The Straits Times, 5 September 1930

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 213 1 SINGAPORE: 78, CECIL ST. ('PHONE 6181). j: l^ lsU Tonight I "HIT THE deck:* i I Radio's Great Musical i Comedy. EXTRA ENERGY EFFICIENCY J§jjjL. PHOSFERINE counteracts y jMgML NERVE STRAIN x^ff/T>] says /> /wf j Sir John /ffij^ \J Martin Harvey I v^S! Jr The distinguished actor-manager famous the
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    • 123 1 /HUAWr^MPUR 27. JAVA ST. ('PHONE 3083). Q ROBINSONS q< iP^C'^l CAT C fc Bargains n> s No. SJ. l. ROBINSONS PATENT LEVER KOKINSONS PATENT LEVER 111 all W \TCH Sal. Price $&00 each. Departments. Sale Price $8.50 each. No. S.G. S. No. S.G. 7. VERY STRONG MAKE. CANVAS COVERED rest
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    • 2 1 Tonight fhS^K:'
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 3093 2 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS. BURNS PHILP LINE (laoorporated la England) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE. VIA JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly aailinga by the wellknown steamer MARELLA (7,846 ton*) and the new motor Teasel, MALABAR (4.612 ton*). Th* s.s. MARELLA 1* on* of the l*rge*t and fined (teaman trading to
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    • 541 2 THE SIAM STEAM NAY. CO. LTD. (Incorporated in Siam) BANGKOK COASTING SERVICE for Kretay, Trenirganu, Kelantnn, Bangnnra, Telupin, Patani, Singora, \..icmn, Sirhr<n, Humion, Kohsamui, I-angsuan. Cnumpon and Bangkok. Arrival Departure MALINI S,.pt. 8 Sept. 11l sriiliHAPlß Sept, 15 Sept. 17 V.U.AYA Sept. \ll Srpt. M The steamers are fitted thronghoat
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 462 3 DUTCH MAILS N.V. Stoomvaart Maatschappij Nederland and N.V. Rotterdamsche Lloyd WEEKLY MAIL and PASSBNGEK SERVICE TO Gene* Aasaterdaai Southampton ManeUiea Rotterdam Tonnage s.s. Prills der Nederlanden 9,200 S.M.N. Sept. S sb.t. Baloeraa 17,000 R.L. Sept. 12 m.v. Chr. Huyiens 15,640 S.MJ*. Sept. 19 s.s. Tierlmsi 8,000 R.L. Sept. 28 m.v.
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    • 433 3 OCEANIC AND ORIENTAL NAVIGATION CO., SAN FRANCISCO. HAL. TACOMA ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP CO, TACOMA, WASH. STATES STEAMSHIP CO., PORTLAND, ORE JOINT SCHEDULE. Saflinjjs for United States and Canada Points from Hong Kong. San Francisco and Loe Angelee S.S. GOLDEN MOUNTAIN sails from Hong Kong Sept. 10 S.S. GOLDEN WALL sails from
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    • 312 3 Cross Canada the Scenic Way Take the IBM of srcnic beauty providing through fast daily train service, v/itlicuit '.han;',f, from Vancouver to Montreal, connecting with trans-I\uif:c and "."arts- Atlantic stcim- j Descriptive !,o'.khli and full inicmation from L. L. Uwtcr, Cet.tral Agent, Hong Kong tiant Chambers, SiKgapcrc. CANADIAN NATIONAL The
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  • 1259 4 Some Striking Successes. DR. VORONOFF ON HIS METHODS. T)r. Sergcj VoronofT. I he famous gland specialist gave the following particular!) of his rejuvenation treatment in an interview. A good raany years have palled Mnc the first operation on a human being Ml made under the Voroaoff system. This
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  • 61 4 The unauthorised holding of public meeting;:) and parades in Nanking :3 forbidden by the local authorities. Kor the cffi»?tive of l:cai order at the present time, the Metropolitan Police Department has announced that any civil organisations, schools or other bodies interning to hold meetings Fhould nrtify
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  • 511 4 Fraud Disclosures In Court. The career of fraud of a woman described as a servant but who graduated M.A.. at Manchester University was dis:losed at Middlesex sessions recently, when Bessie Horrocks, aged 35, was sentenced to three years' penal servitude for obtaining money by false
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  • 149 4 Spirited Away from Regent's Park. Has anyone seen 14 bi;* iron gates, the property of His Majesty's Office of Works? If found, they should be returned t.. Mr. Lansbury, who sits in his Whitehall office, waiting for them. This is the history of the matter Until 101
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  • 126 4 Engaged to English Colonel's Daughter. The engagement was announced recently of Prince Oon-tantine Lobanov-Ko; tovsky (a member of one of the oldest Russian families of the <.ld letrimc-) and Miss V'iolettc Trench, only daughter of the late Colonel Stewart John Trench and Mir.. Stewart Trench, of Albert
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  • 364 4 Mary Pickford's Jewels Overlooked. A barglar who invaded the* noose of Douglas Fairbanks, the famous film star, lit Santa Monica, California, became sa lillSai I SSSI il when he recognise;! his intended victim that be overlooke 1 £20,000 worth of jewellery basaagtla to his wife, Mary
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 142 4 \sssJr 4 out °f 5 su ff er Tfijjßr A r f° rt >' 4 out 5 PP a y t le Brim8 rim P 0 3 l^ at Pyorrhca exacts. This disease starts with tender bleeding gums and spreads its poison through the system, undermining health. Yet.with reasonable care,
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    • 81 4 BUY OR SELL THROUGH THE STRAITS TIMES. SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS. l|%^ HERE'S A DECCA PORTABLE f^^^^^^M GRAMOPHONE HUTTENBACH, LAZARUS Singapore, Penan r, lpoh and KnaU Lumpur. *M Many New and Delightful Specialities. By Special Appointment to Dlamon(U J I A i JEWELLERY AND WATCHES. Kwa» S3- X&J sa a B^eat selection
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  • 1578 5 Sequel to Fight Among Estate Coolies. QUARREL OVER DEBT. ONE GASTE ATTACKS ANOTHER. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 4. The lat-t case on the list of the present Sclangor Assizes was begun this morninjj when the unusual spectacle of seven met: was seen
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  • 165 5 15 Now Shut 27,500 Hands Affected. Bombay, Auy. 16. Another 2, 500 employee.-, have been thixwn oat of work by the closir? of the Muru'.-.oEtcr and Alexandria mills of the Sarsoon grcup. Fifteen mills have now been closel Eince t!ie start of civil disobedience, the number of
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  • 66 5 4,303 Persons Imprisoned In Bengal Alone. The tr.tal number of persons imprison od in Bengal up to the end of July foi ffences in connection with civil dis 'bedicrce was 4,303, of whom 1,280 had l-een treated as A or B class prisoners. This irformation was supplied to
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  • 63 5 Attempt on Life of Chief Of Political Police. An attempt to assassinate M. Rusteika chief of the Lithuanian political police, was made at Kovno recently by two fol lowers of the banished Premier and former Dictator Woldemaras. Two shots were fired, wounding M. Rusteika seriously. Two students
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 130 5 K<tahlished ISI A| jg] 1821. JENSON and NICHOLSON, Ltd. ALUMINIUM PAINT For protection and decoration of any metal surface, "Radianta" is superior to similar preparations. Its covering power is immense. Packed in special tins containing V 4V 4 pint, V 2V 2 pint, l 2 gal. or 1 gal. Sole
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    • 369 5 FRASER NEAVE, UMITED (.incorporated in the Straits Settlements) "CHOCOLATE" NOTICE is hereby given that the above desipn, printed in eoleua, is iisr ft Neave, Limited, as a label upon nil bottles if th.' frail Aril prepared by them a:: celled "Chocolate." Proceedings will he tak.n in reeped <>f known fafriageuen
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    • 62 6 IUSEPI! CHAM TK< X HKi:. Aged fiC year: 1 le. on September 4, 1930, at No. 4t Waterloo Street. Singapore. He leave: behind three sons, four daughters, thre. sons-in-law, four aaagkUra-ia-law, 31 grand children, 33 great grand childrei ami 2 great irreot grand children. Inter inent at Bidadari Cemetery,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 728 6 SMALL ADVERTISEMENT FORM. To The Advertising Manager. Straits Times. Cecil Street. Please Insert the following small advertisement tor dayt There are approximately seven worda to a Una and than Is a flat rau efaarge of 26 cents per line per Insertion with A minimum of one dollar per insertion. The
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    • 680 6 MISCELLANEOUS Madame Barge, manicurist, 68, Prlncep St. Madame Barge, manicurist, 68, Princcp St. EUROPEAN MASSEUSE, No. 7, Princep tr^ct. WANTED, immediately, French teacher, ■'•lute particulars. Apply to Box No. 365, Siraits Times. WANTED, steel air-tight standard sizo cabin trunk, second hand. Reply stating nee to Box 357, Straits Times. WANTED,
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    • 709 6 BOARD AND LODGING ROGERVILLE, 308, Orchard Rd. Single and double rooms, private verandahs and bathrooms. Tennis, garages. Terras to meet the times. Phone 4461. SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION for bachelor. Ten. us, garage, separate bathroom. Situated in most select residential areo in Innglin. Very qui«t, and cool. Apply Omdurman," 12, Dalvey Road.
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    • 624 6 HOUSES, FLATS, ETC. TO LET, furnished for ab..ut seven months from Dec. 1. ID3O, No. 1, Chancery Hill Road. Tennis court, garage, etc ModeraU rent Apply personally Ettate Trust Agenciea (1927) Limited. BACHELOR SERVICE FLAT, to let, in Tanglin district, suitable lor two. Sclf-con-tr.-.nod and fully furnished. Tel., tennis, rrarags.
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    • 974 6 GOVERNMENT NOTICE TENDERS will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office, up to noon of Sept. 16, 1930, for the following works 1. Er.ctinn of twenty-four Quarters for Suborc! r;ate.; at McNair Road 2. Erection of a New Police Station and Quarters at Beach Road 3. Construction of additional Bedrooms
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    • 879 6 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. Summons Nit. 5. r i25 of 19.10. Hrlvt-ern SIMK DARHV CO.. LTD.. plaintiffs, and i.OW III ".'V. Defendant. To O. LOW n KIM. r o N. V. Straits Java Trading Co., Singapore. TAKE NOTICE that nn action has boon
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 370 7 r >s^ < I Gcnere VISIT SWITZERLAND The Paradise of Tourists and Sportndh. I'oi fartker particulars and b;:<»kiets. apply to SWISS CONSULATE, SINGAPORE, 111, MARKET STREET. SALE OF WORN STORES. of worn stores cnmprisinfr Metal Plying Boat Hulls, Tyres, Sparking Pluir», Oil Dmata, sermp metal, etc.. lying at the Royal
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    • 345 7 BOXING FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1930. LION CITY RING Presents the bi?K<-nt collection of Main Eventers in One Programme. For Flyweight Championship of Malaya. LITTLE LEWIS CHUA LAI 10 Rounds. YOUNG AMAN vs. KID GABO 10 Rounds, liantam Weight Championship of Malaya \OUNG HASSAN vs. Y. MUTSU 10 RnundH. Supported by
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    • 266 7 "SPEEDEX" CAMERA SlB black or brown. ■"I* *««al« I DIETHELM CO., LTD.. i Incorporated in Switserland) BUiGAPORK PKNANG IPOB BANGKOK. Just Unpacked I Now on Sale II THE NEW WOODCUT The Cresset Press announce for Autumn publication an edition of PARADISE LOST AND PARADISE REGAIN'D, illustrated with 20 wood engraving
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    • 598 7 GREEN MANURE SEEDS all different types from ready stock. BUDWOOD BUDDED STUMPS from the well-known Tjirandji No. 1 clone. Obtainable at competitive prices from Borneo Sumatra Trading Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Holland) SINGAPORE. LATEST "BROADCAST," HIS MASTER'S VOICE and COLUMBIA RECORDS. MONG HUAT CO., I7SJ, NORTH BKIDGK BOAD, AaVlehl
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    • 185 7 glltn l ji 1 ii ill' Illilfllli The use of a v PYRENE 0 Extinguisher at the right i'-V, \^^Vjb moment will save DISASTER and DESTRUCTION. It is E3» \o^^M always effective in extinKui- i shins tires in their incipient !|><£2n stage and particularly sue- cessful in coping with oil,
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  • 911 8 Open Discount Rates Easier. SHORT LOANS AT V/i PER CENT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Aug. 7. Conditions in the London money marl;'*. last week showed little chnnge from the previous period. Money remained plentiful, and short loans Ml obtainable at tttWL \Va per cent, to 17«
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  • Article, Illustration
    796 8 "A Regular Pitfall" Described. (Ky A. E. Manning Foster.) One of the principles instilled Mo beginners at Bridge is the necessity as declarer of drawing trumps. The fully of allowing opponents to ruff, when a ruff could be avoided, is made clear. The ancient rtory, from Whist days,
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  • 147 8 Nanking-Berlin Service Plans. Nanking, Aug. 14. Operation of the proposed NankingBerlin air mail and passenger service by a Sino-German Company, to be known as the Euro-Ania Aviation Corporation, was decided upon at a joint meeting held here yesterday, over which Mr. Wang Peh-chun, Minister of Communications,
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  • 102 8 Interesting Exhibit At Chicago Museum. A life-size group of six three-t^ed horses which lived approximately 30,000 years ago and were only 21 inches high, has been completed and placed on exhibit at the Field Museum in Chicago. These horJOB, slightly taller thy.i an ordinary collie dog,
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  • 79 8 THE QUEEN'S MAMA. Fisticuffs Follow Madrid Beauty Contest. A beauty competition held in Madiid recently had a most unfortunate sequel, when the mothers of the rejected candidates for the honour of Spanish beauty queen enteced into a verbal duel with th" mother of the newly elected Queen and charged the
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  • 241 8 Why A merko- Japanese Conflict is Unlikely. Williamstown, Massachusetts, Aug. Vi. The Japanese war scare, sometimes dangled before the American people, is a myth quite without foundation, Mr. William R. Castle Jr., the assistant Secretary af State and recently temporary American Ambassador to Japan, declared today before
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  • 58 8 One Killed, Three Wounded In Street Battle. Shanghai, Any. 2.°.. There was an armed engagement in the? compound near the junction of Peking and Honan roads yesterday afternoon between aimed robber ar.d police from the Central Stction. Detective Serpeant Harvey and a Chinese detective received flesh wounds,
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  • 74 8 The International Fair, the first of the kind ever held in Japan, will be opened in Osaka next summer. Great Britain, America. Germany, France, Belgium, Austria, China, Turkey and other countries are expected to participate in the fair. The function is under the auspices cf the
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  • 473 8 PUTTING AN END TO HER SUFFERINGS." Alleged Statement By Accused Husband. When a husband was (haigWll at We-st London Police Court recently with tho murder of his wifi- thp police said that he make a stateme-nt saying he was dointr his wife a pood turn in putting an her •offering's.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 74 8 Elk. W :■-^SE&B&: ■-^$E&B& I la /^B 1 J "SUGABCANE" BRAND TRUTH IN ADVERTISING >J EARNS PRE-EMINENCE. REFRIGERATING Co LTD ORCHARD RD., SELEGIB RD., KEPPEL RD, GRANGE RD. MARKET. Royal Exchange What do you connect with these two words Insurance Then why not give this old established Corporation, the benefit
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    • 166 8 RENE ULLMANN S special 3 PROPOSALS only for the month of September, 1930. JEWELLERY: Old jewellery taken in part payment when buying new jewellery WATCHES: Old watches taken in part payment when buying new ones. REPAIRS: Old watches repaired free of charge when buying new watches. Come and consult the
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    • 284 8 EASY [|«a**C3Yt| I to step that COUGH And sure to give relief and comfort For ever half a century children and adults, the world over, have been taking CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY It's plersant to the taste; contains no narcotics or harmful drugs. It relieves coughs, colds and croup Prevents the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 220 9 6-15 TONIGHT 9-15 MATINEES: TOMORROW SUNDAY at 3 P.M. The Film You've all been waiting for Janet Gay nor and Charles Farrell THE STARS OF "SUNNY SIDE UP" in a Brilliant Musical Comedy "HIGH SOCIETY BLUES" WITH LOUISE FAZENDA WILLIAM COLLIER Hear Song Hits By GAYNOR FARRELL as only these
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    • 275 9 \,/M V U sV \\IMV M .W UU U U U U \U U U U U U \dU U 6 O@ OQ OO OQ OCJ Q0 Q0 O@ 05 00 00 O]K "THE POPULAR RENDEZVOUS" 6-15 TONIGHT 9-15 MATINEES TOMORROW and SUNDAY at 3.15 p.m. V n. A Brilliant
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  • 935 10 SHIPPING NOTES. Thirty-one Years in West African Trade. TVhen the Elder Dempster liner Abinsi Baili'd from the Mersey or. her last voyage to West African poits she was under the command of Caot&in John Crisp Shooter, who was making his first voyage in the vessel, having been transferred
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  • 38 10 MAILS FOR EU ROPE. Karma!* Porthus li-han .1* Witt Krinpura Hum Ltbiopia 8'pote London July 11 Aug. 4 July 9 Aj*. 4 July 11 Aug. 4 July )7 Auk. II July 18 Aus. 11 Julj 31 Aug. 2o
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    • 243 10 EXCHANGE. Slneaporc, Sopt. !>'. On London Bank 4 m,'i 2/3% 2.3 23/ Xi Trivate 3 m. credit 2,4 8,32 On New "i-ork demand Private 90 d/s 67* On France. Bank T.T. 1428 On India, Bank T.T. 165 1 On Hon;r Kone Bank T.T. 41 On Shanehai. Bank TS. 140*
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    • 744 10 Decision to Reduce The Company's Capital. An extraordinary general meeting of the Craigielen Rubber Plantations Ltd., w»» hold ii Winchester House, Old Broad Stne( X.C.. L\ oa Friday, July 25, Mr. G. Kingsley, chairman, presiding. Mr. H. Hibbert, F.C.1.. K'prt;er.:inc the agents and secretaries Shaw Darby and
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    • 93 10 Macphail and Co., Ltd. !:insripore, S_pt. Tin.-Quiet. Kuchais r.4-fi9S, icnfs. Kir.tas <2-H5 ctnts, P*na«alf 42'i-4.". eoata, Malay Consol*. 16-17S cent.;. Sung:ei Luas tth-M •ent.-.. SunKei WaM 2.0.V2.15, Ulu Klerks 71- cents, Hon;- K;i!ts i:t-4.^ c;'nts. Pvtalingt, 1.40-4.55. Johanv £§-17 rents, Ayiv Hrtasai is. Ud.-lOs. 6d., P:.niri:ittt Rivers
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    • 256 10 Programme of drills up to and for week •ndiiiß Sept. 7 Friday. Sept. 6, 5.15 p.m.. Drill Hall, .i.R.A. <Vi, Promotion and Laying Tests Classes 5.15 p.m.. Drill Hall, 2nd Bn. Signal Section, Signal Training 6.13 j-.m., IM-ill Hall. Asiatic Units, S.V.C., Recruits Parade 5.16 p.m.. Drill Hall,
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      • 457 10 Issue Val. Pd. Buyers Sellers £1 £1 Asam Kumbanff 24/- 28 5.'- 5 Ayer Hitam Tin 10- 11 £1 £1 Bancrin Tin 13/- 16/1 1 Batang Padatii; U.1O 0.1.1 1 1 Uatu Caves 0.&5 0.60 1 1 Bukit Arang n.:ir, 0.4U £1 £1 Burmab Malar 16/- nom. £1 i'l
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      • 223 10 Issu? Val. I'd. Buyers Seller* 2 2 Alex. Brick Or<!». 2.40 2.60 2 2 Alex. Brick I'refs. 2.05 LU U £1 Brit. Am. Tobacco M) 5.10.0 1 1 Central Knirint' 0.40 0.45 nom. 1 1 Cycle end Carriages 0.30 0.40 run. U«. 10a. Duff Development 3/6 4 6 1
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      • 98 10 Singapore Cold Storage 7 p.c. deb. of 1926 red. MH-M 102 105 ti. .■Nrirapore Municipal 5 p.c. of 1901 red. 1930 $1,878,000 par. ii prer.i. Hftgapota Municipal 4. p.c. Of UO7 red. 1947 $1,650,000 H par Jinirapore Munu-ipal 4',-j px. of 1909 red. 1955 $1,000,000 95 par
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      • 376 10 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt's quotations. Today i Prices Fraser Lyall Co. Evmti l4Ueakf 111) 0.96 1.03 0.95 UN vlur Caji.ii (It) 1.00 O.yu 1.00 V ilium l$t> 1.10 1J0 1.20 1.40 I Kuninj ifl) OJtb Oil tub •> a»Q Malay ($2; 1.16 1.50 1.20
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    • 913 10 Chairman and Company's Policy. The nineteenth ordinary general meeting of the shareholder* of Kuala Perpau Rubber Plantations Ltd., was held at the registered »fflce«, London House, New London Street, London, K.C., on Thursday, July SI. Mr. t, O. Streeten. the chuirman, presided. The representative of the secretarii
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  • 207 10 Today. Mat Paadjaag, Bamsjtalit, Slak, Pakan Baroe and Fajaaembo (Honjr ThonK I pjn. Bbgan Si Api Api (Hone I^tm) -I p.m. Sihm (except Lower Siam) (SinabuiiK> P.'". f.'orth, N.-Kast ar.d N.-Wost Sumatra iTinomboi 3 pin. Java, South-West Sumatra. Southhast Borneo. Celebes. Moluccas ar.d Timor Dilly (N'am Voniri
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  • 335 10 The following passengers will leave by tha Sarpetlon, ■.Tiling from Singapore oe v .i Tuesday Mr-. 11. Jackson. Mrs. J. I). PUrreponl. Miss M. Canllr., Mr. M. L. Spiro, Mr. nnl Mrs. E. K. ci. Dartoa, Mr. and Him. Burnttt. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Price, Mr*. P.. K.
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  • 186 10 Friday, Soptnabot i. Ship* «liin»«!dr the Wharrea or ei»*cW4 to arrive. KEPPEL UARHOCK. Mkia Wharf The Cubic, Masaa, Mai:. Oil Wharf Nil. C<al Wharf Paliol. VESSELS IN DKY DOCEs). Tanjon* Pairar. Albert Dock Al.ijaiiß. f Victoria \';.n No**. Keppcl Harbour. Kind's Dork Thurna. No. 1
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 191 10 JOHORE GOVERNMENT WATER DEPARTMENT FITTER. Applications by letter addressed to the Svnior Executive Engineer, Johore Buhru, are invited before noon on September 16, from experienced men for the post of B Vtater Supply Fitter, Joborc Bahru. The selected candidate must be thoroughly competent to take eharre of service works end
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 266 10 MALAYAN METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE. Daily Weather Report. liright Wind. Stution. Temperature H-in- Sun- Relative Dime- Speed Weather. Max. Min. full, shine. Humidity tion. I F. F. ins. hours. < r m.p.h. Alor Star .83 73 0.91 0.1 78 Calm Cloudy Kota Bh«ru 91 75 0.08 6.0 M < aim Fine K.
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    • 154 10 ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE WEEK. I'riday. September 5. II. W. a. 50 a.m., 8 It.. 8.46 p.m., 8 ft. S In. Saturday, September fi. H. \V. 10.20 a.m.. K ft. 2 in., 9.33 p.m., y ft. 2 in. H.H. Sultun of Johure returns bf Mnlwn. Sunday, September 7. H. W. 10.15
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  • 340 11 Government's Continued Silence. TIN AND RUBBER DOWN AGAIN. (From Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore, Friday, 10 a.m. Today's Prices Rubber, 14 cents per 1b. Tin, 100 tons at St>8' 4 per picul. Yesterday's Prices Kuhher, London 4'/ 2 d. per Ib., down l-16d. New York, cU. per 11>.,
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  • 363 11 Continental Industrial's Good Year. Continued progress is shown in the report of the Continental and Industrial Trust, Ltd.. for the year ended May 31, 1930. Revenue amounted to £271.086, against £211,011* in previous year, and, after payment of expenses, including £39,439 for income tax there is a net
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  • 61 11 2 Lieut. D.C Rae is granted leave from Sept. 5 to Sept. 30. The Battalion will parade at full strength on Sunday morning, Sept. 28, for a Battalion Exercise. Officers and N.C.Os. are warned that they will be required to go over the ground selected on the
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  • 70 11 The secretaries of Penawat (Malaya* Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., have been instructed by the beard to announce that close boring of the company's original area* has disclosed an additional payable area of 4,500,000 cubic yards with an average value of .40 catty per cubic yard. It is
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    • 778 11 Heavy Export Reduction 1929 Statistics. In an article on America's Balance of Payments in 1929, the monthly review of the Midland Bank, Ltd., obierres that perhaps the most interesting feature of the Department of Commerce statistics on this subject is the drastic reduction in the net
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    • 136 11 Foreign rubber imports, during the month of August, 1930 N.B. —This return represents imports during the calendar month, regardless of date of receipt of importers' documents. Previous figures for this year are Tons. Janaary 11,773 February 12,960 March 13^36 April 14,627 May 18,263 June 12,120 July 12,769 1.
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    • 74 11 Rugby, Sept. 4. Foreign exchanges are Amsterdam 12.07%, Athens 376, Bombay li. S\d., Berlin 20.40. Brussels 34.845, Bucharest 814%, Rio Buenos Alrei M%, Copenhagen 18.16, Geneva 25.04%, Helsingfors 193 5-16, Hong Kong Is. :i\d., Lisbon 108.25, Madrid 45.95, Milan 92.875, New York 4.K6 13-32, Oslo 18.166, Paris 123.775, Shanghai
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    • 60 11 12 o'clock noon, Sept. 5. Buyers Sellers lone of Market Stagnant. Latest Cable:— London Spot Sheet 4V4 d. per lb. New York Spot Sheet G. cent* VM per lb. ll1IMI>T>>tlM >MI»M %*.t*\»*\* |Mt»>MM«.>mil«W»rH»T*Hi :.S.S. equal to London Standard Undard E.S.S. on Tender Spot September October
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    • 183 11 Ocean shipments of rubber, including concentrated latex, latex and revertex, being final shipments on ocean-steamers at all Malayan ports during the month of August, 1930 Rubber Sheet and Concentrated Destination. Crepe. Latex. Latex. Rerertex. Total. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. United Kingdom 11,928 2 25 2, 11,957
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    • 477 11 Cable, Phone and General Trust Meeting. An extraordinary general meeting of the Cable, Telephone and General Trust, Ltd., wu held on Aug. 6, at Donington House, Norfolk Street, London. W.C., to consider a resolution increasing the capital to £1,300.000 by the creation of a further 150,000 ?roferrrcd ordinary
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    • 265 11 Swedish Company Extends Its Business. The Swedish East Asiatic Co., will very shortly considerably extend its trade with India. Negotiations, which have been proceeding for some time back, hare been concluded at the I ritish-Inuia Conference in London. The company maintains the line in question with the
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    • 238 11 London Follows South African Buying. A feature of the speculative markets on Aug. 6 was the bidding for South Africans. So far as the Rand shares were concerned, this was due to the receipt of buying orders from the Cape, says The Financial News, and it was
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    • 911 11 Investigation Work In Alberta. Latest advices from Turner Valley indicate another record production of oil in the present year, says the Financial Time* of Aug. S. Daring the first- six months of 1930 an increase of 174,863 barrels over a similar period in 1929 is shown, and
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    • 131 11 Anglo-Johore.— 6o,ooo Ib. Ayer Kuning (F.M.5.).— 100,000 lb. 8enta.— 69,311 lb. Bukit Pa10ng.— 27,600 lb. Badek. -47,600 lb. Bradwall (F.M.5.).— 56,600 lb. Bagan Serai. 57,000 lb. Batak Rabit.— 4B,ooo lb. Bukit Jelotong.- -15.698 lb. Consolidated Malay.— l2B,ooo lb. Chulsa (Selangort.-75.000 lb. Chersonese (F.M.5.).— 99,500 lb. Dennwrtown. 50,056 lb.
      131 words
    • 37 11 The director* of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China have declared an Interim dividend for the past half year at the rate of 14 per cent, per annum free of income tax,
      37 words
  • 1068 11 Factors Behind the Price Fluctuations. To accept the inevitable is not always pleasant. It involves so often acquiring an attitude of mind that is at variance with what one really wishes. It is, however, on many occasions, expedient to look facts in the face, and
    1,068 words
  • 117 11 Johnn Tin Dredging. --817 piculs, .i cutties, tribute to company $2,246.81 Amang r,72 piculs, 34 catties, tribute to company $50.88 total tribute $2,297.69. Hong Fatt (Sungei Besi). -1.68R.68 piculs. Malaya Consolidated Tin. 1442.70 picnls, 1,947% hours, 279.221 yards. Rahman Hydraulic Tin. 1.100 piculs. Pangnga River Tin. —l,l6l piculs.
    117 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 116 11 rw v.v.,,4 »^i > ..Uii< k.i. r». wdi.,4 tSmSSS <«'/ Aft IW •••<• I*. •»<'.(• tmlmUd I«M| rfrlMT. »i"lr I •idHntf Wutlji /.M tutf" km* SEVENTY-SIX MANUFACTURERS OF CARS, TRUCKS and buses use WILLIARD BATTERIES Manufacturers of automobiles, trucks and buses have spent millions of dollars In experiments and research
      116 words

  • 1118 12 The Straits Times SINGAPORE FRIDAY SEPT .5 1930. PERPLEXING SILENCE Of all the developments that could have followed the vi -it of Hi 3 Excellency the Governor to the Dutch East Indies, 'hat which has taken place is the least expectr-J and the mo?t perplexing. It is sr.fe to say
    1,118 words
  • 1005 12 German View of a British Suggestion. (By Major A. Brandenberg, director of the Department of Civil Aviation under the German Government.) I have every sympathy with the British desire to ensure perfect freedom of the air, and it would indeed be a great thing for
    1,005 words
  • 16 12 Mr. J. E. Cookson, of Derrick and Co., Singapore, left for Home by the Kashmir tidr.y.
    16 words
  • 14 12 Mr. Julian Frankel, of Singapore, will leave for Europe by the Sarpedon on Tuesday.
    14 words
  • 18 12 Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Baddeley are among the passengers leaving for Europe by the Sarpedon en Tuesday.
    18 words
  • 23 12 H.H. the Sultan of Kelantan, accompanied by the British Adviser and the State Secretary, will pay a visit to Singapore on Oct. o.
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  • 21 12 Sir Joseph Kemp, the Attorney-General of Hong Kong, is a passenger to Europe by the Kashmir, which sailed from this morning.
    21 words
  • 30 12 The steamers of the X.P.M. are decorated today in honour of the fact that Mr. Brand, the director in Amsterdam, has completed 40 years in the service of the company.
    30 words
  • 28 12 Mom Rachawongse Chakra Tongyai is* parsing through Singapore on his way to Bangkok to spend a short vacation before returning to the United States to continue his studies.
    28 words
  • 33 12 The engagement is announced between Arthur George Honey, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Honey of London, and Ada Alexandra (Dolly) youngest daughter of Captain and Mrs. D. Drennan, of Taiping, Perak.
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  • 35 12 Father Toohay and Father MacDonnell, who have been engaged in a special mission to the Diocese of Malacca, leave this afternoon by the President Hayes for Manila, on return to the Redemptorist Mission at Cebu.
    35 words
  • 46 12 Miss Eran Arathoon, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Arathoon, of Singapore, left yesterday on the President Polk for Genoa en route for Buenos Aires, where she will be married to Mr. C. D. L. Christian, of Price Waterhouse Ka'.ler and Co., Buenos Aires.
    46 words
  • 44 12 The King and Queen of Siam have returned ta Bangkok yesterday evening from Hua Hin, wires our Bangkok correspondent. Their Majesties travelled in the royal coach which was attached to the express train from Penan?. They will go back to Hua Hin on Sunday.
    44 words
  • 49 12 The marriage took place at Dornoch, Scotland, recently of Mr. Harry R. Baxter, manager of Hill Rise estate, Batu Gajah, and Mary, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Peter Fraser and Mrs. Fraser, of Dingwall, Scotland. Mr. Barter expects to be back in Malaya about the middle of November.
    49 words
  • 714 12 BROMLEY BY-ELECTION. One of the most striking features in connection with the Bromley by-election i.., undoubtedly, the smallness of the poll. That only 39,383 should have voted out t f a total electorate of 73,793 (of whom no fewer than 41,793 were women) is remarkable when
    714 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 200 12 |3& ROWNTREE'S l$3?l CHOCOLATE YORK and roRK Sm£d? CONFECTIONERY. W2> see you like M OTORING, >? uad Mr. York. <^H->Zr The Best thing to go Motoring on Rownrxee's Motoring Chccolate is a delicious combination cf the famous Plain York Chocolate with v bole blanched almonds and stoneless raisins. It is
      200 words
    • 67 12 —634— NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. TENG SENG GUAN Established 1905. T. K. K/S BELL BRAND LEATHER RUBBER SHOES. ■>»«♦♦»♦♦♦♦««««««♦««♦♦««»»««♦ U.S. DE SUVA BROS. JEWELLERS A DIAMOND MERCHANTS New Good* In Stirling Silver snd t E.P. Ware I SO years' experience Te! 81, HIGH ST, Thone I Sllvnbrtw." SINGAPORE. 4540. *«♦«»♦♦♦♦«♦»♦#»♦<«»♦«♦♦♦♦«»«- NUTRITIOUS
      67 words
    • 40 12 BUY ADVERTISED GOODS. Not all the advertising that is offered to the Straits Times is accepted. Every effort is made to safeguard readers' interests and ALL advertisers using tho Straits Times are, to the best of our knowledge, THOROUGHLY RELIABLE.
      40 words

  • 336 13 HUNDREDS KILLED IN HURRICANE DISASTER. GREAT DAMAGE BY HURRICANE. Scenes of Horror in Santo Domingo. URGENT NEED. Almost Entire City Destroyed. New York, Pept 4. A message from Havana stutos thnt the hurricane mentioned in an earlier cable has done a terrific amount of damage in large sections of Santo
    336 words
  • 3914 13 The Largest Factory on Earth. MOSCOW "KITCHEN" WHICH SERVES 24,000 MEALS A DAY. (By H. Hessell Tiltman. author of "James Kanioay MacDonald: labour's Man of Destiny." Poverty I.ane," "Common City," 'The Pacific A Forecast." etc.). rpHIS is the third article of the series. In it Mr. Tiltman
    3,914 words
  • 122 13 2,000 People Evacuate Their Homes. London, Sept. 5. A hundred thousand people watched a great blaze on New Crane Wharf, Wapping, last night. It was the biggest London fire for many years. The outbreak occurred in a six-storey warehouse packed with cocoa beans and spices.
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 125 13 Remarkable Speeds Attained by R.A.F. Rugby, Sept. 4. Remarkable speeds are being attained by the high speed section of the Royal Air Force, which is practising at Felixstowe under the direction of Squadron Leader Orlebar, on the Super-Marine Rolls-Royce and Gloster Napier racing planes built for the Schneider
    British Wireless  -  125 words
  • 186 13 Bootlegger's Trip To Europe to Escape. London, Sept. 4. The secret departure from New York of Jack Diamond, described as a New York gangster and bootlegger and "King of the New York underworld," is reported to be an attempt to escape the vengeance of "Scarface" Al Capone. The
    Reuter  -  186 words
  • 78 13 Armed Troops Patrolling Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, Sept. I. The 'Argentine Government yesterday took steps to stamp out the revolt movement in Buenos Aires. The Eighth Regiment of the cavalry rrived at Buenos Aires Garrison to reinforce the regiments of infantry. Public iiuildings and the area surrounding the
    78 words
  • 57 13 Bielfeld, Germany, Sept. 1. Police here decided today that in halls where political meetings are held, tables must be removed and chairs must be hrmly connected together or othenvise ■a<le stationary. Also, serving of drinks during political meetings is prohibited with an eye to preventing the use
    57 words
  • 427 13 Mail Bags Seized. POLICE HAVE TO FIRE ON CROWD. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Sept. 5. A small party of police at Khulna were attacked by a mob and compelled to fire in self-defence. Several police were injured. Only a brief account of the affair has
    427 words
  • 128 13 Communist Plot Revealed In Adelaide. Adelaide, Sept. 4. The discovery of a Communist plot in South Australia was revealed by the Prime Minister, Mr. Hill, who introduced a Bill into the State Parliament empowering the Government to deal with a strike of members of the Carters and Drivers'
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 126 13 Japan's Attitude Towards Naval Pact. Tokio, Sept 4. The sixth meeting of the Privy Council's examination committee which was held yesterday adjourned after a heated debate, which lasted for three and a half hours, on the question of the position of the Chief of the Naval General
    126 words
  • 43 13 Besin, Italy, Sept. 1. Mt. Vesuvius today freely emitted sulphurous fumes and stream with loud rumblings. These manifestations of volcanic activity were not accompanied by lava flow. The passage of th<> central crater has tightened so that ouly gaa can escape.
    43 words
  • 124 13 Arrest of Another Employee. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Sept. 5. Still another totalisator manager— F. P. Fraser— has been arrested in connection with the theft of Rs. 183,000 from the Calcutta Turf Club. The other two accused, F. Binning and C. O. Durham, are now
    124 words
  • 162 13 Manufacturers Again Optimistic. Rugby, Sept. 4. The International Motor Show opens at Olympia next month, and the manufacturers, who are well advanced with their preparations, are unanimously optimistic about trade prospects. There will be a record number of cars on view at this year's show, which promises
    British Wireless  -  162 words
  • 147 13 Extension of the Relay System. Rugby, Sept. 4. By an extension of the relay system. British listeners to wireless broadcasts, will, in a few months, be connected direct ■*ith the three big European music centres, Vienna, Budapest and Warsaw. The success which recently attended the i claying of the
    British Wireless  -  147 words
  • 156 13 Millionaire's Bequest To English Secretary. London, Sept. 4. With reference to the announcement made yesterday that Mr. Van I*ar Black had left several millions and had bequeathed $100,000 to Miss Alic? Bone, his secretary in England, it is now learned (1) That the name was Miss Alison
    156 words
  • 62 13 First Lord of the Admiralty Visits Rome. Rugby, Sept. 4. The First Lord of the Admiralty, Mr. A. V. Alexander, visited Rome today. He was accompanied by Rear Admiral Chetwode, and was met by the Minister of Marine, Admiral Sirianne, and other high Italian Naval and
    British Wireless  -  62 words
  • 35 13 Newport, Rhode Island, Aug. H. Sir Thomas Lipton, the British challenger for the America's Cup, today said be would furnish a trophy for competition between the fishermen of Canada and the United States.
    35 words
  • 84 13 Victims of Katong Shooting Affray. Inquiries at the General Hospital this morning show that the condition of Mr. B. F. Oakeshott, A.S.P., who was shot during an ambush at Katong on Wednesday, is considered satisfactory. The bnllet is still lodged near his windpipe but ro operation has
    84 words
  • 135 13 Leaving for Kuala Lumpur On Monday. H.E. the Governor, Sir Cecil dementi, and Lady Clementi, accompanied l«y (apt. F. \i. Sillitoc, R.M., A.D.C., and Mr. A. Hyde (private set rotary.) will go to Kuala Lumpur by the mail train leaving Tank Road at '8.30 p.m. on Monday
    135 words
  • 47 13 Amarillo, Texas, Aug. ,'!1. Ad Payne, a lawyer, in prison here awaiting trial on a charge of having dynamited his family car, killing his wife m June 12. tonight killed himself in his cell at the Potter County jail, apparently ■vith a blast of dynamite.
    47 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 85 13 iiiiwiiiiiniiniiniiiiniiiffliiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii«iiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiHiiiiaw»«i TODAY'S 24 PAGES. I'age The Freedom of the Air. By Major A. Brandenberg 12 New Books Reviewed 17 Adventures in the Heart of Asia. By Emil Trinkler 20 Bridge Notex 8 Farewell to the Indian Agent 19 Selangor Assizes 5 Letters to the Editor 19 Singapore Races Form at
      85 words
    • 24 13 BARGAIN SALES BUICK MARQUETTE OLDSMOBILE BRAND NEW CARS Models 1929 and 1930. N. V. Straits Java Trading Company, Motor-Dept. Phone Ml. 15A, CAVANAGH nOAD.
      24 words

  • 614 14 A Japanese Report. MUKDEN CONFERENCE ON SEPT. 10. Shanghai, Sept. 4. According to a Japanese report Marshal (hang Hsueh-liang is contemplating an armed peace and, as a preliminary measure, is sending troopg to Tientsin. The Mukden conference, to which reference was made yesterday, has been
    Sin Kuo Min  -  614 words
  • 67 14 Strange Phenomenon In Shanghai. Shanghai, Aug. 20. With the thermometer registering above !)0 degrees, which is hot enough for any honest person, hailstones fell in abundance in various parts of Shanghai on Monday, san the Shanghai Times. Several thousands of persons who actually saw the hailstones will testify
    67 words
  • 39 14 Washington, Aug. 31. The Department of Commerce yesterday announced that during the recent period of depression, trade between the United States and the Philippines stood up better than trade between other countrlaa of the Far East.
    39 words
  • 32 14 Washington, Sept. 1. Valuable documents, including the reeorda of a three years' investigation into I üblic utilities monopolies, today were ilcstroyed when fire razed the Federal Trade Commission Building here.
    32 words
  • 20 14 BIG DIAMOND FIND Cape Town, Sept. 1. An extensive find of diamonds has l>«>pn repotted at Kasnnfsja, native rHlnf in
    20 words
  • 158 14 Reason for Asking British Co-operation. London, Sept. 4. With reference to the statement made Ly Mr. T. V. Soong, the Chinese Foreign Minister, Reuter is informed that the memorandum pointing out China's difficulties in consequence of the fall in the price cf silver and asking for British
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 55 14 Sudden Rise of River Brahmaputra. Shillong, Sept. 4. A hundred thousand people have been affected by floods due to the sudden rise of the Brahmaputra in the Nowgong 1 district. The water, in some places, reached the !iouse-tops and granaries and cattle were washed away and roads
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 38 14 Central Marketing Scheme Approved. Rugby, Sept. 4. At a meeting of colliery owners held in London today, the preparation of the central marketing scheme under the Coal Mines Act of 1930 ,was approved.— British Wireless.
    British Wireless  -  38 words
  • 34 14 Work on £3,000,000 Scheme To Begin Soon. Rugby, Sept. 4. Work on the new Thames tunnel, between Dartford and Purfleet, which is to cost £3,000.000, will begin before Christmas. British Wireles3.
    British Wireless  -  34 words
  • 43 14 No Inquest Found Necessary At Folkestone. As a result of a post mortem the Folkestone coroner has decided that no inquest will be necessary on Major Duncan Campbell. Reuter. Major Campbell was discovered unconscious in the public gardens at Folkestone.
    43 words
  • 39 14 Washington, Aug. 31. Authority for the landing in New York cf the German super-plane DO-X was granted today by Commissioner Eble of the Customs" Bureau in an order to the Collector of Customs at New "York.
    39 words
  • 368 14 Two Europeans Charged In Police Court (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 5. A Saturday night rag in Bentong rcsthousc formed the subject of charge" in the police court here yesterday when two Europeans were charged with be n)f drunk and disorderly, committing mischief to Government
    368 words
  • 68 14 French Airmen Arrive At Dallas. New York, Sept. 4. Major Costes and M. Bellonte have taken off on their flight to Dallas, Texas," in an attempt to win the £5,000 prize recently offered by the millionaire, Colonel W. E. Easterwood, for the first flight from Europe to Xew
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 30 14 Declining Price of Rubber In London. Rugby, Sept. 4. Rubber touched a fresh low record today when the price was 4 7/16 d. per pound.— Biitish Wireless.
    British Wireless  -  30 words
  • 1790 14 Can You Help These Men In accordance with the offer made in the Notes of Um Day column we give publicity to the following appeals for work from men who are unemployed as a direct result of the slump. The Editor will be pleased to place
    1,790 words
  • 59 14 Prince to Travel Through China and Japan. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Sept. 6. H.R.H. the Prince of Kambaen^ Bejra is leaving here by train on Monday for Singapore where ho will join the s.s. Porthos to go to China and Japan. It is understood he is
    59 words
  • 32 14 Ottawa, Aup. 3L Colonel Charles Hamfonl MacN'ider was formally installed as United Slate: Minister to Canada when his eredaatiaji were accepted by His Excellency thr Governnr-Genornl, Viscount Willingiton, yesterday.
    32 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
      24 words

  • Century Against Australians.—Local Cricket Notes.—St. Leger "Probables".
    • 65 15 The following have been chosen to re-| present the Chinese at cricket against Raffles Institution on the former's ground on Saturday Chua Choon Leong, Chua Choon Sim, Chua Cheag Liat, Chee Kong Leong, Chan Peng Sim, F. W. Chan, Oh Jitt Sian,?, Ong Siow Kee, Tan Lye Whatt,
      65 words
    • 766 15 Keng Hock's Fine Bitting. FREE FORESTERS MATCH ARRANGED. Ar far as the S.C.C. was concerned, last week-end was a blank one, the Services being uneble to raise a side owing to the Malayan Command Rifle Meeting at Kuala Lumpur. This week-end Klang will be playing the
      766 words
  • 603 15 Century Against Tourists. ENGLAND XI DECLARES AT FOLKESTONE. (Krom Our Own Correspondent.) London, Sept. 4. Leslie Ames, the Kent wicko'.-keeper and batsman, supplied an emphatic reply to the selectors who left him out of the last Test match by scoring a century against the Australians today
    603 words
  • 280 15 Probable Starters And Jockeys. London, Sept. 4. The following are the probable starters pnd jockeys for the St. Leger Stakes, which will be run at Doncaster on Wednesday next, distance one mile six furs. 132 yds. Lord Beavrrbrooks ALGONQUIN (Watts) C. Elliott L.-Col. Giles LuoVi's CHRISTOPHER ROBIN
    280 words
  • 306 15 POSTPONEMENTS This Week's Epidemic Comes To An End. There has been an epidemic of post- onemenU in Singapore footbal 1 this week, but at last the matches have been definitely arranged. The replayed first lound tie in the S.A.F.A. Cup competition Ictwetn the Indo-Ceylonese and Pulau Bnwi Gutiara will be
    306 words
  • 33 15 At the Jalan Besar Stadium this afternoon the Hong Kong Chinese AthleticAssociation football tourists will meet the local Chinese eleven. Prices of admission will be $1, f>o cents i.nd 20 cents.
    33 words
  • 409 15 Australian Knocked Out In Second Round. In the presence of a crowd of 12,000 at the Taylor Bowl, Cleveland, Primo Camera, the Italian giant boxer, knocked out George Cook, the Australian heavyweight, in the second round of a tenround bout. The gong just saved Cook
    409 words
  • 122 15 Great Second Set Fight In Men's Singles. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Pi-iiang, Sept. 4. In the men's singles in the lawn tennis championship here Cheah Wat Sun beat Tan Theari Seang, 6—3,6 3, 9—7.9 7. In the first set Cheah took the lead at 4—34 3 and with
    122 words
  • 43 15 Draw for Semi-Final Round. The semi-final draw for the S.A.F.A. Cup is as follows Malays vs. Welch 11, Sept. 10. S.C.C. or Welch vs. I.C.F.A. or Pulau Knini Garrison, Sept. 12. Both matches will be played at the Anson Road Stadium.
    43 words
  • 99 15 Lewis and Hassan to Defend Claims to Titles. With two events for Malayan titles, the iioxing at the Lion City Ring this evening should provide interesting sport. Little Lewis is to meet Chua Lai for the flyweight championship, and Young Hassa-i will defend his claim to the bantamweight
    99 words
  • 68 15 The Asiatic Petroleum Co. will hold their second annual athletic meeting at the Singapore Stadium tomorrow, starting at 2.50 p.m. All the usual track events will be competed for and some good contests are expected Mrs. Guy C. Clarke will present the prizes. By permission of Lieut.-Col. W.
    68 words
  • 406 15 S.C.C. Tournament. Yesterday's results B Sing!.--. W. H. Drooyleever beat F. Zieirele, C— 2. 6—4. R. N. Byatt boat F. K. Rowlnnd. G— 4, (t— 2. J. S. Nathan vs. A. L B. Perkins, postponed. C Sintrks. A. C. C. Perdriau beat N. Kennedy, C— 3, 6 S. H.
    406 words
  • 92 15 Second Race for Cardosa Trophy. The Royal Singapore Yacht Club announces that on Sunday the B class will sail the second of a series for the Cardosa Challenge Trophy. The start will be at 10 a.m. and the course will be posted in the usual position. The notice of
    92 words
  • 25 15 London, Sept. 4. In a Third Division (Southern) match today Clapton Orient defeated Newport County, who were their visitors, by 3—l.3 1. Rc-uUt.
    25 words
  • 96 15 Friday, September 5. lootball: Singapore Chinese vs. Hong Kong C.A.A., Jalen Besar. Saturday, September Singapore Races. Cricket: S.C.C. vs. Klang, S.C.C. Welch Regt. Band vs. S.C.C, Raffles College ground Chinese II vs. Raffles Inst., SC R C Football: S.A.F.A. Cup (Ist rd. replay) Indo-Ceylonese vs. Pulau Brani Garrison,
    96 words
  • 97 15 Strained Back Keeps Him Out of Line-Up. Washington, Sept 1. I Babe Ruth is definitely 01 I of Urn Fankee line-up for the remain v ith the Senators M tfa r»S .'trained back. Bfld then that he will be ftbk to Uke part in the aoubl-'-headcr between
    97 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 34 15 I SALE OF "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" RECORDS. We arc clearing our Stockof old and deleted records at greatly reduced prices. Come in Early. S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Hong Kong) RAFFLES PLACE SINGAPORE.
      34 words
    • 21 15 1 TOMORROW'S RACES. Form at a Glance and the full programme for tomorrow's I races will be found on Page Sixteen.
      21 words
    • 80 15 'I E 98 ll fl| Jy'iiiHft I I MM m*^S^ m' 9 WJt 9 5^ m I L s ftsL I 9fl i I I ik^H I I** \^^V I H B ci cr TRIPITV SKI L.LL.L 1 IYUJ I I IN THE i MODERN KITCHEN ELECTRICITY forms an integral
      80 words

  • 38 16 Third Day's Programme. FORM AT A GLANCE AND FULL DETAILS. Tomorrow will be the third day of the FinKapore Turf lub autumn meeting, llclnw we give the programme and the lorni of the horses engaged
    38 words
  • 582 16 HORSE, CLASSES IV V(com.), 2nd Div., 6 Furs., 2.15 p.m. Rowland's Toy ..90 1'unrilla 8 12 Lady Win ..8 2 Grey 8 0 Anv Wurrie 7 12 Crisp 7 11 l-ast Chance ..7 8 Valedjno 2 J Irish Rom f '2 Hopelea •> 12 \.i 'riinipcr fi 10 U.
    582 words
  • 711 16 6 Furs., 2.45 p.m. Me Too ..8 0 Silver Tin ..8 8 "1 in-, lot 8 8. liomnia .88 Pearl Diver B f. Don M">t" ..86 Gay Kevellir 8 fi Tru.- Blue r Clarita ..8 4 Florric'i Tel ..8 1 Regente 11 Full House 7
    711 words
  • 589 16 7 Furs., 3.15 p.m. Rudely Brook 9 3 Cousin 8 7 Cumerlong 7 II Lody Chic 7 U Agapo 7 10 White Honey ..7 8 Alwar 7 7 Sellam ..76 Lucky Girl ..7 4 Hot Iron ..70 Entella 4. 4. HI IUIY BROOK. »J. See
    589 words
  • 505 16 6 Furs., 3.46 p.m. Werribon Lasj 9 12 Moon Minstrel 8 VI .Tunine ..89 Saraswati ..81 Final Opinion 8 0 Round Table ..80 Cocoa Nib ..7 IS Apple Royal ..79 Roamaway 7 9 Zolzamrod 0 12 0. WERKIBON LASS, 9.12. Penan*, Autumn 5 fun., carried
    505 words
  • 400 16 Race Course, 4.15 p.m. Caliph ..91 Clargo ..89 Farmer 8 4 Golden Str.'.nd 8 4 Mikado ..8 0 Gorilla ..77Popanda ..77 Loch Royal ..72 Bridgetown ..70 Rloomfield I Top weight not accepting weights to It raised G pounds. I. 0. 0. 0. CAI.II'II, 9.1. Singapore,
    400 words
  • 556 16 7 Furs., 4.45 p.m. Star of Lenin os 9 0 Qucpaulin 8 13 Linsiru > 8 12 Veracity 8 10 Prince Eumnlt .88 Millionaire ..8 3 Sarcastic ..81 Kuphony 8 0 Lucky Mistake ..80 Kings-Ma ..80 Puwler 7 11 Conceit 7 7 4. 2. 1.
    556 words
  • 584 16 7 Furs., 5.15 p.m. The Banker 10 tt Kttington 8 11 Cafe Royal h 1 (linger (Mcilnn) H :t Monarch ..83 Brown Hill 2 Portaferry 7 10 Golden Eve ..It Abbot's Gift ..74 Love Lyric .71 Wallpup.r A 11 II. 4. 2. THE RANKER. 10.*.
    584 words
  • 598 16 Race Course, 5.45 p.m. Mount Annan 0 0 Hatchet Lane 2t 8 Maiaoas Latitte 8 7 Le Souvcrain (4 Kalaw 1 It Navarino 7 11 Cyllaros 7 10 Award ..7 8 Titania 7 6 Air Defence 7 6 Monte Carlo 6 13 1. 3. 1.
    598 words
  • 318 16 Australian Horse's First Race in England. Strephon II made his first appearance on an English racecourse in the July Plate at Ling-field in mail week, says a Sporting Life correspondent and everyone was anxious to look ever this great staying Australian horse in the paddock. What must have
    318 words
  • 1364 16 The Claims of Jacopo. CAN UT MAJEUR WIN THE ST. LEGER? (By Leo Faulkner.) Goodwood has come and gone, and it is now possible to come to definite and wellreasoned conclusions about the racehorses of 1930. Stingo has most certainly consolidated his reputation of !>■ ;n_
    1,364 words

  • 3216 17 THE LITERARY PAGE— H. G. WELLS' NEW BOOK. The Waking and Dream Adventures of Mr. Parham Liveliest Example of His Latest Manner Refreshing and Vigorous— A Summary of Affairs in England and Plenty of Funmaking. A Tale for the Times. The Autocracy of Mr. Parham. B> H. Wells. Assisted pictorially
    3,216 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 114 17 fTHE CORRECT DISTANCE AT A The Heydcs Photo Telemeter is an optical instrument which indicates the CORRECT DISTANCE AT A (JI.ANCE. The dial of the instrument is engraved with distances in either feet or metres from infinity to .1 feet, and an indexpointer 15 provided to read off the figures.
      114 words
    • 356 17 AN ANIMAL WELFARE SHOW I'nder the auspices of the Stagaaare S</t-i<-1y for the Prevention of Crucliv to Animals). Will 1.0 r. Id r.( THE RACK COURSE, on Smmdmy, Smmt 2H, 1930, Classes for HORSES GHARRY POMES MULES COATS WORKING BULLOCKS DAIRY COWS CATS DOCS of all Types. \n Entrance Fop
      356 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 215 17 Today's Crossword Puzzle. —JHlßaefe^.----—^ _-flaaa3eß, fc>aaaaaaaaai Laaaalaail aW— a^^^^Ll 1 (CLUES.) innrtaa l Shelf support Al/KUBS. ft. Contraction of muscles a. Po«u hullen Net at all 5. Fen-land 2fi B ird of prey 8. Crustacean 2 7. Dexterity 12. Ascends M Kxtract n Llk 30. Contend 14. Augury ai fasten
      215 words

  • 271 18 Majority Have Limited Experience. Washington, July 19. I'hcc an' nriw 205 regularly licensed nMa aeroplane pilots in the United "tales. These are the IfcttM figures available M the Commerce Department (Aeronautics Division), which issues licences lo all pilots. The number of women fliers is increasing steadily,
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  • 92 18 Soceesi at Recent Massage Examination. The MM per cent, record of success of blind students trained in the massage the National Institute for the BUn I has hcen maintained in the recent < xaminatioa for membership of the hi 'i I'd Society of Massage and Medical Gymna ittca.
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  • 57 18 Twenty High Officials Cashiered. Th? rr<c:-t attempt at a revolution in i Portugal! which was easily squashed by the (iovci-nment. has new been definitely j liquidated bjr the cashiering of hi^li officials, the deportation of nine otben to the Asons, and the imposition of heavy fines
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  • 203 18 Proposal to Link Them Up By Air. Peshawar, Aug. 13. There is a possibility that India will be connected with Afghanistan by air in the near future. According to advices from Kabul, the German Lui't Hansa Co., Ltd., is negotiating with Nadir Shah's Government for the establishment
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  • 158 18 "VERY EMBARRASSING Youth's Trousers Taken As Security. Ho.'.g Kong, Aug. 25. "It is vi ry embarrassing thing to hold a man'< ti users as security for a namblin. 1 debt, especially if he hasn't got another pair!", said Mr. Whyte-Smith at Kowloen Magistracy to a Chinese, wh.> was charged with
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  • 105 18 Widow Throws Herself On Funeral Pyre. Patna, Aug. 18. A Hindi' woman attempted to kill herself on the luneral p.vre of her husband, >ays a report from the Hazaribagh district. This is the second recent attempt in the prorioce '.o revive the illegal custom .-f ruttee. While
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  • 278 18 Believed Tomb Is Not On Church Site. New York, Aug. 26. Exacavations may tend to show that Christ's burial place was not on the site of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, venerated at Easter as the scene of the resurrection. Archaeologists now at work in
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  • 96 18 Archduke Has Restaurant Meals Sent In. A young and beautiful woman drove up to the Tombs Prison, New York, recently and asked to be allowed to arrange that the Archduke Leopold ol' Austria, who had surrendered to his bail in connection with the larceny charge regarding the sale
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  • 111 18 After eight years of study it has been decided that it is practicable to build a bridge over the Golden Gate at the entrance to San Francisco harbour in California, and it is proposed to begin work in the near future in the hope of finishing it
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 44 18 HERE BS THE SECRET! \^k) SIX-SPEED SPECIAL Mod. A.W. 2 R-l 3 4 tons -136 ins. Wheel Base. THE LORRY w«* OUT-PULLS, OUT-CLIMBS, OUT-PERFORMS all other Trucks of similar rating, under full load. We will be pleased to demonstrate it. ITALASIA LIMITED. SOttt CONCESSIONAIRES.
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    • 149 18 YOU CAN AFFORD MALAYAN MOTORS BECAUSE 1. Our Hire Purchase and Part Exchange facilities are unique. They are planned and backed 3. Our works' engineers are *pi- -«^_si. V*. gß?^^ dally trained and our works Morris £T^ Tourer $3 are equipped specially for the servicing of Morris Cars. Fine selections
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  • 1754 19 Good Work in Malaya. PLANTING COMMUNITY'S TRIBUTE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 4. A!l MetieM cf the community were re| nttntfd al a farewell At Home held in ihe Tow: 1 Ball this evening in honour of i R. Suhbayyn Naidu, Agent of ihe
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  • 186 19 Police Officer's Visit to New World. A novel "gaming device" which waspopular with visitors to the New World is now reposing in the offices of the Singapore Gambling Suppression Department, following a prosecution in the Second Police Court before Mr. P. S. Williams The implement is a large
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  • 78 19 Malay Woman on Charge Of Murder. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Sept. 4. The inquest on a Javanese who was found dead in the house of a Malay woman, named Minomah bintee Ahmat. living in Bukit Lintang, was concluded today. The coroner recorded a verdict that
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  • 35 19 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 4. Judgment was reserved in the District Court here today io a case in which a chetty's clerk n.imed Suppinh was charged with criminal misappropriation of $fi,900.
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    • 1127 19 AN EXAMPLE OF "GETTING TOGETHER." To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, A few years ago, a very large bank in a very small country came to grief and had tc clove its doors for payments. The deficit amounted to nearly £20,000,000. Th« closing oi the bank caused terrible
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    • 316 19 To the Editor of the Straits Time 3. Sir, I have often wondered why men in Singapore, invariably complaining of the heat, continue to dress up in collars and t :s, and long trousers. It is all very well to say we mut,t look respectable and
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    • 211 19 To the Editor cf the Straits Times. Sir, Your correspondent Paku spail? hi:, argument by his query "is the quertion one of decree or of expediency or of principle In relation to rubber it is, of course, a question at tho present moment of very pleat expediency. It is
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  • 284 19 Mr. D. W. Ginsberg and Miss Moselle Isaac. The wedding of Mr. D. W. Ginsberg and Miss Mozel'e (Molly) Isaac, daughter of Mr. E. S. Isaac, of Singapore, took phr-e at the Chesed El Synagogue yestertiay afternoon. Rabbi Ezra Meyer officiating. The bride wore a gown of white
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  • 121 19 Mr. C. Wiltr>n, M.C.S., acting District Judge and First Magistrate, Singapore, underwent another operation on Tuesday and is net likely to be back on the bench for three or four weeks. It is understood that the King and Queen of Siam will leave for their visit to the United .States,
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  • 172 19 Public Examination Of Mr. W. J. Allan. When Mr. W. J. Allan, who was publicly examined last week was called in the Bankruptcy Ccurt this morning, he was absent. Tho Assistant Official A'si-jnee \Mr. T. B. Cocker), addressing Mr. Justin Stevens, recalled that the debtor's examination had been
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  • 161 19 Claim for Repair Costs Dismissed. The claim of Mr. G. H. Kraal for $453, tho cost of repairing his saloon car after it v/as damaged in collision with a lorry at the Katong Joo Chiat Road junction v/as dismissed yesterday afternoon by the Civil District Judge (Mr. H.
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  • 301 19 HIGH SOCIETY BLUES." Successor of "Sunnyside Up" At the Alhambra. (By Our Film Correspondent.* If anyone doubted the popularity of Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell. a visit to the Alhambra last night at either the 6.15 or !'.15 houie would have dispelled those iloubts. Both performances had packed house.-, and
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  • 39 19 New Exhibition of Paintings At Little's. The Singapore Art Club announces that nil ihe pictures in the exhibition at John Little's have been changed, and visitors will now find an entirely new selection of members' works.
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  • 106 19 Editor Who Was Sued For Alleged Libel. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 4. An action was heaul in the Supreme Ceemt today before Mr. Justice Sproule in which the Nan Yang Times, a Chinese daily newspaper, its editor and secretary, were sued by two Chinese for
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  • 33 19 Mails from Europe by the Malwa, which arrived at Penang at 5.3$ yesterday, will roach Singapore by train tonight. Correspondence will be ready for delivery to boxhoMen at S.'Ut a.m. tomorrow,
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  • 138 19 Lancashire Textiles to Be Represented. In connection with the next British Indu ti ic-s Kair. which will l>e h Feb. 16 to 27 next, an interesting piece of news has been cabled from London to the British Trade l\.mmi.-.<ioner at Sin^aI pert-. Hitherto the f.ari'- itle industries
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  • 84 19 An opporluni'y of hearing Russian music, both local and instrumental, is offered by the visit to Singapore of the Cossack Choir and Balalaika Orchestra. The coin; any consists of L':i artlataa of repute, many of whom have helped to rrake the gramophone records of Russian music which are
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 66 19 BACKACHE AGAIN! TiiON'T put up with it Thr.t pain in the small of the back those; distressing urinary and bladder irregularities, headaches and dizzy asssss> tions that tired, nervous, irritated feeling, will pass like magic when you got your kidneys right. Start takinjr Doan's Backache Kidney Pills now. Delay may
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  • 1487 20 Chinese Turkestan. REGION OF MAN-KILLING SAND. Dr. Emil Trinklcr. the well-known American explorer and archaeologist, writes the following article. If tkfN la any country in the Asiatic Continent which may be called "The Heart of Asia," it is without doubt Chinese Turkestan or Sinkiang.
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  • 188 20 Y.W.C.A. Dramatic Club's Production. TIIK CAST. Sis'.i-r Joanra »f the Cross Miss Kathleen Alvis. Teresa Miss Daisy Fones. The Prioress Mi*s Enid Rappa. The Vicaress— Mifs Addie Shaw. The Mistress of No\ices Miss Jenny Lim. :>i«tcr Marcel In Miss Winifred Mathews. Sister Maria Jesus- Miss Winifred Power.
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  • 129 20 Wireless Experiment By Short Wave Club. Wircles.-- enthusiasts will be interested to karn that a special programme will bo broadcast from Chicago (W. 9. X.A.A.) on 49. 5K metres wave from 10 p.m. to 5 i..m. E.S.T. on Oct (u:;.00 to 1000 G.M.T.). This will be specially dedicated
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  • 50 20 Los Angeles, Sept. 2. Ncaring completion of her recovery from nervous collapse, Aimee Semple McPhcrson was today preparing to return to her pulpit at Angelus Temple. The noted evangelist will resume active leadership of her flock before the end of the week, it was announced here today.
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  • 46 20 A (opinhasren mes«ajre states that an atrcnt of a fnreijrn Power said to be ('him- -has ol'ered to buy the Danish roast, defence ship Niels Juel (4,100 tons) if the Government will sell her. The piic-c offend is rumoured to be from 10,000,000 to 15,000,000 crowns.
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  • 62 20 Lord Darby was so impressed with the boxing prowess of some of the Aquitania's crew when he sailed in the liner to America recently that he made a suggestion, which was adopted, for the formation of a boxin<? club in the ship. He then, unknown to anyone, wirelessed from the
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  • 157 20 Singapore's Latest Gift To London Zoo. Two quaint little orang-utans that ar rived at the Zoo recently from Singapore have been placed on view in the Monkey House. They are a pair, and both are the same size, their ages being between two ami three years, but they
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  • 47 20 Cardinal O'Oonnell declared recently, at the forty-eiirhth annual Bapramc Convention of the Kr.ifrhts of Columbus that neither statutes nor machine fan could force righteousness upon a pooplc He asserted that the Puritan:; brought fanaticism to the shores of Anterici years ago, and that it still existed there.
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  • 46 20 A deputation of women clerks in th? Government departments at London n cently called on Mr. Georgre Lansbur* and Mr. Pcthick-Lawrence. FiMacial Secretary to the Treasury, and protested against noisy typewriters, daelaring th;i> tks noise from 20 or 'M ffctncil in th sanie room was maddeninR.
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  • 49 20 Scores were killed when, near the ci.v of Agram in Serbia, a freiirht-trai mowed down hundreds of people crowdin r the right-of-way, their attention b absorbed by a display of fireworks arranged in connection with the Eueharistic congress for which GO.OoO throrired th.; 11ity and ita environs after nightfall.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 77 20 HOW TO MAKE MONEY— ASK The Capitol. Ford Motor Co., of Malaya, Ltd. Robinson Co., Ltd. British American Tobacco Co., Ltd. Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Joseph Travers, Sons, Ltd. Wm. Jacks Co., Ltd. Guthrie Co., Ltd. General Electric Co., Ltd. Oriental Telephone Co., Ltd. The Names in this List
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  • 1190 21 New Developments.. THE PENETRATION BY COLONIES. In thfl first of :i series <if aitick* pobtished in 'i he Times recently, <■ rrrespomlmt in .Manchuria analyses Chinese nims in MrMic'lia, with special lefci'WKC t'i penetration by Colonies. (»nc <f the major unsolved problemi of Um i the
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  • 379 21 Sequel To Calcutta Turf Club Mystery. Calcutta, Aug. 22. The latest development in connection with the recent mysterious theft of Rs. 183,000 in notes, the property ot the Royal Calcutta Turf Club, is the arrest, made on Tuesday, of F. Binning, the total isaccr manager. The arrest
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  • 125 21 An Amazing Affair in The Pyrenees. Caught in the act of burgling the house of Dr. Bargy, at Perpignan, Pyreneos-Orientales, France, some burgi;:i>. instead of giving themselves up when called on by the police to surrender, barricaded themselves in the house, which had been left empty, and
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  • 109 21 Not Allowed to Enter for The Brighton Tournament. The entries of eight Sussex women players to Brighton's annual bowls tournament, have been rejected. Because the Sussex women openly sought to enter as Mesdames to the number of eight the committee promptly refused to accept them. "Women have
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  • 80 21 Hong Kong, Aug. 22. A correspondent at Nanning sends a detailed account of the recent siege of that city by Yunnanese troops, and of the aerial raids by Cantonese planes, to the Hong Kong Telegraph of Aug 22. For days, the account states, there were ajmost continuous attacks,
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  • 788 21 Earl's Ocean Voyage At Age of 77. Lieut. -General the Earl of Dundonald. at the age of 77, and Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton have just returned to England by liner after a daringly ncvel xajift to South America 4,400 miles in a four-teen-ton yacht.
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  • 94 21 Innovation on England-India Air Route. A system of currency coupons for the convenience of travellers frying on the England India Air Mail route has been introduced by Imperial Airways. It has been found that, at the various halts, travellers wish to make small personal purchases. To save them
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  • 72 21 3,500,000 Miles Flown Last Year. During the last year planes of the PanAmerican Airways flew a distance equal to 144 times round the earth, carrying a total of 29,805 passengers without an accident. The total mileage covered was 3,622,076. During the year the scheduled mileages xftre increased from
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  • 293 21 Chemists' Vision of The Future. A vision of the day when we shall live on air was conjured up by Dr. Herbert Levinstein, president of the Society of Chemical Industries, in his address to the Society at Birmingham last month Dr. Levinstein predicted that the air, from
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  • 119 21 Came Which Ended in Tragedy And Heroism. A n-year-old schoolboy, John Freeman, son of a labourer, was complimented by the Hull coroner recently upon the pluck he displayed in attempting to save a younger boy, John Harrison (5), from drowning. Harrison's death was a sequel to a
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  • 289 21 F arachutc Fatality. A 1 ONG KONG FLYING TR VGEDY RECALLED. A c ble from Berkeley. California, reports the death in a flying accident of Mr. H« ry Abbott, an lii man who made an attc ipt to establish n School of Flying in Hon Ron
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  • 134 21 BODY SNATCHERS. Corp ics Used for Frauds. Amri a's latest i;u-ki-t v disclosed by Pub! Prosecutor Fath, of Iliehmoii'l County, New York, has baan made pos-i-ibls b; an epidemic of ■ntrjrtoi the afterma 1 r.f the stock market crash--and in\i v.-s thi- .natchiat* of bodies for j purpose; of
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 146 21 ■■Ha^taßfta** '$V MilK^WL iPEtSaiiSS&M n «■I ki gH[ \feS2ai!.v^ B MILK arMfe all its nourishing health Thrrr's tin secret about KLIM. It t-li mint rirh in cream and nil h I rcsh mild powdeivri. It I hi- rttaatiaa Meted in vacuum tiu milk again, s.ili- and «holosonu just in
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    • 293 21 ODEON Electric Records i NEW RI LEASES FROM NEW YORK DANCE MUSIC wit i Refrains ONY ***** MY KIND OF A MAN (Mi close de 1 ombre) (From Motion Picture "The Floradora Girl") -Fox Trot; Refrain Hotel Pennsylvania Music. YOU FOR ME (Tv para mi) (From IV ation Picture "Sunny
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  • 852 22 "The Education of a Lady." JUDGE'S EMBARRASSING QUESTION. The question of contempt of court arose ulicn ViKMBtMi Adare appeared at the Westminster County Court on July 31 to answer a judgment summons against her for £24. On the day, when the case came up, Viscountess Adare
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  • 84 22 World's Biggest Debtor Nation 1 America's balance-sheet on international business in 1929 has been issued by the Commerce Department. "The private debts of United States citizens to foreigners,'' the report state-, are approximately $7,500,000,000 1.500,00(),000>, and are greater than at any time in American history. I That
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  • 364 22 I New Building After Earthquake. The broad linea of the reconstruction Gcheme for the Italian provinces which have suffered from the earthquake have been settled by the Ministry of Public Works, which is in touch with Mussolini. The system of temporary huts, which followed previous earthquakes,
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  • 72 22 Law Court Sequel to a Strange Disease. An interesting law suit has been brought at Hamburg against the State by the owners of the parrots which, at the order of the health authorities, were killed during the psittacosis epidemic some months ago. The owners of the birds now
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  • 597 22 Coroner's Inquest Verdict Quashed. Mr. Charles Lambert Rothora, City Corcncr of Nottingham, appeared recently before a King's Bench Divisional Court composed of the Lord Chief Justice and I Justices Avory and Wright, to show cause why a verdict recorded at an inquest on Mrs. Grace Maud
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  • 296 22 Soon Be As Popular As Motor Cycling. The prediction that in ten years gliding will be as papular as motor cycling was made recently by Mr. Howard Flanders, v. ho is leaving the secretaryship of the F.ritish Gliding Association to concenl.a;<- on the technical side of sail-planing.
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  • 141 22 Victim of Robbery Has A Vision. The strange case of a dream leading to the arrest of a criminal has taken place in the south-east of Berlin. A tradesman was so upset by a robbery that hid been committed in his house that he could not dismiss
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  • 115 22 m Swiss Supreme Court to Deal With Bassanesi. The Swiss Federal Council has decided to refer the case of the aviator Bassanesi who some time ago made the anti-Fascist pamphlet air-raid on the city of Milan but on his return crashed on a glacier on St. Gotthard, to
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  • 538 22 A Link with the Old Punjab. The death of Ada, Maharani Duleep Singh, which took place at FerrinR, Sussex, recently, severs one of the last persona! links with events of early Victorian (!ny:-, culminating in thj annexation of the Punjab. ~T1 She wa-. the widow of the
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  • 29 22 The battleship Malaya, Captain H. S. Shipway. which left the Atlantic Fleet in advanre of the summer leave period, finished her refit at Devonport on July SO.
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 56 22 J^^^^_P^jEj^M«NENT IN EVERY COUNTRY OF THE WORLD ij y^ OBSERVE THE LONG STRANDS of finest golden Virginia tobacco, used exclusively for 555 Cigarettes, and the freedom from all dele- tenons matter. Sbjte (kpisss VIRGINIA CIGARETTES jbv bb r~ Aiade bu hand One at a iime ~£rV~«£ MADE IN LONDON BY
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 559 23 A wet a exrecd $11,000,000. Assurance in force over $38,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated la the Straits Settlement*.) RKAD OFFICE Winchester Houae, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE i (7, Ola 1 Jewry, E.C. The Company haa 420,000 deposited with th* Supreme Court of England an 4 complies with
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    • 547 23 BANKING NEDERLANDSCH INDISCHE HANDELSBANK. N.V. Established IBM at Amsterdam Authorised Capital Olds. 100,000,000 (aboet £8.600,000) Paid ap Capita! Glda. 66,000,000 (aboat 14,600,000) r».t rids. 28,187,797 (aboat £2,350,000) HEAL OFFICE AMSTERDAM BRANCH OFFICES THE HAGUI. ROTTERDAM. OVERSEAS BRANCHES BATAVIA Head Office for Datea last Indiea. SHANGHAI Head offlca for China and
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    • 656 23 BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED. (Incorporated by Special Charter la Japan) Capital Subecribed Y18.000.000 Capital Paid-up YU.128,000 Hreeldent S. Shimada, Eaq. DIRECTORS. N. Yanrgita, Esq. M. Araki, Esq. T. Hisamooe, Esq. N. Takagi, i.l T. Yoshida, Esq. HEAD OFFICE Taipeh Formosa (Taiwan) BRANCHES AND AGENCIES Amoy Hankow Makong Shinchlke
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    • 271 23 INSURANCE COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) Fire, Life, Marine, Accident, Goarantee and Motor. Assets M 0.000.000 ARTHUn C. POTTS— Manager and Und.rwrittr, Eastern Branch, Singapore. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE CO. OF CANADA. Aateta Aasnranrea In forr* £116,753,004. £193.404,870. LET US DEMONSTRATE how a Policy of $10,000 over 25
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    • 222 23 "TWYFORDS" BRITAIN'S PREMIER SANITARY WARE MANUFACTURERSLarge Stocks of Baths, Bath-Room Requisites, Toilets, Etc. Always Available for Immediate Delivery Quality The Best Prices Guaranteed Competitive UNITED ENGINEERS. LIMITED (Incorporated in the S.S.) SINGAPORE. j I Dependable against insect pests H r^y For utter deadlines unfailing killing action no insecticide excel.' Flsck
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 418 24 OCEAN MOTOR POLICIES gflm TOPPI %^lSfe^ I l/^^/l iv\ I1I 1 if H^fli j: 1„.. E; BABY vC say I have not WAS FFD ON > V* X had a failure. A W/\O rtlJ V yC Doctor's baby this OT TTVT CTJT TI^.T"C "Baby was fed on S '< year
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    • 140 24 THE OCEAN ACCIDENT AND GUARANTEE CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in Croat Britain) Head OBcr for Malaya SINGAPORE. NG n THE /AVERAGE/ that is where ?i^ JgfV A «> I Hi/ R V^ I— V W\ H xJi i y^^ p "T"*"^ -^v_ /I >!>•• I \-i/ S\-W T V /^^^t™W^i yjj^LWt.-^^^.^.
      140 words