The Straits Times, 12 March 1929

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 20,036. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1929 ?RICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 116 1 TROPICAL SUITING "FLORODOR" (8.D.A.) WING LOONG, HICH ST., SINGAPORE. Introducing the Latest Scientific Production SOL DEITIL CREAM PRODUCED AFTER LENGTHY CHEMICAL RESEARCH, AND POSSESSING ALL THE ESSENTIALS OF A Perfect Dentifrice MONSOL Dental Cream presents a new Era in Dental Hygiene and will be found of untold value in preventing
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    • 156 1 CHARMING AND EXCLUSIVE HATS FO3 ALL OCCASIONS A varied selection of New Spring Millinery in the latest pastel shades can be seen in our Showroom. ROBINSON COMPANY, LIMSTED. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR. gggjg^ NEW SHIPMENT PHEASANTS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION JKSbw F° r Quality and Service
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  • 185 2 Labour Member Wants General Inquiry. London, Feb. 25. In the House of Commons to-day, replying to Mr. K. Thurtle (Labour), Earl iiiterton said that Government would not appoint a committee to inquire into the alleged grievances of subjects of native States in India. Mr. Thurtle asked
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  • 196 2 Considerable Success In Ceylon. Kncourajted by the success of their anti-rinderpest experiments on bullocks, the Govermni-r.! Veterinary Department ul (\vlcn are now turning their attention to milking cows in order to establish the efficiency of the newly-introduced preventive methods and tlu:s encourage the co-operation of owners in securing
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  • 309 2 Election' Campaign For Servants. In Chefata Town Hal! was launched the other day a Conservative campaign to make love to the 10,000 domestic servants in CktJlta who v.ill have a vote at the general election. Sir Samuel Hoare, the local member <f Parliament, and Lady Maud Hoare.
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  • 97 2 Peer's daughter and Baronet's Son. In the Court of Session at Edinburgh in mail week Lord Murray disposed of s:i undefended petition of divorce by tiie Bon. Victoria Laura Cadogan Gilmour, ef Devon=hire-teirace. Paddinsiton, London. I daughter of the late Viscount Chelsea, against John L ltle Gilmour, of
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  • 303 2 Waylaid by Bandits At Dairen. All Dairen was shocked on Feb. 14. says the Manchuria Daily News, by the news that Chief Judge Anju of the Dairen District Court had been mortally shot by some of the bandits at a lonely Chinese farm-house at Piluho not
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  • 156 2 Accused's Unnoticed Exit From Dock. A sensation was caused in the District of Colombo, a few days ago, when a man who stood charged with retaining stolen property left the dock and stabbeii a police sergeant named Benda, who was la the act of stepping from the
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  • 266 2 How He Prepared for It In War-Time. Reference? to Lord Hair's work for the British Legion were mucle by Lady Haig, addressing delegates from the Kritish Legion in the Home Counties, in London in mail week. Lady Haig said "lam very hnppy to be here to-day, because
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  • 157 2 Captain Fried's Criticism Of Conditions. Mr. George Fried, captain of the United States liner America, which recently rescued the crew of the Florida in an Atlantic Kale, gave his reasons for what he termed the failure of the American Government merchant marine at a dinner in Washingtcn.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 103 2 The Fifteen ARMSTRONG SIDD E L E V Six is the best medium power, medium price, full size family car in its class. it is comfortable and smooth to drive, safe and steady at jpecd, easily controlled and very simple to maintain. liehind it is ten years experience in the
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    • 251 2 NON-ELECTRIC FANS Rritish Made Silent and Odourless. The Manager, DRKDGING CO., LTD., (Sel.) writei H"i 'TO* "Will you please .Ic.ipulch at onco further 1 SJ; two (2) Ky-Ko Hot Air Fan» on thin Com- ->• 1 iiny's account. <<ssi I am very pleased with the one I purchased. V sj
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  • 166 3 Government Wine And Cigar Bill. \o less than I'l. .">!•:; was spent by the British Government on wines ami i-igars Far ilistint»ui.<hi-<l cm v faring the past financial year. This is diadaaari la the audited iniotints :n: n (ciunrtioM with what is known as the liovcrnmi
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  • 119 3 Stolen Cars Hidden In Garages. A daring London motor bandit gang is evaaUMR capture because of the genius nf its I ;ulor, ;i mysterious woman wilh ;.'i ::t: ;n tive personalit y. It ii liilievod that the woman brought her first liig coup early this year. She
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  • 76 3 Sir Hugh Bell on His Birthday. I rri.lly ought to be dead," said Sir Hujrh Bell, the famous ironmaster, who \\:is BS in i-Ybiuary, when seen by a reporter in mail week. "Seventy years i ii allotted time, and lam overstaying In spite of his creat aqre,
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  • 99 3 Dominion League Formed In London. London, Keb. 27. The Seventh (Palestine) Dominion league was launched to-day at a meeting at Westminster, with the object of getting the British people and the British Administration to co-operate, so that when the Mandate over Palestine expires, the conditions there will induce
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  • 170 3 Conservative Chances "Very Rosy." London, Feb. 27. :ir. Rowlands, Chairman of the Council of the National Union of Conservative A -si c iations, was elected at the instance of the Premier, Mr. Stanley Baldwin. His appointment is regarded as a valuaMt asset to the Conservative party in t
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  • 64 3 "Beau Geste" Withdrawn After One Month. London, Feb. 27. The vicissitudes of the stage are evidenced by the fate of two recent West End plays— Journey's End," which cost £60 produce, made a profit of £6,000 in four weeks, and Beau Geste," based on the famous novel and
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  • 439 3 Wordsworth as The Lost Leader." A letter by Robert Browning, which throws new light on the question as to whom Browning; had in mind in his famous poem The Lost Leader," has come to light. When Dr. Gabriel Walton Lee, a distinguished member of the Geological Survey
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  • 104 3 Formation of "Committee Of Unity." The Secretariat of the Profintern (the Red Trade Union International) recently devoted special sitting to a consideration of plans for an extension of its work in consequence of the new prospects which have latterly arisen in Ireland." Zubok presented an official report
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  • 107 3 Investigation in South Africa. Cape Town, Feb. 28. It is officially stated that two heavy passenger engines and 10 goods engines which were recently supplied by the Maffei Works, Germany, at a cost of £150,465, have been found to be defective, owing to faulty weighting of the axle
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  • 62 3 Death of Man Who Taught The King. Lieut.-Commander Edwin Pratt, R.N. (retired), a well-known Portsmouth reemason and formerly recognised as the crack shot of the Navy, died at his residence at North End, Portsmouth, recently, aged 77. At the Whale Island Gunnery School he taught King George
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  • 61 3 Dr. Sun's "Three Principles" For the Catechism Saigon, Mar. 4. A congress of the Roman Catholic Church will be held in Shanghai on March IS. It will deal with the qu< ;tion of the unification of the catechis in China- Monseixneur Constantini, the Apostolic Delegate, wishes to
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  • 112 3 Many Applications For First Flight. London. Feb. 27. Despite certain diplomatic difficulties still to be settled, which preclude advance bookings, Imperial Airways, Ltd.. have been inundated during the past week with inquiries and applications for passages from Croydon to India. The new route will be inaugurated on
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  • 138 3 The Late Mr. L. C. Johnston's Benefactions. London, Mar. 1. The death has occurred of Mr. I-ouis Campbell Johnston, Director of the British Humane Association, and the founder of one of the world's leading artificial sunlight clinics, on which he spent ii 160,000 during his life-time, in order
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  • 50 3 Hairdresser's Tribute to Nero's Favourite. Toronto, Mar. 1. The favourite of Nero had the first permanent wave," declared a delegate to the International Convention of Hairdressers. She wrapped her hair round wooden stocks, packed it in clay, and remained for three weeks in a hot Roman bath."
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  • 62 3 A MATCHLESS PARSON The Rev. J. T. Rhys, a Welshman, aged about 50, who for several years has been Pastor of the Twickenham Congregational Church, stated recently that he had never seen a football match and that the only occasion on which he had seen a cricket match was when
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 111 3 They have made their t are made. I.J HsV*asHC3aalil 1 v lit I SUjB^BBBBBiIi II "V I BOLINDER'S HEAVY OIL MARINE ENGINES. Are built to meet the exacting conditions ss required ia Marine Enrint. OPERATION.-Simple, Economical, Easy CONSTRUCTION—Rugged »nd of the Finest Material. *°R PARTICULARS. APPLY UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED RAFFLES
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    • 123 3 ■■-rr.::-?\u* WW} Our It, Orange Squash and Lemon Squash iMM&% yk possess full, natural i^L(/^^^i« r^ avo^ ir because TMlffM they are made from MaiUnillSlllMl sun -»Pened fruits. F^^^v^^^l S<(l(l everywhere. piM!@|l |iL^3 Framroz k Co, ii^S $H?l^ SINGAPORE imimisi>iMMini>»>i>n«»nn«iti»»i>>iii>>iiiiiiMi« ARRIVING EX S.S. CITY OF KHIOS due about March 18,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 564 4 Shipping Announcements (NIPPON YUSEM liAISIIA) TO LONDON Mjo 1:,1 Marseilles, London, Antwerp tin Kottcro-.:.. Vessels Tonnage Due Sai FU.-iIIMI MARU Il.ntlO Mar. 14 1 tIAKOZAKI MARU lo.r.dd Mar. 28 2 HAKUSAN MARU IOJMfI Apl. 11 KiTANO MAIM; 8,01)0 Apl. LM 2 HARUNA MAKU 10.500 May 9 KAKO MARU U.OOO Mty
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    • 518 4 BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE, VIA JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND Regular monthly sailing* ty the wellknown steamer MAKELLA 1 7.876 tons) and ihe new motor vessel, MALABAR (4,512 tons). The b.«. VAKhI.'..A is one of the argt-:.' and finest steamers trading to Australia.
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    • 615 4 K. P. M. (ROYAL PACKET NAY. GO. OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated in Holland) Under cortract with ir.e NETHERLANDS INDIAN GOVERNMENT Telephone No. ll'.ln, with sub-connections to Passage, Freight, Transhipment Marine Li.pis. and Manager's I) Mk. -prr.sf7iti.tivt.- i for Singapore anil Straits Settlements of tin- Official Tourist Bureau .if Jay». All tofonutloa,
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    • 521 4 THE SIAM STEALS NAY. GO., LTD. (Incuip-iated in Siam) BANCXUX COASIING SKBVICB. in K relay, TrcnulMta. Uansnara. Ttiuuin, PaUni, Binjora, Lacon, Slehon. BkuJou, Ui.iis.u,. li, 1...:,,,. jju. c'huinpoii anJ Iknickok. Arrival Doparture MAUN'I ta rt Mar. la i i: ii il I 'Us. \< m. la Mar. tt Sllilin
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 509 5 Shipping Announcements ELLERMAN BUCKNAU STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. Incorporated in Knglurul >. "ELt.ERMAN"' MNE MMRNOn AND FREIGHT SERVKK TO THE rN'ITKI) KlNC;i)O>! AND i ONTORNT. FREIGHT SERVICE OI'TWARDS To Ron( Kong, Shan(hai and Japan Dili" S'por<- ITY (IF DELHI In peri as. CITY OF GLASGOW Apl. 10 s.*. CITY OF MOBILE
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    • 441 5 IHHIAK tikiLAMSBXP EJMB caW AMDUCAN MAIL LINE ROUND-THE-WORLD [SERVICE SINGAPORE and I'KNANIi via *UO, SUEZ, PORT SAID, ALKXUKIA, NAPLES, GENOA and WEILLES to NEW YORK mad BOSTON Arrive Lear* Laara Spore B'pora Paaant i \lt 1 I l-:i.l) Mar. 18 Mar. 21 Mar. 23 JOHNSON Apr. 1 Apr. 4 Apt.
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    • 422 5 DUTCH HAsIS Sloomvaart Maatsehappij Nedcrland and Rotterdam Lloyd WEEKLY MAIL and PASSLNGEK SERVICE TO Amsterdam Southampton *"**a»illea i:<-. i 1 1: i.i. Tonnage Leave Spore Tambora S,UUO R.L. l!i;r. IE P. C. Hooft 1J.600 S.M.N Mar Indrapoera 12,000 R.L. Mar. t* Kon der Ned. 8,200 S.M.N. Apl. B Innulinde 10,000
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    • 351 5 11 Models. As mpplied :o the British uml Colonial (J'lviiiiinu-nts and U'niling commercial bunco Inserts, ltd. 137. CfeClL STiJKhT. SINCAI'OKK. I desire i i!ur;'isl salisfaelion from each hikJ every pipeful, EDGEWOUTH will amply meet: your n. d or A! I. TOBACCOMUra. Sole A cents F. A. Bartliolomeusz, Ltd., 3-A, RAKKI.ES
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    • 114 5 The amateur^ standliy f»r i forty years. plus latitude —plus line pail emulsion plus cleanliness plus uniformity. In summing up the above mentioned qualities we find just why "KODAK" Film gives the best picture possible un- >/\ iler existing conditions. Kodak Ltd. SINGAPORE. TO LET New Offices at Rotterdam Building
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  • 260 6 TbassJaj Marra II 11. \V. 11l a.m.. II 1. !1 4i p.m.. s~. EJBJI.U. Women 1 Sen on, Annual HueKarspc Hotel. t.K p Banvard Enirliah Comadjf Co, "CbAoo in the Waat." Vie Theatre, 9M pjn, «.dn.sday. Manh II II W. M.42 i..m., iiari Ban Puaaa.
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  • 138 6 SINGAPORE HARBO UR BOARD. m Man I- i-. Ship. aloni:>lde the Whswvaa or rxpecud to arrive. K Kll-!:i. n \:;.'.->i i; Ukin A;. an' Craoa Pontoon No, 2. Pearl Shell. Bunga, Spartan, Hun k Ti Lch. V'adcU*. ii. Wharf Nil Cval Waarf VtSSKLS IN N1 DOChS. I'anjiiKg t'airar. AH. -a
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  • 218 6 lAKITA UARI 1..H.. ton*, from Vokobama 1 1 Boi ibay 12-8. ANVBIf. Sar.. 417 lona, from S:.i t ,.!i 11-J. fo. .Sait-.>'! I:.'-.!. \ Nor., 1,101 tons, from P. Bay 12-3, fui I. Hay 13-3. BfcNGKAUS, I)ut.. 678 u>.)>. Cram Pontianak 11-3. tor I'oniianak 18-3. CAP. VARELLA, Fran,
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  • 208 6 Today. Cey'on. Southern anil Western India (Coii Van Da pja. reji<,ii, Kgypt and Great Britain I Parcels] (Achilles) Mepja, Java, Souih-Wcst Sumatra. SouthKa::t M0m.... ('■!..t..-<, Moluccas and Timor D lly k'aa der t°*!>t!li n I :i pjn, Sink and H;:i.a>i Baroe iNam HengJ S Bjn. Bagan 81
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  • 49 6 The Morea nrrived in London at 1 p.m. on the 9th iuslant. By 'hristiaau Huygcns lorca »'A rtMffnitn l.rfl ArrH. K'pure l.i iii i!i. i Jan. 31 Feb. 2! V.h. I X.1.. tl Feb. 8 Mar. Feb. 7 Mar. FVh. T Mar. i Feb. 14 Mar.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 491 6 ALHAMBRA m TAN CHENG KEE CO., LTD., I'roprietors PROGRAMME TONIGHT LAST WIGHT, BARBED WIRE Commencing Wednesday, March Hi, ending Monday, March 18 In the Second Show at 9 p.m. THE LATEST EMPIRE NEWS LIFE'S CIRCUS MARY JOHNSON A Masterpiece of Circus life filled with Dramatic Yliriils. A Defu Production Released
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    • 301 6 PAVILTON r I From Tuesday, Maifft ("> Mftßefiiy March IR, al MB yi.iv.. THE LATEST PATHE GAZETTE RFAII HARBPIIR Featuring GARY COOPER-EVELYN BRENT NOAH BEERY-WILLIAM POWELL In the First Show fti V.:50 pjN. LEFTY FLYNN in SMtUNG A T TROUBLE Seatsi bulked and :io( paid for will be <iis|x,M V
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    • 216 6 APOLLO GEYLANG From Mar. 14 to 17 WHEN FLEET MEETS FLEET A Stirring Romance of the Great Battle of Jutland. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN SINGAPORE. FOR THREE NICHTS Commcncinif SINDAV. MAS. 11, at the APOLLO CINEMA BBTUUM SPECIAL PROGRAMME AT HALF I'RICE TO ALL First Show at 7.30 p.m.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 73 6 METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Station. (B) Courtesy uf Government Health Office.) For the 24 Huur* eadinc at Midnight on March 11. Deg. Mtx. shailc Un-.pcrature R7 F. A! in. shade temperature BJ t, Kaaa shade temperature 79.0 F. Max. sun radiation lIS K. .Mm. jf'ass radiution CJ.9 Mtan wet bulb
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  • 810 7 Outlook for Malayan Companies. t Tin shares have been receiving more attention, ami MM prloaa have moved up. If hi pot rcouired much demand for the market saya Truth in mail week. the Boating supply o' j-urh shares having ■all for km time past. Nothing farther
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  • 221 7 Fvlniiiclv Kirni T'n'krtonc Noted. London, Feb. 13. Paat, Ui. report Plantation KuM>.-r. -When it became known that il>- kank r:itr hid bi-en raised to al.-.a 1.- wai a setback of about I fi rthinc per Ml. bat «s there was no pressure t'> icti prices quickly recovered
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  • 76 7 Th,- \V*n.,.oo Tobacco and Rubber Estates. 1.i.1.. mtdt a net profit for the year ended <>.!. :;i last of f;i,T2i;. The annual meeting held on Pah H, authorised a dividend 01 i».r_<-, nt. (less tat 1 and a carry forward Th,. Tamnfia 1 Sumatra* Rubber and I
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    • 410 7 Optimistic Outlook On Rubber Position. In their weekly report issued yesterday •■noT'.ing Mnm. Baker. Morgan and Co:, I Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, state The gradual saline of the price of rubber during the past week seems to have brought I certain amount of grim satisfaction to the l»--i:ristically
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    • 178 7 EXCHANGE PRODUCE Sineaporc, Mar. 12. Singapore, Mar. 12. On London, Bank 4 m/» 2/3 29/32 Ul nan<i 2/3 25/32 (Cube No. 1 unpicked I |£S Private 3 m. credit 2/4 7/18 *-°P r a a 0 On New York, Demand 66 1/1C xed c »•<« I'nvate Ml d/i 6o
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      • 153 7 Singapore. Mar. 12. Rubber. Local 1114 cents per lb. Market Kasier. Tin.— London £221 2s. 6d. Rubbers.— Steady. New Scudais 2.80-2.87-., PungKors LOIVI.OS, Katils 1.02H-1.07'/.,. Malaka Pindas 2.37 "-..-2.42 V4, Sungei Tukangs 1.174-1.23'z, Bulgownies 3.25-3.45, Pajams ■\4t-Utla. Mentakabs 52-55 cents, Connemaras 1.85-2, flu Benuts 62><.-66H cents,
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      • 179 7 Singapore, Mar. 12. London. Rubber Is. o*id., up ',4d. London.— Tin £221 2s. 6d., up 12s. 6d. M in injr. Steady. Sungei Way 3.05-3.15. Kuchais 1.38H-1.41, Kinta Dredge 1.47-1.52, Klang Kiver 3.15-3.25, Hong Fatts 60-65 cents. Malaya Consols. 59-61 cents,- Penawat 90-91' cents, Pctaling 5.80-5.90, Ulu
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    • 61 7 Henderson, Helm and Company, Inc., New York, send us the following; cable, dated Mar. 11, their quotations being in gold dollar cents closing bid prices Rubber Exchange sales to-day 1,175 tons. March 26.50, April 25.80. May 26, June 26.20, July 26.30, August 26.40, September 26.50, October 26.50, November
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    • 42 7 A cable received by Lewis and Peat (Singapore), Ltd., from their London correspondents states that rubber stocks in London and Liverpool show an increase of 360 tons during the past week, the total now on hand being 30,058 tons.
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    • 91 7 [BRITISH IMPEBIAL BADIO] Rugby, Mar. 11. Foreign exchanges are Amsterdam 12.11H, Athens 375, Berlin 20.44*. Bombay ifi. 5 i"- 32d Brussels 34.95, Bucharest 817H, Buenos Aires 47 11-32. Copenhagen 18.20. Geneva 25.22, Ile'.smgfors 192\ Hong Kong Is. ll\d.. Kobe 1». 0 15-16 d Lisbon \<>*',. Madrid 32.92^. Milan 92
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    • 63 7 Latest Cable London Spot Sheet 12-\d. per lb. New York Spot Sheet C cents 25^ per lb. I.S.S. equal to StanHnrd Q.C.F. Spot itandard R.S.S. on Tender March April-June a July -Sept. Oct.-Dec. Buyers 44> i 44 45 \t 46' i I'i'. Seller* 4I'
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    • 17 7 Issued by Frascr and Co., Exchange and Stock Brokers. Singapore. Mar. 12, 10 a.m.
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    • 243 7 Increasing Demand Per Current. The report of the directors of Tllim Electric Lighting, Ltd., for the year ended Dec. tl, 1928, statej that the net profit for the period, after muking provision for depreciation, etc.. and transferring $20,000 to reserve, is $107,93».49. An interim dividend of I per
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    • 129 7 Extension of the Company's World Service. Commencing with the T.S.S. Imperial Prince due in Singapore on June 1!6. sr.ilings of the Prince Line to Boston anil New York wiil be fortnightly, instead of every 20 d::ys. The itinerary of this service is outwards from New York via
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    • 13 7 I-'rom China and Japan, by Shinnol Maru, due at Singapore to-morrow.
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    • 20 7 Tanjone Tin.— 4oo piculs. Kent (F.M.S.).— 850 picuK Kcpayang.- 4K piculs. Mambnu.— 515 hours, 43,600 yard s 19;
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    • 443 7 Issue Val Pd Buyer. Sellers £1 £1 teas Kumbanc 44/- 45/£1 £1 Bsn K riii Tin 39/- 40/1 1 Batang Padang 0.43 0.4S 1 1 Batu Caves 1.5214 1.57/4 1 1 Hukit .Aranir Ji.OU 210 XI £1 liurmah Malay 41/- 42/£1 £1 Chonderiang 7/6 8/fi £1 £1 Kastern Siara
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    • 230 7 V«l- Pd- Bayers Sellert 2 2 Alex. Brick Preft. 2.07H 2.12!4 2 Alex. Brick Ords. 2.45 255 £1 £1 Brit. Am. Tobacco 6.2.6 6.7.6 Canadian Eagle 11/- 12/. 1 1 Central Engine 0.70 0.80 1 1 Cycle and Carriag* 0.60 0.65 10s. 10s. Duff Development 10/6 11/6 6/Bd. Dunlop
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    • 117 7 U. Eng. 6 p.c. 1,225,500 Norn. Spore Cold Storage 7 p.e. deb. of 1926 red. 1931-30 101 103 ci. Singapore Municipal 5 p.c. of 1901 Ted. 1930 $1,873,000 par 5% prem. Singapore Municipal 44 p.c. of 1907 red. 1947 $1,600,000 95 par. Singapore Municipal 4Vi p.c. of
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    • 395 7 Frascr and Co. and Lyall and Evatt's quotations. Alknl.y ($1) Ator Gujah ($1) A. iliiam (si) A. Kuning (»1) Am. Malay (*2) A. Molek ($1) A. Panas ($5) Bal(fownie (*1) Bassett (*1) Broifas <*1) Brunei (*5) B. Jelutong (*1) B. Katil (*1) Bukit K. B. (|1) B. Kcpont;
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    • 276 7 Report on the Past Year's Working. The report of the directors of the Taiping Tin Dredging Co., to Dec. 31 states that the plant of dredge No. 1 has continued to run smoothly, and treated 35 acres of ground for a recovery of .355 catty (7.57 02.)
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    • 41 7 ion. Mr. T.,h Cheng Hoi ion of Mr. ami Mrs. Ton Tianj: Swe, young* 1 I, 'other of .Mr. Toh (hrnu Kiat, pu ed away yeiter- leaving widow and a jon m mourn I'uneral to-morruw ut 2 p.: to Bukit
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    • 38 7 The narriaft ceiermmv •<{ Mr. Khoo Hock Haw, youngest son of Mr. Khoo Sin Kiat and giand: >n of the late Mr. Khoo ('heong Si-m- to Mi. Koh Bong Meo, younwat dauKhter of Mr. and Mr*. Koh KjagChuan,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 265 7 PERAK TURF CLUB EASTER AMATEUR MEETING. First Day. Saturday, March 30. Second Day, Monday. April 1. TWO WBm esch for MM CLASSES 3. 4 and 3 and I'OMKS CLASS 1. 2 and 3. jnOntmOU available Uom the Im M^T«I.KS CLOSE at a p.m. on Monday I'M .IMITEH SWEEP aaah te
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    • 844 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Ollior Classified Advts.. see page 16. WANTS, FOR SALE, ETC. BI »eeki tnplojrsMak Apply T, furnished mom. e!c>e. light, geyser an. I, M.y. r Mansions. Ip) To I.XT. shops in the Grogvenor Building, fmr.i Muy 1. Apply to Stephens, l'aul Co. (lp) TO LET. furnished room in town,
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  • 992 8 The Straits Times Singapore, Tuesday, march 12. STRAITS CITIZENSHIP. Something may usefully be added to our recent article entitled The Bored Citizen lest it should seem to have struck only pessimistic and negative notes. The public life of Malaya is calm and peaceful in comparison with the vigorous end often
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  • 1158 8 Singapore in Sailing Ship Days. Through the open door the half-naked figure of the steamship Sunda's serane was silhouetted against the dark curtain of night. In that elusive outer darkness were scattered gleaming clusters of stars a thousand conflicting lights danced in reflection on the lons, smooth ripples
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  • 393 8 H.E. the Governor returned from Kuala Lumpur by train this morning:. Mr. A. C. M. Wall, First Assistant Commissioner of Police, Ipoh, is shortly leaving to be Chief Police Officer, Pahang. The annual dinner and ball of the St. Patrick's Society, Singapore, will be held at the
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  • 806 8 CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE Even an editor will turn And if he happens to be a co-ed editor editing for a hobby, he is liable to arouse much dust in the process. With a praiseworthy touch of originality, Mr. L. T. Ryan, the editor of the Toronto University
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  • 33 8 Mr. W. A. L. Schaub. Manager of the N.V. Straits-Java Trading Co., who haa been on nine months' leave, returned by the P. C. Hooft and has resumed thq management of the company.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 184 8 "DOVER B' STOVES SizeJ^io. 8. WOOD BURNING. DOVER B PIPINGS, etc. Piping in 2 ft. lengths Price £1.85 nett. Elbows Price $1.85 Cowls Price £1.20 S:7.f 4H in. x2B in. x 32 in. hish. *^BB9HHJGr j complete with boiler. jr tffT^Ja^^Sti^fc^^^Bl^BEMßH Price $200.00 nett. Size of oven 23 in. x
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    • 101 8 ALHAMBRA I Positively the Last Night To-night BARBED WIRE TO-MORROW la the Second Shaw at 9. A First National Production LIFE'S CIRCUS Featuring MARY JOHNSON Alone with Latest Empire News. First Show at 7.50 p.m. FOOLS IN THE DARK Featuring MATT MOORE and PATSY RUTH MILLER. TAN CHENG KEE CO..
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  • 1016 9 Major Segrave's Great Performance. 231 V 2 MILES AN HOUR. All Records Beaten At Daytona Beach. Major H. O. D. Segrave, the Urititih racing motorist who became famous by being the first to surpass a of 200 miles an hour in a car. has left all records
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  • 146 9 Government Committee Report. London, Mcr. 12. The necessity for thoroughly reconditioning the organisation and equipment of British industries is stressed in the final report of the committee on industry and trade established in 1924 under the chairmanship.of Sir Arthur Balfour. The committee docs not believe that any
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 191 9 Details of Proposed Bank. Rugby, Mar. 11. The committee of experts on Reparations held a plenary session in Paris this morning, and discussed the functions of the proposed new international bank Tor dealing with Reparation payments. A sub-committee presided over by Lord Revelstoke, one of the British delegates, was
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  • 102 9 A Constitutional Issue Raised. London, Mar. 11 It is understood that the members of the Cabinet are consulting their legal advisers regarding the constitutional issue raised by the forthcoming dissolution of Parliament in case the King is insufficiently recovered to undertake the heavy duties connected with the dissolution
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 258 9 Explanation in Indian Assembly. New Delhi, Feb. 26. Sir George Schuster, Finance Member, v a- pressed in the Legislative Assembly to-day to explain the reasons for the rise in the Imperial Bank rate to 8 per cent. The questioner alleged that this was done to maintain
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  • 28 9 Berlin, Mar. 11 The International Anti-Fascist Congress, held here over the week-end, passed off with only a few incidents, which the police easily dealt with. Trans-Ocean.
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  • 24 9 Rome, Mar. 11 Dr. Stresemann will recuperate on the Italian Riviera for three weeks and return to Berlin immediately after Easter. Trans-Ocean.
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  • 246 9 Further Details. INJURIES TO CHINESE GENERAL. Hong Kong, Mar. 11. Further details of the disastrous fire which broke out at the King Edward Hotel at 3 a.m. to-day and spread to the Savoy Hotel next aoor, show that the fatalities were even greater than was
    Reuter  -  246 words
  • 21 9 On account of the Hari Raya Puasa holiday there will be no issue of the Straits Times to-morrow.
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  • 269 9 Three Men Missing From Cruiser. Manila, Feb. 27. The United States light cruiser Milwaukee, which made the trip through the southern islands with other .ships of the Asiatic Fleet returned to Manila yesterday morning, minus three sailors who are reported to harvc been lost on the- island
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  • 84 9 Slight Decrease in World Consumption. London, Mar. 11 According to the International Federation of Master Cotton-Spinners' and Manufacturers' Associations, the world's cottonmill consumption for the six months ended Jan. 31 was 12,750,C00 bales. This showed a slight decrease compared with the corresponding period of last year.'t Indian,
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 70 9 Correction in House Of Commons. London, Mar. 11. In the House of Commons at questions time. Earl Winterton, Under-Secrctary for India, corrected a statement he made previously with regard to the case of Gandhi. He stated that Gandhi was technically arrested at his residence in order to enable
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 34 9 The HI. steamer Rajula with London mails despatched on Feb. 21 is due to reach Penang at 6 a.m. on Friday. The mails should, therefore, be delivered in Singapore on Saturday morning.
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  • 370 9 Eight Hour Day. BRITISH OBJECTIONS TO CONVENTION. Geneva, Mar. 11. At the meeting of the governing body of the International Labour Office, Sir Arthur Steel-Maitland, the British Minister for Labour, expounded Great Britain's reasons for not ratifying the Washington Forty-Eight-Hour-Week Convention. He said Great Britain always
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  • 121 9 Britain Revels in Sunny Weather. London, Mar. 11. Great Britain and Europe generally are now revelling in a n-.ild heat-wave, which forms a striking contrast to the recent Arctic conditions. There has been no rain, and the serious floods once apprehended have not materialised. Cologne, Mar. 11.
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 173 9 X-Ray Examination of Alleged Old Master. New York, Feb. 28. X-rays were invoked on behalf of the plaintiff in the Hahn-Duveen libel action. A physician testified that an X-ray examination had revealed differences in the pigments of the eyes, one of whicn looked as if there was mud
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  • 108 9 Reply to the American Protest. London, Mar. 11. Sir Hugo Hirst, chairman cf the Generai Electric Co., replying to the committee representing American shareholders, who protested against being debarred from buying the new shares which are to be issued, asserts that the fact that Americans hold 60
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 62 9 Attempt to Smuggle On Board the Tilawa. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Mar. 11 The Customs authorities to-day frustrated an attempt to smuggle 500 ounces of German cocaine, valued at £4,000, on board the Tilawa, bound for the Straits and Far East. A fishing smack in the
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  • 228 9 European's Death From Burns. There was a tragic occurrence at Belait, station of the Sarawak Oilfields, Ltd., some distance from Miri, early last week, involving the death of Mr. G. H. Webster, a young employee of the company, who came out from home about two years ago, and
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  • 94 9 Taken in Grounds In Bath-Chair. Rugby, Mar. 11 For the first time for four months the King was out of doors to-day. The weather was brilliantly fine and this morning advantage was taken of the warm sunshine and absence of wind to wheel His Majesty in
    British Wireless  -  94 words
  • 157 9 Government Troops Claim Successes. Mexico City, Mar. 11. It is officially announced that in the first encounter the Government forces, led by ex-President Calles, defeated the rebels under General Urbalejo at Canitas. The Government spokesman declares that the rebels changed sides when they learned that Urbalejo was not
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 154 9 Two Women Candidates Oppose Lord Scone. London, Feb. 25. Strong feminine interest is being displayed in the North Lanark by-election, where the Conservative candidate, Lord Scone, is opposed by two women candidates, Miss Elizabeth Buchanan-Mitchell, M.A. (Liberal), and Miss Jenny Lee, a school teacher (Labour.) Miss Buchanan-Mitchell, an
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  • 20 9 Teheran, Mar. 11. A seven years customs agreement between Persia and Russia has been signed here. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 14 9 Capt. J. C. McLeod has taken over the duties as senior boarding officer, Singapore.
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  • 610 9 Australians Score Slowly. WOODFULL'S CENTURY Three Wickets Down For 203. When stumps were drawn at Melbourne yesterday the Australians had made 152 for two in reply to the English total of 519. Play this morning was cautious in the extreme. At the luncheon interval Ryder's wicket
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  • 157 9 Inexcusable Backwardness Condemned. London, l*eb. 27. As the result of a speech delivered by 3rigadier-General P. R. C. Groves, the London Chamber of Commerce unanimously adopted a proposal to form a Civil Aviation Section. Brigadier-General Groves pointed out that the air routes of the world totalled
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  • 27 9 London, Mar. 1 1 His Majesty has approved the appointment of Sir Sidney Barton, Consul-General in Shanghai, to be Minister in Ad.JH Ababa. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  27 words

  • 427 10 Kansu Outbreak. CONDITIONS REPORTED TO BE WORSE. Shanghai, Feb. 26. KafM'i doom hastens. The Moslem rebellion is spreading." These are drainatk sentences from letters received in Shanghai lioni Urn Ber. W. W. Simpson, I Kansu. revealing terrible conditions as i result of the Sioslem outbreak and
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  • 99 10 Fourth Day of Hearing At Penang. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 12. At Hh Assizes yesterday the trial of the late manager and two other as-Ut-aata in the Straits Cattle Trading Company on charges' of falsifying and making alterations in the firm's bor.k3 was continued
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  • 98 10 Schoolboy's Tragic Fate At Worthing. Gordon Berkeley Howard Knight, a 13-year-old Crawiey boy, died from injuries received in a Rugby practice nae at a preparatory school in West Worthing;. The headmaster, Mr. W. B. Harris, was acting as> referee. There was a scrum about two minutes
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  • 57 10 The result of the ballot taken by the I Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association for a Municipal Commissioner in pla c- of Mr. Scfton Cullen resulted as follow) Mr. i>. I>. Griffith-Jones 244 >Ir. H. W. Raner 171, spoilt paper? 1 The AMoeiatka will now submit Oie l inn.
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  • 76 10 Mr. and Mrs. R. C. D«y. of Aberiravenny. recently had the very unusual nee of celebrating their "ruby" we .ding, having been married at Oxford seventy years ago. on Feb. 9, 1859. Mr. Day is ninety years of age, and his wife is eighty-eight. He was one
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  • 59 10 Th<> death took place suddenly last iii^->.t at Penang of Mr. Richard G. Andrews, ajred W, I well-known and respected citizen who had served for many via i^ in the P.W.D., subsequently joining tieorge Town Municipality from which he ten years ago. He leaves a sen two si-.ters. The
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  • 115 10 Story of Fellow Lodger's 111-Feeling. A Chinese was shot dead in a house in Tanjong Pagar Road at about 8.30 p.m. ii Sunday. The attack is believed to be the sequel to ill-feeling between the deceased and a fellow lodge:- who had a few days previously tx-tri
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  • 121 10 P. O. SHIP BEACHED. Kashmir Damaged In Collision. Lloyd's agent at Antwerp telegraphs j that the Belgian steamc Leopoldvillo, inward bound, and the llritish steamer Kashmir, outward bound, have been in collision in the River Scheldt. The Belgian vessel was damaged, her forepeak leaking, and the British shin was badly
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  • 112 10 Building Ideal Home At Oxford. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 12, An interesting letter from Sir George Maxwell reached Penang by the last mail in which the former Chief Secretary informed his correspondent that he and Lady Maxwell have decided to settle down permanently at Oxford,
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  • 218 10 Police Stabbed to Avoid Arrest. A Chinese who was shot by the police on Dec. 30 last after he had stabbed a lance-corporal and a policeman in the course of an attempt to evade arrest on a charge of house-breaking, was sentenced to three years' rigorous imprisonment in
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  • 75 10 Constituency Reform Bill Opposed. The Diet was in confusion' to-day, when the Minsei party and various nonMinisterialist parties strongly opposed the Bill to reform the constituency laws and launched a fusillade of interpellations with a view to preventing the hill being voted in this session of the Diet,
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  • 42 10 London, Feb. 27. A third portion of the library of the late Sir Edmund Gosse was sold at Sotheby's to-day for £5,781. A presentation copy of Stevenson's South Sees fetched £J7O end one of The New Arabian Nights" £70.
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  • 21 10 A meeting of the Rural Board will be held at the Land Office at 11 a.m. on Monday, the 18th inst.
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  • 33 10 The death has occurred suddenly of Dr. G. H. S. Waipole. Bishop of Edinburgh, aged 75. He had been a Bishcp nearly twenty years, and was the father of Hugh Waipole, the novelist
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  • 32 10 It is announced that Captain Willia.;n Milboume James has been promoted to he Keai -Admiral. He is the great grandson of Sir John Millais and was the model for the latter's well-known
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  • 668 10 Evidence for Prosecution At Assizes. Mr. Justice Deane and a special jury were ergatred all day at the Assizes yesterday listening to th.' case for the prosecution against Ho Peng and Chap Kook Wing, who b'llh stood their trial on •ftargea of munier. attempt.-d murcier, and armed
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  • 112 10 Passes First Reading In Commons. London, Feb. 27. Who pays the piper calls the tuna quoted Mr. Thurtle in the House of Commons in a speech introducing the Clenn Politics FJill, which passed its first readhe] amid Labour cheers and Ministerialist counter-cheers. The object of the Bill
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  • 37 10 London, Feb. 28. The death has occurred of Dr. Joseph Wells, formerly Warden of Wadham College, Oxford, who became famous three years ago for his dictum, There are too many women undergraduates at Oxford."
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  • 32 10 Que?n Marie Cristina of Spain, mother of King Alfonso, left a fortune of about £1,660,000. She left no legal will but only a document in her handwriting, apparently a draft.
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  • 42 10 Edward Charles, a European, was charged in the Second Court yesterday with criminal breach of trust in resp?ct of a melliphone value at $350, tho property of a European lady named Grace Benz. He was remanded a week on hail of $250.
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  • 48 10 The Methodist Girls' School will hold a sale of work on Nind Home ground-:, Mount Sophia, on Saturday from I to 6 pjn. Tea and ice cream will be served. All friends of the school are invited to attend. The prwee.h will gn Id the ntw building fund.
    48 words
  • 153 10 Raid in Buona Vista Road. The Chinese Nationalist flag was in evidence all over the City this morning in commemoration of the fourth anniversary of the death of Dr. Sun Vat Sen. In order to prevent attempts at demonstrations, which arc apt to be taken advantage
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  • 266 10 Tourists' Impressions Of Penang. The (unar.l round-the-world liner r'ranconia arrived in port early this morning from Penang with over 400 tourists. The vihiUirs came ashore after breakfast urn! motored to various points of interest, including the Gap, the Botanic Gardens, the Sing Seng Rubber Factory in Bukit
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  • 65 10 Beau Geste Withdrawn After a Month. London, Feb. 27. The vicissitudes of the stage are evidenced by the fate ef two recent West End plays. Journey's End," which cost ISO to produce, made a profit of £5,000 in four weeks, and Beau Geste," based on the famous novel
    65 words
  • 71 10 Men Run into by Motor Lorry. A party of Portsmouth Football Club players were walking out at Southsca when a passing motor lorry's steering gear went wrong, and the lorry ran into them on the pavement. Two players, I.anyan, a reserve outside right, and Griffiths, who is on
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  • 89 10 A London District Railway train bound for Whitechapel took the wrong turning between Acton Town and Chiswick Park [a mail week. Passengers were bewiMered when, after leaving Acton Town, they found themselves on a branch line at South Acton instead of at Chiswick Park. Alarm quickly changed
    89 words
  • 34 10 The Alhambra programme will be changed to-morrow, when the new feature to be offered will be Life's Circus," a First National production telling a story f circus life full of dramatic thrills.
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  • 47 10 The Pavilion will present a notable attraction from to-night in Beau Sabreur," the sequel to Beau Geste," with Gary Cooper, Noah Beery, William Powell and Evelyn Brent in the leading parts. It is a thrilling story of life in the Foreign Legion, and should draw large audiences.
    47 words
  • 44 10 Fallowing are the numbers of arrivals and departures to Madras Presidency for the month of February Arrivals (figures supplied by travelling inspectors) adults, 1,471, minors, 22.> departures (figures supplied by steamer agents) adults, 6,807, minors, 505. The arrivals relate to aided passengers only. in
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  • 657 10 Cuckoo in the Nest At Victoria Theatre. Rawlings Kathleen Vaußhnn Mrs. Bone Valentine Clemow Major George Bone it. Heaton Urey Barbara Wykeham Elana Aherne (.l.idvs Kathleen Vnughan Alfred C. V. Wallace Marcuerite Hickett Josephine Kilfoyle Peter Wjckcham Bariiy Russell Nooney Henry J. Corner Mrs. Spoker Annie Chippendale
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  • 130 10 Where Malayan Societies Differ. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 1± A lecture highly interesting, instructive and entertaining to all imbued with the real co-operative spirit was delivered yesterday at the Town Hall by Mr. C. V. Strickland, a member of the Indian Civil Service who holds
    130 words
    • 1227 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I was much interested in reading your article entitled "The ■dacajtion the Malays" in your issue dated Dee. 12, and as I believe there are misleadi I statements in it, I shall consider it wry kind of you if
      1,227 words

  • 236 11 LEAGUE FOOTBALL SEASON. Next Month's Games In Both Divisions. The following la the full programme for ■rat and Meoad division niaivheg to be played ir the S.l-\A. League during Apr:!. ptxUirt cards are not y-'t to hard from tin- printers, but will be issued to al! clubs concerned within ;i
    236 words
  • 629 11 Chinese Teams Coming To Malaya. The MaU.-an Cktecac Football Association it making preparations for th.- visit of the Hong Kong National Chinese Amateur Athletic Association football tourists, who are due to arrive here fct the end of April. It will be recalled that last year the Malayan Chiner.e,
    629 words
  • 41 11 TANGLIN CL UB TENNIS. The final of the mixed open doubles will be played at the Tanglin Club to-day, Mrs. Wurtiburg and Donnell meeting Mrs. Zy'stra and A. D. Anderson. In the event ol i»m the mulch will be played tomorrow.
    41 words
    • 264 11 Me A listers A.l.C. Game Undecided. puM resulted at th« Btadiwa ..•<■,•!>■ when McAlistevs and ihe A.P.C. met in 111? second round of the InterComm stria! Cup Competition, and after Ixty minutes hard pxy the scores were >vcl. oath side having found the net on line occasion. Although
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    • 50 11 Uradford City's Win at West Hromwich. I.on-lnn, Mar. 11. Visiting the Hawthorns to-day, Bradford City defeated West Bromwich Albion by two goals to one in a second division .vame. In n third division match at Luton today Plymouth Aigyle forced a two goals' draw with Luton Town. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 109 11 Latest Belling Fohanaun Favourite. London, Feb. 25. The following is the latest bettinjr on the Lincolnshire, to be run on Mar. 20 100 to 7 against Fohanaun (laken and offered 100 to 7 against Scintillation (offered, 16 to 1 taken). 16 to 1 against Umslopa^aas (offered, 18 to
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    • 174 11 Race Course Competitions. Owing to the Malayan championship meeting beginning on Mar. 29, the competition for the Eu Tong Sen shield at Race Course Golf Club will start on the !6th instead of the date given in the fixtures. Entries will close at 6.30 on the 14th, when the
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    • 90 11 London, Mar. 1. At Prince's Club, Scott Chad regained the Army Singles Rackets title by defeating Cheney, 15—4, 15—11, 18—13. Scott Chad showed greater severity in his strokes, although he was hard pressed in the last game. London, Feb. 26. At Prince's Club in the final of
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    • 69 11 Owing to the rain yesterday the match lixod between the V.M.C.A. and Raffles Institution was postponed to Monday. The following will represent the V.M.C.A. against the Police on Thursday on the V.M.C.A. ground D. Butler R. I y lie and W. E. Atkinson R. Marett, I>. F. Santos and
      69 words
    • 334 11 Some Good Fights in The Finals at Stadium Club. Prince Arthur of Connaught presided at the Army Individual Boxing Championships at the Stadium C!ub, Holborn, last month, and at the end presented the prizes. The Stadium was packed and th four officers' finals all provided good rights,
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    • 86 11 Stadiums, Limited, Sydney, announce that they have accepted Bushey Graham's terras to fight Fidel La Barba for the world's bantam-weight championship in Australia. Arrangements were practically completed in mail week, says the Spoiling Life, for a fifteen-round contest between Fidel Ir. Barba, the American who has held tho
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    • 228 11 M.C.C. to Acquire MoreProperty. The announcement is made that a special general meeting of the Marylebone Cricket Club will be held this month to ratify the puichuse of certain freehold premises. Changes in the actual match-playing area and practice grounds are not contemplated in fact, they are
      228 words
    • 116 11 S.C.C. Eleven Against The Services. The foßowtag will itpteieut the S.CC aniiwt the Services in a natch to bo played on the Padar.g to-morrow, staitiiiil- at 10.^0 R. L. L. Hiaddell (eapt), R. StewartBrown, c il. Clarke, R. G. Gibson W. 11. PlndJay, \V. N. Hanaen, D. R.
      116 words
    • 57 11 Not a Single Amateur in First Twelve. Biarritz, Mar. 1. The French National Golf Championship was played over 72 holes at the Chiberta Club's coaiae. The following were the leading scores Jean Gassiat (Chiberta) 311 Mai-cel Dalle nniKne (Cabourg) UC Pierre Hirigoycn (Chantilly) 320 Not a single
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 101 11 It Pays to Buy the Best APINIONS differ as opinions will, but U behind all differences of opinion there is a feeling in the mind of the public that however good the others may be it always pays in the end to buy the best. "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" GRAMOPHONE Prices
      101 words
    • 149 11 Raffles Hotel Rooms with Modern Sanitation. EXCELLENT GRILL, TEA DANCES EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY 6.15 8.15 p.m. DINER DANSANT EVERY TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATUDRAY "SAKE" McGLIRE'S RAFFLES ORCHESTRA. Orchestral Concert Sunday, 9.15 p.m. For Reservation Phone 2920. Sea View Hotel Telegrams SEAVIEW. Telephone 5085. TEA TOMORROW, DINNER DANCE MORNING
      149 words

  • 1806 12 AMERICAN GAMBLING. Action of the Bank Of England. ARMSTRONG-WHITWORTH SAVED. (By A. W. Still). [COPYKIfiHT] London, Feb. 13. Quite naturally, and no doubt quite n.irettly also, the raising of the Bank Hat* from 4Vi to 5Vi per cent, is presumed to be connected with the
    1,806 words
  • 50 12 To be Investigated hy Sir George Buchanan. Bogota (Colombia). Feb. 2S. Sir George Ruchanan has been lviuepted by the Government of Colombia to investigate Colombia's communication and harbour problems. Two other experts, to be appointed hy the French and Ame.ricin Governments, will be associated with Sir George Buchanan.
    50 words
  • 179 12 Two Anonymous Donors. I Two grammes of radium worth £24.000 I hnve been presented to the I-ondon HosI pi'al by two anonymous donors. In addition, the sum of £13.000. the income from which is to In- used to tun a radium laboratory for the production of
    179 words
  • 136 12 Death of a Self-Styled PoacherAuthor. 1 Mr. James Connell "Jim" Connell, a~ be was widely known the author of "The Bed Flag," has died, after a tew days' iliness in Lewisham Hospital. He was 70 years of age. 1 The chronicle of his life-story says he
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 32 12 1929 lfliT[(H.?frl 1^29 JUNIOR SENIOR SIX WONDERFUL VALUE vast improvements over previous models in performance and riding comfort decide SINGER -<» Low Tax and Running Cost. i THE CYCLE CARRIAGE COMPANY (1926), LIMITED.
      32 words
    • 288 12 A SAGGING BED IS UNHEALTHY your bed sugs uhen you lie on it. your health mil suffer /C'^ I without towsjicsuj'POßT Make fomt old win nattim i .-.,u:il ta jy a luxnrUun box spring mattraai la 1 [TCf^l i.-:. patent" NER-SAG "°Mattnta Si'iV I 'i^|JFM|~~l"|-' f'rttillf rttil1 und»i your prcacnl
      288 words

  • 256 13 Sixth Dynasty Official With a Wig. The Vienna Aeaaaaay of Science ezpeiiMi,n, which exea«attac at (..izth, ha.s ihiw succeeded in cbaring the cemetery to tlic south of the pyramid of i; beops, The Ma form ol E i here lie in a itraij hi parallel iw ilu
    256 words
  • 150 13 Regvlar Service from North To South. Coloaci Lindbergh recint'y flew to whence hi- piloted the Brat ]/la:io <n the aiv r.j:>;i DaSMßgajC n I Miami to Panajna, with stop^ at Belis* British Honduius), Honluias, Nicaragua, aad Oaata Rka. Plans urc naariy nadjf for regular sci vice up i-.r.d
    150 words
  • 1155 13 EMPTY ROOMS. Eminent Surgeon Wants Inquiry. UONESETTER'S VIEWS. Some criticisms of the present ■tatc- oi" affairs in Harley Street, to tha effect thct doctors and surgeons of no professional rminence were taking ecnsuttiag rooms there merely to trait- on tho prestige attaching to a Hark;
    1,155 words
  • 133 13 Spinster Leaves AH Her Money To Charity. Charitable institutions will benefit to the extent of £56,914 by the will of Miss Constance Stanley de Jong, of West. BayRoad, Hoylake, Cheshire. She bequeathed the whole of her estate to charity, the money being divided among the following 22 per
    133 words
  • 71 13 Ex-M.P.'s Son Killed In Switzerland. In the second «fatal bob-sic ighinti accident in Switzerland during mail week, Mr. W. Lyle Samuel, the 23-year-o!d ron of Mr. Alexander Lyle Samuel, the former M.P., has been fatally injured. He died at St. Moritz, Mr. Samuel, who was steorinjr, is siippise:)
    71 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
      30 words
    • 166 13 PROTECTIVE SPECIAUTEES FALCON V%J BRAND tSSSSSS?!-.'; ANTI CORROSIVE PAINTS Preserve, protect and benutify all kiniis of wood, iron, steel and other metal surfaces affected by the extremes of temperature. BITUMINOUS BLACK t-i\ Prevents rust and is impervious to the TIMBORBTF aWaw m BUB Wftnn DBC^Ci^'ATIVI!: S CTAIkI FULL PARTICULARS. PRICES.
      166 words
    • 247 13 The Famous pyilA Spciulh presents a strong V» IVli-* Roton.nundt-d and very accurate 'H "fl "fl tmt movement. M. M. M. Hard Wt; r. PURE NICKEL HUNTER POCKET WATCH. Sold with the CYMA Factory's WARRANTY and the Kwanfc your own local Watchnuik.r Special "TRUSTY" Cyma— lo Jewel Movement. //T^^\\ Contained
      247 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 780 14 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. Originating Summon* No. 17 of IMS. In the Matter of lh<- Kutale of JOHN BAPTISTE LAI., DECEASED. Pursuant to order made herein dated F.t.mary 25. I»2'J. Th« Creditors of the abov named John Baptist* Lai lute ol Saigon, French
      780 words
    • 859 14 MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE Required a Euilding Inspector in the Muni < .pal Buildinic Surveyor's Department at a commencing salary f $275 per mensem r. iiiK by anni'kl -noenents of $15 per mrt.sf;n to a maximum of $400 and tramport ni*owance of $60 per mensem. The sbiojMjl applVant will he refl»irc<:.
      859 words
    • 550 14 CUTICURA For Mother Aid Baby Cuticura So»p. because of its purity and delicate medication, is ideal for everyday use for mother and baby. Assisted by Cuticura Ointment it does much to keep the skin and scalp in a healthy condition and preserve their youthful vigor and beauty. For fifty years
      550 words
    • 153 14 COLEMAN QUCIK-LITE LAMPS jBBI (oleman *^V -1 SB Qu'»ck-LHe l_£Uaa«t Lanterns {Qg^ Stormproof Lanterns, new model. $17.50 each. Standard Lamps. $17.50 each. Perfectly safe and ideal fur tropical use. JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England i SINGAPORE. raNAMC AM) KI'ALA I.lMl'l R. CONCRETE LAWN ROLLERS The Ideal Roller For
      153 words
    • 427 14 WHY GIVE CASTOR OIL? When Baby's Own Tablets, The .Medicine Children Like, will Keep Your Little One Happy and Well. Castor oil is a terror to most children. The very thought of it fills them with dread. Once upon a time there seemed to be no alternative for this nuuscatinß
      427 words
    • 485 14 AUCTION SALE cf building allotments «i|u:ite at Baal Coa I Read. Bedoh Road. Cbangi Road, Jalan Jamul and Jalan Besar. Al Messrs. Cheonic Koon Senit Ccl >.<\>-- room. No. 30, (hulia Street, on Wednesday. March 20. al 2.3 a p.m. Lots 1 to IS. Valuable freehold building land situate at
      485 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 516 15 As;-fN tntr $x.000,000 S.C. AHmrniice In force over $30,000,000 The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. HKAI) OrnCK *<peh..t*r Hon.*. Sing.por. LONDON CfflCl 17. Old U-wrr. B.C. To* ComraoT h«* KO.fiOO deposited with the Supreme Court of England and compile* with th* British Life Assarane* Compenie* Act In eTery earUeelar.
      516 words
    • 612 15 BANKING CHARTERED BANK OF 1 INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (I'.corp.inUed in England by Royal Charter 1(?S3.) Pai I Up Capital in HMM thares of fi mil £3,000.000 Raaarva) Fund £4,000,000 laiilil l.inbility of Proprietor* y,-l,000.0«(! lUI OFFICE 3S. Mahaa*jaja*«, l."i<i..n E.C. 1. Ajrenrie«) »nd Ilranchm Alor Star rr. ,r. Sur<-mba:i
      612 words
    • 577 15 BANKING KONG KONG SHANGHAI I RANKING CORPORATION. incorporate! ia Hong Kong) Head O*ee MONO KONG. Authorised Capital 160.000.000 imiMd and fully paid np f2O,OM,OCO| U.sirvc Funds rling i «,000,000| |NHM Liability of Proprietors $2o!oOO.OOO COURT OF UIUKCTORS. >,'. S. llrnwn. Ei 'i.. Chairman. W. M. Bell, Esq., I 1 pnty
      577 words
    • 398 15 BANKING BANQUE DE riNDO-COINE KatablWreo 187 S. (Incorporated is Franca) By 'li.v.n -i.nt Charter. C»plUl Fes. 72,000.000 Reserves Fes. 82.500,000 HEAD OFFICE PAKI3. nR<kNC'HE9 Y<inn*nfnii iSmnnvatr Shanghai Bmttwi. Canlha Tiantaio Yin!. SaiKOB refcta Namdinh Qoanf Tcheoo Bunitkok Hanoi Won Djibouti Haiphuntt l!unjt Koo» I'.n.iichenry Tournr.. Canton Noumea Battanib->ne Hnnkeou Papeete
      398 words
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 162 16 "MONOPOL" STANDARD SIZE PROJECTOR Fitted with Universal Motor for 110/220 volts. D.C. or A.C. Sole ,it s E Wiseman Co., (Eastern) Limited (Incorporated in England) 41/S, ROBINSON ROAD, SINGAPORE. Stockist a Australasian Films (East), Limited S2/24. ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE. Buy— MITRE BRAND TEA AND NONE ELSE. FROM ALL GROCERS. Walter
      162 words
    • 249 16 TALCUM POWDER NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED. Enqairies Solicited. LEE KIM 800 40, HIGH STREET. CHEIRO'S YEAR BOOK FOR 19a This remarkable book sets out clearly whr.t is likely to befall you or your friends during the year 1929. It indicates your lucky days and hours. It tells what class of
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    • 964 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. PREPAYABLE CHARC-ES for WANTS, For Sale, To Let, etc., in ordinary close set type (average six words to line) are Pe line One insertion 28 cents, two ins. 46 cents, three ir.s. 64 cents, four ins. 82 cent*, five in«. $1.00, six ins. 11.13, ten ins. $1.40, twelve
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    • 899 16 MOTOR VEHICLES ITALASIA, LTD., Orchard Road, have always an attractive selection of secondhand cars. FOR SALE second-hand Buick car, engine in perfect order, no fair offer refused. Apply Ed. M. Nathan, Estate Com. Agent, 8-B, De Souza Street. MORRIS-OXFORD, 1927, drop-head coupe, l",000 miles, just overhauled and re-painted, a really
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    • 270 16 The Genuine Scries of WEBSTER'S DICTIONARIES W»b«ter'« \«w InUimtioniil Dictionary .(with A.Mnn.l of Km Wnrdi *nd rtvUed G*tetln«r ir.d Biographical Dictionary) r,,nUiniu* 452.000 Drflntd Wordi and Pkraaea, Divided ai follow* 408.000 Vocabulary Definition*, 12,000 Biographical and 32,000 Geographical Entriex, 2,700 Pajps, 6,000 Illustration* Price $MM. Webster* Revised Unabridged Dictionary. Price
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