The Straits Times, 12 March 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 28,117. PRICE 10 CENTS SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1926
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 95 1 GARRON PORTABLE RANGES PRICE PRICE WITHOUT BOILER e^^^^~-^~ WITH BOH ER AND WITH Inn!^?^?^!^^ AN:' ('ALLON( 'ALL0N The "Tony Weller" Range Having two ovens and large fire box. For burning wood or coal. Fall-down fire door and ash-pan. Size 48 ins. wide, 28 ins. high, 24 ins. deep. ROBINSON COMPANY,
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    • 2 1 VOm BAFY.
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  • 484 2 Death of Missionary who Coached Stevenson. I Another link with Robert Louis 8tev«nson is snapped by the death of Mr. Samuel James Whitmee. Mr. Whitmee, who was born in 1838, first went out to Samoa for the London Missionary Society in 1863. He did important pioneering,
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  • 391 2 Earl of Craven's Description Of Immigration Commissioner. He was an awful swin? who vowed he would get me," was the description of Mr. Curren given by the Earl of Craven during an interview after he arrived at Montreal on February 16 from Boston. He bemoans his lot and
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  • 106 2 The Mempakul correspondent of the British North Borneo Herald writes Seaplane No. 43 was clearly seen here by all on February 8 at 3.35 pm This is the first time that a seaplane Jas been seen m Mempakul. No. 43 flew from the start at Labuan and on the return
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  • 68 2 A meeting of Muhammedans was held recently m the Resident's Office Tawau, British North Borneo, when a committee of seven prominent Muhammedans. with the Resident as Chairman, was formed with the object of building a new and substantial mosque m Tawau. It is proposed to raise the sum of $3,500
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 481 2 FREE -10-Day Tube jfk Note Coupon IHp'S^Ha^HssV Maybr loriously clear, g^ '^»W.. •.♦l/Jl' sinnly cliuopJ, v/:th.-> rim coat. Mak* <J^BW^ this rsmcrkcble test and find out. iSw Dazzling M/\ White m(I J Teeth /r- I a Here is the quick, 1/ JK MRI/i are widely urging Make this i nique
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    • 153 2 (7*) f«Sii NATURE'S REMEDY Clements TcnJc it Nature's greatest remedy for the nerves and brain, loss of appetite, debility, po«mus of blood, neuralgia, insomnia, etc., and is strengthenaod reliable. In the fatiguing tropical atnio»hrr« yon will appreciate the nourishing stimulus of this invigorating medicine, as H promotes normal health, energy
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    • 401 2 Dh obi's Itch Ringworm Sores For mJcrobic skin diseases such as ringworm and dhobi's itcli, Germok'ne is specific. It is easily applied, gives quick relief, and is v splendid safeguard also. (ierraolone !m prorad it-- sAeaejr all ovi-r tlio world In Urn MM •>[ such skin NBMiSN M dfaoW'l itch,
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  • 311 3 Objection to Post OffinControl. In England wireless communication I with tht- Overs*-** Dominions docs "<" appear to be ;i subject of major Importance in the eyes of the Government. which has. been deeply concerned with such questions ns the Locarno Piu-t and foreign debts settlements," stated Mr. (I.
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  • 293 3 William Jacks and Co., writing from I. mien OB February 11, state I The past week has b«>n irrejjular, <luo, a i 'icHeved, to America bringinit pressurfl to bear upon France to put her financial affairs m order rigfcUHMjr, but ap.::t front that, everythins points t.i trade being
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  • 210 3 I j BMUrhaMc story comes frill OUT ndent at Sri VUipottar, m ti:e R;imn::(l ili.-trirt. Tinni-vi-lly. It appears |lhat about v month apo, member of ttuiv.eavci- caste. Sumiappan, j-ged about .'5O >cnn. unred that he mi I disciple of •s-.isu Swamy. of local fnme, a id that
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  • 115 3 Before t irint fwnißpililai G. F. Hole :n the llnntrkitng Marine Court on March :i, J. W. Smith. :in aLle seaman OB the Blue Funnel steamer Knight Companion, w.-is hM to priaoa for four months for having iinlawfully, wilfully and continuously disobeyed the lawful -mr4i of Captnin' G. C. Reed,
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  • 82 3 Tinders are invited for the following Improvement* to the Tuipinpr Post Office, extension to the Surgical Ward. Ipoh. crtvtion of new post-mortem moM ami mortuary. District Hospital, Kuala I.tiniDUr, formation of flood channels on the Solaniroi river by the. cutting through of five tanjonjrs between Tennamaxam and Sungei Ramhai estates,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 217 3 EAGLE and GLOBE j capita!, steel works, sheffield, high speed steel mining steel nickel Chrome steel v.' s chrome spring steel S S*^ FARQUHARSON'S '^irf^k QUICK RELEASE DRILL CHUCKS fp TUNGSTEN, STEEL SAW > /ft/ ■Fn hi BLADES. Capital hisrh speed twist drills. UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED m Btwiiti Bo'.tlemeDTi)
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    • 777 3 X VS^B^B^B^B^B^B HEf effiß JJ^T THIS FINE LITTLE FELLOW Live* m I'erak. l\.r II ik Freedom I'rom Strnnneh Trmihtes His Father Thank* HABYS OWN TABLETS. Most of the. troubles of childhood originate m disorder, d Stomach and bowels. Baby's Own Tablets quickly relieve infantile indiigcaeiect, checfc diarrhoea, reduce fever, allay
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    • 849 3 NOTICE In the Estate of LOW WAH. deceased.— Pursuant to Section 131 of the Probate and Administration Enactment 1915. XOTICK is hereby (riven that all creditors and other persons having iiny claims or demands uppn or against the estate of Low VVah, deceased, late of Bandn Maharnni. ■oar, who died
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    • 707 3 IPOH GYMKHANA CLUB SKY MEETING. (Inder Kulea of Kacinf). KirM Races fur all Ponies. Tour Racea fin all Horses— Two Kates for Pol» Ponies. Two Races for Hacks. Two Consolation I{;ices. Entrirs close at T, p.m. on Saturday, March •J7. MM, at the Secretary's One Unlimitel s.. Caet
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 526 4 Shipping Announcements N.Y.K. UNE (NIPPON YUSEN RAISRA) LONDON LINE Marseilles, London and Antwerp Vessels Tonnag* Dn* Ball BTJWA MARU 11,000 Mar. 18 19 FUSHIMI MARU 11,000 Apr. 1 2 HAKOZAKI MARU 11,000 Apr. 16 16 HAKUSAN MARU 11.000 Apr. 29 80 KITANO MARU 8,000 May IS 14 HARUNA MARU 11,000
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    • 487 4 THE SIAM STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. (Incorporated m Slam) BANGKOK COASTING SERVICE. For Kretay, Kemaman, Kelantan, Bangnar^, Telupin, Patani, Singora, Lacon, Bandon, Kohsemui, Langsuan, Chumpon and Bangkok. Arrival Departur* MALINI Mar. 15 Mar. 17 VALAYA Mar. 22 Mar. 24 SUDDHADIB Mar. 29 Mar. 31 MALINI Apl. 5 Apl. 7 FOR
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    • 551 4 K. P. M. (ROYAL PACKET NAY. CO. OF DATAVIA) (Incorporated m Holland) Under contract with the NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT Telephone No. 3640. with sub-connection to Passage, Freight, Transhipment, Mnrinc Depts. and Managers' Desk. Representative for Singapore and Straits Settlements of the Official Tourist Bureau of Java. All information, supplying of
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    • 359 4 BURNS PHILP UNE (Incorporated m Australia) FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, VIA JAVA, DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE Regular monthly sailing by the well known Mi.,! MARELLA f7,375 tons) and MALABAR (4,512 tons). The s.a. MARELLA is the 111 1- 1 >- < s t und finest steamer trading to Australia, Cabins
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 500 5 Shipping Announcements ELLERMAN BUKCNALL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. (Incorporated m England.) "ELLKKMAN" MXE PASSEN'GF.R AND FREIGHT SERVICES TO UNITED KINGDOM and CONTINENT \iu PORTS and BURS CANAL. FKEHiHT SEKVICES OOTWARDB I ■'ROM (O.NTiNKNT For Hongkoni;, Shanghai and Japsn S.s. KATIILAMKA Mar. 28 IHIMKWARDS London, lluttirdum and Hamtnirß a.s. KORANNA Mar. 11
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    • 396 5 AUSTRAL-EAST INDIES LINE (Incorporated m England. I Ragslar Pasaalliai and Freight Service via JAVA I'OKTS to FKEMANTLE (W. A.), ADELAIDE, MELBOURNE and SYDNEY maintained by Tuns Sailing 192S M. CITY OF PALERMO 5,900 Mar. 13 s.s. MERTON HALL (limited passenger accommodation) Apl. 7 s.s. CITY OF PALERMO 8,900 May 7
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    • 448 5 lOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINE! ROUND-THE-WORLD r.VSSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE BOSTON and NEW YORK via PORT SAID, ALEXANDRIA, NAPLES, GENOA »nd MARSEILLES. 3R Days to Boston II 41 Days to New York Oilburncrs. No coal dust. No cinders. Absolute Cleanliness. From New York these fine new liners continued on Round the World,
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    • 501 5 !l INDO-CHINA STEAM NAY. COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated m Hongkong) Direct Bcirie* to Java tU Hongkooi aad Shangkal and to Calcutta via Paaaag from 9ingapor«. Taking cargo on throngs Bills of Lading lor Canton, Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Cbsfoo,, NVwchwang, Yangtzs Ports, Formosa, the Philippines, ate. FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA HOSANG
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    • 216 5 ERASMIC The Dainty SOAP. S«lt Atcnta for Malays. Ql 7Ki D.ARBY CO., LTD. MM. "MJiSS I3*>U« b»» U. ■■"•rot. W, Don't Buy More Blades BUY AN "ALLEGRO" AUTOMATIC HONINP AND r*IS STROPPING MACHINE AND ISE I *£*ffism YOUR OLD BLADES AGAIN L W* The Allejfi"o guarantees ata t lean '-^Lj*
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 683 6 GAIETY CINEMA Attention! TO-NIGHT at 9.30 William Christy Cabanne's Big I'roduction of THE SIXTH COMMANDMENT Starring WILLIAM FAVERSHAM Trnwe drama, (oloor.'-il Romance, ThrillK, Suhpi-.iM'. all maish i!l«) ttXCUMV :n an iulensely human screen d.»ai.:-iit Eve"s Film Review MAX UNDER m MAX WANTS A DIVORCE First Show at 7.30 TWENTY YEARS
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    • 382 6 Victoria Theatre LAST TWO NIGHTS OF R. B. SALISBURY COMPANY THE QUAINTS TO-NIGHT at 9.30 SATURDAY, at 5 and 9.30 p.m. LAST THREE PERFORMANCES OF NO, NO, NANETTE Don't wait for your grandchildren to take you Special Matinee Saturday, 5 NO, NO, NANETTE School Children Half Price to $4
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    • 474 6 Look for "VELOX" on the back A paper has to be as good as a paper can be, to stand the searchlight of a trade-mark. Velox does justice to the trade-mark. When you see the word Velox lightly tinted on the back, you will be certain that ycur prints have
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  • 278 7 FIXTURES. Friday, March 12 II ij ii Water, 8.46 a.m., 10.23 Malacca High Tide, 6.20 a.m., 6 ft. 2 m. p.m., C ft. 1 m. Australasian nail closes, 4 p.m. I. and O. homeward mail, ti«m. N<., No, Nanette, Victoria Theatre. ilan.istons Circus, U. 15 p.m.
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  • 277 7 Friday, M:irch IS. Ship* alongside the Whanrta or uvaetad to arrive. KKCI-KI. HARBOUR. r. .::.i, S] ir-tu-i. DrinlL. Oil Wharf Nil Cm! Wharf Nil VESSELS IN DKY DOCK. Tsnjunf P»«»r Shoers Wharf Nil Albe-r- Dock Acardo Victoria Dock I'crak Krpprl Harboar Kintr'-' Dock City of Baroda, Gik-.R
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  • 147 7 To-day Afiira and South-East of South America (Knmakura Maru) 3 p.m Nrrih, North-East and North-Wesi Sumatra (Uc-ynst) 3 p.m. Siain. except Lower Siam (Kamu4 P-'-n. Chinu, Hulnam, Japan, Korea, Formosa, East Siberia, Philippine Islands, Western Canada and Westatei of I" S.A. (Tsushima 4 p.m. J.paa (Paresis) (Tsushima
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  • 43 7 lulmn da Witt h:ilon(^i l'»tri» h'unla;m-bleiiu M.ilv.n K. .I<T NYilrilnp.Irn B'por* L*a4oi Jan. 'i'.t Fab. Z K*b. 4 Foh. 2 Feb. 6 Fab. 2' Feb. 10 Mar I 1 Vl>. 11 M«r. I n lVb. 12 M»r. U ilei p.
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  • 225 7 Macphail and Co., Ltd. Singapore, March 12. Rubber.— Local 1.07Vb per lb. Tin.— London JC2BG 10s. Rubbers. Shares are firm. Jeram Kuantans ne quoted 1.77,4-1.82 1 ,4 and Ulu IK-nuts at 74-78 cents. New Scudais have buyers at 2.90, Malaka Pindas at 2.90 and I'nitoii Malaccas at
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  • 266 7 (L. K. Macphail.) Singapore, March 12.. Robber.—2s. 4»4d. fed. up. Local $1.08. Tin.—i'2B6 10s. 455. up. Th'- rubber share market continues l;.im with ir«od buying enquiries. Mining shares remain steady. Industrials and Loans can all be placed at quotations. Rubbers. —Bassetts made 1.40. Malaka Pindas are
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  • 90 7 Si:; parties have been deputed by Iraam Haji Mohammed Yousof bin Haji Mohamn.ed Said, J.P., Chief Kadi, Singapore, to do the official observation of the new moon of the fasting; month Ramadan, 1844, A.H., (1920) on Sunday, the 29th clay of Sha'ban, 1844, equal to March
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  • 94 7 Treasury officials estimate that bootleggan smuggled over 5100.000,000 worth of liquor across the Mexico and Canadian borders m 1925, including over 300,000 gallons of Canadian beer, several hundred thousand gallons of Canadian aic. and about 400,000 quarts of genuine whisky. In the rrcantime over 100,000 quarts of tequilla, which is
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  • 231 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, March 12. On London, Bank 4 m/» 2/4% Demand 2/4 Private 3m. credits 2/4 17/32 On New York Demand 56 9/16 Private 90 d/s 58 9/16 On France Bank T.T. 1500 On India Bank T.T 18l On Hongkong, Bank d/d »4 p.c. prem. On Shanghai,
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  • 63 7 Singapore Standard Pale Crepe dosing Prices Buyerg. Sellers. >pot and March Spot and March ,>rit June April-June uly-Sept July-Sept. Tone of Market Very firm. Latest London cables quote Spot sheet 2s. 4%d. Singapore Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices Buyers. Sellers. 1.08 1.03 V4
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    • 238 7 Issue Val. Pd. Buyers Sellers Cl £1 Asam Kumbang 54/.- 55/1 1 Batang Padang 0.75 0.80 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.42V4 1.47>,4cd. 1 1 Idris Hydraulic 54/- 55/1 1 Johan Tin 56/- 59/10/- 10/- Kampong 52/- 53/-. cd. El £1 Kamunting Tin 67/- G8/6 10 10 Kinta Asso. 9.50
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    • 132 7 Issue Val. Pd. Buyers Seller* il £1 B. Am. Tobacco 6.5.0 5.10.0 10 10 Central Enginea 9.00 9.50 El £1 E. Smelting Co. 14.00 14.25 10 1C FlCMT Ncave 4'J.OO 48.00 100 100 Hammer Co. 160.00 170.00 100 100 Katz Bros. riot. 2UO.00 220.00 10 10 Mexican Ea?L> 19/1
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    • 81 7 U. Eng. 6 p.c. $1,234,300 par 110 Spore Municipal 5 p.e. i *1,*****0 of 1930 P*r 107. f-^ s iy\^\7^ vx- co wi i ;.iuni-iral 4V, xte of 1909 $1,100,000 90 pai j Spore Municipal 4 p.c. of 19X3 i $2,000,000 80—90 S.S. 5H p.e. Loan 1919 $36,710,000 104.%
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    • 369 7 Fraser and Co. and I.yali and Evatt's Quotations. To-day's Prices Fraser Lyall Co. Evatt. Allcnby (SI) 3.20 3.30 3.20 3.25 Alor Gajah ($1) 2.85 3.00cd. 2.75 2.85 A. Hitam ($5) 21.00 22.00 21.00 22.00 A. Kuning ($1) 1.35 L4i 1.30 1.40 Am. Malay ($2) WO ISO 1.00 4.13
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 98 7 RENE ULLMANN Recommends his TIEMPO Pure Nickel I'ockct Watches with jewelled lever movement at $8.50 each and his Solid 14 Kt. Gold Wrist Watch with 15 Jewels lever movement m assurted patterns at $18.00 each and many other kinds of watches each absolutely guaranteed and delivered m a suitable box.
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    • 22 7 HAVE YOU SEEN the full range of Cocarette-de-Luxc Cameras all fitted with ZEISS TESSAR LENSES. COMPUR SHUTTERS. A product of Contcssa Nettel
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    • 584 7 Dr. ami Mrs. V. S. HUNT1.R p.p.c. Mantua. Mrs. L. M. 0ATTE1 p.p.c. s.s. Mantua, i Mrs. HARRY GILD p.p.c. s.i, .Mantua. Mr. II. W. T. FOGDEN p.p.c. s.r. Mantua. Mrs. F. A. MORRELL p.p.c. Mi Mantua. BABY SHOW A Baby Show will be held in the Victoria Memorial Hall
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    • 846 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Oth«r Classified Adyta., ae« page II. WANTS, KOR SALE, ETC. WANTED a collie dog. BtaU kg*, colour, »ize, price, etc. to 44.". Straits TllMS. WANTED a Chinese shipptag clerk for fum of British merchants. Apply 443, Straits Times. \VAXTKD~a Chinese salesman with knowledge of bazaar provision trade. Apply
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 68 7 METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Station. (By Courtesy of Government Health Office). For the 24 hoorn ending at Midnight on Marc!) 11, 1S26. .log. Mi'.x. shade temperature 88.3 F Min. shade tcmpcrt'Uirc 1Z V. Mcar. shade temperature 73.SF. on radiation lof> f. Mm. grass radiation TO 1" Sen Icm-cri'.turu 80 F.
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  • 43 8 A High Mass for the repose of the <!e:<ei will be sung at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, on Saturday, the 13th n ot 7 a.m. Relatives arid friend of tho« who have pussed away IN earnestly rcuuested to atltnd.
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  • 1077 8 FRIDAY, MARCH 12. BRITISH COAL TRADE. The Ccal Commission hr.s struck out a line of its own. It rejects the view of the employers that the only practicable remedy is to reduce wajres, lengthen hours »nd decrease railway rates. Also it disagrees with the Miners Federation advocacy of nationalisation, on
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  • 30 8 The rate of issue of Money Orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 152=5100. The rate of payments of Money Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. IGS ?100.
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  • 32 8 The choir of St. Gregory of the Church of Sacred Heart, Tank Road will celebrate the feast of its patron by holding a musical high mass on Sunday next at 7 a.m.
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  • 38 8 Barlow and Co. report under date March 11 :—Prices: Prices after touching $12.45 gundried copra have dropped away slightly, but the market is quietly steudy. Approximately 600 tons have changed hands. Closing quotations are :—Sundried $12.20, niixeJ $12.03.
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  • 17 8 Mrs. Chnrlotte Houston, wife of the Assistant Harbour Master at Calcutta, fell dtacl m a Southend shop.
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  • 58 8 Last month a solitary London morning m wapapav featured a report that the King would shortly go on a holiday ir, the Mediterranean, and that the Prince ot Wales wouid not for his Majesty during his absence, and thus be brought into closer touch with the Government. Subsequently it was
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  • 61 8 Our Penang correspondent telegraphs that the annual report of the Penang Lib.a'-y shows the financial position to be sound, the balance for the current year being $2,729 and the amount of the de'wsit at the Chartered Bank $5,000. The library is now well equipped with books. Last year 567 books
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  • 71 8 Three thousand cotton workers, employed m the Java-China Cotton Mill, at Shanghai, were on strike when the last mail left. The N.-C. Daily News says the strike is being waged over the right :f the labourers to dictate t:> the management with regard to the employment of labour, or t->
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  • 79 8 The Northbrook Society is returning ;rom the Imperial Institute to 21, Cromwell Road, states a London telegram of March 1, and is co-operating with the National Indian Association m organising functions for friendly British and Indian intercourse. About half the annual income of the Northbrook Society is being devoted to
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  • 93 8 Serious damage U> the cables m the harbour at Hongkong was caused on Mrrch 4 by the U.S.S. Jnson, the flagship if the U.S. Asiatic Fleet Air Squadrcn, .n her arrival from Manila. The warship arrived soon after 8 a.m. and made for the Admiralty No. 1 buoy, but before
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  • 87 8 The world's gayest capital is getting -ayer, if increases m the number of ,v.?blic places for amusement be a true indication. Theatres, music halls, movies ;nd circuses are all growing more numerous m Paris and the Seine Department, there being 567 at the end <>f 1923, as agninst 543 at
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  • 97 8 The Commonwealth and Dominion line of 3teamers has ordered two twin-screw motor vessels from Swan, Hunter, and Wigham-Richardaon. Ltd., Wallsend-on-Tyne, and is al^o considering the ordering of a third. All three vessels will be of the same size— about 8.000 tons. Th? dead-weight tonnage will be li;G00 toni, ?nd the
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  • 136 8 The local b.-anch of the Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd.. are m receipt o! a telegram from their head office, stating that at tho 02nd half-yearly general meeting held on the 10th instant, the following resolutions were passed That the n-tt profit for the half-year ending December 31. I'JSO, amounts to
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  • 149 8 Quality is better than quantity the comment mude by Sir William Arbuthnot Lane, consulting surgeon to Guy's Hospital, and editor of The Piactitioner m reviewing the British vital statistics for the past year, which show the birth rate- to have been 18.3 per. 1000. which is the lowest, on
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  • 173 8 On Sunday, a party of six hunters, with their pack of dogs, went for a pig hunt at a spot about a mile-and-a-half beyond Kampar, WHjft the Times of Malaya. The pack got on the trail oi" ;< pig and a shot was heard m the direction the dogs were
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  • 423 8 Mr. F. J. Bryant leaves for home next month by the Fushimi Mavu. He will return to the F.M.S. after a fiw montlis" stay in England. It is notified that all officers in tinJohore Government Service are required to wear mourning (pcrkabong.-m > IOT ;i period of
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  • 46 8 Henderson, Helm and Hammesfahr, Inc., New York, send v.« the fallowing cable, dated Varch 11, their quotations being m gold dollar cents. Sellers, March 59 April-May-June 59, July-August-Septemher ">B. Market closing considerably easier after finr.ness. To-day's Singapore price LMVi cents. London price 2s. 4%d.
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  • 32 8 Mails from Europe (London mails despatched February 18) ex I', and O. Devanha will arrive by train to-night. Correspondence will be ready for delivery to boxholders at 9 a.m. to-morrow.
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  • 44 8 A perious motor car accident, fortunately unattended by any personal injuries, occurred on Orchard Road at 0,80 p.m. on V/i-dm-sday. A light Rover car was completely overturned. A European, Mr. G. B. Page, has been charged m connection with the accident.
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  • 81 8 We have received the following m connection with traffic control Cars and other vehicles must only cross the white lines at the gaps. These jraps (input m at places where cars if property driven can most conveniently OOH Urn white lines. White lines of the above type are
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  • 119 8 The Hon. Mr. K. C. H. Wolff writes In the condensed account of my speech m the Federal Council on the suggestion to appoint a professional educatinmst M Director of Education, F.M.S., m your issue of the 10th instant I an reported as expressing the opinion that it
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 85 8 THE Jtz^ SIGN SPHINX. I OF Quality 3^sf*ffffiwj^My^^ywT^i«B^wTwK»JwftW !SBQBSC2E3ftBSgBgfI9-flg s Hg9EgSßw9flgßflgwl THE RED HAND BRAND MATINTO THE IDEAL FLAT PAINT FOR INTERIOR WORK. WASHABLE, HYGIENIC, ARTISTIC, PERMANENT. Applicable to PLASTER, WOOD. IRON, ASBESTOS, etc. Supplied ready mixed m delightful art shades. Quotations from FATERSON, SIMONS CO., LTD. (incorporated m England)
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    • 62 8 ALHAMBRA TO-NIGHT, at 9. TRAILING AFRICAN WILD ANIMALS Featuring Mr. and Mrs. MARTIN JOHNSON well-known big game hunters m 7 Reels. STEPPING LIVELY (Featuring RICHARD TALMADGB) m G Reels. First Show at 7.30 RIDGWAY OF MONTANA A Western Drama m 5 Reels, and a Star Comedy. TAN CHENG KEE CO..
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    • 91 8 Other Pages, I'ags. Finance and Commerce 7 Shipping and the Mails 1 Meteorological Heport 7 To-day's Share Market .7 RcuUr Telegram!" 9 Official Standard Production PigU Singapore Assizes 9 The Indrapocra on view :i Ceylon Rubber Control Figures t Duty on Silk by Pout 9 Dutch Indus Kstimati-.l Kubbcr I'm
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  • 698 9 Annual Estimates Pass The Commons. Some Labour Amendments Debated. [UUTXB TELEGRAM.] London, March 11. In the House of Commons, in moving Um Navy Estimates, Mr. lliiiitreman i! .l Mt ci:y that we hud taken ii<ks which would not be taken in thru 3 of danger or greater affluence,
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  • 40 9 [REITER TELEGRAM.] London, March 11. WfaafctegtM A Government bond issu« cil $500,000,000. bearing '.iiU-ie t at 1% ]n evin.. offored at 101 and maturing m !.a- ban fully Mbacribael This is the lowest interest late proposed by 1
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 375 9 Position Still Grave And Uncertain. [kilter telegram.] London, March 11. Geneva The First Committee unanimously approved the sub-committee's icport regarding Germany's admission to the League and adopted the resolution presented by Sir A. Chamberlain in the Assembly in favour of the admission. Sir A. Chamberlain was appointed Rapporteur
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  • 108 9 [RECTER TELEGRAM.] London, March 11. Tokio Three Japanese destroyers have been despatched frcm Port Arthur for Taku. London, March 11. In the House of Commons, in the course of a statement on the Navy Estimates, Mr. Bridgeman said that during last year the presence of His Majesty's ships
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  • 45 9 [KEITER TELEGRAM.] London, March 11. Mr. De Valera has resigned the presidency of the Sinn Fein. The resignation followed on the Republican parties rejecting his motion favouring the entry of Republican members to the Dail if the oath of allegiance was dropped.
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  • 66 9 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, March 11. Cairo Mr. Alan Cobham has left Sollum for Athens. London, March 11. Athens Mr. Cobham has arrived. The Royal Aero Ciup has awarded Mr. Mm Cobham the Britannia trophy for 1926, adjudging his flight to India und hark with tM Director of Civil Aviation
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  • 291 9 All Night Sitting of The Commons. [RILTI8 TELEGRAM.] London, March 11. In the House of Commons, there was an all-night sitting on the committee stage of the Trade Facilities Bill, the discussion being centred chiefly on the Government proposal to guarantee £2,000,000 for the new Kent coal-field.
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  • 158 9 [RCUTCR TELEGRAM.] London, March 11. I The Hague In the Second Chamber, j the new Premier, Jenfchaw D. J. de Geer.j emphasised that the new Cabinet wasj strictly extra-parliamentary and noj member should be regarded as represent- 1 ins? any political party. The Government aimed at economy, reduction
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 86 9 RILTEB TELXCRAM.J Paris, March 11. Commenting on the formation of the new Cabinet, the pap:i3 rejoice that M. Briand is returning to Geneva. L'Oeuvre states that the immense majority of Frenchmen approves of M. Briand's foreign policy. Le. Petit Journal announces that the text of a new
    86 words
  • 53 9 [belter telegram.] London, March 11. Mr. Bridge-man, in the House of Commons, said that the cost of the work at Singapore in 1920 would be £225,000, of which only £1*5,000 would fall on Great Britain, the remainder being found from vhat was left of Hongkong's most generous
    53 words
  • 17 9 [reuter telegram.] London, March 11. Rome Ellison has been released, having received the Kin»'s pardon.
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • 109 9 Estimated Production for This Year. (Aneta's Service.) Batavia, March 12. The first estimates of estate rubber production m the Dutch Indies during 1920 have been issued and give the following statistics Java and Madoera 50,000 tons Ojt--r Possessions 68,000 tons, of which Sumatra East Cocst alone provides
    109 words
  • 208 9 [REUTER TKLEGRAM.J London, March 11. Washington France has reopened the discussions for a settlement of war debt', io the United States. [WIRELESS TIA RUGBY.] Rugby, March 12. Mr. Winston Churchill made a statement m the House of Commons regarding the French debt. In reply to a question by
    Reuter  -  208 words
  • 159 9 [WIRELESS TIA RUGBY.] Rugby, March 12. In the House of Commons, Mr. Ramsay MacDor.ald asked the Premier whether he had any communication to make as to how he proposed to deal with the Cial Commission's report. Mr. Baldwin replied No, but I have asked the members of the
    159 words
  • 44 9 [WIRELESS TIA RUGBY.] Rugby, March 12. The new cruiser Cornwall was launched to-day at Devonport. It is the second of five cruisers authorised by the Labour Government, m 1924, to replace existing cruisers. The first, the Suffolk, was launched a month ago.
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  • 33 9 [REVTER TELEGRAM.] London, March 11. Montreul The Canada Steamship Lines have amalgamated with the Great Lakes Transportation Co. nnd the George Hall Coal and Shipping Corporation, involving an investment of $12,000,000.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 44 9 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, March 11. The Admiralty have decided to reirtroduce short service for seamen m tha Navy. Recruiting will begin en April 1. The periods of service will be seve:i years with the fleet and five years m the re<ierv<\
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 553 9 Figure Much Larger Than Expected. A supplement to the F.M.S. Gazette, dated March 10, contains the following: Preliminary provisional fifrures of Standard Product] n of rubber for thtMalayan Restriction Area in the fourth Restriction year. Preliminary provisional figures of Standard Production f jr the Malayan Rcsriction Area in
    553 words
  • 146 9 New Rotterdam Lloyd Liner In Port. The Indrapoera, the new Rotterdam Lloyd liner, arrived here ye.steday on her maiden KNfll to the Ecst, a.nd :i reception held on board yesterday afternoon was largely attended. Th;: new vessel represent.-* the last word m shipping construction. As is often the
    146 words
  • 52 9 The Controller of Rubber, Ceylon, send.s us the fallowing statement of exports of rubber from Ceylon during February 1923 1926 Ceylon Imported Ceylon Imported Rubber Rubber Rubber Rubber Tons.- Tons. T"n«. Tons. Feb. 2.305 278 5 120 .",00 Exportable maximum 5,720 ton-. Latex Exports. February, 1026.— 1
    52 words
  • 230 9 Defence Against Rash Driving Charge. The defence was opened this morninff in the action in which Chow Sek Woo, the son of a wi'll-Unown Chinese miner at Ipoh. was charged with causing death by a rash act, and which is being tried before Mr. Justice McCabe Reay at
    230 words
  • 68 9 [WIRKLESS VIA BUGBY.] Rug-by, M.-rch 12. The Civil ferric* e«timares for 1926-27 were issued to-day end show a reduction of i'12,300,000 as compared with the current year. At the same time the text ot the promised Economy Bill ir.trcduced by Mr. Churchill is published. The bill is
    68 words
  • 70 9 [WIRELESS TIA RUGBY.] Rugby, Mcrch 12. Of* rates Paris 133.90, New Tart tin, Brussels 107, Geneva 23.2"), Amsterdam 12.13, Milan 121, Berlin 20.42, Stockholm 18.12, Copenhagen 18.67, Oslo 22.37, Vienna 31.5. Prague IM, Helsingfor* 103, Madrid :U.4!1, LJafcoa 2'i, Rio TI.J,T l .J, Buenos Aires I.V-d, Bombay Is.
    70 words
  • 69 9 Sentence on Hritish Consul's Assailant. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kanxkok, March 10. For an nttack with a knife on Mr. J. J. Johns, the B> Consul-General, a Siamese was sentenced to eight years' imprisonment. The accused stated that he was druntc Ll th'j time, but the
    69 words
  • 373 9 Particulars of Customs Duty Payments. The following information is taken from the Malay Mail The following notice with regard to the customs duty payable on (a) silk and artificial silk, and (b) lace and embroidery, sent by post to Great Britain and Northern Ill-land, is to be
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  • 1458 10 Minutes of Meetings Seized And Translated. The case was continued in the District Court yesterday afternoon, in which 41 Chineae are charged with attending an unlawful meeting. Eight of the accused are also rhsrgirt with assisting in the management. The accused were arrested at the Chi Lim
    1,458 words
  • 104 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, March 11. At the Penang Assizes the case in which a Tairil named Celliah is charged with the murder of Louis Karl, Chief Conservancy Inspector, was commenced to-day. The court was thronged and there was not even standing room. Whilst evidence was being
    104 words
  • 290 10 In addition to a selection of new fiction the undernoted work 3 have been added to Raffles Library and will be available for issue to-morrow Aberigh-Mackay G.R. Twenty-one -days m India, ill. Armitage Albert B.— Cadet to Commodore. Ayscough Florence. A Chinese Mirror. ill. Banerjea, Sir S. A
    290 words
  • 57 10 A Land Office award of $2,800 for 8,000 square feet of land and four houses wheih hrd been acquired for public purposes wns appealed against m the Supreme Court yesterday. Mr. Roland Braddell appeared for the appellant, and Mr. R. Williamson for the Commissioner of Lands. The
    57 words
  • 130 10 Comparison of Total Value of Foreign Merchandise. Comparative statement of the total value of Foreign Merchandise, excluding Parcel Post, imported and exported to and from British Ma'aya during 1925 and 1926. Increase or 1025 VJ2Q Decrease 1925 (m thousands of dollars.) anuary 65,347 87 005 4-
    130 words
  • 1231 10 THE CHEAPEST' TICKET IN THE EMPIRE. Ut Prosim," writing in The Nautical Magazine, says It must be a pretty cheap one according to the heading but I trust that readers will agree with me after perusing these few lines that the qualifications I am going to refer to are about
    1,231 words
  • 260 10 Barlow and Co. report Singapore, March 11. Since our last we have had an erratic market, with consequent fluctuations. A larger sale than usual was catalogued for yesterday, and a fairly steady tone was in evidence. Two lots of awarded sheet, in veneer cases, sold at 91
    260 words
  • 149 10 At the orchestral concert by the n<:w Adciphi Sovonas on Sunday, at 9.80 p.m., the progiamme of music will include Overture. Der Freischutz (Weber) Cornet Solo, Serenata (Schubert), »L. Palapo Piano Solo, Valse de Concert «p. 64 (Chopin),, M. Anciano Fantasia, La Tosca (Puccini) Violin Solo, Scherzo T;
    149 words
  • 52 10 The Mercantile Bank have received advice by telegraph from their head office m London that a final dividend on the bank's shares of 8 per cent, less income tax, has been declared, making 16 per cent, less tax for the year. £60,000 has been placed to reserve and £162,000 is
    52 words
    • 360 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Your correspondent Dealer in your issue of the 4th inst. does not overstate the case against the Rubber Export Office butting-in between us dealers and the Customs. More often than not the three days delay developes into a four days delay
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    • 187 10 To the Editor of the Straits Timer,. Sir, A much needed educational institution, built by generous public donations, is now lying desolate at Bulcit Timah Road, the students having gone on strike. Public interest in this very hiphly unsatisfactory state of affairs is keen and the matter
      187 words
  • 302 10 The sixth annual report of the directors to the shareholders of the Uiu Benut Consolidated Rubber Co., Ltd., for the year ended December 31 last states that thj result for the year shows a profit of 5121,694.13, to which has to be added the balance of
    302 words
  • 105 10 Yes, I will say categorically that the Government of India does net employ agents provocateurs," declared Earl Winterton m the House of Commons, replying to a question regarding a Police Inspector's successful prosecution of a student of the Brojomohan College, Barisal, for defamation. Earl Winterton
    105 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 54 10 British Military Team Win At Paris. [Reuter Telegram.] London, March 11. Paris In the international army triangular soccer tournament the British Army defeated the French Army by two goals to nil. Second League Result. [Reuter Telegram.] London, March 11. In the second division of the League, Swansea drew
      Reuter  -  54 words
    • 125 10 [Reuter Telegram.] London, March 11. Miami Miss Ryan won the Dixie lawn tennis singles championship, defeating Miss Browne, 6—3, 8 6. Tanglin Club Tournament. The results of yesterday's play were as f 'Hows Dyne Cup. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt, scr., beat Mr.<. Herfley Stevens and Assiter, scr., 6
      Reuter  -  125 words
    • 162 10 A.P.C. Team Beaten in a Scrappy Game. The S.C.C. beat the A.P.C. on the odd goal in three. The game was very scrappy, and except for occasional bursty was spoilt by poor forward work on both sides. The S.C.C. scored their first goal quite early in the first half,
      162 words
    • 43 10 Singapore Golf Club. A mixed foursomes competition, nine holes medal play, will be held on Friday afternoon, 26th inst. Members desiring to taJce part in this competition should sign the entry list at the club house, or communicate with the honorary secretary.
      43 words
    • 89 10 Another Opponent for Boy Walley. At Happy Valley on March 10, Boy Walley will be opposed to Bagani Tawide, a .flyweight from Manila, who has a splendid rec >rd and will doubtless give Walley a hard light. Tawkle has fought Pablo Dano, who with Clever Sencio, is considered to
      89 words
    • 116 10 Tho following will represent tlio Y.M.C.A. against the Indian Association at c.icket to-morrow on the Y.M.C.A. ground commencing at 'Z.\h p.m. H. G. Stack (capt.), R. Lyne, M. Ignatius, C. A. Pennefnther, C. Choon Lim, R. North, H. Gibson, A. Ambivagar, A. Van Cuylenburg, A. Huub. n atid O.
      116 words
    • 49 10 The Royal Singapore Yacht Club announces that the second race for the Jean II Trophy will be sailed next Sunday. Conditions and course as last Siuiduy first start 10 a.m. Points to date Joy 8. Eve 7, Marion 6. Ella 5, Puteh 4, Kathleen June 2, Nancy 1.
      49 words
    • 32 10 Members of the Chinese Volunteer Rifle Club are asked to note that an extraordinary general meeting will be held at the Club House to-day at 5.15 p.m. sharp.
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  • 61 10 The Hon. Treasurer begs to acknowledge with many thanks receipt of the following donations Previously acknowledged $10,172 Teong Lam School, E. Kong Guan and Thu Singapore Japanese Society each $200 Lim Kim Sengr. Ho See Koon and Gaw Kheh Khium each $100 Senh Eme urn, Thon,r
    61 words

  • 2293 11 Incidents in Sceptre's Career. Hy Our Special Correspondent. 4 London, February 11. While OmMH stands at the top of the list qu >tations en the Lincolnshire «t 10 to 1, another French horse has crepclose up beside it in the betting through ;i quiet appropriation of all the
    2,293 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 202 11 No Home is Complete without a MOUTRIE PIANO Call or write for free illustrated Price List. S. Moutrie &Xo., Ltd. RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. I»M.«M>.»»»MM«MMtUMMM« lji| Sandeman's Ports j§; and Sherries bR fr w^S arc >t€c )V tlu following BUN BEE CO. te»«ferftesai*!4i HlfiH STREET PROVISION I- i^NDEM^J 'j STORE. fcl^J
      202 words
    • 245 11 Raffles Hotel Telephone No. 2920. SARKIES BROS., Proprietors. Saturday, March IS, 192G The Great International Characteristic Classical Russian Dancers. Miss Ladova and Youry Yourlo Admission to Non-Diners $1. A. F. PEATE, Manager. »miI<>»MM>»«»»»«IHM>miMIMI»>I»IHMIIMIII>m ADELPHI HOTEL Acknowledged the Best Food m Town— Acknowledged the Finest and Smartest Service. The ONLY Hotel
      245 words

  • 97 12 Programme of Drills up to and for I .March 14, 1926:— j Friday, Mnrch 12, 5.15 p.m., Drill Hall, M. G. Ptetoon. Gun. Drill. 5.15 p.m.,: 1 trill Hall. S.V.C. Band, Band Practice. Saturday. M..r. h IS, ">.30 p.m., Bukit Timah, S.V.R. Association, Simultaneous Shooting Match. 8
    97 words
  • 76 12 The British North Borneo H<>r:iM *nys We haw in Tawau a clever' Japanese carpenter who is turning <iut i fifrures of a lady, who closely resembles Kpstein's famous Rima, made of Tem- badau horn at TO cent! a piece. He iil>o i makes very quaint figures of birds like poiipuins
    76 words
  • 237 12 Opium Substitute Fatal In Four Years. A new drujr habit which is taking possession of China may eventually lead to the abandonment of the pure opium habit. Its effect is even more deadly than that of opium, however, for accordinff to some authorities the practice of this
    237 words
  • 203 12 I Nut N>n;j ago a dinner was held in New York to celebrate "the successful production of synthetic oysters." The statement sounds startling, but when we j are toty that the quests merely ate oysten which had been artificially propaRati ed, and that on each menu card was
    203 words
  • 71 12 I Privileges under the Invent'on? Enact- merit. 1914, have been granted to George Christian Haae Laub, a Danish subject. chemical engineer, of Muar. Johore, in, respect of an invention entitled Manu- facture of an ebonite or vulcanite veneer, land articles made therefrom," and to I Henry Luke, of Kamprii, Porak,
    71 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 625 12 Can You Picture n this Happy Baby f HB When Woodward's <;ri|>e Water enters ihc J>\ home baby tears ol pain art* turned to smiks JBU >A of comfort and cotitt-nr. Kruil thi4 pleasing j^k S A Idler trom Mrs. Kucrr. 41. Ben Jonion Knad, fgM London, K.I.: "i-. ihli»m<!
      625 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 372 13 CALLS FOR PEPS. 1 K^ /JP*common m our climate, cannot be |N\yS?Kq'K\ s \ml mill weakened and inflaiued by incessant *SjßtjW SVftLs^SsS^Si^' and healed. Herein lies the )>e<:ii!iar toMi T MT^ viitue of the l'eps breatheable treatment. Tr|| The jiotfnt bmlMunic Fumej given tjlT I>y Peps -C 9 Üblets as
      372 words
    • 872 13 EUGENE RIMMEL LTD LONDON n:.d I»ARIS. I'n fumrrii liy Appointment to lI.M. Queen Alexandra and to lI.M. The King of Spain. TOILET VINEGAR ESPECIALLY SUITABLE rO> HOT CUMATES LAVENDER fg|k WATER Ij^un^si «n«ler Water m all sizes fi.r£!T' 3 is known the world over. Obtainable from all leading Dispensaries and
      872 words
    • 340 13 m \'^^>». a WRIGHT DITSON RACKETS USED THE WORLD OVER. Hgj THE Sole Agcnls 2S" B. F. SAHTOS, M FAMOUS 1 BACKFr. ATHLETIC OUTFITTERS, I i Showroom I 15. ARCADE, SINGAPORE. ii Phone 420. I tja "^\s your digestion like a tortoise? J People who are slow of dlgcMaesi .1
      340 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 513 14 Assets over $5,500,000 S.C. Assurance In force over $19,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m Straits Settlements.) HEAD OFFICE Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 62, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company hn £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of Englsnd and complies with the British Life Assursnce Companies
      513 words
      1,057 words
    • 436 14 BANKXNfc THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED. (Ueeiveraud by Special Charter Is Jaama) Capital Subscribe* M T4f,000,0«4 Capital Paid-up Y83,575,000 Reserve Fund T 1,760,000 President: H. Horl Esq. DIRECTORS G. Kawasaki. Esq. I T. Sisamuc*, See.. D. Takita, Esq. M. Shuto, Esu. HEAD OFFICE: Ta'.pfh. Formosa (Taiwan). ■RANCHES AND AGENCDK i
      436 words
    • 557 14 Cable Address SAFETY." Codes A.B.C. and Broomhalls Rubber Edition. S. J. HOWE, INSURANCE and ESTATE BROKF» v Koom 14 (Second Boor), UNION BUILDING, SINGAPORE. PRELIMINARY NOTICE AUCTION SALE (of very valuable European residential proi pc-rty situated at the junction of Bukit j.Timah and Cavunagh Rosds a central position within easy
      557 words
    • 575 14 AUCTION SALE of very valuable Euripe;in residential freB» hold property m the heart of the Tanglin District, overlooking most oi" the European residences m the neighbourhood. Situated m the District ■of Claymore and known as BACHELOR'S HALL and LADY HILL, off Oranprc Gr>ve Ko:id, Singapore. To be held at the
      575 words

  • 313 15 Arras. 6,700 lbs. Alor Gajah— l4,2oo lbs. Ayer Panas. 37,500 lbs. Australasia. 9,800 lbs. Bukit K. 8.— 1,004 lbs. Batu Lintang.— 32,l4l lbs. Batn Matarg.— l7,soo lbs. Bakap.— ls,ooo lbs. 8a1ing.— 5.659 lbs. Banteng (Selangor).— s4,ll9 lbs. Beaufort Borneo. 40,500 lbs. Bajau— 3,492 lbs. Bertam Consolidated. 97,000 lbs.
    313 words
  • 370 15 Action taken at a meeting of Committee Xo. a. held on March. 5 included the following In cjnnection with the recommended purchase of six udditional cars for transport of Inspectors m the Miscellaneous, Drainage, and Bridge (Maintenance) Departments, decided that four new cars be purchased n \v, the
    370 words
  • 104 15 Pahanp Consolidated. 3,562 piculs. Ipoh Tin Dredging. 610 piculs. Tronoh Mines. Piculs 849. Hitam Tin.— Piculs 120. Menglembu Lode Mining. Mill IT6 piculs. January ore undeclared 24 piculs, total 200 piculs. Langsuan Tin Yardage treated 7,100, hours run W, working hours stopped 96 on account .Chinese New Year,
    104 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 257 15 Why Accept Less Than a Six ESSEX A Six— Built Under Famous Super-Six Patents The COACH $2,035 For any closed car you will pay almost as much as the Essex Coach costs. So why accept any performance short of a "Six"? In Essex you get qualities of the "Six" not
      257 words
    • 578 15 The BEAN claims to be the best .n.^ P"*"~-..P J "^^rg'. This is not a matter of opinion Cfe jf^W^'ff ?*K fl derful comfoit of the springing, if-l\ jl«» Ofy?- ''v JllJ 1 1 ease of driving and unsurpassed ANJnV --'l>*^>l V ffi $1* *tS^JMjr 7/1 renowned cars. The BEAN
      578 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 238 16 6RAND EXHIBITION of Indies' Morning, Afternoon and Evening Dresses, Hats, French and Spanish Capes of different colours, Rags, etc. Just m direct from PARIS. Choicest Collection Ever Displayed m Singapore. ON VIEW AT Room No. 154, RAFFLES HOTEL. Hours daily from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. to
      238 words
    • 442 16 BRUNOLINUM (WOOD PRESERVATIVE) It is an absolute protection against the ravages of WHITE ANTS and other insects, and against DECAY, DRY ROT, FUNGI, etc LEE KIM SOO 20, HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. COMPOSITION STYLE Hy R. I). Bt.ACKMAN. A Complete Literary Handbook and Manual for Student*, with a Guide to all
      442 words
    • 963 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc., m ordinary dose set type' (average six words to line) are Per line One insertion 28 cents, two ins. 46 cts., three ins. 64 cts., fonr ins. 82 cents, five ins. $1.00, six ins. 11.13, ten ins. $1.40,
      963 words
    • 734 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS READ STREET GODOWNS sear river to let. Apply United Engineers, Ltd. TO LET, 65, Robinson Road, Concrete building, 4,600 sq. ft. 6, Malacca Street. TO LET No. 72, Robertson Quay. Entry from April 1, 1926. Apply Meyer Bros. TO BE LET, offices and godowns. Apply S. Manasseh
      734 words
    • 214 16 FURNITURE FOR THE HOME OFFICE ESTATE No order too small None too large Correct Prices Prompt delivery FRANKELS OF VICTORIA STREET, also RAFFLES TLACE. "THE MAPLES OF TEE EAST." I i- J CONTRACTS FOR H.M. NAVY Tenders for Contracts for the supply of the following tn H. H. Ships, etc..
      214 words
    • 215 16 A BOOK OF THE CHINESE ABROAD By H. F. Macnair. I'h. I). Professor Macnair ha: put together In this volume a mass of useful information, gathered from documents, ht*torii»l records, periodical*, yearbook etc., on Chinese emigration and told the story m an interesting way. An attempt is made to give
      215 words