The Straits Times, 8 March 1929

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 29,033 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1929. PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 170 1 TROPICAL SUITING ■"FLORODOR"! (8.0.A.) I WING LOONG. 1 HIGH ST., SINCAPORE. THE GREATEST OF ALL TONICS for debility, indigestion, sleeplessness, exhaustion, neuralgia, loss of appetite, lassitude, neuritis, anaemia, headaches, rheumatism, nerve shock, brain fag, sciatica, faintness and maternity weakness &PKOSFERINE m Kral,,r.od by athletes and brain workers the ™id"»• wmsm
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    • 147 1 i S^^Ug f| 'SJ/A If I|| JL^jjJl M p\ M m,,^ PL IHICOE! *****00 S, 0D I [TO IV AOT I unlllLut ullnlUu w UDJttu LI Alii Pnr Clno Wloolc Dnhi PUT \JWc \\icidlX. KJTlly Commencing from March 8 I AT p^ 4% BAM 4% 4% B\ A 4% Jfe
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 551 2 Shipping Announcements TO UHfBON pies, Marseilles, London. Antwerp and) Rotterdam Vessels Tonnage Due Sail I 'USHIMI MARli 11,000 Mar. 14 16 IAKOZAKI MARU 10/.00 Mnr. 28 29 1AKUSAN MARU 10,500 Apl. 11 12 C1TAXO MARU 8,000 Apl. 25 26 iARL'NA MAUL' 10.500 May 9 10 CAMO MAKU 8,000 May 23
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    • 526 2 BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated In Australia) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE, VIA JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND Regular monthly sailings by the wellmown steamer MARELLA (7,875 tons) and he new motor vessel, MALABAR 4,512 ions). The s..i. MARELLA is one of the argest and finest steamers trading to Australia. Cabins
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    • 612 2 K. P. M. (ROYAL PACKET NAV. CO. OF BATAVIA) (Incorpcratad in Holland) Under contract with the NETHERLANDS INPI/.\ GOVERNMENT Telephone No. 3G40, with sub-connections to Passage, Freight, Transhipment Marine Dcpts. anil Mamgcr's Desk. Representative I for Singapore and Straits Settlements of the Official Tourist Bureau of Java. All information, detailed
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    • 519 2 THE SIAM STEAM NAY. CO. LTD. (IncorpoiT.U-d in iMani) BANGKOK COASTING BBBVICE. I Kretay, Trengganu, Kclantan Bangnara, Tclupin, Patani, Bingora, Lacon, Sichi>.\. Bandon. Kohsamui, Lani:suan, Chumpou an I Bangkok. An val Departure MALINI Har. 11 Mar. I I PRACHATIPOK Mar. 18 Mar. 20 SUDDHADIB Mar. H Mar. The .teamers are
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 511 3 Shipping Announcements ELLERMAN BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England). I IIIIH LINE PASSr.NOKR AND FREIGHT SERVICE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT. FKEir.HT SERVICE MTfWABM To Honir Korjr, Shanghai and Japan Due Spore CITY OF DELHI Mar. 10 s.s. CITY OF f.LASGOW Apl. 10 s.s. CITY OF MOBILE May
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    • 518 3 DUTCH MAILS Stoomvaart Maatschappij Nederland and Rotterdam Lloyd WEEKLY MAIL and PASSENGER SERVICE TO Genoa Amalerdam Southampton Marseille. Rotterdam Tonnage Lcktc Spore Prime. Juliana 8,100 S.M.V. Mar. 8 Tambora 6,600 R.L. Mar. 15 P. C. Hooft 14,600 S.M.N. Mar. 22 Indrapoera 12,000 R.L. Mar. 2» Kon. der Ned. 8,200 S.M.N.
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    • 476 3 B.LS.N. CO., LTD. APCAR LINE For HONG KONG, AMOY, and JAPAN S.S. SANTHIA Sailing March 13 This vessel has excellent modern accommodation for ftrst and second class passengers. For full particulars, apply to ADAMSON, GILFILLAN ft CO, LIMITED Hong Kong Chambers. Tel. SOOO. s-». MARELLA. ARRIVED FEB. 28. 1921.
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    • 135 3 The amateur's standby for i KODAK FILM Jg|^ plus latitude plus fine grain emulsion plus cleanliness plus uniformity. In summing up the above mentioned qualities we find just why "KODAK" Film gives the best picture possible uny< der existing conditions. Kodak Ltd. <GnMk^^\ (Incorporated in Knclind) SINGAPORE, TO LET New
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 538 4 JOHORE GOVERNMENT II Mil .I'.s trill ba received at the office of II. .1. The SUU Secretary, .lohore Bahm.i ta boii Mi h »*<• si rut lien of r,i,. r OBeera' n.-^t Be«M at Bafi Hampa Set mat PIH No. M M. Ibi Carafe Li ;-.lm>\ Plan Ho. H L
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    • 432 4 JP^' foremost NERVE TREATMENT. They contain just those ingredients which enrich Ckmim the Wood, build up a and i,, healthy nerve systeoa, ■pm»». and correct acidity and flatulence. They improve appetite. rvt WTk-w 1-MTO WMkl, lad SM **w S^fefe^^ Nervous Kido«v I Bre.kar.wn "«.kn«» P.lpitation S^P^i V Hcuririi v,., r^,Senia
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    • 241 4 SUPPER HEEL' \\f(H HOSIERY M There is no lovelier hose for after- \u ,'i 1 noon or evening wear than the lH i \i iBMKwft Kayser "Slipper Heel" hose with the V» Paris openwork clock. Cobwebby \«L fine of texture with the exclusive YU f /f "Slipper Heel" feature that
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    • 148 4 Clitic Olnl in Puri\ i A MOST i tivc&uj licnt for tb relief ol ■olrafleAio and dandruff. A naaadrably ;ui. nfey yw-. in cura So.;;\ the skin »nd beauty.,, the l and Jaii'.'y reqi Ssmplc mA i BjgWH"Bßß"»'*"'*"?"'~'" T r err v RICKARD'S The Prompt Printei 76, CF^CIL STREKT Telephone
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  • 1645 5 DA WES PLAN TO SAVE CHINA. BLOCKING OF REFORM. Recovery Under Proper Measures. INTERNATIONAL CONTROL In the course of an article in the New fork Herald Tilmm Mr. C. C. Bauhelor, Iv acttag Commercial Attache for U.S.A. '.r\ Peking, ask* II the Sleeping Giant n{ Asia awak.n\i. the Chinese beginning
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  • 197 5 Raids Made by the Canton Police. The drastic mntii adopted by the Canton Police in i jnning down Communists in Kwangtung are evidenced by the fact that recently about 70 Red suspects have U-cn art— tod, forty being found guilty anil shot. All the culprits were detained during
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  • 305 5 Acres of Luxury Flats. FAMOUS STREETS BEING CHANGED. Many Mm of luxurious flats are in inn :>uilt in the West End of London, quite I'itering the appearance of famous streets. These buildings are (riving: Work to 'artre numbers of men in the building and furnishing: trades
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  • 136 5 Mr. J. A. E. (-Pat") Malonc, the theatrical manager, has died in London from pneumonia, following influenza. He WM a bijf, strong, likeable man, who did not look his 70 years of age. He was a medical student at Edinburgh University [and then in London, but
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  • 369 5 Ivicene from Balearic Islands. An announcement in the Honrim !'<•*; that the Ivicene dog, a breed which has never before been se?n in England was to be shown at Ouft's Dag Show, aroused (Treat curiosity among dog breeders and amonK those who were to exhibit
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  • 125 5 Programme of Drills up to and for week ending Mar. ]U, l'JTJ Friday. Mar. 8, Ml p.m., Drill Hull, "A" (M.G.) Co.. Co. Parade 5.15 p.m., Dril! Hall, 1st Bn. Sig. Sec, Lecture, Lamp Dayli K ht Sisnallintr. ttc. Drill Hall. Eurasian Co., W. Training »nd MX
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  • 786 5 National History. EFFECTS OF WARS ON HEADGEAR. The rt'ifit announcement that the busby had been approved as the future full-dress headgear for the (runners and amppen is a reminder that sartorial are an impnrtan' feature in the record of all armiea. Th< tywie, says Mr. Edward
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  • 188 5 Liabilities of Dead Financier. Questions regarding the non-payment of a large sum in income tax or super Ux by the late Mr. James White, the financier, were put to Mr. Churchill, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, in Parliament. I.»rd Henry Cavendish-Bentinek (Con., Nottingham) asked if he knew
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 102 5 New DANCE .(^^t^^ Ntw Hl* Muter 1 Voice Electrical V^t. Recording arc (uueJ twice monthly oadwbliul 15th. We cordially fW >£^ Lnvin you to call and hear the follow- ff lag BMT Dane* number*. {W Have Arrived. TfisMasferWokc S. MOUTRIE CO.. ITD. Kelvin at or Th« Oldest Domestic Electric Rtfrig•
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    • 64 5 COTY'S COTY'S NEW DOUBLE VANITY CASES Are Wonderful Value Made of Superior Quality Electro Plate Beautifully Finished. CARRY A "COTY" VANITY CASE Wherever you go. Powder and Rouge of Superfine Quality Delightfully Perfumed BY COTY'S, PARIS SOLE AGENTS (WHOLESALE) DUPIRE BROTHERS, LIMITED SINGAPORE, S.S. Tremendous Reductions at KARAMCHAND'S PARAMOUNT ,O
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  • 949 6 CONTRACT BRIDGE. I Decision of Portland Club. PROVISIONAL LAWS. Eighteen months after similar action by the Whikl Club of New Tori* t'ie Portland Club has taken steps towards giving to Gvl'»'. Britain an authoritative code oi! laws of contract bridge, that thriving new K 'amc which
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 123 6 MOTORS DYNAMOS By Makers of 45 years' experience. E.C.C. prices an low, bat NOT at the expense of quality. Their clakus for high-class workmanship throuyhoul are backed by a guanmtee which covers dou'uio the period offered by most competitors. ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION CO. VtOI .YKIiHAMi'TOX. EN(;. HUTTENBAGH, UMm SONS, LTD. (lacaraaiatad
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  • 569 7 Lady Dudley's Romance. WIDOWED IN PRIME OF LIFE. O.irgiana Countess of Dudley will as redly go down to fame as one of th c " ImmMm of her time. She will ran with lh»- !>eautiful Duchess of Devonshire with Mrs. Siddons, and with the beautifi Duchess
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  • 299 7 Pleasantries And Bitterness. An English f i iend who recently visite< General von Kluck. who is now 83 years of ajre. told a correspondent in Berlin that women would call him a perfect old dear." That is the impression which the 'eisurely book of Memoirs which
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  • 224 7 I ,<»i<l Durham's Estate Halved. ■katha of the third and fourth ol Durham within about four month of „h other have brought home IHlblu- the devastating effects of on great estates. the third earl died last September ol hi.-, t-.s-.ate was roughly -'.ouo.OOO. Probate has not "Illumed,
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  • 493 7 Scientific Proof. ORTHODOX GEOLOGISTS CHALLENGED. Evidence in support of the Bible story ni a universal flood was adduced by D Philip J. Le Riche, who challengec orthodox geologists in a paper read be fore the Victoria Institute at the Central Buildings, Westminster, S.W., or. "Scientific
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  • 428 7 Income Under Marriage Settlement. The financial provision to be made for Miss Marie Lohr, the actress, by h»r former husband, Mr. Anthony Lcyland Prinsep. theatrical producer, whom she divorced last year, was discussed before Mr. Justice Hill in the Divorce Court in mail week. Two settlements of
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  • 229 7 Home Plans for Big Reduction. There is reason to believe, writes political correspondent at Home, that Mi-. Churchill, the Chancellor of the Exchec l ucl .T' 1 his advisers are exploring tne possibility of important changes in motor taxation in the cominjr Budget. It was ItaM
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  • 226 7 Views on Academic Distinction. A repot reached London in mail weak that ai a meeting of convocation of the National University of Ireland, lo be htld in Dublin, V,. Michael Waldron will propose That in recognition of his many beautiful contributions to dramatic literature, this meeting
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 58 7 The British International Pictures, Ltd. Sole Rights and Controlled by THE EUROPEAN FILM EXCHANGE (Uniting Shortly to the ALHAMBRA A Masterpiece of Circus Life filled with Dramatic Thrills LIFE'S CIRCUS SOMETHING ENTtRELY DIFFERENT. A DEFY Production Released by FIRST NATIONAL. THE S.S. POLICE BAND WILL FLAY AT BOTANJC GARDENS, I
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    • 202 7 ALHAMBRA 16 MARCH 16 Hilarity Prosirmume SAMMY COHKN in PLASTERED IN PARiS A roaring riotoua Rhapsody oi liifts with the UiJfs. NONE BUT THE RgAVS A joyous sparkling comedy with many scenes in beautiful tachnicotoar. IN THE FIRST SHOW. A STRONG FOX WESTERN in 5 Reels. PRESENTS Just Received. Wedding
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 485 8 ALHAMBRAer TAN CHENG KEE CO., LTD., Proprietors PROGRAMME Commencing Thursday, March 7, ending Tuesday, March 12 In the Second Show at 9 p.m. THE LATEST EMPIRE NEWS POLA NECRI in BARBED wmfc A most liunian drama, brilliant and unus' A PARAMOUNT PICTURE In the First Show at 7.30 p.m. ZANE
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    • 465 8 NOTICE To avoid di^appointmen 1 our esCecaed tmbmth crs sr-i kindly infornu:' tiwt CORONA FLOWERSHOP ba> r.o branches or r/rnts and has nothir.c to do with other flwenhofß i:i Malaya and is only cst«blished at our v.-jil known preniseß, No! On-hard Koad. Phone 2990. The- only FLOWEKSHOP in the Straits
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    • 358 8 PAVILION TONIGHT m GLORIOUS BETSY It's A Master Picture from AUSTRALASIAN FILMS (EAST), LTD. The Sign of Consistency. a— "NOW ACTIVE. PLUMP AND LOVELY." Shanghai School Teacher Tells How His Little Ones Haw Keen Helped by BABY'S OWN TABLETS. Mi. I.i Tsion T»ane is u-achu- English at thi- Tai Lv
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    • 617 8 ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE WEEK. Friday, Itorca I H. W. M a.m., 7.:.. 10.18 pm n P. and O. homewsi ■I p.m. Ib, Annual delphl Howl, 6 Hkedona Players, "Man and Supei Tht-airt:. I'. 'o p.m. (Marstay, Harch j 11. W. a.:.... .i. 10 II p rr... 7.7. i. and O.
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  • 543 9 UNITED SERDANG RUBBER. Straus Position. eric miller on :t outlook. ral moetini Itubbui I i. I-VK HI! r, presiding, :i In <]„ Oui b a per acre, as compared with prii.r to the approxic COM of replacement, without n IUD untial eompany is thus in et profit for the with
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  • 19 9 Barlow and C Coprt rrpciri. rhc period closes ncy in i\ iueme. Ap- torn were shippnl. (io>i tn\Um Siiti.Im,-,]
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    • 265 9 EXCHANGE SlBOTWM, Mar. 8. On London, Bank 4 m/i 2'3 29/32 Demand 2/3 25/o2 Pr.vatc 3 m. credit B/4 7/16 On New York, Demand 56 110 Prirtta w ii t 68 On Fnuice. BanL T.T. 1431 I On Jndia. Bank T.T. IV |()n lion,; K.i:,}r, Bank T.T. 11% p.c. dis.
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    • 108 9 c To he Grown on Largo Scale. I'roni Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 7. Some mor.tlu a.:o it was announced that the X M.S. Government had agreed to alienate to Mr. A. B. Milne, the wellUr.cmn planter, a large trac; of land in iii. vicinity of
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    • 537 9 Little Competitive Interest. Messrs. Barlow anj Co., in their report dated Mar. 7, state The market has been rather unsettled. Bine* the date of our last report, ami after dr.ily fluctuations, with an easier tci dencv the period closos '4 cent down on balance London ia ',,1. town
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    • 102 9 The rrport of the directors of Labuan Biich .'.iiivtcH for the year ended Nov. 30, r.c'.x, rtmtM that the nett profit after providing for depreciation and property amortization, amounts to $7,029.94 tl> iiicli falls to be added fS£77J2 beintf the balance brought forward from th ivvinus year,
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    • 83 9 H i (iiuhrie Co., Kuala Lumpur. IH ha receipt of a cable from the secretaries of Konibok (F.M.S.) Rubber 0, InfenanaX ihem that in vespecl of the iin.iiu -iiii year ended Dec :!i last Hrn director* have decided to recommemi the paymeat of a final dividend
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    • 61 9 Henderson, Helm and Company, Inc., New York, send us the following cable, dated Mar. 7. their qujvation* being in gold dollar cents closing bid prices Battier Bxchaagc mIm to-day 1,050 tons. Mama tt M, April 25.70, May 25.90. Juae 28. July 23.10, August 26.20, September October 26.30, November
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    • 54 9 From Holland, by Indrapoera, due at Singapore 5 p.m. to-day. From China and Japan, by kawachi Maru. due at Singapore u>-morrow. Mails from Europe (London mails despatched on Feb. It) ex P. and O. N'aldera, will arrive by train to-morrow morninir. ('orri'.-pomli'iuv will br FMMjr for dili-\t-ry to
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    • 54 9 Tone of Market Quiet. Latest Cable London Spot Sheet 12\d. per lb. New York Spot Sheet G. cents 25% per lb. t.SS. equal to Standard Q.C.F. it;tndard R.S.S. on Tender ft ..1 Mirth Aivil-Junc July-Sept. U,t.-Dec. 44 45^4 «a mm 45 45% 46'! 12
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      • 444 9 Issue Val. Pd. Tl £1 Asani Kumbang £i fl Hangrin Tin 1 1 lataag Tadanf 1 1 Hntu Caves 1 1 ifu^ii .Viang £1 £1 Kurmah Malay il i'l I lu-mleriuug £l £1 Eastern Bias 111 £1 ilaad Vai 1 1 liitum Til. 1 1 IIon K Katt £1
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      • 236 9 Issue I Val. Pd. Buyers Sellers j 2 2 Alex. Brick Prefs. 2.074 2.12H 2 2 Alex. Brick Ords., 2.55 xd. I £1 £1 Brit. Am. Tobacco (i.2.6 6.7.6 Canadian Eagle 11/. 12 1 1 Central Engine 0.70 0.80 xd. I 1 1 Cycle and Carriage 0.60 0.65
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      • 116 9 U. Eng. 6 p.c. 1,225,500 Norn. S'pore Cold Storare 7 p.c. deb. of 1926 red. 1931-36 101 103 ci. Singapore Municipal 5 p.c. of 1901 red. 1930 $1,878,000 par 6% prcm. Singapore Municipul 4% p.c. or 1907 red. 1947 $1,600,000 95 par. Singapore Municipal 4y* p.c. .it
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      • 382 9 Frascr and Co. and Lyall and Evatt's quotations To-day'» Prices Fraser Lyall Co. hv.ut Alknhj («l i Alur Uujah i.'li A. Hilam (*lj A. Kunmg i»l) Am. Malay (»2) A. Muli-k i$li A. I'unas ($5) Baluownie (*1> Bassett iSlj Btoau ($11 Brunei B. Jelutung ($1) B. Katil ($1;
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    • 82 9 At the annual meeting of the Siain Electric Corporation Mr. Jules Jadot, who is well known in railway and financial circles in Bclfjium, presiding, said that the sale of current had increased by over 8 per cent, as compared with the previous year. Tramway receipts were nearly
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    • 19 9 W. and Co. annour.<-e that no water v. ill lir supplied In shipping m-xl Wednesday, lla.-i Ban I'uasa.
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    • 79 9 [BRITISH IMPERIAL RADIO] Rugby. Mar. 7. Foreign exchanges are A msterdam lUlfc, A;h.-n» tit, ISerlin 2O.4. r Bombay Is. 5 31-.'i2d.. Brussels :I4. :>.",, Bucharest 8174. Buenos Aires 47 11-32, Copenhagen 18.20, Geneva 25.23. Helsingfors \V>\, Horn: Kong 2s. il-,.!.. Kobe Is. 0 15-16d.. LUbon 108",. Madrid y2.y7',,. Milan
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    • 21 9 Mr. A. R. Nizam, M.Sc. F.Z.S., will U'iw a U-.ture on inuiiiir Mofagy :it Die V.M.C.A. on Monday at X.30 p.m.
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  • 674 9 Prospects of Interim Dividend. 5 The eighteenth annual ordinaiy nun 5 meeting of the liila < Sumatra! Kubbe: 5 Ijimls. Lid., was held on Jan 31 at Idol r> Una, London, X.C Mr. H. Eric aWlcr (ihi I chairman of th:- company; presiding. Tli.' Chairman, in the
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    • 131 9 Singapore, Mar. S. Rubber. Local 4:;' a cents per 1b. Market Tin.— London f220 10«. Rubbers.— Weak. New Scuduis 2.77'2.87'-, Bukit Kuttls 1-1.05. Bukit Jeloton K as cents-1, I'urnTfc-ors 1-1.06, flu Benuts fin G5 cents, 2.10-2.50, Tupuhs L4S-&M Malaka Pindas tM-tM, Katoyaiw Hah*u 1.60-1.75. Mentakabs
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    • 174 9 Singapore, Mar. 8. London. Rubber Is. MM* up '<d. London.— Tin ±220 in s dowi ir.s. Mininx.— Steady. Bnngvi Way :S-::.1O. Kuchais 1.37';-1.40, Kintu Uiedtfe UM-LM KiaiiK River lion* Katts 65-71. cents, Malaya Consols. 60-62 cents. Ptnawml M-M cents. 1'etaliiiK 5.50-5.G0, Ulu Klam 1.42'i-1.47Vi. Johans
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    • 60 9 Mr. l.ii Keng lia 0 ai d fai ilj beg to thank theii .-ucc. of Koine < omte Co, Ltd. sad Members of Aaieable Athlciu- Association who kindly sent urtaths, serolla, DlBsie, litters of condolence, etc.. and also for their night-visits and attendance at ihe foneral of ihe hit,.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 90 9 PROPERTY SALE. auction at Messrs. fheong Koun Seng and Co.'s salesroom, 30. Chulia Street, on Feb. 27. were the following Land and house 11(1, Albert Street, area 855 sq. ft., bouKht by Shaik Awath Baobid for $7,200 110-1, Albert Street, area 992 sq. ft., bought by Syed Abdullah Alhabshu for
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    • 793 9 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Olhrr ClasHfiod Aiivts., sec pa™o 2(1. WANTS. FOR SALE, ETC. riled room, etec. lit I I tioa. 1. Meyer Mansions. lp> TO I.T'T. shops in the Grosver.or Buildinjr, I. Apply to Stephens, l'nul Co. (Ip) TO KT. furnished room in town, electric li^ht. water, Keyser, etc. ;ili. Straits
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  • 987 10 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MARCH 8. RUBBER MERGERS. Since the days when the rubber industry was very prosperous indeed critics have not ceased to warn producers of the wrath to come, declaring that co-operation was necessary if they were to present a united fiont to the buyers and reap
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  • 1103 10 \n Aristocrat on Modern Democracy. (By the Earl of Malmesbury). We are constantly hearing during these o?t-war years of the marvellous stride? owards greater individual liberty wVi n very civilised nation is making for it* leople. Freedom is the human goal in very land. So-called
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  • 502 10 Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Strong, Allagar Estate, Taiping, have just returned from England. Mrs. Hort, Lady Superintendent, Fraser's Hill, is, the Malay Mail hears, not going Home on leave, as has been reported. It in understood that the Bishop and Mrs. Ferguson-Davie have now left Fleet on
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  • 812 10 FAREWELL, AND LIVE HAPPILY." We bid farewell to-day to Majorgeneral Sir Casimir Cartwright Van ;txaubenzee, K.B.E.. C.B., C.M.G., who as left for Home by the Macedonia on elinquishing command of the troops in lalaya which he has held since 1927. It 3 customary on such occasions
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 97 10"*, Cigarettes °i wdVh'o.wiis. I BATHING SUITS All wool, neat fittine, \*r) STYLES.— One piece with striking, colours and ■/£<? skirt, two piece with belt, designs. and one piece with belt civr» on fa tin-n I 1 n S two piece effect. Prices S7.aO, $10.00 and $12.50. Ii 1 £i
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    • 59 10 ALHAMBRA TO-NIGHT In the Second Show at 9. PARAMOUNT PRODUCTION Presenting POLA NEGRI in BARBED WIRE Along with Latest Empire News. First Show at 7.30 p.m. A Western Drama DRUMS OF THE DESERT TAN CHENfi KEE CO., LTD, Proprietors. BEER is Ht DLtn IB mm far ffv» w> I Sole
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  • 631 11 Unfortunate Incident At Geneva. WRONG IMPRESSION. Report Denied by Sir A. Chamberlain. Sir Austen Chamberlain made a ■triWag hlaiemcnt at Geneva yesterday correcting a misinterpretation in the American Press of his views nn the Krll:>KC Pact. He categori■t:'< ilrnn-rf that, he had made the remarks
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  • 226 11 One of China's Minor Problems. Nanking, Feb. 16. M'-I.rooni ''universities" and bojrus "diploma mills" are doomed. A set of regulations governing the founding and maintenance of institutions of advanced learning, which is evidently aimed at reitHcting the ••rtivitios of so-called "univenities" which have sprung up all over th<-
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  • 138 11 Motorists Appeal To Government. London, Mar. 7. A deputation representing every branch of the motoring industry and the motoring public urged on Mr. Churchill the necessity for relief from high motoring taxation and the cost of petrol. Mr. Baldwin, replying to a number of questions in
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 163 11 Statement in House Of Commons. London, Mar. 7. In the House of Commons at question time, Earl Wintartor, Under-Secretary for India, said Mr. Gandhi was not arrested. The Government of Bengal had intimated that lighting a bonfire to burn foreign clothes was illegal. Mr. Gandhi said the notice
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  • 188 11 M. Poincare's Allegation Against Germany. The disclosure made by M. Poincare, the French Prime Minister, that Germany has a secret service fund of nearly £4,525,000 in which associations which maintain the German spirit beyond Germany's frontiers most certainly are not forgotten," aroused great interest in Paris. Herr Stresemann's
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  • 60 11 Effective Enforcement Of Prohibition. Washintrton, Mar. 7. As forecast in President Hoover's innugural address, a special session of Congress is to be held on April 15 to consider the questions of agricultural relief and limited changes in tariff. The President has already had several conferences with the Attorney-General
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  • 64 11 Charge Againt Major At Court-Martial. Peshawar, Mar. 8. A court-martial, presided over by Brigadier C. M. Wapstaff, has opened here to try Major M. C. C. Harrison, D.S.O., M.C., of 'he Kirst Armoured Car Co., Royal Tank Corps, on a charge of culpable neglect to the prejudice of
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 83 11 Depressed Over Inability To Get Work. The Singapore Coroner (Mr. F. G. Bourne) helci an inquiry yesterday afternoon into the death of Miss Clara Sanderson, 24-year-old Eurasian girl who died at the General Hospital after drinking an antiseptic fiuid at her home in Orchard Read. Medical evidence was
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  • 169 11 A Piquant Dispute. MR. CHURCHILL AND MR. LLOYD GEORGE. Lon-.'on, Mar. 7. Piquancy is lent to the appearanc; of Mr. Winston Churchill's fifth volume of "The World Crisis and the Aftermath," which brings the story to the end of T.122, by patent discrepancies in the reeol'ections of
    Reuter  -  169 words
  • 161 11 Committee's Report Considered. Geneva, Mr.r. 7. The Council of the League of Nations adopted the Opium Committee's report, which was presented by Mr. Dandurand (Canada). The repoVt drew attention to the fact that over half the members of the League had not ratified the C-pneva Opium Convention
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  • 83 11 Invitation to League Organisation. Geneva, Mar. 7. The Secretary-General of the League announced that the Nanking Government had invited the medical director of the health organisation of the League, Dr Raichman, and also Sir Arthur Newsholme and Dr. Victor Beisen, cf the International Health Division of the
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 170 11 Magistrate's Experience in A Cloth Shop. There were 29 prosecutions in the Third Police Court, Singapore, yesterday afternoon for infringement of the regulations imposed under the Weights and Measures Ordinance, and fines ranging from ?5 to $30 were imposed. One of the defendants was the manager of the
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  • 864 11 Empire Routes. I STIMULATING INTEREST IN FLYING. London, Mar. 7. Introducing the Air Ministry estimates in the House of Commons. Sir Samuel Hoare remarked that Great Britain would welcome a reduction in Air Forces provided that it was general and did not leave Great Britain and the
    British Wireless  -  864 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 11 H.H. the Sultan of Johore and H.E. Major-General Sir C. C. Van Strau benzee, who sailed for Europe on the Macedonia this morning.
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  • 247 11 Government Assured Of Success. London, Mar. 7. A communique issued by the Mexican Legation states that with the exception 5 of Sonora, towards which 8,000 Govern- ment troops are rapidly advancing, and a small zone occupied by Escobar, Mexico is absolutely peaceful. The army is anxious 1
    Reuter  -  247 words
  • 441 11 Six Days for 5,000 Miles. One of the most vital links in the Empire air-chain, the stage from England to India, is to be put into regular operation on Saturday, March 30. New aeroplanes and flying-boats have been obtained and .pilots engaged. Harbours for air-boats and
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  • 38 11 Berlin, Mar. 7. For the first time since the stabilisation of the mark the Reichsbank has been obliged to sell gold to meet commitments and disposed of 6,000,000 marks worth to the United States. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 21 11 Mr. C. F. Eec, of Singapore, has returned from London. He was called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn last month.
    21 words
  • 409 11 English Side's Useful Start. TEAM CHANGES. 159 FOR TWO AT TEA INTERVAL. The final match of the present series of Tests opened at Melbourne to-day. England bitted first, Hobbn and Jardine faring the bowline of Wall and Hornibrook. and at the luncheon interval the score was
    Reuter  -  409 words
  • 114 11 Two European Children Killed. Shanghai, Feb. 27. A sad accident occurred here this morning as the result of which two infant European children were killed whili out in their perambulator. The two children— infant daughters of Mr. G. Abbott, of the Willow Pattern Press and formerly of the
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  • 81 11 Visits Art Exhibition In London. London, Mar. 7. The Earl of Airlie, on bohalf of the King, was at Victoria Station to welcome the Queen Mother of the Netherlands, who has come to visit the exhibition of Dutch art. Her Majesty, who looked remarkably fresh and i>right
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 64 11 Col. Stewart Loses In Indiana. Whiting, Indiana, Mar. 7, The battle between Col. Stewart and the Rockefellers for control of the $900,000,000 Standard Oil Co. of Indiana was fought out at a shareholders' meeting and resulted in victory for the Rockefellers. The latter claimed that Col. Stewart
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 18 11 Vienna. Mar. 7. Unemployment is steadily rising, and has reached the record figure of 300,000.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 26 11 Mr. R. H. Legse, who has been in the Batu Gajah Hospital, is now convalescent and will be returning to Kuala Lumpur in a few days.
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  • 433 12 Sultan and the General Leave. It i? rarely that two such distinguished resMeata sf Malaya as lI. H. the Sultan of Johore ami the ritiring General Officer 1 i.ling (Major-General Sir C. C. < /an Btra«bea«*e) leave Stagapore by the < same steamer, and there
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  • 150 12 Medical Jurisprudence Case. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 7. At the Assizes to-day the trial of Savrimnttu, Arumugam and Poonasamy barge of culpable homicide not amounting to murder by causing the [I :ii'i 01 a compatriot named VeeraDamat L:iut, Dindings, on .lan. 1!>. was concluded. The first
    150 words
  • 138 12 Tiircc r»f tf I with Armed Robbers. Shanghai, Feb. 27. One of the must staaatioaal contests lice squads and armed robbers ded in Shanghai's criminal anirred early this morning whan aa of treet battles o< urred. in tk the shooting, two of d i ibben wart shot dead
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  • 46 12 sand of Hrn PoUce will par- bUswtasg nriigramme weather I at tl i. itaaic Gardssai hi say <i\,rture, Bi c.nze Horse suite, Kural Scones (Malt) wil>.. 11 Bii.-in (Auditi) fox trot, Firefly n. The Orchid (Moi hi n Row Thicket (Eiknbwrgj niaicli, Uub cl Munutb (lluoiv).
    46 words
  • 805 12 Chinese to be Flogged For Wanton Robbery. During the hearing of the evidence for the prosecution in the trial of Chia Poon, CNm Sam snd Sam at the Assizes yesterday before Mr. Justice Deane rn l-;n-p, iioi y and voluntarily causing hurt while committing robbery, Ihe accused
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  • 70 12 Handicaps for Second Day. Ponies. Class 11. Second Div. (Six fur- ings).— Mntual Trust »X Dte*» 1>t seoa h.iu. Baattford Lassie 7.10, All Speed 7.1(1. Grotesque 7.7, Cool Game 7.';. < he Sili 7.2. Bones, Class 11, Third Div. (One Mile and M lurl.). Cousin 9, Who's Who
    70 words
  • 93 12 The closing of Orchard Road from '"■range Road to Paterson Road for the purpose of re-laying the road is likely to continue for from two to three weeks. In addition to the work which is already proceeding, from to-morrow that portion <>: Orchard Road from Dhoby Ghaut
    93 words
  • 238 12 Straits Cattle Trading Prosecution. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Pcnr.ifr, Mar. 7. The last case nt the IVnang Assiwi was taken up to-day ud U expected to occupy two (fays. It la the one in which ■Imik M.haiiiri!>'.iiur, late manager at ihe 8trmit« Cattle Trading Co., Penang,
    238 words
  • 138 12 Why Britain Retains Wei-Hai-Wei. The Colonial Report for the year 11)27 fnr Wei-hai-wei pictures a very proapntMU and peaceful little oasis amid the political storms and the economic famine of Shantunt;. Larjre numhers of refugees have locked i:i ami local industries have I flourished. j The report also
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  • 315 12 Responsibility For Damage. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 7. Before Mr. Justice Farrer-Manby today a Chinese, the owner of a Chevrolet hiring car, sue<l a Tamil lady and Kyle 1 Palmer Motors for 5581.50 being damages which he alleged he suffered by reason of a Buick
    315 words
  • 136 12 Win That Girl is the chief .feature of the programme to be presented at the Y.M.C.A. to-night, starting at H.:;u. The I'arair.ount picture, Barbod Wire," with I'ola Negri in the leading role, is attracting large audiences to the Alhambru. Tin- picture will be shown up to Tuesday next.
    136 words
  • 26 12 My. K. P. Clegg. Assistant District Officer. Gopeng and Kampar, and Mrs. Clegg, who are going Homr, haw keM entertained hy the Chitmat c.iiiniunily of Kuiupar,
    26 words
  • 271 12 Infringement Case Dismissed. (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Kurla Lumpur. Mar. 7. The heaiing of the action brought by A. I ciRh." Ltil., of Lancashire, England, to restrain R. E. Mohommed Kassim C\>.. of KUng, from infvini;ing Iheir trade mark "IVo:; on white mull, was concluded to-iiay
    271 words
  • 369 12 Alor Gajah.— 15.700 lb. Aycr Panns.— 45,000 lb. Australasia.— lh.tiir.i ll>. Balicownic— 27.1GO lb. Baklt Kuiiu.— lb. K:i M-tt. 28,200 lb. Kcrtam Extended.— 2B,nnn lb. Btrtam Consolidated.— 134,500 lb. Buloh K.i i..:v.c, lb. Batu Lintanjr.— 60.291 lb. Batu Matnnir and Arras.— 30.000 lb. Balim-.— 24.382 lb. Bakap
    369 words
  • 186 12 Kinta Tin.— 3oo piculK. Ting Kil. Plant 2CO, tribute 20 280. Semenyih.— Output 205 piculs. 563 hours, 411.000 yards. Tukuapo Valley Tin DreilKinu- No. 1 iradia fa hnurs, 100.000 yards, 622 piculs No. 2 dredge 443 hours, 150,000 yards, 671 Pi KJuU Kellas— «2o piculs, 475 hours. 82,000
    186 words
    • 275 12 To the Kilitor of the Strait Times. Sir, Your eOfTMp >••.■!■.'•.' jrmpathy lias brought up s rabjert which should call for comment bj a largi cirek oi thinkers and it would be interesting t<hear the views of economists, commercialists, moralists, the medical profession ar..i the Church on
      275 words
  • 143 12 Pygmalion Again Attracts Big House. When the Maed ma Piayan mm hew last De.-erater they made their debut wiLli Pygmalion and at once impressed theatrenan with their high standard as a tourinf? company. There was then bvae audience, many of whom had previously seen the production in Singapore.
    143 words
  • 266 12 Next Week's Attraction At Victoria Theatre. Particulars of members of the Banvard English Comedy Co., who will entertain Singapore audiences at thj Victoria Thtatie from Monday ne\t U> the 27th inst., show that they include a number of players with good reputations. Mr. Henry Carver has on
    266 words
  • 136 12 The Stampers Moaicipal health itatement for the weak ended March 2 givs the total number of deaths as BMtls IW, and fcrr.ale «5. This represents a death rate of 20.92 per mille, per annum, crmparcd with 22.66 in the preceding wi* and 25.50 in the eorrespondiag weak at
    136 words
  • 27 12 The R. A. Association are holding a dance in the Drill Hall. Beach Road. it p.m. la asßiiw Ti. I.h i:ni be obtained at the dour.
    27 words
  • 476 12 FOR THE ATTENTION OF THE C.P.O. Serious Charges Against Constable. An Indian policeman »as aecased In the Sri. mil Police Court, Singi yesterday afternoon of having ;i Chinese schoolboy hi* L I nit cousin because they h:v«l remonstrated with hi'.'i foe molesting the lad' The magistrate, Mr. C. w il
    476 words
  • 307 12 More Support Needed In Singapore. Mr. K. W. Meredith, secretary and treasurer of ihc Destitute Strangei Fund, forwards the .-.port for th>- year ***** from which it appear.- that to England, Australia, etc., were provided for in 20 cases, Si a as against 24 eases ;it s
    307 words
  • 136 12 The report of the Association Anthony de Padua. Singapore, administration of the fuvd of St. Anthon Bread for the year 1928 <ii that applicatii I I to son an extent that tor the pa years there has been a h ure over receipt* a part of th;'
    136 words
  • 14 12 I A s...ia! rveniag will be held V.M.I .A. on Tui-sday, starting ul tJtO.
    14 words

  • Sport:-Singapore Cricket—Racing in Australia.
    • 1295 13 might S.C.G Batting. LESSON IN HOW TO GET RUNS. The S.CC. Married vs. Stifle match U..t week-end prodveed >me tally excellent cricket, and Hamilton and G. E. I.ivtxk treated ua to a :,.it:ir.;: exhibition rarely seen in Singapore. The fe« f the !!■> k partnership, which produced
      1,295 words
    • 248 13 Prospects of Meeting: On April 27. Effort! mad* in the late summer of ;■> ij:i::v ;ibout a match in London between Phi! Scott and Tom .'I. -i,-.. were rtnewed during mail week, with every prospect of saeeeas, wrk ■> A. Daniels in the Spoitinß Liu. \\k MUMgei
      248 words
    • 128 13 London Plan for Surplus Professionals. Ei" formation of a new professional tall league fo* I.<>ii<lon -the object of h it l" i liable nrplns players to get a more frequently -m derided upon nnnitim held in London during mail !.-<t Ham United and Chelsea, who, it moment, <!o
      128 words
    • 172 13 The following will play in the match >vei .I!) vs. Under 4 M starting to-day at Me S.C.C. Over 30.— R.L.L. Braddell, W. N. Han■iell. A. l!:.'inigan. Sq.-I.d;-. Livock, Fl.-Lt. (Viggletworth, Major Perkins, Col. Dickinson, rapt. Duncan, W. H. Kindlay !l. P. Whitley. C. H. Q.
      172 words
    • 46 13 It is hoped to include a contest between Paolino I'zrudun, the Basque woodrhopper," and Young Stribling as one of [he features of the coming International K.xhilition at Barcelona. The match is "■irg > described as an eliminator for the ivcild's heavy-weight championship. The Exhibition is well named.
      46 words
    • 831 13 Football Transfers. SWIMMING AND TENNIS TOURS. Ma:; Sthmelling, the German Demp*ey," has signed a two-year contract to fght exclusively for Madison Square Garden Corporation. Wild Bill Wins. Bill Mehlhorn won the South Central open golf championship at Hot Springs, Arkansas, beating Bobby Cruickshanlc mil Horton Smith
      831 words
    • 255 13 Backers' Good Day At Flemington. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sydney, Mar. 7. Backers at Fit :-inington had i|uite a good time to-day, for most ot thi- v. ell-fancied runners found a place in the first three. The most popular win of the day was that of Strephon, who
      255 words
    • 481 13 Puzzler Equals Straits Record. (From Our Own Correspondent.) IVnanir, Mar. 7. The Deli Turf Club rkm wore held on Friday and Sunday lust. 1 h<; prognuaaM -opsisted of live professional ntct*. one UMteor evtnt, anil f.vo races for Batak ponies Men (lay. The outstanding ptrfora«K« of the Meeting
      481 words
    • 438 13 I Spreading the Gospel Oi Sport Abroad. The value of amateurism in sport and its effect in promoting 1 good fellowship I among the nations of the world »a< the I theme of a telling speech by Brig-Cicn. G. M. Lindsay, C.M.G., D.S.O., himself an old Army officer
      438 words
    • 259 13 Minor Points T'ia' Require Adjustment. The Mamh jrreat pains in tnswe th< irking of the new role regarding notice of runners ilurinK mail week, ami it w.i-. mainly due to tlic-ir well-thought-out nrrangemenis that everything worked so well. Many minor matters, howi op that v.ill call for
      259 words
    • 107 13 Y.M.C.A. Defeat Fort Canning. The Y.M.r.A. easily defeated Port (anmnjf yeaterdaj bj loth sides appeared to be evenly matched but tn<< Association were much steadier in the circle tlian their opponent At half time tlM V..M.C.A. The following will repreaent the Y.M.C.A. vs. Rafflei Institution ;;t hockey (•II Mi.n.l.-iy
      107 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 144 13 Raffles Hotel Rooms with Modern Sanitation. EXCELLENT GRILL. TEA DANCES EVERY MONDAY. WEDNESDAY \M) FRIDAY 6.15 8.15 p.m. DINER DANSANT EVERY TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND BATUDKAY "SAKE" McGUIRE'S BAFFLES ORCHESTRA. Orchestral Concert Sunday. 9.15 p.m. For Reservation Phone 21)20. Sea View Hotel Telegrams SEAVIEW. Telephone 508.-|. <® 'Si) Sunday, Mar;h 10
      144 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 3074 15 A Woman Replies to G.B.S. Vigorous Onslaught on "The Intelligent Woman's Guide." G.B.S. aaJ Uk Amazons. i! Sori.s'i-! Wmbm'h (luijf to 'n.iiliu.i.. A Reply t» >!r. >ha». b) Mr- i.r Mcwurier. mm, 5a. AST year Mr. Shaw ubii. bed I of I an appendix, which he
    3,074 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 173 15 <s\ s rcc S fT^"" 1 '.^L-—^^Lw^siißs^B Good Health is j(i Real Wealth C* 7he nod precious possession you can have is Good Health. A rich man who is always ill *jff is the poorest man on earth. 4^* Health depends upon the food you eat. The j W quantity
      173 words
    • 67 15 ,i?£r waj by (he iraj I I j BOUNDER'S j HEAVY OIL MARINE ENGINES. An- hiii! 1 la meet the exariini matftiMM »i ri<(uirtd in Marinr ffBglaw OI'KUA TION.— Simple. Bcwt— led. Ka;>. CONS TRLCTION.— Ru W ed and uf the Finest .Material. FOK PAIJTK TLARS. APPLY UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED
      67 words

  • 1700 16 AUDACIOUS VENTURE. Kin* Charles Boldly Bluffed. COL. BLOOD'S PLAN. S Amonir the countless robberies which v have taken place at one time M another, *i the tttempt to steal the CwM of Enjr- land must surely rank as the traordlnary. Forshui baMMM, ity, and
    1,700 words
  • 548 16 Solving Secrets. LAKE NEMI DRAINAGE SCHEME. The prow of the first of Caligula's galleys in Lake Nenii, Italy, now lies only Eeven feet beneath the surface of the waters. When the four hydraulic pumps began working on Oct. 20 of last year the prow of the
    548 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 183 16 —Hours ORCHARD ROAD— Retail Branch WEEK DAYS 5 a.m. to 11 a.m. m 2 p.m. to Ml p.m. SATURDAYS 5 a.m. to 12 noon SUNDAYS 5 a.m. to MJI a.m. SELEGIE ROADRetail Branch WEEK DAYS 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. p.m. to 7 p.m. SATURDAYS 6 a.m. to 11 a.m.
      183 words

  • 232 17 DIRECTOR IN THE DOCK. Ner Sag Company. NEW CHARGES UNDER LARCENY ACT. London, Feb. B. At the resumption of the hearing of the efcarga* against Brandreth, new charge* were preferred us follows: Firstly that he fraudulently applied a ihequc for 0,788; secondly that he was party to ful -t- ntriM
    232 words
  • 472 17 Lieut.-Col. Freyberg's New; Command. I.ii -.'ant-Colonel Bernard Cj Freyberg, who won the Victoria Croat tall the late war at ti.<- age of 20, has bam appoint il to the command of the 1st Battalion Manchester Regiment, now! ed a' Shorndiffe. The new Commander of the Manchester.?, I
    472 words
  • 170 17 Seventeen Years in The Post. On Jul) 28 tail, a man on holiday at Heine Bn\- fell nored to write a ix>stcard :>> his sister in Balham remarking: on the 'rime lu;,i of that record summer and commenting on his general health, was duly delivered wthout comment
    170 words
  • 1086 17 PEN PICTURES. Palmist's Remarkable Memoirs. A VISION OF DE VALERA. Secrets of great rnen and tragic women, prophecies of history-making events and intimate pen pictures of such figures as the ex-Kaisc-r, tho late Tsar of Russia, i Lord CV.rna.von, Mrs. Comwallis West, land De Va!<-ra,
    1,086 words
  • 345 17 Mr. Cochran's "Fattening Lunch. Ladies, you may eat." This in effect is the latest dictum of Mr. C. B. Cochran. who has decided that the day of the slim, boy-like figure is past and that natural healthy curves shall return to his revue and provide a
    345 words
  • 27 17 Mr. R. J. Fairer, President of the >infrapore Municipality, accompanied by lis .tauKhii i. is returning from horn* cave by th<* M.M. slcanui- dMBOMCMU >n Mar. 17.
    27 words
  • 396 17 Frenchman Shot Dead In The Street. I The shockingly cold-blooded murder of a Frenchman, a case which has attained the nature of a cimw celeb,e in French Indo- China, has stirred the French community in that Colony to the highest pitch of indignation. On the eve of
    396 words
  • 12 17 .Major W. M. L. Bower Ins re!timed to! Malacca alter a holiday.
    12 words
  • 380 17 Battling with Wits. NERVE TO BEAT BEST BRAINS. i The romance of Wall Street trading, says a New York message, is strikingly shown •'in the career of "Jakie" Field, who has '|d'«l after fifty-eight years of adventure around the Exchange. Throughout his 'career he engaged
    380 words
  • 98 17 The following passengers :u .'i rrlve n Singapore from Home by th< I i on Tuesday next Mr. H. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. V. C] icck, Mr. S. L)asnaba:rochana, Bi Miss A. Frankel, Mrs. A. Gin S. Ha'>anananda, A. V. Jay, I'. Hal I. BaK-r. V. Krairikeh,
    98 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 187 17 CLEVER INVENTION FOB RAISING WELL WATER THE CARUELI.E PATENTS. THE ideal water lift where /^3wls<? j there is native labour because y^r^ of its real simplicity and ease of vffl operation. Water is raised by if V/ jff^h means of the patent Boulton m &fcos&^ endless band. It is more
      187 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 771 18 NOTICE MEETING OF BOARD OF LICENSING JUSTICES. The Quarterly session* of the Board of Licensing Justice* for the Settlement of Singapore for :he first quarter of the year 19M, will be held in the First Magistrate's Court, Singapore, at 2.15 p.m. on Thursday, JJtrch 2*. 11>29. (2). All applications for
      771 words
    • 59 18 rCeWJKJV.,^p> isM^mi BtfiM^i^SM--iT^rr¥TirryTTWwwßttß^^Br--TSsH^rrr"''*Ti»^Bl*^r CTnKHIHBaiS' ET 8 H tj B fJNjni a j F 4 ffraESSJf HE^j 1 i <4Hai VAx A^ftaUVEr KaSa^ -2^^!^ /*Bt*v* 3^^B2ffir>^. J wlMii^ffjaw*»Bß^aMMa^*MiaM^^a^Bß*lM^^^KJ^^l^a *i ipy^jK ■4^^Aj 4mV?( X ''mm^hl a^^a^aHMMßwflHH 4 BORNEO-CHEVROLET, LTD. Singapore Malacca. PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS H THE BEST IN EVERY SETTING. \\M
      59 words
    • 837 18 AUCTION SALE of excellent design walnut-stained and watpolished teak hous?hrld furniture, piano, etc. A: Nn. 33, Amber Mansions, Penan? Lane, nrt Orchard Road, on Saturday, March 9, at 2.30 p.m. Comprising an excellent toned cottage piano by Moutrie in good condition, latest style double spring motor Orthophonic Victrola X.M.V. cabinet
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 513 19 Assets over 18,000,000 S.C. Asswwica in force «yer 130,000,000 The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. nr»n nrnirr v o (Incorporated la Straits Settlements) HEAD OmCI Winchester House. Singapore LONDON OmCI t 17. Old Ja^ry. B.C. The Company has 120,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with
      513 words
    • 605 19 BANKING 1 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter 1868.) Paid Up Capital in 800,000 shares of £5 each £3,000.000 Reserve Fund £4,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 HEAD OFFICE 38, Blshopsgate, London, E.C. 2. Agenciea and Branches ,|A!orStar Harbin Seremban Amritsar Iloilo Saigon
      605 words
    • 583 19 BANKING HONG KONG SHANGHAI RANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Honi Kong) Head Office HONO KONG. Authorised Capital ${0,000,000 Issued and fully pttd up {20,000 MOO > Reserve Funde Sterling f 8,000,000 i Silver $14,000.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $20,000,800 COURT OP DIRECTORS. N. S. Brown, Esq., Chairman. W, H. Bell. Eaq,.,
      583 words
    • 365 19 BANKING BANQUE DE ITOO-CHINE EelaMlnhed lS7f. (Incorporated in France) By Cf>\ernment Charter. Cnuitiil Fes. 72.000,000 1 Rpserves Fes. 82,500,000 HEAD OFFICE PABIS. BRANCHES Vunnitnfon 1 nompanh Shanghai Mongtzou ''antho lientsln Vinh Saigon fekin Namdinh Quant: Tcheoo Bangkok Hanoi Wan Djibouti Haiphong Hong Kong Pondicherry Tourane Canton Noumea BatUmbang Hankeoa Papeete
      365 words
    • 120 19 Baaa sea u&xlu EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED *^^"^«Ja»x w' aaaaK^^Ba 2002 P.H. igiflSSr 900° POINTED HEEL SILK HOSIERY Obtainable from all Leading Stores. FOOT EASE HOSIERY MILL, SHANGHAI When you clean your Silver Make this work as pleasant and as easy as possible by using Silvo Liquid Silver Polish. In this
      120 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 171 20 Exchange that old Piano for a GARCIA ALL TEAK MODEL Student's Model $425. EASY PAYMENTS. W. J. GARCIA 2, ORCHARD ROAD. wffaSjf^ d!^^pSjßßaaaa»aaaai| 11 Models. As supplied to the British and Colonial Governments and leading commercial firms. DUNBAB ROBERTS, LTD. 137, CECIL STREET, SINGAPORE. Q SEASON Style and fitness in
      171 words
    • 256 20 TALCUM POWDER NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED. Enquiries Solicited. LEE KIM tOO 40, HIGH STREET. JUST PUBLISHEF MALAYAN DOLLAR RUBBER COMPANIES (1929) This little book is intended to furnish as full particulars as possible regarding the financial position of the various companies concerned and for that purpose there are included in
      256 words
    • 1839 20 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. PREPAYABLE CHARGES for WANTS, tot Sals, To Let, ate. In ordinary eloi. set type (average six words to line) are s— Par Has One insertion 28 cents, two Ins. 46 cents, three Ins. 64 cents, four Ins. 8S cents, (We Ins. 11.00, six int. IMS, ten ins. 11.40,
      1,839 words
    • 303 20 PERFECTION OU Cook Stoves ana ovens FOR ALL COOKING PURPOSES. Bi i C If Simple to Operate Safe in Use ECONOMICAL PRICES. STOVES Each. 2 Burners $35.00 3 $46.25. 4 $59.25 Ovens for 2 Burner stoves adjustable $14.00 CABINET TOPS For 2 Burner Stoves $11.50 3 $12.50 4 $13.00 Spare
      303 words
    • 272 20 The Genuine Series of WEBSTER'S DICTIONARIES Webster's New International Dictionary (with Addendum of New Words and revised Gatetteer and Biographical Dictionary) Containing 452.000 Denned Word* us) Phrases), Divided aa follow* 408,000 Vocabulary Definitions, 12,000 Biographical and 32,000 Geographical Entries, 2,700 Pages, C.OOO Illustrations. Price $38.00. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary. Price
      272 words