The Straits Times, 28 May 1929

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. No. 29,100. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1929 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 468 1 TROPICAL SUITING :"FLORODOR" din i WING LOON 6, ilKill ST Sl\(; M'OKF. The RefSection of Fashion /\j*£22& FOR THE PEOPLE b a d i uc ay e In thesc^days the art of right Hying is being practised more than ever before. It is increasingly realised that protection against germs is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2821 2 Shipping Announcements f. iS. BRITISH IBIM |lU;j(i|>|||l|J| MIRHS PHUP UK K. P. M. TNE BLUE FUNNEL UNE THE SUM SIUH »A«. QRB «?Cfiß LINES FiiilffT^ 31^ 1^ 1^ .i.»^.,- >.»„,„„., (RSYfli. PACKET BSV. CO. THE OIEA r,S™! I s CO, LTB. «il £TZSi££l£ ca»oo (Nippon yusen kaisha) KiSWWS'aMSa OFBfITA¥W) ch,na
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 478 3 DUTCH MAILS N.V. Stoomvaart Maatschappij Nederland and N.V. Rotterdam Lloyd WEEKLY MAIL and PASSENGER SERVICE TO Genoa Amsterdam Southampton Marseilles Rotterdam a* Joh. de Wilt 10,400 S.M.N. May 31 s.s. Slamat :2,OU(i R.L. June 1 s.s. Prinses Juliana 8.100 S.M.N. June M s.s. Tambora 5,600 P L. Juna 21 m.T.
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    • 332 3 OCEANIC AND ORIENTAL NAVIGATION CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. TACOMA ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP CO., TACOMA, WASH. STATES STEAMSHIP CO., PORTLAND, ORE. JOINT SCHEDULE. Sailing for United States and Canada Points from Manila and Hong Kong Sails about San Franrisro and Portland S.S. WISCONSIN from Hoi.g Kong June 1 San Francisco and Los
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    • 130 3 ELECTRICITY P^* ECONOMY AND SERVICE doing t/itouiS THE readiest, handiest, Ccmfltfa66f 1 cleanest and most eco[fo nomical servant in the world to-day— Cuts out halt BfcfKM the monotonous and never JBEir^l ending work of the household and makes the rest S^^jTT as easy as play— Does not JHE§!% make any
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  • 367 4 The Prince Li&lta 56 New Lamps. The Prince of Wai's, ai iiatron, welcomed delegates of Toe- II liianehe.s from all parts of the country and distant lands at a meeting at Church House. Westminster, in mail week, and ik'hte-l the Lamps of Maintenance of new
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  • 61 4 Orders for week IttdiBf Sunday, Juno ISttll Tuesday, M;.y IS, Advanced Signalling «'lasi, Headquarter*, p.m. Elementary Ambulance Class, St. Andri-Ws House. 5.15 !>.m. Thursday. May SO, Hand Practice, B.1S p.m. Friday, May 31, Elementary Sicnallinjr H'lass. H<-ad<|uartiTs. 5.16 p.m.; Advanced lAmbulance Clait, HeadqoarUra, .*.1*> p.m.
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  • 30 4 "Docs evolution clash with Christian5ty?" is the rabject of a lecture to be friven J>y Prof. V. E. Hendenbot t!i» Malayan Church, Opper SeraagMa Koad i.n June'5 at MO p.m.
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  • 338 4 Daylight Drama In Tipperary. A raid by armed bandits, as senlatii nal In its circumstance as any film air.a. v. a; carried out in the middle of Tipperary in mail week. Two young, clean-shaven men, who wore trench i-jhU, drove up to the Bank of Ireland in
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  • 38 4 A picture of the Sultan f Perak, who is a graduate of Oxford, appaared in several of tlu< London papen in week. He is setn sitting on his throne in Oriental state surroundi-d by his hi-jh Octal*.
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  • 73 4 i Mr. St. Alban Smith, a Fellow of the Zoological Society, anil general manager ir Plantation <, Ltd., who has sent many uiits of valuable snakes and other to th" London Zoo, is now ,t Home, atnl amoß3 other gfti he has presented a Blnlorong. Tliis h a large, almost
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  • 252 4 Juries Baffled by Value Problem. What is the cash value of a wife when a husband has lost in a divorce case Juries have been called upon to solve this problem in case after case. Their lowest assessment in mail week wag £50their highest £1,500. It is
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  • 197 4 Captain Lancaster's New Venture. Washington, April 2'J. Lieutenant Albert Hulse, with Captain Lyon («.f Southern Cross fjme), and four 'other internationally known aviators plan to leave New York on the first clear day i in September to fly around the world, a distance of 13,500 miles. They will
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  • 510 4 Test Against American Equipment. An extremely courageous anil, as it proved, triumphant experiment with British talk film equipment was ma'lo in London recently under the auspices of the Cinematograph Exhibitors' Association with a view tc testing the comparative qualities of American and Biitisn apparatus for the presentatio-i
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  • 56 4 The largest air mail yet despatched I from London for Indie, consisting of over 12,000 letters, left Croydon Aerodrome In mail week on board a HandleyPage Napier air liner. This was the fifth weekly air mail to be dispatched on the new Imperial Airways 5,000 miles
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 15 4 |J^* *A& .Jlo&ae&y tAat Gount^TA I^/jfc Cool (j -i.6^Z Smoking 1 \Mm) cork- tipped I
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  • 1156 5 LOWER LAST YEAR. Expenditure Per Head. SOCIAL FACTORS IN THE DECLINE. A Parlumontiivy Amwcr given in the Horn I of Commons lwently states thut the profits of brewing concerns for the IncMM ?ai raw WtM amounted to il'l.(HM(,(Miii. as Bgainat V24,M)0.000 in the liHllli— a
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  • 185 5 Provision for Jalan Resar Playground. Action taken at a MMttag of Coiiunittee No. 0 of the Municipal (,'ommi.ssioii !.<•!. I mi lUjI 21, included th»' followiiiK ('nn)irmfil daelsioa that trees lx- planted iv each Miner of tho convenience in Raffles Place. insu-iK'ted the Municipal l^njfineer to remove UllMMli
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  • 274 5 Whole City Searches For Metal. Members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police have had many thrilling and strange tasks to perform, but perhaps none has bwn as odd as the task that now confronts them. During a raging blizzard a Saskatoon X-ray and therapy expert,
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  • 145 5 Modest English (.iris Bar Noliack Costume. London business Rirls will reject the nuw backless buthin*; costumes if the buyers in the bip stores are accurate prophets. "To wealthy women going to the Riviera," said one. we have of huffe stocks of cut-to-the-waist costumes. But we believe it will
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 255 5 Why Suffer Pain? QPPA W 'U relieve your pain IV V-f in ten minutes "ASPRO" Relieves INFLUENZA, COLDS, RHEUMATISM, J^^' universal medicine demands SCIATICA, universal distribution. "ASPRO" JRITIS /^^ZL is distributed throughout the ALCOHO^'after effects. >~^ZSI 22 f Mal3y T^ FEVER TEMPERATURES, —<=Z^ dispensary' and chemist caiTymg HEADACHES, ~7^ a
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    • 260 5 I CUTIGURA HENS I SKINJROUBLE On Baby's Head and Forehead. Itched Badly. "My baby at seven months had a breaking out on bis head and forehead. It first appealed like small blisters which later broke and scaled over. It must have itched very badly as baby was constantly trying to
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    • 295 5 AJLHAMBRA TAN lIIKNG K\lK i ((>.. J.m.. Proprietors. SPECIAL PROGIiAMME TO-NIGHT ;.:u. for un imlefinite period, in Ike .sciiind hi.-.v at i p.r.\. I BDlaiaaßl <3 JSJM \\jff fSm vf JSJtfjM 4 l^^fiw "WaaWawß^^^^aiMßßßKrifrffif^rißßy* ,'iCT' S^Bmqr fSW {j2 w <£Mfy 7 ljmr ■■■■HBB^^S^^S^^Bfffil^l^^B NO FREE LIST N() !1.,|.F PRICE Downstairs
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    • 29 6 Mr. Donr Chin Bißf, his family and relatives thank all law who sent wreaths and letters of condolence and those who attended the funeral of his beloved wife.
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    • 316 6 Alteration of Wave Length Notified. It is notified that on and after June 1. tli. following alterations to wavelengths and services of Cape D'Aguilar radio -tation will be effected The use of the wavelengths of 2,000 and 2,800 metres will be discontinued. For long continuous wave communication
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  • 86 6 The following passengers for Singapon have arrived by the President Hayes Mr. Wm. Henry Baird, Mr. L. H. Burke. Mr r\ P. Enghardt. Mr. Edgar Lxon, Mr. Bernani Flynn, Mr. John Gallagher, Mr. Morris Gold Mr. William Kaelin, Mr. and Mrs. John R Kracht, Miss E. M. Livesey, Mr.
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  • 24 6 Prom China and Japan, by Mores, due at Singapore 10 a.m. to-morrow. Prom Indo-China, by D'Artagnan, dm tt Singapore 4 p.m. to-morrow.
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  • 39 6 Records for seven days ending midnight Saturday, May 26 Penang Hill (2,100 ft.l, ay. temp. 73.78 .'vaporation .276 inches, rainfall 1.152 inches Taiping Hill (3,500 ft.), ay. temp. 72.70 F 'vuporation .191 inches, rainfall 6.05 inches
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  • 41 6 By Elephanta Sibajak Karmala Mantua Cheiionceaux P. der Nederlanden i. en Arm. S'pore London AdI. 25 Mav 18 Apl. 28 Hay 20 Apl. 26 Hay 21 May 2 Hay 27 May 2 May 27 May 3 May 27
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  • 313 6 Tuesday. May 28 H. W. 0.19 a.m.. 8.9, 1.55 p.m., 7.1. Sun rises 5.57 a.m., sets K.i; p.m. Carpi's Italian Grand Opera. Barbiere di Siviglia, Vie. Theatre, 9.30 p.m. Wednesday. May 29 H. W. 0.52 -a.m., 8.6, 2.36 p.m., 8.0. Sun rises 5. 57 a.m., sets
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  • 368 6 Tuesday, May 2*l. Ships alongside the Wharves ur expected tv arrive. KE1TEI. HARBOL'R. Main Wharf Crane. Pontoon No. 2, Tu« Sri Tunda, Dredser Foremost, T. nutruioh, W. Bt. Joan I. McArthar. Oil Wharf Nil. Coal Wharf Daisy, F.M.S. Hoppers 1 »nd 3. VESSELS IN DRY DOCKS. Tanjong
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  • 168 6 To-day. Bengalis, Laboean Bilik and Tandjong Balei I Siiufkepi 2 p.m. Selat Pandjang, Beagkalis, Siak and Pakan Baroe (Nam Hen*) 2 p.m. Upper Burma (Hong Peng) 2 p.m. North, N.-Kast and N.-Went Sumatra (Kriani 2 P">. Kemaman and Trcngganu (Flevo) 2 p.m. Java, South-West Sumatra, SuuthKatt Borneo,
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    • 306 6 COCKMAN.— On May 27, 1929, at to Mollle, wife of 11. J. Cockman, Malayan EDMONDS STEPHEN. At the PresbyUriaa Church, by the K> v. S. Hand, UA, o,\ .Sriturday. kin Jean Korbes Stephen, elder dauehter of Mr. mid Mrs. Thumas Stephen, of Aberdeen, to Mr. Klaiuis McDonald Edmonds, of
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    • 800 6 LATESTADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Advts., see page 16. WANTS, FOR SALE, ETC. HOAIiP-I'KSIDKXCK FOR GIRLS. Terms moderate. Apply 877, Straits Times. rOl BALK, Baby Fiat, in Rood running Apply \->:, S.^th bridge R..a<l, Phone :!nS». TO LET, one shop in Grosvcnor Hotel Buildln X facing Hill St. Apply Stephens I'aul
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    • 104 6 THE ORIENTAL HOTEL 77, BRAS BASAH ROAD. SINGAPORE. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Many recent improvements, modern sanitation, rooms to let with or without board. Meal a la carte, first-class cuisine. Special rate* for monthly residents and commercial travellers, Garage, Billiards. Telephone No. 7986. Mb QUARRINGTON COURT, ARRIVED MAY 21, 1»2». Consignees
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 70 6 METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Station. (By Courtesy of Government Health Office.) For the 24 Hours ending at Midnight on May 27. Deg. Vlax. shade temperature 89.2 F. Vtin. shade temperature 76 F. Mean shade temperature 81.4 F Max. sun radiation 149 F. Mm. grass radiation 72.5 F. Mean wet bulb
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  • 616 7 Speculative Movements. COMMENTS ON RUBBER SHARES. 1 air > Prfeei Robber. Lawatea 10 11/lfid.. down '/,i. Ncm York HM rls., down 1 cent. TWac of Marfcat, HHaw, Btecfca up 887 ton>. Tin. !.<.ndon HUM down 12s. fid. N.« 1 rk 1.i.'.0 rl-.. down Vi cent. Toac rf
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  • 111 7 I h- inert »l the directon ti the hmtHt IfC nnd IVv r i for the y.iir ended Dec. tai that the ri->ults of thr imi'l after deducting director* 1 remr.neraimii. and providing for depreciation, show a S,;.:;i7. t., which ha.< to be added the balance l'rojj;ht
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    • 580 7 The Board's Cultivation Policy. The twenty-second annual ordinary general mevtiag of the Ulu Rantau Rubber Estates Company, Ltd., m held on April 2!> nt the London Chamber of Caanaare*, oxford Court, Cannon Street. X.C.. Mr. A. A. Baumann 'chairm-tn of the company) presiding. The hnirman ■said that
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    • 121 7 Messrs. Lean Co.'s Weekly Report. I In their report dated Penang. May 21, Hasan. Lean and Co. state Tin has registered a further slight decline in prices ;,n.l closes at spot £196 15s. and three months £199 ss. The position seems somewhat healthier with a contango of
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    • 80 7 i Me srs. Roustead and Co. are in receipt of I cabled advice from the secretaries. Messrs. Edward Kmistcad and Co., London, to the following effect Cheras Rubber Ksrates, Ltd., annual report for lUt issued, profit £9,631, final dividend recommended per cent, transfer to reaerva ifi.OOO, a..d
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    • 60 7 Henderson, Jlelm and Company, Inc. New York, send us the following cable dated May 27,- their quotations beinp in K<>l<l dollar eoati closing bid prices Rubber Exchange sales to-day 1,500 tons. •lune 20.90, July 21.40, August 21.60, September 21.90, October 22, November 22.20, December 22.30, January 22.40. To-day's
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    • 39 7 A cable received by Lewis and Peat (Singapore), Ltd., from their London cor- .< relents states that rubber stocks show an increase of 387 tons during tho past week, the total now on hand beinir .'!5.55G tons.
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    • 72 7 The British North Borneo Herald reports that the Singapore Oil Syndicate at Tindak have been drilling steadily since rain and a full reservoir once more made resumption aoaatbl*. AH the lost ground has been re- covered and a further depth of about 50 ft. hns been reached
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    • 76 7 Rugby, May L'T. Foreign exchanges are Amsii-rJnin 12.065, Athens 375. Bombay Is. 5?«d.. Berlin Brussels 34.15, Bucharest 818, Buenos Aires 47\, Copenhagen ItJN, Geneva 25.185, Hclsingfors 192 7 Ho'ic Koaf Is. lid.. Kobe Is. 0 l'.-ltkl.. Lisbon IQSVfc, Madrid 34JU, Milan u^.i.',. Not i UU :!-32, O»16 18.205, Paris
      British Wireless  -  76 words
    • 261 7 EXCHANGE Singapore, May 28. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/3T4 Demand 2/3% 1 Private 3m. credit 2J 11/.a on New York. Demand 65 15/16 Private 90 67 7*7 On France. Bank T.T. 14S1 ■)n India, 8..r.k T.T. 16«!« On Hong Koni-. Hank T.T. 13 p.c. <!is.-. On Shanghai. Hank T.T.
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    • 63 7 Tone of Market lull, easier. Latest Cable Lo 'don Spot Sheet 10 11-lfid. per lb. New York Spot Bhoel aeata 11% per lb. R.S.S. equal to Standard Q.C.F. Standard R.S.S. Standard K.S.S. on Tender Spol July July-Sept. Oct.- Dec. ::5--, 36 37', 37% 3ti
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      • 456 7 Issue Val. I'd. £1 fl A.-am Kumlianu fl 11 lian-r.u Tin 1 1 '•it-u.,' Padang 1 1 Hatu Caves fl £1 Hukit Aranir £1 £1 K '.irm ah Malay £1 l'l Chenderianß fl £1 Kastcrn Siam £1 £1 Haad Yai 1 1 liitam Till 1 1 Honic K.;tt •>
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      • 230 7 Issue Val. Pd. Buyers Sellers 2 2 Alox. Prick Prefs. 2.12H 2.17H 1 1 Alex. Brick Ordi. 2.60 2.70 £1 £1 Brit. Am. Tobacco C.2.6 6.5.0 Canadian Eagle 11/- 12 1 1 Central Engine 0.60 0.60 1 1 Cycle and Carriag* 0.60 0.R5 10s. 10s. Duff Development 9/6 10/6
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      • 119 7 U. Eng. 6 p.e. 1,226,500 Norn. S'pore Cold Storage 7 p.e. deb. of 1926 red. 1931-36 101 103 el Singapore Municipal 6 p.e. of 1901 red. 1930 $l,S78,000 par. 6% prem Singapore Municipal 4'i p.e. I of 1907 red. 1947 $1,600,000 95 par. I Singapore Municipal 414
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      • 402 7 To-day's Pricct Fraarr I.yall Co. Evatt Al'cnby ($1) Alur Cajah ($1) A. Ilitum ($1) A. Kilning ($1) Am. Malay ($2) A. Molek ($1) A. I'anns (}5) Balßownie ($1) Ba.ssett ($1) Bro K as ($1) Brunei Cs6) B. .1.-lutonir ($1) B. Kutil ($1) Bukit K. B. ($1) B. Kepong
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    • 102 7 Increase of Dividend Recommended. Output "of Straits Rubber Co. for 1928 '.mounted to 3,044,209 lb. I against 1,956,088 i-vi -v and net profit per acre of mature rub-,l-r was £7 3s. lOd. For year 1929 crop i» estimatad at 3.475,000 lb. During > year 9 was recovered from
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    • 69 7 Amalgamated Malay.— l4,soo Ib. 11a1au.— 39,600 lb. lieranang— 43,ooo 1. liertam (Taisho 1.— 73.48S Ib. Borelli. 29,000 lb. Brooklands.— l2o,ooo lb. Bukit Kep0ng.— 29,164 lb. Chembong.— -78,160 lb. Cheras— 49,s4o lb. Connemara.— 36,BB3 lb. Glen: hiel.— «s.Hso lb Kamasan.— 22,6s3 lb. Kepong Ma1ay.— 169,045 Ib. Kong Sang. 4.800
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    • 109 7 Macphail and Co., Ltd. Singapore, "lay 28. Rubber Local M\ cents per lb. Market: Quici. Rubber. Weak. New Scudais 2-26-lAO, Mulaka Pindas 2.02'-j-2.10, Ulu Benuts .VI55 c nt-.. Bukit Katils 80-85 aaata, Ituki; Jclutong 70-75 cents, Pajams 2 30-2.40, Tapah» 2.30-2.40, Mmlakaus !7-5O cent?. I Bangal Tukangs
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    • 168 7 Rose Macphail Penman. Ltd. Singaiore. May 2S. London.— Rubber 10 11-ir.;l., down '^d. Noon Spot price 3« cents. London.— Tin fIM. Mining.— ataadr. Bugal Way.-. 3.10-3^0,1 Kuchais l.n-i.-l'.. Kinta Dredge 1.44-1.47.1 Klang River 2.75-2.85 xd.. lion,; Fntts MHM cents. Malaya Consols. SB-M cents. I'inawats I 95-97 cents. Petalinga 5.60-5.70. IMu
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    • 259 7 •> Company's Strong Cash Position. The ninth annual general meeting of Iks Kuala Geh Rubber Company. Ltd.. was held oa April 21) at Winchester House. OH Broad Street, F-.C, Mr. \V. J. Cotterell (chairman I of the company > presiding. The Chairman said I think you will
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    • 156 7 Further Rich Deposits Reported. Manila. May 1. Two more gold si/liv b.-.n annoui ced here since the lladlay of an allegedly rich deposit in the Angat Riv^-r, 25 milnorth of Manila, a few »vr'.:s Ufa. One of the new strikes is a short distal je north of
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    • 117 7 Land for Settlers in The Philippines. Manila, -Mar 2. As a step towards encouraging -the development of the pineapple industiy in the Philippines, Acting Governor-Oneral Gilmore has set aside 10,000 hectares 1 21.710 acres i of the best land in Libona and Sante Fe. Bukidnon, Mindinao, as a
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    • 124 7 Discourairinjr Figures For First Quarter. The French commercial authorities arc 'luarter of the year has shown an adverse trade balance of 3^69,000,000 francs. Imports during this period show an increaw of 2.314,000.000 francs, compared with the first quarter of last year, while exports were lower by "61,000,000 francs.
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  • 681 7 Substantial Reduction In Costs. The ninth ordinary general meeting of the Selangor River Rubber Estates. Ltd.. Ma held on April .10 at 2-4. Mm Lane. London. X.C.. Mr. Noel Bingley presiding. The Chairman said On the balance sheet, reserve account is increased to £21. .i0n by the
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  • 462 7 Reduction in Production Costs. The nineteenth annual |Hl«ial meeting of shareholders of the Kajan? Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held at Kdinburith in mail week Mr. William Greenhill (chairman of the coinpan)' I presiding. I In moving the adoption of the report and I accounts, the chairman said
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  • 980 8 A sifn of the times is to be found in the publication of a German Literature Number which accompanied a recent issue of the Times Literary Supplement. Sinte the appearance of Jew Suss in an English translation there has been
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  • 1269 8 An Airman's Opinion Of The Censure. (By C. L. Skinner.) The Arctic Rescue How Nobile Wa? Saved by Elner Lundborg, and published by the Vikinfr Pr«»», New York, serves to remind us that rescue* and attempts at rescue have been uncommon in polar h'rtory until last
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  • 484 8 Mi-. R. V. Patterson, manager of Borneo Motors, Ltd., Penang, is going home on leave. Mr. L. Rijk, of the Agricultural Department, Kuala Lumpur, and Mrs. Rijk, are leaving this week hy the Morea, for Europe, and expect to uc away about I eight months. I Members
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  • 783 8 LIFTING THE VEIL. At a special meeting of the council »f the Planters' Association of Malaya, to bt held on June 5, delegates will be jrivon an opportunity to discuss fully the confidential report of Messrs. Cummins anil Grab'jrn relative to the inquiry into the I'ffairs
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  • 25 8 A Tokio cable states that Mr. K. Yonegaki, the Japanese vice-consul in Manila, in to take up a post in the J.ipam-su Consulate-General in Singapore.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 246 8 Records have baen made on roughes and Watts' Bi.iiard Tables I c il'o folto'vhv? Models E "STRAITS" TABLE idid Table at a Moderate q»i AHZ «j Price I Accessories «p1,413 Nett. THE "CLUB" TABLE of Rurroughes and q>-| q/w\ Nett with $I,!7UU Accessories IT fitted with IV.irvat Steel q> orn
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    • 79 8 ALHAMBRA TO-NIGHT In the Second Show at United Artists Super Production IRON MASK Featuring DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS Hiatorlcil and Romantic with Spectacular Scenery. Alonf with Latest Empire Newa. First Show at 7.30 p.m. A Western Drama A LITTLE BUCKAROO Featuring IU BARTON. NO FREE LIST. TAN CHENG KEE CO, LTD, Proprietors.
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  • 463 9 London Conference's Recommendations. RECENT LESSONS. Importance of Life Rafts Emphasised. Rugby, May 27. The subject of boats and other lifeKVfcV "1 pliances of passenger ships has t.. m under consideration by a committee of the International Conference on the Safety of Life at Sea, which
    British Wireless  -  463 words
  • 77 9 Government Wins Cheque Case. The Chief Justice of Hong Kong (Sir Henry Gollan) pronounced judgment i» •h" Gore nmcit versus Hong Kong and Shanghai Hanking Corporation case in which the Tieasury had sued the Bank for the re-crediting of $2f>0,000 involved in the arvalhn Yeo frauds. At
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  • 59 9 Worn nn Prosecutor Announces Retirement. Washington, May 27. Mrs. Mabel Willebrandt, the assistant Attciniev-flcr.eral and leading prosecutor i:i charges of violating the Prohibition Itwa, announces her early retirement. Thil is believed to be due to her dissatisf.i''i<>n with the moderate attitude of the Hoover u'lrninisiration tr.wards Prohibition. Mrs. Willebrandt
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 43 9 Record Number of Letters For Britain. Rugby, May 27. The l.idian air mail which arrived at I'roydon yesterday afternoon consisted of a record number of 30,000 letters. It arrived three minutes before schedule time af'.er a ."i.OVO-mile flight. British TTlrilm
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  • 43 9 Rectification of the Syrian Frontier. Angora, May 26. official circles deny that the negotiations between France and Turkey foi rectification of the Syrian frontier have Ken broken off. It is stated that the Fren-h Ambassador will continue tht negotiations. Trans-Ocean.
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  • 73 9 Passenger Killed In Crash. Bandoeng, May 28. The crashing of a private Daimler aeroplane on the military flying field here resulted in the passenger being killed and the pilot slightly injured. The machine was piloted by Mr. K. E. Schuett, manager of the Gandasoli tea estate,
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  • 122 9 High Death Rate in First Quarter of Year. Rugby, May 27. The influenza epidemic which raged during the early weeks of this year was responsible for the fact that, with one exception, the death rate in Great Britain tor the first quarter of 1929 is the highest recorded
    British Wireless  -  122 words
  • 83 9 How Capt. Brain Found Missing Airmen. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sydney, May 27. The steamer Kyogle, which had been employed in the search for Flight-Lieut. Moir and Flying Officer Owen, will bring the airmen to Darwin. When they were discovered by Capt. Brain they signalled that they
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  • 77 9 Small Speculators Ruined In United States. New York, May 27. Liquidation proceeded on the Stock Exchange steadily and relentlessly all day. It is computed that thousands of small speculators have been ruined. Statisticians estimate that the Federal Reserve Board's campaign of fear i' has resulted in the
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 31 9 Cannot Practice Law And Medicine in Turkey. Angora, May 27. The Cabinet has introduced in the assembly a bill barring foreigners from the legal and medical professions. 1 Trans-Ocean.
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  • 68 9 Pleased with Reception In Japan. Tokio, May 26. Dr. Rabindranath Tagore, who was expected to spend the summer in Japan, has now decided to leave Yokohama for India on June 9. In an interview, Dr. Tagore stated that the unpleasant impression caused by his reception in the United
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  • 56 9 British Trees for Sun Vat-sen Mausoleum. London, May 27. An oak sapling and a young birch are being sent from Kew to Nanking, forming the British response to the Nationa' Government's request that foreign countries should send trees typical of their arboriculture for planting in the grounds
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 75 9 To Be Repatriated From Madras. Madras, May 17. Fredrich Gretzer, a young German, an alleged deserter from the French Foreign Legion in Indo-China, who arrived in Madras by steamer last week, was placed before the Chief Presidency Magistrate on a charge of entering port without a passport. Gretzer
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  • 39 9 Rome, May 27. Thirty-five Italian seaplanes under Col. Pellogrinin, will shortly make a flight to the Black Sea via Athens and Constantinople. The Under-Secretary for Air, Signor Balbo, and General de Pinedo will be passengers. Trans-Ocean.
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  • 365 9 $5,000 Suggested. RUBBER ASSOCIATION'S DONATION. At one of the standing committees of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners yesterday it was decided to recommend that a donation of $5,000 should be made to the Sir Ronald Ross fund. This proposal will come before the Commissioners at their
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  • 145 9 Address to Electors of Spen" Valley. London, May 19. The election address issued on behalf of Shaukat Usmani, described as the Indian workers' candidate," to the electors of Spen Valley, explains his inability to be present personally as he s a victim of British Imperialist terrorism." It proceeds
    145 words
  • 69 9 Allegations of Terroristic Methods. Kovno, May" 27. It is stated that the would-be assassin of M. Valdemaras, who was reported to have been executed on Saturday, really died under third degree methods. The rumour is officially denied, but it reflects the growing uneasiness of a large section of the
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  • 40 9 German Allegation Against France. Moscow, May 26. The German weekly paper Rundschau has published the full text of an alleged military alliance between France and Poland directed against Germany, which is said to be still in force. Trans-Ocean.
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  • 32 9 Action Taken Against Paris Newspaper. Paris, May 26. The manager and the foreign editor of Ihe Communist organ Humanite have been arrested and charged with dissemination of foreign propaganda. TransOcean. ♦♦♦»♦♦««♦*♦«»♦<«
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  • 42 9 The P. and O. steamer Kashgar with London mails despatched on May 9, is due at Penang at 6 a.m. on Thursday. Should the steamer arrive at Penang to time the mails should be delivered in Singapore on Friday morning.
    42 words
  • 193 9 11,000-Mile Journey. LONDON REACHED AFTER EIGHT MONTHS. London, May 27. Mr. M. Canagasabay and Mr. G. Pillay have arrived in London from the Straits Settlements after eight months strenuous driving of a British light car through snow, mud and trackless desert. They covered 11,000 mi'es.— Reuter.
    193 words
  • 119 9 Arrives with Queen Souriya in Bombay. Bombay, May 27. A representative of the Bombay Government met the special train conveying Amanullah and Queen Souriya and party on its arrival here. The public was excluded from the platform. Amanullah, who looked depressed and fatigued, immediately drove off rapidly in
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 156 9 Crusade Against Bare Arms Short Skirts. Rome, May 18. A battle against the short skirt was opened in Italy by the men members of J^e Catholic Association, Chioggin, who are under an oath to cut all women friends whose clothe 3 offend their susceptibilities. Their vow referring to
    156 words
  • 59 9 Chief Post for Major-General Fawcus. Rugby, May 27. Major-General H. B. Fawcus, the present Deputy Director-General of Army Medical Services at the War Office, has been selected for the appointment of Director-General of Army Medical Services in succession to Lieut. -General Sir Mathew Fell, who is retiring
    British Wireless  -  59 words
  • 40 9 Conservatives Favoured In Betting." London, May 28. Election insurances were effected at Lloyd's yesterday equivalent to odds of 10 to 6 against a Conservative majority, 2 to 1 against Labour and 50 to 1 against the Liberals. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 27 9 Record Claimed by German Airman. Dessau, May 26. Flying a Junkers monoplane, the pilot Neunhofer established a new world height record of 12,500 metres. Trans-Ocean.
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  • 78 9 Chemical Cooling Fluid Discovered. New York, May 22. A revolution in the cooling system of internal combustion engines has been predicted as the result of research carried out by naval engineers and chemists, who have evolved a ohemical cooling fluid, thus eliminating the radiator and water pump. It
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  • 220 9 Procedure When Parties Are Abroad. A statement of great importance to British residents abroad was made by Lord Merrivale, the President of the Divorce Court, on April 29, explaining how evidence for divorce might be obtained when the parties concerned were in foreign countries or the
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  • 86 9 Not Following Great Britain's Lead. The Hague, May 27. Tea importers have made representations to the Minister of Finance contended that the abolition of the tea duty in Great Britain will place the London market in a more favourable position than that of Amsterdam and pointing out
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 90 9 Record Tonnage Through Suez Canal. Paris, May 27. Tonnage through the Suez Canal in 1928 established a new record, being nearly 32,000,000 and about 3,000,000 above the previous record of 1927. The number uf passengers was fewer, owing to the transportation of fewer troops to China.
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 82 9 Arrangements for Visit To London. Rugby, May 27. His Highness Seyyid Khalifa bin Harub, the Sultan of Zanzibar, will arrive in London on Friday next as the guest of the British Government. His visit will continue until Friday, July 5. The Sultan be accompanied by his son,
    British Wireless  -  82 words
  • 68 9 Five More Executions Ordered. Riga, May 27. The Soviet police have made furthei arrests following an alleged extensive plot to commit sabotage on railways Another five men have been condemned to execution. Meanwhile the workers in Russian factories have passed resolutions welcoming the sentences and expressing indignation
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  • 41 9 Plan to Fly to New York Via Siberia. Moscow, May 27. It, is announced that the pilots Shestakoff and Bolotoff, flying a Russianmade aeroplane, will leave for New York in August, via Siberia, Alaska and Seattle. Tra ns- Ocean.
    41 words
  • 95 9 British Government Does Not Like Me." Vienna, May 18. Mrs. Annie Besant, who is now at Budapest attending the European Theo«ophical Congress, interviewed by the Neve Freie Presse, said The British Government does not love me, because I am an uncomfortable person, but as regards Home Rule for
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  • 145 9 Opportunity for British Interests. UP-TO-DATE METHODS. Central Selling Policy Advocated. I-ondon, May 27. Mr. Frank Lochner, one of the leaders of the tin industry, has returned with Sir Cyril Butler after an extensive tour of the tin-producing areas of the Fay Kast. Interviewed In Ueuter's Agency.
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 142 9 American Airman's Thrilling Escape. Fort Worth, Texas, May 27. It was a split propeller which forced the airmen Robbins and Kelly to land after a record endurance flight of 172 hours 32 minutes. While Kelly was suspended on a precarious perch under the engine, oiling a valve, the
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 96 9 German Dye Trust And New Company. Berlin, May 27. A new indication of the economic conquest of Central Europe by the I'nitt"! States is seen in the reports of increasing co-operation between Mr. Henry Kord and the German Dye Trust. The latter took over the entire
    96 words
  • 128 9 Rotan for Secret Society Member. In a case in which a Chinese was convicted of stabbing another Chinese, Chief Court Inspector Meredith told the District Judge (Mr. <'. H. 6. Clarke) that accused was a inemi>er of a set-rot society. At a Chinese wayang at which several rival
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  • 44 9 Marriage to Daughter of U.S. Ambassador. Kaglewood, New Jersey, May 27. Col. Lindbergh, hero of the lone flight from Now York to P:Tis, was married 'o-day to Anne, daughter of Mr. I (wight Morrow, the United States AmbM MM to Mexico. Router.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 38 9 Decoration for Russian Newspaper. Leningrad, May 27. A resolution has been passed conferring the Order of the Red Flap on the Pravda, which is the first newspaper in the world to be thus decorated. -Trans-Ocean.
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  • 71 9 "RANCHER EARL'S TITLE. Disputed By Sexagenarian Baker. London, May 18. According to the Daily Mail, the right of the present Earl Egmont the Rancher Earl") to the title is disputed by a sexagenarian baker, James William Perceval, living in London who claims tliu Earldom on the ground that he is
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  • 1587 10 Popular Ignorance. IPPBAL TO ASIATIC PUBLIC. il\ :>ur Chinese < orrcsrxmdent). the fund was opened by the Straits Times t"i Bb Ronald Ross thai f the public, in which Afllatk elements preponderate, ian Ih' bl Wight to see how much the I of Sir Ronald Ross
    1,587 words
  • 178 10 Cashier's Alleged Breach Of Trust. The preliminary inquiry was begun in the Kuala Lumpur Police Court yesterday before Mr. 6. H. Nash of the case in which N. Ayadurai, Chief Casliicr in the cash and pay ortice F.M.S. Railways, is charged with having committed criminal breach of
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  • 129 10 Samscngs, Stall-Holders And Police Trap. U li,n three Chinese claimed trial before the Second Police Magistrate (Mr. J. [ones Miller) yesterday afternoon on harfcea of extortion and attempted ex- a tall proprietor in the Bukit Timah Market said the accused demanded I for a kongsi,'' under the
    129 words
  • 764 10 Mr. Powell Robinson And Engineers Claim. An interesting case came before Mr. J. L. McFall, the District J«dge, in the Civil District Court yesterday when the hearir<* was continued of a claim by Mr. William Turner, a mechanical engineer, for S3OO in lieu of notice for
    764 words
  • 146 10 Confidential Report of The RAM. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 27. A further b6sm in the Rubber Research Institute inquiry and the demand for the confidential report of the P.A.M. representatives is a circular letter, signed by the Hon. Mr. E. N. T. Cummins, chairman, and
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  • 653 10 Development of Air Mails. Interesting particulars relating to the work of the F.M.S. Posts and Telegraphs during the past yenr arc contained in the annual report of Mr. A. Caldecott, secretary for Postal Affairs, S.S. and F.M.S., which has just been issued. The most important postal
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  • 291 10 Straits and F.M.S. Services To Be Extended. It is notified in the Singapore postal circular that on and from June 1, 1929, the air mail service in Western Australia which is at present available for 'the transmission of correspondence from the S.S. and F.M.S. for places in
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  • 793 10 Creditor of P. A. Beins Ltd. In Court. The ownership of a store seized by a creditor was the subject of a suit before Mr. Justice DeaeM in the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon. The store was seized by the Netherlands Gutta Pcrcha Co. as being the property
    793 words
  • 259 10 Organised by Singapore Automobile Club. The sporting side of motor cycling is well catered fcr by the Singapore Automob !o Club who are organis'nfr their fifth annual reliability trial for solo machines. This event is to take place on Sunday, June 16 and by the courtesy of the
    259 words
  • 122 10 Petition for Pardon. RECENT TRAGEDY AT IPOH. (From Our Own Correspondent.) [pah, May 28. The local branch of the Ex-Services Association is organising a public petition in order to obtain a pardon for Mr. I. Dunn, a Perak miner, who was unteu ed in March to 18
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  • 190 10 Armed Chinese Ready To Fire. A Chlneee pleaded guilty before the District Judge (Mr. C. M. Clarki this morning to being in unlawful poMession of an automatic pistol and quantit; of ammunition. Chief Court Inspector Meredith saiil that when Dct.-Insp. and a party of plain
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  • 302 10 Henkina and Reali in Fine Voice. Sii.Torina Henkina. who j s will remembered by Singapore audiences, made her first appearance during the present visit when I-a Traviata was presented bj the Italian Opera Company at the Victori < Theatre last night. The role of VViolett t i is
    302 words
  • 150 10 Letters of Administration Disputed. The hearing was continued this morning before Mr. Justice Diane in the F Court of the motion for the *n< of letters of administration granted I i Asemn binte Abdullah, as wiilr... Jakiria Hussain (deceased). Thr was brought by the best Trier.d of an
    150 words
  • 45 10 The Chota Pegs will h|hii season of cabaret at the Adelphi Hotel to-morrow night. In addition Edriie Harknc.-s and his orchestra, who are travelling on the President ll:i\vs. wiil piny for dancing. This Sreheatra i wi known, and has made many Victor records,
    45 words

    • 147 11 Surrey Outplayed Kent Successful. London, May 27. Lancashire, tfca < hampions. were in great f«m atrairst Surrey at Old Tralford, Manchester, defeating the southern county by an innings and 111 runs. Surrey opened with 102. and the champions went on to compile 425 for seven wickets, when
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    • 193 11 (.am Mm (J.C. Fixtures For June. The GaitfaM Golf <'lul> announces the following tixtuies for June 8th and lllh. Men's Modal (Bogey). mh .nil 20th.— Uidies 1 Medal (Bogey). ISrd.- Match vs. Sepoy Lines G.C. S!5th. Mixed Foursomes uni|>etition. 30th.— Shantfhai Foursomes Competltion. Race Course GjC. Medal. Twenty-four cards
      193 words
    • 95 11 Local Chinese to Meet Hong Kong Tourists. Under the auspicts of the S.C.F.A., a basketball match has been arrang'.-d between the Hong Kong tourists and the Singapore Chinese basketball ttam at the Stadium on Thursday at 5 p.m. The Hong Kong Chinese have many first class players in their
      95 words
    • 249 11 Tuenday, May 28 Coif Kntrics for Colonial Cups close, Hace Course Col: CluL. Tennis I S.K.C. Tournament closes with championship doubles match followed by At Home." 1st Div. Kootball: Malays vs. S.C.C.. 2nd Div. n Kootball Y.M.C.A. vs. O.T.K.C. y.m.c.a. Imi Div. Football: S.C.F.A. B va. .'■olice, S.C.K.A.
      249 words
    • 971 11 Good Sport in R.S.Y.C. Team Race. owing cither to their crew or their .kippers having gone to Port Dickson for Um week-end to take fart in a team race against the Yacht Club there th« Corrib, Columbine and Merlin were non-starters in Sunday's team race. Kathleen, Irene, and Jazz-h
      971 words
    • 68 11 Haven's Comment on Prince Of Wales' Play. London, May 19. Hagen, interviewed after his match with the Prince of Wales, said that the Ptince was a good golfer. He added that His Royal Highness drove well and would develop into a very good golfer if he had
      68 words
    • 173 11 Seletar Overwhelm IndoCeylonese. Play was much too one-sided to be 1 interesting in the first division match at^ the Stadium yesterday when Seletar dei feated the Indo-Ceylonese by six clear troals. The score does not flatter the winners at all, for they dominated the exchanges and accepted their
      173 words
    • 74 11 Team Selected to Play Hong: Kong Chinese. The following team has been chosen to represent the Singapore Europeans against the Hong Kong Chinese on Wedmsday Cherrington (S.C.C); Woods (S.C.C) and Col. Tuiner (Welch); Barr t (Seletar) Reade (S.C.C.) and Donald (S.C.C); MeFarlane (S.C.C— Capt.,), Deering (Welch), Short- (S*ktar),
      74 words
    • 105 11 Europeans Selected tor Annual Match. The following have been selected to represent the Europeans vs. the Kest in the annual game for the Clarke Cup which is to be played on the S.C.C. Padang on Satui-day. Sunday, and Monday next R. L. L. feraddell (Capt.), P. H. StewartBrown,
      105 words
    • 274 11 Garrison Tournament Results. The results of ties played yesterday in the (iarri.son I.uwn Tennis tournament were as follows Oprn Singles.— lit Kound. i Capt. Burlow boat Capt. Sullivan, w.o. Lt. Waring beat Capt. Ward-Simpson, w.o. 1 Capt. Duncan beat Capt. Hollingsworth, B—6, 6—3. The Rev. W. Aitken beat Capt.
      274 words
    • 49 11 h'ucce^:s of Miss Bennett And Cochet. Paris, May 27. In the mixed doubles semi-final of the hard court championships Cochet and Miss Kilecn Bennett heat Lacoste and Mmc I a Kaurie, 7—5,7 5, B—6.8 6. They will meet Hunter and Miss Wills in the final.— Router.
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 40 11 Mi; s Helen Wills will Bow To Authority. Paris, May 27. The projected ban on the "no stockings" vogue is the sole topic of Maousii.n in tennis circles. Miss Wills snys sinwill recognise the authorities' preference. --KeutiT.
      40 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 93 11 THE RIGHT LABEL FRASER NEAVE, LTD. AERATED WATER SPECIALISTS. 'Phone 2950. I—^^^ mmwmmmummnmm s^J i i iiMii M s— ii^n»mi mi i fffijfj 3 /|f MORE FRUIT C^J )j\T\ JsS' There are many tempting €§^vO\ \lV\ f_i\\ Ot* di»h« to be made from (run, >A I if U (i l^'
      93 words
    • 164 11 Raffles Hotel First Class Accommodation with Modern Sanitation. TEA DANCES EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AMD FRIDAY 6.15 8.13 p.m. DINER DANSANT EVERY TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY "SAKE" McGUIRE'S BAFFLES ORCHESTRA. Orchestral Concert Sunday, 5). 15 p.m. For Reservations Phone 2920. Sea View Hotel Telegrams: SBAVIEW. Tf'TjllM 5085. TO-1U i TEA DANCE
      164 words

  • 138 12 1,500 British Families For Peace River. The Edmonton scheme involving £2,000,000 for the settlement of l.">(Hi British families in Peace River, Vancouver, is announced by Mr. A. D. Bowen. who states that English capital backs the projpr-.. The settlement will be in ten townships mill the scheme provides
    138 words
  • 199 12 Programme of drills up to and for wci-k ending June 2. 192'J Tuesday. May 28, 5.1 r. p.m.. Drill Hull, "A" (M.0.) Co.. Revolver Training; T..15 p.m., Krill Hull. "F" i Malay) Co.. Kind's Birthday i Practice. Wednesday. Hn M, 6J« p.m.. Drill Ball, [Bde. Sig. Sertion (Sinhalese),
    199 words
  • 28 12 On Saturday a Chinese school l>oy fell from a moving trolley-bus in Geylang I Road, near LoronK 20. and was iwaevM l iv hospital in an unconscious state.
    28 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 280 12 /DB&MOftM)^ f\&^ V. aw? i- t: sf^«i <« <■> <* HH^^wilifS* 30 Amps. 500 volts. noußit i-ui i a r«iPi.EPOLE '^^BBBaHaHaßnl aiih ok hoi i iois j??^ THE CENERAL ELECTRIC CO., LTD. Incorporated in Kngland) ■SI.NGAPOKK. KtALA LUMPUR. Prest-O-Lite service no matter where \BB*"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ you may drive your ear. The
      280 words
      180 words

  • 1915 13 THE LONDON LETTER. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED The Labour Election Manifesto. OVERSEAS HOME FOR TOC H. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 2. Cynical ci itie:; are loudly declaring that il- y understand the reason of Mr. Winston Churchill's sudden concession as Hoards tea. After years of resistance
    1,915 words
  • 57 13 I .nave has been jtisntprl in the M:i ;iy;ir Tivi! Service to Capt. E. A. R<iss. M.C., Dr. W. S. Leicester. Messrs. E. Aune Cusca.lon, J. W. W. Hu Bhcs, G. J. Honbrcy, M. Bakor. T. H. Newey, J. Canlincr. V. L. Hnnlinp. P. H. Holland. G. C. Hoskcth, W.
    57 words
  • 68 13 Whrn a rharfro of cnu^ini; grievous huif by a rash net was mentioned before the District .Tuclire (Mr. C. H. G. Clarke) or Saturday,CfeiafCourt Inspector Meredith •lid the aceusul, a OltotM lorry driver, took a enrva so fast, wiih his lorry full of siinil. that it overturned, pitching out two
    68 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 715 13 Vigour! for avrk or play! Horlicks Will gat it to you. Lioht, nourishing, easily digested.Hcduics is just the energacr and body builder mcusary in hot dimates. In 4 sizes of all Bazaars Stores jsspsisialallis Mi. It. M. llodxrs. I. (I. Baa -71. Singapore. TENDERS I .-M.1.-! invited for Lhe rrectioa
      715 words
    • 302 13 "MOTHER, I'VE GOT A HEADACHE Significant wonls tkasa, anil not lo InTogle'cte'd, for us emry Tnir'iir knows, wadaeha may ba onr of tin- lirst symptoms >f far more serious trouble*. But in the- vnst majority of ca<i"< Headache n a chiM simply Indicates a Umporar) ilerungenynt i»f the stomarh or
      302 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 161 14 SPECIFY CROMPTON'S For PROVED RELIABILITY We have the RIGHT MOTOR for your needs. We know the RIGHT WAY to apply it UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED I Incorporated is th* Straits ScttUmaoU) SINGAPORE. fjmtegrs ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. 13, BATTERY ROAD. •mm •f/ay>-.£<;m£!> w mar EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED Ilv.\ 1 jM i^El^ I^BCkV^ Slocked
      161 words
    • 495 14 Pure Fresh Milk KLIM is pure, sweet, creamy milk powdered. It is delicious for drinking and cooking and its purity and wholesomeness make it ideal for infants and Browing children. KLIM keeps fresh in the bo test climate. Try it to-day and end your milk problems. SPCU. IT.BACHWAPDS V FRESH
      495 words
    • 903 14 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE OF SINGAPORE TOWN AND COUNTRY PROPERTIES. At Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng A Co.'s saleroom. No. 30, Chulia Street, on Wednesday, May 29. at 2.30 p.m. Lot 1. Valuable freehold land situate at Flower Road off I'pper Serangoon Road. Singapore, areas 23,114 square feet, 20,172 square feet and
      903 words
    • 966 14 1 > When you clean your Silver Make this work as pleasant and as easy as possible by using Silvo Liquid Silver Polish. In this preparation you have something worthy of your silver safe to use, and all you require is an old soft cloth. SILVO LIQUID SILVER POLISH J
      966 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 542 15 t^. gin t^mm w».»«.» i wi *-www<w^*^^^^w^— ww— mww Assets over $»,500,000 S.C. Assurance in force over $35,000,000 The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFICE: Winchester House. Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27, Old Jewry. E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of
      542 words
    • 550 15 BANKING i CHARTERED BANK OP INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporated in BnfUad by R^ynl Charter 1863.) Puid Up Cupitsl In SIMM Sharon of 15 e».-h 13.000,000 Rv»er»e Fund £4.000.000 Baail'ia Liabiiity of Proprietors OtfieOJOftd RAO OFFICE I S. HI .iK.psirni.- London, K.C. 2. Acenii."« ami BnsMaaall Mor Star Harbin SaMMasul
      550 words
    • 731 15 BANKING HONG KONG SHANGHAI HANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Rang Kong) lUnd Office HONO KONG. Authorised Capital $50,000,000 ml fully paid an $20,000,000 Reserve Kjnds S f fi.Cino.OOO Silver $14,000,000 Roserve Liability of Proprietors 5^0.000,000 i UUfcr <)!•' !> i Xi TORS. N. S. Ilrown, Eaq., ''liuironn. f.\ 11. Beii. E»n..
      731 words
    • 278 15 INSURANCE COMMERCIAL UNION, ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (Inccrporated in England) Fire, Li:V. M:irino, Accident, Guarantee and Motor. Assets £51.000,000 ARTHUR C. POTTS -Manager and Underwriter. Eaatam Crunch, Singapore. TIIE MANUF UTCRERS LIFE 2nd lloor. ilnne Kjnjr Bank Chr*., Sineaporc. New Insurance effected in 1928 £17,913,000. An increascl Scale of Dividends /as
      278 words
    • 172 15 BALLAN7INES WHISKY Pure Matured Scotch Whinky 10 years old. Sule Agenta ROBINSON CO., LTD., SINGAPORE AND K. LUMPUR. THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD. [fn>aiaailla< in Denmark) SINGAPORE. Importers of "OK" CEMENT "NY CARLSBERG" BEER "STAUB" 3 Stars Brandy STAUB Liqueur Brandy (20 years old) "SHIP" BRAND "SWAN" BRAND Sweetened Condensed
      172 words
    • 376 15 GREEN MANURE SEED PAMANOEKAN TJIASSRM COMPANY, JAVA. (THE ANGLO-DITCM I'I.ANTATIONS OV JAVA. LTI».. LONDON). The above Company nill hnve Bvaitakel f-r ale duri-iR l'.'l!0. v considerable nuuntity ef need in the following Green Manuie types Centrosoma PabCMMB. Centrosem;i I'lnmieri. CalopoKonium iMurunnidcs. Vigna Hosoi. Pueraria Javanira. Tephrosia Candida. Tephrosia Vojrellii. Crotalaria
      376 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 194 16 ZEISS SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS Level No. II $225 Level No. 11l $335 Level No. IV $135 Level No. V $145 Theodolite No. I $700 Prices Include Tripod Stand nnd Case Immediate delivery from SOLE AGENTS I M. Wiseman Co., (Eastern) Ltd. (Incorporated Ir Xngland) On. ROBINSON BO AD. SINGAPORE. WESTINGHOUSE BATTERY
      194 words
    • 184 16 COAL TAR FOR ALL PURPOSES QUALITIES COMMERCIAL CRUDE and DISTILLED. ENQUIRIES SOLICITED. LEE KIM SOO 40, HIGH STREET. -:634:GEHTS TENNIS SHOES Size 5 and 6 $1.40 per pair. Sizes 7 and 8 at 51. 50. With ordinary Crepe Soles, Sizes 5 and 6 $1.50. Sizes 7 and 8 $1.60. With
      184 words
    • 1763 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. PREPAYABLE CHARGES for WANTS, For Sale, To Let, etc., in ordinary close set type (average six words to line) are Per line One insertion 28 cents, t»vo ins. 43 cents, three ins. 64 cents, four ins. 82 cents, fire ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.13, ten ins. Sl.-lu, twelve
      1,763 words
    • 214 16 WATCH YOUR WEIGHT YOUR HEALTH METER DAILY SHOULD BE THE ALEXANDRA AUTOMATIC SCALE ANECESSSTY IN EVERY HOME SIZE 10 in. by 9 in. by 8 in. WEIGHT 24 lb. PRICE JK2O EACH Used in Polo, Golf, Tennis, Cricket, Hockey, Swimming, Dressing Rooms and Gymnasiums, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, etc. Invaluable in
      214 words
    • 247 16 WATCHES OMEGA ROSKOPF CYMA, etc. Every watch guaranteed. UE?AIRS. MOTIOFSMITH i U, HATTEKY RO \D, SINGAPORE. JUST RECEIVED Latest Questions in Engineering Knowledge BOARD OF TRADE ORALS and Marine Engineering Knowledge Steam Oil By W. C. MACGIBBON, M.l.Mech.H. Enlarged Edition Price $18.00. POSTAGE EXTRA. Pleaae call or write to M.
      247 words