The Straits Times, 27 May 1932

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 477 1 Singapore: ts. Cecil st. phone hid. WifJaif-\^; «.1B Tonight til jLlonki bxrwymork; in i"TIIE RROKEXI LULLABY M Pkaaa 6261-1. ft j I MALAYAN" CHAMPIONSHIP WON I and j, I British Record Broken! with help of !«y PHOSFERINEI CHAMPION 001 LEONG TEIK writes < 'IT i> with the ;:>:tt<~t wlmtmn that
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    • 99 1 SURVEYING AND MARINE INSTRUMENTS A roaplete range af in Stock «t london prirrs. JOHN DUKE Mmgf.riurlin Ofllelaa. »l. BATTEBY ROAD. BLNGAPOBB. ROLLEIFLEX Tfc« < amrra That Think* For Toa I KOLLFILM MIRR9R REFLEX. l Ib^f^Ti that th im Vjjl on th focus*in» rJ*y|MMM *creen ran be seen ■jj U^rs^H
      99 words
    • 627 1 U^^^'^^ Cyclax isn't just Beauty Talk It's sheer commonsense. After all. r*aut> can bo a cry simple miitn-r.m iitn-r. Yon'\e natural bloom \<iur nkin shoulj .mil waht the probably hcurJ enouKh alrrmly alxmt tissm-s and n-IU Iv.mts problem lor you more saiu-K. more siniplv, than and I'lmpluatetl treatment*, meie
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    • 14 1 CM Tonight LION EL BARRYMORE j hi >THE BROKENJ i LULLABY Phaaw UU-X.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 620 2 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS. (NIPPON YI'SEN KAISHA.) TO LONDON. Naalea, Maraeillea. l.nadoa. Aatwera, Rotterdam and Mlddleaboroaga. Vessels. Tonnage. Da*. Sail. I FrSHTMI MARIT 11.000 Jane 2 I HAKO7.AKI MARU 10..VK) Jane It 1« t TERVK'N'I MARU 12.'' O June 2* t9 HAKCSAN MARU 10JMM Jaly 13 14 HARtNA MARU 10>4« July 27
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    • 519 2 BURNS PHILP UNE (Incorporated ia AaeUalla.) FOB BRISBANC. STDNET AND ■ELBOL'RNB via JAVA. OARWDJ AMD THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly aailiaga hy tk* wall. knows steamer MABBLLA (7JMa tea*) aad the ii MAMGOLA (M6S Uas) (Car«a onl>). The s.s. MABELLA ia oa* at taa 'argest and finest steamers trading to Aostralla,
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    • 422 2 THE EAST ASIATIC CO. LIMITED (laeorporated la Deaaatß.) Telsphaaa im PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE Leave S'pora. Penang. a*. BORTNOIA Jan* 9 Jaw* 14) a.*. FIONIA Junr 2:. July I m.s. ERKIA July 13 July IS ■i. ALSIA Aug. 19 Aag It ma. LALANDU Aag. II Sept. S B t. MEONIA
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 434 3 OCEANIC AND ORIENTAL NAVIGATION GU, BAN FRANCISCO, CAL. STATES STEAMSHIP CO., PORTLAND, ORE. JOINT SCHEDI'LH Sailings for United States and Canada P ints from Hong Kong. Baa Francisco and Loa Aagslsa %M. COI PFN TIDB sails from Hong Kong Jans Agewtai ANGLOSIAM CORPORATION. LIMITED. (lacorporaud Id Englaaa.) SINGAPORE. Telephone 5817.
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    • 415 3 DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINB aP*s BwßsssßW^m imTwii WHY TRAVEL THE DOLLAR WAY? BECAUSE I FYeah California fruits and »|w able* are aarved at every maal 2 Erary gtataroora is an eotaida eabia. 3 Outdoor salt-water *wimmiac fotk on Deck. 4 Orrhrxtra rnu«ic for Tea-Danclnc-Dinner and enterlainmanta. 5 Flnt Rao Motion Picture*
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    • 554 3 ELLERMAN BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. (lacorporaud la England) SIXER* AN" IBM. Paaeeager and Freight Services ta t—'— UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT. Tla Porta aad Saea CaamV OUTWARDS. TO BONG KONG. SHANGHAI JAPAN.' Steamer Daa S'pora. s.s. CITY OF FLORENCE June It HOMEWARDS. aj. CITT OF BEDFORD, for Havre. L'dea, R'dam.
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    • 430 3 THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. (laeorporated la EagUad.) CapiUl Authorised H 58.000.0 M CapiUl Subscribed 1400.000 Reserve Fond and Baat 1.217.82s Capital paid aa 1.0W.000 BOARft OF DIRECTORS! i. M. Kyria. Esq. Chairmaa. P. R Chalmers. Esq. Charles J. Hambre, Baa. W. H. Shelford. Esq.. Sir Thomas Catto. Bart.
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    • 627 3 BANKING ANNOUNCEMENTS NEDERLANDSCH INDISCHE HANDELSBANK N.V. ■ IMt at Amsterdam. Authorised Capital Glds. 100.000.000 (aheat s«JWMM). Paid ap Capital Glds. 6A.00A.000 (abeat Reserves Glds. 29.190 007 (abeat g2 .432. 000). HEAD OFFICE AMSTERDAM. BRAM H «ir Hi I* I IUK II M.IX BOTTEKDAM. OVERSEAS BRANCHES Ratavia Head Office fur
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    • 423 3 NEDERLANDSCHE i HANDEL MaATSCHAPPY N.V. Mataerlaaaa Trading ■aataay. (Eetahllakod at Aauterdaai 1114.) PAID t'P CATITAL Ft. 50.010.00* STATUTORY RE.SERVB Tl. 40.015.00* HEAD OFFICE IN AMSTRRDAJB WITH AGENCIES IN BOTTERKAM AM" THE HAGUB. HEAD At.KM V IN BATAVIA. BBANCHES 'Bandoeng II Bfl Hung Kanguaa liar i.irimasm t- 'Srmarang 'ay 'WeltovtowSa Sn.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 234 4 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. Thera ara approximately ae*ea worda to a Ho* and there n a flat rata charga »t ft aaotto per Una per Insertlo* with A inin'niLin uf one dollar per insertloa. Adrarti.rn ,nt< will he accepted op ta 10 a.m. od th* i...y .f isiua. A faa of 2S
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    • 570 4 HOUSES* FLATS TO LET I TO r.CT tiu.j.low n*. Orchard Apply at Ihr prrajtwr*. It ttl Xoad. B—waW tl. Dboby Chant. Phoo* 7757. rNSTITI'TION HIIX bußfalow arwiy renovated r>n I'nlted Eiajftalira. BWGKLOyn. 4IT rt, AlWwttw) P>r%. rent* reduced. Apply Angnllia t Co. TO I.CT, bungalow, with modern sanitation. '3, Orange
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    • 600 4 BUSINESS PREMISES I TO LET OPTICES TO l.rr. M-B, Battery load, and a*or. ApHy Q>t"rio 0"- U-! Omcr, Roblneot Boa*. S,Tw» eg. foot iflr*t elaaa property United Engineer*. 00D0WN, Bt»»r Tarter owtUhlo .Motor Garage or Store, area 4.1 M aquare feet. Apply United Knginfer*. I TO LtTP, OKKICRS at 4
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    • 348 4 r*RAKRbNOI*UN. PKfM'll r..i-vrr«a^i«)n lr««on« givm by a lady trarhrr Apply Hox TC. Straitx Times. Your i Jtl" •< of life will be greatly bright rneri BJ thr daily application of WARI»>N'I a shavinr miracle' Shave British, xhavr Better worn sale POR SALS, AC Pilot Soprr Wn.p Rr<-r,v,. r valvr. T»l
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    • 457 4 PUBLIC NOTICES. FORM "C." (I'urMUint to Sen ion 112 of i Ordinunre No. 156 (< ntnpunies t i •ST%TKMHKT aW THE HO HONG BANK, LTD AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1931. rjr tm.ami imw «n oivMool Ma .'imiioii <k«r» uf ilimiMi «i iw*n navr tw»i. .1. niHrr vrhirh Ihr -urn "f
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    • 415 4 LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICL BMIMRE." I KIT I ■nM LIMITKIi Im 'h«< cull- .nil ■<■ with hiith aaaaa ■m»rii M 'inn r- ..1 auuiafa. f, mi pi ■acaeoiiaßj ••> law KAIt I tenders" SINGAPORE MIMCIPAL NOTICE TENDERS NOTirK ia hrrehr r«n that tender, ara taw invited for tile following mtuna.s or
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  • 226 5 Five Excavators to Dig Filling Material. W«tt i~ prorerdinc apace with Sin««-nt-w 1 1\ il HrMPaW and both row Road are hiv.-> of aitivity where the -wampy land is twin* rerlaim.-d. Karth i-< being hrouajht from Paya Lai ar to fill the Bar 'drome area and a
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  • 232 5 Assured of Payment In Full. (From Our Oan I Irn.t I A me^tinjr af th.. eradiaan af Hank Malaya, ralleii at U liquidators. w>< held a< asaeam |)rt-si<linc Th" I was ci.tihrnKMl that m->rotiufi..n^ proreediriK for thr «al«- ..f th.- Bank as a (roinjr roncern. The
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  • 40 5 No Intention to TranslVr To Shanghai. R.plyiT ir t ;i qw th.- (iovernrmTtt w which eowsd l» Sittl«-m<n! in SI with th.- Ift if Kuartl. < Eden saiil thr tri»n-f. licahto and it wouK! la ai laaaeaal mviok. Reutii.
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  • 22 5 Mr. I W. K Sk. Mi a>h«l to tn. lariat, who has brrn in Oat* ■MM yaars, «iU Ut n tiling nhoitly.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 375 5 HOTELS TIAFFLES HOTEL Rooms with Modern Sanitation Hot and Cold Running Water. TONIGHT TEA DANCE— 6.3O to 8.15 p.m. Informal After Diiaer Dmcc 130 to midnight. GRILL Sprrial Diah HrsiM-d A»Vafcary l>arklin«a With I'raa. < ruqurttr rotators. $1.7:. SATURDAY, MAY 28 ST. ANDREW'S HOSPITAL BALL (Under the distinguished patronage of
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    • 449 5 RAFFLES CAFE! Excellent Mcafa a b Carte at Moderate Coat BREAD daily delivery to ail parts of the town. CAKES Cakes and Pastries, Sausage Rolls and Curry Puffe freshly made daily. Upcountry orders executed promptly. Chocolates, Sweets, Craekera and Fancy Gooda. PHONE 5381. AUCTION NOTICES^ AUCTION SALE of unrnlrrmrd pledges
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    • 313 5 aBBaA* y' If it.— SPECTACLES YOU REQUIRE Get them from H. LAZARUS Co. Caoitol Building. _AUCTION NOTICES. ATTRACTIVE AUCTION SALE of hifh-rrade wax polishrJ and walnut'itained t«ak houiPhoM furniturr. rurioa and 1 Allison trood-tnneri rottaf piano, in prrftrt runditiun, rtc. To hr MM at Plantation Hou^r H-ikit Ayam BaaaX a€
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    • 240 5 RAFFLES HOTEL St. ANDREW'S HOSPITAL BALL, Under the distinguished patronage of H.E. THE GOVERNOR. :o: SATURDAY MAY 28th 1932. From 9.30 p.m. Until 2 a.m. MODERN AND OLD TIME DANCING. to: "THE SONGS OF 1890 AND TODAY" MRS. G. M. ALFORD. o "THE DANCES OF 1890 AND TODAY" MISS MARION
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    • 559 6 Raising the Curtain On Federal Finance. (HEAP GOVERNMENT. Why Europeans Are Paid High Salaries. The raiding of the curtain upon the i.nnm ..f a Ke.l. »al India has brought painful disillusion to those who leheved that what-ver eNe self-govern-ment in India might be it would
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    • 295 6 Calcutta Corporation To Approach Government. Calcutta Corporation has agreed to request the Government to restrict bettin* on the racecourse to owners of racehorses and to bona fide members of the local Turf Club. Thi- decision wa< reached following a representation made by the secretary ot the
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    • 281 6 Assam Tackles Leprosy Menace. Of all the provinces in India Assam ithe worst affected with leprosy. The ..-nj.i- at ltd has revealed "..420 cavas against 4.11 M in 15»-.'l. a irarked inA suivey m:ule in five districts o," As-am in IV2> di-clo-ed a wide diffusion I of
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    • 511 6 Taxi Driver Chloroformed By Dacoits. Calcutta. May 14. One of the most daring train dacoiti--tver committed in Bengal took place at Dacca yesterday. When a passenger train was near Tezgaon station, near Dacca, in East Bengal, it was suddenly stopped by somebody pulling the communication cord. The
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    • 504 6 220 Convicts Escape. TWENTY-SIX KILLED AND! 100 INJURED. Twenty-six waulers and prisoners were killed. 220 convicts escaped and at least i 100 were injured when the greater part i ef the Mymensingh gaol collapsed in a tornado on May The disaster oc- curred between '.t-'M and
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    • 83 6 FIRST ELECTIONS MAY BE HELD NEXT YEAR. The message which appears Mo* was given by the Marquess of l.nthian. chairman of the Franchise Committee, prior to his departure from India. In it he forecasts that the first elections under the new Constitution will he held next
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    • 762 6 Acute Depression. DISKANDINC; LAROIR CEASINC. WORK. M«e«t of the ruhb<T .-tft it Travan core have disbanded t! eir >aboui forr< curtailed their establishment to the bar minimum and ceased to work altoirethei write* a corresponded R ti.e ('a)rutt Statesman. This i- thi aaaitM*! revealei ir the
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    • 335 6 Result of Allahabad Inquiry. Firing by the police during the rioting at Allahabad on April K and 'J was unavoidable in the circumstances and fully justified. This is one of the findings of the Commissioner of the division. The I'nited Provinces (icvernment has issued a communique
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    • 349 6 Two Calcutta Women Stabbed To Death. Calcutta. May 11. TatH wa I la excitement 1:1 < alcutta'- rull Ptortagwaa ealaay thi* evening, when the news .-prcad that a double murder had been < mmi te I at the corner of |{ow Street and Weston Street, it. the tuart
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    • 212 6 Bengal Pilot's Trial In Storm. A thrilling aßtthl with the storm aaj fought thousands of feet at ove the ground l.y Dr. H Kahi.r. a member of the H Klying Club, who with Mr. (J. MohiiMlfiri as passenger was flying a (tipsy Math aeroplane. When Dr. Kahim
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    • 460 6 Self-Government By Peaceful Means. CONGRESS CONEMNER Building A I 'arty Of True Patriots. The Ik-lln fitiata*' I■ a v formed four BMMth) I) int- a thr tamarM and an anda in Delhi, presented the following welcome Mr. J. N. <: -I hnson, thief OaaMaiaaaaan We >i. i
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    • 108 6 Amalgamation Project Shelved. Bomloy, May 19 II I- uiidcr-'ood thai the (..aernmen' if B'unbav h •w fur the cieulion (>• GfWtM Bombay, airr.!Itamating for the purpose of administration tin- Hhavhaa araat itf Kurla am! Bandra with Bombay Muni< inality. mainly BMMMt af financial con The Government, however, is
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    • 91 6 Linking P'vvincial CapitalWith Delhi. New 11.1 1. ;h,. It i- o .1 (hut rre-- ha- U-.ii made in it-gatd t.. the i!»ns for the linking up. by ti if 'hi :ir p i. Capita Brit] MM. ■Imm t> link Madras vita Data when complete*!, will Im'
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 20 6 FOURMRR'S HYC.ENIQUE MIXTURE TONIC ELIXIR JTorld RapoUtiea. B«f«M Substitute*. Bold »>» all r»«mi«t« aM a*J Ff DEEAL MSPKNSARY. lilm Baaar*. Ricgaa***-
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 169 7 TONIGHT! The King of Jesters in his Wittiest Mood Merrier than ever in a story made for LAUGHING OUT LOUD! TAKE EM OFF WILL! |ii^" u;e know you I r*P^^ a keen razor-■-A*~ -<■& V"^-fe blade magnate y -^pMrnm trimming the (?!fei^B Arabs and WILL TV inWhW ROGERS BUSINESS /*^^>v
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    • 302 7 CAPITOL, 6.15 TONIGHT 9.15 Last Night of Paramount* Remarkable Dramatic Screen Epic— ERNST LUBITSCH'S "THE BROKEN LULLABY" Don't Miv this Last Chance of Seeing this magnificent Production TOMORROW: COMMENCING AT THE MATINEE The Season's Snappiest Comedy, "GIRLS ABOUT TOWN" Beautiful Gowns! Great Comedy! Gorgeous Girls! with KAY FRANCIS AND LILYAN
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  • 154 8 Rubber Position May Change in June. MORE ESTATES TO (LOSE DOWN fßy Oar Financial C<trr**pim4**t.) Sinjrapor^. Friday. T«>dav Price*: RuM er. I renf<* per Ih. M ton« at M»"i..>ft »er piciil. V enter'" iv"<s Price*: Ri '-her. I ondon l' d.. iinrhr >eed. \>v York. 2 II
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  • 32 8 n May 27 1 1 „,,,1 Standard -1- Standard I- mi fondar: 1..1 1 .1 1 .1 1.. .1 I „l |...i 11, \'.-v 1 0. > M
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  • 149 8 1: 7 M m 11 „1... 1 mpiHtH) 10 '>" I 11 1 t;n s«e" iiraa \\»..t. Pep| Bla.k Pepper Pearl mall medium ?v>al 1. till f 149 Ml M 1 |1M t.- lt;t; H f 12ft < tttlai jrm««. 1 M K« 21 1.10 Id »1 *«i' 2
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      • 431 8 I-KJIIO Val. PH. Buyers. SeHers. PI £1 Asam Kunilmn* 22 £1 f) AtMtnl Malay I* Aycr Ffitam Tin 10/. £1 fl Hanjrrin Tin »,/<", I I Ra f anjr F'arianfr OO7'-» 1 1 F'.atu fa vps 0.22 I 1 ftafcit Aran? 0 :'.O fl fl Flurmah Malay II II
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      • 298 8 lesilP Vti. ph. rmu. Ml HHi Hammer &Co 170.00 180.00 £1 11 Imperial Totem MM LIM 1 1 Kinta Kl< 4° norn 1 1 Malacca Kle< trie Oi.l OJO 1 «mi 1 1 MnlH'«« RlMtni \'i>( I H II 10 !<• Maynartl A Co. n»m 1 JO iMainvan Brvwcrta
        298 words
      • 148 8 ftpi ri loM S«"rnjr*> 7 p 1 i.i. f l<»2<; •<■.! 1 ">:•, 1 Mr, ](Mt mi ri. \|.i"i. ipal p 1991 .1 I'tjK <t|iHi.<MHi |tt MM Baa fcfttnh i|>«l 414 1 ■> pjt, •<f |«»»7 t-.-d. 1941 HJtiyltl !»7 M n-m 1 Munii 'i>al I• o
        148 words
      • 374 8 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Kvatfs (Quotations. I" <la> p lino l-iaopr I.vbll A < ft AnVnl-v (fl) §.1| Ml 015 025 Atar «.Ri«h <?n till Ml i.ll Ml A Mitam (fl) Ml 060 oto Ml A. Knninj) isn <»•>:, 015 Ml o.Wnnni. A .Malax (fS) Ml
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  • 160 8 Smfrap".'-. X»y -7 SELLING. London, f months' «ight 2 3 29/32 I-nndnn. :i months' sight 2 327 32 London, 60 days' .ijrht 2 3 IS/11 I/>ndon. SO days' ligM 2/:'. ■tS I/>n«lor, deman'l I^ndon. T.T 2 I and Paris, demand l.Oftfl Hamhursr. demand IW and U Ka'a-^a an«l
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  • 102 8 11.. MMh -hii. ate iii Mimmunnal ..n with th. Wll I 111 Slat:. .n- Sintr»|MM« hit nti 'hiimi. Ornmark Mam. laar. Kaioai I Hn.'l. Ln—irtawk. M-h. k.f.. M..n.,kM Maru. KMtMBViIK Paula. K-.liPB. PtoaarHl. Sanlhia. Sar«t..x I >i i palw, BoaapH Gome Snjui I .tin. Takliwa, Taaaptl Mam
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  • 38 8 i ttahi la, kf MataaX «m Smita|H.i4. ii. ...n toilay I hm.i anil .Inpan. hy Yurn-amr .In. ai Sinriii.-i. thi vcninr h ili ;I p,| Japan, b) Monii' Mm ii. iiin ;i' Sinarap i Stinalai
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  • 34 8 By rorfu Karapara Tajand'.'n f m k«»» .Hihajak %'pnn l*,ndnm Apr IS Mar 4 Apr U Mar Apr tl May 1« Apr. .'1 Ma/ 1« Ap- H May 1* May 21
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  • 81 8 Ruirby, May 27. /n Mcehaafai art- Amst»-nlam 10' Athens lit Bombay 1-. ."'.l 32 16.574 Bnawah KJO J'.ii. ::.-i Osaaaaafaa ix 12 < Cauva I&M Hdsincfcn Ji"« HonK ataag Is. t <l. Lavaaa 1 10 MaaWd nil ir, Milan 71 Maata Vliao SO nominal Montn-al 4. 1K N.w V-.rk
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  • 34 8 Mail- (l.ft I. •nili.n Mn> I'M by th«- out. tvanl Pui«h BrraphuM irvaa Ampler. lam Iw vi Biaaßpan i>y I C.ri.-■|.i>n<h-ni. will I" 1 ii-»il\ for Miwrj l<» at "Up .m i
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 265 8 ARRANGEMENTS FOti THE WEEK rrUar. PJ HA i .ir.«i rarkrt. Memorial m Polirr »«nd ar U»nn| Park, kll pa. «atara-av affj| H W Blß.aa.Taaj I in. An r BJ 1(1 art Ann onliaa 1 p m. 9aa m. ajaav H j pm. ft. i akaaa?, Ma, ia H A in
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    • 640 9 Samuel Montagu Co.'s Weekly Letter. Samuel Montagu and Co.'s weekly bullion letter, dated London, Apr. 27 states: j The Rank of England gold reserve agaiast notes amounted to 120.K15.49K on i Apr. 20 as compared with f120.K0H.347 on the previous Wednesday. The Bank of I England's official rate
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    • 226 9 Selat Pandjang. Benghazi. Siak. Pakan Baroe. Pajakombo aad Padang 1 Hong Thong 1 3 p.m. North. N.-East and N -We.t Sumatra 'Tinomboi 3 p.m. I PI" r Burma. North anri r-i»t India 1 Honolulu Mani' .1 p.m. Java and South-West Sumatra onff > 4 p.m. Bi.ur.baya. Celeben,
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    • 133 9 (iuthric and C >.. 1-t 1.. in ihvn weekly luubir report, «lated May ML tat. I Pri.i- continue to keep fairiy steady, dm- to the uncertainty regaining the ex-•i-n of areas, whicn a.c going out of tapping. Very littU- basinesf has been done in any market 9-M <>v
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    • 39 9 .a'l«- imv.vkl liy < 'umlirrfcatch and Co. gives the Lcnuon price <>f palm nil lat SIS. The market i- '"u-ly Thi- I K.tatii n hi made r.n the basis of IM per cent. X.X.A.. <\ L f. Liverpool.
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    • 251 9 Friday. May 27 Ships atoaaas-c the Waarrea or expected te arrlre. KEPPEL HARBOIR. Main Wh«if V W.D. Hopper> I. 2. ;i. 4. 7 and H. Lch "Al.-rt," The I'alili-. Tug "Belaackai-." Islander. To«x "Herculcv" Drrdgrr "Tembakal Oil Wharf Nil. Coal Wharf Nil. VESSELS IN DRY DOCKS. Taa)oMf
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    • 68 9 Friday. M«> 2~. I p.m.. Headquarter.. In f!!i»ence PI.. Rehearsal King's Birthday Parade: S-1J p.m.. Malay Headnaarter« Malay > Co»npan> Rehear^l K nr'i Birthday Parade. 5-SO p.m. St. Josephs In»t (Jroutid Urns Basah Rd.. Ist Bn. S S.V F Rehears*! Knr"» Birthday Parade. Sunday. May 2V. 7 SO
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    • 386 9 Singapore, China, Japan Alid Buck for $386. Th«- faro fi-r thr i«.und I port- back t«> Siniraporr |g ISBS.SO «45.» N.. r«>fun<l of paaaaß- money may l»rlaimed in re«pex-t of any portion .-t th. tour not travelled ar, altunativcly. BikMaU nny part of
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    • 238 9 Closing Quotations In London. (From Our Own CorrMp*ndenC) London, May 26. Clofinc quotation* last aigfct of the principal British and American stocks arc firm bt\em Thei rtM or fall is in relation to the prior of May _■"> eOYKBNMKNT ITOCH, -UHTU-L KlaaeT FalL <'onver-i.n Lean 111T
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 948 9 MALAYA'S APRIL RUBBER STATISTICS. ArriKAGK. STOCKS. PRODUCTION. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF R'BBER. INCLUDING L. CON'CENTP.ATED LATEX AND REVERTIX tOR THK MON TH OK APRIL IW2. Uf DR> TON^ Cott.umttion Production by estate. Production by estate. IMPOSTS .*j 1 Acreage uader rnbher of lOOarrei and oxer, (inaluding re-e.perta.) rn'der Stock,
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  • 143 10 Slßgas«r«. AI.HAMBRA. Will Rog*rs in BhsmH and HsMM l- r > »-l'<- Phono «tnrj. CAPITOL. Lionel Barrymore, Phillips Holmrs and Nancy Carroll in The Broken Lullaby. «.I5 ».1&. Phone SMI-2. GREAT WORLD. Wayanf.. Cinema, Donkey Rides, Zoo, Male. Skating ground ommf rciil Mu>t urn. MARLBOROI'GH. Harisehandra. 6.15— 9.15. NEW
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  • 45 10 TAN Mariamr Kwok Kirn N'ro wj't Mr. Tar H. l.iat iPhra Anukal Syamktrhi MS*e4 «w»y at 60. Kmcrald H:'ll Rrf on WrH May Interment at Bukit Brown on Sat.. May M at p.m. No scrolls. Straits. X.M.S. and Bangkok papers plraae copy.
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  • 1005 10 The out. standing statement in the annual report of the British Advi»rr in Kedah. the Hop. Mr. J. D. Hall. M.C.S.. is that during the Mohammedan year rnding May. MM, this State had an export surplus of thirty-six thousand tons
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  • 1009 10 "CMMmMm today rettt on worla ro-oprratio*. lnrrta*'fxg knowledgr kn* rtmhUd m to fathfH tht raw niatmalt nf the u-orld Mi Mtytsl thing* unlct om"h to former affe: Thou uhn hnmpri r. Mm »t» luthlriily taking m« bafi: into a more pPsMNw ogr." Ti .< is tht o;>:«i<>»
    1,009 words
  • 214 10 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mrs. Royce. wife of Mr. R. W. Royce. of the A.P.C., left for home today by the Chitral. Mrs. Bourne, the wife of Mr. F. (i Bourne, the Singapore Coroner, left for home by the Chitral today. Mr. Bourne accompanies her to Penang and during r-is absence Mr.
    214 words
  • 863 10 THAN ROBIN HOOD. Robin Hoad and hi* merry men, having delighted the children of Kmrland for (We centuries, are row to invade the kampong< of Malaya. The latest addition U. th» Malay H< mo Library i~<aed by ihe Sultan Idris College, relates the l>loit< of
    863 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 154 10 little's, AT YOUR SERVICE. JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. Established IMS. (Incorporated in Kngland) SISf.WORR. KIALA LlM."l R. PENANG AND IPOH. H« 4 I GOODWOOD PARK HOTEL. Phon« 6490. Tefefframs GOODWOOD." Situated in the coolest part of the residential district la ten acres of grounds within easy reach of the busioeaa
      154 words
    • 35 10 fM3^^^DESTftOYSSW«Jr C»c«r«*€»«.,M».,H»»i. easois all vsfsstn. r^^af O»«t «oi iaiare the 'ML aWttfakoo. f I OtuiisUs 1 1 .16 HORLICKS KEEPS YOU FITIT MAKES YOU FIT Misses MAVIS and M LI IK PIMUJM. PPC. mv. Balo.ran
      35 words

  • 222 11 FALL TO LEVELS OF 1899. (iravity of American Economic Crisis. SALES TAX. Secret Conference At White House. V. hmgton. May !!<'.. The lat»--t move in political, financial and anaaaiic uabraglMi in the I'nited States I at th« WMta HaaM !u-t niirht between PMaMM II'M.N.r
    222 words
  • 47 11 "Man Who Killed Kitchener Case. Mitini of mis•y ,h. allege" Of a writ ol ag the I'ntted State«ai on Junt <. h< aj i i;tz I»u(|uesne, < ha- I in Knir'i-hman Uag America I •■n Urn fly lea) "The ruan wh.. killed Kitchtner wa.i'.unu in hi- im>s«.
    47 words
  • 51 11 Drastic Measures to Balance The Budget. M tax on alcohoKe liquors tin- n-.iu. ti.n i.f tin Goran mini servants, and the appropria' :i.n ol 20.000.000 kronor from the National Debt i.l.- l.y tr 000 kronor r..|inrc-l iiitiixlu* cd i:: /■aiiTj Them ••I l.y ..'vi.- and increase. l th<
    51 words
  • 57 11 Sequel to British Protest To Athens. Rugby, May Mi Inrector of PuMic D GfMk Ministry of VI I'rosso.oulo, will vWt Loadaa a) i. ami <•' Urn week to tiaic uuh th. reprwMHtatHw of r>on.i- n--. I the British wot. at Athens si..- Greek Government t<. carrj out
    57 words
  • 201 11 Little Hope of Further Survivors. Paris, May 27. Thr Italian Government has informed the Messageries Maritime* that searches of the Somaliland coast have proved and it is feared that there is little h. pe of survivors of the Georges Philippar being picked up by native craft.
    201 words
  • 199 11 Count Tchida May Be Foreign Minister. Tokio, May af* The Cabinet w»s formally installed this afternoon. Although the Premier, Vi-cour.'. Saito, is temporarily holding the Foreign Minister's portfolio himself official circles anticipate that Count Vasuya L'chida. despite the fact that he has already declined, will be persuaded to
    199 words
  • 169 11 Government Retains The V/ 2 Hour Day. Rugby. May 2«. In the House of Commons to lay the Mini-ter for Mines, Mr. Isaac Foot stated that us conversations between the miners and mineowneis had not produced agreement upon the means of dealing wi'ri th>> problem arising in
    Reuter  -  169 words
  • 66 11 lord Peel to be Appointed Chairman. Rugby. May 26. The Minister for Agriculture, Sir John Gilmour, informed the House of Com•nons that the Secretary for Scotland, the Home Secretary and himself, acting jointly, were about to appoint a Wheat Commission with Lord Peel as chairman. It would include
    British Wireless  -  66 words
  • 53 11 Serious Illness of (ireat Discoverer. May 26. Bii I: i discovery of malaria m -<|ui!«h-s made l-ical countries, i v ill in the Ross Institute and ..1 I) vkm* at Putney Heath, of »huh he It cfciaf director. Si K'>nalcl M and has hwn ill Italy in
    53 words
  • 43 11 Leaves London for New Appointment. Rugby. May J«. Ainu. the Turkish Am-ba-sadoi m l^.ndon. left Victoria Station ratal M hi- way U> Poland to M appointment as Am- The King an. l the Foreign Secretary were represented a( the station. British
    43 words
  • 52 11 British Delegation For Canada. Rugby, May 26. Following consultations between the interests concerned, a delegation from the British cotton industry it sailing for Canada early in June. The conversations will n-.t be governmental in character, but the United Kingdom Government will consider any report the delegation may suggest.-
    British Wireless  -  52 words
  • 2170 11 Government Alarm. POST OFFICE STRIKE SETTLED. London, May 2«. The Government views attacks on and disappearances of British subjects in China with the greatest anxiety, declared Capt. R. A. Eden, the Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs, in the House of Commons, answering a quest o i
    Sin Kuo Min  -  2,170 words
  • 129 11 Depreciation of Sterling. BRITAIN UNABLE TO COMPENSATE. The Hague, May 26. The Chamber, by 21 to 10, passed ft] Bill covering the loss of the Netherlands Bank last year owing to the depreciation of sterling. London, May 26. The claim of the Netherlands Bank for compensation from
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 342 11 Further Account Of Commons Debate. Rugby. May 26. The Finance Bill proposal to establish a 1150.000,000 exchange equalisation account was closely debated in the House of Commons on the committee stage of the Bill. The purpose of the proposed account is to enable the Treasury to check and
    British Wireless  -  342 words
  • 246 11 i Mr. Justice McCardie Complies. London. May 26. The dispute between Mr. Justice Me I Cardie and Lord Justice Scrutton has ended peacefully. Mr. Justice McCardie announced in ourt this afternoon that he was accedI :ng to the request of Master of the Rolls to supply a copy
    246 words
  • 28 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, May 27. The King has presented a cup for squash to replace the King's Cup which was won ou.nght last year.
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  • 243 11 Former Inspector-General Of Chinese Customs. London. May 27. Sir Francis Aglen died at his house in Perthshire today.— Reuter. Sir Francis Aglen, who was «2 years of age, was Inspector-General of the Chinese Maritime Customs from 15*11 to 1928, and it will be remembered that
    243 words
  • 241 11 Negotiations Initiated By Japan. London. May 2«. In the House of Commons Mi. ManjM Jones (Lab., Caerphilly asked th--Foreign Secretary if he would mak,e J statement regarding the negotiation, with the Japanese Government in view af the discussion among the great Powers of truagenda for the round-table conference
    Reuter  -  241 words
  • 99 11 Deficit to (treat Britain Of £200,000,000. Rugby. May Replying to a question in thr House of Commons today the Financial Secretary to the Treasury. Major W. K. Klhott stated that the total of the British war debt payments to the United States Government to date was *.T26.200.000 and
    99 words
  • 75 11 Reduction in Cheaper Classes Unprofitable. Montreal. May 26. The experiment adopted at the end of March of cutting trans-Atlantic fares by 20 per cent, has proved unprofitable so far as the cheaper classes are concerned. Representatives of the conference of trans-Atlantic steamship companies haye 1 therefore decided to
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 52 11 Collaboration with SocialistExpected. Paris. May 28. I Lobby gossip predicts an official offer by M. Herriot, the French Premier, to collaborate with the Socialist Party before he forms a Cabinet. M Harriot had a long interview with the Socialist Right Wing Deputies, M. Renaudel, M. Prot and M.
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 300 11 Sir Reginald Stubbs For Cyprus. SPECIAL CONDITIONS. Appointment of Particular Importance. Rugby. May 26. The King has appointed Sir ReginaM Stubbs. the present Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief of Jamaica, to be 'iovernor and Commander-in-Chit f of Cyprus, in succession to Sir Ronald Storrs, whose term of office expire*
    300 words
  • 304 11 Senator's Warning to Mr. de Valera. Rughy. May 26. In the Iri-h Free State Senate liight the delate was o|iened on the Bill to remote the Oath of Allegiance from the Constitution and to repeal the -c. tion of the Free State Constituent Act which gives
    304 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 72 11 On Other Pages. India Page t Around the Market* By the Financial Correspondent 8 Home and American Stocks 9 Malayan Rubber Statistic* Trade Hindrance* Condemn •4— By Sir Perci«al I'errv K.H.E. hi Millionaire's Soa* Acquitted 12 Aaaaal Meeting of VW.C.A. 12 Indian Tourists ollapne 13 European Team for Clarke Cup
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  • 1119 12 I Witnesses Suborned." COMPLETE COLLAPSE OF PROSECUTION. following a vigsroaw concluding address by defending counsel, who chararterMed the prosecution aa aia«t mnHsndscM. malirmas and veaoatoas. ihe three sons of the late Mr. l»ok >an Kit. a Singapore aiillionaire. who *ere charged «ilh rriaiiaal breach of tract in
    1,119 words
  • 84 12 Commission's Appointment Approved. Rugby, May M. The Home Secretary. S .r Herbert Samuel, announced in the House of Commons that the King had approved the appointment of a Royal Commission to inquire into the existing law and the practice thereunder relating to lotteries, betting, gambling and cognate
    British Wireless  -  84 words
  • 157 12 Large Number of Senior Men Retrenched. The Surveyor-General, TMM. and S.S.. Mr. V. A. Lowinger, concludes his report on the year 1931 with the following comments. The economic condition- rendered the year a very diftValt one. Reduction of expenditure became an acute problem. It is Inevitable that, in
    157 words
  • 85 12 Celebration of Sixty-Fifth Birthday. Rugby. May ML yoeen Mary Mh birthday was celebrated today. At home naval port.- and bases vessels MM >trv.<-ed and flags were flown over public- buildings in London nnd elsewhere. All saluting ships nred t royal salute of 21 guns at noon. Thr King
    British Wireless  -  85 words
  • 85 12 Sequel to Drowning of Chinese In Bangkok. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok. May 27. ("apt. Stinger, of the Kwangchow, has had his appeal allowed in the case in which he was charged with causing the death of a Chinese coolie through negligence when coming alongside a wharf. The
    85 words
  • 93 12 May be Affected by Ottawa Conference. Rugby May 26. In reply to a question in the House of Commons today it was stated that it was not the present intention of the Governnent to take any general acticn to end or modify the existing most fkvi.ured nation clause
    British Wireless  -  93 words
  • 258 12 Reduction of Staffs Salaries And No Profits. "There was a market! hstfaaat in insolvency geneially but as regard- new actual legal bankruptcy an actual decrease," says the official Assignee. KM S Mr. R. S. Jervoise. in his annual report. Mr. Jervoise makes the follow ing general comments.
    258 words
  • 40 12 With regard to the police court renori yesterday concerning a motor-car accident in Alexandra Road Mr. H B. Salmon,!. t*>e complainant, wa- -m his way home from the Singapore Golf Club and not, as stated, from the. Keppal Golf Chib,
    40 words
  • 684 12 Annual Meeting. HELP FOR WOMEN IN NEED. Attention wa- called to the I women of many nationalities 111 distressed circumstance- at the annual meeting of the Young Women' hristian As sociation. held last night a) Raffle- <Juay with Mr- li 1 Ml of the Malayan
    684 words
  • 171 12 Chinese ontrahand Runners Foiled in Singapore. Three aaakiag eaaai declared and marked as contain' Vanned liinitei di.-palcru-il tfm Haflg knni- t>> a lirni in Singapore, failed to pas- ..trkii •>f the SinjraiMir.- ''i.v.nt investigation showed that the aa nt-a'.ar.l chandu valued at over 1 9,000 Inquuie- led U
    171 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • Indian Cricket Tourists Collapse.—Hampshire's Easy Victory.
    • 268 13 Hampshire* Big Win. FOUR COUNTY MATCHES DECIDED. Four r»unty cricket matches which l>etr»n on Wednesday concluded vestcrday with the winning teams ahead hy big margins. Three were RJ over an innings < while the other was l.y nine wickets. The outstanding result was the severe J defeat
      268 words
  • 42 13 Penanjf's Sujfsresti<m To Jockeys. i I'r- m Our Own CafMaaMMJ Tenant;. M.. The Amatein Koxinc Association of r Penang all divisiosji tor a bMriasj tourna" ing the timing rac- «eek -ugKested that it any d their profeslonal argum--- .-..••Ti.-.t with
    42 words
  • 54 13 Stonetoi Wins by Three Lengths. Ixtndon. May 26. The (iieat Northern Handicap at MaiH-henter was run today and resulted ;i* follow STONETOI 1 ARMAGNAC I LAN SON 3 Ton ran. Won by three lengths eight lengths between second and third. Betting 10 1 Stonetoi 7—l7 1 Armagnac
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 177 13 Annual Athletic Meet At Pearl's Hill School. Th«> annual s|>orts of Pearl's Hill School w:«*h II in the school hall yesterday. The nt», which numbered 2't, were keenly ainonic Urn small Ix^.vs v (so ikvwal great enthusiasm Tfcfli «.--e dances and rytii \tr i (J. Coleman di«tribatcd the
    177 words
  • 93 13 Remarkable Recovery By Windle's Team. C. G. Windle's team an excellent I* win \>y 1 r their Singapore Swimmiag Club water polo tournament ■asaa »if»irsi J Koul« .-ide, the winners •oiinj; foui time* withoat reply after Mas thu-i ilown at one stage. I'lay was of a fast
    93 words
  • 87 13 Scotland's Success At Soccer. I'arii.. May 8. In an international soccer match, Scotland defeated Kran.e by three goal* to one. a Lanark) score-) all throi aaala. S. otland'- i lever passing surprised the Kren hmi n. who «eie also unprepared 11.1 1. war's BBaffß shoeing. Pewai waa
    87 words
  • 142 13 European Side to Meet The Rest. The xide to represent the Europeans against the Rest in the annual cricket natch for the Clarke Cup, has now been selected. E. J. Riches and Lieut. Bryan are unable to play and their places are taken by Capt.
    142 words
  • 244 13 Number of Ordinary Members To be Increased. An important BfapßHki i» to \w Inouehl forward al the annual meeting of the M.C.C. early next month. The proposal is. that the- MMsfes* af ordinary .remberelected annually ba increased from \2« > tv 200. It has been*, recognised for many
    244 words
  • 238 13 Fails In First Fight Of Come-back Attempt. Philadelph-*. May 11. Tommy l.oughiar. the former light I heavy-weight ch».rpion, faile.l here to-; night at the very outset of his lome-ba.k I campaign a.- a heavy-weight, loving a <l< cision at the end of ten rounds to young I Ste.t
    238 words
  • 118 13 BRA DM AN AT GOLF. Lands a 250 Yard Drive. While Don Hradman thrilled the crowd last rronth with a brilliant innings of 201 he failed to wore a century on the follow ing day. Perhaps he wan happy for on the Sunday he was not playing cricket, but K"lf.
    118 words
  • 19 13 To Sepoy Lines Golf Club menu monthly medal competition (stroke) will he played on Saturday and Sunday.
    19 words
  • 41 13 No play was possible yesterday in the MarDouKall < up poln tnurnament, when the Burma Rifle* vktc to have met the Glcorei>ters. and the Hurricanes the Cyclon«». Weather permitting, the matches will be played today, starting at i 4.15 p.m.
    41 words
  • 549 13 Eighteen Goals in Two Matches. The results of matches played yesterday in the third division of the S.A.F.A. League were as follows SH.B. 6 Medical College I (on SMB. ground.) Govt. Monopolies fi Vehicles Dept. 4 (at Ceylang.) LEAGUE POSITIONS. Air Force Second in The First Division. The
    549 words
  • 98 13 Results of Games in The Two Major Leagues. New York. May 26. Today's baseball result* were National LeagaV. New York 2 Brooklyn I O'Doul and Kelly hit home runs. Philadelphia 17 Boston 13 Lee, Hurst (2). Crab, L'rbanski and Shires hit home runs. Cincinnati 2 Pittsburgh I? Aatericaa
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 15 13 Entries for the mixed doubles tennis competition at the S.C.C. will clone tomorrow.
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  • 681 13 Heavy Strain on County Cricketers. The financial troubles of county cricket have been such in recent times that anyone who has inside knowledge of the conditions would hesitate to wnte anything which might be construed as taking the side of the player against the
    681 words
  • 232 13 PMtja, May 2;. Foothall SA V A Hiv Polie* Malaya 11. Anoen Road. Stadium Cricket Si'l Tournamvnt VS. and U ▼a. Seivirr>. I'a.lanr QkMMMIi r Band \> JuV.r* ("ritket «"'ub. Tanglin. P,.i.. Msc!>«uraii > »p t— iaaa iial at Poi.i dab, II r IMb, Mar I". Football Malaya
    232 words
  • 20 13 'Th* »c operation of rlab McnUriii r»qu»»t<-i m krvpinc thu diary of sporting tonlt arrural* •t it UD In ittU.l
    20 words
  • 68 13 Thi fo lowing ties m the S I -tiaight rhnrnftHMMblp arc aaaMMMs] WOAt G. r. I I I dWIII Alan Wolfe. j. y I v i I ha) v>. K Staunton. I UOSIAI UK I Strachan. r. .1 I Mm i II i. ray. V f I Uiil-1.
    68 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 199 13 TIESDAY. MAY SI, IMS. i ..r ate Wtii.r»,.rhi < bsMßßtoaaaaf af IHr X..-I and I»r Ka-I .iiml th< Simp.i.n hallrnx. K.'t I I ,|lT|\<. rd. (.1 \BH\r NELSON vs. JACK iSrlx'ti has K-atrn imnni^ nihrr-. Ir nr.. I 10r... lnuhni laßtaa, Jo.- Male. Ir.l ■l .l» V. .1. and t.
      199 words
    • 101 13 ELECTRIC CLOCKS n id k i H mfc "> f mil BbH dI f»[ v I B^B^aaaaaßß^B^Bß^B^a^^BßßajßT L BaS bbv < i ii ton -MMnomn I- M.ulir.l H W M I HeH c M.,h.. U.i Baaq ;m.l Kluck. The cables and wires which row transmit the fnercy fo> your ele<t'
      101 words

  • 2483 14 COURT OF APPEAL UPSETS RULING OF THE CHIEF JUSTICE. Action By F.M.S. Bar Committee. The gue-tion of solicitors' fees was the subject of a civil suit before Sir Lancelot Elphinstone. Chief Justice, F.M.S.. who u;i\ judKmi-nt against Messrs. Freeman and Madge, the Hell-known linn of
    2,483 words
  • 175 14 Hope of Reliable Forecasts In Future. l.a*t \e*r «ii the fir»t in which complete rateres am obtained at all the main stations, and in which the practice of taking upper air observation* was started, says the Surveyor-General, F.M.S. and i S.S., in bis annual report. Tt was hoped
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  • 149 14 Policy Denounced ByHindu Leader. Karachi, May 7. Bhai Parmanaml. pn-uliiiK over the All-India Hindu Youths' Conference at Karachi thi* ifaajt ritici*ed the Con|rre)U< as an anti-Hindu body, and assorted that passive resistance could never produce the result desin- 1 hy Indians. The stiff attitude a<iopted by Mr. Gandhi,
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  • 12 14 Dr. P. H. Honneusy. who i« retiring, leaves Malaya by the Chitral.
    12 words
  • 57 14 On Ttlixrams and Telephone Calh. Washington. May HL Tho Senate approved tax«-* af ten a at per cable or wirele* message, five per cent, of the co.-t of telegraph mts-ages and 10 tn M cent- ■<) telephone conw-i "-v Itions according to the cosl of the Newspapers
    57 words
  • 24 14 Abolition of Chemical Weapons. a. May H Resolutions a'ooh-hing chemical and bacteriological weapons wen awJWtl the technical committee of the Disarmament Conference. ■eater.
    24 words
  • 29 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penanir. Hi Ther-» was a big attendance at the funerk here yesterday of Haji Yahaya chief tnam of the Kapitan Kling Mos«|ue.
    29 words
  • 15 14 Mr. G. H. Oldridge. of Messrs. Harper GilfilUn. Seiemban. left yealetday f"i Klang on transfer.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 91 14 World fantous beauties find in ODOLW^ the perfect dentifrice. Their white, pcarlv teeth testify to the effective use of this smooth, creamy, mouth and breath refreshing Tooth Paste. ODOL removes discoloration and tartar, and makes teeth white and lustrous in a few days. ODOL Mouth Wash completes the per* feet
      91 words
      271 words

  • 623 15 Kid-ul- Azha." BNGUH MOSLEM LEADS SACKED FESTIVAL. I' la.nintr hanl mm! through hi'inv. Iruilrr -kif^, an. I from the -lopinir top of a tHg* mat '|Ui-<-, I out in a hMh ti<l i rivulets of water, writes m special correspondent of the Sunday Times from Woking
    623 words
  • 229 15 A Handy Delivery Van And Open (iate. j w \.nv BfeMKM m on t"i attwnpUd as ii .1,., iln.v it I the front Ka'. gml m a ii. I. very van. Th. thi- tiny I t, u BUM B« I I h.el ■aarai «it:><r
    229 words
  • 273 15 Munich Mountaineer's Ambitious Plans. < al.titu. May 10. Kul'er ileaiN are now available of the Hi 1 1 Mirki. the Munich moun-t;.im-er. who i> new on his way to lnjjia ith the intrr.tion of climbing to the '"luiiM' of Nanga Parbat, the matmifici nt t*MMa«t
    273 words
  • 271 15 Man Pleads for His Attacker. An extraordinary drama of prison life ha* just been recounted before the Aiutize (<>u rt at Sante«, in the Charente-Inferieure Department. At the end of the trial tear* lit reamed down the cheek* of the jurymen. Early last month Jean Piciot.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 280 15 For your throats sake, smoke FRESH Cigarettes. CRJWENX. CORK TIPFtD VIRGINIA CIOAKETTES rmpiT. No <ul- \a M H^^B^ irr nnJcd. N.< 888 J 1 BTBC^^^^B^Bl X From Arcadia Work* in London When you pull this ruhher Tab li«cn where the World* nnnt \'irj;inij ».>r cSc jir rushing int.> DM tin.
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  • 1266 16 ROADS THE TRAFFIC THEY CARRY. PKSANG LETTER. Following The Railway— Hire Cars Thrive Despite Petrol Tax— Perlis And Kedah— The New Train Time-table Clothes For Schoolchildren "Come Clean Chinese And Dancing —The Borea Season Ended Penang. M. WHATEVER the incidence of the petrol! and car taxes, the public of north
    1,266 words
  • 147 16 The Singapore Municipal Health statement for the week ended May 21 gives the total number of deaths as male 115 and female 73. This represents a death-rate ■•f Hilt per mille, per annum, compared with 20.57 in the preceding week and 31.f»7 in the corresponding week of last
    147 words
  • 447 16 Norman Smith's Speed Car Catches Fire. Kaitai (New Zealand), May 1 I A fire in Mr. Norman Smith's speed car, the Stewart Enterprise, during an attack on the world's five-mile record at noon today, brought ti\e months' tediuu* waiting to a sudden end. Mr. Smith,
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  • 211 16 Seven Men Condemned To Death. Rangoon, May 4. In the Rangoon High Court today. Mr. Justice Heald and .Mr. Justice Biown delivered judgment in the Insein appeal case. Twenty-four rebels, recruited and led by Saya San in ln>ein between May and September 19:il. were placed on trial before
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  • 216 16 $250,000 Plant Seized By Chicago Police. New York, May 1. The hicago correspondent of the New York Times telegraphs that the J2~>0.000 Capone distillery, whi. h i- equip)>ed with trap-doors and blind entrances, and is sumptuously furnished, was seized liy the prohibition authorities today, who declared it to
    216 words
  • 45 16 The annual dinner of the Old Rafflesians' Association will be held at the G. H. Cafe, Ratttery Road, on June 4. at 7.45 pm. Tickets <$2 each) may be obtained from the honorary secretary, Mr. George E. H. (Milan, 6a, Change Alley, before JUB« 1.
    45 words
  • 382 16 Four Chinese Caught In Limehouse Raid. Stories of a raid on a ChiMM opium I den in Limehousc, in which a "my- i man," who was described a.» a Mspected i!rug trafficker, wis involved, were to!,: recently at Than-es PoMea Court. Four Chines* were sentenced
    382 words
  • 33 16 Invitations have been issued Ky ihr Hon. Mr. J. W. W. Hughes. Biitish Resident, Negri Sembilan, for a garden party at the Residency on June 3, the birthday of Hi« Majesty the King.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 182 16 Arv The PLEASANT WAY To Keep Your Child Well. J^i^^ J done are the days of castor oil and /\\^mti other nauseating purgatives for chrldren. And good riddance to them, 'O\ y ay both parents and children too. I {ha^t because a thing was ,A V -*"V\ Mn "old-fashioned" it
      182 words
    • 100 16 'THE LANCETS ii 29> says: 7 m Oiduxaky couH miik j*** L m fi*Uok the yuA contort m Ohis is convincing evidence that fresh milk contains almost no vitamin D. It follows that a food made from fresh milk contains almost no vitamin D BUT SUNSHINE GLAXO has added Ostelin
      100 words

  • 1312 17 Th* Mrmirv iij l.allnnu In Tin- Slum ft —An Insidious Lnvnix Of Younfi Hiibln-r The uusc Of Present H mNnf KxiHiulilurv Repulnr Patrol* I ssinlinl Thrvv Methods Of Enuliction Inltrvstinti Experimental Kork ftho U ill Solve The Problem V (Bf Our I'laatw* Cacrfnaaemt.) I l:r |nartljr r.o
    1,312 words
  • 1132 17 Cut In Research Cess? JOINT COMMITTEE WITH MALAYA. Some concern vm expressed at the > rent meetinir of the Board of Management of the Rubber Research Scheme (Ceylon! which was held in C.ol-rrbo that the ce-s which wa» levied for the support of the Bchana mij;ht
    1,132 words
  • 207 17 Vast Spectacle of Kuin And Desolation. In the early hours ol May J. *»>* the I Saigon Opinion, a typhoon raxed over part of Annain, inrludinj; i>rlat, the well-known health raaoti M I-'i'-nch Indo China. It proved a veritable catastrophe The rain poured for twenty-four honm
    207 words
  • 172 17 Terms as I^»w as 6d. Per Week In Sydney. In order U. MM im.i< !i»U- iel.<. finift »he payment if ia'<- .iry Mrpajn <.!' land in Banlstown umi nullora. n few miles fiom Sydney. h..\v s-dil ou» at I area in prices on small <i. |>< -i Ukd
    172 words
  • 16 17 Mr. S. A. M i hil<lair., sailed i>y the BthaM II < i India yesttrday on leave.
    16 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 150 17 Ahe fruit\ /the whole fruit W^V^ I nothing hut the fruit* l Is tfico j .■aaaaaaaaaMßaT 1 A ORHNGEPOP Favourite U I The Product of 'Piao— s*«veg. P* Bt' .K^da^daHaa, Jtf^' aaaa<B H aaaaaaliaaaaaaL^fc^d^' aafc. ■aaa^^ai Fresh Flower Seeds. FOUND UaaaMT .rnalmii. I \l.>«.un. ««!rrir.c CaaMoJajaaa i »i, v- At
      150 words

  • 5124 18 LALL SINGH'S BATTING IMPRESSES FAVOURABLY. Davis Cup Hopes And Fears. (Kroin Our Own CaffWfJWMML) Straits Timis Orric*. PiMl Stroet, May 11. The last nmt. mi nf the soccer Reason. tin- county cricket rumprtitKin. f, rowinif and luwn Irani* haw nnjj .'-< l to provide uporUrm-n with an
    5,124 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 227 18 SO FROM NOW pynrrtu^i at lark* your eunu HI S \otirs nnn md you're happy. Hut in the nr\t five year»? Will he Mill ailrmrr fO*J kt ><>ur brilliant, flasb- iDg smile. *M vpjrkling vivatily? Or »ill *«*J W i \uiim of pyorrhrs. K>*c MHir -.n il«. »ticir rner^>. your
      227 words
    • 372 18 >rS i '^^Psi. ~tsVir9^ -^a^B^BafttkT^aMllaT HI a^Ll If I* M^aM T^ tV-MM^^BMMtja£^flJ i ■^^^B^Lw^^^^S'^^^SS^^Sl WU J^^B^^^ a T THE SONG OF THE MORRIS. There is a deep full throated, r, usital purr in an active Morris engine. distinct from the exhaust note of other cars. It depicts an honest British
      372 words

  • 233 19 Expenses of His Private Establishment. 1 Kandy. *!a^ 1 The Q examined today by the Reti >nchmei the witness being Otpt > nne: \l>' says the Time- of CofleO With the ad- J dition to th.' >ld IBBoT under the new order of thinn tl >
    233 words
  • 278 19 Holidays in Kngland. TRAVEL \SS()(! ATI' »N'S 4MPAIGN. am This wa- th«- on Mom to l«e i-olve«l b> an important conference I here at which seviml biirh Knti- l i offi. the rrootii I iv.-I A-">ciation .i inn done, courage people oa the Continent to Britair- but
    278 words
  • 256 19 British BdMtftsjl Surprise Montmartre. MoOtasOl found tl laoUac on at ihi )>.rt..rt:iui traced] which mo. in- to the I II Tin tiage.i\ were a pari> of Knglish nchoolbi .•en OB) mi.' ,i i- r U) I' The •)<■>•- hii.i spoal a 'l;iy in I] and in the «\enin>c «.i.
    256 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 120 19 Today's Crossword Puzzle (CLUES.) ACROSS. g gj 1 iHhaiae WWara r kt Cn»tr«dily in i-. ,n rr t.. aa «r««n v Chailoafed P ur :.i 1., i. 1 V, J -ir<trunient >• >' Ureaaoa i. r- v Hi r.n,,,,,.i. sh(| wa|k Hewt" ph r ■WWW 41 S«<!r.ent I- 1n... cujt-rd
      120 words

  • Article, Illustration
    73 20 \li rOMA IS«m rtOSt \IHIS— Ih«- lion. Mr. T. S. Adam*. M.( \S..Hriti»h Kr.idrnt of Map ia |I.i ii\ with Urn < nmnundrr cil the ictoria In-Ciiution I adrl (<irp» and h«- principal of ihr -rf-hool Mr K. 1.. > iii-|h< nni: thr miard aj hunuur at Ihr Kmpirr l>a.i
    73 words
  • Article, Illustration
    61 20 I ill Will I I I ItS Ih. m. mli. i of Ihr I'asar Road OnMMI Srh«f.l V«M I uh I'ark. at thr Kmpire Ha > paradr .a. h .arrird a Inion Jack.' (I'hoto O. K.ik SINi. WORE I*OI.<) The M Battalion (.loucolrr K««t. brat Ihr 1 -2llth llurma Kirt.->
    61 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 20 DIESEL ENGINK AT KIALA LINPI'K 9-TW MMMM DlMrf mcinr al irartrd a grral d.-al of allmlim whr* it arrived at Kuala Lumpur. I h.- fifth goal aHout to br srorrd by the (ilotirrsl rr tram
    35 words
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