The Straits Times, 6 May 1929

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Startis Times No. 29.051 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MAY 6, 1929, PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 149 1 TROPICAL SUITING "FLORODOR" mit.A.) WING LOONG, HIGH ST.. SINGAPORE. i^^TJ^ Doctors Consider /?li n 'BEAR BRAND" .J^l\^S Swiss WAV. NATURE'S IDEAL iJPIJ food There's health and strength i "BEAR BRAND" j .^y in every tin of "BE\U Hv «n 1c (ft\ BRAND" Pure Natanl «fcggggg^Sggft &f(U /w/ w il Milk.
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    • 122 1 CHALLENGE SHIELDS For all Sports No. 2298 No. 16.)9. POLISHED OAK CHAM.ENGE SHIELD POLISHED OAK CHALLENGE IHTBI.n Suitable for any sport. wjth association football ccntrc arii a l| Silver-plated Price $15.00 silver mounts. Sterling Silver Price $95.00 Price $195.00. <y ROBINSON Co., Ltd. R Sf Singapore ALTERATION IN BUSINESS HOURS
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 504 2 THE SIAM STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Siain) BANGKOK COASTING SERVICE For Kretay, Trengganu, Kelantan, Uitiignara, Telupin, Pateni, Singora, I.ucon. Sichon, Bandon. Kohiamui, Langsuan, Chumpou and Bangkok. Arrival Departure SUDDHADIB May 6 May 8 MALINI May l.i May 16 VALAYA May M May 22 The .teamen are fitted throuchout
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 553 3 Shipping Announcements j ELLERMAN BUCKNALL STEAafS^P CO., LTD. (Incorporated In England). -EI.LERMAN" LDJB PASSENGKR* AND FHKIGHT SERVICE TO THE L'NITKD KINGDOM AND CONTINFNT' FREIGHT BJRVICB OIT WARDS. To Hong Kong, ShanthM and Japan. Doe Spore s.s. m V or May 8 ».s. CITY OF ATI: June 10 ROM* AIM. ..9.
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    • 538 3 DUTCH MAILS N.V. Stoomvaart Maatschappij Nederland and N.V. Rotterdam Lloyd WEEKLY MAIL and PASSENGER SERVICE TO Genoa Anuterdam Southampton Marseille. Rotterdam s.s. Tjerimai 8,000 R.L. May 10 m.v. Chr. Huygens 15,700 S.M.N. Hay 17 s.s. Patria 10,000 R.L. May M s.s. Joh. de Witt 10,400 S.M.N. Hay 31 s.s. Slamat
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    • 413 3 WAGOHg'LITg Passages booked by all Lines. NO BOOKING FEE. Rail tickets issued for the principal railways throughout the world. No booking fee. Baggage, Furniture, Merchandise Shipped and Stoied. Cook's Interpreters in uniform meet the principal steamers and trains at all chief ports. Insurances Life and 3ag?age effected. Letters of Credit
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    • 126 3 A WONDEJI^)I MAYONI^^E '< Mn^Mf7 4 For elaborate salads, as a dre» ing fcr h, as a rich white sauce for any d!;h Croise v.v.d Blackwell's Mayonnaise Just a smooth blend of fresh epgs, subtly spiced. It transforms every dish to which it is added. And it k;:; Crosse Blackwell's
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 187 4 TH-ilfc NEW f?rom the first, thtntfness ttnd r.i- In Keeping with these developments, hbilify have been oatsfertding eh larger crakes of the steeldraulic, acteristics of Pontiac and fr m iiia nal-expanding type are provided $929 Pontiac carries forward these on. all four wheels. These brakes Standards and improves upon them.
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    • 839 4 THE BREAKING POINT When Mind and Body are Fagged. Many serious accidents, as well us mistakes in life, have been traced to failure! of the memory. When persons of either' se\ Met] to hesitate in spenking, cannot eollect their thoughts, and forget thini;.'. I when excitement upsets them, then, says
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    • 546 4 SUFFERED WITH wmjgm Caused Face to Smart and Burn, Cuticufa Heals. "My trouble started with watery pimples on my chin. They broke and became terribly inflamed and spread to my r.eck and face. When the pimples broke they caused my fcce to smart and bum. 1 suffered with them for
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    • 712 4 STATE Or JOHORE In the Coasts ..f LOU CUONIi CHIA otheriwb Si W TE> "auction sale" of a ru 1 her pi To be sold bj Ic-i ioni. Ji BaUrda; I a PARTICI i. 1. Ul thai Muk in ol I »l Muar, com SS Subject to ai: am CHING
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  • 260 5 Network of Commercial Planes Foreseen. The promotion of civil aviation in the Philippine* through ihe establishment of airpatti throughout thi iataadi is hein^| undertaken by the United Statei Army. A comprehensive survey «.f flying cnii.litions and of the beet sKae for airports is m.w being nv.uU-
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  • 101 5 Hoy Kanned from Sailing At Quayside. Seventeen members oi a l.lanelly family were about to embark on the Canard liner Scythia for a Canadian farm when it was discovered that one of them, a boy of seven, w.ts suspected of having chickenpox. He was refuspd
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  • 1245 5 REMOULDING SCHEMES The Fallacy of Overhead Roads. TOWN PLANNING AND TRAFFIC. London is changing with such rapidity that it is difficult for our minds to keep pace with the buMcis. During mail week I Wits announced that the R.1.8.A. had acquired a site in Portland Place
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  • 96 5 Pursued Across Lake Constance. The other week a daring feat was achieved by a burjrlar at Wangen. a little village on the German bank of the low«r part of Lake Constance. Surprised ami hotly pursued, he took refuge on the rotten ice, which is already broken
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  • 80 5 The Dutch Government has tabled in the Lower Chamber a Bill which provides for the prohibition of the export of butter, cheese, bacon or any other kind of salted pork, and other products unless clearly stamped with a mark Kuaranteeing their quality. Another Bill has been tabled
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  • 270 5 "Merry Widow" Libel Action. A film version tt "The Mviry Widov.," the hoid of which is called Prime Danilo." has led to a claim by the real Prince Danilo, of Motenejcro, for MM damages against a film company. It is alleged, says a message from Paris,
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  • 178 5 Switzerland's Access to The Sea. After many years of difficult "eKotj''tio»s the arrangement has been finally settled and signed for the maintenance of the river-bed between Strassbourg an.l Bale. On that part the Rhine was only navigable for about half the year cr less, and for the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 555 5 GOODWOOD PARK HOTEL (L«tc GOODWOOD HALL). SCOTT'S ROAD. TAXGLIN. Situated in the European Residential Area Convenient to town Spacious Dining and Reception Hall Single or Double Rooms with private bathrooms. 14 TENNIS COURTS. Courts reserved for non-residents at $2 an evening. Ample Garage Accommodation. Trlrcrami GOODWOOD, SINGAPORE. Term apply MANAGER.
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    • 171 5 Waters I SHIPMENT JVST RECEIVED 1929 CHANDLERS MODEL "65" Six-cylinder Touring MODEL "65" Six-cylinder Sedan ROYAL "75" Eight-cylinder Sedan All fitted with six wire wheels, two of which are mounted on the front mudtruards. Sodiins arc also fitted with trunk rack and trunk. Complete IJJIMII'IT «'"X "P 142 for demom,*™*'"".
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  • 389 6 Valuable Rei.-. «..t Russian Church. Valuable treasure* af the Russian I'l-thodox Church, which were saved from the Bolsheviks and are r.yw in Safe keeping in the new Russia.) !nn;h. Berlin, are again occupying puMie attention. Thes« treasures consist primarily I what are alleged to be fragments
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  • 58 6 Fines totaliinc t"JJ.O.:i were paid last year by motorists at Surrey police courts. The Rev. A. Orlton-Coopcr. Chaplain oi Magrl Semliilan. attached to St. Mark"Church. Simi.ilk.ii. has resigned his appointment i.i the above church an.l left t'io State on Wednesday morning for Taiping. wheir h* intends
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  • 1038 6 FARMING THE OCEAN. Deep-Sea Scientists In Conference. ELABORATE DIFFICULT WORK. !i: mail week the International Council for the Exploration the Sea was to meet in the Li-r<i < haneeUor'a suite of the EtatM of Lords. Scientists, arofeaaora, aiKl delegate! from Belgian, i tad, Germany, Holland, the Irish
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  • 261 6 m 4 Ashstead Woods Being Excavated. Excavations have started agiJ.n on the Roman villa in Ashst<nd Woods, which was tfatevwvd four years ago owing to I'la^mi-nLs of pottery thrown up by a rabbit. Though the general plnn and the wall foundation;; have been laid ban, n.uch
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  • 96 6 Pndsf Time for Four Centuries. At Lulliiv.U'n. Derbyshire, is a atraage old dock in the church tower, vvhkh has nether h-.r.ds ncr Case, yi-1 for low centuries it hits told the precise time by striking the hours on a bell. The dock was i>uilt in the sixU-?:ith
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  • 38 6 A neolithic arrowhead, feoad in a Harrow garden, has been presented te the Butler Museum at Harrow School by Mr. C. Gibson, Tosswill. This is the only object presented to the museum during the last year.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 56 6 More Often in a Packard than In any other car you will see the owner driving while the chauffeur sits idly by. WHY? Because —in driving a Packard there is a thrill and a real enjoyment that the owner cannot resist. ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE PACKARD MALAYAN MOTORS,
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    • 129 6 FOR YOUR HEALTH'S Ml DRINK FRIBER NEAVF. LTO. AERATED WATERS «^a»»^M*a»e»wami ni i I Lt^ t *|""?T"^ »l"*^"^l^™"*Tr!r i j. THE UKITED ALML! CO., Li^iTES. UVBRPOOL, KNGLAND. A SI BSiniAUV UtMI'ANV OF trSRiAL CIIEMICAJ INDUSTRIES, LIMITED. Maaufaetarcni of l"' MKAM (Ml A*!.) Cfll.OKfDli OF LIME (ttK-s.-hiilf CAUSTIC SOOA— Solid. Broken.
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  • 497 7 Primate's Foundation. HAN ON "PUFFERS" OF TOBACCO. .c rule school anniversaries artinteresting only to old boys or givls, bui the tercentenary of C'higwell School, which was celebrated at the school in mail week by a great gathering of Old Chigwcllians, made a much wider appeal, especially
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  • 1187 7 CULTURE IN ISLAM. The Ideals of Two Monarchs. INTERVIEW WITH THE SHAH. Sir Donison Ross, Director of the M School of Oriental Studies in London, g] who set out at the beginning of this year le on tnur of investigation of educational und cultural
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  • 137 7 Nature's Adjustment To Growing Tumour, A strange instance of adaptation was -evealed at a Chelsea inquest on Mm. .Madia Walton, of St. Mark's RoaJ, Kensington. Mrs. Walton, who was 54, died in Brompton Hospital after Iwing operated upon for the removal of a tumour said to be
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  • 103 7 Sudden Death of Colonel With Distinguished Career. Colonel George Ireland Fraser, of the C*m«ron Highlanders, who was on the staff of the senior officers' 3chool at Sheerness, collapsed at the close of a lecture and died about 15 minutes later. He wms aged 52. His wife lives
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  • 429 7 Liberal Scheme. COLONEL ASHLEY ON MR. LLOYD GEORGE. This is the last throw— a reckless j bid for power. What does anything mattes i il only the old man in a hurry can pull the strings This is how Colonel Wilfrid Ashley, Minister of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 69 7 SEE SOLAR ECLIPSE IN SIAM MAY 9, 1929. The most impressive phenomenon in tho range of human experience. For details, apply to AMERICAN EXPRESS CO., INC., Penang Singapore. THOMAS COOK SON, LTD., Penang Singapore. THE ROYAL STATE RAILWAYS OF SIAM. Bangkok, Siatn. /DBSEMORflfitai 30 Amps. 500 volts. Hnl^^ ;>OUBL» POLE
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    • 269 7 FRY'S CARTETS CUBE BLOCK CHOCOLATE 25 cts.. eacSi pLfJpp Sixteen cubes of the {JFXAJ*^*' Afi most delici<!Us choco- -Ltd/IT CkJUJf I late you've ever tasted K,W» in each Cartet, easily II broken into dainty _ibbj_ portions. Seven kinds 4MB^& to suit all tastes- a packing to suit all /^^W^^! pockets.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 371 8 ALHAMBRA WATCH FOR VAMPING VENDS A HILARIOUS COMEDY with CHARLIE MURRAY A First Motional Special, GAIETY CINEMA SURINA THEATRE Junction Mli.rt .-.nd Urncoolen Streets. Nurth Eridsif Road, 'Phone No. 6289. I'rom Friday. May to Thursday, May 9. IN*. Second Show at W..SO p.m From \VidiH'sH;i\ May 1 to Tuesday. New
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    • 310 8 VICTORIA IUiATRE Commcn-.iiiij: lhinsday. May ;::)d Nic&ta> at Ml BANVARD MUSICAL SO^gQY GOMPANY Opening J'frforman.o CLOWNS IN CLOVER Which inchide. the Famous M— Hfcafl Orchrstr.i Friday. May 10 !atii-il;iy. y. ry v LI CO LADY TIP TOES Monday, May 13 Tu»s,l..y. May 14 I FOLIES BIBGERE REVUE O KAY Uedncsda}.
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    • 289 8 FOR THREr N'ir.HTS. rT.OM MONDAY, MAT 6. l!»:i. AT APOLLO CINEMA QBTL Wt. Second Shut* at BJi Steele of The Royal Mounted rValurmi; BKKT L^TEI.t.. ITI'AatT HOLME* A d^b 11; Miiiivlniiv. l.'.si.n.i'ini: m\-i<rv IhrilK. K> la. ALICE CALHOUN, ROKKKT FRAZER. MAHI.ON HAMILTON in THE OTHER WOMAN'S STORY b Reels. An
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    • 672 8 ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE WEEK. Monday. May I I 11. V *>.l.' air... 7.;. pjn., 7.7. hkaaiajr, .May 7 H. W. M a.m.. 7.y. i).:li p rdnrKdjy. May I H. \V. :<V.i :,.<v.. 1. J I Ban i. Botanic Gardaoa, p.m. Hrj.-<la>. May 11. in..;; B. I. homeward Singapore Natural lii-tj:-.
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    • 654 9 Should They be of Wood Or Steel. icenee 01 corre*eoven. Mr. A. !i I M I p construction, ■>f article to 1 on the subject. I aye bad tiling d nan]) hare food 111 hatches, but the f;ict rena, ship-owneri prcfi r iv keep to the
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    • 175 9 BaUetki of the L. of N. Eastern Bureau. IMS, the :ntern liurcuu issues the following h< 1 iiii bulli tin 19 smallpox eases and six death". ly One plague death Bt rid 48 deaths aa B I 57 1 tea anil urins the pn ceding ■■■•e-.-k
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    • 192 9 Unissued Shares to Be Offered. Report for year ended Dee. 31, 1928. states that working shows a profit of £3,910. to which is added balance brought forward 01 (13,000, making a total of HOJSIO. Directors recommend a dividend of 10 per cent. 1 less ii.("i>[ii<*-tux) nn 'l
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    • 171 9 Development of Artificial Silk Industry. The rapidity of development of the artificial ailk Industry, or aa it should now be called, the Rayen industry, hss, of course, been one of the outstanding features of the post-Wai period. How powerful anil extensive the industry has become is shown by
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    • 162 9 The Tehong Rubber Estates, Limited, directors' report itml statement of accounts for the year ended Jan. 31, 1929, states that, after paying debenture interest and providing for directors', auditors' and trustees' fi't-i. the profit and loss account shows a prolit for the year of tnels 55,946, as
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    • 79 9 Euprby, May 5. Foreign exchanges are Amsterdam 12.r>f>\. Athens 375, Berlin 20.474, Bombay 1 L»0-.",:M., Brussels 34.94, Bucharest M.V.. Buenos Aires 47 5-16, Copenhagen 18.20 V) Geneva 25.19, Helsingfors 193, Hong Kong Is. ll?iid.. Kobe Is. 0 15-lfld.. Lisbon lOßfc, \!;.(lriil UMhi, MllaJ '.'2.r,0'.:. N>w Its !"-:;2. u.lo 18.1.);.,
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    • 63 9 Mi its. Roustead and Co.. Ltd.. Penar.i'. have received a telegram from the secretaries. Messrs. Ed. Boustead and Co., London, advising that the annual accounts of gaagei Batu (Malaya) Rubber Kstates, i i hen bam issued showing a profit of ;nd recommending the payment of n dividend
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    • 65 9 Kmm, Houstead an,l o. Ltd., Penally, have received a telegram from the Secretaries, Heaara. Ed. Homtead and Co.. London, advising that the annual accounts of the Windsor (K.M.S.i Rubber Estate, Ltd.. have been issued shewing a profit of £4.618 and recommending the payment of a dividend of
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    • 252 9 EXCHANGE .ore, May C. n I.oi..lon, iiniiW -I m 'a 2/3 27/.".2 i '-'I. ..i. i -t S3 i )i. c-cdit 2/1 i M On New -iurk. iv,, nr.d S6 Private 67"s c Buk T.I. i-:--l On Inuia, bunk :.i. •'n Hoi T.T. p.i. ui e. ■<■■ 8h« ugh Bank
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    • 63 9 R.S.S. equal to Standard Q.C.F. fa UK Standard R.S.S. on Tender .M ;ji, idm mm July US >. tm Oct. D«e. 3:>\ Tone of Market t— Quiet, Slightly easier. Latest Cable i— London Spat Shoot KM. per lb. New York Spot Bhoet (i.
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      • 446 9 Issue Val. N. d £1 Asicm Kumbang £1 £1 It:niErin Tin 1 1 HaUnt I'adang 1 1 Untu Caves 1 1 Bukit Aranif £1 £1 Iiun::ah Malay £1 £1 Chendoriang i'l il Baatwa Siam £1 il liaa.l Yai I 1 Hitam Tin l 1 Haas i:.i; -I Hone Kurig
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      • 227 9 Insue Val. Pd. Buyers Seller* 2 2 AleT. Brick Fr«f*. 2.10 2.15 2 2 Alex. Urick Or'ds. H.fiO 2.70 £1 £1 Brit. Am. Tobacco 6.7.0 6.12.6 Canadian Kagle 10. B 11/6 1 1 Central Engine 0.60 0.60 1 1 Cycle and Carriage 0.C0 0.65 Ids. 10s. Dull Development 8/6
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      • 112 9 U. Eng. < p.c. 1,K5,600 Norn. S-pore Cold Storage 7 p.c. deb. of 1926 red. 1931-36 101 10S ci Singapore Municipal 6 p.c. of 1901 red. 1930 $1,878,000 par. 6% prem Singapore Municipal I'-.- p.c. of 1907 red. 1947 »1,MO,00<) 95 par. Singapore Municipal 4'« p.c. of
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      • 389 9 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt's quotations Allenliy ($11 Alur (iajah ($1) A. Hit. uii ($1; A. KuninK (*H Am. .Malay ($2) A. Molck ($1) A Panas (*5) ISalnov.nic l«l) Bawatt ($1) HroKas ($1) Brunei ($5) B. Jelutong ($1) B. Katil iSl, Bukit K. B. ($1) B.
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      • 142 9 The report of the directors of the Borelli Rubber Co. for the year ended Dec. 31 states that the net profit after providing for depreciation, commission to staff and 100 per cent, of general charges, is SJI.Wi", to which falls to be added $5G.02:i brought forv.v.rd from
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      • 64 9 According to a report issued by the Amttterdam sugar firm of Gyselman and Steup. 853.150 tons Java suuar had been sold up to March 3. The first sales were effected at F1. 13.50 per quintal, the remainder at Hi:'. Stock ut Java available for export from January to
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      • 40 9 The opium revenue in the Straits for the first quarter of 1»2» totalled (1.678,859 as against $4,ikl.:!h:i in the corresponding period of n«i> liquors revenue *1 ..5'.J..,. r l:> as against $1,262,739 and tobacco $947,166 »i against llWi^Q,
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    • 105 9 Macphail and Co., Ltd Singapore, May G. Rubber.— Looal Sett eon pn lb. M.irk.t Dwll. Tin.— London £199 Ma. Rubbers.— Quiet Ayer Panas 7-7.25, Bukit JeletOSCl te-M cents. Uukit Katila r.7' llVa centa, Kampaa LTtVaMS, Malaka Ptatdaa [M-IM, Mentakab.s S3-41 cents. New Seudais 1.70-1.73, Pajaan 1.80-1.90, Punctvn
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    • 166 9 Rose Macphail Penman, Ltd Singapore. May (I. London.— Rubber lOd. down l-10d. Spot price 34 cents. London.— Tin £11»» 10s. Mining.— Dull. Sungei Way 1n. Kuchaii 1.28-1.31, Kinta Dredge 1.10-1. 11. Klang River 3.10-3.20, lion,; Fatts 15-BO cuts Malaya Consols. 31-5.1 cent.,. Penawata 78-80 cents, Petalinga :..:iO-:..lo rd., llu Klang:
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    • 356 9 From Death Trap to Health Resort. The adjourned nineteenth animal genera, meeting of I' tan Simpan Rusher I o. was hak at 1, Kmbankment, Kuala Lumpur, on Apr.. :i(l, with Mr. R. C. Russell in the chair. The Chairman, in the course ..1 h addToeai said
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    • 138 9 Production from St. Ives Property. Report for year ended Dec. 11, IBIS, state that crop of rubber dealt with in accounts is 498,200 Ih.. which includes all rub harvested to Dec. 31, 1928, and uncxporUblc stock brought forward. St. Ivea Estates, which were taken over as from April
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    • 60 9 Henderson, Helm ap'l Company, Inc. New York, send us the following cable dated May 4, their quotation being in gold dollar cents closing bid prices Rubber Exchange sale.; to-day .'2"> tons. May 19.90, June 80.20, July J0.50. August 20.70, September 20.80. October 21.00, November 21.10, 1): ■•<.■ r.bcr
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    • 53 9 Profit for 192S was BSAO2 md balance at credit of profit and loss appropriation al Dec. :tl last, including balance brought ill was C2A.614. Dividend of 5 per cent., la* tax, for year is recommended. beraj placed to rescrv, making (t tSO.OOO, £2.0(m written of gene'al ileureciation. und
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    • 35 9 The director* of Kluiik River Tin DredginK Co., Ltd., have declared a dividend of II per cent, of profits earned, and a bonus of per tent., both payable, oa the 21st instant.
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  • 38 9 From bina Bad .J i^ i>;i ti iiy Mexico Maru, duv :i» Singapore "i I From China, by Takliwa, dm- at SiniMpore on Wolin'ilay. Fnim China anil Japan, by llarunn Maru, due at Singapore on Thursday.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 767 9 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other t'lasiifiod Advts.. see page 20. WANTS, FOR SALE. ETC. AM A!>Kl,i->;: "8PE< I vi..- Dimfl beer mcomparmbU, sutm •>■ eotd. W Wlr". raits Tlmei. V. i I .,■> ERM •Most eight. Amah kept. 758, Straiti Time*. POR SALE, Slain IMS tourer, on* owner, i Ion and good
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  • 1061 10 In returning to the unsavoury subjects dealt with in the report of the committee ftmUmi over by Lord Balfour of Burleijfh and accepted so wholeheartedly by t!ie Colonial Office we are not prompted by any hope of
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  • 1126 10 Grievances Magnified B> Propaganda. (By the Right Hon. H. A. L Fisher). Dr. Stresemann has conferred a great benefit on Europe by raising the question of the minorities at the Council Table «f the I-eague. Nothing but good can come from the frank and friendly
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  • 325 10 H.E. the Governor and Lady Clifford attended the races on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lee Warner have been spending last winter at Alassio and elsewhere in Italy. Dr. and Mrs. and Mr. Jesser-Coope and Mr. Cowgill had luncheon at Government House on Saturday. Lieut.-Colonel and
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  • 830 10 SUNDAY THEATRES. There will be a good deal of sympathy with the theatre managers of London In their efforts to'ohtain permission to have performances on Sundays. It has for .wars been one of the conspicuous inconsistencies of life in London that irhila cinemas and concert halls
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 176 10 C 0,., cut th. L.b.l r. U nJ tl-ujln^g •n Three Casttes"^, i Cigarettes I Bristol London. HEDGES and BUTLERS WINES and SPIRITS A EMPRESS PORT Aj supplied to all the Principal London Clubs. CLUB SHERRY A P Sherry of great character and charm. ROYAL VAT WHISKY "I Guaranteed
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    • 86 10 ALHAMBRA TO-NIGHT In the Second Show at 9 Wm. Fox Production Presenting DOLORES DEL RIO in NO OTHER WOMAN PREP AND PEP Featuring DAVID ROLLINS and NANCY DRKXKL Along with Latest Empire News. First Show at 7.30 p.m. A Western Drama BUCK JONES in FIGHTING BUCKAROO TAN CHENG KEE CO.,
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  • 264 11 British Colony Demands Inquiry. RIOTING CEASES. Casualties Include TwentyFive Dead. Berlin, May 4. Mr. Chark Mackay. the correspondent of a Ni W Eealaad newspaper, was killed in last sight's rioting. He disregarded th> warning of the police and unconcerne.ily strolled through the streets of Nvukoeln. He
    Reuter  -  264 words
  • 159 11 Amanullah's Troops Heavily Defeated. Peshawar, May 4. After four days of incessant fighting, fi.OOO of Bacha-i-Saqao's troops overcame ::.n n of Shah Mohamad's forces near I.ohgnrh. The re were very heavy casual!ici!!i sides. lia--hu-i-Saq:io used aeroplanes, oi.e of which crashed in fianies. It is reported that Nadir Khan
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  • 152 11 Shaagfcai, May l. Th- Chinese- authorities refused postal facilities i" the North-Chima Daily News and the N:>rth-China Herald to-day.— Renter. A Nanking cable of April 18, stated The standing committee of the State Council to-day disrns— d the attitude of the North
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  • 72 11 Indian to Oppose Sir John Simon. London. May 5. Commi (lists in the West Riding of Yi'rksh.rv have choaea s. Asmani, the president of the lmlian Trade Union Congri who is at present awaiting trial at .'liviu! on a charge of sedition, to i> i < m Six
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 41 11 Sir Thomas Upton Challenges Atfain. I. MiM, May 4. The Rajral lister Yacht Club, on behalf of Sir Thomas Upton, has challenged for the America Cup. If the challfi' i a race will ht held in September, 1930. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 102 11 Dramatic Arrests In New York. New York, May 6. There was a dramatic echo of the Mexican Revolution when four men were arrested in a New York hotel by the secret police. They were two Mexicans and two American (United States) exgovernment officials of El Paso, Texas.
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  • 299 11 Direct Limitation System Rejected. Geneva, May 4. The Disarmament Committee, by 22 votes to two, passed the resolution submitted by the French and American delegations declaring that the Committee rejected the system of direct limitation of war material. It noted that the system of indirect limitation of expenditure on
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  • 95 11 Married to Original Of Portrait. When Mr. Lionel Ellis exhibited a picture called Jeanne at an exhibition of the work of contemporary British artists at Plymouth last year his painting attracted considerable attention, and was favourably commented on by. leading art critics. This nainting of the head
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  • 87 11 Anonymous Donor's Generosity Acknowledged. Rugby, May 5. A Court Circular received yesterday announces Audax as the anonymous donor of '1105,000 to the King Edward Hospital Fund. The gift was offered as a thank:; offering for the King's recovery. The use of a norn de plume in a
    British Wireless  -  87 words
  • 72 11 Sir Hubert Wilkins Arrives In Britain. Rugby, May 5. Sir Hul>ert Wilkins, the Arctic and Antarctic explorer, landed at Plymouth to-day. On his last Antarctic trip Sir Hubert explored 1,200 miles of coast lino, discovering 20 islands, two channels and one strait. He will return to the Antarctic
    British Wireless  -  72 words
  • 39 11 A c-ible received to-day from Mr. Douelas Biitcher, at Port Said, reports that Mrs. Butcher, Senior, d!ed yesterday at Suez. She was a fammgrnt for home by the travelling with Mr. and Mrs. IV.-uglas nutcher.
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  • 48 11 Th? response to Mr. 1.. W. Learmount's appeal for names of those interested in the formation of a Flying Club in Kuala Lumpur has resulted in the receipt of 50 names to date. A meeting of those interested will be held at the headquarters Mess. M.S.V.R., on Friday.
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  • 105 11 Twenty-one Killed. CURFEW ORDER BEING ENFORCED. Bombay, May 5. Conditions are becoming normal. An order has been issued prohibiting the collecting of stones and the carrying o:' any weapons in public. The total casualties during the rioting were 21 killed and 200 injured. Curfew enforcement extending from
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 162 11 Long-Term Loans to Be Issued. Berlin, May 5. The problem of the serious state of German finances, which for weeks past has been considerably alarming Government circles, is expected to be solved in the near future, if the proposals of the Minister of Finance, which have already been
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 234 11 New Throne and a Motor Car. The presents offered to His Holiness Pius XI, since the signing of the Lateral Treaties are so numerous and tempting that some, of them have to be refused, and others are liable to disturb his religious equanimity. The first most
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  • 68 11 Allotment of Grants to Various Enterprises. Berlin, May 5. An understanding with regard to air services expenditure was reached by the expert finance committee. The Aviation Industrie will be granted 6,200,000 marks, the Lufthansa company 10,000,000 and the Zeppelin works 2,500,000 as a first instalment, with another instalment
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  • 143 11 Munificence of the Flying Millionaire. London hotel proprietors would be glad to have more vwton like Mr. Van Lear Black, the American newspaper magnate who makes flying his hobby and has made flights ta Java and South Africa. At his hotel he occupied a suite that
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  • 23 11 Bucharest, May 5. On the occasion of the Orthodox Easter, which was celebrated to-day. King Boris granted pardons to 303 pri-soners.—Trans-Ocean.
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  • 338 11 Compromise Scheme. MR. OWEN YOUNG'S SUGGESTIONS. Paris, May 4. The sun now appears to be breaking through the clouds of the Reparations Conference. The chairman, Mr. Owen Young (United States), has drawn up a compromise scheme which he informed the delegates this afternoon that Dr. Schacht had
    Reuter  -  338 words
  • 113 11 Beauty Show and Austrian Girl. Lisl Goidarbeiter, the beautiful Viennese recently elected "Miss Austria" ani invited to take part in the American beauty contest at Galveston, has received a letter from the Bishop of Galveston urging her not to appear in the contest under the title Miss Universe."
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  • 97 11 Looking Forward to Work At Foreign Office. London, May 5. Prince George was the principal guest at the Royal Academy banquet at Burlington House. He spoke affectionately of his 14 years in the Navy and said that at the Foreign Office he would endeavour to gain an insight
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 57 11 Body Brought back by Swedish Destroyer. Rugby, May B, The Swedish destroyer Ehrenskold reached Sheerness to-day, bearing the body of Sir John Tudor Vaughan, the British Minister to Sweden, who died suddenly a few days ago. The Ehrenskold was met by the two British destroyers Trinidad and
    British Wireless  -  57 words
  • 51 11 Appointment of New Governor Announced. Rugby, May 5, Tho King has approved the appointment of Mr. Shenton Whitelegge Thomas, the Colonial Secretary for the Gold Coast, to be Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Nyasaland Protectorate in succession to Sir Charles Bowring, whose period of office will shortly expire. British
    British Wireless  -  51 words
  • 37 11 Vienna, May 4. President Streeruwitz, in a message to the Reich Chancellor, lays stress .n the brotherly feelings between A'uiria and Germany, the strengthening of «vhich ne considers one of his foremost duties. Trans-Ocean.
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  • 64 11 Six Motorists Killed Over Week-End. London, May G Steady rain throughout Great Britain over the week-end broke the prolonged drought, which has caused acute anxiety to farmers. The wettest place has been Bognor. The greasy roads caused trouble to the heavy week-end motor traffic, and there
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 169 11 £25,000 Lost in Transit To Antwerp. London, May 4. The continental police are investigating one of the biggest diamond robberies of recent years, involving £25,000 worth of stones dispatched from Lourenco Marques to Antwerp. The packet, whicn arrived apparently intact, was found to contain worthless stones. A gang
    Reuter  -  169 words
  • 224 11 Legal Battle in Several Countries. London, May 5. The prosecution of a legal battle with regard to Talkie apparatus patents is to be pursued in other countries where the Western Electric Co's patents are being used, according to a joint statement issued by counsel for the Engl and
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  • 132 11 PERSIA. AND IRAK. The Shah's Coronation Anniversary. The Persian colony in England celebrated the anniversary of the coronation of Shah Riza Pahlavi on April 25, and at night the Persian Minister held a reception which was largely attended by foreign friends of Persia. The Manchester Guardian, commenting on the anniversary,
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  • 62 11 Chicago Goes One Better Than New York. Chicago, May 5. Plans have been completed for the construction of the world's highest building, consisting of 75 storeys, by the Railroad and Air Rights Corporation. It will be 1,002 feet in height, or a few feet higher than the Eiffel Tower.
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 74 11 The provision of pensions for aged miners, the cost of which would be met by the Welfare Fund, is proposed in a Bill presented by Sir William Edge, Liberal member for the Bosworth Division of Le'cester. The principal qualifications for a pension are that a person shall
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  • 604 11 Three Leaders to Broadcast Speeches. UNIONIST MESSAGE "We Have Carried Out Our Pledges." London, May 5. Party headquarters are displaying intense activity in view of the dissolution of Parliament next Friday. Proof of the busy deliberations within tho four corners of political associations and committee rooms
    British Wireless  -  604 words
  • 35 11 Death Roll now Given As 2,000. Teheran, May S. It is now stated that the series of earthquakes in north-east Persia resulted in 2,000 deaths at BjhonSMa. Several villages were obliterated. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 97 11 New Zealand's Offer if Defiance Ends. Replying to a limnHna thitt tho recent report Maiding Sawoan finance* and staff had justified the action of the Mau (the League of Samoans), Sir Joseph Ward stated recently that the New Zealand Government was not able to alter the policy it
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  • 33 11 . Berlin, May ft M. Titulcseu, the former Minister for Foreign Affairs in Rumania and now the Minister in London, lectured in the Reichstag this evening on the dynamics of peace. —Trans-Ocean.
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  • 407 12 CANO N FOUND "NOT GUILTY." Serious Allegations. ACQUITTED ON ALL CHARGES. A trin' hill was returned by the Grand Jury at the Quarter Sessions at Horsham against the Rev. Henry Thomas Bowlby, who had been committed from Worthing police court on three ier IS years Mr. Bowlby, who surrendered to
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  • 93 12 Prizes at the Ex-Services Dance. dance in aid of the Earl Haig Mi I Fund which the Ex-Services ion i. to give at Raffles Hotel i.n Saturday, May 25, prizes will be given f or the best home-made, the urinal and the best purchased ro tames. There
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  • 157 12 Hosder Lapps Become A Problem. The ancient prerogatives of the mys- i mads of th.- north," the Swedish have given rise to curious legal ationa which will now be cleared iio in court, says a message from The Swedish Lapps in the northernmost parish of DaleearHa h .'I
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  • 24 12 Mr. T(M( Knn ■naffer at ihr New World, I on Saturday. He wa< M M m! :i» Thorn- 1 n this morninK \va« larpt-ly
    24 words
  • 675 12 Valuable Work During Past Year. The annual meeting of the Strait* enta (Singapore) Association will lie held in the Exchange Room on Thursday. May 16, In the report for the year ended Maud .'il the commitf«e states: n committee meetings were held faring the year under review. New
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  • 98 12 Soldiers Thrown from Canoe Five Dead. Three United States soldiers in the Panama Canal Zone have been rescued ft. >ni i lake infested by alligators, in which they had been clinginir to stumps erf t for slew hours. They said they were members of t ti'^ht .soldiers who
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  • 83 12 Hawaiian TnHlhaiVllHl arc at the Adelph! Hi.tol this week, and there will be cabaret :in<l dancing; every evening Hawaliant will also play fi i lane* to-morrow afterA I me will start at the this rmnlip In the second performance the chief feature will be "No ..n." with the
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  • 354 12 San Francisco Business Men on Tour. An around-Pacific cruise to cover 25,000 miles and an itinerary of fourteen countries of the Orient and Australasia will be made by a party of leaving San Francisco on Sept. 21 and returning on Dec. 20. The cruise is sponsored by
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  • 186 12 Demented Mother's Terrible Deed. New York police have arrested on a charge of racrder Mrs. Iris Brown, a nvgress who killed her eight-wooks-old I lial»y. Faith, in an ecstasy of religious mania by thrusting the child into a furnacs as a human sacrifice. According to the story told
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  • 138 12 . £15,000 Refused by a Kent Diocese. A proposal by the authorities of St. Mary's Church, Sandwich, to sell its ancient ccmn'union tup for £15,000 has been vetoed by the Diocesan Consultative Committee. The Rev. C. H. Hutt reported to th-.-annual church vostry that an offer to purchase
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  • 124 12 The Famous Landmark In Danger. Welsh archaeologists are investigating the damage done by recent jrales to Rodney's Pillar, which stands on the siimmit (if the Breidden Hills, a well-known landmark on the Welsh border. It is found that the lofty pillar is in danger of falling as the
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  • 15 12 A proposal is afoot in Penang to form a Printers'- Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society.
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  • 30 12 Mr. A. J. Tait, late of Syme and Co., is returning to Singapore by the T.TPfriers due on May 12. H* ha; been appointed .■>. srtont Eastern represeatalive of Carriras, Ltd.
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  • 194 12 Revenge for Murder of A Boy. Karachi, April 24. Ten Hindus were shot in an amazing attack by a Moslem in Jacobabad (Sind) last nitfht, Two men and a woman were killed instantly, three men died in hospital shoitly afterwards, while ihree were, seriously wounded
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  • 262 12 Knocked Down by Motor Car. Inspector Woosey and a native policeman were knocked down in Stevens Road, near the Scott's Road junction, at 1.25 a.m. yesterday hy a motor-car driven by Mr. R. C. Cansdell. Inspector Wonsey was injured about the head, and did not recover consciousness till
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  • 227 12 Touring With Seymour Hicks. "Richard" (Mr. Belsey) celebrated in mail week his thirtieth year of continuous service as dresser to Mr. Seymour Hicks. Starting as stable-boy to Mrs. MoneyCoutts at the age of 14, at 21 he was 'lining an old horse bus from Liverpool Street
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  • 62 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 5. Th" l.eavy rain durin,: the past few days hai resisted in the Perak and Kinta rivers befall in ipate. A ,art cf Ipoh is 1 (I a:-d 'imilar conditions exist in Batu Gajah. It is possible that if the
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  • 43 12 Eeforc the Fourth Magistrate, Mr. C. S. Findlay, on Saturday S. M. Marican Tantby was charged with cheating the Singapore General Lighterage Co. by givinj: cheque for $100 which he knew would h? dishonoured. The hearing was adjourned until May 11.
    43 words
  • 69 12 The proposal '.o include umbrella? among the objects liable to a luxuiy tax has caased i ■unsternaiion anionj; the umbrell;imakcis of Budapest. Twelve years ago 070,000 of the umbrellas used in Hungary were imported from foreign countries. The cumber of imported umbrellas ha* fplien tn 13.C00, which means that the
    69 words
  • 292 12 Medical Officer in Perak War. A cable received in Ipoh on Friday reports the death at Bangalore, on May 2 of Dr. John A. LaSßje, WBO retired abou: 1 years from the post of Medical Officer. Malay States Guides, Taiping, after 46 years' leriiei fer Government
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  • 142 12 Results of Kuala Lumpur Meeting. (From Our Own Corrcsp»ndent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 6, Yesterday's motor cycle reliability trials under the ausnices of the Motor Cycle Club wire a complete weather prevailing. With the exception of live a!! entrant'- competad. They w re despatched from the point in Batu
    142 words
  • 63 12 Ann. uneeni' nt is made of a series of lectures on vitul theological subjects to be eondncl id by thi tU v, V. K. Hendershet of the Malayan Seminary on Wednesday nights beginning May '22 at ■■■.■';(> p.m. They are be held at the Seminary Ila!!, 401, Upper Serangoon Road.
    63 words
  • 88 12 $20,000 Missing ALLEGED BREACH Ol TRUST. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Koala Lumpur, Maj fi It is reported that the postmastei si Mentakal is in custody on chi criminal breach of trust in r about $20,000 representing about collections which the were despatched to Kuala Lumpur, bu which
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  • 145 12 Last of an Old South Downs Inn. The days when the South Dowi Brighton wen- the haunt of si, were recalled in mail week wl Brighton Licensing Justice tho licence of the Bl chain, to a new building on the main London road. It whs in the cellar
    145 words
  • 85 12 Litigation Over I 'era!: Property. (Fran Our Own Comxpondent.) Ipuh. May B. The I. .M.S. Court "f Kpjy ii* 1 1 >• !i OK Tuesday when the in Justice, the Hon. Mr. L. H. I will preside for the Brat thne. n«mIht of civil apiu'dls will be
    85 words
  • 20 12 Hta K. Boadut, Matron, D Hospital. Ipoh, will be proceedtiiK > Seremban on transfer in ihn en the next few days.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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  • To-morrow's Races:—Form at a Glance.—Home Football.
    • 3284 13 TO-MORROW'S FORM AT A GLANCE." Second Day of Sprint? Meeting. We ],''■<• 1..1..W the completed handicap., and order of running for the M-<-»nd da\ of the Singapore S;r.-!iisr Meeting wnfcrh i.-ik.- place to-morrow. The form of each Inn U dealt with in tht fullowinc the list of weijchtu race. h,
      3,284 words
    • 92 13 Splendid Win Over Oliveo. (Aneta's Service.) Batavia, May 6. In s.'.ite nlayir.jc tht same day as °h>: rival in JSatatia, the Malaya Footr>;.: tixiatiup t«am I'.'i v ft splendid exhibition •(ajnat one of Batavia'a ui'onjtest football cluht, Oliveo, winning, l eonteaUd match by four goals to,
      92 words
    • 1178 13 Final Games. CHAMPIONS AND CTi»HOLDERS WELL BEATEN. London. Naj I. The following were the results of UtehM played in the English League to-day Division i. Aston Villa 4 Sheffield Wi-d. 1 Hiiinley I Arsenal i Bury :i Derby County Cardiff City l Blackburn Rorara i Leeds Utd.
      1,178 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 17 13 Rcfawta ul Saturday's racing in Sinitapure and other week-end sportinn tmcmg9WtmtM appear on I'a^es Kourtet-n and Fifteen.
      17 words
    • 136 13 Raffles Hotel First Class Accommodation with Modern Sanitation. TEA DANCES EVERY MONDAY. WKDNESDAY AM) FRIDAY 6.15 8.15 p.m. DINER DANSANT EVERY TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY f "SAKE" McGUIRE'S BAFFLKS ORCHESTRA. Orchestral Concert Sunday, 9.15 p.m. For Reservations Phone 2920. Sea View Hotel Telcgrami SEA VIEW. Telephnnc 5085. The only seaside
      136 words

  • 470 14 Positions in League To Date. The Singapore Football Association i«sue the following report for the week ended Saturday, May 4 LMgM Table*.—Division I. l.asl W«sk's Results. The following were the results of league ■Batches played during the week Division I. Sic ;i S.K.c 0 Welch l
    470 words
  • 35 14 New Record Established By Red Indian. Los Angeles, May ."j. A new record for a six-mile run has liern created by a Red Indian named Harry Chaiika. namely 211 mm. 44 sec. Keutei.
    35 words
  • 652 14 Winners of Handicap Events. The Y.M.t'.A. swimming season openeel on Saturday afternoon liy the handicap fmals, which *en fnum off, before a large gathf] nig. The season will close on Sept. 2H, with a (rand carnival, and the prizes for Saturday's competition will be awarded at a social
    652 words
  • 142 14 Third Division Struggles End Unexpectedly. Knglish League football concluded yesterday (See Page Thirteen) and although the championship. promotion and relegation candidates e>f the ftret and second divisions were certain, the Third Division teams for thi Second Division were at issue. However Chnrlton by means of a brilliant
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  • 261 14 English Footballers' Tour. The International Selection Committee of the Football Association, meeting under the chairmanship of Mr. J. McKenna, at Ruiisell Square during mail week chose the following players for the tour in South Africa, which takes place between the months of Muy and August fioalkeeptTK.
    261 words
  • 221 14 Heavy Rain Defeats Cricketers. Rain spoilt sport on Saturday and Sunday, and very little cricket was possible. The match between Selangor Club and the S.C.C was abandoned without a ball being bowled, while many other matches suffered ;i similar fate. Welch Beat Indian Association. Bowlers were on top
    221 words
  • 45 14 Results of Three Continental Series. London, May 5. Davis Cup series resulted as follows llriisst'ls Belgium boat Rumania by thi"v matches to nil. Copenhagen Denmark beat Chile by three matches to nil. Athens Greece beat Jujjo-Slavia by tfcrw matches to nil. Renter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 326 14 Americans Win Four-Ball Match. London, May 4. A fuur-buil mutch over 3fi hole* for ■idi stakes umouniiiiK to £500 was played on the Dalmahoy course, near Edinburgh, to-day between Tommy Armour and Bob Cruickshank, United States, and Henry Cotton and Charles Whitcombe, Great Britain. The Americans won by
    326 words
  • 196 14 Monday, May 6 2nd Div. Football S.C.C. vi. S.C.F.A. "B," S.C.C. Tuesday, May 7 Singapore Races. 2nd Div. Football R.A.O.D. Vi. V.M.C.A., V.M.C.A. 2nd Div. Football S.C.F.A. ■A »i. A.P.C. S.CJ.A. 2nd Div. Football S.R.C. v§. 0.T.F.C., S.R.C. Wednesday, May 8 lat Div. Football S.R.C. Saletar, Stadium. Thursday,
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  • 384 14 S.C.C. Final Postponed Owing to Rain. Rain to-day makes it impossible for Uwl S.C.C. singles final between the Rev. VV. Aitken and Paul Clerc to be played as arranged. The match, together with the distribution of prizes and the e-lub at Home, is postponed to next Monday.
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  • 135 14 Victories for Austin and Miss Heine. London, May 4. The British hard courts lawn tennis championships were continued at Bournemouth to-day. Results were as follows: .Mend Singles Final. Bunny Austin, the former Cambiidge captain and a Davis Cup player, btat Raymond, the South African captain, 6—3, 6—2.
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  • 583 14 Totalisator and the Betting Laws. The racinK correspondent of Home newspaper understands cm very Esod authority that the Betting Control Board are to discuss means for diverting money stakrd with the DOOk-HMtkori to the totalisatnr —a schamc which would invohv ;in important change in the betting laws.
    583 words
  • 36 14 London, May The Ruffby League Cup Final was played at Wembley to-day between Wigan and DeWSOUry. The former won by 1 points to two. The weather was dull and cold. There were 40.11H0 spectators.—Renter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 103 14 uncli usedcar says I p Y ou and I had £5000 2l year I wouldn't be out here selling Second- Hand Cars and you wouldn't be listening Howto'~fß^ ever Vn c naven 't yet. S() if it is a question of a limit on your immediately available cash, remember my
      103 words
    • 54 14 TO PLANTERS Keep your aluminiumware clean with ABRAIZO WRITE US FOR SAMPLES. Mackay Monk, Ltd. SINGAPORE AND PENANG. i jjijmjg KOHLER IT satisfies every owner in every KOHLER is self-starting, '•iSjjjjj. S^Jlj^- KOHLER is self-stopping, KOHLER is self-resulatinjf. KOHLER has a size for your need. Further particular* from Solr Akciils
      54 words

  • 2880 15 MAYO RIDES FOUR WINNERS. Singapore Spring Meeting .—Results of First Day's Racing. Singapore Races. FAVOURITES SUCCESSFUI ON FIRST DAY. After suh.i week »i mie weauier n vas not i<> be expected that the first il»; the Singapore raci' nippting v. .mil i cape rain. Sure enoogh it mm dminr the
    2,880 words
  • 463 15 New CommiM^f. END OF THK CANNES SEASON. The composition nf the Hurlingham Club Polo Committee fop 1929 has ju^t been issui'd, says a pole correspondent of a Home paper. Even since I.^7">, when the first committee was formed, it ha* been the governing body i.f British
    463 words
  • 184 15 M;».y Bogey on At Bokil m was played 11 Saturday and yt !in win for Mr. B Cro .1 "A" D. in U I Kiphl lalt n out ;i:i'l ned A DivUiu r. i raik 3 Up ..7 1 i:. B. i uton \il Square 3. M. iv
    184 words
  • 60 15 Singapore Sword Club Competition. i The Singapore Sword Club held 1 ing party .it I of Mr. l>. Knowles, Grange' Road v inir. when further two bouts in the foil I handicap competition was fought off V. I». Knew!.-. owe by fiv hits t Graham, <iw, iree. The last
    60 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 50 15 THE NEW BRITISH BEER Specially Brewed for the Tropics Ask for CHOP "KEPALA" UGHT iwS^STSlni C00L X^edinburghJ/ REFRESHING Obtainable at the following Hotels EUROPE HOTEL, RAFFLES HOTEL, SEA VIEW HOTEL AND FROM ALL DEALERS OF REPUTE. The British International Pictures, Ltd. Sole Rights and Controlled by THE EUROPEAN FILM EXCHANGE
      50 words
    • 70 15 MOUTRIE'S For all that is BEST in Ike WORLD of MUSIC. Pianos.—STEINWAY, BROADWOOD, BLUTIIISER, MOUTRIE. Player-Pianos.-AEOLIAN. Organs.—MOUTRIE. Gramophones and Records. "HIS MASTER'S VOICE." All FAMOUS makers weMW MURM ;:!one guarantee your purchase. Catalogues and Price* sent with pleasure. s. mmmi co., ltd. ftiuorporattd la Baaaj Basel BAFFLED PLACE, SINGAPORE. these
      70 words

  • 350 16 "SPOOF" BOOK. Lionised in U.S.A. For Fictitious Life. j Americans are enjoying a literary sensation following the recent publication 'of The Cradle of the Deep," by Mis 3 IJoan Lowell, a beautiful young woman who has been the heroine of New Yovk i society sine* her autobiography appeared
    350 words
  • 65 16 U.S. Governor to Be Impeached. The Louisiana House of Representatives recently voted to 'send Mr. Huey P. Long, Governor of Ixmisiana, to trial before the State Senate. The House charges the Governor with beins guilty of incompetency, corruption, favouritism, oppression, grross^misconduct and habitual drunkenness." He is also
    65 words
  • 193 16 Link With George Eliot And Rousseau. Wootton Hall, in the Staffmishiic village of Ellastone, on the left bank the Rivor Dove, is to be sold by auction this month, together with the enti v estate of 2.524 acres, which includes UM hamlet of Wootton. Built in
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 118 16 Distributors CONNELL BROS. CO. RAFFLES CHAMBERS. If you like a strong Chemical Beer Don't Demand Gold bottle BUT If you want a Beer that saves you from a head a die. then demand "GOLD BOTTLE" BEER guaranteed to be PURE BEER Ask your Dealer for it. Sole Agents DIETHELM CO.,
      118 words
    • 121 16 WHY NOT BUY THE BEST —IT COSTS NO MORE THE TRIUMPH SUPER SEVEN CAR THE BIG CAR IN PERFECT MINIATURE. Plenty of Room Plenty of Miles per nail. Plenty of Power Plenty of Speed. l-'or catalogues and trial runs, apply Sole Agents UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED "MntUgrs" RANCHES SINGAPORE. I CONCRETE
      121 words

  • 279 17 Cmsadc of Somerset Farmer. Open war h;i been declared on the hunting community of aftoehead by Mr. Henry Nation, the West Buawsei tarajer who cans' il a sensation bf hanninK all hunting over Ma lands last November. and presi rving sanctuary for all hunted vi Clatworthy,
    279 words
  • 32 17 grimage by air from Milan to Rome »ys the Rome ndent of the I'eti Journal, and b< von or rrims will be Holy City VI I by the Pope.
    32 words
  • 209 17 Three Counties' Charge Against Glasgow. An unusual claim for compensation wa.--Ihe nl'.ieit of a Provisional Order wbjejl was t.i be inquired into by a ParliaawaHarj Coasmisaion, sittins in Glasgow in mail week. The Order, if approved by the Commis- ion. will pro before Parliament as a Bill wheh
    209 words
  • 225 17 GRAND WOMAN PASSES Seven Husbands in 91 Yean. married si yea times. Mrs. Barah G wia, of Park Road. n, v 'a- died there at the age of n. She had had eight children. she was c: grand woman," said her seventh husband, Mr. Louis (loodwin. who It 76. Now
    225 words
  • 1109 17 I Comfortable, Tolerant Age. What is tlie bcsi age for a man There are 265,000 men in Great Britain who will tell you there is no doubt about it— iiiat forty is the sublime age (writes J.imes A. Kilpatrick in the Evening i They have just
    1,109 words
  • 192 17 4. Hopes for Schneider Trophy Seaplanes. The British Schneider Trophy team were transferred from Felixstowe to Qatehot (Southampton Wator) last month to tuttr on the final stages of their trainin»c. For the fir.-t two months the pilots will continue flying the elder type of hijjhspf 1
    192 words
  • 100 17 Forty-three in a Twelve Inch Box. Surprise wa^ ezpNeaad by r Ronald Powell, the UVst London magistrate, when a detective, producing a cardboard box. 12 inches square, stilted that it contained women's dresses. Mr. Pow»ll.— What Forty-three dressed ,n thnt box The box was an exhibit in a
    100 words
  • 192 17 The Car Not to be Taken Into Consideration. A Divisional Poiice Burgcot, jivi.i evidence at Maryicbone Pollen Court that a motorist was il'':n»: ".mi unfit to be in charKe of a cor, urn told by Mr. H:iy Halkett, th<; mag that he hail nothing to do
    192 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 147 17 fINSULATING LUMBER WITH INCREASING SALES PRICES REDUCED $12.20 M. STERNBERG CO. 1!, WHITEAWAY BUILDING. "iNfirfiCES OF THE n BENEDICTINS idk^ OF SOULAC ABBEY k M& The only perfect Dentifrices rri''f^^v^ i Ti^Bf«N ELIXIR— PASTE -^j'a^^ffl SOAP— POWDER C^O3^S^^^^J^3) **rj etr In a tr<:, eMasasS th* eire of the tawtt is
      147 words
    • 262 17 Convince Yourself of the Smooth XV., of HUPMOBILE S 1929 CENTURY S /rr\»t'" down the wirle, ia> I i vi:i.!g road. Note- die ci- IfJ gitu-'s effortless cast-. Soar over the hiils in high. It's an every day occurrence ie you drive one of the new highcompressicn Hupmobile Ceo- lv
      262 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 592 18 Will I C Alt AID COTTON PILLOWS. WHITE/MAYS STANDARD VALUES Made from Strong Blue and White Tllf lVUirnci A«7» Striped TickinK and filled selected 1 II Hi V>MllriliAW Cotton. MOSQUITO NETS. Standard Value $2.25 Made from the British Mosquito N. -r. and «ood Calico, well finishCOTTON BOLSTERS. MBMUM MESH. Made
      592 words
    • 93 18 i A CAR BUILT TO SATISFY THE DEMANDS OF THE EXPERIENCED MOTORIST. •INCORPORATED IN THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS ==s== t WITH AND CAMERA" FREE Copies of this interesting booklet will be gladly sent, Pest free, to any New Ford Owner on application to the Manufacturers of r^^^^^, WAKEFIELD G. G. Wakefield
      93 words
    • 96 18 G. H. MUMM Co.'s CORDON ROUGE and ~r~ CORDON ROUGE 1920 VINTAGE Sole Agents KA7Z BROTHERS LTD. NOTICE NOTICE It is h.riliy notified that the Exchange Mr. John Rtnnley B:.rkcr is authorined to ■if? Tn" Thur^aT'M'y Tsin^^'tHi ff r;M r ti from thi d te Meeting. IiAI'.KKR KENGCHUAN. WATCHES OF
      96 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 530 19 Assets over $9,500,000 S.C. Assurance in force over $35,000,000 The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFICE Winchester Hoasa, iingapore. LONDON OFTICI 37, Old Jewry, I.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with ths Supreiui. of England and complies with tha British Life Assurance Companiea Act
      530 words
    • 540 19 BANKING CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter 1853.) Paid Up Capital in 600,000 shares of £6 each 23,000,000 Reserve Fund £4,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 HEAD OFFICE 18, Bishopsgate, London, E.C. 2. Agencies and Uranchee Alor Star Harbin Seremban Amritsar Iloilo Saigon
      540 words
    • 662 19 BANKING HONG KONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Hong Kong) Head Offlce HONU KONG. Authorised Capital 150,000.000 Issued and fully paid up $20,000,000 Reserve Funds Sterling 6,000,000 Silver $14,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $20,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. N. S. Brown, Esq., Chairman. W. H. Bell, Esq., Deputy Chairman. B. D.
      662 words
    • 334 19 INSURANCE COMMERCIAL UNION, ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) fire, Life, Marine, Accident, Guarantee and Motor. Asseta K\ 000,000 ARTHDR C. POTTS— Manager and Underwriter, Eastern Branch, Singapore. THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE 2nd floor. Hong Kong Bank Chra., Singapore. New Insurance effected in 1928 £17,943,000. An increased Scale of Dividends has
      334 words
    • 193 19 AGENTS FOR STRAITS SETTLEMENTS AND F.M.S. Boustead Co., LIMITED. (Inc. in F.M.S.) (Inc. In England) BALLANTINES WHISKY I »maagr I »Twttii a I JCy .f-» I Pure Matured Scotch Whisky 10 years old. Sole Agents ROBINSON CO., LTD., SINGAPORE AND K. LUMPUR. THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Denmark)
      193 words
    • 357 19 JUST UNPACKED A new range of beautifully designed NECKTIES FOR SMART GENTLEMEN Silky surface, very fine touch combined with perfect style. Early choice is always the Best. THI HIGH STREET GENERAL STORE, LTD. 51/52, HIGH STREET. TO LET OFFICES, GODOWNS, ETC. Offices in The Arcade. 15, 17, 19 and 21,
      357 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
      349 words
    • 240 20 COAL TAR FOR ALL PURPOSES QUALITIES COMMERCIAL CRIDE and DISTILLED. ENQUIRIES SOLICITED. LEE KIM SOO 40, HIGH STREET. Dr. A. C. IHUUEI.L'S FAMOUS POULTRY HELPS ROUP-OVER The Over-Night Remedy for Roup, Coldt and Canker. 2 oz. bot. $1. 6 oz. bot. $2. AVICOT For Bowel Diseases. White Diarrhoea and Cholera,
      240 words
    • 1916 20 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. r Sale, To Let, etc., in ordinary close set me One insertion 28 cents, two ins. 46 live ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.13, ten ins. $1.40 ins. $1.82, 20 ins. $1.99, 25 las. il month) of which the number of insertions is not and charged accordingly. A charge
      1,916 words
    • 326 20 BILLIARD TABLES THE WORLDS BEST. Stocked in the following sizes 7 ft. x 3 ft. 6 in. Miniature size 8 ft. x 4 ft. 0 in. 9 ft. x 4 ft. 6 in. size 10 ft. x 5 ft. 0 in. Semi full size 12 ft. x 6 ft. 0
      326 words
    • 237 20 SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS Prismatic Compasses, Theodolites, Levels, Road Tracers, etc., etc. Agent* for W. F. STANLEY A CO., LTD. MOTION SMITH 14, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. ENGINEERING BOOKS By EWART S. ANDREWS. Price $8.10 each t Postage extra. THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. A text-book for Engineers and Architects, with numerous illustration*, tablet
      237 words