The Straits Times, 11 February 1930

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 122 1 Ny Carlsberg Beer In bottiM and on draotht. Bole Importers EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD. (Inc. to Denmark SINGAPORE. ANOTHER BRITISH WORLD RECORD, During Christmas Week 1929, PALETHORPES, LTD., of Tipton, England, manufactured and despatched over 211 tons of Royal Cambridge Sausages, equivalent to a string of Sausages from Singapore to
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    • 193 1 ROBINSON CO., LTD. We have pleasure in announcing a special display during this week of DAY and EVENING GOWNS Occasions. JHjlj fS^L Wear The special shipment which has just been received contains many advance models and those of discriminating taste will be entranced with the dainty appeal of these gowns.
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    • 17 1 1 Prime Portland/ "0 X" CEMENT EAST ASIATIC 1 CO., LTD. (Inc. in Licnr.u ki I BINGAPOKE.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 644 2 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS. (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA) TO LONDON Naples, Marseilles, London, Antwerp and Rotterdam. Vessels Tonnage Due Sail lIAKIJSAN MAIiU lUH Feb. 11 U t KITANO MARU 8,000 Fob. 27 28 HARIJNA MARU 10,500 Mar. 13 74 t KAMO MARU 8,000 Mar. 27 28 KATUKI MARU 10,000 Apl. 10 11 ATSUTA
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    • 526 2 BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in England) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELUUUaUtH, VIA JAVA, UAKWIN AMU THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly sailings by the wellknown steamer MARELLA (7E65 tons) and the new motor vessel, MALABAR (4612 tons). The s.s. MARELLA is one of the largest and finest steamers trading to Australia, cabins
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    • 604 2 K. P. M. (ROYAL PACKET NAY. CO. OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated in Holland) Under contract with NETHERLANDS INDIAN GOVERNMENT. Telephone No. 3640, with rab-eonneetioni to Passage, Freight, Transhipment, Maria* Depth-, and Manager's Desk. Reorescntative for Singapore and Straita Settlements of the Official Tourist* Burn* of Java. RKYNST— February 12, Sourabaya, Boeleleng
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    • 488 2 THE SIAM STEAM NAY. CO., LTD: (Incorporated in Siam) BANGKOK COAS"I.\'G SERVICE For Krctay, Tnngganu, Ki-lantan, Uangnara, Telupin, Patani, Sirgora, Lacon, Sichon, Bandon, Kobsamui, Langsuan, Chumpon and Bangkok. Arrival Departure MAI.INI a pan n SUDDHADIB Fab. 17 K.I. 19 VALAYA U Feb. H\ The iteamers are fitted throughout with electric
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 467 3 DUTCH MAILS N.V. Stoomvahrt Maatschappij Nederland and N.V. Rotterdcunsche Lloyd WEEKLY MAIL and PASSENGER SERVICE TO Genoa Amsterdam Southampton Msrwillee Rotterdam Tonnafe s.s. Insulin-le 10,000 R.L. Feb. 14 »j. Prins der Ned. 9,200 S.M.N. Feb. 21 a.a. Ijerimai R.L. Feb. 28 m.i. Chr. Huyg^ni 15,000 S.M.N. Mar. 7 S.S.
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    • 497 3 BLUE FUNNEL LINE TJ&S. PROTESILAUS Loads at Singapore for VICTORIA EC, VANCOUVER and SEATTLE, giving direct delivery at these ports without transhipment. Takes cargo on through bills of lading for all OVERLAND POINTS in CANADA and the UNITED STATES of AMERICA also for MONTREAL (with transhipment at VANCOUVER and thence
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  • 1236 4 Filipinos Attacked Their Homes Raided. As has Ions: been feared by student* of American social problems, serious trouble has broken out in California between white Americans and Filipinos. Two hundred men surrounded the Northern Monterey Filipino Club at Palm Heath, on Jan. 22, and attempted to
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  • 125 4 Film Studio Destroyed Within An Hour. London, Jan. 19. In the early hours of this morning Poole Street, Islington, presented scenes similar to those witnessed during a wartime air raid. Hundreds of tenants, on improvised beds, were in the streets, fearing to retire lest the l
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  • 377 4 Purdah System Denounced In Bombay. Bombay, Jan. 23. Resolutions condemning the purdah system and the agitation against the Sarda Act were adopted by the All-India Women's Conference here today. A number of other iniportant resolutions regarding the social conditions of women were adopted. The first urged
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  • 51 4 Tho firms of H. Davis and Co., Incorporated Accountants, Kuala Lumpur and Ipoh, and Payne and Stirling, Incorporated Accountants, Kuala Lumpur and Ipoh. have been amalgamated under the nnme of Payne, Davis and Co. Mr. W. .7., the manager of Payne and Stirling, has joined the firm as a
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  • 322 4 People's Bill of Rights Framed. Nanking, Jan. 19. What is virtually a "Bill of Rights for the people has been submitted to the Central Political Council for consideration. Previous to its submission, the proposal had undergone careful examination by W*aag C^ung-hui, Tan Yen-kai and Hu Han-min, respectively
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  • 108 4 Kin'? Faisal's Glowing Tribute. Baghdad, Jan. 18. A bast of the late Miss Gertrude Be 1 for which subscriptions were received fiom admirers i" ail parts rf the world. Wl unveiled today at the Iraq Museum, which she founded. The High Commissioner asked Kin? Faisal to accept
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  • 379 4 Canton Gunboats Tackle A Hornet's Nest. Canton, Jan. 21. Severe fighting is reported to be going on in Hainan Island between landing partial from Admiral Chen Chak's flotilla end the insurgents. The latter are under the leadership of I. v Man and Wu Tao Nan, two
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  • 42 4 A Mb-eommittea of the Malacca Rural Bo&rd on Monday last wrestled with 27 appeals aeainst the new assessments of property in Tanjong Kling Road. Thirteen of ths anpcllants were ropre«ent<vj by Mr. W. F. Zchndcr. Some were successful and others were not.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 135 4 The Public Decides ON There are more Frigidaircs H^BP""PHH! 99| Sold throughout the World than Ik L|ii all other makes of electric re- J3g iEo jtf& frigerators combined. 1 lr~J SZJI *»j The Public demands value for j|s JjTfl JJfr I money that is why Frigi- gJlg^jV^ 'ZT r *lW
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    • 12 4 a^p^BV oh jfci§r^2fc(tj v^iw£b2u sbbb^^ mP^M Law «3BSmmBHT f "nfttnSn* Vj|u«lfA <-■ l-^v
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 260 5 The same unique tobacco leaf ,>^ State E xpress 999 Cigarettes Mgji contiiin that same unique ;^P^^^3^'/^^v/ tobacco leaf which has made a more economical price, and arc GUARANTEED to he identical with 555 in every respect except that WE FURTHER GUARANTEE they are not made by hand. that State
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    • 197 5 THE 1930 SINGER JUNIOR SPORTSMAN'S COUPE Here is a car for the sportsman vi'Jio apprcciftt a rmarl and very comfortable light car. Tv>o wide doors, spacious tugga^e CfMpartflUßt, two small tip-up rear seats, above all, luxuriously finished irit?ricr. $1,75G OTHER MODELS FOUR SE\TER TOURER, ROADSTER, TWO-SFATEI SPORT, FOUR-SEATER SALOON. The
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 642 6 hOKKIDCK At the General Hospital. Singa- on Feb. l». IMO, to Mr. an>l Mrs. r. K. Horridge, v daughter. SITUATIONS VACANT When applying for aay posltloa advertised In these columns send copies of testimonials. Do not send originals. FILLY QUALIFIED Chinese shorthand typist required for European firm. Repl) 271, Straits
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    • 674 6 MOTOR VEHICLES FOR SALE, Citroen two-seater 7.5 h.p. ia Rood condition. $200, or nearest offer. Apply 2S6, Straits Times. MORRIS-COWLEY, four seatcr, owner driven, in good running order, used daily. $300 or near offer. Apply Robinson Piano Co., Ltd. 1928 BUICK, completely overhauled and cepainted, $1,000. Hire-purchase terms can he
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    • 878 6 BOARD AND LODGING BEACH HOTEL, 89, East Coait Road. Seairont, comfortable and cheap rates. VICE HOME, very comfortable, one vacancy. Only Britishers need apply. Telephone 331'J. THE BRANCHES, 319, River Valley Road. Comfortable rooms. Terms moderate, Phone 4104. DOUBLE ROOM, verandah and bathroom, vacant, also lingle. 29, Killiney Rd. Phene
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    • 875 6 OFFICES AND GODOWNS I TO LET, RmflUi Chambers, Nos. 8, 10, 40, 41, 43, 46. Apply to the Secretary. The Garden Club. SPACIOUS GODOWN, No. 98, Robinson Road, ground floor. Immediate entry. Apply '237, Straits Time*. TO LET, spacious office in Robinson Road. Use of lift. Full particulars en application
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    • 644 6 WAR DEPARTMENT CONTRACTS Sealed tenders will be received at the Headquarters Offce, Fort Canning, Singapore at 10 ».m. on Tuesday, Feb. 25, 1U30 for: Bread. Meat. Groceries. Cold Storage Supplies. Hospital and Detention Bnrr.ick Supplies. Non-Europu.iii Supplier. Forage. Petrol. and at 10 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 27, 1930 for Fuel
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    • 805 6 VALUABLE RESIDENTIAL ALLOTMENT To be sold by public auction at MuaJ. on March 8, 1930, at 2 p.m. sharp. STATE OF JOHORE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OK THE JUDGI AT Ml'AK. MisccllaneoUN Application No. 247 or 1929. 1 1, the matter of the Registration of Title* under the Land Knartment
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 596 7 LATEST HCTION MtYKNTIKES OF THE SCARLET IMMrKKNKI.. by Barunt-BK Orciy Krum tl:c terror of Ihp Kn-nch revolution i-merited episodes of chivalry and valour which huvi- animated the minds of mon and women evor since J3.09 THE ROMANTIC I'KINCK, by Rafael Sahatini. This, his Inlet novel, is a poworfal story of
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    • 456 7 GREEN MANURE SEED THE PAMANOEKAN TJIASSEM COMPANY, JAVA. (TUE ANGLO-DUTCH PLANTATIONS OF JAVA, LTD., LONDON) NEW CROP. The above Company will have available (oi asle from Jan. 1, 1930, considerable quantitici) ot Seed in the following Green Manun types PRICE. Per picul e.i.f. TYPES. Singapore. Centroncma Ploemierl 17.00 Vigna Hoael
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    • 331 7 TROUBLED WITH ECZEiJL» Itched and Burned. Was Inflamed. Cuticiira Heated. "I was troublvi for same 1'.~.. ;> dry eczema which LlluaHHml 111 1 I pies en ir.y rbr:head and en ;r i it it'.hed and bamed ond was lofls ruu. I was ash: m;d t.i r o cv; <j:\ aci::i'.r..
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    • 310 7 I a^ '*F LIONEL BARNETT. The World's most beautiful Child was given Virol from Birth "We owe thanks to Virol for the splendid specimen of British boyhood. I took Virol i myself before baby was born. Since his birth Virol has been J| part of his daily diet. He hat
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    • 103 7 LEYLAND KEEP TO THE Jtfo WHITE LINE jHM DRIVING y^i^Im^D A BRITISH RUBBER BELT Sole Agents for Malaya EN TR A I I I ItNCINC WORKS LT°lL T °1 Im I SINGAPORE IPOH KUALA LUMPUR. $*m. Smoked by the Elite Jr%s»dKF** of Five Continents fT^ 6GYPTIAN eiGAR6TT6S'U- from John
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  • 2569 8 His Majesty has a Busy Time The Prince's Return Trip. LIBERAL SQUABBLES. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. IG. When the King comes to London on Monday to open the Naval Conference the next day he will make a very short stay, tr turning to Bandrinfrhani bo
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  • 131 8 Debt Repudiation Talk Condemned. The urgent need for a Liberal mobilisation of forces to fight the present system of government on the one hand and anarchy on the other was emphasised by speakers at a meetin.;: cf the Council of the Western India Liberal Association. which adopted
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  • 161 8 Fought the Rats In Flanders. Jack of Putney," one of the do? heroes of the War, recently died at the: grand old age of 22. On the Western Front he moved about in the British trenches, doing his bit by '.-hocking th? I groat menace the rat
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  • 1133 8 Advertising Barred. OBJECTIONS TO 8 HOUR DAY FOR CLERKS. When the Bar of England holds its annual meeting in the Inner Temple on the 17«.h inst., with Sir William Jowitt, the Attorney-General, in the chair, it will have before it a statement by the General
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  • 173 8 New World Entertains Large Gathering. The festivities at the New World, Jalan Bcsar, were somewhat marred by a heavy downpour of rain on Saturday afternoon, when the management entertained members of the public to a tea-party in celebration of the Chinese New Year. In spite of the
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  • 142 8 Will They be Abolished In Australia The Minister for Home Affairs (Mr. A. Blakeley) who passed through Adelaide yesterday on his return from Broken Hill, explaining proposals of the Federal Parliament on the question of the abolition of State Parliaments, stated that if the people, by referendum, supported
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 102 8 Van Hin Furniture Co., Established 1903. NO6. 132 and 134, ORCHARD ROAD. Telephone 4144. Manufacturers and Designers of any kind of Furniture. Furniture Suppliers to the New Municipal Offices and Quarters. Special price given for Flats, Clubs and Messea. Inspection cordially invited to Our Showroom at No. 120, ORCHARD ROAD.
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    • 139 8 DANISH PORTLAND CEMENT O Agent* G. H. SLOT CO., LTD. PENANG AND SINGAPORE. Stocks carried. Large supplies can be arranged for contract delivery. YOUR NEXT HOLIDAY TO AUSTRALIA. TOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to Inspect the GREATEST COLLECTION of Quality Shot Guns and Rifles— and Fishing Tackk Catalogue sent on reqnest
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 248 9 VICTORIA THEATRE Enormous Success. LAST THREE NIGHTS TWICE NIGHTLY 6.15 and 9.30 P.M. THE TRIAL OF MARY DUGAN Also "THE INTERNATIONAL REVUE." EVENING DRESS IS NOT ESSENTIAL. Booking at LITTLE'S. Popular Prices S2 and $1. Friday, February 14 FOB ONi: UCTTAL ONLY. ROBERT SCHMITZ Tho Ctkb rated French Pianist. Hooking
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    • 363 9 Raffles^ Hotel MURA SMIRNOVA THE WELL KNOWN SHANGHAI DANCER APPEARS DURING TEA DANCES DINNER DANCES Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SUNDAY, 9.00 P.M. ORCHESTRAL CONCERT DINE AT RAFFLES GRILI Sea View Hotel All Rooms fitted with Modern Conveniences. CINEMA (WET OR FLNE) m THURSDAY. FEB. 13. SPECIAL I£A THE
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    • 339 9 *i ALHAMBRA ANNOUNCEMENT Owing to final preparations in installing the Famous Western Electric Talking System, the Alhambra Theatre will be closed from tonight until further notice. Watch this space FOR OUR GALA OPENING NIGHT i VICTORIA THEATRE, TONIGHT JL Deiui 1 %B#*JzZ, I I II ww i 1-/ 4»ivwujNEa«^_NoeMA sHEAeea
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  • 886 10 SHIPPING NOTES, Insurance to (over The Risk. The ai:nounti ment nf mother mail-bag robbery brings the total [or i'J2i) up'to 6a, an average of more thaq one every fiv_' days throughout the twelve months. Early last yiar the Poatnuwter-GwBWBl told the Boom ot ComrooM that there had been
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  • 286 10 EXCHANGES. SinKapore, Feb. 11. On London, Bank 4 m s 2/3 15/18 Demand 2/3% Private 3 m. credit 2/4 3/16 On New York, demand 66', Private 90 d/e 67 H On France, Bank T.T. 1480 On India, Benk T.T. i;,i On Hour Kon B Bank
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  • 595 10 Check to India's Development. Addressing the Indian section of the Su.-ii-ty of Arts of India's ecoiumic progress, Sir Basil Blackett dwelt on the immense pio.iomic developments since 1900, which required n corresponding change of mentality la Urn business community of Britain, lie ureed the need for greater
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  • 150 10 Rose Macphail Penman, Ltd. Singapore, Feb. 11. London. Rubber 1~»A., up l-16d. London. -Tin £178 3-16., down 'v. Mining.— Steady. Sun/ci Ways 3.33-3.45, kuchais 1.26-1.29, Kinta Dredge I.HS-1.40, Klang Rivers 2.20-2..i0, Hong Fatt 65-70 cents, Slalaya CaaaaU. 33-35 cnts f Penawats 74-77 cents, Pctalings 5.40-5.50, Batu Caves
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  • 60 10 Henderson, Helm and Company, Inc., NY.v York, send us the following cable (iaU'd February 10, their quotations being in gold dollar cents closing bid prices Rubber Exchanges sales today 725 tons. February 15.50, March 15.70, April 15.90, May IG.IO, June 16.30, July 16.50, August 16.70, September 17, October
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  • 160 10 Programme of drills up to and for week ending Keb. 16 Tuesday, Feb. 11, 5.15 p.m.. Drill Hall, "C" (Scottish) Co., Weapon Training. Wednesday, Feb. 12, 5.15 p.m., Drill Hall, "A" (HO.) Co., 30 Yards Range and Recruits Drill J Ml p.m.. Drill Hall, "C" (Scottishi Co. Weapon
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    • 478 10 Vul. I'd. Buyers Seller! £1 £1 Asam Kumbanff 36'- td. 5 ."j .Ay.r Ilitam Tilt 14/- 14/9 n £1 Hungriii Tin 2U/6 21/6 1 1 HutiiiiK l'auung Mi U.Li 1 1 Batu Caves (1.95 1.00 1 1 Huk.t A rung O.iH) 3.00 11 .£1 »urmah Malay 22/6 23 6
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    • 223 10 V»l. I'd. Boyen S«U«ra 2 2 Al«x. Brick Prefs. 2.07>.-i 2.17' i 2 2 Alex. Brick Ords. 2.75 2.1)0 II £1 Brit. Am. Tobacco 6.12.6 5.15.0 1 1 Central Engine 0.40 0.50 1 1 Cycle and CarrUg* 0.45 0.55 10s. 10s. Duff Development 5 7,--6 Sd. Dunlop Rubber 13/6
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    • 96 10 Singapore Cold Storage 7 p.e. deb. of 1926 red. 1931-36 101 1CI cL Singapore Municipal 6 p.c. of 1901 red. 1930 $1378,000 par. 6% prem. Singapore Municipal 4Vi p.e. of 1907 red. 1947 $1,600,000 pax. Singapore Municipal 4V4 p.c. of 1909 red. 19C6 $1,000,000 96 par. Singapore
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    • 378 10 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt's quotations. To-day's Prices Fraser Lyall Co. Evatt Allcnby ($1 Alor (.-.jut. ill) A. Hit im ($1) A. (fl) A. Malay ($2) A. Molck >M i A. Panas <>li iMMtt (ID liroira> ($1) Brunei ((6) B. Jelutong ($1) H. Kntil (Sli
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  • 264 10 Today. Ceylon, Southern and Western India (Achilles) 2 p.m. China, Hainam, Japan, Korea, Formosa, East Siberia, Western Canada and Western States of U.S.A. (Katori Maru) 2 p.m. Mm (except Lower Siam (Kepong) 2 p.m. Pontiaaak iKhoen Hoeal 3 North, N. East and N. West Sumatra (Selangorl
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  • 40 10 By Khyher Kajputana D'Artngnun P. C. Hoolt Sibajak Eera l.iri »rro. B'porc London J»n. 4 Jan. 28 Jan. 9 fed. 1 Jan. 9 Feb. 1 Jan. 10 Feb. 1 Jan. 17 Feb. 6 Jan. 16 Feb. 8
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  • 259 10 SECOND PROFESSIONAL MEETING, FEB. 1930. Ist Day, Saturday, Feb. 16, 1930. 2nd Day, Wednesday, Feb. 19, 1930. 3rd Day, Saturday, Feb. 22, ISI3O. Commencing at 2.15 p.m. each diy. THREE runs for Horses Class 2 and the <ame for Horses Classes 4 and 5 combined. Five furlongs,
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  • 390 10 KErPEL HARBOUR. .Main Wharf Drrif f, Tembakul, Tuc BeIan^K.i:., Lucifer, ki hr'ocng, Th»- Cabl*, laUnder, i .!>. Hounds 7 ami S. Ban Ho Cuiin, H. I-jfti. ClNt, Tomioara, \V. lit. Junnnnu. Oil Wharf Nil. .ill Wharf Aul"nt. VLSSELS IX DRY DOCKS. Tanjong Pacar. Albert Dock Nil.
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  • 237 10 The following passengers arrived on the s.s. Melchior Treub today From Sourubuyu. Mr. Ennenga, Mr. and Mrs. Dempster and .-on, Mr. and Mrs. Dekker Hissink, Mrs. J. A. 11. Brown, Mrs. Chia Hu Bin, Mr. J. C. Cook, Mr. J. C. Cook, Jr., Mr. J. W. Jacks.m, Mr. V.
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  • 43 10 From Holland and (Uiin;iny, l.y Christiaan rfluygens, due at Sinjrupon; 'J a.m. to-morrow. From China and Japan, by Hakusan Marti, due at Singapore ttHBOROW. From Europe (London mails despatched on Jan. 2;>> by Kajulu, due nt Pcnantr t> a.m. on Friday.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 88 10 GRAND CLEARANCE SALE We offer to the public OUR ENTIRE STOCK at a REDUCTION OF 30 PER CENT. on all of our already competitive marked prices which remain UNCHANGED. Every- crticle is 01 well known manufacture and of flrst-class quality. COMMENCING FROM WEDNESDAY, FEB. 12 TO FEB. 28. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS
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    • 171 10 CAUTION NOTICE is hereby given that the following Trade Mark BANGLE is registered in Great Britain under the Trade Marks Acts 1905-1919 under No. 50C9C4 in Class 45 and dated Oct. 16. IMt, aj the exclusive property of Carreras, Limited, of Arcadia Works, Hampstead Road, London, N.W.1., England, in respect
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 257 10 ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE WEEK. VucKdiy. February 11 H W 7 Mi a m it. 3 in.. 10,'Jfi p.m., 8 ft. Mail for Australia cloMS, 0 p.m. The Triul of Mary Outran," Talking Picture at Vic. Theatre, G.15 and M> p.m.* Madam Kclvry's Pupils, Adelphi Hotel. Wednesday, February 12 H. W.
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  • 907 11 No Effect Yet from Tin Restriction. RUBBER STOCKS STILL INCREASING. (By Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore, Tuesday, 11 a.m. Today's Prices Rubber. 25 S cts. per lb. Tir. 100 tons at S89', per pirul. Yesterday's Prices Rubber. London 7 ';»<]. per lb., up I Hiil. New York I.')',
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    • 1495 11 Increase in Exports And Imports. The year 1929 was a record breaker in the foreign trade of the United States, according to a statement by Mr. W. L. Cooper, Director of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, both exports and imports showing- an
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    • 63 11 Tone of Market Quiet. Latest Cable London Spot Sheet 7%d. per lb. New York Spot Sheet G. cents 15% per lb. t.S.S. equal to London Standard Itandard B.S.S. on Tender Spot February March April April-Juno July-Sept. 25* i 26 V 4 27 27 V, 28%
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    • 772 11 Attitude of Growers And Consumers. Bradford as a wool-consuming centre appears to have become very unpopular with wool growers in Australia and New Zealand. The protracted full in wool prices is not only of great financial importance to producers, but has surprised them a geod deal. They seem,
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    • 480 11 Publications Available For Public Use. The following publications have been received during the week ending Feb. 1, and are available for public use in the reference library of the Department of Statistics, S.S and F.M.S., Fullerton Building Argentine Republic Journal of the British Chamber of Commerce in Argentine
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    • 410 11 Dutch Bonds from Good Investment. For 11C years that is 'to say from the establishment of Colonial Government ;n 1798 to tlic outbreak of the Great War in 19U, the aggregate ordinary revenue of the Dutch East Indies exceeded expenditure, totn ordinary and extraordinary. From 190ft to
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    • 768 11 Sixty Per Cent Dividend For the Year. The ninth annual general meeting of I'ctaling Tin. Ltd.. will be held nt Ipoh, on Saturday. The directors' report to the shareholders is ns follows The directors beg to submit to the shareholders the account; of the company for the
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    • 74 11 Rugby, Feb. 10. Foreign exchanges are Amsterdam 12.12%, Athens 375, Bombay Is. 5 29-32 d., Berlin 20.365, Brussels 34.906, Bucharest f>lB, Buenos Aires *3%, -€opejihajren 18.175, Geneva 25.195, Hclsingfors 1 U:« Hong Kong Is. 1..1.. Lisbon 108.25. Madrid 37.325, Milan 92.911, New York 4.86 5-16, Oslo 18.21, Paris 124.17.
      British Wireless  -  74 words
  • 1133 11  -  A. W. Still.) (Hy The Constitution of The Industry. 4 GROWING FEELING OF DISSATISFACTION. liOndon, Jan. IS. We had the spot price of rubber as low as 7d. two days ago, and, though thero has been a slight recovery, it may go as low again before there
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  • Page 11 Advertisements

  • 1115 12 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11. ENGLAND'S WORST PROBLEM. Figures of unemployment available when the mail left Home would seem to bear out a recent remark by our London correspondent that up to the present Mr. J. H. Thomas has not proved very successful in his search for a
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  • 1906 12 The Chains of a Western Civilisation. (By Putnam Weale.) Peking, Jan. 19:10. At the end of the old year, without negotiation, the Nankin? Government duly denounced the extra-territorial rights of the Powers, being careful to declare that this pronunciamento, which vitally affects half-a-million Europeans, Americans and
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  • 301 12 Mr. and Mrs. Ontr Yee Lim of Kuala Lumpur are en a visit to Singapore. The Kon'ble Mr. Wong Yick Tong, J.P.. C.H., M.F.C., M.S.C., of Kuala Lumpur, is indisposed and has been confined to bed since Tuesday of last week. At St. George's Church, Penang, yesterday,
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  • 791 12 GOING HOME? To those lucky enough toite going Home on leave this year, (or, hictcier still, for food) a little booklot calendar issued by the Travel Association of Great Britain and Ireland should ensure that they will miss nothing of importance during their holiday. Wherever their
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  • 56 12 The following have been appointed as a committee under the Women and Girls I'rotection Ordinance Mrs. R. K. Holttura (honorary secretary), Mrs. A. M. Goodman, Mrs. Lee Choon Guan, Mm. S. Q. Wong, Mrs. J. C. Tull. Mrs. R. E. Prentis, Mrs. Joseph Lee, Mrs. W. G. Stirling, Mrs. Ng
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 219 12 OLD BOYS' AND REGIMENTAL TIES in best quality Silk Repp. The following are always in stock or coming round. Price $3.00 each nett. f^^k '■'•''d only to authorised Wearers. j^^^S OLD HOYS Old Allcyrian. j Old Lorettonian. \^^^f r dinnley. Malvernian. (321/ J l! lf( "-di"»- Mancunian. V^^B i^ilily Bedford
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    • 101 12 ALHAMBRA ANNOUNCEMENT Owing to final preparations in installing the Famous Western Electric Talking System, the Alhambra Theatre will be closed from to-night until further notice. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR OUR GALA OPENING NIGHT. COLUMBIA Lecture Records BT THE INTERNATIONAL EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY, LONDON. The lectures are given by scholars of all
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  • 505 13 MR. SNOWDEN'S STARTLING FIGURES. £1,000 A MINUTE FOR WAR PURPOSES. What Britain Spends. SNOWDEN ON ARMAMENT BURDENS. Rugby, Feb. 10. Striking facts, on the burden of armaments, were given by Mr. Philip Snowden, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, in a wireless talk relayed from London
    British Wireless  -  505 words
  • 975 13 "Progress Made AH Along The Line." f SUBMARINES NEXT. Today's Open Plenary f Session Discussion. RiiKhy, Feb. 10. The Prime Minister, at the invitation of Me. Stanley Baldwin, made a short statement in the Hous" of Commons this •vcr.inu on the pi UK I CM of the
    Reuter  -  975 words
  • 76 13 Ex-Minister Searched Legation Raided. Mexico City, Feb. 10. M. Makar, the Soviet Minister, who was returning to Russia in consequence of the r'.-ccnt rupture of diplomatic relations, w.r; held up at Vera Cruz by the polic;, who broke the diplomatic seals of his trunks and
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 97 13 Absolute Prohibition A Failure. Geneva, Feb. 10The Opium Commission has considered tho report of thf> United States Governlaent on the opium traffic in the Philippines in 1927-28. Sir John Campbell, India, said a system of absolute prohibition aad not produced the expected results. Despite prohibition :i ijiirntity of
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 175 13 Obscene Charge Dropped By Police. i .Mr. H. Rhri— I. of the Churchill and Tait Shows in Aasian Road, appeared be•ihe Third Police Magistrate (Mr. C. S. Findlay) this mrrning on a summons I charging him exhibiting an obscene i film at the Shows, and to
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  • 62 13 More Trouble in Chengchow Area. A Sin Kuo Mm message from Shanghai states that Generals Sliih Yu-san and Har r*U«chn report that trains have been helo up at Kaifenz and Lunghai. The railwaj service ha? been again interrupted sinct Sunday night. (.eneral Han Fu-chu has wired to
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  • 41 13 French President Decorates An Ambassador. Paris, Feb. 10. M. Doumergue received the Japanes" Ambassador, Mr. M. Adatci, who paid him a visit before leaving Paris. M. Doumerguc conferred on Mr. Adatci ml Cross of the Legion i.{ Honour. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 98 13 3 People Injured Much Damage Done. A Sin Kuo Mm message from N"'ikingi sates that a magazine situated at Mcunt j Huaycn, Chingliang Hill, in which 600 j a- vuplanc bombs, 400 cases of ammunition! :<nd a largo quantity of ammunition was j Stored, exploded en Saturday latt
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  • 59 13 Marshal Feng Calls For Doctors. Marshal Feng, according to' a Sin Kuo Mm message, has wired to Mai: hal Yen Shi-shan asking him to send doctors as speedily as possible, rs 1,000 Soviet Stragglers hive divided into two groups and are committing murder anj arson over
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  • 25 13 The Dutch air liner the P.K.— A. F.B. taking on fuel at SeleUr in preparation for departure to Java this morning.
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  • 253 13 Why It Was Inaugurated. BOMB OUTRAGE AND GANG MURDERS. Chicago, Feb. 10. Roughly half the 917 suspected persons who were rounded-up in the course of i the no quarter invasion of the Chicago underworld on Sunday night last, havt I been since released. The absence from among
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  • 117 13 No Increase at Present Contemplated. London, Feb. 10. In the House of Commons this afternoon, in reply to questions, Mr. W. Wedgwood Benn, Secretary for India, said that, apart from small fluctuations due to seasonal movements, no change in the rumner of British troops in India has
    British Wireless  -  117 words
  • 55 13 Lists Closed As Soon As Opened. London, Feb. 10. The subscription lists for the New India (5 per cent, loan were closed almost immediately after they had been opened. The loan is one of £6.000,000 at 99, rfdeemable on June 15, 1932, at par or on June
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 132 13 Mr. Knatchbull-Hugessen's Appointment. The Kinjr has appointed Mr. Hughe Montgomery Knatchbull-Hugcssen, Councilor in the Diplomatic Service, to be Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni[itentiaiy at Riga, Tallin and Knovno. tJ: itish \V ire!e;-.s. Mr H. M. Knatchbull-Hugessen. C.M.G., las b.en Counsellor at the British Emba »y at Brussels
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  • 441 13 Two Killed Passenger's Heroism. London, Feb. 10. A Gol'ath aeroplane, which left Paris this morning, came down, near Mardcn, in Kent, and caught fire, two of the passengers being killed. The pilot was .severely injured, and the mechanic, the steward, r.nd the third passenger sustained slight injuries.
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  • 55 13 Many Generals Summoned To Attend. A Sin Kuo Mm message states that President Chiang Kai-shek has summoned the Hupeh Generals in command of the sth. 6th, 9th, 11th, 13th, and 48th divisions to Nanking to attei.'l a bi's military conference there. The Ciei ?rals have been ordered to
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  • 77 13 Reorganisation Plan Proposed. Moscow, Ftb. 11. The Soviet trade commissariat is being reorganised and special export depart ments arc being created to handle all foreign trade. Fourteen departments will be established for the export of oil, coal, matches etc. 10 departments will be created to deal with imports,
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 57 13 A Sin Kuo Mm mejjorijfc state:; i!i". f the League of Nations Secretariat has wired to the Nanking Fo;*eign Office inviting the Nationalist Government to forward proposals for revising the League Covenant, with a view to making it compatible with the Kellogg Pact. The League Secretariat
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  • 2023 13 Comfortable Armchair Passage." THE FIRST FLIGHT. 1 Enthusiastic Passengers At Singapore. The first commercial aeroplane to arrive at Singapore landed on the Splcta;aerodrome yesterday. Aircraft of all type,! have been here since 1 1 >•• War, but they have all been naval or Royal At:- Fore* machines,
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 71 13 TODAY'S 24 PAGES. Page j Light on China's Darkness. by Putnam Weale 12 Lighter Side of Life in London, by J. Jefferson FarJeon 17 London Letter 8 j Mr. Shelford's Criticism of Mr. Trimmer 19 Letters to the Editor 19 London Rubber Market, by A. W. Still 11 j l»ndon
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  • 1032 14 A Malayan Survey. LONDON CHAMBER TAKES ACTION. fc Since civil aviation has not yet started in Malaya, and preference will naturally he given to British products in any event, the following circular, has lu-en sent to the Singapore Chamber of Commerce by the London Chamber of Commerce,
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  • 514 14 First Class Liars Among Witnesses." (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Fob. 9. Further evidence was recorded by Inche Hamzah in the Coroner's Court, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday, in connection with the circumstances surrounding the deaih of a Sikh bullock-cart driver named Mahain Singh, whose body
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  • 297 14 Young Girl Severely Injured. An 11 year-old Straits-born Chinese girl who had to be carried into court owing to a fractured leg was the principal witness in a case oT rash driving which was heard by Mr. C. H. G.Tlarke, the Criminal District Judge, yesterday afternoon. The
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  • 77 14 More New Candidates Than Old Ones. Tokio, Feb. 9. The number of candidates nominated for the Diet, so far, totals 841, of whom 61 have withdrawn their names, while three have died. There are more new candidates than old ones. The Government has ordered Mr. Tsugita, chief of
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  • 59 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Feb. 8. On Saturday, Feb. 22, the Rantau Club aro holding a motor gymkhana r.t 3 p.m. Teas and refreshments will be served and a tea dance at 7 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. in the ballroom, where afterwards a cabafret auppci- in the
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  • 279 14 Publicity Campaign to Be Undertaken. At a committee meeting of the Singapore branch of the Royal Society of St. George, held in the Cricket Club on Monday, Feb. 3, the hon. treasurer reported that since the general meeting 02 members had paid their subscriptions for 1930, and
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  • 134 14 Mr. Choo Kia Peng Entertained. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 9. Mr. Choo Kia Peng, C.8.E., J.P., was the guest of honour at a function given at The Chinese Young Men's Society of Kuala Lumpur this afternoon, in view of the title of C.B.E.
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  • 219 14 Motor-Car Seized Without Authority. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Feb. 9. Before Mr. A. Gilmour on Saturday last at Jasin, three Chinese, named Ah Hec, Ah Sang and Ah Tung, were charged by Inspector Sullivan with using criminal force. It was alleged that the accused stopped a Fiat
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  • 191 14 Unable to Control Their Own Government. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 10. Mr. J. M. Sen Gupta, Mayor of Calcutta and a well-known member of Congress, arrived at Penang on Sunday by the s.s. Tilawa on a short visit to Malaya in order to recuperate his health,
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  • 66 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Feb. 8. Before Mr. A. C. Boyd, sitting as magistrate at the Alor Gajah Court, Inspector Smith charged S. Anthony Pillay, a clerk employed in the Tarnpin Rubber Company, and in such capacity being entrusted with 1276.91, with having committed criminal breach of
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  • 1089 14 Glowing Tributes From Bench and Bar. Tribute was paid in the Supreme Court, Singapore, this morning to tho memory of Sir Henry Hessey Johnston Gompertz, late Chief Justice of the F.M.S. The Chief Justice (Sir William MuriEon), who was accompanied on the Bench by Mr.
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  • 938 14 Sequel to Saw Mill Raid. POLICE FAIL TO PROVE GAMING CHARGE. The responsibility of a principal tenant of a private dwelling or business premises, for the misconduct of his employees was a point raised before Mr. P. S. Williams, the Second Police Magistrate yesterday afternoon when
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  • 154 14 Great Preparations In Penang. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 10. The Penang Chinese are preparing to celebrate the Chev Goh Meh on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Hundreds of Chinese ere arriving from all parts of the country to witness the unique spectacle which is only to
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  • 83 14 Chinese Rubber Dealer Convicted. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 10. In the local police court this morning judgment was delivered in the case in which Tan Kee Thow, the proprietor of Chop Teck Kee, was charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of five
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  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 983 15 SUNDAY'S YACHT RACING. Uneventful Sport. INVITATION FROM PORT DICKSON CLUB. Wiath'r conditions on Sunday for the Royal Singapore Yacht Club events were vi i y different from the last few weeks for in place of the steady nor Vaster a lisht and fickle
    983 words
  • 174 15 Many Horses and Ponies Reclassifled. Th" following list of amendments of the classification of horses and ponies has been issued l>\ th? Straits Racing Association Hones. Transfers Air Defence from class 1 to clasi J. Caliph from class 1 to class 2. Poppykar from claio 2 to class
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  • 77 15 Lancashire Amateur to Be Married. The cngrgemcnt of Miss Jean Lindsay Cowan, a daughter of Sir Henry and Lady Cowan, of UM Crow's Nest. Fairwaro, Sussex, and Ashley Gardens, S.W., to Mr. John Reginald Bcrnes, only son of Mr. and Mrs. \V. P. Bcrncs, of Aughton, Lancashire, has
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  • 76 15 Lindrum's 3,262 Recognised As World's Record. Walter Lindrum's application for official recognition of his break of 3,262, made ■gmiast Willie Smith last month, was trrantc I by the Billiards Associ.-uion and Control Council during' nail week. The previous highest break was 2,743, hy Smith, at Manchester, but
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  • 805 15 'Varsity Match Reflections. Oxford well deserved their win, and were full value for the nine points they were able to register. Moreover they possessed in Kobson a personality who dominated the game at all points, writes R. Coy«Smith in the Star. Not only did he score the
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  • 73 15 Tuesday, Feb. 11 Inter-Oom. Cup: Robinsons vs. A.P.C. (Replay). Wednesday, Feb. 12 Inter-Corn. Cup: Unltcers T§. N.T.S. Friday, Feb. 14 Inter-Corn. Cup: Mansfields vs. O.TJ.C. (Replay). Saturday, Feb. 1} Taiping Races, first day. Monday, Feb. 17 Inter-Corn. Cup: Straits Java Trading vs. Winners of Robinsons vs. A.P.C. Tuesday,
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  • 713 15 IRELAND'S RUGBY ALIENS." Plea for the London Irish. The old question of why Irish internationals living in London do not play for the London Irish Rugby Football Club was raised recently by C. W. Packford, of the Sporting Life. This writer received a leUer signed London Irishman which stated Why
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  • 190 15 Ladies' Cup at S.G.C. The following is the draw in the Ladies' Presentation Cup for competition by honorary lady members of the Singapore Golf Club with handicaps under ten Mrs. R. H. Wilson vs. Mrs. Elder. Mrs. E. A. Gibson vs. Mrs. G. C. Clarke. Mrs. Renton vs. Mrs.
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  • 1091 15 Socketting. NOT TO BE CURED BY MERE TIPS. My digestion being sound, and ray conscience crystal-clear, it is a long time since I was obliged to ride a nightmare. But when I was a small boy I took that imaginary exercise at least thrice a week,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 162 16 J^ MORE ff^ New Cars are o*a^> f'iM ~JL ML MV 'JF x •Jm I ij h *kJj>Wh' Than Any Other Make. Car manufacturers demand the highest quality tires. This year they are building more and better cars than during any like period in history, and it is significant that
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    • 241 16 Gloriously Alive —Always Not a care in the world they can dance all nijjht because they are gloriously alive gloriously healthy and fit. Hall's Wine has supplied them with both mental and physical reserves of power, which enable them to get a hundred per cent, out of life. Let Hall's
      241 words

  • 603 17 SHANGHAI BEGGAR NUISANCE. An Amusing Account Of Their Habits. Shanghai, Jan. The Shanghai htgget season, which is the aMMt mi:eral)le part of the year in the China metropolis, is now in full swing. Like chilblains, red noses, hot whisky and spots, the presence of beggars in the Internati.iru-.l Settlement is
    603 words
  • 269 17 Macedonia Passenger's Story. Hong Kong, Jan. 31. According to a passenger on the P. and O. Macedonia, which arrived here yesterday, the S.O.S. from the Norwegian steamer Brauland, which went agrounii between the Bombay Reef and the Paracels, was picked up by the Macedonia just before
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  • 42 17 The next Assizes a*. Singapore will bepin on Tuesday, March 4, at 11 a.m. The poUet arc advertising for the owner <>f the twenty thousand goildin recently iie,)ositi'<l with Mr. Adam Saiboo, as narrated in iur polici KW1 a few days ay.<.
    42 words
  • 1477 17 The Magic of Leicester Square Doug Tames The Shrew Shakespeare With An American Accent An Experience Not To Be Repeated The Amazing Sundew Filming A Real Air Tragedy The Last Hours of a Doomed Ship An AIU British Film To Be Proud Of.
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  • 394 17 Barmaids Animate Trade In Berlin. Barmaids have become as important a fixture in Beilin bars as was the brass rail in pre-prohibition American saloons. Germans and tourists alike show a decided preference for bars where even-ing-gowned members of the fair sex shake wicked cocktail mixer. Luxurious bars
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  • 330 17 Ibn Sa'ud Declines To Enter Iraq. Baghdad, Jan. 22. A change of plans in connection with the forthcoming c.nHiinie between the Arab kings is announced. King Ibn Sa'ud poUtoiy declines to enter Iraq territory, where the Government of Iraq proposed to entertain him, and suggests instead
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  • 116 17 500- WORD HISTORY OF U.S. Ex-President Coolidge's New Task. New Ycrk, Jan. 18. Ex-President Coolidge, who is noted for the terseness of his conversation, has undertaken to/ write a 500-word history of America to be carved in letters a foot high on the granite f ace o f Mount Ruahmore,
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 87 17 MOWER REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPES MADE IN ALL SIZES LI TO 8 FEET DIAMETER. Suitable for Road and _-~-rt^v Th» iwt Railway Culverts /aS&\ Specially Constructed iwT Cheapest. OVOID SHAPED .^^^^^iS^Js^ >^9yßys»^*:-'^ffiffiK>*'^ Prices on application. AT I n^wT GAMMON" (MALAYA), Ltd. ALilj liKllldxi. Ocean Cuilding, SINGAPORE. NOG PILLS For your BODY
      87 words
    • 217 17 nTHE ART FURNITURE fv DEPOT 2S/SC. ORCHARD KOAD, SINGAPORE. I I^^—^^___| I. Manufacturers of furniture of all de-,.<-r^5 r "Sf r::r ~^I!L "8y signs and woodwork of all descrip(r^ Tji"" rTJ "r"" ij' i_ "tall tions undertaken. j u^- m, i— „jyilfr^y'^iß, .jyilfr^y'^iB ur actor y s e^uipned with modern
      217 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 191 18 COOL BREEZES CAN //^Y r __JH____l__L "UNITEERS" ''//MHk TABLE FUN ''^zW* will piovide a cooifalg breeze which can be rea:u- -f%^ lated to suit individual 4M Call at our Showrooms, 17-19, Battery Road, or any of our ilraach Offices throughout ?*lalaya, when we wiH gladly demonstrate to you the advantn-es
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    • 112 18 THE GIANT FOKKER MONOPLANE OF THE K.N.I.L.M. is Lubricated with __H_k i__H__l _s__h_____ V__L. i^^ MOTOR OIL Proving that for PERFFXT LUBRICATION, RELIABILITY and SERVICE EFFICIENCY there is ho finer Oil than— CASTROL. Follow the lead of the experts— the men who know— and use CASTROL for YOUR CAR or
      112 words
    • 128 18 WE HAVE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THAT WE NOW HOLD THE AGENCY FOR STANDARD CARS. CALL AND INSPECT THE 1930 Sunshine Saloons. CARS AVAILABLE FOR Immediate Delivery from $1950 THORNYCROFT (SINGAPORE), LIMITED THORNYCROFT HOUSE, TANK ROAD, SINGAPORE, S.S. Bfegy coupled with the excellence of its quality are the reasons why those
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  • 3776 19 SECOND BROADSIDE. Does Singapore Need A Port Trust? "THE TANJONG PAGAR MIND." Mr. W. 11. Shelford. formerly a leading Singapore Merchant, whose advocacy for a port trust at Singapore drew a reply from Mr. G. W. A. Trimmer, chairman of the Singapore Harbour Board, nine
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    • 140 19 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I think that when a man is unable to sign his own name, he should put the print of his right thumb instead of a cross or any mark which can easily be imitated. There should be a law
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    • 536 19 CEYLONESE SINHALESE To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I have a twofold object in writing. I desire to point out an inaccuracy in u Note of the Day, in your issue of Fob. 7 and to give some information for the benefit of your correspondent, Mr. L. M.
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  • 60 19 The annual general meeting of S. Andrew's Church Mission (the Missionary organ of the Church of England in Singapore) will be held on Wednesday, February 26, at 5.15 p.m., in St. Andrew's School Hall, Stamford Road, when information will be given on the work of the Mission
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  • 613 19 An Amazing Document. "TALLEST OF US HAVE TO BEND." The following i.; the text of the official) resolution which was adopted at the Independence Day meetings held throughout !miia yesterday We believe it is the inalienable right oi the Indian people, as of any other people, to
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  • 376 19 Wine, Women and Wages Get Mixed. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malnccn, Feb. 8. Before Mr. L. S. Fl(91 at Jasin on Wednesday last, two Malay women, Limah bintee Jumpol) awl IVnah bintee Salleh, and a Malay man, Samat ain Penoh, were charged at the instance of Mr.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 50 19 >>>»M»MM»«»»»HMtmMH>MMM»M «♦♦♦♦»♦-♦■■»-«-♦♦♦•♦-»->♦> »»««>«»» »♦»+.+-.».»»»>.».,, ADVERTISERS■O If you want your goods to reach a really responsive public who have time not only to rend your announcements but to digest J their significance, adver- < tisc in the t -STRAITS TIMES. 4 j j MM ♦♦♦#f <»>»»» t»M» f II > f
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  • 151 20 The following is officially supplied from Government House. Singapore Thursday, Feb. 6. His Excellency and Lady Clementi had tea with H.E. The General Officer Commanding and Mrs. Pritchard at Flagstaff Hou-e. His Excellency and Lady Clementi were the guests of the Straits Settlements Association at their annual dinner
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  • 437 20 Wanted Character Neatly Caught. The intuition of an ex-officer of the local pojicc force led to the arrest of a noted bad character who vns engaged in the act of impersonating a detec-.ivo and, searching a victim inside a Singapore church compound in May of lasc year. Abdulla
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  • 166 20 Municipal Servants Forfeit Provident Fund. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 10 As a sequel to the recent prosecution and conviction of Mohamrd Abdul Cade: chief financial clerk of the Municipality, the president tomorrow is moving two resolutions at the meeting of the Commissioners. The first one
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  • 86 20 NUNIS— DE SILVA. Wedding at Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. '.>. Tho marriage was solemnised at the hurch of St. John, Bukit Nanas, yesterday, of Mr. Vincent Nunis with Miss Margaret de Silva, daughter of Mr. and Mr6. Christian de Silva of Kuala Lumpur. The service
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  • 82 20 Mr. C. W. Robinson Sinking Rapidly. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penanff, Feb. 11. Mr. C. W. Robinson, manager of the E. and O. Hotel, is reported to be dangekuslv ill. Last night a statement was issued that he was sinking fast and little hope of his recovery
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  • 77 20 No pictures will be screened at the Alhambra Cinema until further notice, the work of installing the talkies being now in progress. Two entertaining; Universal features, one entitled the "Gate Crasher," starring Glenn Tryon and the other, Modern Love," presenting Jean Hersholt, Charlie Chase and Kathryn Crawford, will
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  • 85 20 H.M.S. Titania. Commander A. B. Lookhart, D.S.C., which on her arrival home from China with submarines of the Fourth Flotilla, was ordered to relieve H.M.S. Vulcan, depot ship of the Sixth Flotilla. Portland. She will retain her scaproing status. Of the six submarines returning with her. one
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  • 197 20 New Building Feature In Singapore. ■•The health authorities of the <ily. and those who are concerned over !"<• l.-i.-k of fresh air by the town-dweller in .Singapore, should ho cased with .1 feature nl" these Mats," declared Mr. S. Y. Wong, Singapore architect, I" Strait Times
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  • 207 20 Three Important Measures To be Introduced. A Bill is about to be introduced into the Johore Council of State to amend the Johore European Volunteer Enactment so as to meet the case when the General Officer Commanding has, by reason of illness or other causi". temporarily handed
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  • 98 20 Corporal Fatally Stabbed By Constable. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Feb. 11. A ghastly tragedy is reported from the Taiping police barracks where Constable Ujagar Singh stabbed Corporal Bent;* Singh in the stomach. The wound' d man to hospital where he has sim died. It s believed that
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
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    • 173 20 Speedier writing with the P_ Streamline Parker Duofold EN dipping slows your thought, tires your hand. So try this speedier way of writing. Go to your dealer today, ask him to demonstrate the famous Parker Duofold Streamline Fountain Pen. Touch point to paper and experience smooth, speedy, effortless ■writing. The
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 171 21 Chivers 'Jams Thousands oi tons of fresh fruits sold a rf.commended are taken every year from Messrs. STORES everywhere Chivers' orchards direct to the r^> Orchard Factory to be made into AGENTS Jams and other fruit products. Every^r is sealed with OW *c£« ratent Hygienic Lover and carries Singapore. a
      171 words
    • 217 21 LOWER COST OF OPERATION SMARTEST/ LIGHT SIX ROADSTERS ..1 r|~HE low, sweeping lines of the new Superior «pS^|fcx i- Whippet Six Sport De Luxe Roadster arc expressive I Xl^^^ cf high speed and exhilarating activity, ar-i also bear KSKlL^.^^^ tcctiniony to superlative mastery of modern design on m \^fc3» l^
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  • 1067 22 British North Borneo. WEALTH OF NATURAL PRODUCTS. The boundary convention which has just bMB rifMJ in' Washington octween the Governments of Great Britain and the United States settles, says The Times in a leading article, the possession of the straggling islands and rocks between Borneo
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  • 211 22 Calculated to Injure National Interests." New Delhi, Jan. 18. On the eve of the session of the Legislative Assembly, when several Congress members are still hesitating; about resigning their seats in obedience to the Lahore Congress mandate, a meeting of 25 prominent legislators, under the chairmanship of
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  • 123 22 Commercial Domination In East Africa London, Jan. 14. Bilharilal Anantani, who is visiting England for the purpose of representing the Indians' case in East Africa, emphasised in a Press interview the danger of Japanese commercial domination in East Africa unless Indo-British relations there were harmonised as soon as
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  • 351 22 Europeans in China Hard Hit. The question of Home leave is now seriously occupying the minds of many residents in China as this year— 1930 completes the second five year period since the War. Those who came back in 1919, went on leave in accordance
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  • 68 22 Merchant Turns Tables Upon Them. Shanghai, Jan. 28. Mr. William Hwang, manager of the China Trading Corporation, turned the tables on three robbers when the latter attempted to abduct him yesterday. Mr- Hwang resisted, although he was unarmed, and during the struggle which took place inside his motor-car
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  • 334 22 Scheme to Connect Up N. Wales and Lancashire. American methods to reduce costs are introduced into a £3,000.000 scheme to bridge the River Dee between Hoylake, Cheshire, and the Point of Ayr, North Wales. The proposal, which is put forward by Mr. T. R. Wilton, a Liverpool
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  • 98 22 Fierce Tribal Battle in South Africa. Johannesburg, Jan. 20. Police reinforcements were summoned to deal with a barbaric battle between Pondos and Shangaans at a compound belonging to the Crown Mines, Limited. Three Pondos were stoned to death and the Pondo General was murdered at Fordsburg, after
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  • 437 22 The High Cost of Speed. MAURETANIA AND BREMEN. There is no doubt that the outstanding event in the shipping world in 1929 was the now Atlantic record established by (he Bremen, coupled with fresh evidence of extraordinary vitality on the part of the Mauretania. In this year's
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 144 22 %^t £ifie -yam, cet ||i^ at Home! because, conditioned by the exclusive Rothman-Wyner "EASTOPAC" process AND IMPORTED FRESH FROM V\ TINSOF5 o(?aUinaU t Jxmdm \W Pall Mall Ql W& Virginia \^Hy~~ A> "H M U 0 KING ALFONSO Of SPAO* IL J 1 /i £-v I PjII Mallt arc cigarette*
      144 words
    • 128 22 Proved and established by its host of owners tQili]' Praise from owners is measurable in terms of greater j&OlJ one of the many inipor- and more lasting satisfaction tant reasons why De Soto Six that experience has disclosed a is adding to the widespread pub' standard of performance com' lie
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 547 23 Assets exceed $10,000,000. Assurance in force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements'). HEAD OFFICE, Winchester House. Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 27. Old Jewry. E.C. The Company hns £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the British Life Assurance Companies
      547 words
    • 586 23 BANKING NEDERLANDSCH INDISCHE HANDELSBANK. Established 1863 at Amsterdam Authorised Capital Glds. 100,000,000 (about £8,500,000) Paid up Capital Glds. G5, 000,000 (about £4,600,000) P.eserves Glds. 27,186,365 (about £2,270,000) HEAD OFFICE AMSTF.RDAM BRANCH OFFICES THE HAGUE, ROTTERDAM. OVERSEAS BRANCHES BATAVIA Head Office for Dutch East SHANGHAI Hend Office for China and Japan.
      586 words
    • 696 23 BANKING P. AND O. BANKING CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in England) with which is aniliated ALLAHABAD BANK, LTD., INDIA. Authorised Capital £6,000,000 Capital subscribed and paid up £2,694,160 Reserve Fund f 180,000 IIEV1) OFFICE 123, I.eadenhall Street, London, E.C, i WEST LONDON DKANCH I 14-16, Cocksnur Streot, London, S.WX. EASTERN BRANCHES
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    • 253 23 INSURANCE COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) Fire, Life, Marine, Accident, Guarantee and Motor. Assets £60,000,000 ARTHUR C. POTTS— Manager and Underwriter, Eastern Branch, Singapore. THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY DOES A World Wide Business IS Enj lying Rapid Growth HAS A Policy for Every Need. Eatablished 1887,
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    • 168 23 THE "MEMO" GREASE CUP Provides a scientific, economical and simple method of Automatic Lubrication for every industry where Machinery enters •J-oz. No cocks to turn off and no wicks to remove no drip nor waste. Lubricant under perfect contrd, feeding the bearing when the machinery is in motion only. STOCKS
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 219 24 OCEAN MOTOR POLICIES FRASER k NEAVE Ltd. AERATED f^^T\ WATERS. Our sales for the month of January, 1930, constitute a record for the month in which Chinese New Year falls. This is considered to be distinct recognition of the Company's quality, value, and service. IJy giving the highest quality, prompt
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