The Straits Times, 2 September 1929

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 214 1 ISale Bargains at ROBINSON'S SALE X 153. OAK TRAYS. Fitted wich glasr, tops, th«* sues in giainTIIWKKH TriWPl <«{ ed underneath to repivent wood, and IUKI\I^M IVWBIA with a coloured Medallion in centre. Plain White, l.rmmed ends. ziies 16> 13> 20 and 2 2 inch.-. IFand Towefa 20 x4O inches
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 542 2 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS. (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA) TO LONDON Naples, Marseilles, London, Antwerp *»d Rotterdam i Vessels Tonnage Due Sail HAKUSAN MARU 10,500 Sept IS 16 f KITANO MARU 8,000 Sept 26 17 HARUNA MARU 10,500 Oet 10 11 KAMO MARU 8,000 Oct. 24 26 KATORI MARU 10,000 Nov. 7 8 t
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    • 523 2 BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE, VIA JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly sailings by the wenknown steamer MARELLA (7,876 tons) and the new motor vessel, MALABAR (4,512 tons). The i.s. MARELLA is one of the largest and finest steamers trading to Australia, Cabins
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    • 649 2 K. P. M. (ROYAL PACKET NAY. CO. OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated in Holland) Under contract with the NETHERLANDS INDIAN GOVERNMENT, Telephone No. 3640, with sub-connections to Passage, Freight, Transhipment Marine Depts and Manager's Desk. Representative for Singapore and Straits Settlements of the Official Tourist Bureau of Java. All information, detailed itineraries
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    • 584 2 THE SIAM STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Siam) BANGKOK COASTING SERVICE For Kretay, Trengganu, Krlantan, Bangnaru, Talupin, Patani, Slngora, Lacon, Sichon, Bandon, Kohsamui, Langsuan, Chumpon and Bangkok. Arrival Departure VALAYA In port Sept. 4 SUDDHADIB Sept. 8 Sept. 11 MALINI Sept. 16 Sept. IK The steamers are fitted throughout
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 516 3 DUTCH MAILS N.V. Stoomvaart Maatschappij Nederland and N.V. Rotterdamsche Lloyd WEEKLY MAIL and PASSENGEI' SERVICE TO Genoa Aauterda> Sonthamptoa Marseilles Rotterdam M, Joh. de Witt 10,400 S.M.N. Sept. d.s. Slamat 11,600 R.L. Sept. n «.s. Prinses Juliana 8,100 S.M.N. Sept. 21 <.s. Tambora 5,600 R.L. Sept. 2' m.v. P. C.
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    • 393 3 OCEANIC AND ORIENTAL NAVIGATION CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. TACOMA ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP CO., TACOMA, WASH. STATES STEAMSHIP CO., PORTLAND, ORE. JOINT SCHEDULE. Sailing for United States and Canada Points from Manila and Hong; Kong Sails about San Francisco and Los Angelea S.S. GOLDEN MOUNTAIN from Manila Sept. i S.S. GOLDEN MOUNTAIN
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    • 192 3 HEJML-E.Y C. M. A. Wlics arc the wires with dependable insulation— tic wires that last. Not just vulcanised India-rubber wires bat HEJML-E.Y C.M.A. Wires, the wires with the long life, the wires that v ill do their job and do it well. Sole Agenta in Mah^a I jp' E NT
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 907 4 GOVERNMENT NOTICE Tenders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office, up to noon of September 6, 1929, for the following works 1. Erection of one Class 111 Quarters and Outhouses at Sepoy Lines. 2. Erection of one Class 111 Quarters anJ Outhouses on Mount Pleasant. 3. Erection of Trade
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    • 532 4 g I J *y« r NOTICE is hereby given that the above Trade Mark is the exclusive property of the CHINA TOBACCO COMPANY, LIMITED, of Shanghai (Incorporated in China) and is used by them in connection with cigarettes known as THE CHOI VONG cigarettes, manufactured by the Company which are
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    • 658 4 "NOW THE PICTURE OF HEALTH." The picture of health That is how her 'riends describe Miss Vera Harwell, an attrac'.ive young lady of twenty, who resides at 12, Queen's Crescent, Lincoln. England. Yet mtil a few months ago Miss Harwell was so enfeebled by anaemia that she felt life a
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    • 833 4 AUCTION SALE of freehold and leasehold properties situate at Ptrak Road, Sea Avenue, Parkstone Road, Balmier Koad, Tampenis Road off Changi Road and off Jurong Road, Singapore. At Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng Co.'s saleroom, No. 30, Chulia Street, on Wednesday, September 4, at 2.30 p.m. Lot 1. Valuable freehold land
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    • 265 4 KM \i \Vil.\rPEK> >. II WEAffW (MALI SIZI More FPfT^ CfIFTS! W^t *<icy »sv aft 9 FOR t2 Wincarais wr ippen (lugs size) or 24 wrappers (sir,..: utiful, useful! expensive gifts! Now there i- greater induuenent than cor to take Wincarr.i- The Wine of Life. Good health that v worth
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    • 181 5 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, One could see the pitiable state of the by-roads in Upper Serangoon this morning during the rain. By slow process, year fitter year, the hilly district is washed out to sea and thereby the hud is becoming deeper and
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    • 292 5 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Ti o following passage occurs in your report of the remarks made by Mr. Justice McCabe Reay on the occasion of the 'nerwng of the new Law Courts at .Itih(irf> Bnhru in April last. Hi? Lordship then mentioned that
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  • 282 5 Sultan of Johore Still In London. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Aug. 8. Numbers of Malayan residents continue U arrive. Recent callers at Malaya House include Mr. V. M. Murphy air! Mr T. H. Dennis, of the Straits Trading Co.. Singapore, Thi Sultan of Johore continues to
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  • 141 5 United Engineers. Limited, have bee.i appointed exclusive distributing agent* <•: Krskine and Studebaker can and trocki for Malaya by Mr. Colin ftfcCulloch, KpeciaJ representative of the Studebaker I'ierce-Arn.u Export Corporation. Showrooms win be located at the United Engineers' new building in River Valley Road, and it it
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  • 40 5 .Mr. 11. M. S. Hau^hton. who arrived from Home leave last wcek-md, has taken over dutiei as Executive Kncineer, Penang j\ml Province WTeWeeley. Mr. H. V. HußhPs, who had been acting for Mr. Haughton, Kfl on long leave on Saturday.
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  • 172 5 #> Lords' Decision on Sir C. Ross's Appeal. The reserved judgment of the House of Lords on the appeal of Sir Charles Ross Bgainst a divorce decree granted in the Scottish Courts reversed the decree on the question of misconduct. The iaw lords were Lord Buckmaster, Lord Dunedin,
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  • 235 5 Public Servants' Passages To Be Withdrawn? The Select Committee of the Ceylon Legislative Council considering the budget, at a recent session, deleted r vote of Rs. 44.085 for a fishery and minesweeping store, although it was maintained that there were still mines in these seas laid during the
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  • 308 5 Libel Suit Retrial On Malice Issue. Judgment has been given on the question whether a plea of privilege in a libel action protected a defendant who had published to a wife allegations which j wrongfully imputed immoral conduct to her husband. The allegations were contained in
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  • 101 5 Ignorance at Eton And Harrow. Somebody from The Outfitter went to Lord's to study the dress of the Old Etonians and Old Harrovians. The critic writes Tie-pins are definitely not worn with rub stripe neck ties. Numbers of Old Etonians and Old Harrovians showc! their ignorance of an
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  • 266 5 No Employment In America. Adolph Menjou, the famous screen actor, is out of employment. Apparently, there is no demand now for his interpretation of the role of a well-bred philanderer, for after vainly attempting to find work in New York Tor several weeks he has sailed
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  • 129 5 Dash from England To Scotland. Speedy travelling enabled Mr. Randall Jennings, son of the chairman of the Skipton Urban District Council, to act as bestman at the weddings of his two brothers in towns as far apart as Leeds and Lanr.rk. He first officiated at the wedding of
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  • 291 5 Probable Effect of Tariff Bill in U.S. Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, President of Columbia University and President of the Carnegie Endowment for Internationa] Peace, warns America that the high Tariff Bill of the United States may lead to retaliation in Europe by the establishment of an economic federation
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  • 147 5 Fifty Million Trees Planted. Xo fewer than 49,998,000 trees were planted under the scheme of the Forestry Commissioners during the year ended Sept. 30, 1928, according to a White Paper. Of these, 45 per cent, were Scots and Corsican pines, 24 per cent. Norway and Sitka spurces, 12
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  • 961 5 Administrator's Reply To Criticisms. Replying f.o the ciitieisms of the Central Health Board at a meeting of the Planters Association of Malaya, at Sunftkai. „n Aug. 28, Mr. T. G. Wiggins, Administrntoi of the Board, said, according to the report in the Malay Mail, he did not
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  • 30 5 The leave of absence granted to Mr. 11. C. Bathurst, M.C.S., has bi-i-n extended until the" arrival in Malaya of the s.s. Karmala due on or about Jan. 10. 1930.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 132 5 CSiBISfiTJON PLUNGER PUMPS AND ENGINES. Capacity 600 and 1,500 gallons per hour to a Head of 80 feet. Self-contained, Direct <#&£ ->^ Vl Si m P le Compact, Comc J"—j^ e ifK^jjjffijLr* 1 1 \L.» i'lete in every detail, Two sizes in stock as under 3j /■> x 4. IVi
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  • 1184 6 Rubber Flourishing On "Poor" Types. A soil survey of Malaya is the subject nf the following paper by Mr. W. K. Behrrave, of tho Agricultural Department, aripenring in the July number of the ilalayaa Agricultural Journal. Most progressive countries during the last tliree decades have undertaken BOOK
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  • 230 6 Crashes Through West End Stage Floor. This is the story of a high-souled taxi that revolted against the idea of Shakespeare in modern dress, and made a desperate effort to escape by crashing through the stage and carrying all the board* with it, thus nearly cancelling the first
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  • 34 6 The fee for Indian labourers to be paid trader the Labour Ordinance for the fourth quarter of 1929 has been fixed at $2, and $1 for female labourers. The working days will be 72.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 64 6 The Machine You Will Eventually Buy THE UNDERWOOD A GUARANTEED SERVICE WITH EVERY MACHINE. Winner of the WORLD'S Speed Typewriting Championship since 1906. Stocked in sizes from 10' 2 inches to 26 inches. There is also THE UNDERWOOD PORTABLE which embodies all the principal points of the Standard Machine. Paterson,
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    • 17 6 r* i IC^ f 1 1\« B^ If I\\ I w Bui for MODERN luSrication shell Toil
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 456 7 PAVILION Phone 6903 From .Monday, September 2 to Sunday, September 8, at 9.15 p.m. sharp. THE LATEST PATHE GAZETTE MALAY INTER-CLUB SPORTS PHYLLIS OF THE FOLLIES Starring ALICE DAY and MATT MOORE HONEYMOON FLATS Starring GEORGE LEWIS and DOROTHY GULLIVER In the First Show at 7.30 p.m. TED WELLS in
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    • 296 7 Victoria Theatre NIGHTLY AT 9.3d FORBES RUSSELL COMPANY with APRIL VIVIAN DIRECT FROM LONDON PRESENTING THt LATEST SUCCESSES. TO-NIGHT and TUESDAY, SKPT. I FTUDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. Hele- Fort. Great Soec.a. TV World T^ mOUB H y THE PATSY SECOND Mrs. TANQUERAY From Apollo and Vaudeville Theatre*. By Sir Arthur Pinero.
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    • 358 7 Phone TP Ji^ 1 Phone 3659 1 i V KJLjI NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. For Six ISights from Sunday, September 1 A Paramount D. W. Griffith Production Featuring ADOLPHE MENJOU First Show at 7.30 BILLY SULLIVAN in THE SPEED COP ITIVOLI S^, From September 13 <5t i The Biggest Screen Corne-
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      • 169 8 Singapore, Sept. 2. Rubber. Local 33's cents per Ib. Market Quiet. Rubber.— Quiet. New Scudais 2.20-2.27.. Bassets W^-'jl l^ cents, Tapahs 2^5-IJ!i. Allenliys iM-tM, Hro(.-as 1.30-1.35, OTu Braata r.O-'.3 cents, Mentakabs sO'-j-53 1 cents, Nellmaj-s i2-56'it cents, Pajams 2-!0-tM, Malaka I'indas 2.00-2.10, Jerams lM\kI.IiO. Tin. Quiet.
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      • 150 8 Rose Macphail Penman, Ltd. Singapore, Sept. 2. i I.<.r.iiun.— Rubber 10V1., up B <h Noon price 83 *f cents. London. Tin, no pric». I Mining.— Dull. Sunio-i Way* UTH-SjK, Kui/!iai< J.'.. r .-1..",8, Kinla Dredges 1.79-1.82, KlaiiK Rivers 2.00-2.7U xd., Hong Katts 80-h.'. cents xd., Malaya Consols. r.4-.'»:> rpnts, I'enawatS
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    • 257 8 EXCHANGE. PRODUCE. Singapore, Sept. 2. Singapore, Sept. 2. On London, Bank 4ms 2 37 8 Gambier 8.00 Demand 2/3 23/32 (Cube No. 1 unpicked) 14.00 Private 8 m. credit 2/4 tt Co P ra On New York. Dem.n4 U 16/16 s^ 0 Zul Sarawak .V aiw Private 90 d/s 67%
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    • 74 8 Tone of Market Stiaily, quiet. Lfctcet Cable London .Suot Shret 10',;d. per Ib. New York Spot Sheet Q. cents 20 per lb. R.S.S. equal to S'.;:ii.lard. Q.C.F. Spot— Average buyers price for Aug., 34.74 cts. II (.'cluck noon. Sept. 2. R.S.S. «rjnnl to Standard
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      • 486 8 V«l. I'd. Buyers Seller* i £1 fl Asam Kumbanjr il k-5 Ayer HitUß Tia 13 11 'i £1 £1 Bsmn'in Tin HA I 1 1 Butang Padang i..::> 0.40 1 1 Batu Caves IM l.flO 1 1 bukit Arar.f w J...5 I.CO £1 £l Burmah M»l»y 41/- £1 il
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      • 233 8 liiue taL l.l. Bayers Stllera 2 2 Alex. Brick Prefs. 2.15 2-29 2 2 Alex. Brick Ord». 270 2.90 !1 £1 Hrit. An. Tobacco 41.7.H C.H'.O Canadian Kaglta 10/6 118 1 1 Central Engina 0.60 ti 00 1 1 Cycle and Carriaf* 0.50 0.00 10i. lCs. Duff Development M
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      • 114 8 Singapore Cold Storage 7 p.c. deb. of 1826 red. 1931-36 101 10S ci. Singapore Municipal 6 )>.c. of 1901 red ISM $1,878,100 par. 6% prem. Singapore Municipal 4>,i p.e. of 1907 red. 1947 $i,ouu.i*jo 86 par. Singapore Municipal 4.i ?.c of 1909 red. 1965 $1,000.')00 05 par.
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      • 398 8 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt's quotations. To-day'i Prices Fr&3<r Lyull Co. Kvatt Allenby i:.:iO 2.r>o 2.30 2.50 Alor liujah ($1) 1.70 l.'JO \M 1.1-0 A. Hitam J.-10 Ml 3.40 3.60 A. Kuning (*1) 0.42'/i 0.47V4 0.42 0.47 Am. Malay (*2) MS Ml 3.20 3..10 A. Moltk
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  • 334 8 SHIPPING NOTES The following notice relating to beacons and lights in the Johore Strait has been issued Beacons Erected. Positions.— (a) At a distance of 10,000 feet :iO3" from Cupola house. Lat. V 2\) mm. N, long 103" 4H mm. E (approx.). (b) At a distance
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  • 33 8 From China, by Cremer, due at Singapore daylight to-morrow. From China and Japan, by Mexico Mam, due at Singapore to-morrow. From China and Japan, by Tokushima Mam, due at Singapore to-morrow.
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  • 114 8 SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD. c Xlunday, E nb tt Ships BSSagaMe the Wharves <ie evpecled lo arrive. KKPI'EL HARBOUR. Main Wharf Th. I ..1.-. I M..-.. Lighter W, i. Edith. Oil Wharf Nil Coal Wharf NIL VESSELS IN DXV DOCKS. I'aniung l'agar. Albert Doe* M Insa Victoria Doc.: Hal Keppel Hnrhnur.
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  • 299 8 A6PHAUON, lirit. loa froni Blrkenhssd I -it, I'm lie;..: Kong 8-9. ALTING, lijt.. 70S tons, from njambi 2-U, for Djanbl 4-0. n\l> 1.. lint.. :;14 tons, from Tort Dickson 2-y. for Port Dickson -i-u. DE WEERT, ton from Cheriboa 2-9, for Bawcnn 4-0. C.IAN*; ANN. lit.t.. .."0
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  • 97 8 To^lay. North, N. Kast and N. \V«-.,t Sumatra (Svlanuiu i P-". Selat Paadjanir, BenjrJcalis and Bagna Si A|.i Api latl rani S p.m. To-murrov. Java, South-Wcsi Siimatm, RoutliEast Borneo, elebes, Moluccas Timor Dilly :in<i Australa >.i (ex- ceptina Western Au>truliaj (Marella) 10 a.W. Tembilahaa A- Indmriri !I»mit
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  • 39 8 By Insulind* Khiva Andre Lehon I. P. Coco Sibajuk Kluiihanta l.t-ff Arrd. Spore I.undon July 19 Aujr. U July M iUg. II July 'Jt AlllC- l'J July AWC. l'J Auir. A'ik. M Aun. i Aag- 2fl
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 869 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Advts, ace pace 20. WANTS, FOR SALE, ETC. mi LET BHOP, Amber Mansion*. Apply ore Baildiag Corp; G-1, Market St. (lp) CLYNO Iwu i.-aU-r. IU2S model, good cor.cliuof, MM ur ■aaraat for ijuick sale. AppW 1,, tltntlaa TUITION in Kn>;lish correspondence ani rniirersation by exaerieaeed
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    • 688 8 DOCTOR DRIVEN TO USE AN IMITATION CRISPBREAD" The following interesting letter from a Doctor has been sent to The Ryvita Company in London Penang. 18.&.25*. Dear Sirs, I wish to congratulate you on introducing "RYVITA CRISPBREAD." Recently I bought a tin and found it of immrnue value, both for myaelf
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    • 10 8 HATS CROWN DRAPERY 29, SELEGIE ROAD. New shipment just arrived.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 70 8 METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Station. (By courtesy of Government Health Office.) Fur the 24 Iloura ending at Midnight on September 1. Deg. Max. shade temperature 8.1.8 I". Mm. lhaih temperature 71.:, K. Menu shudc temperature 77.3 y. Max. sun radiation 123 i. Mm. grass radiation C7.S V. Mian wit bull)
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    • 124 8 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. The following is the daily weather report of the Meteorological Branch, Survey Dept, Malaya.:— Yesterday. 9 a.m. To-day. Temperature. Rainfall. Bright. Mean Max. Mm. Sunshine. Humidity. Wind. Weather. SUtiona. F. F. Ins. No. of hours. Direction. Force MJ.H. Kuala Lumpur 02 r,9 .HO R.I 71 Calm Fine
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    • 265 8 ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE WEEK. Monday, September 2 II. W. 10JC u.m., 8.:?, 0.2t* p.m.. RJ. Sun rises 0.1 a.m.. leti 6.7 p.;i. Legislative Council, 10.30 a.m. Forbes Kussi'll I 1 "The I'ulsy," Victoria Theatre, 1).:j0 p.m. Tuesday, September .1 H. W. 11.7 a.m., K.7, 10.2C, p.m., 9.9. Sun risei 0.1
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    • 710 9 Proprietary Plantations Meeting. The twentieth annual ordinary general meeting of the Sumatra Proprietary Rubber Duntutions, Ltd., was held in the Council Iloom of the Rubber Growers' Association, 2-4, Idol Lane, E.C., on Aug. 1, Mr. 11. A. Barrett (in the absence of the chairman) presiding. The chairman, in
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    • 73 9 Rugby, Sept. 1. Foreign, exchanges arc > Am»Urd«m. 12.nig'J..At*en:. 371,. Bombay fc.. 37-S2*., Berlin 20.3W, Brussels 34.875, Bucharest- i?l6, Buenos Aires holiday, Copenhagen 16.^16, Geneva 25.185, Helsingfors 192 7 Hone Kone U. Hjd., Lisbon lMt.Btt, Madrid 32,806 Milan 92.695, New York 4.84 3-32,(5510 18.203. Paris 123.8865, Prague 163, Rio
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    • 977 9 Record Consumption Looked For. PRESENT STATISTICAL POSITION. (By Our Own Correspondent.) London, Aug. 8. The market is still in good shape nnd lvalues have been maintained fairly steadi- ly, although with the holiday season it' I full swing trading has been dull. Tho steadiness of prices in
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    • 134 9 Insane Dealer's Wild Buying. London, Aug. 26. Consternation reigned in the Liverpool fruit market a* a result of the activities of a prominent member, who conceived the idea of cornering the orange market. He bought up 26,000 cases, outbidding all competitors, and raising the price
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  • 957 9 Danger of Forward Contracts. TIN SHARE PROSPECTS BRIGHTER. (By Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore, Monday, 11 a.:n. To-day's Prices Rubber, M cents. Tin. 200 tons at $107%. Saturday's Prices Rubber, London 10 id. up l/16d. Tone, quiet. New York Market closed. Tin, London no price. New York 46.25
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  • 263 9 U.S. INVESTMENT TRUSTS. 100 Per Cent. Increase In Year. Helped by an exceedingly favourable security market ever since 1924. the number and size of investment trusts has expanded enormously, and it is now estimated there arc at least 450 in operation in the United States, an increase of well over
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  • 40 9 Exempted from Payment Of Export Duty. The Chief Secretary' to Government has exempted from the payment of export duty samples of tin-ore in parcels not exceeding 2 pounds in weight exported from the F.M.S. by parcel post.
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  • 757 9 Favourable Report For Past Year. The thirty-fifth annual general meeting of the Eaub Australian G.M. Co. was held at Brisbane on July 2j. In moving the adoption of the report and balance sheet, the chairman, Mr. de Burgh B. Pcrssc, offered comments on the affairs of the
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  • 356 9 New Operating Company Being Formed. Having decided that the division of Territory among the operating companies can with advantage be discontinued, the directors of the Photomaton Parent Corporation, Photomaton (Eastern and Central) and Photomaton (Lancashire and Midland) propose to form a new company to take ov.-r the right?
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  • 575 9 Messrs. Montagu and Co.'s Weekly Letter. Writing from London on Aug. 7, Messrs. Samuel Montagu and Co. state The Bank of England gold reserve against notes amounted to £141,376,637 on the 31si ultimo (as compared with £149,466,630 on the previous Wednesday JV and represents a decrease of £12,630,678
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  • 26 9 We are informed by Messrs. Dunlop that their prices of motor cover* and tube* haw been reduced by ;0 $jr sjjfc
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  • 411 9 Britain South American Trade. Viscount d'Abrrnon, who has been appointed head of the Economic Mission to Argentina and Brazil, speaking at a dinner given by the Latin-American Society of Great Britain, referred to the immense possibilities of South America. If one surveys the whole field of possible commercial
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  • 303 9 Substantial Reduction In Production Costs. The Financial News of Aug. 7 contains th-? following comment on the Southern Malayan Co. Yesterday Southern Malayan shares were in strong demand, and rose to 16s. 3d. The reason is not far to seek, for the return for the past month is
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  • 263 9 Fast Goods Trains And Lorries. A door-to-door service, combining the advantages of rail and road transport is the aim of a new scheme which is being developed by the Southern Railway, as a result of the powers granted by Parliament last year. The centres selected for the experiment
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  • 1013 10 The Straits Times SINGAPORE. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. FRIDAY'S DEBACLE j A woek-end devoted largely to an attempt to get at the real facts of the affair of th? Municipal Commissioners and the Europe Hotel has left an impression of bluster and evasion which akes the normal interpretation of the nls
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  • 1113 10 A Review of Modern Tendencies. (By John Drinkwater.) The question is often being raised Why is it that there has been tio outburst ot art as a result of the period of stress •hrough which Europe passed in the Great War But this question seems
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  • 402 10 Major-General A. E. Wardrop, who was holding the North China Command when it was abolished a few months ago, is promoted lieut.-general. The name of Mr. F. J. Morton, from the Singapore Secretariat, is mentioned as a possible successor to Capt. Pratt, as Senior District Officer, Butterworth.
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  • 788 10 THE COLD COAST. A former resident of Singapore who was transferred to the Gold Coast writes making the inevitable comparisons. Lifo out here," he says, is very different from tha*; in dear old Singapore everybody is scared of the sun, and golf uf'iT 8.30 a.m. or
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  • 15 10 Dr. M. C. Bain, of Singapore, and Mrs. Bain returned from leave by the Mconia.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 84 10 It Cigarettes /fffy^^ t Newest Creations FOR THE SEPTEMBER RACES lITTLE'S are now showing MJJJSBL^ n attractive selection of New Millinery for Morning and /tdSjffi* Ha B^r Afternoon Wear. MsB£%7 Felts Straws s< of exclusive styles, in beautiful t^wtV''" I l^ colourings at reasonable prices. j&^^fWi JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD.
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    • 73 10 ALHAMBRA TO-NIGHT In the Second Show at 9 LATEST EMPIRE NEWS QUALITY STREET Featuring MARION DA VIES A comedy of unending delights. A romance of love exquisitely acted. First Show at 7.30 p.m. THE GREAT LOVE A fast moving comedy Romance of Circus Life. TAN CHKNG KEE CO. LTD... Proprietors.
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    • 776 11 High Commissioner's Proclamation. JEWISH PROTESTS. British Administration Condemned. The Mich Commissioner of Palestine, Sir John Chancellor, has issued I proclamation condemning the savage murders of Jews irrespccti\c of age and sex, ;ind threatening stern measures of repression. Meanwhile order is being maintained lay Iti it
      Reuter  -  776 words
  • 453 11 Mr. Mac Donald's Visit To U.S.A. Geneva, Sept. 1. Mr. Mac Donald, with his daughter Ishbcl, and the members of the British delegation have arrived for the League of Nations Assembly, whioh will open tomorrow. Interviewed by Reuter's Agency, the I'rime Minister said he was busily
    Reuter  -  453 words
  • 146 11 .t nation Bad But No More Rain. Bombay, Aug. 31. Tho Commissioner of Sind has telegraphed to. the Government stating that the Indus is still rising. Further breaches occurred in the Nawabshah district, and the flood ar^a has increased. People siding along the river tracts have been warned
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 45 11 Heavy Blow to Japanese Trade. Tokio, Aug. 30. The new customs tariff in Australia, which will come into force on Oct. 1, is a heavy blow to Japanese trade. Japanese silk and cotton exporters, as well as shipping firms, arc severely hit. NichiNichi.
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  • 150 11 To be an Electoral Retorm Representative. Lord Hcwart, the Lord Chief Justice, has accepted the nomination by Mr. Lloyd George as one of the Liberal representatives on the body which is to inquire into electoral reform. The selection of the Lord Chief Justice for an inquiry of
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  • 141 11 Fascists Suspected. PROTEST AGAINST THE YOUNG PLAN. Berlin, Sept. 1. Early this morning a bomb exploded in the portal of the Reichstag, but the only damage consisted of a hole in the outer wall and a few smashed windows. The outrage was the culminating point of
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  • 331 11 International Action On Coal. Geneva, Aug. 31. Mr. Arthur Henderson has arrived from The Hague. Interviewed, Mr. Henderson foreshadowed an important announcement by Mr. Mac Donald regarding naval disarmament in the Assembly next week. Mr. Henderson declared that the Great War had really only just ended, thanks to
    British Wireless  -  331 words
  • 91 11 Australia Recommends Nationalisation. Canberra, Aug. 16. A Select Committee of the Senate investigating the possibility of beam messages to England at a penny a word, has reported recommending the immediate inauguration of the system of post and letter telegrams at three-halfpence per word and a minimum of 16
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  • 98 11 Year's Imprisonment For Constable. A Chinese police constable who had joined the local force in September 1928 but deserted his post on Nov. 11 the same year was sentenced to one month's imprisonment by Mr. C. H. G. Clarke, the District Judge, on Saturday. The accused was
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  • 39 11 Need of Rain in North-East District. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Sept. 2. Reports from the north-eastern districts j on the absence of rain stats that it is fear- j »>d that the paddy crops may suffer.
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  • 359 11 Arrival in London. BRITISH PUBLIC'S STRONG SUPPORT. London, Sept. 1. A storm of cheering greeted the arrival of Mr. Snowden and the other members of the British delegation from The Hague when they arrived at Liverpool Street this morning. Mr. Snowden, interviewed by Reuter's
    British Wireless  -  359 words
  • 180 11 Found with Fractured Skull. London, Aug. 24. All the resources of Scotland Yard have been mobilised in an effort to solve the mystery of the fate of Police Constable John Self found with a fractured skull on the pavement in Golder's Green, North London, who died in hospital
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  • 77 11 U.S.A. Retain Harmsworth Trophy. Detroit, Sept. 1. Th 3 race for the Harmsworth motorboat trophy, over a 30-mile course on the Detroit River, ended in victory, for Miss America VIII, piloted by Garwood, which attained the record average speed 'of 67.932 miles an hour. The sole British challenger,
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 22 11 Departure from U.S.A. On Home Run. Lakehurst, Sept 1. The Graf Zeppelin left for Friedrichshafen at 7.18 this morning. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 151 11 China Declines Russian Conditions. Mukden, Sept. 1. An official communique states that Herr Hansel, the German Consul in Harbin, accompanied by four American journalists, arrived at Manchuli on Aug. 30 and witnessed the bombardment of the Chinese lines by Russian artillery and a Russian armoured train
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 248 11 Italians to Have Seven Machines. Rugby, Aug. 31. The Admiralty list of vessels taking anchorage in the reserved areas for witnessing the seaplane race for the Schneider Cup on Saturday next shows that about 100 yachts and private vessels and five liners, as well as naval ships, will
    British Wireless  -  248 words
  • 134 11 Many Holiday-Makers Perish. San Francisco, Aug. 31. Mummy kissed me before she threw me," wailed Hqllis Pifer, aged six, the only child survivor of the steamer San Juan, which sank after collision with the Standard Oil Co. tanker S. S. T. Dodd, off Pigeon Point. The child
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 64 11 American Adherence Question Postponed. New York, Sept. 2. The Herald-Tribune's Washington correspondent states that the question of American adherence to the World Court is likely to be postponed until late in 1930, as President Hoover is anxious to give the right of way to naval questions; and avoid
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 57 11 Heavy Fine Imposed On Chinese. The two Chinese who were arrested by the Marine Police a few days ago at Changi Koad while coming into town with a Toad of dutiable tobacco were convicted and each fined $500 or 12 months in default by Mr. J. F. F.
    57 words
  • 63 11 An advertiser sent for publication in Friday's Straits Times a small advertisement offering a second-hand car for i r.ale. By Sunday morning a purchaser had been found and the cheque paid over. It was not a case of a car being sacrificed at a ridiculously small price
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  • 3304 11 Government Attitude Stated. COUNCIL MEETING. Reply to Unofficial Speeches. A vigorous protest against sweepstakes conducted by Turf Clubs in the Colony was made by the Won. My. Lim Cheng Ean, of Pcnang, at this morning's meeting of the Legislative Council. The following were present H.E.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 51 11 |iitiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiniwiiiiiiiiiiuMMflMaVM f TO-DAY'S FEATURES. Page A Political Diary, by the Parliamentary Correspondent IS The Artist and His Times, by John Drinkwater 10 London Tin Market 9 All Week-End Sport 13 Letters to the Editor 5 Around the Markets, by the Financial Correspondent 9 ■MaWMMMMMHaWttHWiiIII) Hi 111 i i n ii
      51 words

  • 136 12 Measure to Minimize Cruelty Of Sport. London, Aug. 9. Unusually big crowds of spectators, including many Americans, were present at the opening meet of the Devon and Somerset staghounds at Cloutsham, in expectation, perhaps of seeing hostile domonstrations on account of the recent outcry against the alleged cruelty
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  • 206 12 Wise Old Bird that Goes To Church. Gossip has it that he really belongs to a local butchiT. but DUnster, 'the old-world town in Western Somerset, claims its pet jackdaw for its own. This bird, is the delight of holidaymakers who visit the famous old castle and
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  • 722 12 Deputy Public Prosecutors Contention. The submission by Mr. Sponsor Wilkinson that, the police were not entitled to go on board any vessel was argued before Mr. C. H. G. ClarKc, the District Judge, on Saturday. The point arose at a previous trial in Vhich Mr. N.
    722 words
  • 173 12 Mr. Shaw on Conflict With Civil Law. The ".eckly paper, Die Literarische Welt, put to its readers the question. What about the Ten Commandments and is now publishing some of the answers it received. There are correspondents who frankly confess that they cannot remember the Ten Commandments,
    173 words
  • 52 12 One of the most mystifying robberies that has taken place in Shanghai in everal years occurred on Aug. 9 at 1:148 Avenue Joffre, When the home of Mr. W. A. White of Me*srs. Probst, Hanbury and Co., Ltd., was entered and robbed of both* $10,000 wor'h of jewels and $600
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  • 67 12 The Bishop's commissaries at home have cnsraufd the Rev. T. R. Dean for thr post "f assistant Chaplain at SI. Andrew 1 CathrtlraJ. Mr. Dean, wh., i lr«\ine r:.rl> mi Otafcer, H a Durham L. lh.. and »ji trained atSt. Augubtirp's College, Ganterbury, with a view to taking up work
    67 words
  • 409 12 Services at St. Andrew's Cathedral. Yesterday the Bishop of Singapore dedicated the new organ at St. Andrew's Cathedral. The service began at 7.45 a.m. when th 3 precession of choir and clergy followed by the Bishop in cope and mitre processed in silence up the nave to their
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  • 40 12 New Express Service To Penang. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Sept. 2. The first international express from Bangkok to Penang, travelling 1 under the timetable arranged at the conference between the P.M.S. and Siamese railways, left yesterday morning.
    40 words
  • 34 12 The Government English School at Kuala Lipis will be opened on Sept. 9 by the Sultan of Pahang in the presence of the British Resident, Pahang, and the Director of Education, S.S. and F.M.S.
    34 words
  • 115 12 Builder's Daughter Strangled. London, Aug. 2»i. Bloodhounds are hunting for the trail of the perpetrator of the brutal murder in likely, Yorkshire, of Miss Mary I>caroyd, (30), the daughter of a builder, whose mutilated and almost unclad body was found yesterday morning on a vacant plot
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  • 96 12 <>-■ Fleet Street Headquarters Changed. The old headquarters in Ludgatc Circus of Thomas Cook and Son, Ltd., the tourist agents, have been sold. The purchase price is not disclosed. The block, which comprises Nos. 107, 108, 109, 110, and 111 Fleet Street, Nos. 1, 2. 3, and
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  • 200 12 SINGAPORE TOO HOT Indian Alters Emergency Certificate. Siri Babu, an Indian, was charged before Mr. T. M. Hazlerigg, at the Central Police Court, Hong Kong, with arriving in Hong Kong without a valid passpor.. Detective-Sergeant Whant said the s:ccused came from Bangkok, having in his possession an emergency certificate i.-uued
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 66 12 IMPORTANT NOTICE To all Morris Owners MORRIS MOTORS (1926) LTD. Officially Recommended GASTROL MOTOR OIL For All Morris Engines Ensure best results by Lubricating YOUR ALL-URITISH MORRIS with WAKBFIELD CASTROL 'XL' Wjf^fffw^fWM CASTROL D for iJcdS r ear l)(>x Engine »2 ;ind back Uk —the product of an ALL-BRITISH FIRM
      66 words

  • Australian Racing.—English League Football Begins.—Malaya Cup Final.
    • 478 13 Some Surprises. PROMOTED CLUBS DO WELL. The BagUah Football Association League programme started on Saturday. In many instances it opened rather sensationally. The first division results BfOVhM many surprises. Middle:>broujrh, who obtained promotion last season, s tat toil off by defeating Liverpool, who linisbed well up the
      478 words
    • 1844 13 Doubtful Goal. HARD GAME ENDS IN DRAW. Honours even was the general verdict of those who saw the Malaya Cup final between Singapore and Selangor at the Stadium on Saturday, when the result was a two-goal draw. It was a great game, full of thrills, and sportingly
      1,844 words
    • 855 13 Johore Win Warren Shield. The Malayan Command Rifle Meeting was held over the week-end, and, in spite of rather inclement weather on Saturday, the competitors pluckily answered a!l calls and thus enabled the meeting to be brought to a successful corclusion in the scheduled time. The meeting
      855 words
  • 263 13 Eleven Routed by BorneoBoustead's Side. An S.C'.C. eleven was badly beaten by !'.i nieo and lloustead's XI at the Padang yesterday. Scores S.<\C. H. 11. 1'- W.iitley c Marshall h Stewart-Brown P. 8. Williams c >ul> b S-Hru" 25, G. E. l.n.'ik b Aahworth M, it C. Gibson
    263 words
  • 93 13 TV match between the Past and Present pupils of St. Joseph's Institution •rrmnged for Saturday was canci'lled owintf to r:\in. On Sunday the school defeated the F.M.S. Railway Institute by two wicket* and runs. The visitors were short of one man. The aeons were 210 for 9
    93 words
  • 69 13 Australian Spring Season Opens. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sydney, Sept. 1. The New Zealand horse Limerick reappeared at the opening of the spring racing season at Warwick, and displayed all his old form. With McCarten riding, Limerick won the Warwick Stakes (one mile, weight (or age) at 5
    69 words
  • 132 13 Jackson-Millar Cup Result At S.S.C. An interesting programme of racing and water i»'l > ra earned cut at the Singapore Swimming iulj yesterday. The chief i vent was the live lengths race in the Jackson-Millar Cup snies, the result of which was v win for Leonard, the Club captain,
    132 words
  • 345 13 Successful Function At Depot. Tm those who visitod the new Poliec Depot at Thomson Koad for the first time on Saturday, the progrcaa made »t that institution was a revelation. Apart from the mode n am! spacious buildings where police recruits are housed, the Depot plendid ground and
    345 words
  • 168 13 Tendency to Encourage GateCatching Aspect. A well-known southern athletic club recently received a communication from a continental club offering the services it amounted to nothing less of several fuirly prominent American athlete* who are shortly eominpr to Kurope, says the: Athletic News. The proposition was that since the
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  • 47 13 Tuesday, September 3 Ist l>iv. Football S.C.F.A. vs. Seletar. WrdnPHdny, September 4 Ist l>iv. Football S.C.C. vs. Malaya, end of IHv. I l'rogranime. Saturday, Seplembrr 7 BiiiKapDrc IMM Sunday. Srplcmbrr 8 rickct LA. vs. S.r.R.C. S.C.R.C. Motor Cycle ami Car Hill Climb, The Gap, >•:.',« a.m.
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  • 17 13 [The ro-opcration of Club Secretaries il requested in keeping thii diary of iporting events uccurato and up-to-date.J
    17 words
  • 101 13 Season to Start Next Saturday. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 1. The Penang rugger season starts on Saturday with a practice match, immediately after which a meeting will be held to elect a captain and vice-captain. In addition to visits from Perak, Selangor, Bangkok and Ncgri Sembilun,
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  • 38 13 Walter I. indium, the famous Australian billiards player, is sailing for England by the Cathay on Sept. i). He will play in all the principal cities of Great Britain, beginning with a match, at Glasgow on Oct. 11.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 9 13 Kedah Gymkhana and other sports appear on Vage Seventeen.
      9 words
    • 106 13 Raffles Hotel Saturday September 7 RACE BALL SPECIAL DINNER AND DANCING Till 2 a.m. Make Your Reservations Early Sea View Hotel All Rooms fitted with Modern Conveniences. TEA DANCE Every Tuesday and Thursday SPECIAL DINNER AND DANCE Every Wednesday and Friday Admission lo Non-Diners $1.00 CINEMA (Wet or Fine) THURSDAY,
      106 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 789 14 !TH£ NEW FORD TJ I /W5 a JXemarkablel Value of simplicity of design shown daily in outstanding Tf^""^? smoothness, acceleration, speed, JL-aV TV T/^ T TV T T" 7 power, reliability and economy. m IJ. VjT JL 1 i 1 Low-priced cars should not be I complicated. np Engine mounting
      789 words

  • 561 15 Mental Deficiency. JUDGE'S STRIKING DECLARATION. BafeMsea to sterilisation of the unfit is made in the suppressed part, just published, of the report of the Joint Committee of the Boards of Education an«i Control on mentally deficient adults. The chairman of the committee was Mr. Arthur H. Wood,
    561 words
  • 301 15 His Collaboration With Strauss. The sudden death of Hugo von Hofmaniuthal, one of Austria's leading authors, twn <lays alter his son Franz had committed suicide, ra a great shock, althoujrh he had l>een suffering from heait tioable for khm time. Hi.lDuuiiisihal was what one may rail an early
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  • 26 15 Miss Richards is coming out from Home to take up duties at the Pudu English school and Misß Wilkinson has been t-iiKUKctl for St. Andrew's Hospital.
    26 words
  • 1813 15 The Exodus to the Hague. Foreign Secretary's Busy Time. Critical Days For Miss Bondfield. Moscow Rebuked The Licensing Problem. Ceylon's Future. Indian Air Mail Service. (By Our Pailiamentary Correspondent) London, Aug. 6. IJIOR many of the Labour Ministers holidays this year are a technicality.
    1,813 words
  • 611 15 "Articles de Paris." FRENCH CURATORS MfciS A CHANCE. If thp estimates, made by the Kriti •<» Must-urn of the date ol" the four hrona*» which it has Just acquired are tomvt, It is more than 2,r,0t) yiars iigo that Frvnch artisans hagM making ornaimnti, of the
    611 words
  • 291 15 Dramatic Rescue at A Station. Disguised as a toy, a minor nurrii.-d pirl, v.ho had been kulnam-eii by thn.e villagers, was btiny reipoi'td from lici' village by her captors when she was dramatically rescued by hir father* The story of her adventure was related be fort* Mr. Justice
    291 words
  • 71 15 A Kind's Bench l) court ripcirier] in favour of the General Mrdical Council in the eaae in which Kiniienunt-i-olonfl John William Kynastoti, of hanghum Houso, R;-i?ent Street, ask«<l th:it the court should order the eoaaefl to delete from its records the penal RUUt <>5 hie name from
    71 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 378 15 TO DIABETES SUFFERERS a* _&F^l. Royal Brown Bread SL^ jTl 3k FRESH FOOD AND REFRIGERATING CO., LTD., Keppel Road. j^nS^T^SwflsJff^^ L*£^ Orchard Road, Grange Road and Selegie Road, 4*-p-. 'W HIGH STREET PROVISION STORE, LTD., High Street, $jj ORCHARD ROAD PROVISION STORE, 241, Orchard Road. I^*^^^^^ X I >I ANN,
      378 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 167 16 uncle usedcar says If you and I had £5000 a year I wouldn't be out here selling ''^N /^il Second- Hand Cars and you wouldn't be listening— Howl^L ever we haven't yet. So if it is a question of a limit on your immediately available cash, remember my Firm will
      167 words
    • 216 16 The new Ford 30 cwt. Truck Chassis Whatever your needs may be, there is of the highest quality. is a body type suited to your pur pose, which may be fitted to the Massive rear cantilever springs. Truck Chassis, heavy artillery wheels, low centre of K ravity, a4O horsepower balanced
      216 words

  • 1059 17 Prospects of Thrilling Sport. Given favourable weather conditions next Sunday, there will be thrills nt the Gap for competitors and spectators i alike. The annual motor cycle and carj hill climb organized by the Motor Cycle Platoon of the Singapore Volunteer Corps will take place,
    1,059 words
  • 56 17 The present programme at the Alha-nbra, which has Quality Street," with Marion Davies, as the chief feature, will continue until Wednesday. Two good comedies will be shown at the Pavilion from to-night, in Phyllis of t the Follies,' with Alice Day and Mat Moore, and Honeymoon Flats, with
    56 words
  • 718 17 Interesting Racing At Alor Star. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penangr, Sept. 2. The Kedah Gymkhana Club held iU cnnual gymkhana meeting yesterday a1 the Alnr Star racecourse. From a socia: pom» of view the meeting proved a great success. The fields were somewhat or the small side,
    718 words
  • 89 17 Story of £8,750 Agreement To Buy a House. Miss Betty Balfour, the film star, of Alexandra Court, Queens Gate, Westminster, was sued in the Chancery Division by Mr. Ernest Edward Wilson, of Oakland*. West Heath Road, Hampstead, for specific performance of an alleged agreement to purchase his
    89 words
  • 60 17 Police Capture at Boat Quay. While making inquiries into an affray between Chinese at Boat Qi-ay on Saturday, Inspector Byrde discovered a pistol »nd six rounds of ammunition in a house, rwo men, who were arrested in the room at the time, were produced before Mr. I.
    60 words
  • 213 17 Several Ne^v Books Published. London, Aug. 16. India figures prominently in the publishers' lists this week. j Army Health in India," by Lieut- Colonel Mackenzie, ex-Director of Hygiene and Pathology at the Army headquarters in India, has aroused interest by mention of the cold storage of
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  • 183 17 European Convicted for His Own Good. In the Kuala Lumpur Police Court this morning, before Mr. G. H. Nash, says Saturday's Malay Mail, a European nam d W. Mackenzie was charged with being t.runk and incapable in Ampang Street on the previous night, and with being a
    183 words
  • 335 17 Chinese Pest Smartly Captured. When she returned from market she found her new gramophone in its usual place but after attending: to her children in a back room she went out to find it gone. Bl» communicated with the Orchard Road police and the prompt .and careful investigation
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  • 145 17 The Singapore Municipal health statement for the week ended Aug. 24 gives the total number of deaths as male 132. and female 85. This represents a death rate of 23.63 per mille, per annum, compared with 26.45 in the preceding week and 25.61 in the corresponding week of
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  • 44 17 The Permk River Hydro-Elpctiir Power Co., Ltd., invited a party of local miner* and engineers to visit the company's power station which is being built at Chenderoh on the banks of the Perak River some miles from Kuala Kangsar. The party left Ipoh yesterday^
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  • 207 17 European Passenger Jumps Overboard. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 2. When the N.Y.K. steamer Hakozaki Maru was three miles to the west of Keppel Harbour, Singapore, on her way to Penang on Friday afternoon Captain Herbert Edmund Woodstack, late of the Mercantile Marine, an Englishman, 34
    207 words
  • 215 17 Scientist Says It Will Be Possible. Professor F. A. E. Crew, of Edinburgh University, speaking at the Social Hygiene School at Cambridge, said It has been abundantly demonstrated that life can r.nd does, continue without ceasing. I It is possible to take a fat worm and by
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  • 85 17 A Moth seaplane ami its owner are at Port Swettenham just now and passenger flights can be made by those interested. Mr. Phillips, the pilot, recently arrived by air from Sumatra and is staying with Mr. E. N. W. Oliver at Pendamaran. Sir James Martin has been appointed Chairman of
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 131 17 CAST IRON Soil and Rainwater Pipes Singh Double Single Double Socket Socket Socket Socket Eired Eared Eared Plain Plain Plain Guaranteed in conformity with British Standard specification and as supplied to The Singapore Municipality, P.W.D. and leading Contractors. We shall be glad to send complete Catalogue of Cast Iron Pipes
      131 words
    • 239 17 MAGNIFIED VIEW OF CYMA MOVEMENT jCp X you were to read the pages of WATCHMAKING ■ffl HISTORY or if you were to have a long talk with y;/ some expert who had devoted his life to the study ,^-nSj °f watches, you would learn some '/f'^aA interesting and astounding facts.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 134 18 Last Week of WHITEAWAYS ANNUAL SALE You Only Pay HALF PRICE FOR BARGAINS DISPLAYED On Centre Tables of the Ground floor. Surplus stocks must be cleared! This Week all Remnants, Oddments and Sale Accumulations will be sold at Half Marked Prices. Fashions for Women and Men, Fabrics, Furnishing, Household goods,
      134 words
    • 144 18 JmSu 1 i c '""t j J| ■__u_» MB^hVa^MaWSK^LSfIPWH^B^B^aB f9{ ESXBQSOII^IaI B*9 if *l£ i^— ihiim^i i wmrn^ iiiii— in iniiiWiHMmUffc BLS I I I Ili I NEW RANGE OF MODELS I 509^ Model 8 H.P. 2 and 4 Seater Open Cars. 520 17 H.P. Light 6 Cylinder Tourer. pi
      144 words
    • 58 18 I ye come to them at last, you see!" CRAVENA CORK-TIPPED VIRGINIA CIGARETTES 77ft' ONLY Cigarettes Made Specially to Prevent Sore Throats MADE IN LONDON HUTTENBACH, LAZARUS SONS, LTD. I Incorporated in the Straits Sttt.lfincr.ts) Singapore, penavo, iron and KUALA LUMPUB. SUN-MAID S?i SEEDLESS RAISINS y\^ m m Sole Afenti
      58 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 537 19 I Assets ©ver $9,500,000 S.C. Assurance Itt force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In the Straits Settlements) I HEAD OFFICE t Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 17, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company baa £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the
      537 words
    • 585 19 BANKING CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Paid Up Capital in 600,000 iharei of £6 each £3,000,000 Reserve Fund £4,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor* 13,000,000 HEAD OFFICE: 33, Binhopsgate, London, E.C. 2. Agencies and Branches Amritsar Hong Kong Rangoon Alor Star Harbin Peshawar Bangkok Iloilo Seremban Batavia Ipoh Semarang
      585 words
    • 718 19 BANKING NEDERLANDSCH INDISCHE HANDELSBANK. (NETH. INDIA COMMERCIAL BANK) Established 1863 at Amsterdam Authorised Capital Clds. 60,000,000 (aboot £5,000,000) Paid up Capital Glds. 55,000,000 (about Reserve Glds. 26,184,043 (about £2,180,000) HEAD OFFICE AMSTERDAM. BRANCH OFFICES THE HAGUE, ROTTERDAM. OVERSEAS BRANCHES BATAVIA. HEAD OFFICE FOR ASIA. BRANCH OFFICES DUTCH EAST INDIES Amponas,
      718 words
    • 297 19 INSURANCE COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England). Fire, Life, Marine, Accident, Guarantee and Motor. Assets £60,000,000 VRTHUR C. POTTS— Manager and Underwriter, Eastern Branch, Singapore. THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE. !nd floor, Hong Kong Bank Chra., Singapore. New Insurance effected in 1928 £17,943,000. An increased Scale of Dividends has been
      297 words
    • 194 19 ACFNTS reS sTTEAIT? SsflJT SETTLEMENTS AND p» -4 Bocstead Co., iwV&HiW LIMITED. SbH By (Inc. In FJ1.8.) HP/ (Inc. fa England) THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD. t lncorporated In Denmark) SINGAPORE. Importers of "OK" CEMENT "NY CARLSBERG" BEER "STAUB" 3 Stars Brandy "STAUB" Liqueur Brandy (20 years old) "SHIP" BRAND
      194 words
    • 314 19 HOUSES TO LET SIANG LIM PARK (Lorong 40, Gcylang) Three rooms and four rooms at $30 and $35 respectively. ELECTRICITY, GAS and WATER. Apply SIONG LIM SAWMILL CO., 2/3, SYED ALW* ROAD. Enquiries 'Phone 6852 or 6854. TO LET OFFICES, GODOWNS, ETC. Offices in The Arcade. 15 and 17, Alkaff
      314 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
      205 words
    • 252 20 GENUINE STOCKHOLM TAR SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED LEE KIM SOO 40, HIGH STREET. -:634:T.K.K/S BALLOON TYRES. 26 x 3.50 110.00 Tubes $2.00 27 z 4.40 112.00 Tubes $2.50 29 x 4.40 $14.50 Tubes $2.50 SO x 4.50 $15.00 Tubes $3.00 28 x 4.95 $19.00 Tubes $3.50 TENG SENG GUAI> «J4, NORTH
      252 words
    • 997 20 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. PREPAYABLE CHARGES for WANTS, For Sale, To Let, etc, in ordinary eloso set t>pe (average six words to line) aw Per line One Insertion 28 cento, two ins. 46 cents, three ins. 64 cents, four ins. 02 cents, five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.13, ten ins. $1.40, twelve
      997 words
    • 944 20 BOARD AND LODGING BOARO-RKSIPIACi: for t'irls. Terms moderate. Apply 40.'), Straits Times. FURNISHED ROOM with board private family 880 p.m. Central. 869, S. Times. WARWICK HOUSE, 81, Cavancgh Road, Select English Boarding establishment. 'Phone 7593. DOUBLE ROOM, verandah and bathroom, vncant, also single. 29, Killiney Rd. Phone oL'OB. CENTRALLY located
      944 words
    • 493 20 Finest Ground Roasted and Ground Fresh Daily from the Finest Quality Selected Beans. OBTAINABLE FROM EVERY GOOD DEALER IN MALAYA. JOHN LirTLE& CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) SINGAPORE, PENANG. K. LUMPUR AND lI'OH. Free Demonstrations OF 3urmolo THE WONDERFUL AUSTRALIAN INVENTION AT G. H. KIAT CO., LTD., 15, COLLYER QUAY
      493 words
    • 299 20 SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS Prismatic Compasses, Theodolites, Road Tracers, Levels, etc, etc, Affnta for W. F. STANLEY CO, LTD. MOTION SMITH 1.-», lIATTERY I'OAD, SINGAPORE. JUST ARRIVED. UNHAPPY INDIA INHAPFY INDIA The book Is intendtd to \i-. a critical and exhaustive examination of Miss Moyo's "Mother India." Lala Lajpat Kai contends that
      299 words