The Straits Times, 21 May 1929

Total Pages: 16
1 17 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Strait s Times No. 29,094. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1929 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 203 1 TROi'ICAL SUITING "FLORODOR" (&D.A.) WING LOONG, HIGH ST. aiNKAPOBE. The World's Greatest War HAS BEEN FOUGHT AND WON BY Ti.' latest pabBc Iioon is the application of the .MONSOL principle to an improved form of t.fOtii paste. Has it never seemed strange to you that in an age when we
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    • 218 1 vt.tA J*QfS jHjV x 1 A very cornprehens'- i •«;lion i^^^^r<^f^^]j^^ E4 description! s be v^'T"*^- V^^v2nfe%P- found in our Ja*«*enile9 Dept. V^^r/^ i«i w« ■wpectfn Yy draw ycuT Vz-'/zV M'^^ attention to t!ic new cka of £ffiy 2:Ji' v yfo"" 1 Rompers for Ise chiidren with r\ A,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 514 2 Shipping Announcements (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA) U) LONDON Naples, Marueilles, London, Autwerp and Rotterdam Vessels Tonnage Due Sail tKAMO MARU 8,000 May 23 (4 jKATORI MAiU 1 10,000 June T tATSUTA MAKU :-.,n00 June 20 XI KASHIMA MAKU 10,000 July 4 HAKONE MARU 10,500 July 18 It SUWA MARU Aug. 1
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    • 529 2 BURNS PHILP UNE (Incorporated in Australia) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE, VIA JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly sailings by the wellmown steamer MARELLA (7,875 tons) and he new motor vessel, MALABAR (4,612 tons). The v. MARELLA is one of the largest and finest steamers trading to Australia. Cabin,
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    • 713 2 X. P. M. (ROYAL PACKET NAY. CO. OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated in Holland) Under contract with the NETHERLANDS INDIAN GOVERNMENT. Telephone No. 3C40, with sub-connections, to Passage, Freight, Transhipment Marine Depts and Manager's Desk. Representatives for Singapore and Straits Settlements ol the Official Tourist Bureau of Java. AH information, d tailed
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    • 460 2 THE SIAM hum KAV. GO* Lit. BANGKOK COASTINC RVICE Kof Kretay, Trengganu, keia.ilun, Uangnura, Trlupin, PaUni, S Bandon, I und Bangkok. VALAYA In porl SI'DDHADIIi MALINI June The ftfimtr- arc Htted ill ichoul with electric littht and have excellent mcommoiiation for int-elaaa pasi enicei the- round trip from 8
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 497 3 Shipping Announcements ELLERMAM SUSKKALL STEAMSHIP Ca., LTD. (Incorponil'.l in EnslanJ) ■BsXBBMAIf' lint: PABSCNOKB AVI) PSKIGHT SEKVtCB T>> TIIK UNITED KINGDOM \MJ CONTINENI FREIGHT SIMtVICK (UTWARDS. To Hong Kong, Shanghai and Japan. Due Spore. s.s. CITY OF ATHENS June I HOMEWARDS. s.s. CITY Of NKWfASTI.K Havre. L'don. R'dam and BambarK May
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    • 510 3 DUTCH MAILS N.V. Stoomvaart .Maatsehappij Ncderland nnd N.V. Rotterdam Uojrd WEEKLY MAIL and PASSEN6BB SERVICE TO (■enoa Amsterdam Southampton Marseilles Kotlerdam aj. Patria lO.ikiii U.L. May 21 s.s. Joh. da Witt 1(1,4(10 S.M..V. May M. Sluinat IL'.IHMI M.. June 7 s.s. Prlaaa. Juliana H.HIU S..M.N. June 11 s.s. Tambora r..BO()
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    • 357 3 QCEAN!O WQ ORIENTAL NAVIGATION CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. TACOMA ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP CO., TACOMA, WASH. STATES STEAMSHIP CO., PORTLAND, ORE. JOINT SCHEDULE. Sailing for United States and Canada I .mil* from Hong Kong Sails about San I' .1 and Log Anfceleß S.S. GOLDKN DKAOON May 26 Son r rancisco nnd I'ort
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    • 169 3 I STIIAWBERnIES CREAM truly a templing dish! l They're Fresh Food too. Thai's liieir guarantee of Excellence. REFRIGERATING Co LTD OrcK^r A R.o&d.~^"eligie R.O&& I FLECTRICIfY ECDNDMY AND SERVICE dcn~cj t/u»ujS TUE readiest, handiest, OcHifdtfaMif d«?anesl and most ecoIh, nomical servant in th c iii Ujwi ij w<»rld 10-day Cuts
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  • 2064 5 Legal Adviser Appointed. The sppoin'.mcnt of an officer with legal training as Judicial Commissioner and I.ettal Adviser, Kelantan, to preside •vet the Ili'/h ( and commence :'.w^ work of rc-<lraftinir an:! codifying the laws of Kehnt;:n. marks .-i tUetinel fwward step i» the eonstitutioa, the elects
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  • 132 5 Novel Reunion To Be Held In London. London, May 7. A novel event of the London season, and the first of its kind ever held, will he the Hoyhuntcrs' Pinner, at which the Prince of Wales will be the guest of honour. The dinner will be held at
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 193 5 1 am the BRITISH TRUCK I bear I name which stands for absolute reliability all over the world. I was conceived in the brains of the most skilled British Engineers and born in the works of the largest Coniirercinl Vehicle Manufacturers in Europe. I am the very latest addition to
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    • 120 5 Milk Supply (j[fQ*YW~l SPELL IT BAC*WAF<DS lllBBBBa?gSjjS: *> F? E:SM l¥i|l K POWDERED iHLi»!SVI is pure fivßii»r\ SOL!) EVERYWHERE. GETZ BROS. CO. i r;i'f 1 in T.S.V ROB!NSO> U i IXGAPOI E WHY NOT BUY THE BEST —IT COSTS 5530 MORE p-^«- ~2j I I THE TRIUMPH SUPER SEVEN CAR
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  • 774 6 The Feel of Words. THUMBS TAKE THE PLACE OF EARS. The Teletaf Auditor," ;i devise to aid thi deaf by utilising the sensitiveness <>f the skin t, itnund-vil rations, ha n tnitnl from the eai has of a professor in Northwestern University, Koberl II ».:iu The
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  • 90 6 Jute Firm and the Fall In Rubber. la London Bankruptcy Court in nail wiek '.hi- public examination took flaw of A( S smart Rnnrii ami Ichn II :ii:....,: Stewart, who had carried on l>i:.-iiu ai jute Micrchartr' in Lloyns Avenue, City, as Jamea Douglas and Co. The .'.>i:i'.
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  • 345 6 The Centenary of a Great Surgeon. Vienna has just celebrated the centenary of the birth of the founder of its rnoderi'. school of sunrery, Theodore Billroth. A Prussian by birth. Billroth studied at I rlin asier the great Bernard von .angetibeck, and after qualifying set up his own
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  • 65 6 Mr. Rudolph Chambera I.ehmann, oi Bourne End, Bucks, the well-known rowing man. .;< \Mnalist and anther, lef! £59,358 gross, with net personalty £62.528. He left his copyrights, MSS. and papers, ami nil letters written by hit father and mother, hy Charles Dicken: Wilkie Collins, Robert Browning, George
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  • 306 6 Germ "Picked Up By Party Ashore." The four dc'alhs among the passenger in the new Canadian Pacific liner Duche of Alholl (L'l,.Vp'J tons) was the subject of a itßtannnl by Sir George Me! area Brown, European general manager of the Canadian Pacific Railway. He t!-r.ied
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  • 78 6 Omnibus Faro War In Surrey. oDinibue war is in progress at Ci i. CuiTcy, and reaidenta of the n^ hou.-iiii; i jui I outside Guitford ai. travel ;o the town and bad; by bus r a penny. In i.:>: compete with rital swvkt th AMershi and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 77 6 ALHAMBRA TS 1 TAN CHENG KBI CO., LTD.. Proprietors. SPECIAL PROGRAMME TO-NIGHT and for an indefinite period. In the Second -how at 9 p.m. C BMTafV BH M CI«S 1 as^ai^akjaaaaaaaaaaal 0^ JaßJf 1 t_j3 uh ''fir/ i I &&ytf> "g I NO FREE LIST NO HALF PRICE Downstairs Seals
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    • 145 6 Pavilion Theatre Esr From Monday. May 20 to Sunday. May 2fi. at Ml p.m. sharp. THE LATEST PATHE GAZETTE JAZZ MAD Featuring: JEAN HERSHOLT HAROLD LLOYD in FKOM HAND TO MOUTH (Re-issue). In the First Show at 7.30 p.m. WILLIAM DESMOND in THE RETURN OF RIDDLE RIDER Episodes 1. 2.
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    • 55 7 2,000,000 Miles m Thirty-six Years. Loadra, 1 A round won M00.MM milra h» I achieved l,y Captain Arthur Matravrra Kin-, who h;.s concluded h.* ki*i vvyage with lii.' r.rrival of the Kanpura, of whicB hi- ia thi Coniiunndrr. Hi- ia now ralttina aftar tkirty-»ii jrtan' |a»lilw with
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    • 54 7 Obliged to Return To Calcutta. Calcutta, The bgtUbmaa report- that tho Japaneit rtftanirr buku Miiru 1 1*1 urneil to port vcm*.*"day due in mi uuthrt-i'k of cholera pa bwnrd nftcr leaviiiK lor Bangoiin. rkraa w.imcn I were attackad. One .lu.i. Later, >iv vthai man exhibiiint' »ymptomi ir«r«
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  • 118 7 Tag folloMin^ pMMagvn for the Strail .iv .!uc io J...M bcai i.j thi; liarpcdui '(apt.'". Ward Hagfcaa, Mr. E. 0. H» -h>- oi I M Mis.. J. K. Htepavß, Mr. 1.. 8. Day, an, P Banrat, Allsa k. Baraett, Sii. H. 3. H nsdali Mr. J. i-.. bkivej-, Mr.
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  • 25 7 Fichu China and. Japan, by ttagsm Maru, dv.' at giwgmywra to-morrow. From China ami Japan, by Ha,'.:o dl<a at Sii^aiiorv <in Thursil.iv.
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  • 38 7 By Iniulind* Naldera J. V. Coin Porthui Klcphanta Mkajat iWn l...,,d.,n Ap!. 12 .\My I Apl. IS M.-.v !l Apl. in Ma| 1.. Aul. Vi May i:< Ai.l. T.< M«v M Apl. M M«i M
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  • 228 7 I ii.— «la> May 21 I!. !).:J2 a.m., S.:i. i»'i aja, 14, bun ri.sei" ;».«7 a.m., Mta i'»..» p.m. Anneal Mertinc, Sin!.':.p.,rc M. An.lrew't Society. S.C.C.. .'..1... ]'..lue ltan.l. Kataag Park, I \V.dne«ilay. May 21 11. !0.!7 a.m.. 8.1. H.:.7 p.m.. U, f Sun rue* .ri.:,7.
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  • 287 7 KJtPPH. HAKBOtI*. Main Wharf raw Peataea Kb. I, Dt*dkoi Kuaotan. Phyn. Acatta, ii. Bploadour. Oil Wharf >.M ■.a! Wharl ;>. y. WcArthar. vksski.s IN i>m ikm:ks. lanioni: I'niar. Vln.r; 1),,.-. |i. v Stl. l.^-htrr C Vieorfa. Dork Sampit. Krpp<-I HxrliMUr. K;n/« l>.»k KU N,, |...!K r. Vl.-S.
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  • 184 7 To-da>. ' Boatkara and 'Act. in In.Jia (Rliex< but) I I'"' Scliit I'.iii.liaiiir. Si.;k an. l J'ntiin Baroe (Nam Htor) 2 P"'Bengkalia, Üboeaa Hilik an. l TanlJong Balel (Slngaiadjal I f'-m Xorili, N.-hast »nd N.-We»t Sumatra I Van '•">■■■ tv. ck i I I'Mfecant! i.-at (Magnet) P-:"-.lava.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 294 7 SEX. SOLDIERS, STRIFE PASSION. A FlaminK llu.Tinn Drama Drantitiniijr KM STRIPE Ik-lwccn l\:i'.KK anfl BON— ■wtwtew SISIKU SIBTBR. PAVILION MONDAY, JUNE :i IT'S A IMVEIISAI. PKTUBB. An En,i«yal)!e Half-I'rice-Slinw i'rot;ramnic rm riutcK mi. ins From Mcndav. May 20. at (he APOLLO CINEMA BBTLAMQ In the Second Show at 9 UPSTREAM
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    • 651 7 i AI EST APVERTISHMENTJOllHt Clsssifud Advtu., *ci- paec 16. i\.\ TOM BALK, tIC. j OFPICEB TO I.XT. Apply 7, de Souta St.! To 1.i.!. Jun« 1. three rooiiu Rat, furnish n -.!>.:. 11, Heyei Mana.oaa. «.lp j ii. M-. LAIUiG alia v. i^n.Jah an.: •:.;:......-i. avaiwMi iunr la. Uhklhi
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    • 194 7 The Dainty Healing Touch of Cuticura Ointment Exquisitely dainty, pure and effective, Cuticura Ointment does more than heal. It cleanses the pores of impurities and restores them to their norir.aj activity so necessary in preventing pimples blackheads and many forms of irritating and unsightly blemishes. Used either before or after
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 69 7 i MRTKOttOI,O*II('Ai. KKI'OHT. KllHlini Ki'iKan Station. iH> Courlr*) oi t.tit eriirttcni lleal'h Ofllrf.i Fur (he M Hwan easHaa at MidniaM Mai JO. Uax. hide te nperature >iin. shade U-i i >rature Mean shade tcmiH-rature "Mj V»x „un rod I v" JST raJiakior H*Y v,,-.,u i i.ul i ijwi tun TBJ
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  • 683 8 To-day's Prices.' NEED I OK CAUTION IN RURBEft SHARES. (B) Oh i'inamial < orrespondent) SiagSpOM, Tuesday. 12..W p.m. \Mim Meea KuMu.. Leaiea n I/HI* up 'id. New lurk. UH< «l> i tents. Ion. .1 nirkit. Dull. I in. l.nniliin RM.1M per ton. down £1.13.9 New York, 4
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  • 95 8 The report of Scpanj.' Selangor Rubber for year ended Dae, 11, IMS, >tates that crop of rubber harvested amounted to 904,937 lb. In addition, 126,821 lb. of rubber harvested in excess of exportable allowance to end of naaacial yea* and then valued at I. are cost of collection
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    • 129 8 Macphail and Co., Ltd. Singapore, May 21. Rubber.—Local 414 cents per lb. Market Quiet Tin. —London £196 10s. Rubbers.—New Scudais 2.85-2.93, Pajams kUS-AM, B. Katils 95 cents-1, Punggors M cents-1. M. Pindas 2.4U-2.i>o. U. Malaccas 2.30-2.40, Mentakabs M>,»-;>«■... cents, Allenby.s 2.20-2.30, onnemaras 2.15-2.25, Balgownie* :(.::o-:i.:,:>, N. Serendahs
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    • 148 8 Rose Macphail Penman, Ltd. Singapore. May 21. London.—Rubber—No Market. Noon Spot price II cents. London.—Tin £19U 12s. 6d. Mining.—Steady. Sunjrei Ways :i. 10-3.20, Kuchais 1.40-1.44, Kinta Dredge 1.10-1.44. Klang River 3.10-3.20. Hong Katts 45-50 cent.;. Malaya Consols. 56-58 cents, Penawats »I-U:; cents, Petalings r).f,:,-.-,.7.r). Ulu Kian Ks 1.1714LSttt, Johans 30-31
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    • 277 8 The Past Year's Trading Results. The Dunlop Rubber Co.. which is the second largest producer of crude rubber in the world, owns big estates in Malaya through the Dunlop Plantations Company, which can produce over 16,000,000 lb. of rubber per annum. In their report the Dunlop directors
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    • 195 8 Payment of Quarterly And Extra Dividends. The following cable dated from New York on May I and addressed to N.V. General Motors, Java, has been forwarded for publication At the annual stockholders' meeting held May Dr. Kritz Opel was elected Director of General Motors. A regular quarterly stock
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    • 127 8 According to the report of Bukit Panjonv Rubber Co.. for the year 1928, the balance of profit and loss account, after writing off depreciation of buildings and machinery, is £7.247 and balance brought forward was £7,700, making £14,947, of which income tax absorbs £3,02fi, lenving £11,920. Directors
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    • 265 8 EXCHANGE Singapore, May 21. On London, Bank 4 m/i 2/3;i Demand 2 3% Private 3 m. credit 2/4 5/16 On New York, Demand 66 Private 90 d/i B7 7 i On France. Bank T.T. I4H On India, Bank T.T. 153% Bong Kon K Bank T.T. 13 p.c. On Shanghai,
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    • 69 8 Tone of Market Dull. Latest Cable London Spot Sheet 11 9-16d. per lb. New York -Spot Sheet (J. cents 23-'i per lb. 12 o'clock R.S.S. equal to Standard Q.C.F. Standard R.S.S. Standard K.S.S. on Tender I noon. May 21 Spot Spot June July July-Sept.
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      • 451 8 Issue Val. Pd. i-1 £1 A>~um Kumbang £1 £1 l':i',vii: Tin 1 1 Xutang I'adang 1 1 Butu Cmh 1 1 Kukit Arung £1 £1 liurmah Malay £1 £1 Chenderiang £1 £1 Eastern Siam £1 £1 Ilaad Tal 1 1 Hitam Tin 1 1 Hone >'»tt Kong Tin
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      • 226 8 i'.iI. Pd. Buyers Sellers 2 2 Alex. Brick Prefs. 2.10 2.15 1 1 Alex. Brick Ords. 2.60 2.T0 El £1 Brit. Am. Tobacco (i.6.0 6.9.0 Canadian Eagle 10/6 11/6 1 1 Central Engine 0.50 0.GO 1 1 Cycle and Carriage 0.C0 0.65 (Is. 10s. Duir Development 8/6 9/6 J/tid.
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      • 118 8 U. Eng. 6 p.c. 1,225,500 Nom. S'pore Cold Storage 7 p.c. i deb. of 1926 red. 1931-36 101 103 ci. Singapore Municipal 5 p.c. of 1301 red. 1930 $1,878,000 par. 6% prem. Singapore Municipal Vk p.c. of 1907 red. 1947 1 I 95 par. Singapore Municipal 4
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      • 387 8 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt's quotations. Mlenby <*1) A;,., Cajah ($1) A. Hitam ($1) A. Kuninif ($1) 4m. Malay ($2) A. Mekk ($1) A. Panus ($5) Bal K ownie ($1; Basset*. isl) Brotfas ($1) Brunei (*5) B. Jeluton* ($1) B. Katil isl) Bukit K. B. ($1)
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    • 212 8 t Mp«sra T!pnn nnrl Pn 'c W<x>klv .»ie&&rs. Lean ana L,O. S WeeKiy ReDOrt X Mm ns. I an! Co. report:Pena i?, Ifaf IT. Tin. annreci i.:i !a rr'-- tfaiee .r. I;ti.. UJ.. 1 led ji: ..<;•...... ;.nd has mmwrmi ba kin m i> ■•"!'< md three
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    • 542 8 Past Years Statistics In Detail. The following figures of Java's tra4* during li'-'s have been published Units. Fls. Biscuits Metric tons 3.456 g£Sl,111 Butter in tins 8,626 .">..">! 7..".;. Margarine in tins 396 167,248 CkMM 086 yoc,5oi "miliim! Milk unsweetened I 983 430,511 Condensed Milk I
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    • 268 8 The Problem of Older Areas. At the twenty-first annual ordinary general meeting of the Lkngkat Sumatra Kubbc r Company, Ltd., held on April 2:t, at the olttw of the company, 71, St. Mary Axe, E.C., Mr. Reside (the chairman of the company), after moving the adoption of
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  • 534 8 Commodities To He Tested. The. fillowing itatMMBl ha, be« by I new department of the Ministry of. Industiy. Commons and Labour known u the ISureau of Inspection anil Tcstin- ef Commercial Commodltl "Wuh a view to protecting the interest! of domestic industry, stimulating International trade, and railing
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  • 434 8 The Estate in Excellent Condition. The ninth annual (rencral meeting of the Sunirei Choh Rubber Company, Ltd., was held in mail week at 2, I and I. Md Lai cheap. E.C., Mr. B. F. B. llardic 'chairman of the company) presiding. The chairman, in the coui le
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  • 57 8 Henderson, Helm and Company, Inc. New York, .>eml u.^ the following cable dated May 20, their quotation! being in. gold dollar cents closing bid prices: Bobber Kxchant' May L'.'i.-lU, Jane 88.60, .lily L'ii.'.K), August Jl. in, September 24.30, 24.60, November 24.' 24.80, i January 2 i.OO. I To-day's
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 42 8 In order to make room for additional linanciai and commercial news on this page it has been lounil neces■ar\ In transfer to PACT SIX the SHIPPING NOTES and I. ATE ADVBRTIBBMBNTB which previously appeared in columns flve and six of this page-
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  • 1041 9 A melancholy old age came to a not unexpected end to-day with the passing of Archibald Philip Primrose, Fifth Earl of Rosolery and First Earl of Midlothian. K.G., K.T., P.C. Fate dealt unkindly with this great Liberal loader an.l the
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  • 938 9 Personal Charm And Political Abuse. (By Lady Eleanor Smith.) There is, I suppose, no public figuro more fascinating to the new class of young women voters than Mr. Lloyd George. Whether his fortunes are high or low, whether his opportunity is great or small,
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  • 373 9 Mrs. Lily Langtry, the celebrated Victorian actress, has left £47,000. The Chief Secretary and Lady Heel will be At Home at Carcosa, Kuala Lumpur, at 4.45 p.m. on June 3. in honour »f His Majesty the King's birthday. The engagement is announced, and the marriage will shortly
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  • 789 9 SPITE. Another name has been added to the long list of curiously-minded people who, after a lifetime spent in obscurity, have achieved a certain cheap notoriety after death by the inclusion of spiteful remarks in their wills. In a will Joat I proved at Somerset House
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  • 19 9 Capt. W. T. Clark, instructor, Sarawak Rangers, is going on seven month le»v<t prior to retiring from the service.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 162 9 f^^ GLADYS COOPER'S /SHAMPOO POWDERS *ll It en n a for Brunettes, t amomile for Blondes. It cleanses and invigorates iII the scalp whilst restoring If to the hair its natural silkiI ness end texture. It adds I lustre. Henna Shampoo gives a ich gloss to the hair without altering
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    • 71 9 ALHAMBRA TO-NIGHT In the Second Show at 9 United Artists Super Production IRON MASK Featuring DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS IlUtorical and Romantic with Spectacular Scenery. Aldng with Latest Empire Newt. Fint Show at 7.30 p.m. A Western Drama A LITTLE BUCKAROO Featuring BUZZ BARTON. NO FREE LIST. TAN CHENG KEE CO., LTD.,
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  • 356 10 Advance of the Kwangsi Forces. TENSE SITUATION. Officials Leave City For Hong Kong. JKiJ't •:> Chinese reports yesterday Canton h;:d already tallen to Ihc kv>.-nu".i tmtm, lull suhsequent nn"--u(t<- shewed that these were at least premature. A tense situation prevail-, however, and families of offilials are
    Reuter  -  356 words
  • 128 10 Armed Men in Stamford Road. At T.i:> a.m. to-day a shop in Stamford Road, occupied by a Chinese mattress make; and situated in the block of building between Armenian Street and St. Andrew's School, was the scene of an armed robbery by three Cantonese. The occupants were the
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  • 241 10 Plymouth Radio v Inadequate." v ulllrs—l of Plymouth as a ing made by the captain and owners of the French liner Paris, which went on the locks near the Eddystone lighthouse. There is a threat to abandon Plymouth as R port of call. Only the fog and the
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  • 27 10 lie Fuller, one of the most ii- in Enropa, who died in Jannao 1988, I •-•'>. She accompanied (,'imn Marie of Rumania in her recent tuur to America.
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  • 457 10 No News of Moir And Owen. (From Our Own Correspondent) Sydney, May 20. There is still no news of the fate if Flight-Lieut. Moir and Flying Officer Owen. Nothing has been heard of them since they left Bima for Port Darwin on Saturday. The original
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  • 217 10 Unique Historic Event In London. London, May 9. For the first time a Queen of England held Court, the first of the season, to-night. Her Majesty was a splendid figure in a wonderful gown of tissae worn over an embroidered overdress in a soft pastel shade and
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  • 54 10 Machine Catches Fire In Batavia. Batavia, May 20. The D 23, one of the Dutch seaplanes which arrived on the 18th inst., has been totally destroyed by fire owing to a short circuit causing an explosion in the fuel reservoir. Two natives were badly burned and a European
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  • 66 10 King Orders Universities to Be Re-Opened. Barcelona, May 20. The King has signed a decree authorising th-.- re-opening of the universities, which have been closed since the student trouble whw-h began on March 18. The| action of the Government led to much discontent, epitomised as the Revolt
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  • 39 10 American Red Cross to Give Relief. Washington, May 20. A MMsittee appointed by tlie American Red Cross will sail from Vancouver on the :!Oth inst. to survey the situation resulting from the famine in China. Reuter.
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  • 355 10 The Holiday Lull. WHERE ARE THE RUBBER COMPANIES After a lull due to the holiday, contributions are again coming to hand for the local fund in aid of Sir Ronald RossThe total has now passed the $3,000 mark but this, after a week's appeal, cannot
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  • 264 10 Disclosures in Police Court. A petrol seller, named Choo Kiam Sioni.'. at 135, South Bridge Road, was fined $100 by the Third Police Magistrate (Mr. C. S. Findlay) this morning for cheating by selling a two gallon tin of petrol which actually contained one gallon and seven pints.
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  • 253 10 Do not Like Making Money Out of My Friends." I do not like making money out of my friends," said Mrs. Aminta Marjorie Bradley Dyne, of Mount Street, Park Lane, dealer in foreign currency and exchange, at her resumed public examination in the Bankruptcy Court in mail
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  • 282 10 New Record Made. ONLY SEVEN UNOPPOSED CANDIDATES. London, May 20. The nominations for the election total 1,724 which is a record for British Parliamentary elections. They consist of 588 Conservatives, 570 Labour candidates, 510 Liberals, 25 Communists and 'M others. Women candidates of all parties total 68.
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  • 227 10 Packet of £4,500 in Notes Missing. Scotland Yard detectives have been called in to trace a registered package containing £4,500 in bank notes which disappeared while in transit from Lombard Strec. to Kew. The money, which belonged to the Westminster Bank, was posted on Thursday afternoon in
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  • 83 10 Important Supreme Court Decision. New York, May 20. A decision which is hailed by Wall Street as a bullish development of profound importance in the history of American railroads whs given by the Supreme Court, rejecting the Inter-State Commerce Commission's valuation of railroad property for the puipo?e< of
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 48 10 New Legation to be Opened In Tokio. Tokio, May 20. Although Mr. Mark-r. Canada's first Minister to Japan, is not expected unt*l October, Mr. Hugh Keenleyside has arrived to take up the' post of First Secretary of Legation, which will bs opened next week. Reuter.
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  • 54 10 Contracts Go to Italian Shipyards. Angora, May 20. It is reported th»t the Turkish Government has awarded the contract for destroyers, submarines and other craft to Italian shipyards in preference to British and other tenders. The British tender is said to have included the establishment of a shipyard
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  • 42 10 Barcelona, May 20. The Barcelona Exhibition was opened with due ceremony in the presence of the Kin« and the Royal family and the Prime Minister. Salutes wvre fired by British, French, Spanish and other naval units in the harbour.— Trans-Ocean.
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  • 150 10 Share and Commodity Market News. Local investors have long felt the need for authoritative comments and guidance regarding developments in the Singapore rubber and tin markets. The Straits Times has now secured the services of a special financial correspondent who will contribute a daily article
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  • 228 10 Agreement Practically Reached in Paris. Paris, May 20. The Reparations experts tired but smiling— emerged to-night after the longest sitting of the conference. They have practically reached agreement regarding the German reservations and the distribution of reparations aiming the creditors. Simultaneously the American Embassy announced the United States Government's
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  • 88 10 President Hoover Appoints Commission. Washington, May 21. In conformity with his declared intention to investigate the federal system of jurisprudence and the method of enforcing Prohibition, President Hoover has selected Mr. George W. Wickersham, the former Attorney-General, as chairman oi the National Law Enforcement Commission. He will be assisted
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  • 35 10 Forsakes Ministry of War For Farming. Mexico City, May 21). Ex-President General Calles has resigned his post of Minister of War, and is retiring to the country to engage in farming. Reuter.
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  • 29 10 Peasants Attack Co-Operative Farm. Moscow, May 20. Riots are reported from Voronesh, Armed Kulaki attacked a co-operative farm and were repelled after a pitched battle. Trans-Ocean.
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  • 66 10 Lieut. Ulm's Evidence At Inquiry. (From Our Own Correspondent) Sydney, May 20. Giving evidence at the Southern Cross enquiry, Lieut. Charles Ulm, the co-nilot of Capt. Kingsford Smith, insisted that meticulous preparations were made for the flight. They were doubtful whether it would be possible to lift
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  • 32 10 Forty People Killed When Houses Collapse. Angora, May 20. An earthquake wrought havoc in the Sivas district. Many houses collapsed, and 40 people were killed and hundreds injured. Trans-Ocean.
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  • 1688 10 Career of a Famous Statesman. DEVOTEE OF THE TURF! Puzzling and Fascinating Personality. London, May 21. The death ha* occurred of the Karl of Rosobery. K.G. K.T.. :il tin- age of 81.— Reuter. Amongst the eminent liiitish rtitoM of modern times nu;'.e exhibited a more passing
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  • 1465 11 Singapore Appeal. REFORM SPIRIT IN NANKING. (lly Our Chinese Correspondent.) That no appeal for a worthy cause which has fat its objects the promotion hi. 1 advancement of the interests of their compatriots, particularly when that cause i of an educational character, is allowed I.) fnii Hat
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  • 242 11 Exhibition of Singapore Group. The Singapore Art Club held its monthly exhibition on Saturday afternoon at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ccle, the Seletar Naval Base, when a number of members and friends viewed an interesting collection of work. A subdued and restful study
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  • 66 11 Atlantic Flight to be Made Early Next Month. Toulon, May 20. Dr. Eckener has invited five French office 181 8 to accompany him in the Graf Zeppelin to Friedrichshafen. The flight will be made next week, providing that the repair work proceeds according to programme. Before leaving
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  • 110 11 Company of 74 at Victoria Theatre. Carpi's Italian Grand Opera Company wll start i season at the Victoria Theatre on Thursday evening witn "II Trovatore." The impresario is wellknown throughout the East and has made many successful tours. The company is 74 strong, including full chorus, orchestia
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  • 31 11 On Saturday morning M. Sudreau. the French Consul, paid an official visit to Admiral Stotz, on the flagship Jules Michelet. On leaving he was accorded the comular salute of seven gum.
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  • 146 11 Indictment Against U.S. Film Companies. The existence of a great trust involving ten of the largest cinema and theatrical organisations in America, is charged In an indictment returned by the Los Angeles Grand Jury recently. These huge enterprises are accused of a criminal conspiracy to violate the
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  • 298 11 One Curtsy Before The Queen. Owing to the absence of his Majesty the King from the Court young ladies are reminded that they will make one curtsy only, to her Majesty the Queen, upon their presentation." In this official postscript attached to their invitations to Buckingham Palace, debutantes
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  • 330 11 Annual Reunion Dinner In Singapore. The sixth annual reunion dinner of the Middlesex Regiment was held at the Europe Hotel, Singapore, on Thursday, when 14 old members of the Regiment and eight guests were present. This is the largest number that has been able to collect for the
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  • 77 11 Governor-Designate Of Madras. Madras, May 9. Colonel Stanley, the Governor-designate of Madras, interviewed by the London correspondent of the Madras Mail, referring to his aims and aspirations, wished to say as little as possible except thnt he was going out without any prejudices, political or otherwise. With the
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  • 78 11 Marry After Three Weeks Acquaintance. Los Angeles, May 4. The film stars Miss Ina Claire and Mr. John Gilbert have left for Las Vegas and Nevada with a party of friends of the couple, who say that they are going to be married. They conUrn that they
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  • 279 11 Treatment of Estate Staffs. At a meeting <>f the Central Health Board on May 7, the President, the Hon. Mr. E. W. F. Gilman, M.C.S., referred to the letter from Mr. Reeve Tucker dated May 2, 1929, and called upon him to explain the views of the
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  • 138 11 Altar of Zeus in Berlin Museum. The setting' up of the great altar cf Zeus from Pergamum in its original form in a gigantic hall specially constructed for it in the Berlin Museum, in time for the Archeological Congress, marks a milestone in the history of German
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  • 179 11 Robinson Road Crime. PROSPECTS OF EARLY ARREST. A Sikh watchman employed at 82, Robinson Road was murdered in ghastly circumstances at about 5 a.m. to-day. No one witnessed the crime, but a watchman employed in the adjoining |il>lnliiil states that he was awakened by a yell, and
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  • 116 11 Engagement of Miss Loftus. Th" engagement is announced ol Miss Cecilia Loftus, the well-known actress, to Dr. Edward J. Johnson, of New Haven (Conn.). The wedding will take place in t',.autumn after Miss Loftus has completed her theatrical engagements. This will be the third Btarriaga of Mi Loftus.
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  • 42 11 To Resume Training For Derby. London, May 20. An encouraging statement by Lawaon, The trainer of Cragadonr, MJFI veterinary examination shows that the colt is suffering from indigestion. It is expected that he will resume strong work on Wednesday. Reuter.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 76 11 A NEW mm rss» mm %gF il B ASSORTMENT |H y^*r i 111 1 i *'i^mii r~~**^ r/''/j^yr /''/j^y Containing an assortment made up of ten different kinds— fruits, nuts, cremes, hard and soft centres— full of tastes that thrill. Sold in 1 lb. tins, specially packed at Bourneville for
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  • Singapore Races End:—Yesterday's Returns.-Malayan Cricket.
    • 2646 11 Keen Finishes. THREE MOBE WINNERS FOR MAYO, ft— tfcrr fir..- day, v r:u-inu r sun:.-, up >c t\-y- v n< n l w Sinpaporc Turf Chlb sprinp meeting ffll Kroner.', to mteti --\.l Tlicr-.-have iH-cn si dajri of it and for tin- ti:ntbrine loial foil wcrs
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    • 563 11 Five Wickets in Hand At Close. A win for the S.C.C. by five wickets was the result of the match between an S.C.C. eleven and Malacca played at Malacca on Saturday and Sunday. Malacca made 116 and 153 and the S.C.C. scored 18:! and 118
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  • 321 11 Excellent Progress Reported At Union Meeting. The annual meeting of the Health anil Strength Leaders Union was held on i Saturday, at the V.M.C.A. Mr. Cheone Swi Yin, the president, beinK >n tne chair. There was a large attendance. Moving the adoption of the report and accounts
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  • 55 11 Victories for Denmark And Cuba. Copenhagen, May 20. Denmark eliminated Greece in the second round of the Davis Cup competition winning four matches to one. Havana, May 20. Cuba beat Mexico in the Davis Cup. Schcvcningen. May 19. Holland eliminated Egypt from the Davis Cup competition, winning
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 86 11 Close Finals in Berlin Tournament. Berlin, May 20. j The Rotweiss tennis tournament ro:y i eluded to-day. In the final of the womi-n's championship of Berlin Baroness von kuznicek beat Fraulein Ausscm, 7 o, 0—!.0 in the men's singles final (.'ochet beat Menzei (Izecho-Slovakia), 9—ll, G— i,
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 198 11 I Tuesday. May 21 2nd Div. Football P.. A. vs. I.C.F.A., Malay (round. 2nd D.v. Football H. Doard v». Welch Re K t., Y.M.C.A. 2nd Piv. Football S.C J.A. A vs. R.E., S.K.C. Wrdnraday, May 22 1st Div. Football Welch vs. S.R.C., Stadium. 2nd Div. Football A.I'.C. vs.
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  • 278 11 Keppel G.C. Whitsunday Competitions. The following are the results of the Whitsunday competitions at Keppel Golf Club Shanghai Foursomce. Wiggs and Ridout 81— 13' 2 zz67' a Hitcham and Wati 1:J =70 Millar and Hall SS—li =70 Barron and Macgilchrist 83— 12'^-70'l-Wyatt and Gibson 8S 10tt=71H Douglas and Winter
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  • 204 11 Penang's Collapse In Second Innings. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May Jn. There was n slight drizzle this morning l-ut it ceased before play was resumed. I'enang were sent out wanting M to win, Selangor haviig declared with 260 for eight wickets. taking started well Pon:ild«on and
    204 words
  • 122 11 The present programme at Hie Pavilion baa as chief feature the picture "Jazz Had," f.-aturing Jean IK-iichol l wi:h a re-issiic of thf- Harold I.loyd film, Tinm Hand to Mou h," m-l ill.- latest numb «f tho Patho Gaaattt. Miss Army Fiori, the attractive Hungi'.iian .lancir, who
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 125 11 BOOK NOW FOR FANCY DRESS DINNER AND CARNIVAL In Aid of EARL HAIG MEMORIAL FUND at Raffles Hotel SATURDAY, MAY 25 DANCING till 2 a.m. lly kind Permission of Lieut.-Col. W. M. llorc and (Mkefl THE BAND OF THE WELCH REGIMENT WILL PLAY DURING DINNEU. Sea View Hotel Telegrams SEAVIKW.
      125 words

  • 1831 13 TRUTH AND LEGEND. Kidding the West Of Redskins. HOW TALL BULL WAS KILLED. The- Brsvt Young Cheyenne CMaf was ic.-|il; -r.ili'iit iii his gorgeous wai-bonnet ■■d nil the othc i trappings and finery of his runk. Rilling out from the files of his wa.iiois, he
    1,831 words
  • 198 13 Out-of-College Students' Residence. A committee of old Balliol men, which includes both Archbishops, Viscount Grey of Fallodon, and several past and present mambers of the Cabinet, has issued an appeal for a building fund of £35,000 to provide accommodation for undergraduates living out of college. It is
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  • 556 13 n The following particulars are supplied e from Government House. .Singapore Suiuluy, May 12. His Excellency and Lady Clifford attended High Mass at the Cathedral of the Goixl Shepherd at 8 a.m. The Hon. Mr. Nixon am! the Hen. Mr. Milne arrived to stay at Government House. Monday.
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  • 83 13 CONSCIENTIOUS Blaise C'eiulrars. a Swiss author living in Paris, seems to have more than the average snnsitiveness "f conscience Whilst his latest book, "Plan de I'Airnille." was in the |NiMJag press, he suddenly had doubts about the correctness ol n paaMg in which certain Chilean scenery' is decribed, and ordered
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  • 28 13 The adjourned general mcotiiw; of .the Singapore mercantile Co-operative Thrift and I.oaii Society Limited, will be held at the Y.M.CA. Down Town Unix h. todaj' -at 5.15 -p.m.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 75 13 NEW CAK TWOSEATER. An ideal open car which can be supplied with or without dickey seat. Attractive lines and cosy seating cellulose finish in a variety of two tone harmonies. The car for the open air and the open road. Speed, instant acceleration, four wheel brakes and separate emergency brakes.
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    • 119 13 NON-STOP ROUND THE WORLD 255,000 MILES AT 45 MILES PER HOUR ON SHELL MOTOR SPIRIT AND SHELL GOLDEN OIL A team of six British motor cyclists have completed an endurance test riding in relays on one machine a 350 c.c. Dunelt at Montlhery Track, Paris. They covered a distance of
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  • 261 14 Death of Mr. Eric Maxwell. p (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, April 125. I have to chronicle the death, of Mr. Kric .Maxwell, formerly well-known in Malay;!, .liich took place in a nursing h hir. following an operation. When Mr. Maxwell retired from Malaya he was the
    261 words
  • 179 14 Programme »f drills up to ami for weekending May M, tan Tuesday. May 81, 515 p.m.. Drill Hall, SKA. iV Wpiipon Traininir 5.15 p.m.. Drill Hall. "X" i Chinese i Co., Drill. Wednesday, May T>. 2.:i0 p.m.. Bukit Timah Rang*, "A" (aLG.I < M.G. Classification; >.1S p.m.. Drill
    179 words
  • 1875 14 THE LONDON LETTER. PREMIER'S BANNER. Sir James Barric's Gift. MYSTERY OF A FAMOUS PICTURE. (Fro« Oir Own Correspondent.) U -.v'.on, April 25. I'ivc to-day the fleneral Election ill be fought. Mr. Baldwin ■ammneed n '.he [louse Common* yosteiday that ml \.:!l lit prorogued ami dissolvd on
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  • 76 14 Qrdiri for weak eadiag Sunday, May 2c, I. •::'.> Tuesday, May Si. J.iniboree Coninntti-i-. St. Andrew's llnusc fi p.m. A.lvance.l Signalling Class, Headqr.artc-rs, 5.15 p.m.; Elementary Ambulanre Class, St. Andrews Bouse. B.U p.m. Thursday. May 2S, Competition!. Committee. V.M.C.A.. G. 15 p.m. Band Practice. Headquarters, 5.1") p.m.
    76 words
  • 433 14 Sir Harry Ord Not In Favour. (Prom the Struts Times of Hay 1".. 1860 We have received a proof copy of a memorandum which is to be submitted to an early meeting of the Straits Bettlements Association in London, and t<> form the basis, we believe, of
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  • 29 14 At Brooklands on May I DH an A..1.5. motor cycle." w n the 1000 CC class 2-JO m'les side< r race al the rate f 77.15 mil", per boui
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 48 14 NEW "H.M.V." RECORDS TO-DAY May and Mid-May Issues. LISTS BENT WITH PLEASUWt S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD. (Incorporate J in Hong Konir) BAFFLBB PLACE, SINGAPORE. ACME Nailless Strapping System IS A FAST, EFFICIENT, ECONOMICAL METHOD OF REINFORCING Wood Boxes, Fibre Boxes, Bales, Bundles. Distributors CONNELL BROS. CO. RAFFLES CHAMBERS.
      48 words
    • 118 14 Not a MUSICAL ANNOUNCEMENT but Selections by the "Kodak' arc always jjocd. Performer* A 'KODAK" KODAK" FILM *VELOX" PAPER CHORUS.— "You press the button. We do the rest." All our printi ;:rc> ir.ade on "YEIOX." KODAK LIMITED, (Incorporated in England; SINGAPORE. BRUNNER MONO CO. LIMITED NOUTHWICH. ENGLANU A SUBSIDIARY COMPANY
      118 words
    • 165 14 Scotland is the Home of Fine Wii?ky and liie Best comes from Glasgow. t7 "OLD MONARCH" Kr* Horn in the Teal I 1 i c," y/ I\ir tho Last 70 ;i<\irs ALEX. McGAVIN CO. f^*><— ■^"■"^s have Ix-en c\por*tnt: "OLD MONARCH" 1 To all Paris of the World. There has
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 757 15 NOTICE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF LICENSING JUSTICES. The quartn'iy sesMons of the Board nf Licencing Justices for the Settlement of Singapore for the lecond quarter will be held in th.- t-i si Hag irate'i curt, Singapore. ,t 2.U, „.m nn Thursday. Juri.' 2".". IMK All application^ for Pui.lic House
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    • 747 15 HAS MADE GOOD PROGRESS EVER SINCE. Little Girl in Ceylon Improved Almost Out of Recognition by BABY'S OWN TABLETS. When little Rohine Sulminghe was 19 month old --hf was M backward and weakly ti:it ber ;i;irents and friends almost de--puired. Then her uncle, Mr. Simon Perera, of 1, Stafford Gardens,
      747 words
    • 362 15 >, wßmi^smCs#HW**'**' B J Rubber Machines of first class quality to suit every need. CUT YOUR COSTS BY INSTALLING THE BEST PLANTERS ENGINEERING CO., LTD. Sole Agents in Mafofa IrgNTRAI SINGAPORE IPOH KUAI. I I MPUR. L.— l 9 GREEN MANURE SEED I' AM ANOEK AX TJIASSEM COMPANY, JAVA. (THE
      362 words
    • 916 15 AUCTION SALE OF VALCABLK FRF.KHOLO PROI'KHTIKS At Messrs. Cheonjr Koonc B*ag *'(V« saleroom. No. 30, Chulia Street, on Wednesday. May 22. at 2.30 p.m. Lots 1 to 28. Valuable freehold building i.llotmcnts situate at Upper Seraneoon Him. l. (near milestone), Singapore, areas 1,908 square feet to £4,182 square feet, (to
      916 words
    • 751 15 Auction Sale No. 21/7.9. ESTATE OF HOW GUAM HIN, DECEASED AUCTION SALE of two pieces of valuable freehold land and premises situate at Java l.nne, Molucca, and now known as Nos. 4 and 0. (Old Nos. 76 and 77), Java Lane. Malacca. To be sold by public auction at our
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 545 16 AMatfa over $9,500,000 S.C. Assurance in force over $35,000,000 The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. I Incorporated in Stniits Settlements) BEAD OFFICE: Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 27, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the British Life Assurance
      545 words
    • 540 16 BANKING CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporated la Tn^-land by Royal Chan :-<oa.) I «id Up Capital Id •"JO.GOO iliam I -i ti each £3,000,000 Reserve Fund £4,000,060 Keserve I.i.'.hility of i'roprletors £3,000.U00 lli'.Mi OFFICE .ii, lii»l.i.;i«". London, E.C. 2. Agenciii and Itraml.ts Alur SUr Hiirbin BaiMBBM Amritsar
      540 words
    • 718 16 BANKING UONG KONG SHANGHAI HANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Bong Kong) jlt-H.I Office UONG KONG. Authorised Capital $50,000,000 and fully paid up $20,000,000 Res«rre Funds Sterling t «,000,000 Silver $14,000,000 lUovrve Liability of l'rupriftors $20,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTOSB. N. 8. Urown, Ksq., Chairman. W. ii. Dell, Kaq., I'-puty Chairman. Hon. Mi.
      718 words
    • 281 16 INSURANCE COMMERCIAL UNION, ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorpoiatad in Ing-land) Win, Life, Marine, Accident, Gnarautee and Motor. Asisu «r 1,1100,000 ARTHUR C. POTTS— Muager aad Urderwriter, Zaatern Branch, Singapore. THK MANUFACTURERS LIFE 2nd four, Uus( Kong Bank Core., Singapore. New Insurance effected in 1928 £17,943,000. An Increased Scale of Dividends has
      281 words
    • 169 16 BALLANTINES WHISKY t jams*. 1 *o y Pure Matured Scotch Whisky 10 yours old. ROBINSON &CO., LTD., SINGAI'OKE AND K. LUMPUR. THK EAST ASIATIC GO, LTD. BINGAPOKB. Im/Mitcrs of OK CEMENT "NY CARLSBEIiC H BEER "STAUB" 3 Stars Brandy "STAUB" Liqmeur Brandy (20 yean old) "SHIP" BRAND "SWAN" BRAND Sweetened
      169 words
    • 344 16 JUST UNPACKED an excellent line in GLASSWARE Such as BEER, 9 ME, CHAMPAGNE, PORT and PAHIT Glasses, etc., also Crystal Liquor glasses and bottles in different colon.-. HIGH STREET GENERAL STORE, LTD. 51 and 52. HIGB BTKBCT. TO LET OFFICES, GODOWNS, ETC. Offices in The Arcade. 1"), J7. If and
      344 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 172 17 SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS Level No. II $225 Level No. 11l $335 Level No. IV $135 Level No. V $145 Theodolite No. I $700 Prices include Tripod Si&nd and Case Immediate delivery from soli; MIBm i M. Wiseman Co., (Eastern) Ltd. (Incorporated la Xtiflaoil) 41/*. ROBINSON SOAD. SINGAPORE. Buy— MITRE BUAND TEA
      172 words
      192 words
    • 948 17 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. PREPAYABLE CHARGES for WANTS, For Sale, To Let, ate, in ordinary close set type (»r»rage =-P«r line One insertion 28 cents, two ins. 4.6 cents, three ins. 64 cents, four ins. 82 cents, five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.18, ten ins. $1.40 V ii*". 'k .inn" V: 72
      948 words
    • 835 17 HOUSES, FLATS, ETC. TO LET, rooms, garages. Apply Burlington. TO LET, No. 55, Japan Street. Apply Meyer Brothers. TO LET, 192, Orchard Road. Entry May 1. Apply 0, d'Almeida Street. TO LET, No. 63, Hill Street. Apply Baswedan, 31, Dhoby Ghaut. WANTED small compound on seashore for week-end stay. 652,
      835 words
    • 71 17 PERFECTION Oil Cook Stoves ana Ovens FOR ALL COOKING PURPOSES Burns Ordinary iCerjsene Oil I IN THREE SIZES Reduced Prices No. 72.-2 Barriers 533.50; No. 73.-3 Burners $45.00 No. 74.-4 Burners $57.50 j ALL SPARES IN STOCK It is a pleasure to own and use A PERFECTION FfiANKEL'S VICTORIA STREET.
      71 words
    • 221 17 WATCH E S OMEGA UOSKOPF CYMA, etc. Ever} «.-itch guaranteed. REPAIRS. mrm smith ii. BATTHH ROAD, SINGAPORE. JUST RECEIVED Latest Questions in Engineering Knowledge BOARD OF TRADE ORALS and ."I'urine Engineerinu Knowledge Steam Oil B) V>. MACGIBMm, M.l.Merh.E. Enlarged Edition Price $18.00. POBTAGB EXTRA. K.¥OE9" r QULFAKIR CO. SINGAPORE ai.d
      221 words