The Straits Times, 5 February 1930

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 328 1 Ny Carlsberg Beer In bottlea »nd on draught. Sole Importer* EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD. (Inc. in Denmark) SINGAPORE. HOW A GOOD WHISKY GOT A BAD NAME Drastic Policy Jthat Paid -j AN INNOVATION. •i&l ;1 '.^vv'" '/i/'7nBP matured .cks left and, RATHER THAN SELL UN- rWH^^^^M'' -Vi •>' 'Yljh y
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    • 14 1 Prime Portland "0 X" CEMENT EAST ASIATIC CO. LTD. (In-, in Denmark I SINGAPORE.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 581 2 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS. (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA) TO LONDON Naples, Marseilles, London, Antwerp and Rotterdam. Vessels Tonntg* Due Sail HAKUSAN MARU 10.500 Feb. 13 14 t KITANO MARU 8,000 Feb. 27 28 HAKUNA MARU 10,600 Mar. 13 14 t KAMO MARU SIOOO Mar 27 28 KATORI MARU 10,000 Apl. 10 11 ATSUTA
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    • 528 2 rURNS PHUP LINE (Incorporated in England) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELtIUUKMS, VIA JAVA, UAKWIM AAU THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly Boilings by the wellknown steamer MARKI.LA (7865 tons) and the new motor vessel, MALABAR (4512 tons). The i.a. MAR ELLA is one of the largest and finest steamers trading to Australia,
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    • 618 2 K. P. M. (ROYAL PACKEt NAY. CO. OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated in HoUald) Under contract with NETHERLANDS INDIAN GOVERNMENT Telephone No. 3640, with sub-connections to Passage Freight, Transhipment, Merin< Depts. »nJ Manager's Deik. Representative for Singapore and Straiti Settlements o£ the Official Tourists Unreal LOI'DOV- February 6, Bllnjoe, Djeboe* Pangkal-Pinang, Koba,
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    • 514 2 THE SIAM STEAJf NAY. CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Siam) 1 BANGKOK COASTING SERVICE For retay, Trengganu, KdunUn, Hangnaia Teluprt, I'atuni, .Sin s ora, Lacon, Slchou Hnndon. Kohsaraui, LangsuaD, Chumpon and nanjjkok. Arrival Departure PRACHATIPOK In p,,rt Efch 5 MAUNI Feb. 10 Feb 12 The steamers arc fitted throughout with electric
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 470 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS. DUTCH MAILS N.V. StoomvaKrt Maatschapplj Ncderland and N.V. Rotlerdamsche Lloyd WKKKLY MAIL and PASSENGER SERVICE TO Amsterdam Southampton ■■■I Rotterdam Tonnage 11. in.. S.M.N. Feb. 1 8 InauUnde 10,000 R.L. Feb. 14 Prins der Ned. 9.200 S.M.N. Feb. 21 Tierimai K.OOO R.L. Feb. 28 m;.ThV.Mu y K«n, 1.,,00
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    • 469 3 ROUND-THE-WORLD SERVICE pa! From SINGAPORE «nd PBNANG fto COLOMBO. SUEZ, PORT SAID. ALEXANDRIA, NAPLES, GENOA and MARSEILLES to NEW YORK BOSTON. Arrive Leave Leave S'pora Spore Penang IKES. ADAMS In port Keb. 6 Feb. 8 PRES. HARRISON Feb. 17 Feb. 20 Feb. 22 PRES. JOHNSON Mar. 3 Mar. 6 MM.
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    • 444 3 OCEANIC AND ORIENTAL NAVIGATION CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. TACOMA ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP CO., TACOMA, WASH. STATES STEAMSHIP CO., PORTLAND, ORE. JOINT SCHEDULE. Sailings for United States and Canada Points from Manila and Hong Kong San Kmnciiiro «nd Portland S.S. lOWA fr..,,, Manila Feb. S.S. lOWA from Hone Ken* I San Franci#ro.
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    • 393 3 BLUE FUNNEL LINE T.S.S. PROTESIAUS Loads »t Singapore for VICTORIA I.C, VANCOUVER and SEATTLE. «rivin* direct delivery at these ports withoul transhipment. Takes cargo on through bills of lading for all OVERLAND POINTS in CANADA and the UNITED STATES of AMERICA also for MONTREAL (with transhipment at VANCOUVER and thence
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 806 4 SMALL ADVERTISEMENT FORM. Te The Advertising Manager, Straits Times, Cecil Street. Pleas* insert th* following small advertisemeat for day* i 3~ 1 here *r« approximately seven word* to a line and there i* a flat rat* charge of 25 cant* per line per insertion with A minimum of one dollar
      806 words
    • 697 4 MOTOR VEHICLES SMART BABY FIAT saloon. Splendid conditio.i, $400 ar.J ten sixties. 256, S. Times. FOR SALK, Baby Austin 1326 model. In excellent condition. What, offers Apply 2C7, Straits Times. WANTED, recent model, English preferred, Austin 12 or Morris-Oxford. Trice,' particulars 255, Straits Time*. FOR SALK, Morris-Oxford touring car in
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    • 909 4 BOARD AND LODGING DOUBLE BOOM, rerandah and bathroea Tacant, alao single. 89, Killiney BA. Phom BOARD-RESIDENCE, 2 single rooms will pcthrooms, garage, tennis, transport. Phon 3460. THE BRANCHES, 319, River Valley Road Comfortable rooms. Terms moderate, j'hon 4104. WARWICK BOUSE, 81, Cavaaagh Road Select Knuli.h Bourdinf establiibment Phone 7588. ACCOMMODATION
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    • 903 4 OFFICES AND GODOWNS TO LET, ground floor of godown No. 31 Wallich Street. .Apply to th« British Malayi Trustee Executor Co., Ltd., Telephone No 4400. TO LET, godown corner of Anson Road »n( Rau£ Street. »,700 *q. it. Apply Credii Foncier d'Extreme-Orient, No. I-A, d'Almaidl Street. TO LET, ground floor,
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    • 805 4 FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT Construction of Four reinforced concreti road bridges over the New Rnilwa) Deviation at Alexandra Road. liuona Visiii Road ami Holland Road (two). Tenders arc invited for the construction nf the above bridges. Plans may be seen and specifications and all particulars obtained at the
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    • 679 4 NOTICE OF SALE THE EASTERN AND ORIENTAL SALESROOM. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE of valuable freehold propert>^ in very desirable locilitj. By Order of the Mortgagees. To be sold by public auction at No. 7!», CfciM Strict, Penang, at 11 a.m., on Thursday, Feb. 20, 19.10. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTIES. All those pieces
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 333 5 Use 3-in-One In your Office Office equipment and furniture tan he kept in excellent condition by regular applications 3-in-One VnuertbV-uA OILS CUaiu i I'Utsha 3-in-One is a scientific oil-compound particularly suitable for oiling typewriters, calculating, dictating and addressing machines, check protectors, dating stamps, revolving chairs, time clocks, revolving fans, locks,
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    • 251 5 Amazingjfr^ New nf Lipstick /W IN an amazing way It changes color as you apply it, from orange to blush rose. You can give your lips just a suggestion of color or make them a deep red depending upon how much you use. Tangee Lipstick leaves no trace of grease
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    • 184 5 Whiz Fly Fume MosQuitoes Flics, Roaches, Mothsj Bed Bugs and other Household DOUBLE |^RENGTn> Your deakr has Who. FlyFuiM or can gat it for you THE R M. HOLUNGSHEAD CO. CAMDEN, N. J, V S. A. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Ditttribiilora GEIZ BUOS. CO., i Incoiporated in U.S.A.) 55. Road. SINGAPORE.
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    • 237 5 BEST VELOUR HAT Made in CZECHO SLOVAKIA Price $18.00 only. SEASON C 0. 9 LTD. 111 and 113. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE. Just Unpacked Now on Sale THE NEW COMPREHENSIVE DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. This dictionary is a very useful one for those who are interested in crossword competitions.
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    • 92 5 A PROOF OF EFFICIENCY AND RELIABILITY. A I b C* TRANSFORMERS The Total X.V.A. of BRITISH made Asea Transformers in Malaya is approximately 150,000 X.V.A. For particulars, apply to the Sole Agents IC E N T R A I SINGAPORE IFOH KUALA LUMPUR. m HEALTH y^^, HAPPINESS i^^i m iver
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  • 1535 6 CEYLON LETTER. Spirits the Ladies Both Hard Hit. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Colombo, Jan. 21. Yesterday, a week after the bwmae in the imports duty on petrol, and two days' after a deputation "f business men had -vaited on the Governor to ury;e that there]
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  • 48 6 The members of the S.R.A. (v.), S.R.E. (v.), "A" (M.G.) Coy., M.G. Platoon (Eurasian), Ist Bn. Sigs. and 1 "D" (Eurasian) Coy.. S.V.C., hereafter i will not be permitted to keep their ri.^jk t al their homes excepting by special per- i mission of the Commandant. 3 r
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  • 42 6 Members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Lumpur, assembled in larire numbers at the Abraham Memorial Hall on Saturday, to welcome the Rev. S. M. Thevathasan, M.A., LT., who had arrived frcm Singapore, to t?ke charge of the Church, and his family.
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  • 319 6 Chicago Man Defends His Home Town. That Chicago is not wholly a city of lawless gunmen was the opinion expressed by Mr. Joy Morton, one of the wealthiest citizens of that much-ma-ligned city, who is a passenger on the Empress of Australia, which
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  • 76 6 Now Visiting The Leper Asylum. It is stated that a tiper has been seen near the Leper Asylum Settlement, Pulau Jerejak, Penang, says the Straits Echo. Olfcials paying a visit to the Island v/ere, it is declared, tcld of '.he animal's presence by the Doctor-in-char^e. It is
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  • 96 6 The s.s. Belgenland, with a complement of 400 first-class passengers, is due to arrive at Singapore on March 9. Included in the passenger list is a party of twenty-six under the direction of the D. F. Robertson Travel Bu-cuu, Los Angeles, California. In this party arc Mr. J.
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  • 28 6 Faced with the necessity of boiling! water during a drought, the residents of Pittsfield, Mass., were advised to beat the water like eggs to restoie the original taste.
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  • 271 6 Manager Has to Refund To Coolie. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 5. The case in which R. E. Cole, manager of the Paya Besar Estate, Lunas, Kedah, was charged by the Controller of Labour with making an agreement with his coolies for deductions to be made
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  • 63 6 Made False Charge Against Another. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 5. Yesterday at the Kuala Lumpur Police Court a Chinese detective was sentenced I to two months' rigorous imprisonment fori giving false information to the police re- j garding a former detective. The detective said that
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  • 61 6 Rugrby, Feb. -1. I The total number of uremployed in Great Britain on January 27 was 1,000,490 which was 18,098 more than a week before and 97,422 more than a year before. British Wireless. I The figures arc printed as received, but do not appear to be accurate.
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  • 22 6 "Superphysical Science" will be the n subject of a lecture tomorrow at 6.30 p.m. g at the Theosophical Society, 3 Finlayson!^ Green.
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  • 252 6 Scout Gives the Alarm To Gamblers. For acting as scout u> a gathering of gamblers, and giving the alarm at the approach of the police, a Chinese was yesUiday afternoon fined $75 or three months' rigorous imprisonment, by Mr. P. S. Williams, the Second Police Magistrate.
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  • 86 6 j Used For Purpose Of Raising Money. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 5. The case was concluded in the Kuala Lumpur Police Court, yesterday afternoon, j in which Tan Kce Thow was charged with breach cf trus' in respect of five title i deeds. The
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  • 72 6 Newport, Rhode Island, Feb. 4. The (ita'.h has iccurred hero of Rear Admiral William Lauriston Howard Reuter. Rear-Admiral William Lauriston Howard was born at Plainfield. Connecticut, In 1860. He craduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 18N2 and married a Connecticut lady in 1886. He was promoted
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 152 6 VLEK'S KINAWIJN (Quinawine) S VLEK'S KINAWIJN has been prepared from pure grape juice and quinquina of first quality. Due to its fine composition this beverage is much in demand as a real TONIC, invigorating and antifebrile. It gives a good appetite, mm^ K y dispels the weak feeling and is
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    • 112 6 They Do Not Fear This Trying Climate. This wise couple appreciate the necessity of having reserves of energy and power in this exacting climate, and like thousands of others they have found that Hall's Wine supplies these reserves. If you suffer from depression, nerves, loss of appetite or weakness take
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    • 61 6 "GOLD BOTTLE" BEER has one big advantage —^^r^ IT saves you from a headache. MONIER REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPES MADE IN ALL SIZES II TO 8 FEET DIAMETER. Suitable for Road and ~7^h\ The Best Railway Culverts (M&%\ Specially Constructed \Wr |l Cheapest. OVOID SHAPED .^^^^jK^JgN Prices on application. Al I
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 366 7 ALHAMBRA lAN CHKNG KEE. Sole Proprietor. Programme t'.ommencing Wednesday, Feb. 5 fn the Second Sliow at 9 p.m. THE LATEST EMPIRE NEWS KIN(J VIDOR'S PRODUCTION "THE CROWD" with ELEANOR IJOARDMAN and JAMES MURRAY A i n <>!' life swoepinjr power, blending of lauirhtor ;ii'<l l(;u.^, butr "k tm lance that
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    • 287 7 Raffles Hotel Mura Smirnova THE WELL KNOWN DANCER FROM SHANGHAI APPEARS DURING TEA DANCES DINNER DANCES Monday, Wednesday Friday Tuesday, Thursday Saturday SPECIAL ATTRACTION-TO-DAY MURRAY THE AUSTRALIAN ESCAPOLOGIST (Admission to Ball Room $1). Sunday, Feb. 9 ORCHESTRAL AND VOCAL CONCERT Special Engagement of MADAME MARIE CORNELL! (Admission to Non-Diners $1).
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    • 287 7 I VICTORIA THEATRE TO-NIGHT and Nightly at 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. METRO-GOLDWYN Present the 100 per cent. TALkIU "THE MAL OF MARY DUGAN" Featuring H. B. WARNER— -XOR.MA SHKARFR— LEWIS STONE "THE INTERNATIONAL REVUE." The most perfect Cabaret and FOX MOVIETONE NEWS. Booking at LITTLE'S. Prices $2 and $1. Friday,
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  • 743 8 SHIPPING NOTES. Abolition Plan Utterly Unworkable. i».i:l of tii .'.ich t:-." Dei ent has adopted 1 ir taking over "v.ithin the next year" I'm i/n steamship companies operating in Chinese waters will bo kirn|y only by the va.-.t shipping rests ircmed erned, but by .-ill whii
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  • 281 8 EXCHANGES. Singapore, Feb. 5. On London, Bank 4 a/i 2/1 15/18 Demand 2/3% Private 3 m. credit 2/4 3/16 Ou New York, demand 66 V4 Private 90 d/i t;i, On France, Bank T.T. 1430 Jn India, Bank T.T. 164' 4 On Honi? Konit, Bank T.T.
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  • 547 8 Mr. J. H. Edwards On Prospects for 1930. The president of the Shipbuilding!or«tV Federation, Mr. J. H. Edwards, disnuslag with a representative of The Journal ■>f ("ornmerce the shipbuilding record of the past year, and prospects for the coining year, The past year," he said, has on
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  • 132 8 Macphail and Co., Ltd. Sir.^apcre. Fe'>. 5. Tin. =t.;i,l.v. KttkaU 1.J9-1.33, Kintas i.-! 0-1.4.";» s Peitvall 80-S3 ccr.ts. Pclalings r. in--. 50, Hoag Fmta i;o-63V» emu, Knyehi '-'.-M 1 cents, South Ta. pines 2?-20 i-cnt» iunpol Li;..- ST'i-JO cents prem., Ulu Klangs I.ST,-I^lH. iiaiah Peraks 16-20 cents
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  • 198 8 Rose Macphail Penman, Ltd. Singapore, Feb. a. London.- Rubber 7-16 d., l-16d. down. Nion prices I London Standard) Spot tt% cts. i London. Tin f 17a 155., £1 17s. 6d. op. i Mining.- Steady. Sungci Ways 3.35-3.45, < Knchuis 1.28-1.31. Kinta Dredge 1.11-1.4?. Kluriir Rivirs 2.20-2.30, Hong Fatts 57-G1 1
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  • 68 8 Henderson, Helm and Company, Inc., New York, send us the following cable dated February 4, their quotations being in ifold dollar cents closing bid prices Rublxr Exchanges sales today 350 tons. MFM F b ,'c U ?n y 14 70> March 15 A P ril May 15.40, June
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  • 87 8 Rugby, Feb. 4. cxc "c Amsterdam in'llxl' A henB ?76? 76 Bombay Is. 5;, d., Berlin iOM'i. Brussels 34.90*. Bucharest MS. iuenos Aires 44 1-16, Copenhagen 18 99 eneva 25 19V, HeUingfor s SR? H«S V .T K o S i S?*t LlBoon 108.26. Madrid 3C.77r., ■Urn 92.89. New
    British Wireless  -  87 words
    • 479 8 Issue v«l.v «l. I'd. Buyers Sellers il £1 Asam Kumbang 36/- 38/- ■"> -•"> Aycr Hi turn Tin 14/- 16/tl 11 liangrin Tin 20 6 21/6 1 1 Haiaiitf I'adang U. 22 U.Z6 1 1 Hutu Caves 0.95 1.00 1 1 Bukit Arang O.tK) 1.00 il £1 Burmnh Malay
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    • 224 8 Vtl. Pd. Bayers Sellers 2 2 Alex. Brick Prefs. 2.07H 2.17 2 Alex. Brick Ords. 2.75 2.80 *1 £1 lint. Am. Tobacco 6.12.6 5.15.0 1 1 Central Engine 0.40 0.50 1 1 Cycle and Carriage 6.45 0.55 103. 10s. Duff Development 5/- 11- Sd. Dunlop Rubber 13 6 14/4
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    • 103 8 Singapore Cold Storage 7 p.c. deb. of 1926 red. 1931-36 101 10i ci. Singapore Municipal 6 p.e. 01- 1901 red. 1930 $1378,000 par. 6% prem. Singapore Municipal 4Vs p.c. of 1907 red. 1947 $1,600,000 91 par. Singapore Municipal 4H p.c. of 1909 red. 1931 $1,000,000 95 par.
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    • 382 8 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt's quotations. Mlenby ($1) Mot Gajah Jl) k. Hitam ($1) K lining (fl) V Malay ($2; A. Molek i*l i A. Panaa i*l i Biissett i*l.i Srogas (*IJ 3runei ($5) S. Jelutong ($1) i. Katil ($1) tukit K. B. ($1) 3. Kepong
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  • 206 8 Today. Djambi (Noorebar) 2pm Banka Island, Plaiijoc and i'alembunic I Van der Lym 3 p.m. Pontianak (Raub) 4 p. l:1. I'.anka Island u-xci- it Munlok) (Loudoii) 1 p.m. Anamba and Natuna Islands Maetsuyct, 4 pm, Soath-East trnco iVan Outhooim 4 p.m. K|rypt and United States of America
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  • 43 8 By Edavana ram bo i a Kliylicr Rajputaua D'Artagnan I'. C. Uooft i.*-ii Arm. S'pore London Jan. 2 Jan. 25 Jan. 3 Jan. 27 Jan. 4 Jan. 28 Jan. U Ken. 1 Jan. 9 Feb. 1 Jan. 1U Keb. 1
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  • 243 8 Wednesday, February 5. Shipi alongside Ihr Wharves or expected to arrive. hITI'KI. HARBOUR. Main Wharf Dntot Ti-mbakul, Tug B«langkas, W. Bt. Johanna, Muni, B.P.M. Lighter 81. Oil Wharf Nil. Coal Wharf Khoon-Foer.c. VESSELS IN DRY DOCKS. 1 jnjiiiit; l\:car. Albert Dock Nil. Victoria Dock WsMiag Light*-r, C
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  • 59 8 From Manila, by President Hayes, duo t Singapore daylight tomorrow. From Indo-China, by Sphinx, due at iingapore 7 a.m. tomorrow. From China and Japan, by Bengal laru, due at Singapore tomorrow. From Holland, by Tjerimai, due at Singapore on Friday morning. From Europe, (London mails despatched n Jun.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 506 8 ALHAMBRA From Wednesday, Feb. 5 In the Second Show at 9 p.m. KING VIDOR'S PRODUCTION THE CROWD Featuring ELEANOR KOAKD.M VN and JAMES MURRAY AN. ii,' with Latest Empire Ncwr. First Show at 7.30 v.m WILLIAM HAINES in THE SMART SET An All Metro GoMwyn Mayer Program me TAN CHENG
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 262 8 >»>■» MALAYAN METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE. Daily Weather Report. c Bright' Wind. Station. Temperature. Rom- Sun- RcUtive Direc- Speed. Weather. Max. Mm. fall, shine. Humidity. tion. F. F. ins. houn. m p.h. Alor Star 93 71 Nil 0.7 75 ENE !> Fine Kota Bharu 8G 67 Nil 10.7 «5 ESE 10 Fne
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    • 274 8 ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE WEEK. Wednesday. February S H. \V. 2.8 a.m.. 8.7, 2.10 p.m., 8.7. The Trial of .Mary Ducan," Talking Pietan at Vie. Theatre, 8.K and ;>.:;<> p.m. Thursday. February 6 II. \V. IM a.m., M, 3 p.m., 7.8. Straits Settlements Association Dinner, Raffles Hotel, X p.m. Homeward mail
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  • 510 9 Prices Probably Near Bottom. BOLIVIA TO RESTRICT TIN OUTPUTS. (By Our Financial Correspondent.) •ingapcre, Wednesday, 11 a.m. To-d«y's prices Rubber 24 ■> cents. Tin. 130 tons at $90 J i per pkul. Yesterday's prices Rubber, Undon 7 7-16d. per Ib., down New York 1 cts. per lb..
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  • 318 9 Industrial Uses of The Metal. A coinprelui.siv.- plan of rccarcn for l'.»3< 1,,,s been announced by Clonel S. Heckstall l.u.iornry M-cretary of the Tv Industrial Applications Committee which working in en-operation with the Britisl Non-FeITOUI Mc-tals Research Association tc Investigate the industrial applications of tv ami discover
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    • 721 9 Ends Large Extension Programme. The extension and rearrangement programme Btarted by N. V. General Motors, Java, Aug.- 1, 1928, is fast nearing completion. The old assembly and warehouse buildings have been extended to cover an additional area of 2,118 square meters to permit more efficient operation and
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    • 135 9 Temporary Closing of Many Factories. Muring thr first half of December the number of unemployed in Germany increased by almost 20 p^r cent, that is, by 233,000. On Dec. 15, 1,400,000 persons were in receipt of benefit. Of these, 300,000 were women. The probable irain cause for this
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    • 98 9 U.S.A. Spends £12 to Britain's One. Whereas this year Great Britain proposes to spend about £10,500,000 on telephone development in Great/ Britain, the American Telephone and Telegraph Compuny is to spend $700,000,000 (about £140,000,000) for plant extensions, additions and betterments in the samo period. l "In fifty years,"
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    • 70 9 i Sione Tin (F.M.5.).— 530 piculs. Katu Tin.— 623 hour*. 168,000 yards, 654 piculs. Dredging in tailings now complete. Renong Consolidated Tin.— 6s4 hours, i 1X4,000 yards, 1,360 piculs. I Ratrut Basin Tin Dredging NX.— l,OlO hours, 98,000 yard*, 1,075 piculs. Takuapa. Valley Tin Dredging N.L.— 1,038
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    • 65 9 Singapore, 12 o'clock noon, Feb. 5. t.S.a. equal to London Standard tundard R.S.S. on Tender Tim. of Ma*Vl>t Spot February Miirch April April-June July-S«pt. I StottV. Buyers Seller: 24V; 24% 24fc 25 2!>'i 2514 25% 20 26 tt 26 «4 27V4 27^4 Latest Cable London
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    • 505 9 Regulation in South Wales. The new year has started well for the coal Irade. Alike as to production, shipments md prices, the position compares to great ad/antage with that of twelve months ago, *hen only the first incipient signs of recovery from the great depression
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    • 249 9 "A Growing Burden Of Interest." The Auditor-General to the Union of South Africa Goverment (Mr. T. J. De Villiers Roos) points out in his latest report that during 1928-29 the public debt of South Africa increased by £5,118,448 to £244,014,512 (as at March 31 last). And
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    • 136 9 Reasonable Surplus Of Earnings. Monetary conditions in Amsterdam are at present extraordinarily easy. The position has, in fact, become such tha.. the big moneylenders arc at a loss to know how to place the large sums at their disposal. The exceptionally smull amount of business transacted on
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    • 60 9 Ayer Kuninr (F.M.5.).— 95,000 Ib. I Bradwall (F.M.5.).— 53,200 Ib. Bukit Jelotong.— l4,l7s Ib. li.idek R.K. (Staffield Estate). -33,400 Ib. Chersonese (F.M.5.).— 81.600 Ib. Dennistown (Krian X.M.5.).— 50,600 Ib. Highlands and Lowland*. 163,300 lb.~ I Klabans-- 127,600 Ib. Krian Rubber Plant.— 7o,9oo Ib. I New Scudai.— 6s,soo
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    • 695 9 Very Successful Future Anticipated. The adjourned third annual general meotlg of Ayer Hitam Tin Dredging, Ltd., was eld on Jan. 8 at 73, Basinghall Street, Lonon, E.C., Mr. C. V. Thomas (the chairman of lie company presiding. The chairman said: The issued capital now [insists
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    • 303 9 More Than the Market Wants. Mr K. W. Bcatty, president of the Canadian Pacific Railway, states that, despite the shrinkage in earnings during recent months, the company will bo shown to have earned all charges and the 10 per cent, dividend on the common stock during the past
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    • 755 9 Serious Decline In Exports. In common with many other countries, Germany has to record a serious decline in beer exports, reports the Financial Times. From the annual report «f the Association of German Export Breweries, it appear* that the aggregate export* amounted in 1928 to 2,025,231 hectolitres
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    • 105 9 The Western Union Telegraph Company announce* that the company's faiit cable between New York and Bay Roberts, Newfoundland, which was interrupted by the earthquake in November, has again been reopened for traffic. This is the loaded cable, laid in 1926 which connects at Boy Roberts with the
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  • 1053 9 General Trade Outlook Brighter. THE LANCASHIRE COTTON FAIR. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Manchester, Jan. K. A more cheerful tone has prevailed in the Manchester market during the past week, and although business is very slow in expanding there has been a Larger inquiry in piece goods and
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 1023 10 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5 THE THINGS WE EAT. To take an intelligent interest in diet as distinct from food is to run the risk of being dubbed a crank. Healthy people do not worry about their interiors, and they cheerfully conclude that less fortunate people are unhealthy
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  • 1229 10 1 Will They be Won In I 20 Years' Time? (By Margit Countess Bethlen. the Famous Novelist and Playwright. Wifr of the Present Hungarian Prime Minister.) i It is easy to prophesy, the prophet can say practically anything, and those who do not believe have to
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  • 432 10 Captains A. Chamier, 0.8.E.. D. G. MacLeod and H. R. S. Zehnder qualified in the recent examination for promotion to Major, S.V.C. The Danish Minister to China has left Shanghai for Hong Kong, en route for Siam, where he will meet the Crown Prince of Denmark. The
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  • 860 10 SNAKES AS PETS. Aa someone is once said to have renarked Women arc wonderful." A year >r two ago when skirts were linger 'he proper thin? to do, on seeing a mouse, «r»s to scream, jump on I chair, take a food look round and faint
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 158 10 £ffe&^ Many say 'JOHNNIE 4/JP^3%A WALKER' from force of /|j» i habit. But it is a habit founded upon experience. *4l A rr- They know the unvar vin I\ excellence of this fine 1 l[ I whisky. fHORN lOt-CTIU. OODfG STRONG. Sole Agents JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. Incorporate 1 in
      158 words
    • 103 10 634 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. TENG SENG GUAN. Established 1905. Tel. No. 2415. T. K. X.'s TYRES. Further reduced from Tubes. 815 x 120 (20.00 to $18.00 S3 75 820 z 120 $22.00 to $20.00 $3.50 880 x 120 $26.00 to $23.00 $4 00 895 x 135 $30.00 to $23.00 $4
      103 words

  • 4322 11 UNITED WELCOME FOR THE NEW GOVERNOR. Realisation of Boyhood Dreams. SIR C. CLEMENTI FOLLOWS HIS GODFATHER. IN perfect tropical weather, with a lifiht breeze tempering the heat, the dignified and picturesque ceremonial with which the Crown Colony of the Straits Settlements welcomes a
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  • 315 11 Only Producing Country Is Japan. Geneva, Feb. 4. At a meeting of the Opium Commission Sir Maicolm Delcvingne, Great Britain, alluded to the ever-growing use of drugs in the Far East. He said a large part of them were of Japanese origin. Mr. Campbell, India,
    Reuter  -  315 words
  • 162 11 Chancellor's Significant Visit to Rome. Rome, Feb. 4. Unusual pomp »nd ceremony surroundi I the meeting of Signor Mussolini and the Austrian Chancellor, Herr Schober, who was accorded the same honours as a lepresentative of a big Power. Although the Press declares the visit is not invested
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  • 90 11 Contemplating Marriage With Barmaid. Cologne, Fob. 4. j Tho Public Receiver has summoned a mectng of the creditors of the late Madam Zo ibkoff whose relatives arc prepared to satisfy the creditors. It is also reported that the relatives have paid Alexandre Zoubkoff 15,000 marks for his late
    90 words
  • 283 11 More Support for T.P.A. COUNCIL ENDORSES THE DECISION. London, Feb. 4. The Council of the Tin Producers' Association has endorsed the decision of the Executive Committee. It was stated that the Malay States had started to retard production. Nigeria had adopted the alternative method of retarding
    283 words
  • 123 11 How They Have Increased In Popularity. Lcndon, Feb. 4. According to Lloyds Annual Summary of mercantile shipbuilding all over the wbrid, in 1929 the output reached 2,793,210 tons, an increase of 'J'i.oll tons compared with 1928. The output of Great BriUin and Ireland rcpre-ents 54.5 per cent, cf
    123 words
  • 85 11 1,000 Guests at a Tokio Dinner. Tokio, Feb. 3. Bright weather favoured the wedding ceremony of 11.1. H. Prince Takamatsu, the third son of the late Emperor Taisho and Inothcr of the present Emperor, who was married to Miss Kikuko, daughter of Prince Tokupawa. It is announced
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  • 39 11 When How to Withdraw Them. Washington, Feb. 4. President Hoover has announced that he is appointing a Commission immediately to study the question when and how the United Stat.s Government should withdraw from Haiti. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 13 11 HE. Sir Cecil dementi photographed in Singapore this morning
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  • 297 11 Labour Party Meets Lords Half-Way. London, Feb. 4. A meeting of the Parliamentary Labour Party called to consider the House ol Lords' decision to insist on their amendment to the Unemployment Insurance Bill, limiting its operation to one yearwas addressed by the Premier, Mr. Ramsay Mac Donald,
    Reuter  -  297 words
  • 202 11 Marketing Proposals To Be Postponed. Rugby, Feb. 4. The Government has come to an arrangement with the Liberal Party whpreby it has agreed to postpone consideration of Part 1 of the Coal-mines Bill, which deals with the marketing of coal, until the other sections of the Bill have
    British Wireless  -  202 words
  • 80 11 President Chiang to Go To Rescue. The Navy Department (states a Sin Kuo Mm messaKe) is preparini? six trunboats for escorting President Chiang Kaishek to Canton. All steamers in Shanghai hive been commandeered for the transportation of troops to Canton. The Presiden' has nominated General Ho Yinjr-chinfr as
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  • 59 11 733 Candidates Already Registered. Tokio, Feb. 3. The Shakai Minshuto, or Social Peoples' Party, the riirht winjt of the Proletarian Parties, has restricted the election expenses of each member of the Party who is a candidate for the Dirt. It is announced that, so far. 733 persons have
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  • 40 11 125,000 G.I.P. Men Demand Better Wages. Bombay, Fi-b. -I. A .st.ike has started on the Great India Peninsular Railway, involving 125,000 men, but the services are being Renerally maintained. The men demand improved waites anil conditions.— Ri-uU-r.
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  • 584 11 Tedious Progress at Naval Conference. ALL SITTING TIGHT. No Apparent Headway Yet Made. Rugby. Feb. I. The first committee of the Naval Conrerence met at St. James's Palace thi. morning. Although all the delegates to the Conference are members of this committee Mr. Wakatsuki, Japan, was the
    British Wireless  -  584 words
  • 91 11 British Museum Affair A Hoax. London, Keb. I. Mr. Frank Biggs, the discoverer of tinBritish Museum "bomb," has been detained at Scotland Yard iind will Iw charged with an offence under the Bxplosive Substances Act. It is understood that Scotland Yard i convinced that the whole affair, including
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  • 35 11 Indian Youths Demonstrate At Shanghai. A Sin Kuo Mm message states thai scoi(s of Indian youths demonstrated nt Shanghai, rated independence flag* and declared their support for the [Mian independence movement.
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  • 24 11 Washington, Keb. 4. The doctors this evening 810 an—ad ex-President Tuft's condition to be seriou* Several specialists have been railed ronnultntion. Bt-utor.
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  • 136 12 How Capt. Hugh Grosvenor Met His Death. Rugby, Feb. 4. The Air Accidents Investigation Committee at Melbourne, Australia, has reported regarding the seaplane tragedy which occurred on January 6, in which Captain the Hon. Hugh Grosvenor, FlrfchtLieutenant Briggs and Leading Aircraftsman Ewen were killed. The report states that
    British Wireless  -  136 words
  • 172 12 H.M.S. Caledon to be Present At Unveiling. Rugby, Feb. 3. Mr. Arthur Henderson, the Foreign Secretary, has addressed a letter to Sir lan Malcolm, one of the three British directors of the Suez Canal Company in Paris, informing him that arrangements are Heine made for his Majesty's
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  • 113 12 Rugby, Feb. 4. The report is now published, of the Committee of Dominion representatives which sat in London in October and November to consider questions connected with the operation of the Dominion legislation and merchant shipping legislation in the light of the declaration of the 1926 Imperial Conference,
    British Wireless  -  113 words
  • 39 12 A Tamil coolie employed by the SungeiWay Tin Dredging Cumnany was killed at the *>'i mile, (Clang Road, on Tuesday last of week, when a portion of the new dredge, which was being transported by lorry, fell on him,
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  • 92 12 City Council Go on The Dole. New York, Feb. 4. The bankrupt City Council cf Chicago has unanimously capitulated to the ultimatum of the Citizens to the Rescue Committee," headed by Mr. Silas H. Strawn, who has command of over £10,000,000 and who will advance money, as needed
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 44 12 Evicted for Not Paying His Rent. Budapest, Feb. 4. The court here has granted an eviction order against Abdul Hamid's son, Prince Abdul Kader, who is earning a living as a jazz band leader and owed six months' rent. —Trans Ocean.
    44 words
  • 41 12 Capital Increased to Over £4,000,000. London, Feb. 5. The Lancashire Cotton Corporation has authorised the' increase of capital by £538,000 tc over .€4,000,000. The increase is intended tc provide for the absorption of eight more companies, controlling 950,000 spindles.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 44 12 New Guinea Oil Search Abandoned. Canberra, Feb. 4. After having incurred an expenditure cf £500,000, the Government has decided to discontinue the search for oil in New Guinea, which has been carried on in conjunction with the Persian Oil Company. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 113 12 Officers and Crew Leave The Braaland. Hong Kong, Feb. 4. The officers and crew of the Braaland have arrived here aboard a salvage tug. The Braaland is rapidly breaking up under the buffeting of the heavy seas. Reuter. The Norwegian steamer Braaland, bound from Shanghai to
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  • 22 12 Mr. J. Carmichael left on the Empress of Australia this morning for Shanghai i and expects to be away foi a fortnight.
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  • 535 12 Asiatic Cattle Trading Co.'s Acquisition Appeal. The special considerations that enter into the valuation of land were referred to in a land acquisition appeal before Mr. Justice Stevens yesterday. The land is at Lavender Street, and before being acquired by the Improvement Trust belonged to and
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  • 28 12 Paris, Feb. 4. In response to M. Dovgalevsky's request the Government has established a most complete system of police protection at the Soviet Embassy. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 522 13 A PROBLEM FOR N. H. STEWARTS. Are Women Riders Permitted (By P. Leo Faulkner). Very often it is said that there is nothing new under the sun. Nevertheless there was at Haydook Park on Jai). 4 something definitely new upon,
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  • 1182 13 Hagen's Triumph. BRITAIN'S VICTORY IN RYDER CUP. Britain's rfctory w« America in the Ryder Cup match, and Hagen's triumph in the open championship at Muirfield. are the two most notable events of the year in the professional world of golf. says UM Observer. Of the two
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  • 54 13 Padang Clubs' First Team Meet Today. The foUowing will represent the S.R.C. to meet the S.C.C. today on the Padanp: S. L. Ohlers A. (i. Armstrong and van (Jeyzel G. B. Armstrong, H. Ochk n and J. S. de Souza V, Richards, K. Ltgge. N. Hay, R. C.
    54 words
  • 82 13 Vtcdnesday. Feb. 5 ...Let Practice at S.C.C. Hockey: S.C.C. I vs. S.R.C. I. S.C.C. IntPi-fom. Cup Cold Storage vs. Malaya Publishing House. I riday, Feb. 7 Intor-C'om. Cup Wcarne Bros. vi. Harbour Board. Hockey S.t'.<\ vs. Borneo and Boustead, S.CC. S.R.C. Married vs. Singles. S.R.C Saturday, Feb. 8
    82 words
  • 1175 13 Menzies, Orchard Mayors Sequence of Wins. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Feb. 4. The outstanding feature of the day's racing was the Menzies sequence of wins, Mayo riding all the winners who wer« trained by Orchard. Ruddybrook's running was reported to the Racing Stewards. At the
    1,175 words
  • 419 13 Entries for Important Events in 1929. The new issue of the Racing Calendar :ontained the entries for a number of important races under Jockey Club Rules to be run this year. Among them are the Lincolnshire Handicap, to be run at Lincoln on Mar. 26 the Free Handicap,
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  • 81 13 Lordland's Disqualification At Bromford Bridge. After finishing third in the Maiden Hurdle Race at Birmingham during mail week, Lordland was automatically disqualified. When his rider, R. Everett, weighed-in, he drew six pounds overweight. Under Rule 145 of National Hunt Rules If a horse carry more than four
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  • 86 13 Uncertain of Speed Record Attempt Venue. Mr. Kaye Don, the racing motorist, did not return to Pendine sands in mail week. Despite the appalling weather conditions on Sunday, when I tested the sands," he said, I gathered all the information I needed. I am now going across to
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  • 154 13 Mr. G. Pennington's Fall In Selling 'Chase. The amateur rider, Mr. Geoft-ey Pennington, had a narrow escape from serious injury when riding his own horse, Prince Regent, in the Ward End Selling 'Chase at Birmingham. The horse fell at the fence before the stands and appeared to roll
    154 words
  • 288 13 Negri Sembilan's Success After Three Years. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Feb. 4. An interesting rifle competition was held in Ipoh on Sunday when Selangor and Negri Sembilan challenged Perak for the Osborne Shield, which has been in Perak's possession for the last two years The result of
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  • 52 13 Wednesday Overwhelm Grimsby Town. London, Fei. 4. Sheffield Wednesday visited Grimal v Town today in a First Division match ar.d won by five cltar goals. Scottish Cup Replay. In the replay oi their second round t c in the Scottish F.A. Cup St. Mirren d.feated ForfaT Athletic by
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 52 13 Humpish Transferred From Wigan Borough. The arsenal signed on E. Humpish, a right half-back from Wigan Borough during mail week. The transfer is of special interest in view of the discussions which, following upon the ill-success of Arsenal, have arisen recently regarding the weakness of the Highbury club's
    52 words
  • 75 13 Cup for S.G.C. Honorary Lady Members. A cup has been presented by Mrs. H. E. Gilroy for competition by honorary lady members of the Singapore Golf Club, with handicaps under ti n. The entry list fcr this competition closes on Monday next, Feb. 10, at 6.30 p.m. Katong
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  • 32 13 The Monthly Medal (Bogey) competition wai played on Saturday and Sunday. A. Milne and H. T. Berry tied with 1 down, and it will be replayed at a later date.
    32 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 50 13 [The co-operation of Club secretaries ii requested in keeping this diary of •portiaf. His accurate and up-to-date.) THE NEW WONDER "His Master's /^3\ ffiiii ELECTRICAL iirH REPRODUCER Wonderful Tone! Sffefeia pKf^ Wonderful Volume! Ji^j _*ijfj| Come And Hear It Model No. 551. S. MOUTRIE Co., Ltd. Agents. fc in T
      50 words
    • 48 13 B $10,000 H GUARANTEE J^L FREE from PRESERVATIVES. A TOWER brand ||i|| LAGER BEER b^^^J SLUMP PRICES. KwJTJ^j Ask for a free sam P le b° ttle W4RANTEEO FREE Messrs. BUN BEE, HIGH STREET PROVISION STORE or p- G. AURELY p5 /?*J\ Sole Distributor for Malaya. Tel. 6172.
      48 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 151 14 I ADDING AND CAUCUZAimG MACHINE HNf. AND lIGURING 'v^fej&yjpfi ■<» l^Sr; Phone r wrlle Durability- W^TTjitj I OF U s promiccct feature of 'L? c SuiiMißMfo. SanlL compact 2* iSF'aii SUNDSTRAND fill! particulars and con p-.-frd <..f turna-im ADVANCED number of pjrti; all cfiJBUF I-EATURES Of the Sz i^ C!tlWU>
      151 words
    • 355 14 David! If mother turns her back a minute, her motherhood that one word was David's off again. But Mother doesn't the most helpful she ever heard. really mind. When David's in mis- "Lactogen is rich farm milk— all the chief, she knows that David s well. vitamins in it; every
      355 words

  • 2059 15 Horses for Grand National: Fewer Entries. PHIL SCOTT'S CHANCES. (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Jan. Entries for the- Grand National are published this evening and, in order that the secretaries of clubs in Malaya may get busy at once with the organisation of the time-honoured sweeps on
    2,059 words
  • 101 15 Two Chinese Produced In Court. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 3. In the local Police Court this morning ■v\o Chinese ■■l»tll Lim Chap and Lei lung Wtn iliar;,'?u in connection with the f-uidcr ar.d g:inp robbery which was snmitted at thy Setepa'c hot springs on ?n.
    101 words
  • 115 15 Beginner Practising On Public Road. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Fsb. 3. Talib bin Tahir, a young Mr.lay, was hargc:! in the Police Court with haying liivcn a motor-car on Batu Road in a •artL-ss manner and flso with having hiven the car without a certificate
    115 words
  • 292 15 The Collegiate Spirit Among Medical Students. The Singapore Medical College Union Magazine has made its bow upon the stage of Malayan journalism, and, although there is still plenty of room for development, it is in every way a journal worthy of the institution whose life it reports
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  • 62 15 The Prinscp Street Church is to be pullc:l down and replaced by a new building. It is of interest that the plans have been drawn by a practising architect in London. a brother of the minister in charge, the Rev. Mr. W. Murray. Work on the new
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  • 65 15 Over 2,000 invitations have boon issued for the Chinese New Year tea party to be given at the New World on Feb. 8 by Mr. Orur Boon Tat. There will be dancing and a cabaret show, and, by permission of Col. Here and the officers of the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 79 15 Kayser f^M HAF-HEEL* \§W®§ HOSIERY V|B| 54X is a number that* outstanding in jf \Y. hosiery. It is the Kayser Hose wim I W a smart clock that has become ail in>- \A I portant accessory in the wararobc ol the well -dressed woman, ineer tor YV beauty the right
      79 words
    • 197 15 fgGWE^Jourm M COMPLEXION 3 Urt Tf|£ SOFT CLEARNESS OF YOUTH Skin clear and smooth as silk or the petal of a flower, colouring delicately fresh— that's the complexion of youth— the complexion of every woman who crusts her skin to the care of Lux Toilet Soap. There is complexion beauty
      197 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 146 16 Always Order "SUGARCANE" BRANDS OF HAMS and BACON. DO YOUP THEY ARE TKE BEST. Truth In Advertising Always Reaches lls Objective. REFRIGERATING Co LTD Orchard Road Selects £?oad Keppel Road Graage M. .'Market. i A MODERN FOUNTAIN AVitiiout the clumsy wood stove, the labour that makes it, and the dirt
      146 words
    • 386 16 ><^p|g«^^ _*i__^EH <r__y__^ y.5 ||c_j ri 3 l_j Jf -B— ye/come adoeno^ «I fAe «/;r/ne o/ S I J 3^* I3e:ntyj charm nnd fr.igrance to mahe J^, j loveliness doubly adorable Surely even 32 j /^Ejf /*^7 x^ >>>^_ _-^_^^^P^ O/j/;/r could not o/ler treasures more «fH /flf] 1 QriCtfl
      386 words

  • 1259 17 Imported from Japan. HIGH STREET FIRM SUED BY SIME, DARBY CO. "It is scandalous and only playing with the Court. This is a case of going to prison, and they cannot send anybody they like. In future the only thing to do vill be to apply for
    1,259 words
  • 344 17 Many Changes in The F.M.S. j Service. The following appointments are notified s H the F.M.S. Government Gazette Mr. J. N. Oiiphant to be Deputy Director of Forestry. F.M.S. and S.S.; Messrs. L. Rayman and W. L. Booker seconded for service in the State of Trengganu; Mr. G.
    344 words
  • 197 17 Conclusion of Singapore Assizes. The last case on the list of the present Singapore Assizes was heard yesterday be- 1 fore the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) and a common jury. The case is one in which a Chinese named Siew Song claimed trial on a
    197 words
  • 99 17 Quiet Celebration In Sleepy Hollow. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Feb. 3. The Chinese New Year went oft* in a rather quiet manner, the Straits-born Chinese celebrating and keeping the old habits and New Year. The gambling, which was very noticeable in past years, has more or
    99 words
  • 110 17 Chief Justice's Tribute To D.P.P. The Deputy Public Prosecutor (Mr. J. H. Pedlow), when the Singapore Assizes were resumed yesterday morning, asked I the Assize Judge (tho Chief Justice, Sir > William Murison) to be released from further attendance. Mr. Pedlow said there was only one more
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  • 422 17 Celebration of His 75th Birthday. An American church paper states that the 75th birthday of Bishop W. F. Oldham, D.D., the founder of the missionary work of the M. E. Church in Malaya, was celebrated throughout all Methodism on Dec. 16, last. There has never been a missionary
    422 words
  • 112 17 Syed Mohamed Alsagoff, Municipal Crmmissioner and Justice of the Pe«e*, entertained a large party of friends on board the Empress of Australia last night prior to his departure by that vessel on a world tour which is expected to occupy a year. Among those present were
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  • 77 17 A motor accident in which a Chinese nurse on the staff of the General Hospital. Kuala Lumpur, was concerned, occurred on Friday night in Victory Avenue. She was, it is said, driving her Austin seven car towards the Kuala Lumpur Railway Station along the avenue, when near the entrance to
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    • 113 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—I and some of my friends want to congratulate the pilots of the three aeroplanes which flew over the harbour this morning. We were watching from Fort Canning Hill and because of the mist over Singapore early this morning the spectacle of
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    • 107 17 BLACKMAIL To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—I seem to remember that some months ago the Straits Times" made reference to the annoyance caused by numerous small boys who infest the vicinity of the hotels, theatre, etc., and try to persuade owner-drivers to allow th; m to jaga their
      107 words
    • 652 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—With reference to the letter from "Ex-Jock" in your issue of the 3rd instant suggesting that a bounty of $100 per annum be paid by Government to all efficient volunteers, may draw his attention to the following considerations? The efficient territorial at
      652 words
  • 48 17 Nejjro Lynched by Infuriated Mob. Mexico City, Jan. 20. A message from Cuernavaca states that a negro was lynched at V a taper, in the State of Morelos, for cannibalism. It is alleged that he devoured two little girls before an enraged mob caught him.
    48 words
  • 439 17 Terrible Experience of Boy Of Sixteen. After having been in the hands of of Chinese bandit* tor nearly live month.-. lfi-ycar old boy named Tang Fung ha been found by the Chinese authorities in a cave in the New Territories (not far from Hong Kong). The
    439 words
  • 134 17 Malacca, Feb. 3. Before Mr. C. W. Dawson on Monday last, Mr. Francis Van (ant, the chemist at the Limbongan Distillery, was charged (and Mr. Lee Teck Chuan with abetment) on three charges 1 Removing dutiable liquor without a permit, supplying false requisitions, (3) possession of
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  • 128 17 Found Dead in Chinese Hotel Bed. Leaving behind a letter to the effect that no one was to Manic for his death, a young Chinese clerk was found dead in his hod at a Chinese hotel in Beach Road on the night of Jan. U. On the day
    128 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 110 17 »♦»♦♦♦»♦♦♦> ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»-rr««-»-»-»»« i i ADVERTISE! j < t "All things should be i laid bare, so that the buyer J may r._>t be in any way ignorant of anything which the seller knows." Cicero. 4 < 4 < < I *,M»«»«MMH> «MM»MMM cleans teeth and massages gums Tufted Pro-phy-tae-tie reaches
      110 words
    • 117 17 »♦««>««««»>«♦♦ AVOIDING ANNOYANCE. Why not protect yourself against the annoyance of finding that your newsagent has sold all his copies of the Straits Times Subscribe to-day and ensure getting yonr newspaper nn Saturdays and holidays. Fill in this form— we will do the rest. To: The Manager, The Straits Times,
      117 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 352 18 /li flaJa^a^n^a^aßi^^^a*«HlPß^S^kN J t," For real dispatch in scije delivery THE alert and progressive ease of operation, li XB±^mssSFi truck operator who seeks minimum upkeep 'xlii true economy, coupled with ut- charges and a lower £gg_\SllliJB most dispatch in the safe delivery cost of delivery of merchandise, finds that the
      352 words
    • 431 18 I A CAR FOR r -i'& YOUR LEAVE A When you come Home on Leave f 4 A /J-\— m* jL«»-*T\ or on a visit, you arc sure to "iriae J3P»* I- I want a Car. Perhaps you will l. TT »> take one back with you, or it j,^^"^-^^;-
      431 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 517 19 Assets exceed $10,000,000. Awurance in force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements). IIEAD OFFICE, Winchester House. Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 27. Old Jewry. E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supremo Court of England and complies with the British Life Assurance Companies
      517 words
    • 586 19 BANKING NEDERLANDSCH INDISCHE HANDELSBANK. Established 18C3 at Amsterdam Authorised Capital Glds. 100,000.000 (about Paid up Capital Glds. r.ii.000,000 (abont £4,600,000) Reserves Glds. 27,186,366 (about £2270,000) HFAD OFFICE AMSTERDAM BRANCH OFFICES THE HAGUE, ROTTERDAM. OVERSEAS BRANCHES HATAVIA Head Office Sot Dutch East Indies. SHANGHAI Hrn.l Office for China and Japan.
      586 words
    • 701 19 BANKING P. AND O. BANKING CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in England) with which is affiliated ALLAHABAD BANK, LTD.. INDIA. Authorised Capital £6,000,000 Capital subscribed and paid up 0,694,160 Reserve Fund 180,000 HEAD OFFICE 123, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C, t WEST LONDON BRANCH: 14-16, CockHpur Street, London, S.W.L. EASTERN HRANCHES Bombay, Calcutta,
      701 words
    • 280 19 INSURANCE COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) Fire, Life, Marine, Accident, Guarantee and Motor. Assets £60,000,000 ARTHUR C. POTTS— Manager and Underwriter, Eastern Brsnch, Singapore. THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY DOES A World Wide Business IS Enjoying Rapid Growth HAS A Policy for Every Need. Established 1887, Branch
      280 words
    • 151 19 TRIUMPH 1885-1930 Every year the world-famous TRIUMPH COMPANY produces something new, something definitely superior to its own previous best. Quality is th/? bed-rock on which the Popularity and International Fame of TRIUMPH are based. 1930 Sees TRIUMPH Forging Ahead United Engineers Ltd. (Incorporated in tbe Straits Settlements) SINGAPORE. TRUTH IN
      151 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 173 20 OCEAN MOTOR POLICIES Judge the J^P^v, MORRIS MINOR by its £^3w day in, day out mhWi> consistency TUDGE the Minor by its consistent L ■■^Wi_-_.^©ji performance I road performance. Judge it by its U^^^^p withreUabibry, J power on hills by its speed on f^iS||Ma^^Vl r ,/J the long straight stretch
      173 words
    • 209 20 THE OCEAN ACCIDENT AND GUARANTEE CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in Great Britain) Head Office for Malaya SINGAPORE. REDUCE YOUR TRANSPORT COSTS By a quicker and more efficient handling with a HUDSON LIGHT RAILWAY All over the world you will find HUDSON LIGHT RAILWAY giving year after year of trouble-free service. Designed
      209 words