The Straits Times, 25 May 1932

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 151 1 Singapore: 78. Cecil st. < phone sisi>. •.15 T*aJgM 1.1 l 'i.IONKI. BARRYMORE J la m the broken; LULLABY w PWm ftMl-l. 'W j ifflfea A GOOD BRITISH DRINK \K!iStfxJLg^£^ <? J^J^ ASTES diff some men Pilsener Jn^|^^p2o^i^[V represents the ideal drink others find 1^ satisfaction in a light
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    • 17 1 WIHUjLIttIPUR I .»7. JAVA CA i PhlW€4d(W»" '.IS Toniisht 1.15 II.MNEI. IMMM! >THE BROKEN; i UJLLABT" i
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 371 2 P. k 0., BRITISH INDIA AMI APCAR LINES Ragtaajd 1 wah. r*.**TMr,r* ast* r a*go •FrTVrTBa. <r. r>»rrvTAr e«j 'r, R c i-,vrß«. T Wf TH fTf« M« IF<TY 9 .vr, r.a r«?f 'K rr? rw«pr, ri»,w rovrrfur roR rwr»« AVI> JAPAV -r* Wpara m •""^D •■> Ma, f 1...
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    • 617 2 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS. (NfPPON TirSErf KAfMfA.) TO ifisooy. ■Vaaahlwkal HiiiallU. I-- A aaa>aa» **aam "**B "aJdH f f«*4|. «TWW™n. rlr77lPff"J>( ffc -ft a rif a aiJ MIJJ* a- aY PlfTTf"T*lf aT*lt Brnf .^pafaja^4ujaajßß/u^Bßßafaj*Bj| a y r Tnnnaga. Dm. Sail I WARD iiM» />mi I I FTAKO/AKf MARU IO^M Jona IS 1*
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    • 507 2 burns rani* \m nne«rp«rat«d in AaatraH*.) POR RRHRA.vr. 9TDWBT AJTD ■BLBOTJBMB vat JAVA. DABWBI AJTD TBO'BSDAT IBLAND. Regular monCalf aailinfa by *a« valk im«» UMiaar MARRI.I.A <IM* Urn*, aad rh« ML MAN'.OT,A (BjM toaa> (CarM »nly,. Tna MAREM.A ia »M af tha lara««t and ftnert ataamer* trading to Aaatralia. cabin*
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    • 417 2 THE EAST ASIATIC CO, LIMITED (XMara«rata4 DenaMfk.) Teleaawa lit*. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT HKRVKE To cbno*. i^>?rnox. rottkbdam, ram MTBCr AND f OPCvajACCN. IdhVM S'pora Penang. Ma. RORI.VCIA Jana Jana 14 in FIONA Jana 29 July 1 rr < FRRIA iff II M AUTA Aug. ID Aig IX I.AI.A.VDIA Aug. II
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    • 972 2 THr ri i r ri vvri. UM (Oeeaa mr m rbiow steamship co. «J(*aia lalp C*. Ltd, aad CMv Mataal <IM2> I.Tfi Meaia %»»ir*tU« <~» \.ti i THE SARAWAK «TTA««WIP Oau I«a tun fVTBAmi vtr.hmnmr rax. Lid. thr ri nari> ktkam ahit co. ltd THR rajINA \»VIf.ATIO>» r», Ud. THP.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 369 3 OCEANIC AND ORIENTAL NAVIGATION CO, BAN FRANCISCO, CAL. STATES STEAMSHIP CO., PORTLAND, ORE. JOINT BCHEDULB Bailings for United States and Canada P inls from Hong Konf. Ban FranrUro and los Angela*. |J r.ot PFN TIPB sails from Uoi.g Kong June I AgeaUl ANGLO SIAM CORPORATION. LIMITED. (lacorporated In England.) SINCM'ORB.
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    • 429 3 DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LfNB orW AMERICAN MAIL LINE JtaaV ammljaamsaW AtK>. WHY TRAVEL THE DOLLAR WAY? BECAUSE I Fre^h California fruits and T«f«*> ables are served at every meal. 2 Every gtaUroom i« an ootaide cabin. 3 Outdoor talt-watrr «wimmhic pool on Deck. 4 OrrriP'tra mu^ir for Tea-Danring-liiimt-r and e-ntcrlainineoU. 5
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    • 549 3 ELLERMAN BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP CO, LTD. (Incorporated ia England) ■BLLERMAN" LUIS. Paaaenger and Freight Services to t— UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT. Tla Ports and Sees CaaaL OUTWARDS. TO HONG KONG. SHANGHAI a JAPAN. Steamer Dae Spore. ITT «'X FLOKKMR June !2 HOMEWARDS. Bn. CITT OP BEDFORD, for Havre, L'don, B'dam. H'hurg
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    • 432 3 THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. (lacorporated la England.) Capital Aothorisad n> a«.»M^MM Capiul Subscribed 1300.000 Reserve Fund and Beet 1^17,W« Capiul paid ap 1.060,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS I 1- M. Byrie, Esq. Chairman. P. R Chalmers, Eaq, Chsrles J. Hambro, Bse), W. H. Shelford. Ksq Sir Thomas Catto, Bart,
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    • 617 3 BANKING ANNOUNCEMENTS NEDERLANDSCH INDISCHE HANDELSBANK N.V. KatahUahed IM3 at Asset sHssa. Authorised Capiul Glds. 100.000.000 (aboat «.SOO.OOOi. Paid ap Capital Glds. 65.000.000 (aboot M.600.000). I:, .erres Clds 2y.ltKJ.o«r7 (about t2.43Z.0U0). READ OFFICE AMSTERDAM. aUtANCH OFr'ICK* THE HM.H UOTTERDAM. OVERSF.AS BR INCHES Ratavia Jiead Office for Dutch Bast Indies. BRANCH OFFICES
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    • 417 3 NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL MAATSCUAPPY N.V. Netherlands Trading fUrtety. (Retahllaaed at Amalerdaaa U?4 PAID UP CAPITAL Fl. BO.MO.e*i STATI XOKY RE.SERVB PI 4i>ni u .out> HEAD OFFICE IN AMMIRPAM WITH ACENCII BOTTERHAM AND IUK HAOUB, HEAD At.r V i\ DATAVIA. BRW' 'Bandoeng 11. .nr Hong Rangooa Bandjrrmasin i rang Bombay Item <i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 251 4 CLASSIFIED DVERTISEMENTS. fkera art apprazlraately atvm. wards ta a > a' d W>*re a flat rats charge of ft ta per l'nt per tnsertioa with i minimum of one dollar par inaartloa. MTartiseiaenta will he accepted ap ta 10 U on tb» day cf issue. I fee ef t* eaats
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    • 598 4 HOUaeS, TO L6T TO IJTT bungalow 3H, Otchara I Apply kt the prcmites. BUNGALOWS. 4-12 14-18. Angnllia Park. rtuta reduci'd. Apply Angollia A Co. I TO LET. I.Biigalow, wit* modtrn fanitatloo. 7J, c.rat.if" Huad. Apply 63. Anson Boad. |< TO LET, SHOP, FLAT. Amber Mansions. Apply S'pora BaQdiag Corp. M.
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    • 682 4 BUSINESS PREMISES _TO_LET OITICES TO LFT. ÜB. Battery Road, nd floor. Apply Cu'.hrie 4 Co., Ltd. OFFICE, Bobinson Road. »,700 .q ftat. r*t class property. United Enginars. COOOWN, River Valley Road, sultabla fetor Garage or Btaaa. area 4.56S aqaara tet. Apply United Kr.gineers. TO LET, OFFICFS at 4 an 1
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    • 376 4 MISCELLANEOUS v I nraporv: »tl i> the new AH-Brlfi"h atfetr rat«r. of which Barope 15 nna demanding over M^aa a wa«^. r:iior «oIH on a m ney back qua rantee of mthuniastlc satisfaction. You will shave Briti.-h and !>haT« Better. All the main tore* It.M. and »«.M MASSAGE HALL MAfdO'RB
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    • 578 4 I "itIBLIC NOTICES. TUB RAUB AUSTRALIAN GOLD MtNWG con* any. umm. (licarpairatad in qaja»nabnd> No<irp of IVrlanitinn of Final and Intrrim l)Mrlf-i»ov XOTICE hereby r«»en that a Final Di»ldend of One Shilling ncr «hare on account of the linancial year ended Match 31, IMC, and an lr*- Hrn Kmdend of
      578 words
    • 232 4 LEGAL NOTICES JUDGE QH woticb Mark* perlv it RSI Cr.,.tle\ it- hv the <*\A i.'mf. Unfeiferat'.' Ml die- ar.l .l..»here AM* NOTWM i lee* I per«»n a* "in -•> Marwi or otl t'RVBRT (ITKVKN UHI I r NOTH R Trare w V Be medy arl ATK Nf r»ICAI NOTH r
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 326 5 HOTELS RAFFLES HOTEL Rooms with Modern Sanitation and Hot and Cold Running Water. TOIIAVb ATTRACTIONS TEA DANCE 6.30 to 8.15 p.m. Informal After D'nner Dance 9.30 to midnight. (.HIM. Special Dlah I'keaMiat Ssaitannr Freoh .Noodlr— Aaatrr I'otalors. Il£» SATURDAY, MAY 28 ST. ANDREW'S HOSPITAL BALL (Under the distinguished patronage of
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    • 524 5 AUCTION NOTICES. ATTRACTIVE AUCTION SALE wax aolishM and tratnattainril t-a* hnu«rhold furniture, fOTlo* and I "Allison" ftood-tnn*d rottag* fiano. in •rrtVrt ronitition, rtr To tw h-IH at "Plantation Housr B«kit Ayam Road, off Bukit ("hermit) Road, Kvpael Rarboar on Paiirtta). May ]S, IMS at J <' impri»ing. canrrd and
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    • 168 5 RAFFLES CAFE Eieellent Meal- a la Cart* at Moderate Cost BREAD dally delivery to all parts of the town. CAKES Cakes anil Pastries, Saaug* Rolls and Carry Piiffa freahly made daily. Upcountry orders executed promptly. Chocolate*. Sweets, Craekera and Fancy Goods. PHONE 5381. RAFFLES HOTEL St. ANDREW'S HOSPITAL BALL, Under
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    • 23 5 (•iddiness is in cases due to eye trouble and you will find we can jfixr >ou relief. H. LAZARUS Co. Capitol Building.
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  • 246 6 The Indian Film Industry New Experiment. f\- ■■■'< i'ioturi', I film ■a 1 I <ir." tho Mhambra I ••il fli.ri wit ..f I t I Kin»f vi i»mpi>tition, havine hat iiff«-re<l i fly, the i Bur- I -Ry Our Film Correspondent. U Sahara has a .«erirs T anH a
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  • 109 6 H«-/tH« M..PIMT |a «alkinc 4 rt«k f»r trVr firure Mr>» M»-. .it lakr- a morn in* dip in thr urmr rrk«'i1l*«- the -at her M k»H»ti *»irhr« arr th^ n»«r«t fa^i I >..hrm rut.- hi» br**1 i»h i* »liiw t« make it mnrr .-pr>i«t»r r I- I M
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 27 6 Motor Car Owners THE Overseas Assurance Corporation Limited OFFERS REDUCED RATES AND INCREASED BENEFITS. Write or ask for a quotation. TELEPHONE: China Building, cono Chulia Street, Singapore.
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    • 36 6 flKi^^F- \rliir\rmrnl in >mar! Tailoring aaaaaaT V aaaa m kv taßaaaK \l aaa^VßaaaaV H V H aH I Kf 11.BW1N1EH t;-'^» J tMf R.I-HAM TA'LOIV a >?^?9t gS9| Bhtl r H•>h <l TELEPHONE 6 1 88
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 170 7 J?APLTOL_ 6.15 "NIGHTLY! 9.15 THE PICTURE THE WHOLE TOWN IS GOING TO TALK ABOUT! LIONEL I HI \^^^J^^^^^sl£/////^^^^L > i-^ I I I Wmm m 1 mfm P\KA\ini\r> UUmC SCREEN VK Directed Im the geniu* of "LOVE PARADE" fame BOX OFFICE PHONES 5261-5262. »♦«>>•■»■»■»-»*« »-»-»♦»->■»»»» VICTORIA THEATRE FOR FIVE SIGHTS
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  • 205 8 The Tin Optimism Continues. KIKKER F»OSITION UNCHANGED. 'Hi Our rinannal •rrexpoadtat. SinKajxire. Wednesday. Today Prices: Rubrer. rents per Ih. Tin. M tons at $63.7.*> per picul Yesterday s Prices Ru »ber. I ondon. I 7 ,d.. up N' York. 2 1.1 16 cts.. Un rhanKed. Marltet Tone:—
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  • 68 8 Noon. May j:. K S S nial Is London Standard: Hu\rr. Seller. Bpol %\i :>'» Standard R.SS. on Tender: Hu>rr- Man June *>'■„ :>i .liiK .lul>-S»pt I*4 :> <>. i -Dm .V K I .lan Mai C,i K Apr -.?u ne <'.•■•„ Torn oi .Market
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  • 193 8 1 1 1 May 2"i. C— lb» i 7 "Mi <• uU v lli.oo Capra "i r. mixei 4.90 latir, S*r;i« th 2 it.") Whito Fpp)>«T 24..W Hla. k IVpp,r M M IVarl iaffo 1 tf -mall MS m<(llill)l pr;i| (I Op Hi. Siatu $118 t.< 191 laigMl |14i>
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      • 462 8 Issue Val. I'd. Buyers. Sellers. £1 £1 Asam Kuml>ang 22/£1 £1 Austral Malay 18 5 5 Ayer Hitam Tin 10/£1 £1 Bangrin Tin 6/6 1 1 Batang Padang unT'.. 1 1 Batu Caves 0.22 1 1 Bukit Arang 0.30 £1 £1 Bumiah Malay 5 XI il Chenderiang 1 1
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      • 293 8 Issue Val. Pd. Buyers. Srll.-rs. 1 I Alex. Brick Ord. Ml 1.00 n..m 2 2 Alex Brick Prefs. 1 .in 1.60 £1 £1 Brit. Am. Tobacco LIU 11AJ 10 5 British Malaya Trustee 1 1 CentraJ Engine 020 O.'Mt norn 100 50 Chinese Com. Bank 70 00 75.00
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      • 143 8 Singapore (Old Storage 7 p.c. deb. of 1926 red. 19.11-.-J6 UK) 101 el Sinjra|H>ro Municipal Ji p.c. ot 1901 ml. 19to $|(M).(XKi ion Mi „ott, Singapore Municipal 1' 2 p.c. <>f 1907 red. 1917 $1,600,000 97 99 num. BaVajapaft Municipal 4 -j p.c. of 1909 red |fj||
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      • 372 8 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt's (Quotations. To-day's Price Fru.ser I a all 4 Co. Co. Alknl-y till 0.15 OHO 0.1 :> ()_>:, Aim (Jaiah <*!> 0.1.'> 0.30 0.15 Mi A. Hitam ($1) 0.40 0.60 0.40 0.50 A. Kunmg (Jl) 0.05 0.15 0.05 O.lOnom A. Malay ($2)
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    • 215 8 Singapore, May 25 SELLING London. 4 months' sight 2 3 29/32 London. I months' sight 2 327 32 London, 60 days' sight 2.i13 16 London, 30 days* sight 2/3 2"> 32 London, demand 2 "> London, TT. 2 3 23 32 Lyons and Paris, demand 1,060 i Hamburg,
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    • 92 8 Thf f lloumir arr in communication with th«- Win «•>* Stations at Sm»rap<>if:— A.lra.-tu>. Afnt-a>. Afratha. Anhui. Aujru^t na. Azmasan Maru. Hhutan. Biyo Maru. Bonnpia. ( ("ly<i.Maru. Dai a. Kul.ia. (ilrnoKlc. Honolulu Maru. MarolU. NtMa, IManorlis. Pn«lau Tello. Prt»nient Miinnc. Ruhr. Rvuyu Maru. Banjr* .N|a'u. Scotland Maru.
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    • 46 8 Tin air mail Kara.hi I.omloii i|i> |>alchi'<l liy KaWM "n May ."> m litllVwJ in 1.-.nilon on May 'J4. The air mail Alor Star Anistcnlani <li>patih"<i Horn Singapore on May II arrived in Amsterdam on May J- and was (iflivert-il in London on May Zi.
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  • 50 8 By Karoa Ixmpo Corfu Genrra! Mrtiinfer Karapara Tajando«n P < Hooft Rawalpindi Lrtl Arrd S'por* I/on4un Apr. 7 Apr 10 Apr. 11 May 4 Apr. 16 May 9 Apr M May 16 Apr. 21 May 16 A|.r. 21 May 1* Apr. 2'J May 18 Apl. H May
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  • 87 8 Rujfby, May •_'.">. Fortiga exclianvres arc: Amsterdam 9.91 Athens .">.V> .-tilers Boml.a> K. Sl/82 K.rlin \r,:\2 Braaaah •-'<;.•"<•• Bucharest 61 7 1 Rio 4 7 Buenos Aires il") 1 Copenhagen II (lent-va 18.82' j Helsinjffors 218 Honjf K'>iik 1~ Uaaaa 110 Madrid J4 9/1 C Milan 71 :> k
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  • 31 8 Frnm Kui'>|t LenaViw mail* diaaatrlftH Mll> HinH. ilue at Ivnanir *'< a.m t..m«.rr from China an.l Jap*n. !•> Honolulu n Ftaaa hina and Japim. t>y Yuensanß, due at S Kr..iay evening
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 507 8 ARRANGEMENTS FOB THE WEEK. *r4nr*4mi May IS. H W tl am. I ft. 9 in.. Ml P 7 ft Thar>4a>. May M. H W IM a in !> ft. 4 in.. 3.i'< p m.. T ft. 2 .n Annj..! m. rt; W Hanle-. Quay, p m Friday. May 27. H
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  • 541 9 More Cheerful Tone In Manchester. INQIIRIES FOR YARN AND CLOTH. (From Our Crwn Correspondent.) Manchester, Apr. 27. ment. "f importance in the iket are slow in taking I lie tone ha> been rather nwre cheerful and in certain quarters spinners and manufacturers have repotted rather more inquiry
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    • 191 9 bVbb> Bank* lOand. Pladjoc Palembang I (Elosti 3 p.m. H.ihow. H«n* K*ac, Swatow and lAmoyi (Ly*e Moon i 3 p.m. Banrkok > 11. 3 p.m. (eylon. Egypt. (Itnoi and Europe i Ruhr i p.m. IVfloe (ialanr iN«mbm»' 4 p.m. Japan and Korea i Moriuka Mam 7 p.m.
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    • 101 9 BOBINGIA. I'an -irAK tons. fr..m Cape*hairen '.'I tef Itanirkok I < KHKRIK. N-tw.. :i.iHM> tons, from Krolun,' I i hn-tma- 1 ClANti But ■<*••■ tun-, from Ban.lj.r--tn.i^-in f..r> k' \l..\. i;rn. :;•.>•; teas, timm I. Uick.on lor Malacca KM>AII. Hrit.. IjMt ions, fn.rr flrlawan l»rlt Ii nanic
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    • 776 9 The Amalgamation With! Sepang. The twenty-fourth ordinary general nutting of the Ix>ndon Asiatic Rubber and Produce Company. Ltd., was held on May 7 at 2-4. I.'ol\ EC. Mr. H. J. Wvlch (the chairman) «aid that they had acqum-il the assets of the] Sepan? Ruitbcr Kstatex, Ltd.,
      776 words
    • 150 9 Wednesday. May 20, Mi p.m.. lUmdquartcrs. Oflicar*. Sword Drill; 111 p.m.. Hr:iiJ'| SKA. 'V I and Intelligence PI. H-t"*l Kiar*i li:rthday I'ara.l*; I 1* p.m. Hiadnu-irters, tide. SirneJ Soctioa, Signal i-lt p.m. Headquarters. "A" Wingr Ut-|i .t < ompany, Rrrruit« Ctaea. Tknndmj, May 26, .'> II p m
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    • 261 9 Closing Quotations In London. (From Our Own Correspondent London. Mn M Closing quotations last night of the principal British and American stocks are given below The rise or fall is in relation to tlie price of May 19. 6OVULNMEWT ITOCES, BBITMB. Bis. cc Fall. i snverslea
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    • 523 9 Weakest Link in Europe's Chain. The current number of the Westminster Bank Review contains an article on Danut tan Problem*, with special reference, of course, to the Four-Power Conference held in I-ondon. The Western Kuropean Powers have been compelled to tend their minds to i the relief
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    • 504 9 $16,161 Net loss. HARVESTED CROP HEM)*' ESTIMATES. The annual general meeting of the Jeram Kuaatan Knhher Kstate. Ltd., was I I held yesterday at the compay ■«m<( Chartered Itank Ihambers, with Mr W. IL. Stevens in tho chair Other present. I 1 wre Mr. K A Klia«,
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    • 123 9 Wfdnfday I •Alas ahmc«i«r the Wkarrcs or npeeUd t. arrive. kl I'l-r I HARBOIR. Main Wharf Lch. "Mary Po.f. 1 I'WH Hopi" I and S. Tur B-Un*ka«." Lch. Thr ahl» HI Wnarf Nil. sal »l> Wi VISSELM IN DRY DOCKS. ran |one Pagar. l Albert l>" k
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  • 468 9 tHIPPING NOTES Mr, Kdsrar Wallace's Last Diary. Below are some n<Me witten by Mr Rdgar Walhwe while ht «i< pMsMr ca the Kmpress of Britain laai year He was greatly impressed bj the '■<' telephoning which the "hip offered, and «r. t t.> his m if.v 1
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  • 15 9 T >ipmr 1 Drsigl I M, hour- 111 Bat.-i'ir The Nor'h i
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 42 9 BUDGRAFTING HAVE YOU SEEN PRANG BESAR circular Dated 2oth January 1932? YIELDS for 1931 show the FOLLOWING PERCENTAGES OF INCREASE over those for 1930. 59.4% 34.1% CLONE P.B. 183 32.9% 25 31.0% 23.9% AGENTS:— HARRISONS BARKER C 0. 9 LTD. KUALA LUMPUR.
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    • 45 9 Fighting Fit That 1 how >«.ii shewM though it And >i.n take I'm fec'i n 'li y..uiself am! all at-.u Pinkette- tinal reguliii' pleaaan' habit- lorramg. They cleaa fo< d arm natter :imi n Pinkott m PCQPtrcTic «kß' They Keep You Fit in Every Way.
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  • 147 10 Singapore. AI.II\MRK\ J.k Holt. Ralph in I Ito— inn Affair. 6.15 MS Ph.. re C AIMTOI. Lionel Barrymore. Phillips Holm. iii .1 Nmiry < arioll in The Hrokrn l.ullat.> MS. Phone r«2<'.l 1 GREAT WORLII. -wayaags, Ctaoaia, D«a k«* Rtd>t. Zoo, Dim, fkattag gruao Commercial Hihiii. H.AKI H4IKOM.H.
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    • 93 10 I h»v. -'uratr for hnnr cure.) of 1'1......... tI. i aftOl hav.r*- t.e*n a sufferer fur the la-t tivr years »iih..ut «ny hope of a rurc. until I stronifly recom! l\ Mr S«h Sen* K«rr for hospital trial. I am no.-t thankful for hn.nj hren Mat•Wtorjr rurv.l of
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    • 45 10 Ihr -.mi- .mil .lauichtrr. nf the late I Hi D •ART HELOT of •egaakot, thank all fTi.ri.l-. writ ».-h. r- jm) relative- for their kin.l ex|irr--om. ->m|>»th> aaa con a»l« an.l »rr«th. -ent at the hi— ot ..f thru father < lor aOOWn plra-e ...p\
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  • 799 10 Whatrvii vlmh may !>«• held on the |milic\ i>f ili-cent rahsation as expounded l>v Mi- K\<ilU'tuy lh»' Hiifh Commi^ioner at t*>«' Sn Mrnanii l>url>ai. there is no room for ;iny thing l-ui regret at the chaoti. -t»t.' i>f affairs
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  • 202 10 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Mr. A. A. Menggeler. of Ratu Caves Tin Dredging, is going home on leave by the Chitral. Dr. O. J. S. Mac Donald. of Klang. left for Japan on local leave with Mrs. Ma. Porald yesteiday Mr. H K. Sankey. of Messrs John Little and Co.. Kuala Lumpur,
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  • 1360 10 Preserving: That Youthful Vitality. Tkf iHirr'ion »> NI'KM prrpnrrH tlr.,pa hliMwi ffm a krollhy r n',1,1 th> „p)H>;i. i.. i- a ill n ntalr mi,, i ui. i,iii,, If ranKinu Ik, thmi-my n(l nl )*nioiir. Tk-» "•< mmrftmm hy Dr. H- 'in .ln-n>nki. n »<•/'-
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  • 683 10 SOT ON THE PROGRAMME In the prograi.imr ami book of word* :^u«.| by the join: national societies of BvMl Britain and Ireland for last night"< roncert in the Victoria Memorial Hall 'here appears a selection of S. I.' they repeat thi- venture mitt year they might
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 66 10 JOHNNIE WAI, HER RED LABEL A FIRST -RATE WHISKY B J=: MODERATE (Of PRICE BLACK LABEL m|dO| DELUXE BLEND Jjf Nil AfiF.NTS JOHN LITTLE 6c CO.. LTD. KSTMtI ISHKII l-i SINGAPORE. KUALA LUMPUR. PENANG Qc IPOH. m Luscious ipr Jleadi/ tc <Mrit pr rv/Un. tAauhuL Delicious with Cold Storage Cream.
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    • 54 10 ShellTOC Th* OUTSTANDING FLY SPRAY. Pet.«..*l, f^Ast o*ttro,t all (1.... 11,.,. *-^K notkt, buft. rihaataV antt «nd cccVro«th«, DEATH TO EVERY PEST {T-^-^-J tli. ik. SwJit'Oi HORUCKS APPEALS AS A LIGHT DIET. Hill HSK M N.w Y..rk. ..n May at, MM, i. M W lllW, Jr. ■Uuirhti i \l..lh. r
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    • 40 10 BIY ADVERTISED GOODS. Not all the advertising that is offered tr the Straits Times is accepted. Kvery efforr i- made to safeguard reader*' is-ttrc-u and ALL advertiser* using tSo Straits Times are, to the best of our knowledge THOROUGHLY RELIABLE.
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  • 352 11 SIR SAMUEL WILSON. Colonial Office Secretary To Visit Malaya. OBTAINING OPINION. Fullest Information At First Hand. Ji ohVtam announced that Brigadiert.eneral Sir Samuel Wilxon. Permanent I i.der Secretary for the i oli. me-, i- lo m-ii Malaya for the purpose ol d scus-ine the I)e«entralisalion
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  • 57 11 Immigration A Kssential Of Co-operation. Rugly. May 24. Tl Pttai y. Mi .1. H. i IMM in the House j .|U. -turn of inngr t i tn>n as element of Imperial l ation would not be over- i nited Kingdom delegation 'hut he had now received the agenda
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  • 37 11 Reward of £5.000 Suggested IK State. V.ik. May 24. •i :i reward of £.r>,ooo. r >,000 the murderer of the M n MMNWMi by the tat* 8 rat.- It will be forStati fleneral Assembly.— I
    37 words
  • 146 11 Grave Consequences For Industry. Washington, May 24. The Senate has approved the retention of the lumber tariff of $1 per 1,000 fee*, exempting hardwood flooring. It als> retained the copper tariff. A revolution is expected in the copper ir.lustry as a result of thr Senate's decision
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 324 11 Appointed Adviser To Chinese Government. I^mdon. May M Sn Roliert Ho Tung has telegraph-d to the Nanking Government his a ance of the official offer for him M rMM an adviser of the first cla-* kf th. Chinese liovernm -nt. A luncheon will Ml given in
    324 words
  • 100 11 Britain Tnable to l>ge Others to Help. Londi.n. May 24 In the Hi.'j- of Cimm .n- Capt. R A. Kden. I'nder-Secretary to the Colon. a. Office, told Mr. Rhy- Davies i Ijil Westhoughton) that the (iovermtu-nt MM unable to undertake to urge other (iovernments la make a trant
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 64 11 Feeling Running High But Position Improved. Rugby. May 24 Bombay messaires state that altho'igh fteling is tunning high after the reccr. communal rioU the general position n the city continues to improve. All millare now working, although some have reduced numbers. Retail shops are open, but wh'>le.-al shops
    British Wireless  -  64 words
  • 72 11 Import Quotas Will Influence Policy. Rutri>y. May 24. Replying to a Parliamentary question, thr president of the Board of Trade, Mr. Walter Kuncinian, said there was not at i present any intention of terminating the commercial treaties with France ami < (iermany, hut the existence of import quotas
    British Wireless  -  72 words
  • 406 11 Non-Stop 31 Per Cent. BUT NO INCREASE IF QUOTA GOES UP. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. May 25. The Perak Chinese Mining and Planting Assoiation sub-committee, having discussed the various tin schtme-. adopted the following resolution That in view of the manife-t iinpo*of Chines? tin
    406 words
  • 196 11 Mr. Justice McCardie And Appeal Court. London. May 24. A pjblu- rebuke was administered by Mr. Ju-tue McCanlie in the King'- Bern h court to Lord Justice Scrutton. who in the Appeal Court judgment regarding the Helen of Troy case on May >i ••I paraded Mr. Juatkl McCardie'■nrinlotftfl
    196 words
  • 87 11 Minister of Agriculture Will Go to Ottawa. Rugby. May 24 The ccting Prime Minister. Mr. Bal win. statetl in ;he Hi. use of C mmons today that the Rr.tish delcgjtion to the Ottawa Conference would include the Minister of Agii.ulture. Sir John OBmour. I'ntil it was pessib'e
    British Wireless  -  87 words
  • 72 11 Hovering Autogyro To Direct Traffic. Ru« by, M«y I An autogyro ncrr.nlanc is to ho u-*\ f or <•( nti-fillmtr t ad traffic t« ami from Epsom Downs M Dvrlv Day. Krom th«ir point «.f vantage 2.1(00 feet up. the observers will trmsmit lr> police wireless vans instructions
    British Wireless  -  72 words
  • 787 11 I' neon firmed Rumours. LAST-MINUTE RALLY AFTER OPERATION. \n amazing situation has arisen over the death of General Skirakawa which was reported to have taken place in hospital in Stian«ha'. on May 23 as the result of wounds received in the Hongkcw Park bomb outrage on
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  787 words
  • 56 11 Temperature lieap* to 30 In The Shade. Berlin. May 21. The temperature in Berlin and moat pan (hi many leaped up on Thursday and Friday attaining 30 degress in the shade. whi< h is entirely abnormal for this time of the year. Thin temperature would be coaaidared
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  56 words
  • 508 11 Troops Approaching The Frontier., May 2'>. Genera) Honjo, the "Japanese Dictator" of Manchuria, arrived here today from Mukden. Coincident with his arrival came the news of Japanese column- advancing along the eastern branch of the Chin.- c Eastern Railway and down the Sungari River, rapidly
    508 words
  • 138 11 Assured of Support Of Both Parties. Ttktt, May 24. (itncral Senjuro MaMsM < "inmamier-in-Chief in Korea, has been «uinmone<l to Tokio. It is exf.'i'ted that he will -in-ne.! Geneial Sadao Araki a- War Mimst r. Riuter. Replying la Mr. Salt -'s inv.tation Mr. Suzuki has declined to enter
    138 words
  • 58 11 To he Broadcast Krom Vatican Today. ■mm, May !■> A new Papal en.yclual •aawaraiag Players to be offered hi the Sai n-d Hamfi in these troubled time- wil cast on Wednesday evening Ml I Mi g.m.t. by the newly erected radio station Vatican City in Aye languages, namely,
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  58 words
  • 290 11 MR. MACDONALD'S NEW VIEWS. Value of Imperial Preference. OTTAWA CONFERENCE Need of Freer Trade Conditions. 1..-ni|..n. May 14 V. JMSMI 1> I 1 U-fall the world than that the Hnti-h ¥.\i<p nhould MM th.- grip which kept it together." declared the Prune Mini>tc r Mr. Mac Donald. in an Kmpii.
    290 words
  • 156 11 A NOTORIOU'S SPY Record of the Man Who Killed Kitchener." i The man who .mil found t«f a diaiy n-irilKil on the front |-ag- The man who > Kit henei .ipt. Kritr who wa- a not< dei mar. He asserts that taken idi i tit] I:An earl..- Itad: It is
    156 words
  • 66 11 Dress Rehearsal of A (ireat Spectacle. Rugl The .In- reheat -al today ol the ai Royal M irnament at was, as usual, attended by a hug. appreciative audience of -rh.» many from tie various charitable tn.s!itution- uhuh Urn tournament as-nt- tinan- lally. I'en-:i>ner- and di>able.: men m n-
    66 words
  • 29 11 Hi* Fall in Ki-ccipls This Year. aaf M. rah Ml I a i ibed as Mfan d ar. This n of the Irish There will les, and
    29 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 79 11 On Other Pages. < inrmi Cage fi Kuantan Rubber Meefni: H \roiind the Markets Ry the I ii imial < orrespondent 9 i.-ii..- (an Defeat Old Age Bj Dr. Hi lan Jawomki If North laiping Tia Meeting I? Malaya* rfcrasi Sole- Kill. .ml- hampntnship 1.1 Wirefaa Pa«* II Malay aa
      79 words

  • 95 12 Doomed I'assenper. ceor(;ks phiuppak CAPTAIN'S REPORT. Pat M I ijcram to tw reBtiVi- Mb nt inn :>i I a.m. u |ias»-nirtr repniti i.: to lh> ■pni ii i, round i i of ali i MmJ .11 that up in- 1 -n; ii an 8 >..S., hut
    95 words
  • 16 12 60.(10(1 Swedes !nvol\ed In Losses. < thi A. i hav Mag the i n t.
    16 words
  • 22 12 \n<»th«r Sh'>rt Sta^on In Singapore. ■rill t>- 1 1 1.11 .1 v tone that I I \v 1'
    22 words
  • 14 12 fi Geneva to Las Hrn Befwtfe l^a«:uo. Pi h.i I Vneta-1 I
    14 words
  • 491 12 School Parades. U T STY CHEERS FOR THE KINC. The Colonial Secretary. S.S Sir John Scott, vmte-l the Pearl's Hill School yestorday. Empire Day. and look the march pant. Later he addressed the ■c^pol children <>n Empire Hay. ami tar fact that Qe< in on May
    491 words
  • 140 12 Communist Demonstration In Berlin. Berlin, May 22 A nolitary p v Wceman who was on duty befon the Japanese Kinbassy in Ber;: it .-aturday cftetnoon was surprised l>y earance of alout 4ft yj>i.who staged a demonstration in fa\ vi of Oilra and the Sovlrt t'nion. w hii.-
    140 words
  • 116 12 f.oldon Jubilee in Ipoh Convent. (From Our Own Correspondent.* In-'h, Ma> B f Perak and Mr< Cator aad I lai-ge gathering including the Mother Superior* .if the Convents of tha Holy Infa- 1 lesus were present «t the ju 'er St. Michael. ycar< m th. The
    116 words
  • 41 12 Enthroned in Prt»<»encf» Of The Kine Stockholm. Miy 24. I T'i .'e-ta-it A:chKishop Up n, who =ucc»<d' the well-known \rrhh,'shoo Soederhlom. wa< 1 i'Ti Monday in l'p«ala Cathc- Kinjr Gustaf as the (Irrrk or■e'i".n ami (Jeimar. Pirte«tant 'a-Tian-O.
    41 words
  • 36 12 Going to Berlin, Poland And Russia. Bci'ir. May IX. >. :I1 fly to Amsterdam 1 1 a ap<<ial Outrh MTO.I -hort 'tay h.l?.'i!.r. frtrr avert he n 1 i. itturnin." hoaM bj T':ike>. Aneta-Tran-
    36 words
  • 486 12 Advene Balances. PROSPECTING RIGHTS GRANTED. (From Oar Own Correspondent.) Pensnpr, May 2 1. Mr. D. A. M. Brown presided at the meeting* here today of Taiping and North 1 Titip-.njr Tin Drwiginsr Co.«. TVe accoont^ of the Taiping Co. -howed that the r»«t« btd t-ven
    486 words
  • 379 12 Rmpire Day Concert In Memorial Hall. It wn a happy thought to wind up the Singapore Empire Shopping Week with 4 national \ictorin Memorial Hall <m Kmpi re Itav and the appeal which their national songn make •y KnHi-h, Beets, Iri^h ami W'.Nhmen \va« •••oni.- .nonph to till
    379 words
  • 214 12 Krnst I.ubitsrh I'ro^onts Drama. course. i« famous and Th« Si -snt." pay tribute to r»r««i hi. brilKanre s nmoun 1 picture noV showing a. The H th. play. Th. M»r hmJ there i-an be no <iue-n..n i>)m: a lei Bid have failed N interj.n i t. which thi»
    214 words
  • 60 12 Borneo Mnt.T- I.<<l ha received thei following eahle from thi Kle. 1 Ti.TntnY,) Coventr> •Standard Kile\ Arm) freaks Tape Town Jnhsnm>*bur.r vi ed record h> eifrhty eirhi n mile: 21 hour- 10 mini Hon Coolin« liimhin^ MM Ml monnti»inou> road. Car atread' acrom plivhed 21,000 miles Am«-rioan MMRHI more than
    60 words
  • 228 12 LOW SALARIES IN MALAY A. Planting Warning. ii\n«;kr ok \ttr.\( tin(; the wron<; type." meagre ratr «l pa». a -l»n«Urrl. wnaM rum Mala\n M llnti-h .ountM in half a generation fhere would be no inducement ti.r m.p <>l lhe nrM t>pe 11. Iran Hi. me ami Ml ihnr 10l in
    228 words
  • 89 12 Capture in Plantation Off Yen Chu Kaner Koad. Arr.'i. ,nt»lioi, i,f Kuni. I.'. larjr. illicil distill. r\. «a ami ■> I I>.xl.i .-niifi. I ijforou^ inipn-. t.iult. r Ml i- Preven :vini; .1 ja> int. i. i.lar.tai •r» A Msi.r Ja<rn> Tin .-.rre-t.. 1 i»nd an H
    89 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
      22 words

  • Home Cricket Spoilt By Rain.—Billiards Championship.
    • 876 13 Tan Kirn Song Wins. UNFINISHED BREAK OF 52. A ralaret orchestra wan in full swing next door. Sounds of a wayang came from without, and a brass band passed proclaiming the coming performance of the legless swimmer. Strange condit.ons these for a final of such a
      876 words
    • 390 13 Seven Drawn (iames. CAMMUDGI WIN BY AN INNINGS. l.miiloti. May -I Rain interfered to a very great extent with county cricket matches, and causeil ><rawn matches at seven centres, including Lord's, where the M.( opposed the Indian t ■unsts. There was no play at all at Cfct
      390 words
  • 1701 13 MALAY AN CRICKET NOTES. Nondescripts' Success. REST TRIM. FOR CLARKE cur. t who have VMM I tcceaa tl -plcmlid bowling of i a shock ■>■ ha<l to admit d>--f«-at at \..ndes> i ipts in bj !T runs, well known Medical .i a I irge share in downfall by makini; JJ.
    1,701 words
  • 34 13 British Amateur Golf Championship. London, May 24 T. M*nson (Dumfries) beat W. H. Elkins X.M.S.I by one up in thr first round of the British amateur frolf championship at Muirfteid todiy. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 31 13 It will be recalled that in the En*li«h dose championship at Sandwich Elkins equalled the record with SI for nine holes. He was beaten in the fifth round by H. Tippetu
    31 words
  • 324 13 Conclusion of S.K.C. Tournament. The final of the A Singles Handicap in the S.R.C. tennis tournament between 11. V Balhetehet and Dr. C. de Souia will Ik 1 played off today. In the event of rain the match will take :<la<e tomorrow. In the final of the Mixed
    324 words
  • 53 13 Marriage Which W as Kept A Secret. Helsinfffom. May I!*. The champion runner Paovo Nurnii who*e disqualification )>y the International Athletic Association raised a storm of comment, was quietly married on Wnit Monday to the sinter of a fellow runner, Sylvie Laakkenson. The nama*-*- was kept secret to
    53 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 16 13 Kodaks latest Invention m ffs you r soda ■toopizz/p |^fl Made By Ey| FRASER NEAVE Ltd.
      16 words
    • 169 13 Other Sporting News appears <>n pace IS. 0 A*kt 4 DIESEL ENGINES for Marine and Stationary purposes. nICCCI IK.HTIM. SETS. MF3FI MIITIIII lIX OMIITIVIS UICOtL M MIMNC. SETS. UILdCL (tRUI fflllCBBI sol. \trM. STRAITS J\\ A TRAIIIN*. < SIN(.\f<»KK I*l Kobiiwoa K»a4. I'KNAM., 1. Hrl« ({«*> The SINGER HAM) MADE
      169 words

  • 191 14 Preponderance Of Static Interferes With J The Week's Reception- A Mystery Station Identified Madrid At Good loudspeaker Strength An Excellent Concert From VS1AB. (ttr Our Ytirrtcaa Ufiw»»i(kit.j good, s tatir being was very fl«>»r r«m iri p.m. and at (rood k>'iil«peakcr i<o. 'rnn«miv«ion wit--•latn. Km < mm
    191 words
  • 799 14 Hroadtastinj? Detail^ For 1W Week \Br Our Wiraless Covraapoadant.) Tlic tst of tta'i&T which n.ay- ha heard Malaya H as follows (Singapore t u> 4.- gt\ a): ALWAYS ON THE AIR. nWDOENG. PI.M.. 82 metre". 810 ti f 30 p.m., recorded nvj.^ic 630 to 7 p.m ull,
    799 words
  • 156 14 vntraband Opium Round Their Bodies. The old dodge of tying cualialmiul ot»ium niunri their bodia* under luone lothuiff i y Muugir!er». was un»u cassfully oliJ thinemf women who arriv- I i yesterday from Calcutta en route to China. At the Tanjonjr Pagar examinauvn nbod j [where
    156 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 479 14 Mijfht of Unemployed Oerks. To the Kditor of the Strait* Tunev kM are leal hi of u» «.:e abiorberf in uui ttgWg^k out v living and if we succeed n two nu-als a <iay, we have more than one J cause u> be grateful and rejoice.
      479 words
    • 109 14 T. th<- E.iitor of th.' Straits Times. Poi' quite a ccnaidrrabli l^njc l»f i nui the pro.> anil prerogTittve and peculiar :ir»v»n»a»»<» ■•f the )«"ople livinr in Malaya have h«*ti (tivwoed fn the newnpan^rn. Thff* «re ,ur i-<nf •if May 2.. I rv.tice Mr H I
      109 words
    • 66 14 To thr I he S»raitJ" Time*. leader' tad from nativ* irr iim«wil day to <iay "Wtnir. probaWy, i.> numlyr of h.'nrop^an* who now Orchard Koad <\r-' i T>luk Atw Mn- ph* hirt an <xpply at the :«Il«w<nr I i-nnih nf 10 h<annn«12 Javn ■T:ir^fi -irnwak [>me •lpkin b
      66 words
    • 21 14 TENANTS' G RIEVANCES. itraiti Tibk"". ptea*an* mi pocket" ar» no H>l||ll\ thai > >> r l in thi« „i, •-Uni'i-'x **■•>• vtA •>r a<f-
      21 words
  • 17 14 <'nn«nMrenersl at l,il«'rar> v healthy Soong Jutiic< Puay. Swinv Rark Stroke U I 1 Ter
    17 words
  • 47 14 1 Thr 1 the Urm such an.! < o It .i natural «terilt»«-,| milk ■mi all an entirely Rnglf-h prwhirt.- It m«y thi' he generally knonn thai «in-h Bfl rotMwnsii I I Mw Rnjrlaml, producing irorxl- which «tati i comparison with any offered in th>market^.
    47 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
      62 words
    • 150 14 1.-^mmmm%m\. A** V^*ffißa(r PORTABLE m\ *^^m^Tf\ *R" M^mEmmmm\-\ "RAR-LET" IHF V.\H-\ IT*M i v ONM <\\ ro»T\Kl.l.. ir i-s I i \l RR \t<\ 111 I KI«T I i MM* vi' >i.»:. i Hsfetw /£lSftD\ YOUR X THROAT Ihi I i '*r' I kill -I and pr<\ THE BRITISH MAUYA
      150 words

    • 385 15 Spr. M. I^. (hristensen There m S nga- -h. .i I'.mih.i. Kengmn. Batrj I'ahat. Mala. a. K'>'.u Tlasggii Tump n Sat; I and ttoretMan in me annual apaa rifle in.-, t ii.jc held I;. M< :n Rifst at tIH Trch risk range. Muar. W
      385 words
    • 71 15 St. I'aul's Teachers Kasilv lieaten. iri.'in I'ui Own < r.-- I> ■•mien! i mban. May ih. In a cricks* match e»'e rday. a com > n.-.i r-ev.n from the 'eacher* of th ACS. and th.- KaM 0— rgt V 5.h..,. easily oWfa»U(j the St Paul's Teacher- totalled Otil)
      71 words
    • 506 15 No Room for Dissatisfied Men." London. Apr. 21 ea cln'' ha. Ik en in the news •iv te t lo- recently. Ki.llowing the annt that Hughie (iallarher and ronim;. Lew, their Scottish international refuse I t> re-sign for ntxt cj'on *nd hat a eptcd offers to
      506 words
    • 183 15 Results of Games in The Two Major Leagues. NM York. May H. Today 1 lia^ctiui! ic-u't- were: Valiinal League. tmtom I Brooklyn i: Wil- n hit a home run. Philadelphia 11 New York "•t (2). Allen and Klein hi: home rur> St. l.oui< i hiraRo 6 '.n- (2(
      183 words
    • 199 15 M May U. 1..,, kinir'. ()«n Rrgiint-nt < up. flr-t imlm. fata lull. 4.10 p.m. B.BJ tuiiinan.*nt. r-....t«..i!i -S.AFA. Uiv. Gloucester Regt I KA An.,.n Kd Stadium. Div. 2: II K A 11. I'adang. I haradav. Hay ML v *i (parts' <>f St. Andrew's School. J»Un waar
      199 words
    • 764 15 To Meet Indians. PJUk HALVES ALL BROUGHT IN. The following will be the all-Malayan ho key tin m ta play against the Indian -■hampions when they arrive in Sinirapore or. Jum- i I v the M ..urn Ma.-v (.oal. -S. 1.. Oi-hies I.Singapore); Back*. A. A niiiunc
      764 words
    • 111 15 Rain Interferes With Tournament No play was MMaMi at the Polo Club ■i irniay. owing to the heavy rain of the morning. The match, which was to have hwr hetwevn the l*t/20th. Burma Rifle* and the (ilouiester Regiment in the first rourd of the King'- Own Regiment Cup
      111 words
  • 1130 15 Indo-C eylonese Hold S.C.C. s •< I I.C.F.A. 1 The S.C.C. I'in :iri{ ■reins to be thi venue for thri!l ng First DNWh 1 <« K match? between th SC.C and visi 1 in» side, for anoth-r wa witne.-treH l>y I large crowd yesterd.y when
    1,130 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 257 15 *^LaV«ilS *NBNM Careless Washing Spoils the Hair The simpl* hair styles of todaT ssakbeautiful hair a necessity. Luckily, beautiful hair is now aasilr ob talnrd It is simply a natter of shara puo ng. l'r»prr nhampooing mak'S 'he hair sof and Silky. II bring* out all thr r'nl life an.
      257 words
    • 195 15 LISTERINE ANTIS P T I C N USTERINi- CUtS a r S V**"?**^ nrmroc -i f DrUISGS KEEP A BOTTLE ALWAYS ON H/CnD ONCE TRIED ALWAYS ISED "UNION JACK BRAND" THE_PRIME_FRESH_BEEF_DRIPPING, Regularly supplied to the Military and all tiie Officers' Misses. If y>u have not tried, we invite your Patronage.
      195 words

  • 1786 16 DECREASE $3,800,000 FOR 1931. Owners' Appeals Against Assessment. Figures which illustrate «lrikingk> the decline in the value of propert> within the Municipal limits of Singapore are contained in the annual report on the A*He*s;iient and Estate* Department presented by Mr. f, Snell. the Municipal Assessor
    1,786 words
  • 128 16 Austria to Save Her Currency Herself. Vienna, May 24 Disillusioned by the league Council's failure la tome to her aid, Austria will now, it is Mated on fwd authority, tak I the necessary steps |a nrevent the conicollapxe of her currency an. l defend to her utmost her
    128 words
  • 307 16 Levy on Wages for The Unemployed. Berlin, May 22. President von Hinlenburg may shorten his holiday and return to Berlin next week in view of the imnortant political decision* to be taker. Immediately he is back the laUst emergency decrees decided on by the Cabinet at
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  307 words
  • 62 16 Italian's Unofficial Air Speed Record. Rome, May 19. Lieutenant Nere attanied a speed of approximately 745 kilometres an hour (4A2.6 m.p.h.) during a trial flight over Lake Garda today. This speed far exceeds the British Schneider Cup record, the world record. The same test will he
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  62 words
  • 97 16 Prints and Drawings Which Were Fakes. Paris, May 19. The collection of prints and drawing* of which Anatole France was so proud and which he considered to be excellent examples of the art of Rembrandt and Rubens are almost entirely fakes. The treat author was himself the son
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  97 words
  • 66 16 Perfected Operation For Appendicitis. Berlin, May 19. The celebrated surgeon Kucnimel has just celebrated his 80th birthday. It ws Kuemmcl who perfected the operation for appendicitis and operated on his first c»s<* in 1889. Since then he haa made over 10.000 operations. His researches for kidney, liver and
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  66 words
  • 57 16 1.980 km. Flight in Eight And a Half Hours. Paris. May V> The aviators B.iiKeat and Tavernat fltw today from Bucharest to Paris, a distance of 1,980 .ilonu-tres, in 8 hours 24 irinuti--. They uted the all steel 600 h.p. Brcirur'. Hi-|>ano which rv< ••ntly did the journey from
    Aneta-Havas  -  57 words
  • 41 16 Official History for Mustafa Kemal. Angora. May 2t On In-half of the British Govcrii,.eit the British Amha .---dor has presented Mustafa Kemil with a copy of the official history of the campaign, published by the War Ofli Aneta-Trans-Ocean.
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  41 words
  • 36 16 Ko\n.., May 1«. lln I it'manian a Mmi.Ui Finame, M. Petrullis. has been found guilty of corruption during his terra of office and sentenced to two years' hard labour and 6ns of Lt». iw.ogv.-ABtta-TrtW-Owi*
    36 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 95 16 Radiant W%s\ Natural Beauty MiL. gives you Mf^^T| njtural beauty. It is B^j-» .$5 c ntirrlydiffrtrnt front H 1 any other lipstick. MjgicaJly it (.lunges tolor as you jpply it i———^km in<l hlffidi per- ■a^a*— —^bb krtly with your own < 'uiur.ll, individual E. ~mA| lomplcxion. "*^BH Tangee is
      95 words
    • 247 16 New.... Unique.... Four Door Pillar^tss Saloon on the Triumph Super Seven NEVER were cart so badly uted at those chosen to test thit unique Triumph 4-Door Pillarless Saloon. Month after month, at fait spe*dt, ovrr execrable surfaces— and not a door jammed, not a fault could be found. And not
      247 words

  • 84 17 Passage Struck Out Of Armament's Report. Gum, May -i. MB *i i nmmittee of the ml <"'«Tcnro decided on Mon- n t<> strike out the n tht draft rvport which affirmed iba from aircraft conititulMi iliinct-r to th« civilian |>opulalull uhich nM a(r»in-t the ■xi-iMon i
    84 words
  • 117 17 Interesting Questions For Friday's Meeting. Th> following question* will ho a k*-d nn "f ihe Rincmpon Municipal .-t-n divert <l, iSI ay r SrmpanK it S tHIlfll f i :;;i Avenue from «v t.i I Newton Circus, and 'i. nil follow tck IRC r:nl 'rark lx»tweon it ion
    117 words
  • 102 17 HC (iathering at Funeral In Segamat. M U D. Barthtiot, Ident, day .n U>e hn M uri» bl attu i Mtmla. I M, a tM-n-mner of >,,. i n-.i-n 1 havmtr bt-en in u tl di hi- vr»y •pore when hk \\.r Hitjim K.».l ,l dowa a
    102 words
  • 65 17 Probable New Title For Prince George. ;i..r.icnt.l London. May 'J4. T);. [1 un.ier-tands thai le Ring wi nf. i the title of l>uke of either in the the l'rinee'- is -h.''h >on of th-» inir ami I The title of I>uke of 1., i.l by Alfred
    65 words
  • 68 17 Two Wig Companies To rik' Down Capital. Herlm. May -M. The North (Jerman II iml U!g Amerika line, •imeiil to the forthif shareholders tv of th.' companies' capi- jn "f tnree to one. Th.- S I i.'Y.I wi!l write off and the Hamburg 00. The sum of I
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 35 17 belief to be Planned For Shanghai Inemployed. Nanking. May 12. of MMM 'i Shanghai as a M* conliict. th« 1 1 n• 'ted the tj. QMSM of 1,, i i the MiaiiKnai anemployed.
    35 words
  • 418 17 KUALA LAMPUR 'S STREET BOYS. Three Types Found By Welfare Club. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 24. During its three years of existense the Kuala Lumpur Street Boys' Club has' found that the following types of boys are living on the streets (at Criminal boy* who are suitable
    418 words
  • 142 17 Members of Taiping Survey Staff Entertained. (From Our Own Correspondent. > Inoh, May 24. Two senior members of the Taiping survey staff were entertained on the eve of their departure from Taiping by members of the senior and subordinate staff*. Mr K. K. Goulding. senior superintendent, and
    142 words
  • 78 17 Killed by Brother Of Former Employee. Vienna, May 24. The leader of the Christian Soialist; party in th< Aust ian Piovimc f Burgealand. the n.pu* Dr. Anton S»hr?iniT. who t *■<■<• v 'c!' 1 th<- jmt at Govwaar of nland. va- aa M'.n lay nx-rnnjr ny a wurking
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  78 words
  • 91 17 Conversation Between Train Aeroplane. London. May 20. An c>x|M-riment showing the latest tiehnical achievements in wireless was made ti>day. A i>owerful loud speaker placet! in a special carriage attached to an express train enabled the passenger* t.> MM a conversation with the pasaergi rs of a big aeroplane,
    Aneta-Havas  -  91 words
  • 49 17 Incessant Rainfall For Nearly a Week. Hankow, May 8. Owing t^' the ineeasart rainfall sine* May 4, the waters of the Yangtsze arc risin-. It is reported that the Wutai Dyke is in .lanrer and residents m thevicinity are petitioning the authorities to j take urcvtntivt measures.
    49 words
  • 421 17 Advice to Large and Small Growers. Copra producers in Malaya will find much useful information in a pamphl.t entitled "Investigations on Coconut* and Coconut Products." by Mr. F. C. Cooke. The pamphlet is published at SI by the Department of Agriculture. In a foreword Dr.
    421 words
  • 106 17 War Minister Picked lp By rui>er. Paris. May 18. A seaplane conveying the War Minister, M. Pietri. to Corsica «M compelled to come down when 1.1 miles from the coast in consequence of an engine defect. A second seaplane flew immediately to I the spot in order to
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  106 words
  • 108 17 Dornier X Returns To Germany. i Berlin. May 24. After is months' absence in America,' the flying boat Darafcar X landed on Lake MucKirt'l. neai Berlin, at CM p.m. in the <>f a huge crowd of most enthusiastic Byeetatars. Tht- officers and crew were officially welcomed by
    British Wireless  -  108 words
  • 68 17 Most Violent for 20 Years. Batavia, May 18. j According to the late* reports the earthquake shock* felt in tlie Celebe* are the most violent which have been rejriatered there for 20 years. The town of Kako» ha" been seriously damaged, with over ftO houses wrecked, sex en
    68 words
  • 66 17 Retiring from N.D.L. On Reaching Age Limit. i Berlin. May IS. The commander of the famous *übniniin "Ih'UU ihlaml." Paul Kueniff, who was well known during the War, it retiring from the Nnr4jimti her Lioyil <'om pany now that be ha* uarht-d the aff* of 65. H«' has
    66 words
  • 132 17 Sharp Refusal to Attend, Statue Unveiling. Pari«. May 24. Murh comment has been ar jsei by the announcement that the children of the let. I'iiiimr, M. Clemenceau have refuse! tV,nvit.tion af thi Paris Municipal Council t.. participate in the ceremony of unve ir.g m monument to the
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  132 words
  • 80 17 Those who intend to be present at 'he i*ll in aid of the St. Andrew's Hospital at Raffles Hotel on Saturday are remird- ed that early reservation is advisable. An excellent programme ha» been arranged. I Songs by Mrs. Alford, speciality dances by j Miss Marion Knowles. and
    80 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 202 17 J CO., LTD. < O X HONG KONG. Q DEBIGNBU AND CONSTRI'CTOBg of OTWf UM I»( Tl RFMZ ANO ERECTOR* of X W kind of tlfMiii. motor and Milinf rr«»ch. Soli- hD>l.l>n|r« and roofint: raatn fi. fcf Q A,- ni> for KEI.VIN MOTOIW. S«p«r». in aalva, and crnrral work maken
      202 words

  • 4589 18 BRITAIN'S "INCREDIBLE STORY OF DEATH AND DISASTER." "Helen Of Troy" Case Appeal. i|i. i oi n-poniient. I SlK\' 'iIHI, i Btraat, May 11. liring dayn is M I have in. "l- I oihloii parks a mar. .m i > ihe aajada are in. m "Hi-, the hidgero.'
    4,589 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 410 18 THE BETTER MILK FOR BABIES j(tl, sz-£g uv* jB vjive your baby LACTOGEN Isn't Baby getting on! Look, he's beginning to notice. He's so happy too croon> and gurgles all the time he's awake. Mother now has an easy mind about these allimportant early days, for Baby is thriving splendidly
      410 words

  • 179 19 Executed for Attempted Military Coup. Nanking, May 11. Chiang Ming-chi. the leader of an attempted military coup d'etat at Nantao about a month ago. was executed here yesterday. It will be recalled that Chiang Mingchi organised "the South-eastern self defence Army and planned to seize Nantao police stations,
    179 words
  • 652 19 France Mortgaged For Ever and Ever. Down to the la--t month of his life Professor Iharli- (iide. who died recent ly in Paris in hi* Xstb year, helped to enrich the economic literature of France with works of unquestionable authority. Hi* Principle* of Political F< onomy."
    652 words
  • 138 19 New Zealand's Most Historic Spot. Wellington. May 10. Waitangi. New Zealaad'a outot hixloric >P«il. where the treaty e«tabli*hing Brit Hh M.verei K nty m New Zealand mm (•jaad in ism. ha- tte«a bought by Ixird and Ijidy BledixW aad p reseated to the i.'ilion. thu> *avtng it
    138 words
  • 54 19 White Russians Unwanted In Manchuria. Tokio, May 7 The Japanese Eiabaitay ia Part* haa reused to vioa the patuiporti of White Russian*, including one "ver)A onnntni flfure," deMrins to eaUr Maachurw through Japanese territory, it wan "tatitl at the Poreicn OftVc today, by way of n luting allegations
    54 words
  • 417 19 (tothic Armour. OKFRIAL RITLY TO (KITH ISM. Mr. Hfanl- •<• armour in the >!■ hu brouifh: tn. I hill It i« ii 'n;i f the; refardintr M .oi i.-|H.nii.-i,; f tbl M TK Rfl I' It wa> explainol thai pait ..f th.- I>. Mm j pun
    417 words
  • 247 19 A Proposed Kxchan^o Of (iarmcnts. T-mirkiani;' Speakm* wiag i preach. I in SMyanfl man walking en line l.«nil;i. a> mc.i wir 'indit ..,i,| fmin.l $.S whi. h hi look, Mi way aMrawMMj The l>an<lit thei -.(•arched h.-i rinding aotl and•••I that -hi were new and of food
    247 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 134 19 Today's Crossword Puzzle PT v r ww pit ft mr m (CLUES.) ACROSS. g JMMJMW Ifi. l>i»cover« IT. Lurgr ilurk 19. Kragmri't nbling -ton, JJf*- ;-:r nt d ■•"' j F.« M'rtilanH f....t-... 1.1.. r 1 nr Hrfor Solution of Yesterday's Ptivxle. tk i nwluct ■mn t utrn.Ms MaWi 1
      134 words

  • 77 20 Heavy Floods In Singapore— Streets Inundated. IK WI I. IMMiKi. WISID llt-ut> floods in Singapore on Monday completely disuntani^ed traffic in Mine district.— particularly Orchard Road. Grange R. ad and Bukil Timah Road. Tho Orrharrf Koad depol of the Singapore Cold SHraire < 0.. Ltd.. -crn on the left, could
    77 words
  • Article, Illustration
    24 20 Ihi building ihi Mi .ontjiinni al »h<- tinu- the picture wma taken, al leant twn feet of food wmter on the x round floor.
    24 words
  • Article, Illustration
    17 20 Kuk>h»-pu!l«-rs ar.l pedestrians w crt .he onl> people »hu could MfaUaM Orchard Koad al noon on Mondiv
    17 words
  • Article, Illustration
    16 20 Shu|<honst' occupants in Orchard Koad attempted umucci—fMlly to keep the risiag water from intading thnr premise*.
    16 words
  • Article, Illustration
    20 20 For a distance of more thsa two aiilet. Kukit Timah Road was imps,n»able for the greater part of the day
    20 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements