The Straits Times, 26 May 1932

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 176 1 SINGAPORE 78. CECIL ST. (PHONE 5181). ~JJ~~" IS Toalfht til LIONEL BARRTMORBJ tm >the broken; LULLABY PWm tMI-1. W, j glgllflEYlllAN M mj/mS^^^ AN EMPIRE PRODUCT Fresh creamy butter direct from Australia can be yours if you ask for HEYMAN Butter. A British Empire Product that is famed throughout the
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    • 633 1 KtJALA LUiiPUR: 27. JAVA ST. (THONB. 3«83> Cyclax isn't just Beauty Talk It's sheer commonsense. Aftcrall. beauty can he a very simple mattir. VtiuM- natural bl<M.m ><>ur »kin sh.nlj h.i\,- .mJ solve the probably heard t-niuigh already about tiMiirs and cell* beamy problem for you more sancl\, mure simply, than
      633 words
    • 14 1 _i «.15 Toaif ht t.i J II.IONEI. BARKYMORB i >THE BROKEN; j LULLABY M
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 780 2 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS. (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA.) TO LONDON. Naplee. Maraeillea. Loadoa. Antwerp. Rotterdam aad Middleeborongh. Vessel.. Tonnaga. Daa. Sail. I FUSHIMI MARU 11,000 Jan* I I HAKOZAKI MARU 10.600 Jaaa It 10 t TFKI'KfNI MARU 12.000 Jan. 18 88 HAKISAN MARU 10.500 Jaly 13 14 HARINA MARU 10,500 July 27 28
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    • 495 2 BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia.) FOR BRISBANE. SYDNET AND ■ELBOURNB via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly sailings by the wellknown steamer MARELLA 7,808 tens) and the s.s MANGOLA (3.352 ton.) (Cargo only). Th* B« MARELLA la on* «t tht largest and finest steamers trading to Australia, cabins
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    • 630 2 THE EAST ASIATIC CO, LIMITED (laeorporat.d ia Denmark.) Telephone B*2B. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE TO GENOA. LONDON. ROTTERDAM, BAMBUBG AND COPENHAGEN. Leav* S'por*. Peaang. ms. BORINGU Jun* 8 Juna 10 m.*. FIONA Jun* 29 July 1 m.s. ERRIA Jaly 13 Jaly IS m.s. ALBIA Aug. 13 Aag. 12 m.s. LALANDU
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 221 3 OCEANIC AND ORIENTAL NAVIGATION CO, BAN FRANCISCO, CAI* STATES STEAMSHIP CO, PORTLAND, ORE. JOINT BCHEDULB Bailings for United States and Canada P ints frofa Hong Kong. Baa Praarlsra and Laa Angela*. IJ. noi.OFN TTDB aalla froa U«ti tf Rataj Jan* Agratat ANGLO SI AM CORPORATION, LIMITED. (Incorporated In Englaad.) 8I\<;
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    • 432 3 DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINI tAWAMBUCAIi MAIL UWI B^aßaßaßaßaßaßaeVaaaßaV--— l^a»Paamal WHY TRAVEL THE DOLLAR WAY? BECAUSE I Freah California fruit* and able* are aerved at every maai. 2 Every aUtaroon is as otitaid* cabin. 3 Outdoor salt-water wwimmtac F**l on Iteck. 4 Orrripstra music for Tct-Danrtaff* Dinner and entertainmanta. 5 Firtt Rob
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    • 457 3 ELLERMAN& BUCKNALL STCAMSHIP CO., LTD. (lacorporated in Englaad) "BLLEKMAN- LOsX Paaaeagar aad Freight Services ta I— UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT. Tla Part* sad Saw CaaaL OUTWARDS. TO HONC, KONG. SHANGHAI A JAPAN. Steamer Da* S'por*. 11. CITY Of FLORENCE June :2 HOMEWARDS. M. CTTJ OF BEDFORD, for Havra, L'doa, Edam.
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    • 1213 3 BANKING ANNOUNCEMENTS THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. (lacaraoraUd la Eaglaad Capital Authorised a. a.MMM Capital Subscribed Reserve Fund and Saat l^l7.tM CapiUl paid up 1.0M.M0 BOARD OP DIRi:« TUKS t J. Ryrie, Esq. Chainnaa, f. K. Chalmers, Eaq, Charles J. Hambro, Baa. W H Shelford. Ksq.. Sir Thomas Catto.
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    • 352 3 NKDEKI.ANDSCHE HANDEL MAATSCHAPPT N.V. Netaeilaad* Trading ftariHy (Retabllahed at Ameterdam IwMJ TAin vp CAPITAwi r -•njo.oot ■fAT. uvb I i<>.niK,oat HEAD OFrii F i\ AMSTFItDAaI WITH A' EOTTERP\.M AND P t HEAL) At.r\< IN ||i ia. BKsN( 111 -J •Bandoeng Hong R»n.- n Baniljernissin n-»na Bombay v. n s
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 423 4 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. Thera ara approilroauly aoraa worda ta a line and th»re Is a flat fata rhsrge af M rents per line yer Insertion with. A minimum rf one dollar per lasortloa. Advertisements will ha arrtpted a* ta It the dsy of Issue. A fee of M '-nu is charged
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    • 657 4 HOUSES. FLATS TO LET BtTNOALOWR. 4 II 14 I*. Angullla Park., rents reduced. Apply Angullia A Co. TO LET. bungalow, with modern sanitation. 73, Grange Koad. Apply 63, Ajisob Soad. TO LET. UROP. FLAT, Amber Mansions. Apply B'pore Building Corp, S4. Marmat_Bt. TO LET, Ist floor. 4. Raffles Place available
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    • 523 4 BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET OFFICES TO LET, J4-B BatUry Soad, tad lioar. Ap»<ly Guthna *_£o, Ltd. "GODOWN. Ri»er Vallay Boad, soluble Motor (iarage or Store, area 4,-ISe aqaara feet. Apply Lniud Engineers. TO LET, omCK9 at 4 and 4-A, Pri ace St. top floor ard Ma. 22, Rafflen IMaco, Apply
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    • 483 4 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE NOTICE in aareby given that the business rarried on by me under the style or firm ■MM of A. Kader M. Saiboo A C 0.." at No. >2, High Street, Singapore, has been sold to \fjrena Kna Abdul llannd and Ena Sayaa Hohamed Hanifa of Nos. 90
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    • 762 4 LEGAL NOTICE. GEORGE HUNTER McWALTER, DECEASED. All persons having claims ngair.«t the estate of Genrgr Tlanter MrWalter late of M. Seah ha Road, Singapore, whn died at the Oeaoral Homit .1 Singapore, on May M. 19SJ arr requested to «end paiticul:.' their elaiall forthwith to the under-igned. DREW NAI'IFR. S'lir
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    • 491 4 AUCTION NOTICES. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENT M SIM.MORE. Sail No. 1 I oi ItJt. ■itasaa TAN KHEN«, sun aad TW MOB TAY. PUI.iKT. and TAN KHF.N(. TIN and TAN THOU TAY and the Official Awlinee of the prop. rt> <f TAN KMrM. TIN k»KK
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  • 537 5 J.P. Describes It As Idiotic" Thin Court ha- been treated with th. greatest contempt," said th* chairman •Mr T B. Milkr) at the Mark CroM (Su»«ex) Petty ScMiomi, wh«r Sir Anthony Lindsay-Hogg again failed to appear to anawer a lummoni for using an unlicensed car
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 336 5 HOTELS RAFFLES HOTEL Rooms with Modern Sanitation and Hot and Cold Running Water. TONIGHT SPECIAL PINNER DANCE (KILL social Diall Roaat Sarkmc I'll— \pplr Saarr Braaa^l Sproata Roaal Potatoea $1.75 SATURDAY. MAY 28 ST. ANDREW'S HOSPITAL BALL (Under the distinguished patronage of H. E. The Governor) >^ o K. MODERN
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    • 348 5 RAFFLES CAFE BxccOmt Mesh s la Carte at Moderate Coat. BREAD daily delivery to all parts of the town. CAKES Cakes and Pastries. Sausage Rolls and Carry Pafs freshly made daily. Upcountry orders executed promptly. Chocolates, Sweets, Crackers sad Fancy Goods. RHONE 5381. Iberna pure JLM 1 1 If SWISS
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    • 299 5 RAFFLES HOTEL St. ANDREW'S HOSPITAL BALL. Under the distinguished patronage of H.E. THE GOVERNOR. SATURDAY MAY 28th 1932. From 9.30 p.m. Until 2 a.m. MODERN AND OLD TIME DANCING. o "THE SONGS OF 1890 AND TODAY" MRS. C. M. ALFORD. o > "THE DANCES OF 1890 AND TODAY" MISS MARION
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  • 1913 6 FORESTRY METHOD, FACTORY CHANGES AND BUDDING. A M.mprehenxive rrview of the Malayan rubber industry in 1 !»3 1 hv Dr. 11. A. Tempany. Director of AgrkulUre. to piihliMhrri in the Ma In van Affrirultural Journal. Dr. Tempany dtoruflNCM thr forestry method of cultivation, budding
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  • 97 6 Will He Go to Paris As Ambassador Pans. May 23. Reports that Sir Eric Drummond. after resigning the secretaryshm of the 1 ese-ue of Nations, will come to Paris as British Ambassador are received coolly here. In the Echo de Pan* rVrtinax launches a vigorous attack against
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  97 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 219 6 Damage to Property In Bukit Timah Road. To the Editor of the Straits Times. liukit Timah Road ha* again been flooded, and damage done to property both movable and immovable. t> say nothing of the great inconvenience caused to those residing in this district, especially between Wayang Satu
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    • 275 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.— LE.L.'s letter of May 20 in your paper has been brought to my attention nnd on behalf of the organising committee of the Malayan Billiards Championship Tournament and myself I have to convey thanks for his hearty congratulations. Whilst fully
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    • 133 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. Could you or any of your readers give the correct decision on the following point? In the cricket match Mwaaaj Selangor and Penang your headline >ays Selangor Tie with Penang." M\ argument is that Selangor drew :th Penang. It
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  • 206 6 Order* by I.ieut.-Col M. J. T. Reilly. MA Commanding S.S.V.F. Singapore. May 25. UK the Governor has been pleased to approve the promotion •>! 2nd-Lieut C. B. Webb. S.S.V.F.. to the rank of Lieutenant wth effect t'rom May 8. '.'nd-I.ieut. (A-Capt.) A. V. Aston. M.C., revert* to his
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  • 27 6 The final rehearsal of Shakespeare's Twelfth Nights to be presented at the Victoria Theatre on June S, will be held today at 5 p.m. in the theatre.
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  • 153 6 The Berlin Motor Race Meeting. Berlin. May 22. The sweltering heat of the past two days— Saturday was the hottest May day for 40 years subsided owing to a thun derrtorm. and conditions were pleasant for the bag motor racing event on the Avus track near
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  • 173 6 Venizelos Invited to Form Cabinet Athens. Ma Contrary to the general expectation that he would send 'or the Royalist leader Tsaldaris, President Zajrais en- trusted the task of forming a> new Cabinet at once lo M. Veniielos. The Presiden* insisted, however, in view of the extren'e gravity
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  173 words
  • 40 6 In the account of the German Grand Prix motor race the driver arraciola was incorrectly described as an Italian. He i*. of course. Germany* premier racing motorist and has won fame in many international tests during the past few years.
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  • 343 6 M. Herriot Explains His Plans. Paris Ma An extremely >autn-is foreign policy ■rhich will make r. a rule to talculaUfverything with the g-eate»t precision Thi* wan th«- plan *-niulate.i t>y the rladica leader anil niesumably th. lex', r rvnch Foreign laMajaar, M. Hernot. :r. a -tatrtnent n-ade
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  • 49 6 Building of Dam Approaching Completion. Amsterdam. May L'l. The Zuydcr dam is approaching com pletion. only sinjrlt trap 1.4 M feet wid--still connecting the Zuyder lh« North Sea The management of the work to clo-c the jrap on Wednesday, when Princess Juliana wi!l inspect the dam-Aneta-Trans-Occan.
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  49 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 220 6 The Regent Port« Able r Lir.HT. DUEABUi AND 5 DKI'ENDABLE. IMPERIAL TYrK^WTKI CO, LTD. 1/aice.ter. Encuutd. Itnle sfenla DUNCAN ROBERTS. LTD. 11l sod lUH HDRINHON BD. SINCArOSE WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE WITHOUT CALOMEL And ffaart Jump Out of Bed in the Mm nine Harm' lo I mitW Mkl th»
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    • 164 6 New.... Unique.... Four Door P/llar^tss Saloon on th* Triumph Super Seven NEVER were cars so badly used a« those chosen to test this unique Triumph 4-Ooor Pillarless Saloon. Month after month, at fad speeds, over execrable surfaces— and not a door jammed, not a fault could be found. And not
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 247 7 HIM M '1 'TW^BI I LAST NIGHT TONIGHT JACK HOLT RALPH GRAVES in A DANGEROUS AFFAIR TOMORROW TAKE f EM OFF WILL! know you HPTvlslflHSlPfv Roar at him as ■-%!>. -CYVv^Bk _J blade magnate tbeir whiskers. I WILL ROGERS BUSINESS /^^S and I LAUGHS' PLEASURE I* 6UK6LES! J v nil
      247 words
    • 261 7 Another Outstanding Triumph of the motion Picture Art S. Free Press 25-5-32. "It is a production that should not be mimed." Straits Times. First Claxs proxrammi- One of the best for weeks." "Malaya Tribune." Thus, Hrn local Press enthusiastically praise The Year's finest Dramatic Picture ernst LUBITSCH'S "THE BROKEN LULLABY
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  • 218 8 Evidence of Estates Closing. TIN PRICES REMAIN STEADY. (By Our Financial <wr respondent.) Singapore. Thursday. Today Prices: Rubber. s'» cents per Ib. Tin. 100 tons at $63.25 per picul Yesterday's Prices Rut bvr, I>ondon, l J ,d.. down 1 IGd. Ne« York, 22 J 4 cts.. down
    218 words
  • 63 8 Noon. May 26. K.S.S r<]ual to London Standard: Ruyrrs. Sellers. Spot 5" H 5' t Standai'l K.S.S. on Tender: Bu>cr> Sellers. Jnnc 5« .*>■„ July 5' R 5' July-S^pt. 5.. svi Oct.-D.-c. s'j 5"« Tone of Market Dull. Kasicr. latest Cable: London Spot Shct i
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  • 187 8 Sinjra M M GMswWwT 7.00 (CUaM No. 1 MMMJI Ifll) 16.00 ("opia 2"> mix»il |.9<i Sago Hour. Sarawak 1 !»7'-. White Pepper 24.50 Black IVpper MM Pearl Sago 4.2F small 5.00 medium [m'h| 6.00 Kice, Siani $156 to 19<", Saigon $149 to 16.'» KangiMin $156 to 166 No. 1
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    • 217 8 Singapore, May 26. SELLING. London, 1 months' sight 2/3 29/32 London, 3 months' sight 2 327 32 London, 60 days' sight 2 513 16 London, 30 days' sight 2/3 J"> :V2 London, demand 2 3 T i London, T.T. 2 3 23 32 Lyons and Paris, demand 1,060
      217 words
    • 64 8 The following ship* are in communication with thy Win ess Station* at Sinirap* :--Ajratha. Benmohr. Dara. (i. (i. Paul [burner. (;leno<le. Harbor. Honolulu Maru. Juno, Marella. Na»sa Petronella. Ryuyo Maru. Saratov. Tempo: Maru. Tj: Jane, Woyo Maru. Yalou. finanjt Arlna. Ajrapenor, Auirustina ("ompieirc Klponor. Franken. (;aa^terkerk. WMnK
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    • 44 8 Mail- from Kuroiw (London mail- dipatch.d «-n M«y •'•>, ox P. and K«i»«r I Hir.<! which anchorfd at IVnatiK *t fi.2o a.m. t'Mlay will arrive hy train '.<«- iin rrnw morninj:. r<.rn i s|rf>n<l«'nre will \xreally for delivery to lx>xholdiT^ m S. l.'i am.
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    • 13 8 From China and Japan, by TmHMg, du-.- at Singapore tomorrow evening.
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      • 458 8 Issue Val. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. £1 £1 Asam Kumhang 22/- 24/£1 £1 Austral Malay 18/- 20/5 5 Ayer HiUm Tin 10/- 11 £1 £1 Bangrin Tin 6/6 8 1 1 Katang Padang 0.07'g 012.. 1 1 Batu Caves 0.22 0.25 1 1 Bukit Arang 0.30 0.40 nom. £1 £1
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      • 291 8 Issue >'al. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. 2 2 Alex. Brick Ord. 0.80 1.00 nom. 2 2 Alex. Brick Prefs. 1.30 1.60 il £1 Brit. Am. Tobacco MM 3.15.0 10 5 British Malaya Trustee 400 1 1 Central Engine 0.20 OJiO nom. 100 50 Chinese Com. Bank 70.00 75.00 El £1
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      • 143 8 Singapore fold Storage 7 p.c. deb. of 1926 red. 1931-36 100 101 ci. Singapore Municipal 5 p.c. of 1901 red. 1940 $J(HU>OO Mt Mal noni Singa|H>re Municipal 4'; p.c. of 1907 red. 1947 $1,600,000 \il 99 nom. Singapore Municipal 4* p.c. of 1909 red. 1955 $1,000,000 97
        143 words
      • 370 8 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. To-day 8 Price Frascr Lyall Co. Co. llnhy (SI) 0.15 0.30 0.15 Mi Mor Gajah ($1) 0.15 0.30 0.15 0.25 V Hitam ($1) 0.40 0.60 0.40 0.50 Kuning ($1) 0.05 0.15 0.05 O.lOnom. t Malay ($2) 0.35 0.50 0.30 0.45
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  • 51 8 MAILS FOR EU ROPE. By b*mpo Corfu General Mrtimftr Karapara Tajando«n P. C. Hooft Rawalpindi Siba;ak Left Arrd S'porr l.nnd..« Apr. 16 Mar 4 Apr. 16 Maj Apr. 20 May 1« Apr. 21 May 16 Apr. 21 May 16 Apr 29 May 18 Apl. m May 21 May 6 May
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  • 89 8 Rugby, May M Foreign exchanges are: Amsterdam 9.(-IH_. Athens M Bombay 1^ I til M Berlin lo.r.T' Brussels H.ll .°,l! Bucharest 617'Buenos Aires 35 10 optnhagen 18.35 Geneva 18.82' -j Helsingfors 215 Hong Kong Is- V, v Umm ii" Madrid 44 11 16 V.ilan 71* K Jlonte Video .'5O
    89 words
  • 33 8 Mail- Ml Lm4h Mm i s If th.- ■■>- waul l>uU-h a«T<>plan«' fnini Amsterdam asparisa ti> arrive at Simrapor*- by th« ivrniiiK n,irc- mm Saturday. for delivery to lx>xh'>lilor> at pm.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 547 8 ARRANGEMENTS POH THE .WEEK. Tharaday. May M. I'M II W 1.36 am 8 ft. 4 jn. J. 60 p.m., 7 ft. 2 in. Annual nwtinc of V.W.I A Rafflr» Quay. (i in Friday. May 27. H W 2.35 am.. Ik, p.m. 7 ft. 1 ia. Municipal l'ommi>sioners' mrotinf, 2.15 Oprninf
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    • 472 9 Fraser and Co.'s Weekly Report. ji,,l f,,.\ r.-port. dated. May 2*., «tat.--: Butinent durmr the week under review has airain hrrn on a very limited »cale. The hcntile attitude unanimously adopted by thr CkfaktM MtaMtl i" thr Byrne Scheme and thi> IfTavc warning fiven to them by thr
      472 words
    • 59 9 Loss for the Year Of iomml lx>ndon M;i The Billilion joint Mining Co. iepurt.« I i i h'i.OOO for the year against a profit of £51*7,000 for the previous year. NO <iivi<i«-nd ii Uin^ dt-clarcil. The prtviotis dividend was 40 per cent. Tht loss is chanced to a
      59 words
    • 240 9 Mb* Philippine Islands and Japan iAntil..<hu. S p.m. Soataern and Western India (Rohna) I p-av Utt'r Burma. North and East India (Takliwa) S p m. Selat Pandjang heong Henel 4 p.m. Selat Pandjang, Bengkalis, Siak. Pakan Baroe, Pajakombo and Padang (Tidore) 4 p.m Siam. Burma, India, Iraq.
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    • 286 9 Thursday, May 24. Shla* aloße«ide the Wbarrea or cipecte4 U arrive. Mini II \KBOI K. \l.r-. Wh.rf VV, I". Hoppern 1. 3. 5. T and I, Tv» "Bvlan«tus." Ixh. "Alert." The Cable. Islander. SaMg Ann. HI Wharf MiL i-oal Wharf I L VESSELS IN DBY DOCKS. Tanjong
      286 words
    • 119 9 Tha Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1.071«t auction on May 25, when there w» catalogued 1..-U».:»6» Ib. or 80-J.39 ton* offer.d 1 .255.9 M lb. or 648.W) tons sold MaJM Ib. or 324.02 ton*. I»"<lon i 13-lsd. New York 2 13-1 C cts. PRICES
      119 words
    • 631 9 The following paacengert ar< »nlme by t.i. P. md O. Ckttral, Iraving Singapore tomorrow at '.'.30 »■>. Mi-. C M. R. Millar. Mr S V Adam.. |ir W. H Brodie. Mr. A. C W. Grieve. Mis. I> M. We«tmacott. Mi>« Drummond. Mrs. I N W. Joyce. Mi» K. Shilleto*.
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    • 26 9 Pa»*on({ers from Ratavia to Singapore on May 24 -Mr. and Mrs \V. F Luulmk Weddik. From Singapore to BaUvia and Bandoeng Mr. E. Anker.
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    • 11 9 Communication with Alor Star. Tung- songr «n.l Bangkok i.- interrupted.
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    • 517 9 LONDON EXCHANGE PRICES APRIL 25. Allagsr (2 Iffa An»loM«lay (tl) kyat K nine (11' *i Bairan Srrai itl) >.»; iahru (2 V; H..Ut. C tl) 1,16. Balu :ave» (tl> 16; Pbtu Matant /9; Batu rira (tl> 3 16; lirrtam ft/) 7',; Bidor (tl) •1«; Hikam jt/J
      517 words
    • 560 9 S> mington Wilson's Weekly Letter. Symington and Wilson's wt-rkly mark.i report, dated LaavJaa, Apr. 27 state*: A somewhat tirm<r tone has developed in the rubber market since vu r I:. port. Pliaal aWa an a.ivancf of 1 to 1 fed. Then- lias bwn aMM trade buying, both Kuropean
      560 words
    • 29 9 Slight Increase Compared With March. (From Oat Own Correspondent.) London, Ma. World ruMw-. akMav aa 6M. teas, compared with «i:i,l>ll t., n an Mar. .11 i
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    • 199 9 Closing Quotations In London. (From Our Own Correapontlrnt.) l^m.l Clocinir quotation* lact neht af the pritr-'pa' British and Amn.nn :trvck» ara riven hejow The H«<> or fall it in relation to tha price of May M 6OVBBNMENT STOCK*. BRITI9B. Rise or Fall Conversion l.< H Punillnr
      199 words
    • 21 9 Selangor Company's Bmritg For 1931. (From Our Owq am The Mbbv 1• arairm 1 The amount cai ricd
      21 words
    • 30 9 Loss of £2,154 for The Year. (From Our Own < „m-[.. ml nt > l.i.m|..n. M The Hidden Ltd.. report* a la £-J..">47 fur th- carted forwarl ii 1.
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    • 659 9 Brewery Shares and Beei Consumption. A MI'LTII'LE-STORE'S PROFITS. (Krom Our Own (orre*pondfnt.) i>.ndiiii. Apr. ..f the wo.'k VMM the > wtn-.l by half per r n t. to thi- unnouniemfnt in-.i«-<liate marked The pd with pro- <cV Kxchan^'.. had already markin anticipation of the i ljUt tho
      659 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 106 9 I*"* "j 'r "/^l £*^>*^ Eb^t 1 if •'VarM? J' 'v^U U !3tfr4^ Ma\ P MJUnmK QaU THE ROYAt EXCHANGE LONDON H«Bd of the ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE INCQOPOa/kT-. 0 A 0:1/20 Ihr <..rpui^lk.o tommied orer *ia yr.m age an 4 U the olaeat romnnaitr Inaaranre OaVr In the W,rM
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  • 11 10 TA.N' M 1 1 Mrnw I -v ,|i
    11 words
  • 970 10 hv I i' the a'-nvs' 1 I td ttet I I r»nera"» MJI .1 1 ••new n«r~ the ruf'hor NmKmm II hy <>• nfleH that Mm MMJ tM *>•!''■. i; .v ImflaV tion -nr '■«rw < HUe RiiH»«- R"* form'
    970 words
  • 140 10 SOCIAL PERSONAL. ■n Franklin, wife of Mi f] I Franklin, i- «ailinfr fot home th. Phitral tomorrow. V Wra Praed llw. the dan.-er. who Ha- h.i'l in Mnlaya jw-' over a year. M «ai?in»r for home tomorrv.w hy the (""hitral Mi W. A <Jl Jonen. of the leiral firm at
    140 words
  • 561 10  -  K M load 1 l»v f'onsiderinjf the Riddle Of' The niverse. tritii af hriw h.,1.<il I ,11 H ■!■>; >>,■,■'■ it ft- ntlnilt •hnl MMMI IMMI The riMM e«tim*tmn of tihilnsopny esperially amonir h.The phi neithei what h«- vrn' v. look for H* 11 a hlmd
    561 words
  • 403 10 JUDGES AND MATRIMONY. \l, m alway* 10 willing in .'xpre»« ni» npinton* >>n iinnv A.m., inMifcmakers' hIU and nlher -ii«hiv nine lu«.ini> ."Vnition I ire«iim» a* .1 in<-!.<in hi- hiiihl :i >Bihf!ni 1.1 ■•\pi-ms an ipinion «n -nartial ••latmitK. with -exult thai \lr .limtlc- ha* ••aifin'
    403 words
  • 75 10 Al tl \MKk A l>. *F'lTni 1.v.1..' i'hoin CRCAT wnun w wn cum Dw k«> Ruf»* 7.™> Him. MkaUaa r**«*4 Cammarrwi Hw» *4kl HOKdl i.H, Hi NEW W(IRLI) Sid. Mow*. r«a«f»t Dsurlac, TalkiM. T>mm sad Claaau r*\ lI.IOV lu-k. .n. 1.-. Th. Imimi.. i "i i.'M, HAPPUhI MOTHJ. S.
    75 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 111 10 j Beautify your Home with I NEW BRITISH C R ETONN E S. I aw^r M F uK> V^MHM M* J^^^r mV« Jl ft," aatS^^MM. ISrAVraR ir;< x\t> rmr nrsif.v Omtwtm&y tumtt\v4 immmmb> Inn..- la mju" n j harkrroanit ..f huff n a •vet iiruin at r«al JOHN LITTLE CO.,
      111 words
    • 42 10 COLUMBIA 6RAPHOPHOHES The Highest Standard of British Craftsmanship. NEW PORTABLE trim $25. T\R, F. r.RANFIS $75. ABIN'K I tnd HLMTmK MOOF.I.S THE ROBINSON PIANO tompwy. ii%rrrrf>. Siniraanre. 'Hcorp«r»t»d in Honf K''«f'> BRAND'S ESSENCE OF CHICKEN A DIET IN MAL DE MER IMMMMMMMMJMMMMMMMMBI
      42 words

  • 1152 11 DECISIVE BATTLE EXPECTED. General Ma Advancing. JAPANESE DETERMINED TO RESIST. (From Our Own Corretpondent.) Nanking. May 26. General Honjo. Commander-in-Chief of the Japanese forces in Manchuria, has proceeded to the war front to command his troops in person and General Ma Chanshan it also
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  1,152 words
  • 605 11 Repayment of Suspended Amounts. FORMAL STEP. Main Question Not Affected. Rugby. May 25 Th Foil vn Secretary, Sir John Simon, aaaaktag in the Baaaa of Commors. confirmed -he urm.i.r i nunt of the n,.|.<nd- M agreement wit^ the I'nite.i S;uti for repayment .>f he .Ma I
    605 words
  • 40 11 Secretary of Trades Union; CongresJi Madias, May 25. Mat. the general secvetaiy •>. Ml 'mlia Trades I' Congress, has l«vn a r ns'id The mre-t is lielieved tn be in connection with aa appeal he recently ajtUtafcaa, Reutei
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 82 11 Much Satisfaction In London. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 25. I understand that no further steps are being taken with regard to the Decentralisation policy in Malaya pending the receipt of the report of Brigadier-General Sir Samuel Wilson, the Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Colonies,
    82 words
  • 306 11 Severe Criticism of Both Sides. Lor.don. May 25. The public altercation between Lord J. tice S<iutton and Mr. Justice McCardie is deplored on all hands, and both judges come in for severe criticism. The Daily Telegraph says the provocali< n Mr. Justice McCardie received did ni.t justify what
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  • 129 11 Nazis' Massed Attack On Communists. Berlin. May 24. Broken chairs with their plush seats ripped up. smashed inkpots, glasses and lamps littered the floor of the hall of the Prussian Diet after a vicious fight between Nazis and Communists. It began when a (Vmmunwt accused the Nazis
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 81 11 licaten by Kaye Don In Trial Run. Rugby, May 2. r Mr. Kay.' Don will make an official attack on the wot Id's wati r spe d record t 111.7 mile- an hour today ur tomorrow Yi'-n-nl.i aa Lake GaVaa in the Mis Rngland 111 he ixceeled
    British Wireless  -  81 words
  • 40 11 Miss Amelia Earhart At York House. Rugby. May 25. The Prince of Wales yesterday invited Miss Karhart. who made a lone flight over the Atlantic, to York House and hail a long conversation upon aviation.— Britisil W.ieles..
    40 words
  • 34 11 Reported to be Seriously 111. London. May Sir Ronald Ross, Director in Chief of the Hobs Institute and Hospital for Tropical Diseases, who is 75 year* of age. >< seriously ill. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 454 11 The Silver Position. AMENDMENT NEGATIVED IN COMMONS. London, May 25. The Hoi-e of Commons agree! without division to the establishment of an Exchange Equalisation Fund. Reuter. Rugby. May 25. During the debate on the exchange equalisation account. Major Eliot pointed out that the Treasury had power to
    454 words
  • 145 11 Action for Which There Is No Excuse. Rugby, May 2.'.. Information received through the I League of Nations on the military operation* on the Kru coast of Liberia snows that they have resulted in the tiesu m r.on of ni-.T mo'js villages and the loss of more than
    145 words
  • 107 11 2,500 People Leave Their Homes. l.ond<>n. M.iy 2V The flo d* in the Midland and m.rt'n m-'i'in Kngland nre subsiding exceot il I.en isteishirc, where h lenewed down|x»ur caused the flu.*! araaan to rise again. I! uler ■■111. May The He-.'th Mini.ster. S r Hiltofi Young, state.:
    107 words
  • 27 11 Curtailnit nt Scheme Accepted By Dutch Indies. Amsterdam, May 2.V The Dutch East Indies Government ha« assented to the revised tin output curtailment scheme. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 59 11 Due to Installation Of Fresh Plant New York. May 2fi. It is announced that a net, loss of $5.1,586,000 is shown in the balanc sheet of the Ford Motor Company for IS>3l. The lost is mainly due to the slowing down of production owing to
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 233 11 Will Austria Declare A Moratorium London. May 2-V With the Lausanne Reparations Conference only three weeks ahead, there is no siyn apparent of a break in the financial clouds hanging over F.urone. In addition to the reaction from laal week* buoyancy in gilt-edged securities. which has been a
    Reuter  -  233 words
  • 155 11 Action by Britain Alone Ineffective. LM a, May The stjrement that war material wa? )>einc txporttd to Chira and Japan was made in a wr tt n leply to v aacation ajiked in the House of Commons b\ Mr I. iMcGoven Shettleston Tht reply ihowaJ that
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  • 469 11 Heated Debate in The Dail. SENATE SPEECH. "An Act of Political Piracy." Dublin. May 2.'. Tho resumption o( thi- debate or th« Budiret in the I>ail wa- marked by a neat* ■•(I incident. Mr. McEntee. Minister of Finance, re» plying to eai Ih cntictsms, declared that
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  • 2 11
    2 words
  • 121 11 WATERLOO'S C ASE. Defendants Pay Damages Of £610,392. Undon. May LT> It wms announced in the Kin>r'< Ben-h PMaiaa that Waterli>w ami MM ha I paid 1'610..ti*2 damages and also agree I Ito pay costs. Keuter. The House of Lord-: iaakM last .ronth that the Bank of Pwtajl l an
    121 words
  • 236 11 To Figrh* Prohibitive Tariffs. Ottawa. May -'.V In connection with the -l:iti'iinnl i Parliament by the Prime Minister. Mi. U |B. B«nnett, that the negotiations v ith th United St-Jtes for a treaty providing' foi the deepemnit of the St. Lawraaca Xi\ t had not yrt come
    236 words
  • 51 11 At the <■<•!< brut ion of Kmpire Day at Outram U A Tunmer, hnirman of thr Singapore llarfour R<ard. ravi' the addWeai ami >aaka on Siampore an.l Knipire Shipping Hoy* from liit ram School, (lutiam .Afternoon S.ho 1. Urn Tmi. Schi. .1. un.l n. x'ltwuiinir Malm -rii.M)l~
    51 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 89 11 On Other Pages. Ur Tempan\'s k,n,» of Mala\an Kubher S Lattan t.> the Kditor 6 n.und the Markets R« the financial 4 or respondent 8 l'hilow>ph\ and Its alae.— IU I I M J.,,d Kuropean in (ir Smash 12 Trouble in a Buardinie Hi. us, 12 French Admiral in Siagapore
      89 words

  • 1069 12 44 The Sergeant Major." SQUABBLE IN EUROPEAN BOABDING HOUSE. V heated scene, the alleged u«* of fop I language and an assault in the kilrhrn of a Singapore Kuropean boarding house in whirh the father of the girls »ho kept thr hoarding hous' and imr
    1,069 words
  • 504 12 Warship on Way to France To be Broken Up. One of the few remaining official re- <epticii.« <>f which the old Johnston's Pier will ♦>• th scene occurred this morning when Vu-i>- Admiral Heir, commandtr-in -hi-f of th French Naval Forces in Far Kaxtern waters, landed
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  • 80 12 Another Wheel With Spring In It Found. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penan;.-. May H. Yet another case of a hid Jen spring n a i.iul-tte whrel BM broucr.' maxi-'iate thi« n.inng when I Hokkien was (orvictol of .hi-a'ir.i;. A <lete.ti\c stale.! that t'n,- l>y ;he accaead had a
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  • 257 12 Council Questions. MR. TAN CHENG LOCK 1 RETRENCHMENT. The following question* will he asked by the Hon. Mr. Tan Cheng Lock at the mee'ing of the Legislative Council to 1* held on Monday 1. (a) Will Government state who iresponsible for the Animal Quarantine Station in
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  • 165 12 Mac Clarke in Impatient Maiden." Mac Clarke, who made such a success of her performance in Waterloo Bridge." if starred again in the latest Universal picture. "The Impatient Maiden." now sh.wing at the Pavilion. It is an amusing but rather inconsequential story of two young girls, a doctor
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  • 45 12 The Church of Our Lady of Lourdes j is celebrating the feast of (orpu» < hrfati today. At 7 a.m. High Mass was said by In, Kr. L. Bui goffer and a procession i ami BCauottetiea of the Blessed Sacrament will take place at 5 p.m.
    45 words
  • 1285 12 Not One of Stubbornness. ITTER FROM MR. CHO( KIA PENG. We have received from Mr. Choc Kia Penic, of K'ala Lumpur, m letter dealing with the attitude of Chines* tin miners to the new restriction proposals t h-.i t an now under consideration. Mr. Choo Kia Peng
    1,285 words
  • 252 12 Alleges Police Put Papers In His Pockets. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. May M. Chan Ah Kow. a pupil at the henj \ah Itkaal, Taipinr, was chanced at the Assize.- here yestentay with being fouivl in possession of documents of a seditious character. The accused was arDec.
    252 words
  • 92 12 Trial Postponed Following Other Arrests. (From Our Own Correspondent.) I|«.h. May Three Chine.-.- MM |.i .l.i. <■'! Im Uial at the criminal A>si/.es ye-t.-r<!ay on i charge of having ab.!uct.<l a CkksCM estate clerk at Sungei Sipui. The trial was |H>stponc<l l>y re<iuest of ih<- I).JM'. who stated
    92 words
  • 785 12 44 Collision Inevitable." TOOTH KNOCKED OUT BONES BBOKKN. A molorinu accident in »hu-h t»o cars collided causing the Kuropeaa owner driver of the liehler vehicle to 10 be thro»n out. sustaining a oroken touth. an injured jaw and other facial injuries. »hich were al lirst considered
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • Singapore Polo Tournament Opens. Gloucesters' Success.
    • 892 13 Big Win for Gloucesters. 1H RMA RIFLES LOSE BY B—o. (H> Our I'nlw urrrspondent.) Th<- first round of the tournament for thi- Xii U. tup (the Open Championship of Malaya) was played on the Singapore i'olo Club's ground at Balestier Koad yesterday afternoon, having been twice
      892 words
  • 104 13 Supporting Bouts at New World. I I 1 j I Gunboat Jack and Fighting Nelson, of Manila, will meet over 15 rounds at the New World on Tuesday. The contest is announced to be for the welterweight championship of the East and Far East," which Jack claims, and
    104 words
  • 163 13 Twenty-three Horses Left 19 Jockeys Announced. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. May 25. There are 23 final acceptors for the Derby to be run on June 1. The horses and jockeys are as follows Mr. G. Barclay's PETER PLANET (unfixeJ) M. Boussac's HESPERUS (Elliott) Mr.
    163 words
  • 52 13 Results of Games in The National League. New York. May 25. Today's baseball results were National League. Boston 4 Brooklyn 2 j Philadelphia 8 New York 1-' Terry, Klein, Koenecke and Hurst hit home runs. Cincinnati. 4 Pittsburgh 9 Hafey hit a home run. St. Louis (I Chicago
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 397 13 S.C.C. Teams in Forthcoming Fixtures. The following have been invited to play cricket for the PS. and L. XI against the Services XI tomorrow at 5 p.m. and on Saturday at 1 p.m. on the Padang in an S <".<". tournament match: Dr. H. O. Hopkins. A. F.
    397 words
  • 103 13 Germany's Victory Over Austria. Vienna. May 2.1. The third day's flay brought victory to the German team in the second round of the Davis Cup tie against Austria, and Germany will now meet Ireland in Berlin in the third round. The Berlin player Von Cramm beat the Viennese
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  103 words
  • 1179 13 Artillery Beaten By 2—l. GlMccstcrs 2 Royal Artillery 1. Fifle combination, d«*h and vigorous attacks were often rendered futile when j it came to effective finishing, and the Gbucestern were only able to win by the narrow margin of two goals to one against the Royal
    1,179 words
  • 183 13 Wethered Rex Hartley Beaten. There were surprises in the second round of the British amateur golf championship at Muirfield. Robert Sweenev. the Oxford American, beat Roger Wethered and 4. D. Stocks, an Edinburgh business man. beat Rex Hartley, the Walker Cup player 3 and I.— Reuter.
    183 words
  • 2145 13 Cheeses at Chester. THE DERBY SECOND AND THIRD? (From Our Own Correspondent.) Stkaits Times OH Fleet Street. May 11 Two important races, the Chester Cup and the Great Jubilee Handicap at Kempton Park, have thrilled racegoers during the week l>ul the outstanding topic of conversation i-
    2,145 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 142 13 TUMD W HAY 11, IM_\ r..r th, If, rortch' I hitmpion.hip .<( Ih. Baal and Kir r» t md Ih. Simp~.n 4 hallinicr I'.HTIM. rd.. 1.1 \BO\T NELSON vs. JACK <N.1«..n h..« t „i, n nmoni:«l iHhrn. Ini.M, Flam* BMBlaa, J.m- Matr. flf.l If la; M 1. I
      142 words
    • 67 13 DRESSED MEN ARE WEARING. Mm/ V '^aJa^l^^^^^^^^^lV i VIYKLLA suitinjrs are the popn'*" la*hi<>n on tlxRiviera and in the Tropics for ItM. Manufaittiml in England Viyella is a famous Mann- aMaf MM wh« judge suitings by their quality and vaariag ability. The skilled tailoring of WING LOONG <an provide you
      67 words

  • 228 14 Activities of the Sport> Hub. The report of the Govunmetit MaejoSp«>tts CM, Sing«rM.r»\ for Ui# ii .ruled Mar. :si. J!i.T_'. t ba prmmtai the xnnual crucial rneetintr mi Srfliii,|;iv ;ii ih#- h' ii-l sflM of the Mi. no Ilepuilment al 1 pin. statel hat the financial asjeJUaa: i—
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  • 85 14 British Federation Council For England Formed. London, May 1 1 The British Empire Games Federation Council for England has been formed in London on similar lines to the Scottish tnd Dominion Council-, with Lord Derby H president. Sir Jamrs I^-ighwood is chairman and Evan Hunter, secretary. The latter
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  • 783 14 Stockholm Congress. BRITAIN NOT TO TAKE PART. Great Britain will not be represented at the meetings of the International Football Federation Cimrtu to be held at Stockholm this week-end, at which decision* of the utmost importance to the soccer game will be reached. One scheme which will
    783 words
  • 40 14 Negro Boxer Beaten By Harvey. I»ndon, May 11. Al Mm AIU-rt HaJI. toniffet in lifu-in-round contest for the middleweight (unofficial) Championship, Jati Harvry, th«- rti.iiil diauivuin, <>ul ix>iiiUml tb«- Mmii w ln.=Ur .Ntgty buvfi Uu JubttiVU,
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  • 75 14 Clerical Union Tournament Entries. Members of tfce Clerical Union are reminded that the entry for th.- l.illiardx tournament will close on June 1. In tending competitors can send in their entry fona* to Mr. J. P. Tham, the h«n. uperU secretary, Ocean Ruildintr. Entraace fees must be paid on
    75 words
  • 57 14 Arrangements for Sunday's Races. The Royal Singapore Yacht Club announces that there will be no competition for A riaaa on Sunday, but members w:ll .sail "for the joy of it." The B «lase will race for Mr. Holiday's trophy. A elaax win aUrt at 10 a.m. ami K al
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  • 292 14 Taaradar. Mar U. Annual uports of St. Andrew's School, Jalan Bntr, 3 p.m. Pearl*' Hill School Sport.. 330 p.m. KontbeU: B.A.F.A. Div. 3: S.H.B. vs. Medical ollaa*. S.H.B. itrd Monopolio vv Vehiclci Dept., Grylanc: Friendly: B.C.C. "B" XI vs. Robinson and Co., Padanr. Polo: MarDouvall Cup first round,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 173 14 UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED -ELECTRICAL SERVICE SHOULD YOU REQUIRE Some new Electric Lamps fitted in your Home or Office. tlectric Table or Ceiling Fans installed. Kepairs to Your Wiring or Electrical apparatus. V alves for Your Radio Receiving Set. i nstallation of electric motors. Complete electric installations. Even additional plug points.
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  • 1644 15 Future Of U.S. Tyre Production— Encouraging Outlook. AMERICAN TYRE PROSPECTS THIS YEAR. No Curtailment Of Output Anticipated. No curtailment in pradurtion is foreseen ?id profits should b* higher, in view of readjustments and lower material costs. Myi a writer n the Rubber Ap;e in reviewini; the pro»>erts of the American
    1,644 words
  • 479 15 An Immense Saving In Power. It it (inli'iHihil b-i xrirntiitt :i< ihmiiriil rnytnrrring thtlt not <>n/y fIV/ /•</ i/o.'or cnarkrt hr i, in it, iii i it /ki high--l,i aa I ,ri ■iim il ii ill i it lir th* hi nhjrrtivr, •hi i .tin i used
    479 words
  • 289 15 Top Speed of 100 M.P.H. TKN hj I let like streamlined trams, with a top speed of < 10(1 mile- per hour, are at present running on a l.t-mile suburban line at I'hiladelphia. The* nre said to hate a cruising -O' <i of K.I m.p.h.. hut are being
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  • Article, Illustration
    69 15 hUf MH H(IKII) MII.E RECORD BROKEN. SprrdiMK ar-i .v Mor.M- llr> lat in Laa aMJtwM al nprrd ajf 1.17.2J2 mil-* an h.,ur. Wilhar Shaw mukM Ike our mllr world rrrord for car- nf clan < »lih a motor aioplarrmrnt ol Is! M ritn.r l «<■ hi-. Tr rrrord BM prr»iou«!>
    69 words
  • 324 15 130 Miles Per Hour Expected. i\S May It. reported the Daily Telegraph i^ of May 6. Lord Wakefield will Uke I delivery trnm the faNn «f Mis* Kng lard the Thir-.l the w..n«lerfu! «peel| boat which he has had had built capture for Gieat
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  • 81 15 Old ('raze Revived In U.S.A. THE latent fashion MM in the I'nited States i- lo fit a car with i> res of the same colour as the bodywork. This id. a nf colouring l>re> i- not nrw, and nrttral makers in the past hiw produced tyrrs inr»rp<iratins coloured
    81 words
  • 157 15 Mr. J. S. W. Arthur Elected Chairman of Branch. Al a ineet'nir of the mmmMm of th Selanifur luanch, A u t< >m<itii U- rVaaociatioi of Malayn. Mr J S V.' Arthur -vat.airnia.i ami Mr. D. S. Ainfje vire-chaunian af ihf liiaiuh. Mr. I'uruan pi posed that mar.
    157 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 15 Mr. Vaufhan Triumph) rliabiac I'irra dill) Hill m t»r ulmotr Trial la which »h« Mcarrd a »tcaa4 cUm awari,
    19 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 343 15 m I ,-.>-■ s 'ii ii i n. THERE IS NO DOUBT IT PAYS TO BUY A US ED-CAR IF IT IS FROM OUR STOCK READ THE B.M.L. OK CARD, ITS FOR YOUR PROTI-X TION here is a small selection V AIK TIN '7 IN f n VIR AUM 111
      343 words

  • 1253 16 Smgapow's Well-known Beauty Spot MANY ACTIVITIES. MR. HOLTTI :STS ADDRESS TO ROTARY CLUB. Amntiir it* placet of interest Singapore n particular which i* a .«ourr« of admiration to its vi«itor* the Botanio Gar.!en. The jrarden serve* two purpose*, th« Art', a aark for the ftubhe.
    1,253 words
  • 53 16 NotififHtiop b> Amcric.n > (>iwulatM'^noral. Th* Amfrimii (V>n<«ulate-(^iMnii. SinirHr"'"*. r"-«»iv<st wopl fron. thr»er«rtm*r PaaMMjtM, that thr TrwaMiry l»*i»Hftm nH«t to <nl\ i I whi-l. Ih. ronJii" rintr k i ••<.<-, Rtata miMi h. marked with 1 th«- ittmi' of the <^>untr> of origin. The date had oririmiUy
    53 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 51 16 I Healthy Hair umC to Youthful Beauty f larly with rnttmra S»tmp ,<•■■ J. I i r .-.ppl, .1 u'lriirn Dlntmeaf. .b >..ur jln n hi .'I.. utial i^.Oin'aaM anr! T.ilcuci (ire V fhipp. ft... Ming. i in: i LL wortrti I rAf.KIEf DS t»o In Virginia. 1 .'tcro. lam.
      51 words
    • 376 16 m m iHOTO OF NFRVF.H 1-lHni (,M MXX t r- s Does your mirror say Run-down VM jt\ Re.» i n>w i::ier« ll J&& J succeeded in buildinu H^^*” ealth With \u y V My husband used to come he me from work utterly tired cut sometimes too tired to
      376 words

  • 656 17 Brothers in Dispute. AFFAIRS OF FATHER'S ESTATE. Tin- MMJM of a Singapore Chiaene millionaire »ho is Maid to have left a i i li.riiine ai the time of his death. subject of the continued hearing into charges of criminal breach »f trust brought I > one of
    656 words
  • 262 17 Station Padang Not To Be Enclosed. (From Our Own Correspondent.* Seremban, May 2- r >. f'nn«ider:nir an application from the Ser.-mban PaHanifs Committee, the Serem!an Sanitar> Board at their n.eeting today derided' that no permanent enclosure urn the Railway Station Road Padang could ha allowed. An application from
    262 words
  • 117 17 Manifesto by Prominent Writers. I'.iri-. May 11. A amber of prominefrt writer* and •cientiaU. including I*rofe---i r Kinatein. (iorki, Romain Rolland. Theodore PrH«er. Paul I^nge\ in. lleinrich Mann ami I'atM Sin-lan an>) ajaa Madame Sun > anrl Mr.-. Daapard pul'iish i i to the first ii ternational
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  117 words
  • 84 17 Mussolini's Sympathy With Lindbergh. Rome. May 2'J. Sic*** M'.is-. !ini lanaj in the Capitol the conference af al,a 1 iaior- who attempted in or BBSWasM in in>fc-injr the Atlantic. Thi- Puce, who was accompanied by the Aii Minister. General Balt.o. and the K of Rome alluned feelinirly to
    84 words
  • 114 17 Model Rapidly Gaining Popularity. Thi "Wai lonia." a British designed and maii, ■.-ii.\ razn" manufactureii hjr Ward and Sons, ha- been put on Mai i. rapidly gaining popuaWttjr. Th* i:izir iaNnmta MM en.•i.r.s. mi.'i'- [>«*sibli- l>y \hv'litc In Kuio|m- thr razor has •ittjin, .1 a -ale
    114 words
  • 106 17 His Two Sons to Study At Victoria Bridge School. H 11. the Sultan of Trengfranu paid a vi.Mt to ih.- Victoria Bridge School yesterday. Hi- wm.s, on arrival, met by a guard of honour composed of boy scouts, and he then toui<<l th«.- class-rooms and later on.
    106 words
  • 81 17 Polish Politician and Hostile Students. Wai'aw, May 21. The fiiniu-r Premier, M. Bartel, was sho«rrcil »iih rotten eggs by a group of students when leaving the technical college building at I.votf. He wa.- forced to n treat :nto the duilding. The attack was probably due to the
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  81 words
  • 161 17 End of Exhibition In Ipoh. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 25. The Empire Products Exhibition wax broujrht to a successful termination last night when Mr. E. A. Helps, Col. Cecil; Rat* and Towkay I<conjr Sin Nam judge" (he »ta!W and awarded the first prize to K. Young
    161 words
  • 100 17 Unemployment Fund Now, Functioning. (From Out Own Correspondent.) Penan?. May 25. The Asiatic unemployment sub-com-mittee was at work ugain today invi>nKUting acute ca>e» to distribute rice and •ther eaU leu »fiven If Mi. >ia» tm. tt m. G. H. Slot and Co. At yesterday* Rotary tiffin $640 was
    100 words
  • 119 17 Tnemployed Object To Dole Cut. Berlin. May 22 tmp occurred in Waltershau <en resultinic in loss of life and a larfte n'imber of casualties «>n both side* in cla»he< between unemployed and police. Amontf th<»e arre>te<l wa* the local leader if the Social Dem'-crat party. Th- only
    119 words
  • 182 17 Camps to be Restricted This Season. Volunteer camp* at Port Dickson during .h« inr-j-nt ;rainini: >ea»on will be r.n«i<ieral)ly restricted far reasons of economy. The date* ttxed are M.V.1.. July '.'-20 machine-irun units, Aujj. IS-'il F.MS. I.;i'ht Battery, Au»r. and 21. M.S.V.K. camps wtt I* restricted to
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  • 124 17 ILL. ri> inif Club Members' Enterprise. (From Our Own Correspondent Koala Lumpur. May 25. Two member* of the Kuala Lumpur Flyini; Chafe who have i.ualiheri as piioU intend to iro Home on leave by air next month. They are Messrs F. B. Tay4or. of Sea- port F.slate.
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  • 618 17 Kuala Lumpur Scheme. EMPLOYERS ASKED TO STATE OPINIONS. (From Our Own Coireup* ndent.) Kuala l.umpur. May 25. Toward- tag «-ntl <{ 19?tl suggestion* were made in Kiutla I.umptir that it would be desirab t.i iorm a committee composed of schoolmasters and business men for the purpose of
    618 words
  • 127 17 Pendemeer Athletic Chib Election. The eleventh annual general meeting of the ftißilianir Athletic Club was held at the Clab'i prcMBBBa, No. 121, North Bridge Road. The fallowing were elected officebearers for the ersuin* year President, Mr. Got Teok Swue (reflected) vice-presidents, Mr. Goh Swee lyonjt and Mr. Teo
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 230 17 Guarnnteitl from iht- .luiCo of Rip*. Sweet Pineapples. It defies hent. drives :i\vn\ tln» fatigue :iml refreshes the tir«l miml APPETISING and DIGESTIVE. Framroz Co. MILK BUY BRITISH REGAL UNSWEETENED CONDENSED. Procurable at all leading Provision shops. Sole Agents HENRY WAUGH CO., LTD., SIIMrME, PUU6. UaU LUMPUR ni IPOI. "GOLD
      230 words

  • 73 18 Reassuring News From Ottawa. Ottawa. May 2* Thr floy- rnmont is not proceeding with the mi op., 1 --ir'slation authorising the takv steps t<> meet any financial cri-t dur ng the Parliamentary In 1 -nnection with a po-sible finamia 1 alarmist rnm.iurs circulating i;i -■•car-iing the stability
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 93 18 Proposals to the Federal (Government. Melbourne May H A pr«po*al t evtabliah a 16-day reki.'l .1 fortniirhtly air mail aerrire between Great Kritain and Australia will -hortly b.- drial 'i-jveniment by Me n N'a'-'nal Airway, We«t Au« tralian A >ay- md the (Jueenslaml a- I them '-rritor>
    93 words
  • 244 18 New National Cabinet Formed. Tokio. May M. The crave political <-ri»i« following the 1 assassination of the Prime Minister. Mr. Inukai. which threatened to create an up- heaval over the whole country, has apparently been overcome by the formation of a National Cabinet after long and 1 delicate
    244 words
  • 142 18 omini »hmi of Inquiry's Ret'ommendationM. Stockholm. May >\ The commission of injury which habeen assigne<l the ta«k of examining \\< 1 financial status of the Kreuger and T"! 1 company, the holding i"mpmny of ni' of the Kriuger undertakings. ba« hand. I in a Anal report recommending
    142 words
  • 268 18 Question of Closing Toddy Shops. (From Our Own < orrenpondent Malacca. May 24. The quarterly general meeting of the, Malacca Planter*' A«soc-atH>n wan held here today with Mr. A Mat Kenxie in th 1 .hair. The minutes of the- M iceneral and special meetings having been 1 cad
    268 words
  • 161 18 Two Tamil (ooliex I a<< (irave Charxe. (From Our <rwn Correspondent.) Ipoh. May 26. I l«.i I■. ni|ilo\-(Hl at the Ijike OmlMi Taiping. were hurge'l here with \<liinta')lv (MMf if n. v .ii« h'.n to ai. other Tamil CMWI Ml died a« a retail I injurie« received.
    161 words
  • 167 18 Extraordinary Meeting Of Association. (From Our Own Coir«>«pondent.l Seremnan. May Mr <; Maund MMMMi n' an extraoidi nary MMJTI meeting of the NMjrl Sembilan Motor A»»ociation boM a: Ne^n Semhilan Tlub Uiday. when the following additional -ule wfc approved: M T nay. on rwhalf ut the, aoaorwtMM, with
    167 words
  • 73 18 British Labour Party And Japan. Lmjm*, May 2S. |7al*M MM airnn-t policy of .lapan it «ro«l th.- nation- tha' f IiNC A-hi<h v> 1 a liMon 1 f int-i-nati<nal d,<ar maiii'nt. declare* a led by the )e> m a! cawull of Urn faMM) I'nion CmMTM* Mml the nat'or.a
    73 words
  • 108 18 lUkian Prince and Princess Due in Singapore. The rown I'iin. nn<l I'ri Belfium. travellinir a' CMBM an.l I ...pold cl, R«th) who armed |i Smirnpore at th.- l«K'nninjr 01 1 Frhrunry <.n I MM of Ikt I ,!u.' MM '■> Ihr U.'lt.'rdani 1.10y.l Haloeran tomorrow morning. ianie.l ly
    108 words
  • 166 18 Total Dividend of Five Per Cent. Declared. (From Our Own rorrenpondeat.) Ipoh. May Mr. «J M MM provided at the annual meeiinit of Johan Tin Ormlirinir l-td. The report ami KMMI wrre ailopted. A final divuienct ni. was pa.<»e.i a.< well a." an interim dividend "f 2's p*r
    166 words
  • 95 18 Sequel to Sea Capture ll> Night Patrol. One f "h. ntrahand ti.nn mailf bf a „-a astral II <he Monoixihe- Department Th.- pa:i MM M .*< Itjf off *n* hanyi raojri when a nuaptciooa lookiwg 'uttxiat.l ni'.^F -aTipan »a> «ren makmir for tht- alwti fn.m the <lir<-«tii>n
    95 words
  • 13 18 Mr. I. t'Har". nn.l M M I. Flenhaa« Kurope tomorrow t>y t*ic Ralueran.
    13 words
  • 30 18 Mr. V I! Gtumitt. of MiAuliffc, Davi« and ll"|w. \\h<> It at pnMM on leave in Kngland. 11 1 l>a< k in IVnantr >>>' the Mantua. I I i ti to
    30 words
  • 14 18 Monday U-mir an American national holiday (Memorial Day) the American <'on«ulat.-(,eneral will h« rlo««-d
    14 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 267 18 I Mln^JcTO Rli^a^H 1/ _mmmW Fry's invented the Cartct. Even-one agrees it's as clean and I 1 Vt7 i^A mVBI |A^~Hv 41 Y^^V _|^^^^^™fi(|^B Hi mmml mmm%, %i vr\ nU—VaV^MYMW^MM^^MMw/ __H_ convenient a \vj\ of earning a supply of chocolate in the _^4Q--ifNl A_. mmW mmmmW mmmmmW/ —mmmmmmmV fr/fi\^ JhkJ^MMMMMMM^^^S9^MMMMMMM^MMT
      267 words

  • 2314 19 HYING NOTES Surrty Of Htmtv Through Siam BUtzinti Thr Air Trail Largest Hi ml Tunnel Teat ing tull-Sizeil ivruplunvs Vcir M whine* For The R..4.F. king Albert'}* Long Air Journey .W.OOO Mihs In 'A Light l»Utne Hriti*h Aero Engines For Denmark. London. Apr. 2fi. Survey operations of
    2,314 words
  • 200 19 Extensive Damage In New Hebrides. Port Vila (New Hebrides). Apr. -!1. A cyclone occurred in the New Hebrides on Monday night and Tuesday. BMBM and stores were unroofed, goods were damaged by rain, lighter* were sunk in the harbour, trading cutter* were drivi R axhoTe. inter-island -hipping was
    200 words
  • 393 19 Tentative Ceylon Scheme By Inspector-CJeneral. That the aßaVltv paid to Puli< (MaYOTs in Ct ylon compared very unfavourably with tMee in othei F'.a-tcrn colonies ami ■MM with officer- of other (iovernment Department* was the opinion expressed by Sir R. 1.. l>owbiggin in a Ml* to lh«
    393 words
  • 521 19 Britain Bad But I.S. Worse. Lord Macmillan. speaking at the dinner ,of the Society of Incorporated Accountan;- rind Auditors at the l.uiM'icll, sa<d thai if commerce am! industry wei enjoying a full measure of prosperity, it was not because the world was poor. H j because men
    521 words
  • 96 19 Tiffin Meeting In v Melbourne. Mr. midMr- Fly ('ittin<> hay.. returne.l k Time* |Mr. GHtiaa write* tnal when in M on the h in gute a Siani cat I »nd Mr J M Situ lair Ith,. former n..w farming two thousMn.l arm, forty mile- nortli at Melb.urnel wan
    96 words
  • 97 19 Thurx<«v. M "K" ICkiatM rumiMM h lrhr>r.>l Kit H*.Td.|u«.t- Si: K. l: K i Birthday Parana; l Malaj H. qaartrr>. S K A Rrhrnr I IParadr: .10 p m.. Hra<ii|uar-.rn, il M I tmny. L«-».« Cub < laa« i Kr.iU\ May I p m.. H*a4aj«a Itotrigvar* PI., Krhrarsul
    97 words
  • 599 19 Strange Aptness. LORI) SNOWDKVS BLANC \"i-. «.unt Sn..«den ti I. ..rn-haw ha« rot yet made any appli.-ati.m for the (•rant of Arms to which i entitle- him Consequently, hi' has not. chosen a mh>U., 1.. ..mplete his ai inoi i:i l bcurmg-. ami M mi--.- the hance
    599 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 91 19 Today's Crossword Puzzle T5 [5 ITJ-rp B K I F W T^^H lio In m I m n F. Ti ii F5~ yd |7s sfe W" (CLUES.) j: v H 1 1 knu-*-. ft.iwera i i. Ik- wiMb f..r hi- l-,.!..-r.| iirlil-work i I un uration in level
      91 words

  • 37 20 Duke Of York Visits Finchley Open- Air Bath's. SWIMMING DEMONSTRATION.— Tiki Dul.e of York tinted the Finchlev open-air swimming baths, and watched a <1i m..n-t ratin i of immmi;. The Duke inspecting the bathing pool. (I'lanet News.)
    37 words
  • Article, Illustration
    39 20 I.IFKKOAT HIKOKS Thn-e life boatmen who were presented with awards for gallantry and long srrtirr. by Mr. Walter Kunnntan. l're«ident ol the Hoard of Trade, at thr annual meeting of the Koyal National UMnI InHtitution in London. (Planet News.)
    39 words
  • Article, Illustration
    83 20 IM.IINIIM. WOULD CMAMMON BIJ WllWHi W. A. Land, depot battalion Koyal Kngincrs < hathain. who ha- lx-«-n rhiwn to rrprt-xnl Kn^land in the high jump al the Olympic (lames at Ijou \ncrlr-i thi- -umnicr, j- only 17 years old It in claimed that he cleared 8 ft. 6 inches in
    83 words
  • Article, Illustration
    70 20 M VKI.Nt; PBIBNM IN IHI l'\Kh (live Wigram making friends with Cocky a cockatoo who accom. panic* hi« ataITCM on her daily walk in Hyde Park. (I'UiM-t News.) FLAG THAT NELSON FLEW.— The flag that lord Nelson |m at tht- H.,t<h of Trafalcar in 1M». on H.MS Viet«rjr, aad the
    70 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements