The Straits Times, 14 March 1929

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 29,037. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1929 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 142 1 PROPICAL SUITING FLORODOR" (8.D.A.) WING LOONG. K.H ST., SINGAPOKF. '•^l Growing H^- Children *j^?/f THRIVE ON "BEAR BRAND" The Original and Genuine Rich Swiss Milk NolhinK can equal Hear Krand, the pure natural milk from the famous Swiss Alps, for liuildin:; stronjj sturdy youngsters. Rich in cream and other health
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    • 153 1 CHARMING AND EXCLUSIVE HATS FOR ALL OCCASIONS A varied selection of New Spring Millinery in the latest pastel shades can be seen in our Showroom. ROBINSON COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR. I -4^W NEW SHIPMENT ENGLISH aP% PHEASANTS J|;.gßr IN EXCELLENT CONDITION For Quality
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 571 2 Shipping Announcements (NIPPON YUSKN KAISHA) TO LONDON Naples, Marseilles, London, Antwerp and Rotterdam Vessels Tonnage Due Sail FUSHIMI MARU 11,000 Mar. 14 16 HAKOZAKI MARU ld,ooo Mar. 28 29 HAKUSAN MAKU 1»,600 Apl. 11 12 t KITANO MAKU K.OOO Apl. 25 26 HAKUNA MAUU 1u,500 May 9 10 t KAV.ii
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    • 530 2 BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE, VIA JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND Regular monthly aailings by the wellknown steamer MARELLA (7,87"; tons) and the new motor vessel, MALABAR (4,512 tons). The v. MARELLA is one of the largest and finest steamers trading to Australia. Cabins
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    • 618 2 K. P. M. (ROYAL PACKET NAY. CO. OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated in Holland) Under contract with the NETHEULANDS INDIAN GOVERNMENT Telephone No. 3C40, with sab-connections to Passage, Freight, Transhipment Marine Dcpts. and Manager's Desk. Representative 1 for Singapore and Straits Settlements of the Official Tourist Bureau of Java. All information, detailed
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    • 518 2 THE SIAM STEAM NAY. CO. LTD. (Inccrporated in Siam) BANGKOK COASTING SERVICE. For Kretay, Trengganu, Kelantan Bauguara, Tclupin, Patani, Singora, Lacon, Sichon. Bandon, Kohsamul, Langsuan, Chuinpun an-l Bangkok. Arrival Departure MALINI In purt Mar. II PRACHATIPOK Mar. 18 Mar. 20 SUDDHADIB Mar. 25 Mar. 27 The steamers are fitted throughout
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 515 3 Shipping Announcements ELLSRJIAf! BUCKNALL STEAfcSwIP CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England). "F.LIERMAN" LINE PABSENGEI AND FBRGHT SKRVITE TO Trn: UNITED KINGDOM AXD CONTINENT. nuactrr brtni ril fWABM To Hopk K**ft NMNriMI and Japan Die S'pnrcI I V OF DELHI In port s.s. CITY OF GLASGOW A r .l. in s.s. CITY
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    • 500 3 DUTCH MAILS Stoomvaart Maatschappij Ncderland and Rotterdam Lloyd WEEKLY MAIL and PASSENGER SERVICE TO Genoa Atn*!erdam Southampton Marseilles Rotterdam Tonnage Leave S"pur« Tanibora 5.B00 H.L. Mar. U t. C. Ilooft K.fiOO S.M.N. Mar. 2-' Indrapocra 12,000 R.L. Mar. 2Kon. der Ned. i-.L'OO S.M.N. Apl. I IriBuIinde 10,000 R.L. Ap!. U
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    • 432 3 An Appeal to Britons in Singapore. OVER 25,560 YOUNG LIVES HAVE PARSED THROUGH THE DOORS OF SHAFTESBURY HOMES ARETHLSA ""-TRAINING SHIP Will YOU help us to give a chance to 2."i.. r >t»o r.iore Ii.CSI boys and girls have been trained in the HOMES, S.2UO hoys liavM joined the Royal
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    • 118 3 TINS and labels can easily be made to look alike but ithe freshness and fragrance ;of Brooke Bond Tea cannot be imitated. To be sure of getting that, sec the f words "Brooke Rand Tea" 1 on the sealed container. (Patent 1 cover > ruloptal by user VTforda.'.y u»< The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 819 4 JELAFANG TIN DREDGING, LIMITED I Incorporated in the F.M.S.) NOTtCI is harafejr yiiivn that a DIVIDEND I No. tj "f sixpence an share has been deolaivd l.y the Dincton payable to Sharet.lMora r.-iriM. red i. n March 27, MM, Mi II il th- Bhara Transfer Books of the Comi*ny will
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    • 950 4 GOVERNMENT NOTICE Tender* will ha laailmi »t the Colonial S. rr.'aiyn it.ii. U|. tu noon of March 25, IS-26. for the Mtrmitut works 1. Construction ft n'Miforced concrete H. .1 i.n M »ut*r ikoal, Singapore roads. 8. Fxl?ns:on to Analv:.t's Laboratory including benches, Bttloga, tiffin shed and watchman's ■halter. Every
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    • 835 4 HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT RANGOON. NOTICE Applications are invited for the post oi Chinese Translator and Interpreter in the High Court of Judicature at Rangoon. The salary of the post wil! commence at Rs. 100 per mensem, and will rise by annual increments of Rs. 10 to Rs. 250
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    • 493 4 FACE BROKE HJUASH Pimples cf Dry Nature. Healed by Ciiiicura. About a year ago my face ol! broke out in a rash o! KBtfl pimples, and I could not get anythk.g to help me. The pimples were of a ciry ncture and so sore that I could hardly wash my
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    • 983 4 MPORTANT AUCTION SALE C!K SIMOAPOKI TOWN AND COUNTRY PROPERTIES tail Chcong Koun Seng Co.'s saleroom. No. .to, Chulia Street, on Wednesday, March 20, at MM p.m. Lots 1 to 13. Valuable freehold land situate at the junction of East Coast Road and Bedoh Road, Singapore, areas 2,310 sq. ft. to
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  • 648 5 Romantic Career. FRENCH OFFICER WHO KECAME MONK. Algiers, I'M.. 1!'. Viroiiitc ('.ail da "oucuild, once a BeMhf 'f f I Will— and matinee-idol oT lari-, MJ be created Paint if the legend, of it late* beatific life, during which lie is reported to have worked miracles,
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  • 294 5 Producers' Contribution Not Deciding Factor. The Ix.ttdoti i-oncspo'nli'iit 8f Hm Times of Ceylon das interviewed Sir Kdward Roiling, Mr. W. Duncan (Chairman of the n.(i.A), Mr. C. II. Kigg, Mr. D. Erroll Sinclair, Mr. W. Korsythe, and other.-;, ami ascertained their personal opinions regarding the scheme to
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  • 312 5 Animal Lover's Bequest Overruled. By a majority, the Court of Appeal at Home heM that a bequest of about i200,000 by a lover of arjmals for the establishment of a sanctuary for animals, birds, fish, and other creatures not human was not valid. The testator was Mr*.
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  • 73 5 A former student of Aberdeen University, Mr. Lewis Coutts, has failed in th" action which he brought against Professor Jack, of the Chair of English Literature in the University, claiming 18.000 for the alleged wrongful refusal to allow him to attend tiie Honours English Class, which refusal,
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  • 28 5 At the annual meeting of the British Ar.sociation in Bangkok it was stated that subscriptions to the Lord Mayor of London's Miners' Relief Fund so far totalled £170.
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  • 1194 5 FAMINE HORRORS. Wolves tad Leonards Numerous. WOMAN VALUED AT PECK OF MAIZE. Extreme Famine condition* prevail in Slu-isi and the of the people is appalling. Duiinc; th* last month (wrote a coi -respondent of the North China Daily News in Februai y) much MWW has fallen,
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  • 155 5 Issues Own Bulletin On Illness. London, Mar. 1. Mr. George Bernard Shaw, who has been ill with influenza, struck another note of originality by issuing his own bulletin, which ran The special reports by special correspondents are inept fictions, not that I would say a word to
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  • 42 5 On Saturday and Sunday, the staff and dealers of the British-American Tobacco Company (Straits) Ltd., will hold their annual picnic at Sandringham," Mr. Lee Phang Hock's villa at the Utt milestone, Changi. Sports will be held at I p.m. on the Sunday.
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  • 739 5 30 Years in Burma. RETIREMENT OF MR. I. T. O. BARNARD. .Mi. .1. T. o. Barnard, CJJ5., Deputy BUM Frontier Scrvi.-o (South Column) lias Ml RaBgOOfl for Enrope on retirement. Mr. Barnard tad eeveial expedition! to il.c Triangle." 41m Hnkawng Valley aiul the Niv.ii Hills
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  • 78 5 The Town Council of Paisley, Renfrewshire, has refused a gift of £40,000. A citizen had offered the Council properties vnlui-d at £35,000 and £5,000 in cash tr> purchase other properties in order to improve the surroundings of Paisley Abbry. The sift had been provisionally accepted, hut
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  • 68 5 It is believed that the first prize of 36.000 ticals in the Bangkok Sports Club big lottery has been won by an officer on the Danish ship Ftonia which was recently in Bangki k. The ticket was purchased out of a book h< Id by a local
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  • 52 5 Mrs. Jane Rcbe<ra Whall, who has died at Cosham, a suburb of Portsmouth, at the age of 81, was married seven times. She (wasted of taaamvrabh mtton. When her sivth 1'iisl.anil was (harRi-d with binaniy llM f»W <"■ i.K-iu-e wild I nurnlii r nf wetliliiiK I i:it;s
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 330 5 '^fc^i%^ PNsiSisr"" 'j^^^i^- 4 way by th way they li^f! iLiio^^^l BOUNDER'S $L>&o-££ i°| <^*^<^h**^jL^ HEAVY OIL MARINE ENGINES. I tiinMvfiMS I Arc built to meet the exacting conditions as required in Marine Engines. '^^=-'^jp^-' 1. Specially Imported By Urn Tick Lee Sinsbpqbe l^J OPERATION. Simple, Economical, Easy. CONSTRUCTION.— Rugged
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  • 1077 6 Election Risks. RINGING THE ALARM BELL. Mr. Churchill, Chancellor of the Exchequer, spoke at a great meeting in Quecn'3 Hall, in connection with the 21st anniversary of the foundation of tho AntiSocialist and Anti-Communist Union. I We are met," he observed, und?r the ncivei:t of a very
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 187 6 FERTILIZERS British Su.,-;ialc of Ammonia, fl* Nitrofion. Sulphate ol l'otash, minimum purity 99% X SO i 4 Superphosphate 18/20% water soluble phos. acid. Specially prepared for TROPICAL SOILS ami CROPS, RUBBER ESTATES, PINEAPPLE, COCONUT, TAPIOCA PLANTATIONS, GARDENS, LAWNS, TENNIS COURTS, etc. FUNGICIDE OSTItKM HR\M> for Fungoid Diseases nnd limed IV-t-s
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    • 109 6 EVERY PAW GUARANTEED 2002 r.H. m POINTED HEEL In all shades. In all styles. Obtainable firm a!! Leading Stores. FOOT EASE HOSIERY MLL, SHANGHAI. ARRIVING EX S3. CITY OP KHIOS dus limit March 18, lf>2!>. 1929 CHANDLERS "63" Six-cyiiiul'.-v De Luxe Sedans, Six wire wheels and complete equipment. "65" Six-cylinder
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  • 1853 7 UNCOMFORTABLY HOT Misconception of Arctic Regions. FEW, SNOWHOUSES TO BE SEEN. Hou hot il'i 1 ■•> The men stopped, mopped their (aces sad moved sluggish.oa, Briaasag they had not wo Mich i envy cloth' They eompkl—d bitterly Of the Bout; and Hem these men,
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  • 71 7 Sir Percy Cox, formerly High Commis- sioner for Iraq, speaking; at a dinner giv">n i in his honour by the Roya! Empire Society, took occasion to refer to the proI nuncintion of Iraq. It is (he said) pronounced with a short i and a long a,' and
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  • 65 7 Plenty of work, plenty of vegetables, vc-ry littli- meat, and plenty of baccy was the recipe for old age of Mrs. Susan Cvowhuist. who has died at the age of 106 at Billing, near Maidstone. Mr. Crowhurst lived alone, and, despite her age, did everything for
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  • 455 7 The Langtry Hat PALMY DAYS OF THE 'NINETIES. Lily Langtiy is likely to tot MM o-ic of the legendary figures of the London < theatre, writes Argoaaat in i paper, j Her life was .*o long and bound up with i so much ihat war. happening;
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  • 78 7 The trumpoli-r who Monded the famnus charge of the Kremh cuirasfiers at the Battle of Reichshoffen in 1870, Michel Traxel, has just died at Nn.icy at the age of 85. This charge holds the same plan' in French history as the churjre of tho Light Brigade in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 133 7 Wakes up dull appetites Makes you hungry I'uts new relish into every-day ty'L\ ri DEI MONTE atsup, £§1 V know it's i;urc. whole- ro^jgß ••nnu', delicious just I; cause fiPsllitlfl it is DEL MONTE. Uut U> > kn how distinctive its i avuur W :^a is- -to appreciate how sood
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    • 190 7 f/f~Z J Aw»r '(ivn.: Si'ti-it i».*n a mntl Jrp-'iJull- iin.w titid eon-rr-JtmlOro!lo,:,l.ou,l r,.,nf.,Ur,ry -M,.!..Ji,i.0.'a..n.i9.:/. Like Young Blood in Your Veins COME to your leisure hours brisk and vivacious. Take Sanatogcn, which fills you with splendid health and energy, and makes you fit to work all day without fatigue. Sanatogcn is
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  • 161 8 To-day. Egypt iTinhowi -I p.m. '^taina, Uainam, Japan, Korea, Formosa, Siberia, Philippine Islands, Western Canada and Wc>tern States of I'.S.A. I Van Heuts/. i 2 p.m. Java, South-West Sumatra, SouthEast Borneo, Cslsias. Moluccas, Timor Dilly and Western Australia (Centaur I 2 p.m. Upper Burma. N.nth-F.ast In.lia.
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  • 14 8 Commissioner H. W. Mapp has been appointed Chief of Stuff of Hie Salvation Army.
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  • 421 8 Tkandar. V;<™h 14. Ship. altmKnldr the Wharvt* or eipectrd I" arrlv*. Entrsnrg East Wharf Poshlmi Maru 22 l K. der Kederlandcn 20 I Slain Wharf To; i&a Mi ru 18 Kola, 0. G. Piquet I'. y City of Delhi l". in Mara 13 a N >,.. l-
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  • 38 8 l.i-fl Arrd. By S'pore l.mdun Miens* .fan. 31 F«h. 2S Ti«Tim»i 1 P.b 2* Christian Huygi-ns K.-b. 8 Mar. 1 Morea Krb. 7 Mar. 4 D'ArUgnan P-h. 7 M»r. 4 Ekm» Feb. 14 Mar. 9
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 459 8 ALHAMBRA -r; g^ TAN CHENG KEE CO^ LTD., Proprietors PROGRAMME Commencing Wednesilay, March 13, ending Monday, March 18 In the Second Show at 9 p.m. r THE LATEST EMPIRE NEWS LIFE'S CIRCUS MARY JOHNSON A Masterpiece of Circus life filled with Dramatic Thrills. A Defu Production Released by FIRST NATIONAL
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    • 287 8 PAVILION" ST rrom Tuesday, Midi 12 (o Mo— hy, Muck 18, at 9dt !>.m. THE LATEST PA THE GAZETTE BEAUSABREUR Fcstuiag GARY COOPER-EVELYN BRENT NOAH BEERY-WILLIAM POWELL In the First Show al 7.20 p.m. LEFTY FLYNN in SMILING AT TROUBLE Seats IxMiked and not paid for wit l>? disposed of
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    • 144 8 APOLLO GEYLANG From Mar. li to 17 WHEN FLEET MEETS FLEET A Stirring Romance ef the Great Battle of Jutland. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN SINGAPORE. For the First Time in Singapore A SlirrinK. Striking- Ri.mimi- .>r the Great HATTLE OF JUTLAND A Btaife-tateraattaaal Pradacti**, pnataead r.iih tha aasiataac* of
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 347 8 ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE WEEK. TtmtmtKT. March II II. W. (>.i:t a.m., 8j*. 0.21 p.m 0.1. li. I. ii,,,;,ou,,,ri nail clows. Singapore Natural History Society, Annual .'!"i tintr. (i. Debate on Cracker Ftrinjr. Baa*anl*i Knjrlish Comedy ("■>.. -The Best People," Vic. Theatre, D.30 p.m. S riday. March II H. W. 0.41
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  • 518 9 SHIPPING NOTES. GAOL FOR MESS BOYS. Sequel to Assault on An Engineer. In the Marine Court, Singapore, on Tuesday, two Indian mess boys on the City nf Delhi m sentenced by the li.pu'y Master Attendant (Commander OMirtlww) to six and four weeks' 1 iiror(.us imprisonment, respectively, for :is~ anil :i£
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  • 213 9 Association's Trading Tests In China. The Financial Ti.nes states that the Kastirn Twctik Association the amuU vertical eonbina of producers, finishers and ■Mrehanti at cotton goods formed in Lancashire MM six months ago hu HMBMdad in HtlMllWll that Lancashire (M recover her competitive power in bulk lines of
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  • 218 9 Voluntary Winding Up Proposed. An MteMfdtean general meeting of Tianc l.u.u, Hnck and Hi* Manufacturing Co will Ik- held on Mar. 20, for the purpose of considering the windiaa up of the company anil appointing .Mr. 15. Lowick and or Mr. E. KcichinK, liquidator* also the
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    • 207 9 Company's Strong Financial Position. The fifteenth annual general meetinc of the Ampat Sumatra i Rubber Estate, Ltd., was held at the offices of the company, 5, Whittington-avenue, London, E.C., on Feb. 8, Mr. A. G. Anftier presiding. The Chairman, in the course of his remarks, said It is
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    • 150 9 SHARE MARKET REPORT. Macphail and Co., Ltd. Singapore, Mar. 14. Rubber.—Local 43 cts. per lb. M.irkct Quiet. Tin. London £219 7s. 6d. Rubber.—Quiet. New Scudais 2.80-2.90, Malaka Pindas 2.35-2.40, Bukit Jclotonxs 11.07%, B. Katils 1-1.07%, Benuts 60-62% cents, Connemaras 1.75-1.90, Chungkat Serdangs 5.25-5.75, Kedahs 3.50-3.85, Sungei Tukangs 1.27%-1.37>v, Mentakabs 51%-55
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    • 159 9 Coconut Area Being Cut Out. Bah Lias, the well-known Sumatra company, shows v healthy position in its report to Oct. 31 last, working capital at that date amounting to £120,000 exclusive of a taxation reserve of £28,500 and a holding of 47,000 Sumatra Tea Estates shares, valued
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    • 82 9 At the annual meeting of Bruas Rubber Co. on Tuesday, Mr. S. B. Palmer said that a dividend of eight per cent, having baen puitl since the close of the year, the board recommended that the balance of $54,597.91 he carried forward. The report and accounts were
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    • 61 9 Henderson, Helm and Company, Inc., New York, send us the following: cable, dated Mar. 13, their quotations being in gold dollar cents closing bid prices Rubber Exchange sales to-day 2,100 March 25.10, April 25.30, May 25.50, June 25.60, July 25.70, August 25-80, September 25.90, October 26, Noven.ber 26.10.
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    • 101 9 The local brunch of the Yokohama Specie Bank. Ltd.. is in receipt of a telegram from its head office stating that at the 9Hth halfyearly general meeting held on the 9th instant, the following resolutions were passed That the nett profit for the half-year endinDec. 31, 1928
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    • 73 9 The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China advises having to-day received the following tekgram from its head office in London At the approaching meeting of shareholders, directors will lecommend dividend for past half year at rate of 14 per cent, per annum free of income tax
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    • 51 9 Messrs Kennedy. Burkill and Co., Penang, inform us that with regard to the decrease i in output of the Ulu Piah Co. during January and February, the manager reports that these are due to time spent in sluicing of overburden, shortage of water, and Chinese New Year
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    • 59 9 12 o'clock noon .'Mar. 14. Tone of Market :—Quiet. Latest Cable :—London Spot Sheet 12-sd. per lb. New York :—Spot Sleet Q. cents 25% per lb. l.S.S. equal to Standard Q.C.P. >landard K.S.S. on Tonder Spot Man-h April-Jnna July-S-,|,t. Oct.-Dec. 4a 43 Vi 44
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      • 437 9 Val. 1M. Buyers Sellers fl £1 Asam Kumbang 44/- 45/£1 £1 Bangrin Tin 39/- 40 1 1 Butane Padan* 0.43 H.H 1 1 n Caves l.r>(T l.. r >5 1 MafcN AranK 2.UO 2.10 Cl £1 Burmab Malay 41/- 42/El £1 Chemlcriang 7/6 8/8 l! £1 batata Kiam
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      • 225 9 ■'"I. Pd. Buyers Seller! 2 2 Alex. Brick Prefi. 2.07 hi 2.12 M 2 2 Alex. Brick Ords. 2.45 Ul '1 fl Brit. Am. Tohacco C.0.0 6.2.G Canadian Kairle 11/- 12/1 1 Central Engine 0.70 O.hO 1 1 Cycle and Carriage 0.60 0.65 10s. 10s. Duff Development 10/6 11/6
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      • 91 9 U. Eng. 6 p.c. 1,225,500 Norn. Spore Cold Storage 7 p.e. ■r_*r,ri. ir >- of 1901 red. 1930 »1,878,000 par 6% prem. Singapore Municipal 4tt p.c. of 1907 red. 1947 $1,600,000 96 par. Singapore Municipal 4S p.c. of 1909 red. 1966 $1,000,000 95 par. Singapore Municipal 4
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      • 389 9 Fraser and Co. and Lyali and Evatt's quotations. Allenby (|1) Al..r Gajah (|1) A. liiium ($ll A. Kuning (»1) An>. Malay ($2) A. Mulek (|1) A. Panas (|5) lialifownie (|1) bassett ($1) Brogas (|1) Brunei (|5) B. Jelutong ($1) B. Katil ($1) Bukit K. B. (fl) B. Kepong
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    • 126 9 The following is the analysis of dealers' stocks as at Feb. 28, 1929, in Singapore, Penang, Malacca, Province Wellesley and the Dindings, as supplied by the Acting Kegistrar of Imports and Exports, Mr. A. Koese Ribbed Smoked Unsmoked Total Stocks held by the Harbour Board
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    • 154 9 Satisfactory Forward Sales Arranged. According to Truth, at the annual meeting of GarinK Malucca Rubber Co. the chnirman referred to the satisfactory position of the company. In the matter «f he pointed to the existence of £10,500 Conversion Loan, £4,200 cash, and a rubber stock of
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    • 199 9 The directors of the North Taiping Tin Dredging Co. in their report for the financial year ended Dec. 31, 1928, Jtatc that uurinsi the period under review tlie <li mude 7,283 hours running time out of a |easible 7,'.i65 hours, and recovered picu'.s 7,JK'..:!1 tin ore
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    • 281 9 Anglo-Ma1ay.— 105,591 lb. Allenby. 45,400 lb. Anglo-Sumatra.— s3.27B lb. Asahun.— so,soo lb. Bikam.— €4,loo lb. Bukit Kajang.— B9.6o6 lb. Bah Lia5.— 110.249 lb. Broome (Selangor). 49,200 lb. Batu Tiga (Selangorl.— l3o,2oo lb. Bila (Sumatra 1.— 75,500 lb. C1uny.— 35,047 Ib. Changkat Salak.— llo,ooo lb. Central (Sumatra l. —37,744
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    • 78 9 [BRITISH IMPEHIAL RADIO] Rugby, Mar. 13. Foreign exchanges arc Amsterdam 12.12, Athens 375. Berlin 20.46, Bombay Is. 5 31-32d., Brussels 34.9, Bucharest 815Vj, Buenos Aires 47 5-16, Copenhagen 18.21, Geneva 25.24, Helsinijiors l'J3. Hon* Kong Is. ll'.d.. Kobe Is. 0 15-16d., Lisbon 108 3-1C, Madrid 32.34%. Milan 92.69 New
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    • 18 9 From Europe (London mails despatched on Feb. 12) by Rajula, due at Penang 6 a.m. to-morrow.
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    • 25 9 j GOOVAI-ins. 1'a,..1 away „n Tueaday nidht, March 12, IMt, Mrs. Clara Goovurts nee (lun.-s-lioss. Ralatlons and friends kindly thanked for attendance and wreaths.
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    • 46 9 Mr. Bad Mr Toh T.anst Bwaa s_d Mr. Toh Cheng Kiat bet; to tinder their sincere thanks to the members of the S.C.A.I), and M.S., their relatives and friends who ha-l attended the nit'hl visit and the funeral of the late Mr. Toh Cheng Hock.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 63 9 634 T. K. K.'S BISCUITS 1 Ib. tin from 30 cts. to 45 cts. per tin. BISCUITS 2 Ib. tin from 45 ets. to 65 ct.-. per tin. SWEETS from 25 cts. to 40 cts. per bottle. MEDICATED TEA 16 ets. per packet. TEN 6 SENG GUAN 634. NORTH BRIDGE
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    • 793 9 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS I Other Classified Advtx., see page 20. J WANTS, FOR SALE. ETC. ITKOI'EAN. 20 years, all round pe:.i nee se'.-k* enipluynnr.t. :i7O. S. Time*. lp) TO LET, shops in the Grosvenor Building, from May 1. Apply to Stephens, Paul Co. (\p) TO LET. v. kbBH srith Datck family.
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  • 1068 10 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, THURSDAY. MARCH 14. THE SUICIDES' CLUB. Major H. O. D. Segrave, the British racing motorist, has succeeded in manipulating a mechanically propelled vehicle overland at a speed greater than anything previously attained hy a human being Mr. Lee Bible, in endeavouring to wrest this distinction from
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  • 1179 10 A Distressing Tour in The I Interior. A British doctor who WM working recently with the Chinese Red CnM in Central China contributes this article, in which he d«Kribn the tragic conditions existing in the famine area.". On anr.ther page will be found an nrticle which
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  • 351 10 Mr. H. K. C. Tobutt, manager of Rubana Estate, Teluk Ansan, returned from Home leave on Saturday. Mr. Maurice Maude, the well-known planter, at one time manager of Cicely Estate, and now a director of the company, is expected at Teluk Anson on or about the 23rd.
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  • 833 10 |/,.G.'s OPTIMISM. No better example of the aMfaM optimism of the politician irhen a General Klcction is approaching is to Ik- found '.han the remarks of Mr. Lloyd (Jeorge in t ht- imv LActal panacea for unemployment. I'ail of Um tchMM <nv i>:ijr< s the ..nstuu
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 221 10 "DOVER B" STOVES WOOD BURNING. c£»jC3gßMMfi|Bjff^-(-^K in. 21 in. v US in. high. WBS%J£j^™j*jffi^ 17 in. x 1(5 in. >: 10 in. DOVER B PIPINGS, etc. Piping in I ft. lengths Price v 1.85 nett. EBwira Price $1.85 Cowb Price $1.20 "ANCLA" STOVES. .i^ffigMfi^pTfttfr Km -IS ii.. x 2.S in.
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    • 97 10 ALHAMDRA TO-NIGHT In the Second Show at 9. A First National Production LIFE'S CIRCUS K.-at urine MARY JOHNSON Alone with Latest Empire News. First Show at 7.30 p.m. FOOLS IN THE DARK Featuring MATT MOORE and PATSY RUTH VII.I.Ki:. TAN CHENG KEE CO., LTD, Proprietors. THE 1929 Viva~tonal Columbia Model
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  • 464 11 A merit an Motorist Killed. DASH TO DEATH. Fatal Attempt to Beat Record. Daytoaa Beach, Mar. IX M.iti>:- s]M-f(iinjc at IJaytona Beach has resulted in hmUmc tragedy. To-day tlr. lucinc ■artllrtrt Lot- BiMe was piloting WMta'l Triplex :;6-cylim!cr car when hu OMB* 1 into tha Mid dtmei
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  • 259 11 Liberal Schemes to Provide Work. London, Mar. 12. "We can conquer unemployment" is the title of ;>. booklet which gives details of the Liberal paity's sche-me mentioned by Mr. Uoyd George in his recent speech. The sehems proposes the employment of ".r.ii.oi"! men OB roads, including the completion of
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  • 85 11 Fifteen Judges to Be Appointed. Geneva, Mar. IS, The coaunittee of jurists considering the tatute of the Permaneat Court of International Justice decided to fix the number of judecs at 1."> and to abolish ihe four dopttty judires. They would be entitled to >ix months \acation a year,
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  • 350 11 Need for Big Air Station. London, Mar. 12. Speaking in the House of Commons during the report stage on the Army Estimates, the Minister for War, Sir Laming Worthington-Evans said the amount to be expended on the Singapore Base had been reduced owing to postponement of the
    British Wireless  -  350 words
  • 113 11 Federal Troops' Rapid Advance. Mexico City, Mar. 13. The. Federal troops are rapidly advancing on the nU headquarters. An unconfirmed report states that the Federal troops captured Raco in Sonora, in the heart of rebel territory. Two members of the United States Border Patrol were wounded in a
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 117 11 Plans to Develop British Trade. London, Mar. 12. The joint committee representing the group of employers headed by Lord Melchett and the Trades Union Congress has issued a new interim report, dealing chiefly with measures for fostering emigration, stimulating industry ami coping with unemployment. The report recommends
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 76 11 Route to be Developed By France. Paris, Mar. 14. As the result of an agreement reached i'etwecn France and Italy, it will be possible for France to develop an air route from Marseilles across Italy to Athens and thence to Japan, via Bagdad, Indo-China and Chinn.
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 92 11 Result of Peshawar CourtMartial. Peshawar, Mar. 12. Major M. C. C. Harrison, D.5.0., M.C., <.:' the First Armoured Car Co., Royal Tank t'orps, who was charged with culpable neglect and conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline in connection with the Jamrud bombing disaster, was
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 1504 11 England Batting. THREE WICKETS LOST FOR 73. Australia made an excellent reply to the M.C.C.'s total of 519, reaching 491 before the innings closed yesterday afterno-jn. The tourists' second innings started none too well, let three wickets were lost for 73. At the luncheon interval to-day
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  • 290 11 London Meeting. WHY FOREIGNERS ARE BARRED. London, Mar. 13. A meeting of the General Electric Co. held in London considered the special resolutions for increasin:/ the capital by ins creation of 1,000.000 new pound British ordinary shares which would not be transferable to foreigners. Sir Hugo Hirst,
    Reuter  -  290 words
  • 61 11 Rugby, Mar. IS. Sir Austen Chamberlain, the Foreign Secretary, replying to a question in the House of Commons, s.aid the Government had made no agreement with any foreign country since 1918 for mutual defence or for other purposes of which Parliament had not been advised or whi~h
    British Wireless  -  61 words
  • 301 11 Police Compelled To Fire. Madrid, Mar. 13. Serious rioting broke out among students in Madrid yesterday. The police were compelled to use firearms-, anil one I student was shot in the throat, while several were injured. Twenty-six arrests were made. An official note states that the
    Reuter  -  301 words
  • 143 11 Feared Loss of German Cargo-Boat. Shanghai, Mar. IS. The inward-bound Norddeulscher Lloyd cargo boat Giessen, formerly the Southwestern Miller, has been totally wrecked on Button Rock 80 miles from Shanghai. The Khiva, which was proceeding to Honif K«n«r. answered distress signals aii'l found the Giessen broken in half.
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 114 11 Funeral of Two of The Victims. Hong Kong, Mar. U. The funeral of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Kobson, two of the victims of the fire at the Kinjr Kdwaid Hotel, on Monday, took place to-day with naval and military honours. (Mr. Robson was an assistant at
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 110 11 Appointment of Ceylon Official. London, Mar. 13. In the House of Commons, replying to Mr. E. Ramsden (Cons., Brattford, X.) with reference to the recommendations of the Lovat Committee on agricultural organisation and services in non-self-governing' colonies, Mr. Amery said Mr. Frank Stockdale, Director of Agriculture. Ceylon, had
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 74 11 British Representations To Colombia. Rujrby, Mar. 13. The Foreign Secretary, Sir Austen Chamberlain, announced that following the representations which he had made to the Columbian Government, the captain, officers and crew of the British steamer Tritonia, who were detained by the Colombian authorities for tlie purpose of an
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  • 1583 11 Lower Estate Costs Essential. 1,000 LB. PER ACRE! Mr. Stuart Hotchkiss Visits Singapore. The rniaalncri effect of native rabbet production an,! leicMtifle cultivation on future dividends, recent developments i'i South America r.nd I.::>cri:i. rubber vnadways and the use of liquid l::tix WCM topics discussed by Mr. II.
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  • 446 12 Nanking Agreement. CIVIL WAR THREAT AVERTED. Nanking, Mar. 13. 1: is reliably stated that a joint report nhnittod t<> thl Central Political Council by Marshal I.i Chai-sum, Governor of Canl..n (who airivfl at Nanking this mornlag), Ts*l Yu::n-pei, President of Censors, and H« V.ii|,-cliing, Inspector of
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  • 98 12 Discovered in Buona Vista Road. It has boon discovered that the place in Buonu Vista Road where the cyclostyl* Wai seized on Tuesday morning was the local branch of the communist youth's headquarters for the printing of literature. The place is an attap shed on a plantation and
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  • 56 12 Hritish Warships Expected In Singapore. HJL8. Ckojatra (Captain J. F. B. Barrett, LN.) is expected to arrive at Singapore on Mar. 30 and H.M.S. Dartmouth M'aptain R. H. C. Hallifax, R.N.) .•mil II. M.S. Carysfort (CapUin A. Mait-land-DovcaO, R.N.) are expected on Mar. II. They sail for Hong
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  • 146 12 Further Discussion At Geneva. Geneva, Mar. 12. During the league of Nation* Labour i Mlii discussion the delegates of German ;mi'I Krciuh employers and the Swedish i ivi-rnmt-nt supported the British propoaaj for ic vision of the Washington D'trht-Houi-Day Convention, but all the wuihatl' delegates opposed. The Italian
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 16 12 Paris, Mar. 13. Marshal Foeh m worse. His condition is causing some anxiety. lituur.
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  • 462 12 The Esplanade Electric Lighting. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, March 12. At yesterday's Municipal Commission meeting Mr. Yeoh Chean Guan was down tu move three resolutions as follows ThHt the Commissioners do not renew the licence to the Penang Cricket Club and the Penang Recreation Club for the
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  • 106 12 Alleged Victim Bitten And Beaten. A case came up for further hearing in the District Court this morning in which a Chinese woman is being charged with buying or otherwise acquiring a Chinese girl for immoral purposes and with forcing her with blows to be a prostitute.
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  • 46 12 Globe Trotters Prefer The Old to the New. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, March 13. A party of tourists from the Franronia left the steamer at Penang and came up by special train arriving yesterday afternoon. They leave to-morrow morning for Angkor Wat.
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  • 143 12 Former Generalissimo Returns. Peshawar, Mar. 12. General Nadir Khan, ex-Ceneralissimo of Afghanistan, who has been living in retirement in the south of France for some years, recently arrived from Nice and proceeded to Khost from Peshawar a week ago. Ho was last heard of at Kohat, where, replying to
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 46 12 New York, Mar. 13. Sir Hubert Wilkins, the explorer, has arrived here. He recently completed the first phase of his Antarctic trip, the exploration of Graham Land, which he discovered to be a group of islands and not part of the Antarctic continent. BtuUr.
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  • 170 12 Sequel to Italia Disaster. Rome, Mar. 13. It is officially announced that General Nobile, the leader of last year's ill-fated Polar expedition, has resigned the rank of General and his post in the Air MinistryNobile stated that he resigned in order to be a free citizen and
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  • 173 12 Reports Continue to Be Encouraging. Rugby, Mar. 12. The King was again out of doors today. His Majesty was wheeled in a bathchair into the grounds of Craigweil House and remained there about an hour. In spite of the bright sunshine there was a cool easterly breeze,
    British Wireless  -  173 words
  • 105 12 Duke of York Leaves For Norway. London, Mar. 13. The Duke and Duchess of York arc leaving for Norway to-morrow to attend the marriage of the Crown Prince Olaf and Princess Martha of Sweden on the 21st inst. The Duke is to be best man.— Reuter. Rug*by, Mar.
    British Wireless  -  105 words
  • 176 12 Incident in the Kallang Road. A police patrol on stopping a taxi at the junction of Lavender Street and Kallang Road on Tuesday night was fired on by one of the five Chinese occupants. The shot went wide. The five men jumped out and dashed away in
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  • 185 12 Representations to Mexican Government. Mexico, Mar. i3. The British Legation has made strong representations to the Mexican Foreign Office urging that steps should be taken to secure the release of Mr. J. W. Reid, a British employee of the San Nicholas Mining and Milling Co., of Vocas,
    British Wireless  -  185 words
  • 208 12 Chinese Sentenced To Death. The case in which Ho Peng and C'.ian Fook Weng wore charged with murder, attempted murder and armed robbery concluded at the Assizes on TucsJuy. The hearing lasted nearly two days, and on Tuesday afternoon the jury, after un absence of an hour,
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  • 416 12 Legal Technicality In Murder Case. Mr. W. P. D. Parsons, who appeared to defend Tii- Cheh at the Assizes this morning liofoie Mr. Justice Deane, ubj acted to the jointure of the charges f murder and attempted murder on which the accused was indicted. Mr. Pardons submitted
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  • 112 12 WOODBINE WILLIE." King George's Message Of Sympathy. Rugby, Mar. 12. T!ie funeral took place at Worcester of the Rev. Studdcrt Kennedy, who as army chaplain endeared himself to the man who served in the Great War and was popularly known as Woodbine Willie from the fact thai he hnd for
    British Wireless  -  112 words
  • 125 12 Regular Flights Within A Year. London, Mar. 12. Sir Samuel Hoare rendered the House of Commons an account of the progress and plans of the airships R 100 and R 10!. He stated that they would be completed about the same time in the late spring. Both would
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 359 12 The Best People at The Theatre To-night. .Mrs. Lennox Valentine Cleinow Kdward Lennox Rrjlnald Tppett Marion K.iiii1i-iti Vaanail Bullock R. Hv.iton Grey I Lord Rockmcre Hardy Rosa*!) Henry Masters ton Miller Miss Tate Annie Chippendale George Grafton Hfmy J. Corner Bertie Lennox T. W. S:ei K ,i
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  • 134 12 Sequel to Motor Car Fatality. At the Perak appeal Court, Ipoh Ifr. Justice Pritchard dismissed the Perak D.P.P's. appeal against Ihe Tapuh Magistrate's decision in which ho fined a European, Thomas Hur~-t, S2.">o foi causing the death of a Chinese at Bidor by rashly and negligently driving
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    • 163 12 To the Editor of the Straits Tim:-:--. Sir,— I had MCMioa this Mck U> Mnd one of my assistant* up-country la vfiut several places i mailing u considerable number of stparate journeys on the F.M.S. and HuMM Railways. I nent him I to u British firm to
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    • 226 12 To the Editor of the Straits Tiims. Sir, While agreeing wiih you that than an many groups of eatatea which might* amalgamate their iateXMtl v.ith i advantage to all, as a shareholder in I Connemara, I do not consider that the proposed merger is such an MMlgamar tion.
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  • 51 12 Rugby, Mar. 12. The Board of Trade return* show tfiat imports for Februarv were of ;i value of i'yL.UU.OflO, beinc a decrea.w of £7,603,008 compared with February last y Export* for February amount d i £jo,6«J,i»00, showing a <l;c-<>as<- o( 1.371,000 compared with February last year. British
    British Wireless  -  51 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 115 12 Afterflu~ Wticanus/ After 'flu— awakening as from a nightmare to the realities of everyday life— taking up the tangled threads of your daily duties— work to be done and lost ground regained— do you feel equal to the task Exhaustion, physical and mental, is the inevitable aftermath of 'flu— you
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  • 222 13 Holiday Sport :—Selangor Races— Rain Stops Local Cricket. SINGAPORE CRICKET. Match Abandoned Owing To Rain. Thore was liitle over an hour's play possible in the S.C.C. first team fixture jwith the United Services on the Padang [yesterday, for rain came on shortly after mid-day and caused abandonment. The Services were
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  • 1174 13 Gay Reveller's Win. INTERESTING RACING ON SECOND DAY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Mai. 13. There war. a large attendance for the second programme of the Selangor Tu-f Club meeting, and some interesting racing «as BML The sensation of the day was the um-Miectcil
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  • 246 13 Garrison G.C. Medal. The Garrison Golf Club men's medal for March was played for on Saturday and Sunday. Eighteen cards were taken out and the following returned A. C. Potts 80—10—70 G. F. Murphy 76 5 71 Lieut. C. E. R. Hirsch 83—12—71 Lt-Col. D. P. Dickinson 75— 2—73
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  • 136 13 Races For the Week-End. The following races will be sailed from {lit Royal Singapore Yacht Club on Sunday A Class. St. Patrick's Challenge Trophy. Start 10.10 a.m. Course, Starting line 17 mark boat to port breakwater to starboard Man o' War buoy to port, breakwater to port, Malay spit
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  • 36 13 Rough Riders is tfie title of the present attraction t the Surina. Beau Sabreur," the Paramount production now being shown at the Pavilion, is rlr-nvinf; crowded houses and early bo*klag <>f seats is advisable.
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  • 23 13 Owing to the illness of the bamlmastei l the Police Band will not be able to pla.v at Katong Park to-morrow.
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  • 291 13 Orr in Batting Form Against Penang C.C. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 13. In a holiday fixture to-day the Penang Recreation Club, with a score of 164, defeated the Penang Cricket Club, who reached 139- The Cricket Club were at the wickets the whole of the morning,
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  • 272 13 Churches Attack Midlands Craze. Sunday morning boxing is a craze that is sweeping through the midland towns i.ear B'rmingham like a tire. Public exciteiuent over these boxing onnlpsts has reached such a pitch that the 1 churches arc combining in a special I counter-crusade. Thousands of people,
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  • 91 13 Record Time by Oxford At Henley. London, Mar. 5. In their second outing at Henley, Oxford completed the course from Hambledon Lock to the Royal Hotel —a distance of two miles—in 14 mins. 20 sees., beating the previous record by one second. Conditions were favourable, the w:m assisting the
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  • 475 13 S.C.C.'s Weakness Against Chinese. The Chinese deserve credit for defeating the S.C.C. at the Stadium yesterday by the only goal of the game, for they bad about three scoring chances and! accepted one. On the otner Hand, tliei S.C.C. were much the better team on the run
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  • 165 13 Welch Forwards in Form Against R.A. The We'^h Regiment and the U.A. met friendly at soccer at the Stadium en j Tuesday afternoon, und a fast and inter- esting game resulted in a win for the Tanglin representatives by 4—l.4—I. The! Gunr.eis were not at full strength, so
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  • 31 13 Commercial Cup Fixtures. The following Inter-Commercial Cup fixtures have been re-arranged Mansfield's vs. Robinson's, semi-final, at Stadium, Mar. 19. McAlistertt' vs. A.P.C.. 2nd round replay, V.M.C.A. ground, Mar. 21.
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  • 162 13 Grimmett Misses Last Man With Scores Level. Brisbane, Feb. 26. In a Sheffield ShielD match, Queensland beat South Australia by one wicket in a remarkably low-scoring match. In their first innings, S. Australia were dismissed for 185. Queensland replied with 188, of which Nothling made 50, and then
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  • 21 13 London, Mar. 5. At Wimbledon the Army beat the Navy by 11—1 in a hockey match.
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  • 101 13 Results of English And Scottish League Games. London, Mar. 1.1. The following were the results of lieajrue matches played yesterday an<l 10- day Division I. Birmingham 1 Arsenal 1 Newcastle Utd. 2 Aston Villa Portsmouth 2 Blackburn R. 2 j Liverpool 2 West Ham. Ut<l. 1 Division 11.
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 74 13 Both Semi-finals to be Played At Glasgow. LoDdon, Mar. 13. The draw for the semi-finals of the j Scottish Cup resulted as follows Kilmarnock vs. Celtic, at Ibrox Park, I Glasgow. Rangers vs. St. Mirren, at Hampdon Park, Glasgow. The matches will be played on Mar. 23. Celtic
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 70 13 Great Britain Leads By 2—l. Johannesburg, Mar. C The second lawn tennis Test between Great Britain and South Africa was bei gun here to-day. I Gregory (Gt. Britain) beat Malcolm, 7_5, 6—2. Raymond (S. Africa) beat Collins. 1 C—3, 6—o.6—0. Gregory and Collins (Gt. Britain)
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  • 382 13 Knock-Out Decisions Over Hill and Genaro. Hill's form was too bad to bo true, writes A. J. Daniels in the Sporting Life, commenting on the Johnny Hill-Kmile IMadncr fight, which resulted in a knocknut victory for Pladner in the sixth round. Probably he was a bit over-train-.^. He
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  • 37 13 Berlin, Mar. 13. Tho Gorman bos ir Srhemeling will fight Paolino on June 27 at the Yankee Stadium. New York. The winner will meet Sharkey in September for th:' world heavyweight title.—T.ans-Ocean via PanAsia.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 133 13 Raffles Hotel Rooms with Modern Sanitation. EXCELLENT GULL. TEA DANCES EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AN!) FRIDAY 6.15—8.15 p.m. DINER DANSANT EVERY TUESDAY. THURSDAY AND BATUDKAY "SAKE" McGUIRE'S RAFFLES ORCHESTRA. Orchestral Concert Sunday, 9.15 p.m. For Reservation Phone 2f)20. Sea View Hotel TelegTama SEAVIEW. McplMM s»Rri. ,«>. Saturday, March Ifl CINEMA TWA
      133 words

  • 531 14 LONDON EXCHANGE STERLING PRICES FEB. 13. Pat Value Company. £1 Abaco 2/ A 11a km £1 Anglo-Mklty £1 Aycr Kuriii;* £1 1. 1 1 1 i 2/ KalaiiK Consolidated II Ilatu i air. £1 Batu Tiga it B«koh i Bcranancr 2/ Consi.IMatei. 8/ Bneh Cl
    531 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 495 14 r N mail* l*%tffl~TTf£'?~TV' (Fi rl II li A simple remedy for business worries HOW easily irritated one can become during a heavy spell of work. Details unattended to a rush of letters for the Mail; callers taking up valuable time— all these put an edge on one's temper. And
      495 words
    • 107 14 Sore Throat? Formamint destroys the germs in mouth and throat and cures your Sore Throat quickly. At the same time Formami«it-tablets will protect your children from infection. Formamint cures Sore Throat, sweetens the breath and prevents infectious diseases such as Influenza, Scarlet Fever, Diphtheria, etc. Buy a bottU to-day. COX
      107 words
    • 140 14 in LONDON in NOVEMBER. 192H p Agents SIME, DARBY CO., LTD. ,»»♦♦»♦♦♦♦<♦♦♦♦♦♦'.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* j ■'■:S'A\ I Our— Orange Squash and IjJ^. V\ Lemon Squash Ml^o^M. possess full, natural /jJf^^Ami flavour, because !^<^fi'lTTJ they are made from jilKMjl sun-riyened fruits. 'P^^^^lkl Sold every vTiere. im^A Framroz Co., ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦<♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•***********•******* LOWER RUNNING COSTS An
      140 words

  • 2463 15 SUPERIOR PLAY. Great Rugby Match At Twickenham. HEROIC STEPHENSON BADLY HURT. From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 1 1. At the moment <-f writing, we are in tii? giip of the hardest frost known for about twenty years. The prophets speak, lou. of its persistence-
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  • 17 15 Captain Le Sueur. Sarawak Ranters, took over the command at the Fov:, Kuching, M Major Cunynghame's departure.
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  • 320 15 Rescue from Shark. AFRICAN'S PERILOUS SWLM. The Royal Humane Society in mail weok awaidcd the Stanhope Cold Medal for the Bravest Deed of the Year to Mr. Andres Mullcr Heyns, aued 3S», a fari ier, of Mounthope, South Africa, for s;oing to the rescue of
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  • 153 15 Old International Rugby Player. It is officially announced that the King has been pleased to approve the appointment of Mr. Arthur Fairfax Charles Coryndon f.nxmoore, K.C., to do one of the Justices of the High Court of Ju^ticp, Chancery I ivision. Mr. Lm unooie was born in
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  • 48 15 The Asiatic staff of the printing (Vpaitment of Messrs. Kraspr ami Neuve, i,t<J.. entertained Mr. D. Main, who ticavinjr for Europe on retirement, and r Irs. Main, on Monday evening. Mr. A. I'. Sumy read an iMfmi and made a pros?ntation after which a group photoirraph was taken.
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  • 369 15 MS. Sold to an American Dealer. It recently became known that the original autograph manuscript of Sheridan's The School for Scandal, which was for a long time in the keeping of a direct descendant of the playwright, Mr. A. T. Brinsley Sheridan, of Frampton Court, Dorchester, was
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  • 198 15 Passcriuers arriving by the Op Ten Noort flom Java :>ort« on Moaeaa v.-e-ro Mrs. Tiio Kho T;o Nio. Mrs. T'ong The An, Mrs. Tan Tjio Nio, Mr. OnR Tjinjr Tjoeng, Mr. Keyiro Sumorichi, Mr. Sinedlt-y. Miss E. M. Acworth, Ty Kirn Jit. Tjia Ik Hwat. Tjio Poo Thioo, Manu-I
    198 words
  • 59 15 < Mr. R. Wateea, who h:is been a draper tor 62 years al Church End, FincWey, has re'crive-d an anonymous letter enclosing fiv:' £1 Treasury notes. The letter loads "This money has be.'n o-.ving over twenty years, so I am sending it snonymously." Mr. Watson said
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  • 421 15 Only Known Letter. RECORD PRICE AT AUCTION High prices were paM in mail Messrs. Sotheby's sale of illuminated manuscripts, printed books, and aut>uraph leters. The more human side of the collection *vas represented by several letters of Dr. Samuel Johnson. These were of intense interest,
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  • 83 15 Ironclad Fleet Attack On Cambrai. Major-General Sir Hugh J. F.Urs. who has iH-en placed >;n half-pay, was one iX the pioneeis of the tank, and WP» in command of the ironclnc! Bes' vr. >n ma If a successful attack v. The Germani war* h,- ■■■■■I that
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 204 15 T c r^zxHfiQEjrSal B < T "*> I Bajraarajo^ppßv VM^^a\vaaj^«Baaj^B«avHv'« with ECZEMA^!! TJONT endure the agony of skin disease its incessant itchi.ig pain, sleepless- nights and its threat of worse disfigurement. Begin to soothe and j heal your skin to-day with Zam-Buk. This rare herbal balm quickly rids the tissues
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  • 41 16 Tile I;;st shot which opened the 15-mile tunnel through the Bon Nevis range was fired duiing mail week by Mis. Halgrow, wife of the consulting engineer. Only a small bn :ikthrough at Loch Treig ramaineO U> !>c done.
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  • 752 16 EARLY ADVENTURES. Outwitting the Press Censor. TEMPESTUOUS WINSTON CHURCHILL. How the loss of a horse race by a ■short head turned him to the career of| a journalist is described in the opening pages of Colonel Lionel James's new book, High Pressure," published by John
    752 words
  • 54 16 Miss Ella Josephine Wood, of Instead, Icknicld Way, Goring-on-Thames, Oxon,. left £28,463, with net personalty £26,71s She left £5,000 to her butler, Maurice William Joslyn, or r-hould he not survive her, then to his wife, and, failing her, then between his children, £2,000 to her hou^e
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  • 36 16 Communist agents provoked some bloodshed in Athens roc»ntly, and many workers were wounded. The Government has ordered an inquest. The police have arrested the provocateurs, who are all Marxists in the pay of Moscow.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 187 16 oh f Wet role Hahn 19 FOR THE HAIR >w h\Jff/ I sli For lacl«e«. P6troie Hahn facilitates waving and permits |)tT^^ulj|j| eEI 'he most elegant coiffures. For men it prevents falling H i* llli hair due to fatigue or constant overstrain. For children M lonwSaMJhum IWm n H hl
      187 words
    • 242 16 1 1 W^^i 1 If I See what a difference Brasso makes I Try it on all articles of brass, jj I copper, and other bright metals. See what a difference it makes— 5 1 how quickly it cleans and 5 brightens, tod what a shine! Use 5 for cleaning
      242 words

  • 989 17 DESIRE FOR FREEDOM. Should the Church Grant Dispensations VIOLATION OF SACRED VOWS. In tho < of an article in the Evening Standard Dean Inge writes on the question of nil I Inge and divorce some aspects mi which he feels very strongly. !!<■ thinks that when
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  • 791 17 Indian List. DECORATIONS WIDELY DISTRIBUTED. Now Delhi, Feb. 28. The following honours are gazetted C.C.S.I.— The Rt.. Hon. Sir Leslie Wilson, lata Governor of Bombay. K.C.S.I. N'awab Sir BKq Muhammad Khan Bahnwalpur. Punjab. CSX— Mr. J. D. Sifton, I.C.S., Memt <:\. Executive Coiin«;il. Binur Mr. Michael
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  • 17 17 The death has occurred in London of Mr. Georg? Seton, founder of the Indian Tea Share Exchange.
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  • 274 17 Prosecutions in Past Six Years. London, Mar. 6. When people talk about the Home Secretary censoring books they little realise that if he abrogated his legal powers England would be flooded with filth from the Continent particularly, I am sorry to say, from one of our
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  • 132 17 Thursday. Mar. 14. 5.15 p.m., Drill Hall. C Scottish Co. No. 9 Platoon, 30X Range. Friday, Mar. IS, .1.15 p.m., Drill Hall, "C" Scottish Co. No. 11 Platoon, itOX Range 5.15 p.m.. Drill Hall, 1st Bn. Si*. Sec, Morse or lamp practice 5.15 p.m.. Drill Hall, "A"
    132 words
  • 40 17 The united monthly pray.-.- me( ting, open to all Christian workers, will be held in the C.E.Z.M. School on Wednesday, 20th inst. at 5.30. p.m. The leader will be Mr. E. Tipson, agent of the B. and F. Bible Society.
    40 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 98 17 NON-ELECTRIC FANS FT^ I Kritish Made Silent and Odourless. DKKDGING CO., LTD., (Sel.) wriUs f*^ Will you please despatch at once a further ivjS-8 l»o (2) Ky-Ko Hot Air Fan« on thii Com- MS ]nny'b account. ~\J -\Sur» I am very pleased with the one I purchased, f II and
      98 words
    • 83 17 Instructions from 8 1 Introduce most appetising S 1 3 variety in your daily menu by j consulting Light Fare Recipe* ij the Cookery Book contalnini \t 300 TBSTED RECIPES. All ij the dishes can be easily and 111 1 economically prepared. i Broun Poisons 5 Corn Flour stamp with
      83 words
    • 243 17 f Tired Nerves M When you have no energy and you are ensiiy A* or tired it is the sign that your nerves are starving jk for want of nourishment. V Stimulants and drugs will not restore your nerves A ;uid renew your energy. These do more harm A' £t
      243 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 284 18 3 IRON H PIPES WM WATER P, SANITARY I 5 WORK. '••;>' Better and not more expensive than zinc S. E. EUblissemenU BROSSARD MOPIN (Incorporated in France) SINGAPORE. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED LENSES DUPLICATED M. g£EKIEL SONS, OPTOMETRISTS and OPTICIANS. K.illl., a— lira. Raffles IT— I. Sincaporr. E. M. KZKKIKI..
      284 words
    • 664 18 I Any doctor I "^g^M Any doctor will tell you that the milk '^^^^r OU ye y° ur ''-^■"'V v nourish him fsi 'MS' jyi*'' pi'opcrly only if it contains all the £j-- v > twW vitamins and is pure and clean. ty* %"*ff^afr^ 4f Glaxo always abounds in vitamins
      664 words
    • 472 18 "FROM SICK BED BACK TO HEALTH" "That is Whai Dr. Williams' Pink l'ills Hare Done for .Me." Glerwian Tislimonj <>( a Fwei Nirw Siiflert'r in l!iirm;i. Knim bed back to health No wonder Mr. C. L. Francis, thi> Government Telegnni Ofltee, at Mandalay, Burma, becomes eithusiastic when he taHta of
      472 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 509 19 Assets over $8,000,000 S.C. Aisiruct la fore* erer $30,000,004 The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated la Straits Settlement*) If BEAD OFFICE Winchester House, Singapore LONDON OFFICsI i Old Jswrj, I.C. Th* Company ha* 4t0,000 depoaitsd with th* Supreme Coart of England and complies vita th* British Lift Assurance
      509 words
    • 603 19 I BANKING CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter 1865.) Paid Up Capital in 600,000 shares of £6 each «8,000,000 Reserve Fund £4,000,000 Reserve Lisbility of Proprietors £3,000,000 HEAD OFFICE 38, Bishopsgate, London, E.C. 2. Agencies and Branches Alor Star Harbin Seremban Amritsar Uoilo
      603 words
    • 584 19 BANKING HONG KONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Hong Kong) Head Offlee HONG KONG. Authorised Capital $80,000,000 Issued ar.d fully paid ap t20.000.000 Reserve Funds Sterling 6,000,000 Silver 114,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $20,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. S. Brown, Esq., Chairman. W. H. Bell, Esq., Deputy Chairman. B. D. F.
      584 words
    • 395 19 BANKING i BANQUE DE I'INDO CHINE Established 1871. (Incorporated in France) By Government Charter. o Capital Fes. 72,000,009 0 Reaervea Fes. 82,500,000 0 HEAD OFFICE PARIS. BRANCHES Yunnanfoa Pnompenh Shanghai Mongtseu Cantho Tientsin Vinh Saigon Pekln Namdinh Quang Tcheot Bangkok Hanoi Wan Djibouti Haiphong Hong Kong Pondicherry Tourane Canton Noumea
      395 words
    • 156 19 Haiq ("SCOTCH WHISKYW TyiORE HAIG WHISKY is being sold to-day than at any time in the long history of its existence, viz., 300 years. The period of shortage of old stocks is post and HAIG WHISKY v equal in quality to-day to the finest that ever went out of Scotland.
      156 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 170 20 "MONOPOL" STANDARD SIZE PROJECTOR Fitted with Universal Motor for 11C/220 volts. D.C. or A.C. Sole Agents M. Wiseman Co., (Eastern) Limited (Incorporated in Etgland) 41/3, KOBINSON UOAD, SINGAPORE. Stockists Australasian Films (East), Limited 22/24. ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE. liuy— MITRE BRAND TEA AND NONE ELSE. i >.■». ::i MM :3 T^B
      170 words
    • 286 20 TALCUM POWDER NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED. Enquiries Solicited. LEE KIM 100 40, HIGH STREET. CHEIRO'S YEAR BOOK FOR 1929. This remarkable book sets out clearly what is likely to befall you or your friends during the year 1929. Il indicates your lucky days and hours. It tells what class of
      286 words
    • 973 20 _O^OTi^ADMnSiIENTS^__ PREPAYAELE CHARGES for WANTS. For Sale, To Let, etc., in ordinary closs let type (average six words to line) are Pe line One insertion 28 cents, two ins. 46 cents, three irs. 84 cents, four ins. 82 cents, five ins. Jl.OO, six ins. Jl.i:i, ten ins.fl.4o, twelve int. $1.65,
      973 words
    • 933 20 MOTOR VEHICLES FOR SALE, two-seater Citroen car, excellent running order, $250. Apply 419, Straits Times. ITALASIA, LTD., Orchard Road, have always an attractive selection of secondhand cars. WANTED, 330 or 500 c.c. motorcycle, recent model, electric lighting essential. 447, Straits Times. FOR SALK, Dodpe Special, 1927 model. $900 or nearest
      933 words
      439 words
    • 265 20 The Genuine Series of WEBSTER'S DICTIONARIES Webster's New International Dictionary (with Addendum of New Words and revised Cissetteer sod Biographical Dictionary i Containing 452.000 Oeflned Words and Pkraacs). Dlvkfod as follows I 408,000 Vocabulary Definitions, 12,000 Biographical and 32,000 Geographical Entries, 2,700 Pages, 6,000 Illustrations. Price $38.00. Webster's Revised Unabridged
      265 words