The Straits Times, 29 March 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 28,131. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1926 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 103 1 5 IwDENSEDMi!/':^' Even m Switzerland The home of milk par excellence, where plenty of fresh and good milk is to be had BEAR Jt BRAND Sterilized Milk is sold m large quantities on account of its high standard of quality. Ever increasing quantities are being used m the Colonies and
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    • 197 1 GALILEAN GLASSES Achromatic Lenses First Quality "SW^Pj Uras?, .'ill IV u A: .li-.panncd Mounts, Leather Covered Sun Sha«!«. j. Loop INCu if 'jjikJ, 6410 for Cord. Height when dosed o\\ Of .|~k ,J^ inche3 (approx. 116 mm.) Jlagnifi- %O j&£\3 H |Hrff i^* cation 4 times. Diameter of Object n(
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    • 3 1 FOB YOUR UAKY.
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  • 301 2 Alluring Offer to South African.,. *The prospectus of the Great Prussian Money Lottery has just reached the Rand. Hundreds of people are reading the alluring story of how j'. i; possible to win 2,000,000 gold ir.aiks (approximately £100,000) by investing in one of the special double tickets, eevting
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  • 289 2 Emigrant Wins and Spends Lottery Fortune. A Belgrade message says Vassili Murtchenko, a Russian emigrant, virtually penniless, sought in vain to obtain employment as a waiter in cabarets, restaurants and hotels in the town. After Insistent failure, despite a week's searching inquiry, in a nuod of
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  • 155 2 X-Ray Process Used For Rejuvenation. I An Italian doctor announces that he has discovered a new system of rejuvenation by X-rays. i While applying this theory in the treatment of malaria patients the doctor discovered that X-rays not only do nut destroy living tissues, but resuscitate life. After
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  • 52 2 i According to the figures recently issued by the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, the ten best export buyers for the month of December, 1925, were as follows United Kingdom $114,233,723 Canada 51,648,585 Germany 35,983,071 France 28,217,564 Japan 26,801,195 Cuba 17,815,816 Italy 17,479,012 Argentina 16,870,909 Australia 13,783,447
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  • 55 2 The Orient Steam Navigation Company have placed an order with Vickers, Limited, for a passenger eteamcr similar in dimensions to the Orama and Otranto, recently built by the same firm. The Orama and Otranto are steamships of about 20,000 ton* gross each, fitted with geared steam turbines
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 392 2 "Thatfs a nice Tonic, the Taste is Delicious." Wl IEN you take the first sip of WINCARNIS, at once you say to youridf what a nice wine it is. And so it is. k a choke rich ruby wine that does you K-cr because it is perfectly with valuable
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    • 147 2 RlMmn.tZmtra 1^ I 1 r. I I H+'&iiolit For School For Work $14 Duo Sold m a $10 Size Never Failing Never Ailing 25-Year Point YES.- n rvtry respect tave th* flO DuofoM Jr. or Lad/ Duofcld la a S!4 pen like th? famous Over-size Duofold. Gold Pocket-Clip or Geld
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    • 198 2 VIOLINISTS j^K?sL&sk fe WITH STRINf; TROITRIE '/J^JI ■> I Try Our Tropical .f/~p *T SEfISOW co LTD W*f* HI n<l 113 < NORTH BRIDGE v ROAD. MHnM4»MM>» M»MM M UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS Improved Model PORTABLE Price reduced to $9O PATERSON SIMONS CO., LTD. A'o. 7 of a scries. m _«^M(rfciMff W
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  • 377 3 r Prize-Winning Animals in Ring's Kennel. Tlit' luu- iJih-tm Alexandra \ysjs fanious for Her love of dogs, dnd Rim- basset hounds for years carried otf leading honours at the principal shows. The basset hound, a dwarfed offshoot from thi> Chien d Artois, a noble Fraud) hound, is
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  • 273 3 Enters The World Escorted By Great Allies." Scots no longer lived on porridge tiny lived on Associations. The moment any little lad or la.-sie was born north of th" Tweed, at the first squeak, he or she wt- Riven a private entry into an Association far more powerful
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  • 202 3 AISTRALIAN N.— S. RAILWAY. Cattle King's Immense Land Interests. Adelaide, March HiSir. Penny, tin- Attornej -General, sj*akin^ in tho Assembly said thut th.e interests, direct or indirect, held by Sir skin. •> Kidman, th;- 'Australian tattle' k;nir," in the country which would be' M rveid by the proposed Oodnudntta to
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  • 116 3 "Colour Bar Bill. A l;n-i;<' percmtagc of the Indians m Pretoria, fakenxnubatg, and other t»wns, lfspci tided to tlie appeal mutli- by' the Bittipn Indian Association to inako February 23 41 day of Ihttreea^oQ and imiycr us a mark of protest against the Asiatic Kill mid other laws hffectfag Indiuiis
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 286 3 Belliss Morcom, Ltd. BIRMINGHAM. M Wl I \c iii;;-; Of HEAVY OIL ENGINES (Diesel Type), STEAM Tl RBINES, CONDENSING PLANT, AIR COMPRESSORS, Etc., Etc. Sole Atrents UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED (it frpstaUe 1 la ttltmcats) SINGAPORE. nntteers v» ««»>•«•«»«» MMI|IM» Buy a Tin To-day and Compare it with the Milk you
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    • 615 3 WASHING DOWN MEALS. a H^bit Inviting rju)rup:. (In* Bf the wnr-t errors prat-tlnt-d at table 1 la thai of wnsliinij ilown food befort It has been properly Masticated- It if an evil lu-vompan.vitiK u,o speeding-UD process whftfi prevails In eycrjliing ■*>■ p« to Doctor* have declared thai nine-tenths of Hie
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    • 331 3 Respecf: your teeth! U is dcpioraLlo how 3ai.y people siiU fail to rraHin a mpuch kept free From teetii-deipoyii'-s- uideria is tiie basis of Iruc bodily iieailii and w.iibeing. Never be content to scour the surface of j-our teeth with powders or pastes. Your tectii are the prey oi
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    • 705 3 CHEONG KOQN SENS CO. AUCTION SALE of siNGAror.r. rowv PROPEJum bob Bang Co.'a saleroom, No. JO, Ckulla fetreat on Wcdm-il.iy. March 31. at 2JO ptn. Lot 1. Velnable M 0 yean' leeaekeVJ land I i n known a» 30, China Street, Singapore, ai :a 1.'12 .iquaru i s i. Choi's).
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 561 4 Shipping Announcements N.Y.K. LINE (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA) LONDON LINE Marseilles, London and Antwerp Vessels Tonnage Due Sail •FUSHIMI MARU 11,000 Mar. 31 1 HAKnZAKi MARU 11,000 Apl. 14 15 HAKUSAN MARU 11,000 Apl. 30 SI KITANO MARU 8.000 May 12 IS HARUNA MARU 11,000 May 26 27 KAMO MARU 8,000
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    • 482 4 THE SIAM STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. (Incorporated m Siam) BANGKOK COASTING SERVICE. For Krctay, Kemaman, Kelantan, Hangnara, Teluaia, Patani, Singora, Lacon, Bandon, Kohsamui, Langsuan, Chumpon and Bangkok. Arrival Departure REDANG In port Mar. 31 MALINI Apl. 5 Apl. 7 VALAYA Apl. 12 Apl. 14 The Steamers are fitted throughout with
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    • 475 4 As ttls (ROYAL PACKET NAY. CO. OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated m Holland) Under contract with the NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVEUNMKNT Telephone No. 3640, with sub-connection to Passage, Freight, Transhipment, Marine Depts. and Managers' Desk. Uepresentative for Singapore and Straits Settlements of the Official Tourist of Java. All information, supplying of de
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    • 359 4 BURNS PHILP UNE (Incorporated m Australia) 1 FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE. VIA JATA. DARWIN. THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE Regular monthly sailing by the well known steamers MARELLA (7,376 tons) and MALABAR (4,512 tons). The s.s. MAKELLA i. the largest und finest steamer trading to Australia, Cabins de luxe, single berth cabins,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 452 5 AUSTRAL-EAST INDIES UNE (Incorporated m England.) Regular Passenger and Freight Service via '.7AVA PORTS to FREMANTLE (W. A.), ADELAIDE, MELBOURNE and SYDNET maintained by Tons SsJHag MM s.s. MERTON HALL (limited passenger accommodation) Apl. 7 s.s. CITY OF PALERMO (passenger steamer r>,!i»u tons) May 7 MKRTON HALL June 7 S3.
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    • 455 5 AMERICAN ONEITAL ■AIL LINE TRANS-PACIFIC PASSENGER AND EXPRESS SERVICE 1* days from Hongkong te Seattle Sailing from Steamer Hongkong PRESIDENT JACKSON Apl. 10 PRESIDENT McKINLET Apl. 22 PRESIDENT JEFFERSON May 4 PRESIDENT GRANT May 16 ntlHlfftiT MADISON May 28 also a sailing every 12 days from Hongkong to Manila Through
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    • 112 5 IJEsSiSf cook S^ Hi rit mil With a fias cooker you E'dE^.'- I only pay for the fuel Gas Cookers, Geysers and other gas appliances may be hired from the Gas Department at reasonable rates. Fixing will be free if not more than 50 ft. of piping is required. For
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 540 6 From Sunday, March 28 to Saturday, April 3. AT THE ALHAMBRA 4 THE SCREEN'S MOST ROMANTIC I OVER, THE LAMB 1 I AVOI KITE EVERYWHERE In the Second Show commencing !i p.m. RUDOLPH VALENTINO Supported by by VILMA BANKY and LOLiSE DRESSKR A CLARENCE BROWN— UNITED ARTISTS" FII.M-DEMXE Adapted for
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    • 352 6 ■UK WBtZtLi*tt£fi'^m POLA NEGRI m Forbidden Paradise One of tho cleverest comedies ever shown on the screen. A study m facial expressions, here we have lovely I'ola as you have never seen her before Exotic, Languorous, Passionate. ALHAMBRA COMMENCING APRIL 4. IT'S A PARAMOUNT PICTURE. ■■iim "'"tmttiiiiiimii PALACEGAY CINEMA Commencing
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    • 125 6 HAVE YOU SEEN the full range of Cocarette-de-Luxe Cameras all fitted with ZEISS TESSAR LENSES. COMPUR SHUTTERS. A product of Contcssa Nettel > ——^j A NAME TO "CONJURE" WITH PHOENIX The Gem of Minerals Every product m the world finds its best niLke m some special country or place, as
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    • 90 6 Special Offer. THREE SUITS FOR £2. You should not mis* the opportunity of obtaining 3 suit lengths of S yards each of Woollen Serge m Navy, Brown, or Black for £2, plus Es. for postage. This cloth is gu»ranteed to be serviceable, strong, and of smart appearance. Money returned if
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  • 201 7 FIXTURES. Monday, March 29 High Water, 10.40 ».m., 11.16 p.m. llish Tide, 7.45 a.m., 6 ft. 3 m. m., h ft. R hi. Opening nf New Hospital, 5 p.m. Tuesday. March 30 Hist Water. 11.11 a.m., 11.36 p.m. Italaeea I High Tide, 8.06 a.m., 6 ft. B
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  • 325 7 SINGAP ORE HARBOUR BOARD. MuM..:;,y. March 29. Ships alongside the Wharves or expected to arrive. KEITEL HARBOUR. ••Li.m Wharf Patrol, Phyaa, Kedidl, Taatl Kalat, B;u, Whatt Hin. Oil Wharf Nil Coal Wharf Nil VESSELS IN DRY DOCK. Tanjnne I'axar Albert Hock Nil TlnlmU Dock Eburna Krppel I'arhonr Kine'- Dock City
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  • 90 7 To-day Treaoaaa iA:-dang) p.m. To-morrow Cneeb ami Benuit (Hong Chuan) 9 a.m. 10 a.m. I ..ini,n .ik i I'nichatipok) ..1 p.m. China, Hainam, Japan. Korea, For- Sih< ria. Western Canada nn.l \Vc:ttrn States of U.SA. (Santhia) y,.:n. Ceylon, Southern and Western India Helenus] I p.i.i. Great Britain
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  • 38 7 ■»y i < i S'porc rjerimni F«b. 19 Kcb. M I'ArtuRiian Feb. ?4 l»:i I'ir'crsioon Cocn Feb. 2fi Ellani M«r. I Mur. I J\TTV. London M»r. 15 Mar. 20 M«r. 22 Mar. 22 Mar. Mar. 21
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  • 36 7 I'owcll ami Co., Ltd., inviU- attention to rlic sah' of two Kui\ipran residential pro■wtipi and the rubber factory and land Known as Henderson Brother?', rubber factory at Tionx Bahru, off Alexandra lid. 'ip-inoriow at ?."0 p.m.
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    • 178 7 Singapore, March 29. Rubber.—Local *1. Tin.—London 27-3-2G £280 10s. Rubbers.—Shares are quiet. United Malaccas are quoted 3-3.10 and New Scudais 3 02'/s-3.15. Mentakabs have sellers at 64 and Jeram Kuantans at 1.70 ex. Connemaras are quoted 2.50-2.60 and Ayer Moleks 2.90-3 JO. Brogas have buyers at
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  • 240 7 EXCHANGR. Sinfcaporc, March 29. On London, Bank 4 m/ 3 24 7/16 Demand 2/4 1!''• Private 3m. credits 2/4 19/32 On New York. Demand 50 13/10 i> w rea/ Pnvate 90 d/n 58% On Fiance, Bank T.T. 1590 On India, Bank T.T. 155*8 On Hongkong, Bank d/d
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  • 69 7 Buyers R.S.S. equal to Standard, Q.C.F^ Spot 1.00 Standard R.S.S. Spot March 1.00 Standard R.S.S. on Tender April 1.00V4 April-June 1.00 July-Sept. 97-^4 Tone of Market Steady but quiet. I Latest Cable London Spot Sheet 29d. per lb. Now York Spot Sheet G. cents
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    • 250 7 Issue Val. Pd. Buyers Seller* £1 Asam Kumbangr 57/- 58/1 1 Batang Padang 0.82 O.jC> cd. 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.-12 'a 1.45 1 1 Idr:s Hydraulic 6G/- 57/G 1 1 Johan Tin MB 0.50 10/- 10/- Kampong 51/6 53/- cd. fl f 1 Kamunting Tin 69/- 71/- cd.
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    • 137 7 Issue I iTal. Pd. ftnm Sellen :i £1 C. Am. Tobacco 5.10.0 5.15.0 cd. 0 10 Central Engines 9.00 S.50 *J| a t] B. Smelting Co. 15 00 IS.oO 10 10 Frascr NVave BUM •'>. > .l.'5 cd. 00 100 Hammer Co. 159.00 162.00 00 100 Katt Bros. d«f.
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    • 84 7 U. Eng. 6 p.c. $1,234,800 par 110 Spore Municipal 5 p.e. *i $1,878,000 of 1900 par 5% p.m. Spore Municipal 4Vi p.c. of 1909 $1,100,000 90 pat Spore Municipal 4H P-«. of 1909 $1,100,000 90 pa; Spore Municipal 4 p.c. of 1913 $2,000,000 80—90 =.S. 6H p.c. Loan 1919
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    • 375 7 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt's Quotation*. To-day's Pricc3 Fraser Lya.ll Co. Evatt. 1 Aiknby (sn :;.io 3.r>o 3.4U ; Alor Gajah (SI) 3.00 3.10cd. 2.85 3.00 A. Hitam (95) 21.50 22.50 21.50 22.00 I A. Kunin-j (Si) i.:sr. ;.5O 1.45 1.55 I Am. Malay (*2) 1.30
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 189 7 C3fr WEARD HOLLOW-WIRE UGHTTNG Antlqnates all forms of KEROSENE ot •^2 PETROL Lighting. Becan;< it cannot jXplod* or catch flre. Ko r*»ervoir In tht lamp to b« ftll*d o) 4*B p:JTnp*<l. No heat. No noise Nc tce*s as with all fn.Tis of K«ro«ent x 'j\ Lighting. "~)\"i? Approved by tht
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    • 49 7 Every rider of HARLEY-DAVIDSON Motorcycles wpl receive free every month the Harlev -Davidson Enthusiast, a monthly periodical devoted exclusively to Harley riders. Matneto rqnipment WUm^S^^ Electric equipment Front Stand Front Stand Luß&age Carrier {m,***" &TTICT Vi H.P. Single Cylinder, Three-speed 1926 Model. UNITED MOTOR WORKS. SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPU*.
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    • 878 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Advts., see page 18. WANTS, FOR SALR. ETC FRENCH 1 KSSONS a lady. Terms meliorate. Apply 5H| Stralta Tillies. FOR SALE, a (We-seater Dodge ear, m icood comiitK>n. Apply U, l'earl Hnnk. ~KOR SAI.K. two-si-nter Scr pps-Booth. sixcylinder. $550. Apply 695, S. limes. FOR
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    • 660 7 SINGAPORE TURF CLUB NOTICE SPRING AND AMATEUR RACE MEETINGS, 1926. Saturday, May 8. Tuesday, May 11. Thursday, May If, Saturday, May IS, Saturday, May 22 and Whit Monday, May 24. 1926. Nine races for Open Horses. Nine r»ce« for Ex-Grlffin Hor-i-. Nine run for Ex-Griffin Ponies. Six races for Irish
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 118 7 METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Static*. (By Courtesy of C,n\ enunent Health Offk-e.! For the 21 hours ending at Midnight on March 19L'G. deg. M::.v. shade temperature KK F. Mir;. lhad« temperature 75..1 F. Mum ihada liuotin 80.GF. H|l. sun rRiliation MS F. Stin. era*' radiation "2 F. Sen temperature 30
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  • 1036 8 The Straits Times MONDAY, MARCH 29. DIRECTORSHIP. I Ore solitary shareholder of Ba;an Rive' Rubber Company attend d the special nuc'J'i?. called by the Directors for Saturday iast, to deal with the question of amalgamation with Singci Bagan. Tha; shareholder voted n;r:ii:'.?t the Sungei Basra ii oifer, and as the
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  • 50 8 A marvellous salvage feat was concluded at Dover on March 17 when the monitor Glatton, which was torpedoed and sunk m September, 1918, with 100 crew, was salved after several months strenuous work, including the removal of 1,200 tons of mud and the filling' of the vessel with compressed air.
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  • 56 8 Four hundred students of the Calcutta Medical College Hospital are on strike, says a wire of March 19. A complete set of instruments disappeared from the operating theatre. The Principal of the College said the inquiry showed that the instruments must have been stolen by one of their number, which
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  • 31 8 The rate of issne of Money Orders tot India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 154 =5100 The rate of payments of Money Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 158 $100.
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  • 26 8 Th# Rev. A. J. S. Steam, formerly of the Diccesan Boys' School, St. Peter's Church, aad the Hongkong Education Department, is now Rector of Fletton, Peterborough.
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  • 31 8 Guthrie and Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, are m receipt of a cable from the sccret;iii of Kembau Jeiei Rubber, Limited, ndvising the latest price of the company's shares as 625. 6d.
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  • 35 8 Mr. H. C. D'Arcy Irvine, who has just returned from a long holielay m Kenya Colony and Nyasaland, is proceeding to Kuala Selangor to resume his former position as manager of the Banteng (Selangor) estates.
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  • 35 8 Following his visit to the Sahara and India, m search of a site for a new solar o'oservction station m the Eastern Hemispheie, Mr. Abbott, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, has chosen Khojrk Pass, Baluchistan.
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  • 42 8 Messrs. Kennedy and Co., Penang, issue a twelfth edition of their Handbook on Dollar Rubber, Mining and Industrial Companies." The information m the new issue is brought close up-to-date, and answers all ordinary questions with which .m investor desires to be familiar.
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  • 45 8 A collision occurred m front of the E. and O. Hotel at Penang at about, 10 o'clock on Saturday morning between Inspector Matthews' motor bicycle and a Henderson motor-cycle ridden by a Chinese. Inspector Matthews escaped with a few bruises, while the Chinese was unhurt.
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  • 51 8 Mr. W. W. Dean, of the Rubber Rrstriction Office, Batu Pahat. Johore, and Mrs. Dean are spending a holiday m Penang, says the Straits Echo, and are staying at the E. and O. Hotel. Mr. Dean was formerly planting m Province Wellesley and was a tower of strength to local
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  • 59 8 The death occurred suddenly on board •he Natal liner Umsinga, 'm Colsmbu harbour, on the 13th inst., of Mr. Arthur M. Mann, chief officer of the vessel. Mr. Mann, who was apparently m g >0.l health, had tea and retired to his cabin, where he expired, death being due to
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  • 57 8 With reference to the reported outbreak of small-pox m Southern Siam it is stated that the direase has now abated. Reports show that oniy a f<w cases of small-T><.\ occurred m Songkhla and Krabu. The Siamese authorities have taken strong and ent-rg^tic measures to eradicate the disease. No cases of
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  • 64 8 A man named Emmanuel Sancho and a woman, Germaine Lafage, are alleged to have carried out a big jewellery robbery at Passy, of which Prince Narsul Mulk, a Persian ex-Minister of War, was the victim. They were arrested ntar Hendaye as they were preparing to cross the frontier. It is
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  • 62 8 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent writes on Sunday At a meeting of Visiting Justices h lii on Saturday morning m the Police Court presided over ty Mr. W. J. K. Stark, Police Magistrate, t was decided to form a Prisoners' Aid Society m Selangor. It was mentioned that Government had promised
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  • 68 8 Mr. J. G. D. Campbell, M.A., who represented the Kingston Division of Surrey m Parliament from 1918 to 1922, has just celebrated his 02nd birthday. A scholar of considerable distinction, he was for twi years educational adviser tj the King of Siam, and was afterwards an Inspector of Schools under
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  • 84 8 A startling story was related at the Central Magistracy, Hongkong, on March 22. of a scheme formulated I y strikers at Shum Chun to throw bombs of a powerful and dangerous type m Hongkong, following the failure to bring about j-iiother strike m the Colony at Chinese New Year. Two
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  • 87 8 An Indian student named Trya.nbak Pathak from Chindwara, m the Central Provinces, was found frozen to death under a layer of snow m the Riesengebirge Mountains, m Silesia, where he was touring. Trymbak Pathak on March I.'!, m company with a girl, ascended the Schneckoppe (3,700 feet) when a snowstorm
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  • 98 8 A Chinese third-class passenger, who travelled on the I'enang mail train says the Times of Malaya, met with a terrible accident when the train was being brought to a standstill at Sungii Sipat station. The man, m attempt. n? to alight before the train had stopped, fell on his back
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  • 417 8 Mrs. J. Gorman, who has dona so much for the Girl Guides movement in Lower Perak, is leaving for Home by the Jutlandia. Mr. Alan Cobham will shortly visit Singapore on his way to Australia. The distinguished airman plans to fly from London to Port Darwin. Mr.
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  • 42 8 Henderson. Helm and Hammesfahr, Inc., New York, send us the following cable, dated March 27, their quotations being m gold dollar cents Sellers, March 59 April-June, 59 July-Sept., Wtt. Market very dull. To-day's Singapore price $1.01, London price 2s. sd.
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  • 26 8 The April Number of Straits Produco will be on sale m Singapore on Thursday r.ext, April 1, a very appropriate dato for uur Jester.
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  • 57 8 In April, the Osaka Shosen Kaisha open a regular monthly cargo and passenger service between Japan and East African ports, calling at Singapore and making Durban the terminus, via Hawbassa, Zanzibar, Dar-es-Salanm, Beira, Dclngoa Bay. The Canada Maru, the pioneer ship, will sail hence
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  • 201 8 Johore Estate Action A Correction. The Malay Mail of 22nd inst. contains the following which we are asked to copy: "In our tMM of Mun-h 16 there appeared a paragraph headc 1 'Johore Estate Action," Sultan ■> Plaintiff,' relating to an .-sction by His Highness the Sultan of Jofcon and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 85 8 COLD FLAKE CIGARETTES W. D H.O.WILLS BRISTOL S. LONDON SALE NOW ON One of our Special Bargains Lot 80. 50 LADIES' LONG JUMPERS. i ln In Sponge, Gabardine, etc. II Similar to sketch. Sale Price $3.50 II JOHNUTTLE&CO.,LTD U_ J i-^ (Incorporated m England) ItH III 1 "I itJ SINGAPORE,
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    • 92 8 ALHAMBRA TO-NIGHT at 9. United Artists Film de Luxe THE EAGLE (Featuring RUDOLPH VALENTINO) m 7 Reels. Together with two 2-recl Comedies. First Show at 7.30 Three Further Stories m THE NEW TELEPHONE GIRL SERIES m 6 Reels. TAN CHENG KEE CO., LTD.. Proprietors TENNENT'S g 838 F* Q Op
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    • 77 8 The marriage of Mrs. Marian Curtice to Mr. A. Wallace Jcnes (formerly of tho Chartered Bcnk, Penang) was solemnised m Kobe on March 6. The" consular service was held at the British ConsulateGeneral m the morning and a quiet church service took place at All Saints' Church m the afteincon.
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    • 69 8 Other Pages, I'uu-f. Shipping and the Mails T Finance and Commerce 7 Meteorological Report 7 Reuter and Rugby Radio Telegrams 9 Bagan River Rubber Meeting 9 Ruhbrr Forecasts 9 To-day's Legislative Council Meeting D Fraser and Ncavc Meeting 10 Foreign and Local Sport .10 .Seditious Documents m K. Lumpur 10
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  • 491 9 New Tax Proposals Being Submitted. [■On TTI.ECRAM.] I-ondon, March 27. Pnris The Chamber Finance Committee have l|lll< to new taxation yield- 1 ing an estimated revenue of 1, 380,000,000 n francs, including a profits tax from the lonveyame (.f real property, an increased tax on the sale of
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  • 101 9 [beuter telegram.] London. Match tt. Washinpt.jn The United States Ambassador, Mr. Sheffield, has delivered a note ti. the .Mexican Foreign Office requesting the speedy punishment of the liamlits who robbed two American mining fngineer.; in Duran;? ten days ago. Then.' haw been several other antiAnu'rican outbreaks in
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  • 58 9 [KEUTER TELEGRAM.] London. March 28. Mm York Th? Stock Market average price fe>r 20 pivotal industrials sank to new l.iw levels for the y :ir. as another rlreuin of liquidation was poured out and bear .sollinj: caused heavy veilings ami weakened murtrinal accounts. Th.- hhM i •!>
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  • 38 9 [RriTER TELEGRAM.] London, March 28. l':in< Two Communists have been riturne-l to Parliament at a by-election m the- second sector of Paris. The Radius l-Se:cialist executive urged its c-ndidati^ U withdraw m favour of the Comma
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  • 487 9 Lord Grey on the Geneva Failure. [WIRELESS VIA RUGBY.] Rugby, March 28. An encouraging view of the world outlook, following the Geneva breakdown, was taken by Lord Grey, in a speech at Cambridge, last night. He agreed that the world was faced with a roujjh, and gritty situation
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  • 89 9 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, March -8. M. I'ainleve, before the Finance Committee cf the Chamber, stated that in recent fighting in Morocco the French troops made good progress with unimportant ban, The Government are .still willing- to contemplate entering into negotiations as soon circumstances make it possible, but
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 81 9 [REVTER TELEGRAM.] London, March 27. Now York: The negotiations at Mexico City between representatives of the leading i il companies and the Mexican Government with reference to modifications in the regulations for the exploitation of oilfields have broken down. Disagreement arose owing to the oil representatives' inability
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  • 50 9 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, March 28. Paris A message from Beirut states that m the environs of Damascus a French column, while proceeding from Sednaya to Nive, encountered hostile inhabitants and a convoy of tanks preceding the coiumn engaged a powsrful horlv of nWi nt Barze, killing SO.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 168 9 Sir W. Joynson Hicks on The Commission. [WIRELESS VIA RUGBY.] Rugby, March 28. Speaking last night in the Forest of Dean, the Home Secretary, Sir William Joynson Hicks, referred to the government's attitude towards the report of the Coal Commission. The acceptance of rep >rt, he said, constituted
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  • 160 9 Li Ching Lin Recaptures Tientsin. [reuter telegram.] London, March 28. Shanghai The civil war has reached an important stage. The Manchurian generals, Li Chinjr Lin and Chang Tsun? Chang, having recaptured Tientsin from the Kuo Min Chun army, are now advancing along: tho railway to Peking, while
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 85 9 [RIL'TIB TKLXGBAM.] London, March 27. Rome The new lav.- against political refugees has been applied to the case of the cx-Soiiaii-:t Deputies Antonio Yucirca, residing in New Yoik, and Angelo Tonello, livinp at Lugano. The former is deprived of his rights of Italian citizenship and his property is
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  • 84 9 [WIRELESS VIA RUGBY.] Rugby, March 2S. Post Office arrangements are complete for the opening cf the cash on delivery postal system (C.O.D.) in Britain tomorrow. Jt > Under this system, parcels containing goods up to the value of £-10 may b« posted at any money order office
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  • 52 9 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, March 27. Arica Seri>us complications have arisen between the American and Chilean member of the plebiscite commission. The Chilean claim that they accepted the good offices of the United States on the condition that their plebiscite activities should not be disturbed, while the Americans demand
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 32 9 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, March 27. Bjthwell Parliamentary by-election arising from the dea'.h of John Robertson resulted Joseph Sullivan, Labour, 14,830. A. M. MacKay, K.C., Conservative, 8,740. Ernest Young, Liberal, 1,276.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 149 9 Strong Feeling Amongst The Conservatives. [RELTER TELEGRAM.] London. March 28. Government face another difficult problem when the second reading of the Electricity Supply Bill is taken tomorrow. Much opposition is expected from their own supporters for there is n very strong feeling among a section of
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 116 9 [WIRELESS VIA RUGBY.] Rugby, March 28. The first session of the preparatory committee for the international economic conference is due to open m Geneva on April 26. Sir Hubert Smith of the Beard of Trade, Sir Arthur Balfour, president of the committee on trade and industries, jvnd Mr.
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  • 68 9 [WIRELESS VIA RUGBY.] Rugby. March (28.( 28. Exchange rates: Paris 1-JOVi. New Tot* 4.86, Brussels 122%, Geneva 25.24, Amsterdam 12.11»4, Milan 120 7 s, Berlin 20.42, Stockhoim 18.12, Copenhagen 18.52, CtV> 22.66, 84.5J Prague „164, Helsingforx 1&3, Madrid 31.3, Rio 7 1/32, Buenos Aires 44 7/16, Bombay
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  • 53 9 [WIRHLESS VIA RVCBY.] Rugby, March 28. Lord Cecil will probably represent Britain on the special committee set up by the League of Nations Council at its last meeting to study problems connected with composition, number uivl mctho-l of election of its members. The committee will meet at Geneva
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  • 55 9 [RCUTER TELEGRAM.] Lond"n. Maivh -N. Berlin The Reichstaj; has read a third time Hh IMgtt, iiio uiiii^' a :cduction in Um tuniov.r lux to 0.7 'a per Mat. und the repeal of tho tax on wines. This b the first time since 1911 that th;- budget has ban
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 87 9 [rtElTEB TELEGRAM.] London. Murrh 2K. Palermo The death is announced of the Duke of Orleans. The Duke cf Orleans was head of the Bourbon-Orleans Hooae mid was born at Twickenham n 18H!». He was the eldest son of the late Cottte de Paris and nephew of
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  • 78 9 [REUTKR TELEGRAM.] Ix>ndon, March 27. The Prince of Wales i 3 progressing excellently. London, March 27. NOT York Mr. Mellon has gone to Bermuda for the Easter vacation. Sir Robert Home bade him farewell at the pier. London, March 28. Ttheran The League of Nations Commission to investigate the
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  • 693 9 Resolution Lost and Directors Resign. An extraordinary gensral meeting of the Bagan River Rubber Company was l.< hi at Chartered Bank Chambers on Saturday, wh.n there were present Mom J. Mitchell (Chairman), A. E. Baddefey, Chew Woon Poh (directors), Mailskov (shareholder), and D. Philip. for the secretaries
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  • 260 9 Rubber Market Review and Statistics 1925-1926," is issued by Hymans. Kraay ard Co. of 29, Mincing Lane London. It is one of the most careful surveys of the position we have seen, and it is obvious that the firm has a special knowledge of the Dutch Indies position.
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  • 1825 9 Singapore Improvement Scheme. The Subordinate Services. (Monday, March 29.) Present H.E. the Governor (Sir Laurence Gulllemard, K.C.B., K.C.M.G.) H.E. the General Officer Commanding the Troops (Major-General Sir T. Fraser, K.C.B., C.S.I., C.M.G.). Official Members The Hon. the Colonial Secretary (Mr. Hayes Marriott. CJLG.) the Attorney-General (Mr. M. H.
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  • 1168 10 Selling Figures Down to PreWar Level. The annual meeting of Fraser and NflkVr, Ltd., was held at the company's offices in IYa f algar Street on Saturday. Thvre were present --Mr. W. H. Maci. hairman), Mewr*. C. V. Bailey, D. Y. I. wis, K. L. Hastie,
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  • 189 10 Sequel (o Kuala Lumpur Jewel Robbery. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 27. Further developments have taken place in connection with the arrest of Poh Ah Ming, Mrs. Harding's boy, who was charged with the alleged theft of five rings, valued at nearly $1,000. Yesterday Poh Ah
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  • 147 10 New Code Giving Equality Of Sexes. The new Civil Code which, with certain exceptions, is' identical with' 'that of Switzerland, was voted by the Assembly at Constantinople. In proposing its acceptance, Mahmud Rssad Bey, Minister of Justice, pointed out that the most important parts of the code concerned
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  • 55 10 At Raffles Hotel, between 9 and 11 p.m. to-day the following programme of music will be played March, On the Campus (Souza) Overture, The Calif of Bagdad (Boicldieu) Valse, Le Grand Frisson (Clere) Piano Solo, Scherzo Op. 81 (Chopin) Lambert Smithe Fantasie, Madame Butterfly (Puccini) Pastorale, Ecossaisc (Herson)
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  • 52 10 At the annual rating competition held at Neuchatel Observatory, ihe serial prize ffcr the six best pocket cHronomoterfe and- deck watches was awarded to toe manufacturers of the Movado WaU*h«S. for which Mr. Rene Ullmann is the local agent. Tnix m ihe thirteenth time that the FabriqiH's Movndo hay.' earned
    52 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 410 10 Easy Win for Lipht Blues.[Router Telegram.] London, March 37. The- Boat r««c was rowed to-day in fine weather and Wforo a huge rtowd. Oxford Won the toss and chose the Surrey side. Cambridge won easily, the distance between the boats being officially given live lengths, and the
      Reuter  -  410 words
    • 358 10 Cup Semi-Firtals at Sheffield. [Reuter Telegram.] London, March 27. In the F.A. Cup simi-ftnals Manchester City beat Manchester United 3 0 at Sheffield. Bolton beat Swansea 3 0 at Tottenham. English and Scottish Leagues. London, March 27. The following ire the results of English League matches played to-day
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    • 19 10 [Reuter Telegram.] London, Marcii 27. At Belfast England beat lielnnd by two goals to one at hockey.
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    • 274 10 High Scoring m S.C.C. Trial Match. No less than 291 runs were scored m three hours on the Padar.g on Saturday afternoon, m a match between. Major Vyvyan's XI and C. H. G. Clarke's XL '1 lie former won by a narrow margin. Scores MAJOR VYVYAN'S XI. E. M.
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    • 247 10 On Saturday on the Padang, Lanka Union defeated the S-R.C. by 35 runs. Scores S.RC. E. Galistan b Ignatius 22 C. de Vries b Chunchie 6 R. T. Morrow b Retrain 0 T. Lei jssius b Ignatius 10 A. E. Moreira c Ponnathurai b Ignatius 5
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    • 103 10 S.C.O. Tournament. TO-DAY'S TIES. Championship (I'rciiminarj Cooper and U.- Steurs v. Bullen and Hay. Kleinman and Sinclair v. Bourke and WaJker. Newcomers' Handicap. Astington v. NyhofF to finish Harford, owe 15 v. Bowcn, plus 2. Tanglin Club Tournament. TO-DAY'S TIES. Handicap Doubles Men (Final). Green and Wild, owe
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    • 47 10 A match, firrd yesterday on the Johoro Rifle range, between H.M.S. Ambrose and the Johore Riflo Club was won by tho club. The following were the scores Johore Rifle Club 601 H.M.S. Ambrose 452 11.P.5. 630. Conditions S.R.A. f>(Kl, .100, 200. Tvam» uix a side.
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    • 885 10 China Squadron Snips Defeat The Garrison. The China Squadron ships at present in port tmmii out an unexpectedly strong side againat the Garrison at the Stadium on Saturday afternoon, and won decisively by Hi points to 3. 1 he game was ;is vigorously contested as a services fixture
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    • 61 10 The Guillemard Cup which was competed for yesterday resulted m a win for J. V. Riera and H. Rogers 80—7 =73 nett. The Singapore Golf Club announce that, if possible, the April Medal competition will be competed for on Saturday and Sunday, the 3rd and 4th prox. The April
      61 words
    • 33 10 On Sunday at the Swimming ClulV club side defeated a Regimental team by 8 goals to one and later drey.- with a team from H.M.S. Titania, each side one goal each-
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    • 633 11 Navy Win Lowthcr Grant Cup. Although there was not too much science ua Saturday night in the conic ts between Army and Navy exponents, the sj>ii it whicn pt rvaded each bout, fully made up for its iWrtNi It wh.i ii;<|i.d :i i«;il pleasure to s« men light so
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 244 10 Mr. J. J. Mi-Michael and Miss M. Duncan. A picturesque wedding- was sojtettised at the Presbyterian Chuixli, on Sktufcny, when Mr. John James McMichael, broker. ot Singapore, elder son of Ml-, and Mrs. J. M. McMicbael, of Ualdowie. Monifeith. Scotland, was married to Miss MaryDuncan (May), second daughter of Mr.
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  • 120 11 What is likoly to be tiie subjcH of the next best teller One can do no more than theorise, with every probability of finally beinjr proved wronjr. But there ng harm m stating a belief that the next bi|t seller will probably have n religious i.
    120 words
  • 187 11 I'lucranimo of drills up to and for April 4. 1U2G. Monday, March 20, '...10 p.m., Drill Hull, M.G. Platoon, Lecture— Dresss, plain etonas. Tuesday, March SO, Ewtl p.m., Drill Hall. S.R.A. (v), Gun Laying. WnitnilihlF March SI, 4.:!0 p.m., Bukit Tin.ah, S.V.C., Practice Interport. Shoot. Bm leaves
    187 words
  • 317 11 Easter Services. Monday, Matvh Y'J M8 p.m. Kvensonjr, and short Addn Ti,.-d:.y. March 30: 7 a.m. Holy Communioa, id a.m. Matins, r>.;;o p.m., ami slurt Address. Wednesday, March 31 7 a.m. Holy Communion, 8 a.m. Holy Communion, ltj a.m. Matins and Litany, B4N p.m. Kvensonj;, and
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  • 218 11 200 ex-Gunners Join Local H ranch. At a meeting held at Singapore o-. March 19. a branch of the Royal Artil ry Association w;i.-> formed, and 200 memI ers were enrolled. The C.R A., Malaya Command (Major E. V. Watsun. D.S.O R.A.> was elected °i Mdrnt nni I.'<"it
    218 words
  • 217 11 Report of Association for Past Year. The report of the Singapore Stadium Association for the yi-ar ended December .31. l'J25. .states The working account for the year shew! :!N i-iitss of income ttftt expenditure of I $1,149.66. During t lie year •>."! matches were played on the ground
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  • 118 11 Cocktail Parties a Daily Occurrence. Habits which not so Ion? afro would haw caused Society to treat a woman M a social outcast were now widely acttjitt u i" nventiuiuil and no violation f marital obligations, observed Mr. MacSteuer a lawyer in a recent New York case.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 150 11 Where there is a MOUTRIE PIANO there is HAPPINESS Buy your's today. Illustrated price list free on request. S. MOUTRIE Co., Ltd. RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. THE SPIRIT OF EMPIRE DEWAR'S VICTORIA VAT AND WHITE LABEL WHISKY. Sole Agents, Singapore HUTTENBACH, LAZARUS SONS, LTD. (Incorporated m the Straits Settlement*; SINGAPORE. <HMmniMHnnmmMMni4inni>»mi
      150 words
    • 252 11 Raffles Hotel Telephone No. 2920. SARKIES BROS., Proprietors. ■HsSvv 'J9bL >eRsW' ■Jti'j elsM tv mm W»V73s> 5* ■^s^HGc^rk, '^4 HJCir/'v TSsleß Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday The Great International Characteristic Classical Russian Dancers. Miss Ladova and Youry Yourlo Admission to Non-Diners $1. A. F. PEATE, Manager. ADELPHI HOTEL REMODELLED and REDECORATED.
      252 words

  • 736 12 The Professor In Love tVith Science. Professor Einstein, who early in February was presented with the medal of the Royal Astronomical Society for his work in connection with the theory of relativity, has recently been in Paris, where he attended the meetings of the Society of Intellectual
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  • 109 12 New Constitution For Manchuria. According to news received in Mosk-nw from Manchuria, a conference of delegates from the throe Munchuriun provinces, on Chang Tso-lin's initiative, assembled at Mukden to work out a new Muni.hurian Constitution. The conference cmhi«lt*red it unnecessary formally to secode from the other portions of
    109 words
  • 115 12 Large Works Opened In England. M. Andre Citroen opened the new work of Citroen Cars, Limited, at Slough. There arc 500,000 square feet of covered workshops, with GO acres for expansion. It is hoped to turn out 1,500 care there this year, 30,000 next year, and 60,000 in
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 308 12 NEW SHOES AT WHITEAWAY'S f~ VALUE fSP 8.8. 22. HB :u LADIES' WHITE CANVAS LADIES' WHITE CANVAS COURT SHOES. ONE BAR SHOES. Specially made by Batty**. Kanvw Leather Ikied, wide Sttfaw. nafta vam P ith IR 1 h w Smart heel <.•»(! sh.-un cuhan hen. Sr.uK and coauortaUt fittinjr. Price
      308 words
    • 493 12 THE STRAITS TliES Can be obtained at the following places in Singapore Money Changer, Grosvenor Hotel. Money Changer, Ailelphi Hot«l. Monty Changer, Europe Hotel. Money* Changer, Raffles Hotel. Kelly Walsh, Ltd., R-iiP.-s Place. Federal Rubber Stamp Co., Raffles Place and Tank Road Station. Peter Chong, Bras Basah Road and Raffles
      493 words
    • 125 12 Small Stock of "CINE-KODAK" Model «B" HAS ARRIVED. KODAK LTD. (Incorporated m England) S. BATTERY ROAD, SINfJAI'OKK OMELETS should always be seasoned with LEA&PERRINS' k WM Vf *vfe? ?ac Tkau— mi— hwwiiiiini i!■ miii n 'ii iimii 1 1 1 n t SUNBEAMS FOR VALUE, DISTINCTION AND QUALITY. There are
      125 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 469 13 SB I i^* mml^t I Tsf 'ri s«jisTr*n 'i dry frosty cold that THI -Y7- t s~* it is constantly under blectricity Keeps It Cold ree >.ru^ 1 r the Zone of KelImagine an unfailing supply of cold coming from an vination. It is much electric plug to chill your
      469 words
    • 203 13 SaS Ls i/fJw/f/^i^^r \Jfrli7m. -the i.tnilc or welcome o:)r always i(y('\nj\ i\Hfn!s'W >k accords tv an old and trusU'd friend '!W§i x- V II -"Capstan" Navy Cut Tobacco. Pertin \k M fectly matured, prepared under best yi? n I n\ conditions, "Capstan" Navy Cut 1 V J I holds to
      203 words
    • 159 13 OFFICES 10 LET m LAIDLAW BUILDING. No. 3, area about 1,825 sq. ft. No. 1, area about 460 sq. ft. MODERATE RENTALS. Apply to the Manager, Wliiteaway, Laicllaw Co., LIMITED BINGAPOKE. OFFICEJTO LET No. La id law liuildin^, area about 3.000 square feet. Immedij ate entry. On lease or monthly
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 520 14 Assets over $6,500,000 S.C. Assurance m force over $22,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m Strait* Settlement*.) ITEAD OFFICE Winchester Hoise, Singapore LONDON OFFICE 32, Old Jnvry, E.C. The Company aas atO.OOO deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with tke British Life Assurance Companies
      520 words
      594 words
    • 500 14 NEDERLANDSCH INDISCHE HANDELSBANK iNETH. INDIA COMMERCIAL BANK) Established 1863. QUmi F. 60,000,000 (about £5,000-000) .---l hi' Fl. 65,000.000 (about £4,600,000) KbSERVE FUND Fl. 23,300.000 (aboit mjtmm HEAD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM. SUB-AGENCIES IN THE HAGUE AND ROTTERDAM. EASTERN HEAD OFFICE, BATAVIA. BRANCHES Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe, ile&an, Sourabaya, Semarang, Bandoeng, Weltevreden, Cheribon,
      500 words
    • 445 14 BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED. (Incorporated by Special Charter m Japan) Capital Subscribed Y45.000.000 Capital Paid-up Y39.876,000 Reserve Fund V 1.760,000 President: H. Mori, Fsq. DIRECTORS G. Kawasaki, Esq. I T Sisamune, Esq. D. Takita, Esq. I M. Shuto, Esq. HEAD OFFICE Taipeh, Formosa (Taiwan). BRANCHES AND AGENCIES Keelung,
      445 words
    • 532 14 Cable Addreas SAFETY." Code* A.B.C. and Broomhalls Rubber Editiom. S. J. HOWE, INSURANCE and ESTATE BROKFV t Room 14 (Second Moor), UNION BUILDING, SINGAPORE. IN THE MATTER OF TIMMS DISPENSARY, LTD. AND REDUCED and m the Matter of the Companies Ordinance 1923, Sections 49 to 59. NOTICE is hereby Riven
      532 words
    • 501 14 IN THE ESTATE OF MOSES RAPHAEL SASSOON, DECEASED Pursuant to Section 25 of Ordinance No. 144 (Trustees) all persons having claims Efrainst the Kstat.' of IMB RAPHAEL SASSOON late of No. C, Orange Grove Road, Singapore, who died on January -S, 1926, at No. 6, Orange Grove Road, aforesaid, and
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  • 305 15 When 2,000,000 Came to India In a Year. With one sole Pen I wrote this book, Made of a Gray Goose Quill 1 A Pen it was when it I took. A-, Pen 1 leave it still. This tribute to the durability of a quilt pen is
    305 words
  • 283 15 President Apologises for Hasty Remarks. After interpellations in the Assembly at Delhi on March 9, the President, Mr. Patel, made the following important statement amidst applause irom all sections of the House The remarks which I made yesterday have been taken by several non-official members of this house
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  • 212 15 Non-Stop Talkers' Circle Of Boredom. Women who chatter in telephone boxes (who have been, of late, the butts of of much criticism at Home) have their counterpart according to women themselves in men whi pour out a flood of words to impress everybody near with; their brilliance. A
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  • 136 15 Annual Average of 20,000 For Fifty Years. A presentation has been made to Captain George Barbour to mark the world's record of his ship, the Neptune, as sealer. She has brought to Newfoundland no fewer than 1,004,193 seals, or an average of about 20,000 a year for
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 237 15 BaMa^^T "^WBaaaaWaaaWy^y^^ The improved Coupe is a lower, roomier car with interior refinements and an outward appearance that bespeaks the really fine motor car. It has a pronounced streamline treatment m the body design, enhanced by crown type fenders with wider running boards. The seats and steering column are lower,
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    • 307 15 THE HUPMOBILE SIX The new Hupmobile Six is a roomy, comfortable, smartlooking fire-seater as distinctive m appearance as m those performance features which have made it the choice of people m all countries. Balloon Tyres and Farman-Servo front wheel brakes are standard equipment at this remarkably low price. You know
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 312 16 Patronised by Royalty Established 1872. THE INCREASING DEMAND For My JEWELLERY AND SILVERWARE despite Fierce Competition, is the result of its UNIQUE FEATURES In Construction and Design and the WONDERFULLY LOW PRICES. B. P. De Silva The Royal Jeweller 62 and 6.1. HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. Branch No. 1. BISIIOP STREET.
      312 words
    • 316 16 REMOVAL On and after APRIL 1, the Offices of i LEE KIM SOO Sole Proprietor of THE ELKAYES MATCH FACTORY, THE ELKAYES POTTERIES, THE ELKAYES CONCRETE WORKS will be at 40, HIGH STREET. The British Journal Photographic Almanac and Photographer's Daily Companion With which is Incorporated. The Year Book of
      316 words
    • 942 16 JOLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let. etc,, m ordinary elos« Mt type (average six words to line) an Per line One insertion 28 cents, two ins. 46 cts. three ins. 64 cts., four ins. 82 cents, five ins. $1.00, six m. $1.13, ten ins. $1.40,
      942 words
    • 692 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS READ STREET GODOWNS near river to let. Apply United Engineers, Ltd. TO LET, \5, Robinson Boad, Concrete building, 4,500 sq. ft. 6, Malacca Street. TO LET No. 72, Robertson Quay. Entry from April 1, 1»26. Apply Meyer Bros. TO BE LET, offices and godewns. Apply S. Manasseh
      692 words
    • 301 16 TABLE WALL and GRANDFATHER CLOCKS All "WESTMINSTER" Chime. No Finer Selection in The Whole of Europe. Sold by FRANKELS of VICTORIA STREET also RAFFLES PLACE. "The Maples of the East." THE NAVY'S CHOICE CO z^^^^y PLYMOUTH GIN OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. I DAYLIGHT when Ihr MMi m S 9 The wV.-ene»» a'.
      301 words
    • 367 16 BOOKS THE REALITY OP MARRIAGE, hy Or. C. ('ourtenay Beslc. A hook of guidance for Men and Women Price $.l.."i« MA It IMAGE AND BIRTH CONTROL, by Uremia Itarwon. A hook of knowledge for the Married and those about to marry Price $.1.50 WISE PARENTHOOD, hy Marie Slopes. The treatise
      367 words