The Straits Times, 17 April 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1926, PRICE 10 CENTS 28,146
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 54 1 THERE'S HEALTH in every tin of SWISS Mil; 1 STERILIZED NATURAL Guaranteed pure Swiss Milk, containing ALL its or original cream and other health-giving vitamins. UNSWEETENED CONDENSED. t"EXPAMET" BRITISH EXPANDED METAL CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT. Stocks of all sizes held by WILLIAM JACKS CO. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR. fg mm Spirit y ASIATIC
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    • 3 1 mm: YOUR BABY.
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  • 2008 2 Chairman's Optimistic Views For the Future. The annual general meeting of the Teluk Anson Rubber Estate was h=ld yesterday at the Hongkong Bank Chambers. Mr. A. E. Baddeley presided, and there were, also present Messrs. D. J. Ward, J- R. Crawford, C. J. Stephen, C. T. de
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 659 2 t^^ Success now— or m Twenty Years THt OlWr WAY ro success I what is the your graip. By the success you hope for W most remarkable A responsible position, system of postal coachan ample salary, an ing m the history of assured future. -I business education. The School trains
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    • 180 2 Cuticura Should Be In Every Home Daily use of Cuticura Soap keeps the pores active and the skin dear and healthy, while the Ointment heals pimples and other irritations. Cuticura Talcum is a delicately medicated antiseptic powder of pleasing fragrance. Soap. Ointment. Talcum sold throughout the world. Mntjih Depot F.
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    • 222 2 $50 ONLY 111 113, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. High-class gramophone with double spring motor. Monthly payment system can be arranged for local customers. 1M MMIMtlMHM MHMM»M ♦«»><» DON'T WASTE WATER DRINK > Hj&gj^rJa Everywhtn M.I t MM Ml II I III I I No. 11 of a series. Jl IJ vV
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 45 3 NOTICE R. A. O. II.— PRIDE OF THE EAST LODGE No. 108$. BY REQUEST, special meeting w".l be held op Saturday, 17th instant, at 7.3i u, Full Ke<ralin. Visit of St. Ambrose I, ■;<■. All membprx are requested to be in ntUmlanci-. W. C. HANCOCK. Secretary.
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    • 536 3 INTERIOR CLEANLINESS s of paramount importance to all who value youth, health and efficiency. To keep the syFtem clean and in perfect working order u'si Pinkettes, the dainty little regulators which neither pain nor purge. As gently as PmKFTrtS* nature they dispel constipation, stimulate the liver, banish biliousness sad sick
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    • 769 3 OWN A BUNGALOW ON THE SUSSEX COAST. WAITES FARM ESTATE (Between Rye and Hasttogs). WAITES FARM ESTATE, which is situated right on the sea margin, is extremely healthy, and the surrounding scenery as beautiful as any to be found on the South Coast. It is four miles from Hastings, and
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    • 812 3 IN THE ESTATE OF ALBERT EDGAR COELHO, DECEASED Pursuant to Section 25 of Ordinance No. 144 (Trustees). NOTICE is hereby Riven that all creditor! and other persona having »ny claims or demands against the estate of Albert Rd««r Coelho late of Singapore deceased who died on July 1, 1924, and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 525 4 Shipping Announcements N.Y.K. UNE (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA) LONDON LINE Marseilles, London and Antwerp Vessels Tonnage Due Sail HAKUSAN MARU 11,000 Apl. 28 29 KITANO MARU 8,000 May 12 13 HARUNA MARU 11,000 May 26 27 KAMO MARU 8,000 June 9 10 KATORI MARU 10,000 June 23 24 ATSUTA MARU 8,000
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    • 472 4 THE SIAM STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. (Incorporated In Slam) BANGKOK COASTING SERVICE. For Kretay, Kemaman, Kelantan, Bangnara, Telapin, l'atanl, Singora, Lacon, Bandon, Kohsamui, Langaaan, Chumpon and Bangkok. Arrival Departure VALAYA In port Apl. 14 REDANG Apl. 19 Apl. 21 MALINI Apl. 26 Apl. 28 VALAYA May 3 May S The
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    • 521 4 K. P. M. (ROYAL PACKET NAY. CO. OF DATAYIA) (Incorporated m Holland) Under contract with the NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT Telephone No. 3640, with sub-connection tc Passage, Freight, Transhipment, marine Depts. and Managers' Desk. Representative for Singapore and Straits Settlements 'of the Official Tourist Bureau of Java. All information, .applying of
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    • 441 4 DURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated In Australia) FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, TIA JATA, DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE Regular monthly sailing by the well km wii st'amers MARELLA (7,375 tons) and MA^AHAR (4,512 tons). The s.s. MARELLA i. th* largest and finest steamer trading to Aus'ralia. Cabins de luxe, single berth cabin*.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 443 5 AUSTRAL-EAST INDIES LINE (Incorporated In England) Rrcular Passenger and Freight Serrlc* rla JAVA PORTS to PREMANTLE (W. A.), ADELAIDE, MELBOURNE and SYDNEY maintained by Tons Sailing MM s.s. CITY OF PALERMO (passenger steamer 5,900 tons) Msy 7 s.s. MERTON HALL (limited passenger accommodation) Jan* 7 s.s. KIOTO (cargo steamer) July
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    • 379 5 AMERICAN ORIENTAL MAIL LINE TRANS-PACIFIC PASSENGER AND EXPRESS SERVICE II days from Hongkong to S*attl* Sailing from Steamer Hongkong PRESIDENT McKINLEY Apl. M PRESIDENT JEFFERSON May 4 PRESIDENT GRANT May 16 PRESIDENT MADISON May 28 PRESIDENT JACKSON Jan* also a sailing every 12 days from Hongkong to Manila Through bills
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    • 507 5 iNDOGHINA STEAM NAY. COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated m Hongkong) Direct Service to JAVA via HONGKONG and SHANGHAI and to CALCUTTA via PENANG from SINGAPORE. Taking cargo on through Bills of Lading for Canton, Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Yangtze Ports, Formosa, the Philippines, etc FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA FOOKSANTG Apl.
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    • 281 5 jOM WHAT THE EMIISEIST JJTHM LONDON ANALYS. LJI SAY? })i' lvi\ c H a^ fe received and exJ7//' "^Sk. ami nod a sample of Soda ffZ'' Watt r from Messrs. Framroz :>!.\vm\ Co- Singapore, and have •••111 found it to be of tfreat purity and of satisfactory quality m Sili;
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 528 6 From Saturday, April 17 lo Thur day, \pril 22. In the HM Show at 7.34 5 RwLs LLUjED DUUKj i Reds A drama of life told m a soul-stirrin manner aid r<:it 11 inji charming ALICE CALHOUN In the Second Show al '1 aja. ENTER MADAME In 7 Reels. A
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    • 504 6 WILLIAM FOX presents HENRY WALL'S PLAY HAVOC A Tremendous drama of society woven into a realistic background of the war. THE STORY, Part 2. FIYK ininut.s after Tessic leaves, however, Violet receives a message raneeliiner h?r engagement, and a minute later Dick Chappell enters- j Ha haa brought I gift
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    • 255 6 Production STELLA DALLAS jqt (j rfTTimini rii n r jiifiiiSiT You All Know SUtU Dallas HmTm fMUM iti j C"^ lows and vU\a^. B«1U B«»Be« fx>rtr»,B tri« lm <U«f>l\j, tWat 30a \o*9 Wmr •W»f>tU k«r wwlniiiiiii fit) Im»> d«J>ir« crrorm, WWKf witW k«r sW wy^ remote* »W« r»jmem*, *u{|cr as
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    • 219 6 CINEMA SHOW 1U TC II CLtn. (AIKNHII.L IM»AI». ON SVNDAY, APRIL 18, at Ml p.m. V.ciunsciuo Vlewi of the Nathariamta iiii.l ih- rrc n: K10...;.. Price of Admission for .Member* $1.00 Price of AdmiHsion for NonMembers J1..-.0 Uraattdi WM be aanaVid over m ih« CodialMea fur dictrlbnlion to Plovda Baffn
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  • 254 7 FIXTURES. Saturday, April 17 ■igk Water, 0.50 a.m., 1.58 p.m. Malacca High Tidr, 10 a.m., 6 ft. 10.30 p.m., 6 ft. 2 m. Sunday, April 18 High Water, 1.23 a.m., 2.49 p.m. Malacca High Tide, 10 JO a.m., 6 ft. fi In. 11.06 p.m., 6 ft. 5
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  • 349 7 Saturday, April 17. Ships alongside the Wharves or expected to arrive. Eatranci F.ast Wharf Gambhira 22 1 Howra 20 1 Main Wharf J. de Witt 18 I C of Rangoon 15 3 Talma 11 3 Calypso 10 3 Clan MacNair 7 3 Empire Dock MandaAtn Maru 30
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  • 176 7 To-day. Selat Pandjang, Bengkalis and Bagaa Si Api Api (Van der Lyn) ..3 p.m Tanjong Bale! and Laboean Bilik (Ban Whatt Soon) 4 pjn. Anamba and Nutuna Islands (Will o1o 1 the Wisp) 4 p.m. Banka Island, Pladjoe and Paiembang i.Senung) ..4 p.m. Sinm, i-xci'jH Lower
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  • 35 7 Slamat Mantua Cirotiui Kara Tambora Kashmir 8'por* London Mar. 6 Mar. 27 Mar. IS Apr. 8 Mar. 12 Apr. (I Mar. 18 Apt. 10 Mar. lit Apl. 12 Mar. 1» Apl. 14
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  • 97 7 The engagement is announced of Koh Eng Cheow, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Koh Mang Choo, to Cecillia Chan, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chan Kok Sic. The marriage will take place within this year. The engagement is announced of Mr. Tan Kirn Teong^ youngest son of
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  • 51 7 MADAM TAN SWAN NEO, age 58, on Tuesday, April 13, 1926, at No. SC-17. Neil Rd. bi-loved mother of Gan Chong Bin, and mother-in-law of Ngo Yam Liang and Tan Seng Kee. Funeral on Sunday, April 18 at Senh Can's Burial Ground, keng Kee Suah, cortege leaving at 10
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  • 44 7 Mr. Chan Hong Teck and family beg to thank the members of Gi Ho Whay, M.C.L.A.. Srck Kia F.enh, relatives and friends for their kind attendance at the funeral of his late wife, and also those who sent wreaths, letters of condolence, etc.
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  • 25 7 The April issue of The Planter contains articles dealing with yields from bud-grafted trees, heredity in plants, the planters' provident fund, and the usual features.
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  • 229 7 I EXCHANGE. PRODUCB. Singapore, April 17. Singapore, April 17. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4* Gambier t* J2.00 Demand 2/4 (Cab. No. 1 napiekrf) Private 3m. credits 2/4 17/32 C^P™ *i 11.60 On New York, Demand 56% Sag o Flour Sarawaa 5.80 Private 90 d/» 68% p
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  • 53 7 Tone of market 'Weak. Latest C-.h^^^^^^P","^ aw lb New York Spot Sheet G. cents 47 H per lb. :.S.S. equal to Standard, Q.C.F. tandard R.S.S. on Tender Spot April May-June July-Sept. 77% 78 77 76 78 78% 77% 76% DAILY PRICES CURRENT. 12 o'clock
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    • 240 7 Issue Val. Pd. Buyers Seller* £1 £1 Aaam Kumbang 58/- 69/1 1 Batang Padang 0.75 0.77 xd. 1 1 Hitam Tin 1-37H 1.40 1 1 Idris HydrauUc 55/- 66/1 1 Johan Tin 0.47 0.49 10/- 10/- Kamponp 49/- 50/£1 £1 Kamunting Tin 69/- 71/- cd. 10 10 Kinta Asso.
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    • 135 7 Issue /al. Pd. Buyers Sellen !1 £1 B. Am. Tobacco 511.0 5.15.0 1 1 Central Engines 1.00 1.05 'I £1 E. Smelting Co. 15.26 15.50 0 10 Fraser Ncave 50.00 51.90 00 100 Hammer Co. 152.50 157.50 [OOlOOKatz Bros. def. 187.00 192.00 iO 10 Mexican Eagle 20 I l
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    • 85 7 U. En*. 6 p.c. $1,234,300 par 110 S.S. s',i p.c. Loan 1919 Spore Municipal 6 p.c $36,710,000 106% 105% d. $1,878,000 of 1930 par 5% P-m. S.S. hV» p.c. Loan 1918 Spore Municipal 4tt p.c $28 655 700 ***** ***** ci. of 1909 $1,100,000 90 P* r s.S Md
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    • 380 7 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evan's Quotations. To-day's Prices Fraser Lyall Co. Evatt. Uienby ($1) 2.90 3.10 3.00 3 10 Uor Gajah ($1) 2.90 3.00 2.90 300 V. Hitam ($5) 21.00 22.00 21.50 2200 V. Kuning ($1) 1.25 1.35 1.15 1.25 Vm. Malay ($2) 4.10 4.30 4.20
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 227 7 Mrs. H. WOLSKEI. p.p.c. Houtman. GIBSON'.— On March 19, 1926, at Roeberry, Gordon Road, Camberley, to the wife of Ashley Gibson, of the F.M.S., daughter. MOVADO WATCHEB AND CHRONOMETERS which for the 13th time have had the SERIAL PRIZE for the 6 BEST FIRST-CLASS POCKET WATCHES at NEUCHATEL'S OBSERVATORY lire
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    • 151 7 GOODWOOD HALL. SCOTT'S ROAD. CINEMA SHOW TO-NIGHT AT 9, D. W. GRIFFITH'S Ree 9 ONE EXCITING NIGHT The Greatest Mystery Story you ever saw. Admission $1.00 «lIMMM»HHM IMPORTANT MORTGAGEE'S SALE The undersigned have been instructed to sell by public auction at their sale-room, Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place, on Monday, April
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    • 886 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Advts., Me pace 16. WANTS, FOB SALB, ETC REQUIRED by Import House, cashier with >15,000 security. Apply 688, Straits Times. AN EXPERIENCED BOOK-KEEPER required for solicitor's office. 681, S. Times. TO LET, 25-3, Cairnhill Road, Immediate entry. 25-1, entry May 1. Apply 21-2, WilMic Road. WANTED
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    • 602 7 DIAMONDS DIAMONDS L. S. KORNITZER DIAMOND PEARL MERCHANTS, Baffle* Chambers, 8, Raffles Place. Telephone 3836. Invite you to examine *heir large and well-assorted stock. No order too small, none too big. EMERALD CUT TERRACE CUT and FANCY STONES A SPECIALITY. Telephone 3836. LUNAS RUBBER ESTATES. LIMITED (Incorporated m the Straits
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  • 412 8 The Straits Times SATURDAY, APRIL 17. RUBBER PRICES. Yesterday, for the first time since May 8, 1925, the London price of rubber fell below 2s. per pound. It may go lower, or it may rise again during the next two or three months. We may foci that we can take
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  • 156 8 has a tendency to accumulate m London, because it is only there that enough capital is available to finance large holdings. And it is quite impossible to get away from the fact that London stocks do exercise a most powerful influence on price. At November 30 London stocks had fallen
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  • 516 8 In the past six 'months a quite abnormal amount of forward selling has taken place, and most estates have covered at cast half of their output at figures round about 2s.- for the whole of the year. The outlook, therefore, is not particularly alarming, but it is just enough, we
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  • 29 8 Notwithstanding assurances from the Philippine health service that the islands are free from cholera, reports from the provinces, both official and private, indicate that the epidemic is growing worse.
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  • 40 8 Mr. F. G. Penny, M.P., for Kingston, on March 18 accompanied a deputation to Lord Peel, First Commissioner of Works, from governing bodies and cricket clubs with refeience to a recsnt increase of rents for cricket pitches m Government parks.
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  • 40 8 The Coroner has returned a verdict of death from natural causes at the inquest held on the late Mr. Thomas Felix Cuthberts:n. On March 26 last, Mr. Cuthbertson collapsed m a ricksha on Cavanagh Bridge, and later died at Hospital.
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  • 37 8 With reference to the petition presented t) the Government by inhabitants of attap houses m Grange Road which are being demolished by the Municipality, the Colonial Secretary has informed the petitioners that the matter is receiving attention.
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  • 62 8 Fourteen Filipino mechanics to work m the shops of the Ford Motor Company at Detroit will be selected through a competitive test to be held at the bureau of labour. A committee composed of two senators and labour officials have been appointed to conduct the test. Eleven j/ucceßsful competitors at
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  • 8 8 Soengei Kadja Estate harvested 50,000 coconuts last month.
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  • 16 8 Negotiations with regard to the commercial treaty between Germany and Japan will commence shortly at Tokio.
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  • 27 8 A Service will be held at the V.M.C.A. to-moirow night at 8.45. Sir Arthur K. Yapp, will be the speaker. All are cordially invited to be present.
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  • 24 8 The Rev. A. B. Champion, Archdeacon of Sarawak, and formerly Chaplain of Selangor, will preach at St. Mary's Church Kuala Lumpur, at Evensong to-motrow.
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  • 32 8 The copra market, is quiet but about 1,660 tons have changed hands, closing quotations show a drop on those reported m our last, viz Sundried $11.65, mixed $11.50, reports Barlow and Co.
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  • 35 8 According to a report received by Aneta from Bandoeng, it is learned that i French plantation company known a? Cultuur Maatschappij La Moesi has been formed with the object of exploiting lubber land m Palembang.
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  • 40 8 Bishop Brent, formerly of the Philippines and who lepresented America at the Opium Conference last year, is to speak .or the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, the oldest missionary society f the Church of England, at Westminster Abbey.
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  • 45 8 The directors of Peninsular Lighting Service, Ltd., report satisfactory trading for the year 1925, yielding a net profit of 21 per cent on the issued capital. The payment of a final dividend of 7V4 per -■ent is recommended, making 15 per cent, for the year.
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  • 48 8 Shareholders of the South British Insurance Co., Ltd., will be interested to learn, that a cabh has been received from the head office intimating that an interim lividend of Is. Id. per share has been declared. The dividend will be paid to ocal shareholders on the 22nd inst.
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  • 70 8 Elsewhere m our columns will be found the annual report of the Singapore V.M.C.A., which shows an overdraft of $7,748, but reports good progress m the educational, social, and athletic activities of the Association. The difficulties caused by .the loss of six tennis courts and long stoppages at the swimming
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  • 81 8 Guthiie and C.\, Kuala Lumpur, advise •laviri" received a cable from the secrearies of Reiribau Jelei Rubber, to the ■ffect that the directors have decided to •ecommend a final dividend m respect of he financial year ended December 31 last >f 12^4 per cent., payable en May 5, making c
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  • 74 8 The following have been granted commissions m the S.S.V.F.: As Second Lieutenants— Messrs. H. D. L. Fisher, A. S. Gomes. Tan Seng Tee, J. Lee and Mohamed Ali bin Maidiri as Honorary Cadet Second Lieutenants, Penanjr Frej School Cadet Corps Messrs. Mahmud Hashim, Ibiahim bin Abdul Rahman, Ahmad bin Mohamed
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  • 87 8 By kind permission of Lt.-Col. C. J. Pickering, C M.G., D.5.0., and officers, the 3and cf the 2nd Bn. The Duke of Wellington's Regt. under the direction of Mr. R V. S. Wright, A.R.C.M., will render the following programme m the Botanic Gardens on Sunday, commencing 1 at 556 o.m.
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  • 114 8 Ths death at the General Hospital yesterday morning of Mrs. Gweneth Xorah de Cruz, will be received with re?r?t by her many friends m Singapore. Nee Foston, she was the second of three sisters who used to figure prominently m all th 3 concerts for children or charity, and their
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  • 121 8 Complaints are being heard about the delays to which the public are subjected m the police courts, where the pressure of business is such that repeated adjournments have to be accepted before a case can be brought to trial, with consequent inconvenience to the parties and witnesses involved. This state
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  • 109 8 The many friends m Singapore of Mrs. C. H. Brown, nee Walker, sister of Lady Guillemard, will learn with regret of her recent bereavement, her husband. Mr. Cecil Hew Brown, M.A.. having died from heart fai'uri while out with the Oakley hounds, near Bedford. Mrs. Brown, who stayed for some
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  • 454 8 Mr. Robert Caldwell and Mr. Oiarl.s Henry Nicol have been placed upon Urn Commission of the Peace, Singapore. The King received Sir Claud Jacob on his relinquishing the Northern Command m India and on his appointment as Military Secretary to the India Ofiet. The Rev. Keppel Gnrnier
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  • 49 8 Henderson, Helm and Company, Inc., New York, send us the following cable, dated April 16, their quotations being in gold dollar cents Sellers, April 47 3 Muy 47; next quarter, 45. Market weak. No suppo.t small demand. To-day's Singapore price is 78 cents and London. Is. 1H4.
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  • 54 8 Prince George arrived at Kuala Kangsur on Thursday night staying at Government House. H;R.H. spent Friday morning on the Peral: riv.-r, playing polo with H.H. the Sultan m the afternoon. This morning Prince George motors from Ipoh to Batu Gajah and to-morrow morning entrains by the day
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  • 79 8 A slip m our paragraph yesterday should be corrected. The first instalment (dry weather flow) from I'ulai is expected early m 1927, not l'J2y, as stated. We hear that the other day the stream kt Pulai was running at the rate of seventy million gallons per day.
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  • 95 8 The hottest Easter for 85 years was thoroughly enjoyed by Londoners. Apart from the unprecedented exodus to the Continent, especially to France. English seaside resorts were unusually crowded. It is remarkable that there WM freedom irorn accidents and police court cases. For instance, at Southend, not a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 72 8 ALHAMBRA TO-NIGHT at 9. A Harry Garson, Metro Production ENTER MADAME (Featuring CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG] m 7 Reels. THE PRICE OF PLEASURE m 7 Reels. I'irst Show at 7.30 CLOSED DOORS (Featuring ALICE COLHOUN) m 5 Reels. V TAN CHENG KEE CO., LTD, Proprietors New Columbia Grafanolas NEW MACHINES AT
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    • 81 8 On Other Pages. Teluk Anson Rubber Meeting 'Z Shipping and the Mails 7 Finance and Commerce 7 Meteorological Report 7 Reuter and Ku»by Radio Telegrams 9 Money-lenders and Their Interest 9 Penang Lightermen's Strike Settled More About Water Shortage Hon. Mr. Yeoh Cuan Seok Deud '.i Submarine* in Port Ceylon
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  • 298 9 Peking Situation Reported Grave. Position of the Opposing Armies. [KEl'TKR TKLECKAM.] London, April 16. Pekinjr The Kuominchun have evacuated the city and the- Chinese -'lied troops bavo taken over coi.trol. The Kuominchun troops outside the city streamed in denv nlWaf the garrison. The evacuation followed in trains, cars,
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  • 119 9 [REUTER TELECRAM.] London, April 1G. The Jnternational Shipping Conference m\ .pUd the British delegates' amended resolution on the League of Nations and the International organisation recording its grave concern with the rapid growth of a multiplication of internatbnu\ organisations representing governments and other interests as involving unnecessary interference
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  • 103 9 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, April 16. Uningrad The Norge landed m the darkness assisted by search-lights. Three hundred soldiers of the Red Army towed the dirigible to th? hangar. Representatives of the Soviet Government, the Academy of Scionc?, foreign consuls, (it legates from various bodies and crowds
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  • 52 9 [BEUTIR TELEGRAM.] London, April 16. An engineering crisis is threatened. The conference of engineering employers and trade unions on th? national demand for a il weekly wage increase failed to reach an agreement. The trade unions are now considering the question of authorising a strike ballot m the
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  • 147 9 Right, m Cuba Wrong In Malaya. [RENTER TELEGRAM.] London, April 30. A ncr.tly-wordcd attack on Mr. Hoover appears in the .\\-w York World which, in a leader headed Had in Malaya fine in Cuba," draws attjntions to the Cuban Government's action in cu. tailing the production of suj;ar
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  • 119 9 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] Loiid.n, April 16. Brussels The International Miners' Federation unanimously passed a resolution declarins: that the enly way of emerging from i:n international coal cri.-is WU to examine the international system of production and distribution. It affirmed its complete solidarity with the British miners m the present
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  • 81 9 [WIRELESS VIA RUGBY.] Rugby, April 16. It was anticipated that Monsieur Pcret, French Financs Minister, would visit London this week-end to discuss with the Chancellor of the Exchequer points outstanding in the French settlement to Great Britain. The Chancellor, who is to make the annual Budget speech in
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  • 74 9 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, April 10. Paris The fresh fali of the franc, despite an apparent improvement in the financial situation, is causing uneasiness. It is attributed to sales cf French francs abroad, especially in Bbtgtai and Italy, fcr the maintenance of their own currencies, also in Holland
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  • 74 9 [REUTEB TELEGRAM.] Londjn, April ltj. The House of Commans by 222 votes to :i passed the second reading of the "Judicial Proceedings (Regulation of Report) bill a private measure, which the Government supported, to forbid the publication of details calculated to injure public morals. Only the salient particulars
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  • 72 9 [BEUTEB TELEGRAM.] Lond-in, April 16. New York Three thousand towboatmen, representing about half the 800 towb >ats operating in New York, were ordered to strike last night for higher wages und a ten-hour day. Fears are expressed that some of the big liners will be delayed
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  • 133 9 Suggested Non-Export Front England. [KEl'TER TELEGRAM.] London, April 1C. New York The Washington, correspondent of the Associated Press says that a proposal for a n;w liquor trccty with Great Britain is being considered by the Stale LVpmtiiK'nt. London, April 16. It is understood that formal discussions are proceeding with
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  • 107 9 [WIKEI.L a TIA RUGBY.] Rugby, April 13. The Board of Trade status that it is informed that an agreement has been made between the Gas Mantle Trade Association, representing most of the British manufacturers and the German Mantle Convention and certain ass iciated manufacturers m other
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  • 97 9 [WIRELESS VIA RUGBY.] Rugby, April 15. The small amount of warship construction in this country has had seriou* effect upon firms such as Vickers. Presiding a: the annual meeting of the company Mr. Doujrlu" Vickers said it appeared that the armour plating plant in Sheffield would be
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  • 77 9 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, April 16. Moscow The Centr.-l Executive Committee of the Soviet Government have issued a decree declaring to be Soviet territory ell the lands m the islands hitherto discovered and which may be discovered m the future m the region situated m the North Arctic Ocean
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  • 61 9 [UEUTEK TELEGRAM.] London, April 17. In his address before the Society of Arts, describing the work of the Imperial Institute, Sir William Fiirse laid stress on the desirability of extending the scope of tim Ceylon rubber research committee to at least Malaya. H thought that silk production couid
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  • 33 9 [REUTEB TELEGRAM.] London, April 16. Washington: Mr. Wilbur has asked Congress to appropriate nearly $20,000,000 to construct and improve naval bases, half of which is destined for Pearl Harbour, Hawaii.
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  • 16 9 [REL'TER TELEGRAM.} London, April 19. Delhi The Spanish airmen have *nlved at Ayra. I
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  • 362 9 Important Argument In Supreme Court. Excessive Interest On Promissory Notes. The question of whether the courts of the Colony have jurisdiction to 3eal with excessive interest on promissory notes was argued in the Court of Appeal. t)-day before the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) and Mr.
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  • 150 9 [wireless via rugby.] Rugby, April 16. An interesting experiment in weather forecasting is being made by the Daily Mail. This journal publishes to-day the first of a series of diagrams showing expectations of rain or dry weather for a period of 50 days in five areas of
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  • 69 9 [WIULEB8 TIA 1U0BY.] Rugby, April 16. Negotiations are proceeding to-day between the Minister of Labour, who is acting for the Premier, and the coal owners. In the House of Commons this afternoon, the Home Secretary announced that th* Premier had been summoned to Windsor by the King.
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  • 32 9 [HEUTEB TELEGRAM.] London, April 16. Newhaven Through the gift of Mrs. Harkness, Yale University have acquired the Melk copy of the Gutenberg Bible, which was recently auctioned for $106,000.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 25 9 [WIULEBS TIA SUCBY.] Rugby, April 16. The Prince of Wales left Paris thii nijruiug for Biarritz where he will arrive t,hU evening.
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  • 194 9 Full Details of Pcnang Settlement. The following particulars of the terms upon which the strike of workmen cmployed by the Penang Harbour Board are taken from the Pinang Gazelle. The lightermen who were the most stubborn section of the men and demanded $25 a month, have had their
    194 words
  • 146 9 [WIULCBS VIA BUCBY.] Kugby, April, 16. At the quarterly meeting! of the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons, a prizs of £100 was awarded to Dr. William Gye in reo'jgnition of his work in advancing the knowledge of the pathology and therapeutics of can:er during past five
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  • 93 9 [wireless via rugby.] Rugby, April 16. A train constructed entirely of steel travelled from London to Birmingham and beck on the London Midland and Scottish Railway. It carried representatives of the Dominions und ethers interested in this new departure. The railway is putting on its lines 235
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  • 72 9 [WIRELESS VIA RUGBY.] Rugby, April IG. Exchange rates Parij 144-, Now York 4.86 1 /i, Brussels 131%, Geneva 25.19. Amsterdam 12.11%, .Milan 120.8, Berlin 20.42, Stockholm 18.15, Copenhagen 18.55, Oslo 22.2, Vlam 34.14, Prague M 4, Helsingfors 103, Madrid 34. Lisbon t\k, Rio 6%, Buenos Aires 44%, Bombay
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  • 51 9 [reuteb telegram.] London, April 16. After a good-tempered all-night sitting in which Mr. Churchill and Mr. J. II. Thomus led the opposing sides, the House of Commons rose at 7.15 this morning, after passing clause nine of the Economy Bill. Discussion of the bill was adjourned until
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  • 42 9 [WIBKLEES Y1A BUCBY.] Rugby, April 15. At a meeting of the Corporation of the City of London, it was decided to confer the Freedom of the City on Lord Reading in recognition of his distinguished services as Viceroy of India.
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  • 20 9 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, April 17. Vienna An Austro-Polish arbitration treaty has been signed, valid for ttrM years.
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 414 9 Smallest April Rainfall On Record. Ii€ss Than One Inch This Month. The fact that only o? an inch of rain hi;s failcn ciuiinj; this month up to date the lowest rainfall for April in Municipal ncc i ds foitt l>ack to 1879— was stressed by the Municipal Water
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  • 50 9 [RKUTER TELEGRAM.] Loud .it, April 16. Tripoli Signor Mussolini has embark* •d m the battleship Cavour f^r home after attending, with the Duke of Apulia, the opening' of the Colonial Agricultural Congress, lunching with tne officers of the garrison, reviewing the Eritrean troops and visiting, the Jewish quarter.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 64 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) l'enang, April 16. The death occurred here to-day of tha Hon. Mr. Yeoh Guan Seok, partner m the legal firm of Logan and Ross, and Penang Chinese representative on the Legislative Council of the Colony. As a token of respect the
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  • 102 9 Four to Visit Borneo Next Week. H.M.S. Tltania and three submarinci arrived in Singapore yestviduy, and the other parent ship, Ambrose, and four submarines CUM in this morning- The haw ban visiting Penang, Port Swettenhar.i and Malacca. The Ambiose and thn-e .subn-.arine.s will li'av^? for fTmUhlMl next
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  • 49 9 The Controller of Rubber, Oylon, sends us the following statement of exports of rubber from Ceylon during March 1925 1926 Ceylon Imported Ceylon Imported Rubber Rubber Rubber Rubber Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Mar. MM 434 5,177* 411 Latex Exports. March, 1926.-1,200 gallons. > Exportable maximum 5,720 torn.
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 108 10 Abe Mitchell Wins Roehampton Tournament. [Reuter Telegram.] London, April 16. In the final of the Koehampton professional tournament, over eighteen holes, Abe Mitchell beat George Duncan by 3 and 2. The majority of notable professionals competed. Mitchell was brilliant, and was always the p tenti-ul winner. He went
      Reuter  -  108 words
    • 46 10 Serjjeant Murphy's End in West Scotland. [Renter Telegram.] London, April 16. The long and romantic career of the veteran chaser Sergeant Murphy was tragically ended at a bogside to-day. Sergeant Murphy skidded in a West Scotland chase, broke his hind-leg, and was destroyed.
      Reuter  -  46 words
    • 124 10 St. Joseph's Old Boys Defeat r S.R.C. Yesterday afternoon on the S.R.C. ground, St, Joseph's Old Boys defeated the S.R.C. to the tune of 4 goals to 2. Both teams played very keenly. The homesters opened the scoring Oehlers profiting by u mistake made by one of the visitors'
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    • 92 10 S.C.C. v. The Services at Tanglin To-day. The teams for the cricket match to be played between the S.CC. end the Services this afternoon will be as follows S.C.C. R. A. Ashworth, V. O. Charlesworth, C. H. G. Clarke, R. N. Hamilton (capt.), E. W. Hare, D. R. A.
      92 words
    • 239 10 SLC.R.C Tournament. MONDAY'S TIES. A. Glass Handicap Singles. Chua Choon Sim, owe 9 v. John Lim, MN 12. Teo Keng Teow, owe 9 v. Cheong Chee Hai. plus 3. Chong Thutt Pitt, owe 12 v. Seow Poh Leng owe 6. B Singles. Tan Kim Guan, owe 3 v.
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    • 75 10 A hearty invitation is extended to all interested m swimming to attend the May Swimming Carnival to be held at the V.M.C.A. Swimming Pool, Fort Caniiuu. Road on May 1. The programme includes handicap racing, diving, team races, a humorous tvent and a water polo match. The carnival will
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    • 369 10 Results of English Club Games. London, April 3.— Results of the prin cipal matches played under Rujfby Unioi rules to-day are as follows: Bath 3, Portsmouth Scr. 11. Bristol 13, Leicester 6. Cardiff 8, Barbarians 4. Gloucester 8, Abeiavon 9. Newport 24, London Welsh 3. Plymouth 20, Old
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    • 83 10 Gloucester Player Dies From Injury. London, April 5. For the second year m succession the Gloucester Club has lost a player as the result of an injury on the "rugger field. Their vice-Captain, S. A. Brown, a leading try-getter for several years, has died as the result of
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    • 154 10 Second South Staffs Win Final. London, April 5. In the Army soccer cup linal the 2nd South Staffs beat the 2nd Leicestershires by 2 goals to 1 at Aldershot. Their Majesties did not attend owing to the illness of Princess Victoria. Travancore Athletic Club. The following are
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    • 28 10 Speedy Dado a Filipino flyweight with excellent records has arrived m Singapore and joined the training camp under .Mr. Kow Kirn Lin's managership. Dado challenges any flyweight.
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    • 95 10 The funeral of the late Lieutenant William Leslie Berridge, R.N., commander of Submarine L. 15 attached to H.MS. Ambrose of the China Squadron, whose uV:itli occurred at the General Hospital, Penang, on April 10 after a tragic accident at the Penang Swimming Club, took place on Saturday afternoon
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  • 44 10 At the meeting of the Committee of the Bangkok International Chamber of Commerce on April 8. Mr. W. HajTender (Syme and Co. was unanimously reekctod the Chairman of the Chamber Mr. G. Kluzer and Mr. P. M. Lortec are the Vice-Chairmen for the year.
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  • 815 10 Son and Book-keeper Examined. Mohamed Angullia, the eldest son of M. E. Angullia, the well-known Singapore merchant who was adjudicated bankrupt last year, and M. ISaroocha, formerly book-keeper of the bankrupt firm of M. E. Angullia and Co., were, examined before Mr. Justice Deane yesterday afternoon
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  • 145 10 Coolie Injured m Stamford Road. Before Mr. F. R. Howitt, the Third Police Court magistrate, yesterday morning-, John Schroeizer, a European, was charged with causing grievous hurt by a rash act and with allowing: three persons to ride on the front seat of his car. The charge
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  • 252 10 Rose Macphail and C*. (L. E.> Singapore, April 17. Rubber.— Is. liy. \d. up. Local 78 cents. Tin.— £273 5s. 10s. down. The market i s dull in all sections. Rubber shares. are in fair enquiry. There are no features. of interest in the Mining section.
    252 words
  • 141 10 Pretty Vessels on the Kuching River. There is a noticeable increase, says the Sarawak Gazette, m the number of new motor craft on the Kuchang River now, some of which have extremely pretty lines. They vary considerably m design and size, from the ordinary small launch
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  • 248 10 Barlow and Co., report Singapore, April 16. Since' our last a substantial drop in 'prices has to be recorded. Stocks in London have increased considerably and en .the 10th inst., stood at 15,398 tons as compared with 13.740 ton.; for the previous week. The local auction this
    248 words
  • 233 10 For this afternoon's matinee, Surina Theatre is putting on The Last Trail in 7 parts and Adam's Rib in 10 parts. To-morrow (Sunday) .Fourteenth Lover with Viola Dana, and Blood Barrier with Robert Gordon. Admission, half-price. The Gaiety has a big picture this week in The Little Church
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  • 55 10 Excellent mini m Australia, covering practically the whole of New South Wales, have resulted m a far more favourable outlook for the pastoral, agricultural, and dairying districts, many of which were suffering from droughty conditions. Rains have, been heavy also m many parts of Queensland, including the v Longreach district,
    55 words
  • 1137 10 Necessity of Securing Character And Ability. The complaints with regard to ths treatment of planters m the rubber industry m the Malay States have recently attracted some attention and inspired i good deal of newspaper correspondence m which I haw myself taken part write: Sir Edwin
    1,137 words
  • 491 10 Hint of Forthcoming Litigation. The public examination of Mr. Lee Pang Seng, son of the late Mr. Lea Choon Guan, who was recently adjudicated bankrupt, was returned m the Bankruptcy Court yesterday afternoon before Mr. Justice Deane. In reply' to the Official Assignee (Mr. E. E.
    491 words
  • 308 10 Anglo-Malay.— 83,362 lbs. Ank01a.— 3,704 lbs. A11enby.— 23,065 lbs. Ampat (Sumatra). 44,690 lbs. Bikam.— lbs. Broome (Selangor). 41,150 lbi. Brunei United Plantations.— l6,2ls )b« Bukit Timah.— l2,7Bo lbs. Batu Tiga.— 92,500 lbs. Bukit Kajang.— 6B,l44 lbs Bertam Consolidated.— 94,ooo lbs Bertam Extended.— B,2oo lbs. Bassett— l6,624 lbs.
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  • 926 11 Report of Last Year's Work. The annual report of the Singapore Y.M.C.A. for 1925 is as follows The situation which had to be faced by the Y.M.C.A. in 1925 wns not an easy one. Numerous difficulties prescntej themselves, not the least of these being financial. The commercial depression
    926 words
  • 50 11 Monday, April 1!>, Individual Troop? I'nrade. Tuesday, April 20, Sinnallinvj and AniInilnneo Oh IMS, Headquarters, 5 p.m. Wednesday, April 21. Band Practice, Headquarters. Friday. April 23, Officers and Patrol Leaders Class, St. Andrew's School. S.oO p.m. Saturday, Wireless Cla s. Headquarter.' 4.90 p.m.
    50 words
  • 448 11 Not an "International Bully." I Anyone who thinks that the United i States is an international bully is badly mistaken, according to Henry Morgenthau. former American ambassador t■■ Turkey, who recently arrived m Japan on the last leg of his journey around the I world. America,
    448 words
  • 229 11 Made from Coal Tar In Germany. Following the report that synthetic rubber has been made from coal tar m Germany, Stanton Youngberg, Director of Agriculture at Manila, told the local press that there was no fear that an artihcial .substance could displace real rubber. There is nothing new
    229 words
  • 210 11 Economic and Internal Conditions. President Coolidgc on April 2 appointed Carmi A. Thompson, former treasurer «f the United States, as a special com- inissioner to make a survey of the economic and internal conditions of the Philippine Island*. He is expected to sail fur Manila early m June
    210 words
  • 45 11 Mr. 11. Jumabhoy, head of th firm of t!.at minie m Malacca Sticct and vice-president of the Indian Association, vith his wife and family, is going on a holiday to Bombay. At Mr. Numazic's bungalow at Siylap he is giving a din r il'iidieu to-night.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 108 11 The Acme of Perfection The Steinway Piano S. MOUTRIE Co., Ltd. RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. SOLE AGENTS. *-t-f-»-ttttt t »«■>'>>■ iniiiiiim ♦♦♦«♦♦•♦♦»♦«♦•♦♦♦♦-»♦♦«-♦♦♦♦♦<-♦-♦ Corona The Premier Portable Typewriter is now obtainable by the deferred payment system, (her 500,000 m use to-day. Get your's now from RONEO LTD. COLLVBR QUAY. PRICES Folding 3
      108 words
    • 113 11 Raffles Hotel Telephone No. 2920. SARKIES BROS.. Proprietors. *t*" *"vL fIR. TOstflWKL.'' «v TOMGIIT The Great International Characteristic Classical Russian Dancers. Miss Ladova and Youry Yourlo Admission to Non-Diners $1. A. F. PEATE, Manager. ADELPHI HOTEL REMODELLED and REDECORATED. TEA DANCES Every Tuesday, 5.30—7.30 p.m. DINNER DANCES Every Wednesday and
      113 words

  • 919 12 Church Services. Sunday, April 18, 1926. [Under this heading we publish each week brief details of the services to be held at those Singapore Churches whose authorities supply us with the necessary Information. To ensure insertion, these notices must reach us by Friday afternoon.] St Andrew's Cathedral.— Second Sunuay after
    919 words
  • 34 12 If ever there was a bigoted cast-iron trade union which after the wan- did its utmost to bolt, bar, and slam the door against ex-Service men, it was the Civil Sen-ice. Ceptain Gee, M.P.
    34 words
  • 30 12 It is the duty <rf the Government dealing with other people's money to try to get the greatest amount of efficient service for the lowest possible price.— Mr. Hopkinson, M.P.
    30 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 190 12 ti-*m Affe sb^b2a^J4s^9bbm£^sbbbbb^^«^' V-tv AT. t"*' ITALASIA Ltd. Engineering Department. IS9, ORCHARD ROAD. Phone 950. "SILVANA" CIGARS Manufactured from the choicest ■nK^ssKi^sss^Hts^ss^ss^&^l Blend of Tobacco Leaves. RAM I'll IAN IOONC fn \it h k v}r Drill UUAII LUUiill OL vO., JOHORE BAHRU. S'£-vaSa N. N. PITCHAY BROS., P 31, First
      190 words
    • 19 12 DR. RICORD'S Interesting Book for Men Sent free on request by FERBY CO., Box. 17, Stock Exchange, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA.
      19 words
    • 150 12 One smoke Opinion is divided as v to whether Golf or Hockey is the ideal winter Game. But on cigarettes all men of discrimination are i unanimous. They insist on swe(kpress \\32sS2\ VIRGINIA CIGARETTF.S CO, n) c WILTSHIRE Ol Mlm 9 sausages Something Netc and Something Good, A popular Sausage
      150 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 249 13 "NY GARLSBERG" BEER A genuine and most popular beverage known |P' and prized all over the world. Obtainable at most Hotels, Clubs, and Resthouses m Straits Settlements and the Malay Sold by all first-class dealers m Singapore. SOLE IMPORTERS I The East Asiatic Company, Ltd. (Incorporated m Denmark) SINGAPORE. An
      249 words
    • 162 13 nShi^MßrtHß World Famous Specialities from ■^H WILKINSON, HEYWOOD CLARK RIP Bjy^3s^^3K r Prices, etc.. apply S3! <ff«w» #f!B HUDSON MATERIAL FOR LIGHT RAILWAYS f HUDSON LIGHT RAILWAY MATERIAL b ■■■> d at the largesi works m the Empire t'evoted solely to the construction of lisht railway equipment, resulting m the
      162 words
    • 169 13 OFFICES TO LET m LAIDLAW BUILDING. No. 3, area about 1,825 nq. ft. No. 1, area about 460 sq. ft. MODERATE RENTALS. Apply to tbe Managor, Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., LIMITED SINGAPORE. TO LET COMMODIOUS OFFICES at cheap rental. Every convenience. Apply Greshazn Hoom, Battery Road. OFFICES TO LET Commercial business
      169 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 521 14 Assets over $6,500,000 S.C. Assurance m force over $22,000,000, The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In Straits Settlements.) lIKAD OPTIC« t Wlneaeeter Hoase, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 82, Old Jewry, EC The Company has ItO.OOO oeposlUd with the Supreme Coart af England ana complies with the British Ufa Assaraaee
      521 words
      604 words
    • 507 14 NEDERLANDSCH INDISCHE HANDELSBANK (NETH. INDIA COMMERCIAL BANK) Eatablished 186 S. CAPITAL f7«0,000,000 (abont £5,000,000) ISSUED Fl. 55,000,000 (aboat £4,600,000) RESERVE FUND Fl. 23,300,000 (aboat •1,940,000) HEAD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM. SUB-AGENCIES IN THE HAGUE AHD ROTTERDAM. EASTERN HEAD OFFICE, BATAVIA. BRANCHES Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe, Medan, Sourabaya, Semarang, Bandoeng, Weltevreden, Cheribon, Tegal,
      507 words
    • 435 14 BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED. (Incorporated by Special Charter m Japan) Capital Subscribed Y46.00n.000 Capital Paid-up Y89,875,000 Reserve Fund V 1,760,000 President H. Mori, Esq. DIRECTORS G Kawasaki, Esq. I T. Sisamnne, Esq. D Takita, Esq. I M. Shuto, Esq. HEAD OFFICE Taipeh, Formosa (Taiwan). BRANCHES AND AGENCIES Keelnng,
      435 words
    • 980 14 GHEOHG KQOH SENG CO. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE of valuable Singapore town and country properties. At Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng A Co's saleroom, No. 30, Chulia Street, Singapore. on Wednesday, April 21, at 2.50 p.m. Lot 1. Valuable 99 years' leasehold lar.d and shophousc premises known as No. 211, South Bridge
      980 words
    • 416 14 The Discovery of Dr. E. Buergl. THF remarkable discovery by Dr. E. Bucrgi of a method of separating the valuable anparatisi tailed I'hyllosan has been pronouncod epoch making m curative science. Physicians and Medical journals independently confirm its valuable properties, and on tho strength of clinical evidence Phyllosan is used
      416 words

  • 1168 15 Proposal for Steadying The Market. The annual general meeting of the Mentakab Rubber Estate wag held yesterday at Messrs. Harrison and Barker s offices, Hongkong Bank Chambers, Singapore. The Hon. Mr. J. Mitchell presided, and also present were Messrs. Ch«w Woon Pol: and A. E. Baddeley (directors) D.
    1,168 words
  • 89 15 Programme of drills up to and for April 18, 1926. Saturday, April 17, 2.30 p.m.. Farrer Range. C Co., Musketry Classification. Buses leave Drill Hall 2.15 p.m. Sunday, April 18, 6.30 a.m., Drill Hall, A Co., Field Exercise. Dress Drill Order. Helmets 6.30 a.m., Drill Hall. C
    89 words
  • 14 15 Money spent on education indicates the measure of a State's advancement." PudukotUh Finance Member.
    14 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 244 15 Jbr Economical Transportation Now More than 2,000,000 Chevrolets The Reason? QUALITY AT LOW COST Price $1,500 BORNEO MOTORS LTD. HUIVI^BEH British Cars The name HUMBER has always ft**v^\ been associated with high quality r~ i jft-fflSßa *t=g&^^?l LU lhe HUMBER 920 H.l', which tfr^^k^. i PC^l^^^^^ has attracted so much
      244 words
    • 212 15 New Prices tSS/] Commercial Chassis Coupe ELra 1-Ton Truck Chassis $1,115 Easy Payments Arranged. WEARNE BROS., LTD. We arc Sole Agents FOR TOLEDO REPLACEMENT VALUES. HEAD Floe clok jriited gray iroo SEAT J Accuntely I kleciiicilljr "SH E5£L We carry m stock all ST sizes to fit American Ac ST
      212 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 422 16 Patronised by Royalty gj^r flV_afc-JMr'*pnU^!^fa\J^*\ Established 1872. THE INCREASING DEMAND For My JEWELLERY AND SILVERWARE despite Fierce Competition, is the result of its UNIQUE FEATURES In Construction and Design and the WONDERFULLY LOW PRICES. B. P. De Silva The Royal Jeweller •2 and SS. HIGH STBMT, SINGAPORE. Branch No. 1,
      422 words
      382 words
    • 939 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Tha PREPAID chargei for Wanti, For Sale, To Let, ate, In ordinary eloaa tat type (average six word! to line) ara Par line One insertion 28 centi, two Ins. 46 cti. three mi. 64 cts., four Ins. 82 cents, five ins. $1.00, liz m. $1.18, ten ins. $1.40,
      939 words
    • 667 16 dPIKaB AND GODOWNS TO I.XT, 66, Robinson Road, Concrete building, 4,600 iq. ft. 6, Malacca Street. TO LET No. 72, Robertson Quay Entry from April 1, 1926. Apply Meyer Broi. TO BE LET. offiefs and go:lcwni. Apply S. Manasseh A Co., No. 4, D'Almeida Btreet. TO LET, new office and
      667 words
    • 117 16 TABLE WALL and GRANDFATHER CLOCKS Hlawkiir^^ >^oHB Brifr> -fISSM. 'MI at*"' i «8 18 PBIIBIBBS All "WESTMINSTER" Chime. No Finer Selection m The Whole of Europe. Sold by FRANKELS af VICTORIA STREET alao KAFFLES PLACE. "The Maples of the East." L y CONCRETE LAWN ROLLERS The Ideal Roller For Grass
      117 words
    • 501 16 NEW BOOKS M kSTERfION, b) l.ilhert Frankau. A atory nl aa KncCsh Cratlemen *3.M I NCIIANCBO CHEST, h> sir Philip (;ihh». In lliih mv. mil .'I Sir I'hilip (.ililis rovera thirty fvn of Knglish life I rum IH9I to Ihe poat-war prriod $J.a« THE MAN KKOM MOROCCO, hy Kd|{«r Wallace.
      501 words