The Straits Times, 5 March 1929

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times 0. 29,030, SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MAECH 5, 1929, l-I'.KE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 117 1 TROPICAL > SUITING "FLORODOR" MAAI WING LOONG, HIGH ST.. IMiArORE Introducing the Latest Scientific Production PRODUCED AFTER LENGTHY CHEMICAL RESEARCH, AND POSSESSING ALL THE ESSENTIALS OF A Perfect Dentifrice MON9OL Dental (.'ream presents a new Era in Dental Hygiene and will be found of untold value in preventing :md arresting
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    • 241 1 Gentlemen's Under wear MADE IN ENGLAND *CELANESE' WASHES LIKE SILK. i^ UNDERWEAR for MEN JmW^KSik PURE CELAN ES E"i I E !Hk H IMS' l«l SH RT DRAWERS. 1 V WS CELANES ,E WOOL Stocked in all sizes 32 to 44. ROBINSON Co., Ltd,, Singapore "A Real British Product" i
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  • 745 2 Possible Theories. EFFORTS TO SOLVE MYSTERY. When long-distance wireless transmission wa» first achieved scientists were 1 /./.U'i! to explain how it became posi.iMc At that time it was believed that Ibt wtoataM \v.\es, travelling in straight liM left the earth at tangent and passed into space
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  • 141 2 Oxford Men Carry Pole Through Streets. Two undergraduates wearing caps and gowns and carrying a barber's pole through Oxford streets created a sensation in mail week. The University authorities were having the last laugh in a joke which began a few days before, when a party of
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  • 301 2 Encounter with Colombo Police. The alertness of E. P. S. Hooper who apprehended a European on the Galle Face Green, Colombo in the early hours of the morning has brought to light the interesting adventures of an Austrian seaman, Friedrich Flesak. At 2.30 a.m., Sergeant Hooper noticed the
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  • 85 2 Bid for the American Market. Sir Herbert Austin, chairman of the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., who has arrived in London from America, anticipates that very shortly a contract will be signed to build baby Austin cars in the United States. He said that they must be sold
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  • 45 2 A motor-cyclist told the Southall police that a body was floating in the canal beneath the new bridge at Greenford. Sergeant Cowie and the Ealing ambulance went to the spot. On recovering the body they found it was a fulllength tailor's dummy.
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  • 440 2 Causing Death by Rash Driving. Second-Lioulenani Edward Lmtil Pawson, of the King's Own 3rd HtMHi was at Cawnpore fined Rs. 1,(100 for rashly driving his car and throljy can. ing the death of Hr. J. A. Torris on fix. 27. The fine is to be paid to
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  • 24 2 It appears that Miss E. Tredgold was president of the Y.W.C.A. dance committee anJ Miss I). Foston president of the I Y.W.C.A. sports committee.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 353 2 \Thrv havt made their wa£ by the way tiuy irf aade. t I iBOLINDER'S HEAVY OIL MARINE ENGINES. Are built to meet the exactinß conditions as required in Marine hfjftea. OPERATION. Simple, Economical, Easy. CONSTRUCTION.— Rugged and of the Finest Material. FOR PARTICULARS, APPLY UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED COVER CROP SEEDS
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  • 354 3 Mr. Charles Laughton To Marry. A home paper announces thai Charles I :iu(.hh'n, the v playing the name part in "Mr. I'idrwiik" at the HayatarkM Theatre, If shortly to the at trasi i T!,' cvii i v- ;.Tid date cf the cereBtoajf an !>■ n;^ kept a
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  • 56 3 At MacMmrß in mail week, when Sarah roster, aced M, of London, was fined i'") OH .-in 17-year-old warrant for keeping a ;!i orderlj boose, Sergeant Geldard said her in Ah.'aiiam-street and recognised her. When charged, it was stated, Fqstar said I vent t<. London and
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  • 1239 3 200-INCH MIRROR. Fascinating Chapter Of Science. MEASURING THE STARS. The scientific world has been much interested by the news that a gigantic -c-flecting telescope, with a mirror 200 inches in diameter, is soon to be under (■instruction. Professor Wale, the distinguished American astronomer, who has already iad
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  • 238 3 Suggestions of a Welsh Painter. Mr. i:. C. Wellhead. M.l., for Mi-rthyr Tyiltil, who lives nt Welwyn. is painting the scenery. supiTintentlinjc the NMUaala, and acting as siatyo-manager for the prntion of Hindlo Wakes by the Kolk Players of WVhvyn (iurtlpn City. For ninny years
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  • 264 3 i Mystery Vans of the Post Office. The war against trlrclesi "ptratM" has I" ■■v\ radwad to a It la n^t it grans' campaign c;n a arid* front, Imt a SSriM of guoiilla raitls cariicd out locally l.y tka posial authorities, reinforced by the mystery Post Office data*
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  • 138 3 I Property Left on Southern Railway. Al the Southern Railway's Lost Property Sale at Waterloo Station, which j commenced in mail week, nearly 8,000 üm- bn lias and «,000 pairs of gloves were to come under the hammer. The indexing of the gloves alone occupied seven pages of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 174 3 NON-ELECTRIC FANS ,-i British Made Silent and Odourless. 7 k -L V DBEOCING CO, LTD, (Sel.l writes: H—i ')mA u>,. 12) Ky-Ko Hot Air Fans on this Com- '^^^St] 1 .■it'.J look upon th>ir co.;t »:< money well in- i IHI 1 tlf(l©U!B©Ell^lTP Ab«l«tely QtSS^p^^S'Q LONDON PRICE £7-7-6. S and
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    • 243 3 -i m Standard tllm;raph and nurnoMl Carrier Systems t Provide thesolution for increasfi inu; the service oluainabli 1 over iifjtfi^y trunk lines without £P*^|/ interfering with toe present telephone or telegraphic circuits. Moreover, ilun afford secrecy in iransmission,abaolute reliability :inJ r.'dnce maini tciiancc costs per mile circuit. Ask far further
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 607 4 Shipping Announcements (NIPPON YpHEN KAISHA) TO I.O,<DON Naples, MaraaiUcj, London. Antwerp and ■Koltrnlam Vcsaela, Tonnasc Di:o S;.i! I'US.rfTMI MABU 11,000 Mar. 11 II I'aKO/AK! MARU 10,501) Mar. JX 2.1 fIAKI'SAN MARU 1(1,500 Apl. 11 U K'.TANO MARU B.OUO Apl. -J > 2.;! lIARUNA MABU 10,500 May 10 KAMO MAKU 8,000
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    • 534 4 BURNS PHILP LINE 1 Incorpora'ed in Australia) FOR BRISBANE. SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE, VIA JAVA. DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND Regular monthly sailing* by the wellknown steamer MARELLA (7.873 tons) and the new motor vessel. MALABAR i4.r,12 tons). The s.s. MARELLA is one of the I.Tge?.. and finest steamers trading to Australia.
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    • 673 4 Pi. Ma (ROYAL PACKET NAY. GO. OF DATAVIA) Incorr-'. ratad in HoKund) Under contract v.-ith t:^e NBTHEBLAHDB INTI/.N GOVERNMENT Telephone No. 3C40, with suh-crinnections tc Pasoace, Freight, Transhipment Marine Daftt. and Manager's De<k. Rer-rcjentctivc far Singapore nnd Straits *cttf*mtuta of the CMicial Tourist F.ureau of Java. All infor.nntion. detailed itineraries
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    • 523 4 THE SIAM STEAM NAY. CO. LTD. (Incorporated in Siam) BANGKOK COASTING BKBVICB. For Kiii.iy. Tr.tiggaiiii. Kelaataa Bangniir.i, 'lilu^iM. Palaai. S. agora, i.:i>i»n. Bichoa. BaMWB, K.iiisan.ui. Lang»aan, Chumpon an I Huna-luik. Arrival Depart ur. DDHADIB In i'ort Ma:. I MALINI Mai. 11 Mar. U PRACHATIPOK Mar. II Mar. t» The MMln
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 498 5 Shipping Announcements ELLERMAN ft BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. ftnrt r «;»d In Fnglsnd) i_ r ELI.EPMAN LINE PASSrNC R AND FREIGHT SERVICE TO TH I'NTED KTN*.DOM AND I INTIVENT FREIGHT SERVICE OUTWARDS To Hong Kong, Shanghai tad Japan Due Spore as. CITY Or DELHI Mnr. 10 CITY OP GLASCOW Apl.
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    • 507 5 DUTCH MAILS Stoomvaart Maaf^chappij Nederlajid and Rotterdam Lloyd WEEKLY MAIL and PASSENGER SERVICE TO C enu Jmbntrm S-.ulhampton MpnaHha UvUtolM Tonnage Li-aye ttmmt Prints Juliana s.luO SJf.l" Mi.i I Tambora 5 f,OO I;.j \i r 1 P. I Ilooft U.OOO S.UM -1 Ihdrapoera 12.009 n.l. a'.ir". ii Kon. der Ned.
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    • 405 5 iiH Always specify "GOLD LEAF" Brand. Rcfns« worthless imitations. Or ALL GROCBB& -Solo Ajfi-nls F. A. RirthnlnmnHi Ltd., ■'-A. RAPPLBB QCAf. GREEN MANURE SEEJF fAiIANOLKAN TJIASSEM COMPANY, JAVA. (THE ANU.O-DUTCH PLANTATIONS OF JAVA. LTD.. LONDON). Th« abox-.- Toiiipany will have available fur Mi« 1939, considerable quki.ttty of «e-d hi
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    • 207 5 The rJRe-niotref you tuvt always wanted are now possible. A KOPALITE will eiiaMe you to (bttlte tnoviny pjr turi*.- Nt nitrlit. in the hiyiso or outside, with a CINE-KODAK"! 1.9 te TIIK HPBKO CAMERA. KODAK LIMITED I Inociri i»r«l».i in I'.iik :«".i SINGAPORE. %^r meet vhma 1 New Offices at
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 553 6 ALHAMBRA -'S? I i TAN CHENG KEE CO.. LTD.. J'roprk-tors PROGRAMME Commencing Friday, March ending Wednesday, March 6 In the Second Show at 9 p.m. THE LATEST EMPIRE NEWS Together with Fox World News MADGE BELLAMY in MOTHER KNOWS BEST A Comedy-Drama highly entertaining with pathos and the struggles of
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    • 146 6 PAVILION i TONIGHT IN GLORIOUS BETSY It's A Master Picture from AUSTRALASIAN FILMS (EAST), LTD. The Sign of Consistency. i i.i ALHAMBRA TO-MGHT WILLIAM ll^r^ 7 PRESENTS^^^^f W^TtDNA fERBER The Gripping story of a Celebratci! Actress and a Mother who mane. ■..<! h<;r rise from the depths of obsruri'y to
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    • 692 6 NOTICE .MEETING OF BOARD <>1 LICENSING JUSTICES. The yuartcrly session of the Board of I Justices for the Settlement ..i Singapore for the first quarter of the y< ■:■:.>. trill be hold iii thf First Msci>tr»t< Court, Singapore, su 2.15 p.m. on Thursday, 8, IMf. (J). All applications r,,r Publli
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  • 174 7 TlliaiJ. March 5 11. I'M a.m., 7.5, 7.r,2 p.m., 5.9. Kin. W. Australian mail (Kangaroo) closes mil iMarella) closes 6 p.m. Players, Doctor's Dilemma," Vie. Theatre, y.'iO p.m. riniltol, March < H W, a.m.. 7.2, 9.6 p.m., 6.4. V. Bad N. v. Initeers (Inter-Corn. Cup). i
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  • 314 7 Tuesday, March 5. ShipH sliin^,ide the Wharves or expected to arrive. KKPI'Kl. HARBOUR. ".!ain Wh.-.rf CtmM Pontoon No. 2, Sea Hermes, Daisy, Hunga, l*IMI I. 1'alrul, I-ch. Andrew. I'il Wharf Nil i ...I Wharf The Cal.le. VKSSKI.S IN DRY DOCKS. Tanjong i'acar. Kiithenia 1 I. IVarl Shell
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  • 161 7 To-day. Australia (Kangaroo) 2 p.m. and Amoy (Antung) 2 aja. i ngkalis, Labocaa Bilik and TandBali i (Bingkap) 3 p.m. Si lal Pandjang and Siak Pakan Baro* i.Niio Hengi 3 p.m. Ip] \|.i IU-noa) 3 p.m. ocel Lial i Magnet) 4 p.m. Java, South-Weat Sumatra, SouthRait H"rt
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    • 673 7 An Encouraging First Year. r The first annual general meeting of Alexandra Brick Works. Ltd was held at the I offices of the secretaries (the Borneo Co, I Ltd.) on Saturday. Mr. F. E. Dilley presided, and the others present were the Hon. Mr. F. A. Pledger,
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      • 147 7 Singapore, March 5. Rubber.—Local 45 cents per lb. Market Steady. 1 Tin.—London £222 10s. j Rubber.—Steady. New Scudais 2.934-:j, I'ajams 2.50-2.60, Sungei Tukangs 1.31 te1.37 V.., Semanggols 1.60-1.70, Kempas3.sf.-3.70, TapaJu 2XO-2.70, Hamiltons 2.55-3, Sungei Eugans 3.70-4, Sandycrofts 2-10-2.20, Tambu- h-ks 1.10-1.20, Amal. Malays 3.40-3.7:., Kun-cioi-gs 3.50-3.75,
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      • 167 7 Singapore, Mar. 5. London.—Rubber Is. Id., up 4d. London.—Tin £222 10s., unchanged. Mining.—Dull. Sungei Way 2.95-3.05, J Kuchais 1.30-1.35, Kinta Dredge 1.50-1.55, I Klang River 3.30-3.45, Hong Fatts 70-72 cents, Malaya Consols. 61-63 cents, Penawats 90- f 92 cents. Petaling 5.15-5.20, Ulu Klang 1.424- 1.474, Johans
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    • 42 7 By *thi. II ■m 'hristiaan lluygcns Morea D'Artagnan S'pore London Jan. 94 Pah. ID Jan. 31 Feb. 26 y-l. 1 Foh. 2f> Feb. S Mar. 1 Feb. 7 Mar. 4 Feb. 7 Mar. 4 •1 I II I
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    • 275 7 EXCHANGE Singapore, Mar. 5. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/3 29/32 Demand 2/3 16/32 Private 3 m. credit 2/4 7/16 On New York, Demand 56 116 Priv«t« on a/. rk rnvate 90 d/s 08 On France. Bunk T.T. 1431 On India. Bank T.T. 15?»4 f On Hong Kong, Bank T.T.
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    • 57 7 R.S.S. equal to Standard Q.C.F. Spot 44s; Standard R.S.!.'. on Tender March 4514 April-June 46\ •1 >• July-Sept. 47>4 Oct-Dcc. 47?i 45 Vs 47 4754 48 Tone of Market Dull. Latest Cable London Spot Sheet 13d. per lb. New York Spot Bhmt G. cents
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      • 441 7 I Val. Pd. £1 £1 Asam KumbanR £i fl Bangrin Tin 1 1 Butan* I'adang 1 1 Batu Caves 1 1 Uukit Aranx \U £1 Burmah Malay '£1 £1 Chenderiang i£l fl Eastern Siam il £1 Haad Yai 1 1 Hitam Tin 1 1 Hon K Katt £1 £1
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      • 229 7 issue Val. Pd. Buyers Sellers 2 2 Alex. Brick Prefs. 2.07% 2.124 2 2 Alex. Brick Ords. 2.45 2.55 xd. £1 £1 Brit. Am. Tobacco C.7.6 6.12.6 Canadian Eagle 11/6 12/6 1 1 Central Engine 0.70 0.K0 xd. 1 1 Cycle and Carriage O.fiO 0.G5 10s. 10s. Duff Development
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      • 92 7 U. Eng. 6 p.c. 1,225,500 Norn. Spore Cold Storare 7 p.c. I Singapo <rericipaisl^ 36 101 of 1901 red. 1930 $1378,000 par 6%prem. Singapore Municipal 4tt p.c. of 1907 red. 1947 $1,600,000 96 par. Singapore Municipal 4tt p.c. of 1909 red. 1956 $1,000,000 95 par. Singapore Municipal
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      • 386 7 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt's quotations. Allenby ($1) Mot Gajah ($1) Hitam (»1) Kuning (*1) *m. Malay (»2) A. ($1) I'nnas ($5) lialifownie (*1) Basaett (tl) Hr..,:;<- ($1) Brunei ($5) B. Jelutong ($1) B. Katil <*1) Bukit K. B. ($1) B. Kcpong ($1) B. Timah
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    • 37 7 From China and Japan, by Macedonia, due at Singapore 7 a.m. to-morrow. From China and Japan, by Panama Maru, due at Singapore to-morrow. From Indo-China, by G. G. Maurice Long, due at Singapore to-morrcw morning.
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    • 37 7 Programme of Drills up to and for week ending Mar. 10. 1929 Tuesday, Mar. 5, 6.15 p.m., Drill Hall. M.G. Sec. Eurasian, M.G. Training; Drill Hall, Eurasian <V, W. Training and 30X Rang*. fc
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    • 81 7 [BRITISH IMPERIAL RADIO] Rugby, Mar. 4. Foreign exchanges are Amsterdam 12.11%, Athens 375, Berlin 20.455, Bombay Is. 5 31-32 d., Brussels 34.945, Bucharest 816, Uuenos Aires 47 11-32, Copenhagen 18.200, Geneva 25.2:55, Helsingfors 192\, Hong Koiu; Is. U%d., Kobe Is. 0 15-16 d., Lisbon Hi.' 1.. Madrid 31.895, Milan
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    • 30 7 The directors of the Kedah Rubber Co. have declared an interim dividend of 12V^ per cent., on account of the year ending April 30, 1929, payable on the 25th inst.
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  • 380 7 Reasons for Recent Setback. i 0 Messrs. Baker, Morgan and Co. writing from Kuala Lumpur yesterday state After an active and rising market early in the week, rubber sagged steadily till close on Saturday when prices were s o'-4d. in j( London, 25ti cents in New York
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  • 60 7 Henderson, Helm and Company, Inc., New York, send us the following cable, dated Mar. 4, their quotations being in gold dollar cents closing bid prices Rubber Exchange sales to-day 2,325 tons. March 25.80, April 2G.00, May 2G.20. June 26.30, July 26.40, August 26.50, Septtmber 2C.50. Octoher 26.60, Nov.
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  • 46 7 A cable received by Lewis and Peat j (Singapore), Ltd., fvnm their London cor- j respondents states that rubber stocks in i London and Liverpool show an increase of 540 tons during the past week, the total now on hand being 29,698 tons.
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  • 26 7 The Directors of the Bamtaag (Selangor) Rubber Estates. Ltd.. have declared an interim dividend of 3 per cent. actual > payable on April 15.
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  • 32 7 Passengers on the Resolute at Penant expressed pleasure at having come to place where they were not molested ant! i pestered by hawkers. The liner left for Batavia at 5 p.m. yesterday.
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    • 75 7 I.IM. Beloved wife of Mr. Lim Keng Ti:in 1 (nee Tay Mcc Si I. on Sunday, March 3, 1 1929, at her residence No. 14-1, Bukit Ho I Swce, at the age of 32. The decease.! leaves behind a widower, two sens, Messrs. < Lim Hian Chye. Lim Hian
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    • 104 7 Mr. and Mrs. Chee Koon Chiang, Mr. an.l Mrs. Loh Nee How. Mr. and Mrs. Nah Miai. i Seng and Mr. and Mrs. Tan Teck Juay be- to thank the members of Eng Wah Ko'. i Association and their relatives and frien.iwho sent letters of condolence telejcrain and wreaths
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 135 7 KEEP YOUR BABY^LOVELY AND WELL Some babies thrive from the hoar of their birth. Others make so little piogicss as to be the cause of much anxiety. As a rule it is the digestion that is at fault with those directly Baby's Own Tablets are made th. d corrective of
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    • 962 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Advts.. see page 16. WANTS, FOR SALE. ETC. j OFFICES TO LET. Apply 7, de Sousa St. 1 FOR BALM, MM pot rare ma SM, o. hard Read. 1 TO r.-.i STORE, lat, Boat Quay. Apply Sym gogue Street, I JUNIOB ASSISTANT for orokers vacancy
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 55 7 MKTKOKO LOGICAL REPORT. KandiiiiK Kerbau Station. '•I- C..i:i:ivy of (Internment Health Office.) I'M Hi. I Mouth endln* at Midnight on March 4. O»t- 87.5 F. laptrfttun 72 K. UBMNtin 78 .3 F. Kition 151 F. ....■•m 69 F. bulb t.-in|..-rature 74.8 F. i Mr cent.) 78 M<un absolute humidity (Millibar)
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  • 1081 8 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MARCH 5. A PEACE POLICY. When we ccme to analyse this trwtf and to consider what the treaty is, and what is behind it, ;;nd to compare it with what is in other treaties for peace and what is behind other treaties, why should this
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  • 1226 8 A Chat in a Belgrade Palace. One of the least-known royal personages in Europe, :>ml the irtt Quern of the post-War kingdom of Jugoslavia, is described in the following interview. The youngest of queers. Marie of Jugoslavia, is the daughter of a Nfal lad* never accused of
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  • 325 8 The Bishop of Singapore was due in :poh yesterday as the jrueat of Colonel md Mrs. Rae. He goes to Taiping to!ay. Colonel J. Waley Cohen, C M.G-, is exnected in Kuala Lumpur on Friday in his apacity as Organising Secretary of the iritish Eclipse Expedition. Mr.
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  • 868 8 AN INDUSTRIAL DREAM. Many are the ways in which men have tried to extract wealth from Malaya. l)ut Malayan Wood Distillation. 1.1.1., the equipment and assets of which arc being advertised for sale by the CMkial Assignee. Pahang, was the first attempt to iiitrinluce the wood
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 248 8 aaS SPECIAL DISPLAY OF uaJbhcp ffc In Newest Shades for AH Occasions 9 J AT MOItERATK PRICKS. /^2fcßl "CELANESE" DRESS SATIN. |3i?-A\ V. i.lth :in inches. .nm \JS^ l>eryard 4 25 "CELANESE" SELF-STRIPE. '\v? J vulfek lhis popular ladder proof fabric is ideal 1 l a (Wfc-?!^^^ 'i'Uiwrii-, jumper hiiiis,
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    • 96 8 ALHAS3BRA TO-NIGHT In tlie Second Show at 9. \A illiam Fox Special MOTHER KNOWS BEST Featuring MADGE liEI.I.AMY Along with Latest Empire News. First Show at 7.30 p.m. A Western Drama GIRL-SHY COWBOY Featuring REX BELL. TAN CHENG KEE CO., LTD.. Proprietors. TJE 1929 Viva-tonat Columbia Mode! 109 "A Model
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  • 2037 9 "We Ought in Our Lifetime to Find J A Way to Permanent Peace.' PROHIBITION TO BE ENFORCED. Herbert Hoover, the .'{lst President of the United -States, took the oath of office in front of the Capitol at Washington yesterday. In an eloquent inaugural address, which is
    Reuter  -  2,037 words
  • 302 9 0 Calcutta Riot. POLICE AND BENGALIS INJURED. Our Calcutta correspondent wires ft Mr. Gandhi was arrested shortly hsfsri midnight last night following riotoui scenes at Mirenpore P:irk, in the centrt of the nativ, districts of Csileuttß. Clnshes took place between armed police and t'.u-usami:; of Indians
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  • 165 9 Anticipated Expenditure Of £1,799,000,000. Rugby, March I. With the exception of figures rehtfbw to the Navy, the totals of all estimate! i i'or the coming (mansial year have now been published. It is anticipated that Admiralty requirements will b.- practically on the fame level as last year, 157,000
    British Wireless  -  165 words
  • 111 9 Nineteen People Injured At Woolwich. Rugby, Mar. 4. The War OHico announces that this afternoon an explosion took place in the primer and fuse factory of the filling factories at Woolwich Arsenal. Nineteen pel sons suffered minor injuries, but all wers abls to go home. Certain small buildings
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  • 101 9 THE KING' S PROGRESS. Able to Sit at Open Window. Rugby, Mir. 1. The King passed a good day. Although there was hut little sunshine theie was very little wind ai Bognor, and H:> Majesty was able to sit at an open window during the afternoon. Dr. Woods travelled down
    British Wireless  -  101 words
  • 81 9 (iood Business Done at The Fair. Rugby, Mar. 4. Mr. D. 11. Hacking, Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department, stated in the House of Commons th.-.t although it was i impossible to give figure; of the value of the orders tak:'n at the British Industries I Fair, the
    British Wireless  -  81 words
  • 67 9 Tragedy on* Sumatra Estate. Medan, Mar. 5. Another rubber planter has been murdered by a Javanese coolie. Mr. H. Arbmanb;-rgh, an a«-=i.=tant on Soekarandac Kstaie, was the victim, and it is presumed that trouble had arisen over criticism of the coolie's work. Mr. Arcnanbenrh received three deep
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  • 69 9 Police Offer Reward For Information. A reward of :',300 is being offend l<y the rolice for information leading to the SI iiij of the person or persons CO&a mod in the murder of the Chinese squatter who was faulty attacked bf soldiers at Tanglin on Friday
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  • 78 9 Engagement with Wahabis In Irak. Basra, Mar. 1. A British simian was iho< dead in an engageneai yestsrdaj between Royal Aii Force urioplanes and fiOO Wahabis, who were sighted making off with booty after inidin/ Iraqi and other tril>es at Kowett. The tribesmen directed a heavy fire' at
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 99 9 European Police-Sergeant Murdered. Shanghai, Mar. 1. A -trike in 0M Sun-Sun department Store, one of the largest of its kinl in the Orient, led U a tragedy this mornj%r, when a watchman refnsed entry to ''i.tie ?ui-Sun Hotel to seven suspicious!ouHng Chinese who were, evidently strikers. The latter
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 205 9 French Paper's Advice To Holland. Paris. Mar. 4. Another "secret document" has been discovered. The Echo de Paril publishes extract! from it nurpoilitif: to disclose th-U Holland in 1028 placed at the disposal of Germany for military traffic certain railways on Dutch territory. The newspap-r offers the dt
    Reuter  -  205 words
  • 60 9 Board of Trustees Suggested. Paris, Mar. 4. The new mechanism for Reparations ::.»yi ierU is nearing completion in the shup:- of a board of trusted to supervise, n behalf of the enditors, all German >": .-ments. Such a board would inevitably iisplace at least part of the Dawes organisation.
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  • 53 9 Chinese Airman Renews Attempt. London, M.u\ I. The Chinese airman Wen Lin-lschen and! ■lis Danish colleague have left ispain on heir projected flight to China in a CirrusVvian aeroplane. They starctd previously <-n Saturday, but were compelled to relurn when over the English Channel' owing to an
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 727 9 Educational Group On Belgenland. Five hundred tourists, nearly all from the United States, are seeing the sights of Singapore island to-day. They were brought by the Red Star liner Belgenland, which arrived at daybreak from Batavia on her fifth round-the-world cruise and berthed at the West Wharf.
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  • 37 9 Tokio, Mar. 1. It is learned that the Government will shortly present supplementary estimates to the Diet for 2,r>00,000 yen for the maintenance of troops in Shantung for three mentb* from April I.—Rv&fr,1 Rv&fr,
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  • 493 9 Eight States Claimed On Their Side. CONFLICTING REPORTS President Gil Said to Be i A Prisoner. From all indications, revolution on > j a big scale has broken out in Mexico, hut the news is scanty and cnnflicl- ing. While Government report., fro.,-, tl Mexico City
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  • 152 9 Britain's Treaty With Irak. hugby, Mar. 4. At the opening meeting of the Council of the League ol Nations at Geneva to-day Sir Austrn Chamberlain said Great Britain would submit to the League th<full text of the alliance treaty of l'.'-!7 between Grtat Britain and Irak ai mm
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 54 9 BARON FOULD-SPRING E R Dies in Shanghai on World Tour. Shanghai, Mai. Baion Eageae r aid-Springer, a French philanthropist and cousin of tne- Roth■childs, died test night at Aator House from pneumonia and pleurisy. He was touring the world accompanied by his wife and daughter. The widow was formerly Baroness
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 33 9 Mr. M. A. V. Allen, Assistant Warden of Mines, is rating from Government service and will bu proceeding Home with Mrs. Al'en on Mar. 21. Mr. Allen came lint to MsUra in 1896.
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  • 948 10 No Great Demand. REMOVAL OF ALL RESTRICTIONS. of the minutes of a meeting of the Indian Immigration Committee held i lu.ala Lumpur on Feb. 20, with the: Hr. E. W. K. Gilman presiding.) fIOWI that the question of restricting emigration from India was again conMr, (i.
    948 words
  • 44 10 •Lan Kubelik, the famous violinist, will njrapore in April in the course of his Kastern tour. Miss Mantle and Mr. Kendle, who are pleasing singers and dancers, are now I ntertaining at Raffles Hotel. They appear at all dinner and tea dancta.
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  • 203 10 Visit to Malaya Next Month. H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester, the third son of His Majesty, will be in Malaya next month on his way to Japan to present the Order of the Garter to the Emperor on behalf of the King. His Royal Highness will travel
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  • 643 10 Committee and Local Problems. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Mar. 2. The Straits Settlements (Malacca) Association held a committee meeting at the Malacca Club on Friday, when the following members were present Messrs. Strivens (chairman), Darby, Rabjohn, Hibbert, Graham. Zehnder, Esson, Loh Kirn Swi, Goho, Munro and
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  • 19 10 Booking for the St. Patrick's Day dinner and dunce has now closed and no further applications can be considered.
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  • 24 10 Tbe Merrilads Musical Association are preparing to give an entertainment in the form of vaudeville and variety in aid of Discharged Prisoners' Aid Society.
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  • 39 10 The Malay woman in whose house in Geylang the police recently found a three-barrelled revolver of continental manufacture has been fined $10. She said the weapon was left behind by a German who lived with bar before the War.
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  • 115 10 Alighting at Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 4. Baron Koenig, the young German who is flying a light aeroplane from Germany to Singapore, and who is now in Bangkok is expected to arrive in Kuala Lumpur during the week-end. Baron Koenig has expressed
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  • 269 10 Nineteen Cases For Trial. The second Singapore Assizes opened this morning before Mr. Justice Deane. The calendar includes 19 cases, three of which are in respect ef returned banishees. A number of gang robbers and armed robbers are also down for trial. The case in which most interest
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  • 375 10 Bust of Stamford Raffles For Batavia. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, Mar. 2. The British Consul-General in Batavia has been informed by the Malayan branch of the Royal Asiatic Society in Singapore that on the occasion of the 150 th anniversary of the Royal Batavia Society of
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  • 25 10 The Jelai concessions case was mentioned at Kuala Lumpur yesterday before Mr. Justice Thome during the fixing of the' cause list. It was postponed indefinitely.
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  • 44 10 With reference to a report of an appeal in the Johore Supreme Court, Mr. Tan Swee Toh, chinchew of the steamer Gemas, writes denying that he was concerned in the case and states that it was the head coolie who was arrested and charged.
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  • 45 10 The engagement is announced between Audry, younger daughter of the late Mr. J. H. Shillito and Mrs. Shillito, of Johannesburg, and John Bailie, of Sungei Tankas estate, Kajang, Federated Malay States, youngest son of the late A. E Bailie and Mrs. Bailit, formerly of Johannesburg?
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  • 127 10 Payment by Pistol Threat. That he was going to shoot a debtor if the man did not respond to a final appeal for payment, was the starting admission made to Police Inspector Byrd in Bras Basr.h Roud on Sunday by a Chinese armed with a revolver. The
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  • 109 10 Claim of Unsecured Creditors. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 4. Mr. Justice Thome to-day delivered an important judgment in the Malayan Wood Distillation, Ltd., appeal which was argued before the Appeal Court recently. In this ease the Official Receiver of the company appealed against the judgment
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  • 391 10 Judge's Comments On Share-Hawking." i Mr. Justice Mirza, sitting in the Bom- bay High Court, has awarded one pie as damages to the New Zealand Redwood Forests, Ltd., who sued Mr. E. F. Groom- bridge for libel in respect of articles published by him in his weekly
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  • 72 10 '•The Doctor's Dilemma" For To-Night. An excellent performance of You Never Can Tell was given by the Macdona Players at the Victoria Theatre last night. Particular credit is due to Miss Ivy Walenn, who at short notice deputised for Miss Daphne Carr in the leading role of Gloria
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  • 42 10 A Chinese passenger to Prai on the railway ferry steamer Violet jumped overboard yesterday. The Violet ■»»s stopped and search made without result. The body is not yet recovered. Cases of people jumping overboard from ferry steamers are now becoming very frequent.
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  • 45 10 Under the heading. Man-eating Crocodiles, Mr. V. G. Bell, Deputy Conservator of Forests of the F.M.S., writec a most interesting article in the current issue of the Illustrated London News. The article is illustrated with some remarkable photographs of the mother crocodile defending her nest.
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  • 45 10 A Calcutta message says that as a result of the no confidence motions, passed by the Bengal Legislative Council, the two Ministers, Nawab Musharruf Hosain (Education) and the Raja of Nashipur (Local Self -Government) have resigned. The- Governor has assumed administration of the Transferred Subject*.
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  • 204 10 Chinese Lady Passenger's Experience. An alleged theft of $547 in jewellery and cash from a second class passenger on board the Straits Steamship Company's vessel Ipoh while on the voyage from Penang to Singapore was the subject of a case in the fourth court this morning. It
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  • 29 10 All Oxford and Cambridge men are rominded of the meeting to De held at the Adelphi Hotel to-night with a view to arranging a dinner on Boat Race Night.
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  • 47 10 The Asiatic Officers of the Engineering Department, Federated Malay States Railways, will be At Home in honour of Mr. R. W. Hiam, Engineer for Ways and Works, F.M.S.R., on the eve of his retirement from the Government Service, at the Hallway Institute, Kuala Lumpur, on March 9.
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  • 539 10 Official Reception. FAREWELL ADDRESSES READ. The Krabats (Royal family), Government officials, Orangkayas, Penghuhu and people of various communities assembled at the Dewan, Johore Bahru. yesterday to pay their respect to Hja Highness the Sultan on the eve of Ins departure for Europe. The assembly after the
    539 words
  • 62 10 Visit to Mediterranean Recommended. Rugby, Mar. 4. Early yesterday the Queen walked ov« from Bognor to Aldwick nearby to visit the Archbishop of Canterbury, who arrived there on Saturday for a mODth'l convalescence after his recent illnes«. The Archbishop's medical men have ordered him complete rest and
    British Wireless  -  62 words
  • 131 10 Sudden Death In Penang. I (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. I. The death took place with tnurie suddenness on Sunday morning at the General Hospital, Penang, of Mrs. Adelaide Diana Evans, wife of Mr. Arthur H. Evans, who is well-known throughout the East. Mrs. Evans,
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  • 50 10 Northern Tie in Semi-Final Draw. The draw for th» semi-final round of the English F.A. Cup, to be playtd on neutral grounds on Mar. 23, resulted follows Aston Villn vs. Portsmouth, at Highbury. Blackburn Rovers or Bolton Wanderers vs. West Bromwich A. or Huddersfleld T., at Liverpool.
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  • 697 11 S.C.C.'s Late Spurt Beats S.R.C. The S.C'.C. frittered away chances acain.-t the S.R-C. in a friendly game on the Padang yesterday, but nevertheless won to the tune of 3—1- On the run it play they merited their victory fort they were th.c better side, but their for- j
    697 words
  • 237 11 Robinsons' Defeat Cold Storage. The Singapore Cold Storage lost their m ti-tuI mm tie in the Inter-Commercial < nil competition yesterday at the Stadium to t' ,,-n by three goal? t» i tba first half. ThraduuiMa «m« fmrl- even before the interval haif, hut the ,Robin-«.i. repre el
    237 words
  • 39 11 London. Mar. -1. The following are the results of League football matches played to-day First Division. Sh.-rti.-t.! Wed. 2 Portsmouth 1 West Ham Utd 2 Leicester City 1 Sernnd Division. Clapton Orient 'i (irimsby 1'. 1 --Reuter.
    39 words
    • 325 11 Handicaps for First Day. j The Sclangor Turf Club meeting begins ion Saturday. Appended are the handicaps for the first day 1 Ponies, Class H, First Division (six furtaws).- Maude H 9.11, Puth Arl 9.7. Pauline H. Lockstitch 8.9, Three o' Top 8.8, Romance K.I. Woodbine 8, St.
      325 words
    • 307 11 Competitions at Bukit Timah. The Singapore Golf Club March Bogey competition was played over Bukit Timah last week-end, and resulted in a win for Mr. W. Eldred in the A division and Mr. F. X. Lee in the B division. Eighty-ono cards were taken out and the following m
      307 words
    • 321 11 Report on the Past Year. The annual meeting of the Singapore Chess Club will be htld at the Adelphi Hotel on Friday. The report for the year, signed by the hon. secretary, Mr. George Parbury, states At the beginning of the year there were ■15 members. There
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    • 163 11 In Strong Position in High Scoring Game. London, Mar. 4. Playing All-Jamaica at Kingston, Mr. Cahn's team of English cricketers could only draw. Batting first the home side compiled 462, of which Rae was responsible for 111, Martin for 64 and Bedford for 74. The visitors
      Reuter  -  163 words
    • 159 11 Ames Breaks Finger In Victorian Game. (From Our Own Correspondent. Sydney, Mar. 4. The M.C.C. side, which is playing Victoria at Melbourne, had to follow-on yesterday to the home team's big score of 572 for nine declared. The tourists' first innings realised only 303 runs. Hammond again
      159 words
    • 54 11 New Calcutta-Bombay Record. A cable received by the Studebakcr Corpoiation states thnt Dewey W. SmSth and G. .L Clark have established a new non-stop record from Calcutta to Bombay in a Studebaker President roadster, covering the distance of 1,466 miles in 41 hours 11 mm. and breaking the previous
      54 words
    • 206 11 Fails to Retrieve Poor Start. Bud Walley, the Singapore flyweight, had Rnother bout at the National SportI ing Club on Feb. 4, and although he lost on points to Jerry O'Neill, of Merthyr. he further enhanced his reputation. All critics are loud in their praises, and from
      206 words
    • 145 11 Mr. Wilkinson Re-Enjcaged For Two Years. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 5. Mr. H. F. Wlikinson, the handicapper of t!:e Straits Racing Association, has been n>-cngaped for a furihor term of two years in the same capacity. Mr. Wilkinson arrived from Australia to act for Mr. R.
      145 words
    • 54 11 Entries in S.CC. Close March 8. The closing date for entries in the Singapore Cricket Club spring tennis tournament has been extended to Mar. X. The championship singles and doubles will be held at this tournament, and interesting play is expected. Entries for the billiards handicap at the S.CC.
      54 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 108 11 New DANCE (V^V^^ti New Hl» Muter- 1 Voice Electrlcl >^r^ Recording an t»*ued twice monthly dMta «nd 15th. We cordially JW lnvit« you to oil and he»r the follow- 4^^* Have Arrived. ~ffisMastfere\facc >. S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD. f^ J&s^\. (Incorporated la Hoac Koa«) t ,-^Rffc X\ rn.Arn.ta placjk. Kelvin
      108 words
    • 190 11 RAFFLES HOTEL TO-BAY S.S. BELGENLAND in Port All Passengers Lunch and Dine at Raffles and there will be A CRUISE BALL TO-NIGHT special exga<;rm':nt ok Miss MANTLE and Mr. KENDALL wfl tppni it Tea ;vm\ Dinner Dances. Sea View Hotel Mtrnu SRAVIBW Telephone SOB 5. 9 ROOMS WITH MODERN COMFORTS
      190 words

  • 740 12 THE NEW WOMEN VOTERS. f Forecasts Exceeded. PROBLEM OF Hl(;E CONSTITUENCIES. Tt.< mm i:n.r. lat af Vgtam will ■>■•' N completed till May. but the work is sufficiency tdVU ad I" make it dear that women voteis will be in a majority, ami in some MMtttaM &m markedly so, at
    740 words
  • 278 12 Founded at the Hague over 300 Years Ago. Amonp the larjte number of English eliurehes on the Continent that at The i Hague is one of the oldest, it having been founded in 1R!»5. Mr. Oudschans Dentz, a member of the Utrecht Historical Society and of
    278 words
  • 55 12 The Empire Marketing Board ha.< I made a grant to the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. to assist in the complete, classification of all plants in the Empire. The grant, which is for a period of four yeurs' amounted to £1,200 in the first year, rising to
    55 words
  • 516 12 The Two Paths. HOME SECRETARY'S VIEWS. The Church of England must make up its mind quite definitel; Sir William .ioynfon-Hicks, the Home Secretary. sa\s in a letter read at the sixteenth London I meeting of lay Churchmen at Caxton Hall, Westminster, "whether it is going in
    516 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 282 12 Glorious White Teeth Are Dull Teeth Freed of Dingy Film Send Coupon for 10-Day Tube THAT dmidy trctli, jraUcwtoh, discol- The enemy of teeth and gums ored teeth, can i>e made itt whiter is pjirn i< the great enemy of teeth arid gums mm -an accepted fact. Foremost demists of
      282 words
    • 295 12 Igß GUERLAIN OJEOJ To fittingly crunincn-.orate one hundred years of Ciuerhun Artistry we tnmoncc the dobut of DJEDI, the Parfuin of a Century. Sole Agents \J^Q LTD. 3 and ORrnAKI) R0A1) Too Much Work often brings racking headaches in its train. The best help repid and reliable in all painful
      295 words

  • 2526 13 WHY WALES WON. Transition in Rugby Football. PENALTY-KICK VALUE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Fib. 7. The fr v.-«Hy lititrnlir.n between Mr. JMs-ar VaBaM and the .'ock .■>• Club hi. produced aa unexpected Madias of the law. It has siiv.ii; •< hern assumed thflt entry -.i raMa
    2,526 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 160 13 Independence He is able to look afler himself now quite a little man. Very sure of himself and thinks he knows everything. Yet if you asked him what made that clean towel sc perfectly vhite he probably couldn't tell you. But Mother could, because it was sjie that added the
      160 words
    • 77 13 EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED Style No. ■a^f"''t^y jHh Stylo No. V^^JP^F^ POINTED HEEL Silk Hosiery In all styles In all shades Obtainable from all Leading Stores. FOOT EASE HOSIERY MILL, SHANGHAI. K^^^^S^M^M *fye&tOiQtC BATTERIES The Prest-O-Lite Battery is quality battery. When we guarantee a Prest-O-I.ite Battery t-> you it will live
      77 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 528 14 MALACCA PLANTERS' ASSOCIATION Th«. Annual Oncra! Mfetine of th* above Association will take place at 10 :ti) UL in the Malacca Cluh on Sunday, March 10. 1929. AGENDA. 1. Minutes of laat Ann.. .1 in>: .ir.i! Bpaeial t.en. ral Mi n 2. Corresponderjce. 3. Repor; ar.<^ .\rmui 4. Election of
      528 words
    • 609 14 B> Order of the Official Assignee as! Administrator of the Estate of CHEW JOO CH1AT, DECEASED AUCTION SALE of »ho)'tu,u»e -i-l.rrtial p.-oncrii.-s situate at toad' I Chjat Tanaet, < v Hattn Bant ft tie. 1 »s!c- W«dMs4ay, Narca it p.n. nd and shop- i mil l.i il i quart ad
      609 words
    • 260 14 11 Models. As s-.ijiplied to the British in<l Colonial Governments and leading eomnwreial DUNCAN ROBERTS, LTD. 137. CKU. RUST, SI.vT.APORK. Paying Guest Establishments; THE MANSION, OxScy Kxse *.>p WINDERMERE. 2, BL Thomaa'u Walk. All Cokl Storage food served. sm;irt serv'u-u. Urasonable terras. Tel. 681 Proprietress Mrs. r,. M. 8«37. j
      260 words
    • 198 14 1929 iHl^Sjj^ 1929 JUNIOR Amazing Value Two Tone Colour Four Wheel Brakes Beautiful Antique Upholstery Four Doors Handsome Facia Board F our Head Lamps Chromium Plating Rotax Lighting Newton Hydropneumatic Shock Absorbers tleclnc Morn Semi Fliiptic Sprmgs. Lv a 8 e Gnd HO MILES PER HOUR. 45/50 MILES PER GALLON.
      198 words
      83 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 506 15 Assets over $8,000,000 B.C. Assurance fa orce ,30,000.000 The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. nr»r> (Incorporated In Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFICE W.nch.ster Hoom. Singer. LONDON OmCli 11. Old J.wr, E.C. Th. Company ha. 120.000 deposited with th. Supreme Court of England and complies ».th th. Brni.L Lii. A.sorane. Companies
      506 words
    • 607 15 BANKING CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporated in England by Koyal Charter 1MB.) Paid Up Capital in 600,000 shires of £6 each £3,0u0,000 Reserve Fund £4.000,00u Reserve Liability of Proprietors 0,000,800 HKAI) OFFICE 3M. Bishopsgatc, l^ndon. E.C. 2. Agencies and liramh.-- Alor Star Hnrbin Seresaban Amritaar Iloiio n
      607 words
    • 584 15 BANKING lh)Sii KONG S SHANGHAI BANKING IOItPOBATION. (lncoipom; hi Boaf Kong) Bead OAae BOKO EONG. Aatborised Capita |58,0CO,C0iJ uid fullj puid lj> 120,000,000 Reserve Funds Storting t f1.000.00C »14,0'J0,00C ReMrv< Llafa of Proprietor! $20,000,000 i 01 t.i OF DIREC rOBS. A. li/Compton, L'aq., chairman. Broil Esq., Depaty Chairman. Ron. Mr.
      584 words
    • 366 15 BANKING B.4NQUE DE I'INDO-CHINE K.lsblln.'ird 18TS. (incorporated in Franc.) By Government Charter. Capita! Fes. 72,000,000 Reserves Fes. 82,500,000 HEAD OFFICE PARIS. 1 j DRANCHES 1 unnnnfou I'nompvnh Shnr(rhEl Uuuctauu lientsin Vinh Suiicon IVkin I Nsmdibh v.;: Tcheoo Hangkok J''anoi Won Diiboutl Haiphong Honpr Kong Pondicherrjr Tourane Canton Noumea Battambang }{ankeou
      366 words
    • 106 15 fURODONAL M^^ SOLE AGENTS (WHOLES DUPIRE BROTHERS, L3MITED SINGAPORE SPECIFY For PROVED RELIABILITY We have the RIGHT MOTOR for your needs. We know the RIGHT WAY to apply it. UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) SINGAPORE. ELECTttIC DEI-AM MENT, 13. BATTKRY ROAIt. Wakes up dull appetites Makes you
      106 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 189 16 fjKolTj 'li r i > "MONOPOL" STANDARD SIZE PROJECTOR Fitted with Universal Motor for 110/220 vultß. D.C. or A.C. Sule Agents M. Wiseman Co., (Eastern) Umitrd (Incorporated in England) 41/3, ROBINSON ROAD. SINGAPORE. SliKkisls Austritlasian Films (East), LimiU-d 22/24. ORCHARD HOAD, SINGAPORE. Bay— MITRE BRAND TEA AND NONE ELSE. FKOM
      189 words
    • 246 16 TALCUM POWDER NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED. Enquiries Solicited. LEE KIM SOO 40, HIGH STREET. JUST PUBLISHED^ 1 MALAYAN DOLLAR RUBBER COMPANIES (1929) This little book is intended to furnish as full particulars as possible regarding the financial position of the various companies concerned and for that purpose there are included
      246 words
    • 991 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. PREPAYABLE CHAHQES for WANTS, For S«le, To \M, ste., In ordinary eloss set typ<- (averafre sis words to line) are :—Yn line One Insertion ri-r.ts, two Ins. ir, cents, three ins. 64 cents, four ins. 82 cents, five ins. $100, six ins. $1.13, ten ins. 11.4U, twelve ins.
      991 words
    • 958 16 LAND AND HOUSES 10 LET, rooms, garages. Apply iiurlirgton. TO LET, CO, Stevens Road. Apply 7, De Souza Street. TO LET CO7-S, shopkousc, East Coast Rd Apply 14 Market Street. VACANCIES at the Crctcer.f FlaU, Tanjong Katung. Apply Meyer Brothers. TO HE LET, No. 153, lioat Quay. Apply S. Vary
      958 words
    • 298 16 PERFECTION Oil Cook Stoves ana Ovens FOR ALL COOKING PURPOSES. Simple to Operate Safe in Use ECONOMICAL PRICES. STOVES Kach. 2 Burners $35.00 3 $46.25. 4 $59.25 Ovens for 2 Burner stoves adjustable $14.00 CABINET TOPS For 2 Burner Stoves $11.50 8 $12.50 I $13.00 Spare Wicks 0.70 It is
      298 words
    • 282 16 The Genuine Sirica of WEBSTER'S DICTIONARIES Webtttr's New In irrational liictionsry (with Addendum of New Words and revised Gsxetteer and Biographical Dictionary) Containing 452 000 Defined Words and Phrases, Divided as follows 408.000 Vocabulary Definitions, 12,000 Biographical nnd 32.000 Geographical Entric3, 2,700 Pagw, 6,000 Illustrations. Price $38.00. Webster's Revised Unabridged
      282 words