The Straits Times, 5 July 1930

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 303 1 SINGAPORE: 78, CECIL ST. ('PHONE 5151). Ny Carlsberg Beer In bottle, and on draught. Sole Importer* EAST ASIATIC CO, LTD. (Inc. in Denmark) SINGAPORE. r j J Mli LAMP S H Condensed Milk or Umrorm —Tv^-? We have received a range of very smart parchment v v |c lamp shades
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    • 20 1 KUALA LUMPUR: 27. JAVA ST. (PHONE 3683) Prime Portland "0 K" CEMENT EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD. Inc. in Denmark! SINGAPORE.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 615 2 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS. (NIPPON TUSEN KAISHA) TO LONDON. Naples, Marseilles, London, Antwerp, Rotterdam and Middles Borough Vessels Tonnage Due sail TSBUkUNI MARU 12,000 July 16 IV HAKUSAN MARU 10,600 July 30 SI HARUNA MARU 10,500 Aug. 13 14 t KAMO MARU 8,000 Aug. 13 14 8 KATORI HARU 10,000 Sept. 11
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    • 464 2 BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in England) FOR BRISBAJfE, STDITET AND WELBOURNE, VIA JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly sailinga by the wellkeswn steamer MARELLA (7R6S tons) vi the new motor vjiml, MALABAR (4812 torn). The s.s. MARELLA it on* of the largest and finest steamers trading to Auitralia, cabins
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    • 647 2 K. P. M. (ROYAL PACKET NAY. CO. OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated In Holland) Under contract with NETHERLANDS INOIAN GOVERNMENT. Telephone No. 84S1, with tab-connections to Pannage, Frelfht, Transhipment, Marine Deptt. And Manager"* De*fc. Representative for Singapore aad Strait* Settlements of the Traveller* Official Information Bureau. Booking Office Royal Dntch Indian All
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    • 502 2 THE SIAM STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. (Incorporated In Siam) BANGKOK COASTING SBBVICB For Kretay, Trenggano, Kclantan, Bangnirit, Telupin, Patani. Singora, Laeon, Sichon, Bandon, Kobsamui, Langsuan, Chumpon and Bangkok. Arrival Departure PRACHIPOK July 7 MALINI July 9 SLDDHADIB July 14 July lft VALAYA July 21 July L':: The steamers are fitted
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 433 3 DUTCH MAILS N.V. Stoomvaart Maatschappij Nederland and N.V. Rotterdamsche Lloyd WKEkI.Y MAIL and PASSENGER SERVICE TO Keaaa i»l<Hia Haathasaptaa MartellUa kUtteraaai Taaaaga Mk rtf Wi«t IMM S.W.N. Jaly 11 Pain. in.non R.L. Jaly 18 a> r.C H....H v.440 P.htJJ. Jaly U n w. Stt-aj.k It.npil R.L. Aog. 1 Kor.. li.
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    • 478 3 OCEANIC AND ORIENTAL NAVIGATION CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. TACOMA ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP CO., TACOMA, WASH. STATES STEAMSHIP CO., PORTLAND, ORE. JOINT SCHEIUXr. Sailing*: for United State? and Canada Points from Hong Kong. Saa r'ranriero and Portland S3 WfCHIGAN tiiU fi-«m Tl'.ng KMM J-i't I San FraarljK*. l.m Atgelpa aiH< Saa Dieg*
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    • 426 3 JASPER NATIONAL PARK Canada's Rocky Mountain playground For booklet* and infnrwnHon, writti, phonf or call. L. L. LAWI.BR. General Agenn, Hnag Konf Hank ChimWn, CANADIAN NATIONAL The Largest Railway Sytttm in America SIANG L!M PARK LORON<; 10. GCTLANG. GARDEN HOUSES TO LET. 4-roomed hotwea S'JO Bajr i:rn'n 3-roometl bouse* ?2-'i
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    • 41 4 The funeral of the late Mr. Heng ..t.. J.P. will take place on Bunday, July 13, 1880. The cortege will leave his No. 28 and 30, Emerald Hill Road i.m. for Singapore Harbour B i. for interment at China.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 661 4 SMALL ADVERTISEMENT FORM. To The Advertising Manager. Straits Times. I Cecil Street. Pleasf insert th* following small advrrtisrmrnt for— days i— 1 Tb»r» tire approximately seven words to lin« snd ther« la a (Ist r«tn charge oi M epnti per line per insertion with A minimum of one dollar per
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    • 509 4 MISCELLANEOUS Prinscp St. MARELLS, white Italian. 1, Telegraph St. LUSOPEAN MASSEUSE, 703. Kamnong Bahru Roud, Keppel Harbour. WANTED, lo lock-up gai small pi No. 1-JJ, Strait- 1 A SIMPLE PI EASURE that bring* enjoyment out of ;'ll proportion t'> it v coal a cup ef Brook Boad fellow Label Ceylon
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    • 735 4 HOUSES, FLATS, ETC. TO LET, No. 55, Meyer Road- Immediate entry. Apply Meyer Brothers. TO LET, No. 53, Meyer Road. Immediate »ntry. Apply Meyer Brothera. TO LET, No. 87, Meyer Rood. Entry from June 1. Apply Meyer Brothers. TO LET, 4 and 4-A, Raffles Place. Immediate entry. Apply Meyer Brothera.
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    • 559 4 HOUSES, FLATS, ETC. TO I.F.T, Noi. 13 and 15, Shanghai Road, off "ivcr Valley Koad. Bungalows with quarters .nd garages, in nice compound. Water and iloctricity laid. Locality quiet and cool. for particulars apply to Chia Swee Teck, 37, !>!air Road, Singapore. TO BE LET. A fully furnished top flat
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    • 705 4 GOVERNMENT NOTICE Tenders will bo received at the Coloninl Secretary's Office, up to noon of July 12, IU3O, for the following works 1. Making a playing field and levelling the site for the New English Elementary School. Pasir Panjang 2. Construction of Monopolies Store, Dormitory for Sikh Police and two
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    • 550 4 ORIENTAL TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC CO., LTD. (Incorporated i:i the I'ni:. Kingdom) v NOTICE TO TELEPHONE SUBSCRIBERS. Reduction of Telephone Hates in tallying Districts. FROM JII.Y I. l!».;fl. the Ten rates of SIT") per annum llnea and ?110 per anriim for ro idenos connections will apply to throe miles radial dl
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 712 5 NOTIt E li hereby iriven that the Trade >lnk depicted abort is the exclusive property of I! S. Iliiilson Limited a Company incorporated in Kniflnnd. whose office is at Bank Hall, Liverpool, Kngland. and that the pa <if all kinds, rloaniiiK nnd polish ru: prefiaratloaa, per.l toilet articles and glycerine
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    • 271 5 LUnere Uua/izt/ counts re ions supreme, i^^ LAMBERT 9 BUTLER, RUBBER SEED THE PAMANOEKAN TJIASEM LANDS, SOEBANG, JAVA. fTHE ANGLO DUTCH PLANTATIONS OF JAVA, LTD., LONDON) oiTer for tale A. Hevea Seed from the Company 1 isolated budded Seed Gardens at Wangoenredja ("Tjikadoe Seed"i pnrticulors of which will be found
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    • 150 5 Diarrhoea especially when caused by weakened nerves, prompt relief invariably follows the administration of calcium (lime) in the form of Kalzana. It quickly allays the inflammation, strengthens the bowels in their fight against the inttction, and soothes the irritated nerves. Take Kal/ana, the scientific combination of calcium, winch is readily
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    • 359 5 HE-NLUEV OVEftEEAD LINES Illustrated is a cradle guard over some G.P.O. Main trunk lines in Kent. England. The transmission line is a 33 K.Y. line supplied and erected by Messrs. W. T. <H EJM LJE-Y Telegraph Works Co., Ltd. for the County of London Electric Supply Co., Ltd. Similar Hi^JNIUE^Y
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    • 1397 6 A Northern or a Southern Capital? HATRED OF CHIANG. A GENERAL SURVEY OF THE POSITION. (From Our Own Corresp ndent.) Shanfrli:-.:. J« Excluding tiic collapse of the tael ar:l the consenuen dcpn lion in local track-, the topir uppermost in the mindi of local
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    • 209 6 Canton Municipality's New Venture. Canton, June 20. The Canton Municipal Government has decided to establish a model village for the poor at Sai Tsoon, on the western outakirti of the city. The new village will cover an area of more than 1.000,000 square feet. This plot
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    • 146 6 Canton Company Formed. GOVERNMENT TO ASSIST '< IN EXPLOITATION. Hong Konjr, June 2C>. A group of wealthy merchants in Canton have formed a company to be known as the Foo Kwok Coal Mining Company to exploit the coal fields in th.- North River! districts. Coalfields are
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    • 174 6 Movement Against Foreign Goods. Shanghai, June 16. The lahour situation is a little > with the resumption of work of 20 sill. filatures yesterday, in addition to the which recently itsumed. These i down at the beginning of the month owing to the shortage of cocoons. Unrest and
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    • 219 6 Chinese Allegations. SAID TO BE SHELTERING REBEL LEADERS. Hankow, June 20. Tho Chinese newspapers of yesterday and today continue the campaiRn against ii. <■ Japanese but on fresh lines. it is alleged that Chao HenR-ti, forn.<v Tupan cf Hi;n;i". Chang Yin-hua, parti-.-.ui of Marshal Wu P<
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    • 95 6 I Soldier Who Threw Grenade In Theatre. Nanking, Juno 16. recently have caused i disturbance* in Xankinjj. On ■.-'.•y have tried to force their way into places of KntUtHBHrt withlyii a h ion cbaiye, as the ol which s'-vcral brawls have I occurred, 'i:.. tht rnoel Mrtoni
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    • 624 6 How the Merchants Have Been Hit. Chinese business men in the north, states a message from Peking, feel that ut 'east a year of good business will be necessary to enable them to recover the lorses imposed ;:pon them by the severe struggle for
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    • 130 6 Police Detain Thirteen Suspects. Canton, June 17. Quick action by the military and the police resulted in the arrest today of thirteen suspects- implicated in the murder of General I.u Huan-yen, late Provincial ''huirman of Kwangsi. An official funeral ceremony wa~. held at the central hospital here yesterday
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    • 63 6 Mr. J. C. Creig Thrown From His Pony. Shanghai. June 27. While engaged in polo pra'.tk'e at Kiangwan yesterday afternoon, Mr. J. C. Grtic, of the Secretariat of the Shansrhai Municipal Council, was thrown from his pony and was picked up suffering from concussion. He was taken
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    • 885 6 HONG KONG LETTER. Two Hours Nearer Canton AMBITIOUS PLANS FOR DEVELOPMENT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bong Kong, Juno 21. Th< re baa beefl a tet more talk about China's new free port nexi door to Hong "long, and it seems that p!:in are being
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 155 6 Today's Crossword Puzzle. (CLUES.) ACROSS. i"- A"4f«l IS. Native! d! (uTiiiiiny 1. Whetstones I'iclure 1 Tavern of heat lu. Kicit-shapcd Hf l llt '■'«<■ V(!l) 11. Molecule Dm 12, F u n 31. Organ of haaring 15. Vmbm < h.-mnitin direction 14. Stn lislitly 38. Languaca of Sium is. jr««ir
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 359 7 iLHAMBRl the: theatre of perfect sound jOTm REPRODUCTION rtrt ftft 9 6.15 p.m. TONIGHT 9.15 p.m. ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME WILLIAM FOX Presents The Stars of MARRIED IN HOLLYWOOD in a Famous Musical Romance of the Old South CAMEO RIRBY with NORMA TERRIS, J. HAROLD MURRAY and MYRNA LOY The
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    • 358 7 \dUUW, MMM UM UU UU HUUU U U U U UUU oe ooco *****0 o© 00 00 oooic °lIbrVeeHHHHbBHVrVHPHHBBB o be¥^^b¥^KT^« E JjMo< >© 111 1 fl^V wt I "-Wi H B I > The Theatre of Bißger and Better Entertainment. MATINEE TODAY AT 3.15 AND TOMORROW. SUNDAY. Tonight at
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  • 784 8 SHIPPING NOTES. Lease of Service Following Operations." The highly i 'a. '."I v tea trials oft' the Tyne of Oh oil-carryini; sm 'a<lil lac marked the successful completion «.f n shi|> reconstruction and repairing job which is unique in character ami hat rooaed great Interest in shipowning and
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    • 484 8 The Marketing Board's Activities. Evidence of the growth 1 "f Empire buying in t hi" United Kingdom is contained in the annual report, published on June 1 of the Kmpin Marketing Ruard. Attention ns drawn in the last annual report of t he Empin Marketing Board
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    • 519 8 1 1 rnity, y [VW, m... Holj Comu. h..ia. Kd.iu.,;-, ,n r*■ mi ol Holj U at a.m. 11.«.1 1.«. Tnurs. <>;. i Saturday at H. (.HKISTOPriKKS, JUHUKK BAHRU. ii p.m., I". <.:•-• July 7. 7.30, Holj i na. CHUR< II Orchard Rd.) J ily 6, Sti
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    • 237 8 Singaaoro, July t, On London, Bank 4 m 2 C 9 :;2 Demand I/S S*'U Private Im. credit 2 41.41. On New York, demand 6C 1 16 Private 30 d 57H On Franco, Bank T.T. 1429 On India, Bank T.T. i .>:■•■, I n Bom Kong, Hank T.T.
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      • 471 8 ii ii Aaan Kwakrag 23 23 0 Ajrer Ilitam Tia 11 U 12 C til. SI il Bangria Tin is M/. BaUag Padang 0.10 B.I 6 1 1 H^lu 1 av.- (i..",.< hi,', 1 1 bukit Arung u.40 U ;.u fl £1 bjri.ii.)i Malay J.; li/- num. £1 i'l
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      • 208 8 •I. ra. nuy.r- Seller! I I Ale: Brick rref«. .'.15 Ul Brick Ord*. J G;i CJM Brit, Am. I obtm &.12.6 i i Ceutrm Ku(iu u i- \)Ao nom. 1 1 Crcl« a-.d Ckrrikf** 0.4U 0.4o num. Us. |Ot. Unit Develupuicnt f 6 i S Dun.'up Rubber 11 6
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      • 104 8 Singapore Cold Storag* 7 p.c. I deb. of U<>6 rev. 1931-3G 108 106 ci I Sineaoor* Muiuinal S n^ of IN. reU. !900 r.r. SniKepore Municipal 4.i p.c. oi IM7 red. H>47 )1,60U,UU0 95 p»r Singapore Municipal 4* pc. j of IUO9 red. 19iB $1,000,000 ki par
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      • 376 8 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt's quotations. Today's PricM I raM-r l.v.ill Co. Evsti Allenbjr (fl i 1.2U 1.30 1.1a Aloi i.aj^h i$l) l.tu I J4 1.10 ).->» A. Hitam >i l.xi LM 1.60 UO v. U4) 0.^5 HM luti "Jo Malay ($2t J.50 2.U0
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    • 424 8 Minister's Warning Of Pitfalls. Frankfort, May 19. The Minister for Labour, Dr. EtagarwaM, speaking recently to the Centre l'aity M Schleswig-Holstein, outlined Germany's position after the new regulation of her rcparation obligation*. He stated that the German Government was now taced with the question of how best
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      • 132 8 Rose Macphail Penman, Ltd. Singapore, July London. IsL, d'iwn 1-lCd. \v(- price I.w:cii.'i Standard) Spot It cants. London. Tin HBl down 11 LOi Minin<.'. gungel Way- 2.SP-Z.50, Kuehaii l.'«-1.11. Kii.t;. Dredire 1.08-1.11 < „n-,.N. M-tS cents, -I i-ungei Lmi IJ6-IJ6, ITIu Klanir- :h>-:i>; cent*, 58-60 rents. Prtallngi 1.26-4.50, A-.,
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    • 90 8 Copenhagen. May 30. Tlm official returns as to the foreign tradt of Denmark in April, H>3o. show tin I.UOOkr. 1 Imports, 15-1,304kr.. tnd export-. l^l.yh'Jkr., leaving an import surplus o' 29.-115kr., against imports of 212.:i17;:r., mii.i exports of 156,6i1kr. in April. 1989. The fir.-t four moi ths
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    • 80 8 Programme of drills up to md for week ending July C Saturday, July 15, 2 p.m., Dukit T,mah Range, "E" (Chinese) Co., Table "A" 2 1. in Farrer Range .Seletar, "A" (M.G.) Co., Classification X3O p.m., Siglap, "B" (Kurasi.lll) Co., Camp. Sunday, July C, Siglap, "I)" (Eurasian) Co.,
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  • 153 8 Saturdmv. July 8.1. outward mail tluiv H. \V. ii.ii.. t .>.",.) r-n.. 8 ft. 1 in Sunday, July 6, H. W. Ml a.m.. 7 ft. 9 in., 'VU p.m., I in. Monday. July 7. H. W. X.l.'i ii.tii.. S ft.. 7.35 p.m S ft. G in.
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  • 174 8 ToJ.v. C< ylnn. Southern Western India (Tottori Mara 3 p n N«.rth and Ea»t Ind p.n I pper Bui na i lio.-it p k. ,.:iiian. I'mi-in and Trrnncanu I |i.n „i an Ilihi. and 'I: ud oni Balcl i Mini I n i, Trinkilahan an I Indn
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  • 37 8 Bt K. tier Ncderlanden Indrapoera Martua Sphinx r.alo.ian Ellcnta left Arrd. S'porr l.<.ndi.n May I May H May .Inn* I May M June K May 28 June 2:: .Iiii;e i; .Mine June ."> June 'M
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  • 200 8 Ship* alonsiide the WfcarrM or tipccteW to arrive. KE1TEL n.VKBOl/K. Main Wharf Oil Wharf Nil. i m] Wharf Patrol. VKSSKI.S IN DRY 1)OI h.1. Tanjonc l'ac»r. Albert Dock I u| Tunda, Auby. ictoria I) .ck I Ktpprl Harbour. I",, i. )'i triiola. N 1 llu.k Sea Bflle
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 58 8 PHYSICAL PERFECTION is only possible if the internal niaihinrry is i-i regular working order. Constipatnn in m of the athlete's worst eneniits. As .i corrective of constipation and to restore regularity PinketteS are nut xcelled. Taken when n/eded they dispel sick hsaitattass. vertigo, biliousnei keep the liver a.tive, the skin
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    • 63 8 Safest and Best Investment 1 say. "ONE BBTTBS Be says. "888 VOl Here is my h:tiul no DEPOsrra NO INSTALMENTS You simply say. Yes The land is YOURS. Frttessti BaaUsastial Battiiai Allotnu-nis X \TON(i MSTKICT. \\ilhin THUQI milos from To\»n. OsM minute to TWO llus RsMtaa, (Juiei. mi dust, no
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 260 8 MALAYAN METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE. Daily Weather Report. Bright; Wind. Station. Temperature Rain- Sun- Relative Dlrec- Spe«d. W«ath#r. Max. Mm. full, shine. Uumidity lion. F. Inn. hours. n.p.h. A!or Star 85 78 Nil M Calm Cloudy K"t;i Hhuru .S.". ~,C, Nil S 1". Fine K. Tienjoranu X7 7.". Nil K.', NSW :>
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  • 379 9 Business Almost at A Standstill. NIGERIA ENDORSES T.P.A. PROPOSALS. (From Oar Financial Correspondent.) Singapore, Saturday, 10 a.m. Today's Prices Rubber, 19 cents per lb. Tin, 1"."> tons at S68 J per picul. Yesterday's Prices Rubber. London fid. per lb., down 1-lGd. Mark<\ tone, steady. Tin, London IMS
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  • 346 9 Estate Valued at Five Millions. Probate Iihs been granted in respect of the v ill of Lord Dewar. chairman of John Dewar :itn! Sons, director of Buchunan-Dewur Distillers Company and Licensing and General inmrance Company, who died Apr. 11 last. I he tltata has been proved at £5,000,000.
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  • 71 9 N.w York, May 20. Tiio automobile factories of the world produc*d r,,j;ir,.(nio automobiles in 1929. reprenentintr an increase of 1.0112.000 over the previous r*eord y«r of MM, according to a 'ommrrre Department announcement. Thr Inited States and Canada produced M Ml i-pnt. of the total. Production in
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    • 479 9 Professor A. L. Bcwley On Prices. Interesting comments on the relationship between wholesale and retail prices are contained in the conclusions drawn by Prof. A. L. Bowley in an article on the subject contained in the June issue of Lloyds Bank Monthly Review. Professor Bowley continues the
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    • 311 9 Too-Limited View of The Prospects. T'r.o innninc industry was discu--eil bf delegates from tropical countries at a conference at the Guildhall on May 20, of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce. Sir Kdsrar Jones, the chairman of the recently formed Empire C'anninff Council, ■*ho presided, complained that a
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    • 244 9 Cold Weather Restricts Cotton Crop. In .1 circular to the shareholders, tb« dintCton of Sudan Plantations Syndicate ■taU that at the last annual meeting shareholders were informed that the extraordinarily heavy rains experienced during the planting: season in the Gezira had made it necessary to resow the cotton
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    • 57 9 Tone of Market Very dull. Latest Cable London Spot Sheet 6d. per 1b New York Holiday. R.S.S. equal to London Standard Standard R.S.S. on Tender f* Spot July August September Aug.-Sept. Oct.-Dec. 3 19 l 1 20 19% 21 19 W 19% 20 V* 20
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    • 964 9 A Strong Financial Position. The twentieth ordinary general meeting of the shareholders i.r the Dalkeith Ceylon 1 Rubber Kstut.s, Ltd.. was held in London June 4. Sir Delves Broughton, lit. Ithe chairman), presiding. Tho chairniiin said Gentlemen, you will readily realise in considering the accounts that the depressed
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    • 74 9 Rugby, July 4. Foreign exchanges nrc Amsterdam 12.09'.;, Athens 375, Bombay Is. 5 13-16d., Berlirt 20.405, Brussels 34.K15, Buchim-t KM, Rio 5 11-32. Buenos Aires 40 3-16. Copenhagen IK.lfi, Genc\a 2. r >.0C. r >. Helsingfors MM, Ht.Tiir Kong Is. 3d., Lisbon 108.2. r >, Madrid 41.70, Milan 92.86,
      British Wireless  -  74 words
    • 427 9 Work of the Dutch Indies Association. The seventh annual report of the Propaganda Department of the International Association for Rubber and Other Cultivations in the Netherlands Indies has bei'n issued. It discloses a successful year'? working, in which various important investigations were carried out in regard to the
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    • 178 9 Trade Difficult Owing To Rumours. Lewis and Peat's report of July 4 states The absence of any definite news as to the recommendations of the Anglo-Dutch Liaison Committee leave* plenty of room for r-j'M.ur.-. itui nearly every day a new one appears. This, of course, makes a
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    • 100 9 Particulars of Balance Sheet At June 30. The Singapore branch of the National it;. Bank has received a cable from New York rtriag particulars of the balance sheet of the bank, including foreign branches, at June 30 lust. The total assets amounted to $2,078,337,252. The capital was
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    • 215 9 Juhan Tin Dredging. 755 piculs MM rauit-s, tribute to company $2,401.1'-. Rahman Hydraulic Tin.— 1,300 picuis. PMfMM River Tin. 1,275 piculs, 1,024 hours. 229,000 yards, value $54,350. Kamunting Tin Dredging. -1.6M piculs, 1,729 hours, 288,000 yards, value $63,200. Two dredges were stopped for the whole month to conform
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    • 620 9 More Discussion About Conversion. An expansion in the note circulation, combined with a small net reduction in aggregate gold holdings, depleted the reserve item of the Bank of England by £1,764,000 to £01,985,000 last week, and in this Teapcct the technical position is weakened, says the Financial
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    • 409 9 The undernoted non-fiction works will bo ready for M OK Saturday. :it I Ul.:A Treasury of Middle K.iijrlish Verse. (lUuvoi II. .-V.lam.-un'. 1930; From Chauffeur to Brigadier, (C. l>. BakerCarr I, 1930, illus. The Colonial Service. (Sir Anton Bertram i. 1930; Musulman Painting, E. Blochet), IMt, iilus. An
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    • 61 9 Paris, IRay 30. According to advance information con ccrnin;; the 1930 cenmra quoted by the Chicago Tribune, Pnris Edition, New York has a population of 6,150,000. This is said to show tbo lowest comparative increase since 17HII. owing, il i» f tnlcd. to I he fact Hint
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  • 522 9 All Communities at Muar Meeting. Under the auspices of the Mu:ir Planters' Association, a public mectinjc was held in Muar on Wednesday t-> consider a resolution in connection with u weekly day of rest for all labourers. The organising committee consisted of Ml P.
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  • 112 9 May Figures Lowest Since 1924. Washington, Juiv IB. American shipments abroad for the month of May amounted to a totnl of biit C}32'2 ,000,000, the lowest sine* 1924 for tnis Deriod, it revealed today ty HW l S. Department of Commerce. Imports amounted to G?2S3,000.000. winch likewise
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  • 224 9 Unable to Recommend Dividend. The 20th annual meeting of PungfOr Kubber lintatcs, Ltd.. will he hold on Saturday, Julv It. The directors report for the year ended Mar. :il last itatM: The profit for the amounted to SIMT'J.;!.-., which, ridded to th. balance brought forward from lust
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  • 49 9 ■agaa lend. tIJUO bV. Batak Rabit.— 4o,soo Ib. £a*t Asiatic- 336.780 lb. £u ran,- -30,000 lb. Mount Austin (Johore). 233,280 11.. NUrchiston. 42.000 lb. Mountjoy.- 63,500 Ih. l'enang Rubber.- 371,000 Ib. Rubana.— l2s,ooo lb. Sabrnng Rubber. 131.500 11. Straits Rubber. SI 1,000 Ih, Tali Ayer. 142,000 lb.
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  • 1109 10 The Straits Times. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1930. RATIONALISATION. Jr. Lhe Ir.: 1 nf the prcncral rl<-rtinn a ear z > rmc seldom heard \\v.- clumsy an>l rvr n ridiea'.oosly inrd. Txlay it i.-; en the lips 1 majority of whom l!y ;ho faintest idea of its meanLHjr. The r
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  • 18 10 Sir Cecil and Lady Clementi, who have >cen touring Malaya, will arrive in Penan;; tomorrow. j i j
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  • 30 10 The Chirf M'-.iical Officer, Singapore, *v:.'. been nominated to be a member of the Medical Council of the Straits Settlements ar.d of Hrn F.M.S. vice Dr. J. Gray on leave.
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  • 29 10 The Straits Settlements Gazclte of ireeterday announces that Mr. J. K. V. Greig M.C.S. has been appointed to act a". District Officer, Christmas Island, with effect from June 11.
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  • 28 10 Miss A. Jones, Nursing Sister. Medical Department, S.S.. has L.ei-n seconded for service under the Government of Kelantan, with effect from May 15, 1030. with claim to pension.
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  • 31 10 The transfer of Capt. A. J. L. Donaldson from the Straits Settlements Yoluntoer Force Reserve of Officers to the active list (with seniority as from May 11. 1927) has been approved.
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  • 32 10 The !I<t. Mr. H. Fairbuin. t'.-.e Hon. Mr. G. Stnrrodc, the Hon. Mr. A. M. Goodman and the Hon. Mr. A. P. Robinson have arrrwd in Penang for tic Legislative Council meeting.
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  • 35 10 Thr death has occurred, at the ;i?.c of ►4, of Litut.-Cnl. C. H. E. Adamson, who erved in tho Burmese War and was the rst Deputy Commissioner of Mandalay ifter the annexation of Upper Burma.
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  • 33 10 1h" appointment of Mr. R. W. B. Cairns to be a Probationary Assistant Controller in the Preventive Service of the Government Monopolies Department. Straits Settlements, has been approved by the Secretary of State.
    33 words
  • 39 10 Yesterday's Gazette announces the appointment of Hon. Lieut, the Hon. Raja Musa Udin ibni Sultan Ala'idin Suleiman Shah. Malayan Volunteer Infantry, and of Lieutenant Raja Uda bin Raja Mohamed, Malayan Volunteer Infantry, to be Extra Aides-de-Camp to His Excellency.
    39 words
  • 68 10 Licut.-Coloncl C. W. Spriggs, who was to have been at the tonth annual dinner of tho Asfociation of British Malaya. died on June 2, the day before the dinner was held. Col. Spriggs had many friends in Singspore wnt >n ne was on the Straits Comrmnd and did valuable service
    68 words
  • 954 10 Reliability the Goal To Aim At. (By Rene I.acoste, the famous French Tennis Star.) I am often asked wbat are the qualifies which po to make a pood tennis player. My answer is all of them. There is not a quality demanded by the exercise
    954 words
  • 740 10 RICKSHA ADVENTURES. TN riekaha, thouph mmmUmn a buardous and UrilaUag method of transport, has an atmosphere all its own, which ■03BM !>::• tieularly :iilurin^ to visitor:-.. To jog alone in easy stages, watching the variety of different race; that make up 'r ]>-<li--.triaiv, and MmetcM of
    740 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 211 10 A"l!il\ Cl/m. THE MOST HEA LTHFUL UNDERWEAR FOR Jyl f* W AERTEX AERTEX SIITS flljK SUITS OF TWO J^\ OF TWO GARMENTS. %m}\ 3^fl GARMENTS. Qinlity JCIG jr^j IjßfSi Qualify >X)l AthK-tu- style MfrfW :A ''I til iAnsU X vvith V&ftmL MLMa* i.iif ton front s ,,^!.m. r. m.l I'^fc»nß|
      211 words
    • 59 10 y r v. s. de silva bros!*: JEWEIXF.RS A DTAMOND MERCHANTS New (innds in >l< rllng Silver and i:.i\ Wan .10 yr«rs' uperii-nce TVI. 81. HIGH ST.. Thonc ajliabtee SINGAPORE, tr>4o. J COLOMBIA FAVOURITE "TALKIE" THEME SONGS ELECTRIC RECORDING Demonstrations daily on the wonderful COLUMBIA KOISTER ELECTRIC GRAMOPBONI at THE
      59 words
    • 19 10 STRAITS /fT^ TIMES siKGAPORE (y A huala lumpu* n. awi tnut »!«ht «taWI »l»l >i^i/ Mom AT ALL TIMES
      19 words

  • 667 11 EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH MR. RAMSAY MACDONALD. LABOUR'S YEAR OF OFFICE. Special Interview With Prime Minister. FUTURE PROBLEMS. "Nation Confident Of Our Ability." On the completion of his first year of oliire as I'rinic Mini-Ur, Mr. i. Uani-ay MsieDsmaM granted the follow irir intcrvi-w to the LeadK Cilfll I'rc-s. ll i-
    667 words
  • 54 11 Mme. Lupescu Arrives At Summer Palace. f <■'.. July li h n Bucharest that :i scnMtion hai been caused in court and p<.litiril eirclei owing to the arrival :it Um Rejral summer palace at Sinaia of afme. Lapcacu, who m Kiinr Carol'* compal.uin in exile. Carol la
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 58 11 The Kinjr of Siam will present an tea ri-.intc fan equivalent t;> :> iif;ii «ri c,f the ic.nicJ deny to H.R.H. ttm Prinoe <>t f'handiihuri on -Inly 10. in t'v !!i>\nl of th,' Emerald Buddha. Hli Royal llinhncss is presideni of Um committee !n rhargi <>f thr rcprintliic of the
    58 words
  • 140 11 New Planes of Royal Air Force. Rupby, July 1. It is learned that a request is to be mado to the Air Ministry to permit a further attack to be made on the existing world speed record held by Squadron Leader Orlebftr, of ;;r)7.7 miles an
    British Wireless  -  140 words
  • 59 11 Nigeria Endorses T.P.A. Decision. London, July 1. The Niccrian Chamber of Mines has I endorsed the recommendation of the Tin teen' Association in i'av»ur of a two monthi .-hut down of production. It puj:- that the companies in Nigeria should d production durinjr three months to ■ir;l of
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 50 11 Special Session of U.S. Congress. Washington, July 4. Conzrcs3 has adjourned. A special I of the Senate will probably be convoked for July 7 to consider the .W.val Pact. rro.;iiloni Hoover has called a special session of the Senate on Monday to con-th-j London Naval Treaty. Renter, i
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 46 11 Women Missionaries Captured. Pckinjr, July 4. Bandit? have captured Miss Nettle tun an'l Mi»S Harrison, of the Church ir.ary Society, who were travelling from i'liu'r^-:i!i to Kiemttagfn, Fukkn. Tht •ni?sir)navies were detained to look i.fter the sick. A ransom of S10O.O00 is demanded. Rcuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 91 11 Death of Chief Editor Of Reuter's. London. July 4. The death has occurred of Mr. Herbert JeaM, th" chief editor of Reuter's Agency, from hrart failure following a long illness. Reutcr. Mr. leans joined Reuter's Agency in 1898 ami succeeded to the chief editorship in \W2'>. Kor
    91 words
  • 216 11 HUSBAND WIFE LAW. "Fraught with Inconsistency And Injustice." London, June 19. After wrestling with the legal history ;in<l thoolottctl influence of obscure legislation Mr. Justice McCardie, in the Kind's Bench Division, decided that ■.vifc would not be right to sue a husband (or damages for personal injuries. H« gave judgment
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  • 48 11 Sequel to Fall from Third Storey Window. Chief Petty Officer William Avis, of H. M.S. Suffolk, died in the General Hospital on .Jun 25 as a resul: of injuries sustained by a fall from the third storey window of the British Soldiers and Sailors' Institute.
    48 words
  • 783 11 Big Scale Preparations. NEW PEKING CABINET INVITATIONS. Shanghai, July 4. President Chiang Kai-shek is reported to be determined to recapture Tsinan within the shortest possible space of time. The whole of his plans in this connection are stated to have been completed. He has appointed General Ho
    Sin Kuo Min  -  783 words
  • 29 11 Mr. A. L. Stuart, European Master, Education Department, S.S., has been seconded for service undor the Government of Kcdah, with effect from April 18. 1930, with claim to pension.
    29 words
  • 113 11 300 Houses Wrecked. DEATH ROLL OF TWELVE IN YORKSHIRE. London, July 4. Ten men were killed and 20 injured as the result of an explosion in the chemical works of Hiekson and Partners, Ltd., at Castleford, Yorkshire. Two of the in jured died later. The explosion, which
    113 words
  • 50 11 First Round-World Flight By Direct Route. Oakland. California, July 4. ("apt. KingsfoH Smith, who has been promoted to tie V.'inK Commander, has arrived in the Southern Cross. He is thus the first to complete a round-the-world flight l>y the direct route over the Pacific and the Atlantic. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 97 11 Opening by Duke Of York. Rugby. July 4. The U'.ikc of York today visited Weymouth and opc-ned the new bridge over the harbour which has cost £90,000. In finir.-j EO he pTCMcd a button which starti 1 r. 400 ho:s-.'-povfr electrical motor lifting two 100-ton tted in one-and-three-quarter
    British Wireless  -  97 words
  • 254 11 Sir Stanley Reed's Appeal At Press Conference. London, June 25. Speaking at the Imperial Press Conference. Sir Stanley Reed (India) urged the necessity for c'oser economic union to ensure the salvation of the Empire, "and as .-iccurity for the work it had to do we should stubbornly resist
    254 words
  • 98 11 Trots To Stable of Men Who Denied Ownership. Toronto, June 20. The ability of an old horse to find his way home will be one of the most important items of police evidence in the case of three brothers charged with breaking into a food warehouse. The
    98 words
  • 58 11 Preparations for Welcome In Colombo. Ths lnst meeting of the Colombo Municipal Council's Finance Committee considered a memorandum of the rejjardinif the arrival of Miss Amy Johnson on Wednesday, July 16. The Committee recommended that a presentation be mad? to Miss Johnson on July 16, and
    58 words
  • 93 11 Dutch Enthusiasm For Forthcoming Visit. Batavia, July •">. Sir Cecil Clcmcnti, Governor of the Straits Settlements, will visit Java in August, making the journey uy aeroplane. According to the Amsterdam newspaper Algemeen Handelsblad, Sir Cecil will leave the Straits on Aug. 27. The
    93 words
  • 155 11 Sir Arthur Eddington Visualises the Future. Berlin, June 24. A fascinating glimpso of the future was given at the World Power Conference, when Sir Arthur Kddington (who was recently knighted) disrusred the whereabouts of the key to unlock the cupboard of illimitable sub-atomic energy, so that engines, instead
    155 words
  • 206 11 Mr. Neville Chamberlain's Criticism. London. June M. Speaking at th? annual East Afriran dinner, Mr. Neville Chamberlain strongly criticised the Government's Fast African proposals. He Mggntod that the date of publication, after nine months' dslay, between the two Simon Reports, was chosen because public attention was mgroi—
    206 words
  • 65 11 King Faisal Expresses Satisfaction. Alexandria. Junv L''>. Kind Kai.-it! of Irak, who left M:i on Monday, en route to Europe by air. in an interview expressed satisfaction at the progress of the negotiations for the conclusion of a trcHty with Great Rritain. His Majesty declared that he
    65 words
  • 84 11 Charges Against Maharaja Being Investigated. London, Juno 2>>. In the House of Commons today, replying to Colonel Josiah Wedgwood (Labour), who inquired why an official connected with Patiafci State was investigating; charges against th? Maharaja, Mr. Rcnn, Secretary of State for India, said it wai in accordance
    84 words
  • 63 11 Question of Status of High Commissioners. London, June M, In the House of Commons today, questioned by Mr. J. Ian MacPhcrson (Liberal) as to whether, in view of the Dominions' national, international and autonomous position, the Government would consider the desirability of acconlinp Hiflrh Commissioners ambassadorial status, Mr.
    63 words
  • 625 11 Government Committee's Recommendations. NEED FOR ACTION. Mission to Far East Suggested. London, July 1. The report of the Economic Advisory Cruncil Committee on the cotton industry appointed in Octoh?r, 1920. under tlv chairmanship, firstly, of Mr. William Graham nnd then of Mr. I. K. CtjTBM, emphasises tho
    British Wireless  -  625 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 30 11 THE SINGAPORE SAUSAGE FACTORY Only Skilled EUROPEAN Workmen. TODAY FRESH WIENER WURSTEL t.omv Down and Try 157. ORCHARD ROAD. SINGAPORE. Open from 7 a.m. 12 p.m. I p.m. S p.m.
      30 words

  • 1656 12 Accused Acquitted. CHANCES IN TURF CLUB SWEEPS. The legality or otherwise of the practice a club selling Wf K' v n K liefeeti in twee] i run by that chib to their friends, relations or employee*, was the main question at is.-.ue behind the prosecution before Mr.
    1,656 words
  • 92 12 Hylam House Servant Sentenced. of six months' rigorous imM the Hylam rho m <■ lunged with theft of ;t baAdbaC at the Naval Base, ■v. P. S. William.-, the Soi :l Police MtuhrtlBU) yesterday. CIM \w:s mentioned on a i m it was thought that the acciucd itu
    92 words
  • 32 12 The annual conference of the ):i<( rporated Society of Planters will be held at Kuala Lumpur on Friday and So lirdny, Aug. U> an<l A notice eoniccommodation appears in our ailvuti.'unent columns.
    32 words
  • 529 12 Retiring Professor's Forecast. That the King Edward VII Colleie of Medicine would make 1 history was the belief expressed by Dr. K. B. Williamson, M.A., DJ.C, Dip. Agric. (Cantab), when he replied to the Hoqucnt tributes which were paid to him by the students, graduates
    529 words
  • 207 12 Man's Story of Having Been Cheated. Asked in the Bankruptcy Court befor? Mr. Justice Stevens yesterday afternoon what led to his insolvency. Soh Cheonjr Wau. a l?a'H'!<(.k i hinesa who began v.n Import business >n Singapore in 1919 which failed in K'li-, replied I hud been rhvatcd
    207 words
  • 100 12 Last Heard of Three Days Ago In Burma. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, July r>. There is still no news of the two airmen Hook and Matthews who wars expected to arrive at the Don Muang aerodrome here yesterday. The aerodrome authorities have wired to the
    100 words
  • 28 12 Sixty people were drowned when the bridge over the river Isyil in the tow* of Planer suddenly coliaps ,i during the busy truilk. hours un June 17. I
    28 words
  • 644 12 Suit Against Adjoining Owners Fails. That an owner who levelled a hill on his land, and thereby deprived a neighbouring hilly block of its natural support, should be calied upen by the Court to build a retaining wall or take such other stops as would prevent
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  • 196 12 Successful Appeal Against Breach of Trust. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July I. In the F.M.S. Appeal court today Baru bin Mat Ahab, a Malay of the Teluk Anson district, successfully appealed against a conviction and sentence on a charge of criminal breach of trust in respect
    196 words
  • 18 12 There was an attendance of 300 at the Ceylon At Homo at the Mayfair Hotel en Jtne 25.
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  • 32 12 The Hon. Mr. W. A. Fell and Mr. H. E. Somerville have been re-appointed members of the Singapore Harbour Board for a further term of three years, as from 'June 13 last.
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  • 214 12 Big Seizure by Police In Singapore. Contraband chandu valuvd :ii $50,000 wa= wised by th Rochore Division police in Jalan Bisar > .sior.iav morning, and two Chinese, one of whom is said to bo r. wealthy merchant, won afrested. The tcco* I w. re Ng Peek kianp an!
    214 words
  • 311 12 Case Dismissed for Second Time. (From Our O< i Correspondent.) K i Lumpur, inly 4. By discharging the accused in the Keng lottery case. Tungku Abdui Ri hnum has upheld his he discharged wn. ITap Povr I Wong Cho Yew and Lira Kk:t\ members of the Van
    311 words
  • 242 12 Appeal Against Enticing Away Conviction. On the uiu.ind that the;-" was not sufficient oral evidence of 'marriage, md that a document purporting u> a eopy of the marriage certificate From Ceylon aiiiivapiblc as evidence, an Indian namoil i!ed to the Smreti against a conviction by the
    242 words
  • 87 12 Obscured Inscription on Kim Seng Bridge Cleaned. On (tv.n Correspondent.) Malacca, July 4. The ins rip; ng bridge, nut thi i donor, )-a.< >>cen cleaned after beinjj obscured by or some time. The annual Ohineso Club, Mi la a. will be en July 11. At the annual
    87 words
  • 59 12 Wreath on Statue to Mark Anniversary. statue of Sir Stamford Ruffles in Empress i "ing- to celebrate the unniord Raffles wi and died July 5, The wreath was from the Straits Settlements A and the nfti; H. \V. Raper, vicepresident, and Mr. .1. \V. Harries, hon in
    59 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 186 13 Closing Stages at Wimbledon.— Canadian-German Final at Henley. HENLEY REGATTA THRILLS. Exciting Race for Thames Cup. London, July 4. Kent School (U.S.A.), reached the semifinal for the Thames Cup at Henley after defeating Princeton in a most exciting race, after a false start. Princeton drew ahead, aiid Kent were unable
    Reuter  -  186 words
  • 715 13 Ten Wickets Victory. YORKSHIRE FAIL BEFORE GRDfMETT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) I. n.Ion. .luly 4. Ver\ little time «U taken yesterday al Bradford in l.rin^injj tin Australians ;md Yorkshire match to a conclusion in favour "I' tin' tourists. Rhodes, who was not cut yesterday with
    715 words
  • 246 13 •■;.turil;i>, Jul> ■*>. UaUya cv;,c v; Trial Welch .i d Matt. Welch Rc-t;t. athletic sports. Cricket: KB. and L. vs. WVlch K-et.. Tanirlin 8.8. sad I. v». Merchant! Ktciti ia n- S.R.C., S.R.r. Medical Itaffle* i „ii,;.;.. R.C. t-'iouml. Raflli Inatitation Sports, 2.15. p.m. Si Jul> S.
    246 words
  • 276 13 A.A. A. CHAMPIONSHIPS. Wonderful Marathon By Scottish Champion. Loadoa, July i. A: Stamford Bridge, where the Amateur Athletk Association championships are being held, in th.' two miles walking race; Hyde, of the Knt'ield, A.C., won ir 13 mins. 66 2 S sii>\ Copper Woodford Green A.C.) was tecoad, ami Galloway
    276 words
  • 70 13 Horses Scratched from Today's Events. Th,' following horses have beci ed from today': eventi at m-j I Race Xi>. Kincsma (late Alto),! Loch Royal (late Loch Monar Filly), Dtfonco. Race- No. -I. Orexia, Silver Rock. Race No. Brown Hill. Caff Roy;'.!. Mace No. 6. Cousin. No. 1 Mateons
    70 words
  • 252 13 'Gregory and Collins Lose. AMERICANS IN MEN'S FINALS. London, July 4. The following were the results at Wimbledon today Women's Singles, Final. Mis. Wills-Moody beat Miss Ryan, fi— 2, 6—2. Women's Doubles, Semi-final. I Miss Edith Cross and Miss Sarah Palfrey (U.S.A.), beat Miss Fcltham and
    Reuter  -  252 words
  • 61 13 Championship Entries Close On Tuesday. Players intending to compete in the Malayan tennis championships, which iirr tu be held in Singapore, starting July M, an mniadad that entries close on i Tuesday next. There is every prospect of a record entry this year, for the competition Is becoming
    61 words
  • 114 13 I Men and Women's Mile Swimming Time. Lor.g Beac'i, Cal., July 5. j [n tl;e Mi burning championships here IClarcnco Crabbe, of Honolulu, won the I national amateur mile race, free style. ni minutes 27 seconds. Him Heiene Madison, a 17-year-old Schoolgirl, won the mile free style
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  • 83 13 Medicos to Meet Raflles For Challenge Cup. The Medical College will meet Raffles College at cricket today and tomorrow on :hv Raffles College ground, Bukit Timah Koa<l, for a cup presented by Mr. P. Framroz. The Medical College will field the following V. C. G. Yzelman (capt.), S.
    83 words
  • 1247 13 Three Players Retire. SOUTH CHINA TOURISTS BEAT SINGAPORE XI. Singapore XI 0 South China A. A. 2. Although there was no semblance of rough play in the mateh in which the 1 Seoith China Atf-.leiic Association tourists beat a Singapore XI by two clear goals at
    1,247 words
  • 359 13 CROWD BREAKS IN Hoardings Smashed at Anson Road Stadium. In spite of the fact that the gates at the Anson Road Stadium were opened at three o'clock in the afternoon, considerable difficulty was experienced in dealing with the enormous crowd which attended. About 20 minutes past five the gates had
    359 words
  • 49 13 Tokio Professional's One Stroke Victory. Japanese papers report that Walter Hajfen was defeated in his final match in Japan on June 8 at th? Hodogayu course bf M. Yasuda, local professional attached t» the Tokio Golf Club, by one stroke in ;:n 18 hole match, medal play.
    49 words
  • 760 13 County Cricket Results. TREMENDOUS SCORE BY NOTTS. The latest cricket cables a-rain contain evidence of the tremendous batting strength of the Universities, for each of thnm topped four hundred. Oxford, playinif against Mr. H. I). fsieSOB fjlimi'« eleven at Kastbourne, compiled A. M. Crawley and the N:iwa!>
    Reuter  -  760 words
  • 32 13 United Stales League Results New York, July 4. I!;i:.rUill i.-.i!-, U) Hate aiv as follows: National League. Boston beat Pittsburg S 0. American Lt-ague. I'liihidc l[j|ii;i bat Niw Vur!; 5 I.
    32 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 139 13 AT "MOUTRIE S" NEW AND POPULAR "His Master's Voice" Records INTERNATIONAL NOVELTY GRACIE FIELDS (Comedienne). ORCHESTRA. with Organ Accompaniment 10-inch Plum Label Record. 10-inch Plum Label Record. B. 3373 GINGER SNAPS, Bourdon. 3m A ymj ujyE. A LITTLE IiWSK BAGATELLE, Boar- K S> silrsu don With Orchestral Accompaniment LIGHT OPERA
      139 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 212 14 SBcst for growing vhildrvn because the whole oats rich in body building elements have been FIRELESS COOKED AT THE MILL— FOR 12 HOURS 3-Mu\TrrE Oat Flakes Snies Distributors F. A. BARTHOLOMEUSZ, LTD. SINGAPORE ANO Xl \LA 1.1 Ml'l k Dry Neutral British Sulphate of Ammonia, 21% Nitrogen. Sulphate of Potash,
      212 words
    • 318 14 I fj rip The Call of the Great \«B^SiS^^*^V ifin 1 P^^OT Open spaces, days of recreation and nlj l^^^^--* l^"^***^ j ifltiCSSS^. |ii' keen enjoyment, unmarred by the V7// Liquid 21 ?ZJHaJ«U-^( i^tjttJlUf %Jir Eau de Cologn* Shampoo 3 /*mZ^&\ wrft«i«io M vicissitudes of a burning sun For b.o,
      318 words

  • A Page For Women Reader.
    • 486 15 The Problem of the Woman IP ho is (.onfinually Asking Futile Questions. 1*11 K "ebattjr tennis player" is aoma tune, tn ba mot with even in these iModorn days, when games are taken much ii. ure seriously by women than they used i be. However, Bhe la
      486 words
    • 67 15 DX. MORTON, the (iovernor of I llol!o«av I'risun. speiking in London, said that rverj cell in a women's prison was now fitted uitli a mirror. "It took us some J time to realise how important a mirrer is to a woman." he said. "It i< extraordinary th" pain~
      67 words
    • 161 15 ONE cf woman's greatest beauties, the neck, is that part of tho body which is most frequently overlooked by the average woman in quest of a graceful, carriage when she takes Stock of the asSetS and weak points in her anatomical ventory. There is only one exercise
      161 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1259 15  - The Right Bathing Outfit for Everyone Frills and Furbelows Things of the Past Suits are Now Strictly Practical Barebacked Costumes Held in Position By Wide-meshed Met —Cork Beads a Finishing Touch. (By Margaret Carlton. London June 2. JPVERY year, it seems, beach fashions ■'-'grow more and more attractive, and the
      1,259 words
    • 27 15 This is a sun suit with a low back. It has a chic little coatee to match. Silver anchors are embroidered on coatee and costume.
      27 words
    • 136 15 WHEN making new short curtains icmember to buy enough material to make one extra curtain Ik each set. Thi.s extra curtain used in rotation with the others will prolong the life of the whole :et. Generally one curtain goes long before the others. In buying patterned material
      136 words
    • 743 15 SOME REMINISCENCES OF MALAYA. "NEARER THE APES" THE TWO-STEP COMES TO TANGUN. TjyK fcive below the fourth of the series of articles by Selamat on the Malaya of 40 years ago. JN those days the principal women of the island called on newcomers between eleven and one o'clock, so the
      743 words
    • Article, Illustration
      31 15 One of the ncwr-t lounging suits for beach wear, in printed cotton. The three-quarter coat is new and the American hat is a great protection from the sun.
      31 words
    • 111 15 nAMBOO furniture should be cleaned with salt water. It should be applied with a soft brush, dried with a soft rub her. and then finally rubbed over with a rag moistened with linseed oil. If you arc tired of the furniture as it is, it may be given
      111 words
    • 409 15 Fifteen Minutes I not, neat Night And Morning Is Essenl'uil In The Tropics. 11VERY WOMAN ihould >. leas* fifteen niaut 1 .lay to Ihe para ft her cr.mple\-ion. especially in a impi. limnte. Try t > 1. < ;M; M miiul what iort of naelhml lional would
      409 words
    • 55 15 IN THE rccenti> apesMd aoraea' home af the Middle -e\ 11... pital. London, which has cost i'iCO.OOO. there is a smoking room, a dance hall, and a badminton cour*. Later then will be a lawn tennis court :.nd a snimming bath. T!ie- furniture is built-in, and each
      55 words
    • 171 15 fJERE arc MOM useful houaebold hint« White of en la <"•' Men"' i'tihosive. A letter mMI with a hot iron cannot bo tt earned opca. A practically invisible patch on torn clothing may Ik•ohieved in the tame way. Tut mimosa which baa loit Ita inflbMsa iata neatly boiling
      171 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 95 16 mzE^g* Swiss irjlfc^n SWISS DON'T ASK FOR MILK ASK FOR NFSTIF'S qtcoii |Qpn H||K ■•LUILLU UILSIILIULU lIIILII AND GET THE BEST PROCURABLE IT IS WORTH MORE disv \\n cooi. THE CAR FOR THE "MEM" I I\lC/t» I •f> >fl f\ f** Borneo Motors, Ltd., I'ENANC. TAIIMNG. IPOH. KUAI \II MPUR,
      95 words
    • 93 16 DOUBLE Ag|^GARETTES ALWAYS JF \j^~>^7 /f~*^~ fl superlative quality and hygienically pure, they ™™E ™CGARETTES°BTANABLE"™E OF 50 CENTS PER TIN OF 50 ARDATH TOBACCO Co., LTD. LONDON JvKfFr ia lyi iyi ii Ck 1 -jW^Mß^ftg^.H ot mert*'7 self-evident Y^jmk B^JIPRj. comfort provided for tli. JrnflKffHliWirMSfffnfK clientele of h jiaHMu^f »<r
      93 words

  • 1855 17 Planters* View. (ALL FOR REVISION OF WAGES. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July I. of the robber market and the consequent imirse !\v producer! to m< roomy has brought up ,-.i the introduction generally '.'.'.r.g from tappers who only put in five hours of work
    1,855 words
  • 476 17 Murder Charge Against Sikh Sequel. (From Our Own Correspondent.) i Lumpur, July 4. After beiiif >'": i >oaad eleven times because the injcrcd u:.-.:i was in hospital, the preliminary inquiry was begun this morning in the lice lourt into the charge of murdi r againM an elderly Sikh,
    476 words
  • 194 17 Death Sentence on Tamil Reversed. (Fron Our Own Correspondent..) Kuala Lumpur. July I. Thf bet that the evidence of a child wes unsafe influenced the F.M.S. Court of Appeal yesterday to set aside the death sentence and discharge a Tamil, Venjradasalam. v.ho was charged with the murder (if
    194 words
  • 37 17 Cameo Kirby," a musical drama of the Southern States, will be screened at the Alhambra tonight. The Laughing Lady." a Paramount sound film featuring Clive Brook and Ruth Chatterton will open at the Capitol tonight.
    37 words
  • 22 17 The Malay Inter-school Drill and Games Competition will be held on the. ground of flaffles Institution on Tuesday next at 2 p.m.
    22 words
  • 312 17 Found Shot in Room At Shanghai Club. Further details are now to hand concerning the tra-jic death of Mr. C. W. Marshal!, ilv- secretary of the Shanghai Club, who (as previously reported) accidcnTally shot himself while cleaning a revolver in his room at the Club or. the
    312 words
  • 67 17 Rationalisation Problems Discussed. Tokio, July 4. At a meeting of leading business men of Tokio ami Osaka, held here in order t<: diKflM runhlcms concerning the Government proposal for the rationalisation of industrial organisations, Mr. Tawara, Commerce Minister, urged the importance of preventing competition. Barcn Sakatani. the
    67 words
  • 45 17 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, July 4. Mr. H. J. Hcnderbolt, a European, was charged in the second police court today with causing grievous injury to a Tamil by rash driving. The case was postponed until July 7, bail in $200 being allowed.
    45 words
  • 32 17 Tokio, July 4. A new record has been set up for the railway run from Tokio to Kobe. The journey was recently done in eight hours fifty nine minutes.
    32 words
  • 203 17 Coroner Returns Open Verdict. Culpable h( inicide not amounting to murder, ayain'! pcrsofld unknown," was the tioding returned by Mr. J. G. Barrett, Ihc Singapore Coroner, yesterday afternoon at the conclusion of the inquiry into the death of a Chi nose d urine: a riot between Indian
    203 words
  • 226 17 Bishop of Singapore In Sermon "Race." With the novels of Mr. P. G. Wcdehouse as text-books and ihe rawori well-known character, Bertram Woosttr," as their guide, Cambridge undergraduat.s have taken to the study of the humanities, which traditionally are the glory of Oxford. Accordingly, they have brought
    226 words
  • 386 17 Canadian Girl and Broadcast Speech. When, on the opening day of the Naval meat Conference in London, the Canadian National Railways' radio department !>roatkast th>> voices of the Kins, the Prime Minister and the principal delegates, the family of Mr. K. E. Leiss, of Biunkilfl,
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  • 47 17 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Pcnang, July, 4. The two charges of criminal breach of trust, including $10,000, against Chan Pan Yeok, manager of Chop Ban Seng Lee, of Beach Street, were dismissed in the district court here today. Chan Pan Yeah was acquitted and di-.-charged.
    47 words
  • 617 17 Sub-Contractor's Appeal Against Sentence. (From Our P indent.) Kuala Lumpur, July I.', Echoes oi the Mcntakab posl offic fraud 01 some months ago were heard in the F.M.S. Court <>f Appeal yesterday, and today, at the hearing »f the appeal or V. -M. Sinnathaml)), contractor the
    617 words
  • 210 17 Independence Day In Singapore. Members of the Amerk ui of Malaya fon tatheri d laat ni>rht a Adolphi lintel t'i celebrate Am rican Independence Day. I' was ;i purely infernal gathering with .-i;> absence of cerem^iy. 'in roof garden of tin hotel was apftily Uncorated with bunting and
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  • 57 17 Pepper Thrown in Tamby's Eyes in Street. (Krom Our Own Convspt.ndi-iit.) lYnanj.. July 1 While Roinii to :i iikhk-v ihan^ir at eleven o'clock in the morning t<> ebanxc h $100 note, h Malay tamhy, employed by Caldbeek, llaccrrecor and Co., Ltd.. >\.^ ii coated b> a Chinese, who
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 344 18 FLOORING TILES In various artistic and original designs, and produced by experienced workmen. LEE KIM SOO 40, HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. The British Malaya Trustee and Executor Co., Ltd. lnrn r n.,rn'r,! in th- Strnit* Sottlcmont* nn.t Registered aniivr The Trim Companivi Ordinanra 1!>2«) is prcpiizcd (o act as EXECUTOR ADMINISTRATOR
      344 words
    • 110 18 "IN KEEPING WITH THE SPIRIT OF TODAY" Surpasses All |^fl t|,^^|| A Previous Standards Slj| j| |Sklii! BIS of Comfort l'-1l '-1 ||''^l* Lp^P*""^^*^^ '"^3KsaJ%rr^^^a^ai a^a^aC Ck^ SINGAPORE MOTORS US, °.17. and 319, ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE. Distributors for S.s. and F.M S. HUPA4CBILC THE; 1930 Singapore Malayan Director; has been
      110 words
      57 words
    • 110 18 COOL I AFTER SHAVING Aftes shaving, "'A find Listcrinc delightfully refreshing and i the dun. It stops heals t!ic tiny nicks left by the r.izor ami ]-h of infection. and mo::: ni ore throat and < Use ii as a stalp i. il.-in, 1!'.1 .Ijc beu ion oiior',. Lis tci
      110 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 542 19 Assets exceed $11.1)00,000. Assurance in force over $38,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlement!.) lIKAT) OFFICE Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 27, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the British Life Assurance Companies
      542 words
    • 565 19 BANKING NEDERLANSCH INDISCHE HANDELSBANK. N.V. Established 186.1 at Amsterdam Authorised Capital Glds. 1W.000.000 (abont I'aid up £8.500.000) Paid up Capital Glds. M.000.000 (abont £1,6*0.000) It.MTM-. Glda. J7.l«ti.:iC."i (about 1^270,000) HEAD OFFICE i AMSTERDAM BRANCH OFFICES THE HAGUE, ROTTERDAM. OVERSEAS BRANCHES BATAVIA Head Office for Dutch East SHANGHAI Head office for
      565 words
    • 654 19 BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED. (Incorporated by Special Charter in Japan) Capital Subscribed Y15.000.000 Capital 'Paid-op Y12,125,000 President S. siiimaiia,"Ckq. DIRECTORS N. Yanagita, Esq. M Araki, Esq. T. Hisamune, Esq. X. Takagi, Esq. T. Yoshida. Ks.|. HEAD OFFICE Taipeh; Formosa (Taiwan) BRANCHES ANB AGENCIES Amoy Hong Kong Makong Shinchiko
      654 words
    • 319 19 INSURANCE COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) Fire, Life. Mnrine, Accident, Guarantee and Motor. Assets ARTHUR C. POTTS— Manager and Undirwri(»r, Eastern Branch, Singapore. THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE. COMPANY DOES A World Wide Business. IS Enjoying Rapid Growth. HAS A Policy for Every Need. Established 1887 Branch Offlce
      319 words
    • 210 19 A PERSONAL TEST will convince you that the "TRIUMPH" SUPER-SEVEN IS THE FINEST SMALL CAR IN THE WORLD FOR PERFORMANCE,, SAFETY, COMFORT, STRENGTH. PHONE 5121 AND OUR MOTOR DEPT. will be pleased to afford you the opportunity of a trial run. UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) SINGAPORE AND
      210 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 114 20 OCEAN MOTOR POLICIES JENBON and NICHOLSON, Ltd. Paints, Colours AND Varnishes. (ionuine White Tintastone Cement Zinc Colouring White Lead Boot-topping Red Oxide Household Enamel Household Paint "Yatlac" Varnish Aluminium Paint Copal Varnish. "ROBBIALAC" -the Super Enamel. "ROBBIALOID" -Cellulose Lacquer. Prices, shade cards, full particulars supplied on application to the Sole
      114 words
    • 284 20 rtym ll^J Iv^n^ I Kti^''' rl^^^iv ■S? A CAR OF YOUR OWN What could be more delightful next leave than the knowledge that at the end of your voyage a car will be waiting for you a car which will be yours for the whole period of your stay At
      284 words
    • 306 20 THE OCEAN CCIDENT AND GUARANTEE CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in Great Britain) lead Office for Maliya SINGAPORE. VLEK'S TONIKINA Wl (QUINAWINE) HENRI VLEK-THE HAGUE VLEK'S TONIKINA. Unicorn brand, is prepared from pure grape juice and quldquinu of first quality and contains iron. Due to its fine composition this Quinawine is nmen
      306 words