The Straits Times, 7 May 1932

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 107 1 «M.; R M i MV R .rnH>N. M W.; MELROSE'S GIN MELROSE'S F THE GIN Jfe KECOGNISED X^^a^a^a^ataTa«*^a*^a«^a*aTa^a^a^a^tW > V IS TRIPLY > GIN DISTILLED AND IS 1 FOR GUARANTEED /<<>/"»>) COCKTAILS. ABSOLUTELY I pure. f FINEST LONDON DRY I OLD TOM CO 7B ■■<!,■ iA $2a 7 5 PER
      107 words
    • 16 1 a^ ■^^^a^'^r^"~"**~"na*J •.15 Tonifht 9.15. LESLIE HOWARD AND* I ELIZABETH ALLEN ia ."SERVICE FOR! j LADIES
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 805 2 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS. (MDTOM YUSEN KAISHA.) TO LOJfDOX. Naples, Marseilles. London. Antwerp, Rotterdam aad Middloshoroagh. Vessels. Tonnage. Dae. Sail. 5 SI'WA MARI' 10,7110 May 19 SO J FUSHIMI MARU 11.000 Jan* 2 3 HAKOZAKI MARU IM«W Jaa* IS 1* t TERUKUNI MARU 12.000 Jaa* 28 23 HAKUSAN MARU 10.500 July 13
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    • 499 2 BURNS PUILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia.) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA. DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Rerular monthly sailings by th* wallknown steamer MARELLA n.865 tons) and th* ii. MANGOLA (3,352 tons) (Cargo only). Th* v. MARELLA ia on* of a* .largest and finest steamers trading to Australia, cabins
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    • 426 2 THE EAST ASIATIC CO., UNITED (Incorporated in Denmark.) Telephone 5.123. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE TO GENOA. LONDON. ROTTERDAM. HAMBURG AND COPENHAGEN. L*av* S'por*. Penang. aj. MEONIA May IS May 10 m.s. BORINGIA June > Jan* 10 m.s. FIONA June 29 July 1 m.s. ERRIA July 20 July 22 m.s. ALSIA
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 182 3 OCEANIC AND ORIENTAL NAVIGATION CO., SAN FRAMISC O. CAL. STATES STEAMSHIP CO., POILAWP, <»RK. JOIVT S(HFIIII.E Sailings for I'nited Stales and < anadu I'oints from Horn; Kong. Ran Francisco and L»« Angeles. F? GOLDEN MOUNTAIN sails from Hong Kong May BS nOt MEN TUX" from ■wag sUasj May 30 Agents
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    • 414 3 DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINB iWAMEttJCAM MAIL LINE BBxmxm¥™^a»i As***WHY TRAVEL THE DOLLAR WAY? BECAI'SE 1 Freth California fruits and vegetables are served at every meal. 2 Kvcry stateroom is an outside cabin. 3 Outdoor salt-water xwinimine; pool on Deck. 4 Orchestra music for Tea-Dancins;-1 tinner and rntertainmenU. 5 First Run M..tion
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    • 539 3 ELLERMAN BICKNALL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. (Incorporated in England ELLERMAN LINE. Passenger and Freight Services to UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT. Via Porta and Sacs CaaaL OUTWARDS. TO HONG KONG. SHANGHAI JAPAN, j Steamer Due Spore. Mb CITY OF PERTH May 11 HOMEWARDS. s-s. CITY OF BAC DAD for Havre, Ldon, R'dam
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    • 438 3 THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA. LTD. (Incorporated in England.) Capital Authored i 0.000.000 Capital SubM-ril*-.! 1.H00.00J Resenr* Fund and Rest 1.217.»2« Capital pa i.l up 1.060.000 BOARD OF IMRKi TOKS J. M. Kyrie, Esq* Chairman, P. R. Chalmers, Esq., Charles J. Hambro. Esq., W. H. Shelford. Esq.. Sir Thomas Catto.
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    • 498 3 BANKING ANNOUNCEMENTS NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL MAATSCHAPPY N.V. Netherlands Trading S«e*e4*. (EatabllalMd al Amsterdam I»I4.) PAID UP CAPITAL FI. M.0J0.000 STATUTORY RESERVE Fl. 40.015.000 HEAD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM WITH AGENCIES IN ROTTERDAM AND THE HAGUE, HEAD AGENCY IN BATAVIA. BRA.NCBEB 'Bandoeng Hong Hong Rangoon Bandjermasin Kobe 'Semarang Bombay VYeltevreden Shanghai CalcutU Mcdan
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    • 507 3 NEDERLANDSCH INDISCHE HANDELSUANR N.V. smtafcMsaad IMS at Amsterdam Aathorlaad Oaplul Glds. Inn.OOOWW (ai**4 »00). Paid as Caalsai Glds 'aboat Bsaarraa B.di *l*«t r ■BAD omm AMSTERUAM. BUKUIDIHM- I Ik" X' 11, BOITKKDA»«. OTEBBEAM HRAM HEB I BatavU Bead Office f I botch Bat* ladlaa. BBANCB OFFICEB I DUTCH EAST INDIK.S
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 518 4 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. There are approximately seven words to a line an.l th.-re is a flat rat* eaarg* af to cents per line per insertion wito A minimum of onr dollar per insertion. Adverii«ements will he accepted ta 10 a.m. on the day of issu*. A fre of 25 cents is
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    • 820 4 HOUSES.^LATS TO LET TO LET. bungalow. 7*. Grange Bum). Apply Anson Road. INSTITUTION RILL bungalow newly renovated 9M. United Engineers. TO LET, M, Priaaap Street, S room*, tricity. Apply n7. Prinscp Street. BINCALOWS. 412 A 14-lft. Angullia Park, rents reduced. Apply Angullia 4 Co. TO LET. No. 3S, Barker Road,
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    • 502 4 BUSINESS PREMISES TO_LET OFFICE, Robinson Road, 5.700 sq., first class property. United Engineers. DUNLOP HOUSE. Robinson Road. 4,000 square feet, vacant March SI. Could be divided into small offices. GODOWN. River Valley Road. suiUble Motor Garage or Store, area 4,358 square feet. Apply United Engineers. TO LET. OFFICES at
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    • 348 4 MISCELLANEOUS M\>SViK A.\H HDWIPK t.v ..xprneno-rt Earepaaa Wdy. M, Wilki* Road. Singapore. If. when yoo retire, you propose to take ap POfLTRY KARMIM. IN BKHjUfB, full advie* and pnrticalars can be obtained from W. 11. Evans, Ilayreed Poultry Farm. Wil■MDgton, Sussex (late Penang Rubber Estates j. ~IP~YOU HAVE RELATIVES OR
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    • 564 4 FOR SALE FREi: TO AM \TEIK ARUENERM. a 30paite ti'esrHnuve cataleguo of Horticultural iro.lur,. A ,;,lj t* PO GARDENS. Ipoh. For MOTOR LAI'NCH. IK x ff.. in pei <c' :H»nmg e-cdar. Willing to change A»p>y MO. Straits Times. FOR SALE PRIVATELY. One Istest Modal 4-<vlind«r Ariel motor cycle with chiomium
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    • 622 4 AUCTION NOTICES. AUCTION SALE of valuable PJMfeaM S::>eapore properties. At Mtxr-. Cka*M*| K >aier>, m. N.i :il. it. J,, >rtrt, on Wedne«da> Mm 11. IfJJg, at IM pja. ERTATE 0V IKK XI \M). I)K< EASED. Lot 1. a ,d shop hous* dwelluii; ka New Bridga Road, Sir ■miVGAGHr SALE.
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  • 232 5 Death of Well-Known Mining Engineer. Mr. K. J. J. Kodda. .M.I. MM., wh > was managi-r of the mil inir property known ait the Ban Hin (.old MaMa, Ltd. near Bidor, died early ye-terday morning in the Burgsar Jlispital, Kuals Lumpur' nays the Mulay Mail.
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  • 193 5 Latest Development At Swatow. H-.n^ k'.ng. Ma> T. The aeroplan* from < aaaea s>-nt to Swatow. BM Kant Kwangtung lea th* border of Kukii-n ProAince. a few days ago have IMB detained !>> General Li Yang-k:nif It will ha that these aeroplanes were atom m oiiler to asuist
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  • 289 5 Young Singapore Eurasian In Trouble. i Our Own Corresponilent SiTeml>an. May 4. Arthur Jansen. a 17 year -old Singapore Kuraman. who «W originally charged with a Chinese nan>i d Hee Johnnie with the theft of certain spare parts of a motor-car valued a' $'J0 the property of
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  • 157 5 Sequel to Alleged Coal Transactions. Alle»r<'l t.. hi- inmitted cheating ami .era! thousand Mn .li.nn Cmldwell Tamx k, a laii |K-:in. ilc^. ritx.l a I'.r I HI prmluceii baton Mi A M Bagr, tht B'lmgmpwn Si-c.rl Ml M.iei^trat.-. yoterMay and remanded <m Ihi ,hurr«-. It i- -tate-1 that
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  • 92 5 Gaol for Former Clerk In Vehicles Office. (From Our Own <\>i respondent.) IVnuntr. May 7. After half an hour 1 (l(>lilnTatii>n the ji ry, li\ in ih.- K.->trar r.f piilt) of <r nnniil f■ i 1 Mr. Ja»ti< P id he losk iata nil ry-lem in :b' .i-
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  • 80 5 Makes His IKhut In I! Hapcst. lluilapol. A (ii f] The ncul> appointed Hungarian hani; limn. John k.. nail. > h lai'Rv irowd ipattotOH t'ul«>. whi'i h<- '!i»: niihi-'l i murder* rhmicli n" >men w«Tf »<ln tin- BviMM yn il. whiTi- a p!nlo<in 0 M'ldifr> iruai .'I Uu-
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 365 5 HOTELS RAFFLES HOTEL Koonvt with Modtrrn Sanitation and Hot and Cold Running Water TONIGHT SPECIAL DINNER RACE BALL DANCING TILL 2 A.M. Please make your reservations early. SUNDAY, MAY Bth. ORCHESTRAL CONCERT 930 p.m. Phone S3Bl. SEA VIEW HOTEL TOMORROW 11-30 a.m. 1-36 p.m. GRAND ORCHESTRAL CONCERT by the SAN
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    • 285 5 AGENTS IMPORTERS RETAILERS Why keep your wares a secret? NOW is the time to ADVERTISE your Saleable Goods by NEON LIGHTING The Finest and Most Up-to-date Method Let us quote you Designs submitted free. NEON LIGHT DEPT., CAPITOL THEATRES LTD. THAT'S WHERE I'M GOING! TONIGHT MAY 7th 1932 THE ADELPHI
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    • 81 5 BERNA ran Mil If SWISS IfllLll RAFFLES HOTEL Sunday, May 8, 1932. "Monia Litter And His Concert Orchestra" OVBtTUBI "lakia iai M C. M. von Wi-bt-r OPERA FANTASY -Thai.-" I. .M INTERVAL. BALLET Ml SK FROM THK OI'KHA "GIOCONDA" "Dance of th<B«Bn" A. I'onchielli PRKI.IDK Ol' L 8 No. 17
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1118 6 WHERE ARE WE GOING "Radical" Replies to Tory's" Utter. To the Kditnr of the Straits Times. Sir. My first impulse upon reading the courageous letter signed "Tory" in totlay's Straits Time*, wii to exclaim with the Prophet. "The people that walked in darkness have seen a groat light." When my
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    • 619 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.— St. Niihola.- 1 Home for Blind «n<l (ripplml children, formerly in Malacca. has now been moved to Penan*, and step* arc now tx-in* taken to place it on a sound financial footing. But so beneficial i*
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    • 115 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— Now that Tank Road Railway Station is not being used any more, perhaps what I have to nuggest will be to the general advantage. I suggest the Municipality should acquire the railway track, when the rail* have been removed,
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    • 196 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Allow me a little space to voice a !>uggextion for a deserving cause. Fund.* are l«adly needed by the European and Asiatic unemployment committees in Malaya to aid the victimx of the slump. Your paper. Mr. is the largest
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    • 93 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Will you kindly allow me to thank Mr. 1. C. Sionr, of Malacca, whoa* letter appeared in your naner on May 6, for his action in drawing the attention of the school authorities to the need for reducing the school
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 85 6 TAM TAM Rust proof Alarms Small .iiai dial $4.25 I'Uin dial |AJi lumir ii- dial *■"> imp ■iain d al IIIWJMHM dial 'with intiTmittent alarm. Sold by M»laya, VM Wai Min r I2<«. North Rd in' on n Q: D (Gammcter^Co., !<!'. liuhinson Koad. HAMS! 'l^&l\ WIUCH TIC£IE
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    • 409 6 NEW! from the ground upl \/OU see, in the New Hupmobile Eight, a car unlike any previous Hupmobile, or any other automobile. A daring, new design. A new lowness o* body that increases riding safety without sacrifice of head room or rood clearance. Doors of unusual width for effortless exit
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 103 7 and MARLBOROUGH MATJLNE.ES: TODAY TOMORROW AT 3 P.M. Htm ill its l.'lth l'< rforniunce and |iullin^ l>igg( r and U\«prr crowds OBVIOUSLY -THE YEAR'S BEST SHOW IS YOUR WEEK END SHOW "DELICIOUS" Fox Movietone's Record Shattered. COMING SHORTLY: »»»»»«»««»»»«««»«**<»»»*»« TONIGHT "DELICIOUS" Simultaneously with ALHAMBRA TOMORROW WILLIAM HAINES Ernest Torrence. Jimmy
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    • 146 7 CAPITOL TONIGHT! Last Night of The magnificent ALL-BRITISH Production "SERVICE FOR LADIES" with LESLIE HOW \ltl>. GEORGE GROSSMITH and ELIZ\IU;iII ALLEN. f 1 A PARAMOUNTELSTREE TRIUMPH! TOMORROW:Commencing at the Matinee CONSTANCE CARPENTER The Celebrated English star, in H L/J "K" K famous BRITISH pln> b> LAUV ARTIIIK LE\ER ■U« iYNESWORTIL
      146 words
    • 170 7 PAVILION ke*kr\ \::< M PMOMI **>j 6 1 1 NIGHTLY I MATINtES SATI K DA 'i IMB SINOAY -V 15 LAST NIGHT OF HMVBMAI I 6SI m <"\iii.-. < A (in. .ill launliii't -lio» AMI iha it >>■" H <-»J<'> OOMMMCHG TOMOKKOW DIRtCTED BY jM ZXX j| r a*t V"'<
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  • 867 8 (apt. S. Robinson. HERO OF YOKOHAMA EARTHQUAKE. Captain Samuel Roliinson, C.8.8. K.N.R.. hero of the great Japanese ccrtri quake of September, IMBi and omtmandpi of the Kmpres* of Jarten. 'tW- Canadian larireit linor, has retire-l friim service; nft<r U7 year* with the company. When Urn
    867 words
  • 36 8 MaiU (left l^onrlon Apr. 2~) by the outWi.rd litit.h arroplane from Amsterdam an- sejpKmMi to arrive at Singapore by the .v.ning expresK today. Correnpondence will lie ready for delivery U> boxbolders at 7.M p.m.
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    • 629 8 ST. ANDREWS ATIIKHRAI. Sunrlsx after Aurrnmon. May M. Mi a.m.. Holy 'omn 7JO a.m., Matina; H a.m.. Holy Comn. < heral Ml |> m Kventon* (Choral) and Beraisa) Hnl> CaSSsV M M«n Wed and Krina> at X a.m.. Tue... Thurs. and Saturday at '7 am TANCI.IN GARRISON HIRCH
      629 words
    • 308 8 Thi fnll<>» insr iicfrrrr. ».re StteaSsi the I N V K BafcsSlS M«ru mheii it !t-ft Sir »n TkaraeJajr: Ml i H.. ritvli. Mr T Sato. Mr. and MrI. V, Sunthorn. Miss V. 11. Sunthorr. MaaUl T II Sunthcrn. Mr. J Mr B. T. Ala nut..-. Mr. and
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    • 88 8 liotriac shspa are in communira(icm with tsM WiNSsmi Stations at Siniraporv Agatha, Anastasia, Benmm n. < hina Aiaru, Comorin, Dogra KsjrjrtKhsja, Hatkhola, Hong Kheng, Iris Kistna. I.jniiinrin-A. Malay Maru, Nefte."indycak. Nrwi«npine, Nirvana, Ophir Ountski. Pres' It-nt Pierce. Saarbrucken, Silverguava, lahrh?e, Terukuni Maru Tuho Marii. Toku Maru, Tourcoinx
      88 words
    • 57 8 From Holland and Germany, by Tabinta, due at Sinjraporc 2 p.m. today. From China, by Kusijama, due at Singapore tomorrow. From China and Manila, by President Pierre, due at Singapore daylight on Monday. From China and Japan, by Himalaya Maru. due at Singapore on Monday. From Holland, by
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    • 748 8 Tonight's Music From Saigon. (By Our Wireles* CorreapoiMtent.) A Sinirapore. Saturday. The list of itationa which may be heard daily in Malaya is as follows (Sinfapore time only is given): ALWAYS ON THE AIR. BAXIIOENC;. PLM.. 82 metres. 5.10 to 5.30 p.m.. recorded music 6.30 to 7
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      • 430 8 MM Val. Pi. 9»T*n- S»ll»ri. fi £1 Anain Kumbanr 22/ 24 tl II Auitral Malay 18 to/. 5- f. Ayr Hitam Tib 9 10 9 fl 41 llancrin Tim 7 9 ft 9 (1 41 Batanr Paaaa« 0.07 0.12% 1 1 Rats Cavei 0.52 v jr. 1 1 Bukit
        430 words
      • 260 8 I MM V»l. Pd. Bty»m. Sellers. 2 2 Alex. Brick OH. 0.80 1.00 2 2 Alex. Brick Pr«f«. 1.80 I.B* tl XI Brit. Am. Tobacco 3.12.9 1 1 Central Engine I 20 n.3onom. 100 SO Chinese Com. Bank TO. >0 75.00 fl f 1 re*. T S. Prefi. I*
        260 words
      • 142 8 Sintapore Cold Storare 7 p.c. dab. of IW6 red. IMI-M 1M 101 el Sinfaaora Municipal t p.e. of l»01 red. 1940 $400,000 100 101 nom. Sinrnp- re Municipal 4S p.c of 1907 red. 1947 $1400.000 97 99 son. Singapore Municipal 4>i p.c of 1909 red. 1955 $1,000,000
        142 words
      • 398 8 R UBBER SHARES. r rast-r and Co. and Lyall and Evatt's quotations. N.B. Most of above rubber share quotations ara now only nominal Today* Pri«« Prater L>»ll A Co. Evatt Allrnhy rfl) 0.20 0.40 0- 1 OM Alor Gajab II) 020 030 010 0.30 A. Hitam 111) 0.50 0.80 0.50
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  • 213 8 Today. North and Kant India (Takada' 3 P«. Uutavia i I'runii-theu-. 3 p.m. Rhio. Billiton. Java. So«th-We«t Sumatra.. South-East Borneo, Celruen. Moluccaa and Timor Dilly <;.neral van (Jeen 4 p.fca. Tanjonc Balei and Labo*a Bilik Jiri>i P»Benrkalm and Bacan Si Api Api iToboali) 4 p.m. Soengn Liat
    213 words
  • 45 8 Andre Lcbea Mar 23 Apr. It Karapara Mar. 24 Apr. IS Rajputana Apr. 1 Apr. 23 Kcrtoiono Mar. 31 Apr. 2& J. Van Old*nbarnt*»lt Apr. Apr. 27 Frill Rouiml Apr. Apr. 30 Karoa Apr. 7 Apr. 30 Dcmpo Apr. 16 May 4
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  • 262 8 Saturday. May 7. Ship* al«ag**e> the Wharves or expected arrive. Mmm Bsiswa Gate. KEPPEL HARBOUB. Main Wharf SariU. Crow. Tut "Herrulev" Ruth. Bli.ijoe. Uh Mary R.-r Oil Wharf H.M.S. Herald. Coal Wharf Mil VESSELS Hi DBY DOCKS. Taajoag Pagar. Albert Dock Nil. Victoria Dock Nil. Keppel
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 302 8 MALAYAN METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE. Daily Weather Report. TESTEBDAT. X P.M. TESTEBDAT. Bright Wind. Stations. Temperature Rain- Sun- Rotative Direc■H, Mm. fall. thin*. Humidity. lion. Force. Weather. F. P. in. hoars. m ph. K rdsh Alor Star .DO 73 Nil 6.1 55 NW 5 Fin* X, Unlsn I KM. Bharu !M> 74
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    • 240 8 ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE WEEK. Setartay. Majr 7. H W 11 44 am ft.. 117 ».m, S ft. I la. Singapore Spring Race*. Third Pay. San Carlo Italian Opera Co.'* "Cavalleria Rusticana" and "Pagliacci." Victoria Theatre, SO p.m Mr <iuddard's "Star Party" Cabaret at Adr-lv hl Hotel. U.:iO p.m. Seaday. M*>
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  • 230 9 An American Tax On Imported Rubber. LONDON PRICE REMAINS STEADY. (ilr Oar Financial Correspondent.) Singapore, Saturday. Today's Prieea Rubber. .">•« cents per Ib. Tin. Htn tons at HSJ>M P« r P' rul Yeoterday'* Prices Ruhher, London. 2d unchanged. \e» York, V; cts.. k p 7-1« ct. Market
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  • 28 9 ore tiurinir th« •.:>■ vl oririr. lons. N«th«rl.ind« India ularrs Tona. »»rc I Mb* IWJ :irr rth— -.408 J. 71. j w R BOTH M 1
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    • 546 9 Wide Movements in Dollar Exchange. London. Apr. 7. Wide in MTnints in the dollar exchange pnividoil the chief future in an otherwise fairly quiet holiday week. The sharp me in the in Now York on Monday was the IwSaM of f«-ar« rexarding America* luidiretary position raided by
      546 words
    • 323 9 A Satisfactory Cotton Crop. The dire* tors af the Sudan Plantation* Syndicate, in a circular to shareholders. announce that a satisfactory cotton crop is a*«urcd. Alt., minting out that tue final pickings of all the cotton crop are not completed in the (iexira until about th. middle of
      323 words
    • 111 9 The figure* in brackets riv* th. output fur thr 11 responding per><<i of last yea' Kur-'bang. Ml Jm $2h.41«.!K1. ea U %ltM3 I'uni;>>k IWO .ir.Jk." 1 I i pirut I pirul- >ur»>. H»».iiWi y»t.i8 uth*ni Tronoh 700 pu-uU. Traaaa Htea K'lkman H. 't .-ul«. Siaaa I 1
      111 words
    • 106 9 Lewis Peat Singapore Ltd, report as follows on May Very littl- clianjrc ha- Uen seen throughout the *till b>/insr in fair demand, hut foi tleglecteil. ranin laMMftl ti rubber into Malaya for April at 4.«2»i ton.- are th. low. >t i,n recird for many faara, and are atxiut
      106 words
    • 58 9 It Olocfc MM. May 7. Buytra. Sellers. R.B.S. equal to London Standard Spot j^ :,i, Standard K.SA on Tender {••>• 5»« B^m •j u r e Jul> July-Srpt. Z Oct.-Drc. r,\ 6M Ton. of Market Dull. Latctt C«*U London Spot Shi-*t 2d. per Ib. Ntw
      58 words
    • 478 9 Official List of Approximate Prices. The following ar« the prices, cents per catty where not otherwise mated. PJ« T ing at the Singapore markets en May as famished by th. Kood an 4 Market inspector Meat. -B«ef suak (round) 40 per catty, beef atew or curry SO. p«»h,
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    • 388 9 The fo!!owinr publications were i-iued or ret. .ye.i by the Ik-partment of Slatwtic. S.S. .-.nd F.M.S.. durinr the period fium Apr. 2.1 to 2V. melusive. and are available ft>r publir use in the Reference Library. Fullertor. HuiMinr, Singapore. Application may be made by members of the
      388 words
    • 82 9 Rugby. May For*i(a •itaanftf an Amsterdam ».06. Athens U& *rlh?r«. Bombay 1»5 15-IM.. Berlin 16.46. Bruaaala M.124. Bucharest SIS. Rio 4*». Buenos Airct M*4 Copcnhacrn lttJO, Geneva JB.M>, H«laiaa*«r« 215, Hone Konr U. 2 17-32 d Lubon 110. Madrid 46 li-11, Milan 71 i 16. MonU ViJ«b in nominal.
      82 words
    • 167 9 One of Most Critical Years In History. In UfJ the Indian tea industry passed through one of tbe moat critical years uf its history. Heavy stocks, combined with the absence of restriction and a larger crop from Java resulted in a collan-e in price which brought
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    • 122 9 Criticised by British Traders In Paris. A meeting which was held in Paris on Apr. 4 of the members of the Briti-h Chamber of Commerce in Tarts considered the serious situation that has arisen in British trade by the operation of French import quotas. The meeting was largely
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    • 198 9 Singapore. M 8 CLUNG. i.w.don. 4 months' sight II 29/32 London, 3 months' tight Laaiaa «o days' sight 21 13 l« London, 30 days' tight U>n<kn. demand 'i\ l«ndor. T.T. 2. J 7% 32 .i.i ]'ari>. dfi.' >r.d Mambarff, d«.ma i«I it, d.iianrf I-". tlatava and Sourabafa. demand
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    • 165 9 Singapore, May T. Gambier 7.00 I Cube No. 1 unpicked) Copra mixed *M °ago flour. Sarawak 2.10 A'hrte Pepp»r UM (Slack Pepper M.M '••rl Sago 4Ji small »M aiodiam p*arl Bice, Siam ttIZS to 208 Saigon 1140 to 152 Rangoon fIS4 to KM So. 1 of 12b caUies gross
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    • 18 9 A cable received by Cumberbatoh ami Co. yesterday indicated the price at (IS 10s. Market quiet.
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    • 10 9 Malaka Find.. 40.410 Ib. Alor Gajaa.-W.900 Ib.
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  • 183 9 (losing Quotations In London. (From Our Own 1 LatssV M Clewing quotation- I principal British and American riven below Tl.e- riite or tu\\ i* in rela( prie> of Mil GOVERNMENT STOCKS. RRH Ki*e nr Fall n Pui.dir.K Loan r istc M I GOVERNMENT STOCKS. DOMINION. HmMi
    183 words
  • 113 9 ROAD- KAIL TRAiNSi Mr. I. J. Huuhr^ Aad Nationalisation. Mr .1. .1 111 1 Industrial 1 MMtJBC of th«- :t- \j'i I said that it to >k< being forced into natn.t..i roau and rail trar The railv factor in the trai "Koad haulit-rs aughl to they oupht t 1 1,.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 90 9 NEW CLEARINGS For certainty of satisfaction BUY PRANG BESAR «™v All Records under Scientific Observation Yields in grammes o f d r y rubber per tapping from v Ihe Mime tested trees tapped alternate daily on half the tree continuously for the past three yemrs. (lone No. December December December
      90 words
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  • 133 10 VHI'III HOTEL. Six Party. Dancing till I a.m. I AI.HAMBKA Junrt Caynor and Charles Karrell in Hehnoui. 6.15 v.13. phone njna, I CAPITOL. Icilir Howard and El.tabeth Allpi ii Smi.'f For Ladies. 8.15— ».15. PfcoM KI'ROPR HOTKU SnecUl Dinner and GREAT WORLD. Wsraagi. Cinema, Don key Ridei. Zoo,
    133 words
  • 1020 10 If a Chinese grandmother of the old -ho..] there are schools of thought even among grandmothers if, let us repeat, a grandmother who passed on from Malaya to the celestial regions at the »-n«t of the Nineteenth Century could retiicn
    1,020 words
  • 1245 10 Modern Discoveries And Conceptions. (By (.ustav Koussy. professor of the Paris Faulty of Medicine and Director of the Cancer Institute.) 1* ««ic grnrrnll<i admitted that roHrr, i* not a U malady /<«•<// off 'tr'ititi ttarting in MM Inmt'H purlin,, ni thr „.pn»r*... and yttiilimlly
    1,245 words
  • 185 10 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. A. Pearce. 0.C.P.D., Klang. and Mrs. Pearce are leaving Klang for a] fortniKht'x holday at Praser's Hill tomorrow. Dr. E. A. Elder has been appointed .1 member of the Council of the King Edward VII College of Me Ik me in place t( Sir David Galloway, who
    185 words
  • 729 10 M. PAUL DOUMF.R. The news that M. Paul Poumer. the lent of the French Kepub'ic. ha« •urcumbed to thr injuries received yesterday afternoon when he was shot by an i*»as*in within a stone's throw of the Kly«ee will evoke universal feelings of MfMt at a ghastly
    729 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 177 10 W wbi. Exclusive SOT Expensive Jk W Not even a financial crisis a can ro^ a w man °f er W^^ innate longing to dress M exclusively, and at LITTLE'S she will find clothes in styles that are exclusive but most moderately priced Good materials, good workmanship and charm of
      177 words
    • 99 10 > CINEMA ORGAN NOVELTIES ON COLUMBIA BY K/ijjtjui Hijf jJ^fc*iiiiMai VTHiILBUOy TMCSC' v l.uud-nisM VIKTOKIA *NI, lil.K HUSSAR" ,i t itnui i»b*»» I. .i..r. M^dam. VlK\\|i HER lII'.- I > SAI; I »M1 •ii l»Bul» t > Kn.UnJi. M.d r Wt <»rif'i f I I>\7*« < > it.iiad <o»«rt M"»«
      99 words
    • 41 10 BUY ADVERTISED GOODS. Not all the advert mine that it offorwt to the Straitt Timea it accepted. Every •ffort it made to aaieffuard reader*' idterettt and ALL advertiser* naina; th« Straits Time* are. to the belt of obf icnowlrilja. THOROUGHLY RELIABLE.
      41 words

  • 1164 11 Shot By Russian! Doctor. M. DOUMER VICTIM OF ASSASSINATION. Assailant Rescued From Enraged Crowd. .i rt-ull o I heinn shot by a Russian in Paris yesterday afternoon. M. I ';< nl Dnumer. the President of the French Republic, died in the early hours of
    1,164 words
  • 44 11 Approved by U.S. Senate's Finance Committee. Washington. May 6. A duty of five cents a pound on imported rubber has been approved by the Senate Finance Committee. Rubber jumpi- 1 one cent a pound in I Wai' Street —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 375 11 Steadiness and Courage Of British People. Rugby. May 1 The I'nitetl Smtes Ambassador. Mr. Andrew Mellon, was welcomed to the City at a luncheon at the mansion House presided ever by the I-ord Mayor. Replying to the toast of his health, Mr. Mellon referred to the dire
    375 words
  • 77 11 Mr. Matsuzo Nagai As New I \S. Ambassador. Tokio. May 6 i7.:?l p.m.) Following a meeting between the Prime Minister i Mr. Inukai) ard the Foreign, ■iaaatar (Mr. Voshizawa) it is understood I to have been decided to seek Cabinet approva. that Mr. Hschiio Arita (Minister in Vienna)
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 49 11 Ten Houses Completely Destroyed. Hong KonK. May 7. l A laige t. re broke out yesterday mornI inj: artong the fruit stores in Canton city. The fire spread rapidly and ten houaes wore completely destroyed while others were involve:! to a minor extent. Sin Kuo
    49 words
  • 345 11 Committee's Report. OBLIGATIONS COVERED BY ASSETS. Rugi y. May f.. The Federal Finance Committee* one of tK committees which have n*en continuing the discussions oT .he Indian RojndTahle Conference, has preserted its report. The committee's pi incipal t: s>> was to subjevi t.. the test of
    British Wireless  -  345 words
  • 89 11 Malaya and Canadian Tariff. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. May 7. The question <f the increa-e in the; Canadian duty on Malayan tinned pineapples is to be taken up by the F.M.S. Chamber of Commerce. This decision was announced at the annual meeting af 'he Chamber this
    89 words
  • 51 11 WHEAT FOR RUSSIA 1 Canada Receives Orders For Biff Shipments. Vane uver. May '">. Shipments over 1.500,000 bushels of Canadian wheat have been ord- ed oy the Soviet Government, to aa ilelivered in Via livosto) k for Siberian seeding require- I 1 ment. The total payment is guaranteed in Canadian
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 66 11 Recovery from Operation On Eye. Rugby. May fi. A bulletin issued this evening from 10. Downirg Street states Th- Prinv I Minister has had a satisfactory day. i There has lnen no pain and the eye h i.laiaaWjaaaa rogres— British Wireless. A Reuter cablv states that the
    66 words
  • 137 11 But Chinese in Malaya Object. (From Our Own Correspondent.) I^-ndon, May <>. It is officially announced that the rumours that Dutch interests are opposed to the proposal for a tro months holidayin tin production are without foundation Shares are improving very strongly Renongs are 12s.
    137 words
  • 207 11 Judge On Municipal Increments. The fact that a Municipal o.v. Invcc'pay had been rising regularly. even n l'.i:V2, wa- commented upon by Mr. Justic, a Beckett Terrell, pre-iding over the Bankruptcy Court yesterday, during thpublic examination of the bankrupt cm It was revealed that the man.
    207 words
  • 107 11 Suggestions for Conference Agenda. Rugby. May I Work in preparation for the l-ausanne Reparations Conference ,>n June M is engaging the close attention of the' Britiaa GavnaaMM «hnh has advanced suege-tion for the Agenda. These contemplate that the work before the conference will lie taken in thiee stages. In
    British Wireless  -  107 words
  • 121 11 Representation Sought At Ottawa. I.ond n. May fi The h(.p«'s \\h eh LmMMMtc centres in the Ottawa Conference were inidf evideni when a deputation from cattaa tiade organi-aticjiiN wait.-<l on Mr. J. H. Thoma-, the Dominions Seiretaiy. ami Mr. Walter Rurciman. the President of the Board of Trade.
    121 words
  • 105 11 Gains of Three to Five Points in New York. New York. May j The best rally 'he stork market haixperienced for week greeted the news from Washington that the Senate Finance Committee agreed to a tax bill acceptable to the White Houm- pn viding for over SI.OOO.OUO.IMMI.
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 1393 11 General Ma Chan-shan To Lead Assault. SURROINDING CITY. Chinese Cavalry Ready To Cross the Sungari. Shanghai. May 7. According to the latest information to hand from Heilungkiang Province th* big attack upon the city of Harbin by the combined forces of General Ma Chanshan. the Self-Defence Army
    Sin Kuo Min  -  1,393 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 51 11 On Other Pages. Page Around the Markets— U> the Financial Correspondent 9 What We Know About Cancer Ry Guv lav Rouhkv 10 Selangor Miners' Meeting 12 Jelai < 'oftcoiMon < a*e 1 2 S.C.C G'oucestcr Draw II Parr for Women Readers II A Journal in Ihe Federal Capital 16 Johorc
      51 words

  • 2530 12 MANY ARGUMENTS AGAINST TWO MONTHS' STOPPAGE. Mr. Windeatt Fails To Persuade Selangor Producers. Tlie H<m. Mr. T. A. Wmdeait. Ihe mining membrr of ihc Federal Coaadi ;tnd a parin«r in Ihe well-known mining firm of 0-rvnnr ;ind ("happe!. ffave a clear explanation of th«-
    2,530 words
  • 461 12 Woman Dies During Hearing of Case. Mr. Jv, r if,- M H. P. Whitley at the -day sentenced a Chinese I Teh," to nix month.*' rigorou* imnriaonnien! when hi was found gwlrty of culpable to murder of a i an y.'ars "f age. ,asc for
    461 words
  • 45 12 Kgj ptian Minister's Narrow Escape. '"lire. May t". i pii -i- thi railway I' Mm *tcr'! re kill<s n )U«le<l by the eicplo^irn T! i primi Miaiatcr <<=idk;. th. M mmunicatu n I of the I'haul r am! other emirent aaaalc •aped injui'.
    45 words
  • 143 12 Folanjror State Council to Meet On Sunday. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klanc. Mnv Thi S.laniror SUte Council wili be held at tha Throm R. >ni of the lUna Mahkuts. K!an>r, mi Sunday at m^O a.m. Hi- Hiirh (1 Selangor will preside, j The foll«.winjf will Ih- present The
    143 words
  • 36 12 St. Andr«w*a Cathelral Church iation b havinv a .'umhi Anarew'i Scheol Hall on May _"i ..t ;i p.m. Gift* of old clothinjr will mcd at St. Mary.. Home, Tank Road before May 18."
    36 words
  • 341 12 Chased Motor-Car Ends In Ditch. How Chinese, smuinrier* iiwd the po«tal department to <-ontnth«nd opium into Singapore from Hortr Kony ileseribed to M»-. (J. C. Dodd. the Sinrapore Cr'.minal Diitrict Judjre, ye»terday when two Chine?? living in Rh(r Vn!lr\- Rnnd were i harmed at the ir^tarce af
    341 words
  • 372 12 More Stars in the San Carlo (iaiaxy. Two frc«h «tat<- In Carlo Grand O|.'tn <'ompar> tra!:ity t\\ink!u) in the Victoria Tnratrr flrrnnTier--:*h* «h?n La Bohc-mc -n- ■mtrtad a !ar|rr and enth'.i«in^' andicnec which indu an? Sultana el Jaton In »pite of t* ■akapßf endtnjr hi I operatic tradit!<n
    372 words
  • 62 12 '> The San Carlo Opera orchestra, under 1 th direction of C»v. G. Pnccetti. will pjev the following nrofframmo t-. morrow rtior^injc at thi S-a Vievk Hotel, iM-irinninK' ct lI JB Faiitn -a. Carmßena R'liticar.a 1 |(Mar-»gTi'» PaTit.-i>-ia, F»U!«t ((n>uno<l) 1 Urmpbcms, Borbien <ii Sivijriia (Haaalnl); ll*antftsia. Tova
    62 words
  • 771 12 Legal Adviser's Appeal Dismissed. COSTS FOR COMPANY. BMOIL TO PROSE 4 ITION AT KUALA LIPIS. (From Our t»wn Correspondent.) htiali Lumpur. May 7. The JeJai c. r. n i i'ahang) Ltd., -al years H on n -r tVlf I'ftl ha SopraaM Mi A hi 't n«t
    771 words
  • 24 12 abinet Submits to !><>mand I or Resi^nution. I Th< H forma* th. N»! nr., cinal eteetiaaa. the n\»- the«e T/er« no: irraM
    24 words
  • 18 12 F»ut* I'adamn Liffhthou* *>vi Of M A mi }'hdi»r»> 1.. been damaged by a ijphoou.
    18 words

  • Today's Selections.—Lall Singh Does Well Against Sussex.
    • 284 13 Against Sussex. COUNTY CRICKET RESILTS. Ijinilon. May 6. I.all Singh »i< unbeaten fur 29 in the iiinint;- of m drawn match between the Indian cricket tourists and Sussex at IL.vf. The Indians hatted first ami totalled MS. Tate took li v i afekfti f»r
      Reuter  -  284 words
    • 194 13 Selections for Today's Events. Today is the third day of the Singa pore Turf Club spring meeting, anl another programme of eight races will be carried out Our racing correspondent's selections are as follows I.— SHORT SUIT. Erato. 2.—MOVALONG Peerless Lady and Chaldoylc. 3— GOLDEN MAIZE Sungei
      194 words
  • 262 13 Saturday. Mar 7. Malay Drßl —i Camr- Comrlaag Eaciiah School grd.. Lerenc a.m. Sine, hwi Th.rrf Pay. \V A T>'v. 1 R.A F. M. Chima*), Jalun Besar: ''hm»»e League Priaaep XI vs. N \l s V A »rd. Coif: > ip I women .•i.l Club Colonial Cup -■•undi.
    262 words
  • 38 13 Wins on Foul from Jerry Nolan. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May It Bu<l Walley. if Singapore, won on a foul in the fifth round of a contest with Jerry Nolan at the Morecambe Winter Garden. >
    38 words
  • 91 13 Results of Games in The Two Major Leagues. New York. May fi. Today'- l<a.-ehall results were Natienal league. Pittsburgh 2 Philadelphia 4 McCtinly tripled, ilouhled and singled— a ■oni idrraWc f-at. Cincinnati 14 80-' on 1 Lucas yielded only from hits against Cincinnati's 16. Chicago Brooklyn 1 O'Doule
    91 words
  • 1039 13 No Goals Scored. FINE DISPLAY BY GLASGOW. S.C.C. 0 <;i«Micc«t*ro An excellent display by Glasgow was the feature rf the first division match between the S.C.C. and the Gloucesters at the Anson Road Stadium yesterday. The result was a goalless draw. Time and again the S.C.C.
    1,039 words
  • 391 13 Today's Matches. LEEDS REGAIN LOST POSITION. The home soccer season onVially close* today when the problem* that will co.tfront the Clubs will mainly be about relegation. The Cup has been won by Newcastle United and the League championship by Everton. The Wolves and Leeds are
    391 words
  • 87 13 Jiro Satoh's Easy Win Over Greek Player. London, May 6. In the first round of the Davis Cup competition at Prague between Austria and ("zecho-Slovakia, Artens (Austria) hvat Hecht 2—6. 6—3. 7—5. 6—o and Matejkt (Austria) beat Meniel 6—3.6 3. 6—3, 3—6 2—6. 6—4.6 4. Japan an Greece,
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 106 13 Tanglin Club Tournament Ties. Tien for Monday in the Tanjrlin Club tennis tournament are as follows Mixrd Doable* Oprn. Mr. and Mrv amrron vs. Mr». J. Smith anil Major Craham. Mr. ZyWtra and Goodman v». Miss Ra.»h and Strinirfrll Mlxrd Doable* Handir.p Dili Fitxpatnrk and Taylor v». winners
    106 words
  • 348 13 BILLIARDS IN MALAYA Draw for First Round Of Championship. The draw for the first round of the Malayan billiards championship to b, I layed at New World during the Empire Shopping Week MM ma le last Might. The matches with date and time of play, will be as follows May
    348 words
  • 488 13 7th Anti-Aircraft Battery. R.A., 3, D Co., Gloucesters 4. 1 Length Blindfol 1 Race Pte. Creed (iloucest> r-. U Lengths Free Style Relay A Co. Gloucesters 1. 11 th Battery. R.A., 2, D i (iloucesters X, 22nd Battery, R.A.. 4 V.M.C.A. Event (medley individual, breast, back
    488 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • 704 14 By OUR WOMAN CORRESPONDENT. HI I .Vjij.sty Ibe Queen has alr?ad> ii \Uy. Many women follow lh« W i he ■atom] foi thttn up her mini aw „1 lum*, wli liKhi; I wilh one I ■tiUata witt mm eat lopozi'k I >url ifown.
    704 words
  • Article, Illustration
    12 14 4 <» ,r 'li. i i- i rrhroir'.'red with tad. .rv
    12 words
  • 18 14 I RKVII.I.K da> dreiw of fratkrrw«i<r.h( MUi »iil< »<>«<■) shaptsl i»''i u collar and raff*.
    18 words
  • 88 14 i i h for the I jr. an:l ti. In ihi >i wht-n hi lillin BR twira h inn. 'Iv -v. i)fh' I. i ..rT.. nMpbanTi -tra»l»"; lemon or gr»t«d rhocolatt. ■•nt.-r-akiaf I MB. > n th* 1. and and a «i:i i i ng-x
    88 words

  • 104 15 No Confirmation of Report Of Death. The Malty Mail Ma «hat. Ac etriiH 6r> a report published in the Chinest paper* in Kuala Lumpur, Sir R< harl r Tung, the well-known Hon/ Kong multimillionaire and imlustriali-i.. died °n boaid the Corfu on which he was proceeding
    104 words
  • 283 15 A. R. HOLDEN CO. Judgments In Supreme Court Action. In the Supreme Court yesterday, juH<n:ent was delivered by Mr. Justice Birkett Terrell in tne rate in which A. K Hi Iden and Co., l.Ui.. Ml WUtt 'V Bm View Jin. a fm me: em I >ye el Urn I r
    283 words
  • 225 15 Wife Unable to Explain Why She Left. ».*I-'rom Our Own Correspondent.) Sercmhan. May <:. Op a -H»arge of enticing away a Taiv I :i nn. -1 Ka'i fiom l.insum X.-tat.-. j. a Tamil. Valiatham. appeaie I lie S« Mat: st rate today. i <1 1 ir Wo;ic
    225 words
  • 20 15 The Aie-Hlhl Hote! will repeat the charity cabnret <.f last Saturday t. might. There will be gifts f. r ladies.
    20 words
  • 130 15 Drive Againut Dangcrousi Vehicles. j Another l«tch of Singapore lorry emu who had their vehiilex on I'tihlic mail.- in v danger' us condition, of them tn-ing nverlonded. were pmmW MMTC Mi. K < C. Barrrtt. ".neapon- fourth Police Magistrate. la\ when tin. ranpini: $10 t>
    130 words
  • 30 15 up t<. and ht MM p.n. Bukit Timah Kirrvr I ,r, T»bl» i 'han |M. B n. Table "A fhangi Pukit K-. "D" raraaiai Go Practice Is it
    30 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 130 15 THE BRITISH MALAYA TRUSTEE EXECUTOR COMPANY, LIMITED. (Rrf i.trrrd onH/r thr Ttn.t nmpinln Ordiaanr* IS2C) Capital called up 1152.060 Reserve Liability of Shareholders 1162.060 DIRECTORS: Sir David Galloway. Kt.B. (Chairman) 8 H Mom. A (A. O R. S Batrman. C.A R M M.y»r C. Mart-oliouth B. i Parrcr. CMC tkm
      130 words
    • 151 15 M^*^ f frili diid filcvt mm m^^ o^^ Before and during those strenuous hourt of W/WM play the experienced sports-lover relies with ff/I Wh confidence on the glowing stimulus and refreshing J// il properties of "4711". Applied generously to the \\lll\m hands and arms, the nape of the neck, the
      151 words

  • 41 16 i in- picture »n«w> Mgnincanl sen.- in Ilu Selanror. A considerable area of rubber in -wampy land k beimr cat down and the bund> which denote the rice fields of the future are already coming into being
    41 words
  • 87 16 BirtMa) (.ift from the King Arv.l QtHt-n. I Bawkßßj Apr. 17. I I a Im r-n 1.-t into a knows that the King and J firs her a pony traa iti she is looking dly to her tiv t drive on h 1 an I a set
    87 words
  • 156 16 •tO Escapes As It Smashes House. Ularkliurn. Apr. 15. With a dead man at the wheel, a bus > riiwdi'd with passenger* today ran 00 yards along the pavement .smashed an electricity standard swerved on to the road, and then luck on to the pavement and
    156 words
  • 180 16 Sir T. Horder's 2 a.m. (all To Man on Drink (harm. I. < tar. 17. I; at a dinner in London of the jlaatitut, of Brewing, Sir Thomas Herder, 'the famous physician, u>ld :m amusing' LstQiy of how he. was called out of bed at
    180 words
  • 2204 16 Cutting Out Rubber For Rice A Selangor Portent The Women Tin Washers More Slump Items Europi>uns And Malays When Soccer Followed Cricket A Sporting Cycle Race— The "Buy Malayan" Slogan. (By Oar Koala Laaipur Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 6. I rR the drst t'Tf
    2,204 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 216 16 TALKIE ENTERTAINMEN At th* PRINCE'S THEATRE (PHONE 2750) S nirhL MMBW SUNDAY, MAY Bth. A tonir for all Hi RALPH LYNN in a 8. -ii Tray. r- (afW "MISCHIEF" with WINIFRKK Wint, IaMMM STIAKT A ru.t of fun i-\rrll»t.liy 'nit WEDNESDAY, MAY 11th. i;K'i I'^the prr»<-nti ANN HARDING in a
      216 words
    • 72 16 T IN KUALA LUMPUR At thr COLISEUM THEATRE (PHONE 2578) 3 nirhU curunK-nci.e SUNDAY, MAY Bth. II I I' ■aatSSj I inr.l-, .1, luxe "RAISE THE ROOF" BETH lALFOUR. MAURICE EVANS What hannen* mm a icatt af r I > astssaaai lv** all thnr staflhasi WEDNESDAY, MAY 11th. KkO i'.thr
      72 words

  • 1565 17 Derby Prospects. ORWELL A HOT r AVOIRITE. •i *»v r tlvn Correspomlent.) Straits Timfs Orricr., I'leet Stree'.. Apr. 19. Thoutrh tkt I >t i l.y still six weeks away, and Urn (iuincan have to lie run in a l man) racing men We already inn their
    1,565 words
  • 188 17 Warning to Soccer Stars. London, Apr. 22. The management committee of the Football Association has given Gallacher. U«, David Jsck and other famous soccer »tar« la think seriously before accepting engagement* froir Continental clubs by paxsing the following resolution: "Phiyer* are warned that if they take
    188 words
  • 253 17 Heads Batting Averages In Australia. Don Bradmar. with an average of i 116.JU for 1.40.1 runs, headed thr j Australian averages for all tirst-clas« mat-hes playeH during the -eason just -enoed. It was only in the l>ig gamethat Bradman excelled, howivn. |«r, while he scored 1.1 SH» iun<
    253 words
  • 116 17 Raffles Institution Draw With R.E. Raffie« Institution drew with the R.F.. in a match on Thur*day. The R.E. batted first and totalled 110. Mr. Kxtra* being top scoter with 2k. Gordon Jenkin* made .L. and Taylor wa« next with lit. Symonds was th<- only other batsman to reach
    116 words
  • 51 17 Taiping Wins First of Series Of Matches. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, May 7. The Taiping Ma team heat Bangkok by four goals to one last night in the f: i st of a series of matches. Taiping w< re superior throughout. Col. Gonlon-Smythe. in particular, playing
    51 words
  • 30 17 Olliff Surprisingly Wins After Three Sets. London. Apr. 2L» At P.m. i iTin nth in the inter-i- unty Urmia match Ollilf surprisingly beat ;v,,y I t. n i.
    30 words
  • 77 17 Prisoners Call Off Their Hunger-Strike. Mo.-cou. May 7. The tKatiiicnt sf th. Soviet nationals i in Hard n hi > Itoen alle\iated, ntly the hunger-strike ha* been calld .iff— ReuWr. A previous nu-.-.Aa{re from Mikkow dated May ti, that, accoriintr to the Ta.d Atsvni y. over
    77 words
  • 65 17 "Warmly (Jreets" Douglas Fairbanks. S:in Pawtiscu. May 6. Mi- Mary Pk-kford win wntinjr on the per and warmly her husband. Mr. Uourlas Fairbanks, uhen he arrived thio mcinintr from a trip to the South Shr shook hands with Mi»* Ma 1 1 tht Spanish ,iar who will
    65 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 76 17 Wire Nails OF Local Manufacture PRODUCED FROM THE BEST QUALITY STEEL. AU Standard Sizes Stocked And Special Sizes Made To Order. The Elkayes Nail Factory, Offi..- No. 89, llifcb Street. SINGAPORE. QUICK RELIEF FROM INDIGESTION hew I nc you ina«SJ irhrf t thr cau>c ef i rn>n from ffraieni int«n«i
      76 words
    • 288 17 ASTONISHING RESULTS. Our 1932 sheeting battery has been designed to revolutionize THE TREATMENT OF COAGULUM. THE BATTERY it as economical for an estate producing 1,000 lbs. Per hour as it is for one with an output of 3.000 lbs. $2,000 COMPLETE WITH SAFETY GEAR AND FRICTION CLUTCH. Writ* for oar
      288 words

  • 6221 18 Annual Report Reveals Drop Of $2,000,000 In Revenue. NgMi by the Hon. Dr. R. O. Winstedt. the General AdHmt, the annual report of the State of Johore for the year 1931 provide an extremely interesting document. Written in a Hear and attractive style the
    6,221 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 98 18 Makes Bicycles Easy rjfjfj imOneOil 3-in-On* Oil fain Ml* j labour and gnnd owt ry /»«S«/^^ of k.cytl* fidin 9 For "V^T^ J On* hoi k»pl b crd»« L In flrticlati cond lion. "10l I (il* C,cl,ih, oil o»*. Ih. \>iVILN world, ut* it daily. VFm|\\ Do ion want to
      98 words
    • 412 18 'Xhe money you save on LISTERINE Toothpaste pays for your (j)rc-pfuj-Cac-tic Tooth Brushes Besides you yet jfe-i DOXTBLE ACTION X*^ f^ aa^''^\ Mr- i V^OMPARF rhe lou price of Liuerine Tix>th I J I Paste with other quality dentifrices! The say- M M ing Hill actuall> pay for the Pro-phvlac-tic
      412 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 43 19 ETNE ORIENTAL OPTICAL Co., Head Unto: IM, gsrnla Brnjae Kd. Branch M- North aUUa* a>ad •ranches tm MaJ>r« ana Staai. Cm out Una at prudiu r .m S I Ail in— taclsa and aya gla»»«. «>. i.« «om I for y«ar». Stfbt im i
      43 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 157 19 Today's Crossword Puzzle T f amaSfivmt I IUM ID (CLUES.) ACROSS. 13. »ra»r.t !;k- It Jegret 17. i*. m, m Broad It. .-stau ii. «si.t*«' X Htarting p..,nt m faN rtms I <n<n naasabana pi«v«n UIW U l^gvatm.His U. in>wmrni IT M» ParU «f rapv*. 11. Bright colour «t. Ksakant
      157 words

  • 66 20 I INI \< I lON hurdlt- rarr in pronri-s at thr sixth annual athletic sports of the >n«:!o-< hine^e Continuation School, Singapore. THE OKFK'I \l> croup photograph o( the olh.i.U who werr re»po« Mbit for the organisation of the HDOrtR. The Bo> Scout*' rare in pro«rcss
    66 words
  • Article, Illustration
    66 20 iiffTT OH Mil. Ml I. \«.K (.KKKN —An old Good Friday custom was revived at Tinafe? Green, Sua»e&. whrrt- m.n and bo>a pla>ed marble* on the village grcea. (Planet Newa.) FEEDING TIME IN ST. JAMES' PARK: 4 rnwds of visitor* from the p ronnrf-. tn lx>rxinti or I oodonrrwk« gUymi
    66 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements