The Straits Times, 23 August 1929

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 112 1 I IBOTKAIi SIITINC "FIORODOR" II I' V > VON i nnv, lIKII >IM. \rORE.j The Choice of Connoisseurs ABDULLA CIGARETTES Virginian Turkish Egyptian ABDULLA CO., LTD. 173. m;\y !:ond street. London. l»y Rnynl Appointment suppliers to H.M. The King of .m H.M. The King of the Belgians. lI. M. The
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    • 193 1 NEW CONSIGNMENT JUST ARRIVED CHINESE GOLD AND JADE JEWELLERY (From HONG KONG and CANTON). ALL THE OLD TIME CRAFTSMANSHIP IS RETAILED, EVEN EXCELLED GOLD and JADE '|JgJgJjggg"jggjgg|] (.OLD and JADE BANGLES. ~l l l l l inkPrices $88.50, $98.50 $100.00 Prices $25.00. $28.50 and BRACELETS. 9^ BUTTONS (Set of 4).
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 550 2 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS. (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA) TO LONDON Naplea, Maraeillei, Loadoa. Antwerp aad Uoturdaa \..eela Toaaag* Dm Sail HAKOZAKJ MARU 10,500 Aag. tt M HAXUSAN MAKU 10XM Sept. It II KITANO MARU MM Saat. M M HARUNA MARU 10.600 Oct. It 11 t KAMO MARU 1.000 Oct. 14 M KATORI MARU
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    • 520 2 BURNS PBILP LINE (laaanaratai ta AuatraJla) FOR BaUSBASm STDMET AMD KBLBOURNE. TU JAVA. DARWIN AMD THURSDAT ISLAND. RagaUr aaaaMr ititai ay ta* *«BkaawV lnaar MARRUA (TJTI uaa) aad ta* —m a^t*cvaa*aL MALABAR (4JI! Uaa). Ta* m. MAKRLLA I* aaa of tk* largaat and flaart rtiaaara trading to AaacnSa. Cabla* aa
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    • 705 2 h. P. M. (ROYAL PACKET NAY. CO. OF BATAVIA) (laoorporaud In Hollaad) Dadar aoatract with U* NTTHERLANDR INDIAN GOVERNMENT. Telephone No »MO. w<th iob-toe lanMaaa to Paoeogr. Pretftit. Traneblpaoat Marts* DepU and Manager'! Desk. R*pr***nutiv* for SI agape re aad Strait* SettlemonU of tho Official Toartat Bar*** tt Java. All
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    • 575 2 THE SIAM STEAM NAY. CO^ LTD. (laaarporatad la Siaa) BAMQKOK COASTING SERVICE Pal Irruy. Trvaggaaa, Kela'ilan. Bangnara r.lunla, Pataal. Siagora. Lacon. Btcb*n. »*nd*a. Kobaaaal. I.angeuao. Chuapo* *a<i Saagkok. w.,tv>. Arrival Departaap MALINI Aug ti Aag. tt VALAVA Sopl. I Sopt. 4 SI'DDHADIB B*pt. grpl. II Ta* iliaaui ar* Ittod throughout
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 536 3 DUTCH MAILS N.Y. StootßTaart Maatachappij Nederland BJjJ N.V. Rotterdamsche Lloyd A KKkI.Y MAIL and PASSENGER SERVICE TO teM Aaaatardaai SiaiaiaaiHa iaraollloa Battafdaa BM, Car. Uuygaaa lt.M* 8 M -N. Ao» tl Patna 10.000 BX. Aas> JO Job do Witt 10.400 SJf JL Sopt. < .a. Slaaat 11AM EX. Sept. 11
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    • 436 3 OCEANIC AND ORIENTAL NAVIGATION CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. TACONA ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP CO., TACOMA, WASH. STATES STEAMSHIP CO., PORTLAND, ORE. JOl XT STH E DI- I. E Sailinsj for United States and Canada Points from Manila and Hong Kong Balla aboat Baa Fraadaca aad Fartlaad B J. TEXAS froa MaaiU Aa«.
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    • 109 3 HOYTS Bearing Metals No. 11. No. 11 is the finest liearini; metal obtainable and contains 92 per cent, pure tin. "1.C.E." A metal with splendid qualities It be used where a cheap. r metal than No. 11 is required. May we send yea full particulars of these and the other
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 701 4 SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY The feUewiag Hani is now available Bm aria 2 (Ne.) Air Leeks and Diaphragms. ft r.>- r lr«- «.th nttings. I Set ef 4 (No.) -Stag" Ball Mills, by Kdgar All. r (These Mills will reduce granite to aand al the rate of I cubic yard per hour
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    • 547 4 STANAVO STANAVO n Mai STANAVO DESIGN" N'dTK X is hereby given that the Tree> V.arks depicted above are the rxrlusWe pryIPE( IKI' VTION I OX. Eart .n sssonaUon of \meriea. and that tae samr are dhil b) the >yd Board I un n MM uiU madr from petrolram. h*th with
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    • 319 4 BMa^Bna^a^a^anftam^nSl LwLl *W W T ace Powder of won£MF^- «|£b^ dcrful fineness and with V^, jM-mmW an a dorable and exqui- v^^taMPEr^Tr/ powder beautifies the If complexion, japarting W the healthy bloom of youth. Soft, delicate, admirable in every way, JAVA face powder ■^^■■^■^l should be used by every yfiAeSa/jQaseS
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    • 651 4 IMPORTANT AUaiON SALf At Meas' i Seng room. ot. «ti w HBMBfMI M ta p.m. UnH mtuatc a. hold land situate ii I'uere. ar. petes. Lot J. Vaiaahle lan<l .ituate at an<l I arrr, tfc paler comprise <i Lot 4. ValaaMa fraeaeld land situate o.i Kirn KnM Ruarl and Ualo'Ki
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    • 236 4 LIQUIDATORS' SA! IMPORTANT AUCTION ol the ha Stuck. in trad. Furniture and COMMI tags, ,op«. •lilr. ai rhrval <l MM Xt N ATTRAaiVE AUCTION ol high stained teak I Te be held al I I ■aamaJar, Ma I I etc. I ii !l Au HIMROD'S Airhma Cure i—!l (aJUB has
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  • 1536 5 "Jix' Ignored At Twickenham: An Election Comedy. HUGE CHARING CROSS SCHEME. (From Our Own Correspond. Ixindon. Ju Whih- Mi. Ramsay MacDonaW rmenitaged in feeling the pulse of Russia, and Mr. Henderson in dismissing Lmi from thi |x.«t ..f High f..i i: K >i si what it th.-
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  • 38 5 Her* of the Y.W.C.A ate roti'ied he lecture on "Crocodiles," to be by Mr I. S. Jrrm>n on August i- hsd to be cancelled, owing to Mr, ■is departure on leave a few da earlier than was expected.
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  • 1373 5 SUM LETTER. Declining Fortunes of The B.U.C. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok. Aug. 17. For some time the Bangkok United Club, the oldest club in town snd at one time a centre of social life, has been struggling to keep its head above water. Bit by
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  • 276 5 IntorestinK Exhibition M Amsterdam. On the occaxion af thr ticrr** of Intprnational < "hamhrr quaint but highly-intrrc*tins; axaibiUon was opened in thr Town Munrum. Amam. It gavr ihi membrn "f tho (ongrenn an idea "f wonomn- life in Europe iluring Ike past »ix rent For many month* rxprrto
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  • 132 5 Echo of Tragic Death Of Jumbo. An amazing in» tarter of the memory of elephant* occurred at St. Thiniia>. <• when elephant* belonKini; to a cirrus were being; unloaded. Among them wti Alice, agrd 110, who wii with Barnum'* Qnm and was a companion of Jumbo, the world-famous
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  • 138 5 Proframm* nf drills up to and for w»k ending Aut tS Friday. Aug. S3. 6 p.m.. Hukit Timah Ranfr. "C" (Sroltukl Co, Practice Warr.n Shirl.l S.IS p.m.. Dr. II H.II. -.p>i.v farad* &.1& p.m.. Drill Hall. S.R A SirnaU. Section farad* S.U p.m.. Drill Hall. Ist Bn Signal
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  • 27 5 Mr. K. 0. Naidu. Indian Immigration Fuivl Inspector. Ipoh. has jnnr <>n transfer to Malacca Fund In.pct. r thenti tuccMdMl by Mr. Mum*, of th»- Ubour DvpartnMiit.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 92 5 You Cannot Beat British Steel!! t\V, .re Sole Ak-tnU for BALFOUR'S" EAGLE GLOBE" STEEL And carry la*, ,toek S of Carbon Steel Pneumatic Tool Steel yuk.l steel w. i^ .11 o i Miners Drill Steel uj High Speed Tool Steel 8 Manganese Steel for Dredge T^t£ Q*\ r^ MfirtS, PRICES
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    • 123 5 /jjfK NEW "H.H.V." LltfgS^* jjE RFPfIRIIS TO-DAY A""'""A hh *Ue Wonderful Recordings by WKUtA QAVUCVma pkikk m\\\>o\ MIS. II XI.MAX JESSK CRAWFORD MiOljil kiikkn si M\IKK X CHEN M.IER CHARLES XIX(. jack hvltox and his orchestra NKW .MAYFAIR DANCE ORCHEMKV London symphony orchksmm LUA Mnt wiih S- Moutrle Co.,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 96 6 Spanish Queen H OLIVES Specially selected and bottled <iS- 7 lv rossc an<^ Black well. v .-;j*W Only the finest fruit— in \\j*L:Jt perfect condition— is used. Crosse BlackwelFs SPANISH QUEEN OL.VI'S g u Onc Sniff-DEAD" Bugs breathe Biack Flog— and diel A secret vegetable ingredient kills them in a
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    • 215 6 Revolutionary Features HH^K NEW° SILENT 1 KELVINATOR t= l'iwliir -ilrnrr. ma romplrlr a« K'l»>- I J^^Z!~~ nalor* 15 yrar»" rxperimrr "i«» I 1 prmoion manufacture can build. BR^aHl I I 2 Fully automatic ao rrculation or I attention on >our part. Scientific lrmpera(urr<i, romtantljr maintained. I M«Mfc^R«fej« 3 New flrxihlr
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    • 112 6 DO YOU KNOW THISP It wan emphasized at the annual noctinjr of the National Federation of Women's s thai MM BfWi woulii save many a doctor's bill, and that all loaves should t* enclosed in paper hags. Kvcry jvoman should insist upon h«-r bread being delivered in paper tags.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 528 7 Coming! The Private Life of HELEN OF TROY Released hy FIRST NATIONAL PICTURES. Victoria Theatre ommvminfi Friday, Aug. .10 and Mightly at 9.30 FORBES RUSSELL COMPANY with APRIL VIVIAN until i pgovi minimis hie latest srrrEssEs. I inH Saturday. August ,"J0 and 31. London's longest run BY CANDLE
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    • 444 7 THE GREAT CHINESE CIRCUS Wuh u Company of WORLD RENOWNED SKILFUL ARTISTES Presents MAGIC STUNTS, THRILLS AND COMEDY. ALL UNIQUE AND HIGHLY ENTERTAINING. NIGHTLY at 9 ANSON ROAD Complete Change of Programme Dally Matinees Saturday and Sunday, at 2.30 p.m. EXTRACTS FROM HONG KONG TAPERS An entertainment that L novel
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    • 17 8 <,R\Y On Augu»t SO, \9t9. Amelia Gray, widow of the late I'llol Joseph <ira>. ot Singapore.
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    • 75 8 Tan Cheng Boon. Tan I'heng 800. Tt'. henr huan and Tan < Deng ihye beg I. ten.lrr their grateful I hank- t<> those rela livet and friend, vau rendered taluald help to them both in Singapore and ia Malacca, and al*o those who have sent scrolls, wreaths and letter*
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    • 116 8 Singapore. Aur- 2-i. Rul.btr —Uc-I 35' i saajSj n«r Ib. Market Quiet. Kubber. —Quiet. Mentakab* Br««a. 12: Sryeai. S^S-tJa. Kempa> U.'.3JT>-. Allenbyi I.W-IM. Kun dung* I.W IH, Liv Benu(< II KamaMuti a.Ki-.l Ci. Pajan* 2M I". < -to»IJ.! 1,?. B»df..r.i. 1-1.10, Malaka I ii. Tm.— SuiHt
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    • 107 8 Rose Macphail Penman. Ltd. Rul.brr 10.. 1. down '.d. Mesa pn.o Mpot 33's r*nt>. London. lin X.'IJ lO>.. vMining.— SleaJ,. Sung. Ku.hai. 1-.7 I -If 1 tU-IM, KUn X■■ ..I 11.. Mr > Malaya < un it ci I'rnawat 1.14-I.U*. Prlalinjr. Mi-, r,.',. Bulu nasM MMJe. Joh»ri» ::«>-. :i7
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  • 58 8 Henderson, Helm and Company, Inc. New York, send us the following cable lated Aug. 22. their quotation* being in gold dollar cents closing bid prices Rubber Kxchanges sales to-day 875 tons. August 19.10, September 19.G0, October 19.90. November 20..T0, Decnibci January 20.1*0, February 21. March April 21.60. To-day's
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  • 246 8 EXCHANGE. Snr>P>rr. Aur 23. On London. Bank 4 a H/3S tKmmiJ f/3 23 2t I'rivaU 3 b.. errdit On MM Vork. Wmaod U 1(/U Private W> J < (7% On »»nr«-. Hank T.T. 1431 on India. Bank T.T. 1M On llon« k..t, r Bank T.T.
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  • 980 8 HIPPING NOTES. Bit? New Ships. LINER WORK IN PROSPECT. hether the time has come when owners of large liner fleets shruki embark on exprogrammes of new construction iestion to which no definite answer tan yet be given, but there do seem to U indication* that the lending lintr
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  • 49 8 Tone of Market ■r> dull. Lslest Cable London Spot Sheet 10\d i^r Ib Nrw Taakt spot ■mi <. bsbjij w% p»t ib. IMb ■■o*a. A«(. ML 1».5.«. •nuil to StiniUrd gcr. M«M.Ur Vuiutt SUndiid X S s. Un 1 >-|.timbrr a mm* Jan.-Marrk M
    49 words
    • 395 8 \al. Id. I >r« (1 fl Aiam Knmbanr i A>rr Ilium Tin U 6 fl fl llanicrm T:n 1 1 Bat»nc I'adanf 9M 40 1 1 lUtu CMW J.«O IM i i tafcM \f.inr l« tl II Ilurn.«l. Malay 4 f. fl I'hvndvrtanc fl II flilrm Sian fl fl
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    • 195 8 MX I'd. Buyer* Seller t 2 AlrV Ml I I t Aln. Br.rk Ortfa. X.70 ZJM :i XI Brit. Am. 1 >.«rco 6.1 J C.3.9 Canadian Lat'lN JO 11 iral f:;,r.n« niO OCO 1 1 (Jfl. r.i.J Oarriat* U-M O.M 10*. 10i. buff I*r'r!u|iiMkt t J 4 I'M. Dunlop
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    • 109 8 S.ntaport Culd Slorsi* >M d*b. of I'Xtf, red. IMI-M 101 10t ci Muninpai v pr. of 1901 rrd 1830 t1.875.00u par. e% prom. Sint-apor. Municipal <>, pc. of 1907 rrd. 1-J4 7 lI.GUO.UOO* M par. Singapore MsjaWfSjl 4 4 p.e. ef 190* rrd. UVH lI.OOU.uuo »B
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    • 328 8 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt's quotations. To-<lay Pi Ftawr Lyall 4 Allrnl.j Alur ...j.n i|t) A. ilium I 111 <ll < Am. MaiA. MoUk tin A. Tana, if I I I BlUflt 111) Brofa» HI i Hi -ii. i i»M B. Jtlutoas (|I) Bok.i k.
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  • 67 8 Salae al»nc*idr ihr Wh.r-r. „t ets*rte«l t<, an Klllll. lUlillOtß. Oil Wharf < ...I w karf VESSKIS IN DRY DOCKS. Tsajoag Pagar. AlheM Imek II \l S I' ■oßfjsj Mm ing. Karuah Vends Arrived. AMIAI llr Si.!. UROI ill: ir v I aim I I! |i. I'AI.IM
    67 words
  • 80 8 SINGAPOR E MAILS CLOSE. Today. BanVNortb. N. East aad N W«*t Sumatra .•thand Slbu p.m. I'.inimnuk ■II 4 p.m. Siam. r-.rfpi Lewei Siam (Kwss Ta-morraw. I'bri.l Batstwal Ja\». South I nikI M<.lurra« lv 10 am. Java. South Wett Sumatra. Sostb1 Imor India i Anbaltl Kelantan i Pai II a.m. Banka
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  • 40 8 From China hy Knlil<'rp«iir doe at Singap. n Sunday. Press < l> n.t and Jui-an l.y Malacca Mam doe al Ka«.nl<» Moru duo at Sin|ra|>.ir.- on Bw From Chinu anil Juiwin by IhHBW Maru due at Smt.. 4 nday.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 550 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other la^ified Adirta.. see page M. WANTS. FOR RALE, ETC. bias's cot. about Htrnita Tim**. IU M U stasjls riKim for yoang Ltd). Tmn.|Mir». Appl> J<H>. Straits •>M with board mjliaSs f»n»il. < entral. 3S-J, S. TaaMe. WANTKO TO Itl V Singer wwlng macbire. Kail model. Keply
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    • 236 8 FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS NOTICE NOTKT. i» hereby cvrn Ih-t the mm of Ik* Johnrr I lU.r.av UfUng HndK<- l.< under repair on th. Mia, .'.'lh and ttfta iti'tant. and if It la aseei ta Ikx bridrr for thr pa>%age uf vewtrlo thrnuirh the lock the Mad will be blnrked
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 60 8 MKTBOHOLOGICAL RKPORT. KandanK Krrbnu Station. iR> ruarti-«> of Lnrrnnrnl llralih Otto-.) l»r Ibe M Hoar* endlnr al MMnlght un Aagact rj. Deg. Vat. >kad« temprratun :<u I Mm >h«di lrm|..ratuir Mean >kade tem|Mrratur* M.I s\ Mai. >Un radiation Mm. graaa radiation Ma an wet bull) temperature Mean rrl. humidity >[»
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    • 101 8 DAn.Y WEATHER REPORT. The (bllnwing is the daily weather rcnort of the Meteorological Branch, Surrey DepL, Malaya v r«terdsy. sm. To-da*. Temperature. KainfalL Bn«ht. Mean Max. Mm. Samkiae. Humidity. W r.l. Weatasr. Stations. K. K. las. Ns.of hours. Direction. Fores BUMt. Koala Lumpur H 70 Nil I S Kme Singapore
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    • 91 8 ARRANGEMENTS FOR THK WEEK. TrUmr. Aanaat S3 II W I I ui, IJ. p m. Moon. In l.iuati.i Policr Hand. M rr,t. p m The Crrat h Salarta). A.iu.l 24 II W. OIK u, 100. OiD p.m.. 9 0. Sun n»»» fi.a a.m.. P. and ,la1 Hao. Au.lril--...-. i Madav
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  • 408 9 Daatertaint} of Rubber Situation. SOME MALAYAN MINE orii-i (By O«r KiaaacUl (srrta»a«d»at Sinifapore. Friday, 11 a.m. To-day Mm Kuhiwr— 31.. Tin. IM Inns al *I0hi rda»'» I'rirra Kubder. 1..nd..n down >,d unrhaaged. Tooe Steady. Tin. UmUb C 2*» 15*. (»pol). up v ta. «d. I !<'- tl.rward).
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  • 31 9> I iictories ('losifj In 1 r... w .uferiuaI local are ■herv lbs being /.rftr J th.r* will be I UM tuatlon t ta uk I-., ujluutu. d
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    • 427 9 Coming: Certain Failure I Wood. The report on the Burma Bamboo Pulp Survey i. thu. commented oa ia tb* Ind an Trade Journal. According to thr author the notes and information contained in thi. report ar* th result of reconnaissance surveys made by him through various districts and
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    • 340 9 Slight Improvement In Prices. Messr*. Barlow and Co. report Singapore. Aug. S3. I Th kaa been dull and I :nr.,ughout the week. < able* from London and New York thi* nu,.t- th- former up I-I6VS. at IO> t d cent. guld. tbe price has eased 'i cent
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    • 77 9 Rugby. Aug. tt. «n *xchang*s are Amsterdam Athens 375, Bombay Is. 1.1-lM < Berlin JOJ66, Bruaael. 34Jj«6. Buch lI T. Murno. A penhaa-en IHiIS. t .eneva K.IH. Hel.mgfur. I ft*. Hong Kong I I Lisbon IOHJO. Madrid XUH&. MiUn I Iforfc 4JM U-U. Oalo laMOi. I •an. I23.M*O .Prague
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    • 41 9 In uUir r- MM y,.urdsy < ••ears. Barlow aad Co. slate —Th* ropra < nark. t has been .Uadier aad prices bat. i mproved somewhnl. Approximately 1.130 i on. were shipped. Closing quotation, are le fvlluo, .-w^^UTUd p.ii, mM 4 ijjj.
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    • 2755 9 Lessons of Rubber Chemistry. IMPORTANCE OF RK.HT METHODS. Of great interest and practical value to planters waa a lecture given at tbe I. 8. I*. Conference at Ipok on "Factory Kconowic. in tbe Preparation of P.ubber." by Mr. B. J. Raton, acting t>:r*ctor of th* Rubber 1
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    • 358 9 Disappointing First Annual Report The flrst annual report of the Kay Yew i Kinta Valley > Tin Mines aUtea that varioua 'conflicting reports and rumour* came ta Use knowledge or the board in May IP2S. and in consequence Mr. S. B. Archdeacon visited the mine in .September
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    • 187 9 Large Imports from Initrxl SUtes. Gold and ailver bullion and coin import. 1 into Japan in the first quarter of 192*1 amounted to tTS.KJg. alt from the State*, excepting Ml imported from state* the American conaul at Tokiu, Mr C. L. DeVault. who adds The gold import*
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    • 45 9 Bedford Plant. -IMN Ib. Batu Apoi (Jaaoi. T.«3t Ib. r.lenealy Plant -M.T4I Hill Ki.e— 3o^oo Ib. Lawa. E.tat* i June).— U.&6S Ib. Lumadan Junr Tl.:iw« Ib. Reyland 18.000 Ib. Raunut— sTJ»l Ib. Saponr «.0«»0 It. T*mburong i June „—I IJOO Ib. Trolak.-SMiM Ib.
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  • 729 9 Decision Not to Publish Detailed Costs. Th. annual rrneral me-tinr cf th- Vvalaa th- omres of tbr serretai San II i n i h«- rKmrmtni. throu.' i w.-r.- Mailry. Tar ,laad I h-«h B. r.« (bran*. I tn the adoption of the '.rector* > report and
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  • 237 9 The fnllowmc »cr- IMB] 'M by lurtion at v •Coon Seng MM v 7 ami It Freehold land and h....-c 610. lorong 2a, Keylang Road. >rr> «,40| s., ft... bought by Mr. Kee Thtan. llrnf for IS. IOO W years' leasehold land Koad. arra '.ilo sq. ft. dated
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  • 1079 10 There are numerous problems connected ith ocean transport yet to be .solved, and gas which has received far too little at tent-on from the shipping con. panics ir •>.e question of special rare and accomim dation for children. Europeans who
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  • 764 10 The Modern Girl and Her Parents. i (By Lady Berkmastrr Many observers of the game of life, at it is played to-day. come to the conclusion thrU family ties no longer exist and that marriage vows are made only to be broken. This undoubtedly an
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  • 433 10 Mr. D. Mackinnon. of United EngineeM Ltd.. Ipoh. will shortly le going Home on lovp. Mr. A. E. Coop*, acting Town Planning Administrator. Perak. will, it is understood, be going on transfer shortly la. Seramban as Chairman of the Sanitary Board there. The Prince of Wales returned
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  • 733 10 AVIATION IN MALAYA. Mr. C. C. Blake, writing to The Times from Singapore, rightly inquires what < wrong with British aircraft manufacturers Here, is Singapore, a RriUsh Colony", he say*. possessing a Government subsidised Aying club, willing to bay and preferring British goods. Yet th* largest
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  • 38 10 Mr. William Waddon Martyn. of Tonacombe Manor, Morwcnstow. Cornwall, furmerly chairman of the Ceylon Tea Planters Association, who died on June 6, aged 72, left unsettled property of the gross value of £tt,6M, with net person* aity nejfe.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 62 10 CORK-TIPPED /MJEI CIGARETTES <m] maoi im imcl* .c MHsssssjaaa^. rat« The Modern Miracle 6 different photographs of yourself for 60 cents. 20 seconds to take 7 minutes to deliver. STUDIO O\rened on Tuesday, August 20 AT JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Incorporated la England) KUFLES PLACE. BLACK WHITE SCOTCH WHISKY for
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    • 71 10 ALHAMBRA TO-NIGHT b the Second Show at A M.-G.-M. Production CHEAPER TO MARRY FIRST NATIONAL SPECIAL THE WHIP Featarlag DOROTHY MACKAILI. Aloag with latest Empire News. First Show at 7.3t lONIY ISLAND T»»n'.« and thnll« in the worM'a 'md. I M < HBM. KRE A CO, l.rti. Proprietors GILBEY'S
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  • 271 11 COTTON ARBITRATION— WAGE REDUCTION JUSTIFIED. COTTON DISPUTE AWARD. Claim to Reduce Wages Allowed. ONLY P, TKR C ENT. Nttessary to Ease Position. Inr Court ..f \rl»ilrali> n appoint .1 Ii adludKatr on Ihr »){r> in thr r.illi.n indu-lr. ha> Ri»rn itaward. Ihr rffrrt i» thai »a«e% »ill Se reduced,
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  • 70 11 Insurance Inspectors' Kale In Manchuria. Harbi.-i. Aug. 22. hurian MavHi kidnapped two ■n Saturnging to i. and Mr. I. H. rvial on ca^t Hai thr annua I con- 1 nection w ice export I produ' .rd that they are I ■n thr London M. H ir 4
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  • 65 11 Hospital Patient's L' <-Minutc Conversation. Sydn<- \uk. 1 1. W ..and and Au>tralia. thoucl. -til in the rxperibring relief ricaatiH mar-ne cadet -.■arrrr \aUna," who il with a broken thigh. M> mother so distressed :it th.y arranged for a 1 Thr who resides at < Gosport. ioayatats)
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  • 29 11 To Leave for Sandringham To-morrow. t London, Aug. 22. "Itkiallv announced that the Kintr < i.n.l gurrn will lc:.w Buckingham Palace c Innrham on Saturday. Kcuter. r
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  • 46 11 Survey I liidit for Air Mail Route. Calcutta. Aug. 13. Th. i:..\ V. tUir.v;»«at encaged in luappinc »ut th- Calrulta-lUn»p>on-Singaporr air m« route alighted at liihaporc on the o-:hl> River yastrrday. J will be two more trial flights t> Singapore und back, thereafter a report <
    46 words
  • 75 11 Reported Damage To Airship. Kasumigaura, Aug. 22. Owing to the necessity for further preparations, the departure of the Graf Zeppelin was postponed. Tokio. Aug. 23. Owing to unfavourable winds the lure of the Graf Zeppelin was again postponed, though it is still possible i'iat the airship will
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  • 323 11 Success of British Trials. Rugby. Aug. 22. The seaplane Gloster Napier 6, of which great things are expected in the Schneider Trophy race, was to be tested to-day at Calshot, but unfavourable weather condition* prevailed. It is now revealed that modifications which have been secretly carried out to
    Reuter  -  323 words
  • 58 11 Britain's Need of Police Cruisers.** Washington, Aug. 25. A solution of thr Anglo- American Nav>l P^crmamrnt problem i* being -••*i under which the United Stair. and <i'rrat Britain would have parity r>n 10,000 ton <-rui»er» but Great Britain. !>•■ allowed to maintain a larg? number <>f -.mall cruiser* for
    58 words
  • 174 11 Body Recovered by Indian Diver. Bombay. Aug. 1">. lleinx Friederich Soil, aged 20, third BftMMri of the Cirman steamer Stolxrnfels," which i» lying in dry dock at Bombay, was drowned on Wednesday morning. It appears that he was off duty and went for a sun bath on the
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  • 44 11 Meeting Opposition Leaders In Geneva. Geneva, Aug. 22. It ha* been revealed that the ex-Crown Prince of Rumania, Carol, is in Geneva in i strict incognito to confer with the leaders of the Parliamentary opposition in Ruma- I nu- Trans Ocean. <
    44 words
  • 207 11 Worst Since 1923. NARROW E.SC APE OF SHIPS IN HARBOUR. Hong Kong, Aug. 22. A severe typhoon passed immediately south of Hong Kong this afternoon. The maximum wind velocity registered at the Observatory waa 120 miles per hour. There were mountainous waves in the harbour,
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  • 93 11 Crops Ruined Over Wide Area. Peking. Aug. 22. The Roman Catholic Mission at Tsaochow telegraphs that the Yellow River dyke at Huangchwang. West Shantung, lias broken for a distance of 1,000 feet, through which a torrent is pouring. A strip of country 50 miles long by Ave to
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 81 11 Australia's Claim For Protection. Canberra, Aug. 22. The Prime Minister, Mr. Bruce, tol I Parliament that the Government had informed the British authorities that it was not prepared to at-quiesce to sny new treaty with F.gypt unless the Suez Canal was adequately protected. Moreover the Commonwealth Government, irrespective
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 109 11 German Pilot Stxurcs Most Points. Paris, Aug. 22. The Aern Club de France has published the awards of points to competitors in the round-Kurope flight for speed and reliabilitt. Herr Morxick, Germany, was flrst with Kite .SO. Capt. Rmad second with 136.26. Lord Carbery thin) with 131
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 197 11 Flight Through a Cloud Of Vultures. London, Aug. 10. Captain Barnard's log records how the aeroplane narrowly missed disaster on the flight between. Aleppo and Sofia. "The Duchess, who was sitting beside me, suddenly pointed ahead," writes Captain Barnard, I saw a cloud of Lgyptain vultures numbering at
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  • 247 11 Budget Deficit PREFERENCE AGREEMENT UNCHANGED. Canberra, Aug. 22. New revenue duties, which are expected to produce £2,750,000, were announced by the Federal Treasurer, Mr. Margin. British preference will either be maintained or increased. The duty on foreign silk piece-goods will be raised from 20 to 30
    Reuter  -  247 words
  • 82 11 Worst for Twenty Years In VMJL Columbia Falls, MonUna. Aug. 22. The worst forest fires known for 20 yean are raging in the north-eastern states of Columbia. Oklahoma and Mo--.tana. Ranchers snd lumbermen have been forced to flee for their live*. Over 50.000 acres of timber Isnd in
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 143 11 Passengers* Claims For Damages. Jersey City, Aug. 22. Suits for damages amounting to eSSC.OOO have been filed in the Supreme Court as the result of »n aeroplane actident at New Brunswick on Sept. 17, 1927, when seven people were killed and five injured. The plaintiffs are the injured
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 197 11 Shanghai Silk Vendor Sent To Gaol. A pushful Shanghai silk vendor who was evidently drtrrminrd to effect a tale at any cost has had his business suspended for at least six weeks the term to which he was sentenced by Mr. P. S. Will»m«. th> .St< Police Msjp«trate.
    197 words
  • 20 11 Chicago, Aug. 22. The old-established paper the Dairy Journal has been absorbed by the .Daily News.— Rcuter.
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 36 11 Mails from Europe brought by the Karmala and despatched from London on Aug. 1 are arriving in Singapore by tonight's mail train. Correspondence will be ready for delivery to boxholderc at 9 a.m. to-morrow.
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  • 208 11 .Volunteers Join Red Army. Moscow, Aug. 23. The Taat Agency sUtes Reports of raids into Soviet territory' trom China and Use brutal treatment of Soviet citisens in Manchuria have caused a fresh outburst of indignation on the part of the workers of the Soviet Republic. Manymeet
    Reuter  -  208 words
  • 256 11 Design Described As Deplorable. Mr. A. P. Hardiman. th« noted wulpt-n ha* stirred a hornet's mi with hit daakra of the bronxe statue of Earl Half to Ko erected in Whitehall facing ihc Cenotaph. There it hardly any feature that escapes virulent critiritm. Lady Haig appealed to
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  • 51 11 Four New Vessels to lie Constructed. New York, Aug. 22. The Federal Govern*. newt is reported to be lending the American Export Steamship Corporation 14.900.000 to finance* the constructicn of four vessels for the American merchant marine ami prevent a thousand shipyard workers being thrown cut of employment.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 88 11 Chap-ji-keo lottery Craze In Singapore. Arrested by a detective in New Bridge Road, a Chinese was charged before Mr. J K. F. Gregg, the Fourth Magistrate, yesterday with possess: chsp-ji-kee lottery tickets and asaiatlng in the management of t h,- lottery, lit was convicted and fined
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  • 103 11 No Charge Against Private McCandlish. We are informed that no charge hat been madr against Pte. Robert McCandhsh. of the Welch Regiment, in ronnectiun with the motor-cycling accident in Seranjroon Road on Wednesday when a Chinese woman of the servant claas received njuries from which the subsequently tiled
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  • 676 11 Possible Fresh Offer To Great Britain. GERMAN POSITION. Dawes Plan Still In Force. The Reparation* question being dehated hy the Conference at The Hague -till remains, unsettled. It is stated that Great Britain may he offered freah terms which would intnlte ceatsreaaiests an the part
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  • 31 11 Arrival in New York hy The Bremen. I York. Aur. S3. Prim* Purath«tr» of Siam h»* arrm.i on board the Itrrnun Hp heart atuck. but his ...nditioti ■irioua. Rcuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 22 11 Calcutta. Au«. II Ten thousand employees of the Burma Shell and Standard Oil companies ha< rone on strike.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words

  • 3101 12 COCONUT OIL PALM CULTIVATION !I!<;HKR YIELDS. R<(( n? BsMMRi Work In Malaya. DK'i 1 IfiUCULTUntn INVNTIGATIONB aim* of the F.M..V Impartulturc i« to intrre^t planters more deeply in thr mltixa: i>alm* and wnenever jn opportunity present* itneli the offtcer* c' luce the results of us to date before th public.
    3,101 words
  • 537 12 Savage Assnult I Taxi-f)rivers. The cowardly aa«sult on an unarmed public servant in broad daylight by about linese whilst in the execution .lutie*. waa inquired into by Mr. C I 0 I Judge, yesterday c-»n. At thr ronduKion of the case. H >nour remarked fnat the complaini.t'»
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  • 190 12 District Judge and Disputed Charges. The HM in wh:ch a CheUy disputed .nil iliATges made by Mi. X 11 Vewac< ■'< Smicapore, concluded in the! (nil District Court yesterday. Mr. J. McFall held tha' as no d<i amount* had been paid for the work to be done
    190 words
  • 55 12 An excellent comedy entitled I'ljutlooee I: Widow.' with I. mine Kaxenda and Jac- a l.'ipmi m Mi-mii Ml thi- liaiil^ fro'n lo 1 I \i l|x n,,,. I" >' ■iM be the ihic' tlte yrucr^innie. a comedy atarrtna; Chester Cork- T !in and George Banrtoft and a good
    55 words
  • 342 12 < reu\ Plucky Fiprht. KACIM. ALMOST CERTAIN DFVi'l For the greater part of 26 hours the >rU crew of In Bougainville. hirh arrived here vevteniaj <n iv i] to Saigon and Haiphonx. I of Guing blown u|i. a* the result of j fire which bran) 1
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  • 234 12 Increased Staff to Deal With Problem. (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) !i.«.h. A tiff. 22. us. m' thr Kmta Sanitary Board! from 1 he] the imm> <-d. At I •Xt in the per- 1 orn<-l in spit* of the 'act that a traAcl tciuut snowed a ureat increase.
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  • 122 12 Magician in the Police Court. (Krom Our Own Correspondent.) Tcnantc. Aug. 22. In Penan* Police Court to-day, a aho gave hi* name a* Charlie haplin, appeared as complainant .11 a •a»r in which three other Punjabi* were Mipi with havinc uacd criminal force >n him. Complainant, who.
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  • 80 12 In aid of the llonan-Shcn Iclu-f Kunil, fo. which the local Chine*.. 'himlicr of < fimtn»rrr »rr the hon. trrawui vannui musical issociation* an-l rch- nl» will >u« perv WnrM »n the ttth i „f in- I w-.ri.i ni > nf.niM eof I' triad on Ibo
    80 words
  • 680 12 Old Trusts ;ind Modern Killing. The question of whether three tryiU of Und set asi.i. 'use m 1870 jnd 1H73 as burial places werr goo.: public charities— or wire ••hi, M rided by the Chief Juim 0 (Sir Murison) yesterday. The matter came befon ihe court on
    680 words
  • 41 12 Mitdaroe KelveyS pupiK will ■■>ria Theati und matinees will be given on Monday aw* Wednesday next week. The entertain.nents given by the«e dancers are alway* very popular, and this time several new nnd attractive numbers are offered.
    41 words
  • 312 12 $10,000 Involved. CHABGBS in PENANG mi \i< n'U.m MM.ndrnt.) Ponong. A>. In the Poire Court to-day thr minary inquiry into the case in Mohsmed Abdul Ksder. till rr<entl> Financial Clerk in the Pensng M I ality. who i* chargid with crimin.i ...>pr»priatmn uf $10,000. also with fal-iti
    312 words
  • 143 12 Accidental Kail I .cads To Arri'-l. (Krom Our Own Correspondent.* Penani(, Aug. 22. In th.- urt to-day, befor.- named N was «entenced to It months' for house. brvaking -.n .1 Court Insp<-> aid the accu* ed effected an entry into a house by climbing over a back
    143 words
  • 28 12 Successful Opening at Anson RoaH Th" 'ii.-.ii fbii opened a rr-urvl lnr.i mghi miqur .h.. •1 -kI.I perfci .iy an intrrocramme. Th« well worth a vi
    28 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 27 12 EDINA "THISTLE" DIAPHRAGM PUMPS H\M) IHB MOINTED ON TRUCK. inches >i cTioN s| i|on CAPACITY— I,OOO GAisLOra I'ER lIOL K. Farther particulars and price- from COBB& CO.
      27 words

  • 446 13 Women's Tennis: British Players Swamped.— Local Cricket Notes. CRICKET NOTES AND COMMENTS. Signs of Staleness. Ki LOIN I I I.SIMI'RON Kl) I HUM. Th, Hunt. am' ItiM:;. certainly matter in tunning the Servic tiue that I away, but the •ifoi tunsto in that iheir skipper hurl to !x t.-.ken to
    446 words
  • 73 13 T* 11 ams will reprenent the jrin^- the week-end:— Sunday at 11 a.m. v. WeKh Regiment Klin :-<;. Beitlcy. R. T. Boyd. H I. Day. H Laverton i.ap: G I! P. K. IVnk. J. I «r. j. F. H. Vine ar.d N. H. P. Whitley. at
    73 words
  • 80 13 SO UTH JOHORE RUGBY. (•ood Prospects for ComiriK Scason. At a meeting of the South Johore Rugby •vice Cluh. Johore Bahru, on Wednesday, the follow- elected Mai ton captain, J. D. captain. J. B. Dudgeon hon. to the much discussed ***ttwti. f the Statteam, the feeling of the meeting
    80 words
  • 196 13 Handicaps for Third Day Announced. The weights for the thu.l a y of the wa farpa 9. Sean Voung 12, l.rt.humy Hidden Toy ssj siv furll 1 I '.in*- Kinc 'I. i:rote..|ue 5 In -h I. Maanaway Kico h, I lirsl Division i one mile Hi Sew Issue
    196 words
  • 55 13 PERFECT HORSEMAN." idler M. Graham. D.5.0.. Assistant I Ki mounts, described as the perfect horseman," who was famous in Shows throughout the tountry, wilh Jyear-old "Old Broncho," a war ■mi he- medalled as his master, died in Ihihlin from .injuries he received when he fell from hi* honte at the
    55 words
  • 62 13 IS. Championship Hopes Disappointed. Forest Hills, Aug. 22. The following were the results in the .'oiii-th round of the American women's tennis championships Helen Wills beat Mrs. Michell. o—4), ft— l. Miss Helen Jccobs beat Miss M. Greef. •—2. Mrs. Mallory brat Miss Betty Nuthall. •i— 3,
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 30 13 Further Success At Cranleiffh. London, Aug. 14. In the third round of the Ladies' Singlet in the Cranlrigh Tournament, MiM Summon beat Mm M. Slaaey, ft— I, 3.
    30 words
  • 47 13 Yrttrrdajr't r*«ult» at the B.C.C. wtre ss follow. BMacles. M .r-hall beat llannigan. I. I. Slraehan brat Hurfce. C—l.C I. I. ■>ur brat llotfaon. S—l.S I. S. (apt. Mer.ll best (irvgg. *-o. s.niles. lUwen beat l»ler. 6—3. R— Baasdrr> brat Cray, ft— J. 3— C
    47 words
  • 113 13 A Doublet Handicap Srmi-flnal. Catonc < he* und I. van Wong Uat Oh Jilt S.anj on« (her Mai. I— C. C. H I ,1.1,. Handicap I inol.— C. K. Pane h.un Sanr b««t Tan Sionr Tmr Yon*. I. •—O.• 0. Vet. -<hua Caenr ll«.-k and K. 11.
    113 words
  • 134 13 The Singapore Garrison Sergeants' j Mess tennis league rame to a iorwlu .i..n with the matches between Tannl.n ;ml K.irt Tanning. The former won th* < halU-n^e ohield. which was present .-.I the wiaaMi I>v U.K. the General Olltcer Commanding. Major-General H. L. Pi aril. The Anal
    134 words
  • 244 13 H.E. the Governor to Present Prizes. The Malay inter rlub sports will be held in the M.P.A. ground (Raffle* Reclamation) on Sunday from 2 to 5.46. 11. K. the Governor will distribute the prise*. Thi* year the committee have obtained -••|<eration „f all the Malay schools in Singapore.
    244 words
  • 141 13 Ladies' Medal at (iarrison G.C. Appended U the result of ladies' modal at the Garrison Golf Club, played on Ur«ini«iuy and Thursday 21st and 22nd August. Twelve cards were taken out and the following rrtutned. Mr*. K. J. B. Buchanan, t Vp Mr*. B 1 S ripps. ..2 Mrs.
    141 words
  • 1357 13 Fine Display by Welch Team. With string of victories over moat of Java's crack teams to their credit, the Loh Hwa (Shanghai) footballer now on their way bar!, to thin*, loo the field against the Welch I'.t". 1 n' .< the Stadium yesterday ajM
    1,357 words
  • 62 13 rmnm Ttam (•> \i «i Sclanjfor. ii»«'t The Perak t.) ni«- t the replay o{ tlie Malaya Cup mati Kuala Un -now. u.ll > 'How* Stable*. Wong n Scong Fleming. Poh Krat. I a dad Khan. TOMkC. Kok V Y..u>ig nnd Mills. Th? onl\ change i» th..
    62 words
  • 92 13 Kndj>. Aataal S3 (rickrl Mri.-han't Ti. PJI. and L. Malaya Cup: Sirtfapnrr vs. J Hum. 11... kry mrri.n,- p ni. Salarda>. Aa:a>( M v ...d U I M i>KJK. Swimminc < am.v t«dium. Susday. A«cu*( Z> 1 vs Police. I. A. I. X Rr^l. Ma*4ay. Aasaat M Football:
    92 words
  • 42 13 MM of Successful (rickot Season. (From Our Own Correspondent.) I The IViA lab .i. .1 bj mg 1 10. Although on a. ti:;tl ri;:u.e> agm with Mai ni 'h. ha; H. i IIMM wh.-n bM lir-i: ! Ihi I:
    42 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 163 13 Raffles Hotel First Class ion with Modern Sanitation. TEA DANCES r:\LHY MONDAY. WKIiM.SIUV AM) FRIDW 6.15 B.i:> p.m. DINER DANSANT E\ KKY Tl KSD\Y. Till I!SD\Y AM) SAIIRDW. MONIA LITTER AND tATPULI ORCIIESTR Orchestral Concert Sunday, 9.15 p.m. For Reservations Phone 2920. Sea View Hotel TO-NIGHT SPECIAL DINNER AND
      163 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 192 14 I For Economical Transportation THE NEW CHEVROLET I 3O cwt. TRUCK //M/ /M '^TSw^Hßff*^^MWMaffi|^M^B^yß|^Pjß^Jaßl^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/// I l^^^^^^^^^^^i L.IIVII I tZ LI* I Ample Stocks Now Available I Chassis Price $1,395 68, OMUtIU) HOt If. The De Soto Six PRODUCT OF CHRYSLER CORP. Tourer $2,120 With Wire Wheels MALAYAN MOTORS, LTD. rlncorporatedr
      192 words

  • 2932 15 THE LITERARY PAGE— NEW BOOKS REVIEWED. An Odd Young Man in Dorsetshire—Life From an Unusual Viewpoint Mr. E. V. Lucas's Best A Powerful First Novel— "Trousers of Taffeta" Mr. Chesterton's Stories An Australian Achievement. (iood Fiction. Wolf Solent. It) John < o»prr Po»ys. Capo. r.« Windfall* I w i:» l.u<-a»
    2,932 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 112 15 CEMENT "MAN AND LION" BRAND haflatr ih in llritisii Standard Specificatiuii Suppli-d for three years aira>:i«t the BINGAPQBI MUNICIPAL CONTRACT Somv largo "MAN iV I.ION" jobs arc Ml \l< WAI, m I M MER(.\NTI!.E HANK. I! 1 I KHIY, \I.K\AM)«A ROAD 1 mi i.i) 1 m;inki i{>; BKWAGI works. NIW
      112 words
    • 50 15 .^Ktc LabJ -cotchWH^ °P GREAT ACE v DEWAR'S "WHITE LABEL" Dewar's White Label, nire and quality guaranteed, h vn as no hi»k> of MKfc •.J or Unrr \alue obtainable. •hi 1 \l m\.. truui HUTTENBAC 11, LA2AKUS SONS, LTD. tlnrorporaUd in th« SctUemcaU) SINGAPORE. I'ENANG. lI'OH AM) MALA LLMI'IU.
      50 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 317 16 (See the new World-wide MORRIS I TP—^ 'THIS i. the big 14 28 h.p. k Morns Cowlcy. designed ■A- .pecially for Oversea, coni d.tK,n*. A Uf. powerful 5-^ater wild high road clearance, sturdy suspension and deep springing. A car with a wheelbase. and a hifh-powrrcd engine thai piouf ha |>
      317 words
    • 228 16 I! For Economical Transportation THE NEW CHEVROLET rt/v -C| I I V«J f I fi I/» IT vWI. IIUV.IV mbk aa mm m U I ILJ IVI kfl v>^^_^^-^^^-^^^_^^^iff| UVI\IT L V SUBUSS^k 'v^f. P^^PHaflHaaßßßßßaa^K, I _aaIaBBBBBnBBBBBBBVaBBBBBBBBBBV^ 7 -^■^^^B^^B^^^^^^^a^^^'-^^^^^^^^^l^B^'JHP^^^^^^^i r I AW m\M I B M ft i bbbb^Lbl IB
      228 words

  • 135 17 I lit i<r fnr K.-ducini I nenipl<i\ ment. Some opinions on the dee. anal ssj appear in an issi "I. duration." Mr i. -„rge Bernard Shaw sUtes: raising if the school a^e h:ido with edu I foi-asee i him school < ten a. r, will lie all school
    135 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 196 17 IOI *>- •»V«»»" Mn^MflL \lN\. fW Coi»»tfTt »000 I a^^^M *<^^^mJ JT mW^^U. Jtfli I J III «OtU»L£ llTl t^^P ciuwtu-*— fV'^ 1 v Tired Nerves A \X h<. -n you have no energy and you are easily L r' ;t is the sign that your nerves are starving v
      196 words
    • 86 17 YOV WILL ALWAYS EJSJOY A GLASS OF GOLDBOTTLE BEER The Brand that stood all tropical Tests. IT IS PURITY that built up the reputation. Sole Af ents DIETHELM CO., LTD. (Incorporated In Swit t««rl*n4) SINGAPORE PEN \N(; BANGKOK. MONIER REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPES MADE IN ALL BIZBB VV TO 8 FRET
      86 words
    • 51 17 \wssS2Et_Zv2Bp f ACCESSORIES u M P -t\ THE (.ENERAL ELECTRIC CO, LTD. (Incorporated la knglarH' SI.XCAI'OBJX, B |fj| Mp r LTi,--,.„.„,,-',„,,.,.,,L Ti sJL Hi;-** <j|o| D VARIOUS MOI)EL> IN STOCK. Sub- A gent X UNITED AUTO SERVICE I. and 2n. (,R \M |<ii\fi Phone n (I'iuprietors UNITE] LTD.). INC i
      51 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 275 18 t M ai| N.«P.H. N..900P,. W.f 4%| EVER* I'XIR r*\.. -^^^L GUARANTEED. H| *|£S nM af- A waTwaTEl Taw FOOT EASE |> Jlfc'fKl^ T'.e rt.torative* which are most m W^faS*taf*t ll'llalj. >„ fBJF £T\ tj, j? '£r&> beneficial for Nerve Complaints are *B Ml HCM^S A^ijfJm*- K .A|-*'Stl|h_, coalauaod ia
      275 words
    • 173 18 Nature gave them that thin outer coating of enamel to protect them. To keep this intact you must keep it clean and polished. Use powder to polish, of course, just as you would for polishing anything else. But it must be the right powder, one specially prepared for the purpose—CalvcrHs
      173 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 553 19 •^B^B^n^B^.sais^aa^^ISSZMSSSSSSSIZ^SIS^^SvMSSSISSSBaaiSCSSmX^^^^ZZ^" Aaaeta ot*t |9,SO0,00« S.C Asßßra-et in force orer WMOO.OOO. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (laeerporaud la tha Btratu SettUments) BXAD OPPICB I Wteahaaur Blaamaara. toNDON OPPICB t IT, Old Jewry. BA Tha Oampaay haa 00.000 depealted wrth tha Sapreme Caart ef England aaa compllss with Ua
      553 words
    • 606 19 BANKING CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Paid Op Caaltal la MO.**) shares sf m aaai a1.000.M Reserre Paad 54.000.M t Reserva Liability of PropHstors a.OM.OX BBAD OPPICB Ml Bmhapgata, Laaaaa, EC. a. Ageaciea aad Braachea Amritaar Hsrbia Serembaa Aler Star Iloilo Saigaa Baagaak Ipoh Somaraag Hauvta Ilang Shaagaaf
      606 words
    • 651 19 BANKING NEDERLANDSCH INDISCHE HANDELSBANK (Nhrra. iniua commkbcial bank) Bsuhliahed IMS at Amsterdam M Asthorteed Capital OMa. M.MO.OM (sheet Paid ap Caplul 014*. aajM^t (aheat Baaarrss oid». M.iM.Oit (ahaat>) ■BAD OPPICB AatBTKKOAht. BRANCH OPPICXS TBB BAGUE. BOTTEBDAhL OVERHKA BRANCBBS BATAVIA. BEAD OFPICB POB ASIA. BRANCH OPPICBS Dl Ten EAST INDIES
      651 words
    • 296 19 INSURANCE COMMEROAL UNION, ASBURANCE CO^ LTD. (lacorporatad la faajaaa) »Ire. Ufa, UaHae. Aorldent. OaaraaaM aad Motor. Aaaata ABTHUR C. POTTS Manager aad Under•Mtar, Baatara Braach. Siagapera. TBB MANUFACTURERS LIFE. Jaa Seer. Bama Baaa; Baak Chra, Bl Naw aßsaraaee effsetad la 1128 £17,943,000. An laereaaad Seala ef Dlrldaaaa haa heea
      296 words
    • 274 19 No need to SUFFER Don't suffer aay longer from lame back or (he atony of lumbago. An application of CHAMBERLAIN'S VAIN BALM will ease the pain at once and bring prompt relief and comfort. This wonderful liniment has no equal for bankhing amjacusßx ifaflamunatioa aad the awmjra, Sanaa that come
      274 words
    • 336 19 THE HOUSING PROBLEM b No More a Problem Now. Wbea yea faal the nved U oracttee ecaaomy spply to SIONG LIM SAW MILL CO. for GARDEN* HOUSES SIANG LIM PARK, GEYLANG. We have specially constructed IT* heaves lo mean present day demands. Two rWrooma. Hall and Dining- Raoaj. Kltrhtn and
      336 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 255 20 WATCH YOUR WEIGHT YOUR HEALTH METER DAILY SHOULD BE THE ALEXANDRA AUTOMATIC SCALE A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOME SIZE 10 in. by 9 in. by. 8 in. WEIGHT 21 lb. PRICE Jj)2o EACH Cued in Polo, Mat Tennis, Cricket, Hockey, Sv. ir.minß. Dressing Rooms and G>miia»inm>. Hospitals, Nursing Homi>. BtC
      255 words
    • 259 20 GENUINE STOCKHOLM TAR SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED LEE KIM SOO 40, HIGH STREET. -:634:TJv.K.S BALLOON TYRES. 26 z 3.50 $10.00 Tubes $2.00 27 x 4.40 $12.00 Tubes $2.50 29 x 4.40 $14.50 Tubes $2.50 30 x 4.50 $15.00 Tubes $3.00 28 x 4.95 $19.00 Tubes $3.50 TENG SENG GUA> 634. NORTH
      259 words
    • 1955 20 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. PRBPATABLB CHABOBS far WAHTS. IW Sal*. T* Lat. *te, la wdtairyilni Ml ITP* i arerag* six ward* te tin*) an Par lia* On* Insert ion 28 cenu. two la*. 44 rents, thre* in*. 64 cents, four Ins. tt cents, fly* las. $1 00. six ins. $1.13, ten ins.
      1,955 words
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