The Straits Times, 23 March 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 28,120 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1926. PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 103 1 GRAFTON CHIFFONELLE The most Exquisite Lingerie Material in the latest and most Dainty Designs and Colours. NEW SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED. MAY WE SEND YOU PATTERNS. ROBINSON Co., Ltd. ""WKkW* 1 SPECIAL OFFER FOR TWO OR THREE DAYS ONLY I KAN w A /v* TINGGIRI 4U Cleaned with Heads, Gills and
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    • 3 1 I vorn p.a«:y.
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  • 664 2 Responsibility of WeHtern Civilisation. Speaking at the Friends' Meeting House, in Manchester, on February 21, on the relations of China with the West, Dr. H. T. Hodgkin, one of the joint secretaries of the National Christian Council of China, described how the life of the old
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  • 205 2 Listening-in Said to Cure Deafness. Deaf and dumb for 22 years, Miss Elsie I Hayes, of Winnipeg, Manitoba, is dtc!;«r.\l tv have been taught how to hear again by wireless. Miss Hayes became deaf and dumb a*, the age of three. Recently she was persuaded to
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  • 110 2 Programme of drills up to and for March 28, 1926. Tusesday, March 25. 5.15 p.m., Drill Hall, S.R.A. (v). Gun laying, etc. Thursday, March 25, 5.15 p.m., Siglap Camp, Eurasian and Chinese Cos., Officers and N.C.O's Camp at Siglap. Buses leave Drill Hall at 5.30 p.m. Dress
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 589 2 "IDEAL" the strongest and cheapest Woven Wire Fencing ■—■JE"""" 1 r* KIiCT Ideal Fence, and >ou put an *|F^v -~J^Jfc i (II( onre :uK r :1 t0 l le d ama 8 e «nd l^\^f~' ,CC Quoad by straying animals. j&r-^^jy^fflßffi' Ideal is the most economical woven wire 3! fence
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    • 253 2 Mrs. E. Hudson Tells How Cuticura Healed Eczema My little boy was troubled witb eczema on his face, neck, arms, t hands and legs. It started with white blisters on bis face and when they broke sore eruptions formed, and be looked a sight. He could not sleep on account
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    • 405 2 There is no Bad Beer. Insist on this Label and get the Best. paterson, Cf Dai7onhnfpr\f\ sow simons Ca rdizennuivi kj mJiS er 'B eel 'a ere miMMM>IMM»»MM»MMMMI»MM>MM>MM>MMMII»4 jc**^. Chubby UtUc ji&r^ &.l chaps are reared o,h\ rJ'W 1 on MclUll>s ttN.vy-* /jia^l J** These jolly little fellows are VM^
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  • 615 3 English Amateurs Too Good For Local Men. The Marquis of Clydesdale and Mr. Edward Eagan, the well-known amateur boxers who are on a world tour, appeared at a tournament arranged in their honour at Colombo, but were much too good for the local men. The contests are
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  • 395 3 Lord Irwin's Speech at Farewell Luncheon. Lord Invin was the guest of the Colonial Institute at a farewell lunch, Lord Fitzalan presiding, and 200 were present including the Earl of Meath, Lord Aberdeen, Lord Emmont, Lord Glendyne, Sir A. Chatter jec, Sir Francis Younghusband, Sir Francis Wingate
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 616 3 CHILDREN'S COLDS Avoid Serious Results by L'sinr Baby's Own Tablets. When a child shows the first symptoms of a cold, such as sneezing, redness of the eyes, clogged or running nose, prompt measures for relief may avert serious results. Mothers should always have on hand some simple, safe and effective
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    • 519 3 Careless Shampooing Spoils the Hair Soap should be used very carefully, if you want to keep your hair looking its bast. Many soaps, prepared shsmpoos snd shampoo powders contain too much free alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and rains it. The best thing for steady use
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    • 514 3 THE BUKIT JELOTONG RUBBER ESTATES, LTD. NOTICE i* hereby given that ap»lie»tion has been made to the Directors of this Company to i?»ue duplicate scrips in plac of share certificates Nos. 870 and tfl los 300 shares numbered 2*7501 to 29TK09, snd 200 shares numbered *****1 to *****0, of $1
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 545 4 Shipping Announcements N.Y.K. LINE (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA) LONDON LINK Marseilles, London »nd Antwerp Vmsels Tonnage Due Sail FUSHIMI MARU 11,000 Mar. 31 1 HAKOZAKI MARU 11,000 Apl. 14 15 HAKUSAN MARU 11,000 Apl. 30 81 KITANO MARU 8,000 May 12 13 HARUNA MARU 11.000 May 20 27 KAMO MARU 8,000
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    • 469 4 THE SIAM STEAM WAV. CO., LTD. (Ineorpormt.d la 8lim) BANGKOK COASTING SERVICE, ret Kretay, Kfmaman, Kel.nUn, Bunm, Telßpm, Patani, Slngora, Laeon, Bindon, Kokaemui, Lengaaan, Chumpon and Bangkok. Arrival Departm ist*'* In I>ort Mar. 24 KfcRANG Mar. 2:i Mar. 31 MALINI Apl. 6 ApL 7 The Steamers an fitted throughout with
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    • 521 4 K. P. M. (ROYAL PACKET MAY. CO OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated in Holland) Under contract with the NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT Telephone No. 3840, with sub-connrctio J° Passage, Freight, Transhipment, Marin Depts. and Managers' Desk. Representative for Singapore and Strait Settlements of the Official Tourist Barea lof Java. All information, supplying of
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    • 394 4 BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated la Australia) FOR 3YDNET, MELBOURNE, VIA JATA. DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANK Regular monthly sniline by the well knows steamers MARELLA (7,'!7f. tons) and MALABAR (4,512 tons). The s.s. MARELLA ii th« largest and finest steamrr trading to Australia, Cabins de luxe, tingle berth cabins, swimming
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 415 5 AUSTRAL-EAST INIIES UNE (Incorporated in England.) Rppular Passeneer and Freight Barries Tia JAVA PORTS to FREMANTLE (W. A.), ADELAIDE, MELBOURNE and SYDNEY maintained by Tone Balling ■M s.s. MERTON HALL (limited passenger accommodation) Apl. 7 s.s. CITY OF PALERMO 5,900 May 7 Single Return Singapore to Freraantla $257.14 J462.86 Singapore
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    • 527 5 WERICU ORIENTAL HAIL UK TRANS-PACIFIC PASSENGER AND EXPRESS SERVICE It daya from Hongkong to Seattle Sailing from Steamer Hongkong PRESIDENT MADISON Mar. 29 PRESIDENT JACKSON Apl. 10 PRESIDENT McKINLEY Apl. 22 PRESIDENT JEFFERSON May 4 PRESIDENT GRANT May 15 also a sailing every 12 days from Hongkong to Manila Through
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    • 331 5 .ti Home via Jiawaii —You're nearer now than you may ever be again! At no increase in passage, too, you can stop off a fortnight in this mid-Pacific paradise; enjoy South Sea atmosphere, gorgeous flowering trees and tropic fruit; bask in balmy weather that's never colder than 55" nor warmer
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    • 90 5 CROMPTON FANS SEEN BUT NOT HEARD SOLE AGENTS UNITED ENGINEERS UMITED (Incorporated In the Straits Settli-m»n«n) ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. IS, BATTERY ROAD. Sl/rOAPORI?. "Mniteers" im»>ni<i »»ei»»»fr»aj WILLYS-OVERLAND I I ssbßbW I W \tff m saaalH 1 BaasTl II ft# Fine Cans OVERLAND FOUR Special Model 91 31,500 OVERLAND FOUR De Luxe
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 571 6 Orchard Road PAVILION hone 903 From Thursday, March 18 to Wednesday. Natch 21, at 9.15 p.m. sharp. The Latest Pathe Gazette EUGENE O'BRIEN in His Wife's Money 5 Reels. The story revolves about a man who marries a jrirl battering she is poor; when ho finds out that afco is
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    • 408 6 Kft. «3 you liave never socn her before. m -.War. X* Bb _J«rJo_l tiling A creature <>r Plicate refinement and beautj*. t £ft r IN AN fefc, ERNST LUBITSCH &k PRODUCTION M JB FORBIDDEN I'OI.A NKKL ALHAMBRA COMMENCING APRIL 4. It's A Paramount Picture. PALACEGAY CINEMA C'nnimrnrine. Tumdi>%. March 2.1.
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    • 418 6 COMING A GREAT SAMUEL COLDWYN-HENRY KING PRODUCTION STELLA DALLAS What the English papers say An erootionallv |m« rrl'iil sew l'i«t;ir«-. DAILY MAIL." A Tremendously wonderful pii'ci- of work. WKSTUINSTKU GAZBTTX. Stc'la Dallas has a powerful appeal. It i« doeply movinc. KVKNIN*; STANDARD. Will be the most talked of I'ictnrr ol
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    • 189 6 mi-: TAPAH RUBBER ESTATES, LIMITED i !r.r. .>•)>,, rntc, l in UM StiaitH S.-I1 IrmentS) NOTICE Of LOOT SCRIP. WNKKEAH •ppKeatlc- h»:i tiatn mmlf io Itireetora of Uu- above Coeapaay, '•> laoaa ivp'icato eertifieate T>,r 100 aharea numhered r:;:H7 Inelvaive hi the name of \.in:ii... Dennett Kutlajr, Sinpauorr, upon a
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  • 332 7 I niI'KKS. Tuesday, March 23 nigß Water, 4.:!9 a.m., 7.4S p.m. Malacca Rich Tide, 2.:55 a.m., 4 ft. gjt j..m.. :i ft. v iv. Football, iI.M.S. Ambro,,' v. lI. MS. Titania. llirmr.lon's Circuit, 9.15 p.m. Wednesday. March 24 HigU Water, (41 a.m., 8.4G p.m. Malacca High Tide,
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  • 73 7 lay, M..rch 23. fchipa alongside the Wharves or expected to arrive. iMt Whtrf >Ia:n Whcrf empire Dick A.- Wharf Section l» H.M.K. Hawkins <■.. End Em« Whf. Tar« M Tilaura M Kola 16 North Devon l"i I'm... Monroe M My. LtOBg 11 Mentor D Marudu 7 Attaka
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  • 181 7 REITEL HARBOUR. Main Wharf I.'.o. Kuliii., Khocn II.,. .1, l'atiol. The Cable, Andraw, Giang yi-i.j:. Bimbung Oil Wharf British Light Coal Wharf Nil VESSELS IX DRY DOCK. Tanjong I'agar Sjeexs \Vh«rf Nil Alliert Hock K..rjturoo Victoria Dock Eburna K.-jirwi Harbour Kiin;\ Dock City of Baroda, Giang Ann No. 1
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  • 207 7 To-day iiwrtii, North-East :iiul North-West Buinatra I L.' Hair*) :S p.n Piadjaa and Palambang iHenli) 4 p.m Biaat, except Lower 81am iSuddhadib) 4 p.m. North. North-E:isl and North-West Sanatra (Krakatau) .4 p.m. To-morro» Ojkmhi (Slagkap) China, Hainam, Japan, Korea, Formosa. East Siberia, Philippine Ixlnn.l W.M.-rn Canuda and
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  • 499 7 BwMlUal 'hurncivr of :i .I.l. Contract. Lord Justice Bankers, in a judgment delivered a few years ago, referred to a i.i.:. contract as "a contract for the sale of goods to be performed by the delivery (if documents," and a case dealt with a few weeks ago in
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  • 356 7 Tercentenary Celebrations In July. A very full week's programme has been prepared and issued provisionally by the committee charged with celebvating the SOCth nflwitn of the jrrantiiiK of a shatter to the City of Leeds. The celebrations will begin on Friday, July 9. and continue until Saturday,
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  • 35 7 K. tier Nsderlanden Klcphanta Tierimai Karmala D'Artu^nun 3'pore Feb. 12 Feb. 18 Foh. 10 Feb. 2fi l-'.-t.. 21 t ..I. »A London M-^r. li Mar. IS Mar. IK Mar. 20 Mar. 2J
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  • 225 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, March 2'i. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/41& Demand 2/4>,i Private 3m. eivdiu -/4 11/16 On New Ycrk, Demand 56% Private U0 d/s 58% On France Uank T.T. 1550 On India, Bank T.T. 155% On Hongkong, Bank d/d p.C. dis. On ShanPh£i *.nk T.T. 77%
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  • 76 7 R.S.S. equal to Standard, Q.C.F. Spot 1.07 Standard R.S.S. Spot 1.08% Standard R.S.S. on Tender April 1.08% April-June 1.07% July-Sept. 1.04% Oct.-Dect. 1.03 Tone of Market Steady but quiet. Late, t (able London Spot Sheet 30%d. per Ib. C.I.P. New York March shipment
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    • 248 7 Issue Val. Pd. Buyeis Sellers El £1 Asam Kumbang 57/- 58/1 1 Butane 1'adung 0.77>,i 0.82% 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.40 1.45 1 I ldris Hydraulic B6/- 5T/8 1 1 Johan tin 0.55 0.57 >A [0/- 10/- KamponK 51/6 53/- cd. t'l il KanidiitiiiK Tin 70/- 72/- cd. 10
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    • 135 7 Issue /al. Pd. Buyers Sellert ■1 £1 B. Am. Tobacco 5.10.7 Vj 5.13.9 cd. .0 10 CeDtral Enjriiieo 9.00 S 60 1 £1 E. Smelting Co. 14.25 14.50 .0 10 PlMM A: Neave 50.00 51.00 cd. 00 J00 Hammer Co. 160.00 163.00 .00 100 Katz Brot. dcf 20f>.00 220.00
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    • 84 7 J. dug. u ji.g. ji.aijiwv pai iiv I'pore Municipal 6 px. $1,878,000 of l&.';0 par 5% p.m. 1'pore Municipal 1V» p.c. of 1909 $1,100,000 90 pat i'pore Municipal 4Vi pe. of 1909 $1,100,000 90 par I'pore Municipal 4 p.c. of 1913 $2,000,000 80—90 1 S.S. 6% p*. Loma 1919
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    • 373 7 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. io-jay s j'nce3 Fraser Lyall Co. Evatt. Alienby ($1) IS.2O 3.30 S.15 3.25 Alor Gajak ($1) .'i.OU IJ.lOcd. 2.S5 3.00 A. Hitam ($5) 21.50 22.00 21.00 22.00 A. Kanfog (*1) 1.50 1.10 1.35 1.45 Am. Malay ($2) 4.25 4.50 1.25
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 20 7 "TILLEY" SAFETY LAMP BURNS KEROSENE OIL (NOT BENZINE) o I 4tm 9Bb. Slorm and cf^J Suit*! l J ROBEBTS, Ltd^
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    • 64 7 DIAMONDS DIAMONDS L .ft S. KORNITZER DIAMOND PEARL MEBCHANTS. Raffles Chambers, 8, Raffles Place. Telephone 3836. Invite you to examine their large and well-assorted stock. No order too small, none too big. EMERALD CUT TERRACE CUT and FANCY STONES A SPECIALITY. Telephone 3836. TENDERS INVITED For the erection of a
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    • 102 7 RENE UUMAKN Recommend* his TIEMI'O Pure Nirkvl I'ocket Watches with jewelled lever move ment at $8.50 each sad his Solid 14 Kt. Guld Wrist Watrt. with 15 Jewels lever movement in aborted pattern* at $18.00 each and many other kinds of watrhrx each absolutely guaranteed and <leliver«l in a suitable
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    • 845 7 IN THE COURT OF THE JUDGE AT JOHORE BAIIRU. Originating Summons No. 6 of 1926. In the mattrr of Srclien >MJ ..I I 1m- Civil 1'rocedure Coae 1918 and in the mattrr of Juhire Government Grant for Land No. Sou now registered under The I. and Enactment 1910," in the
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 69 7 METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Station. (By Courtesy of Government Health Offlre.) For the 24 hnora ending at Midnight on March 22, iSJii. deg. Max. ihlil temperature 90 F. Mia. shade temperature 74 f. Mean shade temperature 80.5 F. Mux. sun rudiatinn 15G F Mm. giaai radiation 7(1 F BM tempi
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  • 1076 8 The Straits Times TUESDAY, MARCH 23. THE WEEK'S POLITICS. To-day, the House of Commons wi!l debate the results of the recent League of Nations meeting at Geneva. If Sir Austen Chamberlain had gone to the meeting with ths single minded object of ensuring faithful carryine out of the arrangements made
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  • 44 8 Christianity and the Race Problem will be the subject of a lecture to be given by the Rev. F. Lee on Friday, the 26th instant, in the V.M.C.A. hall at 830 p m. A cordial invitation is extended to all interested to be present.
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  • 80 8 The old Nore, once among the fastest ships of the P. and O. fleet, is being broken up in Hayle harbour, in West Cornwall. A correspondent in a Hongkong paper, who made happy passages on her in days which are now long ago, says that the local people have been
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  • 87 8 It is an intrepid little bird which haunts one of the fashionable ball rooms of Singapore, says a correspondent, but it works out of regular Union hours, from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. to be exact, and,.therefore, likely to be socially unpopular. The agility with which it chases moths round
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  • 11 8 Beginning on July 1, the Dutch railway tariff will be reduced.
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  • 17 8 The Bishop of Singapore administered the rite of Confirmation at St. Mary's Mission Bangkok, on March IK.
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  • 30 8 The rate of issue of Money Orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 154 $100 The rate of payments of Money Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 158=0100.
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  • 35 8 H.M.S. Ambrose are holding a dance in the Sailors' Institute, Robinson Road, on Saturday next. The charge for entrance is $1 and ladies are admitted by courtesy. H.M.S. T-tania's syncopated orchestra will be in attendance.
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  • 39 8 Close upon 900 houses in the suburbs of Tokio were destroyed by a fire which occurred early on the morning of March 19 at Nishi-Sugamo spreading over to Zoshigaya and Takata before the fire was controlled by the brigade.
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  • 37 8 The Nederlandsch-Indische Handelsbank will open a new branch office at Yokoha.r.a, which will be located at 180 Yamashitacho. Mr. B. H. van Ketel has been appointed agent, and Mr. P. J. Francois per P>*o> and chief cashier.
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  • 41 8 An ceroplane crashed at Drigh Rod, Karachi, on March 5, during bombing practice, tausing the death of Flying Officer Caillard end Leading Aircraftsman Carron, Royal Air Force. Flying Officer Caillard died within two minutes f the crash and Carron shortly afterwards.
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  • 59 8 The libel action which is being brought by the principal of the Chinese High School against the Let Pau Press was nentioned again in the Supreme Court yesterday, when the defendants, through Mr. J. G. Campbell, renewed their underU'.kinE not to publish anything regarding the plaintiff until the hearing of
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  • 65 8 The British Minister and Mrs. Greg If ft Bangkok en route for England on March 17, by the internaticnal express There was a big gathering at the terminus to say good-bye and despite the early hour the attendance included a number of ladies. The Diplomatic and Consular Corps were fully
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  • 71 8 For the purpose of preventing a repetition of the R-38 disaster, engineers are preparing a novel test with the Government airship R-101 which is being constructed at Cardington. by bolting the airship's centre section, measuring 130 feet in diameter complete with inflated gasbags endwise to the huge hanger doors and
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  • 90 8 Trebitsch Lincoln, the war-time spy, and father of John Ignatius Trebitsch Lincoln, who was under sentence of death for the murder of Edward Richards at Trowbridge, telegraphed from the Far East to the authorities in London Postpone execution until my arrival." The execution is fixed for March 2 at Shepton
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  • 84 8 Miss Elsis Wilcox, Commissioner of Public Instruction for Kauai, one of the islands of the Territory of Hawaii, of which Honolulu is the capital, arrived in Hongkong by the President Wilson, after having visited the schools of the Philippines. The schools over which Miss Wilcox has supervision have larg» numbers
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  • 101 8 Prior to leaving Hongkong on March 12 on the Tonkin for Singapore to take up hiis new appointment of French Consul there, M. Yves dv Courthial, who had been the French Consul in Hongkong for just over a year, was presented with a g-old watch in appreciation of his .services
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  • 140 8 The report of the Kamasan Rubber Co., Ltd., for the year ended December, 1925, states that after allowing for depreciation, directors' fees. general estate charges and head office expenses, the nett profit for the year amount* to $117,196.24 which with the balance of $24,783.84 brought forward from the previous year,
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  • 145 8 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent writes on Monday Last night the police were called to the house of Mrs. Hardy, in Kiu Peng Road, to solve what to that lady seemed a complete mystery. Some days ago Mrs. Hardy lost her wedding ring. There wore other articles of jewellery with the
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  • 454 8 Mr. W. R. King, of Lynll and Evatt, is very seriously ill in the General Bosp tail, where he was operated on for appendi<*itil < n Sunday. Mr. T. Saito, ex-manajrer of the N.YJC. Singapore branch, will leave here bj the Karao Maru sailing about Apiil 14
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  • 46 8 Henderson, Helm and Hammesfahr, Inc., New York, Bend us the following cable, dated March 21, their quotations being in gold dollar cents Sellers, March Gl April Gl next quarter, 59' i. Market flat, no busin.-ss passing. To-day's Singapore price $1.08, London price 2s. C.jd.
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  • 29 8 Lewis and Peat's cable received from their London office this morning gives 554 tons down making the total London rubber stocks at March 20, 11,028 tons.
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  • 52 8 We regret to learn that Boustead and Co. have received a cable from London announcing the death, on Saturday, of Mr. Robert Yeats, for many years a partner in their firm. For a long time, ne was stationed in Penang and retired from the East
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  • 51 8 The Secretaries of N^rth Taiping Tin wires that the directors recommend a 5 per cent, final dividend lor 1M& The Secretaries of Taiping Tin wires that the directors recommend a 2'j per cent, final dividend for 1925 be declared and a 5 per cent, interim dividend i>r
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  • 44 8 From Indo-China, by Porthos, due at Singapore 6 a.m. to-morrow. From China and Japan, by Khiva, dv- 1 at Singapore 4 p.m. to-morrow. From Europe (London mails despatched March 4), by Macedonia, due at Penang 6 a.m. on Thursday, the 25th instant.
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  • 81 8 At a meeting held at Government House on Tuesday, February the following executive of Students in Britain Committee were elected :—Lady Guill maid, pi^sident Hon. Mr. R. O. Winstedt, I). Litt, vice-president Mr. I. H. Iloahing and Mr. G. T. Psall, M.A., joint nun. secretaries Mrs.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 310 8 MOTOR CYCLES RECEIST IMPORTANT SUCCESSES. On Janu.iry 2ti. IflMi at the Marouba Speedway, Sydney, in the Baaiaff Grand I'rix Ruce over a distance of 150 miles, two I.!)S h.p. A.J.S. machines occupied First and Second places respectively, the riders beinK Williams First; Sidebotham Second. Ihe ninner'R average speed was 70
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    • 117 8 ALHAMBRA TO-NIGHT at 9. Wm. Fox Super Production EAST LYNNE in 9 Reels. Gaumont Graphic and Two-reel Comedy. First Show at 7.30 ORPHAN SALLY in 5 Reels. TAN CHENG KEE CO., LTD., Proprietors. THE ROBINSON PIANO CO., (Opposite The Post Office). SINGAPORE Call at THE ROBINSON PIANO CO. and hear
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    • 80 8 Other Pages. Paf«. Boxing in Colombo 3 Shipping and the Mails 7 Finance and Commerce 7 Meteorological Report 7 Local Share Markcl 7 Keuter and Rugby Radio Telegrams 9 Conditions in Canton. Indians llltreatvd 9 Submarine in Dock U Labour Position Analysed !> Allfla Ra-li,, NtWI Haytor Rubber Dividfnd Jil
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  • 474 9 Borah Claims and Houghton Report. Times Comment on Present Situation. [REI!TER TELEGRAM.] London, March 22. Washington While official circles are sill sil«-nt in regard to the nature of Mr. Houghton's repjrt to President Coolidge, the newspapers, apparently :tartled at the sensation created in F.urope, are now endeavouring
    Reuter  -  474 words
  • 109 9 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, March 22. Washington The United States BapMM Court have granted a review of the Doheny oil lease case. A New York message of April 2, 1925, stated The oil situation of the wholeworld is affected by the Doheny oil deal. The deal is equivabnt
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  • 65 9 [REI'TER TELEGRAM.] London, March 22. Geneva In conformity with the decision of the League Council, the Secretariat have again invited the Soviets to participate in the preparatory conference, pointing out that the Swiss Government huve given an assurance that the Sovie-t delegates will be granted
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  • 364 9 Plain Speaking on Recent Events. [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, March 22. Berlin Ths Reichstag was crowdel for the debate on Geneva. Dr. Stres?mann, in a speech, ssid the result of Geneva was to be regretted because .special interests in various countries strongly and brutally exerted themselves to the
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  • 127 9 [KELTER TELEGRAM.] London. March 22. la the House cf Common:-, Mr. A. E. Jacob suggested that, with a view to extending British markets and relieving unemployment, Mr. Amery should do everything possible to arrange for preferential tieatment of British goods in our Asiatic colonies and dependencies. Mr.
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  • 103 9 [WIRELESS VIA RUGBY.] Rugby, March 23. In the House of Commons, Commander Kenworthy (Liberal, Central Hull) asked what was being dene with regard to the claims of Norway, Iceland and other countries to extetid the three-mile limit beyond which deep sea fishing was permitted to al! nations. Mr.
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  • 69 9 [WIRELESS TIA RUGBY.] Rugby, March 22. Exchange rates Paris 137.25, New York 4.86 3/16, Brussels llOVi, Geneva 25 14, Amsterdam 12 I-. 1 Milan 120%, Berlin 20.42, Stockholm 18.12, Copenhagen 18.5, Oslo 22. r >, Vienna 1!4.5, Prague 161. BeWngfon l'.n, Madrid 34.5. Lisbon 2V4, X; > T's.
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  • 213 9 Important Statement in The Commons. [reuter telegram.] London, March 22. In the House of Commons, replying to Mr. S. P. Viant, Mr. Ameiy said that the Canton Government's offer to mediate between the strikers and the Hongkong Govi-.T.r.K'iit was based on th? claim that they were not parties
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  • 157 9 [WIRELESS VIA RUGBY.] Rugby, March 23. The death is reported of Sir Bradford Leslie at the age of 04. He was the grand old man of engineering and one of the most famous bridge builder.s of this and last century. His many engineering feats in India
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  • 53 9 [BAVAB TKIXGKAM.] Pari.s, March 22. The Ministry of War are completing a Dill for reducing military service from 18 to 16 months, with the hope of lowering it ultimately to 12. After this reorganization, the Army will probably comprise 20 metropolitan divisions, four North African divisions and
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  • 50 9 [RtXTER TELEGRAM.] London, March 22. Copenhagen The Danish airman, Lieutenant Herchend, who is flying to Tokio, has arrived at Aleppo, from Constantinople. There is no news of his companion, Lieutenant Botved, of whom Lieut. Herschend ljst sight near Eskishehr, but it is felt there is no cause for anxiety.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 146 9 t Adventurous Explorers' Return To Java. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Weltevreden, March 16. Mr. and Mrs. Visser-Hooft were enthusiastically received upon their arrival at Amsterdam by tl)e steamer Prinses Juliana on their return from their perilous expedition in the almost inaccessible Karakorum territory. They brought back with them
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  • 399 9 Conflicting Reports Of Troubles. The Communistic Movement. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hongkong, March 22. There are most conflicting reports from Canton, which cannot be cenflrmed owing to very strict censorship, but it is believed that a plot has been discovered to assassinat; Chang Kai Stk, whose troops proceeded
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  • 49 9 [reuter telegram.] London, March 23. Washington The Judiciaiy Committee of the Senate heve approved of the programme for public discussion on April 5, before a special committee, of the proposals for modifications in prohibition. Each side will have six days to present thei;- caso. The Wets begin.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 41 9 [reuter telegram.] London, March 22. Delhi The five years of negotiation on the question of Indian emigration to British Guiana are ended, the Assembly approving of the emigration of 500 families of unskilled labourers, not exceeding 1,500 persons.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 38 9 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, March 22. Tientsin The Kuo Mm Chun, otherwise the Nationalist defence, has broken down. They are in full retreat from Lanhaieu, in Shansi Province, which the Manchurians have captured after continuous artillery bombardment.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 49 9 An official communique states that, acting on medical advice, Lady Wilson who is seriously ill left Bombay for England 'n March 13, accompanied by Major Tresidar, I.M.S. His Excellency the Governor will eccompany her as far as Aden and hopes to arrive back in Bombay on the 28th initant.
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  • 160 9 Overhaul Reveals No Damage j After Mishap. Submarine L 4 went into dry dock atj Keppel Harbour yesterday, having apparently had a slight mishap ti some description, but an overhaul by the dockyard engineers revealed no damage, and the submarine will leave the dock tomorrow. There are
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  • 48 9 [reuter telegrali.] London, March 22. Cochin The steamer Sumatra Mara has arrived with hi i cargo on fire. It is not considered serious and she has left for Colombo. London, March 22. Colombo The Japanese steamer Sumatra Maru is due at Cochin this morning with fire aboard.
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  • 54 9 Showing the Flag in Philippine Islands. (Aneta's Service.) Bataviu, March 23. Four Dutch submarines, under the command of First Lieutenant. Vandenberg, tire arriving at Tarakan to-day, tad are proceeding to the Philippines on March 25 for the purpose of showing the flag." They remain at Manila from April
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  • 122 9 An approximate idea of the state of labour supply in Malaya is obtained by extracting Indian, Chinese, and Dutch Indies figures from the Arrivals and Departures by sea from and to Foreign Ports," published monthly in the Straits Settlements Government Gazette. Figures for the two months ending February,
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  • 333 9 Two British Engineers, who recently visited the United States, to see what is doing in their trade there, took note of the controversy about Prohibition and say in their report, recently printed in the Review of Reviews "We made a point of discussing this very debateablc topic
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  • 707 9 Aneta Wireless Via Java. America and the League. Nauen, Match 19. President Coolidge in a conference with Mr. Kellogg and Ambassador lioughton at Washington, emphasized that as a result of the Geneva fiasco, America would take even greater precautions in avoiding getting entangled in European affairs, European powers
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 644 10 S.C.C. Victory Over Chinese Team. The S.C.C. defeated the S.C.F.A. yes-u-idu..- afternoon by three gronls to one, in v game, which although fast enough, wns peculiarly uninteresting. This nay be attributed to the f»ct that there was much more long field kicking than omc usually finds in matches
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    • 196 10 S.C.C. Tournament. Yestnday's results were as follow: Newcomers' Handicap. Wilson, scr. v. Green, plus 1, (unfinished.) Bo wen, plus 2 beat Olden, owe 1, 6—4,6—4, 6—4. Hancock, owe 3 beat Grisp, owe 2, 6_i. y_7. Winnall, scr. beat Davies, owe 2, 6—4,6—4, 6—o. Harford. owe 15 beat Gardner,
      196 words
    • 267 10 The following tW>s vrit! 'to' T>tay#d t> morrow Championship Preliminary. Makin v. Ziegele. Voelker v. Cobb. Profession Paint. Crawford and Wardell v. Linton and Hickey. Campling and Munro v. Kleinman and Sinclair. Storr and Williamson v. winners of Ford and Green and Gagan and Evans. Newcomers" Handicap.
      267 words
    • 71 10 A meeting will be held at the V.M.C.A. (n Thursday next at 6.15 pjn. for the purpose of receiving entries and pissing rules in connection with Framroi Cricket Cup League. All clubs desiring to participate should make a point of sending a representative. The V.M.C.A. will be having a
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    • 30 10 Fourteen cards were taken out for the March ledies' spoon, which resulted in a win for Mrs. R. Bald, who returned a score of 50—12 =38 nett.
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    • 202 10 Lord's Sold Out for the June Fixture. So great is the interest that is being shown in the Test matches in the summer that already the 3,000 bookable seats at Lord's for the second Test in June have been sold. Everywhere cricketers are rushing to obtain
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    • 147 10 Dispute Over Sale of Silver Thread. Fifty boxes of silver thread valued at $700 formed the subject of an action heard before Mr. Justice Deane thin morning. The plaintiff, J. Z. Sassoon, sued P. Reloomall and C for the value of the thread, or alternatively he claimed
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  • 53 10 With parts sealed by the Air Ministry British Jupiter nine-cylinder air-cooled radial aero-engine of 450-horse-power has just completed 25.000 miles in 226 hours' actual flying without adjustment, thus outdistancing the world's equatorial circumference. Two pilots alternately flew the nvsichioe for some days, probably the severest teat to which any aero-engine
    53 words
  • 392 10 I uri.viof I'er Cent. Dividend For The Year. The report of the directors of Haytor Rubber Estates Ltd., tor the year ended December 31, 1925, states that the accounts of the company show a net profit of $101,303.15, to which must be added the balance of $6,410.19 brought
    392 words
  • 257 10 Family Litigation in Supreme Court. Four counsel are engaged in litigation which commenced in the Supreme Court this morning, before the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison), in which the member-, of a Singapore Chinese JfamiU' T §(*t variance over certain terms of the graaSfather's will, and
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  • 222 10 Popular Member of The Civil' Service. A Reuter cable received from London yesterday announced the death of Mr. Reginald George WaUon, C.M.G., who was in his sixty-fourth year. He had seen many years' service in the F.M.S. Educated at Haileybury, Mr. Watson, after a
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  • 30 10 A Chinese was sentenced t> 12 months' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. P. A. F. David, in the District Court this morn* ing. for houMbreakJng. The accused had one previoui conviction.
    30 words
    • 426 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Mr. P. B. Planter's letter in your isbue of the 20th iuiprist-d me. Does he not read the papers If he does he should know by this time that the whole situation can be summed up in one
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    • 93 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir —I fail to understand why more British subjects are got being employed on the aursing staff «f the local General Hospital. At present the majority of the nurse probationers and staff nurses arc Siamese. These Siamese now employed make quite
      93 words
    • 151 10 To the Editor of the Straits. Times. Sir,—There seems to be a lamentable lack of courtesy on the part of motorists in this part of the world. The other day, 1 was unfortunate enough to be held up by a burst tyre, and in spite of the fact that
      151 words
  • 166 10 Judge's Decision In Quarantine .Case. The appeai of the Chinchew of the steamer Wing Hong against a sentence of three months imprisonment and a fine (.i $500 for making a false declaration in contravention of the Quarantine, Ordinance was dismissed by the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison)
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  • 99 10 The Admiralty h*ve announced that the four cruisers of the 1925-26 programme will be named as follows —H.M.S. London, to be built at Portsmouth Dockyard; H.H.S. Devonshire, to be built at Devonport Dockyard; H.M.S. Shropshire, to be bnjlt by contract H.M.S. Sussex, to be built by contract. In selecting names
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  • 125 10 I Allegations of Assaulting Police Constable. Mr. K. A. Uarbour, a well-known resi- (lent of Singapore, wits charged on a summons in the District Police Court, this morning, before Mr. P. A. F. David, with assaulting a police constable. It appears that the accused visited the Melchior Treub
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  • 127 10 I Kedah Acquisition of Land Case. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, March 22. As Mr. Justice Acton left on Saturday for Sevemban and Mr. Justice Brown is now in Kedah presiding at a special pri- vate enquiry, there will be no 1 of the Court until Thursday,
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  • 303 10 1 i 1 i Counsel's Application in Alleged Bank Robbery. In the Second Police Court, li.foie Mr. H. R. Bull, this morning, application for reduction in the iBOBBt of hail gjaatad j to Mariapan was made by Mr. Griffith Williams. Mr. VViiHams suggesUd that 513.000 or K2O 000
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  • 225 10 Macphail and Co., Ltd, Singapore, March 2;!. Rubber.—Local $1.07. Tin. —London £284. Rubbers.—Shares are very fijm with all round buyers. Malaka Pindas are quoted 3/40-3.50 and United Malaccas 3.12»-j-3.221/4. New Scudaist have buyers at 3.47%. Glenealys at 2.75 and Bassett.s at 1.47H cum rights^ Mentakabs are quoted
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  • 44 10 The Delhi Railway Board have sanctioned a preliminary survey being carried out by the agency of the Burma Railway*, for a line on the metre gauge from Tavoy via Mergui to a point near the Siamese Frontier, opposite Prachuab, a diitance of 282 miUt.
    44 words
  • 255 10 Excellent Items by Local Amateurs An excellent musical programme contributed by well-known Singapore amateurs WB;; transmitted from the Singapore Ai.iaUui Wireless Society's rooms in [h\i»n Building on Sunday night, and was clearly heaid by listeners-in not only in Singapore, but in Johore and elsewhere up-country. This S ciety,
    255 words
  • 587 10 Deterrent Punishment for Straits Chinese. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 22. Wh:t the Judge described as a most impudent attempt, to decamp with valuable property was the subject matter of a charge of cheeting heard in the Assize Court, this morning, before Mr. Justice Fam-r-Manby. The
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  • 63 10 The World Sweetheart i.s again the curly haired, prank playing Irish lassie in Little Annie Kooney which comes to the Empire on Thursday. The story is of one of the slums of New York and Little Annie is one of a million there. She is the leader of.
    63 words
  • 22 10 We acknowledge receipt of four hand, some calendars from John Little and Co. They are issued as an advertisement fjr Cusenier Cognac.
    22 words

  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 44 11 Three English League Kesulls. [Itrutrr Tehgnm.] Con lon, Karen 22. In the first division of the i Notts County (!;■<■«■ with v.'' H In (he second tin i ilon W beat Notts Foi.'.t 2 In tin 1 leathern division MHlwa'l r.iijfhton 2—o. v
      44 words
    • 297 11 The j.ositioTis of th 1. iding i lubs in Ui2 Knjtlish and Scottish 1.«.-.' to iliile t« follow (I Ja. P. W. L. l». K. A..Pts. lliid.ii'i -fn'l.l (1) :i4 lit I 10 70 4H -18 At (Ml (L'O) n IK i) f. 70 ii 12 Suikl .Hand
      297 words
    • 206 11 Negri-Sembilan isilnr> Win. Tlie Mnlucrn Club pluyed the Kegri .-> ntifilan Club at crioKt M the parlantr r-n Saadijr, and lost by |0 run.-". Trw? irame was rather dull, the only ntatanding features beinif two Urillmni. caMiai ly. Thoma-:, niul the batting d 'I lioliiH.s and Poyser.
      206 words
    • 306 11 Naval Teams »i Chinese Swimming Club. On Satunlny water polo team. 1 from the AinbroM- Hn<l Titui'.iu visited the Chinese Swimming; Club. The Ambrose hn<l the stronger tfnm out nnd piny was well contested, despite ihc for the Club by ei(tht iconls to nil. Tlm defence of
      306 words
    • 223 11 University Crews and Their WeifihN. London, March 11.- The crews for the Oxford and 'Cambridge Boat r.ico. and thoir weights, ai O.\fdd. I P. W. Murray Thieipland (Et«n anj Chri t Church), bow U st. lbs. I T. W. Shaw (Shrewsbury m.d Christ ,1 Church) rj st.
      223 words
    • 120 11 Better Side Never Visited England." London, March 9. Adelaide A fcuya crowd at the railway station made a farewell demonstration to the Australian team for Kngland, who parsed through en route for Perth Collins, in a speech responding to the pood-wishes expressed, congratulated ■ rf th
      120 words
    • 96 11 The following will represent thy 1 I.afficsiars agateek R.A .M.C. at horkey t> 'r rrrt«r ein the Kf-fflcs School crnund 1. >:«-< 1.. Avithoon and J. K. Kodripues K.-e Y<« Hock, Q. K. N. Oehbrs and 'A. G. Annttrong >.'. Leicester, C. D. Sm;th. If. u.'Stiok -(iapt.», V. Arathoon
      96 words
    • 80 11 h IS.—Resolts 1 f the niul played to-day in the nd Rrl ahci I Park 4f. Readinßley 3. j Black! Braof Coventry !7. Dov. Llanelly 6, London Scottish 18 Portsmouth Serv. U Old 1 Roxslyn Park 8. (H.! Merchant Toy Harleqains 8. Plymouth 22, Blackhearh X Pontypool
      80 words
    • 19 11 In the semi-final of the County Championship Yorkshire beat Leicestershire by 27 points to 11 nt Hcadingicy.
      19 words
    • 48 11 London, March 13. Results of Northern Union matches played to-day were as follows Barrjw 8, Wakefield T. 9. Pewsbury 7. Huddersfield 2. Featlierstone R. 29, Bradford X. 11. l.tißh 31, Widnes 10. St. Helen's R. 14, Salford York 18. Bromley 1 Keiffhley 5, Batley 7.
      48 words
  • 129 11 The Singapore Municipal health statement for the xv«!k ending March 19k gives the total smshet of Heaths as 182 representing a death rate of 23.18 nci" mille l>er annum compared with 27."8 in the prccedinp wfck and 2X32 in the corresponding week of last year. The chief
    129 words
  • 58 11 The hon. treasurer heps to aoknowles%e v.ith many thanks receipt of the fill'.winjr donations:— 1 Previously Bcknowletlged ?:>!>,215.70. Teon l-im S;hol Ifi«.!ts. Lok Tho Club it, Nine Ycimir Wui Kun and Hondori i,Kumiai each Tnn Ten LNsf 25, Ko •Chan Wnj Kii.m -JO, Thunsr Fuk Sha
    58 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 98 11 We have just received New Stocks of Musical Instruments including JAZZ BANDS, MANDOLINES, VIOLINS, BOWS, JAZZ FLUTES, etc., etc. GET YOURS TO-DAY. S. Moutrie Co., Ltd. RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. .«»VST»»»»«»S t «< >«»♦»♦♦»»♦«-♦♦♦♦♦♦» ♦♦♦«»«♦»> THE PORTABLE ADDING MACHINE FOR THE DESK. *^"***"i! iMiMiSrtfMii^MSSis^BT^H _^si2fl ■^gv i %*VW 1* IfA g^g*
      98 words
    • 218 11 Raffles Hotel Telephone No. 2920. SARKIES BROS., Proprietors. To-night, Thursday and Saturday The Great International Characteristic Classical Russian Dancers. Miss Ladova and Youry Yourlo Admission to Non-Diners $1. A. F. PEATE, Manager. ADELPHI HOTEL TEA DANCES Every Tuesday, 5.30-7.30. SPECIAL DINNER AND DANCE Every Wednesday and Saturday. The NEW ORCHESTRA
      218 words

  • 567 12 Messrs. Lean and Co.'s Weekly Report. In their report dated Penang, March 19, Lean and Co. state Tin throughout the week has been a firm market and, on a closing quotation of £289 7s. 6d. 3 months, there is a further advance of £5 2s. 6d., while
    567 words
  • 294 12 Hedged in By The Pew Kill-Joys. Kill-joys belong for the most part to, the pews, and not the pulpit complains a parson writing: in the Daily Mail. Since the inauguration of Parochial Church < Councils, when the laity (and not the' person) became responsible for raising; church finance,
    294 words
  • 169 12 The Indian delegation to the eighth and ninth session of the International Labour Conference to be held at Geneva on May 26 and June 7. respectively, will be as follows The Government of InI dia's delegates to both sessions will be Sir A. C. Chatterjee and
    169 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 308 12 JAM "V"' y y^ i aj "l :.:V.'"-': .:V.'"-' Vo-i°=^ 1 5__5 I^J__^__S£S' tie Opener Slipsand you gash your hand or finger, be sure and treat it with Zam-Buk to protect broken skin from attack by dangerous germs of festering and blood-pofson. First cleanse the wound, then cotbT up with
      308 words
    • 183 12 Fisk Balloon Tyres Ensure Comfort, Security and Quality. i THE FISK TIRE EXPORT COMPANY, INC. 14, CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS SINGAPORE. L Z?^sL Power-Beauty-Comfort POWER to sweep along from Comfort for every person over 2 miles an hour to well over every road there is ample 60 miles in top gear
      183 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 307 13 CRAWFORD'S CREAM CRACKERS CRISP AND CREAMY The name Crawford is closely associated with their Cream Crackers. The sale is enormous, and is steadily increasing an evidence of public appreciation and public recognition of their delightful flavour, their uniform quality, and their general excellence. Sole Agents Tel. 2790. BARLOW CO. Tel.
      307 words
    • 174 13 "SILVANA" CIGARS I Manufactured from the choicest I 46?^ gMHtej^ >h Blond of Tobacco Leaves. N^^aiJ'^Kar J*P I Also obtainable from LVANA >g^ N. N. PITCHAY BROS., SOLE IMPORTERS The East Asiatic Company, Ltd. (Incorporated In Denmark) SINGAPORE. An Entirely New Model 11.4 HP. Five Seater All Steel Body. With
      174 words
    • 232 13 OFFICEJTO LET No. 5, Laidlaw Building, .area about 3,000 square feet. Immediate entry. On lease or monthly tenancy. Rent $150 per memscm. Apply B. A. Harbour, Ltd., Union Buildings. to~Tet~ COMMODIOUS OFFICES «t cheap rental. Every convenience. Apply Gresham Home, Battery Road. OFFICES TO LET < umm'-rcial business premises No.
      232 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 514 14 Assets over $5,500,000 S.C. Assurance in force over $19,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In Straits Settlements.) HEAD OFFICE Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 62, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has CO.OW deposited with the Supreme Court of Englsnd and complies wttk the British Llf« Assmrane* Companies
      514 words
      1,095 words
    • 439 14 BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED. (Incorporated by Special Charter in Japan) Capital Subscribed yWoO.OOO Capital Paid-up Y39,875,000 Reserve Fund V 1,760,000 President H. Mcri, Esq. DIRECTORS G. Kawasaki, Esq. I T. Sisamune, Esq. D. Takita, Esq. M. Shuto, Esq. HEAD OFFICE Taipeh, Formosa (Taiwan). BRANCHES AND AGENCIES Keclung, Taichu,
      439 words
    • 995 14 AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD EUROPEAN RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. By Messrs. POWELL A CO., LTD., at their sale-rooms, Nos. 16 and 17, Raffles Place, on Tuesday, March 30, at 2.30 p.m. PARTICULARS. All that piece of land situated in the District of Claymore in the Island of Singapore, estimated according to
      995 words
    • 487 14 ESTATE OF QUEK CHAY HONG, DECEASED. AUCTION" SALE of valuable freehold land leasehold land and shophouse premises situate at Pekin Street, Telok Ayer Street, Stanley Street, Upper Scrangoon Road and Boon Teck Road, SingaI pore. I To be held at Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng ft i Co's sale-room, No. 30,
      487 words

  • 1090 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. I Transport Over 'Roadless Places. Now that the self-laying track vehicle in b-ing produced c immercially, one can aafely say there are few places on land where I motor Uunsport is impossible, say" I British Commercial News. Subject to there being
    1,090 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 216 15 MOT OR SI SALES INCREASE EVERY MONTH ffsSEX| MOTORS I MOTORS LUULfI J mm mm fjsa rx3\jft-. v Hi' |motors| w■ i i TOURING CAR $1,890 Wire wheels, if desired, $89 extra. MALAYAN MOTORS (Proprietors: WEARNE BROS., LTD.) f URODONAL and GOUT. RHEUMATISM. Wbrt i* Gout? GOUT GRAVEL Go«.b CALCUU.
      216 words
    • 285 15 GREAT REDUCTION ON ALL MODELS 509 8 h -p- 2 seaier de luxe 1,750 509 8h p 2 seat r de iuxe 1 ,900 5" I io/15 h.p. 4/5 seater de luxe y^Avi) O\)O 15/20 h.p. 67 seater le luxe «p«S,OUU 510 20 30 h.p. 6 7 seater de luxe
      285 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 144 16 DIAMONDS A wonderful importation of diamonds just received from Europe. A fine line of stones in all sizes, of good quality. Send for selection. Prices are right. Don't lose any Sales. We can supply you at once. ISMAIL A. RAHEEM CBOWN JKWia.LER AND XENON NKII MANLTACTURER. Telegrams Telephone TIIAIDA." 2W2.
      144 words
    • 283 16 BRUNOLINUM (WOOD PRESERVATIVE) Jt is an absolute protection Against tha ravages of WHITE ANTS and other insects, and against DECAY, DRY ROT, FUNGI, etc. LEE KIM SOO 20, HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. Stocktaking OUR STOCK OF CHILDREN'S BOOKS (for all ages) to clear at HALF PRICE. This offer is available from
      283 words
    • 951 16 CLASSIFIED J^ypTOHHENK__ The I'RKPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc., in ordinary dose let type (average six words to line) are: Per line: One insertion 28 cents, two ins. 46 eta. three ins. 64 cts., four ins. 82 cents, five ins. $1.00, six in. $1.13, ten ins. $1.40,
      951 words
    • 709 16 SITUATIONS WANTED BILLET WANTED by thoroughly expericneed young Indian for share transfer wor'.: Please apply 481. Straits Times. ESTATE MANAGER, widely experienced married, just returned from leave, offers im mediate services. 447, Straits Times. KUBBKR PLANTER, with several ~year> valuable managerial experience in F.M.S. offers services. Interview London. Apply 403,
      709 words
    • 221 16 TABLE WALL and GRANDFATHER CLOCKS ■lsMiMlfa»#^KsHK^si^MsMi 1 All "WESTMINSTER" Chime. No Finer Selection in The Whole of Europe. Sold by FRANKELS I of VICTORIA STREET also RAFFLES PLACE. "The Maples of the East." DYEING DRY CLEANING PmOMPI AND MOST RELIABLE SERVICE By SEN KO SHO, Japanese Dry Cleaner, 193, ORCHARD
      221 words
    • 422 16 BUTYWAVE you can't brush these waves out I No brush or comb can tuke out these alluring waves AT last all you straight haired girls can possess that lovely wavy glisten-. ing hair you have alw.iv* envied. Just npply this new scientific discovery Butywave to your hair lit will take
      422 words