The Straits Times, 5 August 1929

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 48 1 j TROPICAL i HITTING i'FLORODOR" I; WON l.OONG, llll.n ST. SINGArOKK. JUNC.FRAC. IN TIIK HFKNKSE ALI'S. TROM WWBKM ORIGINATES THE WORLD FAMOIS BEAR BRAND Swiss Milk l a ~^^U^^^ Vllillf i Wm. J\(KS i-M.. (M.i'a>a> Ui#mß^"^i^|! iimjteii W^^^^ PtC X Sine»pnr», Ku.-«« L.mpur. Ipoh and El P^ V
      48 words
    • 144 1 Bracket Clocks with Westminster Chime. No. 401 10 tf by 184 inches jfl f^ V VIA IT BRACKET CLOCK W^' MMd dial x 84 inches H-'-antcd f.gurcs. Betel with «f Levelled glass. 8-day time. 4 4 iLPi^ > Carillon Wcntminster. i^iiilffl I^S»»-^ Price $95.00. 4^HB^^B^|H^B I 'il^^ffli io by i
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 556 2 -1 t= (NIPPON YUBEN KAISHA) TO LONDON Naples. Marseilles. London. Antwerp m 4 ■MM Vhhli Toanage D«t felt FUSHUII MABU 11.000 Aug. II H UAkOLAKI MABU 10^00 Aug. t» f HAH SAN MARL 10.600 SepU It U KUA.HO MARI 8.000 Sept. M f UABUNA MABU ***** Oct. 10 11 KAMO
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    • 511 2 BURNS PfIILP LINK (laMr»«raUd la Australia) FOB BRISBANE. STDNKT AND MELBOURNE, VIA JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. t^ultr Boataly aaUlaga kr Ua w* MARELLA (Tjfs u>i) aad 'mmw Mtor wml. MALABAR (4411 t0..) Th. MB »«l.f .A it one of thr lir|«t W 4 Hurt mwtn trmdinf to Au.tra'ia. C«klM
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    • 610 2 L P. E (ROYAL PACKET NAY. CO. OF BATAVIA) Incorporated In Hcllaad) Un itr contract with th* NETHERI.ANDS INDIAN GOVERNbTBNT. ToUphon* No. M4O. with •üb-eonn»rtlon« i> P»ii«c«, Freight, Transhipment Mnrin* [ItiU and Manager*! Ooak. fapr»nntit n for Singapore tad SlrmlU BoUi.m.nU of tht Official Tourist B*r*au of Java. All lafaraation,
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    • 559 2 THE SIAM STLAM NAY. CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Slam) BANGKOK COASTING SKRVIi .relay, Tr*ng*atiu. KrUntm. Uancnara. elupin, Patani. <ni|or«. Laron, Sirhon, landon. Kohtaaui, Langsuan, t humpon ami langkok. Arrival Departure MAI. INI In |>- VALAYA Aug. 11 Au« II BUDDHAOIB Aug. is a Tha lUimin art fitted throaghoul with Uctrie
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 504 3 DUTCH MAILS N.V. Stoonraart Maatnchapplj Nederland and N.V. RoU*r<U«*ch« Uf4 WEIRI.Y MAIL and P^ftE.NGEK SLKVICL IO Geaaa Aawtertao. S*ailbaMp<aa Maraeillea RolleHau n dor Ned I^oo S.M.N. Aug. Ti.nm-il I.JOO B.U Aag. l< «.v. Car. Bayaaa* U.MO S.MJI. Aug. 13 s.a. Patrla IO.AM R.L. Aag 10 Hk. Witt lo,4O« I.KJi.
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    • 456 3 OCEANIC AND ORIENTAL NAVIGATION CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. TACCMA ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP CO., TACOMA, WASH STATES STEAMSHIP CO. PORTLAND. ORE. JOI*T SCHEDULE. SmihitK for I'nllrd SUtw aad Canada Points from Manila anal Hong Kong Bails aboat Sea ft aad Pertlaad W YORK front Manila Aig. 11 SS. MkW rOKK if.m
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    • 109 3 HENLEY TAPE Sticks and Sfcijs Ctuck Henley Tape will do ti erything that a '"sticky" Tape is expected to do and it nH is most of those things better tha.. rmr.;. Tapes being sold. Write for a sample and test it r tsj SOLE AGENTS IN MALAYA SINGAPORE IPOH Xl
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 300 4 GOVERNMENT NOTICE si 'he Coll ie to f. DB Of ijuar'crs an.i ylanr .n $tfr- '•r thi Vai k r> t n >.f y»«rt«r« 'or the Vr'»rinar" IVrUmatiun ai I'onrru. Errry person <rr'' i n B '°r form o' laM receipt (or th deposit. In the event of any person
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    • 517 4 NOTiCE THECYCLL& L v.AGE CO., (1926) LTD. (Incorporstrd in the Straits Sottlrsaeats) rHen that the TbIH .ipany will >s»c* af the Coin- irapore. on 12 o'clock noon T .i receieeii Report snd Ac■t» for Ik.- year eaded December It, them. ■atioa for tke year lttT T.. el. 1 a '
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    • 280 4 WHITEAWAYS Great Annual Continuing throughout THE WHOLE OF AUGUST REDUCED PRICES In all Departments HORN MODEL jfffi <& (;ra.moimio\k. Slightly SaofHkoUos). r :fc y "*WL Sim of Cabinet 154 x 15 S x 8 ins. B^^B ■*2EaM X*K CONSTRUCTED OF SEASONED fl <lXr^«v OAK With wooden ornaments and hinged lid.
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    • 311 4 JSBCH*** AWcndcrful ''jjjk Dcantjj >m CreamJ^M 'cives thi tm T.f v\i Am OxYfitN D.'.::: \f V\ JB A OD to y<xr pervmsl RfW*a NOOr Oirvorn Ov<h rw>;«.f \l Ihn .W<i«iv <"•"«" ►>■'<•«» Ven-Yusa Ot«™ IO §w« >» "An O«»ten BatH. Ven-Yioa aw *-J soliens ih* ikan to a renariafate «*r
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    • 418 4 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE (>r > At M. room, N I t^t I nnd .hophi. Nank.Iret. dati 1 Lot a. end shophoj«<- .«r kn..« ii n Ipper I r.ju^rr feet, rfatnl Lots 4 sad a. Valuabl land situate at Pi Street. Singaoore. area* r.049 square feet ai February ft. M.VI. Lot
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  • 1465 5 (OMING BRK.RAPHY. j Shaw and the Hardy loiters. l NSPABING CRITICS 01 THEIR WORK. Admirers of the late Mr. Henry Arthur Jonae will regret the serious illness has prevented Mrs. Doris Thorne from continuing, at any rate for the moment. I her work of
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  • 239 5 Russia's Most Important Problem. The Ail-Union Congress of the Society of the Codless wax opened at Moscow. Hundreds of delegates arrived, reprenenting Turkestan. Siberia, thCaocasus, the Crimea, and other remote places of the Soviet Union. Delegations of freethinker* from Belgium, France, and Germany were also expected. Fighting
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  • 129 5 AC RES OF LABORATORIES. New Agricultural Rewearc'i Station in Berkshire. tamlon, JuM tf. A n« r^fi.ulural rtraearch tUlion rd by Imperial Chemical lndu»inn, Ltd., ha* been opened at Jealott's Hill. Barkahire. prim 485 acr*a of magnificent l.n«.tat»ri*». where trained h irntUt*. will invratiiraUr tht agrn ultural prnblrm» of liuth trmperatc
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  • 241 5 A Famous Surgeon's Warning. Thousand* of keen »olfrm who crowd the link* every Sunday to enjoy the open air and mild rurriw dv not realise thit in many cum they are endangering their health— and maybe their nvev This ante* from the growing practice amonc city and prufe»«:»nal
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  • 163 5 Mohammedan Protest In Rangoon. Rangoon, July 12. Fur MM tiiiM- uj«t the proposed introduction of the method of ulaughtering animals called "humane killing" has been receiving the attention of the Rangooo Corporation, and has raised a in papers and again it which protest meetings are being held by
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  • 1358 5 THK TRIE STORY. Death Fifty Years Ago. DETAILS OF THK COl/RT MARTIAL When, early on the momins; of March 16, 1866. write* Cap. V. WhrelerHolohan in the Sunday Time*, the roar of cannon announced to the Parisians the birth of an heir to the throne, it
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  • 48 5 Mr J B. Nrilson. In*prrtor ..f Schools, <r Ui Malacca on ne jcukl of honour at a farrwi-ll dinnrr be gxvrn him on Saturday al loose. Scrvmban. by in. >nili.T»' W.>.,1 n ,r..! Mimiat a: he TVmianir Malay S i ban. by he Malay Guru* of N«jri Scui.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 66 5 Special Annual Display at Rene ULLMANN During the month of August big DISCOUNTS given on all articles JEWELLERY, WATCHES, CRYSTALWARE, SILVERWARE AND FANCY GOODS. Come and See at Rene ULLMANN X I, HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. LADIES NOTE! whrjtej^G^! The ideal gift that will fiaE pleane >our husband. fflfelfV I DELFTSCHE
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    • 180 5 An Invitation TE cordially invite you to visit our Audition Room* where you can sit in comfort and judge for your* •elf how wonderful and realistic is the tone of the New^His Master's Voice" Gramophone and the New "Hit Master's Voice" Electrical Recordings. We have a very wide range of
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  • 104 6 Husband Sta>s Out At Night Mus Pub Negi.. the film Mm week filed her offirial dl Imm h«r husband. T'lncr Mi^vani. Sh-ih.-irge* her hu^Si-nl wsth: Abandoning hi* domicile, ar It at night. Prime Mdivani declare<i i I the curt th.r divorce, and that I am her
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  • 31 6 J'as>eiiKt r's Terrif j i An a| irn I ilu. ut a n-. 1 v;. n.m. 1 la Chart l«S*aaftJi thrown M Ivoanet v uut alive
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  • 365 6 Tiger in Men at I^ondon Theatre. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 11. I 1 learn in connection with Mr Tittu-ixdgv'* Malayan play. The Tiger in n:,t th.' l« 'ar a* Mata are concern* U-fmitely arransjMi, and Mr. Malaya House, who was ars-.l of the play phi
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  • 715 6 GREAT ADVANCES, l Fear of American Domination. INTER-CONTINENTAL COMMUNICATION. The Post Office, sar* the Observer, ha* recently introduced a new system of shortwave communication between Britain and mining stations in the United State which will expedite and improve telephone conversation across the Atlantic aid bring
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  • 130 6 Mr. Nicholson on the New Rule. Mr. C. E. Nicholson, of C,ok|>ort. who led Sir Thomas I.ipton'* la>t Ame- n> thallenser and is to desiirr the new one. «ay» that the aT?nUnce b\- th* York Yacht Clu>. of I.loyd'- r!ass:n for the con-peting yacht." will put an
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  • 434 6 Mystery of the Panelled Room. There is much speculation about the origin and use of the remarkable panelled room of the period of Jame* I. which ha» ju*t been presented to the Vtctoria and Albert Museum by a body of subscriber* the as*istanre of a grant firm
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  • 166 6 Her Angry Father's Fusillade. A father who «hot dead Ui daughti r« hctrayer ha* born given hi* free.: the jury of the Sorno A«»iics «itting in Paris. The ar. u*ed man, Louis MrttrJr.ll. own* it lance garage of which hi* daughter Jtlanche. ar* 1 IX.
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  • 45 6 Death of Well-Known Canadian Put C«— dim r"'< ut Srx < M an ami af.riu.tni., vi.; jEdHMrrh and Harvard I was attracted t.i j..uinali»m. and herair.f litcrmi y i I works are Bal.u I (IW7). 1«). on th «id-x firm »i"' rawe the tim.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 11 6 i'^EzS^P^ Cool i-6 Smoking i I o I wIF CORK-TIPPED :<*■ j
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    • 142 6 FACTS THERE ARE MORE FRIGIDAIRES < t=.« S3 I SOLD THROUGHOUT rf\J' [J* BM THAN ALL THE OTHER P L^s Jr_MAKES OF ELECTRIC L^=^J I s^^^ REFRIGERATORS r |r COMBINED. Frigidaire requires no care, 0 Frixidairc is so incredibly no attention, no special in- quiet you don't hear it start,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 293 7 Victoria Theatre NIGHTLY Farewell Visit of the ITALIAN OPERA COMPANY I till rtiomn— Orchestra and Halle!. Tonight at 9.30 BARBIER Dl SIVIGLIA AND PAGUAO I WM.NISIIAI F«II»\V AH IST I t TlM\liTi IWUH. lllilMl IXTRWIATA LABOBBMI BATI KJi \1 \l 1.1 ST I* i \i;mln lUnikinL- .il I lITIKS. Prices
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    • 315 7 FOR SIX NIGHTS Commencing FRIDAY, AUGUST 2 the XXV W.Lj± 3880 NORTH BRIPC.B ROAD. A UFA WONDER MASTERPIECE Parallels between Inaedf and Human beings and holding the Mirror to .Nature NEMESIS Featuring CAMILLA HORN of FUST and TEMPEST Eamr. Supplemented by JACK BUCHANAN m N I wbe appeared in
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    • 504 7 Watch for the opening of the EU TON 6 SEN THEATRE SINGAPORE'S MOST BEAUTIFUL THEATRE Opening Night will be announced later. AT LAST. The Picture you have been waiting for 4 DEVILS THB GREATEST SCREEN SHOW ON EARTH F. W. MURNAU'S MASTERPIKCK We rbe below a few of handred« of
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    • 213 8 ICE-C REAM FLOTATION The Issue of £200,000 In Melbourne. Melbourne. June 21. A local flotation of special interest in Au-lrali*. nhrrr thr cunsamption of irr rrrasa Jur:ng thr hot month, is of lm». liin.r.- i. tt.ut of Prtri A mm. it) < uoipaa) i Victoria.) The aathoris*« I ".000. of
      213 words
    • 91 8 Purchases Factory Site In Calgary. ,n for.-sh»dewr.t in th« cnnuui. i K. Oaborn^. ib. l"otnp«nj. L;m.l. aiKl U'iratpe r> ba« ootr «>lb the city for the put •»<• of approximate l> aery«. > the'ul srctiua Ea»i ateM f«rt u r> will Ir d mmedUUljr i^omin^
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    • 377 8 SHIPPING NOTES. li M rvi>ortedNt the annual nicetin Shipwrecked MurineiV Society, In I London, thai the F.mile Robin" reward* u regarded a< the beet rescue Ifiurin? the >.::r by a ISritUh *h.p have 'Ijuiiwl to Captain Herbert RutI C' rrar.l Roa.l. Walla»ey. an.l ••rr»
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    • 49 8 Hcti.lerw n, Tlelm and Company, Inr. New Y<irk. send u« the following cable il. tot \ur ■>. their quotations being in f.uld Hollar rcnta closing bid price* hulibrr Kxrruingr* tales to-dn Auir. MJI\ Sept 21.10, October 21 JO. mbar 11.70, December 22.10, January iary 22.50, March 22.40, April
      49 words
    • 35 8 r.mbora tUjpuluna I i 11. ..ft 1 l»ptan<.[><irapa«ra S>or» L*a4*n Ju»» fl J.ily It JuiM M July H Jan* 17 July n Jan* U Julr tt July July VS July July 2S
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    • 104 8 ShMraporr. Align I On London. Bank I Demand 3 m. rrvdit On Nr» 1 ,mid On Kmnc.-. B«nk T.T. u« Indi*. Hank I i iao I K..»r. Bank T.T. r.T. On Java. Hank T.T. On Japan, Hank T T. Berlin Mark*. Baak T.T. lu8»»cr»i«n burirt raU $JM Hank
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    • 93 8 s Maaday. Aa«a.i X W lIJ3 a.m.. 10M p m.. 10.0. Sun riaea Nr» Bank 11..1 lUlian Oprra < o C. 1 brut re. Ml TnradaT. AagaM C H W. 03 a.m. M, 11 It p.m.. mj. risr. Ma m. Italian «l|ir>j <a. Jl- rat re.
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    • 40 8 SINGAPO RE HARBOUR BOARD. Saias a!oja»id- MM Wharwa or t xarrtrd In arritr. KtKTII HMIBOIR. To* Ts ulnae I'acar. Krpprl Haritoar. Vesseli* Arrived. BORIB\T. Sin Kun.sri,,. oh \i:> Raarabajri NAM YnSli. I frem Tonri- VNK It lIROOKI <rom Ku. Katranr*
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    • 37 8 Ta-au rrww. h'aru., I p t». v hiliu Khw •->«!,. 8.1... India \!«ro> I p i and MM iUr.WatfMiM I N p .i. t and N. West Sur TaarxUrJara, South Ira. Roath. Ka-t .<« I m.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 144 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS OMM tlt-Mllril Ad»l»_ m page St. I for mU. iit. nt»nttl> <•. •i.llh. l.»lhiu v l AM', »ti>»m Uonrh Pallium, ta runjitiun. Apply A. sm>», !;T, l>cTon<hir< R.»o. i;«nt V .^irrrt. Hi \uf>: UmiIibi ffiumapkonr rrcord i rt itio.i ail h .-a Hiv. I Ik Mrxndah >•> •■n»r
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    • 180 8 RED PIMPLES ONI BABYSIOREHEAD Spread Over Face, Head, Back. Cuticura Heals. "My baby fit at had little red punplea on fatal fofthead which qutckly brokr into a dry. red patch and *pread ail over his ieca. had and back. It MOM have barn very painful and burned bacaoa* baby amid
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    • 139 8 J^^B^P<«4ml^^ a» I "^^atS- a^>Ja^^ < r Too Much Work n often brings recking headaches in its train. The best help repid and reliable in all painful conditions is given by <Bayt.i Tablets of ASPIRIN that is to say ;he genuine, "dopal-Aspinn". In loothcche. earach?. inf'jenza, rheumatism, neuralgia and
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 50 8 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. The fi.l'owin,; i the daily a| the M et eoro logical Branch, Sur- »ejr Dept., Malaya r.l»r- am To-day. T»m| r.i'j-- Ms> 'A r,! Weather. Stations. V. l..rre)lr.H. X ;.la .m- Malacca Mat I ukit J.rim Kuala I'akaar i iu:m- m n n i loh MM*
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  • 423 9 Analysis of Present Position. MM U STATISTICS CRITICBED. I Still.) 1 n. July 10. t that thr prir.- had risen Id Monday. July 1, was brinr comI with mmc di-gnr of rxritrd fv-vnur. When it herame kn»un that, in thr »am«« period, hail fallen nearly a ..rWi
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    • 386 9 Messrs. Montagu and Co/a Week Utter. In thrir wrrklr bullion l-ltrr. J ,t. I tendon. July 10. Me..r» Samuel Montagu and C«. «tate The Bank of England g*ld reserve »rmn.| note, amounted to XI&4434JM on the Srd in«l int eomp:..»<l wilH f l&9.0?«.4:!~ on tiir prrriou* Wodnvtday i.
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    • 73 9 According to th« Bangkok Kara Muanc thr t*m raining district at Kanburi hu a grrat attraction fur many nationality*. At prr.rnt (hint**. Siamvs*. Sham. Lai... BunncM, Anuiitn and Hrcuani ar« to br found tbera. tb* »*ttl#m*ni of thai* pvoplr tot illmc o*»r 1400. Much •accoaa M*mi to hay*
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    • 494 9 Considerable Reduction In Profits. The report of Anglo-Dutch Plantations of Java for Ik* year IMS ittUi that the praBt I. OOOJI7* agaiast g4S4.Ot. A Anal dividend of T'» per rent., making 10 par cent., lets t*x lacam.t 1SH aer eenl.). i> nnnrnntn -I It kj proposed to
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    • 140 9 F.M.S SECURI TIES TRUST. Considerable Appreciation Of Investments. Second report of F.M.S. Securities and Natch SI, ahows profit f*.709. -.1 IJ', per cent.. «1.41U to reserve. rorward f»W. In addition CJtt ha* been 1 in respect of (hare pre-wum from ahirh whole of preliminary expente* and brokerage have been »nttrn
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    • 589 9 Result* of the Year's Working. The fifteenth annual central mr«tinc of Idn. Hydraulic Tin. Ltd wa» bald In mail «t Portland Hen**. Basingrall Street. re. r r V. Thorns* presidrd. and after re.'erring t o MTrra ,t*ms in the accounts. I I am clad to report that
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    • 82 9 Thr annual general meeing of the Kedah (o-operaive Thrift and Lean Society. Ltd. was held at the Malay Subordinate Civil ation Club h .u.r Che atohd. Vriffin presided and Che Abdul Rahman. Refistrar af Co-operative wtatUas, krdah. was I It wa. decided to impend thr collection
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    • 693 9 Eirgo Insurance and War Declaration. a sitting on July 10. of the Anglo■an Miir.) Arbitral Tr.burml— thr Court, trisiac Ur. H. Klaestad (Norwegian Mantl. Mr. Heber Hart member*, and Dr. Wendnnrr iCermaa m*taber>— there cam* before tk* Court th* adjourned hearing of a rlattit for tb* sum
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    • 223 9 Improvement in Com pain Outlook. Shareholders of the I'hoicn Syndicate. Limited. have received circular from th' board repnrtinr upon the general miprovinirnt in thr outl.>u» for Hit- com|>ti)'i pro prrties. Operating profits of thr s>ndictc. which 11 working gold mmr in Korea, are sanding, and a furthrr reduction
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    • 133 9 Far Eastern Demand Foi Outpnt. An expansion programme nvnltirc an e>pendlture of ppro>:m>trl> 11.100.000 »•> outlined by Mr J Dawrs. president of Ik* National Brewerir.. I4d at thr annua meeting which look plar* in Montreal rr eentlv. The plans of the company, according le Mr. Dawes. included thr
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  • 502 9 IMPERIAL CHEMICALS INDUSTRIES New Research Slulion Opened. Tfcr opening crrrmon) of llic new ar/rirul nd firm of Imperial hemical Indu.tnet. Nt Jralolt- lull (War ••Id. Berk. I look plrc* on Jane > II Thorn... HP. i I.ntH Priry M), performed lII* opening ctitmanjr. Thr nnrnin; of lhi» new rr.e irch
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 351 9 British Malaya Robber Statistics. Statement of Quantity and Value of Rubber Exported Duriiur July. 1929. ...tlil.fWt? f Im orU Eiports fc" atnt at tke following eomparatiT. statement o? tke quantity and value of raebor riporttd from British Malaya, durmi IS .H— a. -k.rh .re tons, reprasea, uul «p.,U fro. J
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  • 1056 10 In the excitement of the holiday season I probably many people forgot the significance of yesterday's anniversary. Armistice Day it better remembered, which is as it ohould be. l.ut August 4 it a dat.< writ lance in the history of
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  • 1284 10 Russian Mysticism And Melancholy. (By Maria Rasputin, daughter of th.noteftou* Rvtsisa monk.) In the tremendous drama ansociateJ with the breakdown of the Russian Empire, enacted against the crimson background of the World War. my father. Grigori Jeftmovitch Rasputin, played, I regret to say, a leading, if
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  • 390 10 Mr. F. W. Payne, of the Arm of F W. Payne and Son. consulting and mining engineers, London, to on a business visit to Malaya. Mr. J. M. Hall who has had planting' experience in Southern India h«. taken over management of Perak Oil Palms Ltd.. Sabak
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  • 642 10 INDIGESTIBLE IMMIGRANTS. An evidently well-informed writer ha uted to The Time* an article in which he nays that he can ton*** !.mit to the expan»ion of thr Chine** in Malaya. Eventually, hr thinks. the> tweep the board, and. apart from the European e«tate ami industricm,
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  • 121 10 The marriage took pi i Mary* Church, Bambalapttiya. < eylon, on July 27. of Mr. Maurir.- I Private Srcretarv '•■cmuld ami Dame KUitli Antrobus, of lU. Cmnli-v Gitrden*. London, with Miss Betty Dalton. elder daughter of Mr. Jumhi I < Unlton. a Judge of the Bupreme Cssjrt, Ceylon, and the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 165 10 MADE IN ENGLAND J v.^^ i nil awr v3 iV «c« if a&MJi l&M SgggfeJ CORK-TIPPED W CIGARETTES LES PREPARATIONS DE V l^-^BD To let pr»p« ration* made by MORXY ."1 J^f Mflr nd PrefamMl with June Rote* triret \*3 K true (lower odour. The undimini»h- i|- j^^^ an<^ unAltered
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    • 67 10 ALHAMBRA TO-NIGHT la th* Second Show at United ArtlaU Production SHE GOES TO WAR Featuring ELEANOR HOARDMAN Aloag with Latest Empire New* Finrt Show at 7 SO p A Western Drama THE THUNDERBOLT STRIKES Featoriag JACK PBRRIN. TAN CHENG EBB A CO, LTD, Proprietors. GILBEY'S G I N S OLD
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  • 214 11 ZEPPELIN LANDS AT LAKEHURST. Less Than Four Days From (•ermany. ADVERSE WINDS. No Lionising for The Stowaw;'\ Lakehurv I iThe Graf Zeppelin landed at Ijikrhurst at *..*>2 p.m. last nitrht. The air-'nn had a li-n-rthy stind» in mid-Atlantic. I. naval air station at IjbWMbTCI d
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  • 69 11 Still no Sigrns of Keachinv: Settlement London. Aug. 3. The most serious labour crisis since the General Strike namely the stoppage in the Lancashire cotton mills ha a week without iwing reached. Thirti-i-n thou<nnd morel workers have been affected by to- 1 day's expira' wage reduction notices by
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  • 95 11 A Lasting Settlement Xx potted. Hugl.y. Aug. 3. I1I 1 ami' uwnl that the Foreign Secretary. Mr. Aiihur l -ning had a final interview with I i Mahmi.'i. M lo him that th<Cabinet suli comnvMc- hml n.mplrtel thftt examination Ustin; :«n'i ment of thy Anglo-EgvMian qt'estion. The »«-rt
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  • 143 11 l>ru^ for BtassMM HeirApparent. a. July S6. It ha K.A.r v tall to perform late on V. train an urgent teleCim Minister at ngkol. *ayinc that the Heir-Preeump-her of Mi* Majesty the I vine dangerously ill, and conveying an appeal from His Msthat certain i re
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  • 42 11 i^mdon. Aug. .1. p— millf that thr Kinj: will tx- able to proc^M to Saniir'nK \.*m within a fortnight. His Majesty ha. attended to much routine business during *.Se past few weafca. Pro*rr«., ...ntinu«-« t» he satisfs i Kvuter.
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  • 178 11 Effect of New Admiralty Order. Rugby, Aug. S. The Admiralty states that it has been "c-ide.l to transfer the battleships Itarham. Malaya, Queen Elizabeth and Valiant to the Atlantic Fleet, leaving the Warspite as fleet flagship in the Mediterranean. The transfer will take place aa roon
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  • 108 11 Death of Women's Suffrage Supporter. London. Aug. 4. The death has occurred of Dame Millicent Fawcett. G.8.E.. the well-known advocate of the cause of women's rights. neuter. Dame Faucet: was 82 years of age. I She was the widow of the Right Hon. I who was Postmaster- All
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  • 94 11 Desire to" Break Up" The Empire. London, Aug. 5. \\> arc not prepared to wait cenflared Mr. MaxI an inaugural speech at the I'srty* summer ichool at Digswell I! MM the Government's two months record was mm[ disappointing. They must 'must on disarmament. He was of opinion that
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  • 87 11 ..rpmandcr of HIT. Sentenced To be Reprimanded. London. Aug. 3. i- Robert James Gardner, commander of the Submarine H47, was tried art martial at Portsmouth in con- with the loss of the vessel and to l>e reprimanded. Reuter. t f IT was sunk in collision with the 1.12
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  • 128 11 MAIL TRAIN MU RDER. Victim* Widow Arrives In Bombay. Bombay, July 26. A tragic figure among the passengers >n l>iii'<l the P. ami <). Macedonia, which arrived th..* morning, was Mrs. Bridget he late Mr. Elder, who wit murdered in the Calcutta-Bombay mail 1 -ml news was s. Nt by
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  • 26 11 The Hugur. Aug t mint sslfi Van Beerenbrouck has failed in his attempt to form an admiri■t rat ion of the Right parties.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 1117 11 Geological Surveys. BRITISH ASSOCIATION ADDRESS. (From Our Own Correspondent. Johannesburg. July 30. No nation or community under present day conditions can afford to neglect to utilise all the assistance thst science can give towards increase in production and reduction in cost of the fruits of the
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  • 255 11 Interesting New Theory. CAUSE OF ACCIDENTS IN BRITAIN. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Aug. 4. The surprising theory has been advance) that greasy roads in England are due to rubber dust." A Royal Autombilr Club official declare* -c dust from the constsrt wear of rdf of
    Reuter  -  255 words
  • 58 11 Offices Opened on Atlantic Liners. New York. Aug. 4. The Stock Exchange has permitted two members to opcra'e hranch offices on buard the |wi Berengaria. Leviathan IrWil and lie de France. They will have p ri.lar offices »ii v boards on which stock ions will be
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 31 11 Death of a Well-Known Inventor. New York. Aug. 4. The death li announced of Mr. Emile P —*r. '.he inventor of the telrphonir •irtter and the rramophone.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 148 11 Nine People Lost From Motor-Boat Ostend, Aug. 4. Nine people were diuwned and 20 lightly injured through a collision be '.ween an excursion steamer and a motorboat The latter had .r>o. r >0 people on board and sank immediately, but boats raced to tiie rescue. The skipper
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 125 11 Windfall of £2,000,000 For Treasury* London, Aug. 3. The Treasury will get £2.000,000 in death duties from the estate of Mr. Bernhard Baron which, according to his solicitors, will amount to tf.000.000. Of thii f1.000,000 will go to charities in the proportion of one-fifth to Jewish and
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 123 11 Duties of the New Committee. Rugby, Aug. 3. The Colonial Secretary has appointed a committee, of which Sir Basil Rlackett, the well-known financial expert, is chairman, to examine applications for assistance from the Colonial Development Fund in furtherance of scheme* likely to aaaist agriculture and industry ia the
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  • 97 11 Result of Over-Scn«iti\i-Civilisation. Cape Town. July SS. Tea drinking and smoking are the symptoms of one of many new disease* of civilisation, air-ording to Professor Dixon. who addressed the physiological section of the British Association. "Modern conditions," he ssid, "lead to an exaggerated nervous sensibility, hence it
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  • 86 11 ProHpect of Malaya-India Service. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Aug. 3. The public of Perak is extending fairly good support to the facilities offered by the Malayan Postal services for the sas> veyance of letters by the Karachi-London air msil. The last mail from Ipoh included
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  • 90 11 M. dv Courthial Appointed To Port Said. Paris. Aug. 4. M. de Martel has been appointed plenipotentiary of the first claas. M. dv Courthial. Consul in Singapore, has been appointed to Port Said. M. Sudreau. first dragoman in Bombay, will be in charge of the Consulate in Singapore,
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  • 211 11 Preparing: for Reparations Conference. HRITISH ATTITIDi:. Cannot Make Further SacrihY London, A fifteen years ago the Empire breathlessly awaiting the «e<|url to Great Britain's ultimatum to Germany. I the British Legion and the Kx- Services Welfare Society are urgently appealing for funds to help ex
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  • 123 11 Impressive Thanksgiving Service*. London. Aug. 4. On the 15th anniversary of Great Britain's ultimatum. Boy Scout*, the mm of men who then butchered one anothei stood lide by aide at Arrowe Park worshipping as brother* at thanksgiving services conducted by tin- Archlmhop of Canterbury and Cardinal Bourne.
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  • 76 11 Russian Demands Declined By Chinese. Shnpgha.. Auc 4. In the prrliminnry MHMtfM w"twren tin- <hin«-M- i.l RuvMini at Manchuli thi- lotM ilrmandrd Ml storation "f ihc »t.«ii. .nm. inrludinc ioint |Mi|*me nf thr Chinese Knstern Railway by ("h:n< «>■ an. l Russians. Th* Chines- delegates receivrd m»tru< tion*
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 49 11 Mi>s Bond field Announce New Bill. U>n<lon. Ail*. .1. Miss Margaret Bondneid. th< of Labour, in a statement t>> Urn I'rm>, •aid ah* was convinced that Mm unemployment insurance machine «■> faulty, both in its mcrhaniim and in its working, and she intended to introduce a new Dill.— Rcutcr.
    49 words
  • 46 11 DR. C C HANSEN. Death of IS Vice -Consul In Bangkok. (From Our Own OwMpari Bangkok. Aus. :t The death ha* occurred, of i Han»rn. the n.'n. \mrrit«u whn hut Ixt-n n-snl« nt m Siam for nea'l 31 yearn. He wai a we'l-knovn irrhri gical collector.
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  • 42 11 Rear- Admiral Maclean to Leave For Shanghai. I-ondon, Auk. Rear-Admiral K. Mar Iran. I xail for Shanghai by the Macedonia, leaving London nn Sept. t, to succeed Rear Ailmirsl H. J. Tweedie. li Senior Naval Officer on thr Yaiurtse.— Reutcr.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 22 11 MR. CHURCH ILL'S HOLIDAY. London, A Mr. Wiiuiton Chutrhill, accompanied by hi* son and daughter. BM left for Canada un holiday. Rrutcr
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 33 11 TO-DAY'S FEATURES. Page The Psychology of Rasputin, by Maria Km put n It Holiday Sport UAH London Rubber Market, by A. W. Still Political Diary o( Ike Week, by the Parliamentary Correspondent IS
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  • 994 12 Four Months Inquiry. POINTS IN REMARKABLE \SK. I v- :hr Croydon Poisoner moat icmarkahlr kM af recent year' trnti.m af the authoiitir* .•il to thr exhu nation uf Uunte badit iiamely those of M Vt.i.i \mrln Sidaey. aged «9, M i r homw Stafford ,f Binlhui't Ri-i
    994 words
  • 190 12 I'ganda Natives Attack Inspector. Nairobi. July 22. Objection taken by taa native* to antiplagur inoculation ha* nuU'l in a x«r •M affair in I'iranda. A unitary inipwtur, Mr. KeniU. viritad a vilmur in the Huiumrn diatr ri to inoculato the native* in accordance with •«rnn»ent campaign. A ftumbrr
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  • 135 12 Profits Concealed for Twenty Three Years. Amazing revenue fraud* were diacloaed »t the Newcastle Amzes recently, when ,rob>fn <a naturalised Russian ■nd George Middleton tan accountant), pleaded guilty to the concealment of the pi oft U of a retail clothier* busineas between 1902 and IWV The amount con
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  • 162 12 Wedding of Miss Audrey Croft. Thr marriaie took place at All Saint*' Church, LaUham-on-Thamm. in mil »eek between Mlm Auilrvy < roft, only iauchtor of Mr and Mrs. A. B. Croft. >f Moorhay«a. Laleham. and Mr. John Edward Mellor. of St. Hclenn. Ule jf Wicht. Both the
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  • 84 12 Lav. month Simrmi h»<; an informal iMt from a party frcm Kcdah ami Mr. CUvton. Advinar <• ib •"••ivprnirmt of Kadah. Mr. Alton. i Timrn* of P»rli». ariHtptnM k- Mm Allen .-ml Mi rHomuaon. T 1 mnvcd at ih«' Briti»h Cotuulat' at 11 a.m. and. afUl Mine (r««U<l by Mr.
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  • 164 12 Ten Revolvers JAPANESE ARRESTED IN SINGAPORE. An innocent looking milk caae and a Japanese in a i kasha would not arouse anybody's suspicion, but acting on informsMon tfce vehicle wa. held up yesterday he milk caa? waa found t© contain aa revolvers anil .ri2o. r i20 rounds of
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  • 174 12 Busy Week- End for Local Brigade. There were a number of outbreak! of :ire ov«r the week-end. Shortly afUr p.m. yr*t?rday the Kne Brigade received t i ail from K»r: C arming *nd two in|lMi n.rc ruihrd to the scene. Owiu to the extreme heat o(
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  • 132 12 Young Hvlam A.-am In Court. I The yojnc Hylam I >d»re-l nine In- rottan en Friday for P<*«tinir M.-ir.iou* Mental* m lamp poctx ■t (,iov i>na<i t-HT-'h' *i'!> an 1 Hylam. who t>i< -h. wax a«ain heferr Mr. V C Wtlnama. tko Second Police Magixiutr. this niornins.milar rharftt.
    132 words
  • 222 12 Sir l.:indijn Ronald on Music To-day. Si' I^andon Ronald, thr compoaer ami! conductor, g vine the lant Ir 'ure n Rritmh Music Industrie* Convention at Folkestone, said there wrre those wh > > told us that wr were rvt a musical nation, but hr cuuld not ore
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  • 36 12 \nyt>ody Here Seen Keliy with PdMh l/ovo and Tom Moore in the parts in being shown at the Pavilion. Thr local I'athe Caxettr contains pictures >f the King of Slam's viait to Singapore.
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  • 33 12 r A general met ting of the Travancorei AasocUtion. will he held at the C T.A. Hall. 11, Dhoby Chaut. on ihe I1»t in»t i at 3 p.m.. to paaa by-laws and regulations.
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  • 31 12 Scout Officers of Selangor are en tamp at th<- Du<un Tua Sanatorium. undrr the direction d Mr. J. Cameron I Ihinedin K*tate. Kajang. who has been j a Scoutmaster at Home.
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  • 56 12 According to information received from the office of Iba International Telegraph Union at Berne. slate* that normal telegraphic communication ha.i been rr.t.tsl between all telegraphic oftices In MexK-o ami that tele-! grams are no longer subject tt> delay. All rrMrirtions regarding th«- u»r M paaV I language in telegrams addreased
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  • 192 12 Two Shots Fired at Police Party. A meeting of an unlawful society, iwhrved to be held for the purpoae of initiation ceramoalw, waa broken up at about 3 p.m. yesterday by a party of doHm <n a plantation at the 12th mile Manila-, and nine Hokienx were
    192 words
  • 91 12 Among oH,OOO on Men in Gate. Th fate of a British soldirr reported mviing during the war waa dramatically revesled In X hro'her recently at the rr Memorial at Ypres. h .ii -ami employees of a Britirli motor flnn in the North of Kng!.in«l weic layirg wrra'hs at
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  • 153 12 Do's and Dont's for Beach Behaviour. \n Xincrican newspaper, in an article •Do's and Don'ts Aroun<i Nrv York's Beaches." says that Police Comntlssioner Whalen has prohibited th« r>i-fll'ng barn- back" at Coney laland hatning resorts. At Rockaway BtMch. Long Island, howI* added h hare backs ar.«
    153 words
  • 155 12 Remarkable Story At Inquest. Hnv.- a dead police constable set a telephone bell ringing in a statioainssUr's room »as told *t the inquest at Poplar on the body of Charles Edward Holland <:•). '<f New Croas. a L.N.E.R. policeman, whose decapitated body was foun-i a: Shadwell
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  • 165 12 (lever Illusion at Aero Exhibition. One of the cleverest illusions ever .levmed was a feature of the Aero Ex■l Olympia on July 16. Designed by air transi>ort experts of Imperial Air.vays. it was intended U> give a complete representation on the groand of the se«Mt „no t
    165 words
  • 52 12 in .Mi.« i 0 Madntyn- of Lad;, Havrtnck Hospital. Colombo, who went lon study leave tn England, has ben :ul in thr triple rxaminatior ,1 S (Mai), L. R. V V and S (liUi.-J. Shr i« thr daughtrr o! Dr X T. Maclntyrr M.D.. Ut.- <.f Singa pore, now residing
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  • 251 12 Italian Opera Co.'s Return! Visit Signer Carpi's Italian Oand Opera Company began a abort season at thr Victoria Theatre on Saturday night with an excellent periormann- of Puccini'- Madame Buttrrliy." In Kngland ;hiopera has tuken the placr in impulai n formerly held by Cavalleria Ku«ttcana ar<) Pagiiacri." but
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  • 346 12 Wekh Win Inter-Unit Championship. A very interesting programme we* staged at the Garrison squatic Ml the V.M.C.A. pool on Saturday aftertmo. 1 A good standard was evident in all the events, and the meeting showed that thr Garrison can put up very good cxhibili m in the
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  • 170 12 Horrifying Spectacles in Th< Interior. Add in* fresh visions of horrur U> Uhm already lupplieci by missionary inlai— U, th* following excerpts fn>m a mc»i"r from a layman rrtell with increa^l emphasis the terrifying spectacle in thr rirath-snutten province of Kansu. The writer. Colonel Conttantin Ranchner. an engim-er.
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  • 141 12 Oiuted from Desert By The Motor Car. i Speaking at thr annual dinner of the I Central Asian Society at the Hotel Cecil. S r Anrel Stein suggested that thr cam-l wms threatened with extinction by ifca I motor car in the desert in thp *amr way
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  • 440 12 Malaya's Sen ir<\ tanm mci to < mi. AVIATION Bombay. Ju I'riiin all part* of Imliu Have ,tx*rmblrd at P lor their Si I'xat'.u an in Hi- gamzation af 'hr In. uin Meleorui iHpa.tmenl owit t rivil aviation. He *aid t»" each saaervator) in India »»uM tak<
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  • 148 12 A Combination of Eastern And Western Methods. I humlml patattaKi »■> .< CW« ■ihinril Chinese ami Kuropran m«v :n .1 -how-room alx>\ ;h. t. H :i lie nn Wcnnday. tnm '•> a.m. nuon each 'i»t i< Mi Lm*, CaatawM ■MMgkal who is on a vWt ixiic. an.l hi-
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  • 98 12 The Sultan <•( /-anxil«:«' a.i.i in mail week ->uw I owdon from the air. The rtijrhi !;<-tc<l ab« j' ninutea. purl i.f w I mprnt in thr clottda which hung ov*r l.oml was an mldinon to thr pruKrammr ai ranjr<-<l whrn thr linrr mrt a iuadron
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  • Hooi Hye Decides to Play and Reaches Singles Final.
    • 117 13 Lam Say Kee Beats Kleinman. MAI U W II \.MIMONS111I 1 TENNIS, I ('orrrspondent.) kunla l.umpur. Aug. 4. wliun MM r th* V.n"« IMUi Ulwwn ..hi iiyr ar.,1 th.- .f the 1 <• jr»»od oft. ih< l! m. Mi. 11 i i live mid
      117 words
    • 446 13 ■•■I H>f Htats (hi new i Champion. H HJm In I atasMd liable. Sesa. I Tli I. If mnoi i i:i -i i n The fall i nflr. Akrd I r Yokr I n »r«t I\ n ll M. l»r > v I.»I»M I 1- II i 1
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  • 234 13 Return of Pennefather To S.R.C XL The Singapore Recreation Club had Malacca R.C. as vinitor* on Saturday, and met at football on the I'adang, a good came ending in a win for the local side by 4—2. An interesting feature of the ms'.i-h wai the return to
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  • 118 13 S.C.C. s BiK Lead in First Division. -anorr Amatrur Knot.lion Uaruc for thr »rrk rn.!:n». S.turbay. Aur. 3 are aa follow. DivUloa I. I 1 I r w. t n r. a. Pt.. u t u i: 7 I 'j •.•>« -j 1-' 4 I I it LM
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  • 45 13 Sclanjjor's Selection to Meet IjCC (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Aug. The following have been selected to I lanift.r Club aa-ain-»t thr S.C.C. at the I'a.lanit to-day -Bnttain Main and Wallich Farquharson. Akhattl B-!l. m F..rtl. McNee. S Br..wii an.l H
    45 words
  • 108 13 MALAY A CUP. Singapore's Final Trial (iamc On Thursday. A: a mitt f tlie S.A .inwiiitt.t IBM Wrt» the following were piny in a tr al ganv .liui.i .n Tim day m \t. prioi t«. thf ■apore tram to meet in the Malaya Cup Competition at Seremhan on Saturday ..lour..-
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  • 602 13 212 Runs Ahead. COLONY FAIL WITH THE BAT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ponanjr. Au*. 1 Brilliant wmUut favoured the annual ■natch between the P.M.S. and the Colony, which began yesterday on the Esplanad.-. BosUaW -Hill, by winning the toM, rained frirat advantage for the F.M.S.. for
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  • 315 13 Colony Require 260 Runs To Win. (From Our Special Representative.) renang, Aug. t, Tho I".M>\ were all out for 154 in their «'e.«ml inninrs. Green made Ii not out and Niiholion "R Jansen took five wickets fur 10. The Colony require 260 runs to win. -Ut Inning*Otealar Amhonr
    315 words
  • 801 13 S.V.R.A. "BISLEY" MEETIN G. LHigh Stand; rd Of Marksman ihip. entries for the Sir.i kpore Volunteer Rifle Association Bi»ley meeting were ai usual wry Urg*. at the .hooting ■he wrrk-end at tl > Bukit Timah R»nire was of an exc hi«h ftandard. The weather k pt fine, thouith warm.
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  • 36 13 Canadian Beaten 1 VS. (hampionshii New Yoi Aug. 4. Kenneth Myer. of PhiUdelf na, beat the Canadian Joe Wriicht for be sculling championship of the l'nitc< States at Springfield, winning by a leni th.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 444 13 Draw with Selanjcor Chinese. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Koala Lumpur. Aujr. I. The Singapore Cricket Club and the premier team of Seiangor, the Sclangr. Chinese Recreation Club, met at the I on Saturday and a g.xxi game endr i dray of one all. Several thousand lator* wltne«»ed a
    444 words
  • 140 13 Game Hut Vain Fiarht With Kirl>>. waa inside tho C, limit for his imiK with Rml I (Sinsapor. ■< Mai elm mr mail wrrk. The Birraincham boxrr p *cali 'i 1.1 Ih. anil Wallry h- I it', 1!,., thU'ini mail. il> II wait hanl tijrh: ihrfjrh<'.;:. X
    140 words
  • 24 13 WYMi iriod Off After me. i parent t, v»as rarried «>fT ihnhed r.n that he alao had 10 !)lmyct! v
    24 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 13 13 MIIIMIIIMIIIMIIIMIIIIIM IVnang Ka.-c« and nlher uportiac nr«» vill hr found on I'agr Sr\rnIcen..
      13 words
    • 106 13 Raffles Hotel First Class Accommodation with .Modem Sanitation. TEA DANCES EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY C.I 8.15 p.m. DINEB DANSANT EVERY TUMftAI 1 lURSDAT AND SATURDAY MONIA LITTER AND RAFFLES ORCHESTRA. Orchestral Concert Sunday, 9.15 p.m. For Reservations Phone 2'J2O. Sea View Hotel TrlrgraM* gSAftOT. »MM Trlrphnite SMS. Momlay* Augusi
      106 words

  • 219 14 Mm pool Protests Against Proposal. It wan announced in mail wwk that a t*jr.-<l within the walla of <lral niiir time thi- year. i<l that 'l»- ('athifiral < haptrr hat riven ance. Thi i»! Saint Paul." iMr »;>-o!Tr*y Pearnwr. In >. tk thr outstanding in the
    219 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 154 14 THE CUTSTANIINC ClItVi€LET «ff CI1EV1CLET IJIST€IY Th* nr Chevrolet in rcve«lt is lull mrtmrr tkc otlihliH «nd ilt quirt, potitive iour-whc«l br«fcr» M> •rtitrrv ot mattrr drMjom Looker lower and roomier. remarkable economy ol operalioa aad mp-krrp Hm oe« bodiei pottcit exceplioaaJ lukury. beauty a«d ti>lr all are mrrlm| witk
      154 words
    • 181 14 i Whiz \FJyFlune\ kills Flies Mosquitoes. Moths. ■I Roaches. Bedbugs j I and other Household Insects. DOUBLE STRENGTH YtmDmlm or can get U for you. TW R. M. I'ctapfctd Cs. I CAMDEN. H. J.. V. 3 A. >i*» I. j |M I A IMaltibalor* GETZ BROS M in U.S.A.) SI.
      181 words

  • 236 15 m Kcliis and Records of A (ireal Line. TV jni. recently opened in ation of a Innshvmc l» lollect relic* and PWI line of Florentine nres. h a happy aenne of hbtorical Atnesa. i haa been housed in a wine of thi- i alare (now known
    236 words
  • 57 15 Huh Sheriffs Complaint MwhiJ liuiThgocrv rad, I i|n- i.r.l to i^uannl. many alloice 1 property were put 1 to Ih- rr r.e the fact I ■i the park, near tea p, Mr nmadmead M il 'He park, rlo»e to play rather tr>'The Coiut all«>w.N| the appeal, with .r.l
    57 words
  • 97 15 New Outfit for British N« ilu.ns outfit U now I rial with a vitw to it* txing a<l>>i led I Knr iworih ha« been i^uippetl aa a diving rhip, hit. here nnvil an iiMnjj her a* a ba»e frmn vkidl th the new l i thit men
    97 words
  • 1348 15 No Shwks in the king's Speech Labour's Rank and File Pat'wnt hut Watchful Waiting Mr. Churvhill and ttw Liberals The Housr Not a ''Study Circle." (By Our Parliamentary Correspondent.) London, July 9. npUK first King's Speech of a Labour Government contained neither shocks nor
    1,348 words
  • 505 15 The Cireat War and The Weather. Severe diouffh: ir tionic Kong recently and an attempt «ai made to alleviate it liv artifWia! mean*. Air Force pilots, acing in romultation with thr- Obacnaton dropped powdered kaolin on the clouds, in the h'.pe of \*r uadinj: :him tj
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  • 261 15 ADM IRALS AT CRICKET. Earl Jellicoc SkipperI)i>tinKuished Tram. Farl Jellicoe took a team < guished mar nen admiralty vear-admi-ralt, and other naval officer*— to p annual irai:n- of cricket afainst the N'aut cal College eleven at I'anicbou 7 The vinitiirV team ronsiitj^l Jellicoe (captain). Admiral C 8. Hkkk Kdrr liniral
    261 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 310 15 Pet Milk Makes Rich, Creamy Frozen Desserts and Sauces j^^Cream Chocolate Snuce Fresh Fruit Mousse iJ^lßfex ''SD^ateV hOCOlate 2 ™t" P UUk Chill Pet Mtfk thoroughly. Add eg- whit. «ndbe« •ftfftW aLrSeTr^,, White of on. eff w,th Dover ccg beater until st.ff in a bowl set in r A "^fcrfT
      310 words
    • 281 15 Hoic long can you afford to Suffer and thus Waste Your Life When jroa can f.nd a c»od ralief in Every Dose of our m«Jicln»» If >..u ar* not frvhnc si happy aa a lark if >ou are weighed d>wn by seme feeling of bemr onw«l| or bfl.w tk« BMtk,
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 97 16 SHELL OILS AGAIN in the light weight class in the English T.T. Races in the Isle of Man on June 12. S. A. CRABTREE on an Excelsior (J.A.P.) took first place and created a record in completing the course in 4 hours 8 min. 10 sees. using SHELL MOTOR SPIRIT
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    • 308 16 UNCLE LSEDCAR SAYSt "I wasn't born yesterday and I know what I'm X^^v talking about You can get as much for a A Jl leaser outlay on a second-hand car as you can f° r tne larger outlay on a new car and in many /-^^9j^rf^^B~ cases more. 1* you
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  • 1745 17 Penan*? Racing n ?-u!ts. MOM LOMOND BULL UNBBATBN. (Kruiu Our Own CornapoadMl.) Pcnanr. Au«. The attendajM-f wax lancer than ever nt to-day's race*, there btmr hundred!of \iMtom from outaUtions. The Sultan of PeraW. ,|,h and th« nor and Mm. Meadow* Kroat were again pn Thr Ruinir
    1,745 words
  • 272 17 S.R.C. Win High Scoring, Game. An rxtr-nivi/ sporting declarati R il. C Uverton. the S.C.C. II »kipp*\| was mainly rexponaible for the I defeating th* S.C.C. in t r»nn- I Padanjr oa Saturday. Baiting first the rapidly piled op runt on a wicket I that rave no help
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  • 220 17 Byrd Scores 99 in 24 Minutes For UCJC An SC.C. eleven easily defeated the V.M.C.A. on Saturday. A featu S.C.C.'i inninm waa the batting of <Sh>> and More (S8), the remainder »ide obtaining only 19 run*, of which Kxtras supplied nine. Byr i *cored hit Ml ir. "J4
    220 words
  • 261 17 Selangor's Big I,oad Over Singapore. The Sflani;jr l/.R.f.. which i* p l visit to the Singapore S R.C.. hmd a I cad of 120 and lix second innings wickets o fall, when play came to an cad y«st*r- 1 lay. The match will be continued to-day *cor*s I
    261 words
  • 74 17 1 L**i«Miilc, H». True Blur. All. Sb.phtrd, IV nan* IMIr. Cauidy. 2.— Kalf. Rlarkkar. I'olianth*.. MclalM. Brother Jim K»ll Mourn. Tobojnßß. Moon Miaa Uttta Harmony. (s»»y T»«l- oh. PepaniU. PaJlawan. Lent Un. Uf« Mum*. Udy <Ul r r e Xolt. ißiat Buy. -BalU. Award. i Kina!
    74 words
  • 147 17 Maadjjr, .Uqpul t'»nan» Rae»« > M*, Ptaaa. VI Malar -i CA vi Wrick Kml trtcW S.C.C. Waaoarara 8( <".. HvamaUra. lia Ch.BCM StralU m Jl a.m. T Rang*. MaU>an Lawn Tuam» banipi'>iuhif». X L. <>P»» on. hip o f H.Ur*. XX Krlon-r Golf Club .flrctie S. M
    147 words
  • 107 17 Royal Johore Win Malayan Championship. (From Oar Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 4. ■I Johore won th# polo champion- Malaya at the Racecourse to-day when th«y defeated Singapore Nominal* v goals to two in th.- K.O.R. Cup Competition. Johore beat Selangor ye«t T(!ay by '■■> 2 in a preliminary.
    107 words
  • 193 17 Hi* Entry for Kukit Tim .4 Ml gapora «.<!f Hub Aumut Mod:.' tioa was i-layt-tl nn Sjluniuy «r.1 .1 win fur M; I 1 Lml f«.r M1 Oatv.i in B Division. rarrts were MkH Ml n">l thr following turned D. Sturrock 8S 8=75 Lanrdon Willumi 86— JO 76 A.
    193 words
  • 19 17 The co-operation of Clab 8«rr»Uri»« ii II t»MU'»t-cl In kreptrf thi> diary of •porting II •vent* arrnrat* and gp-to-dmtc..
    19 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 104 17 m mvi that rzn scores A JOURNAL is rtowr ■■and MICNOU4 METAL The Metal with the Largest Co-eff'uivnt of Friction. Largely self lubricating owing to f.raphiti(ontent. The safest and most long lived metal in Dirty Surroundin (lives ,i burnishing effect to all Journals. Can used in 90% of all Lined
      104 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 230 18 JENSON /^Jtv\ Establighed NICHOI-SON. [JJ in London LTD. %>n.# 1821 VARNISHES. PAIN TS. EMRUB AND COLOURS Used hv Five Generations of Painters. YOU wouH have to ro right back to the days when Georce the Fourth was Kin? to find the first users of Jensnn Nicholson's famous Paints and Varnishes.
      230 words
    • 484 18 Lav 'a^-^aV^araaM I '^mf^J^^S^KßKtSm ~^ul^Ba^RH -*^*s V^BbW 111' Tf i i«DB yWLUAMSPINK PILLS A Canadian Girl Student's Happy Experience. Out of th* depths of dcprt»i!on. freed from the dark hand of tickncti and restored <■■ thr >un<hinr of radiant hralth. turh h_. .«m th* joyoui lot of innumrrablr •aff«r*r> from
      484 words
    • 137 18 I I LABORATORY T^T^JV^ f >ru| VV J lfl "C castqol mW/v V 4. m« e .?,'c:zX/m motor >Li*Z^ i r^rr^TiM j ■aa »£=a TEiTi^o r *t^*f f yo^y 0^ o>^gp C. C. WAKEFIELD CO. LTD. (larorporaud ia England) 90. ROMNSON ROAD, SINGAPORE. PRODUCTS OF RAFFLES CAFE AW) CONFEITIONERY DintinfuUhed
      137 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 2151 19 5,-.Saßaama-mammßß»^= Afjtets o\er $9,500,000 S.C. Aasarance in force orer $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. Incorporated ia tha StralU SattlcaMntt) HEAD OFFICE WiackcaUr Raaat, Slngaporo. LOKDON OFFICK tl. Old Jawry. E.C. Tko Company kaa 00,000 doaaaited wltk tka Supreme Court of England aad compile, wltk the Britiah Ufa
      2,151 words
    • 176 19 A6BNTS FOB STRAIT* f»^fr SBTrLEMENTS AND V aim I r M 1 P» *JU|Mi IJoostead 0., MliWItT LIMITED >Tl "T (lac la FJLB.) (lac la EagUbd) EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD. (Incorporated la Deamark) SINGAPORE. Importers of "OK" CEMENT "NY CARLSBERG" BEER "STAUB" 3 Stars Brandy "STAUB" Liqueur Brandy (20 years
      176 words
    • 327 19 THE HOUSING PROBLEM l> No More Prohlem Now. Whoa yoa fool tko aaod to aractieo acoaoay apply to SIONO UM s/»V» MILL CO. for GARDEN HOUSES AT SIANG LIM PARK, GEYLANG. We kave apocially aoaaUaatod 17* koaaaa ta aeet prvaont day dfmanda. Twa Bcdraaau. Hall aad Dining Roaeji, Kitchen a»d
      327 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 239 20 I^Arr-lxLl fk atire. "^JM ivlfriy >J AD W A P>w The TCUKWELL li thr AUGUST featur* Hat. It ii a medium weight hat, smooth finish, with a full crown ami v rather curled wide bum, Ix-annic a raw cdf*. Th I hat with H harmonious line* will look very Mimrt
      239 words
    • 232 20 COAL TAR FOR ALL PURPOSES QUALITIES COMMERCIAL CRUDE and DISTILLED. ENQUIRIES SOLICITED. LEE KIM SOO 40, HIGH STREET. -:634:Support local industry and at the Mmc time reduce your cost of living ingT. K. K.'S TYRES. SHOES AND OTHER GOODS. TENG SENG GUAN, 631. NORTH BRIIX.E ROAD. Established I*)V Telephone No.
      232 words
    • 1025 20 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS.^ PREPAYABLE CHARGES for WANTS. For Sale. To Let, etc.. in ordinarycloae set t)pe (average six words to linei are Per line I One insertion Z8 ceaU. two Ins. 44) three int. 64 cents, foui ins. 82 cent*. Aye ins. 11.000. six ins. 11.13, Un ins. 11.40. twelve ins.
      1,025 words
    • 918 20 BOARD AND LODGING URN ROOMS. W0- MO. With board (Kuropeaa) WO-1100 Town. m. S. Times. MKMSHKD PLAT. An.ber Mansions. No. I. available for six months. Call or phon? 4900. DOUBLE ROOM, verandah and bathroom. vacant, also single. 29. Killiney Rd. Phone WARWICK HOUSE. 31. Cavanagh Road. Select Knghsh Boardinr establishment
      918 words
    • 388 20 "CHEAVINS" "ACME" QUALITY FILTERS PURITY AT ALL f f TIMES. ALWAYS Insist on Cheavins Acme REFUSE SUBSTITUTES THE "ACME" STANDS FOR PURITY, CLEANLINESS PERFECTION A genuine health guardian indispensable anywhere. THE WORLD'S BEST BY EVERY TEST li Gallons 51 0.50 2 $11.00 3 $15.00 4 $22.50 6 $33.50 375, VICTORIA
      388 words
    • 383 20 SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS Prismatic Compasses, Theodolites, Road Tracery Levels, etc*, etc. A jeate for W. F. BTANI.BT A CO, LTD. MOTION SMITH 14, BATTERY RO\D. 81NGAPOS& Just Arrived Just Arrived No Home -hould l>r without a 4 a*J| thin Wondrrfi.l !>f«\ rlnpaedia. THE SKI KKMH X 1101 SEHOI.II > i
      383 words