The Straits Times, 15 March 1929

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 29,038, SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1929, PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 142 1 THOPICAL SUITING "FLORODOR" (B.DJL) WING LOONG, HIGH ST., PINGArOKF- TWO WINES OF OUTSTANDING MERIT AND DISTINCTION Serve 1 TRAVERS' 1 FINE OLD PALE SHERRY. GENUINE OLD TAWNY PORT. A Wine of High-class character A very choice Old Wine, as used l>:>-r->,in;: a beautiful Nutty flavour. in the leading London Clubs.
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    • 83 1 P CHARMING AND EXCLUSIVE HATS FOR ALL OCCASIONS 0. A varied selection of New Spring Millinery in the latest pastel shades can be seen in our Showroom. ROBINSON COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated In the Straits Settlements) SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR. f^fer- mw SHIPMENT iHfe PHEASANTS Jift^P IN EXCELLENT CONDITION J>Wm For
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 583 2 Shipping Announcements (NIPI'ON YUSEN KAISHA) TO LONDON Naples, Marseilles, London, Antwerp and Rotterdam Vessels Tonnago Due Sail HAKOZAKI MARU 10,600 Mar. 28 29 HAKUSAN MARU 10,600 Apl. 11 11 t KJTANO MARU 8,000 Apl. 25 26 HARUNA MARU 10,500 May 9 10 KAMO MARU 8,000 May 23 24 KATORI MABU
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    • 533 2 BURNS PHILP LINE 'Incorporated In Australia) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE, VIA JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND Regular monthly aailings by the wellknown steamer MARELLA (7,876 tons) and the new motor vessel, MALABAR (4,512 tons). The s.s. MARELLA is one of the Urgest and finest ateamers trading to Australia. Cabins
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    • 615 2 K. P. M. (ROYAL PACKET NAY. GO. OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated in Holland) Under contract with the NETHERLANDS MHAH GOVERNMENT Telephone No. 3040, with sub-connections to Passage, Freight, Transhipment Marine Dcpts. and Manager's Desk. Representative for Singapore and Straits Settlements of the Official Tourist Bureau of Java. All information, detailed itineraries
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    • 513 2 THE SIAM STEAM NAY. GO. LTD. (Incorporated in Siam) BANGKOK COASTING SERVICE. For Kretay, Trengganu, Kelantan Bangnara, Tclupin, Patani, Singora. Lacon, Sichon. Bandon, Kohsamui, Langmuut, Chumpon and Bangkok. Arrival Departure VALAYA Mar. IS Mar. M SUDDHADIB Mar. 25 Mar. 27 MALINI Anl. 1 Apl. 3 The steamers are fitted throughout
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 511 3 Shipping Announcements ELLERMAN BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in England). "ELLERMAN" LINE I'ASSKNT.EK AND FREIGHT SERVICE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT. r Ur.IGHT SERVICE OUTWARDS To none hunt. Shanghai and Japan DM Spore v. cm of main h port vs. CITY OF GLASGOW Apl. 10 s.s. CITY Off MOBIL!
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    • 519 3 DUTCH MAILS Stoomvaart Maatschappij Ncdcrland and Rotterdam Lloyd WEEKLY MAIL and PASSENGER SERVICE TO Genoa Amsterdam Southampton Xanellles Rotterdam Tonnage Leave Spore Tambora 6.600 R.L. Mar. It P. C. Hooft 14,000 S.M.N. Mar. 22 Indrapoera 12,000 R.L. Mar. 2s» Kon. der Ned. 8.2J0 S.M.N. Apl. f Insulinde 10,000 R.L. Apl.
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    • 418 3 8.1.5.N: CO., LTD. APCAR LINE For HONG KONG, AMOY, SHANGHAI and JAPAN S.S. TILAWA Sailing March 22 Thin vessil has excellent modern accommodation for first and second class passengers. For full particulars, apply to ADAMSON, C.ILFILLAN CO., LIMITED ■Ml KmiK liank Chamber*. Tel. 3000. If you desire the utmost*satisfaction from
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    • 138 3 I MNS and labels can easily J- be made to look alike but ithe freshness and fragrance of Brooke Bond Tea cannot be imitated. To be sure of getting that, see the words "Brooke Bond Tea" i on the sealed container, /Patent byuscr fifor daily use J The tea with
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  • 1719 4 DISPUTED THRONE. Graphic Story of Kabul Fighting. FEATURES OF TRIBAL REVOLT. vivid description of the recrnt fightiii* Uimmi Kabul is given by a correspondent <>1 th» Statesman who has just returned to India kftar u stay of twelve months in Uio Afghamslan capital. He also
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  • 66 4 To Return Home From India. London, Mar. 4. Viscount Burnham, a member of the Simon Commission, has heen advised to take a complete rest and to return Home immediately. The doctors state that it is advisable for him to travel with his wife, who will leave for India
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  • 741 4 Science Steps in to Stop Fraud. An interesting demonstration of the value of X-rays in detecting fraudulent pictures attributed to old masters was given privately in mail week to a number of critics by Mr. Kennedy North, a well-known artist, who experimented with a machine specially
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  • 22 4 For manufacturing cigars without a licence, a Chinese was fined $100 or six weeks' rigorous imprisonment, in the Fourth Court on Monday.
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  • 41 4 To-morrow, in the garden of the Y.W.C.A. Hostel, Fort Canning Road, a gathering of members will be held to extend a welcome to the general secretary! Miss Gertrude Owen, who returns to Sirgapoie by the Nieuw Holland after leave in Australia.
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  • 163 4 Shanghai Tragedy. OUTRAGE HY SUN SUM CO STRIKERS. Sharv.-li.ii, Mar. •">. Shanghai has l»een ibadnd i;y a dreadful crime peipetmted by extremis':: of the A,\n Sun Lepavtnunt Eton strikcis early yesterday mciniiiK. Seven suspicious-looking ChilMM, evidently strikers, endeavoured to secure entry into the Sun Sun Hotel,
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  • 114 4 Man Cannot Worship By Listening-in. Wireless is playing havoc with some of our churches," declared Dr. .1. D. Jones, of Bournemouth, when addressing lii.s church memb<Ts there. I want to tell you ciuile definitely that lounging in an arm-chair and listening to a wireless service is not worship.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 50 4 fii €£!i If ft id ii PIPADC HiLwUlift UlUAau) ==rTT1 Manufactured from the choicest l Blend of Tobacco Leaves. •LVANA I Retailers: I 7~77 rr T 7^ =^7^^=™gJ\ Messrs. R. P. M. HUSSAIN CO., 1 Vi^W^^B^^l\ "CII I/AN A" SOLE IMPORTERS The East Asiatic Company, ltd. (Incorporated in Denmark) SINGAPORE.
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    • 164 4 Gars built for hatd wofk o SOME cars lead a dog's life." From morning till night —work, work, work— day in and day out. No petting, no pampering, just work. And like dogs, they are expected lo render the same faithful service. We had this fact in mind when we
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  • 1151 5 German Airman's Long Stay. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Dangknlr, -Mar. i>. Bars* Koeaig, the Goimn unman, inhnderi ta leave Bangkok for Sintsorra ■ad Pcnangi c-n rouie for SinKaporc by UM end of last month. But he remains here, and in n ply to tnaaMaa, has slated that
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  • 357 5 Suit for Eight Lakhs Dismissed. Mr. Justice Page at the High Court, Calcutta, dismissed with costs a suit i.raujrht by the owners of the steam vessel Calcutta against the owners and parties interested in the steamship Rabenfcls. This action was the sequel to a collision between these
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  • 110 5 The follovinjr appointments are notified in ;he official Gazette of the State of North Borneo: Mr. H. I. Tremenheert be an Officer of Class B, Mr. Robert Raptie to be an Accountant officer, Mr. PI. J. Walker to be a member of the Board of Control of the Sandakan Pauper
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  • 626 5 CLAIMS OF LONDON. Based on Restrictions And Rules. THE ENGLISHMAN AND HIS CASTLE. London l.i the most respectable city in the world, >'< judgl from the list of rules ami restriction! which are to-d;iy beini* brandished in the faces of those seeking small furnished flats
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  • 108 5 At a committee meeting of the Straits Settlement! (Singapore) Association held •>n Monday. Mr. R. M. Williams (President) in the chair, it WU decided ti> arced; 1 lo the request of the Secretary of thv Planters' Association to exchange eopiei of minotei of committee The amnuJ
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  • 59 5 In the notice of the meeting of the Indian Immigration Committee held on I-'i.'b. 20 swine to a clerical error the :;ite iixed as the standard wage for ablebodtod male labourers in Ulu Kelantan VH wrongly slated as 56 cents a day Instead ot 5S cents. The rates fixed were
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  • 485 5 Development of New Art The radio play is a new art-form and, like the screen, requires its own technique, its own themes, and its own methods of presentation, which are different from those of the stage or the novel or the opera." This was the (fist
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  • 404 5 Coolies' Attack on Estate Assistants. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Datavia, Mar. Some time ago I referred to the yiirca inir another ef attacks by coolies on estate assistants in Java, which is no doubt due to the example ghmaj in this respect by ihe coolie labour in
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  • 235 5 Statement in House Of Commons. In the House of Commons on Feb. 11 Colonel Wedgwood asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he could give information as to the riots in Colombo; and, particularly, whether he proposed to take any disciplinary action in the matter The
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  • 269 5 Crime in Chinese Contractor's House. That she hsul been strangled with a piece of string, apparently by more than one person, was revealed at an inquiry into the death of a Chinese contractor's wife who was found dead by her husband at their home in Bukit Timah Road.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 164 5 §1 Specially Impost; osy Lt w TtCK Ut &M6APOW LJSpecialiv Imported By UmTeck lv SiNSAPoaEQi t^^ SPtciALLY Imported By Lem Tec* Lee Sinsapqre l!£J NOTICE is hereby given that the above Seven Trad* Haikl IN Urn property of l'l:on Llll TKCK LXX, of Nos. 2 and 3, Circular Ron;!. Singapore,
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    • 124 5 They have made their way by the way they -^^L are made BOUNDER'S HEAVY OIL MARINE ENGINES. Are built tn meet the exacting conditions as required in Marine EngineH. OPERATION.— SimpIe, Economical, Easy. CONSTRUCTION.— Rugged and of the Finest Material. FOR PARTICULARS, APPLY UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED I I %T V.V
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  • 653 6 Royal "Stars." PAGEANT OF DURBARS AND CORONATIONS. Great Britnins' most enthralling and heart-movinjr film, "Royal Remembrances,' m dwwi privately in mail week prior to oarly public presentation at the .Marbli Arch Pavilion. Th! full-length spectacle is a skilfuli.v edited assembly of authentic "topical" recordi Irom
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  • 211 6 Profits on Golf and Losses On Horses. Details of trading enterprises carried mt by different Gove>nment D-partmcnts 'urine: the year emlcl March, i'J'ih, hnv' 1 IMS i^Si! '<!• A Iv.s is shown by the farm at Ami sury managed by the Ministry of Aitricu!ure. The working account pj-ows
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 171 6 Kelvin at or Th« OUftt Do>m»itlc Bl««tri« Refriß«ratio» TOOT FIRST COST IS PRACTICALLY YOUR ONLY COST By this we mean our low cost of operation. Beforo baying compare our b\v cost against csMpetition. Jf you Investigate yoiCll Kelvinaic IHslrlbutorn for Malar* Sub-AfrnU GETZ HROS.. ICO, FHANOL BROS., (Incorporated in .S.A
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    • 108 6 2311 MILES PER HOUR! The Phenomenal Spied attained by MAJOR S EG RAVE at Daytona Bench n March 11, in his GOLDEN ARROW, was dependam on stai dard For PERFECT LUBRICATION THIS UNFAILING RELIABILITY is of no less importance to YOU. Follow the Lead of the Experts and insist on
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  • 354 7 Unworthy Actions. raeacE attack by his SISTER. 'iiniinupilcr Kvanfjeline Booth, h"ad of the Si.lvution Army in the United States, ami msUt of Gun— I Biamwell Booth, strongly llMlli— her brother in a racsmw she has sent to Salvationists in .AllH'li.U. !l«w li.-.ur invakinf to every true V.ilvat;otii>t,"
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  • 95 7 News has bam received in Ipoh that UM Key. \V. K. Horfey. M.8.E.. of l| <>h. -a lio w.i.- due back this month from a year'i Home leave to take up duties as Methodist Chaplain to the Forces at Singapore, ha- been srranted a year's extension of luave by the
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  • 257 7 Light on Fate of Tsar And Family. Paris, Feb. 13. "La Mais' in a Destination Speciale (I'aiis, J. Ferenezi et Fils, 12 francs), by Valentin Speranski, makes as tragic reading M tt \U utmost possible to imagine "Tht House of Special Destination" was the name given by
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  • 189 7 Men Taking Part In Schneider Race. Five men who have travelled faster than any others in the world will be inctadad in the four teams which will compete for the Schneider Trophy on Sept. 7. They a>e Klijiht Lieutenant D'Arcy Gnic, Major Mario de Beinardi. Adjutant Bonvct, M.
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  • 627 7 No Fresh Taxation. DEFENCE OF THE LOAN POLICY. Presenting: his first Budget in the Legislative Assembly recently in Delhi the new Finance Member annourved that there would be no fresh taxation for generul revenue purposes, out an incre:;se from 'four to six annas per gallon of the
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  • 378 7 When Coins Lose Their Value. QNat interest has been in the discussions ovi r the withdrawal from drealation of British emrreney in iht Irish K'cc Siate, following on the ifj.ue of the new Irish cirrency. The problem al issue is whether the British coins now in lrelruul
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  • 420 7 Latin and Greek Being Eliminated. The Senate of London University has decided that neither Greek nor Latin shal be compulsory in the final examination for the ik-ince of Bacheiur of Arts. The actual resolutions passed were as fo'lows (1) That the regulations for the existing Final
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  • 34 7 Among the passenge-.-s by the White Star liner Wajestic. which left New York for England during mail week, were Jur.>. the musical comedy star, and her fiam j. Lord inverclydc.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 214 7 EVERY PAH GUARANTIED Style .Ni>. MSm. Style No. »< > SP&Wft tMt^ -^tig? -^r POINTED HEEL Silk Hosiery In all styles In all shades Obtainable from all Leading Stores. FOOT EASE HOSIERY MILL, SHANGHAI Viva-tonal Columbia pOi PIANO-REFLEX L^^-^7 MODEL "^^**J The only (Gramophone that gives the viiul realism of
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  • 41 8 Record? for seven days ending midnight Saturday, Maich :> Pcnans Hill (2,100 ft.i, av. Imp. T2.0H K.. evaporation .'•'J'i inches, rainfall Jttt inches. Taipinir Hill (3,r,(XI ft. p. av. temp. 72.4SI F.. evaporation JU inches, rainfi II .54 inches.
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  • 36 8 By Ellenga Ti»rlm«. rhriitiaan Huygcrs Mores rVArtagrnan Ekma S'porc i.nndcin Jan. 31 Feb. 26 F-K i F.h. Kub. 8 M*r. 1 Keb. 7 Mar. 4 FVh. 7 M«r. 4 Feb. 14 Mar. 0
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  • 22 8 A Tokio message states that the President of the House of Commons, MrMotoda, has tendered his resignation on the ground of ill-health.
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  • 337 8 Prids ship. alaagaMe Uw Wtwrrei at rxvcetrd KKPPFL IIAKBOU;. Mail Wharf Crane Pontoon No. 2. Prnrl Shell. Hong Peng, Bunga. Hi Wharf Nil -.ill Wharf llaisy. Bunga. RSMU IN l>::v DOCKS. r«ni..n X Pagar.^ Deck Sri Uuar, Kamuning Victoria Dock NIL !vip;icl Harbour. Kiiik-'^ Doil; Cepol
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  • 188 8 To-dar. "cylon, Southern and Western India [Magdeburg) I'"'Banka IsUnu. Java, South-Went Sumatra. Soulh-Kast Borneo. Celebes, Moluccas and Timor Dilly Hi;, tea Noort) p-"1-Sclat i'an'ijane. Itenirkalis. Sixk and Pakan Bar Hong Kwongl S p. n. Vorth, N.-Eaot and N.-West Sumatra ((Jen. van (icon I I p.m. IfcTß. Bouth-West
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 418 8 GAIETY CINEMA Junction Albert and Bencoolrn Streets. From Friday. March l.'i to Thursday, March 21. 1929. At 9 p.m. PRINCESS PRO TEM SlarrinK I'.U LINE GARON The st.iry of pretty Mary Ryan, waitre**. •ha became Princess Kala of Russia and the Btl(ll»f Qajaaa of Broadway footlights. THAT MODEL FROM PARIS
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    • 90 8 SURINA THEATRE North Bridie Road. 'Phone No. 6289. From Wednesday. March II to Tuesday, March 19, 1929 At 9 p.m. sharp. THE ROUGH RIDES The hiccest thing in filmdom since BEAU GKSTE Produced on a super scale bf the same company that made The Covered Wagon and The Ten Commandments.
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    • 249 8 VfCTOSHA THEATRE W. R. BANVARO ptanta Banvard English Comedy Co. Mghtly al 9.Z0 A SEASON OF LAUfIHTKR AND TiUfll.l.S. TO-MGHT and Stitaruav. .M:.roh 14 THE RINGER Monday and Tura.lay, March U and IS. ROOKERY NOOK Wednesday and Thursday. March 2(1 and It. Frirtiy and Saturday, March 22 and 23 THE
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    • 151 8 APOLLO GBYLANG From Mar. 14 to 77 WHEN FLEET MEETS FLEET A Stirring Romance of the Great Battle of Jutland. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN SINGAPORE. J For the First Time in Singapore A Stirring, Striking Romance of the Grout BATTLE OF JUTLAND A Slark-International Production, nrndu.-cd with the assistance
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 71 8 METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. Kandang Kcrbau Station. (B> li.urtiBj of Government Health Office.) For the 24 llourn ritdine it Midnieht un March 11. Dtg. Vmx. shade temperature S6 V. shade Unpeimturc T.'L.'i iMean yhade temperature 1M K. .Vax. »un radiation 111 K. Mia. cra^s iadiat on 70 V. MiHn wet bull)
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    • 265 8 ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE WEEK. ridsy, Mnrrh II II. W. 0.41 •.in.. U, 1.2 p.m.. HI. li.ket Passiblei v. Probabli si c Binr.ard Intrhsh Comedy Co., 'The I. ntfi-r." Vic. Theatre. 9M p.m. <*tnrday. March 16 II. \V. 1.12 a.m.. 8.8, 1.50 p.m., 8.1. Srljtnjrnr Races. Australasian mail (Shirala) do n
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  • 1111 9 New Planting Scheme Suggested. At the annual |WMl meeting yesterday, af Tapah Rabbet Kstates. Limited, the chairama (Mr. W. II. Mucgreicor) spoke of the m-i.- it y for co-operating with other companies: in the plantinir of new areas, in \,.w nf the f.-ic t that the company's
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  • 76 9 llrunei I'nited.— MM lb. Hukit Timah.— lo,674 lb. Bewar iSelangori.— 2l,46o lb. I:: j-.h. lb. Chaagkat Serdang.— 23,9l6 lb. Hayt-ir. -19,631 IK Henrietta.— 6.6oo Ib. Imlrugiri.— 6l.346 lb. Juru.— 27,l !fi lb. Kuala Reman.— ll6*ol3 lb. Kuala IVritau.— 34.4oo lb. I.aras 1 Sumatra 1.— 37,300 lb. l.ok
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    • 143 9 LEAN CO.'S REPORT. Lower Levels in the Tin Market. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penan?, Mar. If, Messrs. Lean and Co.'s report issued to- lay *tatcs that tin continued a quiet n.urket Kith a downward tendency, the closing prices being £21D 2e. 6d. spot and £219 7s. M. for three months,
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      • 160 9 Singapore, Mar. 15. Rubber.— Local 41 cents per lb. Market Easier. Tin.— London £219 10». Rubbers.— Weuk. Mulaka Pindas 2.25-2.35, Pajams 2.35-2.45, Balgownies 3-3.35, Punggors a5 cents-1, Ulu Benuts 58V4-61 cents, New Scudais 2.65-2.75, Bukit Jelotongs 95 cents-1, Allenbys 2-2.20. Mentakabs 47V4-51 cents, Radellas 5.35-5.50, Tapahs
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      • 161 9 Singapore, Mar. 16. London.— Rubber Is. o'4d., down -^d. London. Tin £219 10s., up 2s. 6d. Mining.— Dull. Sungei Wav 3.05-3.15, Kuchais 1.38H-1.41, Kinta Dredge 1.46-1.50, Klang River 3.16-3.25, Hong Fatts 60-65 cents, Malaya Consols. 58-60, Penawat 89-91 cents, Petaling 5.75-5.85, Ulu Klang 1.374-1.42K, Johan 39-41
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    • 112 9 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 907 th auction on Mar. 14, when there was catalogued 1,808,056 lb. or 807.17 tons offered 1,460,008 lb. or 651.79 tons sold 1,131,358 lb. or 605.07 tons. Spot London os. 12% d. New York 25', cts. PRICES REALISED.
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    • 60 9 Henderson, Helm and Company, Inc., New York, send us the following cable, dated Mar. 14, their quotations being in gold dollar cents closing bid prices Rubber Exchange, sales to-day 6,917 tons. March 24.60, April 24.70, May 24.80, June 24.00, July 25, August 25, September 25.10, October 25.10, November
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    • 138 9 The Singapore Municipal health statement for the week ended Mar. 9 gives the total number of deaths as male 130, and female G7. This represents a death rate of 22.01 per mille per annum, compared with 20.92 in the preceding week and 28.08 in the corresponding week of
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    • 23 9 Tronoh Mines.— 2.2oo piculs. Talam Mines. -783.88 piculs. Pahang Consolidated. 3,496.91 piculs. Ipoh Tin. 732 picols. Sungei Hint* Tin.— -666 piculi.
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    • 123 9 Declaration of Four Per Cent. Dividend. The report of the directors of thp Ayer M..i. k Rubber Co. for the year ended Oct. 31. 1928 h,,« s u net profit of- $11,507.79, and with the balance brought forward from last year $14,429.70 less zratuity to dependents
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    • 125 9 Messrs. Lewis and Peat (Singapore) report: Singapore, Mar. 15. The past week has seen the market tak, a lecided downward trend. No forced selling las taken place but trade orders have fallen >ff and manufacturers have not been actively interested. Uncertainty as to the February -onsumption in America
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    • 60 9 12 o'clock noun Mar. 15. Tone of Market :—Steady after decline. Latest Cable :—London Spot Sheet 12' id. per lb. New York :—Spot Sheet (i. cents MM per lb. R.S.S. equal to Standard Q.C.F. Standard R.S.S. on Tender Spot March April-June July-Sept. Oct.-Dec. 41%
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      • 443 9 Issue Vul. P<1. Buyers Seller! £1 £1 Asam Kumbang 44/- 45/£1 £1 BnnKrin Tin 39/- 40/1 1 Batang I'adan* 0.43 0.48 I i:ulu Com |Ji i.fio 1 1 liukit Aran* 2.UO 2.10 £1 fl Burmah Malay 41/- 42/£1 £1 Chendcriang 7/6 8/6 £1 £1 Kastern Sium 7/3 R/3 £1
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      • 232 9 MM Val. I'd. Buyers Kellers 2 2 Alex. Brick Prefs. 2.07V4 2.12* 2 2 Alex. Brick Ords. 2.45 2.55 £1 £1 Brit. Am. Tobacco C.0.0 C.2.6 Canadian Katrle 10/- 11 1 1 Central Engine 0.70 0.80 1 1 Cycle and Carriage 0.60 0.65 10s. 10s. Duff Development 10/6 11/6
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      • 92 9 U. Eng. 6 p.c. 1,225,500 Norn. Spore Cold Storire 7 p.c. Sin^pore Municipal 595 9p31c: 36 m of 1901 red. 1930 $1,878,000 par 6% prem. Singapore Municipal 4% p.c. of 1907 red. 1947 $1,600,000 96 par. Singapore Municipal 4% p.c. of 1909 red. 1966 $1,000,000 95 par.
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      • 388 9 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt's quotations. To-dsy's Prices Fraier Lyall Co. Kvatt Allenby ($1) .•'mi. i Uajah ($l) A. ilitun (*ll A. tuning (fl) Am. Malay <?2) A. Mul.-k ($1) A. Panaa *.1 1 llultrownie t$l) Bassett (fl) Uimas ($1) BtDD*l ($5) 1). Jc-lutotiK ($1) 1,.
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    • 182 9 FRASER NEAVE, LTD. Final Dividend of Sixty Cents To be Paid. The directors of Kraser and Neave, Ltd., state in their annual report that after making ample provision for depreciation and doubtful debts the net protit amounts to $378,014, which, with the balance of J15.280 brought forward from the last
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    • 123 9 The Central Electricity Board hits placed a contract with the Central Electric Co., Ltd., fur the manufacture and installation oi 52 miles of 132.000 volt oil filled under ground cable and also a further 20 miles of 66,000 volt cable of a similar type for ra in
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    • 80 9 [BRITISH IMPERIAL RADIO] Rugby, Mar. 14. Foreign exchanp-es are Amsterdam 12.11 -"Ji. Athens 374.7 C, Berlin 20.45.i, Bombay Is. I :il-:j2d., Brussels MJ6, Bucharest 813.18, Buenos Aires 47 11-32, Copenhagen 18.21, Geneva 25.23, Ilelsingfors 193, Hong Kong Is. 11%4- Kobe Is. 0 15-lCd., Lisbon! His',, Madrid :S2.o'J'.:. Milan 92.G914.
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    • 64 9 The Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd.. has received advice by telegraph from its head office in London that a finn! dividend on this Bank's shares of S per cent, less income tax, has been declared, making lfi per cont. less tax for the year. £30,000 has been placed
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    • 23 9 From China, by Talamba, due at Singapore to-morrow. From China and Manila, by President Garfield, due at Singapore daylight on Monday.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 200 9 LOVEDAY.— On March 14. 1»29, to Mr. ami Mrs. T. C. Lovcduy, of 8-1, Wilkic Road, daughter. Mother and child doini; v.l-11. WILLIAMS. On March 14, 1929 at Broadfields, Patonoa Koad, to Mr. and Mrs. K. M. WiiHar.iS, a son. CHOO— TAN.— Engagement has been arran* ed between Mr. Choo
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    • 849 9 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Advts., sec page 20. WANTS. FOR SALE. ETC. AUTO GARAGE TO LET, 6, St. Nicholas lals. Kiver Valley Koa,!. TO LET. furnished roon\ elec. light, geyser Bbdern sanitanm. Kajw Mansions, dp) EUKGJ BAN, M years, all ronni; office exBcrienca seeks employment. s. Tii.-.c dpi TO LET.
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  • 998 10 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MARCH 15. COSTS AND DIVIDENDS. The visit of Mr. H. Stuart Hotchkiss to Singapore is a pleasant reminder that America is not without expert, balanced and friendly students of the plantation rubber industry. There has been too much bad blood between producer and consumer in
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  • 573 10 Primo De Rivera on His Dictatorship. The attempts which arc being made to modernise Si>ain, one of the most backward countries in Europe, ar.' described by Gt'nera! Primo de Kivera in this interview. General Rivera, who shares with Mussolini the distinction of governing his country
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  • 500 10 Mr. M. C. Tollemache, of BunRsai) Estate, has returned from Home leave. Dr. W. A. Rogers, of Beatrice Mine fame, arrived on Friday by the Naldiia on a visit to Perak from Ceylon, where he. is now settled, Mr. H. Gilmour, Lay Superintendent, Leper Asylum, Pulau Jerejak,
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  • 796 10 AN AUTHOR'S LUCK. Mr. R. J. Minney is in link. His book Shiva, or The Future of India," the r»ccnt addition to the To-day and Toniorrow scries which formed tht- subject "C a leadinjr article in the Straits Times .1 few days ago, has l>een twinned
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 134 10 Virginia v cigarettes WD.& H.O.Wills. 6 *l STO I t, LONDON. AN EXCELLENT SELECTION OF MEN'S SHOES TAN GRAIN XFORD SHOE JOHN UTTLE CO., LTD. Im-orp jratej in England) QMCAPOU, PENANG AND KUALA LUMPUR. f|% you are a newcomer, and have not therefore JP mastered the Malay language T¥T\ you
      134 words
    • 67 10 ALHAMBRA TO-NIGHT In the Second Show at 9. A First National Production LIFE'S CIRCUS Featuring MARY JOHNSON Along with Litest Empire New*. Fint Show at 7.30 p.m. FOOLS IN THE DARK K.-ntiirinir MATT MOORE and FATHY RUTH .(lILLER. TAN CHENU KEE CO.. LTD, Proprietors. GILBEY'S G I N S OLD
      67 words

  • 1622 11 Considerable Reductions Effected. DISARMAMENT. Mr. Bridgt/.ian Replies To Critics. Intnxlurinc the Navy Estimates in Ihr Houm i>f Commons. Mr. Bridgem:in. thr lir-< Lord of the Admiralty, pointed out they showed a reduction I of fl.43.V000 upon those of last year. In the course of a speech in
    1,622 words
  • 128 11 Third of Its Kind In Twenty-six Years. Daytona Beach, Mar. 14. Anticipating an unfavourable public reaction with regard to the value of super-speed trials, the Automobile Association has issued a statement to lh>effect that the death of Mr. Lee Bible (who was killed while making an attempt
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 83 11 Urgent Need of ShortTerm Loans. Berlin, Mar. 14. Introducing the Budget in the Reichrtaf. Dr. Helferdinu said the Reich needed i-00,000,000 marks cash for urgent expenditure. This must be raised by short-tom loans. Although the situation was undoubtedly serious, it was absurd to talk of another inflation period,
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 48 11 New Way to Cultivate Air Sense. London, Mar. 2. With the iilon of stimulating: the school children's spirit of adventure, Sir Alan Cobham will tour Great Britain next summer, giving 10,000 children free flights. The cost will be defrayed by an anonymous patron of aviation.
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  • 450 11 Surgeon's Charge. "ACTUALLY RECOVERED BACILLI." Sir Berkeley Moynihan, the celebrated English surgeon, has made the allegation in an address to the Authors' Club thit plague germs wore re>'cvtred from German bomb- curing the war. He said We heard in 1016 that the Germans were going
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  • 98 11 Missionaries' Tribute To Chieftain. Nairobi, Mar. 3. A prominent Kikuyu chieftain, Kinanhui, who died yesterday after gaining the respect of aU sections of the community as a fine type of native chieftain, received a curious burial. Although he was a pagan, the missionary representatives of the Scottish,
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  • 93 11 New York Jury Unable To Agree. New York, Mar. 2. The jury in the Hahn-Duvcen lilx-1 action, after 14 hours' discussion, boggled the task of adjudicating on the genuineness of the alleged Da Vinci painting, concerning which the experts gave conflicting evidence. The jury continued their deliberations
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  • 49 11 Rough Weather on Bangkok Run. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Mar. 14. The new Straits Steamship Co. vessel Pangkor, which is making a trip to Bangkok, arrived to-day anil was visited by many people. Heavy seas were encountered on the way up, but the Pangkor behaved splendidly-
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  • 24 11 Berlin, Mar. 11. The Darmstadt National Bank has declared a dividend of 12 per cent- on profits amounting to 16,700,000 marks. Trans-Ocean.
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  • 31 11 Vai!- from Europe London mails despatched on Feb. 21 ex 8.1. Rajula, will arrive by train to-morrow morning. Correspondence will be ready for delivery to boxholders at 9.45 a.m.
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  • 106 11 Villages Inundated. ALBANIA AND GEORGIA SUFFER. New York, Mar. 14. The heavy floods which have occurred in Alabama and Georgia were responsible for two train wrecks, the inundation of four villages ami the extensive dislocation of traffic. The rain is likely to continue for another 24
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 103 11 Weekly Service to Be Maintained. London, Mar. 14. In the HoMt of Commons at question time, the Air Minister. Sir Samuel Hoare, announced that the negotiations with the various African governments, particularly the Union Government, for the inception of a weekly air service between T.oiidon and
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 48 11 Serious Unrest In Madrid. Hendaye. Mar. 14. According to Madrid reports the students' revolt is assuming a 'evolutionary character. It is stated that the students have issued a manifesto demanding satisfaction, failing which they thioaton to ■tat a movement to overthrow the de Rivera regime. TransOcean.
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  • 53 11 Congratulations to WorldFamed Savant. Berlin, Mav. 14. Profissor Einstein celebrated his 50th birthday to-day, and received many congratulations, including a telegram from the Chancellor on behalf of the Government. The directors of the New York Jewish National Fund are seeking to have a forest in Palestine named after
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  • 62 11 Alleged Attempt to Shoot Sergeant-Major. Kandy, Mar. C. A young man named I'erera, a cleaner in the armoury at the barracks, was produced at the Kandy Police Court en a charge <>f having attempted to shoot Ser-jeant-Major Morris, of the C.L.I. The police moved that the accused be
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  • 44 11 "A Fair and Generous Settlement." London, Mar. 4. In the House of Commons to-day, the Home Secretary, Sir William JoynsonHi<ks, announced that ex-Sprgeant Joslinfc had agreed to accept £1,500 as a fair and generous settlement of his claim against the Metropolitan Police.
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  • 47 11 Viscount dc Sibour At Moulmein. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Uanjfkok, Mar. 14. The Viscount and Viscountess de Sibour, who are making a flijrht to the East, were expected at Don Muanc from Rangoon, but were compelled to land at Moulmein owing to bad weather.
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  • 35 11 Rome, Mar. 13. The Rome press learns that Latin will be the official language of the new Vatican State. Thus Latin will cease to be a <lsad lan?uapt.\— Trans-Ocean via I J an-Asia.
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  • 38 11 Warsaw, Mar. 14. The Polish Cabinet crisis is assuming Krave dimensions. It is rumoured that the Prime Minister, M. Cartel, will be replaced by a General from the Pilsudski camp and the Skeym dissolved. TransOcean.
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  • 31 11 Amsterdam, Mar. 14. In the presence of the Prince Consort, Sir Henri Deterding, of the Royal Dutch Co., received the decree of hon. doctor of Delft University.— Trans-Ocean.
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  • 704 11 The East Coast Road Fatality. A case which has aroused considerable interest began at the Assizes befori Mr. Justice Deane and a special jury thi:morning when E. A. Ellis appeared charged with that on Feb. 23 he caused the death of William D. McLean by driving
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  • 53 11 Big Increase in Annual Output. Brussels, Mar. 14. The executive committee of the International Steel Cartel has decided to increase the annual output by 2,000,000 tons, in view of the fact that all the contracting countries are obliged, owing to the demands of the market, to exceed the
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 967 11 Melbourne in Ferment Of Excitement. 286 FOR VICTORY. Thrilling Stage in Final Test. Tremendous evitement prevailed at Melbourne to-day when the flmil Test match was resumed, Tor il» Australians were in a strung position and had every chance of winning. The M.C.C. were out yesterday for 257.
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  • 1539 12 Cracker Debate. NOISE AND THEIR NEW YEAR'S DAY. Some interesting replies to the criticism of cracker firing at Chinese New Year were made at a debate held by the Chinese hi Mian Association of Singapore last night. Tnt case fcr abolition was put by Mr.
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  • 193 12 Smart Detective Work By Chinese. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 15. In the District Court yesterday Wong Ah Fong was charged with kidnapping Chin Ah Vui. 1 Thinese girl under the age of 16, from th.- lawful guardianship ol her aunt. Evidence was given that on Feb.
    193 words
  • 246 12 Arrest of Alleged Communists. The premises of the Scale Weekly, a Chinese newspaper published at 70, 1'eck St-ah Street, were raided by the police yesterday. Five Hylams and a Kheh were arrested and three of these have been identified as important members of the local branch of the
    246 words
  • 31 12 The third conference of the Nationalist Government of China is being opened today at Nanking, and in honour of the occasion the Chinese flag is much in evidence to-day in Singapore.
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  • 33 12 Sentence of 12 months' rigorous imprisonment and 18 strokes of the rotan was passed in the District Court this morning on a Chinese who was convicted *>t living en the proceeda el prottituUaa.
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  • 241 12 Resolute's Contingent In Singapore. The last batch of round-«the-world tourists who will arrive in Singapore this year were brought by the HamburgAmerican liner Resolute this morning. The Resolute has 399 passengers on board, and the list includes prominent people from the United States, Germany, 1 Spain,
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  • 318 12 Mr. George R. Parrott and Miss Muriel A. Dudgeon. A wedding of much interest to the? i Scottish community of Malaya was solemnised at the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday afternoon when Mr. George j Kichardson Parrott, elder son of the late Mr. and Mrs. T. Parrott of Edinburgh,;
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  • 113 12 Eminent Churchman And Lawyer. A Reuter cable from London announces the death of Lord Phillimore at the age of 84 years. He was a Judge of the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court of Justice for 1C years and was then made a Lord justice of
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  • 101 12 Thrills and Mystery To-Night. A large audience greeted the repeat performance of The Best People by the Banvard English Comedy Co., at the Victoria Theatre last night, and in all respects it was a great success. A complete change of fare is offered this evening in "The
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  • 83 12 Claude Duval is the film to be shown at the Y.M.C.A this evening. Two feature films, Princess Pro Tem and That Model from Paris," will be shown in the second performance at the Gaiety Cinema from to-night. Patrons of the cinema performances at Sea View Hotel on Sunday
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  • 456 12 Hawker Sentenced At Assizes. Tng C-heh, a Chinese hawker, was sentenced to seven years' rigorous imprisonment at the Singapore Assizes yesterday on a charge of attempted murder. He was also indicted for muvdei, but a special jury brought in a verdict oi not guilty on that charge. The
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  • 472 12 Submissions of Defendants' Counsel. (Frta: Our Own Correspondent.) Ponang, Mar. 13. At Penang Assizes on Tuesday the trial of Monamed Malimiar, till lately manager of the Straits Cattle Trading Co., Penang, Abdul Subham, cashier and Salleh Malimiar, assistant, charged with makinjr lalse entries and alterations in
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  • 38 12 Whentwo Chinese were charged in the District Court yesterday with housebreaking, it was stated that they gained access to premises in a lane off Bras Basah Road, by using a ladder which was lying nearby. They were remanded.
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  • 44 12 The death has occurred at his residence in Gottlieb Road, Penang, of Mr. Lo Beng Quang, aged 63 years. He was a prominent resident in hi* young days but had lived in retirement during the past ten years. The funeral takei place on Sunday.
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  • 136 12 Mr. J. C. Denison-Pender's! Appointment. I. <">iion, Mar. 14. Mr. J. C. Donison-l'eniicr is to succeed his father in the chairmanship of the Kastcrn TeWraph Co. Bad ;i.-.snoiated i companies. Rruter. Mr. John Cothbtrt Denison-Pe:ui. r is 47 years of am. After leaving Ktun he entered the
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  • 102 12 Imposition of Heavy Fines. Fines of $1,000 each fm imposed in the Second Court this morning on each of four Chinese charged with assisting in the management of eotmaoa gaming house. They were among 'M Chintse in«M at Pulau Tekong yesterday while playing fan tan. Ail the -"C
    102 words
  • 109 12 Three Persons Killed At j Penan g. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 16. In the Police Court yeatuday tin- perilminaiy enquiry was commenced in a case in which a const Moor named Mohamcil Ibrahim is charged with causing the death of three persons in Macalister Road on
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  • 14 12 Kuub and Brntong have been electrically lighted since the ln^ inning of this month.
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  • 45 12 Prince Amordat, the newly-appointed Siamese Minister to Washington, left Bangkok by the Southern Express on Wednesday morning for America. He was seen off by a large crowd. Mr. Raymond B. Stevenr,, Adviser on Foreign Affairs, left by the same train bound for America on holiday.
    45 words
    • 537 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Tho views of your Malay correspondent concerning the E<tucaliim of •Malays present the problematical qpeeI turn ratner in a broau and general manner, Re is quite right in saying thai Malays cannul tolerate sending then' children to schools where
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • Sporting News:—Singapore Cricket Review—Selangor Beat Negri.
    • 966 13 Three Centuries. WEEK'S PLAY SPOILT IJY RAIN. The past week-end's erieM was saiiiy interfered with by rain but in spi'.e of this three emtariM «rer« registered. The S.R.C. can look i>ack on the WOtkrn<l with Maphti satisfaction as .,n Saturday they HOI«d well against Municipal side
      966 words
    • 58 13 (•arrison Ladies' Medal. Thirteen cm4i were taken out for th» Indies' medal at the Garrison Golf Club, and the following were returned j His. K G. Swindell Ai>. \V. N. Hans*ll. ili.s. M. H. Whithy rfrs. Duncan Jrs. Barlow .11 n-=;j 1 46 5 41 57 If 42 49
      58 words
    • 92 13 Nor' West Scratched Latest Betting. London, Mar. 7. The folli.winc is the latest betting on the f Inr ollMJrilH. to be run on the 20th inst.— 7 to 1 Scintillation 100 to 8 Miscou (offered) 100 to 7 Umslopngaas (taken tnd oifi'ie.!) 100 to 7 Harpist (offered) 20
      92 words
    • 486 13 History of a Famous Race. The Waterloo Cup has a history extending back to 1836. Famous winner* are known by name to many who take no general interest in the sport. Such, for instance, as Master McGrath and Kullc.--ton will be remembered as long as tlie sport exists.
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    • 18 13 London. Mar. 2. At Abercavenny in the hockey international, Ireland beat Wales by 3 0.
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    • 313 13 Handicaps for To-Morrow. Horses. Class IV, Second Division (six furlongs True Boy 9.5. Split Nut 9.2, Flash '.<. Marco 9, Polycrcta 8.11. Pacify 8.9, The Witch 8.7, Kinta Girl 8.7, Isinglass 8, King John 7.13, He 7.8, Duke Bcechley 7.0. Padang Mas 7.2, Swastika 7. Horses, Class III.
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    • 32 13 The Rajah of Sarawak lias granted Major S. Cunynghame, Commandant. Sarawak Rangers, twelve months' leave with effect from Mar. 1, at the expiration of which he is permittrd to retire on pension.
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    • 699 13 Selangor Bowler's Feat Against the Negri. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 14. Si lantern- obtained a nine wickets' victory over Ncgri Sembilan in a match played at Kuala Lumpur yesterday and to-day. Batting first Selangor started badly, losing their first five wickets for 40 runs.
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    • 323 13 Teams for Week-End Matches. A match between teams captained by R. L. L. Braddell) and W. N. Hansell will start on the S.C.C. ground this afternoon. The teams have been selected as follows R. I.. I.. Braddell, Anderson, B. Brooke, Col. Dickinson, R. B. Gotch, W. H. Findlay,
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    • 34 13 It U reported that the Hon. Mr. T. Akbar, K.C., a Ceylon Malay, who had been until recently acting as AttorneyGeneral, has been appointed to be a judge of the Supreme Court of Ceylon.
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    • 471 13 Welsh Players Ready to Go To Canada. It is proposed that there shall be two national football teams on tour this summer one from England, to visit South Africa, and another from Wales, to go to Canada. Mark how liberal are the terms, says the Athletic News The
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    • 511 13 Comments by Mystery International. During my travels I have seen a fair j amount of third Division football enough to make me wonder whether the Southern Section clubs are satisfied that they have gained by the transition from the original Southern League, writes the Mystery International in
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    • 212 13 Miss Carstairs' Attempt On World's Record. Miss M. B. Carstairs, the racing motor-boat pilot, is building a new speed boat which, it is claimed, will be the most powerful of its size in the world. It will have three special racing Napier engines of the kind which
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    • 81 13 Singapore Association to Be Formed. Some time ago the announcement was made that it was proposed to form an Amateur Boxing Association in Singapore There was a good response from people willing to be members, but difficulty wan experienced in finding a suitable place for boxing. This, it
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    • 44 13 Cambridge's Good Time Over Full Course. London, Mar. 11. The Cambridge crew rowed a full course trial from Putney to Mortlakc today in 18 mm. 35 sec. Yesterday the Oxford crew covered the same course in 19 mm. 19 sec.—Reuter. I
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 113 13 The Imperial Services Championships. London, Mar. 8. The Prince of Wales sat at the ringside of the Stadium Club at the Imperial Services boxing championships, which were held to-day. The following were the results: Officers. Feat her-Weight. —Lieutenant Taunton (Army) outpointed Flying Officer Watkins (R.A.F.). Light-Weight.—Flying Officer Abbot I
      113 words
    • 30 13 Charlton's Unexpected Set-back At Home. London, Mar. 1 I. Hristol Rovers visited Charlton to-day and defeated Charlton Athletic l>> L' I in a Third Division (Southern) match. Reutcr.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 100 13 Police Beat V.M.C.A. In the match pinyrd yesterday between the V.M.C.A. and the IN.lice, the latter won by 2—l.2—1. The Police led In the lirst half by 2 goals without any reply from their opponents, who were unfortunate in not netting on several occasions. The folltwing will represent the.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 145 13 Raffles Hotel Rooms with Modern Sanitation. EXCELLENT GRILL. TEA DANCES EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY 6.15 8.15 p.m. DINER DANSANT EVERY TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATUDRAY "SAKE" McGUIRE'S RAFFLES ORCHESTRA. Orchestral Concert Sunday, 9.15 p.m. For Reservation Phone 2920. Sea View Hotel Telegram* SEA VIEW. Tclfphnne 5085. /g* Saturday, March 16
      145 words

  • 4447 15 Mr. Wells as a Scenario Writer Architecture, Fact and Fiction A Batch of Novels. New Films for Old. The Kii>K Who Was A Kinj. The I took nt a I Mm, by H. G. Wells. Kcnn. 7s. till. net. SPORT and the film are not necessarily
    4,447 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 248 15 Scotland is the Home of Fine Whisky and the Best comes from Glasgow. t~? "OLD MONARCH" iT* -fi Born in the Year 1852. j For the Last 76 years ALEX. McGAVIN CO. 's*''~?7ZL,. have been exporting "OLD MONARCH" To all Parts of the World. There has been an cver-increasinjr demand,
      248 words
    • 36 15 pjgjgg NEW SHIPMENT VERY SMART AFTERNOON AND EVENING DRESSES LCU LIU« 3 an(l 5 Oidttfd Road. Af IWLofiors Motors g^w the; general electric to., ltd. (IncorporaUd in England; MADE in i I Singapore, Kuala Lumpur. ENGLAND
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  • 582 16 Identifying Fossils. METHODS EXPLAINED BY GEOLOGIST. A glimpse of the work of a geologist was contained in an interesting illustrated lecture Riven at the Indiun Museum recently by Mr. A. Tindell Hopvrood, of the Department of Geology, British Museum, London. Mr. Hopwood said that when
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  • 160 16 The Banker Nephew of The Queen. The Marquis of Cambridge, the Queen's I nephew, is to become a director of the 1 banking firm, Messrs. Coutts and Co., of 440, Strand, W.C. He joined the staff of ihe bank about fifteen months ago to gain experience. Lurd Cambridge,
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  • 122 16 Smokes Too Much and Shows Too Much Leg." I am an cld-foshioned lady, and I don't like modern girls. They smoke too much and show too much leg." This is the opinion of Miss Mary Perry, of Cromwell Road, Wimbledon, who has celebrated her 100th birthday.
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  • 84 16 Friday. Mar. 15. 5.15 p.m.. Drill Hall. •< Scottish Co. No. 11 Platoon, SOX Ranee 5.15 p.m.. Drill Hall, 1st Bn. Sip. Ser., Morse or lamp practice 5.15 p.m., Drill Hall, "A" (M.G.I Co., Demonstration •Ji p.m.. Drill Hall, M.G. Sec. Eurasian. M.C. Training 5.13 p.m., Drill
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  • 268 16 Suicide of Maharajah's Daughter. Judgment in an action concerning the estaU of Mnie. Ada Irene Helen Beryl Villemant, a daughter of the late Maharajah Duleep Singh, was given in the Probate Court in mail week by Mr. Justice Hill. Mme. Villemant, who married a Frenchman and was domiciled
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  • 178 16 Breach of High Court Injunction. In the Chancery Division in mail week, before Mr. Justice Eve, Mr. Potts moved for a writ of attachment or committal against the Kev. Thomas Owrid, vicar of Great Strickland, Westmorland, for breach of an injunction made against him at
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  • 419 16 Blown to Scotland. ADRIFT IN NORTH SEA STORM. Three German balloonist?, Dr. Paul Rohr, Herr Paul Thiclecke, a dentist, and Htrr C. Rexhauson, a farmer, crashed on a tree-covered knoll just before dawn one morning in mail week, near Lumphanan, one of the highest points in Aberdeenshire.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 74 16 MAJOR SEGRAVE'S CHOICE The holder of the world's speed record of 231 1 /> miles an hour selected Hillman Car? as tenders to the famous GOLDEN ARROW THE CHOICE OF THE EXPERT. THE SELECTION OF THE CRITICAL MOTORIST. 1929 MODELS FROM $2,895. AVAILABLE AT STRAITS MOTOR GARAGE ORCHARD ROAD. lIIAARAI
      74 words
    • 209 16 It Pays to Buy the Best OPINIONS differ as opinions will, but behind all differences of opinion there s a feeling in the mind of the public that however good the others may be it always pays in the end to buy the best. "HiS MASTER'S VOICE" GRAMOPHONE Prices from
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  • 532 17 Legionnaire's War Diary. MARCHING SONG OF LOOTERS. The war diary of a Legionnaire is published by Arrowsmith, London. The w.iier (Mr. David W. King) has used Mm language of the Legionnaire, and has given a description of incidents showing the most revolting side of war. One of
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  • 176 17 Giant Skeleton Found In Pretoria. Evidence of a mighty death battle in the dim past between an extinct giant buffalo and a most powerful, giant-like primitive man was found by roadmakers in a quarry at Springbok Flats, north of Pretoria, recently. Shattered bones of man and beast were
    176 words
  • 298 17 Hard-Won Savings For Children. One hundred pounds, her tavlagl for 20 year.-;, has Ml sen' to Um Wwtaop Guardians ly Miss KlU-n Godfrey, U Englishwoman working as a servant in New York. She asked thai the r.-.or.ey should be invested, ard the interest used to provide on annual
    298 words
  • 58 17 At the Kingswood College, Kandy, the Rev. W. J. Noble recently unveiled the portraits of Mr. L. E. Blaze, the first Principal, and Sir John Randies, the benefactor of the new buildings af the Institution. Mr. Blaze was the nephew of the late Dr. Blaze of T poh and many
    58 words
  • 937 17 Position in Bombay. SERIOUS SITUATION REVEALED. How far has the present policy which the Bombay Government have accepted for securing the eventual prohibition of the liquor and drugs traffic in the Presidency been successful asks a Bombay correspondent in the Statesman. The Goverrnient, who have been
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  • 57 17 First Lieutenant John G. Clausing of the United States Marine Corps, principal in the Route des Soeurs fire tragedy at Shanghai in which his wife perished, has d<Lil from blood poisoning brought about probably f'om infection that set in when he walked badly burned from the scene of the blaze
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  • 251 17 Shocked at Thought Of "Ready-Mades." Signor Domenico Caraceni, Rome's greatest tailor, sobbed when I asked hiin in London recently what he thought about ivady-made clothes, says a correspondent in a Home paper. At least, it seemed to me that he did. For he is a true artist.
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  • 182 17 Heroic Remedy Against The 'Flu. The wearing of a kind of muzzle as a protection against 'flu was urged ut Um l-'rench Academy of Medicine in Paris which was occepied during almost the whole of its session with the question of the epidemic now assuming alarming proportions.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 181 17 Drop Anchor at HAWAII! Land Ahoy Palm trees at the foot of the rainbow Shiver my timbers, that must be Hawaii HAWAII You'll want to stop at what Mark Twain called the loveliest fleet of islands anchored in any ocean." Make your overs' is trip a vacation amid brilliant flowering
      181 words
    • 126 17 Independence He is able to look after himself now quite a little man. Very sure of himself and thinks he knows everything. Yet if you asked him what made that clean towel so perfectly white he probably couldn't tell you. But Mother could, because it was she that added the
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 737 18 TELUK ANSON RUBBER ESTATE, LTD. NOTICE I* t.oi-L> fivaa that the Twtn-tn-ih (irdinuiy Oneral Maatiag of this CanMay uiill be h.-i-J at td.- Kejji>tered Office, Haas Koiik. l!r>nk Ckaaiaara, Caßiai Quay, ■Singapore. „n Tharnlar, April 4, 1929, at 12 (Vlo.-k noon at which the Directors will recommend that a Dividend
      737 words
    • 900 18 MALAYAN COLLIERIES, LTD. Notice of Fifteenth Annual Meeting and Closure of Share Registers. NOTICE i» herely etvaa that the lifteenth Annual ( Meeting of the Company will b« held at the Registered Offices of the Company, Hone Kaas an d Shanghai Bank buildings, Kunla Lumpur, F.M.S. on Wednesday, March 2',.
      900 words
    • 754 18 THE FIRST LINE OF DEFENCE where your health is concerned is the digestive truct. The habit of regular daily elimination from the system of the body's wast* materials is of first importance if you want to keep well. To ensure inteslinal regularity let Pinkettps be your aid. Taken at intervals,
      754 words
    • 297 18 BALLANTINES WHISKY \se&m£mm\ Pure Matured Scotch Whisky 10 years oIJ. Sole Agents ROBINSON CO., LTD., SINGAPORE AM) K. LUMPUR. Provisions of Tieleman and Dros, etc. Roomkais, Cnmyne Kaas, Aucuarkjes in zuur, V. -M-len in zuur, Cebakken Paling. <;<-h.,k1.. n HokkinK. Ohakken Hot, Cebakken Spierin*. Cerookte linkknie. Cekookle Stnkvineh, Lachsehinken,' Kookworst
      297 words
    • 960 18 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE OF SINGAPORE TOWN AXD COUNTRY PROPERTIES Al Mf^ri. Clieontr Koon Sen* Co.'s saleroom. X... 30. Ckalia Street, aa Wednesday. March It, at IM p.m. Lots 1 to U. Valuable freehold land ■situate ut the junction of East Coast Road nnd Bedoh Road, Singapore, areas 2,340 sq. ft.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 511 19 Assets over $8,000,000 S.C. Assurance in force over $30,000,000 The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFICE Winchester House, Singapore LONDON OFFICE 27, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the British Life Assurance Companies
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    • 603 19 1 BANKING CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter 1853.) Paid Up Capital in 600,000 shares of f each £3,000,000 Reserve Fund £4,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 HEAD OFFICE 38, Bishopsgate, London, E.C. 2. Agencies and Branches Alir Star Harbin Seremban Ainristar Iloilo
      603 words
    • 583 19 BANKING HONG KONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated In Hong Kong) Head Ofllee HONO KONG. Authorised Capital $50,000,000 Issued and fully paid np $20,000,000 Reserve Funds Sterling I 8,000,000 Silver $14,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $20,000,000 COURT Of DIRECTORS. N. S. Brown, Esq., Chairman. W. H. Bell. Esq., Deputy Chairman. B.
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    • 393 19 I BANKING i BANQUE DE HNIHMIINE Established 1871. (Incorporated in Francs) By Government Charter. i Capital Fen 72,000,000 Reserves Fes. 82,500,000 HIAD OmCI PARIS. BRANCHES Yunnanfon Pnompenh Shanghai Mougtzeu Cantho Tientsin Vinh Saigon Pekin Namdinh Quang Tcheoo Bangkok Hanoi Wan Djibouti Haiphong flong Kong Pondicherry Tourane Canton Noumea Battambang Hankeon
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    • 68 19 Strawberries and CREAM truly a Tempting dish They're Fresh Food too. That's their Guarantee of Excellence. The FRESH FOOD and REFRIGERATING CO., LIMITED 233-5 Orchard Road. Phone 3500 cue/vated* <w*ate/vo 'Phone 3463. OVER 4 MILLION "^^^^^^jg^sajy* *22swBs^iwis«S^MBS/^!!jSinß flli HAVE BEEN BUILT AND SOLD TO A DISCRIMINATING BUSINESS WORLD. YOU SHOULD
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    • 869 20 MOTOR VEHICLES ITALASIA, LTD., Orchard Road, have always an attractive selection of secondhand cars. WANTED, 350 or SOO c.c. motorcycle, recent model, electric lighting essential. 447, Straits Times. AUSTIN 12 SALOON DE LUXE with several special features. Practically unused. Seen by appointment. 450, Straits Times. MORRIS-OXFORD, I»e7, drop-head coupe, 12.000
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