The Straits Times, 6 March 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 28,112. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1926. PRICE D CLNIS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 3 1 FOB TOUH BABY
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  • 1561 2 Excellent Start for the New Company. The statutory meeting of Gopeng (Perak) Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held on January 21 at Winchester House, E.G., Mr. H. L. Coghlan (the Chairman) presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, This meeting is called to comply with the Companies Act and to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 681 2 That "Kruschen'' Bounding Health No stopping to open gates or unsuitable diet and other pauses hai c-liml) wiiiilv oviT stilis Thc old rendered your liver and Ibdneyi lx>v takes everything m his stride, inactive and allowed imparities to like Ixmi hurdicr. collect m your system. It's not nu r< Iv
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    • 160 2 A Charming Reflection Is Obtained by Using CuticuraSoap Daily, assisted by Cuticura Ointment when required. It keeps the pores active, the skin clear and free from eruptions and the scalp m a healthy hair-growing condition. Soap, Qir.tmrM. Talcum Hold throughout Uv vorTd. BritWl 11-I-.1 7 Jcwhr; t Son* Ltd., SI.
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    • 242 2 TROPICAL MODEL MANDOLINE PLAT G.U iv. $10, $12, $15 and $25. Illustrated catalogue sent with pleasure. SEASON CO., LTD. 11l and lit, NOKTII BRIDGE ROAD. There is no Bad Beer. Insist on this Label and get the Best. -A- Everywhere SCIENTIFIC FOUR WATER FILTRATION PURIFICATION PROCESSES limited AERATED WATER SPECIALISTS
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  • 465 3 Story of Indian Fakir's Love Philtre." Amazing instance of human poisoning are contained m the annual report of the Chemical Examiner's Department Bincnl. just issued. Under the heading Poisoning due to careless disponsinjr," reference is Mil to the death of a Hindu male child aged about :i year.
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  • 56 3 I Programme of drills up to and for MHixh 7. \OM. i Saturday, March 6, 2.30 p.m.. I'arrer Rarrgf Eurasian Company, Musketry j Classification 2.30, Bukit Timah, fhinese Company, Musketry Clarsifica- tion. i Sunday, tyarrh 7, 8.80 a.m., -rer, Rang*, tiuasian Company, Musketry Classification; 8.30 a.m.,
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  • 309 3 Doctor's DkNNq Revolutionises Treatment «>f Anai-mis. Readers v. no suffer from Anaemia. Neurasthenia, physical, mental and nervoui* exhaustion, f nwl emaciation, or one of the. nirny maladies rextiltini: from lack of rich [ml blond, will welcome the diaeoTtn of a rn>d»ct v.hirli has proved Itaatf
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 170 3 RAILWAY MATERIALS i;v LIGHT RAILWAYS, LTD., IX)NDON. These materials are of the finest quality and our services are at the disposal of all railways users. RAILS and CROSSINGS, TURNTABLES, LOCOMOTIVES, TRUCKS, TIP WAGONS, etc. I 'rices and particulars on request. SuU A grata UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED (Incorporated m Ftr.iits Settlements)
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    • 289 3 INTERIOR CLEANLINESS nomu itn|H. nance to nil *h» valw >f.nth, health and elliei. ncy. To keep the 'lean nnd m i>'-r.'(ct working order >'.-•■ l'inli'-tt,..<, Ok- dainty link- regulators wi.ich neither pain nor purge. A> gMtl) ?)NKETTES r.alnre they iiapcl I', >tiiniilat<j the livtr, bilieusre's a:id stfk headaches, clear
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    • 757 3 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE— SI IT No. 1049 of 1923. In the matter of KULSOM BINTE HADJI A II M KM (m.w.) and AHMIXA BERBER (f) ndderf hy Order of Court dated September 2lt, 1»24. m O. S. So. 97 of 1924, Plaintiff*.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 536 4 Shipping Announcements N.Y.K. UNE (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA) LONDON .LINE Marseilles, London and Antwerp Vessels Tonnage Due Sail SUWA MARU 11,000 Mar. IS 19 FUS1KMI MARU 11,000 Apr. 1 2 HAKDZAKI MARU 11,000 Apr. 16 16 HAKUSAN MARU 11,000 Apr. 29 80 KITANO MARU 8,000 May 13 14 HARUNA MARU 11.000
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    • 476 4 THE SIAM STEAM NAV. CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Siam) BANGKOK COASTING SERVICE. Por Kretay, Kemaman, Kelantan, Bahgnara, Telupin, Patani, Singora, Lacon, Bandon, Kohsamui, Langsuan, Chumpon and Bangkok. ArrivKl Departure REDANG Mar. 8 Mar. 10 MALINI Mar. 15 Mar. 17 FOR BACIIO VIA PORTS Arrival Departure BORIBAT Mar. 5 Mar. 8
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    • 525 4 K. P. M. (ROYAL PACKET NAV. GO. OF BATAYIA) (Incorporated in Holland) Under contract with the NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT Telephone No. 3640. with sub-connection to Passage, Freight, Transhipment, Maria* Depts. and Managers' Desk. Representative for Singapore and Straits Settlements of the Official Tourist Bureau 01 Java. All information, supplying of
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    • 406 4 BURNS PH1LP LINE (Incorporated in Australia) FOR SYDNEY. MELBOURNE, VIA JAVA, DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE Regular monthly nailing by the well known MAHK1.LA (7,37!> tons) and MALAMA It (1,512 tons). The s.s. MAKKI-I.A is the iM'gMl and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cakiat <le luxe, single berth cabins,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 409 5 AUSTRAL-EAST INIIES LINE (lae«r?orated la Eagiaaal Regalar Passenger and Vrelgkl Berriee via JAVA POKTS ta rftIMANTLI (W. A.), ADELAIDE, MELBOOINI aa« ITDNMT maintained by Teas lalUag UM Mt CITY OF PALERMO 5,!)00 Mar. 12 s.s. MKRTON HALL (limited passenger accommodation) ApL 7 s.s. CITY OF PALERMO 6,900 Hay 1 lU|
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    • 454 5 HOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINE BOUND-THB-WOBLD PASBKNGM AND FREIGHT ÜBTId BOSTON and NEW TORK via PORT SAID, ALEXANDRIA. NAPLES, GENOA aad MARSEILLES. 88 Dayi to Boston 41 Daya te New Terk Oilbarnera. No coal dost. Ne cinders. Absolite Cleanliness. From New Tork tkese fine aev liners continue on Sound tke World, retsming
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    • 440 5 INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated m Hongkong) Direct Service to Java via Hongkoag aad Shanghai and to Calcutta via Peaaag from Singapore. Taking cargo on through Bills of Lading for Canton, Macao. Swatnw, Amoy, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Yangtze Ports, Formosa, the Philippines, etc. FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA HOSANG Mar.
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    • 419 5 O TRADEI I I HAW. O ul o ROPENDURANCE To make a durable rope of gnat breaking strain and of good appearance, it is necessary not only to use the beat abaca (Manila Hemp) for cordajre purposes, but also to know the technique of manufacture. The location of JohnsonPickett Rope
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 650 6 Dear Ma and Pa SURINA THEATRE If we're not home for tapper From CooJies to Kings the to-night don't worry, for magical emotion of the we're staying down town to un JverSC is love of home TO.M.'.IIT at 9. VH A WnCDIWr* WHIUm I"<.\ ir -™ts h* wonder picture Tf
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    • 424 6 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Owing to the great demand for seats for the final screenings of THE TEN COMMANDMENTS The management have arranped for an extension of tv.o more nights. FINAL PERFORMANCES SATURDAY, MARCH C. Full Matinee with Prologue at 4 p.m. Your last chance to see the Prologue Saturday, ut 9
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    • 321 6 Positively Last Tour OF HARMSTON'S CIRCUS AND ROYAL MENAGERIE TO-NIGHT, AT 9.30 i Our New Location Corner of VICTORIA STREET ar.-l HIDDLI ROAD ARENA. A GfMP of talented Artists. THE VERSATILE STAR Dare Devil Jenkins m a Flying: Ltap of 45 feet travnllini; at cxtiaonlinmy speed of 75 mile:; nn
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    • 130 6 TO-NIGHT and Matinee to-duy. at 5 p.m. VICTORIA THEATRE R. B. SArJSBURY Presonts The Quaints ALL THE WORLD IS FLOCKING TO SEE NO, NO, NANETTE Your Leave is not lonjf iiiou^ii to wait for a sent m Lmmlol Monday and Tuesday. Murrh 8 and !>, at 9.30 p.m. Thrills, Shudders
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  • 228 7 FIXTURES. Saturday, March 6 Ili.i. Water, 2X a.m.. 2.41 p.m. Malacca I lii»:.. Tide, HIM a.m., k b m., 11.3(1 p. m. i. ft Mo, No, ria Thcatrs Sunday, March 7 Ilißd Water, 'J..W a.m., 3.48 p.m. Malaniie i Hlgtt lid./, U.4U a.m. ftlonday, Marcli 8 High
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  • 162 7 ly, March 6. Sblpa alongside the Wharves or ezpects< to arrive. KEI'J'KL HARBOUB. Mail Wha Moonstone, Dredger, Merit Spring, Anlaming. Oi; Wharf u Bharata Coal Wharf Nil VESSEI.S IN DliY DOCK. Tanjong I'afar Sheers Wharf Scot) Har.i. A'.bert Duck Ka.nininp, Crane Barge L II Dock Btecl Ughter
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  • 161 7 To-da/ t p.m. Katoag) u p.m. China, II Kor»a, Koiiii'. .1. I.:. S btria, Philippine I'.s.A. Ko•andra i .3 p.m. Bc«nK«i I i:n (Magnat) -I p.m. Uppvr Burma, North and East India Sanuki Ham .3 p.m 8«lut Patuljmig, llengkaiia and {lagan Si Api Api iVan del I.yn
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  • 36 7 Kiwi Khybcr lohan (1, Wilt ■tact I'atrin Left Spar* Jan. 22 Jan. 27 Jun. 29 l»n. 2H l'i-b. 1 -rrc Londoi Feb. II Feb. 21 Feb. 21 F^b. I r«k r F«b. 2'
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  • 243 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, M.'a th G. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 11/32 Demand 2/3 31/32 Private 3m. credits 2/4% °"p NeW t Y »okH? emand S mil' Private 90 d/s 68 7/10 On France, Bank T.T. 1475 On India, Bank T.T. 153% On Hongkong, Bank d/d 2
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  • 57 7 Singapore Standard Pale Crepe Closing Prices Bayers. Sellers. Spot and March Spot and March April-June April-June July-Sept July-Sept. Ton* cf U*rket Firm. Singapore Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices Buyers. Sellers. ..91 90H ..90 Latest London cables quote Spot sheet 2s. VI. DAILY PRICES
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    • 238 7 Issue Val. Pd. Buyers Sailers £1 i'l Asam Kurnbang 51/- 55/J. 1 Bat-ing- Fadang 0.77 0.80 1 1 Hitam Tin L4I 1.48 cd. 1 1 Idrti Hydraulic 53/6 55/1 1 Johan Tin U.54 0.53 10/-10/-Kampnng ul/6 53/£1 il Kumunting Tin 67/- 68/10 10 Kinta Asso. 9.50 10.00 11 i'l
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    • 132 7 Issue \'al. Pd. Buyers fallen ;i £1 B. Am. Tobacco 6.5.0 5.10.0 10 K> Centml Euginei 9.00 ».5O El £1 E. Smcltin? Co. 13.83 14.25 10 10 I":ase;- ik X uvc -18.25 40.00 100 100 Hammer Co. 1C0.00 170.0C lOOlOOKatj Bros. def. 800.00 £20.00 10 10 Mexican V.u-i- ly/i
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    • 81 7 U. Eng. 6 p.c. $1,*****0 par 110 Spore Municipal 5 p.c. |1,578,000 of IMO par 10% p.m. S^ r!oS 9 aSSoo? to p» S'pcrc Municipal 4% p.e. of 1909 $1,100,000 90 par Spore Municipal 4 p.c. of 1913 $2,000,000 80—90 S.S. 5V4 p.c. Loan 1919 (8«,71O,M0 104% 105 ci.
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    • 368 7 Fraser and Co. and I.yall and Evatt's Quotations. To-day s Prices Fiaser Lyall Co. Evatt. Allenby ($1) 3.00 3.10 3.00 3.15 Aior Gaj^h (SI) L'.8O 2.90td. 2.'M 2.80 ■V. Httsin ($5) 21.01) 22.00 21.00 22.00 A. Kuning ($1) LSS L4S LM '.ID Am. ?lalay (SJ) 4.0n i.i:i ;;.u0
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 408 7 I vj Mvanfiadnai t^LJfll^jDQ I^HfiaiHinV NOTICE is he-.oby given that the above Trade Mark the erclaslra properly of the Nanyang Brothtn )!>jccd Company Ltd. carrying oji l>, is 1:■.>■.;■■.1 :■.>■.;■■. 181, South Bridge Road, Slngapo?*, and that the same is used by thorn i.i sonnecticn with tna m:in'jfacturf known as
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    • 99 7 ZEISS RESEARCH-MICROSCOPE (In case fitted with luck and key) EQUIPMENT OF STAND OPTICAL EQUIPMENT Inclinable ainronl c objective* 3 (a-2) New MEYER toothed wheel slow X (A) num. ap. 0.2S motion 4 <»> 100 (1/12 m.) 1.30 Large ineehanU-al stage homogeneous 011-immeraion I'luorite system ABBK illuminating apparatus j Ey <p
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    • 819 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Adyta.. nee pan* IS. WANTS, POR SALE, ETC. HOARD AM) LODGING, 3H, Osley Ru...l FOR SALK, Bi'by (irand piano (dareja) beautiful tcno. .T.)l, S*r;iits Tlinei. ('p) WANTED JUNIOR CLERK with knowled,: oi typewKfnK Apply 400, Strait;: Timos. WANTr.D SMALL HOUSF. or bungalow furnished preferred. Reply 101,
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    • 730 7 FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND GARS One each Chandler 7-str. $C.'iO Page 7-str. txuc Rcnailit de I.uxp T-slr. 10 h.p. JX.GOO Studcbaker "sir. 1U25 $2 500 Woseley 7-ntr. 1921 V>oo Hudson 7-str. 1921 $000 Charroi. 7-str. Sedan ?3,00'> Fiat 501 B-atr. $1,500 Fiat Sporting Model 1924 $2,00(1 Flat latest model 8 months old
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 53 7 METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Station. (By fwlMJ of (.ovtrnmtnt Health Office). For the 24 hours ondinK at Midnight on Mmrck 5, 1926. de*. Mm. ihadc «8.4F Tll.ri r Mean ituro 7U.B K M radiation 1S1 F. liatioo Tl t, K! Alrun wi't liulli tcnipcruluri- 76.1 F. IV Evaperatioi .074 Rainfall
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  • 64 8 TFUTADA. On March 5. lE2fi. died radaaalr Mrs. K. Tjutada, aped 43 years. She leaved a M-idowc-r and eleven children. The fatten] ceremony will take place at 3 p.m. today at the residence No. T Up;', r Serar.uoon Road. The cortege lenves the residence at 4 p.m., for the
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  • 1065 8 The Straits Times SATURDAY, MARCH 6. BRITAIN AND THE LEAGUE. A distinguished Minister ha> seldo:)-. failed no completely as Sir Austen Chamberlain did on Thursday to win the confidence of the House of Common-, and the country. We do not, for 0113 moment, bcl'evc that the Foreign Minister tv?* juggling
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  • 17 8 A slight earthquake shock was registered at Bandoeng on February 27, between 3.1)2 p.m. and 3.43 p.m.
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  • 23 8 The exploration of certain areas m Djambi has revealed traces of gold. It is U li \i-il that a vein has been struck.
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  • 20 8 A Proclamation m the Government Gazette calls a meeting of the Legislative Council on Monday, March 2!», at 10 a.m.
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  • 22 8 Fines amounting to $210 were imposed on 24 Chinese at Penang, who all pleaded truiity to gambling whilst celebrating the New Year.
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  • 25 8 The Rev. G. T. Shetliffe will conduct Evensong at Johore Bahru to-morrow at 6 p.m. and will celebrate Holy Commusii.n on Monday .it 7.30. a.m.
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  • 15 8 Mr. G. W. A. Trimmer has been appointed a member of the Pilot Board, Singapore.
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  • 15 8 The motor launch Socony is exempted from Rule 31 of the Passenger Steamers Rules, 1911.
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  • 18 8 The percentage of Efficient other ranks. M S. V. R., is 81.7, as compared with 71.4 m 1924.
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  • 17 8 The name of Mr. H. L. Mitchell is added to the Commission of the. Peace for Singapore.
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  • 14 8 Mr. G. T. Peall is appointed an Assistant Censor under the Cinematograph Films Ordinance.
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  • 15 8 Mr. J. Huggins, M.C., is appointed to act as Second Assistant Secretary (A), Straits Settlements.
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  • 20 8 The following movement of Regular onits of the Army i.s announced :—llth: 11th Heavy Battery, Royal Artillery, Portsr.iouth to Singapore.
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  • 29 8 Prince Carol of Rumania has left Milan for Paris together with a member of the Rumanian Court who recently a-rived at Milan. Madame Lupesco left by the same train.
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  • 32 8 Mr. G. L. Hunt, until recently of the Penang Municipality, was entertained to dinner at Penang by a large number of his personal friends on the eve of hij departure to Ceylon.
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  • 32 8 The P. and O. steamer Assaye has been accepted by the Government as transport, und was to sail from Southampton on March 4 with naval and military rating for the Far East.
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  • 28 8 The Amateur Friendly Orchestra ha.« been exempted from registration under the Societies Ordinance the Aik Koon Sia and the Chap Yin Sai Vi Hong, Singapore, have been registered.
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  • 30 8 Aneta learns that Mr. Groth has been appointed American Consul for the United States at Sourabaya and that Mr. (,'hia Wen Yen has been temporarily appointed Chinese Consul-General at Batavia.
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  • 36 8 As a result of the recent judgment of the F.M.S. Court of Appeal m the matter f the reference by the Registrar of Titles, Seianicor, the Registration of Titles Enactment, 1911, is to be further amended.
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  • 39 8 Major F. H. Scovil, Royal Artillery, and Lieut., E. F. Maude, Royal Artillery having arrived from the United Kingdom <n the 3rd instant by H. M. T. Derbyshire are taken on the strength of the Comrr.and from that date.
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  • 37 8 Seven tenders ranging from $74,800 to $24,000 were sent m for alterations and additions of married and single drjs?<?r* quarters at Sepoy Lines, Singapore, but none of them was accepted the work i;l be earned out departmentally.
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  • 36 8 The Allahabad coi respondent of the Pinang Gazette telegraphs that Lieut.-Col. Sir Francis Humphreys. Minister at Kabul, arrived at De!i on Tuesday to disCM* with the Indian Government nur.ters with ragaid to Afghanistan relations with India.
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  • 51 8 Mr. and Mr.«. R. J. B. Clayton are being entertained by the Chinese community of Lower Perak at Teluk Anson, at the Chinese Recreation Pp.darfijr, t:-day. m view of their impending departure for home. It is «-id that Mr. S. H. Langston is to go to Teluk Anson as District
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  • 52 8 Mr. G. G. Thomson, of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Kuala Lumpur, huj returned frcin leave, and relieves Mr. W. N. H^nseil. who gaaa from Kuala Lumpur to Sungei Patani m a day or two. Mr. \V. Hoaley has also arrived, ?nd relieves Mr. J. S. Davenport, who U prbcwding
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  • 59 8 His Highness the Sultan of Perak with the Raja Permaisuri and suite left Ku t]a Lumpur on Sunday morning by special train on their way back to Kuala Kangsar. His Highness detrained at Ipoh m order to attend the wedding of the daughter of the I'cnghulu (;f Sungci Kaja, Datoh
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  • 58 8 Before the Chief Justice (Mr. Compertz), at Kuala Lumpur, yesterday. Mr. B. J. P. Joaquim, with the permission of his lordship, withdrew the application which he made with regard to the application for the admission of Mr. I. A. de Z Siriwardhene to the F.M.S. bar. Sine.' the application was
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  • 71 8 The sixth annual reunion dinner of St. Joseph's Old Boys' Association will be held m the Hotel van Wijk on March 20 at 8 p.m. (the day after the feast of St. Joseph, Patron of the Institution). Monbers desiring to be present are requested t> send their names to the
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  • 65 8 The action m which Kg Kho.n Heni{ and Hadji Mes.sin claimed $2,000 damatro* from Ang Hong Kirn and Tay Ah Siah for a'ieged majicious prosecution was dismissed by the Chief Justice (Sir Willia:n Muii.< nl yesterday, the tir-t plaintiff being ordered to pay his own costs and those of the
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  • 96 8 Mr. Arthur Ernest Collins. C.M.G., died m February 5 m Londoji at the age of 54. Entering the Colonial Office m 18U4, he was permanent under-secret a ry. and assistant private secretary to Mr. Jeaaffc Chamberlain, Secretary of State. He was secretary of the Straits Settlements Currency Committee m 1902-3,
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  • 405 8 Mr. A. Gilmour is appointed a police magistrate f< r Malacca. Mr. C. D. Ahearne b appointed I «et ?g Controller of labour, MHilaya. The Hun. Mr. A. V. Brown is appointed to act as Senior Puisne Judge, nMng. The Secretary of State has appointed Mr. H.
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  • 13 8 Mail from France, l>y Paul Lecat, due at 4 p.m. to-morrow.
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  • 146 8 (From the Straits Times of Saturday, March 3, 18G6.) On Saturday morning a large Newfoundland dog was allowed to jump overboard from the ship Ancles, lying clo.s" in three fathoms of water, and \v:ts swimming alongside the shop with .1 handspike in his mouth when ha was
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  • 185 8 Guthric and Co., Kuala Lumpur, hav. 1 received cable advices of the followinig dividends Cheviot Rubber, Ltd. Board of directors have decided to rnromimind. subject to cudit and usual adjustments, a final dividend in respect of the financial year ended December 81, 1926, <A 'JV'j Mr cent.,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 99 8 Latest Pattern Tea and Dinnerware fel DINNER SETS. $ir *!§rk pieces. Prices from vr^^*^-^-*c.W $55.00 to $100.00 complete. 5ffisa^^ TEA SETS. —^""'"V anc^ pieces. h Prices from 1 3 $18.75 to $75.00. JOHN LITTLE C0. 9 LTD. (Incorporated in England) SINGAPORE, TENANG AND KUALA LUiMPUR. CENTRAL MOTORS TAKE PI.EASrRE IN
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    • 133 8 ALHAMBRA TO-MORROW, at 9 p.m. TRAILING AFRICAN WILD ANIMALS Featuring Mr. and Mrs. MARTIN JOHNSON well-known big game hunters m 7 Reels. steppimTlively (Featuring RICHARD TALMADGE) m 6 Reels. First Show at 7.30 RIDGWAY OF MONTANA A Western Drama m 5 Reels. and a Star Comedy. TAN CHENG KEE CO..
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    • 67 8 Other Pages. p»««. fiopc-nc rrerak! Rafcbw J Finance and Commerce 7 Shipping and the Mail! 7 Meteorological Report 7 Reuter and Rugby KRdio TYIcgrur A no to Wireless Nawt !i Inspi-ction of N'aval Bam I KnclishmiTi M-.t 0 Iieparture of the Hoyal Siuaox y Spoiring Intfllie. nee in Fire To-day
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  • 971 9 Sharp Comment in the Ixmdon Press. [relter telegram.] London, March 5. The nerves of tlie London press arc evidently frayed by the uncertainty of what will happen at Geneva and Sir Austen Chamberlain's plea for a noncommittal attitude ropnrdinK any definite plan of action on the part of
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  • 154 9 [reuter telegram.] London, March 5. Amsterdam The Commission of the Synod, dealing: with utternnce3 of Dr. J. C. Geelkerken, have presented an ultimatum to Dr. Geelkerken requiring his signed undertaking accepting the literal interpretation of Genesis referring to Eve, the serpent, the tree of knowledge, etc. A wiiv
    Reuter  -  154 words
  • 64 9 [WIREI.FPS VIA RUGBY.] Rugby, March Exchanges: Paris 130.50, Brussels 107, Geneva ISitt, Amsterdam 12.12' i, Milan 121.10. Berlin 20.40, Stockholm 18.12, Copenhagen H. 72, Oslo 22.82, Vienna 34.17, Prague 164, H*lsingfors 193, Madrid 34.41. Lisbon 2's, Rio 7 1 Buenos Aires 45 5/l»J, Bombay la. < Shanghai 3s.
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  • 50 9 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, March 5. NOT Tatfc Arrangements have been completed by New York bankers for a 20 year $5,000,000 loan to the Roman Catholic Church in Bavaria. This is the first loi'K term public loan t > be negotiated in Wall Street by a religious
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  • 42 9 [reutek telegram.] London, March 5. Washington Mr. A. B. Houghton, the American Ambassador in London, has been requested to return la the United States to consult Mr. Kellojrsj refrardins plans for the preliminary Disarmament Conference. Mr. Houghton sails on March 7.
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  • 39 9 [REUTEK TELEGRAM.] London, March 5. In an effort to avert a widespread dispute, the executives of seven engineering unions have advised the strikers ?.t Hoe's factory to put themselves into a constitutional position and return to work.
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  • 39 9 [BEI'TER TELEGRAM.] London. Hatch B. H's Majesty received Mr. S. P. Waterlow, who kissed hands on hi* appointment u> HWater ut Uantrkok. London, March 5. New York The l.everhulnie sale con-rti':i!i-d l:rt niirlit and yicldod $l,2. r »0,0()0.
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  • 154 9 Court Upholds Her Right To Enter. [rei-ter telegram.] London, March .">. New York CouteM Cathcart bM won her suit and remains >n the Dnfttd States. The Judge upheld the writ of habeas corpus after the District Attorney had entered in the records of the court that adultery
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  • 161 9 [RELTEB TELEGRAM.] London, March 5. A most complete scheme for reorganising the management of broadcasting services i:i Groat Britain i3 outlined in the official report of the Broadoastinsr Committee appointed to decide npon the Mtan of administration after the expiry of the present company"licence on December 31. The repoit
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  • 83 9 [WIRELESS TIA RUCBY.] RufTby, March 5. Shipbuilding employers have invited the Boiler-makers Society and other craft unions which are m.t numbers of the engineering and shipbuilding trades federation, which signed the recent agreement for dealing with disputes, to attend a meeting with a view to their also becoming
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  • 77 9 [RECTER TELEGRAM.] London, March .">. A:i adM of tha llayley Morriss case has been heard at the Old Bailey, where an engineer named Charles Gervais, v.asentenced to a year in the second division on a charge of attempting to obtain £400 by false pretences from the administrut
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  • 192 9 General's Farewell to Departing Regiment. The 2nd Royal Sussex Regiment, which has been relieved at Singapore by the 2nd Duke of Wellington's Regiment, embarked on H.M. transport Derbyshire at 7.30 this morninjr. The ve»3el, which is lying at godiwn 7, is due to sail to-mor-row morning for
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  • 940 9 WIRELESS NEWS. Aneta Wireless Via Java. National Comments on League Controversy. Nauen, March 2. A report received from London statei that Mr. Chamberlain threatens to resign fcllowinc the Cabinet crisis of the League of Nations Council controversy. He is reported as having declared that he |B*I his word of hont>ur
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  • 306 9 Admiralty's Consulting Engineer Here. Sir Alexander Gibb, K.B.E., C.B., the consulting engineer to the Admiralty for the Singapore naval base, arrive. I in Singapore last week end left fcr Colsmbo yesterday morning by the Dutch tteamei Slamat. We understand, that Sir Alexander made a full inspection of
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  • 360 9 Annual Meeting of Singapore Branch. Th.> Sh-fcsporo roemben of the Royal S.ciety ol i>L. George assembled in the Chicks* Ola* Maten for thvir first annual mooting, the Bon. Mr. C. Everitt presiding. Addressing the meeting the President r-aid the idea of tlic formation of a Btnga-pc-.iv taanch
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  • 836 9 Count in Municipal Area Next June. Accurate Figures of Population Wanted. The census which is to be taken within the Municipal area of Singapore on June 80 is f considerable interest, in view of 1 fluctuations in Malayan trade and in- tlustry, and the resultant movements of population,
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  • 80 9 What Wi are assured is the 'arrest fratherin^' of Porwt oAetn who have HW met in eonferaaca In the history of the Department in Malaya wma in progress lr.:'iU)'hrut Uat week in Kuala I.umpii, Malay .Mail. [MBWtMt p«p« ul by u number of IPtcialistl .i:id and tfaa
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 192 10 Indor 3" liatsmen Do Well Yesterday. In the B.C.C. match, betwean Under 30 and Ov< i SO teams, the former, made a good start m th- opening Innings, scoring MM f"i the loss of only four wickt-l*. (i. Murphy contributed a handaonu total of 46 whilst Charlesworth remains umlefeatvrt
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    • 153 10 Tanglin Club Tournament. MONDAYS TIES. Championship Pairs Men. Prentis and Green v. Fuller and Murphy. Dyne Cup. Miss Gunn and Miles owe 15.4 v. Miss Stephenson and Webb scr. Championship I'airs Ladies. Mrs. Schafer and Miss Fawcett v. Mrs. Tennent and Miss Hope-Falkner. Men Singles Handicap. Wild owe 15
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    • 530 10 Al Trono Outclassed by Boy Walley. Before a very large attendance, last night. Boy Walley was awarded the decision over Al Tiono, who wae disqualified for hitting 1 -w in the eleventh round. It was a perfectly justified decision. A. the time Walley had established a clear lull of
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    • 364 10 Seiangor Sky Meet. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 5. There was quite a fair attendance for the first day of the Selangor Turf Club'H sky meeting this afternoon. The weather kept beautifully fine, and the sport was thoroughly enjoyable. The lesUlts are as follows Race 1.
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    • 212 10 Football Victory Against Colombo. The Duke of Wellington's Regiment, when it passed through ColomV) on the transport Derbyshire, took tht opportunity of turning out teams to meet local elevens -at Association Football and hockey, rays a Ceylon paper. In the Association match the visitors were opposed to
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    • 39 10 The following will represent the V.M.C.A. v. R.A.M.C. at hockey on Monday on the V.M.C.A. ground at Telok Aver Pennefather Pennvfather and Lyne Albuquerque, Dale and Damadoram Catchatoor, Smith, Stack (capt.), Smith and Martinus. Reserve J. V. Moss.
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    • 13 10 The V.M.C.A. Swimming Pool will be re-opened on Monday, the Bth instant.
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    • 96 10 Great Hopes of the New Men. London, February 23.—Sydney The Australian Cricket Association to-day entertained the test team. Collins said he felt it a great honour to lead the Australian side, particularly as he knew he was backed by a team wh i were going to play
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    • 151 10 Sunderland's Disallowed Goal. London, February 25. The attendance at Highbury for the Arsenal-Villa cuptie was 55,400, and the receipts £4,020. At Manchester for the SunderlandManchester United match the attendance was 69,661 and the receipts £4,823. Arsenal won m the first sixteen minutes, Dr. Patterson and Brain scoring
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    • 154 10 Both Crews Start Their Training. London, February 25.— Though the Oxford crew does not compere with Cambridge m the matter of faciaJ features, the latter being dubbed the tends^me.a eight that ever took to the water, tinOxonian* have a pronounced superiority sartorially. They appeared at Bourns End
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    • 313 10 Tentative Programme for Eastern Tour. According to lha tentative programme ananged by the Calcutta C.C., who have been chiefly lesponsible for th 3 forthcoming visit of the M.C.C. team to India, Burma and Ceylon, th; English cricketer? will leave London m the first week < f
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    • 30 10 London, February 24. Cambridge University bett the Royal Navy bv 16 points to 12. The Civil Service beat the Army by M points to 9 at Chiswick.
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  • 226 10 'American Society to Attack Theorists. The international organisation to m bat the teaching of the theory <>» 'volution m schools ha- been founded m Atlanta, U.S.A. Mr. Edwmrd Young Clarke, formerly the Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. will direct th" organisation, which, as yet, has not
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  • 97 10 Kuala Lumpur Tin. hours run 466, yardej? e 64,000, tin won (piculs) :j:;s. The dredge lost 3V& days owing to Chinese New Year. Lingui Tin.— Sluicing 180. JO pieuls, tribute 15.60 piculs, total 196.00 piculs. Gopeng Consolidated. 910 piculs. Tekka.— 500 piculs. Tekka Taipinif. 950 piculs. Pengkalen.— Dredge
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    • 83 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— As time is up for the Malays to have an association of their own, I would ask our learned friend Mr. Abdul Samat ta give a lead. He himself is one of the leading Malays in Singapore. I am quite
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  • 203 10 Imprisonment for Eurasian Bill Collector. V. O. Rice, a Eurasian, wss charger! with criminal breach of trust of $383, the property of the General Hospital, this morning-, in the District Court, before Mi. P. A. F. David, and was sentenced to 18 months' rigorou.; imprisonment. The offence
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  • 270 10 Rose Macphail and Co. (L. R. Macphail) Singapore, MJarch 6. Rubber.— 2s. Slid, !id. dovm. Local 1)1 cents. Tin.— £283 17s. 6d., 32». Gd. up. The market is quiet all round. Rubber j share quotations are steady with fair enquiries. There are no features cf interest in
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  • 289 10 There is no doubt that at present a great deal of traffic congestion is caused I by drivers using the crown of the road and following one another m single file, leaving enough room on cither side for cumbersome lorries to proceed. The authorities appear to have
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  • 49 10 Taxi cab drivers m London have accepted the Home Secretary's ultimatum, and will reduce fares. The initial hiring will now be Gd. instead of Is. and three pence for each quarter-mile after the first halfmile. Sir William Joynaon-Hicks stated (hat two-senter taxis would he licensed unless fnres were reduced.
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  • 81 10 Three Engines Sent Out This Morning. The Fire Brigr.di received call shortly before eleven o'clock this morning to deal with a fir} m the Geyiang district. One engine was sent out and when it a iv-u on the scene the officer m charge rang up headquarters
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  • 488 10 Louis and Peat report Singapore, March 4. Since our last the market has seen heavy fluctuations, quotations are down on balance. The rise which took place at the beginning of the week was mostly if not wholly due to bears covering both hero and in London. The
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  • 298 10 The Happy Valley announce the engagement of a Cossack military band, an attractive fireworks display and a host of other attractions for the weekend. AH theatres will be occupied and good wholesome entertainment provider for all. Kamin and Siti Hasna was staged last night by the City Opera
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  • 68 10 The following appointments have been made by the Secretary of State for the C'.lonies during the month ended January 10 Mr. R. R. P. Bingham and Mr. I. W. Blelloch, Cadets, Malaya Mr. F. S. Ward, 8.5.A., Assistant Mycologist, Malay States; Mr. R. E. Hope F»lkner, Police Probationer, Malay* Miss
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  • 309 10 Extensions of Malaysian Airways Urged. (Aneta's Service.) The Hague, March 2. Anetu learns that General Snyders hRg pleaded, m the Amsterdani«che Handelsblad, for the formation of aerial .0111munication between Batavia, Semaranr and Soerabaya and m continuation, tins route could be extended viz., Batuvia-Muntok-Singapore-Belawan-Sabang, s0 that the
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  • 423 10 Over $2 Millions Realised in Three Pays. The throe days sale of the town and cgricultural property belonging to the late Malay millionaire, Haji Mohamed Eusope, m continued on Wednesday, and completed yesterday, and realised a total of $2,031,000, reports the Malay Mail of ye"*erday. At
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  • 193 10 The Malay Mail of yesterday says In connection with the paragraph about the labour troubles at the F. E. Co. which appeared yesterday, we are asked by the manager of the company to state that no overtime was cut, but two outside men were instructed not to work overtime on
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  • 1369 11 Views Expressed Before Enquiry Committee. In the Renter cables to-day h a sum niaiy <if the recommsadatlofa of th<; c .miiiitin.' ol enquiry which has been hv vestigating tho future of broadcasting at hunie. At the ( nicetinjf of the committee early m December, an important statement
    1,369 words
  • 434 11 Action token at meeting of Comtnittee So. 1, held on March '1. in.lud. d the following Rc<?oniTended that the Municipal Ordinance should be amended to confer the powen if the RcgJatmr of Vehicles m his absence on the AsA. Resists Jf f Vehicles if so resolved by the
    434 words
  • 254 11 Another London mesie ha'l. onco the most popular resort et glided youth, i« to venish, and male? room for yet nnothi-r super-cinema wtitss Candidas m the London Daily Gir.piiic. This. va aft told, i.< tn Mat IMMM, ;]-..l i* to be modelled, on the Capitol, the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 84 11 WHEN YOU SAY "The Best that Money Can Buy" YOU MEAN A Stein way S. Moutrie Co., Ltd. RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. Sole Agents. >♦♦«♦♦»«»♦»♦««> t >♦♦♦»♦♦♦«»« THE SPIRIT OF EMPIRE DEWARS J VICTORIA VAT AND WHITE LABEL WHISKY. IfIJTTENBACH, LAZARUS^ SONS, LTD. (Incorporated m the Straits Settlements) SINGAPORE, PENANG. KUALA
      84 words
    • 196 11 Raffles Hotel Telephone No. 2920. SARKIES BROS., Proprietors. bf "^P* I^. jt^Sj !M n -Sr Wsr*i r A $is P To-night The Great International Characteristic Classical Russian Dancers. Miss Ladova and Youry Yourlo Admission to Non-Diners $1. A. F. PEATE, Manager. ADELPHI HOTEL Every Tuesday, 5.30—7.30 p.m. TEA DANCE Every
      196 words

  • 1062 12 Sunday, March 7, 1926. [Under this heading we publish escb week brief details of the services to De hold at those Singapore Churches whoso authorities supply us with the necessary nformation. To ensure insertion, these notices must reach ub by Friday afternoon.] Si Andrew's Cathi-dral.- Third Sunday m
    1,062 words
  • 20 12 Orders for week ending March 7 SATURDAY, 6th. WirelaM Clan, Htadquarteri, 4.30 p.m.
    20 words
  • 145 12 GOT INDIGESTION Here's News for you Do you realise that nine coses of digestive trouble out of every ten are cauned by excel"? stomach acidity, and that thia is easily ncutralined It's v fact, mid you can demonstrate it by taking n Itttlt Hisurati-il Magnesia next time you eai a
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 291 12 s A Siurdiness *4gf il'i'l l"<*Ul, "'< .^•••'l f n;'ii~ ur btiJ. The etigiiN !i::> i •i -i r for MM i inosl tftiriintlv ycyt and rfca ratio urv -[jecialh suitable ii>r 'i if cuuntn roods Ask jtwr a. i nl for a I i T >-t 1 Standard CARS
      291 words
    • 202 12 Brass Name Plates RIBEIRO A CO LTD. NIKKO HOUSE ART CURIOS STORE. Started on n new Kstablishment at the present premises No. 4, BATTERY KOAD, SINGAPORE, through the Courtesy of the Landlord, House Lease granted and authorised as permanent resident for a longer period. ENLARGEMENT OF BUSINESS General objects of
      202 words
    • 486 12 The Wcnderfu! Tablet Mftdicine ■*J You Breathe Direct To THROAT, CHEST LUNGS THE best protection for the Throat, Chest and Lungs is contained m a handy bottle of Peps As Peps tablets are tlissolvcd m the mom h, powerful medicinal fumes are carried with the breath straight through the air
      486 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 316 13 GREAT REDUCTION ON ALL MODELS 509 h 2 st>atcr dc luxe% 1 ,750 509 i« >«^ 1 ,900 501 l() IS h.p. seattr de lu\e 50D 15 -0 h.p. (i 7 seuter le luxe 510 11 (l de luxe 519 !ti h-i'-7h -i'- 7 sti;|Ur d iaxe *6,850 Delivery fron
      316 words
    • 211 13 Assorted Scotch THE SHORTBREAD OF TRADITION. i\ i- repeat, but we cannot add to the assurances and guarantees of former years, that the finest of materialonly are used m the manufacture of Crawford's Shortbread, and that nothing' experience has evolved, or care can accomplish, is lacking to maintain the high
      211 words
    • 121 13 OFHCE TO LET No. 5, Laidlaw lluildinir. area about 3.000 pqiarc fvct. Immediate entry. On leat-c or montWy tenancy. Rent $150 per mensem. Apply E. A.* IJarbour, Ltd., Union Huildings. TO LET OMMOMOUS OFFICES at theap rental. Every convenience. Apply Gresham House, Battery Road. OFFICES TO LET Commercial business premises
      121 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 514 14 Assets over $5,500,000 S.C. Assurance m force over $19,')no,OOO. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m Straits Settlements.) HEAD OFFICE: Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 52, Old J.wry, E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and compUe* with the British Life Assurance Companies
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      597 words
    • 515 14 NEDERLANDSCH INDISCHE HANDELSBANK NITH. INDIA COMMERCIAL BANS) Batabliabad 18M. UMwasl n. 60,000,0<M (akwM M.OOO.OOO) iSSDVC Fl. 66.000,000 (abart M.600,000) iKSERVE FUND 11. *****,000 (abaat <1,MO,000) HKAD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM. 1 iH- AGENCIES IN THE HAGUM A3* ROTTERDAM. EASTERN HEAD OFFICE, BATATIA BRANCHES Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe, ledsn, Sourabaya, Scmarang, Bandoeng, Aeltevreden.
      515 words
    • 420 14 BANKING THB BANK OF TAIWAN, LOOTED. (laoaraoraua by Special Chartei la Ja#aa) I Capita! BnbscHb*d Y48,0tK > ,00* CapiUl Paid-up Ya'J.874,006 Baaarre Fund V 1.760.000 President H. k!o>i. Es-j. DIBECTORH G. Kawaiakl, Eaq. I T. SisAßiane, C*i D. TakiU, Esq. I M. Kaq. HEAD OFFir:; Taipeh, Formosa 'Taiwan). ■RANCHES
      420 words
    • 827 14 'MUNICIPALITY OF GEORGE TOWN, PENANG CHIEF CONSERVANCY I INSPECTOR. The Municipal Commissioners rnrita api>licrtions from energetic and capable men for] the appointment to th* position of Chief j •icy Inspector m the Municipal Kiifineer's Department. Candidates, not over 40 years of age, must had ixperience m handling and j
      827 words
    • 739 14 FOR SALE The Trustees of the Loku Yew Estate iiv vite SEPARATE tenders for the following P.uhhor Estates, of which the particulars ar* drii fly as follows KAMPONG JAVA ESTATE. This Estate is situated on the old Klang Daaunaara i:ou<l, being some 3 miles from Klanc nnd approximately 25 miles
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  • 1052 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. Electric Trams v. Motor Buses. At the yearly ordinary general meeting of the Hongkong Tramways on 1 February 25, Mr. V. G. M. Bernard (Chairman) said It is now 21 years since the first electric tram-car was put. into operation in
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 201 15 T? The improved Coupe is a lower, roomier car with interior refinements and an outward appearance that bespeaks the really fine motor car. It has a pronounced streamline treatment m the body design, enhanced by crown type fenders with wider running boards. The seats and steering column are lower, providing
      201 words
    • 320 15 CHRYSLER SIX Nothing so surely emphasizes the V-T^feia&t&. vast difference between ordinary /y/W&nuSS Motor Cars and the Chrysler Six Cf™@lwL as the new delight you, yourself, feel the first time you drive a Chrysler. One Chrysler drive makes other Motoring dull and tiresome. Men and Women who have driven ■e^g«^B&9^g«nMßga^g«Mft
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 150 16 Patronise] by Royalty EMahllshed 1872. SPORTING PRIZES IN STERLING SILVER Challenge Shields, Cups, Tankards, Medals, Golf and Shooting Spoons, cU. Largest assortment at the lowest prices. B. P. De Silva 62 and 63, HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. Branch No. 1, BISHOP BTRHKT. PENANG. CONCRETE LAWN ROLLERS The Ideal Roller For Grass
      150 words
    • 393 16 IN STOCK NEW MOM CASES LATEX COPS Flat bottom and halflemon shapes, 8 and 10 oz. sizes, also LOCAL EARTHENWARE CUPS ENQUIRIES INVITED. LEE KIM 300 20, HIGH STREET. DON'T A Manual of Mistakes and Improprieties more or less prevalent m Conduct and Speech. If at the dinner table you
      393 words
    • 888 16 ADVERTBEMENTS The PREPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc., m ordinary cloee set type (average six words to line) are Per line One insertion 28 cents, two ins. 48 cts., three ins. 84 cts., four ins. 82 cents, five mi. $1.00, six ins. $1.13, ten ins. $1.40, twelve
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    • 772 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS HEAD STREET GODOWNS near river to let. Apply United Engineers, Ltd. TO LET, 85, Robinson Road, Concrete building, 4,500 sq. ft. 6, Malacca Street TO LET No. 72, Robertson Quay. Kntrj from April 1, 192fi. Apply Meyer Bros. TO LET, small ground floor office. Apply Nathan, 8
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    • 196 16 FURNITURE FOR THE HOME OFFICE ESTATE A 7 o order too small None too large Correct Prices Prompt delivery FRANKELS OF VICTORIA STREET, also RAFFLES PLACE. "THE MAPLES OF THE EAST." m sWoTwork m aid of THE ORGAN FUND of the Singapore Presbyterian Church m the TOMUNSON HALL ON TUESDAY,
      196 words
    • 322 16 A BOOK OF THE CHINESE ABROAD By H. V. Macnair. I'h. I). Professor Macnuir has put together m t is rolnoM :i aaei of Metal tafonsmM.;ii, gathered from documents, historical records, periodicals, yaarfceojk etc., on Chinees emigration and told the story In an interesting way. An nttempt is made te
      322 words