The Straits Times, 18 August 1932

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 212 1 SINGAPORE: 78. CECIL ST. (PHONE 6161), rT.YJiI in 6.15 Toniirht 9.15 "THE MIRACLE MAN" i'hone 5261-2. S 1 I W "BEAR BRAND" MILK is not only the most ccono|^k P®^ mical, but the most dependable milk you c;in buy. t>^^ Originating from podij*rec cuttle grazing on the rich verdant P
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    • 179 1 KUALA LUMPUR I 27, JAVA ST. (PHONE 3683). WORTH'S CORSETRY. THE NAME OF <\ .^m- "WORTH" f C 3k ?*H HAS LONG BEEN J, v'^jf V Tpl A SYNONYM y—t^ FOR EXCELLENCE l\ s~\ y/ £=?x\ N C O RS E Ti R V I I MODEL «83. |^(w-* i
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    • 10 1 1 I 6.15 Ton\<ht 9.15 "THE MIRACLE MAN" Phone 5261-2.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 3373 2 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS. BURNS PHILP UNI (Incorporated in Australia.) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNET AND ■ELBOURNB via JAVA, DARWIM AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly ssilings by ths wellinown steamer MARELLA (7,866 tons) sod ths a.s. MANGOLA (8,862 tons) (Cargo only). The s.s. MARELLA is ons of ths largest and finest steamers trading to
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  • Shipping News.
    • 471 3 Moratorium Imposed By Government. At the annual meeting of the Societe ties Chant iers et Ateliers de St. Nazaire (Penhoet), held under the chairmanship of M. Rene Fould, it was stated that the j.tcounts showed a net profit of 2,803,613 fiancs at the end of December 1981,
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    • 234 3 Whistle to Detect Fog Perils. An American engineer is reported t< have peifected a device for detecting navigation hazards at <-a. and is said tc have been usine it with good results fo; several months on a 17-ton motor boat in Long Island Sound. By means of it
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    • 238 3 (iift of Ancient Chart To Mariners' Club. The .Southampton Maater Mariner*' flu'n has received very old Frinch chart donated !>y Captain L Ziegcubeia, tb« eon ruuwlot of thr Bremen, -ay- the Journal of Commerce. Handing ovtr th- fift, Mr. L I M. Biffby, director of Messera. Thomaa Meadowa
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    • 87 3 Kepong Swings Against The Menelaus. There was a slight accident at the docks yettcrday when the Blue Funnel Menelaus and the Straits Steamship Kepong were in collision. The Menelaus was longside at the west wharf and the Kepcng was moving from Jardine's wharf. As Kepong was passin; the
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    • 207 3 On Fire While Under Construction. A serious outbreak of fire occurrel ii n ail week in the freezing chamber of the \'oi v.r.cian motorship Moldanger, 7,500 tons gios.-, which is under construction at the yard of the Netherland Shipbuilding Company, Amsterdam. The fiie ragel fiercely in Nos. 2
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    • 86 3 Royal Mail Liners Ltd." Takes Over 50 Ships. London July 31. A company to be known as the Royal Mail Liners, Ltd.," has teen registered at Somerset Horse with a nominal capita! of £4,000,000 with the object of taking over all the ships belonging to the Royal
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    • 71 3 Built in Germany For Socony. Berlin, Aug. 15. Two tankers built by the Deutsche■verkes in Kcil for the Standard Oil Comnany have now been completed, and will '>c delivered to the company's director, Mac-Knight, who has arrived at Keil for the purpose of taking them over. Four other
      Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  71 words
    • 54 3 I Th" Rotterdam Lloyd m.v. Baloeran i? he in Singapore from Java today a' 6 p.m. and will sail for Europe tomorrow at 10 a.m. The M. M. Athos II is due here from Ptnantr on Sunday alx>ut 8 a.m. and 'vill probably sail for Saigon the same
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    • 197 3 EKMA, Brit.. 2,356 tons, from Calcutta 17-8, for Calcutta 18-8. G. G. PAUL DOUMER, French, 734 tons, from Saigon 18-8, for Saigon 22-8. GIANG ANN, Brit., 545 tons, from Sourabaya 17-8. for Sourabaya 19-8. HAKODATE MARU. Jap.. 3.226 tons, from Calcutta 17-8, for Yokohama 18-8. IPOH, Brit., 723
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    • 113 3 Thursday, August IX. Ships alongside the Wharves or expected to arrive. Entrance Godown Gate. KEPPEL HARBOUR. Main Wharf Lch. "Shark," Lch. "Spartan," Dredger "Foremost, ->la- pia, 'lug "Pentower," Hoppers J. J. 12 and IS. Oil Wharf H.M.S. "Herald." Coal Wharf Nil. VESSELS IN DRt l/OCKS. Tanjong Pagar.
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    • 88 3 The following ships are in comntancation with the Wireless Stations at Singapore Baloeran, Baron Kinnairtl, Christiaan Huygens, Cremer, DelaguMaru, Eifuku Matu, Glenamoy, HAkodMQ Maru, Hong Kheng, Iris, Iyo Maiu, Kota Tjandi. Liverpool Maru, Marpessa, Menelaus, Milan Maru, Mineric, Nariada, Paula, Phobos. Reiyo Mart. Ryuyo Maro, Shantung, Sibeioet,
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    • 498 3 The following passengers arc leaving Singapore by the P. and O. Rawalpindi, miltac at 9.30 a.m. tomorrow Miss E. C. Todd, Mr. B. Heslop. Lt. o. L. James. Mr. H. R. Carey. Miss E. M. Sn.i'.h, Mr. T. S. Murray, Miss A. M. Tanton, Mrs. f. V. Duckworth. Dr.
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    • 33 3 Passengers from D.E.I, to Sin<rnnore on Aui;. 16 Mr. Leibenspcrger. From Sinparmre t I D. E.I. on Auc. 17 Mr. March* Mr. Wolterbcck, Mr. J. van tit Meulen and Mr. Wiselius.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 544 3 4 LLOYD (Incorporated in Germany.) The undermentioned are the company's intended fixtures OUTWARDS. SAARBRUCKEN for Iloilo, Cebn Manila, Hong Kong, S'ghai, Taku, Dalny and Japan Aug. 20 ISAR for Iloilo. Manila, Hong Kong, Keelung, Shanghai, Yokohama. Nagoya, Kobe, Taku Bar (Tientsin* Daircn, Tsintftau ami Hankow Aug. 28 COBLENZ for Manila,
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    • 425 3 DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINB *Jnd AMERICAN MAIL LINB A FEW MORE REASONS WHY DOLLAR LINERS ARE POPULAR. 1 The staterooms are the largest and most comfortable you can buy. 2 The cosmopolitan atmosphere of theec World Liners insures you an interesting cruise. The ship is yours from stem to stern No
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    • 466 3 ELLERMAN BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England.) "ELLERMAN" LINE. Freight Service to UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT. Via Torts and Soei Canal. outwaBds. TO HONG KONG, SHANGHAI ft JAPAN. Steamer Due Spore. s.B. CITY OF CAMBRIDGE Sept. U HOMEWARDS. 8.8. CITY OF FLORENCE for Marseilles, Havre, London, Rotterdam and Hamburg
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 176 3 TIDE TABLES. I'hurxday, August 18. H. W. 12.12 p.m., 9 ft., 11.49 p.m., 10 ft. 2 in. Friday. August 19. EL \V. 12.34 p.m., 9 ft. Saturday, August 20. H. W. 12.24 a.m., 10 ft., 12.55 p.m., 9 ft. Sunday, August 21. EL W. 12..VJ a.m., 9 ft. 5 in.,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 723 4 SITUATIONS WANTED Book-keep'.r, Chinese, Keeks clerical position. Hns estate experience. 346, S. Times. ADVERTISES can rrcommend civil and capable s>oc, very careful driver. Apply UH3, St-.aits Times. CASHIER or STOREKEEPER, reliable, ex- 1 periencod, and accurate, is open for taffagement. I^>w salaty acri'itod. Cash security $12,000 or nan. Apply ISox
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    • 734 4 HOUSES, FLATS TO LET 0. PXLEY RISE, first class accommodation, with full board anil service, available now. TO LET, 4, Anjullia Park, complete oil 2i mill factory, 92, Robinson Road. Apply Angullia Co. NEW FLATS, at Middle Road, to let. Electricity and sanitation. Apply N. Reuben, 7, De Souza Street.
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    • 559 4 BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET OFFICES TO LET, 24-B, Battery Road, p 2nd floor. Apply Guthrie Co., Ltd. TO LET, Riverside Godowns and Shoot at Grosvenor Hotel, Apply Stephen* Paul Co. TO LET, two storied godown. Road and River frontage. Area 10,000 sq. ft. Apply 1 424, Straits Times. GODOWN, River
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    • 505 4 MISCELLANEOUS GERMAN Tuition and Translations by ex>erienccd German lady. 349, Straits Times. PRIVATE TUITION, Kindergarten, Piano, .'iolm. Elocution, French lessons. Box No. 180, Straits Times. ~Yon can have THE SUNDAY TIMES delivired to you every week for three months for :t.60. Manager, Sunday Times. LOOK OUT— The Gorilla and its
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    • 555 4 PUBLIC NOTICES. SINGAPORE RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION. The above Association has prepared a Petition to the Municipality of Singapore on the questions of retrenchment and of cuts in Municipal Expenditure and of reduction of Municipal assessment and of Municipal charges for electricity, gas, etc. This Petition is not only for signature by
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    • 615 4 BUSINESS CARDS. GUAN HENG MOTOR REPAIRERS We are entirely a new concri, carrying on business at 52, ORCHARD ROAD. We specialise in. Repair Works. Battery service, and Automobile Electrical service. All motorcur accessories can be supplied at moderate prices. TUNING— REPAIRS. REMOVALS— HIRE. E. CHARLES, Phone 2902. 284, Orchard Road.
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  • 59 5 Many Killed in Traffic Accidents. Paris, Aug. 15. No fewer than 36 have been killed and 96 seriously injured in the past few days as a result of traffic accidents caused by the unusual increase in motoring excursions made by Parisians in an effort to escape the tropical
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  59 words
  • 58 5 Skeletons of Soldiers Who Were Reported Missing. Paris, Aug. 15. The skeletons of 33 French and 181 German soldiers, who during the world War had been reported as missing' have been found near Peronne. According to a press statement it has still been possible to identify 19 of
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  58 words
  • 70 5 Giving Cause for Many Complaints. Moscow, Aug. 16. For some time there has been a dearth of matches throughout S'niet Russia owing to the fact that the Russian match industry has reached only 60 per cent, of its anticipated output. The quality of the matches is likewise giving
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  70 words
  • 173 5 Rifles for Spanish Embassy. L'gbon, Aug. 15. An incident which is threatening to strain the diplomatic relations between the Spanish and Portuguese occurred when three cases containing arms and ammunition for the Spanish Embassy were seized by the Portuguese customs owing to the contents of one of the
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  173 words
  • 117 5 Measurements at 91,000 Feet. Berlin, Aug. 13. The German professor Regener, in Stuttgart, has succeeded for the first time in measuring cosmic rays nt an altitude of 91,000 feet, proving that contrary to previous theories, that the intensity of cosmi< lays noticeably decreases above a height of 39,000
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  117 words
  • 108 5 Attempt by Chilean Students. Berlin, Aug. 14. According to press reports from Santiago de Chile some 400 students attempted an ill-advised coup d'etat in order to replace the Socialist by a Bourgeois Government. They occupied the university building from whence they opened fire on the police who, believing
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  108 words
  • 56 5 Severe Casualties Feared At Anatolia. London, Aup- 13. A severe earthquake at Anatolia wrought extensive havoc according to ad vices received here. The town of Mug!a was particularly affected this time, a large part of the town being laid in ruins. It is feared that the casualties are seveie
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  56 words
  • 52 5 Experiment With Unbreakable Aeroplane Cabin. Nice, Aujf. 14. The inventor Albert Sauvant, who experimented lately with his unbreakable cabin for aeroplanes in spite of the authorities, has been the victim of an accident. In attempting a crash from 200 metres on board his special glider he broke his
    Aneta-Havas  -  52 words
  • 263 5 The undernoted non-firtion works will b« ready for issue *>n .Saturday nt 9 v.m. Hindoo Holiday, 1932, J. R. Ackcrley; Whut I Owe to Christ, IM2, C. F. Andrews; Official History of the Oallipoli Campaign Vol. 11, 1932 Illus., Briff. Gen C. V. Aspinall-Offlander; Leonardo da Vinci l'JTi,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 864 5 RAFFLES HOTEL Comfortable rooms at a l Special rates for monthly rPCiflplitQ ICOIUCIKO. BAND performances FOR AUGUST. S. S. POLICE BAND Wednesday, 24, 5.15 p.m. BOTANIC GARDENS. Friday, 26,9 P.m. KATONG PARK. Wednesday, 31, 5.15 p.m. TELOK AVER. Friday Next August 19 9 pjn Band of Ist Batt. the B^
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    • 557 5 AUCTION NOTICES. STATE OF JOHORL IN THE COURT OF THE JUDGE AT BATU PAHAT. Land Application No. 5 of 1932. In th* matter of Section 62 (ii) of the Land Enactment 1910 a« amended by Enactment 5 of 1913, and in the matter of a Charge dated July 1930 Registered
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  • 2737 6 Thr Month Of Thr Srrrnth Moon A Wraith Of Lrftrnds And Storirtt Spirits Rr leased From Thr (*rrat Hryond A Boon With Many Drmebacks Evil Spirits Who Wore Out Thrir Wrlromr Whrn Thr Almighty Closed Thr Oatrs Vagabond Spirits (,irrn Onr Frrr Month Each Yrar Thr
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  • 258 6 Clearing Finished In Two Weeks. The largest stack of teak logrs that has h«»en seen in this district for many eejM hap just heen completely broken up.' «Tites the fhienumai eorrespoejdsnt of the Banjrkok Times. This formed at the' mouth of a bigr irrigation ditoh.
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  • 228 6 Twenty-Four Graves In Rectory Garden. Mis. KnrtPMue, wi'iow of Canon V. K. i (iMMt Pileel Caaea of. Rtry iithwlrnl). has left '>rlcy He'toiv. War wiek«hire. when ihe lin'l K (tided fot twenty-six y<'iw«. (itul tin- fa I ha« rome to li^ht that while there =ii" established a private
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  • 212 6 Dutch Air Enterprise Tnder Consideration* Melbourne, July tl. Anrtthi r indication of the Dvteh tatei pri«e in enofliivaftirjr relations between •ia\a and AnatraHa i- Indicated bj a ceatmmicatfoti ieceW«d in the Postmactei (ttneral" IV, artment on the question ol ettaUkmins an air mail seivue between Australia and LemftMh The
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  • 181 6 "Played The I kelele" As Plane Went Down. Six survivors from the R.A.F. flyinpboat. which sank in the li-ish Sea. have hwn landed from the Greek rtcincr Ni at Barry Dock. None of them was aarioaaty injured, but throo were immediately ri>mo\. d r<. the !<x'al hospital
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 44 6 "GOLD LEAF" TEA! The Supreme Achievement of the Blender's Art. In the face of the competition I^.^l1 awsa^vg- .-"J»««^^ fscopps of brands air fipht mR for n§^Sm^n^^tp&^ io^^M^*^^^^ Obtainable all over Malaya. Sole Ar*ntß: F. A. BARTHOLOMEUSZ LTD., SINGAPORE. KUALA LUMPUR AND MAL ACCA.
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    • 237 6 LIQUID JEULY I^^HIBLW- S -*S ,1) lltJ^^ I!iSE4 STAR BRIGHT FRUIT JELLIES are ready made, and simply requ:r> pouring into moulds and chilling until firm. IN Favourite Fruit Flavours Lemon. Oranee. Peach, Cherry, Raspberry. Pineapple. Strawberry. In Pints and Quarts. SOLD EVERYWFIFRE. FRAMRCTZ CO. THE HUB OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 213 7 "TARZAN" IS ON THE WAY! ■j i iji Iji 'I>WBSS3||] Again Metro brings you a Superb Week-end show! Laughs and tears in a grand comedy drama! JACKIE COOPER Greatest Child Actor of the Screen today! IN WHEN A FELLER NEEDS A FRIEND A MKTRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER PICTURE. and it follows the best
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    • 255 7 Last Night's Audiences Absolutely Enthralled I g Presenting Nightly Paramount's Miracle Film of 1932 now as a Talkie to engrave a new experience on your Memory "THE MIRACLE MAN with j| SYLVIA SIDNEY gyfß CHESTER MORRIS H and IBBp ALL-STAR CAST It bitmgfat joy to millions on the Silent Screen
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  • 208 8 Rubber Position Slightly Easier. GENERAL DROP IN TIN PRICE. (By Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore, Thursday. Today's Prices Rubber, 7 7 16 cents per lb. Tin, Singapore price $72.75 per picul. Yesterday's Prices Rubber. London, 2 7/16 d., down 1 164. New York, 3 7/16 cts., down 1
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  • 71 8 Noon, Aug. 18. R.S.S. equal to London Standard Buyer*. Sellers. Spot ..7 7 16 7% Standard R.S.S. on Tender Tone of Market Very dull, slightly easier. Latest Cable London Spot Sheet 2 7 16d. per lb New York Spot Sheet G. cts 3 7 16.
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  • 165 8 Singapore, Aug. 18. Gambier 6.25 (Cube No. 1 unpicked) 12.00 Copra 5.60 mixed 5.0E Sago flour, Sarawak 1.9E White Pepper 25.00 Black Pepper 19.0 C Pearl Sago 4.2f small 5.0 C medium 6. 0f Rice Siam $155 to 19f Saigon $147 to 154 Rangoon $145 to 15f No. 1
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    • 451 8 Issue Val. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. £1 £1 Asam Kumbang £1 £1 Austral Malay 5/- 5/- Ayer Hitam Tin £1 £1 Bangrin Tin 1 1 Batang Padang 1 1 Batu Caves 1 1 Bukit Arang £1 £1 Burmah Malay £1 £1 Chenderiang 1 1 Hitam Tin 1 1 Hong Fatt
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    • 285 8 issue Val. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. 2 2 Alex. Brick Ord. 0.50 0.80 nom. 2 2 Alex. Brick Prefs. 0.90 1.00 £1 £1 Brit. Am. Tobacco 4.7.6 4.12.6 10 5 British Malaya Trustee 4.00 100 50 Chinese Com. Bank 63.00 5.00 66.00 £1 £1 Con. T. S. 7"«r Prefs. 18
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    • 132 8 Singapore Cold Storage 7 p.c. deb of 1926 red 1931-36 102 103 ci. a Ul Singapore Municipal 5 p.c of 1901 red. 1940 $400,000 104 107nom. Singapore Municipal 4ft PC of 1907 red. 1947 $1,600,000 100 103 nom. Singapore Municipal 4^ p.c. of 1909 red. 1955 $1,000,000
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    • 376 8 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. The above rubber quotations are mostly only nominal. To-day s Price Fraser Lyall Evatt k Co. Allenby ($1) 0.30 0.40 0.30 0.40 Alor Gajah ($1) 0.20 0.30 0.25 0.35 A.. Hitam ($1) 0.40 0.60 0.40 0.60 Kuning ($1) A., Malay
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    • 211 8 Singapore, Aug. 18. SELLING. London, 4 months' sight 2/3 15/16 London, 3 months' sight 2/3 29 32 London, 60 days' sight 2 3 7 /h London, 30 days' sight 2 3 27 32 London, demand 2 3 13 16 London, T.T. 2/3 25/32 Lyons and Paris, demand 1,015
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    • 92 8 Rugby, Aug. 17. Foreign exchanges are Amsterdam 8.63 Athens 547'^ Belgrade 215" Berlin 14 19 32 Bombay Is. 6 7/64 Brussels 25.04" ■> Bucharest 600 Buenos Aires nominal Copenhagen 18.75 Geneva 17.83^ Helsingfors 232 i/ 2 Hong Kong Is. 4 3, 16 Lisbon 110 Madrid 4314 Milan 67' Monte
      British Wireless  -  92 words
  • 51 8 Mails (left London Aug. 10) by the outward Dutch aeroplane from Amsterdam are expected to arrive at Singapore by the evening express tomorrow. Correspondence addressed to boxholders only will be ready for delivery at 7.30 p.m. Applications from non-boxholddrs for delivery at the General Post Office cannot be
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  • 40 8 Mails from Europe, (London mails dispatched July 28, ex P. and O. Ranchi which anchored at Penang at 6.15 a.m. today will arrival by train tomorrow morninp. Correspondence will be ready for delivery to boxholders at 8.45 a.m.
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  • 31 8 From France by Athos II dJc Singapore 8 a.m. on Sunday, the 21st instant. From China and Japan by Akita Maru clue Singapore on Sunday afternoon, the 21st instant.
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  • 267 8 Today. Southern India (Rohna) 3 p.m. Upper Burma, North and East India (.F.kma 3 p.m. Selat Pandjang, Bengkalis, Siak, Pa> knn Baroe, Fort de Keck i Pnd»ng v Tidore) 4 p.n». Java, South-West Sumatra, Sou'hKast Borneo, Celebes, Moluccas and {Timor Dilly < Kot;i Tjundi i 4 p.m.
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  • 408 8 The following ■vMfcatioita wwa issued or received by the Diapartment of Statistics, S.S. antl X.M.S., during the period Au*. 7 to IS, inclusive, and are available It public u.-e in the Reference Library, Kullerton Building, Singapore. Application may In- made by meaben of the public resident
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 149 8 ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE WEEK. rhursday, Autruit IK. Children's Concert at Memorial Hall, 5.1" p. m. Friday. Anrnat 1». Singapore Hockey Assn. mtjr. at S.C.C., G. 30 j> m. Taipinh .*.nii.teur Races, First Day. Gloucester i?«"et. Hand at Hotnnical Gardens, 9 p.m. Saturday, August 20. Taiping Amateur Races, Second Dn< Prunella
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    • 775 9 Dominion and Colonial Stock. BUILDING SOCIETIES' PROBLEM. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 21. The *tock markets were somewhat quieter after the recent activity produced by the announcement of the big Conversion. British funds, however, continue firm and Indian, Dominions and Colonial stocks were well maintained but
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    • 266 9 An outstanding feature of the evergrowing list of those who are converting their holdings of 5 per cent. War Loan Is the Prudential Assurance Cos. decision to convert the whole of its holdings amounting to over £12,000,000. It has been pointed out for some years past by 'those
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    • 153 9 The statement of the National City Bank of New York as of June 30, in- eluding domestic and foreign offices, shows r.tal assets amounting to $1,567,G73.Gr>8 1 (£313.5.^4,733 at par). This total comprises: Cash $180,581,712, due from banks and bankers $121,737,827, loans, discounts and bankers' acceptances 56i>6,G20.610,
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    • 450 9 r Tribunal Suggested For Rates. 1 Sortie suggestions for the improvemeni rf conditions and relations of road and rail transport are contained in a memorandum issued by the Road Haulage Association. While the Association Is in favour of a system of licensing for road hauliers, it
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    • 490 9 LONDON EXCHANGE PRICES JULY 18. AllaK»r (2 ,'3; Anglo-Malay (£1) 5.32; Ayer K'ning (41) 17/32; B'gan Serai (£1) 3/16 Bahru (2/) ,C; Banteng (£1) 7 32; Batu Caves (£1) It; Batu Matang (£1) ,9; Batu Tiga (XI) 3/16; Bertam (21) .9; Bidor (£1) Bikam (2/) /3;
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    • 259 9 Closing Quotations In London. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Auk. 17. Closing quotations today of the principal British and American stocks art given below: The rise or fall is in relation to tht price of Aug. 16. GOVERNMENT STOCKS. BRITISH. Rise or Fall Conversion Loan W'
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    • 124 9 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1,083 rd auction on Aair. 17, when there was catalogued 1.324,549 Ib. or 591.32 tons; offered ',262,543 lb. or MM4 tons sold 919,430 lb. or 410.4G tons. Spot. i..til.ii tMrtL New York 3% ets. PRICES REALISED. Ribbed Smoked
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 603 9 BANKING. NEDERLANDSCH INDISCHE HANDELSBANK N.V. established 18SS at nthorised Capital Glds. 100,000,000 Bid up Capital Glds. 65,000,000 esenres Glds. 24,190,324 HEAD OFFICE: AMSTERDAM. BRANCH OFFICES THE HAGUB. ROTTERDAM. OVERSEAS BRANCHES Batavia Head office for Dutch Bast idies. BRANCH OFFICES DUTCH EAST INDIES: Ampenan, Ban>eng, Cheribon, Gorontalo, Makassar, Me in. Menado,
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    • 458 9 BANKING. NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL MAATSCHAPPY N.V. Netherlands Trading Society. (Established at Ansterdasa 1824.) PAID UP CAPITAL Fl. 80.030.000 STATUTORY RESERVE Fl. 20,015,000 HEAD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM WITH AGENCIES IN ROTTERDAM AND THE HAGUB, HEAD AGENCY IN BATAVIA. BRANCHES 'Bandoeng Hong Kong Rangoon Bandjermaiin Kobe 'Semarany Bombay 'Weltevreden Shanghai Calcutta Medan Solo
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 170 9 MALAYAN METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE. ABSTRACT OF OBSERVATIONS. JULY 1932. Means H MI R nf N f Bright Sunshine Mm> SK" 11 »a.m MTM Tp S n, .p.m. *oUI Alot Star ..873 v; uo vf 1% ft Ins Ins H"- Hrs. m 1 S s 5 a a s 'Z p S
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  • 116 10 Singapore. ALHAMBRA.— Jackie Cooper in When A Feller Needs A Friend. 6.15 9.15 Phone 6909. CAPITOL.— SyIvia Sidney and Chester Morris in The Miracle Man. 6.16 9.15. Phone 5261-2. GREAT WORLD.— Talkies. Talk of Hollywood and Stepping Stones. Pasar Malam Gate 10 cts. Ladies Free. MARLBOROUGH.— GaIava— TamiI Talkie.
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  • 826 10 Within two days a sufficient amount ot support had been forthcoming for the petition prepared by the Singapore Rate payers' Association on the subject of Municipal finance to necessitate thf printing of extra forms to carry th signatures.
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  • 219 10 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Mr. J. M. Scoular, of Penang, is going >n leave by the Rawalpindi. Mr. J. A. F. Ale, of Messrs. Hoogland ind Co., is going on leave by the Baloerar omorrow. I Mr. and Mrs. Alma Baker are passenjers by the Rawalpindi which leaves Singapore tomorrow. Mr. C.
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  • 1113 10  -  A. R. Leslie-Melville, Some Amazing Recent Flying Feats. (By Officer, R.A.F.) 1at« Flying- Two different makes of British aircraft have recently attained the amazing speed of 410 vi.p.h. 2\ 'i m.p.h. fastar than the world's record. True the machines were both diving at the
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  • 697 10 AN OFFICIAL PUZZLE. Mr. V. K. Singhan, <the private Indian inventor of Kuala Lumpur, has requesle< the help of the Press on a number o occasions to forward his rubber research work, but the Press has naturally felt lhat this was a matter for chemists and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 214 10 tittle's, NEW NOVELS Faraway J. B. Priestley I may have been the first iierson to stay up all night reading it, luit I shan't be the last- A thoroughly exhilarating affair, enriching one's experience of life w:th Mr. Priestley's ffcfi OO own." J. C. Squire (Sunday Times). Little Red Horses
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    • 134 10 Hear These Numbers ON COLUMBIA (THE SCRATCHLESS RECORD) "The Cat and the Fiddle," with It'a Star, PEGGY WOOD, in Her Original Songs 10-inch DB7M THE CAT AND THE FIDDLE— She Didn't Say Yes Try to Forget 10-inch D 8797 The Night Was Made for Lor* A New Love is Old
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    • 137 10 PBEND SEWELL. At St. Andrew's Cathß ral, Singapore, on Aug. IT, IMS, by M I/onl Bishop of Singapore, Martin ClifToß eldest >on of ;he Key. an. l Mrs. K. ClitTiß Kiend. Shotlermill Vicarage. Hasleinofl Surrey, to Dorothy, eldest daughter of and Mrs. F. Blackwood Sewell, Singupul The marriage will take
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  • 1497 11 CAPT. LANCASTER ACQUITTED. Extraordinary Scenes In Court STORM OF CHEERING. "I Am Delighted "—Mrs. Keith Miller. Miami, Aug. 17. Capt. Lancaster has been acquitted on a charge of murdering the airman Haden Clark. The jury was absent for five hours. Halfway through the
    1,497 words
  • 84 11 "Retirement" of 130,000 Tons. Rome, Aug. 18. The gradual retirement of 130,000 tons of Italian naval tonnage, including two battleships, three cruisers, nine light cruisers and several destroyers and submarines, is announced. After removal of armaments the ships will be kept for emergency service. The question
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 223 11 Manifesto to "Storm Troops." Berlin, Aug. 17. "Within a few weeks political conditions will result in the Nazis' assumption of power," declares Count Helldorf, leader of the Berlin "Brown Army," in a manifesto to his troops. He announces that all storm troops will be given leave until Aug.
    Reuter  -  223 words
  • 131 11 Problems at Ottawa Conference. Ottawa, Aug. 17. The problems of Russian dumping and Australian meat are strongly hinted at as underlying the postponement of the closing date of the Conference. Yesterdays discussions, which were conducted in the closest secrecy, dealt with these questions, Canada and some of the
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 126 11 Greatest Advance For Many Years. Rugby, Aug. 17. A new Zero speech device for perlecting long distance telephony which is the invention of the British Post Office, is being established in the principal towns in the United Kingdom. It is claimed that the devices which represents the greatest
    British Wireless  -  126 words
  • 76 11 Still No News of Malayan Planters. Rangoon, Aug, 17. The Malayan planters, F. B. Taylor and G. W. Salt, who are attempting to fly to England, are still missing. A search is being continued around Pegu where a machine believed to be theirs was seen. Reuter. The airmen,
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  • 1585 11 Withdrawal Unlikely. CHINA'S DESIRE FOR PEACE. London, Aug. 17. Mr. Quo Tai-chi, the new Chinese Minister in London, interviewed by Reuter's s Agency, said he was pleased with the <. warmth of his leception but was surprised "how little England knows of the real < situation
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  1,585 words
  • 264 11 New York Impressed. WINDFALL FOR BRITISH TREASURY. New York, Aug. 17. Bankeis are very impressed by the success of the British War Loan conversion. The New York Times expresses the opinion that the resu't is not only a windfall for the British Treasury but shows the
    British Wireless  -  264 words
  • 68 11 Delayed in Rangoon By Pilot's Accident. A special Aneta cable to the Straits Times says that the outward Dutch air mail, which arrived in Rangoon yesterday, has been delayed by the chief pilot spraining an ankle. A relief pilot is leaving Batavia for Rangoon by the homeward
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  • 226 11 Prince George's Aerial Adventure. Rugby, Aug. 17. The Prince of Wales and Prince George, with the Mediterranean Fleet, which was today engaged in exercises en route from Corfu to Malta, yesterday flew from the aircraft-carrier Glorious and watched from above an aerial attack on the fleet. As their
    British Wireless  -  226 words
  • 28 11 Miss Slade Again Arrested In Bombay. Bombay, Aug. 17 Miss Slade, Gandhi's disciple, has again been arrested for contravening an order not to enter Bombay. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 513 11 The Career of Sir Edward O'Malley. London, Aug. 17. The death is announced of Sir Edwar.l Loughlin O'Malley, former Chief Justice of the Straits Settlements, at the age of 90.— Reuter. The following reference to Sir Edwird appears in One Hundred Years of Singapore, from
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  • 96 11 Notable Flat by English Girl. Interlaken, Aujr. 17. An English girl named Jean Howard has achieved the distinction of being the first woman to climb Mont Eiger by a difficult route which only a few men have taken. The first was the Japanese Yukomoki in 1920. She was
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 50 11 Pilot Hurt in Accident At Beyreuth. Beyrouth, Syria, Aug. 13. The seaplane which carries the France-Indo-China- air mail met with an accident here on arrival yesterday. The pilot was injured and the wireless man and three passengers sustained slight bruises. The mail will not be delayed. AnetaHavas.
    Aneta-Havas  -  50 words
  • 35 11 Mr. Mollison Due to Start Today. Dublin, Aug. 18. Mr. J. A. Mollison will start on his Atlantic flight this morning if he receives confirmation of last night's report of favourable conditions. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 32 11 Thirteen Killed and Many Injured in Mexico. Houston, Aug. 15. It is estimated that 13 people were killed and 105 wounded in a tornado in the Gulf of Mexico. Aneta-Havas.
    Aneta-Havas  -  32 words
  • 396 11 Award Bitterly Attacked By Hindus. BRITISH OPINION. Equitable Search for A 1 Compromise." 1 Simla, Au«r. IT. The communal award ha* had a mixed reception. Moslems and Europeans generally are satisfied but the Hindus and Sikhs attack it bitterly. "The special seats allotted to tho depressed
    Reuter  -  396 words
  • 151 11 Reorganising the R.M.S.P. 1 Group. Rugby, Aug. 17. The Elder Dempster Umb, Ltd., which, it is stated, have a nominal capital of t2,500,000 in one pound shares, will acquire the fleets and assets of the Elder Dempster and Co. AfrkM Steamship Company, the Elder Line, and tkt
    British Wireless  -  151 words
  • 124 11 Austrian Embassy And Murder Case. Paris, Aug. 17 ''Neither Piince nor Bourbon" is the verdict of the Austrian Embassy, according to Le Matin, on "Prince Edgar.' 1 The paper says there is not the' slightest foundation for his claim to relationship with the Bourbons. Reuter. According to
    124 words
  • 77 11 Christening of Lady Abel Smith's Daughter. Rugby, Aug. 17. The Queen has consented to act a^ fod* mother, with Princess Sibylla of Saxe C.'oburg and Gotha, to the daughter of t'apt. and Lady May Abel Smith, the Queen's niece, who will be christened Ann Mary Sibylla. The christening
    British Wireless  -  77 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 55 11 On Other Pages. Page Chinese Topics in Malaya 6 Around the Markets By the Financial Correspondent 8 Diving at 410 Miles an Hour —By A. R. Leslie-Melville 10 Rotary Club Address 12 Gloucester Beat S.C.C. 13 Topics of English Turf 13 London Letter Singapore Wedding 17 Utters to the Editor
      55 words

  • 922 12 > Gruesome Murder. HOW HOKIENS PUNISH INFIDELITY. Qrocsome detvils of the wounds on a murdered Chinese pig-rearer were given by a doctor during the hearing of an inquiry which concluded before the Singapore Cnroner, Mr. P. C. Bourne, yesterday. In the doctor's opinion the man's
    922 words
  • 45 12 Car Driver Acquitted And Discharged. (From <>vi <iv.. Correspondent.) Ipoh, Au*. 17. Ch;. i ;.:>(! with causing tho death of a child by rash and n< gligent driving, Ali riah inn Oi man waa afijuiUtl and 4hi jJjiUe,. v POIU* U>U*t JlvlV HUt»J- m
    45 words
  • 90 12 Man Who Was on Eve Of Retirement. The death occurred yesterday on the eve of his retirement of Mr. Tan Tee Lin who was in the employment of Mansfield and Co., Ltd., for many years. Mr. Tari Tee Lin, who was about 51 years of age,
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  • 167 12 To Unite in Defence Of Rights. Geneva, Aug. 17. The convening of a world congress for Jewry to consider the protection of the Jewish people was decided by a resolution at the Jewish Conference. The resolution "ex pi esses the deep conviction that, the critical situation of the
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 197 12 Appeal To Save Natural Beauty. An appeal has been launched by the Lynton. Lynmouth and District Association for the Preservation of Local Natural Beauties with the o'o.ieet of saving tht beautiful Watersmeet Valley, Devon, from falling into the hands of unwise or commercial exploitation. The property, when purchased,
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  • 208 12 Dramatic Interest of "The Miracle Man." Popular as a silent picture in the old days, The Miracle Man," now being shown at the Capitol, has been made into an interesting talkie by Paramount. It is the story of how a saintly man effects marvellous cures by faith healing,
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  • 76 12 Sequel to Round-Up of Women In Bras Basah Road. A sequel to the round-up of street women by the. police in Bras Basah Road in July 13 was heard yesterday in the preliminary inquiry before Mr. A. W. Hay, Use Second Police Magistrate, when a police constable was
    76 words
  • 44 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Aug. 17. The death has taken place at the age of II of Mr. Tan Quee Seng, late ihiet <ii-ik ef the MAC. Ht» wtif 2.1 yean in government ken The fuiH-u;. o vit I'iivUy,
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  • 1023 12 What It Is Doing. PADRE FORD'S ADDRESS TO ROTARIANS. H. E. the Governor (Sir Cecil Clementi) was present at the weekly luncheon of the Singapore Rotary Club yesterday at the Adelphi Hotel when the speaker was the Rev F. E. Bobs Fora who gave «n
    1,023 words
  • 40 12 The tanks referred to in our article yesterday on the palm oil pumping installation which has been erected by tlu- Singapore Harbour Board for the purpose el transhipment of the oil in bulk iiuvg each, capacity of Wtt l 9&.
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  • 564 12 Arm Fractured. SEQUEL TO PETROL PUMP SCENE. For hitting a European with a stick j a«d fracturing his arm a Bengali has j been fined $20 or twenty days' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. E. C. G. Barrett,, the Singapore Fourth Police Magistrate It was stated that
    564 words
  • 301 12 Marvellous Acting by Jackie Cooper. An outstanding feature of "When a Feller Needs a Friend," the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer production which opened >t the Alhambra Theatre labt night, is the wonderful acting of .Turkic Cooper. The film i.« undoubtedly mi>de for him, for, apart from Charles "Ciik." Sale, it is
    301 words
  • 79 12 Man Says He Saw His Uncle Stabbed. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Aug. 17. A midnight attack .on two gardeners carrying durians, nuts and eggs to market, was described in the lower court here today when Choon Van, who is accused of the murder of Wong Teow, appeared
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  • 454 12 Mr. M. C. Frend and Miss Dorothy Sewell. St. Andrew's Cathedral held a large congregation yesterday afternoon for the wedding of Mr. Martin Clifford Frend, of the Government Monopolies Department, end Miss Dorothy Sewell. The bridegroom I is the eldest daughter of the Rev. and Mrs.
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  • 144 12 Robber Found to Be A Leper. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Aug. 17. An unusual sight vas seen in the Ipoh Supreme Court yesuHay when a leper named Leong Wah '.as charged with robbery. The dock was spra: cd with strong disinfectant before and after the accused oci
    144 words
  • 296 12 Plunder "—Another British Winner. The British and Domini6ns' picture, "Plunder," featuring Ralph Lynn and Tom Walls, which opened to -wo crowded houses at the Pavilion last night, may be described as another Elstree winner, and it will draw big crowds for some days to come. Ralph Lynn is
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  • 19 12 An airedale dog, found wandering in Tanglin this morning, is awaiting his owner at the Orchard Koud police station.
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  • 1953 12 Higher Price Wanted. OWNER IN INDIA AT TIME OF SALE. There was an echo in the Supremo Court yesterday of the widening of .1 certain part of Bukit Timah Road wht n a matter regarding the acquisition of the land for public purposes by the
    1,953 words

  • Singapore Football—S. C. C. Beaten.—Review Of Home Racing.
    • 924 13 First Division Match. POOR FINISHING ON PADANG. B.C.C. 1 Gloucester* 2. The fact that the Gloucesters could Wat the S.C.C. by only the odd goal in three in spite of the fact that the Club •ids included six second team players speaks for itself, and
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    • 52 13 As scratching for the first day of the Taiping races are being accepted up to 5 p.m. today, the closing date of the Sunday Times Racing Competition has been extended. Entries will be received up to noon tomorrow, at either the Kuala Lumpur or Singapore offices of The
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  • 42 13 Two Players Killed By Lightning. Berlin, Aug. 14. An extraordinary accident occurred at Lamgo in the Free State of Lippe on Saturday afternoon when lightning struck a group footballers, killing two and seiiously injuring six, during a football match. Aneta-Trans-Ocoan.
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  42 words
  • 21 13 Rangers' Success At Morton. In a Scottish League (Div. 1) fixture, afortea were beaten by the Rangers by Reuter.
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 45 13 Over £500,000 Taken In Gate Money. Los Angeles, Aug. 15. The closing ceremony of the Olympic games drew a crowd of 100,000 people. It is thought that over 1,000,000 people have attended the games and over £500.000 gate money has been taken. Aneta-Havas.
    Aneta-Havas  -  45 words
  • 2455 13 Inglorious Goodwood." ACCIDENT TO APRIL THE FIFTH. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Straits Times Office, Fleet Street Aug. 2. Never within living memory has there been a more inglorious Goodwood meeting than that which has just concluded. Not only was the weather as vile us it possibly
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  • 503 13 World's Finest Athletes. A COLOURFUL MARCH PAST. Los Angeles, July 30. One hundred and five thousand cheering fans packed the huge Olympic Bowl to its very rim today to witness the spectacle of the opening of the tenth modern Olympiad. Two thousand of the world's
    503 words
  • 183 13 Y. M. C. A. Swimming Carnival on Sept 3. Entries in connection with the thirteenth swimming championships promoted by the Y.M.C.A. will close on Monday, Aug. 22, an<l no wnilm will be accepted trtltr 10 p.m. on that day. The following events are open to all residents in
    183 words
  • 364 13 Island Club vs. Rotary Club. The following are the teams and starting times for the return match Rotary Club vs. the Island Club on Sunday, the 21st instant, at the Island Club. (Shanghai Foursomes). Rotary Club players are mentioned first 8.45, H. D. Mundell and Lieut.-Col. F. G.
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  • 130 13 No Play Yesterday Owing To Rain. Gwiner to rain to play was possible in the S.C.C. tennis tournament yesterdoy. WEDNESDAY'S TIES. C 'Class Singles Handicap. E. Laidman 4 vs. J. Smailes plus 4. P. H. Romney scr. vs. W. H. Gatfield scr. N. G. Morris— 4 vs. R.
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  • 69 13 Referee Suspended For Bad Decision. Newark, Anjf. 17. A sequel to the defeat of Primo Camera !by the Polish-Americnn, Stanley Poreda, ion points in a ten-round contest occurrel lin the referee being suspended by the New Jersey Commission for what the Commissioner describes as an "unpardonable
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 147 13 Guillermo to Meet German. An interest intc boxing promotion will be stayed at the New World Arena on Saturday night, when the main bout will be between Max Brilka (Germany) and Battling Gnillenno over 12 rounds. (Juillermo, who has met Gunboat Jack, Al Rivers and several other first-class
    147 words
  • 56 13 No Betting in Hardwicke Plate Race. London, Aug. 17. The Hardwicke Plate for two year olds, i\er five f;ilon>rs, was run today at Stockton and resulted m follows JIM THOMAS 1 SOVRAN I FILTER I Only three ran. Won by a length three ienjjths between second and
    56 words
  • 108 13 Arrangements for Week- End Races. The Royal Singapore Yacht f'lul) announces: On Saturday the second of ;i series of three laces for ladies will he sailed. Piima Donna (Mrs. MUrrell) leads, Betsy (Mm. Johnson) next and Corrib (Mrs. COX) next. T+ie final raceis po.-tpf-ntd until Sent. '•'>. Start at
    108 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 98 13 0* LATEST SUCCESS At tho Malay Singles Tenni. (hampionship. th champion played -x^'*'^ and won with THE KACKET^^^^ STRUNG in ROYSONS^^-^ \y^^ WORLD P^V^^RENOWNED RACKETS S^ \\fi\^^ BEST RESTRINGING go to K**\^^ R O V S O N S r >^^ 111. North Bridge Road, Singapore. QUALITY AND VALUE I
      98 words
    • 49 13 -£&jt flgftg^gw .^ga^n^ak^sr M FAULTLESSLY TAILORED Faultlessly tailored.. beautifully hand finished.. our suits are a constant source of pride to their owners. We take pride in providing perfectly cut suits.. fashioned from the finest materials Therein lies the secret of our supremacy iimong tailors HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. PHONE 7627.
      49 words

  • 276 14 Singapore Championship Tournament. Results of further ties played in the Singapore badminton championships are as follows Junior Division. Wee Boon Hai beat Teo Soo Poh, 15 10, 15—10. Yeo Joo Lim beat Michael Tan, 7—15,7 15, 15—3, 15—10. Semi-Final. Tan Chwee Hock beat Ang Whatt Kirn, 1 15 i,
    276 words
  • 135 14 A vark'd pTCfjnMBBM win |.iv.-( nted I.y the Mnthodilt fiirla* School at their annual sports yesterday at Mount Sophia. Several classical dancing, we!l executed, was a feature of the afternoon. Horley House won the championship. Mrs. Coleman piesented the shield to the winning house at the conclusion of
    135 words
  • 60 14 Mr. E. G. Stauntnr/s XI to play Raffles Institution at hockey un the latter I ground on Wednesday next will be afollows:—F. J. L Mayger; Lieut. Wilkinson and E. 6. Mauntcn; Lieut. Eking. R. K. Elliott and D. H. Tudor; Lieut. .1. 11. I Billson, M C. Elliott,
    60 words
  • 35 14 The second round tie in tlio R.A.F.A. Cup between the R.A.F. and Pulau Brani, which WM to have been played on Saturday, has been postponed nmil Wednesday next at the Anson Road Stadium.
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  • 291 14 Thursday. August 18. Football: S.A.F.A. Div. 1: Chinese vs. R.A.F.. Jalan Bosnr; Div. 3: M.P.H. vs. Monopolies. S.R.C. prd. A.P.C. vs. Marine, S.H.B. ?nl. Junior C.S.A. vs. Robinson's, Geylanp; Friendly, S.C.C. "B" vs. Tost Office, Padanc Golf: GarnVoi G.C. Women's Monthly Medal 'hnjrpyi. Tennis: S.C.C. tournar.irr.t. Friday, August
    291 words
  • 186 14 Results of Games in Two Major Leagues. New York. Aug. 17. Today's baseball results were National League. Runs. Hits. Errors. Chicago ..3 U 0 Boston 2 15 0 Jordan hit a home run for the Braves in this game of 19 innings. Cincinnati ..0 4 2 New York
    Reuter  -  186 words
  • 214 14 The V.M.C.A. team to meet the H. A. at cricket on Saturday on the V.M.C. V. ground, will be selected from the fcl owing R. Lyne (capt.), H. Gibson, A. Van (uylt'iiburg. Sim Tong Pheng, Lee Tuck Soon. K. P. Ridley, L. F. Willis, Lim Kean Kooi, C
    214 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 107 14 EXHIBITION TENNIS. Mr. Murakami and Mr. Nishimura, ehampiooJ "t" the All Kwanto tournament, who are t>a.«sin)j tareogli Singapore on their way to Japan, will play in exhibition ON THE BJLC. GROUND ON FRIDAY, AUG. 19 at 4.30 p.m. The matches will l>e: Murakami ami Niehiaiara vs. R. Smith ami s.
      107 words
    • 225 14 I BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME R m WITH I THE LAMP5 OUSTING BRILLIANCE j^B "is i Sole Agents: UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED. Incorporated in Straits Settlements SINGAPORE AND BRANCHES. RYLARD REGD. The World's Best Varnish and Enamel "Rylard" the Boat and you will not only give it a most perfect waterproof finish
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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  • 536 16 Straits-Born Chinese On Forgery Charge. The preliminary inquiry was started this morning: before Mr. C. Wilson, the Criminal District Judge, in the case in which a Strait.s-born Chinese book-keeper, Khor Teng Quee, is charged with forgery and using as genuine forged documents. The amount involved is stated
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  • 58 16 Heavy Selling Movement Develops. New York, Aug. 17. Following a Irief upward turn on the stock market this afternoon, consequent oo the announcement of the regular quarterly dividend by American Telegraphs and Telephones, a heavy selling Movement developed. Extreme losses of two to eight points were recorded,
    58 words
  • 88 16 Receives American Decoration. Munich, Aug. 16. Tho famous composer. Richard Strauss. was decorated on Monday with the gold medal awarded by th> Now York Co'lege of Music for conspicuously distinguished services. The rru-dal was presented to the composer by its donor, Carl Hem, one of the directors of
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  88 words
  • 68 16 Condition of Commercial Exchanges. Sofia, Aug. 16. Two industrialists who recently visited Russia with permission from the Bulgarian GovenUMat to study rbe possibilities of commercial exchanges between the U. R. S. S. and Bulgaria, have informed the Press that Russia w>ll only consent to trade if diplomatic
    Aneta-Havas  -  68 words
  • 580 16 "Premeditated Swindle" By Salesman. In the Supreme Court yesterday Mr. Justice Terrell delivered judgment in the case in which Wing Tai Loon and Co. sued Uttamram and Co. for $5,310 for goods supplied and delivered. In the course of his judgment His Lordship said Plaintiffs, Wing Tai
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  • 96 16 Weather Delays Flight Into Stratosphere. Zurich, Aug. 14. Owing to unfavourable weather reports the start of Professor Piccaid'R second (flight into the stratosphere will presuma 1 ly not take place before next Tuesday at the earliest. —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Discoverer of Congo River Source. London, Aug. 15. The
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  96 words
  • 37 16 Negotiations Between Egypt And Great Britain. (jairo, Aug. 14. The wide-spread reports that Egypt and Great Britain are negotiating a treaty of alliance is categorically denied by the Egyptian Premier, Sui l v Pasha. Aneta-Tiv.ns-Ccean.
    37 words
  • 42 16 Mr. Lim Kian Senpr. Chinese couri. interpreter, Malacca, will be transferred to Penanp at the end of this month. Mr. Cheah Yew Bow, v.ho is now in the Supreme Court, Penanp, will go to Malacca in place of Mr. Lim Kian Seng.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
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  • 4671 17 Indignation Over Speech By Mr. H. G. Wells. LEWIS LAZARUS AND SONS' DEBTS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Straits Times Office, Fleet Street, Aug. 2. Kveryone in London today seems to be busy recovering from yesterday. Yesterday was the most cheerful, expensive «i..d delightful Bank Holiday since the
    4,671 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 59 17 COLD DRINKS. SANTA Coffee Extract the finest Mooca Drink. IfOKKA finest Coffee Extract. FOSCO Cocoa cold drink Extract, j BEST COLD DRINKS FOR THE TROPICS. For Particulars please call at: D.t. LIM COMPANY. 35: i. North Bridge Road, Singapore. 1 I FOR ALL DEFECTS OP VISION consult M. EZEKIEL SONS,
      59 words
    • 223 17 j .^bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbP^^bV? Wfet 1 BATTERIES START QUICKER a Because they have i£L&i% power and deliver a hotter spark BUY NOW WRITTEN GUARANTEE WITH EACH BATTERY PRICES FROM $15.00 UPWARD. FOR PARTICULARS SEE Firestone Tyre Rubber Co. (S.S.) Ltd., 144, ROBINSON ROAD. Chop EE GUAN, Chop SIONG HOK. 21, Rochore Canal
      223 words

  • 81 18 derm an- American Expedition's Success. Berlin, Aug. 15. -Miiiaß: Kashmir, a tha eombiaod Gtnaaa and Himalayan expedition under the the Munich engineer, Mcr!:el, tndeavouriM to v tie the 27,000 feet hitfli |'< :ik of Nunga-Parbat, made i i ogri and succeeded in a <aiii|) al ;.n latitude of 23,000
    81 words
  • 494 18 The Land Revenue Question. The following correspondence has passed between The Burma Planters' Association and the government on the subject of land revenue Copy of letter dated July 26, 1932, from the secretary, Burma Planters' Association, to the Secretary to the Government of Burma, Revenue Department, Rangoon.
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  • 284 18 ANIMALS SUICIDE. An Old Theory Revived. Do animals conrmit suicide? This old question has been raised in a new form following the remarkable case which took place at Upton Zoo, Chester. It was stated by witnesses tha; one ot the zoo monkiys deliberately gnawed off j six feet of rore
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  • 123 18 Novel Defence in Wife Maintenance Case. A novel defence was put forward by Uriah Bea.on, of Chalk Farm Road, St. Panc:as, when he was summoned at Kampstead for failing to comply with an oider to contribute towards his wife's maintenance. He produced a birth certificate on which
    123 words
  • 75 18 Snake Causes Ship To Capsize. Bombay, Aujr. 16. A disaster which caused the death of over 100 persons has occurre<l in extraordinary circumstances on the river a I Kolapore. A river steamer with 120 persons on board collided with a floating tree on which a snake had taken
    Aneta-Havas  -  75 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 613 18 F# _|HH mHm^l MT I MBMBSMM BW I BSSsK 7^ I The All British Medicine *W vy* British 'ASI'RO' is invaluable in Tropical countries where If/^^*^%" > health is always a problem, Sun Glare, headaches are an every W IV I Iff/ "W* «ms ay ia PP* jn nXn K-
      613 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 644 19 System Appears to Be Unsatisfactory." To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. The special communique recenilv issued by the Incorporated Society of Plar.tej drawing attention to the unscrupulous methods adopted by a number of companiei in overcoming their agreements with their employees, and then dismissing them, should
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    • 555 19 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— Your Kuala Lumpur correspon- j dent in his very interesting "Journal" of Saturday last, Aug. 13, makes in ingeni- ous attempt to dispose of the arguments underlying my original contribution to the "Malay Mail" on the subject of tiK"new
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    • 433 19 To <he Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, It would seem that the Government decision to name the new pier Clifford Pier is not meeting with popular approval, or, at least, with the approval of the mercantile section of the community, if one judges from the Straits Settlements
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    • 361 19 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— lt is all very well for Mr. A. P Mackdhgan to talk about being "indiscreet" in his statement made to your representative, and refraining from making any mention of Government's promises of support to Nipah Distilleries Ltd as distinct from
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    • 347 19 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Your correspondent Cinemagoer delivers a very poor argument in favour of existing prices at the cinemas. The fact that people have paid $2 for the best seats for the past 20 years is surely an argument for drastic reductions in
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    • 297 19 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Following the resignation of Mr. Wang Ching-wei. President of the Kxecutive Yuan, certain political changes are soon to be effected in the Central Nanking Government with the object of securing a more vigorous foreign policy. There is no doubt that
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    • 229 19 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I read with interest your paragraph about the new issue of half-cent pieces. I am in a position which brings me into close contact with the poorest .lasses of Chinese and I have been interested in watching, not only half-cents
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    • 143 19 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Quite rightly, cinema posters a* well as films are censored, and one often sees large pictures of alluring females to which a discreet skirt has been added by orders of ('apt. Huxsey. It seems strange, therefore, that there is apparently
      143 words
    • 130 19 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, In your issue of Aug. 11 I notice a reference to Malayan Gold. Limited, and am sorry that you consider the prospectus "a little vague as to its immediate plans. The company has been formed with the direct intention of
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  • 457 19 Wrapped In Rugs And Drinking Milk. The Zoo is faced with the prospect of losing another of its well-known "characters." for Winnie, the tame bear, seems to bo dying of old age. say- a special correspondent of the Mo'Tiiß Post. Tn the spring this
    457 words
  • 116 19 Thursday, Aug. I*. 5.15 p.m.. Headquarters, "E (Chinese) Coy.. Weapon Training and Section Leading 30 Yards Range. Friday, Aug. L 9, 5.15 p.m. Headquarters, Fortress Coy. (F,uropean Sec.), 30 Yards Range ">.l."< p.m., Headquarters, Ist Bn. Signal Section, Section Parade •".15 p.m.. Malay Headquarters, "F (Malay) Coy.. Lecture:
    116 words
  • 437 19 Are They More Likely To Be Criminals? The raggestton that boj tni"h- by women tenchers are mere likely to become young criirinals than those taught by Ben is made by Miss Charlotte, Cowdroy, headmistress of Crouch End 'liuii Bebool lot girls, vhaee eaAayakeaaesi on •da matters
    437 words
  • 301 19 Motorist Who Zig-Za#ffed And Drove Slowly. When Thomas Jwmtt l'i>l!<-y, of Han,. l ton Road, Reading, was raaunoi Reading on July I.', for driving a ni<.t<«. i car danfjerou.sly, Mr. A. Humphrey, pro I seeming solicitor. Mid: "This is one of the most astounding caBos of dangerous
    301 words
  • 82 19 Mr. Carl Lawsen, tin- aaall-koown actprmanager, is waiing to Singapore to reorganise the Sin For the la*t La tnonthi M-. L»w been running the Ipon Repertory who <u e now on their Iwentj Auction. The rii-M presentation in Sini;jpoi« will K« "It-. Boy," by Austin ford to be
    82 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 267 19 Today's Crossword Puzzle I t? p K K£^ I M> 17 IS p-»3<? |«o I If _ii_ £i_ C nr^-Si p_ Tg X) -J&P 2l &S? >i£ _S lii 25 55^ 27 £S? SS~ "29 '3O g£ £i£ i£g; ...&f g§j ti: CIL J?§S: pj§ $0 57~ tZ v fc»2-
      267 words

  • 61 20 FETE DAY IN PA HI S. The great celebrations in connection with the National Fete, which commemorates the tall of the Hastille, took place in Paris, with the usual gaiety and old tradit' nn. The photo shows crowds riant- inn in the Place de
    61 words
  • Article, Illustration
    30 20 WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL BOWLS— The first international women's bowls match between England and Wales, organised by the English Women's Bowling Association, took place at the Brooklands Paik Club, London. (Planet News.)
    30 words
  • Article, Illustration
    47 20 RACE FOR DOGGETT'S COAT The annual race for Doggelfs Coat and Badge, instituted in 1715 by Thomas Doggett, the Dmry Lane actor, took place over the usual 4'/j miles course from London Bridge to Chelsea. The photo shows the starter with his megaphone and flag. (Planet News.)
    47 words
  • Article, Illustration
    40 20 BOMME MEMORIAL AT THIEI'V \1..~ 1n the presence of a multitude of English people, the Priam of Wales unveiliri the memorial to the* 75,000 British oHictcs and men who foil on the Somme and have no known grave. (Plane! News.)
    40 words
  • Article, Illustration
    32 20 WASHINGTON HI K NTFNARY Mr. Andrew MHlon. Ui« American Ambassador. ii iktei a» ih<> Washington Bicentennial celebrations at Sulgrave Manor, the ancient home of George Washington's ancestors near Banbury, Enjland. (Planet News.)
    32 words
  • Article, Illustration
    11 20 ROMFORD CARNIVAL "Ancient Britons" demonstrating at the Romford Carnival. (Planet News.)
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
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    • 156 20 THE OCEAN ACCIDENT AND\GUAR\NTEE CORPORATION, LTI>. i Incorporated fr> Creit\Brita^ n I Ha»4 Of f l» for Malaya SING* PORE. KJEW= THE SMALL ROLLEIFLEX MIRROR REFLEX *r ■b^i'* J^ FINOKR f^^Hßl^*^ SINGAPORE PHOTO CO. 19, Hish Street, Slniapor*. Talepkoa* No. «SB>. FOR SALE FRUIT TREES Best Quality (irafts Only. RAMBUTAN
      156 words