The Straits Times, 24 July 1932

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 36 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. No. 32. Sunday, July 24th, 1932. Price 10 Cento. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper in Malaya. No. 32. Sunday, July 24th, 1932. Prlc« 10 Cento.
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  • 514 1 MALAYA CUP MATCH— NORTHERN CHAMPIONSHIP. SELANGOR'S ONE GOAL WIN. Ugly Incident In Second Half. PLAYERS ORDERED OFF. Last-Minute Goal Deciding Factor. (From Our Own Correspondent.) IVnang, July B. uiir'< hopes of catering the Malaya Cup final were ihatterad this evening by being defeated by Selangor by one goal to nil.
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  • 95 1 Surrey 198 For 6 Wickets. London, July 23. The following weie the tea time s< in the F.nglish cimnty cricket matches today Sun, y L9t for wickets against Kent Ehuapottn 141 all out, Gloucestershire 50 for none, at Bournemouth. for I agaLnst Essex at Clacton. Worcestershire 136 for
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  • 241 1 Police Net Tightening. RAIDS DECREASED BY 75 PER CENT. (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 23. THE police are conquering the motor bandits who have seriously been menacing London and the outlying distrieim for the past year. More than a dozen notorious gangs have been broken up
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  • 52 1 LONDON RUBBER TIN. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. July 23. The closing prices today were RUBBER. Spot (Buyers) 131/32 d. (Sellers) 2 l/32d. Oct.-De*. 2 3 32d. Jan.-Mar. 2 5/32 d. Apr.-June i;' 4 d. TIN. Spot fl2s«t. Three months il V SILVER. Spot 16 15/ U. Forward 17. Cross-rate
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  • 89 1 Decision To Appeal To Privy Council. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 23. The Rector of Stiffkey, the Rev. Harold Davidson, is appealing to the Privy Counci' on the grounds that the judgment of the Norwich Consistory Court was not in accordance with the facts. Ex parte
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  • 207 1 Man Pays To Be Executed. Joseph Kalab, a bricklayer, aged 4fi, was charged at Olmutz (Austria) with the murder of Leopold Pollak, aged 63, called the Beggars' King of Prossnitz," whom U'KKing had made comparatively wealthy, and who lent his savings to beggars and vagabonds. A painful disease
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  • 339 1 tCTI VLLY SPENDING MORE THAN FRANCE. F Geneva, July 20. RANCE attaches great importance t> the limitation of expenditure on armaments and home defence, and a committee has been formed to examine tho tci hnical possibilities of the question, thy various States furnishing the necessary docurr.ontary evidence.
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  339 words
  • 158 1 Receiving Order Against City Financier. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 23. A receiving order has been gazeiiiV. against Martin Coles Harman, the socalled King of Lundy Island, a City financier who issued his own coinage and stamps until the judgment of the courts illegalised the procedure.
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  • 233 1 BAD NEWS FOR SINGAPORE PARENTS. A RUMOUR has been current in Singapore that school fees are going to be increased, and this has caused uneasiness among a great number of parents. Inquiries made by a Sunday Times reporter at the Director of Education's elicited the- following
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  • 233 1 Eight Readers Share The Eclipse Stakes Prize. The result of the Eclipse Stakes, run at Sandown Park on July 15, was aa follows Miracle 1. iioyescas 2. Firdaussi 3. Violator 4. Sandwich 5. A large number of readers, more than 40 of them, succeeded in placing the first
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  • 208 1 Chevalier's Petition. ON GROUNDS OF INCOMPATIBILITY. Paris, July 23. MAURICE CHEVALIER, the famous French film star, who is with the I Paramount Company, is petitioning for a j divorce from his wife, Yvonne Vallee, on I the grounds of incompatibility of tern, perament. A formal reconciliation
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  • 165 1 General Committee's Final Resolutions. Geneva, July 23. The General Committee of the Disanr* ment Conference, after six months labours, hat adopted, by 41 votes to 2Germany and Russia opposing, and wit! tight absentees the resolution drafteby Sir John Simon and M. Benes, Czecho Slovakia, welcoming the Hoover proposal agreeing
    Reuter  -  165 words
  • 36 1 London, July 23. The by-election in North Cornwall to fill the vacancy caused by th^ death of Sir Donald Maclean, resulted ns follows: Sir Francis Acland (Liberal) 16..' Mr. A. M. Williams (Conservative) 15,387.— R«uter.
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  • 226 1 Reported Order For Evacuation. FEARS OF WAR. Japanese Troops Moving Westward. 1 1 >iifcc K.iijf, July 23. THE fact that the Kuaso-Jaram lations are becoming morj rtrahp-J is indicated by a report from K sources in Harbin to the effect that ti Moscow Government has instructed all the
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  • 80 1 American Pair Beat The Germans. Paris, July 23. Van Ryn and Allison beat G. von Cramm and Dr. Prenn o—3,0 3, 6—4, G l. A heavy storm preceded the match and the court was very slow. The Amm tegan splendidly, their combin: very superior to that of
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  • 3085 2 A "Mixed Grill" Of Ceylon Stories. COBRAS GOOD AND BAD. Psychology As Applied To Crime Detection. Tie article "Elephant Stories From Oylon," which appeared in the Sunday Times of June 17, proved so popular that no apology is made for publishing a further contribution from the author who, this time,
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  • 437 2 11 Lost In Collision With Tanker. One of the famous windjammers which every year race from Australia to Kurope with grain now lies at the bottom of the sea off tiv. Irish coast with her captain and ten o,' her ci The ship was the Finnish four-masted barque
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  • 139 2 Now Selling Matches In The Streets. Iff i Murray Sykes, dran playwright, .md the friend ti iMil.leiuen. at the age <f Kty-two has hail I mate i- BMp hims If from stai vinjj. He broke down when at Marylebone Police Court on .July sations of fraudulently obtaining
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  • 171 2 Petition Against Daughter Of An Earl. Decrees nisi granted by Mr. 1 Bateson in the Divorce Court include the p.t.tion of Mr. Basil I>ean, the t'neatriil producer, of Victoria Square. BvckingluUH Palace Road, S.W., who alleged m duct by hi* wife, Lady M n, nee ilt.
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  • 25 2 Appointed Personal N:n al A.D.C. To The Kinu. London, July 1!». H.R.H. Prime GtMM IsM pointed personal Naval Aide-d the King. Aneta H.i.
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  • 344 3 Ex-Seaman Remembers Hi* Benefactors. Remarkable bequests to people of all -"me of them living as far afield as Tientsin and British Columbia, wtrc male by Mr. Horace George Robertson, of Llanishen, near Cardiff, an old seafaring man who came into a fortune in romantic circumstances. Probate of
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  • 1749 3 INCIDENTS DURING THE GREAT WAR. A Great Statesman Who Changed His Mind. (By Marcel Berger, the well-known I French novelist, who served in the French Censorship Department during the World War). rpHE censorship was established in X France, as in all the belligerent countries,
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  • 1134 3  - Story Of An Amazing Theft. CROWN JEWELS VANISH. Edwin T. Woodhall. Who Was Tin Accomplice? <K> late of the Special Department, New Scotland Yard.) DUBLIN Castle was the fcene of unusual activity during the first week of July l'.M)7. for the King and Queen were due to arrive in Ireland
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    • 522 3 Cash Prizes In New Racing Contest. $200 MUST BE WON. Can You Predict The Winners At Penang? Cash i rizes to the value of $200 are lx-ing offered by the Sunday Times in connection, with the current race mti'tintr at I'enang. The ;nr mm will be awarded in sums of
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    • 473 3 The Brewery Wilh "Home Brew>' <^s§3^al ac*e Genu 'ne Bavarian At Home, o jlTx>]Es Malt and Hops. TKADK-MAKK. With "HOME BRKW Householders can brew their own beer without any m.-ichinrs or apparatus whatever of any kind. "Home Brew' is not a substitute for Beer but a Genuine Wholesome Beer, a
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  • 1482 4  -  AKIR. BRIDGE NOTES. Most Useful Form Of Attack. K- By This xcrics art ivies is not intended for MM advanced bridge /i/'ii/cr, hut for thy vast Majority who, ha ping played Auction Hridi/i for yearn, now find tbcutxclvcx xic<-)>t into Contract, us well ut for the beghi'
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  • 407 4 To What Kxtent Can It Be Increased? Lieutenant Stainforth Hew his aeroin the Behacid r Trophy race on im 1 Km null an hour. tr will the aeroplane go? Tilt* is a question asked by sci ntitic export*, MM] it is pointed out that the 1 is ,"40
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  • 1924 4  -  THE WANDERER. By her* Lall Singh Jf Born The Cost Of An English Tour A Reaction Against Publicity (,oodbyv To A Sergeant-Major Sir Frank Swetti'tiham Speaks tf>iif An Authoritative Voice From London Mr. Haxenilale's Memories. IS a Singapore contemporary the nth-i day uncertainty v Wi as to
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  • 105 4 Allegations By Rumanian Opposition Parties. ■KMMOOt, lv' Charges of election frauds are l>ein>r hurled against the Government 'by ih. -itjon groups who maintain th. National Peasants l'artv. which tool tlie government a month ajro in order t' make the elections, ai" claiming cent, of the s< 1 liament
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  • 164 4 Minister Who Was In Dartmoor Mutiny. <;. F Scholes. the Wesleyan 0 tim'X'l prominently in the 1 mutiny, has hs<l his »i>ison chaplain terminated km Commission- Dm cells an 1 hall.--.i froM Mr. SchoU-s by the rioting the morning when the mutiny rake on:. Subsequently he was debarr•he
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    • 127 4 Phone 27'»7 mLIJ kl Ik^l B| 40, High St. I'n.priftora: Kantfrn Piece Goodn Storca. y±* K !y NN/vs. CHILDREN'S CORNER.— AO. 32. HE'S LOST A Sl>Kl\<. V AIL. Then looking o'er the railings, quite close by Then r'ambring over. Ethel's shoe they brought messenger they saw. and heard him cry.
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  • 1248 5 Making A Big Jungle Picture. >♦♦♦»»»•»♦•♦»♦>•»»•♦♦ <<♦ ♦♦♦♦>»»M^ !j Unrehearsed Effects. By ROGER COURTNEY, the Famous Professional Game Hunter. < > »M ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^♦♦»>< ♦♦♦tMMMKI ><>»»* CINEMA audience who lean back in comfortably padded fauteils and .vatch, with a pleasant sense of security, -he sensational scents of Trader Horn," Africa Speak
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  • 122 5 New Irish Duties Cause Concern. London, July pi. It is reported from many areas in Kn«lund and BroUand that abnormal consignments of goods are bring hurried into Ireland in order to escape the threatened t:\.-iffs. at concern is being shewn as to tha •(•suit of these new ctMtpnM
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  • 54 5 UU« Shipments For London, Nov York And Amsterdam. Bombay, July 20. The 1 Kaiser-i-liind left this week with a shipment of £83.'i,475 in gold for London, and (51,171 destined for Amsterdam, while the President Polk carried (BMTI for New York. On Wednesday tho Clan MsicWbirter took i-2K4,!>2ft in
    Aneta-Havas  -  54 words
  • 94 5 Searchers Discover Remains Of Another Crash. Buenos Aires, July 20. The xearcn fcr the aeroplane which left Santiago de Chile to cross the Andes with six persons on board, has so far |4vai no result, in spite of the .searches «t° the Argentine and Chilian aeroplanes, and also
    Aneta-Havas  -  94 words
  • 76 5 After Desperate Bid For Freedom. Lahore, July 18. While being pursued by tho police a dangerous bandit, Ratan Singh, killed three policemen and a villager and woutui«d i*>v«ral others before being killed himsolf. Ratan Singh was one of the band of ten moii who escaped after being condemned
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    • 119 5 PAVILION 6.15 MATINEE TODAY AT 3.15. 9.15 Sparkling, unforgettable entertainment. IT'S CLEVER -IT'S BRILLIANT— IT'S DARINGLY DIFFERENT. K i9 iiAy xifXTi a^aP^k CiJ "i It Vl A PICTURE OUT OF THE RUT Almi Ipeetal W m WILLIAM TM.I>K\: K \KI. KOZKLI II MXI.X.v WILLS (MOODY); SIZW.NL UCNGI v \IV I
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    • 224 5 The Famous Star of "DR. JEKYLL MR. HYDE" Back Again in another Great Dual Role I CAPITOL COMMENCES TODAY (Matinee 3.15=) The Screen's Most Versatile Star FREDRIC MARCH Back from his triumph in "DR. JEKYLL"— Presented in another Paramount Success t to WP-^. SSK S hB m Bai I ai
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  • 273 6 When well mixed, MJ into a greased roof dish, sprinkle with an ounce of •»me breadcrumbs, and a little melted butter, and put in the oven M brown Leave for twelve hours, then place the stained part on a clean folded cloth and rut) the stain hard with
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  • 620 6  -  ANDRE MILLON By of the CAFE DE LA PAIX p^OR many years after the banana MM •T first introduced to the European palate, it was "kept in its place," so M speak, and that place was the basket of fresh fruit at the end of the meal. No
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  • 33 6 AN original Keville evening cloak of jet velvet, with attractive caftrading collar lined *ith white velvet. The bulbous sleeves, with their tightly-fitting cuffs, are hand embroidered with milky-white and jet crystal*.
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  • 341 6 IIfOMKN are demanding hatpins again. Not the short, three-inch affairs it ten years back, but the seven or eightinch skewers that were worn before the War, says the Daily Mail. Their excuse is that they cannot k< the new, shallow-crowned liats in p!a< <■ without pin-, MM* small
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  • 227 6 water sweetened with six pieces of sugar. Drain them well and place on a bed of -emolina cooked in milk. Reduce the •\vrup in which the bananas were cooked, add a table-spoonful of apricot jam or ■^oosel> rj-y jelly, flavour with a few
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 160 6 BRITISH CORSETRY AT ITS BEST. STYLE ,">O2. Attractive Corsolette for slender to average figures. Art silk fancy material with brassiere portion in pink Bust H feu M inch. PRICE $:>.9.-> pair. (Lare Back) HOOK SIDE FASTENING. STYLE 1101. It is laced from top to bottom at back, but has a
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    • 51 6 CERTAINLY EAT MORE FRUIT BUT EAT IT WITH 'u*e £j$J thic* NESTLFS CREAM Here is a cream which improves all fruit dishes, puddings and sweets. Its exquisite flavour, nutritive val^ie and guaranteed purity will commend its constant use to the housewife who is looking for a cream which IS BETTER
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    • 123 6 I HEWYH.COHEM.LU.I^^^*^-) I 2nd Floor Maynard Building, 16 Battery Road. Ttl. TIM I SINGAPORE f\ N not s ul try days J~+jLji±r ffig i cooling and re- I§7« freshing sweet is es- KfßLa^jvJjS < sential to every meal. |f A fresh-fruit jelly is W Jp^T<^ II >< always appropriate \^^^™J/
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  • 4057 7  -  GWYN EVANS. OUR SERIAL STORY. By EARLY CHAPTERS SUMMARISED. Bill Keilaway, an out-of-work journalist, sitting on a bench on the London Embankment, it accosted by a well dressed stranger who asks him if he would like a million pounds! Keilaway naturally says "yes," and leaves with the
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    • 123 7 KING'S CUP AIR RACE. PRINCE <H WALES' ENTm 'yf SECOND. Rugby. July 10. yT '^S^ Captain Lawrence Hope in a Klying- I Fox Moth, won the K ng's (up Air Race J^*^ rday with a lead of 23 minutes an-1 an average speed over Ihe two days course of 1,233
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  • 672 8 The Straits Times TOTIDEM VERBIS. EDITORIAL, MANAGERIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICES 78, Cecil Street, Singapore. TELEPHONE 5151. Kuala Lumpur: 27, Java Street. TELEPHONE 3689. The Sunday Times understands that His Excellency the Governor has decided against acceptance of the representations made to him in connection vith the naming of the new
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  • 4780 8 This is the second of a new series of adventure stories by two well-known writers T. C. Brulges and H. H. Tiltman which will form part of a book to be published later this year. This week"s story concerns a young "greenhorn" who worked his
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  • 1975 8 Believe it or not being The Assertions of Ananias. Confession must precde everytMny. today and I am doing the confe«-! sing. I eottfeti ta being well below my form this rrorning, and if you miss i little of the usual sparkle from my writings I h«'ir your forgiveness. You must
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  • 57 8 The following was received from Kuala Lumpur, yesterday: Dear Mr. Ananias, Can you tell me if it is true that Mr. Ward-Jackson is going to be the next High Commissioner and Klyne Street" the next Chief Secretary? Do you think, if they are, they will be nice to
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    • 321 8 AMUSEMENTS. SINGAPORE ALHAMBRA THEATRE. POLLY OF THE CIRCIS with Marion Davies and Clark Gable. 6.15 9.1.", p.r.i. Phone 6WrH. CAPITOL THEATRE. ftTKANGsSS IN I.OVK with J redric March. fi.1"»— 9.15 p.m. Phone 52K1-2. MARLBOROKiH THEATRE. Cl BAN lOVK SONG with Lawrence Tihbett, liipo Valez and Jimmy Durante. sVIl 9.15 p.m.
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    • 13 8 r > ¥ano! TUNING—REPAIRS. REMOVALS—HIRE. j E. CHARLES. I Phone 2M2. 2»i, Orchard Koail.
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  • 674 9 Large Attendance At Autumn Meeting. CANVASSER PAYS $72. An Objection By Irvine Over-ruled. (FrtM Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, July 23. THK IVnang Turf Hub race meeting (ijx'tu'ij i inlay in fine weather. The going wu .<iy hard. There was a large attendance
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  • 607 9 Millionaire Sportsman's Fate. His amazing adventures around the gaming tables of the Continent are recalled by the sudden death at his luxurious London flat of Major J. A. Coats a member of the famous family '.-f Paisley cotton millionaires. Within a few hours of attending- a wel-come-home
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  • 653 9 TROUBLE OVER A CAR: WOMAN'S APPEAL. YOU are a scoundrel. That's what you are. Go away," said the Chief Justice, Sir William Murison yesterday, to a Chinese motor repairer when an appeal by Mrs. E. C. Williams against a judgment given against her in the Lower
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  • 259 9 Whole Female Staff Falls In Love. The Trades Union at Frosinone (Italy) has been confronted with an unusual and delicate problem: "Is an employer justified in dismissing an apprenticed workman because his women workers fell in love with him?" The employer in the case owns a shoe factory,
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  • 164 9 Cashier Who Committed Breach Of Trust. /V\G Kay Seng, the cashier of the Straits Steamship Co., who waa recently sentenced by the Singapore Criminal District Judge to 18 months' rigorous imprisonment in i spect of two charges of criminal breach of trust in respect of $H,5'!5.70 appealed against
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  • 179 9 Story Of Rioting In Persian Gulf. Further details are now known of the loting l»y pearl divers at Manama. Bahrein. It appear* that the divers on that coast are a heterogeneous colony of Baluchis, Arabs, MagMaa, Ni'j Ha, Persians an others, of no very pronounced degree of culture,
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  • 179 9 SI CCESSFI L SPANISH nnuMENT. Marlrid, July 19. Contrary to first reports, the experts' commission appointed l>y the Spanis'i Ministry of Finance i<> test Prof< Botella's alleged uc ess in converting: quicksilver into gold has not >et emitted its final report, m i eeaflraMd that the
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  • 150 9 How Sir Austen Found Fame At Geneva. Sir Austen Chambc-rlrin, thai devoted gardener, relates in an issue- of the Countryman how hifl reputation as Foreign Secretary wa^ really made. The first time Sir Austen represented Great Britain on the Cauiil af the League of Nations in 1 1*25
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 125 9 HEDGES BUTLER Ltd. WINE MERCHANTS »*U| TO HIS MAJESTY wM§ KING GEORGE V. vS^lpKr ESTABLISHED 263 YEARS. fsW% H- \.)i> Appoint,,,, l«i H.M. the king to H.K.H. The Prince of Walmt VERY CHOICE WINES AND SPIRITS Wl *»n Wnia l 1 tacti buuuH vat t.>» in <m h \MJISKY. OVER
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    • 231 9 over 1 in 3 are buying During recent months every third person in Great Britain who required a private car. .PI'KC II ASED A MOKRIS. In the same period the number of MORRIS Cars sold to the Colonies, and other parts of the world has been more than doubled. There
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  • 1586 10 Singapore Island Club. FOR ALL NATIONALITIES. A Real Championship Golf Course. I club which <s non-racial, which has an excellent 18--hole §»lf course and where facilities are provided for various otht-r p: its ;mu for social interc(>urse such is the Jsland Club of Singapore. ■V is <i lull account of
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  • 289 10 NO \DULTERATION IN MM.VPORE. THK ftllMriag letter from a corresponc!iKnin* himself I'rgent has l**en received by the editor of the Sunday Tim. The lives of many people are now at stake. Numerous sundries' dealers < retail) in town as well as in the counliluting acid (formic
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  • 325 10 INSPECTORS AND CONSTABLES CHAKOd Arising out of the troul>!« in New Bridge Road police station in which an educated Indian complainr 1 at ainst the manner in which he was treated l>y the inspectors and constables, a numU summonses have Ixfn issued at the instance of the
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  • 141 10 "Final Warning" To Japan Probable. Shanghai, July 23. Mr. T. V. Soong <the Finance M n the Nanking Government) went to Shanghai from .Nanking by ri\ <iay and had a conference wit Frederick Maze (the Inspector-General of the Chinese Mat-time Customs) concerning the Customs problem in Manchuria. The
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  141 words
  • 631 10 METHODIST BO\S' SCHOOL ANNUAL MEETING. (From Our Own Cm-respondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 23. The annual athletic sports of the Meth School was held this afternoon in brilliant weather before a large crowd of pupils, relations and friends, and the following are the results IM pfe flat. "A":
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  • 165 10 Strange Legal Position In Walsall. A "dead" man was .Lred to d?.ma«re by the Walsal] tgisi ly and allowed a wee^ whiek to iind the money. i He was had applied at the Walsall County Court on Wednesday to t.ave an :ning his death revoked. Tie applies
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    • 38 10 At dose cfplaii* fi y>^* k- a s/en&A Xl NC CEDUCE n f Cif^*' Go through life j^_l v j^Ji with the right spirit. ttcTi L^> K^" Pill =B= 3B&+>* "▼JI 2^^ m^ sJ ■^AA-Jl-bL^— i.A. sLJ Bl[y
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    • 36 10 V P 4? Social %A. J], W n Success DE UESZkE Always welcomed in I discriminating circles. j "if Agent., HENRY WAUGH CO., LTD. SINGAPORE, PENANG, Xl \I LUMPUR AND IPOH. I A. P. B. 1O
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  • 24 11 The forbidding Selangor Prison appears more gloomy than ever from the air. as this photograph taken recently shows.
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  • 104 11 43 YEARS Tin? Strange Story Of Edward James Ward. Forty-thiee ytars ago Edward Jame* Ward, of Calthorpe Street, Gray's Inn Road, W.C., was struck off the roll of solicitors. And for f<» ty-three years he acted as managing clerk to a solicitor who knev his history. Then his employer died,
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    • 99 11 22iV cuidt >JmmP HEADQUARTERS \K* VVIWVVVVVVVVVV\VIWIVVVVVV\VVVVVV^ Tin-; saii fate or smith (a bad vene uith a good mormt) j^^^ A Said Smith, in pain, "This shirt is not The size fifteen I thought I bought. The laundry has reduced my size, Unless that little marker lies." A button popped and
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    • 91 11 Good Mews!— We Are Proud To \nnounce That We Now Carry jT ttciutilu! NlkbUxkiri^ H\ tfOtham tQB%\ silk Stockings 1/ Herausr of the wonderful satisfaction they give to women who wear them because of their famous beauty, fit, and durability, and because of thttr up-tc-tlte-minute colours, we have selected Gotham
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  • 3102 12 THE DARDANELLES Through French Eyes The Traj;ed> of the Dardanelles. By Kdmond Delage. The Bod ley Head. 7s. t,d. WHEN "La Tiagedie des Daulaiielles was published in France a year or M aj'" it created a sensation and rapidly ran through ir> editions. Mr. John Lane dtcided that an Inglish
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 341 12 THE WRITING PAD WITH THK WOULD wIM REPUTATION. _r 1 k(roxle it Writing Pad Manufactured by JOHN DICKINSON CO., LTD. (Incnrporr.ii'd |g Knjfland). POST MO\ IfiO. •DK2APOBB. AND SOLI) BY Ml STATIONERS LV M VI.AVV This chart ill ena A to state e\actl\ the lil W any other c»«intr. .n-
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 234 12 OUR CROSSWORD PUZZLE. V^.V- t^^p ps^^ 4 I t 5 I* P F I r 1 »i*_»*3r •v*i#' t •V*"*.'*'" i I sT^ <O~* it 1 r.:.UiH ?L~~ :»5 SB M 14- S^l- '5 i*> §s I m-m\ i^ rrrr PTTS 7 M mm M -m-m^ H^ m: m& js-feT
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  • 1779 13 V.M.C.A. AT KUALA LUMPUR. Successful Annual Meeting. HON. MR. J. STRACHAN'S REVIEW. THK annual anniversary meeting of the Tmbm Men's Christian Association was held in the l.oke Yew Hall, at the V.M.C A. premises. Mrickfields Road. The Hon. Mr. J. Strachan preaid ed
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  • 964 13 ARE LONG-DEAD PHARAOHS STILL POWERFUL? "Victims Of Tutankhamen." IS IT DESTINY OR JUST COINCIDENCE? (By Richard Glyn, the writer on lh( mytcrious and the occult) rpHE announcement that relics from J- Tutankhamen's tomb are to be shown in London, at an exhibition of Egyptian
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  • 184 13 German Cabinet's Extreme Feebleness. Paris, July I'.i. In an editorial on The political 1 troubles in Germany Le Temps says I "The situation in Germany is fast developing into a state of civil war, and if the election campaign proceeds for another J 12 days in such an
    Aneta-Havas  -  184 words
  • 60 13 Malacca Resident Who Died Some Years Ago. \\r regret that owing to a misinterpretation of certain comments made by I Wanderer in the Sunday Times on the caieer of the late Mr. Skelchy, of Malacca, a caption was published which conveyed a wrong impression. The death lof Mr. E.
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  • 341 13 Mr. Justice McCardie's Views. Before Mr. Justice U.Carl.c, at V wuk Assizes on July ■>. Richard Sidney Furton, 33, a labourer, was indicted foi an offence alleged to have been committed in Jur.e against Matildi Alics Lawson, aged 15. Mr. oley, prosecuting, said that .tie couple hai been
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  • 73 13 Big Affair Discovered By Hamburg Police. Hamburg, July 10. A big coffee smuggling affair was dicovered here when the police seized two motor-vans as well as a motor-boat which, in secret compartments, carried 190,000 lb. of coffee. Eight persons have been arrested who are believed to have carried
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  73 words
  • 200 13 Budminton Tournament 2nd Round Tics. Results of the second round ties in ;he Siew Sin Sia's singles badminton tournament are as follows Lim Boon Guan 1 at Teo Keng Hong 7 11, lo— X 15-7. Teo Soo Hoh beat Chan Chim Lim 12—15, 15— H, 15—12. Tan
    200 words
  • 371 13 Led Into Cages When Drunk. Drunkenness is an evil that raged on eurth long befo c the days of Noah."'! This conclusion i- leached by a writei in a Pans journal, Lu. It ii also sug-ue-i.-d that ihe first drunkard was not a man, but an animal or
    371 words
  • 72 13 Adverse Balance Of Over 5,000,000.000 Francs. Paris, July IH. During the first six months of the present year French export trade de creased 14.000.000,000 francs, •eiit.. compared with the same period last year. Imports diminished 8,000,000,04 M1. or 14 pei cent.. while exports fell off 6,000,000,000 or 38
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  72 words
  • 102 13 AT the fir.-t general n-wting of the Malacca Merrymakers Musical and Dramatk- Party, the following were elected office bearers for the ensuing year. President, Mr. Tan Leng Yam. Nice-presidents, Mr. Tan (heng Hock and Mr. Che-ah Chin Hon. secretary, Mr. Chan Wee Liew. Hon. treasurer. Mr. Tan Ann
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  • 93 13 THK resnlti of tka played in the single* handicap cwnt of the O.K. A. tennis tournament are as fo'lowx I)r S. L Oehler- (owe lij) beat Dr. B. Chew (owe I) I L Dr. K. S. Monteiro (phi- It beat Dr. J. C. van Cuylenburg (plus 1>
    93 words
  • 67 13 TIKS in the Horl, ks B.l'. ~A and "B" singles championship- for toluv are as follows A Neo Kirn Poh v. Ke Cheng Koon, K. Tian Cheng v. Tan Tiang Land t Cheng I.eong v. Wan Chin Inn B Tan Choo Kee v. Tan Tian«r Bee Karee Yang
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  • 48 13 At a committee meeting of the K Badminton Party held at Mr. Tan Que-e Lcng's residence last Sunday, Mr. Teo Chin Ann was elected football captain, while Messrs. Chan Teck Seng, Lim Siang Choon and Tan Ah Sai were appointed to the sports and entertainment committee.
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  • 158 13 Expedition To Nan^a Parbat. Berlin. July It. According to a cable received from Simla the expedition led by the wellknown German Alpinist, Willie Merkl, an-l comprising seven (Jern"«ns, two Americans and two Englishm. n, is now near it* de.-tination "he -ummit <>( Nanga Parbat in Himalaya
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  158 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 112 13 REGLYKOL Sure Cure for Diabetes REGLYKOL Contains medicinal harba harmless to health. RBT.LYKOL reduces augar and Acetone in thf v' REGLYKOL ooommoh the discharge of urine. REGLYKOL supprexse* the abnormal feeling of thirst and hunger. REGLYKOL promote:) digestion. REGLYKOL cures skin disease* attendant upon Diabetes such at Acxemt, Furuncles, Prurtius
      112 words

  • 831 14 CHAMPIONSHIP DECIDED. Malay*' Success. R. A. F. WIN EXCITING MATCH. R.A.F. Moucesters 1. FOR Urn Meond time in the competition, and for the second time in succession, the Malays have won the S.A.F.A. First Division championship, thanks to the defeat of the Gloucester Regiment, yes- I
    831 words
  • 501 14 SERVICES' HURRICANE BATTING. THERE was a glut of boundaries, which included two sixes, on the Padang yesterday, in the S.C.C. tournament match between the 8.8. and I. and the United Services, the batsmen of the latter team being in tip-top form and treating the bowling with scant
    501 words
  • 859 14 A Late Goal. CHAMPIONSHIP OF SECOND DIVISION. Chinese 1; Mslsys 1. A goal fifty seconds from the finish of their match with the Malays gave the Chinese the championship of the second division of the S.A.F.A. League at the Anson Road Stadium, yesterday. The game resulted
    859 words
  • 344 14 UK. HOPKIINS TAKES THREE WICKETS FOR 22. THE Public Services and Law defeated the S.C.R.C in a match on the latter's ground yesterday by 75 runs. The game was an interesting one. L. N. Strachan was top-scorer with an unfinished 47. The winners batted first and
    344 words
  • 345 14 S. R. C. Players Feats Against R. A. R.E. Continuing their run of success the S I; playing on their own ground yesterday, levied a defeat of 107 runs over a combined R.A. and RE. team. There were two outstanding features of the match, the batting of
    345 words
  • 227 14 K. L. Chinese Beaten In Half-Day Match. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 23. At cricket the Selangor Club beat the Chinese Recreation Club in a half day match today by four wickets, on their <wn Padang. A feature of the match wax the jrotid showing
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  • 41 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, July 23. At Kuala Pilah, the Police drew at soccer with the Bahau eleven, each side scoring three goals. Bahau were without their European players, Layers and Wall, and played with ten men.
    41 words
  • 49 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, July 23. For the first time since the start of the Negri soccer league, the Chinese Recreation Club were defeated by the IndoCeylonese by I—o.1 0. The match was a friendly one. The Indo-Ceylonese mused two penalties. Kandasamy scored the winning *«>»]
    49 words
  • 186 14 Semi-Final Of Netfri Tournament. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. July 2.'\. In the semi-final of the NegTi Scmbila.i tennis tournament, Cheu Toh Send Oho left-handed Chinese player, defeateJ B. J. Layers of Kuala Pilah "by I C, «J— 2. It was a hard tussle in the set,
    186 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 117 14 1 ft 4BSW > L,H \oa*4^« I vta i^L^^"€ar^^al ill fjtJ^Wf4i--i^j l\l THE STRENGTHENING A NUTRITIOUS COO-LIVER OIL EMULSION. Easily Assimilated and digested. Children like it for its palatable Tatte. Sole Agents MEDICAL OFFICE Rraa Bush Road, Singapore. Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life
      117 words
    • 114 14 of health lies in proper nourishment DRINK BOTTLED SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. NOTICE. MALAYAN LAWN TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS 1952. The Champum hij s wll commeiM Tuesday, July 2R, M.S2, and continue until Monday, Aug. I. The first three day?, will he confined to the Ladies' event* and play will commence
      114 words

  • 1729 15  -  FORWARD. Colony m. t'.M.S. Cricket Match Selection Committee's Difficult Task Lall Singh And Hollywood —A Rumour l!neon firmed Perak's Cricket Season Closes (hi A Dismal Note Failure Of Perak Schools To Produce Cricket Talent —Malacca Carry Off League Championship At First ittt'inpt. (BY IT" I.' A
    1,729 words
  • 829 15  - Overswinging A Common Fault. FRANCIS OUIMET '(Z-olf ]Yoff*s*** By (Present Amateur and Formrr Open Champion.) >,♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦ THKRE are so many youngsters coming forward today it ;s almost impossible to keep up with them. The championship a:, Beverlt y sumn< »r convinced me more than ever that the old timers
    829 words
  • 64 15 Death Of A Famous Showman. I^os Angeles, July 2.!. The death has occurred of the famous showman, Flonnz Ziegfeld, from pneumonia, Reuti i Hi- wis born in Chicago in lHtJ'.l, and first entered the theatrical bu lS;ii.» to become one of the world's leading showman. His famous NYw
    64 words
  • 65 15 1 Coalmincrs Returning To Work. Brussels, July 10. The striking coal miners are returning ik throughcut :hi- coal raftal cept in some isolated districts where I haB been decided to continue the strike contrary to the orders of the trade union. In the Boringe basin, as well as
    65 words
  • 58 15 Agreement Reached In London. London, .Juky The Nitrate Conferitice, which Iks been meeting in London. a n agreement which Krouns Ui« i tives of Genamajr, .v a Britain and Chile. The general trend of the ajrricnn'nt has In-en established, only a few <j. remaining tied, and it expeit.
    58 words
  • 59 15 Ireland Signs Contract For 10,000 Tons. Berlin, July 19. A*- I 10-Irish onfliot and its tariff war ronNHMN, i plenipotentiary of U arrived here to negotiate an hgrc-ment riming it provisii ningf Ireland with oal from th«- Ruhr coalfi Id. Th»> tir?t contract for 1 has j Hitherto,
    59 words
  • 512 15 ItUUIONK UWOf NCER OF SOUTHERN RAILWAY. jlf H. WALKKR is a ban'une with one opera and an unseen audience says a correspondent of the Evening Standard They cannot even tell whether he is thin and languorous or stout and sententious. All his admirers know
    512 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 27 15 PURE Distilled Water Specially Prepared for Storage Batteries from our MODERN PLANT Special Quotation for Large Consumers SI PPUES Oblaiiiahlr from our Suinhawa Rd. Factory TANKAHKEE&Co., Limited.
      27 words
    • 219 15 KEEP YOUR "EYE ox PHILIPS LAMPS THEY PROTECT YOUR EYESIGHT. If you want your eyea J*^ to jf' ve lifelong ser- v ce remember that y^ bad I ik'M i"» detrif mentai to the eyesight. x^ The clear radiant lijfht of Philips Lamps is most soothing to the 1 eyes.
      219 words

  • 104 16 The R.A.F. vs. Gloucester Regiment First Division football match at the Jalan Besar Stadium, yesterday, proved a mo*t exciting encounter and resulted in a win for the Seletar men (seen in picture on the left) by 3 l. The defeated team is on the right.
    104 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 7 16 Qualified Optician CAPITOL BUILDING. TEL. 2751 i
      7 words
    • 160 16 H>iTf Vi ~Sr~MIYaSH (se^iplomecr^ Opticicn CAPITOL GEBOUW. TCL. 2751 MACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE is British to the Teeth and Makes Yellow Teeth White Isochrom The Film for Any Camera The Film for Any Subject The Film for Any Light. Speed 1300 H. A D 7 AN INCOMPARABLE NEW WATCH WITH
      160 words