The Straits Times, 18 June 1930

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 206 1 SINGAPORE: 78, CECIL ST. ('PHONE 5151) Ny Carlsberg Beer In hollies and on clrnimht. Sni.' lipirtin EAST ASIATIC CO, LTD. .n Driimniki Sk\<, M'ORK. STANDS THF TF^T From bowling to boiling not such a jump as you'd think. Bowling cvei* after over in the blazing sun calls for strength, absolute
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    • 10 1 KUfLAIUfYIPUFT^SJ, JAVA ST. 'PHONE 3683) j^rime Portland k Co.. ffi).i
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 683 2 (NIPPON TUSEN KAISHA) TO LONDON. Naples, Marseilles, London, Antwerp, Rotterdam and Middles Borough Vessels Tonnage Due sail FUSHIMI MARU 10,900 June 19 20 HAKOZAKI MARU 10,500 July 2 3 TERUKUNI MARU 12,000 July 16 17 HAKUSAN MARU 10,500 July 30 81 HARUNA MARU 10,500 Aug. 13 14 t KAMO MARU
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    • 483 2 BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in England) FOR BRISBANE, STDIfET AND MELBOURNE, VIA JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly sailings by the wellknown steamer MARELLA (7866 tons) and the new motor vessel, MALABAR (4612 tons). The s.s. MARELLA is one of the largest and finest steamers trading to Australia, cabins
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    • 693 2 LP. M. (ROYAL PACKET NAY. CO. OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated in Holland) Under contract with NETHERLANDS INDIAN GOVERNMENT. Telephone No. 5451, with snb-connections to Passage, Freight, Transhipment, Marine Depts. and Manager's Desk. Representative for Singapore and Straits Settlements of the Travellers Official Information Bureau. Booking Office Royal Dutch Indian Alrwaya. VAN
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    • 495 2 THE SIAM STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Siam) BANGKOK COASTING SERVICE For Kretay, Trengganu, Kelantan, Bangnara, Telupin, Patani, Singora, Lacon, Sichon, Bandon, Kohsamui, Langsuan, Chumpon and Bangkok. Arrival Departure MALINI In port June 18 SUDDHADIB June 23 June 26 VALAYA June 30 July 2 The steamers are fitted throughout
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 414 3 DUTCH MAILS M.V. Stoomvaart Maatschappij Ncderland and M.V. I!ot(crdamschc Lloyd WEEKLY MAIL and PASSENGER SERVICE TO Amsterdam Southampton Marwlllea Rotterdam Tonnage H,lbO R.L. Jum 20 n it. Ji.ii. > iililciibnrni-vclt I! S.M.N. June 27 mot 12^08 H.L. July 4 I iti ii.-i S.M.N. July 11 R.L. July 18 m.v
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    • 1478 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS. (Incorporated In Norway) Direct Fast Monthly Service from BELAWAN DELI, PENANG AND SINGAPORE to LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND, ORE VANCOUVER, 8.C., SEATTLE and TACOMA. Mn Due Sails Los Spore S pore Angeles M.V. CORNEVHXI June 23 June July 31 M.V. BPvON'XVILLK July G July 10 Aug. 13
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    • 399 3 OCEANIC AND ORIENTAL NAVIGATION CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. TACOMA ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP CO., TACOMA, WASH. STATES STEAMSHIP CO., PORTLAND, ORE. JOINT BCHEDUI-E. Sailings for United States and Canada Points from Uong Kong. San Francisco and Portland S.S. MICHIGAN sails from Hong Kong July 8 San Franciaro, l.os Angrlea and San Diego
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    • 445 3 TILLEY SAFETY LAMPS ALL RRITISII Burn Kerosene Oil (not Benzine) Absolulrlv Windproof. All UraKK. mfa EBB i »PPli«'d IMJ to all Ih. (■overnmeii's of Maluya. l^^atjw Shipping •üBRMP'"™ C oinpanieti, a^MpSkSl^ Rubber and fl IJI HEt Tin-Mlnine Ejfl BHHH Bw Ciiniinuiiiii.-v. «J All :iOO CIV Ackno»ledte.l by all u«er^ 1
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  • 46 4 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Mi. Lim Ie Ging, A.L.J., H.L.H. A.L.8., Lim and family beg to tender their sincerest appnc.ation and thanks tei all friends and relatives for their kind messages of sympathy floral and other tributes and kind attendances at the house and at the funeral.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1389 4 SMALL ADVERTISEMENT FORM. To The Advertising Manager, i ..ts Times, Cecil Street. I'll sert the following small advertisement for days There are approximately seven words to a line and there is a flat rate charge of 2b cents per line per insertion with A minimum of one dollar per insertion.
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    • 707 4 HOUSES, FLATS, ETC. TO BE LET, furnished modern residence 134, Cairn Hill Road. Tennis c. 1. M. garuge etc., etc. Phone 4461. TO LET, Monaco Villa, Holland Road. Furnished, electric light, sanitary Installation. Apply Rodyk Davidson. TO LET, FLATS AMBER MANSIONS, facing Orchard Road and Penang Road. Apply Singapore Building
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    • 537 4 OFFICES AND GODOWNS TO LET, small modern office, 4th floor in Hong Kong Bank Chambers. Apply to Goodrich Co., (S.S.) Ltd., Ocean Building. TO LET, godowns No. 31, (top floor) and No. 32, Wuilich Street. Rent $250 per month. Apply to the British Malaya Trustee Executor Co., Ltd. Telephone No.
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    • 912 4 REST HOUSES CAMERON'S HIGHLANDS The Rest Houses are under the charge of the Executive Engineer, Cameron's Highlands, and applications for occupation of rooms should be nddres?ed to him. Accommodation cun only be secured on a permit signed by the Executive Engineer, Cameron's Highlands. 2. The Rest Houses are fully furnished
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    • 639 4 MISSING RELATIVE. JAMKS KDWARI) HUMK left Hum-din enrly in IUO2 for the Malay Peninsula. Information is desired as to whether he is alive or lead, aneT, lead, whether he died after 1922 leaving any children srrviving him. Will any person who can nny such information kindly communicate with the undersigned
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 855 5 TAIPING TURF CLUB AMATEUR RACE MEETING. Thursday, June 19, 1930. Saturday, June 21. 1930. Commencing at 2.15 p.m. each day. TWO RUNS each for Horses Classes 8, 4 and 6, respectively. First Run about 6 furlongs, second run about 1 mile and 100 yards. TWO RUNS each for Ponies Classes
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    • 351 5 HANDBOOK FAMILIAR QUOTATIONS. A collection of passr.ges, phrases and proverbs traced to their sources in ancient and modern literature. In the 1,400 pages of this invaluable book are cited familiar passages, proverbial phrases, and constantly recurring phrases from nearly 1,000 authors. It includes selections from French and German writers, and
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    • 266 5 jj^^ Henley C.M.A. Wires are not just vulcanised india-rubber wires. They fl "re much more than that. They are the wires with the long life the wires that will do their job and d" <( well. An installation with Wj Henley C.M.A. wires properly *B#2^-^ "T^ai installed will last as
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  • 1718 6 CINEMA NOTES. A Vanished (,lory Producer* and Poets Sound Film Technique M Atlantic at Victoria Theatre A British Talkie Triumph Meeting American Competition Drama and Melody Shoic Boat at the Capitol Seance Thrills. Era the most eaanal film-Toers, those 1 people who will readily admit they
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  • 195 6 Magistrate's Notes to be Sent: To C.P.O. fFrom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 17. Alleging that a police corpora! had brought a false charge of drunkenness against him because he had previously refused to give his firewood, a Hokien firewood seller. Lao Sih, was discharged by
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  • 665 6 Professor Declares Space Is Not Infinite. A remarkable development of our ideas of the. origin and character of the univcr?2 was presented by Professor A. S. Eddington, Plumian Professor of Astronomy at Cambridge University, in a paper l-ead befor? the Royal Astronomical Society. As is
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  • 151 6 Magistrate Dissatisfied With Police Statements. (From Our Own Correspondent.) K'jila Loaapur, June 17. "Than is vL.y Macro evidence with regard to the charge of theft and much of it is ina(imis-i!i declared Mi. CJ. H. NaLh, the police court magistrate, yesterday, in di^chaiginj; a jreung Oant< Moh Oroc;n,
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  • 57 6 After a delay of about three year the seven miles of the Annieslarul-Bow-I linjr Bou!e\anl. Glasgow, will b<? opened shortly. The bridge to carry the highway across the Forth and C' Canal is now almost completed. The cost of the Boulevard, which will eliminate wide detours that have
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  • 489 6 Is Cane Growing Suited To Malaya (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 17. From what ho had seen of sugar cane in this country and in certain parts of Africa, there whs prohably no rSMaal why it toold not bo grown in Malaya with
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  • 275 6 Talking and Singing Picture At the Alhambra. A Bong of Kentucky." shown for the Bnt time at th" Alhambia last night, tclis the story of a bright vouns compose? of popular songs who falls in love with a rich beireas. Even in democratic coun•lios. the inhabitants
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  • 182 6 A gift of S'J.OOli has been received by the Singapore V.W.C.A. from Mrs. Ou Boon Haw and also the following amounts $100, each tnm Mr. 8. J. Chan and Anonymous. Contributions of $50 each include thosv from: Mr. T. McDowall, Mr. Tim Talll, the Hon. .\h\ Eii
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 106 6 ARTISTE AT COVENT GARDEN AND QUEEN'S HALL r LOTTE LEHMANN Read these favourable criticisms The entrancing quality and delicious inflections of her voice."— MANCHESTER GUARDIAN. Eve™ Song revealed complete mastery." DAILY TELEGRAPH. Above all, her singing is entirely pure." THE TIMES. Mme. Lotto Lehmann's recital at the Queen's Hall was
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    • 239 6 DON'T fool yourself that your teeth are really clean unless you've cleansed the tiny crev- RjSjL >*** ices where decay begins. Colgate's I penetrating foam sweeps down into ~^§j£> these hard-to-reach places, removing IHr jMr^ decaying matter, cleansing teeth completely. \^P^Q ~^k DON'T be content with merely H^. W^^!^^ polishing
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 301 7 iLHAMBRl I THE THEATRE OF PERFECT SOUND fl/TO REPRODUCTION >1 J^ 9 6.15 p.m. TONIGHT 9.15 p.m. WILLIAM FOX Presents An All-Talking Musical Movietone A SONG OF KENTUCKY with LOIS MORAN, JOSEPH WAGSTAFF and DOROTHY BURGESS Hear and See THE CLASSIC KENTUCKY DERBY OF 1929. Woven into a delightful Romance.
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    • 185 7 l\\/MU UU\LV MM MM UU UUUU W. VV M WMU f)oeoeooooo^oQ Q 6o®oeo60Q e^ 1 1 V V M SB! £s» B I Wk m 1• I B oe: MALAYA'S LARGEST AND FINEST PICTURE THEATRE TONIGHT AT 6.15 9.15 Positively Last Night of SHOW BOAT From the World famous Stage
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    • 251 7 PAVILION S£ From Sunday, June 15 to Salun!;:y. June 21, at MS p.m. sharp. EVE'S FILM EVERYBODY'S REVIEW THE LATEST PATHE GAZETTE JEAN HERSHOLT AND SALLY O'NEIL in THE GIRL ON THE BARGE He struck fear into her hoar:, bi iho conquering power of love turned Iher hi to happiness.
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    • 974 8 The Kobenhavn Mystery Still Unsolved. A sea mystery of even greater interc-t, «nd, unfortunately, much more tragic than that of tho Marie Celeste, continues to absorb tho attent on of the experts. The Danish truinirvr Kobenhavn, a steel five-masted barque, with auxiliary oil engines, sailed from
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    • 106 8 New Motor Liner Due Tomorrow. Thr Osi.ka BhoW Kaisha's new motor liner, the Hio de Janeiro Maru, is due at Singapore on her maiden voyage from Japan tomorrow morninjr. and will be berthed alongside the Tanjonjr Pagar wharves. The Kn> de Janeiro Maru is a sister .-hip <>f
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    • 841 8 A Revised System Of Tapping. 1 ha twaatiatk annual general meeting of •I:. Windsor ( I Rubber Kslate, Ltd., waa htld at the registered office, in Lcadt-nhall ■treat, London, E.C.. on May 20. Mr. K. L Hamilton (the chairman) presided. The ri">iesintaiivc of the^secrctaries Edward lioustead and
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    • 66 8 ProgramOM of drills up to and for week Lhiling .lu'ic 2- Wvdnaaday, June IS. 5.15 p.m.. Drill Hall, Intelligence Section, Tests Maa Raadlng and KuatJ Kecimnaissancs 5.15 p.m., Drill Hall, Sn. I Platoon "A" (M.C.) Co., Fire Orders and Fire Control 5.15 p.m., Drill Hall. Brigade Signal Section,
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    • 265 8 EXCHANGE. Singapore. Juno 18. O.i London, Bank 4 m 'a I/I 15 16 Demand I/I I/I Privutc 3 m. credit 2 3 T On New York, demand 57 Private 90 d s 57% On France, Bank T.T. 1429 On India, Bank T.T. lbi'i On Hong Kong, Bank T.T. 44 >«
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    • 127 8 Rose Macphail Penman, Limited. Singapore, June 18. London.— Rubber 6d.. unchanged. Noon price (London Standard I Spot itH cents. London.— Tin £134 10s., down 12s. Cd. Mining.— Dull. Sungci Ways L'.Ml-li.Td, Kuchais 1.02-I.OG, Kintas 1.02-1.03, Malaya Consols. 20-22 cents, Johans M-MU cents, Skngei Luas 1.15-l.:!0, OH Klangs
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    • 153 8 Company Making Good Progress. With the restoration of local or.lur, the Shanghai Electric Construction Company is making good progress. It operates, besides a 29-mile electric tramway, no fewer lian 88 trolley buses. Apparently these vchicltk have been quite a success, as ten more are unrlor construction hnd will
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    • 33 8 Lord Ilujrh Trcnchard. Marshal of the Royal Air Force, 5.C.8.. D.5.0., L.L.D was elected to the board of directors of Goodyear Akron at the regular monthly meeting on Apr. 2*<, at (!, Ohio.
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      • 473 8 Val. Pd. Buyers Seller* £1 £1 Asam Kumliang 21/6 2",'I I Aycr Ilitam Tin 12'- 1:2,11 M £1 Cantrrin Tin 18 o 20 1 1 Kaiaug Padang 0.10 0.14 1 1 Hutu Caves 0.45 o.:>.'> 1 1 Bukit Ml 0.50 El £1 Burmah Malay I:''- 15,'- nom. £1
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      • 225 8 Issue Val. Pd. Buyers Seller* •2 2 Alex. Brick Trcfs. 2.15 2.30 2 2 Alex. Brick Ords. 2.TU 2.80 £1 £1 K:it. Am. Tooccca 5.3.0 5.8.6 1 1 Centrkl Ene'ne 0.40 0.6U nora. 1 1 Cycle and Carriages 0.10 0.45 num. IGs. 10s. Duff Development 4/6 o ti I/I
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      • 112 8 Singapore Cold Storage 7 p.c. deb. of 1926 red. 1931-H6 102 106 ci. Singapore Municipal 5 p.c. of 1901 red. 1930 $1,878,000 par. 5% I"*™Singapore Municipal 4Vi p.c. of 1907 red. 1947 $1,600,000 06 par Singapore Municipal 4Vs p.c. of 1909 red. 1955 $1,000,000 95 par Singapore
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      • 379 8 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatts quotations. Today's Prices Fr.utr Lyuli A ft Co. Kvalt Ali.nt.y <»1) 1.10 1.25 1.20 LM Alcr (Jajah ($1) 1.00 1.20 1.10 1.2U Hitain (SIJ LM 2.00 cd. 1.80 2.00 cd. Kuniiiß 1*1) i>2s !'.:>."> MS M 6 A. Malay (J2| 1.50
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  • 184 8 Today. •Japi.n sad Korea f Canada Mara) 3 o.m. Ceylon. Sou Chen and Western India (Sado il-u I I p.m. Sanaa I .land, I'la'ijoe and Palcmbang (Ttwdenaj p.m. Piadjoe and Palembana (Siaoe) 4 pju. Ncuth, N.-tast and N.-West Sumatra (Tasmun > 4 p.m. Tomorrow. Pcnanß, Province Wellei
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  • 46 8 Left Arrri. Hy S'porc Uindon Mahra Apr. 18 May 10 BihaJaa Apr. 2r. May 18 Talma Apr. 23 May 17 R.ijpiitnna Maf I May 24 D'Artagnan Apr. 30 May 20 K. der Nudcrlandcn .May L 1 May VS, Indrapoera May y June 'i
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  • 171 8 The following p.,.- infers are proceeding Kuropi- l.y thn Kast Asiatic mot<>rshi|i Bdringia, which sailed from Singapore today Urat t'«>l. C. II. Korf, Dr. H. Bode. Mr. and Mrs. L A. Barbour. Mr. \V. J. vaa dor Hurk. Mi-.-. It. M. I.eviii|rc. Mrs. A. M. Lawn nee. Mr. Krrt/
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  • 257 8 Juno 18. Ship* nlonexidr •!•<■ Whan en or expected In arrive. ami harbour. Main Wharf Hopper J. J. 14, W. Bt. BBloDdoor, 1..h. (row. Oil Wharf Nicuv.- gealaad. Coal Wharf I'atrul, Loligo. VKSSELS IN Ml DOCKS. Tanjong I'a^ar. Albert Dock Arratoaa Apcar. Victoria Dock Junta. keppcl
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 147 8 EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE. Every once in a while that is the wiy you t:tkc Pirvkcttcs, to keep your liver active, your digestion good, your system clean ;iml healthy. Why then become a slave of the daily Salts taking habit, af torture yourself with tinuseating Castor oil As eently
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    • 299 8 DoritWorry Ml? iQllCWlilgp Relief and comfort will immediately follow the use of CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC REMEDY This old, reliable remedy has had the endorsement of physicians for many years. All druggists carry it. People all over the world use it for colic, stomach cramps, abdominal pains and diarrhoea. It always gives
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 276 8 MALAYAN METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE. Daily Weather Report. Bright Wind. Station. Temperature Rain- Sun- Relative Direc- Speed. Weather. Max. Min. full, ihinc. Humidity tion. F. K. in*, hours. m.p.h. Alor Slur 85 71 0.01 2.1 85 Calm Fine Kota Ilharu 87 7:) O.K> 2.8 H!> SW 5 Overcast K. Trcnrcnnu X!l 72
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    • 172 8 ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE WEEK. Wednesday. June 1R. II. W, LH a.m., IS ft. in., 3.35 p.m., 7 ft. ."> in, Tliursdaj, June 19. 11. W. 2 l» a.m., 7 ft. 9 in., 4.20 p.m., 7 ft. 5 in. II. I. homeward mail doMl I p.m., train 4 p.m. Friday, June
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  • 601 9 Lack of Confidence In Metal. TWO MONTHS' STOPPAGE CRITICISED. (From Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore, Wednesday, 10 a.m. Toda>'s Prices Rubber. 19' i rts.. per lb. Tin. 2.'iO tons at $67 per picul. Yr-trrday's Prices Hubber. London 6d. per lb., unchanged. New York. 11"» cts.. per lb., up
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  • 92 9 13,000 Fewer First-Class Bookings. New y..ik StearaiMp agents estimate that steamtaip naaaangirs to Europe line* Jan. 1 nuiiil.i-i l.'S.OOO less than tin- .iirrcsjiondinc period of 1929. resulting in decline of at least $4,000,000 in Hrst-clau booking receipts. They declare th;it this is partially due to depression!
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    • 1594 9 Satisfactory Position. LOW CAPITALISATION PER ACRE. The twenty-first ordinary general meeting if Ledbury Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held >v May 14, in the council room of the Rubber i rowers' Association (Incorporated), 2, 3 and I. 'idol Lane, London, E.C., Mr. Eric dacfadyen (the chairman) presiding. Mr.
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    • 64 9 Tone of Market Quiet. Latest Cable London Spot Sheet 6d. per 1b. New York Spot Sheet G. centi U% par ty. 4t > >'*" tM M«4H»M« 12 o'clock noon, June II 18. t.S.S. equal to London Standard Itandard R.S.S. on Tender Spot June July 'August
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    • 896 9 An Immensely Valuable Property." The twelfth annunl general meeting of the shareholders of the Sungei Jelai Syndicate, Ltd., was held at the registered office of the company, Old Market Square, Kuala Lumpur, on Monday, Mr. G. O. W. Symons presiding. The chairman in moving the adoption of
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    • 205 9 JESSELTON ICE POWER. Report on Company's Working For Last Year. The report of the Jesselton Ice and Power Co., Ltd., for the year ended Dec. 31 states: The results of the year's working after deducting directors' remuneration, and providing for depreciation, show a profit of $7,!i39.79; to which has to
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    • 40 9 Interim Dividend of Four Per Cent. At a meeting of the directors of Wearne Bios., Ltd., held today, it was decided to pay an interim dividend of four per cent, for the year ending Sept. 30, 1930.
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    • 187 9 Claims Against Mr. Mrs. Brandreth Settled. The following statement has been issued by Messrs. Hackett Radley and Johnson, chartered accountants "The directors of Ncr-Sag and Ncr-Sag (Overseas) have announced that they have come to a settlement of all pending litigation nith Mr. and Mrs. Brandreth on terms which
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    • 247 9 The following novels were added to Raffles Library during the past fortnight Mr. Fortune Explains, (H. C. Bailey I He Walls of Jasper. (Joanna Carman Raster Snow, (Lewis Cox); A Flock of Birds, Kathleen Coylci My Bert Stories of the Wild West, (Ridgwcll lullum>: The Men jf the
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    • 78 9 Katu Tin Dredging (first half).— 336 hours, 74,800 yards. 260 piculs. Renong Consolidated Tin Dredging (first half!.— 334 hours, 90,000 yards, 487 piculs. Kampong Kamunting (first half). Nos. I1I 1 ar.d 2 dredges 80,003 yards, S.VJ.6I piculs. Asam Kumbang Tin (first half). (4,000 yards, 397.76 piculs. Ulu Yam
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    • 78 9 Rugby, June 17. Foreign exchanges are Amsterdam 12.08 V Athens 375, Bombay Is. 5 25-32 d., Berlin 20.36.'i, Brussels 34.835, Bucharest 818, Rio 5 17-32, Buenos Aires 41 9-16, Copenhagen 1C.16, Geneva .'5.09, Helsingfors 193, Hong Kong Is. 2\d., Lisbon 108.25, Madrid 41.945, Milan 92.75, New York 4.85 25-32,
      British Wireless  -  78 words
    • 659 9 Messrs. Samuel Montagu Co.'s Weekly Letter. London, May 14. Gold. The Bank of England god reserve against notes amounted to £163,572,470 on May 7 (as compared with £163,341,964 on the previous Wednesday), and represents an increase of £17,612,386 since Jan. 1 last. In the open market yesterday £434,000
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  • 861 9 General Curtailment Of Output. BOYCOTT IN INDIA COMPLETE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Manchester, May 21. Unsatisfactory conditions prevailed throughout the market. Curtailment of output in spinning and manufacturing has increased and is now on a very large scale. There has been a paucity of workable demand
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  • 16 9 Juru Estates. Nil. > Lawas (Sarawak).— 98,47.') Ib. Peral: Uiwr Valley. LNi.L'lU Ib. Semuncgol. Nil.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 929 10 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1930. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT. fa rt >;i!i::jr artiste of Saturday II «H pointed tut that the wtewi of Lord Alness I rl Ju itiei Clerk nf Scotland, who sujr2c:U to t'.H' QtasjCW i;ia;: ttatc lccenrly that dtath should be the I'Cnaltjr fir la^or-riashirK
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  • 854 10  - THE WORLD'S FINEST SHIPBUILDERS." Sir William Seager, D.L., J.P. British Faith in Revival Of The Industry. (By I ox-President of the Chamber of Shipping of the I niteil Kingdom.) British shipbuilders have never lost iaith in the ultimate revival of their industry. The past eight years have been ■"ull of
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  • 497 10 Dr. M. A. Gabriel, of Klang, has been appointed a visitor to the Camp for Dcerepits a: Port Swettenham. Mrs. C. J. H. Lowe, who was operated upon for appendicitis in the General Hospital, Kuala, Lumpur, has returned to her home ir Klan-c. At the next meeting
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  • 824 10 ENGLAND'S VICTORY. There was no element of flukiness al>out England's victory in the first Test Match which tnded at Nottingham yesterday. On the contrary, the rub of the green definitely favoured the Australians fur SutcliffV was compelled to retire with a dammed hand when he had
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 100 10 k Wk. I of Qualify GoßTflakf WMWO I lll^^il mk it AKt I I E o GHARMiNG )T^\^U^f daytime Wry^nm^^ ARTIFICIAL SILK AND COTTON Hot iron or boil— lc will not spoil JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (lacurporaud in 8..g1« .c SINGAPORE, KUALA LOtUVM, PENANG AM) Il'OH. Means Health The ROYAL
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    • 79 10 634 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, TENG SENG GUAN. Established 1905. T.K.K.'s Tyres Tubes. 31 x 5.25 $20.00 $3.50 30 x 5.77 522.n0 54.00 32 x 5.77 523.00 $4.00 33 x 6 $22.00 $4.00 i' x U. S. DE SILVA BROS. !i JEWELLERS DIAMOND MERCHANTS New Goods in Sterling Silver and E.P.
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  • 372 11 F.M.S. GOVERNMENT AND RUBBER. Experimental Research. $2,500,000 RESERVE FUND TO BE CREATED. At the meeting of the Federal Council to be held in Kuala Lumpur on Thursday June 26, the Hon. the Acting Financial Adviser, F.M.S.. will move: That this Council approves that, out
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  • 459 11 Position on North-West Frontier. PROPAGANDA. Unrest Engineered From Peshawar. London. June 17. The Government of India-, appreciation of the situation lor the week ended Juno 14 states that th" position in the Nortfc-Weat Frontier Province lvi- bean stabilised. The whole tribal trouble was unscrupulously engineered from Peshawar,
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  • 79 11 Seriousness of Problem In India. (From Oat Own Correspondent.) Calcutta. June 17. flwii!i: ti the Krfarasnesa of the traffic in cocaine, the Government of India recently appointed a committee to consider the question. It has now been decided to send Mr. .1. Slatti ry, of the Indian Police,
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  • 58 11 Bill Signed by President Hoover. Washington, June 17. President Hoover har, signed the Tariff Bill.— Renter. The Bill earriea 887 increase! of duties ;.>:d 23fi decreases. It transfer* t.i i«r<> liuctl at present dutiable to the free list nod gives protection to -is which are at present free,
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  • 69 11 RED MAYOR ARRESTED Charge Of Being Concerned In Plot Against France. M, George* MarraM, Communist Mavir (if the Parisian ■obnrb of [Try, which is within what is known as the Paris red 1 eit." baa been arrested on a charge of being concerned in a Communist plot agaim t the
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  • 366 11 Uncharted Reef Off Kelantan Struck. H.F.. the Governor (Sir Cecil Clementi) had a rather unpleasant experience yesterday during his tour up-country, when at (i p.m., his yacht, the Sea Belle 11, ran aground on an uncharted reef on the north-west side of the northern Perhentian Islands.
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  • 142 11 Funeral Service of Simple Nature. Rugby. June 17. The body of Sir Henry Segrave, who was killed after breaking the motor-boat tpeeJ raecrd on Lake Windcmerc, was cremated at Golders Green crematorium The funeral was of the simplest nature. So, across which lay the Union Jack, wa;;
    British Wireless  -  142 words
  • 62 11 India's Delegates To London Conference. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, June 17. I. it expected that 62 delegates will proceed from India for the London Conference. India will have to contribute Rs. 650,000 toward! the expenses of the conference, and the Home Government's share will I c Us.
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  • 109 11 Unanimous Support For Nahas Pasha. Cairo, June 17. The Chamber unanimously pass?d a resolution supporting the Nahas Pasha Cabinet It was previously reported that Nahas Pasha has tendered the resignation of the Cabinet. It is understood that the Palace sugfesteel various amendments to the bill übmitted by the
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 63 11 After Fortnight With Bandits. Peking, June 16. Chinese soldiers have freed Mr. Clifford Kins' and brought him back to safety.— liter. It will be recalled that a previous message, dated Peking, Juno 7, stated that bandits captured an AmerLan, Mr. Clifford King, of the Society of the Divine
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  • 71 11 British Share for Debt Reduction. Rugby, June 17. In the House of Commons, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Philip Snowcon, stated in reply to a question that the British share of the proceeds of the issue if the German Reparations Loan would be applied to debt reduction.
    British Wireless  -  71 words
  • 87 11 Question in House Of Commons. Rugby, June 17. Asked in the House of Commons whether he could give any further information regarding the situation in Malta, Dr. D. Shiels, the Under Secretary for the Colonies, said that owing to the state of public feeling the elections were still
    British Wireless  -  87 words
  • 97 11 Trawler in Icelandic Waters. Rugby, June 17. A question was asked in the Home of Commons, whether the Foreign Office had received a report of the firing of four live shells by a Danish gunboat on a Grimsby trawler on May 28, in Icelandic vaters. Mr. :H.
    British Wireless  -  97 words
  • 77 11 Swiss Council's Sympathy With Rriand Plan. Berne, June 17. For several hours the Swiss Federal Council discussed today M. Briands memorandum for a L'nited States of Europe. They announced later that they greeted the principle but only on condition that the League of Nations was preserved in full.
    77 words
  • 246 11 Mr. Mac Donald Views. "PUT ENERGIES INTO COMMON POOL." London, June 17. Mr. Ramsay Mac Donald, presiding at the Guildhall conference which was summoned by the Prime Minister to discuss the means of alleviating unemployment, said the Government and the local authorities must conspire together to expedite
    Reuter  -  246 words
  • 174 11 Repercussions In London. London, June 17. It is authoritatively learnt in London that ever i*00,000,000 paper value was lost by stocks in the Wall Street slump yesterday. Reuter's New York correspondent describes it as the worst crash since last year's panic. The Prime Minister's allusion in the
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  • 67 11 Cost Borne by Shipping Companies. London, June 17. In the Home of Commons, replying to question, Mr. C. G. Ammon, Parliamentary and Financial Secretary to the Admiralty, said the substitution of police tor military guards on merchantmen in Chinese waters would cost about $80,000 S year. It would
    67 words
  • 72 11 $5,000 Voted to Meet Funeral Expenses. Hong Kong, June 17. The Cantonese Headquarters have given .■sG.U'Hi to meet the funeral expenses of General Lvi Woo-nim, the governor of Kwangsi, who was recently assassinated by his own bodyguard whilst on a visit to Canton. General Lvi Woo-nim's family has
    Sin Kuo Min  -  72 words
  • 193 11 Enthusiastic Scenes At Test Match. In the midst of tense excitement England won the first Test match of the 1930 series at Nottingham yesterday by 93 runs. Throughout the day play was of exceptional interest, and enthusiastic scenes followed the fall of the last Australian wicket only
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  • 631 11 Col. Hayley Bell's Firm Stand. Tientsin, June 10. Upon the arrival of Lieut. -Col. Ilayley Bell at the Customs offices on Monday, the Chinese Superintendent of Customs formally notified him that the administration had b:en taken over by the Shansi Party and introduced Mr. Lenox Simpson as the
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  • 781 11 REPORTED FALL OF TSINAN. Southern Troops Retake Changsha. THREAT TO HANKOW. Early Attack Planned By Kuominchun. Shanghai, June 17. The Hunanesc Commander-in-Chief. (Jeneral Ho Chien, with his troops recr.pturcd Changsha. today. Karly this morning two Nationalist Government punhonts steamed up the Siang U;ver to a point near Changsha and fired
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 64 11 TODAY'S FEATURES. Page British Shipbuilding Prospects, by Sir William ScairiT 10 1 Sugar (irowinc in Malaya? fi I Cinema Notes 'j I Crossword Puzzle ..II i English Cotton Trade Reviewed Local Cheating Case ..17 c Letters to the Editor 17 En eland Wins First Test Match It I British Open
      64 words

  • 1208 12 Evidence at Inquest. INQUIRY INTO SOLDIER'S DEATH. The inquiry into the death of Sapper Aubrey Elmer, age 23, of the Royal Engineers, who was shot during the early hours of the morning of June 1 at Pasir Ris, hangi, was begun before Mr. F. G. Houine, the
    1,208 words
  • 196 12 Klang Sanitary Board Sub-Committee. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, June 14. At a mcelin; of the Klang Sanitary Board a sub-committee to deal with antimalai ial matter! was formed consisting of the chairman, Mr. J. W. W. Hughes; the health officer, Klang and Port Swettenham the senior
    196 words
  • 161 12 Innocent Victims Freed Perjurers Convicted. Patna, June 4. A trumped up charge of murder, as a result of which five innocent people were sentenced to death, and a sixth to trans-p-itatic-n, had a sequel at the High Court today when, after a two months' trial, Sub-Inspector of
    161 words
  • 226 12 Not to be Shown In Public. (From Our Own Correspondent) Lendon, May 23. The Prince cf Wales has definitely decide.i not to show the film record of his African trip in public. This will cause great disappointment in many quarters. No icss than seventeen applications frost vaiicus
    226 words
  • 28 12 Sentences of Fifteen Years Imprisonment. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, June 18. A number of South Sea Communists have been sentenced to 15 years imprisonment.
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  • 39 12 Decision to Start a High School. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, June 18. At a meeting of Chinese organisations it was decided to form a Chinese High School. A committee was appointed to draw up a scheme.
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  • 315 12 ATTACK ON SLEEPING MAN. Five Years' Gaol for Sikh Priest. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, June 16. There was an unusually large attendance of the members of the local Sikh community at the Perak Criminal Assizes when Nassa Singh, a priest of the Gurwarda, Chenderiang, was sentenced to five years'
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  • 102 12 Siamese Motorist Sued In London. A sum of £3,000 was awarded by a special jury in. a King's Bench court to Mrs. Edith Tort-ens, of Bridge Avenue Mansions, Hammersmith, for the loss of her husband, Mr. A. E. Johnstone Torrens, who died after being knocked down by a
    102 words
  • 84 12 Accused's First Wife In Asylum. Alfred John Dtacon (GO), a painter, was found guilty at the Old Bailey on a charge of bigamy, and wr.s bound over in £25 for two years. His first wife was taken to an asylum. This was a case in which a voluntary
    84 words
  • 217 12 How Negotiations with Egypt Broke Down. How the lon?-drawn-out Anglo-Egyptian negotiations foundered on a single word in the proposed agreement is told in papers issued by the Foreign Office. At 15.30 a.m. on May 8 common ground had been reached on all the articles of the
    217 words
  • 121 12 He Already Owns a Train And A Station. The first ship to fly the papal flag for many years set sail recently from* Naples with the Papal Legate, Cardinal Lepicier, and his suite on board, bound for the Eucharistic Congress in Carthage. The quay at Naples
    121 words
  • 195 12 Mr. J. J. Conway's Death At Johore Bahru. A metering tragedy resulting in the death of an American resident of Singapore occurred at Johore Bahru shortly before noon yesterday. The deceased was Mr. J. J. Conway, manager of the Singapore office of the American Express Company who
    195 words
  • 244 12 European Arrested After A Year. A deal i.i a sawmill plant sent from Carey Island to Singapore nearly a year afro has resulted in the imprisonment of ima named K. L. Airth, who was sentenced to four months' rigorous impriconfnent by Mr. C. Wilson, the Criminal District
    244 words
  • 288 12 Reasons for Unexpected Return. Canberra, May 21. Sir Douglas Mawsor.'s report has been piesented to the House of Representatives. Its most interesting portion is that relating to the reason for his unexpected return. It was due to lack ot coal, which occurred shortly after the Discovery reached the
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  • 77 12 Present for First Time To College Dinner. A feature of the dinner given in Singapore by new-comers to the King Edward VII College of Medicine to the old students was the presence for the first time of two women students. In his speech Mr. M. Doraisinga, proposing the
    77 words
  • 26 12 SILVER SLUMP Mukden, June 9. The silver slump has had a serious effect on the markets here. Ov?r 400 shops have been forced to close down.
    26 words
  • 400 12 Government Clerks In Police Court. Trouble between two Eurasian Government clerks living in the same block of Government quarters and occupying adjacent houses led to the appearance of W. Windrath, his wife and his mother-in-law before Mr. P. S. Williams, the Second Police Magistrate, yesterday to answer charges
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  • 182 12 Novel Offer To Princess By "Dear Friend." New York, May 22. Princess Nina Caracciolo, a Russian ballet dancer, has filed a suit Defers the Supreme Court claiming £5,000 damage; from Mrs. Julia Hamilton, former wife of Mr. Cosmo Hamilton, the British noveli.-t. The Princess alleges that
    182 words
  • 388 12 Government Schemes. BUILDING PLANS IN SINGAPORE. It is understood that Government is considering the acceleration of reconstruction wcrk to meet with a possible unemployment crisis in Singapore. Every possible work that could be put in hand will be discussed. The recent suggestion in a letter from
    388 words
  • 94 12 Example of "Socialism In Our Time In the House of Commons at ques-tion-time on May 22, Mr. PeihickLawrenoe (Financial Secretary, Treasury) informed Sir Assheton Pownall (C, Lewisham, E.) the amounts, correct to the nearest pound, drawn by the Attorney and Solicitor-General were: Attorney-General. S;ilaiy. Pass, Total. Sir T.
    94 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 24 12 GORDON'S FOR Pahits, Cocktails Slings. The Best GIN makes the Best SLING GORDON'S EVERY TIME. Sole Agents THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. (Incorporated in England)
      24 words

  • England Wins First Test Match.—British Open Golf Championship.
    • 1350 13 A Wonderful Finish. HEADMAN'S BIG EFFORT FOR AUSTRALIA. (From Our Own Correspondent.) 1..,:>i10n. Juno 17. One of the mo t exettiag kr.<.\vn finish- <■. in Tost match cricket wav witnessed today in the Or I T( at Trent Bridge, Nottingham, whea Eagtaad boat AutrsHa 1 y
      1,350 words
    • 173 13 Compston, Cotton And Tolley Do Well. London, June 17. The competitors in the British open golf championship changed over today, those who played at Hoylake yesterday going to Wallescy, and the Wallesey players going to Hoylake. The leading hundred will start in the championship proper tomorrow.
      Reuter  -  173 words
  • 183 13 Irvine's Fine Bowling For Tampin. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, June 15. On Sunday Tunipin beat Malaci a Ctofc ly runs. For the winners Irvine took live wickets for six runs. Scores: Tampin Gilliaghaa b larkc 5, Earl c Boyd b Kcovcm n, rursons c .McL:-oU b Clarke
    183 words
  • 185 13 Play Not Possible Today. There will be no play in the Singapore tennis championships today, owing to the unfit condition of the S.C.C. courts following the heavy rain. It is honed that it will be possible to proceed with the preliminary rounds tomorrow, but this is conditional
    185 words
  • 362 13 Good Entry for Local Championship. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, June 17. Entries for the Malacca tennis championships closed on Saturday last. The draw resulted as follows Men's Single*. First Round. G. V. Roland vs. W. G. Reeves. A. E. Mullaly vs. Soh Cheng Bun. H. K. Lung
    362 words
  • 44 13 Japan and Italy in Europe Final. London, June 17. Japan beat Czecho-Slovakia by three matches to two in the Davis Cup tie, and will now meet Italy in the final of the European zone. Reuter. Italy reached the final by beating Australia.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 377 13 Three Tie In Garrison Medal Competition. The Garrison Golf Club men's monthly medal was playe 1 on Saturday and Sunday. Twenty-three cards were taken out, the b:st returns being Lieut. E. F. S. Brodie All square R. B. Gotch ("apt. R. H. Smyth The tie will be decided
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  • 80 13 South China F.A. Team To Arrive Next Week. The South China F.A. team from Hong Kong is dv; to arrive in Singapore about June 26. Three matches are bom? arranged for the visitors in Singapore, the first one will be against a local Chinese side, and the third
    80 words
  • 782 13 Lancashire's Lapse. MEAD AND TYLDESLEY TAKE BENEFITS. The weather sjjain seems to have interfered with play in the county cricket matches which started on Saturday, for several games ended in points being divided on the first innings. The only surprise of the piogramn.e was Lancashire's failure against
    Reuter  -  782 words
  • 257 13 Positions in the League To Date. Tho following are tlie positions in tka Singapore Football L«tffne to <inte No play was possible in any division yesterday owing to rain. Malm S.C.K.A. WVIch R.E. R.A.F. I.C.FJL SRC. Goals. P. W. I,. I), r. A. Ptl 10 1 (I .1
    257 words
  • 217 13 Wednesday, June 18. Football Ist Div.. S.H.r. vs. R.A., Stadium Res. Div., Chinese A R.A., J.B. S.C.C. Tourn., Liceter.M v... Engineers 2nd Welch Kcxt. Sparta. ThurHday. June 19. Telok Kurau EaglUk School Sports 3 p.m. 2ml Welch Rept. Co. .Spurts. 1-ootball 2nd Div., Manslicl .< vs. K.A.T, SRC.
    217 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 54 13 "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" RECORDS FROM THE SHOW BOAT CAN'T HELP LOVIN' DAT MAN WHY DO I LOVE YOU Played by Shilkret's Orchestra. SHOW BOAT SELECTION Played by the New Mayfair Orchestra. MAKE BELIEVE WHY DO I LOVE YOU? Played by O'Henry (Organ) and others. To be obtained at S. MOUTEIE
      54 words
    • 24 13 I TITAN Cement THE RELIABLE BRAND Eleven Years' Success. Price Competitive. Sole Distributors Godown G. AURELY so, kirn seng road. Phone 6172. Phone 2190.
      24 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 179 14 WHITE J^ 1 LLIL 1111 11 m with almost no brushing. Mf&B&sL n JHF mouth mKr />.• And lastly ;i low price! M&^f j^£ .JJHV These three points ex- I^t >a plain tiu 1 trt-meiulous J WJP* jt^Bm popuii:; oi I.istcrine I||L /•ly JZ&^Bf i *^V ou save /^*W i^f
      179 words
    • 319 14 About THe I i -X-m -i Here is a Six that provides every- that adds years to the life of the car. thing you want in a fine sturdy These are facts! automobile -yet it actually sells in the Most remarkable of all, however, price range of the four. This
      319 words

  • 1936 15 "SILVER '—THE SICK MAN OF CHINA. A Humorous Diagnosis. BY A JESTER-ECONOMIST OF HONG KONG. The eSM subject of discussion in Hong Keiic today i- thr ever falling prire of silver and the lonsequenl rapid and depressing depreciation in (he value of the dollar. This article, which appears in the
    1,936 words
  • 91 15 Comprises 800 Volumes And 130,000 Pages. The Twenty-Four Histories of Chinese Dynasties, all replicas of authoritative ancie::t editi"ns, has gone to the publisher. Thi' srark, when off the press, will be the most interesting of its kin«l ever printed. More than that it will lie the largest
    91 words
  • 43 15 Earbers in Wall Street. New York, fo'low flurtua'lons in the stock market by the lice and fall in the- volume of their tips. A declining market leaves th? tin pocket fairly flat at the end of the day.
    43 words
  • 67 15 Estate Duties Estimated At £2,000,000. Probate has been granted to the estate cf Lord Dewar. who died M ApVil 11 The estate has been proved at 15,000,000 'as far as is at present a.«?t 'tainabk*. The chief beneficiary is Mr. John A/ihur Dewsr. Lord Dewar's neVvw, who. receives
    67 words
  • 306 15 Septuagenarian Keeper Of The King's Secrets. The man who for 20 years guarded the Kinjr's secret papers at Windsor Castle has been secret'y married at Brighton. He is the Rev. Albert Lee, M.V.0., who rer?ntly retired fiom the post of Recorder of the King's Archives at Windsor
    306 words
  • 111 15 Brazilian Town's Unusual Enterprise. \n unusual form of municipal enter nriic is to be seen in Campinas, Brazilian town in the State of Sao Paulo Years ago the citizens found their market house inadequate to their increasing commerce. They did not wish to pup down the old building,
    111 words
  • 787 15 Safer Base Than Berlin. ORGANISING WORKERS FOR REVOLT. In connection with the report that ihc Comintern (Communist International) Ins n view th.- establishment in London of i propaganda centre, trustworthy information from Moscow gives ground for the belief that definite decision to make London an important
    787 words
  • 85 15 Modernised Wedding March Saxophone Arch. Mitoibcr* of a jazz band formed an ireh with their instalments after the weddiag at Brighton In nail week of one •f their collea-. 'I he brieWgrooao m Mr. Jm Lawlor, aid his bride was Miss I.iiy l':.yni>. of Burlington Street, Brighton.
    85 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 179 15 GOODWOOD PARK HOTEL SCOTTS Kujkl. OOKTBNIBNT TO TOWN— PERFBCT CCaTOBT 60 rooms with bath and verandah. 10 acrci of magnificent ground*. Gararr. It lenni* courts for free nac of residents. (Reserved for non-residents at $2 an evening.) Thone C49O. Terms Telegrams COODWOOD. Singapore. Apply MANAGER. ©HrNSOrN'S To clean, wax and
      179 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 271 15 Today's Crossword Puzzle. i 2 3~— 4 j5 I rs i j r? j? I T7 To J -p 73 V-f '3 Ho '7 ,6 m iq To~ mm .mmm —mm j£— 3T~ 7f~ 5?" s^" %V" 29 T^T"""" ia' 1 3/ 02 *T" IT" 57" i<6 ST" T?*" ±'f~
      271 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 415 16 YOU WILL AGREE THAT THE AUSTIN 7IS THE Finest Small Car in the World BUY IE: NONE BETTER Tourer $1 ,275 Saloon $1 ,495 Why not write for particulars? Borneo Motors, Ltd. SINGAPORE, PENANG, iAH'ING, IPOH, KUALA LUMPUR, SEREMBAN, MALACCA AND HAAD YAI. jJlfc GENERAL ELECTRIC l^^fl REFRIGERATOR »J.^B The
      415 words
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  • 1795 17 A Widow's Claim. CHINESE CHARGED WITH CHEATING. A reference to the large number of so-called kerbstone brokers who forefather daily in Raffles Square" was made during the trial of Bay Teck Leng, described as v real estate broker, who is charged <>n three counts of cheating in
    1,795 words
  • 99 17 Chinese Found Dead on Kuala Lumpur Road. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 17. Believed to have been knocked down by a motor-car, a Chinese of about 35 years cf age was found by a policeman on Sunday nijrht lying at the side of the roadway
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  • 131 17 Chinese Who Took Shelter In Convent. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 17. A destitute Chinese who gained entrance to the Kuala Lumpur Convent and was discovered by one of the Sisters in her room in the evening received a sentence of four months' rigorous imprisonment
    131 words
    • 162 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I notice in today's issue of the Straits Times that your correspondent H queries my statement that a large number of the locally much-advertised I talking films might be regarded as out of date. The prices charged at the leading
      162 words
    • 225 17 To the Editor of t!ie Straits Times. Sir—Will you kindly publish the following, which may be of interest to your readers: So far as ruiber U concerned, it would appear that it <; not mu.h ijood to depend I upon the natural law of supply and
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    • 228 17 THE ONLY WAY To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,—l have weighed the pros and cons of the rubber problem for years and have -nade many suggestions in your columns for the benefit of all interested in tmV commodity. I still consider that the onlysolution for the industry is
      228 words
  • 139 17 Children at Law Concerning Father's Estate. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, June 17. The Supreme Court case in which the children of the 'ate Che Ta Han dispute the division of his property said to be worth $300,000 was continued today. The first plaintiff, Ai»ha, stated that
    139 words
  • 89 17 Well-known Sinhalese Arrested And Charged. Before Mr. P. S. Williams, the Second Police Magistrate this mornimr, George Fernandc, formerly of tin Adclphi Hotel, Sicgapcre, was charged with quitting ibe Colony in Ami] H129 with intent to avoid bankruptcy examination in respect of his affairs. The case was
    89 words
  • 46 17 The following donations to the Ceylon Relief Fund are acknowledged Mr. Aw Boon Haw $20, Capitol TVatres, Ltd. $50, Messrs. J<>hn DickinfOß and Co. $10, Dr. H. Bode SK). Mr. V. Piyanege $10, Mr. D. A. Devendra $10, .British Motor Hiring Co. $10.
    46 words
  • 29 17 Inche Osman bin Ta'at, Malay magistrate at Kiang, who is to be transfVred to Teluk Anson. was entertained to tea by the District Officers' staff at Klang Rest House.
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  • 595 17 Large Increase in Club Membership. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 17. The report of the Selancor GMntta Recreation Club for the year 102. which is to be presented to the members at the annual fjcneia! meeiin:; on Saturday, states that 271 candidates for membership were elected
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  • 72 17 Armed Gang Murders Woman In Her Own House. (From Cur Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, June 18. A gang of men, armed with parangs, whr raided the house of a Chinese in Tanjong Tualontc. killed a woman and escaped undetected. The men lefi without any booty, although there was
    72 words
  • 76 17 i Prominent Counsel Engaged For the Defence. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, June 17. Tan Senng Chin, who is charged with insisting in the management of a oommon betting house in Penang Road was again brought up in court today. The case, was transferred to the District
    76 words
  • 109 17 In a recent report of the proceeding*! in the case against Noor Mohamed Virjibhai, a local Indian Mohammedan merchant, who was charged with counterfeiting a trade mark anil other offences under the Merchandise Marks Ordinance, we stated The accused contends that his design consists of the letteis
    109 words
  • 552 17 Feng Suggest a Truce. BUT CHIANG KAI-SHEK REFUSES TO RESIGN. Shanghai, June S. In an emphatic anpeal made to the Nationalist leaders ai d President Chiang Kai-shek, Marshal Feng Yu-hsiang, the vice-Commander-in-Chief of the ShansiKuominchun allies, baa addressed a long letter to President Chiang suggesting a
    552 words
  • 160 17 Profit of $113,806 Made During Last Year. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, June 18. For the year ended last March, the Pt-rak Turf Chili made a net profit of $113,806. A mortgage account of $4,000 from the estate of Loke War Tho was repaid during the year.
    160 words
  • 75 17 Lord Kenmare Selling Estate To Live in England. The Earl of Kenmarc hus decided ».o sell his Irish estates and take up his residence in England. The property includes the Lakes of Killarney and adjacent lands, which have been in the possession of the family, with one
    75 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 84 17 M Gorcrnor Commander lit Appointment a f/ to His -Jit* °f ihc Straits Settlements, H ok Con iBtioner ~!^E5 for ihc Malay States Sir Cecil dementi and Brunei The Standard of Comparison The reputation of Wakefield CASTROL Motor Oil as "The Standard of Comparison has been challenged time and
      84 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 184 18 Sankey Sheldon Steel Furniture BRITISH MADE. STEEL STORAGE SHELVING BUILT TO CUSTOMER'S SPECIFICATIONS. Quotations Submitted on Application. ALSO STOCKS OF PILING CABINETS, STORAGE CUPBOARDS, PLAN KILLS, INVOICE FILES, JUMBO FILES, CARD INDEX DRAWERS, etc., etc. Patcrson, Simons Co., Ltd. Office Equipment Showroom at 2, PRINCE STREET. PtMM -'700, Office Equipment
      184 words
    • 52 18 Highway or Skyway, factory or field, the j mark of Goodyear /%XM I excellence extends I around the world. JM Kem ember this when JM you buy a tyre. 3 rlri 1 jg^ jl BJBPB-wMIHvb b iBbH 1 V*w l^a^^^ i Imiiibmii la— il i fWP' 1 Sole Amenta MALAYAN
      52 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 556 19 AaMjifl exceed $11,000,000. Aswrance m force over $38,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. lincorporatid In ths Straits SattU*«nU.) HEAD OFFICE Winchester Hoot*, Singapore. LONDON OfVICI 17, 014 Js»rf, feC Ths Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of Engftai fad coatp!t*w vtta ths Brltisa Life Assoranc* Conpanlas
      556 words
    • 566 19 BANKING NEDERLANSCH INDISCHE HANDELSBANK. Established 1863 at Amsterdam Authorised Capital Glds. 100,000,000 (abont £8,600,000) Paid op Capital Gld*. 66,000,000 (aboat £4,600,000) Reserves Gld*. 27,186.366 (about £2,270,000) HEAD OFFICE AMSTERDAM BRANCH OFFICES THE HAGUE, ROTTERDAM. OVERSEAS BRANCHES t BATAVIA Head Office for Dutch East Indies. SHANGHAI Head Office for China and
      566 words
    • 652 19 BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED. (Incorporated by Special Charter in Japan) Capital Subscribed Y15.000.000 Capital Paid-up Y12.126.000 President S. Shimada, Esq. DIRECTORS T. Hisamune. Esq. M. Araki. Eaq. N. Yanasrita, Esq. N. Takaei. Esq. T. Yoshida, Esq. HEAD OFFICE Taipeh, Formosa (Taiwan) BRANCHES AND AGENCIES Amoy Hong Kong Makong
      652 words
    • 228 19 INSURANCE COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. ('lncorporated in England) Fir*, Life, Marin*. Accident, Guarantee and Motor. Assets £60,000,000 ABTHUB C. POTTS— Manager and Underwriter, Eastern Branch, Singapore. THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY DOES A World Wide Business. IS Enjoying Rapid Growth. HAS A Policy for Every Need. Established 1887 Branch
      228 words
    • 247 19 J\ w~ i) #y I IK '4% Bator II I Gloriously Alive Always Not a care in the world they can dance all night because they are gloriously alive gloriously healthy and fit. Hall's Wine has supplied them with both mental and physical reserves of power, which enable them to
      247 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 175 20 \jss\el >_ A SECOND-HAND MORRIS LASTS, RIDES and PERFORMS EXCELLENTLY DEPRECIATION on a Morris car is very low. The materials used in its construction, and the soundness and simplicity of its design, definitely ensure long life, freedom from mechanical trouble, and lasting comfort If you do not require a new;
      175 words
    • 138 20 m i "^D.tH.O. WILLS BRISTOH LONDON" cleans teeth massages giims^B BEAUTIFUL, clean, white teeth, and firm gums, rosy with health come from regular brushing with a Tufted Pro-phy-lac-tic Tooth Brush. Recommended by dentists for over forty years, its notched bristlesurfaceandtuftedend reach in toeverytinycrevice between the teeth, behind the molars, around
      138 words
    • 149 20 THE OCEAN ACCIDENT AND GUARANTEE CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in Great Britain) Hm4 OJEm for Mala;a SINGAPORE. FERTILIZERS Dry Neutral British Sulphate of Ammonia, 21% Nitrogen. Sulphate of Potash, minimum purity 90% X SO 2 4 Superphosphate 18/20% water soluble phos. acid. Specially prepared for TROPICAL SOILS and CROPS, RUBBER ESTATES,
      149 words