The Straits Times, 16 March 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 88,120. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1926 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 64 1 PWfc^^—^^^* -J-2381 TRY THAT FINE OLD DANISH BREW THDfIBP Drrn IJoUSib uttn its GOOD! Sole Afenti THE BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED f Incorporated m Er.glmnd.) SINGAPORE, h. JS'ANG. KUALA LUMPUR. TELUK ANSON. IPOH AND ALOR STAR. JUjk "FERROCRETE" BRITISH RAPID HARDENING CEMENT \SkC^' \/t&} A PP'y for supplies and fuU particulars
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    • 182 1 FOR THOSE HOMEWARD BOUND TRAVELLING TRUNKS <& SUIT CASES SOLID LEATHER AND CANVAS GOODS. FINEST LONDON MAKES. SOLID LEATHER TRLNK. aUiag lo.ks and four brads, cantata With drop backlid, reinforced comer*, with tray. fitted with straps and steel runners. Size 33 inches. Size 30 inches. Sto 34 betes. Km 06
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    • 2 1 TOUR BART.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 403 2 I 0 WITH MY Why Endure It -When you can Cure It. Just think what it must mean after such terrible itching, such burni ng torture, to have the skin cooled and soothed, the itch banished as if by magic. A few drops of D.D.D. Prescription, and you have instant
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    • 234 2 Cuticura Promotes Permanent Hair Health Shampoos with Cuticura Soap, with light applications of Cuticura Ointment when necessary, tend to free the scalp of dandruff and minor eruptions, and to establish a per* manent condition of hair health. Soap, Ointment. Talctnn sold throughout the world. Hritnh Drr.ot F H.wKry S Sou,
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    • 183 2 B ImThP c "Mastertone" 11 Gramophones Si I IB From $50 to $200. Illustrated catalogue sent 6 Lj Monthly payment! can be arranged. Season Company, Ltd. 11l and 113, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. ««♦»««♦♦«♦♦»««»>>>»»♦♦♦«»♦»« ««»♦♦♦>> HMM>t»-»«trr» There is no Bad Beer. Insist on this Label and get the Best. pISp 1Ss
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  • 780 3 The Holding' m hiinuuitinu Company. The fifth annual general motitttn; "f 1 .MS. Tiniah. Ltd.. was held oh I''ctm:ti> 2 ai the resist end offices, 7, Martin b Lane, Cannon Street, E.G., Mr. John 1. Philips (Chairmair of the company) presiding. The. Chairman saiil Gentlemen. \vi :«r<; no
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  • 199 3 Cheaper Product From Eucalyptus Wood. I disci very, possibly of jjreat econoim.significance, is wportau from t!ie Univo1 ity „t' WueetlSin as the outcome- of experiment) for sub.-tilutinjr the woej of the i-ucnlyptus for thai of the spruce us a materiel for making newsprint paper. Tin experimenters have irmde
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  • 61 3 lii the House of Commons, questioned l>v Major L. Hore-Belisha regarding the whereabouts of the Iraquian Minister. So.yd Tallh, who had been deport H to < eylon m l!»a>, Mr. Amery naye 1 'hut Si yd Talib hn<l iftimu'd to Iraq ii :iy of lasi year-, and, as far as
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 508 3 WHERE DOCTORS ARE FEW AND FAR BETWEEN HABY'S (n\S TABI KTS SAIK(•i'AHl) tlll.UKEVS UVrlS. Patienta «!,n Iim> 'up-country,' or in places i, in. Ip Iropi cities nil I towns, find Buby's Own .T*tj|«U a wonderful help ami comfort in I «f In. !■!<■. The prompt use of these Ya>> led
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    • 379 3 To build up strength m a trying climate \afrx, HallsWne THE StTRKMF. TONIC Prom <; i x'cl tit Vhrmintt and Wint or /ruM Ihi Ag4»f: AFRICAN AND E4STERN TRADE CORPORATION, LTD. Siaxapore and Penan*. sale JWnVon Srrp..: I Ci»., Ltd.. kow. Lv:...0... I nc'.am<. BRASTAGI THE FAMILIE HOTEL. Catering
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    • 491 3 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be ohUin«>,l at the following places ia Sinjraporr Money Changer, Gro*TenoT Hotel. Money Gtoaoglrr, Aiklnhi Hotel. Money Chanirrr. Eurotie Hotel. Mnioy (hanttr. R»«1 M Hotol. Kelly W«'*h, 1.t.J.. Raffles V.nee. l'ldtral Fiuhhcr St.. mo Co.. Sifflel IMace and Tank Road Station. IVi-r Ch.iriK. Kras Hvxah Rnmi
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 500 4 Shipping Announcements N.Y.K. LIME (NIPPON YUSEN &AIBHA) LONDON UNB Marseilles, London and Antwerp Vessels Tonnsge One Ball SUWA MARU 11,000 Mar. 17 18 FUSHIMI MARU 11,000 Mar. 31 1 HAKOZAKI MARU 11,000 Apl. 14 15 HAKUSAN MARU 11,000 Apl. 30 31 KITANO MARU BJDM May 12 1H HARUNA MARU 11.000
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    • 488 4 THE SIAM STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. (Incorporated m Slam) BANGKOK COASTING SERVICE. For Kretav, Kemaman, Kelantan, Bangnars, Telouin, Patani, Singora, Lacon, Bandon, Kohsamui, Langsuan, Chumpon and Bangkok. Arrival Departure MAMNI In port Mar. 17 VALAYA Mar. 22 Mar. 24 SUDDHADIB Mar. 29 Mar. 31 MALINI Apl. 6 Apl. 7 FOR
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    • 521 4 K. P. Me (ROYAL PACKET NAY. CO. OF DATAVIA) (Incorporated m Holland) Under contract with the NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT Telephone No. 3640. with sub-connection to Passage, Freight, Transhipment, Marine Depts. and Managers' Desk. Reprenentativo for Singapore and Straits Settlements of the Official Tourist Ilurmu of Java. All information, supplying of
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    • 353 4 BURKS PHILP LINE (Incorporated m Australia) FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, VIA JAVA, DAKWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE Rcßulnr monthly sailing by the well known It.— .H MAKKU.A (7,;175 tons) and MALAUAK (1512 tons). The s.s. MARKLLA is the luriffst ami finest steamer trading to Australia, Cabins de luxe, single berth cabins,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 507 5 Shipping Announcements ELLERMAN BUKCNALL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. (Incorporated m England.) "ELLERMAN" LINE PASSEXGER AND FREIGHT SERVICES TO UNITKD KINGDOM and CONTINENT via PORTS and SUEZ CANAL. FREIfiHT SERVICES OUTWARDS FROM CONTINENT For Honckonc. Shanghai and Japan KATHLAMHA Mar. 28 HOMEWARDS liondon, Rotterdam and Hamburg KOHANNA In port Havre, London, Rotterdam
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    • 418 5 AUSTRAL-EAST INIIES UNE (Incorporated m England.) Re(rular Passenger and Freight Service Via JAVA PORTS to FREMANTLE (W. A.), ADELAIDE, MELBOURNE and SYDNBY maintained by Tons Sailing 1926 s.s. MERTON HALL (limited passenger accommodation) Apl. 7 U. CITY OK PALERMO 5,900 May 7 Single Itelurn Singapore to Fremantlc $357.14 1462.8S Singapore
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    • 363 5 •IEfiiCAN ORIENTAL MAIL IWE TRANS-PACIFIC TASSENGER AND EXPRESS SERVICE 19 dsys from IIoiigkoBs: to Seattle Sailing from Steamer Hongkong PRESIDENT (JRANT M»r. 17 PRESIDENT MADISON Mar. 29 PRESIDENT JACKSON Apl. 10 PRESIDENT McKINLEY Apl. 22 PHESIDKNT JKFFKRSON May 4 also a sailing every 12 days from Hongkong to Manila Through
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    • 335 5 INN-CHINA STEAM NAY. COMPANY, LIMITF.D. (Incorporated m Hongkong.) Direct Service to JAVA via HONGKONG anil SHANGHAI and to CALCUTTA via PENANG from SINGAPORE. Tuking cargo on through Bills of Lading fur Canton, Macao, Swatow. Amoy, Chefoo. Tientsin, Nowchwang, Yangtze Ports, Formosa, tbe Philippines, etc. FOR PENANX3 AND CALCUTTA HOSANG Mar.
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    • 178 5 CROMPTON FANS SEEN BUT NOT HEARD SOLE AfJENTS UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED (Incorporated In the Straits Settlement!) ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. 13, BATTERY KOAD, SINGAPORE. 4MMIMXM Every rider of HARLEY-DAVIDSON Motorcycles will receive free every month the Harley-Pavidson Enthusiast, a monthly periodical devoted exclusively to Harley riders. ZVi H.P. Single Cylinder, Three-speed 1026
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 606 6 EMPIRE Tuesday, March 16 and Wednesday, March 17 In the First Show at 7.30 p.m. TOM MIX m a ThriUing Western Drama ci.titicd LAW AND THE OUTLAW, 2 Reels. H. B. WARNER and an al! Star Cast m FUGITIVE FROM MATRIMONY In 5 Reels. In the Second Show at 9.1
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    • 57 6 SURINA THEATRE The Management regrets Owing to the non-arrival of the film A Woman's Faith they are obliged to put up m substitute TO-NIGHT at 9 JACK HOXIE m THE DEMON A Universal Blue Streak WESTERN PATHE GAZETTE. LOOK OUT BELOW Ml SAHARA BLUES (Comedies). At 7.30 AI.BERTINI m THE
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    • 377 6 LONDON RAVED OVER HER Bfo-^tiffl Here is wh;il One I'uper says: Jll ■W«fl U CW !a IS :l lor ous jhHg B^stooß thing a creature- of delicate Hn refinement and beauty, coupled with a pujuant personality that 'tiEßjjXßßMWXfflffi.^i is oin Ui thri the heart of k every picturc^oer." another criticism
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    • 175 6 f GRIFFItH 1 SALLY OF THE M CAROL DEMPSTSfL Wl anJ W. C. FIELUJ* M. km PORREST RALSEV ifwm \i^.M^yb!f DOROTHY DOtiStLLY ifetau Satlu \Jm3 I* lovable lau^Kable ill CJUtlCfts) car«-fre«. H Lauejri and cry wiHi S«||y. ALHAMBRA To-night In spite of Strong Counter-Attractions Hundreds could nol obtain Admission At
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    • 216 6 GRAND SUCCESS The Talk of Sinjtaporc. TONIGHT AT 9.15 HARMSTON'S CIRCUS AND ROYAL MENAGERIE. Location OIINER MIDDLE ROAD anJ VICTORIA STKKKT. A Grand Benefit Performance m aid or Geyiang Fire Relief Fund Under the Distincuisiud Patronage of The Chinese Consul-General ":l per cmt. of gr<>«« rtceip'.s will he jri\cn to
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  • 225 7 KIXTIRES. TiiOKday, March 16 Hitch Water, 11.55 a.m. Malacca High Tide, 8.55 a.m., 6ft 2 m. In p.m., 7 ft. 5 m. Ili.rinston'B Circus, 9.15 p.m. Wcdmxday, March 17 Hieh Water, 0.26 a.m., 0.39 p.m. Malacca Hich Tide, 9.30 a.m., 7 ft. I p.m., 7 ft. 5
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  • 283 7 TmiUnj. March H. Shi, i, SjassjssUt) (he V. harves or expected to arrive. Entr.-.nct East Wharf Scott Harlcy East Basin 1 Gtensfcam 22 1 Talma 2\ 1 Mail Wharf Kanagmra Maru m 3 ten If nf Valencia II Kitano Mnru 12 Peleu» I .1 (llcniffcr 7 I
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  • 151 7 To-d«y ■i-pt Lower Siani ll)rli Han) 3 p.m. I.: t.0,-an Hilik and TandjonK Balci Singkawang 3 p.i.i. Jay», South-West Sumatra, SonthEaat Borneo, Celebes, llolnceM I Timor Dilly I Meuado Maru) 3 p.m. IM.ilipi m- IslaOSis (ily of Valencia) 3 It ntiannk i Hcrkoelrn .4 p.m. Pladjos
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  • 43 7 li I .-I 1 \r r I S'porr l.undan P«tri« Feb. 5 Feb. 27 let). 10 M«r. I M»lw» Feb. 11 Mar. 8 K. .1.-r NedarUndtn Feb. 12 Msr. 12 Klopli:inl:i Kch. IR M«r. 13 Tji-rimni Kpb. 1» M«r. 15
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  • 236 7 Macphail and Co., Ltd. SinKaporc, March 16. Rubber.— Local $1.03»,£. Tin.— London 1287 ss. Local $142% (125 tens sold). Rubbers. Shares are firm. Malaka Pindas are quoted MM. 10 and United Malaccas at 2.97V4-3.02 13.1 3 New Scudais offer at and Mentakubs at S9 cents. Ulu Benuts
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  • 70 7 The H«n. Treasurer befrs to acknowledge with many thanks receipt of the following donations Previously acknowledped $13,224. Hokien Crockery Merchants Guild $100, Eng Yong Toner S7B, Tpochew Piece Goods Guild. A Friend per Mr. Boey Kok L»ong and Help the' Poor each $50 The Friendly Society
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  • 237 7 EXCHANGE. PRODUCB. Singapore, March 16. Singapore, March 10. On London, Bank 1 m/s 2/4 13/32 6«mWer Hj* Demand 2/4 1/32 No. 1 w.pick.d) 82.00 Private 3m. credH» 2/4 19/32 p mixw j j,; 95 On New York Demand 56 6/8 Sa»'o Flour, Sarawak 5.80 Private 90 d/s
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  • 64 7 DAILY PRICES CURRENT. 11 o'clock noon March 16. Singapore Standard Pale Crepe Closing Prices Buyers. Sellers. Spot Spot March March April-June Aprii-Jnne July-Sept. July-Sept. Singapore Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices Buyers. Sellers. 1.03 1.0? U 1.04 1.04 \t l.OlMi l.OJVi 99 Vt 1.00
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    • 249 7 Issue t'al. Ptl. Buyers Sellers il £1 Asnm Kumbanjf 54/- 65/1 1 Batang Padang 0.79 0.B2 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.40 1.45 xd. 1 1 Idris Hydraulic 53/- 56/6 1 1 Johan Tin 0.69 0.62 0/- 10/- Kampor.g 52/- 63/- cd. ■1 tl Kamunting Tin 67/- C8/6 cd. :0
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    • 130 7 Issue /al. Pd. Buyers Sellers 1 £1 B. Am. Tobacco 6.5.0 5.10.0 10 10 Central Engine* 9.00 9.50 1 £1 E. Smelting Co. 14.00 14.25 10 10 Fraser Nenve 19.50 S».OO LOO 100 Hammer Co. 1C0.00 170.00 .00 100 K&ti Bros. tltt. 200.00 220.00 10 10 Mexican Eagle 1'J/1V4
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    • 82 7 r. Lag. 6 p.c. $1,234,300 pax 110 S.S. BV4 p.c. Loan 1919 Spore Municipal 6 p.c $36,710,000 104% 105 Vi ci. $1,878,000 of 1930 par 5" c p.m.; ss B% j^ ms 4 PX- B 0 t J'*»#*m. 103% 104% ci. Spore Municipal 4H p.e. s s (md F.M.S.
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    • 368 7 Fraser and Co. and I.yall and Evatt's Quotations. To-day's Prices Fraser Lya!l Co. Evatt. Allenby (SI) 3.20 3.30 3.20 3.25 Alor Gajah ($1) 2.90 K.lOcd. 2.75 2.90 A. Hitam ($5) 21.00 22.00 21.00 22.00 A. Kuiunjj (SI) 1.45 1.55 1.35 1.45 Am. Malay ($2) !.00 $.20 4.00 4.15
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 193 7 NOTICE is hereby Even thnt the above Trad* Mark is the property of JULES ROBIN S A Counac. Chavente, France, am! i« us?d by them on Brandy imported into the straits Settlements and Federated Malay States by their Agents BOUSTEAD *ND COMPANY LIMITED a Company inccrporaled m the Federated Malay
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    • 173 7 FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND GARS One each Chandler 7-str. $650 Page 7-slr tPOO Renault de Luxe 7-str. 40 h.p. 18,000 Studcbaker 7-str. 1925 $2,600 Wo'ccley 7-str 1921 $500 Hudson 7-str. 1921 $GOO Char rot: 7-str. Sedan $3,000 Fiat 501 5-str. $1,500 Fiat Sporting Model 1924 $2,000 Fiat latest model 3 months old
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    • 156 7 AUCTION SALE The undersigned have been instructed to sell by public auction at tbeir sale-room, Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place, oe Monday, March 22. at 2.30 p.m. Lot 1. 400 shaVen numbered ***** to ***** and ***** to ***** (inclusive) of $100 crch, on each of which $50 have been paid,
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    • 976 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Advt«., see page IS. WANTS, FOR SALE, ETC. CITROEN four-seater for iiatc, *500 01 offers. Apply 4Cfi. Siralta Time*. 00 R SALE, a complete nickol oml si'.ver platiiv: plant. Apply 4CI. Straits Times. POSITION WANTED by young v.< junior shorthand-typ st. Apply 459, S. Times.
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    • 752 7 MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE The Municipal Commissioners of Singapore invite tenders for the supply of 6 000 tons of Australian Gas Coal from any of tho followincr Collieries Kellbird, Celaw Main, Pelton or Abcrdare delivery about end of June, 1926. The price quoted Is to be ex ship m tho Reads,
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 70 7 .MKTKOROLOGICAL REPORT. K;mdanu Kerlmu Station. (l!> Mricv Cnvornmpnl Ilinltli Offiri-.) I i.r Urn -I IMMI rndinß nl Midnicht on M.-r.-h 11, IiCU. .i,;:. tempnrntan K.i V. M.ii. shade ti-rupcraturc KIT. Mi an hade tanpentort MJ I. Max. bi i nii.jii 166 V. rsd :i!i<,n To Kc:i ii mpcratorc hii X
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  • 51 8 DE SOUZA. -Brvnel de Souza, aged r,r years. died at Hospital, yesttr-lny p;m. Funeral leaves 15-h, Mackenzie Kond. foi Catheoral of the Good Shepherd, at 1 r and thence to Bidadari. MERGLER.-On Jhrch 15, 1P26, Mcira Sjbil beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M II Mer?kr, aged 31..3 1
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  • 1028 8 The Straits Times TUESDAY, MARCH 16. CHINA'S CRISIS. We should be very sorry indeed if the naval forces m the Far Kast deemed ii necessary to silence the forts at Taku It may be most necessary action, but m the present slate of Chinese public opinion, and m view of
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  • 31 8 The rate of issue of Money Orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 153= 5100, The rate of payments of Money Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 157 $100.
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  • 34 8 A divorce suit was begun m London m March 2 by Mrs. Cavendish against Mr. Charles Alfred William Cavrndis.h. Mrs. Cavendish first met her husband m 191tf. when he was purser on the Mooltan.
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  • 46 8 Granny McDonald, who was probably the oldest woman m the Commonwealth, and who has been a resident of Goondiwindi district for 74 years, has died at the age of 108 years and 9 days. She was of Scotch descent and leaves innumerable great-grand-children m the district.
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  • 71 8 A Cape Town message says that the Government has appointed a commission of three Nationalists, three members of the South African Party, and two Labour members, to decide upon the design of the national flag, to be assisted by a small committee of heraldic .experts. Three thousand designs have been
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  • 37 8 Kcdah is to have permanent Suprenv Court Judge m the future, and Mr. Justior Dinsmore has been appointed to the post. He left Seremban for Kedah last week. Mr. Justice Actcn is to take his place Sertmban.
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  • 37 8 A Bean car bearing a Singapore number, while negotiating the turn at Pokoh MaiiLT'.a Road, Malacca, backed into a deep ditch, and turned a somersault. Fortunately, although the car was full of passengers, no one was hurt.
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  • 46 8 Inspector V. R. Lisamer, who has bern m charge of the Central Police Station, Malacca, for some time past, goes to Alor Gajah, to relieve Inspector Higgins, who is proceeding home on leave. Inspector W. Martin has arrived at Malacca from Singapore to relieve Inspector Lisamer.
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  • 44 8 Sir Francis Younjrhusband denies the report that the Everest Expedition this year has been abandoned. Interviewed hs said "We have not yet definitely decided to send out the Everest Expedition, so the news of this alleged Tibetan happening cannot affect us m any way."
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  • 48 8 From the parapet of the .conspicuous Church of our Lady Protectress at Marseilles, a middle-aged Englishman, Mr. Ernest Brown, flung himself m a fit of nervous depression. He had a sickening fall of 80 feet. He broke his leg and sustained bruises, but his condition is not dangerous.
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  • 64 8 Forty-one Chinese were each fined $o or, m (•.•fault, seven drys' imprisr nmtnt for gcmbHag m a hoOM m Middle Road. The •aso was heard by Mr. H. R. Bull m t it Second Police Couit, this morning. The /pid was made by Inspector King, who stated thit thc-r? were
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  • 60 8 The Duke of York who, as President of '.he Industrial Welfare Society, is making himself familiar with many forms of manufacture and production, both m London and the provinces, paid a visit on March to the offices of The Times newspaper, and spent two hours m inspecting the various departments
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  • 67 8 Litiguticn m which members of a wellknown Indian family m Singapore are concerned was to have commented m the Stipre'me Court this mcrning, but was adjourned until next month. In this action Ali Khan Suratee and Hamid Khan Suratee ore sucint; Mohamed Khan and eleven ethers. Mr. J. Laycock appears
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  • 66 8 An official mandate recalling the Charter of Religious Freedom, granted at the time of the establishment of the Republic, says reports have been received of anti-Christian propaganda associations, and meetings of them m various parts of the country states a Pekinjj wire. It declares that these activities are detrimental t
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  • 72 8 His Excellency the Governor-General of Australia (Lord Stonehaven) had a fortunate escape from injury late m the afternoon of February 15, when a De Haviland 9 aeroplane, m which he was about to return fiom a visit to the Flinders Naval Base at Crib Point, failed to rise and crashed
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  • 70 8 By kind permission of Lol.-Col. C. J. Pickering, C.M.G., D.S.O. and Officer?, the band of the 2nd Bn. The Duke of Wellington's Regiment will rend.-r the following programme on Thursday, the 18th inst. m the Botanic Garder.s at 5 p.m. March, The Royal Standard. (Keith) selection. The Gondoliers, (Sullivan) patrol,
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  • 91 8 The Royal Humane Society has awarded a bronze modal to Farah Samantur. a police constable, of Alexanira, Kenya Colony, for saving the life of a Somali boy on December 2!), 1024, who, while washing clothes m the Juba river, was seized by a crocodile. Samantur got hold of the boy
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  • 94 8 In the House of Commons on February 17 the. Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty (Mr. .1. C. C. Davidson), replying to Sir Robert Hamilton, said he was aware that the small boat m wkiei the late Earl Kitchener and Colonel Fitzgerald were supposed to have left the cruiser Hampshire had
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  • 127 8 The British Resident, Selangor, is to present Lone: Service Medals to four mem be i*s of the M.S.V.R. on Monday next. The Duke of Atholl (Lord Provost), Sir Matthew Montgomery (Principal), Sir Donald Macallistcr, Sir Andrew Pettigrew, Sir John M. Macleod, an! other well-known West of Scotland men have been
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  • 475 8 Mr. E. B. Williams Collector of Land Revenue, Negri Sembilau, will be proceeding home on ieave shortly. The Hon. Mr. Choo Kiu Peng, who has been indisposed since Friday, has been advised by his doctor to remain m h s house for n few days. Mr. T.
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  • 46 8 Henderson. Helm and Hammesfahr, Inc., New York, send us the following cable, dated March 15, their quotations being m gold dollar cents Sellers, March 60 April, CO next quarter 60. Market dull. Manufacturers are not buying. To-day's Singapore price Sl.OlPi, London price 2s. 6d.
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  • 29 8 Lewis and Peat's cable received from their London office this morning gives 1,170 tons up n-aking the total I.ond.m rubber stocks at March 18, 11.58:! tons.
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  • 23 8 A meeting of the W.C.T.U. will bo held at Nind Home 6, Mount Sophia, on Thursday at 4.30 p.m.
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  • 39 8 The F.M.S. Railways notify cheap ticket concessions durin.r the Ivister holidays, April 2 to April inclusive. The concessions cover all <-las:-es at a fans U>d a half fur the double [Mali will be advertised.
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  • 45 8 We are informed by the Colonial Secretariat that th? Secretary of Stato for the Colonies has approved of tho appointment of th' Men. Mr. Hayes Marriott. C.M.G., as Colonial Secretary, Straits Settlements, m succession to the Hun. Mr. K. S. Hose, C.M.G.
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  • 66 8 From China and Japan, !>y Kinva Marj, due at Singapore to-morrow. From China and Japan, by Sado Mam, due at Singapore to-morrow. From China and Japan, by Osaka Matu, due at Singapore to-morrow. From China and Japan, by Kashmir, due at Singapcre 5 p.m. to-morrow. From Europu (London
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 265 8 MOTOR CYCLES RECENT IMPORTANT SUCCESSES. On January 26. 1926. at the Marouba Speedway, Sydney, m the S iK<.r (Irard I'rix R:icc o\cr :i distance of l"» 0 miles, two LM h.p. A.J.S. machines occupied Kind and Second places respectively, the riders being Willians First; Sidebotham Second. The winner"-, average speed
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    • 157 8 ALHAMBRA TO-NIGHT AT 9 United Artists Production SALLY t°h f e SAWDUST (Featuring W. C. FIELDS and CAROL. DEMPSTER) m 10 Reels. Bazaar of Cairo, Scenic Subject. First Show at 7.30 First National Attraction ONE CLEAR CALL (Featuring MILTON SILLS) m 8 Reels. TAN CHENG KEE CO., LTD., Proprietors THE
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    • 87 8 Other Pages. I'ai;*, Finance and Commerce 7 Shlppinc and the Mails 7 Meteorological Report 7 To-day's Share Market 7 Reuter ond Rugby Radio Telegrams 9 Wireless News via Javn Penang Assizes 9 U.S. Rubber Co. Estate holdings Sporting Intelligence 10 Correspondence Rubber Control 10 Cruelly to Young Qirl lit Rangkok
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  • 477 9 No Definite Agreement Yet Made. Brazil Becomes Principal Obstructive. [REI.'TER TELEGRAM.] London, March 15. Geneva The second week if the conference opens very gloomily and the position may I*> described as hoping against hope. The future is mst uncertain. Nohody at U o'clock this mornin? seemed to know
    Reuter  -  477 words
  • 269 9 London, March 15. Geneva Dr. Slrt'scmann infermed the Cmrwmm pmmmi that he has been officially informed thi-t Sweden has rcsignsd her seat on the Council to Imm roaai for Poland. He explained that the Swedish representative. M. LMin, had been under from both rifa fiild, anyhow, since Sweden
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  • 125 9 Rugby, March 16 On leaving the Council meeting, Sir Austen Chamberlain said he thought the situation was more hopeful. It is understood that the latest proposals are based upon a rearrangement of the temporary seats m the Council and avoid the creation, during the present League session,
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  • 181 9 [RIUTIR TELEGRAM.] London, March 15. French and Belgian francs m London closed, resr actively, at 134.75 and 116.87. Belgian francs had previously slumped to 121.50 after being steady at about 107 for ths year. The market is puzzled and the slump is attributed to the cessation
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • 87 9 [REUTXB TILICEAM.] London, March 15. In the Hous'> of Commons, at question tiiiic, Mr. Amery said he had received representations to the effect that demands for labour fur the naval base at Singapore wera deputing the supply for rubber plantations, but the Governor had assured him
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  • 89 9 [REUTIR TELXGRAM.] Londui, March 15. Cleveland, Ohio Millionaires, manufacturers, real estate men, also Government employees of 12 cities are involved m j. 40,000 word indictment, naming 112 persons for an alleged boot-legging conspiracy, returned by a Federal jrrend jury. The indictment alleges that the conspiracy originated with
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 45 9 [WIIMLESS TIA KICBY.] Rugby, March 16. The sum of £'J,000,000, being the first half-yearly instalment of tfca Italian debt under the funding agreement recsntly reached between Mr. Winston Churchill and Count V'olpi, was paid to the account oi the British Treasury to-day.
    45 words
  • 34 9 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, March l-">. A mass mcctirg of Hoe workers deetdad not to accept the decision of the National Coir.mittee of the Amalgamated Engineering Union and declined to r;>iiimp work.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 225 9 Powers Action About Taku Forts. Japan and the Firing On Her Warship. [MUTER TEUCGRAM London, March 15. Peking The Legations have issued a protocol stating that the Powers have instructed their naval commanders at Tientsin to notify the Taku forts authorities that unless within three days the mines
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  • 83 9 [RtUTEB TELEGRAM.] London, Mnrch IS. Vancouver Eight fruit produce firms, representing the Canadian organisation of a larpo United States produce company, with headquarters at St. Paul, were fined $25,000 each under the Canadian anti-Combines Act. The jury considered their verdict for twa days. The case provided one
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 72 9 [BKUTM TELEGRAM.] London, March 15. Washington Senator Borah has introduced a resolution into the Senate requesting the State Department to report what steps have been taken towards th? negotiation of American claims against Great Britain and France m connection with the violation of the rights of neutrals
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  • 64 9 [WIRELESS TIA BUGBY.] Rugby, March IG. Exchange rates New York -I.BC 1/16, Bnseela 107%, Geneva 25.25, Amsterdam 12.1%, Milan 1215., Berlin 20.42, Stockholm 18.13, Copenhagen 18.49, Oslo 22.28, Vienna 31.50, Prague 161, He!singfors 103, Madrid 34.1!», Lisbon 2'i, Rio 7 3/10, Buenos-Aires M%, Bombay la, 6d., Shanghai 3s.
    64 words
  • 31 9 [BEUTCB TELEGRAM.] London, March 15. Cairo The Belgian airman Medaets has departed for Assuan. London, March 15. Brussels The Belgian airmen en route to the Congo have arrived at Atbaru.
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  • 43 9 [REUTER TELEG.IAM.] Ix>ndon, March 15. Lille A serious Are m the Tourcoing waiehouscs destroyed enormous stocks of wool and cotton. The damage estimated at 5 000,000 francs. Two fnemen were killed und 13 injured by the u-llnpue of a roof.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 421 9 Presentation of the Annual Estimates. [WIBXLXSS VTA BUGBT.] Rugby, March 16. Introducing In? Army Estimates for 1926-7 m the House of Commons, Sir Lamin? Worthington-Evans, Secretary for War, said it had not been easy to secure the reduction of £2,000,000 which tbo estimates showed as compared with the
    421 words
  • 63 9 [REUTER TELECRA.M.] London, March 10. Loi;don and Berlin arc now linked up telep*ionically by a line which was opened yesterday sveafcaE. Audibility is quit: satisfactory. Thy service is by an underground eablv to Amsterdam. Overhead wires are oniy used on part of German soil. The charges arc at
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 64 9 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] Londen, March 15. New York The arrival of $:J0,000,000 from Canada during the past fortnight marks the largest movement of gold to New York since th% British shipment m autumn. The remittance is not expected to be greatly increased as the Canadian r*te of exchange,
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 45 9 [REUTEB TELEGRAM.] London, March 15. Mr. Baldwin, at the Ministry of Labour, opened the International Conference convened by the British Government to consider the possibility of an international agreement regulating the hours of Labour. Groat Britain, France, Belgium, Germany, and Italy were represented.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 42 9 [REITKR TELEGBAM.] London, March 13. Government gained a seat by the byelecti n of the English Universities due to the resignation of Mr. H. A. L. Fisher. Sir Arthur Hopkinson, Conservative, polled 2,34:] votes and Mr. Ramsay Muir, Liberal, 2,000.
    42 words
  • 129 9 Over Two Hundred People Killed. [RBUTXR TCLCGKAU.] London, March 18. Boston According to advices from the railway owners 178 were killed and 76 injured by the derailment of an excursion train near San Jose, Costa Rica. Three coaches left the rails and plunged down a 50 feet
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  • 610 9 What it Has Done to Secure Supplies. Jlr. C. B. Scgar, President of the United States Rubber Company, authorizes the following statement In view of tne wide spread public interest m the subject of crude rubber with particular relerence to cultivation by American capital, it is
    610 words
  • 84 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Pt-nan.L', .March, l"i At th.- Assizes to-day a (him Chan Pong Hong v. as sentenced years' imprisonment for being ir-. possession of instium.nts and nateril counterfeiting coins and to a similar term for being m possession of the King's mint, the anrtencea to run
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  • 45 9 We have received a copy of the pro p:r;;ii? arranged for the Anmiel PruM liiceting of the Battalion Ri.V Krala Luir.piK'. The muting will occupy from Kiiday April 2, to Monday April 5. The Kings Priz* will be shot for on Rundi.y.
    45 words
    • 83 9 Morocco. Eilvese, -March 10. According t) the Daily Telegraph, the bumbardment of Tetouan by the RiffKabyles has bom brought to an end a< a result of Spanish troops gaining the adjacent heights m the neighbourhood of Tetouan and completely dislodging the enemy by the concentrated firing
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    • 48 9 Eilvese, March 10. A -ii'struciivp storm occurred off th<> Dalmatian littoia! which was accom panic 1 iiy Mran coM maUm. The frvifhtar Ci'lno was driven t > the coast and severely damaKcd. A pavt of the crew n'as drowncii. At Spalato, a train was .leraik'l.
      48 words
    • 24 9 Eilvese, March 10. A considerable number of wounded ildien belonging to the troops of General Feng have arrived at Tientsin.
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    • 35 9 The Hague, March 10 The formation of a Hungarian oil combine, under the joint management of tho V'acuni Oil C >mpany and the Koyul Shell Group is anticipated provided negotiations are successful.
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    • 52 9 The Hague, March 10 The Royal Dutch Airway Company intends to resume its old air service between Amsterdam and Paris via Rotterdam, m view of the inauguration of the I'arisMaraeillea air service m June this year. The distance between Amsterdam and Marseilles could be covered m
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    • 60 9 X:iuen, March 10, The object of the British Ambassador ■1 Constantinople m visiting Angora is apparently mysterious, as part of the British press claims that he went there to offer Turkey a new oompromlM on the Mosul affair. Others say that he has protested against the Turks
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    • 30 9 Nauen, March 10, 1 Jjpan intenJs to promote its Consul-Gf-neial at Shangha to the position of Ambassador to enable him to act indej pendently of Peking.
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    • 62 9 Eilvese, March 10, A report received m London states that the troops of the Sultan of Yemen captur;ed che town of Midi after besieging it Ifjr two months. The Whabi troops are fieeimr from the city and offerinir little n sijtance. An American cruiser has already
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    • 37 9 Nauen, March 10 The London section of the British Railway Employees Union have put up a new programme which includes a wage increase of ten .shillings per week and a minrmani wage of £'•'> monthly.
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    • 34 9 Nauen, March 11 Three thousand miners who were laid off m the Thyssen mines at Hambourn, la the Ruhr district, have now !>een retngancl, following an improvement m the coal trade.
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    • 47 9 Nauen, March 1 1 A terrific .torm accompanied by snow and heavy rainfall swept the North Sea as well as the Baltic Sea. Part of the roof of the Hamburg railway station was torn away and many trees uprooted. Berlin alao experienced the terrible blizzard.
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    • 29 9 Nauen, March 11 Statistics published m New York show that last year the city's beauty parlour i registered 100,000 women clients, who spent altogether $400,000,000.
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    • 26 9 Nauen, Hard) 1 1 John D. Rockefeller's marble palace t gather with all its valuable art collec tions, h#s been destroyed bf fire.
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    • 30 9 N'auen, March 11 The German Simons Halske Electrical Works last year made v proiit of N.H24,01X) marks. It has been decided to pay ;i (< per cent, dividend.
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    • 30 9 N'auen, Mann 11 The German surveying steamer Meteor, which returned from Cape Town from a trip to the South Atlantic, report* the entire disappearance of Thompson Island.
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    • 28 9 Nauen, March 11 A Belgian airplane carrying two officers and n mechanic arrived at Belgrade on their '.iay from Brussels to the Belgian Cong).
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    • 24 9 Berlin, March 11 The Brazilian delegate, Sr. Mello Franco, visited Chancellor Luther to-day, hut result* of the parley remain secret.
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 50 10 Australian Team Beat State Side At Perth. [Reuter Telegram.] Londmv March 15. Perth The- Außtralian tourinjc team beat West Australia by an innings >^nd 45 runs. West, Australia scored 2&% i (FremantU *7) and 97. Australia made 424 for nine wickets and declared, Taylor makinjr 148 nd Ponsfurd 102.
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 258 10 The natch between St. Joseph's Old Boys' Association and the Lanka Union, both teams fielding ten men, ended m victory for the former. The Union went m first and made 70 runs, R. H. de Kretset scoring 11» and Thambipillai 16. P. d'A.meida was the most successful
      258 words
    • 177 10 HOME FOOTBALL. POLO. Golf. [Reuter Telegram.] London, March 15. In a sixth round Cup replay Bolton beat Notts Forest I—o at Manchester. In the third division, southern section, of the League Merthyr lost to Charlton o—l. The following will represent the St. Joseph's Old Boys' Association against R.A. on the
      Reuter  -  177 words
    • 148 10 TANGLIN CLUB TENNIS. Hockey Results of yesterday's play Dyne Cap. Miss Gunn and Miles, owe 15.4 beat Miss Stephenson and Webb, scr., 6—4,6 4, C— 3. Handicap Doubles Men. Dyne and Milligan, owe 1 beat Hewitt and Riches, owe 15, w.o. Green and Wild, owe 15 beat Bell and Nitoll,
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  • 91 10 Two Arrests m Pulau Minyak Affair. Two Chinese were arrested m Oashin Street by Inspector Farquharson, of the Rochore Division, and were charged before Mr. H. R. Bull m the Second Police Court, this morning, with the alleged murder of three Chinese. This is a sequel to
    91 words
  • 66 10 (The Str»iti Timt* U not rciponiibU for the opinion* of iU eoTMipondenta. (Jorr» spundenti ihould bear m mind that letter* must be ahort and to the point. Lone rtmbllng epiitle* are liable to be rejected or mti)lei«t7 cut down. Correspondent nit •ncloie their name*, not neceaiarily for publication but
    66 words
  • 2180 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, However risky it may be to don the mantle of the prophet it seems so likely that restriction will last for at least a few m6nths and then become to all intents and purposes of the past I venture to
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  • 126 10 Wealthy Chinese Sent To Prison. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, March 16. Tui Kern, a wealthy Chinese married woman, of Taiping, was Convicted last December at the instance of the Protector of Chinese, for ill-treating an odopted girl of 13 by beating her and rubbing powdered
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  • 135 10 Changes m British Official Circles. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, March 15. Kin?: Bawfi hes conferred on His Royal Highness Prince Domrong the Grand Cross tf St. Michael and St. George on the occasion of the coronation of the King of Siam. The British Minister fend Mrs.
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  • 143 10 •Bey Charged with Murdering His Mother. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 16. When detectives were making their rounds last night at the third mile Cheras Road, they saw a Chinese dsrt across the road and run away. Suspicion being roused the detectives pursued the man »n<t
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  • 172 10 Singapore's Effort to Re-claim The Ashes." The annual interport shoot will take place between April 16, and May 31. The actual shoot will probably be on Sunday, May 30. The match is open to teams from Shanghai, Hongkxmg, Penang and Singapore, picked from residents who have resided
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  • 133 10 The Municipal health statement for the week ending March 6, gives the total number of deaths as 215 representing a death rate of 27.38 per mille per annum compared with 25.34 m the preceding week and 20 07 m the corresponding week of last year. The chief
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  • 198 10 Supreme Court Application Granted. The winding up of the Alor Bukit Rubber Estates m November, 1923, and the subsequent appointment of c committee of inspection came to the notic of the Chief Justice (Sir William Muri8ot>) yesterday, when Mr. J. B. David, a creditor of the company
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  • 377 10 Congratulations on Opening of New Building. Dr. G. H. Macalister, Principal of King Edward VII College of Medicine, sends us copies of two letters from two leading members of the medical profession m Great Britain, conveying their good wishes on the occasion of the opening of the
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  • 109 10 Chinese Acquitted of Capital Charge. Yesterday afternoon, m the A?sizj Court, before Mr. Justice Deane, a Chinese was acquitted of the murder of Seah Enjr Cheng, at Pulau Bukoni, on January 28. The story was that a Rambling quarrel took place m which two persons were killed. In
    109 words
  • 85 10 Six Submarines and Two Parent Ships. Six submarines and two parent ships attached to the China Squadron are lying at the man-of-war anchorage this morning, having arrived from Hongkong: overnight. The surface ships are the Titania and Ambrose, each of which has charge of three submarines, and
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  • 71 10 The Palacegay Cinema change their programme to-night with further new episodes of Elmo, the Fearless, and Fight and Win serials, supported by Burning Words, featuring Roy Stewart, and comedies. The management of the Pavilion informs us that the Hunchback of the Notre Dame competition has boen won hy
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  • 441 10 Sporting Record of New Regiment The defeat of the Chinese footballers by the 2nd Battalion, Duke of Wellington's Regiment, at Singapore, indicates the calibre of the newcomers m one branch of iport but the Regiment appear to have icaped a full share of spbrting honours m
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  • 181 10 Action Against Dato Gawler In Johore. The Hon. Di-to Gawler, administrator of the estate of the late Dato Jaafar bin Hadji Mi named, was defendent m an action heard before Mr. Justice Mc-Cabe Reay at Johore Bahru, on Sunday, m which H.H.the Sultan of Johore was onu
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  • 338 10 Action taken at a meeting of committed No. r j h-jld on March 10 Empowered the C.R.E.J. to deal with the appointment and dismissal of all the Johore water scheme temporary staff not under agreement. Recommended, subject to the sanction rf the Covemor-in-Council, that a ifr»tuity of £100
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  • 2353 11 Steel Houses For Scotland. By Our Special Correspondent. London, February JB. When Mr. Baldwin was speaking >»t Stirling a week or two njro he referred to tli- housing renditions m Scotland :in<] to the proposal t j build 2,000 steel hoUMI of Urn W(ir lypo al a <.-o*t
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 122 11 WHEN YOU SAY "The Best that Money Can Buy" YOU MEAN A Stein way S. Moutrie Co., Ltd. RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. Sole Agent*. ♦♦»«♦■♦■♦> at Corona The Premier Portable typewriter is now obtainable by the deferred payment system. Over 500,000 m use to-day. Get your's now from RONEO LTD. COIXYEIi
      122 words
    • 207 11 Raffles Hotel Telephone No. 2920. SARKIES BROS. Proprietors. To-night, Thursday and Saturday The Great International Characteristic Classical Russian Dancers. Miss Ladova and Youry Yourlo Amission to Non-Diners $1. A. F. PEATE, Manager. ADELPHI HOTEL EVERY TUESDAY, 5.30— 7J0 pjn. TEA DANCE EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL DINNER AND DANCE Telephones
      207 words

  • 649 12 Interesting Chat with Dr. Adolph Stahl. Dr. Adolph Stahl, of the Crescent Athletic Club, Brooklyn, New York, and a famous Ring Time-keeper, who is visitiag (..ilombo, sportingly agreed to act n> timekeeper, m a local meet and he wa3 accorded a hearty vote of thanks at
    649 words
  • 100 12 Programme of drills up to and for March 21. 1926. Tuesday. March IG, 5.15 p.m., Drill Hall. S.R.A. (v). Gun laying, etc. Wednesday, March 17, 5.15 p.m., Drill Hall, M.G. Platoon, Gun Drill. rYiday, March 19, 5.15 p.m.. Drill Hall. M.G. Platoon, Gun Drill 5.16 p.m.. Drill
    100 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 298 12 There s a Fisk Tyre of Extra Value for every Car or Truck i jBHHBBRIKsBHBIfcWHsIs^sBsBBsrWI 1 High Pressure and Balloon Tyres and Tubes THE FISK TIRE EXPORT COMPANY, INC. 14, CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS, SINGAPORE. The WonderWvrkmg Zooc of Kfelvinatioii \\^j -m which foods keep fresh for days Just a few
      298 words
    • 385 12 Two sportsone smoke Fishing or shooting? Each sport has its adherents believing their pastime unrivalled. But both agree that for cigarettes there can be only one choice VIRGINIA CIGARETTES y MADE I>: LONDON GHEONG KOON SENG GO. AUCTION SALE of Pincapoiv town and country properties At Messrs. CfwOMg Koon Scnjr
      385 words
    • 409 12 PRELIMINARY NOTICE AUCTIOTs.\L£ of very valuable Ei;r. j. -o- Iperty situ.iud nt tki .it Timah and Cjivaru!;h Beads li- :."n witliin aaay rcneh of tha i.> und busi* I ness premises. Comprising tin oil desinad and substnntially built my dwelling houses well ■sntainad and m a Bond state of repair.
      409 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 476 13 £j&& y Not only because it's Bri t ish \>Sf but because it's best. (J$ 1 On ever count Morris Cars, wlitther the stiajgotfanranl Coulev or c7t tbe de luxe Oxford, ar* quite tbe best value m iiiuuiru); 10 ilav. In si I coil incudes tbe fullest possible equipiren: KunniiiK
      476 words
    • 338 13 %jp Im r\ W %Jr t% EU «w CREAM CRACKERS CRISP AND CREAMY The name "Crawford" is closely associated v.jth their Cream Crackers. The sale is enormous, and is steadily increasing an evidence of public appreciation and public recognition of their delightful flavour, their uniform quality, and their general excellence.
      338 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 517 14 Assets over $5,500,000 S.C. Assurance m force over $19,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m Straits Settlement!.) HKAD OFFICE Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 62, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and compile! vita the British Life Assurance Companies
      517 words
      593 words
    • 502 14 "NEDERLANDSCH INDISCHE HANDELSBANK (NETH. INDIA COMMERCIAL BANK) Established lMi:(. CAPITAL F. 60.000.000 (about i' 3.000,000.* ISSUED Fl. 65,000.000 (about £4.600.000) RESERVE FUND Fl. 23.300.000 (about a-l.MO.000) HEAD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM. SUB-AGENCIES IN THE HAGUE AND ROTTERDAM. EASTERN HEAD OFFICE, BATAVIA. BRANCHES Hongkong. Shanghai, Kobe, Medan, Sourabaya, Semarang, Bandoeng, Weltevreden, Cheribon,
      502 words
    • 431 14 BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN,' LIMITED. (Incorporated by Special Charter m Japan) CapitHl Subscribed Y4. r i,000.000 j Capital Paid-up Y39,87f.,Q0« I Reserve Fund V 1,760,000 President H. Mwii, Esq. DIRECTORS G Kawasnki, Esq. T. Sisumune, Esq. D. Takita, Esq. I M. Shuto. Esq. head otnea Taipeh, Formosa (Taiwaa). BRANCHES
      431 words
    • 1010 14 IN THE COURT OF THE JUDGE AT JOHORE BAHRU. Originating Summons No. 6 of 1926. In the matter of Section 486 of the Civil Procedure Coa'e 191K and m the matter of Johore (iovernment I. rant for Land No. 651) m-w registered under The Land Enactment l!M0." m tin- Land
      1,010 words
    • 910 14 FOR SALE The Trustees of the Lokt Tew Estate invite SEPARATE tenders for the following Rubber Estates, of which the particulars are brief y (is follows KAMPONG JAVA ESTATE. Tail Estate is situated on the old Klanc Damansara Road, being some 8 miles from X!. rf, and approximately 25 miles
      910 words

  • 873 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. Flexible "Glass." The Vienna correspondent of The Motor writes as ilows The leccni artic!«l m The Motor describing flexible gln--s an important new organic substance aioused widespread interest, not only m Groat Britain, but also m Europe generally, all the important
    873 words
  • 79 15 Followinir a six weeks' leisurely journey through the French and Belgian canals five vessels, comprising the British Rhine flotilla, were proceeding 1 Homeward after seven years' service according to a London cable of February 28. They encountered a rough sea emerging into the Channel at nig-ht and parted company. One
    79 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 169 15 (ESSEX) SALES INCREASE EVERY MONTH fESSEXI ([MOTORSJ CCCCU |essex| riiii I A motors! fESSEXI AI A MOTOF?^! Will TOURING CAR $1,890 Wire wheels, if desired, $89 extra. MALAYAN MOTORS (Proprietors WEARNE BROS, LTD.) ARE YOU COMING HOME ON LEAVE? If to, Rimell Al!sdp. of 54. New Bond Street, offer
      169 words
    • 377 15 ir--E-rr —Til EUJ'vy-3 V''^[wf9 B lwe^^L.7 t W( TF' V A Challenge to all Cars/ DRIVE the New Jewett And when you need specd yourself! Give this won- Jewett is ready instantly der car your own kind of test From 2 miles hour t0 t0 P Sit back of the
      377 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 201 16 DIAMOND MERCHANTS MAY COME AM) DIAMOND MERCHANTS MAY GO BUT ISMAIL A. RAHEEM REMAIN FOR EVER. It is to your advantage to inspect our loose diamonds and set Jewellery. ISMAIL A. RAHEEM CROWN lI.W XI.I.XX AND RENOWN KD MAM KA CTI RER. Telegrams Telephone TIIAIBA." 2292. No. 82-1 and yi-2,
      201 words
    • 419 16 BRUNOLINUM (WOOD PRESERVATIVE) It is an absolute protection against the ravages of WHITE ANTS and other insects, and against DECAY, DRY ROT, FUNGI, etc. LEE KIM SOO 20, HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. COMPOSITION STYLE By R. D. BLACK MAN. A Complete Literary Handbook and Manual for Student?, with a Guide to
      419 words
    • 1017 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ¥ns PREPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc, In ordinary close set trpe Uvemge six words to line) are Per line One insertion 28 cents, two Ins. 48 cts., three Ins. 64 cts., four ins. 82 cents, five Ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.13, ten ins. 11-40,
      1,017 words
    • 624 16 SITUATIONS WANTED ESTATE MANAGER, widely experienced, mcrried, just returned from leave, offers immediate services. 447, Straits Times. RUBBER PLANTER, with several years VHluable managerial experience m F.M.S., offers services. Interview London. Apply ■11m, Straits Times. WANTFD, position as miner. Good experience and references. One from Pahang Consolidated Mine. H. Wallls,
      624 words
    • 99 16 FURNITURE FOR THE HOME OFFICE ESTATE No order too small None too large Correct Prices Prompt delivery FRANKELS OF VICTORIA STREET, also RAFFLES PLACE. "THE MAPLES OF THE EAST." CONCRETE LAWN ROLLERS The Ideal Roller For Grass Courts Instill TENNIS (OIRT *{r\J\J IN SK-T.AI'ORF.. S. E. Etablisscments BROSSARD MOPIN (Incorporated
      99 words
    • 359 16 A BOOK OF THE CHINESE ABROAD Uy H. F. Macnair. Ph. D. Professor Macnair has put together m this volume a mass of useful information, gnthored from documents, historical records, periodicals, yearbook etc., on Chinese emigration and told the story m an interesting way. An attempt is made to give
      359 words