheep were toU ii' Ken this we< iord low price oi half a
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  • 23 1 Thi- Thi:ii Chinese Air Force Squ rl Rwatow. the iwvanjrtunR has returned u> Canton for training.— Sin Chew Jit I'oh.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  23 words
  • 304 1 Coolie Rescued From 80 Japanese Marines. BY FOREIGN POLICE. Marines Taken To Police Station But Released. Shai.irliiu. Tf'HK ituaiion here is MMtwi today and the Chinese inhabitar >r Shanghai are displaying K ilarni they did earlier in the week improvement is attributed to tit
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  • 2242 2 sr u,t; mum Bernard Shaw Forgets It. Chesterton Argues With It. A Famous Actor Makes Love To It! (lly Michael l.orant, the well-known cartoonist.) lIIAVK had occasion to observe a HWf« number of world-famous men before the microphone, and I have no hesitation in saying
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  • 1069 2 Crippled Convict's Bid For Liberty. MOST AMAZING PRISON PLOT OF MODERN TIMES. L" I sheer desperation and tenacity >t puipose a prison c-cape plo', whicn has just been discovered at the famous B Peniten S.A., is without parallel in the history of such exploit-. Briefly, a convict who was doomed
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 11 2 k V^l Personal Effects Wt^^ 4 COL LYE R CIUAy< APB)
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    • 167 2 future to/ v \1 Are you making some prov; ur tuturc \l li requirement or are you just jroing from day \\j to day allowing the future to take care of Fiself? \i l/ What will be your position when you retire lij The pension you wil' u<»i\c wfll enable
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 34 2 MOW OLD H TjIT yo ,j TI// 1V vou THIN/. DONT I "".V 1 LOOK IT j fijy J M.ILjLjA li WJ\ 11. mm I *>~2-l .(Copyright, 1932. by The Btll Syndicate, Inc )^T*
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  • 461 3 THIS WEEK'S COMPETITION. Send In Your Forecast Of Next Saturday's Events. ,-h prize of $100 is being offered hy The Sunday Times in connection with the racing at Singapore on Saturday next, Sept. 10. At the time of writing the "handicaps for next Saturday are not
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  • 344 3 Thefts Admitted By Young i Wife. A girl from the provinces. o.f good family and education, accepted a life of extreme poverty and privation by marry- ing a young porter, and when stole rather s than appeal to her parents for help. I That was the story
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  • 1151 3 Some Strange Experiences. CROOKS WHO SET TRAPS. By Cecil Bishop, late of the C.1.1).. New Scotland Yard.) THE whole civilised world was shocked by the cruel hoax perpetrated M Colonel Lindbergh and the American police by a man who purported to be in touch with the
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  • 1024 3 An Ugly Spot In The Dark Continent. THE LAIR OF NEFARIOUS SLAVE-TRADERS. (By Roger Courtney, the well-known professional big-game hunter.) THKRE is a spot in the Dark Continent! not far from shoies of Lake Rudolf— a tract of country situated where the Sudan, Uganda, Kenya and Abyssinia mcct one side
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  • 115 3 Hockey Association's Report. (From Our Own Correspondent.) The Nejrri Sembilan Hockey Associaannual report statt-s that joined the association. Six interarranjred, of which Sembilan lo<t four, drew one and remaining fixture was not fulfilled. All those jranus were keenly corn. The statement of income and rxpaajjture for the year
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  • 683 3 \NM lEPOST FOX si\<;\rom:. THK annual report ti the < ;i! holir YouniT Meal Association (Mnirapc tki yeai hmM July 81, 1932, In -pile tkl various i esignation< an 1 ieappointments in the general eOQBCiI, |JM BMmMMri of tIM association was ,-uith (1 M -Mi"oth!y and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 59 3 THE NEW "SLIP-WAY" Silver Cigarette Case. M JLJ! HMt Last* Jhe 'tf aivlti Kii<i*'^ H easily up the "SLIP- AY," thus greatly J j I facilitating Urn < II; I ti( 1 ri^ 1 he II |4| I igar lat I^B want Kinjf iUI public. V. I stock. Prices Moderate.
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  • 1194 4  -  AKIR BRIDGE NOTES. Knowledge Of Suit Distribution. Thi* mries of art trie* in n*4 intended fir the (idvmired bridff )Jnn<r, hit fur the va*f vt'ijorit ij a h<>, linriti!/ played Aurtioti llridi/r tin- ijcars, now find thehisel era mre/>t i,iln ('mtrnct, as well us for the
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  • 72 4 Trying To Delay His Execution. Pans, Aug. :il. In the hopes of postponing the expiation of his crime, (Jorguloffl the assassin of the late President Dammar, has lodjred an accusation against the Cossak, Ivan Lozareff, for perjury. Being unable to depose the necessa'-y sum of 6.000 francs, he
    Aneta-Havas  -  72 words
  • 1207 4 Till; WANDERER. A London Expert Coinfi Homo Malayan Men For Technical Jobs Why It Is Difficult Mr. Porter's Carper— ihir Trunk Telephones The If ay Retrenchment Works Public Oninion In The Malay States Influential Backing tor The M. S. A. F EXCELLENT replacement of 'i K'lrofeans with
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  • 344 4 m\\ vujo mixed the ieleimiom; u\i:s. 4 man who deserves a place of immortality in thi iment Dtpartments i- M. luneu^e. As leader of a I md of sro»>d comP^tmns," he played bwVM with t). ph« nes of Caen, in N'o-?nandy. 11. shortly to apinai before
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  • 65 4 Heavily Fined For Usinj* C oat Of Arms. M nl rid. Auk The former Anhduke Charles af Hap- uvg and Bourbon, who was recently ailested in Barcelona nacnaM hi- car here the Bourbon arm- three lilies —which hanot been popular in Spain since the down fall of the
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  • 63 4 ECHO OF KREUGER AFFAIR. .MERIC \N DIMECTOMS PROCEEDED \<.\l\M he In injc Trm whicl i 1 he last-named company. The plaintiffs de:nand a new examination of the accounts, accusirw; the af havintr lesi and the restitution of which v. ere lost by illopaliy lords out of capital. The plaintiff- also
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  • 36 4 NEWSPAPER FAI LS. Polish Journal Published In I'lirLs. Pans. An. The Krench capital's only f'oli.-h newDsiennik Holnki, which was founded we- i with the ■appati ci tiie rnment, censed publication on Mond to Hnancial dttncuH an.
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  • 488 4 DOOM OF URCRAFr GAMIER. RECENT progress in the machinery aethosJs' of bomb-dropping from aireral foresha liil'ortanci'. It threatens the aerial do, which is. by coa arieoa, :i very pon, u ho «c emplo) mi nt. in M-- opt ir'hich it is fned ;:iiiio~'. inevitab y ectailn
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 105 4 lULDREYS CORNER No. 3H. WHAT BIG FLOW ERS! The boy rame back. These seeds I've brought for you The flowers grew up to an enormous size "Are safer than the fur ones Sally grew Kut more than that! Kor Seedlepop wts wise They gams enormously but then they stop." Some
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    • 212 4 M MM.Aruiti-: nun HEAL IT NOW I —or suffer later! I ghc itching between d»e I J»kin trjcktJ oi blr.u i I Don t BlgJin these hr-..' ligns "t wH dreaded foot oj nu/ I limp and suffer l.itu. Ahsorhini Jr ->!i your I hrn an t'»i( Ii wj
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  • 1377 5  - A Few Home Truths About William Powell. CAROLE LOMBARD MY HI SBAfSD— Hy I^ll IS is not to be an exposure <»f our private life. After six months of married bliss, Bill and I are still too much in love with one another to want to talk about it in
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  • 421 5 Hundreds To Be Built Near London. The Perfect House— the product of the best brains of the world is lo be bui't in hundreds near l/i>ndon within the next few months. It is to be the house of the future, wi'h an aeroplane landing stage on the flat
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  • 60 5 Sequel To Uprising In Spain. Madrid. Aug. 31. \hni>lii of Marines states that the transport &IMM, with 25C exiles to Africa, is read) to nail, biu the date of departure is noi yet known. The ship is in the charjre of a captain ami JO .-ail.irs. and the
    Aneta-Havas  -  60 words
  • 45 5 French Aviators Frying To South America. Istres, Gree<*, Aug. 31. The FrtTch aviators Bossoutol and Rossi have arrived here. They intend to make an att« mpt on the world's record Miitfk- distan <• rti>'ht an<. will be leaving short for South America. Aneta (lavas.
    Aneta-Havas  -  45 words
  • 80 5 Necessity To Suspend Staff Payments. Buenos Aires, Aug. 31. It is only through having suspended all local payments, including salaries of teachers and functionaries, for the last fourmonths that the Government hopes to J>e ible ti> meet its obligations on the foreign loan. nothing encourages the hope of
    Aneta-Havas  -  80 words
  • 61 5 Archduke Stephan Of Hapsburg. Vienna, Aujr. 31. The baptism of the tiny Archduke Stei phan <>f Hapshurpr has been solemnised, i the latest Hap*l>uiK being carried into the l<huich by- ex-King Alphonso. The exEmpresa Zita sent Jordan water for the ceremony. Queen Marie of Rumania, ex-Queer and many
    Aneta-Havas  -  61 words
  • 378 5 Grocer's Clerk Poses As A Peer's Son. New York, Aug. 21. Frederick Qcorge Lion< Krtinghana North, whose name wa* recently lashed to (Jst Msdi of the earth as being he Kiul of Guildford, stand.' •eveai. larry P. Effingham, a rnx-erV clerk, of Ithaca, New York. Under the prcteaea
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 173 5 A GRAND ALL -BRITISH LAUGHTER SHOW! -(9 nCVE flli I iaDI CsftlL I *VBaaTaW IKt 3ggt^ .^gggf A ■•FfcZJi j nl^al W^ j^ w iffm T^ Wm* I fl MATINEE TODAY AT 3.15 STANLEY L U P I NO m* S ikt\i aaaW ■As r aaaaV V aaaagg^gaf ggMaka^il H
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    • 115 5 Owing to Brilliant Success SEASON EXTENDED UNTIL TOMORROW NIGHT! HAVE YOU SEEN THIS SPARKLING SHOW AT THE CAPITOL, Matinee TODAY 3.15 LAST TWO NIGHTS!! Paramount's Finest BRITISH Comedy from FREDERICK LONSDALE'S Scintillating West Kmi Success "AREN'T WE ALL?" With the greatest galaxy oi English Stars yet assembled GERTRUDE LAWRENCE OWEN
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  • 944 6 WOMEN SHOULD BE BEAUTIFUL An Interview With COLETTE The French Novelist rpHKKK have always been institute beaiKy and beauty cure*, bu* MM bcfera have WMM lavished more timi uid attention on making themsclve-'ii-autKul or enlisted ■ciaact on tlicir m !ialf with MMk thoroughness. Never has the old ada^e il faut
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  • 529 6 Can Be Troublesome •piil". fir) with curly hair is not M lucky as her straight-haired sisters think t>r, particularly if she is a "sport- 1 wirl, writes Joan Bermger in the Daily Mail. Jf hur hair is of the stiff or rather, ri/zy type, .-he probably has a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 295 6 WHITtAWAYS NEW BASIC VALUES WHICH MEAN POPULAR GOODS AT POPULAR PRICES. WHITE AWAY S iaimi £[<*% I MJERSL1IV New Brassiere top •■--y a nd u o r e d skirt. J Shadr- A p 1 e, Jrf\^^J\\. Azure, Rose, Maize, I WHITEAWAYS NFW BASIC VALUES 1 1 3 LADIES 1
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    • 85 6 I HENRY H. COHEN. Ud. I^*l Ind Floor Maynard Building, 16 Battery Road. Ttl. SIM SINGAPORE The Importance of s nll Dor Seasoning 3 Most dishes need to be seasoned with silt. Add L^. 7^l the exact amount you require by means ot a pM|jj3jMfij handy pourer tin of Ccrcb«s
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    • 160 6 TV//-. //<./-,/ „t th, I, it in in then i, if,, 1,,), i,\ ,'itli n MMWJ MMI null ottinht'l i,, I'mot, and a tmmtd xkirt. 1.h,,k r,i p. wok'xthe ot the -ight, u-hirh ha* n fo,i-liki xi, t ion in front, from which '"/"< tht twitted v ~,ide > i«
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  • 3066 7  -  GWYN EVANS OUR SERIAL STORY. By EARLY CHAPTERS SUMMARISED. Bill Kellaway, an out-of-work journalist, sitting on a bench on the London Embankment, is accosted by a well dressed stranger who asks him if he would like a million pounds! Kellaway naturally says "yes," and leaves with the
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  • 645 8 London is getting alarmed at what the Daily Bxprssa describes as the new clanger of a Sino-Japanese war." The cynic may be prompted to ask what it is that has resulted in the loss of thousands of lives and the destruction of millions of dollars worth of property
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  • 5752 8 A DIGGER OF HISTORY. This work's adventure story by T. C Hridftes and H. H. Tiltman recalls how Dr. Roy Chapman Andrews probed into the past of the great (,obi Desert. T*HE Sahara stands first among the A world's deserts in point of size, but
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  • 1619 8 Believe it or not being The Assertions of Ananias Ojoyojoyojoyojoy At last I havj 'clicked." Where the petrol kon>' iine«l to take a hint, the whisky expeiis looked the other way and the diamond 'Merchants put their finger- on their no*** it me, t l >c susu-wallahs have done thtii
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  • 214 8 The Foreman of the Ananias News Factory understands that a mo\ement is on foot among the employees of the Singapore Municipality to raise a fund for the pur po«e of erecting statue* to a few < utstanding tigurts on the Municipal i m mission. It is believed that
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 243 8 AMUSEMENTS. SINGAPORE. .DELPHI lIOIKL. SPECIAL I.ASSICAL CONCaWT. 9.30 p.m. ALHAMMM riIKAIKE. TAK/.AN. lUX M'K M\N (i.1.-»— 9.1.". p.m. I'hone *>*»<>**. MMIHI. Till. A IKE. ABBTT WV ALL? with (iertrae> .uul Owen Nurcs. C.1.-)— •.lf. p.m. I'hone 5261-2. MAjfajMMlOl i.ll IiU.ATKI SEYMOI It HI! KS in MONK'S FOR NOTHfNCi. (i.1.-)—
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    • 14 8 PIANO TUNING— REPAIRS. KKMuVALS— HIRE. i E. CHARLES. I I'hone 2902. 2H4, Orchard Koud.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 23 8 $k Sunfiajj ©meg EDITORIAL. MANAGERIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICES I 78 f Cecil Street, Singapore. TELEPHONE 5151. Kuala Lumpur: 25, Java Street. TELEPHONE StBt.
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  • 1763 9 Day For Second And Third Favourites. ONLY ONE BIG UPSET. Capone Wins In A Canter To Pay $119. DXCELLBNT sp-irt v.s vilnesscd on the opening day of the Singapore Turf Club gold cup meeting yesterday. In spite ol tl.c ruin early on the tiark
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  • 38 9 Paraguay Anil Suggestions Of Neutral Nations. Assumption, Aug. .1. The (Jovernment of Paraguay refww to accept the suggestions put forward by the neutral American nations with t \iew to ending the conflict at Chaco. Aneta Havas.
    Aneta-Havas  -  38 words
  • 31 9 Marriage Of Crown Prince Of Sweden. Berlin, Aug. 31. The marriage of the Crown Prin n with Princess Kyhili. Coburi ted to take place on Oct. 20.— Aneta Havas.
    Aneta-Havas  -  31 words
  • 296 9 TWO JAVA NESE SENTENCED. WKLAIfI NHillT— KEMJNfI in lm. BUBCLAM i>y ni»rht, firiiai <lav is an appfllati— whic-h may bo attat ht«l <> LWo JaVMMM. Alunat bin Sirhana and Sahut bin Eusope, who were rark aflßtaSCl 1 to three months' rii^rou* imprisaamnt with ;i recommendation for I anishment. ly Mi.
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  • 27 9 EIGHTEEN KILL ED. Charabanc Dives Over r( -lif fs. Ponce, Porto Rico, Aug. CO. A motor charabanc fell over the cliffs and 18 people wore killed.— Aneta
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    • 151 9 WHERE ELSE CAN YOU FIND ALL THESE ADVANTAGES AT THIS LOW PRICE? I^^^HbF^^j aVHaVaVo itf^^aV m^~t~"~^—^ k^T «n J l~^d j^ SALOON. 9 I'liroininni-finibhoil radiator, wiib win jh Lbl. A It 'il li. p. endive witli air pie heater and fume turning bead, coil ignition and dnraluuiiu connecting I-imls. A
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  • 213 10 Storm Developing In Canton. pt The Canton National Salvation tion nit md decided n<>i <ept tin- deciaioci <■!' the Soutl Prorincex Political Committee, ordering the r< from Dairea, in the Japai d ten 1 tory of Kwangtung, detained on th'. 1 ground that they were of Japanese
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  • 660 10 ANM M MEETING IN SIN<;\l»()Hi;. rpiiK annual general meeting of the Singapore Posts and Telegraph Coopera and I oan Society, Ltd., .Mil a. thi Post ye-tordcy, Mr. H. .1 1. P.. the president, being in the c'nair. fore moving the adoption af thi mta for
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  • 143 10 Charged At Serembnn With Houscbrenking. (From Our Own Correspondent.) mban, s. pi. Chan Weng, a 1•I vi tuii banisbee, MM produced before the Seremban magistrate rday charge. l with housebreakintf. According to Mr. D. S. Livingstone, 0.C.1.1 Seremban, who prosecuted, the accused was banished from this «■< in
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  • 129 10 North China leader's Appeal To The Nation. Shanghai, Sept. .1. General ("hang Chung-chug ,u Tsinan. the capital of Shantung\ from his native village. H wtttmmti iiy General Shi!. Vn QeaenU Chang ('hunj-rchang has ad•nitted hi; past erron and expraaaai the hope that all differtiKes will Ix'
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  129 words
  • 75 10 Only One To Be Received With Cheers. Rome, Auj?. "10. In a circular addressed to the Ml the federated groups of th< I i>ti party the chiff secretary forbids any one hut Signor Mussolini Mag 1 fcciv<'(l with cheers, Ua> Duce alone having the riglit to this
    Aneta-Havas  -  75 words
  • 207 10 GANGSTEOT DIM II OEUWATED. Urn York, Ajg. 18. A murder party" in a New York hotel, all ready to celebrate the killing of John Ka/.zano'. a Pittsburgh gangster In Brooklyn on Aug. was raided by the police la t night. Fourteen quests were 11 is .sual for
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  • 365 10 Alleged Incitement To Kidnap Grandsons. Nairobi, Aug. 20. When the Bonfield divorce case camr Cewrt again this morning *L3W) .v.rded t<> Mr. Bonfield against the -pondent. iantlM regariinr the permanent rustodv of .Mrs. Honli'ld's two sons was oaed until Sept. 1 i*. The (Ouit ordered that in
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  • 704 10 in in ni!K um i\cidi:\t. ASCKXK at UM Serpentine. My.;.- I'ark, when a woman police constable fell inin the water, was described on Aug. 19 ..i.lbniUKh Street police court. Har aid Hubert Vincent, 51, described ;is an engineer, of Edgware Road, harmed with wilfully obstructing Annie Matthews,
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  • 128 10 Alleged Attempted Robbery At Sungei Buyoh. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Sept. 3. A Malay woman, named Simah binti Badoh, residing at Sungei Buyoh, was nn important witness for the pioseeution in a case in which two Chinese, named Loi I Kon and Loi Yau, were produced before
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  • 263 10 Dr. Sun Fo Pleads Wife's Ill-Health. Hong Kong. Ispl (icncra! Li Hon iraa'a troopi have returned ttmm Tayuling (just over the front Kuangtung in South kiaimsi Province) to Nainyunjj (in North Kwangtung) where they are taking nvcr garrison du This rather bears out the earlier rumours
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  • 56 10 Austrian Vice-Chancellor Optimistic. Vienna, Aujf. H<»|>«--i that (lie Ixittom of On- tJc|n«" -Kti n reached an- entertained in tria. This hHMM iii'uari rit when »h«Austrian Vice-ChaneeDor, Hcrr Winkler, refeninjf to the country'! com■I rdation-i with foreign nation-. said "Today we hold out bopci that the has reached
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  • 53 10 Thousands Of L;mil>s I>ost Traffic I Mil I p. Inftoa, N.Z.. Auj?. 30. Atx>ut 15,1 lure land are flooded in the Wairapara and Manawatu districts. The water also threatens number of small towns. Thousands of la been lo.-l. an.l II trart'u is held up in tho flooded
    Aneta-Havas  -  53 words
  • 52 10 THREE "NEW WORLDS Floods Of Festivity For Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own ('.>• respondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Sept. 2. than thi r amust>imnt parks in Kuala Lumpur, applied for .irate s\ ndnates, have ix-t-n api. and tht> public is waiting v ,th much furiosity to HI whether all at tht'se schemes
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  • 199 10 SI < < ESSFI L C\KM\ \l. \\l> FAfIL (Fio.i Our O'.vn Correspondent.) Kuai:i Lumpur. Sept. BRILLIANT M I intr foi the grand carnival fair organised l.y tin .A. which »a< beld at ilie premise•l ihe ..-soriation this afternoon. The fete VH in Id
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  • 56 10 MR. MRS. NOULEN S. Abandon The Idea Of An Appeal. Shanghai, Sept. the death sent mated to one of life imprisonmen iml Hn, Xoulens. who were com i< fwilllll a/tivity in China aimed at the overthrow of the Nanking (Jovernmen' have abandoned the •■pealing agaiatt the decision of the Nanking
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  • 42 10 World's Largest Plane-Milling Machine For Japan. London. The aaarld'i largest multiple spindle plane milling machine, liuilt by a British iirm for the JapMHM Navy will he ■lapan on Monday. It weijrb lilt to take an *<lth a<l i Reuter.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 32 10 I^evcson Gower's XI feU Australian bievcn. London, S. At the tea-time interval today. H.l».»; HI Gower' Xl wtn Ml f<>r r >. The team is playing the M( < Australian Xl— Ren
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 29 10 *V;-" r Atclcsc ofplaij* fi nr It >: *y m i I U«?v* Go through life «w <£' |_T -_v^ L with tne ri^ht spirit. dL/A^A*-W| Ba^7a^l^^7 BBr^^Bß^^B^^^^^»l^^_i^^ißßß^^^^^ißV^^^^l^^^^^^^^^^^B^^^Sßaal tf_J*"""" "-_^J I
      29 words
    • 46 10 C High-class Coupon. I Men and women enjoy smoking this outstanding virginian cigarette because it's different and has a subtle, cool taste always enjoyable DC El S/kl Uhp J^mstoerat of Qi&dLr ottos Agent. HENRY WAUGH CO., LTD. Singapore I'nuin;; Kunla Lumpur Ipoh. A. P. B. 20.
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  • 3120 11 Just A Monkey, Not The Missing Link. PRETTY LITTLE CREATURE WITH "ENGLISH EYES." The Rajah, The Administrator And The Resourceful Hunters. Three months ago it was teported that a strange creature declared to be the fumed "Mb sing Link" had been shot
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  • 81 11 Salvors Third Consignment Valued At £190,000. Plymouth. Aug. SI. The third consignment of jrold from the Kgypt, which was disembarked from th<Artiglio this morning, consists of 1.i.000 sovereigns. 21 cases of gold bricks and tk lars of silver. The total weight of this haul, which is valued
    Aneta-Havas  -  81 words
  • 1029 11 Mystery Countess. BRENDA DEAN PAUL'S "MEDICINE." London, Auk. JO. BEFORK Mr. Mea.l, at Marlborough j Street Folue-court, yesterday, Anthea Rosemary Carew. a married woman, whose address was given as Hotel Washington, Curzon Street, Mayfair. VY appeared tt> answer a summons charging her with unlawfully attempting
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  • Page 11 Advertisements

    • 341 12 CHINESE GIRL STIDEMS IN FINXLS. (From a Correspondent.) THERE is every ptoapect of a MM i badminton season in St lanjror this year and so far the Selangor Badminton Association has l*>en able to complete two important items on its annual programme. The team doubles tournament
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    • 34 12 THE fourth annual general met-tin* of th. Amicable Athletir Association will be held at the association',. premises, i;R. I pp i Nankin Street, on Tuesday. Sept. 6 at 7.30 p.m. sharp.
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    • 487 12 first ii \u -u:\nn MEETING. THE first half-yearly pMiraJ meeting nf the Tampa; kr. tmuoii Clot was held on Aug. 2i» wi: iptain K. living M.< M.C.S.. n the chair. A fait number <>f BMMSCn attended. Aster lonrirmi: the minutes of the last general ■Meting 'i
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    • 34 12 AMATE UR SPORTING ASSN. THK < "nth montb "iff of th- pk'ihi i <-f ih>- Amateur Snort •n|r Association *A U< held tomorrow nipht at l.M* i> m. at the ("hia Tiane Choo, 13 Evei
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 70 12 REGLYKOL Sure Cure f<>r Dial XXI.I \K<ii herbs ilth. RKI.MKOI in if MSLYMI >-' c urr KKLI Km Biiistßsal ■nd aaager kki.i nun ■BBLYEOI teadea* Iruntus mid iri«. ki.i.m kci iSCS eaaooi MBLTBOI n y f 0 :»;ht. lit*. Hinnam Littfta Maf*MUy, Ltd. North Mai _»|K>r« Everything New Just Unpacked
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  • 2281 13 BOLSHEVISM MARCHING TOWARDS A HELOT STATE Red Russia. »'.> 1 h*>«»dor Seibert. Goarg« Allen and I nwin. Ltd l"»s. JF H three fOI "ks aliout the War followed tack other M fast as tin publishers could produ-.c them. M recently there has boon '■> books about Russia. It is 1
    2,281 words
  • 44 13 An idea of the way the So>iet tack!* its housing problem is given in the above birds-eve view of a modern Moscow garden city suburb. This suburb wast built on want* ground at a cost of K12.1 00.000.
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 134 13 OUR CROSSWORD PUZZLE. 1 4.7 <Cf*" TiT^ *o" 53" ?I (CLUES.) ACROSS. M;.l»;child Dwell I. St.-,- V'^* H tone wln «f IS. UimgUi with (Tr;lv A-.fiid Tw.-ntj-tuur I. lo, rtMt'llll 1 1 I t 1 1 Sea -iMiiiiif^ I?! Small particle, ;!r )!»'p Ca< V I Hm.I ;,.m- of ||M
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  • 302 14 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Arsenal Victorious. HOW CHELSEA FARED AT HUDDERSFIELD. London, Sept. 3. rpHK follc wing were the results in the hnglish and Scottish Lr-ague matches today: First Division. Arsenal 6 Sunderland 1 Villa 6 Pultun Wands. 1 Blaekb irn P.. 1 Leeds ltd. 1 Blackpool
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  • 209 14 For Not Keeping A Straight Course." Bombay, Aug. A lackey Davison. the rider of;: has been severely cautioned hv the Ste Of the W.J.T.C. This punishment has nothing to do wiflthe i.ici in which Chabootra «a- ih qualified on August IS, I.. it in the remiH of
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  • 380 14 MATCH ABANDONED OWING TO RAIN. AX interesting cricket match, with larg^ 1 res in the making, was spoilt by rain yesterday, when the S.R.C, playing on their own ground, met the S.C.R.C. The visitors won the toss but sent their opponents in first with disastrous
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  • 240 14 Second Of The Women's Races. With a fresh breeze blowing from the -south-east eight boats set out in the second of the women's races at the R.S.Y.C. yesterday. Merlin was in the lead, closely followed by Betsy and Prima Oonna. At the Man-o'-War buoy, Berlin maintained her lead,
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  • 49 14 Two Players Ordered Off Field. (Fiom Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 3. In the Penang League yesterday the St. Xaviers beat the Penang Recreation CM) i by s—l. The game was marred by rough play and one player of each side was sent off 1 the field.
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  • 476 14 Seremban Meeting. KEEN YOUTHFUL ATHLETES. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Sept. 3. THE ani.ual athletic sports of the Kiner George V School, Seremban, began yesterday on the school padang before a ■Mi gathering and were continued today. Rain somewhat marred the proceedings but did not
    476 words
  • 243 14 Italian Team To Visit India. Bombay, Aug. It is understood lhat the All-Indii Lawn Tennis Association is to conduct a tour, this winter, of a team of Italian tennis players. The" tour was originally U-ing run by the Calcutta South Club, who are responsible for having brought
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  • 553 14 RECORDS BROKEN AT 13th ANNUAL EVENT. TWO records were broken at the thirteenth annual swimming championship carnival of the Y.M.C.A. held at the Y.M.C.A. Pool, Fort Canning, yesterday. Among those present were Sir William and Lady Murison, Mr. D. W Brisbane (president of the Y.M.C.A.) and Mrs.
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  • 108 14 The results of ties in the old Rafflesians' Association's tennis tournament played last week were as follows K. M. R. Mpnon and H. M. Sujak owe 30 heat Dr. B. (how and Dr. E. S. M<-n-toiro owe .'5, 6 4, N. S. Hogan owe 15.2 Thian
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  • 859 14 FIGHTERS OF TODAY AND YESTERDAY. (H> Leon See. the famous boxing manager and fi?ht promotor; manager to I'rimo Camera). IN the business of a l>oxing manager, as m every < ther occupation, the old adage apnli.- that "he knows much who know." t noutrh to
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 78 14 Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 27. Old Jewry. E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the
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    • 33 14 tfUTgEMPwy pSlbrtte^f^/ g Anchor|'(^ /S.C.S. aQmfWV/ butter lllllWll.llll r_M Ittli 1 >C_f Watch for the V«7/ llllDoublellHl ny/i .m r im l Mnmm hop /INCAPORE I COLD /TO RACE M I CO., LTD.
      33 words

  • 1715 15 Crichfi In Malaya Iml In India A Com/unison H \<tt An All-Maiayan hixturv Hetirrrn fcnntppans Iml The Rest f Loral Cricketer* ith t Future S#HM B" or//iy Per/(Hmcnres Forthvorninn Malayan Tour Of The Indian Olympic Team An Attempt To Raise PfiOO For Fxpenses Hockey Already Started
    1,715 words
  • 722 15  - The Importance Of The Putter. FRANCIS OUIMET •Golf Notes By (Present Amateur and Former Open Champion.) OK all the clv up the cciuinnvnt of the psajn is none that important rhan the pu:t> r, and are hM MMBMejM io mention, ago before the fff at it-- milanty, tl cognised putter,
    722 words
  • 308 15 Shipowner And Chorus Girl. A Jugoslav shipowner who London to form a company on Auk told Mr. Hay Halkett, tin- Mary!magistrate. of an adventure with a chorus jjirl. He described himself as I'iuiI W. Abbey l!oud, S-. Utatn Woo. I. i harKid ili«- ehonu girl, Muriel (20).
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  • 368 15 Tragic Note Of Girl Who Lost A Lover. Spilnby, Lincolnshire, Aujr. 11. TVxiay tho koionei investigated the tnt of a |fir! who committed l>\ poison at the hour her sweet- heart was beinjr buried. He, too, had tal en his life. The dead girl, Winifred Mary Wilford,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 16 15 Economise by Using T.K.K. TYRES j Cost Less Per Mile. i TAN KAH KEE Co., Ltd.
      16 words
    • 226 15 -sbhh» m BMr.eaai m a— a— earn— a— as— HA -SBBBBBaf^ a» .«aaß bbbbbW a S s^^eaßL *^J^ifc bb\ bbbbb^_ .4^ A GOOD BUY Crompton Lamp* are a "good buy." To tht mam thty gifi ■trvict' of the best. [Vices are not fantastic, but you Aill be suprised that a
      226 words

  • 130 16 The thirleenth annual swimming ihampif.nship carnival of the V.M.C.A., Singapore, was h< Id at Fort Canning, yesterday. The picture on the left shows seme cf the competitor^ in the ltiO-yards relay race, and on the right. Tan Hong Hock in a spectacular dive. Pictorial incidents
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 11 16 Ibarra S. Elfas, ma Qunlifict) Optician CAPITOL BUILDING. Tfcl 275 i:
      11 words
    • 137 16 f t) a"r t iTTTRIYI^ GcDiplomcci^ Opticicn CAPITOL GEBOUW. TtL. 2781. MACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE is British to the Teeth and Makes Yellow Teeth White Isochrom The Film for Any Camera The Film for Any Subject The Film for Any Light. Speed 1300 H. D. BUSINESS CARDS. £MJNM h,! HIfjiHH|n!fHf'I''aVttHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHV*'
      137 words